#Magnetic powder
mpcomagnetics · 2 years
MP Materials begins construction of magnetics plant
MP Materials begins construction of magnetics plant, cements supply agreement with GM MP Materials has begun construction on its previously announced rare earth metals, alloys and magnet manufacturing facility in Fort Worth, Texas, marking a significant return to magnet manufacturing in North America. The company said that it will invest US$700 million in the next two years to fully restore the…
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Magnetic shittery
Okay, someone who knows things about magnets and types of magnetism, please help.
I have this powder, its composition not entirely known, that reacts really funny near a big magnet. Sometimes it just sits there and barely moves, but if i bring the edge of my strong magnet near the powder, it flies away really fast. Like, i put the powder on a plastic lid, brought the magnet under it, and just the slightest movement sent the powder in all different directions, but mostly in the opposite direction as the magnet moved. Some of the powder just flew out of the lid and landed a few feet away, some of it just jumped about in the lid.
Can anyone explain this? It's very confusing to me. I'd be happy to provide any more information that i can if you need it. At first when i saw this weird phenomenon i was like "OH SHIT, IT'S ACTUALLY SUPERCONDUCTING, OTHERWISE IT WOULDN'T HAVE THIS MUCH DIAMAGNETISM" then i was like, okay, but most superconductors have flux pinning, and this also doesn't look like textbook diamagnetism (to my knowledge). Also, if you're reading this like "why the hell would she thing this is a superconductor?", it's because the reason i made this powder was in an attempt to construct a new stp superconductor (mostly based on what i learned from the theoretical studies into LK-99)
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kenopsia-ksp · 2 years
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valerian sweep
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sassyharmonywombat · 1 month
Polvo magnético suave, previsión del tamaño del mercado mundial, clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 21 principales empresas
Según el nuevo informe de investigación de mercado “Informe del Mercado Global del Polvo magnético suave 2024-2030”, publicado por QYResearch, se prevé que el tamaño del mercado mundial del Polvo magnético suave alcance 1.92 mil millones de USD en 2030, con una tasa de crecimiento anual constante del 16.0% durante el período de previsión.
Figure 1. Tamaño del mercado de Polvo magnético suave global (US$ Millión), 2019-2030
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Según QYResearch, los principales fabricantes mundiales de Polvo magnético suave incluyen POCO Magnetic, ZheJiang NBTM KeDa (KDM), CSC (Changsung Corp.), MAGNETICS, Nanjing New Conda Magnetic, Advanced Technology & Materials, Qingdao Yunlu Advanced Materials, Epson Atmix, Micrometals, Hunan Hualiu New Materials, etc. En 2023, las diez principales entidades mundiales tenían una cuota de aproximadamente 20.0% en términos de ingresos.
Figure 2. Clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 21 principales entidades globales de Polvo magnético suave (la clasificación se basa en los ingresos de 2023, actualizados continuamente)
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Sobre QYResearch
QYResearch se fundó en California (EE.UU.) en 2007 y es una empresa líder mundial en consultoría e investigación de mercados. Con más de 17 años de experiencia y un equipo de investigación profesional en varias ciudades del mundo, QY Research se centra en la consultoría de gestión, los servicios de bases de datos y seminarios, la consultoría de OPI, la investigación de la cadena industrial y la investigación personalizada para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proporcionar un modelo de ingresos no lineal y hacer que tengan éxito. Gozamos de reconocimiento mundial por nuestra amplia cartera de servicios, nuestra buena ciudadanía corporativa y nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Hasta ahora, hemos colaborado con más de 60.000 clientes en los cinco continentes. Trabajemos estrechamente con usted y construyamos un futuro audaz y mejor.
QYResearch es una empresa de consultoría a gran escala de renombre mundial. La industria cubre varios segmentos de mercado de la cadena de la industria de alta tecnología, que abarca la cadena de la industria de semiconductores (equipos y piezas de semiconductores, materiales semiconductores, circuitos integrados, fundición, embalaje y pruebas, dispositivos discretos, sensores, dispositivos optoelectrónicos), cadena de la industria fotovoltaica (equipos, células, módulos, soportes de materiales auxiliares, inversores, terminales de centrales eléctricas), nueva cadena de la industria del automóvil de energía (baterías y materiales, piezas de automóviles, baterías, motores, control electrónico, semiconductores de automoción, etc.. ), cadena de la industria de la comunicación (equipos de sistemas de comunicación, equipos terminales, componentes electrónicos, front-end de RF, módulos ópticos, 4G/5G/6G, banda ancha, IoT, economía digital, IA), cadena de la industria de materiales avanzados (materiales metálicos, materiales poliméricos, materiales cerámicos, nanomateriales, etc.), cadena de la industria de fabricación de maquinaria (máquinas herramienta CNC, maquinaria de construcción, maquinaria eléctrica, automatización 3C, robots industriales, láser, control industrial, drones), alimentación, bebidas y productos farmacéuticos, equipos médicos, agricultura, etc.
