#McDonald's jet
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spinch-san · 1 year
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flowinniego · 11 months
I can walk away happy knowing sylki was a moment in time where two hurt characters found someone they could confide in, if only momentarily. They didn’t have to end up together to have been a good thing. I’m personally living for the fact Sylvie can remember Loki as someone who really did choose her AND her freedom.
Still crying that Loki decided to give up any company for an eternity of solitude just so his friends could have freedom of choice though 🥲
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bforbennifer · 8 months
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McDonald’s on the jet
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tv-moments · 2 years
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The Old Man
Season 1, “VII”
Director: Jet Wilkinson
DoP: Sean Porter
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roylustang · 2 years
I’m saying it again I miss weed so much…..
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anetherealpoetess · 2 months
hot take: people will complain about taylor swift flying in her private jet and then attack vegans for not eating meat like animal agriculture isn't the number one cause of global warming. meaning they don't actually give a shit about the environment; they just want to hate on taylor and feel sanctimonious when doing it.
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justaholeinmysoul · 4 months
Leftists: boycotts are bad bc the results help the target of boycott actually
Also leftists in the same breath:boycott is right and fair
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cleabellanov · 8 months
"But Lokius isn't even canon! Stop making everything gay!"
The Loki series isn't just about romantic relationships and shouldn't be seen as so. However, there is a lot of subtext. Maybe this ship is not canon, but it was intended to be seen as so by the fans.
If Lokius isn't canon, then why were the last two shots of the series showing Mobius and Loki?
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If Lokius isn't canon, why would there be so much touching and scenes so physically close to one another? (believe me I know they're friends. that just offers a solid base for something more)
If Lokius isn't canon, why is there an OFFICIAL track named like that?
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Why is said track played or incorporated in different scenes of the series? like
-the first McDonalds meeting with Sylvie,
-the back-in-time conversation with Kang
- the ASCENSION to the throne?
Why is the Sylvie and Loki kiss never mentioned, by the producers, in the series per se, or even in the season 1 recap?
Why is Mobius the only one looking at Loki when he leaves down to the temporal loom?
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And the other way around, why did Loki only make eye contact with Mobius in that scene?
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Why is Mobius the only one to notice there is something wrong when Loki is still trying to fix the Loom?
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Why did Mobius/Don on the original timeline, mention he's single, trust a complete stranger, invite him for a drink, AND offer to sell him a quite personal jet-ski?
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Why did Loki, the LITERAL GOD OF MISCHIEF stutter and fix his hair and coat for no one else but Mobius (who by the way is just a jetski salesman on that timeline)?
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Why is the timeslipping Loki had to go through directed to Mobius twice, him being the the only one he doesn't need a TemPad to "recruit"?
Why would Loki bring up Thor and Jane if it wasn't to mirror him and Mobius? (because, as he already was talking to Sylvie, he certainly wasn't implying it's about her. They were arguing, AND Mobius was implied in the conversation. Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, in case you forgot.)
Why would Mobius's voice be the one to echo back to Loki on his throne? let time pass time pass time pass
Why the RAINBOW?
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WHY DID LOKI LOOK AT MOBIUS RIGHT BEFORE THE FAMOUS LINE "IT'S ABOUT WHO"? (important mention: Sylvie was behind him when he said that. why didn't he just turn around when saying it? nope, they know what they're doing)
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Why is the shot cut to Mobi after Loki's "it was more about what I wanted" line?
Why the shot where 7 characters could've been showed (Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, O.B., Victor Timely) there are only 2: Mobius and Loki?
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Why is Mobius the only one to tell Loki he can be someone good, and the first one Loki actually believes despite his tendency to do the other way around in the past?
Why does Mobius finally find insight, and reinvent his whole life at the TVA because Loki helped him do so? (they're not even the first Loki variant he faced, but something clicked this time)
Why does the bloody sleeve, representing Loki being hurt by Sylvie just because he "wore his heart on his sleeve" disappear on episode 2? (because he finally understands who he needs to be next to)
Why did Mobius risk his life on the first episode?
Why did Loki go to past Mobius for the final advice, not to the present one, not to Sylvie?
Why did Loki ultimately sacrifice his life for the ones he loves?
