#Meanwhile in the legion of doom
calder · 11 months
Released in 2010, Obsidian Entertainment's Fallout: New Vegas actively concerns itself with the realities of gay existence, and is widely recognized as a noteworthy work of queer science fiction. New Vegas extensively examines social attitudes towards homosexuality among the game's major factions, and primarily conveys this lore through gay and bisexual characters describing their own experiences. It also allowed the player to mechanically set the Courier's sexual orientation. By taking both available perks, the player character can be bisexual. By choosing neither, the player can opt out of seeing flirtatious dialogue options.
Uniquely, Fallout: New Vegas explores homosexuality in the context of wasteland societies, and touches upon related issues. The core theme of New Vegas is that the desire to recreate the past is driven by irrational nostalgia, and any endeavor to manifest past glory is dangerous and doomed. The social issue of homophobia is used as a demonstrative example. The resurrection of corporate and military power structures presents new avenues for Old World problems such as institutional homophobia to reemerge. One of the many issues that divide the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion is the latter's open persecution of gay people. The NCR is described as tolerant and even accepting of same-sex relationships, though acceptance tends to fall off the further one moves away from the developed, urbanized core of New California. In recent years, the Republic's rapid economic transformation has led to an unforeseen erosion of the humanitarian ideals which it was founded to serve. In practice, to recreate America was to take on its shortcomings and its sins. As subsistence scavenging has dried up, the people of the NCR increasingly turn to wage labor, entrepreneurial venture, or military enlistment to keep their families fed. Meanwhile, their government enacts morally corrosive imperialism (narrative verbiage), their dominion expanding indefinitely as their infrastructure crumbles from within. This has led to a profit-based imperial monoculture which must conquer, consume, and coerce to perpetuate. As personal politics and service labor grow in importance, people find themselves more inclined to present as "normal" in the interest of financial stability and political expedience. A loading screen visualizes this culture of artificial social normalcy: the portrait of President Aradesh on the NCR 5$ bill neglects to depict his unibrow, earring, and facial scarification, overall portraying the once-chieftain so cleanly-cut as to be unrecognizable at first glance. He also appears to be wearing a collared shirt or suit as opposed to the robe he wore in Fallout.
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In the Legion, Caesar has mandated that every legionnaire take a wife and produce children, citing high infant mortality rates and the constant need for soldiers, and going as far as instituting child quotas. He treats human beings as a resource to be exploited for war. Ostensibly in this aim homosexuality has been declared a capital offense punishable by death. Historically, routine demonstrations of violence towards women and gay people are a deliberate feature of fascist societies, the only logical cultural conclusion of a government devoted entirely to war and control. In Forlorn Hope letter 9, an NCR soldier wrote wrote the following to his boyfriend:
Dearest Andrew, Writing this seems pretty morbid, but tomorrow we march into the no man's land between our camp and Nelson, which is crawling with Legion. The Major insisted I write this damn "if you get this, I'm dead" letter so here it is. What a crock. I have the luck of the devil and your love on my side, so I'll be home soon. Keep the porch light on for me. We'll party in New Vegas when I get back. I love you. —Devin
Devin believed he would prevail over the Legion because his love would keep him safe. He was found dying or dead on the battlefield, the letter was found on his body. In a post-release patch, the injured soldiers were removed from the battlefield for performance reasons, and never re-implemented. Driven largely in reaction to the Legion's hyper-masculine posturing and misogyny, rumors persist across the Mojave that gay male relationships are not only common within the Legion, but condoned. These rumors are repeated commonly in NCR society. A closeted NCR Major mentions that the Legion is "a little more... forgiving" about close male "friendships," speaking in a hushed tone to avoid suspicion. At the same outpost, the player can encounter Cass, a bisexual civilian woman. She may flirt with a male Courier, who may imply they are gay, prompting her to imply gay men are more common in the Legion. Even as gay men fight and die in the name of love under his command, NCR General Oliver may remark to Courier Six at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam: "If you think after all that's happened, I'm going to grab my ankles and take it like the Legion..."
This writing pertains to institutionalized homophobia which manifests in practice though power structures and social interactions without being written into law. Simply put, in his derogatory remark, the general expresses to his army that military surrender is gay, much like their gay enemy. From the brevity and bluntness of this remark, it's clear that this sentiment is already well understood among his ranks. Logically, to project strength in the eyes of such a leader, one might also project homophobia by scrutinizing and harassing one's peers and subordinates. In this atmosphere, the expression of homophobia is not only normalized, but materially incentivized. For the ambitious, it becomes a tool, and a way of casting shame upon rivals. For the closeted, homophobia becomes a survival tactic, hoping to throw scrutiny off oneself. This is why Major Knight is immediately frightened when a male Courier flirts with him. He is so profoundly alienated that he romanticizes life as a gay man under the Legion. The Legion punish homosexuality with death, and yet Knight characterizes them as more "forgiving" than the NCR. Through these apparently disparate events, the audience can trace how a distorted perception of gay people emerges among insecure men in a military environment, and subsequently becomes ingrained in the corresponding civilian culture. At the 188 Trading Post, a lesbian from the Brotherhood of Steel named Veronica also wryly remarks that she believes legionaries have gay sex about as often as straight sex. She also notes that this only applies to men, as women have no rights whatsoever in Legion society. In this aside, she conveys a pre-existing frustration with lesbophobic social norms. Veronica also mentions that the people of her bunker would rather she remain on the surface. The Mojave Brotherhood of Steel has no official policy prohibiting homosexuality, but an implicit attitude among its dominant members that their limited numbers require everyone to have children to avoid extinction. Numerically, this may seem logical on the surface, given their reluctance to recruit outsiders. However, given their tiny population, this is an ineffective countermeasure, as they do not have nearly enough members to maintain genetic diversity for more than a few generations. This approach is not universally supported by all family units within the Brotherhood, but every individual is ultimately at the mercy of the elder. Veronica was in a lesbian relationship, but they were quietly separated by Elder Elijah, due to the dominant culture of enforcing heterosexual pairing among their population.
Caesar's law has not ended homosexuality within his domain. Despite the obvious risks, some legionaries have continued to pursue relationships behind closed doors, especially given their access to slaves. So long as members complete their societal obligations and fulfill the child quotas, they are able to pursue romance with other men in secret. Homosexual relationships in the faction are noted as being relatively equal compared to the average Legion husband and wife, in a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" sort of open secret policy. Gay legionaries must always make sure to keep their activities hidden. A centurion was once almost caught fraternizing with the teenage boy he had chosen to tend his tent. Despite previous "romantic" intentions, he quickly resolved to dispose of the slave to dispel suspicion. Had they been caught together, the centurion would have been charged with homosexuality and sentenced to death. This story is only known because the enslaved young man, Jimmy, managed to escape execution. Further illustrating the cruelty intrinsic to Legion governance, it's stated that homosexuality was the crime, and not the rape of a young slave; in fact, it seems Jimmy was forced to contribute to the child quota despite being a gay teenager, and the experience left him traumatized. He has resolved to never have sex with another woman, as the very notion triggers memories which fill him with disgust, and (in his own words) makes him feel like a slave all over again. The Strip is indifferent to gay people, viewing them as another opportunity to make caps. Both the Gomorrah and the Atomic Wrangler are interested in maximizing profits, and their prostitution services cater to clients regardless of their orientation. The openly gay Jimmy works at nearby Casa Madrid, but there is some tension among his peers due to his co-worker Maude's blatant homophobia. She supposes he's "okay, for one of those," and if propositioned by a female Courier, Maude will direct them to Sweetie for such "perverted" services. Pretty Sarah must regularly intervene to keep the peace among her staff.
