#Martha Jones introduction
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esonetwork · 4 months ago
Doctor Who: Smith & Jones Review | Earth Station Who
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Doctor Who: Smith & Jones Review | Earth Station Who
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Join the Earth Station Who Podcast as we take a deep dive into the exciting Tenth Doctor adventure, ‘Smith & Jones’! This iconic story introduces the brilliant Martha Jones as the Doctor’s new companion, kicking off a thrilling season of adventures. We discuss the Judoon’s debut, the mystery of the plasmavore, and how this story sets the stage for Martha’s unforgettable journey. Tune in as we explore the humor, heart, and action-packed moments that make this episode a fan favorite in modern Doctor Who history!
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foolishlyzephyrus · 8 months ago
i feel like it’s so integral to have at least one “at home” episode for every companion. so much character to be revealed in the premise of aliens interfering with everyday life once they are back on earth
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tenth-and-ninth-doctor-era · 3 months ago
Hi, I'm Wren!
Right now I'm completely obsessed with Doctor Who so that's definitely going to be the vast majority of my post. My favourite Doctors are Tenth and Ninth and I hold their era very dear to my heart.
I'm happy to take requests for headcanons and fics for characters during the ninth and the tenth doctors era. I'll write pretty much anything except smut and nsfw content since it makes me a little uncomfortable. 💖
+ I really enjoy writing tickle fics/headcanons and happy to write agere stuff.
Thanks for reading!
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autisticiantojvnes · 1 year ago
[ID: Six gifs of New Doctor Who. Looking out of the hospital windows, Martha Jones is telling her colleague Julia Swales: "But they're not exactly air tight. If the air was going to get sucked out it would have happened straight away, but it didn't. So how come?" The Tenth Doctor opens up a hospital curtain and steps up to them, saying: "Very good point. Brilliant, in fact. What was your name?" She says: "Martha." He continues: "And it was Jones, wasn't it?" She smiles a little and nods at him. End ID]
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Well then, Martha Jones, the question is, how are we still breathing?
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neat-crows · 1 year ago
So I've been re-watching dr who for the first time ever rn, with a friend who's never seen it before, so I'm seeing all these episodes for the first time since I was 13 and picking up on a LOT that I never noticed before, and holy shit the tenth doctor is SO WEIRD to Martha Jones, and nothing exemplifies that more than the sontaran stratagem/the poison sky.... like..... he is SO weird the whole way down.
When they first see each other again their introduction directly mirrors Jack and The Doctor's in Utopia
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"Doctor" "martha Jones" laugh and hug
"doctor" "captain Jack" laugh and hug
And then! they have a normal interaction!!! WIN he asks how her family is and how she is, and they're smiling and genuinely seem like friends very happy to see each other!
And then.... donna drops the fiance bomb.
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He turns with a look of.... almost anger? disbelief? and asks WHAT MAN?? Then martha explains who he is and the doctor....
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he looks? upset? and then like, resigned? AND THEN martha admits that her fiance is kind of similar to the doctor, and then donna asks "Is he skinny?" and his reactions
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is to make a face like "yeahh" AND START NODDING????? like he's taken Martha's admission to mean she's with a man that's just like him, and honestly seems a bit smug over it, and then when Martha says no-
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he looks so taken off guard and betrayed ??????????? BRO we are less than 5 minutes in..............
He then proceeds to be tetchy with her, and to be fair this is mostly because of her involvement with unit, and his discomfort with how militaristic she's gotten - which I think comes both from anger at himself for how he's changed her, and also discomfort that she's no longer "his" Martha, she's changed, and he doesn't know her as well anymore.
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he tells her off, he's snide and judgmental, he won't even look at her until she tells him to, and he's honestly bitchy - Until she explains herself, and tells him off for being so judgmental, i also think his line "oh so it's my fault" is very telling because..... it literally is? like yes, you put her in situations where she had to become harder and more used to violence......... and he KNOWS it. He's doing what he did all through series 3, which is feel guilty or bad and then take it out on Martha (that's for another post though) until she stands up for herself (get his ass!!) and then when she's finished she looks at him
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determined, but eyes darting back and forth waiting for his reaction, on some small level hoping for his approval
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and only THEN does he start to smile, and he tells her "that sounds more like Martha Jones." she's back to feeling like she's still his (to him, Martha is acting incredibly normal and platonic). The doctor has always had a weird possessiveness with Martha, going all the way back to their first episode where he hand picked her, and in this second of her looking for his approval, he feels that again, and he IMMEDIATELY started flirting again - please go watch the scene it boggles my mind how fast he switches.
I also want to be clear, Martha isn't flirting back, she's acting extremely normally. She's clearly taken the time away from him to get over, not only romantic feelings, but any anger as well. She seems to have come to terms with how she feels with everything that happened, and she loves and cares about him, but she's not naive to his faults - I also don't think she even picks up on him being weird to her in this scene. She's no longer in tune with his every mood swing, she's not here to fix him, or cater to his needs, and so she no longer notices these small moments from him.
AND THEN.... the clone.
He never flirts with the clone. The ONLY time, is the very first time they interact, before he's realized something is wrong.
