#paramagnetic materials
mpcomagnetics · 2 years
Soft Magnetic Composite SMC Material
Soft Magnetic Composite SMC Material In recent decades, trends in automotive and other industries have spiked demand for new magnetic materials. As a result, in the mid-1990s the very first components made from soft magnetic composite were born. And the trend of using these soft magnetic composites (SMCs) only continues to grow. Those first SMC parts were ignition cores, used extensively in most…
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A microscopic factory for small runners: New method uses magnetic loops for growth control
Researchers at the University of Bayreuth have developed a new method for controlling the growth of physical micro-runners. They used an external magnetic field to assemble paramagnetic colloidal spheres—i.e. only magnetic due to external influences—into rods of a certain length. Colloidal particles are tiny particles in the micro- or nanometer range that can be used in medicine as carriers of biochemicals. These so-called microscopic bipeds change their behavior of their own accord as soon as they are fully grown: They then decide to run away. No external intervention is necessary for this. Nevertheless, their behavior is not random, but follows the experimenters' plan. The research results have been published in Nature Communications. In this work, Jonas Elschner, Farzaneh Farrokhzad, Prof. Dr. Daniel de las Heras and Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer from the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Bayreuth have developed a microscopic factory for small runners: a biped factory.
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sciencesolutions · 1 year
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In honor to the eighth episode, let's have an overview of all things Magneto could do if the writers allowed him to
First of, Electric fields and magnetic fields are both manifestations of the electromagnetic field, different sides of the same coin. Electromagnetism acts over all existent materials in different forms. Here are three of them:
Ferromagnetism is the basic and most know form of magnetism, affecting materials like iron, cobalt and adamantium. It doesn't affect materials like lead, so Magneto shouldn't be allowed to stop bullets
However, he should be allowed to stop the planet's rotation, affecting Earth's nickel magnetized iron core, making the whole planet his hostage.
Paramagnetism refers to materials whose magnetism disappears once the magnetic field is removed while ferromagnetism refers to materials that can retain their magnetic properties when the magnetic field is removed. Both are attracted towards magnetic field.
Y'know what material is paramagnetic? Carbon. Won't even say what this would entail.
On the opposite side, diamagnetism involves an extremely weak force of repelling. All materials are diamagnetic to an extent, but the interesting thing is that water is diamagnetic
So if we consider that Magneto's powers are limitless, he should be able to suspend his enemies not by the iron on their blood (iron in the blood isn't in its ferromagnetic form), but by the water. He could be able part the ocean by only a mere wish. He would have the Force
If he can generate magnetic fields, he can generate electricity. Yes, he would be able to create enough lightning it would scare Thor. But this also means that, by emitting electricity at the right frequency, Magneto would be able to produce ultraviolet, infrared, and by forcing a nuclear reaction through parting atoms, produce up all kinds of radiation including microwave rays
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This is ferrofluid- a liquid substance that responds to the presence of magnets with these really cool reactions!
Ferrofluid is actually made of tons of tiny tiny particles of iron or another magnetic metal suspended in water. Each of the particles are coated in a surfactant to keep them from all bunching together, and that's why it looks like a cohesive liquid.
This compound is paramagnetic. That means that it won't automatically stick to iron or other magnetic materials, but when a magnetic field is applied, each of the tiny iron particle becomes a magnet and moves and reacts to the field. Depending on how you apply the magnetic field, this can create some pretty cool effects!
Ferrofluid was actually created in the early 1960s by Steve Papell, a NASA engineer that was trying to come up with a type of rocket fuel that can be easily moved around in zero gravity.
Today, ferrofluid is used in products like loudspeakers and hard drives, but they could potentially be used in the biomedical field as a way to help deliver drugs to certain areas of the body. The drugs would be attached to small amounts of ferrofluid, and then selectively released magnetic fields could help guide them to where they need to go.
You can also just... buy a bottle of it to play with like in the gif at the top. They sell it on Amazon (just be cautious and take appropriate precautions handling it if you have an unsealed container).
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The incredible Inky Becile!
She may have been created as a copycat, but that’s not his fault!
Learn more about Becile Industries’ newest hydropower automaton!
Powerful purpose!
Created in 2011 by Becile Industries as a response to Steam Powered Giraffe getting a gig at the San Diego Zoo, Inky was designed to play music at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla California! We couldn’t let our “friends” at Walter Robotics have all the fun! He was programmed with a love for music and all the creatures of the sea!
Magnificent Magnetism!
His chassis makes good use of electromagnetism and is fully covered in Ferro Fluid, that can be shaped how she wants by changing the strength of the current through certain parts of her plating! His favorite thing to do is shape her arms and head to look more like an octopus or squid! She can form a mouth on her face, but he doesn’t have a jaw, just speakers, so he usually just doesn’t appear to have a mouth at all. The only feature that never changes is a pair of big glowing green photoreceptors that are the cutest and most expressive part of her.
