#Matrix Plan website
fatphobiabusters · 5 months
It says a lot about society that a beach towel that actually fits me is labeled "oversized" on the packaging so that thin people can know which of a select few beach towels will make them feel all warm and cozy and small.
I already buy beach towels to dry myself off with because it's easier than looking for bath towels that fit me, so labeling a beach towel "oversized" because this world is made solely for thin people is just added cruelty. I've been using beach towels to dry myself off with even when I was in the low 200s weight range.
What's fucking wild is that 99.999999% of thin people are blissfully ignorant of what the world is like for fat people. They have no clue what it's like to have to check the weight capacity of a chair on a website before buying it or seeing everything that's the perfect size for you being labeled "oversized." They don't know what it's like not being able to find clothes that fit you at a regular store, thrift store, online store, or even those plus size stores that only go up to a 3XL and just resize thin people clothing.
They don't know what it's like being thankful to learn online that Plan B doesn't work for most fat people before you bought and assumed in a post-roe world that Plan B will be effective. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where everyone freely hates and discriminates against you without even having backlash from progressives and people who claim to support equality, because oppressing you is just accepted fact even to the people who fight for the rights of all of your other oppressed identities. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where hating you is so expected and normalized that it's ingrained into your own people to the point that you literally cannot trust that
anyone you meet
not a single person
who looks like you will share solidarity.
Whenever a thin person suddenly becomes fat, that is the closest we have to a person realizing they've been living in the Matrix. The most intense epiphany you'll ever have is rapidly becoming fat and then seeing how this world changes for you almost overnight.
-Mod Worthy
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Things you must know about MLM Matrix Plan
The MLM Matrix Plan is a well-known MLM plan in the industry. It's also known as a forced matrix MLM plan. It operates on the basis of a compensation structure. The MLM matrix plan has a specific width and depth. The width and depth of the matrix indicate the basic structure of the MLM matrix plan. The MLM matrix plan employs a left-to-right and top-to-bottom searching system. The main benefit of this plan is its narrow width and the small number of customers. 
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
planning basics⋆.ೃ࿔*:・📔
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i feel like at this point im a planning MASTER i've been using notion to plan and organize my life for about two years now and before i discovered notion i used a manual planner. i've also made lots of content about planning but today i wanna just focus on the basics and how to organize ur life in a simpler fashion…💬🎀
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so i like to separate my tasks into quadrants. im going to try and present it verbally. so the first quadrant would be urgent and important, things that are imperative for me to do. the second quadrant is important but not urgent.
the third quadrant is urgent but not important but its not necessarily imperative that i do them. and last but not least the fourth quadrant is what i classify as buffer time, mostly cuz its neither urgent nor important. and i'll go more in detail with that later on in the post. this is helpful because it helps u to place priority on the tasks that u have to do and not spend a day doing side quests while u have pressing matters that need attending to. this is called the eisenhower matrix.
so i keep a calendar and an agenda. the main differences between a calendar and an agenda is that the agenda is updated weekly, the calendar is updated monthly/whenever u make appointments.
i find myself looking at and checking my agenda more often then my calendar and thats mainly because im more in-depth on my agenda because im the kind of person who needs specific instructions to get something done. the calendar only tells u the date and the event but the agenda tells u more in depth about how to prepare and go about things.
to delegate a task simply means to identify and give tasks that can be handled by others to free up ur time for more important work…💬🎀
use toggle lists
use THIS website for cute emoji combos (things like ❤︎ and ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・)
make a color scheme and stick with it
twitter headers work the same as notion backgrounds
color code tasks with adorable glitter gel pens. use post it notes to break down large tasks. like, write the broad task and on the underside of the post it note make a bullet list as u break down the task. mostly with manual agendas i just prioritize aesthetics because if it doesnt look good i won't wanna check it and perform it.
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Vivek Ramaswamy wants to end birthright citizenship—a longstanding American policy codified in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution—and take away young people’s right to vote, all in one fell swoop.
The presidential candidate made the call Thursday night on CNN, after being asked about his opponents, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, vowing to end birthright citizenship. “For a period of time, I think it’s going to be necessary,” Ramaswamy said.
But the young gun was not satisfied just being in agreement with the leading duo in the Republican race-to-the-repressive-bottom.
“I’ll actually go one step further on this, Abby, is that I don’t think someone just because they’re born in this country, even if they’re a sixth generation American should automatically enjoy all the privileges of citizenship until they’ve actually earned it,” Ramaswamy told CNN’s Abby Phillip. “So one of the things I’ve said is that every high school student who graduates from high school should have to pass the same civics test that every immigrant has to pass in order to become a citizen of this country.”
Surveys in the past have shown that most people would likely fail a basic multiple choice citizenship test; one survey found just 36% of respondents actually passing such a test. And given Republicans’ all-out assault on public school education, it’s unclear what their plan would be to up those numbers.
After publishing, Ramaswamy senior adviser Tricia McLaughlin said the proposal refers “to civic duty voting via constitutional amendment.”
According to Ramaswamy’s website, this would mean raising the voting age to 25, while still generously “allowing all Americans to vote at age 18” only if they serve at least six months in the military or as a first responder, or pass the citizenship test.
Yet another successful pair of Republican talking points: seizing the right to vote from young people, and forcing people to join a military that has used trillions of American dollars to wreak carnage across the world, and leave its foot soldiers out to dry upon their return.
Anyhow, Ramaswamy’s brilliant proposal to seemingly strip citizenship from so many Americans came after Phillip noted that both of Ramaswamy’s parents are immigrants, and so birthright citizenship “was in play” for him when he became a citizen.