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he calls her over to come with him, and his face is honestly way too close to hers. bro is a menace. but then, maybe 2 minutes later, he immediately clocks that this is not Martha.
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he realizes there has to be a spy and only has to consider for half a second before he turns and asks about her family, he's already realized she's acting a little off, and the second she answers he's 100% certain.
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and he gets MAD. he tells her Donna went home because she's not like her, she's not "a soldier" clearly a shot at the sontarans, but also another subtle test, the real Martha wouldn't let that slide, and he wouldn't say that to the real Martha. He continues saying Avanti, instead of Allonse-y, which is interesting, because he already knows. He's not doing this to confirm his suspicions, he's doing this as retaliation. To confirm to himself he knows Martha better than this fake, he's toying with her. BUT. He doesn't go to save Martha.
The next episode, the doctor's daughter, he refuses to accept the label of soldier, but Jenny rightfully points out that he strategizes like one And this is one such moment. He knows Martha is a clone, he's mad and upset, he could go save her right away, but he doesn't. He doesn't because it serves him best to allow her to keep shutting down the nuclear launch.
It reminds me a lot of when Cassandra possessed Rose in New Earth, he played a long for a little bit, but that was just to figure out what was happening. He IMMEDIATELY tried to fix it, I just wonder if it was any other companion if he would have done this. If it was Donna would he have left her for so long? even if it was strategic? it's this weird conflict the doctor has now that he's very very protective and a bit possessive, but he also treats her like an equal on the battlefield, and it's a weird... trust? he has in her to take care of herself.
I kind of don't want to call it trust because that sounds too positive, but I don't know another way to phrase it, but it's a forced independence and self sufficiency.
but then, he finally goes to save her
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He goes and cradles her face gently, and NOTABLY says "good, still alive" MEANING HE DIDN'T KNOW??? and still left her for that long...
but he holds her gently, and fully ignores the clone. He has his back to her, and then proceeds to taunt her. He tells her he clocked her right away because of the pupil size, thin hair, and he says she smells. but we know this isn't true.
Sure maybe those physical traits are true, but that's not how he figured it out, we saw how he did it, he clocked on because he knows Martha so well, but he can't admit that. He can't admit that he knows her just as much as she knows him, just like he couldn't tell Rose he loved her.
He is so deeply angry at this clone, he makes fun of her, he yells at her, he looks at her likes she's nothing
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This is his face when he kills her. He doesn't talk to her, or even TRY to save her. And we know she is alive, she has memories, and her own thoughts and feelings, and the doctor kills her while gloating because of his immense anger for hurting Martha. An anger that is also guilt.
he does not speak to her like a person (which directly leads into his treatment of Jenny in the next ep).
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Parallel that to how Martha treats her, they talk about their family and she even calls the clone Martha. She really is a doctor in a way ten tried and often failed at.
And then at the end, Donna asks Martha to come with them, and she says no, and that she's happy at home, but she's better for having traveled and come back.
And the doctor looks at her
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With an obvious sadness, but also acceptance. He clearly wants her here, with him, but I think he's finally come to accept that that'll never happen, and he needs to let her go.
Edit: I Like their dynamic(mostly) This is not an anti tenmartha post Him being a freak is compelling
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companion-showdown · 1 year ago
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Donna Noble
you already know who she is bc she's the most iconic companion of all time. imagine teleporting into the tardis on the worst day of the doctor's life (so far) and not clocking any of his angst and SCREAMING at him to take you back to your wedding not only is this THE funniest introduction it's symbolizing how she saw the doctor at their worst, underneath the front that they put up, and due to this she understands them on a level like nothing else and changes their life forever. "you don't just need someone to stop you, you need someone to keep you going". AHHHHHH. she isn't in love with the doctor she calls them out whenever they're being awful and need to be whacked on the back of the head. she is filled with so much compassion for the smallest person she reminds ten of the kindness that was beaten out of him and she is so so loving to everyone except for herself. she loves her trans daughter so much. she changed the narrative of the doctor back from the tragedy it was into something hopeful. healing is real and possible through the power of queerplatonic relationships actually. donna sweep or i blow up the website (@aq2003 )
Martha Jones
the doctor to ten's mentally unstable bus driver of all time. every day she clocks into the horrors bc she absolutely will not let this stupid alien get himself killed no matter how terrible he is to be around. it's rotten work not to me not if it's you but evil. she is quite literally bound to the doctor by their shared senses of self-sacrifice—in their first episode the way they prove themselves to the other by laying down their lives for the people in the hospital and this informs their entire insanity dynamic going forward. she is the first companion of nuwho to walk away from the doctor bc she realizes she cannot keep saving this unsaveable person who keeps refusing help and she has to stop and prioritize herself and the people she can save (her family)—and, yet, she still becomes the most like the doctor than any other ten era companion. anyway rtd bring her back for fifteen era and treat her better or i'll beat you to death w hammers (@aq2003 )
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natequarter · 1 month ago