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 7 Companies Accounted for 50% of total High Flux Magnetics Powder Core market (QYResearch, 2021)
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According to the new market research report “Global High Flux Magnetics Powder Core Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global High Flux Magnetics Powder Core market size is projected to reach USD 0.13 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 1.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global High Flux Magnetics Powder Core Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global High Flux Magnetics Powder Core Top 7 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of High Flux Magnetics Powder Core include Changsung, magneto, etc. In 2021, the global top three players had a share approximately 50.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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victory-cookies · 5 months
planning my nails like maybe I’ll get blue! Maybe I’ll get orange! As if my outfits for the trip are not almost exclusively pink
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gudmould · 1 year
Design of Injection Mold for NdFeB Magnetic Inductor Based on PA Loading
1 NdFeB magnetic sensor element As shown in Figure 1, NdFeB magnetic sensor is an E-shaped piece with a total width of 59 mm. Among the three branch forks, length of a single branch fork is 26 mm and thickness is 7 mm. Branch fork has two layers and a single layer thickness is 2 mm. After parts are magnetized, connecting beam is S pole of magnetic pole, three branch forks are N pole of magnetic…
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narizaki · 3 months
sticky notes   sakusa kiyoomi x reader
―   tags   fem reader,   fluff,   roommates to something close to lovers,   timeskip kiyoomi
―   notes   wc is 1.8k,   i wrote this on a whim so please forgive ooc kiyoomi, also please forgive any grammar mistakes lmao
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you and sakusa have been communicating through notes for the past three months.
at first, you had mindlessly written down a few groceries you needed to buy on a sticky note, pasting it onto the fridge so you wouldn’t forget. it included some of the basics: eggs, flour, rice, milk, and other necessities for you and your roommate’s fridge. 
then, the next time you came home, you were greeted by a bright yellow sticky note seated next to your pink one. it said:
protein powder
masks (the white ones)
between your full-time job and sakusa’s hectic schedule as a professional volleyball player, the two of you hardly saw each other, if at all. especially with sakusa’s new status on the olympic team. it wasn’t bad, per se, as you’d never been the closest to him — he was closed-off and, frankly, intimidating. it was like the man would go to any lengths to avoid interacting with others. regardless, his small addition to your grocery list had made you laugh. 
you checked off the items he wanted, and the sticky note was gone the next day.
from then, the two of you only ever communicated with each other this way. one of you would write the groceries they needed to get that weekend, and the other would make their additions to the list. it was effective, simple, and considering how the only post-it notes the either of you owned were offensively bright colors, hard to miss. 
after a while, you began adding little comments in addition to the list of items you needed to buy. they were short and sweet, like a thanks! written in the corner of your post-it detailing the items you needed sakusa to buy, or there are leftovers in the fridge after you made too much for dinner. you weren’t expecting sakusa to respond to them, given his stand-offish nature. so, when he did, you were surprised. no; scratch that, you were elated. although his replies weren’t anything extraordinary, just a simple you’re welcome or thank you for the food written in his neat handwriting under your own, it felt like a break in your relationship with sakusa. 
despite knowing him for a while now, the two of you stayed as acquaintances and nothing more. but, you couldn’t deny that you wanted to know more about him. and though unconventional, the sticky notes worked perfectly for this.
writing to each other using post-its became such a habit that sakusa bought a magnetic whiteboard. you were only made aware of it when you walked into the kitchen to see it set up. there was a note already written in black marker on the board, stating that the post-it notes were beginning to be a waste of paper. you made sure to write a large thanks, sakusa! with the same marker, adding a few hearts around it.
(and if sakusa flushed red at the sight of his name with hearts surrounding it, only he would know.) 
whenever your friends came over, they would question the purpose of the whiteboard. you couldn't blame them; it did take up the better half of your fridge's surface. they had a good laugh when you explained the story behind it, but some asked why couldn’t you just text each other?
and, honestly? you didn’t know either.
you knew it would be more efficient if you were to text sakusa instead of patiently waiting for his replies on the dry-erase board every day. but, if you wanted to, you knew you would’ve done it a while ago; before he even had the idea of buying the whiteboard, back when the two of you were conversing through neon sticky notes and wasting an unnecessary amount of paper. 
you surmise it’s because you didn't want to ruin your and sakusa’s relationship — if you could even call it that. texting him would forcefully pull him into your orbit. though you’ve been regularly interacting with him for the past few months, you were aware that you hardly knew anything about the man; small notes and lists only gave you so much information about a person. the whiteboard was a safe in-between — you learn a little more about him and his habits, while not forcing him to interact with you. 
well, you think, he’s not obligated to answer my texts, either. you have his number, and it’s not like you haven’t texted him before. there was only so much you could do when you weren’t home to pick up packages or forget to inform him of a repairman coming over. 
you mull over the decision, a short text already typed into your conversation with sakusa. your finger hovers over the send button, before you furiously spam the delete key and put your phone down. no, nevermind. 