Yet, instead of making the citizenship process easier to navigate, Ramaswamy instead wants to make it harder for anyone to be a citizen. More than that, the presidential candidate’s formulation lays out tiers of citizenship—a matrix in which, until one passes this test, they would be a second-class citizen. While this country already treats scores of people—immigrants, LGBTQ people, laborers, the homeless, and young people—as such, Ramaswamy thinks that unfair treatment should be legally bound.
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lizardsfromspace · 24 hours
Okay, this is the conclusion to my posts about Sophia Stewart. I'll never do something like this again
Everything I've posted is from her own book or her web presence btw. That's all I'm drawing from and if anyone tells me any information about her they gained any other way I'll block them immediately so uh, don't
Towards the end she reveals some of her other pitches. By showing she copywrote sequels to the Matrix and Terminator
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Lots of strange details here - she wrote The Matrix 4 in 2000? They didn't even start filming The Matrix 2 & 3 until 2001. Also, we can see in this book that her pitch has nothing to do with The Matrix or Terminator, but she claims she wrote direct sequels to both?
(Her explanation for how both very different films are ripping off her work - a 1:1 copy, she claims - is, hilariously, that The Terminator plagiarizes it front to back, while The Matrix plagiarizes it back to front. What?)
But also she didn't write it. She registered copyright on a synopsis for The Matrix 4. She has concepts of a plan for a Matrix 4.
The book ends with a pitch for another...she calls it a book, but it's a movie pitch? And this, too, is just a synopsis for some grand epic series, light on detail of character and plot and heavy with lore and rants (in this case, primarily about God and Adam & Eve). Of course her exhaustively long but barely sketched-out epic movie pitch has a prologue, which is also full of Christian-tinged Ancient Aliens pyramid power woo.
Sophia Stewart is unimportant, bc she represents a class of writer. Writers who have Ideas. Who have outlines and plot points but no real story, bc they never write it. But they think just having Really Good Ideas is enough - that you should get credit for coming up with a good idea for a story, regardless of if you make an actual story out of it. They're a "writer", but they never write. Despite this they often have a deep case of Dunning-Kruger, churning out outlines that leave out basic details like "what happens in the climactic battle" and the personalities of characters while insisting that an inability to author anything shouldn't keep you from being praised as a genius author
If that type of person is lucky enough to have money, they become a studio executive or tech guy, both professions awash in the uncreatively creative, or they hire ghostwriters. If they're not, they become the type of person to file spurious lawsuits under the misapprehension they own basic plot concepts. It's the "I coulda made the majors!" of writing, except, you know. Baseball players who didn't make the majors still actually played baseball at some point. I assume from now on all those types will just pump their outline into ChatGPT and try to sell the gunk it slops out and then claim they 'wrote' it so uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhh
The only reason I made these posts was discovering the conspiratorial angle to her work, bc who cares if a major studio has to deal with a spurious lawsuit? That was the part that actually sucks. But also, she does a lot of press: profiles on news websites, podcasts, that documentary was even made by other filmmakers, who actually make films. It's persisted from blogs and chain emails all the way to podcasts and TikToks. All of this uncritically spreads her story, but I also have to ask: how many actual African-American science fiction writers do those platforms profile? How many of them get documentaries made about their work? How much air is being sucked out of the room by the decades long misinformation about the "true" creator of The Matrix? And why is that misinformation so persistent when it takes a trivial amount of effort to find out it just isn't true? It feels good to support the underdog against the big studio, but in this case it just isn't true.
The sad truth is a lot more Hollywood plagiarism cases look like this than are real exposures of wrongdoing, but people tend to accept them at face value since they feel like a little guy taking on a corporation, though in reality it's just two writers suing each other. Take The Holdovers case, where people immediately turned on it, but if you look into it, the two scripts have very little in common, and the accusing writer makes odd claims like a human character in The Holdovers being a ripoff of a billboard in his script.
Or look at Groundhog Day, which was accused of plagiarism by Richard A. Lupoff, writer of the story "12:01 P.M.". The two stories have nothing in common besides a time loop; in Groundhog Day he's reliving a day, in 12:01 PM he's reliving an hour. Groundhog Day is a romcom, 12:01 P.M. plays it for horror. Groundhog Day never reveals the source of its lop but it's clearly fantastical in nature, 12:01 P.M. is explicitly science fiction. In Groundhog Day he escapes the loop, in 12:01 P.M. he never does. You can't deny Lupoff felt personally slighted, but at the end of the day, a world where a writer could own the concept of time loops would be a dystopia where creativity and art would die.
But even though they were wrong, The Holdovers & Groundhog Day cases were based on real works of writing that existed. They were based on a real, if misguided, sense of violation from the writers. But in this case, we have a mere outline of a story with not even basic similarities to the stories she's claiming are a 1:1 copy of her work, and decades of media appearances based on exploiting a community college media student's mistake in 2004. Anyway seems bad
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synthient · 10 months
I was poking around for copies of the Matrix comics last night. And I stumbled across what I didn't actually recognize at first as the publisher's website. I figured "biblionaut dot org" was just some kind of abebooks clone
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The comics were originally published by Burlyman - a publishing company owned by the Wachowski sisters. It was only really ever used to print Matrix tie-ins (the art book, etc)*, plus one original Wachowskis comic about Frankenstein defending Roe v Wade or something
*[edit I lied. The artbook was Warner Bros, Newmarket, & something called "Redpill Productions." So just the Matrix comics, Frankenstein, and "v for vendetta script to screen"]
So what's Biblionaut? Some new company that bought Burlyman?
If you look at the website, it's laid out like Burlyman is supposed to be one header or imprint under a larger Biblionaut umbrella. But the Burlyman stuff - Matrix + Frankenstein - is literally all that's on there.
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The bottom of the page links to an insta account. "We sell books," and the url for burlymanentertainment dot com. Which does still exist, with formatting straight out of 2004
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(This is an unedited screenshot of what it looks like on mobile btw)
The site's been updated to include the latest reprints/20th anniversary editions, while keeping it's neocities-core aesthetic (unlike the original whatisthematrix dot com, which tragically reroutes to a bland warner bros shop). All the "buy online" links lead back to Biblionaut.