i haven't watched doctor who my entire life (i started watching in my early preteens), but my true introduction to doctor who can justifiably slot into "too early to accurately remember it": my earliest interaction with actual doctor who was those new series adventures novels (i had no fucking clue who amy pond or martha jones were, but i read them anyway), and a book on the monsters in doctor who. my earliest awareness of anything tangentially doctor who-related, however, was playing a sarah jane adventures flash bbc game
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marvelmaniac715 · 4 months ago
Here’s what I remember about Modern Doctor Who episodes which I have never rewatched (it’s been quite a while since I watched all the episodes back to back at the end of last year and throughout this year) but there’s a character limit so I’m cut off:
The Unquiet Dead - Ghosts and Charles Dickens and Rose’s first trip to the past with Nine
Aliens of London/World War Three - Farting Slitheen family aliens, politics and Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North then Prime Minister (yes, I know who she is)
Dalek - I screamed when I saw a Dalek levitate up the stairs, Rose imprints on a museum Dalek, the Doctor tells a Dalek to die and we meet Adam
School Reunion - K9, Sarah Jane, brain boosting chips and kids who do coding
The Girl in the Fireplace - Reinette, “I’m the Doctor and I just snogged Madame de Pompadour”, banana daiquiri, ‘I Could Have Danced All Night’, fake drunk Doctor insulting Mickey with the adjective “thick” , a horse that the Doctor can’t keep and a spaceship (I’ve seen so many TikTok edits so I know more about this one despite only watching it once)
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel - Rich Jackie in alternate world, living Pete, alternate Mickey, Rose the Yorkshire Terrier, Doctor and Rose as waiters, and the Cybermen
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit - Satan himself, a possessed guy with pen on his face and introduction to the Ood
Love and Monsters - Absorvaloff, “wrong bucket”, LINDA, ‘Mr Blue Sky’, Jackie flirting with the protagonist and Elton John
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday - Cybermen, our first glimpse of modern day Torchwood, “I did my duty” and the devastating loss of Rose
Smith and Jones - Introduction to the BAMF Martha Jones, a platoon of Judoon on the moon and an old lady with a straw
Gridlock - Bad traffic, mood patches, Face of Boe says “You Are Not Alone” and a woman has a basket of cats with a cat man
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - Andrew Garfield, pig man, human Dalek, Empire State Building, Tallulah and the Great Depression (I distinctly remember sarcastically asking “is the Doctor going to stop the Great Depression?”)
42 - “Burn with me”, the sun and a quiz, aside from that I really don’t remember (hated this episode)
Blink - The Weeping Angels who give me the creeps, peeling off wallpaper to reveal a message from the Doctor, the Doctor’s dvd messages and Sally Sparrow (I physically cannot rewatch this because I instinctively stop blinking whenever I see the Angels and I don’t want my eyes to dry out so I’ll give this one a skip even though it is great)
The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End - Missing planets, Shadow Proclamation, insane vortex Dalek, Davros himself, a major epic team up with everyone from all over the Whoniverse and the devastating loss of Donna Noble’s memories
Planet of the Dead - “Hello, I’m the Doctor, happy Easter”, a bus, “He will knock four times” and Lady Christina (I think that’s her name anyway) being a thief and turned down flat when she tries to be a companion
The Beast Below - Happy and sad robot things and a very young looking Queen in space
Victory of the Daleks - Human Dalek guy, “Would you care for some tea?” and Winston Churchill being involved in a fight against Daleks
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone - Return of River Song my QUEEN, Weeping Angels again, “That which holds the image of an angel becomes an angel” and the church army
The Vampires of Venice - Fish vampires, Venice, “then we will take your world” and the Doctor jumping out of a stag-do cake
Amy’s Choice - Dream pollen, Peruvian folk band with ponchos, pregnancy and sinister old people
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood - Silurians, Amy being dressed for a much warmer country and a young boy who I affectionately dubbed ‘Exposition Child’ and promptly forgot the actual name of
The Lodger - Fake upstairs apartment, my city being the setting (not filmed there btw) and James Corden being… himself
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - Big villain team up, River becomes the sun, a fez is yeeted into the distance never to be seen again, plastic Roman Rory, Cleopatra River and the Doctor gives an epic speech
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - Child River, the Doctor dies and it’s very creepy
Night Terrors - Creepy dolls singing nursery rhymes, an old lady eaten by a bin, a man swallowed by his floor and an alien child overreacting to an extreme level
The Girl Who Waited - Old Amy and the Doctor lying to Rory to kill a version of Amy (not a cool thing to do)
Closing Time - Cybermen, Stormageddon, the Doctor working in a shop and James Corden 2: The Cordening
The Wedding of River Song - The Doctor doesn’t time so time goes weird, the Doctor gets hitched and I really can’t remember much else
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - Narnia ripoff with trees and Matt Smith falls out of a hammock then attempts to play it off like it was part of the scene in the script
Asylum of the Daleks - Dalek eye stalk on humans, Amy hallucinates whilst becoming a Dalek, a pointless divorce and Clara Oswin the soufflé making Dalek
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Dinosaurs and Rory’s amazing dad who has a trowel (also the Doctor has a Christmas list)
A Town Called Mercy - A horse called Susan who wants their owner to respect their life choices, the Doctor in a brand new hat and general Western vibes
The Angels Take Manhattan - Weeping Angel Statue of Liberty, more River and we lose Amy and Rory forever but there’s a nice mystery book with a foreword from Amy so it’s all okay
Cold War - Submarine and an Ice Warrior
Hide - 1970s ghost plot (didn’t like it)
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - FINALLY we see much more of the TARDIS!