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your plan of staying content with your relationship fails miserably.
it’s been a hard few weeks at work, with seemingly endless deadlines you have to meet and an equally endless amount of meetings you’ve had to attend. you feel as if you haven’t had a moment to yourself in forever.
so, when you submit your most recent project to your boss and shut your laptop closed, the first thing on your mind is to go home and rest. your mind is on auto-pilot as you pack your belongings, spitting out no’s to your co-workers' offers to go out drinking. when you’re this tired, the last thing you want to do is wake up with a splitting headache and an awful hangover the next day.
you stumble into your apartment, hastily toeing your heels off. a sigh leaves you, the harsh pressure of the shoe finally being relieved. they’re thrown somewhere in the corner, probably not anywhere close to where they should be, but you’ll deal with that tomorrow. all you want is some sleep. you consider just crashing on the couch and dealing with the consequences tomorrow.
“rough day?” a flat voice asks. you jump at the noise, not expecting anyone to be in your apartment. when you look up, you’re greeted by a tall figure standing in front of you. your eyes take a moment to rack over them, not completely registering that the only other person who has access to your apartment is…
“huh…?” you mutter, blinking a few times to will the tiredness from your eyes. it doesn’t work. sakusa only sighs, stepping from the doorway and further into your home. there’s a look on his face that’s telling you to follow, but when you don’t out of pure shock because he’s here? like, actually here? at home? he rolls his eyes.
“come on,” he says, “there’s food on the stove already.” 
you continue to stay silent, causing sakusa to raise an eyebrow. your face is scrunched up, a hand on the wall next to you to support your weight.
“are you…am i hallucinating…?” you mumble, internally debating if you wanted to pinch yourself to make sure that you’re not dreaming in any way. “i thought you weren’t going to be back for a while?” 
in response to your delirious rambling, sakusa laughs. it’s rather quiet, but you know he does. you hear the rapid exhalation of air accompanied by a deep rumble coming from his chest, and you can see his shoulders shaking. 
he steps closer to you, forcing your bag from your shoulder and practically pulling you with him into your shared living room. you’re tripping over your feet, mind still fuzzy from your tiring day. 
“leave it up to you to not be able to think properly after a long day,” he murmurs, setting your bag down on the couch. in your half-awake daze, you’re unable to form a proper response. “i guess you’re not hungry then.”
“well…” you stammer, still trying to get your bearings. “you’re like, never home, sakusa…so how am i supposed to react when you practically teleport in front of me?” you finish, a yawn escaping you. that makes sakusa laugh again. 
“for your information, i didn’t teleport in front of you,” he replies, “i heard the door open, so i went to greet my roommate. now, go get ready for bed.”
you disregard what he says, opting to groan when he orders you to get ready for bed. it just seems like so much work. you have to take off your makeup, change, brush your teeth, do your skincare…you think you’d rather crash face-first on your couch, like you were planning on doing earlier. you tell him that much.
sakusa rolls his eyes again. he pushes you towardsthe bathroom, telling you to take off your makeup, while he goes to rummage in your room for sleepwear. what? 
you don't have much of a choice, so you follow his directions. beginning with your meticulous skincare routine, you cleanse off your makeup. while you’re drying your face, sakusa knocks on the bathroom door with a fresh pair of pajamas for you to change into. 
once you’ve completed your nightly routine, you wander out of the bathroom to find sakusa sitting on the couch. he seems preoccupied with something on his phone, and you have to admit that the sight of him concentrating is rather charming. 
thankfully, the cold water you’d splashed onto your face woke you up, so you’re more awake than you were when you’d entered. you’re still horribly tired, and you want nothing but to sleep in the comfort of your bed, but you feel bad going straight to bed without even thanking sakusa for taking care of you. the only way the two of you talked for the last few months  was over post-it notes, for god's sake! 
“hey, sakusa?” you call, and his attention snaps from his phone to you. “thanks for uh…taking care of me. sorry about all that, i was really tired. or, er, am really tired.” you awkwardly stutter out. 
he hums in response, standing up from the couch and taking long strides towards you. thanks to his height, he’s face-to-face with you in no time. he’s close — maybe a little too close for someone you think probably doesn't even consider you a friend. that leads you to another realization: for someone that you knew disliked social interaction, he’s also talked to you an awful lot today.