So, my best guess: Biblionaut is just Burlyman, renamed and rebranded.
But it's interesting, looking at the general "we sell books" tagline. "Also the home of Burlyman." The site layout that seems designed for other imprints to be added. The move away from a niche Coen brothers/wrestling joke, and toward a more universal, professional-sounding publishing house name.
Are the Wachowskis planning to...actually use their publishing company for something? Maybe platform some other people's work?
According to Wayback machine, the site has existed in this form for about 2 years - right around the time Resurrections came out. So if there are any plans, they don't seem that pressing.
But given that the Wachowskis' creative career started with showing up on Clive Barker's porch and begging to write for the Clive Barker Presents comic line, it would kind of be full circle
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lifeaftermeteor · 2 years
The Fandom Binder
For those of you among the 'fandom olds,’ you may recall a time where we actually printed copies of art and fic we enjoyed - many of us being unable to create websites or save too many files to our computers at the time...long before the likes of Google Drive and AO3.  This was back when fandom was nurtured by individually maintained series, ship, and/or character shrines connected by webrings like Anime Turnpike.  
Some of us printed these fandom treasures and organized them in binders, now presumed lost to time and the trash heap years ago.
Well...rummaging around in my parents’ storage space, guess what I found.  My fandom binder!
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Apparently I had a thing for collages - I actually covered my half of my freshman dorm room in a much larger version of the above. 
So come with me as we wade through my teenage fandom days...
The inside cover is a treat, with a quote meant to be terrifying and empowering (?) alongside a snarky comic about Gackt’s dick.
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The first folder included only a TIME article on phobias, a few damning pages of notes from my high school calculus class on which I scribbled all my pent-up teenage angst and anger, and a printed out email flame (no joke) to someone who apparently my friends and I were having it out with.  
We’ll skip those and jump into the actual fandom content.
First out of the gate is Digimon Adventure, which had grabbed me in 1999-2000 via the Fox Kids channel programming.  We have here some print-outs of MST3K-ified (or “MSTied”) Digimon fic, most of which involved the Digi Destined serving in the roles of Mike/Joel and the bots.  Such fics were initially permitted on Fanfiction.Net before they were purged alongside other content guideline updates between 2000-2005, since they were both (a) reposting someone else’s work and (b) script format.  
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This is followed by fanart printouts (Yamato was my clear favorite, second only to the amount of Taito I printed).  And a saved note to a friend printed in computer class that extolled the fact that Odaiba is REAL. 
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I have no words. I can only assume that my little brain was just so used to stories in made up locations that the thought that the series would involve a real city just was too much for my little fangirl brain to handle.
Moving right along...
This note is followed by printouts of various fanart, predominantly of Yamato and the Taito ship.  This is in turn followed by extensive planning, character costume designs, and inspiration art printed off of Elfwood (c.2001-2002) for the fantasy AU / isekai fic, The Realms (which, yes you can still apparently find the first two chapters of via FF.net).
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After that, we also have a printed, separately bound copy of my first ‘official’ (i.e., posted) multi-chapter fanfiction, An Unexpected Death, which took about 1.5 years to write and upload...and is also still on FF.net
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Moving past Digimon, we land in Gundam Wing territory.  Like the previous section, we kick off with printouts of fics, art, and other fun things.
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I apparently kept some notes passed between my friend and I.  As was typical of the day, fans all interacted with the characters as if inhabiting the same universe.  Emojis made regular appearances in our script-format notes (I also apparently shared half-formed plotbunnies via scripts).
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We also had grand plans of co-authoring a “the GBoys are undercover at our high school” story, which was also common at the time among fellow fans.  Here is the rough idea of the school schedule: 
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I also found some casting for a Matrix AU...
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...and the makings of a roadtrip series of quintessential “American” locations: 
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We wrap it all up with some truly phenomenal crackfic by Celes Maxwell: 
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Closing out the remainder of the binder is some JRock fanservice, an autograph from Gillian Anderson (c.1998), and a random table of contents that only had empty pages or nothing behind them.  Presumably all these sections had more content, but I can say without a doubt they are GONE at this point. 
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So yeah, that’s my fandom binder, put to good use between 1998-2004.  Show me yours!
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jagannayak · 3 months
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aracelisco · 2 years
Progress Reflection - 3/14/23
Work towards my project has come to a slow halt, I've genuinely been struggling with self motivation as I go through personal and financial troubles in my life outside of school and work. The pressure is on as we're now in the final stretch of the semester where although it seems like we have a lot of time counting the days-- we truly only have a few weeks left.
Even despite my struggle I've at least done small steps to helping set myself up to record data once I finally -- and have to start posting on my Instagram hopefully by this Sunday. Originally I planned to only post perhaps five to six times a week, but I'm scratching that plan and making it 7 days a week just to help myself gain as much data and information that I can as I post on my page. For my data I'll be tracking information such as likes and comments for my daily posts (including anything noteworthy) as well as audience insight information as I believe that'll be valuable when comparing data.
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As well my posting matrix is coming along as well, I have lots of content to pick from so it's just a matter of deciding how I should post things together and over time. The videos I've taken for Reels just need to be edited to provide more polish, as well as match up with any currently trending audios. Once again it feels a little cheesy writing out descriptions as it has been a while since I've posted on my personal art Instagram, so it's simply getting back into those motions once again.
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Putting the final touches on my website wireframe and website copy is really what's holding me back. I haven't even gotten to actually building my site yet on Wix using the excuse of "I'll wait until I send my works to Sharla for approval first then I can start working on the real thing." But this is no time for anymore excuses, as now I'm paying for the consequences of my own actions. For too long I told myself that "I have time" and now I'm starting to run out of it.