Nightmare in Silver - Cybermen, ungrateful kids and Warwick Davis
Into the Dalek - Rusty says “You are a good Dalek”, Clara meets Danny Pink and cares so the Doctor doesn’t have to
Listen - Orson Pink, Dan the Soldier Man, the Doctor whips out his dad skills and fear is a superpower
Time Heist - Big bank heist and people with flat heads
Kill the Moon - Courtney from Coal Hill (glad she didn’t come back) and an uncomfortable allegory involving the moon being an egg
Mummy on the Orient Express - A train with a killing Mummy and Clara in a great outfit and bob haircut
Flatline - Rigsy, graffiti, tiny TARDIS with the Doctor trapped inside and scary vibes
In the Forest of the Night - Danny leads a school trip, there’s trees, one of the kids is played by the girl that used to voice Peppa Pig and I think at one point it tells kids not to take their medication? I got a bit confused with this one
Last Christmas - Santa and murdering dream worms
Under the Lake/Before the Flood - Bootstrap paradox monologue straight to camera (“Google it”), and the Doctor’s apology cards
Sleep No More - ‘Mr Sandman’ and eye crust
Oxygen - Capitalist space suits, a blue guy and the Doctor goes blind
The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land - The scary Monks rewrite history, Bill’s mum inadvertently changes things, Missy is iconic as always and Bill makes a bad deal
Empress of Mars - Ice Warriors and “God save the Queen” written on Mars
The Eaters of Light - Crows can talk, and Missy CRIES
The Woman Who Fell To Earth - We meet Thirteen and there’s a guy with teeth in his face
The Ghost Monument - Race and sunglasses
Arachnids in the UK - Spiders and Trump
The Tsuranga Conundrum - Pregnant man
Demons of the Punjab - Yaz’s grandmother and racism to aliens
It Takes You Away - Norway, Wooly Rebellion and talking frog
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - Teeth Guy
Resolution - Human woman possessed by a Dalek
Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror - Boredom
Fugitive of the Judoon - Fugitive Doctor and Judoon
Praxeus - Boring mould
Can You Hear Me? - Nightmares
Ascension of the Cybermen - Irish boy is the Doctor
Revolution of the Daleks - Captain Jack!
The Flux - Boring aside from Dan
The three specials - Timeloop, Sea Devils and regeneration
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rassilonwatchathon · 1 month ago
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A shocking introduction to Martha Jones in the Doctor Who episode Smith and Jones. Tune in next week to The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon and listen to us talk about it.
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rachelbethhines · 1 year ago
Speed-running Doctor Who - 10th Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
The Unicorn and the Wasp - S30E7
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Look, if you're only going to watch one Tenth Doctor story then it needs to be one with Donna Noble in it, and this one is fairly continuity lite to start you off with.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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The Christmas Invasion - 2005 Xmas Special (Tenth Doctor's introduction and an important development in Harriet's story arc)
New Earth - S28E1 (the return of Cassandra and the introduction of New Earth and the Face of Boe)
Tooth and Claw - S28E2 (kicks off the Torchwood arc)
School Reunion - S28E3 (the return of Sarah Jane and K-9, and Mickey officially joins the Tardis)
The Girl in the Fireplace - S28E4 (introduces the clockwork monsters)
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel - S28E5&E6 (reintroduces the Cybermen, Pete Tyler, and the idea of parallel worlds)
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit - S28E8&E9 (introduces the Ood)
Love & Monsters - S28E10 (character development for Jackie)
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday - S28E12&E13 (the conclusion of the Torchwood arc, the parallel universe arc, introduces the Cult of Skaro, and Rose leaves the Tardis)
The Runaway Bride - 2006 Xmas Special (Meet Donna Noble)
Smith and Jones - S29E1 (Martha's introduction)
The Shakespeare Code - S29E2 (Martha's first trip in the Tardis)
Gridlock - S29E3 (the return of New Earth, the Macra, and the Face of Boe. Also the Doctor tells Martha his tragic backstory)
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - S29E4&E5 (second part of the Cult of Skaro trilogy)
The Lazarus Experiment - E29E6 (brings Martha's family troubles to the fore and establishes her mom as an antagonist while starting the Harold Saxon arc)
Human Nature/The Family of Blood - S29E8&E9 (character development for both Martha and the Doctor, introduces the idea of the Chameleon Arch)
Blink - S29E10 (meet the Weeping Angels)
Utopia - S29E11 (Derek Jacobi is back and so is Captain Jack)
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords - S29E12&E13 (meet Harold Saxon... aka The Simm Master. Martha leaves the Tardis at the end)
Voyage of the Damned - 2007 Xmas Special (the Doctor meets Wilf for the first time)
Partners in Crime - S30E1 (Donna is back!)