The Followers of the Apocalypse, well-read punks who seek to embody healing through anarchistic values, are not concerned with gender. Most are openly and casually sexually active. Upon meeting Courier Six, Arcade Gannon offhandedly makes his gayness known, unprompted. The audience must face the fact that Arcade's apprehension of the Legion is far from abstract; under Legion law, he would be put to death. One possible ending gives further insight into Caesar's hypocrisy: should the player sell Arcade into slavery and leave Caesar alive, he will keep Arcade as a personal physician and philosophical advisor. They intellectually spar at length, and Caesar grows singularly fond of him. Accordingly, Arcade imitates the historic suicide of Cato the Younger by disemboweling himself. The Legion's remaining medics attempted to save his life, but none were Arcade's equal. Caesar understood his doctor's final gesture of contempt, and mourned him for months.
New Vegas ventures further into themes of healing from the trauma of sexual violence, from the perspective of a lesbian character. Corporal Betsy, an NCR sharpshooter, is a rape survivor, and suffers with PTSD from the incident. Her unprocessed trauma has manifested as a maladaptive tendency to aggressively and explicitly proposition the women she encounters, in an effort to reassert a sense of control. This defensive hypersexual impulse has negatively impacted her ability to connect with other women. A male superior officer notes that her behavior is inappropriate for anyone of her stature, but abstains from disciplining her out of sincere concern for her mental health. The Courier can help her begin to recognize these problems, and convince her to seek treatment from Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas medical clinic, which proves helpful to her as she processes and heals from her trauma.
In Old World Blues, the Think Tank are five floating brains in jars who express themselves by waving robotic arms bearing screens depicting facial features. Before the War, they were federal scientists who committed crimes against humanity in the name of weapons development. Each is stuck in some sort of neuro-bionic feedback loop which prevents them from moving forward with their projects, mentally binding them to their central laboratory. Walking through their homes at Higgs Village, it's clear each was deeply neurotic before they were transformed into floating brains. Now without bodies, they attempt to maintain the illusion that they are exempt from sexuality as purely mental beings, but each displays obvious interest in the human form. They have codified this shaming with the term "formography." Most of the men are obsessively defensive over their complete disinterest in penises, which they talk about constantly. However, the shameless Dr. Dala shows overwhelming interest in observing and recording any and all human functions. Already androgynous in her pre-War life, Dala has taken to self-identifying as a "gender neutral entity" (though she is not known to use they/them pronouns). Regardless of the Courier's gender, they may coquettishly scratch themselves, clear their throat, and stretch in front of Dala until her biomed gel decoagulates. Dr. 8 also responds positively to graphic masturbation advice from Couriers of either gender. The X-8 research facility is ostensibly a massive immersive shrine to Doctor Borous's hatred of Richie "Ball-Lover" Marcus, a long-dead child who bullied Borous centuries ago. He also clings to his resentment of one Betsy Bright, who refused to attend a dance with him, supposedly so she could "go smoke with RICHIE MARCUS." Clearly arrested in development, Borous has literally built a temple to the fantasy of torturing his adolescent romantic rival and feeding him to dogs. His frozen, static characterization of the jock Richie Marcus as a "pinko-commie" who "likes balls" reflects the shallowness, pettiness, and overall misanthropy underlying his patriotic identity. It remains apparent throughout Old World Blues that the Think Tank are all chronically sexually repressed, which is inseparable from the values of the violent and judgmental pre-War culture which created them. With time and isolation, this ingrained repression has manifested as various intense and deranged psychosexual behaviors, including rage-fueled homophobia, voyeurism, and the obsessive performance of puritanical pretense.
“Although I’ve been out for a very long time, I made a conscious effort to be out with relation to this project, as I wanted to be visible as a lesbian in the game industry. New Vegas itself is, I think, one of (if not the) best games out there in how we treat homosexuality – and all of that is very intentional.”
“If my work on FNV, if my being out has helped even one gay person, then I have succeeded.” — Tess “Obsidian’s Gay Cowgirl” Treadwell
written (with help from other editors) for fallout.fandom.com/wiki/LGBT_representation_in_the_Fallout_series criticism welcome
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hypewinter · 6 months
Ectoplasm=Lazarus Waters, but they only function as the respective things in their native universe. So Ra's becomes extremely Liminal in DP universe and is literally one car crash away from going Halfa. And cue Jack running him over to trigger things
Meanwhile Danny (and other ghosts) can't fire ghost rays in DC, but can waterbend ectoplasm which resurrects the dead and harms the living because it's Lazarus Waters on that side of the portal. Also, they just revive from fatal injuries because they self generate Lazarus Waters
Ra's: Talia! I won't need my emergency body swap plan anymore. Damian, you're no longer heir unless I'm completely destroyed
Oh so like a ghost's base powers change based on what universe they're in? That's pretty cool! I can imagine Frostbite taking this newfound knowledge and expanding his healing repertoire. Oo! Maybe he even becomes the Justice League's go to medic. That would be fun. And we can throw in apprentice Danny for good measure. Just this giant Yeti and his skinny little assistant spawning into battles against the Legion of Doom or Darkseid's parademons and casually phasing through enemies as they tend to the wounded with some comically toxic looking liquid.
Meanwhile on Ra's side, I really really want him to jump the gun on this one. He sees Frostbite and Danny doing all this cool stuff. He talks to them, learns a bit about ghosts from them and at the end of it they're like, "Yeah you're actually pretty ecto contaminated yourself! 😃". Now what this really means is "Hey! Did you know you're super liminal?" But Ra's takes this as "You're just like us and can use ghost powers!" So he's quick to abandon the league and all else to fully immerse himself in all things Ghost Zone related and finally achieve true immortality.
He gets to the Infinite Realms only to find out he is in fact not liminal enough to unlock any of the nifty ghost powers he so desperately craves yet at the same time, Ra's is too prideful to go home with his tail tucked between his legs (cue Ra's intentionally trying to make himself that last bit ghost adjacent to become either a halfa or a full on ghost? Plus extra hijinks if he keeps surviving instead). IDK I just think it would be hilarious if this man thinks he now has all this power at his fingertips only to fall short by a literal fraction. Make him work for his goals a little while more and all that
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docgold13 · 13 days
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Gorilla Grodd
The villainous Grodd heralds from Gorilla City, a secluded citadel populated by super intelligent apes.  Therein Grodd was an unscrupulous scientist who built a special helmet that enabled him to control the minds of others. The Gorilla City security force stopped him from using it in the city, but he escaped capture and eventually wound up in Central City, where he ran afoul of Green Lantern and the Flash. Following a fierce battle, Grodd was seemingly rendered harmless after The Flash ‘crossed a few wires’ in his mind control helmet and tricked him into using it, electrifying the primate’s brain and rendering him comatose. 
Upon recovering, Grodd found that he no longer needed the helmet to control minds. This facilitated his escape from confinement and he began devising a plan to take down the Justice League.  This plan entailed recruiting a group of super villains, a ‘secret society’ whose abilities matched up well against The League.  Meanwhile, he used his mental powers to subtly and progressively turn the League against one another, make them irritated by and mistrusting of one another.  This had the effect of weakening the League, causing them to not work well as a team; thus giving the villains a sizable advantage in battle. Fortunately, the League were able to overcome this deficient and Grodd’s forces were defeated.     