And why is Mobius left alone, with the door locked, after Loki leaves in the Loom's radiation?
Why would there be so much endearing looks, and smiles at each other, if not for a conscious acting choice?
Why why why why why if it isn't canon?
Nothing is for nothing. Especially in television, where everything counts from the light to the angles and the way the lines are spoken.
We don't need to see two characters kiss to know they are made for one another. In fact, I think implied canon is so much better for now, because it leaves free interpretation for the fans, and nothing to strike on for the haters.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the ending is still tragic, although it holds its sweet from bittersweet. But remember: there aren't tragedies without love.
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melanieph321 · 5 months
(DAY 7)
Ruben Dias x Reader - Yours To Keep
I love jealous Ruben 😩
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Where Ruben becomes terribly jealous after a guy flirts with reader without her knowledge.
You had cravings. Many of them. You craved anything sweet, sour, salty and spicy. And if it came in Supersize you craved that too. But since you started dating Ruben you often hesitated giving into these cravings. Not because you were ashamed of them but because you were respectful of Ruben's healthy lifestyle choices and didn't mind living up to them as well.
Lately, however, your cravings had started to increase. You suspected that your period was on the way, but when it failed to arrive on time, you had no other choice than to allow yourself a little treat. Luckily, Ruben understood your needs as a woman and, like a gentleman, offered to pay for your monthly binge.
"Hey, can I get a double cheeseburger with fries, please?"
You arrived at your nearest McDonald's and skipped towards the counter to place your order. Ruben followed closely behind you, like the walking wallet that he was.
"Sure, anything for you, love. Would you like to order a dipping sauce to go with those fries?"
"I thought it came with a dipping sauce?"
The guy taking your order looked to be in his early twenties. He had jet black hair and blue eyes, a very unique genetic combination.
"Not really, we charge extra for that, but for you darling...." A wink. "It's on the house."
"Oh, that's very kind of you." You blushed. "Ruben, would you like to order anything?"
You turned to him. "But you said you could eat?"
He shrugged his shoulders, hands shoved deep into his pockets. "What can I say," He said, clenching his jaw. "I lost my appetite."
"Alright." You turned back to the guy behind the counter. "That'll be all, thanks."
"Cool, one double cheeseburger menu for the girl with the beautiful smile."
You were excited. A little too excited to be honest. You couldn't wait to get home to enjoy your food and started nibbling on your fries in the middle of the road. You would have gotten a taste of you burger too if it hadn't been for Ruben, refusing to wait up for you as he walked ahead.
"Baby slow down," You said. "You're walking too fast."
Ruben, however, kept on walking ahead of you with obnoxiously long strides.
"Well hurry up then?"
You paused.
Ruben turned around and noticed the distance between you. What's worse is that he let out an eye rolling sigh before making his way back to you, offering you his hand. "Alright, let's go."
You took his hand but couldn't shake the feeling that you had done something to upset him. All was forgotten, however, when you arrived back to Ruben's apparment and he took the opportunity to hop in the shower while you plotted down in the living room, making yourself a spread of your food, enjoying it in front of the TV.
After devouring your meal, you couldn't help but wonder why it took so long for Ruben to join you.
You got up and started searching for him.
"Ruben, where are...you."
You found him in the bedroom, on the bed, with his legs extended as he scrolled through his phone.
"Aren't you joining me?"
Ruben looked up from his screen and noticed you standing in the door. "Have you finished eating?"
"Yes, why?"
"I bet you enjoyed it." He muttered.
"Right...." You entered the room and made your way over to the bed, taking a seat.  "Clearly something is bothering you Ruben and you haven't told me what."
"Nothing's bothering me." He chirped, although his eyes refused to meet yours, returning to his phone.
"Right. So if nothing is bothering you why can't you join me for a movie night like you said you would?"
Ruben sighed as he put down his phone. "What can I say Y/N, I'm not in the mood anymore. It happens."
"Yes, but not twice in one night."
"First, you say you've lost your appetite and make me order all of that food for myself. Then you snap at me in the street for enjoying the food, and now you want to skip our movie night like we hadn't planned for it all week. If you want to break up with me, just say it to my face, Ruben. Don't try to push me away."
