#Mario loses his moustache
starleska · 13 days
god, i love it when Mr Puzzles gets extra threatening and creepy 🙈💖
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bear-boi-5 · 21 days
Loud violent head bashing against table
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I'm going insane
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choppedsouldreamer · 20 days
Did some art of the latest SMG4 video, Mario loses his moustache!!
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Partly inspired by my good friend and mutual @crackheadcola :3
I spent quite a while on this and I think it looks amazing!!! Definitely my newest best work yet :D
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istadris · 1 year
Luigis’ kicked puppy demeanour enchants me…. there’s just something about the way his eyes glitter when he cries that’s too cute. No wonder villains are possessing/controlling/kidnapping him every other day.
idk what that says about me but it’s just something I’d like to get off my chest. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I want to hold him gently in my hands and feed him his favourite food just to see his eyes light up and have him make his little moustache smile.
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I also want to shake him like a dog toy and make him curl on himself with that look of fear and confusion.
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He makes such cute little noises and faces when he's scared and vulnerable, he's baby, he's submissive and breedable, he's adorable, I want to bully him without any mercy.
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In fact I want everyone to bully him or coddle him in their own ways.
I want Bowser to toy with him like he does with the moustache in the movie and chew him.
I want Peasley to sweep him off his feet with a dazzling smile and a pretty flower.
I want King Boo to invade his personal space with a horrifying grin and make him squeal in fright.
I want Peach to give him one innocent little peck on the cheek on purpose to make him blush and fluster.
I want DK to give him a big ass noogie and call him a nerd.
I want Mario to hold him and mercilessly tickle him until he's crying with laughter.
I want Daisy to pick him up like he's weighting nothing and call him sweetie and make his heart go bim babadimbadaboumboumboum
I want Dimentio to play twisted mind games with him until he's losing his mind.
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vbnhuet · 9 months
Before I start another writing project I couldn’t finish, I’m just gonna leave my idea so my head won’t explode. Weird Bowuigi AU idea time.
So we’ve seen Bowser being the “sugar daddy” in the relationship all the time, basically spoiling Luigi and give him all the fanciest rooms, clothes, food because he’s king and all that. But I feel like a role reversal would be entertaining to explore.
So I’m imagining like a regent/aristocrat/business??? AU. Bowser is born blue-blooded and rich but have no self restrain on spending money, while Mario started off as a commoner, but through hard work and being generally lucky in the real estate scheme got himself to the same social status as the other nobles. The two got into a years long rivalry trying to court the same lady (Peach), and bowser spent all his inherited money on crazy expenses and bad business decisions just to try and woo her.
At the end, Bowser obviously loses. Losing his lady and in massive debt, still he begrudgingly show up at Mario’s engagement party to save face and not look like a sore loser. He mingled with the guests, getting a bit tipsy, and then when he tried to pat on Mario’s back to congratulate him, a taller, thinner version of Mario with a different moustache to look back at him. The other guy told bowser that he’s Luigi, Mario’s twin brother, and Bowser just blinked in confusion. He was Mario’s rival for years, and now he just know that mario got a twin brother??? Where was this guy at the social meet ups?
At first bowser thought Luigi was just some nobody who leech off of Mario’s success, but Luigi just smiled and told him that “oh no, I’m the chairman of the business, actually”. bowser laughed it off because he thought luigi was joking
But Bowser went home and search up Luigi’s profile and… holy shit. Three mansions. Hotels and casinos. Multiple brand deals. And he owns like most of the estates in their region. No wonder why bowser was losing to Mario. He underestimated those two because they were born commoner, but turns out behind the scene, they were owning probably triple the amount bowser ever owned in his life. But while mario was having his face plastering all over the place, Luigi, the one who make all the important decisions in the family was trying to keep a low profile, cooping up in his personal mega-mansion on a private property somewhere because he was too shy and awkward.
So cue Bower, trying his hands at courting this insanely rich but socially awkward man, basically trying to leech off of his wealth and get that revenge on Mario. Luigi pretty much dwarfed bowser in everything when it comes to wealth (I could see Luigi coming over to bowser’s place and just turning his nose up and start commenting on how bowser is terrible at architectural design and stuff like that), so bowser have to use his “charisma”. Showing up on Luigi’s property unwanted with a grand piano, dumping love letters in front of his door, offering Luigi rides on his crumpling vintage cabriolet. Luigi promised Mario that he wouldn’t spit out a single coin for bowser… but somehow this is working.
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sonicjustbecause · 4 months
Sonic and Shadow: somewhat, they're twins.
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Even before Shadow was a concept, Sonic's past was the most mysterious one. We knew about tails past, Amy past and Knuckles past. But about Sonic we only knew his personality, that he fought Eggman and that liked to run.
One of first attempt to give Sonic a past was in Fleetway comics...
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Human father and scientist... bigh moustache, somewhat slim... Gerard vibes. Sonic himself, like Shadow is somewhat enginered. And like Shadow Sonic is going to lose his father.
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Not far different, even more similar to Shadow past. Longclaw is Sonic's adoptive howl mother and a female figure. And like Maria she is the supporting figure to the little one. Both Maria and Longclaw sacrificed theirselves to save their adoptive brother/son. Both Sonic and Shadow saw their loved ones getting hurt but they didn't see them actually die, they just figured out.
