#Movie Critique
ki11tr4p · 11 months
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Like c’mon what were they expecting?
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hildegardladyofbones · 9 months
I think the reason why I almost cried over the boy and the heron's animation is because it's hand drawn in a world full of 3d animation that tries to impress you at every stage.
(Minor spoilers for the boy and the heron, no plot points tho)
Encanto's animation was impressive for the first few minutes, then it looked every other animates movie from the 2020s. The boy and the heron does a lot less than western (and 3d) animated movies for most of the movie (excluding the backgrounds because those were paintings. Like, actual paintings.) But when it needs to, it can do more than you thought possible. They clearly spent more time on making the movements human than making it colourful and flashy.
This subtlety is also extended into the character designs. In anime especially, but to some extent pixar as well, they make regular people look like humans have sexual dimorphism, but I couldn’t tell what gender Kiriko was supposed to be until she started to speak and until my suspicions were confirmed that the clothes she wore were in fact the same ones she wore in the other world. I am also a big fan of old wrinkly people so I'm glad they were once again present in a ghibli film. I think they have a knack for portraying people from different stages of life realistically. Also a big fan of how Mahito had so much personality, especially for a 12 yo protagonist of an adventure movie. Those tweens are usually given the cookie cutter hero personality, but robbed of actual humanity.
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zebracorn-chan · 11 months
If you're upset the FNaF Movie got low ratings by critics I would like to remind you what they think about "Cuties".
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virginia-the-opossum · 6 months
Im not seeing alot of posts on here about this, but i have on youtube sooo...
Doctor Skipper, Nerdstagic, Cinema Sins, Rotten tomato critics, other movie critics and youtube movie reveiwers have ruined media literacy by their need for money.
All they do is sit around and hypercritic movies that they know jack shit about while pretending they do, some of them havent even watched the movie, they just want attention and to ruin the movie for its fandom and its chance in the box office.
Doctor Skipper and Nerdstagic have both made videos shitting on the Monsterverse and American Godzilla in general because Godzilla Minus One was "better". Yeah, the movie was awesome! And it deserves all the attention and The Oscar it got. But GxK: The New Empire isnt even out yet, stop bullying it, telling people something is going to be trash before they see it, means theyre going to view it as trash through the lense of your opinion.
Godzilla Minus One and GxK: The New Empire dont compare, they are two separate genres. Godzilla is allowed to be goofy or serious. There is no right or wrong Godzilla. If you like goofy, good for you! If you like serious, good for you! People are allowed to enjoy the two genres separately or together. I love both! But critics dont look at the fact that in the og showa era made by ToHo, it was goofy as hell, he was doing dances and flying using his breath.
The directors of both movies support each other and love each other's work.
Yes, all the shitty sequel cash grabs we've been getting are awful. But Godzilla isn't that,.... yet. If we keep getting divided on these issues and only viewing them to trash and meme, that spreads negative interest, but more profits. More profits means theyre gonna do it again. Boycott movies you know you wont like, but leave other people alone about it, and especially don't make videos without researching the subject or even watching the movies. Just like some of the recent Marvel movies and shows, if we let it turn into a cash grab, our fandom will inevitably die. Like the posters and trailers for GxK- "Rise together or fall alone".
Sidenote: theres nothing funny about the Lucky Dragon Incident.
Sidenote 2: Please stop spoiling GxK
Edit Sidenote 3: stop using ai for your clickbait thumbnails for your edits of GxK trailers
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woodswalker96 · 2 months
Don’t take the wrong way. This franchise (specifically the rebooted version) is up there with my favorite franchises.
But I have one critique that has been eating me up lately since I saw the newest one: I want the apes to be, in a way, more ape-like.
Let me explain: I simply want them to incorporate more of the species-specific behaviors we recognize in the apes to shine through in conjunction with their heightened intelligence.
For example, if modern gorillas have a social structure dominated by a dominant male (the silverback), with a harem of females and associated lesser males (known as blackbacks), then I’d like to see that translated into a higher intelligence gorilla society. Perhaps you could have them be a largely agrarian species with a focus on agriculture (since they’d still be vegetarian) and a strength based culture where a wanderer male could ritualistically challenge a silverback for the harem.