It was as if time froze momentarily, capturing the intensity of what you just said. Once it thawed, Ruben looked to batt out of his foul mood, a frightened look in his eyes. "Y/N, I..."
"God, with all your mood swings, it's like you're the pregnant one, not me."
Your eyes winded, regretting blurring that out. "I'm....not...or I'm not sure. But I'm late." You nodded.
"Late?" Ruben looked to just have seen a ghost passing by.
You nodded. "My period is late and I've been having cravings." Ruben looked to protest. "Not like my usual cravings." You added.
He made his way towards you, reaching for your face as if to inspect it. However, Ruben's hand only went to dry a fallen tear. You had failed to notice that you were crying.
"Is it mine."
"The baby?"
"Of course the baby is yours, Ruben. Who else would it be?"
"I don't know, perhaps that guy from McDonald's..."
"I knew it!" You exclaimed. "I fucking knew it."
Ruben looked confused. "What?"
"You were jealous of that guy, weren't you?"
"W...what, no? What guy?"
"Don't play dumb with me now Ruben.  Admit it. You were jealous of that guy working at McDonald's."
"Why would I be?" Ruben pouted. "I bet he hands out free dipping sauces to every girl with a beautiful smile."
"How tragic." You smirked. "I never knew you to be the jealous type. It really doesn't suit you, you know."
"I am not..."
You squealed as you were tackled onto the matress, Ruben pinning you down with all his weight. You laughed in his ear as he nibbled your throat. "Tell me Y/N, why would I be jealous of some guy working at McDonald's when you're having my baby, huh? Answer that question for me....
You stiffened below him.
"Y/N?" Ruben immediately sensed it and pushed himself off you, giving you the space. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking down.
"I haven't decided yet...."
"Decided what?"
You sat up. "I haven't decided if I should keep it, the baby."
Ruben frowned. "Why wouldn't you?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
Ruben shrugged. "Why not? I'm keeping you. If that comes with a baby, so be it."
You were speechless, more so because the way Ruben was acting today, being jealous of such a silly thing like a McDonald's dipping sauce, told you that the guy was really into you. It brought assurance that you didn't know you needed.
"Y/N, you okay?"
Just like that, he was there again, Ruben, reaching for your face, wiping unwanted tears.
You smiled.  "Then I guess I'm yours to keep."
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munson-blurbs · 3 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 1: Firsts
Word Count: 883/Rating: G/Pairing: None/CW: brief mention of financial hardships/Tags: Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, first concert
Divider credit to @silkholland
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The first time Eddie Munson went to a concert–a real concert, not Hawkins Middle School’s annual talent show–was a night he would never forget.
Granted, it wasn’t the traditional concert experience. He didn’t see Black Sabbath’s members as they took to the stage, the lights illuminating Ozzy as he captivated the audience with only raw vocals and a microphone, the thousands of Bic-powered flames scattered throughout the cheering crowd when the band played “Iron Man.” But nothing about Eddie’s life was traditional thus far, and it was only right that this concert followed suit.
He’d first seen the advertisement in the record store one Saturday afternoon, three months’ worth of allowance in one hand and Van Halen’s self-titled album clutched in the other. The flier showed two pilots in their jumpsuits, standing in front of a fighter jet, with the following text in big, bolded letters:
Eddie shoved the crumpled dollar bills at the cashier, waiting only to collect his change before bolting towards his uncle’s rusted Chevy.
“Uncle Wayne!” Eddie climbed into the passenger seat with a toothy grin. “Black Sabbath’s comin’ to Indianapolis! Can we go?”
Wayne glanced at his twelve-year-old nephew’s eager face, his heart lurching with the news he knew he had to deliver. “I’m sorry, kid. Money’s tight, and the plant still hasn’t given me back the hours they cut during the recession…” He trailed off with a shake of his head.
Never one to be deterred, Eddie pressed on. “What if I save my allowance every week? I won’t even buy lunch; I can just get chips from the vending–”
“You ain’t skipping lunch,” Wayne interjected sharply. “I bust my ass to keep you from going hungry, and I sure ain’t gonna let it happen over a concert. Is that clear?” He didn’t look away until Eddie nodded. “Besides, one ticket’ll cost more than you can save, let alone two.”