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Now, I don't know if this is a rumor of if this was a scrapped idea, but I've read a theory about that originally SA2 would have explored Shadow AND Sonic past, hinting they were actual brothers and not just two identical hedgehogs. Thinking about this, Shadow's original personality had some traits that are also part of Sonic's: exicted by speed, playful and mischievous and even uses some Sonic's catchprhases (no problem, piece of cake with his iconic quiet voice), though they were toned down by his way calmer nature.
Anyway, in Sonic movie Shadow's past will be the one we know and Sonic in the movie had a very similar past. It would be interesting to see how this will work.
Is like they truly wanted Sonic anc Shadow being twins (like Mario and Luigi) but they didn't wanted to mess to much with the lore and wanted to avoid to retcon. Also because here and there they insist on underline Sonic and Shadow likeness, showing characters around them confused, switching their names and so on...
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sevenpersona · 1 month
Jin x gn reader imagine
Warnings: none bit cheeky at the end tho
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Jin and you are sitting down each playing on your Nintendo Switch when suddenly you have the bright idea to challenge him to Mario Kart
Jin obviously is Princess Peach and while you have a few favourites you eventually pick Yoshi
It starts off as light-hearted with oh look I'm gonna win and oops sorry I red shelled you but the longer you race the more competitive you both get
Swears and curses start being thrown around when you overtake one another or you deliberately start throwing shells at each other
Finally on the last race for the cup, you decide to make a wager with Jin... loser cooks dinner and has to dress up as a Mario kart character and post it on ig
It's always fun gaming with Jin, even if you have to hold your amusement in at his frustration but teasing him as you banana peel him just as he is about to overtake you, makes you cackle as you cross the finish line at 1st place
Taunting him after is the best part bc while you know he is a bit sulky after losing, he takes great joy in shutting you up
"Oof runner up 3rd time in a row has to-mmfp" Jin cuts you off with a quick kiss
When you go to kiss him this time he just shoots you a mischievous grin "sorry baby, I have to cook dinner remember?"
The next morning you see Jin dressed as Mario (moustache and all) taking his punishment with grace.
After Jin is finished he gives you an odd look, "think we can get a princess peach outfit for you?"
You laugh and respond "this isn't my punishment."
You end up in the princess peach costume for scandalous reasons
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pepperycar · 6 months
Inspired by @itsavee4117 and @silenzahra “Cold place, warm hearts” part 4 TW freezing, crying, mentions of death.
Mario tried to run back to where he dropped Luigi, but the snowy fields looked the same in every direction. Freaking out, Mario looked for the Fire Bros. but they were nowhere in sight. Mario had lost Luigi. He clutched his hand to his racing heart as he ran towards the pine forest and stopped in a random spot of snow, just having to guess. He desperately dug his hands through the ice and snow. Only halfway through did he notice his gloves where covered in frost, his wrists slightly showing and completely blue. He didn’t care, he HAD to find Luigi. Mario felt warm, acid-like tears fall down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them, this wasn’t the warmth he had wanted. He wanted Luigi, to hug him, feel his warmth, cuddle him and never go, not after nearly losing him to the lava last time. This time it was the opposite. Luigi was going to die to the cold and by his own brothers stupidity. “WHAT WAS I THINKING?!” He yelled angrily. His voice barely making an echo across the icy fields. ‘Shrinking him probably made him freeze even quicker now with less body mass’ Mario thought ‘I need to find him NOW! Before he- before it’s to late! Otherwise he might- he could already be- no...’ he couldn’t finish that sentence. Mario dug frantically through the snow, his body starting to shake rapidly. He had to find Luigi soon before he froze himself. Then who’d warm Luigi up? Mario took a deep shaky breath and closed his eyes, only hearing the wind and the pounding of his own heart, Mario tried to focus. He hoped that their natural “twin sense” would help guide him. Trying to ignore his hurting heart and hyperventilating. He carefully lifted and moved his head like an owl sensing prey. He delicately pushed his hands through the snowy floor, desperate but slowly, feeling for anything out of place, anything soft but firm, squishy and hopefully warm. Mario jolted when he felt something move under his hand. He immediately grabbed it as gently as he could through panic. He pulled it up and- disappointment and sorrow covered his face. He was holding a Blue Biddybud by the leg. It looked at him angrily. “Uh wrong guy...” Mario muttered, putting it down. The Biddybud angrily burrowed its way back underground. Mario was lost in thought for a second ‘Biddybuds aren’t omnivorous right?’ He shook his head trying to bring comfort to himself ‘no no... they’re not... right?’ Panic set back in as he realised he was wasting precious time. He dug around until he found something else, this one actually nuzzled into him. ‘Luigi!’ Mario thought excitedly, Luigi was nuzzling into Mario’s hand trying to get warm. It had to be! Mario scooped it up and tears started appearing in his eyes. It was a small, white, star bunny with blue tipped ears. Mario started crying and set it down “s-sorry I-I was looking for someone else!” He cried. The Star Bunny scooted away, before a bright blue glow surrounded it. With a small twirl it puffed into a cloud of ice before reappearing revealing- “Lumalee?!” Mario cried confused. “Heheheheha! Frozen moustache has come to cry with me!” Lumalee exclaimed happily. “What’re you doing here?” Mario asked. Lumalee laughed maniacally “sitting in the cold, waiting for deaths cold comforting embrace!” He smiled. Mario shook his head, he’d never understand this creature. He was VERY confused when Luigi introduced him. A little star child, loving and asking for death. At the time Mario hadn’t questioned this, his main priority was checking Luigi over when they got home after the battle. ‘Oh mio dio! Luigi!’ Mario thought “Lumalee! Luigi’s in trouble, I need help! He-He... I gave him a mini mushroom and now he’s lost in the snow somewhere!” Lumalee just stared for a moment before erupting with maniacal laughter “HAHAHAHAHAHA he’s wanting to join me in freezing to DEATH!” He laughed, spitting the last word. “Lumalee!” Mario cried, now full on sobbing. “PLEASE! If Luigi dies because of me, I’ll never forgive myself!” He cried “please... help...” he sobbed clasping his hands together, getting on his knees, now desperate. “Please...” -to be continued.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Actually liking your Slasher partner; Them getting along! And having fun with him! Cuz like, I've noticed that a lotta Slasher fanfics include Y/n lusting over Jason and Thomas, or Y/N being annoyed by Michael, or just plain acting like they hate Freddy.