Due to the magnetization of the ferro fluid decreasing the more the temperature of the paramagnetic material increases, he cannot be powered by steam or coal, due to the heat it generates, so his genius inventor rigged a system to use the green matter to cause water to move and flow perpetually in his core, spinning a rotor to generate the electricity she needs to function! Environmentally friendly AND practical!
Clever Clothing!
Inky knows herself to be of two genders, and as such, uses the pronouns he and she! His only adornment—due to the discomfort of wearing clothes overtop of the gelatin-like ferro fluid—is a snazzy green bow. Masculine bow tie or feminine hair bow? The article can serve both purposes as this bot can maneuver it with ease to where it needs to be using his expertly manipulated ferro fluid coating!
Rocking Repertoire!
Inky the automaton can play and sing a wide variety of songs, all things that have to do with the water and the creatures that live in it! She has a combined programming of covers and songs he wrote himself with his very own composition software! You could find her rocking out on her pretty purple electric guitar, serenely strumming a ukulele, or even striking the keys of a keyboard.
But this tale is a tragic one!
Our innocent little Inky was laid off from his place of employment at the aquarium because of her appearance, which the staff described as “creepy” and “like if venom and kuthulu had a small robot child”, which we here at Becile industries think is very unfair to the poor kid. Everyone who’s gotten a chance to know her has said she is polite, friendly, and energetic! He may not be perfect, but what 13 year old boy/girl is?
You can help!
If you want to help our robot, look for him when he busks around the San Diego area, or if you aren’t local, you can support her and her robot siblings at Becileindustries.com, or check out https://tinyurl.com/InkyInfo-BecileIndustries for more information! And finally, if you just want our correspondent to pass on a message her way, you can message the blog that sent this informational post, and our crew will tell him what you wanted him to hear!
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tanadrin · 21 days
So because iron has an absurdly high magnetic susceptibility (like 200,000 according to Wikipedia), and magnetism is an absurdly strong force, I'm pretty sure that the Mniw can extract quite a lot of mechanical energy from Ast just by attaching an iron weight to a bar and letting it spin freely while Pr rotates. Depending on how close Pr's periapsis is to Ast, the attraction of a 1 kg iron mass by magnetic force alone can be anywhere from a tenth of a newton to ten newtons; but this force falls quickly with even moderate orbital eccentricity, meaning the amount of work your rotor could extract to do mechanical work would be very seasonally dependent.
So for the Mniw, the properties of paramagnetic materials would vary considerably depending on the time of year, as would the amount of energy available to their society, not just from biological sources. You could run machines basically without a power source in the summertime, but in the winter, mechanical work would grind to a halt. And that is only if you could find and purify iron--any iron in the protoplanetary disk might have gotten sucked into Ast when the planets were forming, unless they were able to react with other elements very quickly and form non-magnetic ores. It's possible Pr simply has no iron--if it formed in situ.
I think this would also make Mni physics very lopsided. They would know their world is rotating--they could calculate for themselves the centrifugal force on an object in a rotating reference frame, and notice that the outward force they experienced in Pr was exactly the same--but they would have no notion of celestial mechanics from astronomical observation, and maybe no incentive to try to do the kinds of delicate torsion-balance experiments that helped Earth scientists understand gravity. They would know their world existed in some kind of magnetic field, whose direction and orientation changed according to daily and annual cycles, and they might even work out the rules for how it varied with distance, and thus a decent approximation of the geometry of Pr's orbit. But the source of that field would be invisible to them, and no doubt would be the subject of intense debates about its nature.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months
Figure 13.43 shows the difference between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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earhartsease · 4 months
yo physicists - we were just reading about the differences in types of magnetism, and learning there are way more of them than we realised:
Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism are the three main types of magnetism seen in materials. Other types include antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, superparamagnetism, and metamagnetism
but what we were trying to find out if you can help here is: is there an equivalent physics term for "is not magnetic at all"? is it just non-magnetic? or is it something-magnetic like the other words, perhaps amagnetic?
edit: it's nonmagnetic, thanks @delgrosso
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brightlotusmoon · 10 months
In the new study, the ETH scientists discovered a strange new form of magnetism. The researchers were exploring the magnetic properties of moiré materials, experimental materials made by stacking two-dimensional sheets of molybdenum diselenide and tungsten disulfide. These materials have a lattice structure that can contain electrons.
To find out what type of magnetism these moiré materials possessed, the team first “poured” electrons into them by applying an electrical current and steadily increasing the voltage. Then, to measure its magnetism, they shined a laser at the material and measured how strongly that light was reflected for different polarizations, which can reveal whether the electron spins point in the same direction (indicating ferromagnetism) or random directions (for paramagnetism).