Another example could be how in some species, it’s the females who leave to find new troops, so perhaps there could be ceremonies where different ape tribes (of appropriate species) come together and exchange females.
Another thing related to this statement is that I want the main ape characters to look more ape-like. Like you can literally see it in Caesar and Noa how the creative team made them more appealing to the human audience (I get why they did this, I’m not stupid, but I just want them to appear just a little more like actual chimpanzees). Such traits I focus on are the eyes. If you look at a chimpanzee, they have instead of whites in their eyes, they have “darks”. I wish this would’ve been more incorporated into the designs. The other apes also have whites but in some species this may be present versus with chimps. And if it isn’t then it’s done less obviously than with the main ape characters.
Anyways, those are my only two real critiques, which aren’t even really critiques as in nitpicks or “this is how I would’ve done it”. I was a little sparse about the details about ape eyes and social structure but that’s because I primarily know only bare basics of those subjects and did not have time to research them properly (this was written on the fly). I may rewrite this and add more details later if this is received well.
Thank you.
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squishy-min-mochi · 1 year
I understand both the capitalist nature in which Barbie (2023) exists in, and the reasons why it was made— advertisement, product placement, money for big corporations; a western lens of the story being told.
But I also know who I am and what my morals are. I have a deep understanding and security within myself, enough to say that I really loved that movie, and it will likely be one of my faves for a long time. It’s message rang true and resonated with me in a way I’ve never felt before and for that, I am in awe of this film.
Love and criticism can co-exist— in fact it’s important that they do. It’s the love for something that allows space for understanding and critical analysis, and it’s the love for something that fosters a safe space for that media’s message.
I feel my blog is a safe space for Barbie lovers and for Barbie critics— but not for Barbie haters. I feel as if genuine hate for this film does not come from a good or flexible place of understanding or critique, and I unfortunately don’t have the capacity to experience the endless might and possibility of humanities hatred for something I adore.
Please, if Barbie wasn’t for you, then neither is this blog!! And that’s perfectly okay < 3
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katmajik · 29 days
[...] I feel like I’m watching especially long ads for probiotic yogurts or luxury salon shampoos or hot people vacations, not immersing myself in how people fall in love and how that kind of Hollywood fairytale is, in fact, attainable in real life.
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ellephantseals · 3 months
Anybody notice how nothing really happens in Disney movies anymore? I haven’t watched the second inside out yet so i’m not including that here, but for the past few years disney movies just suck. The only good ones in my opinion have been Encanto, Luca, and Turning red, something happened in those movies, there was a message in them, and even if they only took place in this one very specific spot, you really got the world.
But then every other animated movie just doesn’t have anything. Onward (2020) is i think what started this, interesting concepts, could be because chris pratt was one of the main characters, but it just didn’t feel engaging, i wasn’t engaged. They present us with an entire fantasy world and then they’re like “oh yeah look at that character! Look at that character! Look at this thing!” And then its just a regular world but every single person looks different. And by the end literally nothing happened, nothing has changed.
And then there was Raya and the last dragon (2021), who has the exact same problem except chris pratt is replaced with awkwafina, and i agree that that would have been better as a series, because they’re just throwing stuff at you going “look how cool this worldbuilding is!” And then its just that there happens to be dragons that dont influence the world whatsoever.
Then Soul (2022), i don’t remember most of this movie, but it was the “by the end nothing changed” kinda thing. It also has the same problem as princess and the frog where they have a black main character and then go “yeah but what if they werent human for like the entire movie”, it was a cute movie, but other than that i don’t have anything to say
And for a while that had a pretty good run, then strange world came out, lightyear was also there but i never watched it. Strange world (2022) had this amazing concept, and it had a meaning, multiple, but everything once again felt so empty, instead of showing you stuff they explain it to you like you’re a child that just doesn’t get it. “Oh yeah the energy berries” “oh yeah he has a crush on that guy” “oh yeah he hates his dad” “oh yeah generational truama” “okay the world is dying”. Despite being an entire massive “island”, Encanto somehow did it so much better within a small town.
And Elemental (2023), same exact problem, but add on “what if straight people couldn’t be in love 😧” and i agknowledge there was probably a racial aspect to that, but DISNEY! YOUR RACIAL ALLEGORIES ARE REALLY BAD! STOP MAKING PEOPLE OF COLOUR LITERAL DIFFERENT SPECIES TO EVERYBODY ELSE?! And then at the end nothing changed except the main character like? Got a job? And nobody agknowledges anything changed, also eyy generational truama disney’s latest favourite trope.