Next Grodd formed the Legion of Doom, a conglomerate of super villains who worked in concert together so to better match the newly expanded Justice League.  Grodd insisted on recruiting Lex Luthor into the Legion, seeing him as too significant a variable not to be folded in; a decision that would prove to be Grodd’s downfall.  
Following a botched scheme that involved Grodd’s temporarily turning the earth’s human population into apes, Luthor succeeded in a coup d'etat and took over the Legion, imprisoning Grodd.  The gorilla’s one-time paramour, Tala, freed Grood and he staged an effort to seize back control of the Legion.  Yet he failed once more and Grodd perished in his battle against Luthor.  
Actor Powers Booth provided the voice for Gorilla Grodd, with the sinister simian first appearing in the twelfth episodes of the first seasons of Justice League, “The Brave and The Bold Part I.’  
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callsigns-haze · 3 months
Histories Enemy
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Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual content and emotional turmoil, torture and violence. Summary: In a moment of passion and vulnerability, Rhysand implores YN to come back to him, but she grapples with the weight of her responsibilities as High Lady of the Court of the Lost Gods and yet returns to him. But now with the queen under the mountain things change
Series master list (but can be read alone)
As fifty long years passed since YN's return to the Court of the Lost Gods, the shadow of Amarantha's rule loomed large over the land, casting a dark pall over the once vibrant court. Rhysand, bound by duty to the tyrant queen, had become a distant figure, his presence a rare and fleeting glimpse in the tumultuous landscape of their world.
Meanwhile, Tamlin's human lover, driven by an unwavering determination to break his curse, had devoted herself to the arduous task of unraveling the dark magic that bound him. Her efforts were met with frustration and heartache, as each attempt seemed to only tighten the grip of the curse, leaving Tamlin trapped in a prison of his own making.
As the days turned into years, the courts suffered under Amarantha's oppressive rule, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of her tyranny. YN, once a beacon of hope and resilience, found herself struggling to maintain her resolve in the face of such overwhelming darkness, her heart heavy with the burden of their collective suffering.
But amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope remained—a flickering flame that refused to be extinguished. With each passing day, YN and her allies worked tirelessly to resist Amarantha's rule, their bond forged in the crucible of adversity, their determination unyielding in the face of impossible odds.
And as they stood on the brink of despair, their spirits battered but unbroken, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their unwavering resolve to reclaim their freedom, their dignity, and their future. For in the darkest of times, it was their unity, their strength, and their unwavering belief in the power of love and hope that would ultimately light the way forward, guiding them through the darkness to a brighter tomorrow.
As the days dwindled down to mere moments before Amarantha's grip tightened further, YN's heart pounded with a mixture of dread and determination. She knew all too well the cruelty and ruthlessness of the queen's ambitions, and the thought of her armies descending upon the Court of the Lost Gods filled her with a bone-deep fear.
With each passing moment, YN felt the weight of their impending doom pressing down upon her, threatening to crush her beneath its unforgiving weight. She knew that they were running out of time, that soon they would be faced with an impossible choice—surrender to Amarantha's tyranny or stand and fight, risking everything they held dear in a desperate bid for freedom.
But amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, a flicker of defiance burned bright within YN's heart. She refused to succumb to despair, refused to bow before the tyrant queen and her legions of darkness. With every fiber of her being, she vowed to stand firm, to protect her people, her home, and the ones she loved with every breath in her body.
Gathering her allies close, YN whispered words of encouragement and resolve, her voice a rallying cry in the gathering storm. Together, they prepared to face the coming onslaught, their hearts united in their determination to resist Amarantha's rule and reclaim their freedom at any cost.
And as the final moments ticked away, YN stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, her spirit unbroken, her courage unwavering.
The force of Amarantha's blow sent YN crashing to the ground, her body wracked with searing pain as she cried out in agony. The impact knocked the breath from her lungs, leaving her gasping for air as darkness threatened to engulf her senses.
Stars danced before YN's eyes as she struggled to remain conscious, her vision swimming with dizziness and pain. Every breath felt like fire in her lungs, every movement sending waves of agony radiating through her battered body.
Through the haze of pain, YN could hear Amarantha's mocking laughter echoing in her ears, the sound a cruel reminder of the queen's overwhelming power. Fear clawed at YN's heart as she realized the full extent of the danger she was in, the sheer brutality of Amarantha's wrath a stark reminder of the stakes they faced.
But even as despair threatened to consume her, a flicker of defiance burned bright within YN's heart, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume her. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she fought to push through the pain, to rise above the fear and uncertainty that threatened to overwhelm her.
Slowly, agonizingly, YN forced herself to her feet, her muscles trembling with exertion as she faced Amarantha once more. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her, she refused to back down, refused to give in to the queen's cruelty.
With a defiant glare, YN met Amarantha's gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with unyielding determination. "You may have the power to hurt me," she spat, her voice trembling with defiance, "but you will never break me. I will fight you with every breath in my body, until my last dying breath."
And as she stood there, battered and bruised but unbroken in spirit, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with courage, with strength, and with the unwavering belief that love and hope would ultimately triumph over fear and despair. For in that moment, she was more than just a victim of Amarantha's cruelty—she was a warrior, a survivor, a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness.
The sickening thud of YN's body hitting the wall echoed through the chamber as Amarantha's brutal assault sent her crashing against the unforgiving surface. Pain exploded in YN's skull as her consciousness teetered on the edge of oblivion, darkness closing in around her like a suffocating shroud.
For a fleeting moment, YN fought to stay conscious, her mind a whirlwind of agony and confusion. But the relentless onslaught of pain proved too much to bear, and with a final, desperate gasp, she succumbed to the blackness that enveloped her, her world fading into oblivion as unconsciousness claimed her.
In the depths of her unconsciousness, YN's mind was a turbulent sea of fractured dreams and haunting visions, each more terrifying than the last. Images of Amarantha's cruel smile and mocking laughter haunted her, a relentless reminder of the queen's overwhelming power and cruelty.
But even in the darkness, a faint glimmer of hope remained—a whisper of resilience that refused to be extinguished. Deep within the recesses of her soul, YN clung to the belief that somehow, someway, she would find a way to rise again, to defy the odds and reclaim her freedom from the clutches of tyranny.
And as she lay suspended in the void between dreams and reality, YN vowed to never surrender, to never give up the fight against the darkness that threatened to consume her. For in that moment, she was more than just a victim of Amarantha's cruelty—she was a warrior, a survivor, a symbol of hope in a world ravaged by despair. And no matter how dark the night may seem, she knew that the dawn of a new day was waiting just beyond the horizon, ready to break through the shadows and illuminate the path to freedom once more.
As Rhysand stood amidst the turmoil of his court, a sudden, jarring sensation rippled through the depths of his mind—a sharp, searing pain that tore through the fragile threads of his mental bond with YN. His heart clenched with a sense of unease as he felt the connection between them splinter and fracture, leaving him reeling in its wake.
For a fleeting moment, Rhysand struggled to make sense of the sudden rupture in their bond, his mind racing with a torrent of questions and fears. What had caused this break? Was YN in danger? Had something happened to her?