And thats all great, don't get me wrong- but just consider:
Reader making bets with Thomas over how long its gonna take Hoyt to blow his top at a victim, and laughing when he usually wins because he knows his family so well. Reader playing footsies with Thomas under the dinner table until he just puts his foot ontop of theirs- winning instantly cuz they cant move anymore. Reader taking Thomas for walks outside the house in the bright sunshine and the summer breeze, and just chatting away to him. Reader valuing Thomas' opinion on things.
Reader and Freddy playing games where whoever loses their composure first loses, and he knows they're a sucker for his bad jokes so its not long before they're losing their shit. Reader being all-too-happy to play along with Freddy's bits. Reader and Freddy sharing looks when someone else is being stupid. Reader and Freddy having inside jokes!
Reader and Candyman telling eachother about their days and its honestly one of the best parts of both their days. Reader flashing Candyman such warm and bright smiles when they see him that his long-dead heart warms every time. Reader asking for Candymans advice when they want help. Reader telling others they have the best partner- he's the bees knees!
Reader wanting Bo to teach them car stuff just to spend time with him, and loving it even more when they impress him. Reader drawing pictures of Bo, showing him, then adding something stupid like a big ass mario moustache or a monocle just so he'll chase them. Reader calling Bo pet names.
Reader listening intently when Otis goes off on a tangent, genuinmy wanting to understand his point of view. Reader quipping brightly to people who call him ugly that they think he's handsome! ^^ Reader copying Otis's frown until he rolls his eyes and walks off to hide a grin.
Like- just- readers who'll point at their Slasher and go 'Thats my guy. Isn't he cool?? Murderous tendencies not included'.
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invisibleraven · 3 years
Hi! 17 for a cute date and PeterPatter?
Reggie and Luke have never been what you would call a typical couple; they spend almost as much time rocking out as they do making out, much to the teasing of Alex. They weren't the type to get dressed up for a fancy meal or attend a movie for date night. They were content enough to stay in and workshop lyrics or watch terrible old sci-fi movies instead.
However, they did enjoy the odd night out, going to the occasional gig from fellow musicians, or to a photography exhibit by Reggie's favourite artist. But one day they heard of a new board game café that is now open and decide to check it out.
The place is cosy, a fake fireplace off in the corner, tables everywhere surrounded by comfy chairs, and shelf after shelf of board games. Reggie goes off to get something for them to munch on while Luke scours the games.
He immediately rejects Monopoly, as the only person he knew who actually liked the game was Alex. He also skips over Trivial Pursuit, knowing Reggie would trounce him in a second. There's a selection of puzzles there as well, but those are a bit too time consuming and complicated for Luke. He eventually settled on Scrabble, and finds a place off to the side, waving at Reggie when the man looks around for him confused.
There's a plate full of pastry and a mug with an frankly, obscene amount of marshmallows set in front of Luke, Reggie sipping from his own marshmallow covered monstrosity, grinning with a slight foam moustache as Luke hands him the bag of letters. Luke can't help but lean over the board to kiss the foam off Reggie, grinning when Reggie accuses him of trying to peek at his letters.
"Babe, we both know you're gonna win, why not give me some advantage?"
"Because when I win you get all pouty and ten I have to make it up to you somehow, usually at home in bed. Which I love too much to give up," Reggie replies, setting out his first word, almost using up all of his letters.
"I do not get pouty!" Luke protests, glancing at his own letters and scrambling his brains trying to work with what Reggie already has laid down, managing a three letter word and tries not to appear grumpy.
"Uh huh. Sure you don't."
"Not like you're a much better loser, the last time I beat you at Mario Kart you almost cried!"
"I was one win away from beating my old record and you blue shelled me at the last second on Rainbow Road!"
"Man, fuck Rainbow Road," Luke grumbled, the two of them toasting their mugs to that.