The boy slumped in his seat, record snug against his chest, but the argument faded from his lips. He knew Wayne was right; even tickets in the nosebleeds would be well out of his price range.
Eddie had mostly forgotten about the concert by September 12, his mind occupied with learning new songs on the acoustic guitar he’d thrifted. Despite constantly falling out of tune, it wasn’t a bad find.
Wayne was waiting for him in the trailer doorway when he got home from band practice, an unusual occurrence. He was normally sleeping when Eddie came home from school, trying to rest before a night shift.
“Is everything okay?” He didn’t remember having a doctor’s appointment, and the only other reason his uncle would be awake at this hour was… “Did someone die?”
Wayne shook his head and chuckled. “No one died. We’re just taking a little road trip.”
“To where?”
“You’ll see.”
After a long ride involving two separate McDonalds drive-thrus (Eddie was a growing boy, after all) and four separate bathroom breaks (in hindsight, the extra-large Pepsi wasn’t a great choice), they pulled into the convention center parking lot.
Wayne turned to his nephew. “Now, I don’t want you gettin’ too excited,” he started, but he was unable to mask the twinkle in his own eyes, “‘cause this ain’t exactly what you asked for. But you’re gonna follow my lead, and don’t say a word.”
“Are we seeing Black Sab–”
“What’d I say?” Wayne raised his bushy, graying brows. “Not a word.”
Eddie nodded silently, trailing behind his uncle as they walked into the venue. His eyes widened at the throngs of people waiting in the lobby. Everything was just so…big. 
“Now we wait,” Wayne whispered. Eddie didn’t bother asking what, exactly, they were waiting for. It only took a few minutes for the perfect moment to arise–the sound of fist striking jaw, security guards rushing to separate the two drunk men and leaving the entrance understaffed.
The older Munson gestured for Eddie to follow him, weaving through the sea of people until they reached the doors to the arena.
“Show’s sold out,” Wayne explained softly, “so we’re gonna stay out here, walk around, and try not to get caught.” He laughed when Eddie stared in disbelief that his straight-laced uncle was sneaking into a concert. “I used to have fun, y’know. I wasn’t always a hardass.”
Eddie smiled, the happiness thrumming in his belly growing to a stampede when he heard the crowd roar and the beginning notes of “Symptom of the Universe.” The music filled his bones and coursed through his veins, blanketing him in a warmth he’d never before experienced. He closed his eyes and pressed his ear to the wall, absorbing the vibrations from the deafening noise inside.
“I’m gonna be in there one day,” he murmured, “but not in the crowd. I’m gonna be on the stage.”
“Do I get backstage passes?” Wayne asked.
Eddie opened his eyes, not realizing that he’d spoken those thoughts aloud. Crimson colored his cheeks as he launched himself into his uncle’s arms. It had been awhile since they’d hugged like this, not since Eddie had developed the false sense of machismo that comes with entering junior high. His answer was soft but definite.
“At every show.”
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punkshort · 4 months
Will you eventually do a Swept Away, likes and dislikes post for Joel? The little taste of his character is just delicioussss, he’s so mysterious. I’m dyingggg to crawl inside your brain and see how his character is going to unfold 😍💋
I would love to! I love getting this ask because it always gives me good ideas for future chapters, so thank you!
Let's jump in:
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1. Sunsets: he loves the colors and how every day is different. He loves it because it's a work of art that everyone in the world can appreciate, no matter who you are.
2. Boxing: it's the only form of exercise he actually enjoys. He really likes taking his anger out on a punching bag, and he tends to hold in a lot of anger from his job.
3. Money: I mean, come on, that's not a big surprise. He likes to live comfortably and without having to worry about the cost of anything. And, sure, when he slaps his black card down and someone does a double take, he feels a rush of pride.
4. Cigars: he didn't used to like them but they have grown on him throughout the years. A colleague of his convinced him to join a cigar club and he found it was a great way to network and rub elbows with the elites.