The Fires of Pompeii - S30E2 (Donna's first real trip in the Tardis and character development for the Doctor)
Planet of the Ood - S30E3 (Return of the Ood and a squeal to The Sensorites)
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky - S30E4&E5 (the Sontarans are reintroduced and Martha comes back for a bit)
The Doctor's Daughter - S30E6 (the only appearance of the Doctor's daughter, Jenny)
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - S30E8&E9 (River Song's introduction)
Midnight - E30E10 (character development for the Doctor)
Turn Left - E30E11 (character development for Donna and the return of Rose)
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End - E30E12&E13 (the last part of the Cult of Sakro arc, the reintroduction of Davros, the return of Jack, Mickey, Jackie, Pete, Sarah Jane, and Harriet, the conclusion of the Doctor/Donna arc, the introduction of the doctor's clone, and the Doctor's finale goodbye to Rose)
The Waters of Mars - 2009 Special (character development for the Doctor)
The End of Time - 2010 Holiday Special (Both The Master and the Time Lords return, The Tenth Doctor reintegrates, we say goodbye to Wilf, and Donna finally gets married)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: The Next Doctor - 2008 Xmas Special
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Least Favorite: The Idiot's Lantern - S28E7
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
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cowlovely · 1 year ago
best nuwho episodes to show to someone who has never seen doctor who, but wants to get into it*
*i’m working off of very specific criteria here. this can’t just be another “best episodes” list, because an episode being good doesn’t necessarily mean it would make a good introduction to a series. for this reason, there will probably be very few episodes past s6 or so on here, as i feel like that’s around the time that many doctor who episodes become too steeped in the show’s own history/overarching plotlines to make the most effective starting points (definitely at least partially moffat’s fault lol)
1x01 rose — maybe too obvious a choice, but this episode is the pilot for a reason.
—pros: does a very good job establishing nuwho’s version of the doctor, as well as thoroughly and effectively introducing us to rose and her life; the autons are a good and fun choice for the first threat.
—cons: is definitely not AS good as some other episodes of the show, so maybe not the best if you only have one episode to show someone and you want to make the most of it
1x06 dalek
—pros: establishes one of Thee enemies of the series, demonstrates 9 and rose’s values, sets up/explains a bit of the time war in an easy to understand way, has a great emotional core
—cons: i genuinely can’t think of any
1x09/1x10 the empty child/the doctor dances
—pros: fabulous storytelling all around with plot, themes, and pacing, emotional but with a happy ending, great blending of tone throughout, and a complete standalone story
—cons: it’s always a bit of a risk to start with a two parter
2x04 the girl in the fireplace
—pros: great creature design, fun storytelling devices, pretty self contained as far as references/lore go, fantastic performances from everyone but especially from sophia myles
—cons: has some of steven moffat’s worst writing attributes, including 10 feeling out of character in several spots, and reinette being very clearly a Moffat Woman in many ways (though this is in my opinion somewhat saved by myles’ great acting)
2x08/2x09 the impossible planet/the satan pit — i really debated putting these ones on here, but this story was MY introduction to the series so. clearly it’s very effective
—pros: really immersive story and setting, great cast of guest characters/actors, another self contained story (as far as i remember), introduces the ood
—cons: another two parter, might be a bit intense as a first story for some people, 10 and rose’s dynamic/significant moments in this might not hit the same way for someone who hasn’t seen other episodes
3x01 smith and jones
—pros: new companion episode, so the audience gets things explained to them at the same time as martha, fun little mystery at the center, interesting conflict/non-antagonist antagonists, good chemistry between tennant and agyeman, the hole rose left emotionally can be felt but doesn’t cut into the story as much as it does in the runaway bride
—cons: is again maybe not one of the standout episodes of the whole series (but is still very solid)
3x03 gridlock — might be a bit controversial since i didn’t include new earth, but i’ll explain
—pros: really interesting setting and plot, and while i think seeing new earth first gives interesting context, i don’t think it’s necessary to enjoy or understand what’s happening in this episode, and it’s kind of cool to come at this one from martha’s pov. showcases a lot of different kind of creatures/people, has a really satisfying and emotional conclusion, has the doctor reintroduce the concept of gallifrey and what happened to it
—cons: could definitely have some confusing elements if you haven’t seen new earth, in particular novice hame and the face of boe, and the effect of the city being the way it is in gridlock could be a bit diminished without the context of 2x01
3x10 blink
—pros: considered to be one of if not the best episode of the series, and with good reason. carey mulligan KILLS it, the mystery is incredibly compelling from start to finish, and the weeping angels are undoubtedly one of the best additions to the series. this episode is crafted damn near perfectly