With a growing sense of dread gnawing at his heart, Rhysand reached out tentatively, probing the shattered remnants of their connection in search of any sign of YN's presence. But to his dismay, he found nothing but an empty void—a yawning chasm of silence where once their bond had thrummed with life and vitality.
Panic surged through Rhysand's veins as he grappled with the magnitude of what had occurred. Had YN been harmed? Was she in need of his help? The uncertainty gnawed at him, driving him to the brink of despair as he struggled to come to terms with the sudden and inexplicable loss of their connection.
But even as fear threatened to consume him, a flicker of determination burned bright within Rhysand's heart. He refused to give in to despair, refused to accept that this was the end of their bond. With every fiber of his being, he vowed to find a way to reach YN, to bridge the gulf that now separated them and restore their connection to its former strength.
For in that moment, Rhysand knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would stop at nothing to ensure YN's safety, to protect her from harm, and to reclaim the bond that bound them together, heart and soul. And as he stood amidst the wreckage of their shattered connection, he knew that their love would endure, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them both.
As YN found herself locked in the confines of Amarantha's basement chambers, her voice filled the air with a haunting melody that spoke of longing and defiance. The notes rose and fell, carrying with them the weight of her despair and the fervent hope of escape.
With each verse, YN's voice echoed off the cold stone walls, filling the oppressive space with a haunting resonance that seemed to pierce the darkness. Her words were a lament, a cry for freedom that echoed the silent yearning of her captive heart.
As the song reached its crescendo, YN's voice soared, filling the chamber with a raw intensity that spoke of her unwavering determination to break free from the chains of captivity. Her voice trembled with emotion, each note a testament to her fierce resolve to defy the darkness that threatened to engulf her.
And as she sang, her voice a beacon of hope in the darkness, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with courage, with strength, and with the unwavering belief that love and hope would ultimately triumph over fear and despair. For in that moment, she was more than just a prisoner—she was a fighter, a survivor, a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. And no matter how dark the night may seem, she knew that the dawn of a new day was waiting just beyond the horizon, ready to break through the shadows and illuminate the path to freedom once more.
It was in the depths of her despair that YN's gaze fell upon Feyre, the girl Tamlin loved, as she was dragged into a nearby cell. The sight sent a shiver down YN's spine, a grim reminder of the cruelty and brutality of Amarantha's reign.
But even as fear clenched at her heart, YN refused to give in to despair. With a steely resolve, she vowed to find a way to escape, to defy the darkness that threatened to engulf her and reclaim her freedom from the clutches of tyranny.
And as she continued to sing, her voice echoing through the darkness like a beacon of hope, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with courage, with strength, and with the unwavering belief that love and hope would ultimately triumph over fear and despair. For in that moment, she was more than just a prisoner—she was a fighter, a survivor, a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. And no matter how dark the night may seem, she knew that the dawn of a new day was waiting just beyond the horizon, ready to break through the shadows and illuminate the path to freedom once more.
As the guards departed, leaving YN to the oppressive silence of her cell, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart. Despite the heavy weight of her own captivity, her thoughts drifted to the girl locked away in the adjacent cell—Feyre, the object of Tamlin's affection.
With cautious steps, YN approached the barred opening that separated their cells, her heart pounding in her chest as she peered through the dim light to catch a glimpse of the girl within. Feyre's eyes met hers, wary and uncertain, mirroring the turmoil that churned within YN's own soul.
For a long moment, they regarded each other in silence, the air heavy with unspoken questions and unspoken fears. Feyre's gaze held a mixture of suspicion and trepidation, her uncertainty palpable in the tense silence that hung between them.
But as YN's eyes met Feyre's, a flicker of understanding passed between them—a silent acknowledgment of the shared struggle that bound them together, despite the vast divide that separated them. In that moment, YN knew that despite the walls that imprisoned them, they were not alone.
With a tentative smile, YN reached out a hand, offering Feyre a gesture of solidarity and compassion. Feyre hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes, but slowly, hesitantly, she reached out to grasp YN's hand in return—a silent agreement forged in the darkness, a glimmer of hope in the depths of despair.
And as they stood there, two prisoners bound by fate and circumstance, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their determination to defy the darkness and reclaim their freedom once more. For in that moment, they were more than just captives—they were warriors, survivors, allies in a battle for survival. And no matter how dire the odds, they would stand together, their spirits unbroken, their hearts ablaze with the unwavering belief that love and hope would ultimately triumph over fear and despair.
As the flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows across the stone walls of their cells, YN's voice broke the silence, her words filled with a solemn urgency as she explained the identity of their captor—Amarantha, the tyrant queen whose reign of terror had plunged their world into darkness.
"She's ruthless," YN began, her voice low but steady, as she recounted the tales of Amarantha's cruelty and brutality. "Amarantha will stop at nothing to maintain her power, to crush anyone who dares to defy her."
Feyre listened intently, her expression grave as she absorbed YN's words, the weight of their meaning settling heavily upon her shoulders. The stories of Amarantha's atrocities painted a chilling portrait of a ruler consumed by greed and ambition, a force of darkness that threatened to engulf them all in its merciless grasp.
But even as fear clenched at her heart, YN pressed on, her voice tinged with defiance as she spoke of their shared determination to defy the queen's tyranny, to reclaim their freedom from the clutches of oppression.
Feyre nodded, her eyes shining with newfound resolve as she met YN's gaze with unwavering determination. In that moment, they were not just two prisoners bound by fate—they were allies, comrades in arms, united in their shared struggle for survival.
And as they stood there, their spirits unbroken despite the darkness that surrounded them, YN knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, their hearts ablaze with the unwavering belief that love and hope would ultimately triumph over fear and despair. For in that moment, they were more than just captives—they were warriors, survivors, defiant in the face of adversity, and determined to reclaim their freedom at any cost.
As Feyre entered the arena, her heart pounded with a mixture of dread and determination, her mind consumed by thoughts of the task that lay ahead. But as she stepped into the dimly lit chamber, her eyes widened in horror at the sight that greeted her—a lone figure suspended in the center of the arena, barely conscious, her wrists bound and her body bruised and battered.
It was YN.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Feyre took in the sight of her fellow captive, her heart wrenching at the sight of the woman's suffering. The realization of what she had unwittingly walked into hit her like a physical blow, filling her with a sickening sense of guilt and despair.
But even as fear threatened to consume her, Feyre forced herself to push forward, her every instinct screaming at her to save YN from the clutches of their captors. With trembling hands, she rushed to YN's side, her fingers fumbling with the bindings that held her in place, her voice a desperate plea for help.
As she worked frantically to free YN from her restraints, Feyre's eyes flickered to the entrance of the arena, where Rhysand stood frozen in shock, his expression a mask of anguish and despair. It was clear that he had only just arrived, his heartrending gaze fixed on the woman he loved, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought to contain his emotions.
But there was no time for words or explanations, only action. With a final, desperate tug, Feyre managed to free YN from her bonds, catching her limp form as she crumpled to the ground, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
For a moment, they remained locked in a silent tableau, their hearts heavy with the weight of their shared suffering. But as Rhysand rushed to YN's side, gathering her into his arms with a tenderness that belied the fierce strength of his love, Feyre knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their determination to defy the darkness and reclaim their freedom once and for all.
With trembling hands and a heart heavy with dread, Rhysand gently shook YN's limp form, his voice choked with emotion as he called out to her in a desperate bid to rouse her from unconsciousness.
