#Mental Health Rocks
goddessoftheforgotten · 5 months
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!
please drink some water and eat some food, take a shower if you can, and know that the world is so much brighter with you in it :)
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daily-spooky · 4 months
Facts (Source)
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mactiir · 9 months
The other day my girlfriend and I got to talking about our strategies for self talk especially re: hobbies and sports.
She was talking about how she has read study after study about the effects of positive talk. if you have a group engaging in negative self talk, one engaging in neutral or solutions-focused ralk, and one engaging in flatly positive self talk, and set them to complete a challenging task -- say, a climbing problem -- the positive talkers will come out leaps and bounds ahead. As a result she has adapted the Bob the Builder theme song into her rock climbing anthem, and she softly sings it to herself on difficult or frightening problems.
Meanwhile, I've been getting into fantasy lit again. As you might know, fantasy heroes occasionally encounter awful mind-warping psychic baddies, who always have some brain attack in their arsenal that tells the hero to give up! you're worthless! you could never win anyway! with the motivation behind the psychic attack being that actually, the heroes are a HUGE threat to the bad guys and will probably thwart all their plans, and that if they could shrug off the mind assault they would absolutely body the bad guy in a fair, non-psychic fight. So whenever I start to beat myself up I internally pretend I'm a Force for Good or like, an anime protagonist so I grit my teeth and go "No... you will not Corrupt me, Demon! I am destined to become the one to defeat you!!" and imagine the unkind words burning away and shrieking like, AIEEEE NOOO.
Anyway, all this to say that the end result of us both having Succeeded at Therapy is that when we run into a really difficult climbing problem she ends up breathy-singing Bob the Builder while I sit broodily on the mat with my brow furrowed doing my best impression of an anime protagonist with beads of sweat dripping down his temples from the psychic exhaustion. Yes, it works. No, we haven't made many friends at the climbing gym.
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lastoneout · 2 months
As much as my ADHD has made my life absolute hell at times and I truly wish I had been diagnosed sooner...as I unpack my past in therapy I've realized my undiagnosed ADHD actually did do me one HUGE favor.
Bcs without getting too into it my response to the specific way I was raised and the trauma that came with it was to make myself smaller. A lot of kids in my situation would have just lashed out, but I just started cutting bigger and bigger bits of myself off because I thought if I wanted attention or affection then I needed to be perfect and normal and not even the smallest burden or inconvenience to the people around me, and I fell so hard into that mentality that part of healing has legit been trying to like get back in contact with who I was before all that made me into someone I wasn't.
Which is hard, but not impossible, because during all that trauma no matter how hard I tried to shove everything "ugly" and "imperfect" about myself into a tiny little box where no one would ever see it until I was the perfect daughter, I couldn't quite manage to get all of me in there, because my ADHD wouldn't let me.
And as I was growing up I saw this as a bad thing, obviously. Like I didn't know it was ADHD at the time ofc but I knew that my impulsiveness and loud ass laugh and distractability and habit of talking too much to fast and struggle to shut the fuck up about whatever weird thing I was into were parts of me I could never seem to fully change. No matter how hard I tried to be quiet and have normal interests and stop doing impulsive shit like talking really loud or going off about an interest I know no one around me shared, I couldn't actually do it.
So now, looking back with a healthier frame of mind, with a fiancé who became interested in me bcs we shared one of my "weird" interests, who smiles and laughs and tells me he loves me when I get loud and passionate about things I care about, who loves my loud ass laugh so much that once after I was sick and didn't laugh for like a week the first time I did went "oh good, I missed that sound", I can see at least a bit of good in the ways my ADHD stopped me from being able to destroy myself completely for the sake of others.
More often than not my ADHD was a huge rock tying me down, but it turns out deep inside that rock was a geode protecting the things about myself that I used to hate but now love more than anything, and now that the rock is smaller and easier to carry I can be thankful for that.
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nenoname · 1 month
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"The red screwdriver that Grunkle Stan just made reference to has a lot of importance in Season Two. That's the screwdriver that Soos returns to the Mystery Shack that gets him a job at the Mystery Shack." - The Time Traveler's Pig Commentary
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fr3sh-c0rn · 9 months
if I was a kind or rock formation I'd probably be a depression.
It's because I was formed over millions of years.
im also very sad but that's not important
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scraemoo · 1 year
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I love you so much
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positivelypositive · 1 year
here to remind you...
...that the parts of you that you think are an inconvenience to others or just not good enough might just be what someone loves the most about you.
your little habits, your efforts to be kinder, your mannerisms - these are a part of you. they make you who you are.
don't let the negative thoughts in your mind bring you down. you are truly lovable ✨
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linkinparknews · 6 months
Happy Birthday Chester Bennington.
You'll always be remembered. 🖤
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rotten-day-dreams · 10 months
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Heartbreak of a century // Neck Deep
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delusionalblfan · 8 months
to me this
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and this
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have the same feeling. don't ask questions
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shiveringfrogspawn · 4 months
relating to vienna by billy joel on this level is a cause for serious psychological concern
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My dad is a punk, my mom is a punk, my uncles are punks, my godfathers are punks, my godmothers are punks, and you think I have an ounce of conformist blood in me? No. Elitists go fuck yourselves I'm gonna wear a fucking tail if I want to, I'm gonna wear a fucking basic fit if I wanna, I'm gonna wear 5 Chokers if I wanna, I'm gonna wear kandi if I wanna, I'm gonna mix subcultures (clothing) if I wanna, but I will ALWAYS be a punk, because my values, my music taste, and my safe space do not change. I love yall, and no matter who you are I'm proud of you for making it this far. Don't let elitists anywhere get to you, as long as you are genuinely trying to learn and be a part of ur community you are valid, and I love and support you.
-xoxo, ur local queer punk rock tortoise owner (/-\)
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randomreasonstolive · 4 months
Reason to Live #10670
  Purely to find more reasons to live, so I can send them in to this blog lol (I love doing that every time I find a new one). – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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franciya · 8 months
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Every single day of my life I'm thankful Disney didn't get it's claws onto Sesame Street (and Fraggle Rock)
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cherrypiewhy · 5 months
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