Time is of the essence, and I've got a lot of work cut out for me, but I'm determined to still put in my best work for this.
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mlmscriptsoftware · 2 years
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The top programmers are offered by MLM Script in Chennai to clients who are working on MLM software projects. We offer cutting-edge services for all types of software solutions for multilevel marketing. There are numerous multilevel marketing (MLM) plans available, including the International Binary Plan, Binary Plan, Board Plan, Breakaway Plan, Forced Matrix Plan, Matrix Plan, Stair Step Plan, Step Plan, Auto Filling Plan, and Unilevel Plan. In addition to focusing on developing solutions that were created based on our clients' IT requirements, our development and support engineers are working toward achieving 100% customer satisfaction. Through our consultant assistance system, our customers can get in touch with our programmer. MLM software is a potent tool for people starting a network marketing business. 
Multi-Level Marketing is currently king when it comes to passive income. The heart of every successful MLM business is its MLM software. It can be challenging to choose the best MLM programmes for your investment portfolio that also meet the demands of your company. Choose MLM software not solely based on its usefulness. It is strongly encouraged to follow the most recent network marketing trend before purchasing MLM applications. Of course, choosing the top MLM applications for your investment portfolio that meet the requirements of your business is a challenging task. 
1. Identify the Business Challenges
This will save you from overpaying and obtaining applications that fall far short of what you need. You must list all of the issues that your MLM business is now facing and assess whether the chosen MLM programme can address each one. Make a list of the app's needs that you need, then compare it to the MLM software that you want to purchase.
2. Select the Appropriate Budget
This is the cardinal rule when making a large purchase, and we will abide by it here as well. The costs at which various MLM software development firm app developers sell their products on the market vary greatly. 
The product you select must be reasonably priced and have all necessary characteristics. The simplest method to achieve this is to make a list of the companies you require and ask for an estimate based on your requirements. This is how to locate free MLM applications. 
3.Analyze the Software Performance in-depth
The majority of MLM technology companies offer free trials and demos before making a purchase. Make a list of trustworthy companies, then visit their websites. Make your final choice after giving the features a test run to determine whether they are sufficient to help you manage your business. Make sure the products function properly in real-time as well.
Searching online for customer reviews of the applications you want to buy is the most effective approach to achieve this. Examining former users' successes is a great approach to learn about some apps. A real user would be honest with you about the software's issues, especially regarding whether or not they were fixed. 
4. The Reputation of MLM Software Providers
select a reputable vendor wherever possible. You can do this by browsing the internet and getting feedback from former customers. When you start looking for MLM apps, you'll see that lots of software manufacturers boast about their offerings' incredible capabilities. If you select the wrong programme, you risk losing your career. Therefore, always choose a highly regarded, trustworthy dealer.
5. Watch for speed 
MLM software that takes a long time to launch is not something you want to utilise. Speed is a crucial component of MLM software. It will need to manage huge amounts of data and files quickly. Because of this, be sure to get MLM software that employs cutting edge technology. 
6. Invest daily time in your business.
Make an effort each day to establish healthy routines. Every day, it will interact with at least 1 or 2 users on your network. Call them, write them a letter, or leave a remark on their social media posts. Try to convey your caring or existence to them in some way. You may streamline your business's expansion efforts with the use of MLM software.
Presenting your business opportunity or products to at least one member of your network each day is an excellent practice. Continue improving yourself and your attitude of progress. You will achieve through educational webinars, training, and posts that will aid in your personal development and broaden your vision. 
One of these positive traits can help you succeed in MLM recruitment. Progress is perfection since it allows you to get better after you completely maintain these positive practices each day. Using a multi-level marketing platform, you can easily monitor your company's steady progress. 
7. Keep an eye out for Reliable Customer Service
Speaking and selling can be challenging, and the only way to take your prospect's needs and desires into account is to genuinely inquire about them. Many marketers fail to ask the right question and don't listen to it. You can assist your customers with their problems by using a multi level marketing software. Reliable merchants usually provide excellent assistance and after-sales service. Avoid choosing companies that provide a tonne of amenities at absurdly low prices. They can be trying to stay in the lead or bluffing, depending on the situation.
Instead of asking the correct questions about their future, they focus more on learning about their benefits, products and services, and how amazing their firm is. 
You can properly track consumer complaints by using an MLM programme. You will be able to better comprehend them and approach presenting and using your business opportunity once you start asking the right questions. 
8. Develop a business vision.
One of the key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is their ability to develop big ideas, work tirelessly to nurture them each day, and remain committed despite the challenges they face. Consider crazy ideas and prioritise enormous accomplishments. Have a bigger objective and a bigger game's road map.
Make the decision to be simpler and more efficient, and decide to hire more people and grow exponentially. To put it another way, some people are unable to sponsor or obtain people because they are unable to manage or direct them. You must possess leadership skills. 
Although not everyone is born a leader, you should develop your leadership skills and begin to gain momentum if you want to be able to inspire and guide more people. An MLM software programme can assist you in expanding the scope of your MLM enterprise.
[INDIA] +91 - 9790033533
Skype: hemabalan2004
Phone: +91 9790033633
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Artist's Blog - Everly (2014)
A Dish Called Everly 
Hello, I’m Gordon Ramsey. Nice to meet you. Today’s meal is a dish called “Everly.” For the main course, we serve Salma Hayek. On the plate, there’s a generous portion of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Commando and a biscuit drenched in Rambo-style blood and gore. To the right, you’ll find a bowl of soup featuring a mix of The Baytown Outlaws and Gotham. Finally, we lightly season the meal with a dash of Japanese weirdness. I’m passing Everly to the next round of Master Chef but will pass on seconds. Alright, it’s just regular ol’ me again – let me explain this analogy in more detail. 