“if you were really thankful, you’d go to bed right now and eat what i made tomorrow. you’re exhausted.” he bluntly replies. you gape at him for a moment, about to reply, but he cuts you off. “i’ll be home more often. volleyball is in the off-season now.” 
you know you should just nod and turn on your heel to go to bed, but there’s a question on the tip of your tongue that slips before you’re able to catch it. 
“so… no more whiteboard notes?” you question. sakusa laughs for a third time that night, and you think you’ve hit the jackpot in your slightly delirious state. 
he shakes his head. “no more whiteboard notes for now.”
you wake up the next morning, and when you enter the kitchen, you see a yellow sticky note pasted onto the whiteboard. on it, it reads: 
we can make these lists together now, so there's no need for either of these.
and, yeah, you think you can get used to that. 
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threewaysdivided · 1 year
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Nut-free vegan-safe compound chocolate is hideously finnicky to work with but I would be remiss in my duties as Grandma-friend if I didn't make something for my tragically-allergic friends to partake in.
Flavours: Chilli-Coconut cream ganache (white sugar hearts), Vegan orange curd (pink glitter sprinkles), Vegan raspberry "cheese"cake (pink and white sprinkles)
(Masterpost on truffle-making principles)
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embalming-supplier · 2 years
+27603820509 Price 1kg Hager Werken embalming powder for sale pink / white hot magnetic.
+27603820509 Price 1kg Hager Werken embalming powder for sale pink / white hot magnetic.
Hager Werken Embalming powder +27603820509 pink and white Radioactive 98% hot purity 100% magnetic in kilograms starting from 1kg and upwards, Ssd Solution Chemical Lab, Clean Black Dollar, Ssd Chemicals, Black Money CleanerHager Werken Embalming-supplier is a longstanding and well- respected seller of specialty, functional and effect compound and polymers. Focused on providing customers with…
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Crested silicone rubber replacement watch bands designed for Apple iWatch Series 3 5 6 SE 7. This flexible strap has a soft rubber surface that won’t be ruined by moisture even when used by the most active Apple users. Pin and tuck closure allows you to easily adjust the length of the band to fit your wrist as needed.
Wanna read more, Click here.
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mpcomagnetics · 2 years
Soft Magnetic Composite SMC Material
Soft Magnetic Composite SMC Material In recent decades, trends in automotive and other industries have spiked demand for new magnetic materials. As a result, in the mid-1990s the very first components made from soft magnetic composite were born. And the trend of using these soft magnetic composites (SMCs) only continues to grow. Those first SMC parts were ignition cores, used extensively in most…
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papiermachecat · 2 years
So I bought the cream pigment set from the last Pleasing drop and they’re so interesting…the tubes are exactly the same as watercolor tubes, which is fun for me but probably not notable for most people. The magenta is SUPER intense and soooo beautiful, but it stains like a mofo. I mixed it with a little liquid highlighter and used it for blush yesterday, then mixed it with some lanolin lip balm and used that for lip color and I have to say…loved it. Mixing it mitigated the staining issue and made it easier to apply, but that perfect deep rosy pink still showed through. I love it. (I’ve not yet used either the blue or yellow because I don’t bother with eye makeup most days but when I swatched they were much less intensely pigmented than the magenta which would make them more user-friendly—however, it could be that they were slightly separated and I had more binder & less pigment for the swatches.)
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spatialwave · 4 months
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“red lips”
pairing: pre-war cooper howard x fem!reader word count: 3.1k ask: “I have a cooper howard smut request, could you write something where the reader is his makeup artist on a new movie. Theres an Automatic connection they really click and have some sweet sweet sexual tension and after working together for a while during the movie the tension keeps growing and they get steamy in the makeup trailer. 🤭” warnings/tags: mdni! smut, porn with plot, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, cheating/affair, cooper praises you. notes: this was SOOO fun, thanks for the ask!! i promise i’ll write some more ghoul fics, but just getting through my asks first and they’re predominantly pw!cooper <3 (also i love cooper calling reader angel for some reason, it’s so cute 😭)
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“good morning,” you chirped, far too perky and bubbly for it being six o’clock in the morning.
you’d been working as a makeup artist for two years now, starting off as an assistant on television shows before scoring larger gigs. this was your first big break working in film, hired on the set of ‘The Man from Deadhorse’, starring none other than cooper howard; the biggest name in hollywood.
it just so happened that they hired you to be his makeup artist.
you were giddy, nervous and trying your best to not allow imposter syndrome to ruin your opportunity.
there were a handful of other makeup artists in the trailer, setting up their stations for the morning, allowing plenty of time to pretty up the actors before their call time. you’d chatted amongst each other, mostly other women, and sharing your excitement about working on a blockbuster film.
you’d been so caught up sharing a story about your latest television gig, you hadn’t noticed cooper howard leaning in the door frame of the trailer—patiently waiting. you’d only been made aware after one of the other girls motioned, smiling politely as they continued prepping for the day.
