#Maintenance Therapy
themiumiubarbie · 7 months
More YouTubers I recommend watching 🎀
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Gina B.
Tam Kaur
Emily Paulichi
Simone Nicole
Vanessa Faga
Olivia Yang
Kayli Boyle
Kenna Marie
sophie diloreto
Michaela Bento
Amber Scholl
Samantha Nicole
Bria Jones
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acequinz · 5 months
Once again bound by meng yao demons.
I want to squeeze him till his head pops or bite his head off...
Is this how NMJ felt?
NMJ just be there confusing the absolute urge to kiss the mess meng yao is with wanting to kill him.
Maybe the reason was that LXC also has extreme kissing thoughts about Meng Yao but they are much gentler.
So NMJ was like- oh i probably just want him dead.
Like nah. You all should have fucked.
Maybe lxc was trying to get NMJ and meng yao to fuck it out by forcing them into sworn brotherhood.
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gent-illmatic · 1 year
A matter of time⏱
(A long af ramble)
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I don’t care how long you’ve known some people, what the bond was, if they’re relatives, part of a community, childhood friends, best work buddies etc.
Everybody isn’t meant to stay in your life!
During my spiritual journey I realized you can’t “helicopter” over the people you care about. It’s a dysfunctional love language many of us have. I wanted to support and guide my loved ones to the best of my ability. I’m known as the therapist/fixer of any friend group I’m apart of.
I’m the Olivia Pope of this shit. However, I would end up being the emotional trash bag ,while they reject every plausible solution presented. Im the person strategizing how to get them on track and distracting from my own goals to save theirs (ppl pleasing). Silently seething because not only do they seem to care very little about themselves … but also about my time and effort in supporting them! They’re turning up while I’m stressing for them.
I also realized a lot of these actions stemmed from events in my childhood, but I digress!
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Then the “Ah ha” moment hit!
They don’t owe me shit.
Why? … because it’s not my job to do that! They’re not calling for advice. They’re calling to vent. Yes, being a good listening ear is part of being a good support as well. We don’t always have to swoop in with “what you should do is…”. I also learned my actions of support make me seem like a “know it all” with good intentions. It sends signals that I don’t believe they are capable of figuring out their own issues. As if they were mentally challenged. This dynamic breaths life into resentment.
However, for people like me , that becomes exhausting after while. Loved ones complaining about the same bullshit misfortunes over & over without looking for solutions, better discernment, or to establish positive patterns/habits. Constantly returning back into the arms of what has them forever frustrated. Wanting you to hold all of their emotional and dysfunctional baggage. You are being spiritually drained!
Especially, if you’ve done the work for your own life’s outcome! With or without therapy! You’ve put in the effort aside from your prayers. Now, you’re reaping the peaceful benefits of the investment in your life. You feel your spirit and life being led to better pastures ….It’s time to realize…
You’ve outgrown them.
it’s time to love them from afar!
The dynamic you once shared has expired/changed. The people you were in the beginning, No longer exists now. It’s no longer serving or fulfilling.
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People will always prioritize themselves (as they should). You need to make sure you do the same. Nobody will care about you more than yourself as an adult. You can care for your loved ones, and wish them well. Give them guidance if specifically asked. However, we can’t live for them or force them to take our advice! It doesn’t matter how great the quality of our advice is…. We don’t even have to experience the consequences of the advice we give them! They have the choice of what to take and what to leave! We don’t even know if we have all the facts of the scenario anyway. They have their journey and you have yours…
If their dysfunctional life starts to effect yours just being in their company…you begin reaping their consequences for their choices…you notice yourself regressing … you recognize you’ve lost sight or esteem of your own life mission…
Fall back.
You are the average of the 5 closest people to you. Choose wisely!
The mental ease you receive for allowing people to “do them” and letting go is priceless. Now you have time to dedicate towards your own conquests , continue your own development, and learn from your own choices.
I’m rambling now… but one last thing
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Beware: When people notice you walking away to a better life, they may morph into your enemy. They may spill your secrets, smear you, they may not even care about your absence. If that’s the case It’s all good… some people can live in your heart but not in your life!
Keep the grass cut🌾🐍🌾
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I've just gotta show you this post s3 tfa concept, like really post s3
Blah blah blah Sentinel is no longer Magnus, Optimus either gets the matrix and goes from a tfa prime to a Prime™️ or himself becomes Magnus
But Sentinel pretends like nothing has changed, so we get the image of Sentinel berating Optimus while Oppy, who's now comparable to Megatron's height, just. Stares down at him past his tits at Sentinel who's giving off metaphorical "peaked in high school" vibes.
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pinkbowmuse · 6 months
let me just put it out there what you accept is what you attract so if you keep letting those people that treat you bad continuously YOU are attracting that.
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theygender · 7 months
Fucking forgot how locks work today for some reason and dragged a maintenance guy all the way over to my apartment only for him to have to look me in the eye and tell me I was turning my key the wrong way. Fuck my stupid baka life
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farther-north · 1 month
A03 IS BACK UP YIPPIE !!! Back to reading silly block men doing silly things :DD
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I'm working on a project on my computer and vaping, this is the closest I've been to my normal pain level in days. I know it won't last, especially not when I'm trying to sleep later.
Trying to ignore the guilt of disappearing from work for three days, when the last time I did that it was my mental breakdown two years ago.