"YN, love, please," he murmured, his words a whispered prayer in the silent darkness of the arena. "Open your eyes. Stay with me."
But YN remained unresponsive, her breathing shallow and labored as she lay cradled in Rhysand's arms, her pale features drawn with pain and exhaustion. Panic surged through him like a tidal wave as he struggled to contain his rising fear, his mind racing with a thousand dire possibilities.
With a trembling hand, Rhysand brushed a strand of hair from YN's face, his touch gentle despite the fierce urgency that burned within him. He refused to accept the possibility of losing her, refused to let the darkness claim her as its own.
"Please, YN," he pleaded, his voice raw with emotion. "Don't leave me. You're stronger than this. You have to fight."
But even as he spoke, doubt gnawed at the edges of his resolve, threatening to overwhelm him with its suffocating weight. The sight of YN's still form filled him with a sense of helpless despair, leaving him grasping desperately for any glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded them.
And as he held her close, his heart aching with the agony of uncertainty, Rhysand knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would never stop fighting for YN's life, for their love, for the chance to build a future together free from the shadow of Amarantha's tyranny. For in that moment, she was not just his lover—she was his everything, his reason for living, his light in the darkest of nights. And he would do whatever it took to keep her safe, to keep her by his side, until the end of time.
As for what happened next, it's just the book............
Tagging some:
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(Well this is surprising. Not really sure if this idea will make any sense, but here we go.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas
Danny, as Ghost King, gets summoned by the Legion of Doom(?) to help end the Justice League. Except for this summoning fic, they literally summon him off of a GIW lab table where he was being experimented on. Danny is bleeding, barely conscious, and having a really horrible time. This garners a split reaction. Some villains, while surprised, are indifferent. Others are horrified. Not really sure which villains would be which except maybe Lex Luthor(1).
When Danny gets patched up, Lex learns later on that day that he's one of the people responsible for helping pass the Anti-Ecto Acts. However, he only helped passed it to get the people who kept sending it to finally desist, thinking it was all a hoax/big joke and that it wouldn't really matter in the long run. Now he knows it wasn't just a big joke and now that he sees the results of that decision, he regrets it.
While the Legion of Doom isn't short on medical supplies, it's not a great environment for healing, villain or not. Plus, he's kinda useless for the reason he was summoned if he's this seriously wounded. So, he does something he's never done before. He tips off the Justice League about the injured teenage monarch and skedaddles back home and out of the way where he can also start figuring out a way to take down the Anti-Ecto Acts.
Meanwhile, Team Phantom (Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Valerie. Maybe Wes too for extra humor? 👀) finally have a lock on Danny's location now that he's no longer in a GIW facility--they have ecto-signature blocking technology. They all suit up and get there way before the Justice League and have already taken out the villains still in the LoD HQ by the time they show up and are in the process of trying to transport Danny. The League are a combination of surprised, impressed, and concerned. They invite Team Phantom back to the Watchtower so they can help treat Phantom's injuries.
It's here that the League learns about the Anti-Ecto Acts and what had happened to Phantom to put him in such serious condition. Outraged, a team is organized to hit any GIW facilities and free any citizens of the Infinite Realms while Batman and a few others stay behind to help dismantle the Acts. Team Phantom manage to get the League to agree to have at least one of them on each team they send out, since they have more experience dealing with the GIW and ghosts alike.
With the combination of the League and Lex Luther (unknown to them), the Anti-Ecto Acts are dismantled and the captured ghosts are freed and Danny is all healed up, though still traumatized. His friends help him deal with it--Jazz plus Black Canary are especially invaluable in his psychological healing process. Meanwhile, the JL are incredibly impressed with how knowledgeable and well-trained they are for having no mentors to teach them. Even more so once they hear all the battles they've fought along side Phantom.
The JL come to a decision. They invite all of Team Phantom to join Justice League Dark, the JL subdivision for magic/the occult. After talking it over, they all agree to join.
Thats where it ends unless you wanna continue it from there.
(1) Which villains do you think would be sympathetic to Danny's condition? I don't know any of them well enough to pick. Do you think Lex Luther would actually feel sympathy for Danny? Small redemption arc? Do him and Danny meet again at some point on somewhat good terms?
(*) Maybe continue it with reactions from the Team from Young Justice? Maybe they're upset that some out of town teenagers got a JL invitation before they even got theirs? In response the JL have Team Phantom meet and train with Team YJ to get them to realize why exactly they were invited to join.
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Kaiju Weeks in Review (July 16-29, 2023)
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Legendary announced a pair of Monsterverse comics during a panel at San Diego Comic Con. They've said nothing further since, and no one posted the panel online, so I have less to tell you than I'd like. Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted is the obligatory prequel comic for the film. From the pages they showed off, it looks like Zid has art duties again (well-deserved) and the monsters that Kong is fighting could be the "swamp kitt[ies]" cut from Godzilla vs. Kong. Release date is February 27. Monsterverse Declassified is going to spotlight some of the series' original monsters, with the previews showing Behemoth, Amhuluk, and Tiamat. (Supposedly Scylla, Doug, and the previously-unseen Abaddon will be in it too.)
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Toho is finally letting Togen's 4K scans of some of its Godzilla films out of satellite TV jail as tie-ins to Godzilla Minus One. Godzilla (1954) and Mothra vs. Godzilla are coming to 4K Ultra HD on October 25, with Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster, Invasion of Astro-Monster, and Destroy All Monsters on November 22 and Godzilla vs. Hedorah and Godzilla vs. Biollante. Expect them to be as English-unfriendly as Toho's other releases - but a vague promise of "unused special effects footage", combined with some very crisp-looking photos in a recent book, means there's a chance the Frontier Missile sequence from Godzilla vs. The Thing will be included with Mothra vs. Godzilla. That'd be a godsend, considering how elusive an uncropped, uncut, high-quality version of the scene has proven to be.
These releases will easily be the best Mothra vs. Godzilla, Ghidorah, Astro-Monster, and Biollante have ever looked on home video. But with Togen shutting down, it's unclear when the rest of the pre-Shin films in the series will get upgrades. (It's also unclear when Toho will permit anyone outside Japan to use these versions for streaming or home video.) So this announcement feels bittersweet to me.
We have a release date for GAMERA -Rebirth- (September 7), a second trailer, and a reveal for the final monster: Viras! As @starestream pointed out, there's a lot of Legion in that design (along with Iris in Zigra). And as Maser Patrol pointed out, this is the same enemy kaiju lineup that Trendmasters chose for its toyline back in 1998. Poor Barugon, no one wants to taste the rainbow (and it probably hurts that he's so visually similar to Jiger too). To be honest, this trailer didn't do much for me; a bit too chaotic. Hopefully it'll be easier to tell what's happening in the show proper.
Bandai, of course, has readied Movie Monster Series figures of Viras, Zigra, and Guiron already. We're also getting a prequel manga set 100,000 years before the show.
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Decades after his rampage through the Marvel Universe, Godzilla is barging into the world of DC (where he'll finally meet Batman). Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong is a seven-issue limited series launching October 17, written by Brian Buccellato (who also penned the short "Fight or Flight" comic that will be included in Legends of the Monsterverse: The Omnibus later this year) with art by Christian Duce. The inciting incident is a battle between the Justice League and the Legion of Doom, which tears a hole in reality to let the Monsterverse through.