“sorry,” you gasped, hit with a sudden wave of nervousness as you looked at your station that was ready and waiting. you, on the other hand, wasn’t as prepared, “feel free to take a seat, mr. howard, i’ll just be a second,” you rambled, fingers shaking. you couldn’t remember the last time you were starstruck on set.
“take your time,” the man hummed, his voice just as magnetic as it was on the big screen. you heard his footsteps behind you, the sound of the chair creaking as his weight pushed down on it.
you remembered the voice of the makeup department head, who you had met with in the morning to go over the day’s look with cooper. nothing out of the ordinary: cover-ups of tired eyes, blemishes, and repeated touch ups during the day. lighting on sets were notorious for melting away concealers and foundations, so you were to always be one shout away for mid-scene fixes.
one more deep breath and you willed yourself ready, spinning around and taking a good look at the older actor.
“i promise i’m usually more prepared than this,” you smiled, your voice as sweet as honey. you hadn’t the slightest clue of how much that affected the older actor, shifting in his seat.
“no, no, don’t apologize. maybe i’ll show up a few minutes late tomorrow, and we’ll call it even.” he flashed a toothy grin, his charisma reeling you in like a hungry fish.
you two had hit it off well. there were many instances in your career where this time of the day was silent, your talent preferring peace and quiet as they prepared for a long, tiring day of shooting. cooper wasn’t like that, he seemed intent on keeping up the chatter until you finished powdering his nose.
“and that’s it,” you beamed, chewing on your bottom lip as you leaned in a bit close, using your thumb to brush an eyelash off of his cheek. strangely, you hadn’t the slightest urge to pull away.
cooper’s eyes had settled into a gaze with your own, the two of you completely silent, but saying plenty with only your eyes. his hazel orbs flickered down to your lips, rouged and plump, sickeningly kissable.
the sexual tension was thick, and your stomach twisted and turned wildly as you imagined him pinning you back against the makeup table and making you squirm and mewl in delight.
your mind only needed a few moments to conjure up a vivid scenario. your skirt pushed up to your hips, legs spread wide as cooper pushed himself deep into your aching arousal. he’d groan each time you purred his name into his ear, your breath hot against his skin and making his cock twitch inside you.
you’d milk him for what he’s worth, pussy so full that it starts to drip out. he’d rub the tip of his hard cock through your folds, gathering his white, hot cum and pushing it back inside you until you were fucked stupid. he’d have you begging for him to finish inside again, panting and whining loudly until you got what you wanted.
cooper’s cum slut—god, you needed to pull yourself together.
you squeezed your thighs, a slickness inside your panties that you didn’t need to deal with this early in the morning, but it was all your fault. you were sick in the head.
stepping back, you cleared your throat and began putting away tools in their spots—your station neatly organized.
“why, thank you, darlin’,” cooper chimed softly, as if he hadn’t just been fucking you with his eyes much like you had, “i’ve never had my makeup done so well that it’s felt like nothin’ on my face. i oughta’ keep you around for all my future films.”
a rosy blush tinted your cheeks and the tips of your ears, the compliment wanting you to scream in joy. there was nothing quite as good as an actor appreciating your craft, especially one that you wouldn’t mind seeing more of.
“well, i suppose i can clear up the next few years if you’d like,” you giggled, chewing on your bottom lip as you watched him leave. just as he was exiting the trailer, he glanced over his shoulder, meeting your gaze and sending you off with a cheeky wink that nearly made your knees give out.
every morning that cooper was scheduled on set, you were there in the makeup trailer at six am, waiting for his arrival thirty minutes later. to your surprise, he started coming in earlier and you wondered if it was because he wanted to be around you more, or just for the sake of being an early bird. he’d bring you a fresh cup of coffee, knowing by heart the way you liked it after asking one time: two sugar and one cream.
the sexual tension continued to blossom, but you two had hid it well for the sake of your jobs, sanity and cooper’s fame. from what you knew, cooper was many things, including a husband, and you didn’t need to get involved. you weren’t so keen on being in the middle of a controversy.
but there was nothing so wrong with flirting, was there?
“good morning,” you smiled, hearing heavy footsteps entering the trailer and soft sound of two coffee mugs being set down.
“mornin’, angel,” the cowboy spoke, his voice low and groggy.