In the end, Reggie did end up winning, but given he got to let a very pouty Luke do whatever he wanted that night in their bedroom, he wasn't complaining. And Luke would admit, as he lay there, sweaty and sated, maybe losing to Reggie wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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lizadale · 3 years
Bruh I played the american version and I always thought the UK version had the better luigi roast. The stache thing felt kinda impersonal (cuz I mean anyone can make fun of how you look for basically any reason) but the pushover thing would be a thing specific to luigi, that he might be more mad about because dimentio really did do that right to his face right in front of his bro. The grass is greener on the other side I guess lol
“better luigi roast” i’m losing it that this is a topic for debate and how inevitably we judge localizations of the game
i think it depends on how you view Luigi? when i was a kid my mom made the comment of “you can tell that’s Luigi, because Mario’s moustache is messier” and at the time it blew my mind to compare them based on the way they groom themselves - and since then I’ve inherited the idea that, yes, Luigi spends significantly more time on his ‘stache than Mario does. He’s proud of that thing. maybe Dimentio noticed how long Mr L took waxing it every day and decided that was the best way to poke him. 
HOWEVER you could also argue that Dimentio saw how UPSET Mr L was at getting defeated TWICE and decided to poke that in the “pushover” variation. Maybe the ‘stache result would be less insulting when you account for the fact that Luigi might be too distracted by the fact that Dimentio has actually noticed him at all - OR... you get the realization that Dimentio has noticed Luigi only to insult what he sees, and that’s what pisses him off the most
tl;dr: shrug emoji
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Chris Evans Fic Recs
Angst 😭
Fluff 🥰
Smut 😈
Series 📚
Original character 👸🏽
Au meme 🎀
Social media edit 📱
Moodboard 💝
Never Say That Again by @smilexcaptainx
🥰Long Hard Week by @thegetawaywriter
Making Out by @tropicalcap
Adorable by @your-highnessmarvel
🥰Beardless by @thegetawaywriter
Saturday Cuddles by @cevansgirl
😈Daddy Chris by @nsfwsebbie
😈Bearded Chris by @honeychicanawrites
😈Payback by @plussizeappreciationfics
🥰Chris Sweater by @soft-angel-tears
😈🥰Beard of Grays by @et-lesailes
🎀Announcing He’s Having a Baby Girl by @celebsaumeme
🥰😭I Think I’ll Never Be Good Enough About by @hotcelebimagines
Pregnant With Chris First Child by @getbywithalittlehel96
Threesome with Henry by @honeychicanawrites
Crowded by @my-emotional-self
😈Press Tour Distractions by @my-emotional-self
😈Losing a Superbowl Bet by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
😈Windows by @avenging-fandoms
Dating Chris Evans By @writing-imagines’
😈Daddy Dom by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
🥰Wash Day by @lady-olive-oil
😈A Small Accident by @plussizeappreciation
Books and Baths by @herondaleholly31
😈Masturbate by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
The Perfect Man by @petey-verse
🥰😭😈Really Chris by @my-emotional-self
😈Welcome Home by @my-emotional-self
😭😈Give It Back  by @my-emotional-self
😈Quiet on the Set by @i-dont-do-rpfs
😈Baby Girl by @bby-buckyfics
😈Daddy Evans by @writingsblock
😈Our Little Secret by @canyoumoveurseatup-no
This isn’t America’s Ass. It’s My Ass by @avenging-fandoms
Short by @honeychicanawrites
🥰My Parents are Coming by @giftofdreams
😈Don’t Tease Me by @whisky-cokenfanfic
Noted by @pastelastronomy24
Birthday Surprise by @captainscanadian
Our Future by @mrsoutoftime
📱Special Announcement by @wocreadersociaimagines
😈Make Me a Daddy 2 by @just-another-fangirl-94
🥰😭Book Smart by @angel-cap
Happy Little Family by @crue-sixx
Family Man by @trashinaglass
Drunk Home Word’s Unspoken Forever by @blackwomanwriter
Any Means Necessary by @cavillunraveled
Spiders by @angel-cap
😈🥰Captain America vs Superman 2 I Love You Two by @royallyprincesslilly
Anniversary by @theycallmebecca
The Treehouse by @theycallmebecca
Oh Hell No by @theycallmebecca
Hot and Cold by @theycallmebecca
Fred by @theycallmebecca
🥰Hot Summer Days by @frencchfries
Mama’s Boy by @hlkwrites
🥰Thirst Tweets by @et-lesailes
The Post Office by @hlkwrites
📚Daddy Hair Care 1 2 3 4.1 4.2 5 by @chrisevansbabymama
🥰A Bigger Heart by @cevansgirl
😈Wetter is Better by @wintersoldier1989
I Want A Pet by @justkending
🥰Attention Seeking by @chrisevansbabymama
📚👸🏽😈😭Rumor Has It 2 3 4 5 6 by @royallyprincesslilly
🥰I Can Get Caught Up by @mangos4u
😈Untitled by @hisxblackxqueen
😈Just Relax by @hisxblackxqueen
Meeting Chris at a Marvel Event by @plussizeappreciationfics
😈🥰Just the Tip by @royallyprincesslilly
Caught in A Moment by @halsteadbarnes
👸🏽My First, My Always by @lady-olive-oil
Christmas Spirit by @thinkxlovexloud
Four Legged Protector by @stallingdemons
Jealous by @thinkxlovexloud