5. Poetry: he will never admit it, though.
6. Filet Mignon: he loves a perfectly cooked medium rare steak. When he was choosing which restaurant to lease space to on the first floor of his hotel, he only looked at steakhouses because he liked the idea of having a good steak a mere elevator ride away.
7. The Natural Look: he prefers women who don't use too much makeup or plastic surgery/fillers. Almost all of the women he knows, whether through set ups or spouses of his colleagues, all look like they've gone to the same doctor and had the same procedures. He likes women who are comfortable in their skin and aren't fake.
8. McDonald's French fries: it's his Achilles heel. Every now and then after a long, boring art gallery opening or cocktail party, he will instruct his driver to go to McDonald's on the way back to his penthouse to get some fries.
9. Private Jet: he loves being able to come and go whenever he pleases, anywhere he wants. And he especially loves not having to go through security and be surrounded by people squished into a tin can. He likes that he can stretch out and eat a good meal and even sleep in a real bed when he travels, which is often.
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1. Kale: it's a vile weed and he won't touch it.
2. Surprise parties: he absolutely loathes being surprised. Especially when it's been a long enough day and he thinks he's going home to relax and suddenly his penthouse is filled with fifty people drinking all his booze and making a mess of his home and he has to pretend to enjoy it.
3. Lifting weights: he thinks it's obnoxious and he doesn't care about glamour muscles but his trainer always makes him do one day a week where he lifts weights. He gets it over with as quickly as he can.
4. Satin sheets: too slippery and his pillow always ends up on the floor.
5. Campfires: he hates the smoke from campfires because it gets stuck in his clothes and he has to send everything he was wearing to the cleaners right away before it spreads to other fabrics.
6. Lillies: they remind him of funerals.
7. Tea: he could never find a tea he actually enjoyed. All tea tastes like hot water with a dash of some vague flavor and it's just never worth it. Unless he's sick with a sore throat. Then he might have some.
8. Boats: he tends to go out on yachts and sailboats quite a bit, but he doesn't like the open water. He gets seasick and he always has to take pills beforehand.
9. Golf: because all my Joels hate golf, for no particular reason.
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tv-moments · 2 years
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The Old Man
Season 1, “VI”
Director: Jet Wilkinson
DoP: Sean Porter
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
Excerpts of a podcast discussion about H&M
Celta, there’s a podcast called Juicy Scoop, hosted by Heather McDonald, where she has Spencer Pratt on an episode (SP is an American reality television personality and hears gossip in Hollywood) and they discuss H&M. There’s not really any new tea but I thought I would pass it along to you anyway what was said. :)Below are excerpts transcribed by “RBXChas” at https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ch2ayp/summary_of_august_2023_juicy_scoop_podcast_re_hm/
Spencer says he has some “real deal” information from a friend who tried to go to TMZ, but if you don’t have a photo, they don’t care, even if it’s a really good story. His source said that H&M do not live together (H lives in LA), and H cannot believe that they need two nannies because he and Prince William only had one. Heather reads that as he is bitching about M as a mom and why does she need two nannies (e.g., complaining about her spending), which Spencer confirms.
Spencer says he has another source at Netflix who says that “the numbers that we heard had a lot of extra zeros for their Netflix deal, so there wasn’t that much money coming in”. He thinks they went too big with their house and wants to see her get back into acting because he liked her on Suits.
Heather asks him if he thinks M will have to go on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. He thinks H&M are not going to make it (Heather agrees) even though he wanted it to work out, but he believes his source (presumably about their living apart). He thinks H will go back to England and “get back in the family” and do the RF thing, only coming to the US to visit, because he thinks he could do so much more if he teamed up with Prince William.
Heather says that she has her own source of really good intel, definitely not the same source as Spencer’s. She says that it is true that “they are grifters” and that “they are constantly social climbing and trying to get free shit”. She knows someone who “they did that exact same thing to, met them, asked if they could stay at their very fancy third home” and then “asked ‘can we use your jet’ all that kind of stuff”, that “it’s her, that she’ll like zoom right in, but he’s down for the free shit, too, he’s used to getting free stuff, and he’s used to people wanting to host them”. She says the people who’ve gotten to meet them and are trapped into socializing with them realize H&M have the “stink on them”, so even if they socialize with them, “they don’t even want to take a photo with them” because they “don’t want the world to know that we’re buddies or that you stayed at my house, and by the way you’re never staying again.”