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laineysbucketlist · 3 months
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Paramagnetic substances such as aluminium and oxygen want me
Diamagnetic substances such as copper and carbon fear me
Antiferromagnetic materials such as chromium have a more complex relationship with me
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mpcomagnetics · 2 years
Permanent ferrite magnet industry overview
Permanent ferrite magnet industry overview 1. Comparison of rare earth permanent magnet materials Permanent ferrite magnet , also known as hard ferrite, is a new type of non-metallic magnetic material, which can generate a stable magnetic field with only one external supply of magnetizing energy, thereby continuously providing magnetic energy to the outside. Permanent magnet ferrite has rich…
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Phase Transitions
Phase changes, transitions, or transformations are defined as the physical process of transition between one state to another. The transitions are often between states of matter, such as melting from a solid to a liquid, but aren't limited to these cases. Magnetic materials can transition between forms of magnetism, such as ferromagnetic to paramagnetic, among other types of transitions.
Phase transformations are typically classified as either first-order transformations or second-order transformations, the differences between which are illustrated above.
Sources/Further Reading: (Wikipedia) (Image source)
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
The device has been used to recreate the pressure existing deep inside planets to synthesize materials and phases not observed under normal ambient conditions. Notable examples include the non-molecular ice X, polymeric nitrogen and metallic phases of xenon,blonsdaleite, and potentially metallic hydrogen. A DAC consists of two opposing diamonds with a sample compressed between the polished culets (tips). Pressure may be monitored using a reference material whose behavior under pressure is known. Common pressure standards include ruby fluorescence, and various structurally simple metals, such as copper or platinum. The uniaxial pressure supplied by the DAC may be transformed into uniform hydrostatic pressure using a pressure-transmitting medium, such as argon, xenon, hydrogen, helium, paraffin oil or a mixture of methanol and ethanol. The pressure-transmitting medium is enclosed by a gasket and the two diamond anvils. The sample can be viewed through the diamonds and illuminated by X-rays and visible light. In this way, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence; optical absorption and photoluminescence; Mössbauer, Raman and Brillouin scattering; positron annihilation and other signals can be measured from materials under high pressure. Magnetic and microwave fields can be applied externally to the cell allowing nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance and other magnetic measurements. Attaching electrodes to the sample allows electrical and magnetoelectrical measurements as well as heating up the sample to a few thousand degrees. Much higher temperatures (up to 7000 K) can be achieved with laser-induced heating, and cooling down to millikelvins has been demonstrated.
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
The Secret of the Temple is an attempt by Archdruid Greer to identify a mystery that has not actually been revealed, and any leads along these lines are worth looking into, I think.
He would have you believe that he believes there is an explicitly physical effect that somehow improves agricultural yields in a locality by means of it there being an operating temple in it, so long as it is built in "the temple tradition". He believes the mechanism is likely already known by physicists and they are just not looking for it because the technology was arrived at iteratively in the usual manner of ancient engineers - geomagnetic modulation from alignment of the bulding and paramagnetic materials? longwave infra red radiation somehow being generated and having some beneficially perturbing effect on the local ecology? sacred geometry harmonics?? volatile compounds from incense??? long straight roads leading into the precinct and sanctum????? the importance of planting groves in a precint??????
Reading it though I am not sure it is not just a Masonic joke -- coming up with fake temples and pretending to have lost the paperwork proving it is real is the core gimmick of Freemasonry, after all. He does not know what the operative mechanism of "the temple technology" was and runs through some possibilities, none of which seem very plausible. His evidence that the effect is real is rather doubtful too -- mostly literary, a lot of handwaving at arthuriana, some mystification of "temples raise agricultural yields because they were foci of knowledge and could exercise control over the surrounding farmers", worst, a claim that early modern decline in yields wasn't due to the Little Ice Age (he thinks the Mediaeval Climate Optimum doesn't real, for some reason???) but the Reformation, the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the concomitant loss of the Temple Tradition/Technology as mediaeval architecture and ritual forms fell into disuse, and a lot of the usual Masonic bullshit about the Templars having a secret that is the kind of thing the author is into, and their encoding of it in Rosslyn Chapel.
I don't find it a very convincing book.
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wayti-blog · 3 days
"A joint research group from China recently achieved the first observation of intrinsic magnetic structures in a kagome lattice by using the highly sensitive magnetic force microscopy (MFM) system of the Steady High Magnetic Field Facility (SHMFF) as well as electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and micromagnetic simulations.
The findings were published in Advanced Science on August 19.
The behavior of materials is largely determined by the interaction between their internal electrons and the lattice structure. Kagome lattices, characterized by features such as Dirac points and flat bands, exhibit remarkable phenomena like topological magnetism and unconventional superconductivity.
These lattices hold promise for understanding high-temperature superconductivity and have potential applications in quantum computing. However, the intrinsic spin patterns governed by them remain an open question."
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