I'll confess, I was more jazzed for last year's Power Rangers crossover, thanks to the tokusatsu link. This could just be more of Warner Bros. Discovery bashing its toys together. I'm most curious to see if the Legion of Doom makes a bid to conquer the Monsterverse, which with Godzilla and Kong out of the picture is far less prepared for them than the DC universe is for a couple of giant monsters. Superman beats them all, as Ken Yano once said.
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Hiya is stepping further out of S.H.Monsterarts' shadow with a figure of the female MUTO, a character long neglected by toymakers. They showed her off at San Diego Comic Con. Playmates meanwhile releases an ad for Titan Tech Rodan - I'm glad they're not giving up on this delightful subline.
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Summer Smash concludes IDW's middle-grade Monsters and Protectors storyline, which has spanned the entirety of their second go-round with Godzilla. You can tell it was supposed to be another miniseries; Godzilla, Jet Jaguar, and Mothra send Mecha-King Ghidorah and the Xiliens packing pretty quickly. Art's still great though.
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Godzilla Rivals will persist into October with Vs. Mechagodzilla, the magnificent machine being the last of the Toho's Big Five to headline one of these comics. The intriguing logline:
IS YOUR CITY BESIEGED BY KAIJU? DO YOU LIE AWAKE AT NIGHT ANXIOUSLY LISTENING FOR THE MONSTER SIRENS? HAVE YOU HAD ALL YOU CAN TAKE OF GIANT LIZARDS, MOTHS, PTERODACTYLS, AND SHRIMP? THEN CALL TRACER TECH TODAY! OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART ANTI-KAIJU TECHNOLOGY HAS ALLOWED DOZENS OF CITIES AROUND THE WORLD TO FEND OFF THE THREAT OF MONSTER ATTACK. San Palomar, California. It’s a sleepy city with not much going on. That is, until Tracer Tech built their new corporate headquarters there, displacing lifelong citizens and forcing out local businesses. But what is the source of Tracer’s amazing, almost alien technology, and why has it put San Palomar in Godzilla’s sights? And what can a couple of local kids like Alex and Jaz do to protect their city when the King of the Monsters and its robot doppelgänger clash?
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SRS Cinema has opened preorders for The Whale God, revealing this cover art by Bob Eggleton. Special features aren't anything spectacular (they're vaguely described, but I think a couple of essays are included, plus the obligatory trailers). Should be out by the end of the year.
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The disc replacement program for Cleopatra Entertainment's misbegotten Shin Ultraman releases has resulted in an only marginally better product. The opening montage has subtitles now... but like the rest of the movie, they're just copied from the English dub. Dubtitles in 2023... and for a film that already has a perfectly good official English translation, no less. Oh, and they threw in some new visual glitches too. If your local library picks up a copy, I recommend telling them about the disc replacement program (as I've done), but don't give these clowns your money.
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familyparadox · 6 months
Irving Braxiatel saviour and destroyer of Gallifrey
Irving Braxiatel saved at least one Gallifrey from the War in Heaven and in so doing doomed it to the Last Great Time War. Specifically the Gallifrey Brax. This can also be seen with Bernice Summerfield the only person to have a linear relationship with the War in Heaven and with some very very crude and nasty beating the Last Great Time War (but like said getting it into that shape is hard).
But before we start let’s get a few things right. The Adventures With Charley and C’rizz happen during the interference gap whilst Fitz and Compassion sleep and The Brax on Legion is the same as the one in the Gallifrey audios and has met Bernice Summerfield only once before hand at the start of Dragons Wrath ( the Dellah/Collection era Brax enters latter in the book) this Brax did not serve in the War in Heaven or at any rate is yet to.
This Gallifrey era Brax falls into the Axis and arrives not in another universe but in the Post War Universe Brax misses out on the War in Heaven completely and heads to Gallifrey only to find it is gone and world in a different place but with recognisable geography and cities does, this world which is similar to Gallifrey is Legion right down to the Domed City and unexplored Dark/southern side.
The Eighth Doctor and Mother Francesca are both of having their own Post War adventures.
At the end of The Legion era Brax (now with out Pandora, as Pandora is now involving her self in the War in Heaven which has already happened in the Benny audios and Dellah Book the reason this is possible is because the axis plays silly buggers with us all) heads back to before the War to find his Gallifrey and Romana (now in her third incarnation) and rescues her from the dying TARDIS after Omega escaped.
Now I believe that on Every Gallifrey Omega’s escape and ambiguous defeat heralds the War. This can be seen in both Intervention Earth and the Infinity Doctors. Two stories which have many,many parallels.
Now Brax having been sent back to Romana using the Epoch technology tells Romana about the War in Heaven (something he finds out about from the Collection Era Brax who we know he is in contact with thanks to some Legion era books), the destruction of Gallifrey the failure of the Maximediras plan and the Loss of the Collection. Romana hearing this sends Brax even further back in time to the events of Intervention Earth. Meanwhile Romana begins preparing for the war just in case Brax fails in going back in time to avert the war. This leads to the Doctor Destroying Gallifrey to avert the War in the Ancestor Cell this stops the war but Gallifrey has not yet been restored to heaven. Meanwhile in the Past Brax goes through Enemy Lines and stops the war in heaven from claiming Romana’s Gallifrey and creates a Gallifrey which exists after the Post War (this is a different Post Post War Gallifrey to the one in Cwej (well they are also the same but my opinions of the Cwej Homeworld and the Time War Homeworld are very very complicated and involve at least five different post war universe each to multiple powers and lots of Nine gallifrey’s and bottle universe leaking all over the place and it need a different post) this is why 8 forgets Fitz and Compasion and never mentions Charley and C’rizz until his regeneration (He kind of remembers Charley and C’rizz and that bad things happened to them as the Zagreus incident is vitally important to the Lead up to the Last Great Time War (and the War in Heaven). The restoration does not however mean that the Daleks did not use Gallifrey’s abscess to gain power. Whilst for non time active powers it seems nothing has changed for time active powers it would seem that gallifrey vanished from all time and then suddenly came back in to the gap it filled. The Daleks still gain power, the People still seal themselves away. The Warpsmiths and other temporal Powers are just to polite to mention it (not to mention many of them have also been restored at the same point) it could explain why several Warpsmiths suddenly want to users the Time Lords. I belive the restoration also change the past as well. I believe that most of Big Finishes Seventh Doctor audios (not all) are Post War this explains how a Post War in Heaven Benny can meet a seventh Doctor with whom Ace left to join the CIA (directly contradicting what happened to ace whilst she travled with Benny) and how she can be present for the Seventh Doctor’s last day when she was not originally present but Cwej was. Last Day and Lungbarrow contradict each other the first two New adventures of Bernice Summerfield contradict the VNA’s as well in a way that can not be blamed on Dellah/Collection era Brax and must be blamed on Legion era Brax and the War in Heaven. This “Blip”, as it were, is the reason that from the Time Lords perspective Faction Paradox vanished just before the Last Great Time War. They as Paradox’s where, to some degree atemporal and thus when they where destroyed in the War in Heaven they could not return to a post war gallifrey as they where gone wiped out by Lolita and other powers. I am sure Fransesca is still out there and Sibling Different and Same both slipped back in. I think that this Paradox saved Gallifrey but not for long as nature abhors a vacuum and so the Last Great Time War slipped in to place the Daleks had gained more power and the Time Lords where no longer prepping for a war they once more believed would never come.