I can’t even talk about Wish, i think it’s been talked about enough and i haven’t even watched it, but just the way people talk about it i can tell it’s bad and soulless, and it being a disney anniversary present?!
Why are Disney movies so soulless these days?
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I’ve watched the 2004 Van Helsing movie multiple times, and it’s only occurred to me now that Dracula and his wives were being really stupid in not wiping out the Valerious bloodline as soon as possible. Because at the start of the movie, it’s clear that Velkan and Anna can’t do shit without Van Helsing and Carl. Velkan got wrecked by the werewolf and there were so many moments where Anna was about to get killed by the wives. The only reason the wives stopped short of killing Anna was that Van Helsing and Carl showed up. In fact, there’s a moment in the village square fight where Anna was about to fall to her death and the only reason why she survived was that one of the wives caught her.
All of this just tells me that Dracula and his wives could’ve just invaded the village and ended the Valerious bloodline for good. In fact, the alien-bat-vampire babies could’ve wiped the village out on their own! Instead, Dracula and his wives just…let the Valerious siblings roam freely? And even when they’re actively trying to kill her, they act so stupid that Anna survives by sheer luck (which the movie does point out).
Still a fun movie, but as soon as I realized this, it changed how I saw the plot.
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yogerbopen · 1 year
just read some discussions on promising young woman from a reddit thread and it really showed me how dumb some people are. I genuinely do really believe that all movies are up to critique and interpretation but some of the things people were criticizing were just not true at all. I think the movie does an absolutely amazing job in all fronts, it shows a normal but traumatized woman just try and make people feel accountable for their actions, to acknowledge them at the least. Cassie isn't a superhero, or some badass girl that murders r*pists, she's a woman who "coped" by just asking people to acknowledge and reflect, even when things got morally grey. I even think that moral greyness adds to the film and the director HERSELF speaks about why it was so deliberate that Cassie wasn't a nice person. not only that, but it takes lovable, well known, actors/men and puts them in these uncomfortable but very real roles. anyways that's my rant, I loved that movie, continue on.
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
So, I really liked the Disney The Little Mermaid remake. My biggest gripe by far is that they minimized the role of the sisters, which is saying a lot because they already had next to nothing do in the original. They spent so much time and money developing gorgeous, individual character design for each of them in the new one and then you barely see them on screen enough to know what they even look like.
"Daughters of Triton" was cut (you know Simone would have nailed her vocal run, considering her opera background), and they literally don't speak (!) in the replacement scene that introduces them. The writers made progress in making them the rulers of the seven seas, but then didn't give them anything to do with that. Why not have each of them give their father a brief report of what was happening in their domains during that introduction scene? They cut Ariel's line where she acknowledges sadly that becoming human would mean she would never see her father or sisters again. And why not have one scene in which Ariel has an actual conversation with her sisters? Part of the reason for this onslaught of Disney remakes, besides the business if making money, is supposedly to add/remove things from the story to make it reflect the values of current society.
Anyway, today I found this book, based on the movie. The Little Mermaid: Guide to Merfolk. First of all, it's a really good book for merfolk world building in general, Disney or not. I definitely plan to use it for tabletop roleplaying. Additionally, they actually go into each sister's domain in detail. It's very cool.
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(Please keep in mind that all of this is referring to Disney's version of the The Little Mermaid story, not the original folklore.)
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stuckasmain · 10 months
Jaws 2 really had the entire town be terrible to a man with very clear PTSD. Yes he did cause a panic (which did endanger people) but also to active downplaying and dismissal when he has a very clear reason to be like this? Didn’t listen to him the last time and four people died- decide to do it again and then get shocked at the outcome?
In the first movie they had a reason to want the beaches to stay open, it was a very shitty reason but a understandable reason. Money. It’s their biggest week of the year and it’s a tourist town, it’s understandable however “some may die but I need the cash” isn’t a good look.