Heather talks about the phone hacking case. She thinks it’s about money and staying in the press. She thinks H should let it go, especially if he is going to divorce M, and just say he is “moving on from this chapter” of his life.
Spencer says that H just needs “a reboot”, that he’s not too old to do it, that “this is like red alert, like you’ve got to turn this around”. Heather and Spencer agree that the only way H can save himself is a divorce, which they both think is sad.
Enjoy the tea!
Hi TeaWithBooks,
Thank you for sending that in.
Here is the link if anyone wants to read the entire interview transcription (it is a lot more than the above)
I agree with the conclusion that was drawn (8 months ago?) If Harry is to make anything of his life and redeem himself, he needs to get rid of his wife. Unfortunately, I don’t think Harry sees it that way.
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
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Pedro Boys - "Zombie Apocalypse Team"
this might be my favourite one yet... keep reading for headcanons!
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Nice Argument. Unfortunately," Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic" Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
Headcanons under the cut!
Leader - Dave York. Simply put, Dave wouldn’t allow anyone else to be in charge of him, regardless if they’d be better suited for it. Some of the others follow him out of fear, others simply because they'd just prefer not to be in charge.
Brawler - Joel Miller. The muscle. Not so great with his words, much better with his fists.
Weapons Expert - Din Djarin. A bonafide space cowboy, this man has it all. Blasters, rifles, flamethrower, jet pack. Evaporating infected before they even see him coming.
Brains - Marcus Moreno. Truly the Team Leader, but he lets Dave hold the title. He has the mutual respect of everyone, is level headed and the glue that holds the whole group together. He advises Dave, but in a way that makes Dave think they’re his own ideas. Marcus doesn't need to take any credit, he just wants everyone to be safe.
Medic - Frankie "Catfish" Morales. He’s no doctor, but he's had enough basic field medical training in his military days to at least be able to patch everyone up better than anyone else on the team. He’d prefer to be the Vehicle Expert but sadly, modes of transportation in the apocalypse are hard to come by.
Moral Support - Marcus Pike. Always looking at the bright side of the apocalypse. He likes to joke “when life hands you cordyceps, make mushroom tetrazzini”.
Scientist - Ezra. Not exactly Einstein, but he knows what berries and plants are safe and which to avoid during long treks through the wilderness. He’s proven himself useful more so than not. Mostly he keeps Dieter from accidentally un-aliving himself.
Risk taker - Max Phillips. Loud and outspoken, Max's mouth is always getting the group into trouble. Good luck to any infected that tries to turn him though, his ego is so big its like a thick candy shell around the vulnerable parts of his brain.
Stealthy - Oberyn Martell. Forget sniping infected from 100 yards away, this man simply sneaks up behind them and with some flourishing footwork they're on the ground with any sharp object he could get his hands on slicing through the flesh of their throat. He's also stealthy in the way he manages to slip into the others' sleeping bags without them evening realizing at the time that they want him to, but that's a headcanon for another post...
Dumbass - Dieter Bravo. It's not that he wants to die, it's just that he seems to occasionally forget that he can't just eat the fungus as if it came in a Ziplock bag that he use to pay 40 bucks a pop for.
Badass - Javier Peña. This man just continuously takes down infected as if they might actually come to an end. He knows that as quickly as he takes down one colony, four more spring up, but he's stubborn and refuses to stop trying, regardless of how tired he is of it all.
Mascot - Javi Gutierrez. He is babygirl. To be protected at all costs.
Distraction - Jack "Whiskey" Daniels. A real root-tootin, gun-blazin cowboy. Jack never needs to be asked twice to go put on a spectacle in the middle of an open field, gathering all the attention so the rest of the group can flank all sides under brush cover. He seems to have nine lives too, narrowly escaping death more times than any other. And he can handle his own. He argued for the spot of Weapons Expert but ultimately was swayed when he realized being the distraction actually meant being the center of attention.
Stereotype - Pero Tovar. One look at this man screams "if anyone was going to survive a zombie apocalypse, it's him"
Sacrifice - Dio. Look, it was his idea. The weird part was that nobody even asked him to.