#it's not like then#not really#I mean it is and it isn't#my physical health was/is in a point of decline and the fear of pushing myself too hard became/is becoming too much#but I've grown so much in the last two years#I'm not gonna lie#sometimes I wish I had quit the work force back then#I obviously couldn't have predicted the sharp decline of my physical health over the course of this calendar year#but it happened#so the day to day question becomes now what?#now what do I do with myself/my life/my time/my energy/my independence/my god knows what else#nothing I am physically capable of doing is going to fulfill me and the things that fulfill me are now out of reach#so what fucking now?#I think this is it folks#I think it's time to start planning my exit strategy from the work force#and I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna do that when we literally just bought a condo#and I have therapy tomorrow too so I get to try and relay all this to my therapist in just half an hour lol#I don't regret dropping down to maintenance sessions#but sometimes you just need more time#tomorrow I'll get on the phone and be like ohmygodjoshitsbeensuchafuckingweek#ihadaflareupsobadicalledoutofatotaloffourdaysofworkandleftearlybythreehoursoneday#andnowimhavingcompletefearsaboutbeingsocompletelyincapacitatedthatillneverleavethehouseagain#and he'll be like well first of all BREATHE#second of all there's nothing indicating that this is unlike every other flare up that you've managed to fight through after a week plus#and then I'll be like butwhatifimstuckhomewithkaren24/7andshedrivesmebatshitwhenicantleaveonmyown?#and then he'll be like what did I just say about breathing?#but then he'll point out that the point of us moving is so we can get more space and be able to separate ourselves from her more#and then I'll cycle back to but she won't see reason and take the downstairs bedroom now instead of god knows how long down the line#trust me we do this every two weeks lol
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blueheartedwolf · 4 months
I wish I could find a doctor that wants to find out what’s actually wrong with me instead of recommending prescriptions to address the symptoms. I’m so tired of being recommended ibuprofen for debilitating pain. Tired of relaying my medical history to a new doctor and getting the same furrowed brow and shrugging shoulders I get every time. Tired of having so-called medical professionals ask why I need a cane if I’m able to walk down their clinic hallway without it. When will someone fucking help me?
#Leif barks#this is gonna get vent-y and shit in the tags just general mental and physical health issue TW#I’ve really given up on going to doctors atp#I used to have at least one sometimes two dr appts every week and I haven’t seen anyone in 6 months#saw a specialist in January for an MRI follow up and he basically went “wow your spine is fucked up! want some pregablin?“#I am 25yo with degenerative disc disease in 4 discs and facet joint arthritis and you as a specialist are not concerned?#because I sure fucking am!#why is my spinal column breaking down inside my body#I also developed an eating disorder in all of this mess bc when my symptoms first started at like 21yo#the only thing I heard from dr’s was “lose weight” so guess what I did#150lbs in a year and a half#and now when I go to a dr I get congratulated for losing it and then get told to take ibuprofen again#also wow getting told you did a good job at starving yourself is a crazy mind fuck#like you can look at my chart and see the weight loss in real time and that’s apparently wasn’t concerning either#I’ve stopped losing weight but now I’m terrified of gaining and I’m in this maintenance limbo that is literal torture on my brain and body#I’m just over here suffering#I tentatively started therapy again bc the depression-anxiety-cptsd-autism-eating disorder combo is killing me#and I’m not kidding I got three sessions in and she told me I’m too much for her to handle#so I guess I will be letting it kill me bc I don’t know what the fuck to do
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It's another one of those "better not check the banking app" months
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jules-van-hering · 3 months
working on a thing!!!
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loudmound · 1 year
chapter 4 of art therapy...............
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jimmystrudel · 5 months
5 year dog plan updates: I think I've identified a breed (and 3 potential breeders), I have more clearly figured out what I don't want and what my life style will not fit and most important I need more experience with dogs in general
#so over a year ago i started doing research on owner training a service dog and i was in contact with a GSD breeder who had a puppy left#over from their last litter who was very hamdler engaged (this obviously fell through because i realized i was just too short on time before#uni and now knowing more about temperaments and genetics i wouldn't go gsd but this was a great breeder)#with what i know know i a) do not want a herding breed it would be incredibly overwhelming and b) would prefer a medium sized dog (if i find#a poodle or lab breeder I'm obsessed with I'd still go that route unfortunately my fav poodle breeder with multi sd's in their line/#offspring is in Arizona and that's basically a no go#my favourite dogs are mid sized gun dogs which do not make good prospects (see the stinky girl in her window bird watching rn) i also have#tons of experience with a Brittany spaniel and know my personal dream dog is very similar (slightly lower energy and prey drive) which puts#show-line English springer spaniels as the breed I'd be happy with and while they do great as police sniffer dogs and therapy dogs there#aren't tons as service dogs because they can be too high energy and unfocused (i know that their energy would not be a big issue if we#create good settling habits) and i really appreciate them being soft mouthed for certain tasks and my apartment is very close to tons of#river paths so we are good for breed specific enrichment and fun#i just really want more dog sitting experience and to sit in on training sessions with other people over the next few years#because I've stalked ess breeder who is so transparent and has tons of show experience and does incredible socialization#they would also just be really good people to talk to about the breed#i just there are reasons the popular breeds are popular but i find herding dogs incredibly overwhelming and labs and goldens put everything#in their mouths and end up sick from it (I've also mcas reactions after petting all the goldens in my neighborhood)#and poodles are smarter than me and i am a low maintenance grooming girl (i could handle shave done with poms though)#i have no poodle experience outside badly bred Doodles#of popular breeds the one I'd work best with is a bernese mountain dog but they are a grooming challenge and I'm going to live in a smallish#apartment and exclusively use public transit (the fab 3 would also struggle a bit with this since they are mid-large(
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dailybehbeh · 1 year
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danggirlronpa · 11 months
A real quick blog maintenance update - I had already done this pretty recently back in September, but I found a blog theme that I really liked and worked much better with what I've been doing with this project lately. So the theme changed again! Hopefully this will make the blog more accessible, not less, but if anyone has issues with it please let me know!
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Coming to terms with the fact that I'm high-maintenance, and that's okay.
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