—cons: while this episode is incredible, i don’t think it’s actually the best possible intro to the show that many people think it is; it’s not a good microcosm of the show as a whole in terms of structure and tone, and the doctor is really hardly in this episode at all. it makes the episode really gripping and intriguing if you’re already familiar with the show, but i actually think that effect is slightly dulled if you’re somebody who isn’t. this doesn’t mean that it would necessarily be the WORST introduction to the show (i’m still including it on the list after all), but i also don’t think it’s the best
4x08/4x09 silence in the library/forest of the dead
—pros: do i have to keep mentioning the episodes are really good? anyway these are really good. really highlights donna’s complexities, story is tense and emotional and intellectually engaging all at once, introduces river/touches on relationship dynamics with a time traveler, great and genuinely scary monster
—cons: another two parter, river’s introduction and the emotional weight of her and 10’s dynamic might not hit the same if you don’t know the doctor as a character either, and the same goes for donna’s plotline in these episodes (it was really difficult in general to pick ANY donna episodes because so many of the ones that feature her are really tied up in series lore of some kind 😭)
4x10 midnight
—pros: genuinely SO brilliantly written, acted, and edited it is ACTUALLY crazy. i’m biased because this is my favorite episode of the series, but i really think it’s such an all around tight story, and definitely one of the more self-contained ones of the show (especially considering this is a one-off monster we don’t even really hear about afterwards, let alone see again). and really i cannot hype up the writing and acting in this episode enough—if you’re really into sociology as a focal point in your sci-fi this episode will be for you
—cons: kind of similar to blink in that this episode isn’t very emblematic of what the show normally is—both in its bottle setting and the fact that the doctor is totally solo for the majority of the runtime, which is not the norm. i love it, and i think it works really well for the episode, but it’s still an outlier (the tone is also more serious than most eps). and also as minor as they are, there are still a few lore moments/references that might be confusing if this were someone’s first episode (rose’s face coming through on the bus screen, for example)
5x01 the eleventh hour
—pros: new doctor, and similar to smith and jones in the new companion factor. great story, episode is filled with lots of great energy, and this really showcases some of moffat’s better attributes as a writer/showrunner, particularly the kind of fairytale vibe he brings to doctor who; first episode of nuwho with a new showrunner, so it kind of intentionally comes off as a bit of a soft reboot
—cons: while it IS a bit like a soft reboot, this is one that kind of rolls with the assumption that you sort of know the deal at this point when it comes to the doctor as a character. i wouldn’t say it’s necessarily confusing, but i could see it potentially being a bit annoying for a new viewer, or just not as effective as an episode. also this was made in 2010 by moffat, and it shows (the sherlock editing, in particular)
5x02 the beast below
—pros: continuing the fairytale vibe, engaging setting and mystery, absolutely heartbreaking in the best way possible, self-contained story
—cons: viewer might feel a bit lost if they don’t know anything about the doctor and amy or how they met. kind of pro british monarchy :/
5x08/5x09 the hungry earth/cold blood
—pros: introduces the silurians (to nuwho at least), has really good guest characters/dynamics, conflict is compelling and very nuanced (feels closer to a classic who episode if that’s something that compels you), and this is something i’ve refrained from mentioning so far, but these episodes in particular have absolutely fantaaaaaastic makeup/SFX, costuming, and production design
—cons: two parter (take a shot every time i say this), the dramatic conclusion of this one might be confusing and/or fall flat if you aren’t familiar with amy and rory or the overarching plot of the season, and i could definitely see some people finding these episodes boring with all the political talk (i definitely did as a kid)
6x09 night terrors
—pros: very self-contained (as far as i can remember), perfectly straddles the line of horror and sci-fi, has a good emotional core, and 11 with kids is almost always an a+ for me
—cons: honestly can’t really think of any? again maybe not like. an AMAZING episode, and it may have references to past episodes/events in it that i can’t remember that might be confusing to a new viewer
6x11 the god complex
—pros: GREAAATTTT episode hook that really quickly and effectively drops you into the setting and overall vibe of the episode, some great one off characters, encompasses a lot of doctor who’s themes and different blends of genre
—cons: the second half of the episode pretty significantly focuses on amy and her fears/insecurities related to the doctor, so much so that it almost made me not include this episode
7x07 the rings of akhaten
—pros: this episode is so good. great intro to clara’s character (despite it not being her first one), great setting, great alien designs + worldbuilding, great music, and oh my GOD the monologues…the damn monologues…chef’s kiss
—cons: the doctor’s monologue probably won’t have the same effect for a new viewer that it does for people who are already fans, but honestly it’s so good that i don’t think this is that big a deal
9x03/9x04 under the lake/before the flood
—pros: very similar vibes to the impossible planet/the satan pit, but honestly i think i’m even more compelled by this story than i was by that one. i LOVE all the moving parts in this, i love the characters, i love that we’re underwater, and i love that it’s GHOSTS!!