😈🥰Knock-Knock,Knock,Knock Knock by @royallyprincesslilly
Meet the Parents:Christmas Edition by @royallyprincesslilly
God I Can't Pay Attention to Anything but You by @bloggingfromherbed
Paternal Instincts by @dc41896
Tease by @blackwomanwriter
Morning by @chrisevansbabymama
What Happens Now by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
😈Strip Mario Kart by @my-emotional-self
😈🥰His Princess by @my-emotional-self
😈On the Phone  by @fanfictionmulti-verse
Interview by @fanfictionmulti-verse
📱Eloped by @mcusocialimagines
Birthday Surprise by @thinkxlovexloud
Too Tired by @captainchrisfics
Scratch by @thinkxlovexloud
😭🥰Dirty Little Secret by @blackmissfrizzle
😈Riding Chris' Face by @thotgomery
The Warmth of Summer by @lunarevans
😈Masturbate by @heavenbarnes
📱Catfished by @mcusocialimagines
Headshot by @thinkxlovexloud
Enemies to Lovers by @writingsofaninvisiblegirl
😈So High by @hail-meezus
In A White Dress by @theycallmebecca
Chris Vs. His Mini Me  by @theycallmebecca
Confessions of a Fangirl by @theycallmebecca
Gifts and Surprises by @theycallmebecca
😈A Helping Hand by @theycallmebecca
By the Fire by @theycallmebecca
Chris Celebrity Crush by @justimagine
Dip the Tip by @sfdce
B.S.C. A Winter Getaway by @sfdce
🎀A Little Crush by @aucelebrity
🎀Newborn by @aucelebrity
🎀Announcing Your Pregnancy by @aucelebrity
🎀Talking About Your Meeting by @aucelebrity
🎀Has A Crush On You by @aucelebrity
🎀Being Romantic with You by @aucelebrity
I Can’t Get Married by @ sgtevanstan
Diamonds by @giftofdreams
Flirting by @brooklnboy
Fan Girl Moment by @plussizeappreciationfics
😈Guiding His Submissive Babygirl by @honeychicana
🥰Daughter by @stripper-patrick
🎀Oscars by @aucelebrity
📱Secret by @mcusocialimagines
Better Safe than Sorry  2by @thefluff-ficdemon
Mammoth by @whisky-cokenfanfic
🎀Happy with You by @celebrity-meme
Gender Reveal Party by @plussizeappreciationfics
Cute Baby Talk by @plussizeappreciationfics
Sexy Enough by @plussizeappreciationfics
Facade by @plussizeappreciationfics
Famous by @plussizeappreciationfics
🥰Daughter to Be by @thegetawaywriter
Valentines Day by @thegetawaywriter
🥰😈Welcome Back Daddy by @mangos4u
🎀Gap Year by @ celebrityyimaginees
🎀Moustache by @ celebrityyimaginees
Jokes by @ celebrityyimaginees
We Need to Talk by @wxntersoldiers
Morning by @chrisevansbabymama
😈🥰Pushing Buttons by @my-emotional-self
😈Would You Rather by @chriseevansfanfic
😈Sounds Like a Plan by @kirstie-evans
😈Still Got It  by @captainsteveevans
📚Remember When? 2 3 4 5 by @captainsteveevans
🥰The Adjective Game by @deep-in-my-thoughts13
Knives Out Thighs Out by @blackmissfrizzle
🥰😭Make It Up by @stripper-patrick
🥰😭😈Casual by @royallyprincesslily
😈Deeper by @honeychicana
😈Away From You by @stripper-patrick
😈Playground by @nsfwsebbie
😭😈Unprofessional 2 3 by @royallyprincesslilly
😈I Got a Story to Tell by @stripper-patrick
Red Carpet Jitters by @deanssweetcherrypie
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istadris · 1 year
I'm making a separate post for this idea in the Mistaken for Royalty AU because the original is getting a bit long, but hear me out anyway (and thank you @scribeprotra for your most excellent ideas) :
Peach is the first and only one for a long time to know the truth (about where Mario and Luigi come from and how they're not secret princes from a lost kingdom but just two random plumbers stumbling into a weird world), because:
She's smart enough to actually ask Mario and Luigi the right questions and draw the correct conclusions from their answers.
She's also dumb enough to assume everyone else did the same and also got the actual facts from talking with the Bros.
Bowser was being A Goddamn Tool about the brothers and she realized he had no clue about the truth, so she decided to take revenge for his loooong standing douchery by spreading false rumors and info
She had no idea Toadsworth doesn't know the truth, her opinion of him is so high that when he seems puzzled or asks the twins strange questions about their origins or their royal duties, she assumes he's part of the bit or is helping to spread the bit by playing along.
Peach thinks they're having a private joke when she casually mentions how she hopes the Mushroom Kingdom is up to the usual standards from Mario and Luigi's fancy lifestyle, knowing well that they used to live in a basement with a constant cockroach issue. Instead Toadsworth is losing moustache hair. Did they complain about their accommodations ? Is it an actual complaint or are the Bros two spoiled twats ??
Meanwhile Mario and Luigi are still struggling to believe that their beds have clean sheets. And they're changed every week!!
Toadsworth, tentatively: "Say, Master Luigi, how are you finding your accommodations ?" Luigi : *starts crying because this is the first time in his life he doesn't have to worry about the next meal.* Toadsworth, internally: "Oh my stars and shrooms, we are offending our guests and they didn't dare to complain!!"
