ak319 · 5 days
Lovesick bubbly hubby x fem reader
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♥︎Headcanon #1
🍭"Please, please, please, Coco!" You’ve barely woken up from an afternoon nap as you felt a weight on top of you, and he's at it again.
Yawning, you reach for your phone to check the time. "Go make some tea/coffee first, for God's sake." This boy can be relentless. You patted his hips from the side which he swatted.
"No! First, you went to work, then you didn’t listen to me at lunch because you were too tired to talk about it, and now you're tired again!"
"Do you even realize how hard I work--- for you?! A more understanding spouse would be caring, but no! You always have something to nag about whenever I get home!" Your words hit him like a brick, and his lips quivered, making you instantly regret your harsh tone.
You reached out to grab his hand, but he started to walk away. "Hey," you quickly got up and gently pulled him back to sit on the bed. "I--I apologize, okay? I just woke up. I’m a bit cranky. Don’t cry."
You wiped his tears, cupping his soft face. Damn, he's so delicate. Like a fragile doll. Those expensive appointments and the skincare stuff he orders really pay off, even if your bank account is bleeding because of it.
"Okay, so. I have told you this before Narin baby-"
"I want, no, need that popcorn machine! It's so cute! And perfect for our movie night! I need it, I NEED IT FOR US!"
"Fine! Fine, fuck, you can buy it--" He didn't even wait for you to finish before dashing out of the room, probably already placing the order. Another one of his wishes granted.
You closed your eyes and leaned back against the headboard, mentally tallying the things he'd cried over this month alone. Let’s see...
Matching colored outfits.
A road trip you took him on the weekend because one of your cousins had ruined his mood, leading to another silent tantrum.
A (cat/dog) he wanted, which he named Prince. They’re cute, so you didn’t mind. You’d always kind of wanted a pet yourself.
A full-length mirror because apparently, "Cocooooo, we need a bigger mirror in the bedroom! How am I supposed to see my whole outfit if it’s only half my size? Pretty pleeease? It’ll make the room look bigger, too!"
So, yeah, you’re broke now.
"Narin? My tea/coffee?!"
"Coming right up my Coco!" came the response. Right, he’s back to his usual self. Good for him....and you, the thought made you chuckle softly. Wait..does this make you a simp?
Shopping with him is both delightful and a bit chaotic. He’s a joy to watch as he tries on those adorable outfits for you, but the process can test your patience. He lingers in the cosmetics shop, lost in the thrill of finding the perfect product, while you pass the time reading ingredient lists to ensure he’s not using something toxic. Every time you take the products from his hands with that focused, caring expression, his heart skips a beat. It’s become such a sweet routine that now he instinctively hands you the items before placing them in the basket, a little smirk playing on his lips.
🍭 "No, Narin. You can’t have more of these. And don’t you throw a tantrum here." You abruptly stopped the cart.
"But it’s so cosy! And adorable!" He jumped like a little kid clinging to your arm.
"You have so many plushies already. No more." Your tone was firm and unyielding this time, and he knew well that he had been a handful over the past few days. 'Aww, my poor wifey. Let’s give her a break.' Besides, he knew better than to argue when you used that tone. It was both intense and irresistible, making him want to both be under you and hide under a blanket at the same time.
"Okay, Coco~." He gently took your arm and leaned his head on your shoulder. "I’m sorry." He hoped his infamous pout would work--after all, it always did.
"Good boy." For the rest of the grocery shopping, he remained in a daze, almost as if he were floating in a trance. If he were a fairy, he’d be dazzling with disco lights and fluttering about in a frenzy. He's definitely going to wear that new silk night-robe tonight.
It was another weekend dinner with your family, and he always hated when you brought him here. He’d much rather be at home with you, enjoying some quality alone time—A-L-O-N-E. He only came for your sake. He just couldn’t let you come alone, who knew what nonsense they might spout about him? Absolutely no chance he was going to let that happen. He’s Narin for a reason. Your Narin. The hell he is giving them a chance to destroy his perfect life. To let anyone steal you away from him. That's why he even put a tracker on your phone.
🍭"(Y/N), I asked your father to bring these chicken rolls from that bakery you love," your mother said, breaking the silence.
"Mhm, they taste different." You took a bite to confirm your suspicions. "Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten used to homemade ones now, these taste a bit foreign to me, haha! Narin makes them really well."