A friend I trust recommended Everly to me, and I did enjoy the movie. By saying no to seconds, I mean I won’t be watching it again. While Everly wasn’t entirely for me, I still trust my friend’s taste, and the movie was good. I’m not sure how the meal analogy sounds, but we’re going to unpack each part and analyze the whole dish too. Grab your aprons, reading glasses, or whatever, and let’s continue. 
Soup and Seasoning with Everly
Let's start by discussing the soup and the seasoning. One of the things I liked most about Baytown Outlaws was how the hit squads progressed. Similarly, Everly has a progression of assassins. It begins with the other “workers” in her building, escalating to a well-dressed bodyguard with an attack-trained Malinois dog. The most unique and long-lasting character is “The Sadist” and his “Masochist” companion. This character gave me vibes of both Gotham and Japanese weirdness. The Sadist reminded me of the dentist character in Gotham, a passionate and theatrical torturer. The Masochist, with his distinctive hair, walk, and voice, brought to mind characters from films like Robo Geisha, The Machine Girl, or Tokyo Gore Police. Japanese weirdness is challenging to describe—you must watch it to understand. 
Japanese Weirdness Explained
Now, let’s delve deeper into the concept of “Japanese weirdness,” which I have some unique insights on. I had the chance to study Japanese language and culture under Dr. E. Leslie Williams at Clemson University. You can learn more about him on my website. He held a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from Pittsburgh, spoke five languages (including Japanese), and was a professor well-versed in Japanese culture. I once asked him why Japanese horror movies are so weird. He explained that Japan’s long-standing closed borders led to the development of a unique culture, reflected in their eccentric movies. Unlike the melting pot of America, Japan evolved without external influences for many years. Wrap your dome piece around that.
Commando and Rambo Influence in Everly
Next, let’s move on to the golden baked bread with a shiny layer of butter and that helping of Commando. If you’ve seen Arnold’s Commando from 1985, you know it’s an action-packed classic and a bloodbath. According to The Action Elite, Arnold’s character, Matrix, kills between 87 and 88 people. In contrast, Everly kills around 9 people, as found on Fandom.com, but it feels like much more. My point is that, as a solo character, she wipes out a small army of Yakuza, hence the Commando reference. The blood and gore in Everly reminded me immediately of Rambo. It’s exaggerated and mostly realistic but occasionally clearly CGI. The same applies to Everly, hence my gravy-on-the-biscuit comparison with Rambo.
Salma Hayek’s Role 
Now, onto the main course: Salma Hayek. I have two points to make, neither of which are what you might expect. From Dusk Till Dawn is my favorite of Salma’s films, and I’ve painted Santanico Pandemonium before, with plans for another rendering. I think Salma is a great actress and a cool cat, but I don’t see her as an action star. She didn’t seem to fit well in the bloodbath role of Everly. 
Rest assured, there’s no shortage of weapons, violence, or foul language in Everly. Salma’s character wields a machine gun I’d never seen before in this action-packed film—the Ultimax 100 Mark 3 with a drum magazine. If you’re into that kind of detail, you can read an in-depth article (with pictures) about all the firearms used here. Besides guns, there are katana swords, knives, tasers, rocket launchers, and grenades. One of my favorite scenes involves a grenade thrown into an elevator full of Yakuza soldiers. When they can’t escape, the grenade does its job, exploding and creating a vertical fan spray of blood from the elevator doors. I’ve never seen that done before. 
The second point is the big one. I hope someone out there reading this can answer my question: What’s up with the shoes, or am I losing my mind? It seems like in Desperado (you can read my blog on this film here), there’s a scene focusing on Salma’s character grabbing a pair of high heels. This happens again in Everly, and then again with some old Reeboks. Is this intentional? Is there a backstory? Am I losing my mind? I dig high heels on girls, and one of my wife’s perks is that she wears them. So, maybe it’s just me and I just notice things like this.
Everly’s Timing
Everly was made about 44 years too late for me. If you’ve read any of my blogs, you’ll know I usually prefer things from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, with a particular fondness for the 70s. There’s a nostalgic element in the time-travel offered in films for me, but another factor is the violence. While I enjoy violent films from the 70s, there’s a comedic playfulness to them—it’s hard to articulate. Modern films, on the other hand, feature such realistic acting, bloody scenes, and intense themes that they have a much more disturbing effect on me. As I age, this bothers me more on a spiritual level. Vintage films don’t do this to me. Everly did invoke some of these feelings in its themes, etc.
Is Everly a Christmas Movie?
You can read my blog on Die Hard here. Why am I bringing up Bruce Willis’s ultimate Christmas movie? Because if you think Die Hard is a Christmas movie, perhaps Everly is, too. One of the key arguments in the Die Hard Christmas movie debate centers around Christmas songs and themes in the film. Everly has both elements as well. Everly’s story is unique, Salma Hayek is cool, and the Japanese elements are intriguing. Overall, this film wasn’t my cup of tea, and I probably won’t watch Everly again, though I do recommend it. You’re invited to follow my journey in art on social media, visit my website, and buy my art here. If you’ve enjoyed this blog or this movie, please share. Peace.
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cryptoappfactory · 1 day
Readymade MLM Software Company in Chennai
For More Details Please Contact
Call / Whatsapp: +91 73972 24461
Website: www.Cryptoappfactory.com
101, Kumaran Colony,
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Readymade MLM Software Company in Chennai
To manage, govern and organize your multilevel marketing organization, choose Crypto App Factory one of the top network marketing software development companies in the MLM and direct selling industries. You can create unique pay plans and compensation regulations using our MLM plans.
Our MLM Software has all the features you’ll need, including an E-wallet, management of distributors and downline members, handling of MLM leads, processing of commissions & payouts, the ability to enable or disable dynamic compression, tracking of sales volumes, profitability statistics, etc.