First Dead - Eddie. It's just facts. In a long line of Pedro Boys deaths, someone had to be first.
Reply or reblog with your own headcanons, I'd love to hear them :)
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the-olympics-olympics · 3 months
Weird Olympic Moments Tournament
To celebrate (?) the Paris 2024 Olympic Games starting in a few weeks, I thought I'd run another Olympic-themed poll tournament. This time, we're diving into history and getting to know some of the stranger, lesser-known stories of the Games.
Polls will run for a week, and the tournament should last until around early September if I'm doing my math right. The first polls will begin Monday, July 15th.
At the end, we'll award a gold, silver, and bronze to the top three.
After many hours on Wikipedia and the IOC website, here's the list of moments I came up with:
Horse vaulting
Pigeon racing
Sarajevo venues damaged in war
Mayor of Montreal says "The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby," then proceeds to host one of the most financially disastrous Games in history
George Eyser wins six medals after being run over by a train
Solo synchronized swimming
Crowd gets pooped on by 25,000 pigeons
Flame is taken to top of Mount Everest
Margaret Abbot dies without knowing she made history as the first US woman to win gold
Brazilian team has to sell coffee to afford the trip to Los Angeles
A teenager's "dumb idea" becomes Olympic tradition (athletes marching together in closing ceremony)
St. Louis experiments with "purposeful dehydration", denies water to marathon runners
Kanakuri Shizō takes 54 years to finish his race
Mt. Vesuvius moves the Olympics to London
They stop doing the Olympic salute for some reason
IOC President compares a terrorist attack to a vote to ban a racist country
The Olympics goes 88 years without letting women run marathons
Olympic flame transmitted via satellite
Northern Rhodesia declares independence during Olympics, changes name to Zambia
Vancouver 2010 cauldron malfunction
Montreal 1976 stadium is finally paid off in 2006
The curse of the Beijing 2008 mascots
Everest climbers get gold medals
Sochi snowflake malfunction
They hold the Olympics in 1906, then later say it doesn't count
Colorado kicks the Olympics out
Flame hidden from view after anti-gay law
Summer Olympics held during Winter
Haiti and Liechtenstein discover they had the same flag
Riot at the 1924 rugby match
McDonald's gives out more Big Macs than they expected
Chamonix 1924 retroactively named the Winter Olympics
Doves burned during cauldron lighting
Torchbearer takes olympic flame down a ski jump
Medals made of e-waste
Shooter aims for wrong target, loses gold
Olympic torch passed on International Space Station
Alien addresses crowd
Figure skating debuts at Summer Olympics
Olympics held on two different continents
Rio organizers lose key to stadium gate
Baron de Coubertin wins a gold medal under false identity
1960 winter games held in city named for an ethnic slur
Obstacle Swimming
North Korea considered to co-host 1988
Housing complex for American soldiers during the occupation of Japan becomes the Olympic village
Torch design changed mid-relay
Cauldron lit by flaming arrow
Last three seconds of basketball final replayed three times until results changed
St. Louis threatens to hold their own Olympics if they don't get named host city
Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat
Balloon racing
Delirious man carried over finish line by coaches, wins marathon
Summer Olympics held in November and December
Olympics postponed for COVID
Blue screen of death appears during opening ceremony
Marathon runner attacked by priest
Guy kicks referee in the face and (maybe) ends up on a stamp
Jet pack flies over stadium
Centennial games not awarded to a very confident Athens
LA 84 gets in trouble for commercializing the torch relay
Olympic flame relit with cigarette lighter
Rower stops for ducks
Nazi propaganda becomes Olympic tradition (torch relay)
Did I miss a great weird moment? Send it to me in an ask and I might do a round 2 or something!
I chose the moments based on my own personal bias (lol)
Heads up that there is one that involves the death of animals, but I will tag any polls with that #tw animal death
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else tagged, and how to tag it!
Also, a disclaimer that I'm tired and scatterbrained and I work full time, so if this gets a little disorganized I apologize. Shouldn't be too bad though.
Let the games begin, and whatnot
@tournament-announcer :)
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