This of course is only one Gallifrey the rest who knows.
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gorogues · 9 months
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Spoilers for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #3!
You can see some preview pages here.
There aren't many more pages of Rogues aside from what we saw in the preview, but Len shows up to protect Lisa and to seemingly recruit some/all of the Rogues for the Legion of Doom. It makes sense that they'd want to bolster their numbers, though it isn't clear if all the Iron Heights escapees have joined or some decided to take their chances elsewhere. And yeah, hurting Lisa is definitely going to get your ass kicked, Barry. It's surprising Len didn't do worse.
Meanwhile, Superman is believed dead from Godzilla's atomic breath, and Atom Smasher isn't looking too good either. Toyman is on the lam somewhere -- even the LoD is furious at him for his stupidity -- and Luthor is up to something on his own. Perhaps we'll see the Rogues fighting alongside the LoD in future issues, and they're going to need all the help they can get against the monsters and potentially whatever Toyman and Luthor are up to. And it's curious that we don't see Grodd with King Kong here, since Grodd perceived him as a god in the first issue, so I wonder what he's up to...maybe he's off doing something to further Kong's interests.
Anyway, this issue has Rogues + monsters - Toyman, so it gets a thumbs up from me.
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memelordotherblog · 7 months
(Meanwhile at the legion of doom)
*Blot and Rhymes fighting again*
Triplex: Look at them, what childish behavior.
Scuttle: Didn’t you get into argument with Portis like two minutes ago?
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Alrighty, after taking some inspiration from the recent X Men 97 and now that the Krakoa Era is finally wrapping up, I would like taking this opportunity in explaining a sort of take on this idea of an entire nation of supernatural peoples and beings from all across the globe and giving it a….Titanic spin to it
What if The (formerly Teen) Titans have a Krakoa Arc to call their own?
Yes this idea will be based on my little Fanon universe that’s in my Pinned Post so anyways Brace Yourselves My Friends
Background: Taking place an in universe year or two after Dick and Kory’s epic honeymoon and after a more or less steady status quo for the DCU, things start escalating with a grand alliance of Planet Tamaran’s enemies from all across the Vega System reconvene once again to seize the planet for themselves. While the Tamaraneans under their Empress Komand’r are well prepared for such a threat, so have their enemies in advance with equipment and tech from Apokolips. Despite their best efforts, Komand’r and her people are deeply struggling against New God tech and it’s not too long before their enemies surround their capital demanding their unconditional surrender. Kom’s scientists though have come up with a final desperate plan which they believe can either help their people fight back against the overwhelming odds however at a great risk, a plan Kom is all too willing to go if it means saving her people from subjugation.
As such, she flies with all her great speed fully charged with her power right all the way to the Vega sun itself, the plan being to supercharge its solar output with her power inner reserves, allowing more energy to shine which should empower her people even those who didn’t tap into their starbolts like Kory and her can. While granting the entire race the ability to charge up Starbolts, the ability to legit breathe in space and other advanced powers and abilities, it all came at an extraordinary cost; the Star itself wounded up overloading and with barely time for their enemies to acknowledge it on time, it explodes into a massive supernova, taking not just them and not even just the planet itself but the whole of the Vega system.
The Tamaraneans themselves, all their civilians and even their then freed relatives managed to evacuate right on time so not one was lost in the supernova but now they have no home to come back to, leaving them a diaspora.
Meanwhile, as the Titans (nominally split into the premier Justice Titans and their B team allies though in the whole composed of Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Terra, Troia and Red Arrow) have numerous adventures and meet new allies across not just the universe and other planes of existence which can include the Phantom Zone, the realm of the Lord of Chaos etc, but throughout the Multiverse itself, even coming into contact and allying with the titular Titans of the Multiverse in their own quests to fix worlds with their timelines screwed over; all of it has them gaining new never wig their team and other allies but more importantly a massive influx of entire peoples as refugees and immigrants settling in the Titans’ universe for a new home. Unluckily for the Titans by the point this influx of people’s in need of new home becomes of a priority, The Legion of Doom, Lex Luthor’s team of supervillains, have launched an all out assault on their T shaped bases in both in Earth’s exosphere and in Bludhaven bay. While the attack was ultimately repelled, both T Towers were destroyed, now requiring the Titans themselves in need of a base themselves
Eventually the Titans decide on a Take out Multiple Birds with One Stone approach: with some Kryptonian tech borrowed from the City of Kandor and a location on the opposite side of Mars’ orbit (due to Earth’s orbit being occupied by Earth itself and New Krypton but I Digress lol), a massive new planet is created to be a sort of new home for all those refugees across existence and of course the Tamaraneans, Empress Blackfire acting as their representative in a high governing council which her sister and the other Titans are the ultimate authority on
While the Titans themselves are mainly tendering to Earth’s matters and small scale operations and crime fighting, this Planet shall serve as their new base of operations and the mainly settlers on it being their allies for Cosmic scale threats and crises.
Thus we present to you,
Titans Planet
For this new status quo, before the destruction of the Towers, the Titans Book (the one featuring the aforementioned B team of Troia, Red Arrow, The Flash (Wally West), Omen, Bumblebee, Herald and Jericho) would have a definitive conclusion after around hopefully 100-120 issues (bi weekly schedule applying), the team within it being consolidated into Justice Titans
Therefore in Issue #125, that’ll be a triple sized jumping on issue in which has not just that grand attack by the Legion of Doom but also the Titans consulting with the Kryrptonians of Kandor for borrowing their tech to create Titans Planet. Midway through the issue, Dick would have a bite among their members on whether to proceed with this plan or not, bringing up some differing options and raised concerns among them. Eventually the votes lean in favor of a Yes, leading to creation of the new planet in the opposite side of Mars’ orbit.
Here, Dick, Kom, Donna and Kory lay down simple ground rules for their new found headquarters/planet:
1) The core team should be addressed of tensions between peoples over land rights and other disputes.
2) No citizen of this planet should harm not especially kill another. Should they travel to Earth, they must also not kill any humans or any earthlings
3) The earthlings in turn must respect and treat these citizens of this planet as much any other earthling
4) Titans Planet Must Be Respected. Any attacks on its citizens, not the Titans themselves, but its citizens by hostile powers across both the stars and across dimensions will be a declaration of war.
As for the books that would be affected or launched by this new status quo;
- Titans (formerly Justice Titans, starting in maybe Issue #126, this book will be renamed)
- Nightwing and Starfire: The Flying Graysons (Despite the both of them still officially living in Bludhaven, the Planet especially due to the presence of Kom would serve being a platform for stories for Kory in order to diversify it from the standard Bludhaven based ones)
- Titans Planet (launching after Justice Titans #125, The Main ‘Hub World’ series which explores the day to day operations of the planet’s many people groups and factions; the only title that operates in a one issue per month schedule, Though each single issue are double sized)
- Blackfire: Empress of Tamaran (Launches after Justice Titans #125, serving as the solo adventures of Empress Komand’r as she contends with not just remnants of that alliance that ultimate destroyed her home planet but also other cosmic foes and enemies including probably up to Darkseid himself)
- Mon El: Man of Valor (Similarly launches after Justice Titans #126; Among the people groups that have settled on Titans Planet was the Daxamites who due to events in Action Comics, their own planet too has been destroyed thus they are in the need of a new home. Mon himself being a top representative on their behalf on the planet while he deals with not just a rise of potential supervillains on this planet but also his own place in this world, on Earth and in the universe as a whole in light of these events. Mon himself at this point is something of an Honorary Titan due to his stronger connections with the Superman family)
- Cyborg
- Raven
- Beast Boy
Future event comics and crossovers that involve these books can still occur though the status quo remains for a lengthy amount of time in real life. At the bare minimum, it should last between 2-5 years before another massive shake up can occur.