MLM Plans you can prefer for your Network Marketing Software
For multi-level marketing firms, Crypto App Factory provides network marketing software with a selection of lucrative compensation MLM schemes. All significant MLM software programs, including:
Binary Plan
Unilevel Plan
Matrix Plan
Board Plan
Gift Plan
Crowd Funding Plan
Generation Plan
Spillover Binary Plan
Our goal is to demonstrate to our clients the value of our growth in their company. The only reason to select us for creating software for multilevel marketing is because we guarantee revenue. We have a history, some esteemed clients in our possession, and you have a marketing concept in mind. Are you ready to start from scratch? Give us a description of your needs, and we’ll suggest the best course of action for you to adhere to your company’s standards.
Key features of our MLM Software
Admin Panel, User Panel, Franchise Panel
Spam Controlling
MLM Incentive calculation
Payment Gateway Integration
Franchise Control
Strong Backup System
Multiple Replicated Page
Agent & Down line chart System
Support Management Service
Auto Pay-out Calculation
Genealogy Tree
E-Commerce Integrations
Member Management
Reports and Statistics
Business Promotions
Benefits of our Readymade MLM Software 
Easy to operate
The user interface is very simple so, it makes easy to use for anyone. Altogether it’s a 100% user-friendly Software available in market.
User Management
Powerful user management allows admin to add, edit, update status, and delete the users along with Powerful Search & Filter option.
Replicating Website
Each registered user will receive a unique website that may be utilized as a tool to efficiently recruit their downlines.
Reliable & Classic Dashboard
Classic back end panel, where the features are located for the easy access. Comprehensive System overview in the dashboard.
Customizable Business Plan
Our Software can be customized to any type of MLM Compensation Plan like Binary, Matrix and Board and to any other custom plan.
Wallet System
Our MLM software supports the industry standard wallet system. Cash Wallet & E-Wallet helps you to plan your rewards.
SMS Integrations
This is an add-on trait, where the subscribers can be acquainted via SMS. The marketing crew can set the SMS notification practices.
Point System/ Bonus
The purchase & group purchase volume are the base for point system and admin can also set up bonuses from admin panel.
Grow By Referral
Our MLM Software is referral program ready, so the user will able to promote their referral link and get new users as their downline.
Swap & Repositioning
The business officials can fix different sponsor for a distinct member. The rank and team structure will update after this.
It has advance control system to export data to Excel & PDF. Reports will be useful for admin to drive marketing and sales planning..
Unusual interface for viewing every team member and level at once.
All levels are easily accessible and aid in team composition.
Why Choose Use
24*7 customer support for MLM Software related queries
We have nearly 20 years’ experience in MLM software development and services
Expert in MLM Software development
Highly professional, committed towards work
100% Plan Calculation guarantee
Reliable and easy to understand software service
In-depth experience of latest tools and technology
Customized MLM software services based on client needs
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letscms · 1 day
Binary MLM eCommerce Plan | Multilevel Binary Affiliate Tree (MLM) Software in WooCommerce with Customization
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Best Binary MLM WooCommerce Plugin from LETSCMS with a free demo! Our customizable plugin integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce to provide Binary MLM business solutions, allowing you to manage referrals, commissions, and downline structures within your e-commerce store. Perfect for MLM businesses looking to leverage WooCommerce, this plugin supports real-time commission tracking, genealogy tree, e-wallets, and more. Try the demo today to see how it can enhance your MLM operations. A Binary MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) plan is a compensation structure used in network marketing organizations. It is a two-legged plan, where each node or new member is introduced into a system with a tree-like structure, having a left and right sub-tree.
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Free Demo: https://www.mlmtrees.com/free-demo
Features of Binary MLM Software with WooCommerce Plugins:
Admin & User Dashboard Admin Dashboard: Provides comprehensive management tools for tracking sponsors, commissions, and user activities. Admins can view the genealogy tree, manage user accounts, and configure settings. User Dashboard: Offers sponsors access to their earnings, referral links, genealogy tree, and performance metrics, enabling them to monitor their network and commissions.
Genealogy Tree Visual representation of the MLM structure, showing the relationships between sponsors and their sub-sponsors. This feature helps users understand their downline and track growth.
OTP Verification Enhances security by requiring users to verify their identity through a One-Time Password (OTP) during registration or sensitive transactions.
Withdrawal Limit Admins can set withdrawal limits for users, ensuring controlled cash flow and preventing potential abuse of the payout system.
Payout Management Pun Payout: Allows for specific payout configurations based on individual performance or other criteria.
User Reports Detailed reporting features enable both admins and users to track performance metrics, earnings, and referrals over time.
Commissions & Bonuses:
Referral Commission Earned when a user successfully refers new members to the MLM network. This incentivizes existing users to recruit new participants.
Regular Bonus Additional bonuses provided to users based on their performance or meeting specific criteria set by the admin.
Pair Commissions Commissions earned based on the performance of the weaker leg in the binary structure, encouraging balanced growth between left and right legs.
Level Commissions Commissions that increase as users reach higher levels within the MLM structure, rewarding long-term engagement and performance.
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Free Demo: https://www.mlmtrees.com/free-demo
Binary MLM software with WooCommerce plugins provides a robust framework for managing multilevel marketing operations. With features like genealogy trees, comprehensive dashboards, and flexible commission structures, it enables businesses to effectively grow their networks and manage payouts while ensuring security and compliance. The integration with WooCommerce enhances its functionality, making it an ideal choice for eCommerce businesses looking to implement an MLM strategy.