“you look tired,” you mentioned, turning to face the man and seeing dark circles under his eyes, “you know you don’t have to come in so early. everyone else started coming in later too now that call time has been pushed.”
“what? and miss some quality time with my favourite girl?” he flashed a grin, and your cheeks burned red.
“yes, exactly that,” you chuckled, “you need your beauty sleep, mr. howard.”
“stop callin’ me that,” he sighed, sipping on his coffee and letting the caffeine pump through his system, “you’re a friend, you can call me cooper.”
you smiled, keeping it hidden as you took a sip of your coffee and laid out your makeup for the day, “fine, cooper."
he set his coffee down on the small table beside him, pursing his lips as he watched you prep for the day. your back was turned to him and gave him perfect view of your backside, eyes taking in the flowy black dress you wore that was held snug against your waist with a white belt. he could see the shimmer of your nylon, the dress only reaching your knees and leaving much to be desired.
cooper was a faithful man, he always had been, and there was never a time in his life where he would imagine breaking his loyalty until now. as much as he wanted to blame his thoughts of you on troubles in his marriage, it wasn’t true.
he was weak. plain and simple.
“you ready, cooper?” you broke through his thoughts, your red lips pulled into a smile.
“as ready as ever,” he returned a thin-lipped smile, pushing his mind elsewhere once reminding himself that his thoughts were exactly that—only thoughts.
doing his makeup was therapeutic. this early in the morning meant it was just you two, idle chit-chat as you carefully covered any imperfections on his face.
“can you tilt your head back for me?” you asked, the sweet sound of your voice sending the man’s brain into orbit. he followed your words, clearing his throat as he lifted one leg over the other to cover up the erection building underneath his pants.
he hadn’t shared the reasoning for his tiredness with you, having gone to bed late and rather pent-up. his hand underneath the blanket, stroking his cock as his mind was full of images of you, imagining what your body looked like under those dresses and skirts you liked to wear. impractical for long days, but he wouldn’t complain.
his hand around his length wasn’t enough, but he made do. moaning and whimpering your name as he imagined you riding him all night long. your perky breasts bouncing and fingers pressing against his chest as you begged him to fuck you harder and deeper.
a quiet sigh left his lips as you blotted makeup to his under eyes, hiding the tired bags that he’d done to himself for letting his imagination get the best of him.
it was quiet, only the sounds of you softly humming as you focused on your duty at hand.
cooper couldn’t take it anymore.
“do you… have a boyfriend?” cooper asked, swallowing a lump down his throat. he regretted the question, feeling the way you froze. for a man with natural-born charisma, he wasn’t sure how he managed to fumble so awkwardly.
“uh, no,” you answered, voice quiet, “just been focusing on work these days, not a lot of time for relationships when i’m working long hours.”
the question bounced around in your head, trying to clear the thought but there was no use. you were stuck there, staring at the man in awe as you hoped his mind was filled with dirty thoughts like your own.
he grunted in response, shifting in his seat as his eyes fluttered open to meet yours. you paused with your application, pulling your hand back and locking eyes. your faces were only a few inches apart, warm breath mingling together. you inhaled his scent, a mix of cologne, coffee and cigarettes, an addicting smell that you’d rather taste.
cooper read your mind.
“can i kiss you?”
you nodded—you were as weak as him.
cooper’s hand lifted to your neck quickly, pulling you close so he could crash his lips against yours and taste the sweetened coffee creamer on your tongue. the brushes in your hands dropped to the floor and were long forgotten as he tugged you into his lap and took your breath away.
at any moment, someone could waltz into the trailer, but neither of you were thinking rationally. all you wanted was each other after weeks of menial flirting and small talk.
he groaned into your mouth, the sound muffling as his hand caressed your jaw and the other pressed into the small of your back so you were flush against his body. as you straddled him, you felt the bulge in his pants pressing against your heat that had already soaked through your panties and nylon.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do this, sweetheart,” cooper whispered, his lips trailing down your jaw and neck. he inhaled the floral perfume that you wore, a gentle scent that dizzied him as he attacked your skin, “you're such a pretty girl. teasin' me all the time, lookin' so sweet.”
the praises and compliments fed you well, causing you to rub your hips against him with vigorous need.
you were silently begging for more, and you were delighted to find out that cooper howard wanted nothing more than to make sure you were well taken care of.
your legs spread as you sat in his chair, your dress pushed up to your hips but covering most of his face as his tongue flicked against your clit, swollen and throbbing. one of your hands pressed over your mouth, muffling the pleasured sounds from you, the other pulling your dress back so you could see cooper ravaging your cunt.
his eyes peered up into yours, cheeks red while he tongued inside your arousal and calloused hands kept your thighs pushed apart.