When the misunderstanding is finally cleared, the twins are MORTIFIED. They spend a full hour kowtowing in apology to Toadsworth. They didn't mean to ! The old chancellor been nothing but kind to them and they have caused him such distress ! They're so sorry !!
Toadsworth is still a bit miffed at himself yet very touched by the display and is kowtowing in return : "How could I ever believe you had foul intentions ?? You are the ones deserving my apologies for my suspicions!"
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sa-gt-tarrius · 5 years
G/T Prompts, part 1
Writing prompts were taken from this post by @hiddendreamerwriting.
“I want a pet.”
Toadsworth sighed deeply, grasping the bridge of his nose. “Princess…”
“I want a pet,” Peach repeated firmly. “If I can’t leave the castle, I’d like some company. Anything will do. I’ll even take a fish.”
“Princess, we have other matters that need your attention.” The Toad gestured to Peach’s desk, which was littered with a variety of important-looking documents. “You have treaties to draft, and you haven’t even requested combat support from Sarasaland yet. You cannot afford to be distracted by an animal.”
Peach blinked, then scoffed. “I won’t be distracted.” Her expression softened, and something behind her eyes cracked with sorrow. “Please, Toadsworth. I’m losing my mind, doing all this by myself. I need someone, something. Anything. Please.”
For a minute, Toadsworth’s face was unreadable. He seemed to contemplate the request with quiet intensity. Then, finally, he spoke, his voice growing quiet. “I’m sorry, Princess,” he apologized. “I will not relent on this. We have to stay focused on the issues at hand.”
Peach looked away. “I understand.” But she really didn’t. She didn’t understand it at all. Toadsworth left without another word, throwing her a sad glance as the door clicked shut behind him.
Peach wanted to scream. She wanted to cry and punch something and run away and never come back home. But she had duties to attend to. So she simply sat on her bed, wiping away a stream of tears. She could manage. She could do this. She just wished she had someone to keep her from being so lonely.
That was when an unfamiliar voice spoke up, as if sent by the stars themselves. “Um… mi scusi…”
Peach looked up at her door. It was still closed. She turned her head to face the balcony. It was empty. She scanned the room. No one was in it but her.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but…”
“Who’s there?” Peach asked, still glancing around the room. Was there a ghost in the castle? Would she have to call an exterminator?
The voice paused for a moment before replying. “I’m down here.”
Peach looked down towards the direction of the voice. She blinked once, twice, thrice, and bit back the urge to holler in surprise.
The voice belonged to a man, perhaps around Peach’s age. He wore jean overalls and a worn cap and heavy-duty work boots that clomped quietly as he walked. A moustache curled around his nose, comically contrasting his boyish face. The man craned his neck to stare up at Peach from the floor by her night table.
Peach swallowed. “You’re… a tiny person.”
It was true. This man, who had mysteriously appeared in her bedroom, was no more than five inches tall. At Peach’s words, he sobered a bit, looking away from her.
“Yeah,” the man shrugged, but Peach had to strain her eyes to notice he had moved at all. “You’re Princess, right? I’m Mario.”
“...Oh.” It seemed Peach forgot her manners. She cleared her throat to cover her embarrassment. “Ah, yes. It’s nice to meet you, Mario.”
Mario smiled awkwardly, scuffing his foot on the carpet. “Sorry for intruding, Princess... but I heard you and that guy arguing.”
Of course he did. Peach sniffled a bit, wiping her face clean. “It’s fine.”
“It doesn’t sound fine. Are you okay?”
“I’m…” Peach paused. Was she okay? Not really. But was she going to pass out and faint from the pressure of the world? Probably not. She was just… not that great. “I’ll be alright,” she settled on saying. “I’m just a bit stressed is all.”
“You sound like you deal with a lot of stressful stuff,” Mario commented.
Well, that was one way to put it. “I suppose I do,” Peach giggled. “Mario, would you… Would you keep me company for a while? Have some tea and chat for a bit?”
Mario smiled brightly, lighting up the room. “Sí, I don’t have anywhere else to be.”
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Couple by Accident
Suga had just dyed his hair. Again. A light blue, almost white. He was known for dyeing his hair excessively. He had no idea why he did except that he just liked to do it. It was that simple yet people wanted to make it complicated for some reason. 
He was on his way to his cozy room where he would hole up for the weekend, sleeping and working on his music. He didn't know why people would want to leave their rooms for so long, hanging out and socializing mindlessly, gossiping and what not. He would rather do stuff that mattered. 
Occasionally he would hang out with his friends, catch up and chat, but not often enough, and certainly not to mindlessly gossip. He preferred to talk about music, about stuff that mattered.
He was almost home when he got a message from a friend. A minute later he received a call from the same person. "No" Suga greeted. "I'm not coming". 
"But hyungnim. Please!" the younger friend whined. "I know you don't like to go out. But please this one time. I haven't seen you in so long. I want to catch up and maybe we can talk later about some stuff? I'm having a hard time hyungnim".
"Alright" Suga sighed. It would seem that he would do it for his friend. But this created a challenge for him. He would have to dress up. He was the least likeliest person to be excited about it, but he couldn't go without the costume; the younger would whine all night and it would get on his nerves. 