Contact Details:
Skype: jks0586 WhatsApp | Call us: +91 9717478599 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] Website: www.letscms.com | www.mlmtrees.com
#BinaryMLM #WooCommercePlugin #AffiliateMarketing #eCommerceMLM #MLMBusiness #GenealogyTree #ReferralCommissions #WooCommerceIntegration #NetworkMarketing #MLMTools #MLMCommissions #MLMPlugin #EcommerceSolutions #LETSCMS #BinaryAffiliatePlan #PairCommissions #MLMSolutions #MLMDashboard
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mbhazrat · 4 days
Mastering Time Management: Strategies for Productivity and Success
In today's fast-paced world, effective time management is crucial for achieving personal and professional goals. By optimizing how you spend your time, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.
Understanding the Importance of Time Management:
Increased Productivity: Efficient time management allows you to focus on high-priority tasks, leading to greater output.
Reduced Stress: Effective time management helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and prevents procrastination.
Improved Work-Life Balance: By prioritizing tasks and setting boundaries, you can create a healthier balance between your personal and professional life.
Enhanced Goal Achievement: When you manage your time well, you can allocate sufficient resources to pursue your goals and make progress towards them.
Effective Time Management Strategies:
Set Clear Goals:
Define your short-term and long-term objectives.
Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
Prioritize Tasks:
Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance.
Focus on completing high-priority tasks first.
Create a Schedule:Use a calendar or planner to schedule your tasks and appointments.
Allocate specific time slots for different activities.
Avoid Procrastination:
Break down tasks into smaller, less daunting steps.
Reward yourself for completing tasks.
Identify and address the underlying causes of procrastination.
Minimize Distractions:
Create a dedicated workspace free from interruptions.
Use website blockers or productivity apps to limit distractions.
Turn off notifications on your phone or computer.
Learn to Say No:
Overcommitting yourself can lead to burnout.
Politely decline requests that don't align with your priorities.
Delegate Tasks:
If possible, delegate tasks to others to free up your time.
Empower others to take responsibility for their work.
Take Breaks:
Short breaks throughout the day can help you stay focused and avoid burnout.
Practice mindfulness or relaxation techniques during your breaks.
Review and Adjust:
Regularly evaluate your time management strategies.
Make adjustments as needed to improve your productivity.
Additional Tips:
Track your time: Monitor how you spend your time to identify areas for improvement.
Set realistic expectations: Don't try to do everything at once.
Be flexible: Be prepared to adapt your plans as circumstances change.
By implementing these strategies and making time management a priority, you can enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more effectively. Remember, effective time management 1 is a skill that can be developed and improved over time.
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letscmsweb · 5 days
Unilevel MLM E-Pin Plan California USA: Simplifying Your Multi-Level Marketing Strategy
Unilevel MLM systems with an e-Pin plan are gaining traction in the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry, particularly for their straightforward structure and efficiency in managing transactions. This blog will explore the Unilevel MLM e-Pin plan using LETSCMS, a leading provider of MLM software solutions.
Overview of Unilevel MLM:
The Unilevel MLM E-Pin Plan is characterized by its simple compensation structure where participants (distributors) can recruit an unlimited number of downline members directly under them. Each distributor earns commissions based on their personal sales as well as the sales made by their recruited downline, typically up to a specified number of levels deep. This model encourages direct recruitment and sales without the complexity of binary or matrix structures.
E-Pin System Explained:
The e-Pin system is an integral component of the E-Pin Unilevel MLM System. E-Pins are electronic vouchers that distributors purchase and use for various purposes, such as:
Enrollment Fees: New members often need to buy e-Pins to join the network.
Product Purchases: Distributors can use e-Pins to buy products from the company.
Rank Advancements: Certain ranks may require the purchase of specific e-Pins.
This digital approach simplifies transactions and tracking within the Unilevel Compensation Plan structure, allowing for efficient management of commissions and bonuses.
Features of LETSCMS Unilevel MLM E-Pin Plan:
LETSCMS provides a robust platform for implementing a Unilevel MlM E-Pin plan WordPress Plugins system. Key features include:
User Registration and Management: Distributors can easily register and manage their accounts through a user-friendly interface.
E-Pin Management: The system allows for the purchase, distribution, and tracking of e-Pins, ensuring accurate transaction records.
Commission Calculation: The software automatically calculates commissions based on sales and recruitment activities, including:
Affiliate/Referral Commissions: Earnings from referring new distributors.
Join Commissions: Earnings from new affiliates joining under a distributor.
Level Commissions: Earnings from sales made by downline members.
Bonuses: Various bonuses are available based on performance metrics, including:
Regular Bonuses: Based on personal and group sales volume.
Royalty Bonuses: Derived from overall downline sales performance.
Genealogy Tree Visualization: A genealogy tree feature helps distributors visualize their downline structure, making it easier to track performance and growth.
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WordPress Integration:
Using WordPress as a base platform enhances the functionality of the Unilevel Plan MLM Software system. With LETSCMS's integration, businesses can create a comprehensive online portal where distributors can:
Log in to manage their accounts.
Purchase e-Pins directly.
Track downline performance and commissions.
Access reporting tools for better decision-making.
Free Demo – Unilevel MLM ePin System: https://ump.mlmforest.com
The Unilevel MLM Software California offered by LETSCMS presents an efficient solution for businesses looking to implement a straightforward and effective multi-level marketing strategy. By leveraging the power of digital e-Pins and robust software capabilities, companies can streamline their operations, enhance distributor engagement, and ultimately drive sales growth. 
For those considering entering the MLM Unilevel Plan Software space or enhancing their existing operations, exploring a WooCommerce Unilevel MLM Plan with an e-Pin system could be a significant step forward in achieving business success.