It must be the answer to his prayers--or the result of his good deeds--that his wife is now praising him in front of her family. Just look at their faces! Hahaha! Take that. He smiled smugly as he now enjoyed the dinner to the fullest.
But you see, Narin isn’t always kind with food, he uses it as a weapon against you--sometimes offense, sometimes defense. Well, mostly offense.
🍭Your whole life feels like it's flashing before your eyes. 'Just get through this, (Y/N). You’ve survived worse. Just one more bite.'
"Um, cough don't you th--cough think it’s a bit too spi--cough icy, baby?"
Narin merely shrugged nonchalantly and slurped his slush. Oh, he definitely knows.
"No, I added them precisely,"
You wiped your eyes. Right. Precisely my ass, you little brat.
Just because you talked on the phone with a colleague for too long the night before, discussing work, you’re now stuck with this dinner. How is that even your fault? Before you could take another sip of water, Narin plopped down on your lap with a pouty expression.
"Do you not love me anymore?"
"....", you are literally dying here and this is what this boy's asking?
He shook you by your collar, now crying. "TELL ME! WHO IS TAKING YOUR ATTENTION THESE DAYS!?"
"I DO! I LOVE-" You grabbed the glass from behind him and downed it in one swift motion. God, you can breathe now. "I...only love you, baby.."
His giggles filled the room, making Prince wag it's tail too. "I love you too! So don't ever forget it, professor. Now, let's order something!"
The audacity.
Sigh. #youdon'tevenfuckingknowatthispoint
Narin LOATHES, when you grade papers into the middle of the night while he’s left alone in the cold bed. Eventually, he can’t take it anymore and ends up sleeping on your lap, both of you dozing off together on the living room lounge. And let’s not forget the trips you sometimes have to make for educational conferences. He stays at his parents' place with Prince while you’re out working--and maybe… maybe having an AFFAIR?! No, no, no, not on his watch! You are getting blocked and he's not coming back home if you don't answer or call him daily. At breakfast , lunch and dinner or he's going to raise an havoc.
🍭"Coco, show me your room," he said softly, snuggled into your pillow he brought from home, as you were about to doze off during the call. He was also wearing your hoodie, trying to envelop himself in its warmth, feeling close to you even from afar.
"Um, why?"
"You know whyyyy. You know it very well." He blinked innocently however his tone that of a little vexed feline. You understood his underlying concern and resisted the urge to sigh at his whining as you showed him the room. "There, no one here. No one here who you’d describe as more beautiful than you or some student."
"But you missed the bathroom! And under the bed, and also the closet! AND THE BALCONY! DO NOT THINK I AM DUMB!" It’s going to be a long night, and at this point, you’re wishing you could jump off the hotel balcony.
♥︎Bonus Preggo Narin
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cowgirlgirl2002 · 1 year
A woman carried us as an egg since fetal development, created us decades later still was creating our bodies within every cell and bone in her body, carried us and went to through toils, pain and hardship of labor and childbirth to give us life for days and months yet we had been given a man’s name and we live in a patriarchal society.
Make it make sense
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sunbeam--daughter · 3 months
70. Are souls both female and male? + No, all spiritual creatures are female, for maleness is a thing of the material world. 71. Do male creatures have souls? + Yes, male creatures have female souls. -Catechism
32. Let the brother obey the sister, and the younger sister obey the elder. Let the child obey the mother and the husband the wife. - The Clear Recital
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educationaldm · 1 year
What would a Matriarchal society look like? Article by @worldanvil. We've seen R.A.Salvatore write Lloth's Menzoberranzan in the Drizzt novels, and then there's the Barbie movie...
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greentempleblog · 8 months
Morning Prayer
As the dawn returns, I greet the day gratefully. Liva, in your magnificent world of life, you grant me another day to witness your wonders. In every sunrise, in the rustle of leaves, in the roaring of rivers, your beauty and power are ever evident.
I am a humble part of your creation, a small piece of you made manifest in the grand circle of life. With each breath of your air, each step on your sacred soil, I am reminded of the blessings of existence. It is my duty to cherish and honour you, and to live in harmony with your rhythms.
Liva, I thank you for letting me rise again, and for the life that flows around me and through me. In your love I find peace, in your presence I find connection, and the true essence of being. You are the eternal force. You have always been here and will always be here. Through your power, I am made whole and balanced and brave
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magdalene-spirit · 1 year
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Manifestation of heart’s desire
The rule/law is this—
Quality manifests quantity.