He switched on his phone and scrolled through bare minimum Halloween ideas, stopping at an extremely simple one. Something that could be done, especially with his newly dyed hair. He smiled as he called his stylist. He wanted to borrow a lab coat they used for one of their music video shoots. An hour later he rummaged through his closet, finding brown pants which definitely wasn't his - probably one of the members' - and pulled it out along with a light blue T-shirt. 
He quickly got dressed, deciding to air dry his hair to get the messy hair look that Rick perpetually had. He grabbed his keys and wallet and left the apartment, driving to the Bighit office. 
"Thank you for meeting me on your day off noona", Suga politely said to the stylist as she tried to find the lab coat. She asked him about his costume and when Suga mentioned Rick, she clucked her tongue.
"You need to put gel in your hair. Make it stand up". She led him to a chair and grabbed a hair gel from the shelf, using it to style his hair in a similar way to that of Einstein's. She then handed him the lab coat, reminding him to not damage it and left the building after locking up the dressing room. 
The house was decorated extravagantly. Pumpkins, lights, lanterns every and any Halloween associated prop was in sight. He walked up to the front door, passing a few drunk people yelling 
"Hey Rick, where's your Morty" to him. 
Before he could knock the door opened to reveal his friend. "You made it! And in a costume! I'm impressed. Come in". Suga entered the house and was dragged towards the kitchen where he was handed cheap beer. 
"This many people...can't have expensive beer you know" His friend muttered as he kept chatting about his amateur career, asking advice and listening attentively. This is why Suga loved his friend; he listened with so much passion, Suga could tell he was serious about his music. After an hour of chatting, the friend excused himself while Suga walked towards the main hall.
Plenty of people were dancing in the center, carefree and Suga had to move through quite a resistance to get to the back lawn. 
"Hey you guys are so cute!! Your costumes match so well!". Suga turned around to see a girl smiling up at him.
"Uh thanks" he said while wondering what on Earth the girl was talking about. 
"Yo Rick! Your Morty is the cutest! Did you pick the best one out of all the alternative universes?" A guy winked at him as he passed by. 
"You two look like a perfect couple!! Every Rick needs his Morty am I right or am I right?" a girl yelled smiled at him, clearly drunk.
Suga was so confused. He came here alone, why were people being so weird, he wondered. 
A minute later he shrugged and went out to the back lawn. He saw a slight figure already there standing with her back to him, a backpack slung over like a school kid. The backpack had the tag "Morty" on it, which is when Suga realized what all the comments were about. 
"I'm too busy! I have exams next week and I haven't even opened up my books yet. I'm not going. Its final" Hira was extremely frustrated. 
She wanted to enjoy her time but because of being a med student, it was extremely difficult for her. She was always busy with studying. She sighed as she opened her book and began studying.
An hour later she opened her phone to see 10 missed calls from her friend. "What" she answered. "WHAT?!" Hira was going to murder him. She was going to kill her instructor and then spend a happy life in prison. 
"Yes. It's cancelled which means you can come with me to the party. Hurry up! we only have two hours. I'll pick you up" She didn't wait for a response as she ended the call. 
Hira wondered what she could do. It was too last minute, she hated unplanned things and now here she was without a costume. She clicked open her phone and flipped through costume ideas, halting at Rick and Morty. Rick might be difficult given the almost white hair. Morty, on the other hand, was extremely doable. She opened her wardrobe, searching for her blue jeans and the lime green shirt she never wore. At least she could wear them today. 
Standing in front of the mirror she surveyed her costume. It was too...mainstream. People might not even recognize her costume. In a stroke of inspiration, she emptied her brown backpack, grabbed a sticky note, stapler and marker and hastily made up two name tags, one for her bag and one for her shirt - in case people saw her from the back or the front. 
Ten minutes later she was walking towards her friend's car. "Hey"
"Hey. Are you dressed as Morty? Well done you for such a last minute costume" her friend, who herself was in a cute Mario costume with the fake moustache and red cap said. 
They drove to the party with windows down, singing loudly to mainstream pop songs like they did back when Hira had enough free time to have fun. When the reached the party, Hira got extremely excited, bouncing on her feet while her friend tried to calm her down. 
"I haven't been to one in so long!" She yelled as she power walked towards the house. 
"Hey Morty! Did you lose your Rick?" some drunk guy yelled at them. Ignoring the boys, the girls went up to the door and opened to find the party in full swing. 
"I'll get some drinks" her friend said walking away while Hira tried to find a space on the couch. Giving up she leaned against the wall when a girl walked past. 
"Hey...Morty! Of course. This is so cute you know how you two matched so cutely" The girl talked fast. 
"Um who?" Hira was confused. What was she talking about? But the girl had already left. She spotted her friend weaving through the crowd and she grabbed the soda from her hand. 
"Let's dance" She grabbed her hand and pulled her towards an empty corner. After 15 minutes Hira had to take a break and step out in the back lawn. 
"Hey girl! If you're looking for your Rick, he's in the kitchen" a random boy walked passed raising his hand for a high-five. Hira reluctantly raised her own hand, wondering why everyone was talking about a Rick. As she was standing there, a guy walked up to her. 
"Why are you standing here alone Morty. Did your Rick ditch you to go to a super galactic adventure alone. Typical men" he sighed. 
Hira looked over at his costume, realizing he was Sherlock Holmes only after he pulled out a magnifying glass. 