Contact Details:
Call/WhatsApp/WeChat: +91-9717478599
Skype: JKS0586,
Website: https://www.letscms.com | https://www.mlmtrees.com
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How Block chain brought a revolution in MLM Industry
For More Details Please Contact
Call / Whatsapp: +91 7397224461
Website: www.icoappfactory.com
101, Kumaran Colony,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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Today, the world is moving so fast towards the new technologies, the traditional ways of payment process are now outdated. The Development in the field of payment gateways, Blockchain, UPI’s has given a boost to the online world and now it’s your time to grab your potential customers from this online world. Now, using Blockchain Technology is the smart move to grow your business.
ICO App Factory, India based company. We provide you all the online solutions for Blockchain to grow your business. We have a group of active and energetic workers who full fill the requirement for our clients. Blockchain Technology the revolutionary concept that changed the phase of digital industry is a game changer. And talking about the MLM industry, a marketing model that keeps the sales and network building align together to make the business a proper ‘BRAND’ tag. Conceptualize something with blockchain is a dream come true moment and blockchain has got such potential to change the MLM industry.Today, the world is moving so fast towards the new technologies, the traditional ways of payment process are now outdated. The Development in the field of payment gateways, Blockchain, UPI’s has given a boost to the online world and now it’s your time to grab your potential customers from this online world. Now, using Blockchain Technology is the smart move to grow your business.
Blockchain technology aids the business in many ways and as far as it is a concern, now it’s the validation part is carried out by the nodes. Marketing industry got its path right after the multi-level marketing ideas begin to gain the prominence.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology manages the every currency transactions. But Blockchain is not limited to just currency but enlarges to any domain where anything of value is transacted, be it contracts, personal information, health records, business data and much more.
A blockchain is an excellent form of Database storage system, which uses records to store data or information. These records or blocks get copied automatically with the mechanism of cryptography providing a more secure data storage platform. This means, your data is stored securely in multiple areas, reducing the overall cost of data storage. The blockchain is the technology which supports the cryptocurrencies and Digital currencies. Blockchain assures that transaction continued into the blockchain database which is stable.
MLM Marketing
Essentially, MLM operates as an expandable mechanism in which people keep encouraging new members to join for the expansion of operations. In the MLM model, the contribution of every single member and incentive distribution as per their performance becomes essential. Therefore, it is necessary to bridge a connection between end-users and wholesalers as both serve as the base of this business.MLM models are successful as the network expands rapidly while giving leeway for every member of the network to taste success. Now, let’s take a look at the types of multi-level marketing.
MLM models come in various types which make it easy for enterprises to expand the distribution of products or services by adopting one of its structures like matrix MLM plan, investment MLM plan, uni-level MLM plan, stair-step MLM plan, Australian binary plan, generation MLM plan, binary MLM Plan, broad plan MLM plan, etc. An enterprise must seek the service of a smart contract and cryptocurrency development company that holds expertise in developing both concepts.
Blockchain Smart Contracts and MLM
Smart contracts work according to blockchain’s characteristics like immutability, transparency, traceability, and efficiency to maintain anonymity in the transactions. Indeed, blockchain smart contracts enable business owners to review terms and conditions and customize them as per their enterprise needs. It is crucial to hire a blockchain and crypto development company that can make the system as descriptive as possible.
Powering MLM business with blockchain smart contracts eliminates the chances of the scamming of an MLM business. Also, the use of smart contracts empowers all types of MLM business plans. An MLM Platform powered by a smart contract solution excludes the involvement of all third-parties, establishes a peer to peer architecture, provides multiple payment gateways, eliminates malpractices, ensures strengthened data security, fast and secure transactions, effortless traceability, anonymity and transparency.
The transparency of MLM Plan & the blockchain
Make a donation, and earn from that donation. Well, once the system is integrated using blockchain then, the whole system will be transparent. The transparent nature makes sure of one important thing – Is the donation process completed or not?
Say, a request came up, and you made the donation but, you’re worried about various matters like the escrow value, the donation is accepted or not, whether the donation is done to the right person or not, etc. The limitations or the constraints got its solution, and the plan gets a “TRUST” sign. The business will also gain the required fuel to maximize its opportunities by building up an open network.
Why choose us for Blockchain Development?
Developers with Product Mindset
The Blockchain powered verification system developed in-house is getting introduced in the Aviation industry.
Experts with Research Mindset
ICO App Factory professionals have worked closely with some of the leading Crypto’s in the market to tokenize the content web.
Consultants with a Startup Mindset
Every Blockchain Developer is trained to coordinate closely with customer and ideate their solutions.
How it Works?
Refining Ideas
In this phase, the technology team also joins the conversation ( along with the Blockchain domain consultants ). The main Moto of this phase is to refine the entire requirement and make it crystal clear, so everyone are on the same page and everyone in the team understands the idea and deliverable very clear. All this will be added to the note.This note will be used by the Blockchain developers during the development phase to better understand your requirement.
Brain Storming
ICO App Factory Blockchain Consultants are equipped with the latest news and trends in the Technology world. They will brainstorm with you on your idea and create a detailed note. During this phase they will also put in maximum effort to add more value to your proposition and tweak the idea with your permission.
Code & Fix
In this phase Blockchain development happens in full phase. Each blockchain developer in the team coordinates very closely with you and assigned to the project to bring out each module flawlessly. ICO App Factory follow an agile methodology, where you can see the live results of each module being developed and give feedback. Fixes happen then and there.
Once the Blockchain development phase is over, the UAT phase starts. The testing happens along with bug fixes and fine tuning. After every issue found is fixed and you give a sign off an overall polishing of the project happens. Finally your project is ready for launch. Our Blockchain developers will start deploying the project on live servers.
Applications of Blockchain Development Services:
Blockchain can support a wide range of applications. The most well known is cryptocurrency like Bitcoins. Blockchain-based applications include any business transaction that can include right from Business order tracking, Supply chain, Banking and Finance, E-learning, Healthcare, Online shopping portals, Insurance, Travel, Music, Renewable energy, Contract validation and so on.
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