“don’t stop,” you whimpered, “just like that. please, cooper, you’re doing so good.”
you kept him going, your words encouraging him as he sucked at your bundle of nerves and filled you with two fingers. he worked you well, scissoring his fingers and bending them so they could rub along the muscle of your g-spot. it erupted you into a fit of pouty moans, his skillful movements making you reach your climax quicker than any of your past partners.
your thighs shook and your hands gripped on the arms of the chair, cunt squeezing around his fingers as your juices seeped out of you and coated his skin. he fucked you through it, fingers rocking inside of you while pleasure flooded all of your senses.
“look at you,” he breathed against you, warm breath tickling your sensitive heat, “you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
you nodded, unable to tear your gaze away, “yes,” you murmured, willing to say anything cooper wanted to hear, “i’ll do whatever you want.”
that cracked a smile on his lips, fingers slowing until he pulled them out and watched your face twist at the sudden emptiness, “anything? well, with an offer that sweet, i’ll be sure to get my worth out of you.”
all you could do was smile at him, breathing heavily in a state of post-climax, wondering how on earth you were going to keep this up without screaming out his name. loud enough for anyone outside the trailer to hear.
your were putty cooper’s hands. a simple kiss to your inner thigh and you nearly unraveled again.
“i don’t know how i got so lucky to fuck a girl like you,” his voice was low, demeanour shifting into a side of cooper howard you thought existed only in your mind, “is it okay if i do that? because i’m sure you know how to take cock well.”
“yes, please,” you answered, eyes following him as he rose to his feet in front of you. it was hard not to noticed the tent in his pants, your mind reeling as you imagined what he looked like underneath.
“good girl,” he breathed, forcing you out of the chair and in one quick motion swiping across your makeup counter so everything fell to the ground.
you couldn’t complain about his mistreatment of your belongings because you were biting on your bottom lip to muffle a moan as his thumb circled your clit. your ass was atop the makeup counter, back pressed against the large mirror as cooper touched you with one hand and undid the button and zipper of his jeans with the other.
“you gotta’ be nice and quiet,” he whispered, watching you do your best to muffle any sounds bubbling from your throat, “this is just for us, okay?”
you hummed in agreement, unable to speak as you felt the head of his cock press against your entrance. his thumb continued the slow ministrations, keeping your body in a state of overstimulation as he stretched your aching pussy with a forward press of his hips. he was bigger than you were used to, but you took him well—you’d wanted this for weeks, after all.
“fuck,” you whimpered, hands grabbing onto his shoulders as you tilted your head back against the mirror and glued your eyes shut. you were filled by him, legs wrapping around his hips and forcing him still so you could adjust to the feeling.
“you okay, angel?” he kissed at your parted lips, tasting your tongue before trailing along your jaw and nibbling at your earlobe, “tell me when.”
even during the midst of an affair, cooper howard was the kindest man you ever had the privilege of fucking.
“...when,” you whimpered.
he didn’t hold back when you gave him the go—knowing that you two only had so little time before someone else was bound to barge in. you were forced to bury your face into his neck, whining and mewling against his skin while he fucked you relentlessly.
you loved his sounds, groaning heavy into your ear with each snap of his hips. his breath tickled your neck and left you a squirming mess, his cock fucking you so well that all you could do was babble gibberish. broken words of encouragement and pleads to keep going.
“harder,” you mewled, fingers digging into his clothed shoulders as he obliged.
his cock pushed so deep inside you that the tip rubbed against the fleshy ring of your cervix, rendering you utterly fucked out in a state of bliss. all you were good for was being a mere tool for him to reach his climax, your cunt tightening at every thrust of his hips.
more of your makeup toppled to the floor, your hands moving from his shoulders and gripping onto the surface below you. you met cooper’s gaze as you pulled back, his lips and chin covered in red smudges from your lipstick.
“you take me so good,” he breathed, the hand on your hip gripping tight and the other leaving handprints on the mirror behind you, “good fuckin’ girl.”
“i’m gonna’ come,” you whined, eyes hardly open as you peered at your lover through thick lashes. your thighs squeezed against his hips, vibrating as your second orgasm creeped up and you knew he was close, too.
“come for me, angel,” he grunted, quickening his pace to chase down his orgasm, “scream my name.”
his thumb returned to your clit and the chord inside you snapped. you wrapped your arms tight around the actor’s neck and pressed your lips against his so he could swallow your moans. you shook violently, toes curling as you came hard.
you lips parted from him and you couldn’t help the way his name slipped off your tongue, voice cracking as you cried in pleasure.
he wasn’t far behind, a groan rumbling deep from his chest as his hips stuttered and he came inside you—leaving you sticky, sweaty and full. neither of you could move, bodies twitching as you clung to each other in the euphoric aftermath that released all the building tension between you.
you were cooper howard’s little secret, a title you would take to the grave.