"Hey. What's everyone talking about. Rick who?" Hira was genuinely confused.
 Was there a Rick running around claiming he was together with a Morty? With her? 
"Damn, that Rick messed up. Anyways gotta go my Watson is here". 
Hira turned around to look at him walking back into the house. This is weird she thought as she turned around. 
"So you're the one who keeps associating herself with me" came a voice from behind her.She turned around to see Rick, expecting some wannabe loser trying to win points by declaring himself not alone. Except, he was cute. As in cute af. With light blue, almost white hair that stood up every which way and pale skin, he really did look like Rick.  
"Well" he said.
"Um. So you're the one who is going around claiming you came to a party with someone. That someone is me by the way. And please don't say I'm with you." Suga didn't expect Morty to be a cute girl with a soft voice. But cuteness aside, did she just imply that he was the one going around telling people they were together. 
"Look. Whatever your issue is don't bring me into it". 
"You're the one bringing me into it" Hira said annoyed. They both fell silent for a while until suddenly Suga muttered a whatever and turned around. 
"Wait. Why did you do it? I mean it's not like someone would be unwilling to be your Morty", Hira wondered. He just gave her a look, that look. The famous 'are you still talking' look. It annoyed Hira even more. 
"Hey at least talk back, Rick!" she said, his silence getting on her nerves.
"Well, since you haven't realized what's happened, let me enlighten you. None of us said anything. People assumed because we were wearing couple costumes, we were together. Does that answer satisfy you", he directed his impassive gaze towards Hira who stared at him in shock. His voice was so attractive and she wanted to hear more of it. 
"So, since we are Rick and Morty and also alone, let's stick together. I'm Hira by the way", Hira trailed behind him trying to make him talk. 
An hour later, Hira was still at his side. But by now Suga was talking. He found her annoying, but also cute. Extremely cute. He usually didn't get along with people, but he did with her. She was as good a listener as a talker, and an hour passed by without him getting bored once. 
"Well. It's late. I need to go work on my music" he said as he excused himself and moved towards the door. 
Hira wondered if she would ever see him again. He didn't give her his number and was leaving just like that. 
"Hey" she turned around to see him standing in the doorway. "Treat me to food since you spent so much of my time talking about yourself" Suga said, still in that impassive way of his. 
Hira was realizing what kind of personality this boy had, tough exterior but a softie inside. She didn't take offense at that and instead agreed happily. She had a date! Sort of. A/N: This was inspired by a prompt. Imagine if this were to happen in real life, I would die from the cuteness
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anothersillyfanblog · 5 years
How about Chase being a confused boi?
At what? Doesn’t matter, he’s 24/7 confused is ma boy. In fact, I have two ideas. So I shall do one tonight and the other tomorrow! Obviously it’s fluff tonight, angst tomorrow “Who the hell- who are you?” Chase asked, confused. “Okay, calm down. It’s not healzhy, Chase.” Henrik tried to stop his friend from getting up. “You know my name?” He looked around, panicked. His head was- argh, he felt awful. He was lead in a strange room with some machines surrounding the bed he was lead in. “You hurt your head, mein freund, Marvin helped and oh!” Henrik smiled softly. “You haven’t met zhe young Jameson…” “Henrik?!” Chase near-screamed, remembering all at once. Schneep nodded. “How long have I been out?” “Vell you haven’t,” Schneep started. “You’ve been in and out of consciousness, it vas a pretty bad injury you took.” He tutted, shaking his head. “A very silly zhing to do, you are lucky I’m a good doctor!” Chase chuckled awkwardly. “You bet I am. Sorry, bro.” “Nein, it’s good. But ve must talk about a mind doctor, I cannot help vizh everyzhing.” “Yeah, yeah I will. Now who was that you mentioned?” “Ah!” Henrik rushed over to the door and, after opening it, called out into the corridor. “Jameson! Can I borrow you?” He turned back to Chase. “I’ve told zhe ozhers zat you and ze young Jameson should meet before everyone bombards you.” Chase could hear footsteps quickly approaching the door.A guy with more bluish hair than Chase or Henrik entered. He had a hat, a black moustache, a tie, a waistcoat- in general he looked very smart but, as Henrik said, young. JJ waved, looking nervously at Henrik. “Don’t vorry, young one, I vill translate for him- best I can, anyvay.” Good day, old chap! Jamie stated cheerily, trying to communicate slowly. Henrik was the best at BSL out of all of them, so far, but he hadn’t been here for that long and the good doctor had a lot to learn. “Old? Oh you got some cheek there, bud!” Chase teased. Yes, I’m a complete rascal. “You speak old-timey then?” JJ nodded. I suppose so. “Well. If your so ‘old-timey’ I gotta ask- ya ever played Mario Kart?” “Jesus Christ, Chase, is zhat really your best question?” Schneep interrupted. No, I haven’t. I’ve watched Jackie play. “As soon as I’m out of here, we’re playing.” “Really, Brody?” Schneep asked. Henrik, I’d love to play it with him. You’re just bitter because you always lose. “I’m not translating zhat” “You’re not translating what?” Please do, you said you’d translate for me! Henrik sighed, and did as Jamie said. Chase laughed loudly, and Jameson joined in. “Can ve not laugh at me?” Schneep asked, but neither man was listening to him. “Please?!”
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