—cons: two parter (shot!), and specifically a two parter that—while i love it to bits—drags a bit more than other two parters that i’ve included on this list. a new viewer may also not totally get (or maybe even be put off by?) 12 and clara’s dynamic
10x01 the pilot
—pros: i’ll be honest i wouldn’t say this is one of my FAVORITE episodes or anything, but it’s still very solid, and i DO think it could make a good introduction into the series for someone
—cons: has multiple allusions to other characters/arcs that will probably feel kind of weird to a new viewer
eve of the daleks special
—pros: time loop lovers come get your juice!!! this episode fucks, it’s probably my favorite from chibnall’s era? top three at least for sure. features the daleks without being too steeped in the Lore/having them overshadow everything in the episode
—cons: this episode is an atypical structure flr the show, and is kind of like. is About 13 and yaz’s relationship, which will probably be kind of odd if you haven’t seen any of the show before
honorable mentions, aka episodes i really wanted to include, but which had one too many cons to justify: 1x02 the end of the world, 1x08 father’s day, 2x01 new earth, s3 xmas special the runaway bride, 3x08/3x09 human nature/the family of blood, s4 special the waters of mars, 5x07 amy’s choice, 5x10 vincent and the doctor, 5x11 the lodger, 6x04 the doctor’s wife, 6x05/6x06 the rebel flesh/the almost people, 6x10 the girl who waited, 10x10 the eaters of light, 11x06 demons of the punjab, 12x08 the haunting of villa diodati, 60th special wild blue yonder)
that’s it so far!! i may add onto this when we get more episodes with 15, we’ll see!
(also i promise i’m not as biased towards early seasons nuwho as this list implies, i was just trying to be as objective as i could possibly be with the criteria that i set 😭 (while obviously still being subjective to my opinions) a lot of the later seasons just don’t have very many easy entry points 😔 (which is i’m sure at least partly why the show is being soft rebooted with 15))
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doctorwho-rewatch · 1 year ago
S3E1 - Smith and Jones
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What an introduction to Martha Jones. She's smart, she's driven, she's gorgeous and has a healthy dose of skepticism. As far as companions go, she can certainly hold her own and it makes me angry knowing how her character is going to be butchered by the end of the series.
She's completely different to Rose Tyler and the contrast works well. She's mostly figured out what she wants from life and is largely pre-occupied by her blended family drama. This is a companion I relate to now, re-watching this series, in a way that I couldn't really when I was a high school student watching this for the first time.
Two doctors. Two problem-solvers. The dynamic between the two should make for an interesting adventure.
The aliens du jour are the rhino mercenaries - the Judoon - looking for the shapeshifting Plasmavore. Seeing the old granny hobbling around with her plastic straw was such an ick. It was brilliant and creepy.
We're still reeling from the loss of Rose Tyler and her memory lingers in the TARDIS. But with Martha now at the helm, I'm ready to see a different side of the Doctor.
QUOTE: "What, people call you the Doctor?" "Yeah." "Well I’m not. As far as I’m concerned you’ve gotta earn that title." "Well I better have a start then."
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roseposts-stuff · 11 months ago
HELLO!!! thought i'd share my ranking of doctor who series 3 episodes today!!!! been a while since i posted series 2 ranking so yeah:D
1. Blink - I LOVE this episode so much, everyone probably gets why, it's so well written, the weeping angels are a brilliant idea, it has great characters, it's visually beautiful (seriously there are so many frames i just look at like "wow the colours are SO COOL i want to paint this" or like the composition looks nice or something) and the way the viewer counts with the angels not moving is SO COOL, what more can a girl ask for???
2. Human Nature/Family of Blood - again so so good, i LOVED martha my girl was so amazing, the acting was so good, the plot was great, i liked the side characters, just really really good guys
3. Gridlock - no one will ever understand how much i love this episode, i love love love how we jump from one car to another it feels so cosy like jumping to tiny worlds it was so amazing fr do y'all see what im saying??? it's so nice and feels so real and i love old lesbians and random kittens and!!!! also it was cool to see face of boe (he's an icon) and anyway the story was enjoyable and i really really liked it
4. Smith and Jones - i love this introduction to martha, the story is great and interesting and i was IMMEDIATELY on board like hello martha i like you already, AND it had funny moments too!!
5. Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords - man this is a great finale, martha, jack and 10 together were so fun to watch and the master's reveal is great and y'all i'm SO proud of martha she was an ICON i love her, anyway the plot is great and i also kinda like how the master was basically defeated with hope, i think it was beautiful, also i love martha's departure it's one of my favourites
6. Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - really liked the side characters, especially solomon and tallulah, they were great, and i liked the idea of one of the daleks kinda turned good you know? or at least realised that there are better ways to survive, and anyway i just like the story
7. 42 - LOVE how this is in "real time" i think that's such a great idea, i enjoyed freema and david's acting and the story overall it's great
8. The Runaway Bride - donnaaaaa!!! this is pretty funny (as stuff with donna tends to be ngl) and the story is alright, but not my fav christmas special and i wasn't the biggest fan of the villain
9. The Shakespeare Code - i like the idea of carrionites and that words can be used like that it's so cool and the ending was funny with the queen just telling folks to execute the doctor but like this episode isn't my fav + i was SO mad when 10 compared martha to rose like im sorry i just never got into timepetals i didn't really like the ship, like i did NOT care enough to get that moment 😭
10. The Lazarus Experiment - it's enjoyable and i really like tish i kinda wished she'd become a companion with martha are you seeing my vision?? and i love some 10 moments in this, but overall it's kinda mid
welll there we are!!!! hopefully will do series 4 soon!!! also remember these are my opinions y'all are free to disagree and if you wanna tell me if you disagree or agree feel free to do that:D
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'...If there is one thing Whovians are known for, it’s being fiercely protective of their favourite Doctor.