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theemporium · 2 months
Omg I have two drinks in mind for the 10k special (aka I'm indecisive and would like you to pick the one you'd like to write)
So, I'd like a Smut-Berry Daiquiri to share with Lando Norris, and prompt 4: "why don’t we film it?”
OR a Violet Fluff with, maybe, Oscar Piastri? with prompt 53: "Please, never apologise for wanting to be loved." (but really it can be said by either)
whichever you'd like to do, I'd really appreciate it🫶,
-the 🍝 anon
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
53. "Please, never apologise for wanting to be loved."
series masterlist
It felt stupid to cry and yet, you couldn’t stop yourself. 
It hit you so suddenly, out of nowhere with no real signs of an overwhelming wave of negative emotions that left your eyes watering, your lungs constricting and the strongest urge to run away to somewhere nobody could find you. However, that was a little difficult to achieve at the prestigious gala event where countless eyes and cameras were on you and your family. 
Instead, a half-assed excuse about needing to powder your nose in the bathroom left your lips, letting you quickly turn on your heel and speed walk out of the ballroom before either your brother or father could notice the tears welling in your lash line. 
A choked noise left your lips before you made it to the bathroom, your back pressed against the wall of some random corridor as you tried to fight the sobs. But it was useless and soon you could barely see your hands in front of you, your body sliding down against the wall until your legs gave in and you sat in a crumpled mess on the floor, letting yourself cry your heart out. 
You hadn’t even heard the approaching footsteps, nor did you even realise you were close enough to the ballroom where the event was being held for anyone to find you. 
But he found you. 
He always fucking found you.
Because for reasons beyond your understanding, the universe seemed to draw you and Oscar Piastri together like magnets. So, of-fucking-course he was the one to find you sobbing on the carpeted floor of whatever fancy hotel you were in. 
“Hey, woah,” his voice hit you, a mess of blurred, coloured blobs kneeling in front of you but you knew it was him. By the voice, by the gentle touch on your knee, by the fucking smell of his cologne. You knew it was him. “Hey, what’s happened?” 
“I—” You tried to speak but your words got caught in the back of your throat and the noise that followed didn’t really sound human. And you just….couldn't fucking get your words out. 
“Can I touch you?” He questioned, his voice soft and sweet and something inside you broke a little more because this was Oscar. This was the same boy your brother despised, that you should have despised in return. And now he was here, being considerate and caring and you fucking hated it.
You didn’t want him to stop. 
The second you nodded, his arms were already wrapped around you and lifting you off the hard, uncomfortable floor and onto his lap instead. Your face was tucked against the crook of his neck, his hands running along your back in a soothing manner, and hushed whispers from the boy right beside your ear until your body stopped racking with sobs.
“Wanna talk about it?” He whispered, making no move to take you off his lap. 
You shook your head. “It’s stupid, anyways.”
Oscar frowned. “Nothing that upsets you is stupid.”
“ I don’t even know what happened,” you confessed, keeping your eyes closed as you enjoyed the feeling of him wrapped around you. “Carlos was talking away to some sponsors and there was just this one comment and it just felt so—” 
But you cut yourself off. Because this was Oscar. This was not someone close to you or someone who even remotely liked you. The last thing you needed was to spill your heart, to confess how much of a burden you felt on your own family.
“Sorry,” you eventually whispered, moving to pull away but his arms tightened around you. 
“Please, never apologise for wanting to be loved,” he whispered, his voice heavy with an emotion you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “They are stupid for not appreciating you more.”
You swallowed harshly. “Can we stay like this for a little longer?” 
His lips brushed your hairline as he pressed a soft kiss there. “Always, wildflower, always.”
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malusokay · 6 months
⋆˚࿔ My current makeup routine 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
here it is babes!! <3
since the weather is getting warmer, my makeup routine has simplified A LOT lmao… but I feel like this is a pretty “fool-proof” make-up routine, so maybe you guys can take some inspo from this!!
what I used:
Benefit "goof-proof brow pencil" (shade 3.5)
Nars "radiant creamy concealer" (shade custard)
Benefit "Benetint"
Charlotte Tilbury "airbrush flawless filter" powder (shade 2 medium)
Too Faced "Cinnamon Swirl" eyeshadow palette (like 3 years old and most likely expired)
Catrice "More Than Glow" highlighter (shade 010 platinum glaze)
Benefit "they're real! magnet" mascara
Radome lash clusters on the outer corners only
Clinique "Black Honey"
Let me know if you guys have any questions and pleeeaassee let's just ignore how seorjgspewijef my eyes look in the beginning, I cried myself to sleep last night!! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆
‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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