For any constructive criticism, compliments or additions, Please Reblog and/Reply if you can. It’ll be greatly appreciated
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switch · 2 months
The fgo devs be like: Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom's secret base.
it’s just nasu and takeuchi at a table and they have been endlessly reenacting the who is the most ecchi debate ever since 2019 while surrounded by the dusty skeletonized corpses of lasengle’s employees and every time 2-san breathes he gets whipped. ono has not stepped foot in the building in 3 years.
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terramythos · 1 month
you can have a philosophical discussion with Caesar and he sounds smart because he uses big words and terms like Hegelian Dialectics while fundamentally not understanding why his perspective is flawed and that the Legion is doomed to fail just like the Romans before them.
meanwhile you can have a bunch of philosophical discussions with Ulysses both during and after Lonesome Road and he genuinely understands what he's talking about and the implications of everything he says and does, he makes caesar look like the fucking joke he is. and he's willing to admit he's wrong if you give him new perspective and insight on his beliefs and view of the world
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scorp10n1 · 2 years
Ned in Peril- The Perils of Bondage Island!
Chapter 29. Carstairs v's the Crossbow.
In this Penultimate Chapter-
The Legion of Iron are about to distroy London with their death ray, but Inspector Barington has freed the captives and they begin to fight back. Meanwhile Ned Carstairs, held a prisoner on Peril island, is mummified and chained to a giant crossbow that will launch out to sea and to a watery doom!
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superkirbylover · 1 year
Wouldn't it be fantastic if Pizzahoof joined the Legion of Doom, only to be turned into stone in the finals?
on one hand, imagine he joins but he escapes being turned into stone because he wasn't aiming to take over the world or whatever, he was just there to cause chaos. he just likes pulling childish mean pranks at the expense of others, except he tries to play it off like it's normal and just a bit
on the other hand, i don't think pizzahoof would get along with everyone. they're so full of hate and disdain, meanwhile pizzahoof DOES like to cause misery but he has a more "it's just for fun!" kind of attitude. he doesn't want actual power out of it, except maybe running equestria's top pizza chain. he just likes to be a dick under the guise of being a clown, if that makes sense?
this makes me think though about the mane 6 trying to reform him like they did discord, only for him to just. not give a shit. he COULD have friends, but he also could try and blow up some guy's pizzeria for shits and giggles. you know, for fun!
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skull-pun · 1 year
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom...
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fractualized · 2 years
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I guess this is just a thing I'm doing now. Commentary on The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3!
(Spoilers and lotsa gore below the cut.)
You know, between whatever is going on with the two Jokers in TMWSL, the DNA gremlins in The Deadly Duo, and the multiple Jokers in Bruce's head over in Zdarsky's Batman, there are a lot of Joker clones running around these stories right now!
But in this story, we come back in to Jason attacking Protagonist Joker, who isn’t much upset about it.
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This made me think of that bit in the Arkham Knight game, when Joker talks like he and Bruce are Jason’s parents.
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Poisoned > shot, thinks Joker.
Jason says his intention is to kill the clown, but he sure doesn’t get it over with. Here it seems like he plans to do some interrogation first.
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"I don't really understand, no" and "but you asked me a question" are my readings. lol
Anyway, all the hubbub gives Joker the opportunity to trick Jason into thinking Batman has shown up to keep Joker alive as usual.
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Escape time! Joker uses the OG Harley bust to help him sink under the cover of the water. And maybe I’m thinking too much about this, but it comes off as symbolic? Joker clinging to a past version of Harley to keep him alive, which she used to happily do. And if you read it like that, of course he ends up losing the bust too. lol
Meanwhile, Possible Clone Joker tries to get back in with the Legion of Doom, but he can’t help but be kind of a dick about it.
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Joker stops the confrontation from descending into a gunfight, and Luthor says this.
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A clue that this is Definitely Clone Joker? Maybe!
Ultimately, the Legion is not impressed with Joker and tells him to get lost, and what's weird about this is that Punchline has the same sentiment.
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Punchline has been around for so short a time and DC is already dropping the ball on her. I've read Joker War, her origin story, her B-side story in the Joker 2021 issues, and the two issues of The Gotham Game so far, and there's been no moment where her obsession with being Joker's acolyte and spreading "his message" converts into not caring about  him and worrying only for her own self-interest. Does that make sense as a transition? Sure! But I'd like to see that transition! The last time Punchline talked to Joker, it was strongly implied that her mass manipulation of the public during her trial was part of some scheme they'd worked out together, so when she sees him again and just drops him like this, it’s super strange. I guess it’s possible that's part of some other plan? Or I missed something? Meh. She's still written so flatly and it's getting to me.
Anyway, both Jokers have no friends and they are sad. :(
Meanwhile, Protag Joker washes up on shore.
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Poisoned > shot > drowning, thinks Joker, before he heads to the hospital.
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More positive words for Jason! Maybe Jason will be his friend? :(
Joker gets the doctor into a back room and persuades him to give him treatment.
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A clue that this is Not The Real Joker? Maybe!
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I’m highlighting this because 1) I'm glad Joker managed to hang onto some fun boxers and 2) This is my preferred Joker physique, wiry, near skeletal. And filled with bullet holes, I guess. That’s the lifestyle!
The doctor patches Joker up but says that he thinks there's still a bullet in Joker's brain. Joker says take it out, because of course he does.
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And then. I mean. This page is, frankly, amazing.
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No one is surprised at Joker’s choice of foreplay.
So I thought when the bullet was removed, we’d finally get some kind of revelation, like Joker remembering what went down pre-getting shot in the head. Alas, this chapter ends soon after this.
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And we're still left with no firm clues as to who is real Joker. You can't distract me with the horny brain surgery, Rosenberg!! Or with this poor woman who appears to have given birth outside in the snow with only a blanket for cover??
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I have questions and no answers!
So then we get the Silver Age-y B-story, which also takes place at a hospital, at least after Joker gets sliced in half by a train.
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So I guess there’s also two Jokers here, heyoooo
Joker continues to be hopelessly hapless at the hospital.
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This is also an amazing panel.
The hospital staff flee the chaos, so it's up to the henchmen to get Joker help, with this fun gag.
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I’m not sure if Professor Pyg is actually a doctor in some capacity, but he "helps” Joker just about how you’d expect.
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So this B-story is not about Joker’s failed personal relationships like the first two, but about seeking medical assistance to become whole, and not at all finding the care he needs or was even seeking. In fact, the treatment ends up severing the minor, consistent relationships he does have. Some hidden fear he has about actually cooperating with Arkham staff? Maybe! Am I over-reading? Maybe!
If you’re also reading Zdarsky’s Batman, you’ll see in #130 that the main story features Batman using compassion to fight Failsafe, and that compassion is also significant in the B-story, where Bruce reinforces that Joker is included in his desire to help people. And that could so easily tie into TMWSL, with Bruce again reaching out to Joker... I can’t help but wonder!
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