Since Christopher Eccleston came aboard the TARDIS as the ninth Doctor in the 2005 reboot, the coveted role has been passed on to David Tennant as the 10th (and 14th) Doctor, Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor, Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor and finally, Jodie Whittaker, who made history as the first female Doctor.
Over the past 18 years and counting, we’ve seen these five Time Lord incarnations travel through time and space defeating deadly threats and ferocious foes with the help of their ever-rotating list of human companions...
8. Season 2 (David Tennant)
We can already hear angry fans hammering at the door for ranking Tennant’s second season so low, sorry not sorry! This season has some truly stellar episodes – for example, the existential nature of “The Impossible Planet” two-parter beautifully reflects on the place of faith and religion with in a sci-fi context.
We get werewolf Queen Victoria, the ever-iconic Cassandra, terrifying Cybermen, and “Love and Monsters” remains one of the most divisive episodes in NuWho history. No doubt, the tragic “Doomsday” finale – which sees Rose (Billie Piper) trapped in a parallel universe – will go down one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show’s history.
But it has its fair share of less impressive episodes (compared to higher ranking seasons), with a few worth a skip (I’m looking at you, “Fear Her”).
Best Episode: “The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit”
4. Season 3 (David Tennant)
We are back with more David Tennant, this time his season with Martha Jones (Freema Ageyman). Not only did Martha make history as the first full-time Black companion (and facing vitriol from racist fans) but she proved all the bigots wrong by having a completely magnificent run.
We got Shakespeare, a platoon of Judoon on the moon and a guest appearance from Andrew Garfield, but what truly set this season apart was its second half, which has the most rewatchable run of episodes in a row.
Kicking off with the “Human Nature” two-parter, we hit NuWho’s most name-dropped episode “Blink”, capped off with an epic finale (starring John Simm as the deliciously mad Master) and some Kylie Minogue just in time for Christmas in “Voyage of the Damned”. What a time to be alive.
Best Episode: “Blink”
1. Season 4 (David Tennant)
This is by far the most predictable season to top the list and with good reason. David Tennant’s final season as the 10th Doctor alongside companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) made for some of the most memorable episodes in the show’s history and incredible levels of rewatchability.
From the introduction of River Song in the heart-pounding “Silence in the Library” two-parter to magnificent stand-alone episodes such as “Midnight” and “Turn Left”, this is an almost no skips season (aside from “The Next Doctor”, sorry!).
To cap it all off, season four includes one of the most twisted (and creepy) episodes from the whole show, “The Waters of Mars”, plus Martha’s swan song and John Simm as the Master once again. 10/10, no notes.
No wonder fans were clamouring to see Tate and Tennant take over the screen again for the 60th anniversary specials!
Best Episode: “Midnight”'
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companion-showdown · 8 months ago
Okay so, I've been trying to come up with a new system for the tournaments vefore the head to head rounds. Even thouh its still a while off, we will be getting a new companion, I would guess, some time in the next year. Currently to accomodate a new companion one of the regulars would have to go, I just about managed to find a good pick for Ruby's introduction but there is just nobody I think should go this time around.
So new system, my current proposal is to make the regulars list subject to elimination in the group stage. But, I still want to guarantee particular numbers of slots for classic, new, and eu companions which would let most of the regulars through, and then whatever is left over is for nominees.
What this lets me do is expand the list of regulars somewhat. I'll put the full list im currently thinking of under the cut, as there's no such thing as too many. Don't take the list as final, I'm open to adding a couple more, although I will say they should either be undisputably companions or some very special case where they are as well known as a companion from the same era/medium, additionally they should be someone who you think is likely to nominated in most tournaments. This is going to be a lower bar for eu companions but whatever.
currently I am thinking 27 slots for classic companions, 16 for nu, 13 for eu and 8 for nominations, but I will put the specific numbers up to a vote later in the week
sorry if this is confusing, I promise it will be simple once it gets going, but yeah
I'm only going to set this to a day because if you guys are happy with this as a plan I want to implement it in time for the next tournament and that's going to take time on my end
finally, the proposed new regulars list
Ian Chesterton
Barbara Wright
Susan Foreman
Sara Kingdom
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Dodo Chaplet
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Sarah-Jane Smith
Romana I
Romana II
Tegan Jovanka
Vislor Turlough
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Ace McShane
Grace Holloway
Chang Lee
Rose Tyler
Mickey Smith
Adam Mitchell
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Wilfred Mott
Donna Noble
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Kate Stewart
Clara Oswald
Bill Nardole
Yazmin Khan
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Ruby Sunday
Charley Pollard
Evelyn Smythe
Lucie Miller
Liv Chenka
Bernice Summerfield
Fitz Kreiner
Iris Wildthyme
Sam Jones
Alison Cheney
Chris Cwej
Izzy SInclair
Helen Sinclair
Hex Schofield
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ok-sims · 1 year ago
in general, I dont like the "modern day"-set episodes of doctor who as much as I like the past-set eps, but "Smith and Jones" is my blorbo episode. peak ten. perfect introduction for martha. she gets taken to the moon, her boss dies, her colleagues are traumatized, but she gets the worst: meets ten
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