Qualitative factors give rise to quantitative factors.
Qualities (virtues, attributes or Shaktī’s) precede Variety (abundance, cornucopia, generativity).
To open the flow of plenty, giving has to precede receiving. The gradient-force (drawing out of a line) is the sacred law of the promised land of milk & honey that nourishes & satisfies one & all.
The people are thirsty & crying for the promised Mother land of fruitful plenty.
Mother is she who measures out, she is the Matrika, the Measure/r.
The people so badly want to manifest whatever it is they want.
Perpetuating patriarchy, by taking before asking, by milking Mother dry & empty.
Fruitfulness results from bringing things together correctly, seed in soil with water & light yields trees with fruits of plenty.
𝓢𝓪𝓶kalpa is connecting things (𝓢𝓪𝓶) through work (intention, attention & action) to beget fruits, to generate more, to bring forth abundance.
This is the fertility of Mother.
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bloodweave · 2 years
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eponastory · 11 months
And I'm up at 3:30 in the morning thanks to the poltergeist in my parents' house.
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No... not like the movie, but things have been falling off the shelf in the craft room for the past hour or so. I'm ready to go back to my little witch hut (I live in a little cabin on the property) and not have to be woken up every night by something being thrown at me.
This poltergeist has been around since before we ever moved here. We first started noticing things about a month after we moved here. Things would go missing, and we started hearing bangs from the attic. Turns out it was the attic door opening and shutting. I found my other set of car keys up there. I have no idea how because they were always on the key rack by the door in case I lock my other set in the car (it happens to me all the time 😩 I am notorious for locking my keys in my car). But yeah, we've been living in peace with each other. Cabinet doors open on their own. We've woken up to every singe cabinet open in the house. Drawers open on their own. Things go flying thru the air sometimes, but no one has ever gotten hurt. It's just annoying.
I've smudged the house numerous times, even going as far as doing a few cleansing rituals. The ghost does not care. It doesn't get angry. It just keeps on doing what it's doing. After a couple of years, we just decided to come to an agreement with each other.
It can stay as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. And it hasnt.
Since all of my aunts and uncle have passed away in the last five years, my mom and I have been seeing more shadow people coming in and out.
We are indigenous (Chittimatcha), so we have heavy beliefs in the spirit realm. We've seen things that other people would deny and call us crazy for. My grandmother told me she was a dreamwalker, and most of the women in our family have the same ability. My cousins have the same crazy dreams I do.
But anyway, yeah, weird stuff goes on in my mom's side of the family. We are all witches (I use that term because I don't know how else to explain the craziness) and it comes from somewhere.
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matriarchalganonjo · 1 year
Matrarchalganonjo ganonjo at japan touch lyon
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cowgirlgirl2002 · 9 months
Matriarchy is Life-based and grounded in the truth of biology. Life is carried through the bodies of Women.
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happyheidi · 2 years
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deer walks into a store and later brings her whole family for another visit 🛒
Horsetooth Store, Gas, and RV Park
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farfallasims · 12 days
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Meredith Grant running errands in Newport...🍂
Meredith has recently moved from her home state of Washington to the coastal city of Newport, Rhode Island with her dog, Finnegan.
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magdalene-spirit · 2 years
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“…Narendranath Bhattcharyya… argued that there is an archaic matriarchal substratum beneath all the religions of India, the Middle East, and most of the ancient world (which is rooted in a form of se7ual magic)…., the ancient goddess cults of Cybele, Isis, Ashtarte, and the Indian mother goddesses are rooted in ‘primitive se7 rites based on the magical association of natural and human fertility.’” Hugh Urban Magia Se7ualis
“…Narendranath Bhattcharyya… argued that there is an archaic matriarchal substratum beneath all the religions of India, the Middle East, and most of the ancient world (which is rooted in a form of sexual magic)…., the ancient goddess cults of Cybele, Isis, Ashtarte, and the Indian mother goddesses are rooted in ‘primitive sex rites based on the magical association of natural and human fertility.’” Hugh Urban Magia Sexualis
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nudeartpluspoetry · 2 years
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“We’re Having a Heat Wave”
hans ostrom
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schnitzelsemmerl · 3 months
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kibagib · 2 years
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Updated ME icons
And once again, happy N7Day!
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