In the second it’s “there’s no shark because I don’t want their to be one.” There’s absolutely no reason to be so against the fucking possibility besides stubbornness? I guess. Just—
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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whatiwishfanfiction · 3 months
Movie Rant
One thing that bothered me about the 2012 Lorax is what a psychotic jerk the Lorax was. He literally tried to kill the Once-ler ("I was just trying to calmly float you away." Yeah sure!) and only bopped in occasionally to insult and bicker with him.
This is one of the main reasons I chose to rewrite the story and make him a better character. I imagine the Lorax as more of a mysterious fae-like creature who can be mischievous but capable of more compelling arguments, rather than just being a bumbling smart aleck.
(Illustration by Tony DiTerlizzi)
What other movies do you think they made the good guy seem like a villain or vice versa? I'm hoping this will be the first in a series of rewrites in the form of full novelizations on Ao3. (I'm looking at you Wish movie).
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pixelsunshine · 8 months
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Okay as someone who is EXTREMELY nerdy about non-humanoid aliens depicted in media I LOVED this movie. The Vuvv are super weird, and tiny, and POWERFUL. Incredibly unsexy weird capitalist aliens. Go watch it!
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lackablazeical · 3 months
Okay yall I was fucking LIED TO. I fucking hate the movie Bones And All and I was told it was good. Yall just see a man covered in blood and say it's good and look I understand that but the actual movie is fucking terrible.
Like why are cannibals just a whole fuckn. Species in of themselves. Bffr. It would've been so much more of an amazing love story if it was just the main girl who ate ppl, and this boy finds her and loves her even past the eating ppl part and like. Helps her and shit. Not this weird fucking cannibal subspecies thing. It didn't need lore and shit. She could've just fucking ate ppl to do it (see the movie Raw)
Also why were they just eating ppls bodies like dogs casually. Like I get it to show animalistic tendencies but then have there be contrast between how she eats WHEN she does. They don't need to be on their hands and knees eating when they ARENT desperate for food.
And not to be het-phobic but WHYYYY WHY WOULD A MAN BE THERE. CANNIBALISM METAPHORS ARE FOR THE GIRLIES GET THAT FUCKING TWINK AWAYYYY. Would've easily been a better movie if it was 2 girls btw. Just. Just EASILY.
Also this is just me but clearly they don't NEED to eat ppl. All I can think the entire movie is 'these people have no basic self control'
Also how she was mad at the guy who wasn't one of the cannibal ppl but still ate ppl. Like yeah I get the metaphor, someone idolizing what makes you suffer yeah yeah, but like. She Doesn't Need to eat people. They can eat non human-flesh food and get nutrition from that. She really was pissing me off yall
Also stop with that stupid guy who was like creepy and stuff that she didn't like. Like what. First, he's definitely coded as being special needs which. Very ableist to make the creepy cannibal villian coded that way when no other characters are.
And that also just muddles the theme of the movie. Like is the theme supposed to be about how women are unable to express their deep desires? About eating disorders? Like what the fuck is it even supposed to be cus it changes and isn't even consistent in the like 20 it decides to take a stance on. Pisses me off
Also they try in the movie to villianize the mom and dad of the girl in the movie but comma. They were literally both so valid.
The dad abandoning her? YEAH. He saw what happened to the mom. He didn't really understand her like subspecies. He could literally be charged as an accomplice to murder, assault, messing w/ a crime scene, hiding evidence, etc. Not even counting identity fraud and more. She could've easily turned and tried to eat him. He's so real for dropping her honestly
And the mom is so real for wanting to kill her daughter. Her daughter is killing innocent people for no fucking reason and clearly doesn't care that she is. Like I was hoping the mom would succeed so hard UGH. That's a whole plot, that the guy doesn't care he ate a guy that had a wife and kids but like. Even if he didn't you shouldn't eat random fucking people just Because. Bffr.
Also why they so wasteful of the people they do eat? Part of the movie is eating someone 'bones and all' (ikr) is a big deal but like. She SHOULD be saving these bodies and like. Processing the meat for later. All we see is them take like 2 bites of these people and move on. Like It's not hard to make jerky. I get she's from America and the idea of eating guts/bones/eyes/etc isn't popular but humans have so much muscle to eat and she just. Never does. We only see them ever take like a few bites and that's it????
If yall wanna argue feel free but don't expect shit from me abt my opinion changing cus I truly enjoyed watching A Serbian Film more bc at least it knew it was a shitty concept and story and acted accordingly
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