#Maddie deserves her happy ending
skarkkk · 5 months
I stopped to think about it now.
Imagine how Maddie must have felt at the end, compared to her marriage to Doug and now to Chim ( my boy Chim would never purposely hurt his love).
With Doug it was the worst years of her life (I love how strong she is), her parents didn't support her (not that her relationship whit Doug deserved it, but she needed support and love), her brother probably hated seeing her get married (I mean , Buck never liked Doug so I imagine that seeing the person he loves most marrying someone he doesn't like must not be a good feeling), and focusing again on how much she suffered in that marriage.
Now Chimney? This man will do everything for her happiness, he will try, he would never do anything to hurt her on purpose and how much he suffered when she left (I'm not judging, I understand her completely) and he never gave up because he loves her. Seeing your parents really supporting you in this second marriage (even if things between you aren't 100%), seeing your brother (one of the most important people in your life) feeling happy and comfortable in her marriage, seeing how relaxed your brother is with her fiancé and the way they are brothers and will always have each other's backs on the field and off because they are family. And now it's official. Having each of the most important people to her there, at her moment. God, Maddie deserves everything good in her life. She deserved her big day, but the context of them getting married in the hospital. Imagine the duality, her daughter being born on the day that should have been the happiest day of his life and then her brother-in-law almost dying, they stay in the hospital. Her wedding, only for her fiancé to go missing, so they get married in the hospital, and are fine.
The fact that their relationship took a leap of trust and slowly built it is perfect, even in the hospital (post Doug's attack). I don't think people understand the complexity of this that much, maybe I'm full of shit, but look at her smile, her tears, and the fact that she's completely sure that Chimney is the right guy, and this time she's not wrong. That he wants her happy. And that he will always want her, with trauma and almost dying in a hospital, Chimney doesn't care because it's Maddie.
And these two are soulmates.
And I love that they got their happily ever after.
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firehose118 · 1 month
outsider perspective for @bucktommypositivityweek
Even with everything else going on, Bobby notices that Buck is particularly restless in the weeks after the cruise disaster. He figures it’s nerves about Chimney and Maddie’s wedding or the bachelor party. He doesn’t pay much attention to it. 
Buck’s restlessness hits an all-time high around the time Eddie is out with a sprained ankle. Bobby attributes it to the absence of his partner and doesn’t think much of it. 
And then, only two weeks before the wedding—just when Buck should be getting even more stressed out—Buck gets very calm. Maybe more calm than Bobby has ever seen him. And he stays that way.
Something changes for him between one shift and the next, but he doesn’t talk about it; just walks around the firehouse with a small smile on his lips and a spring in his step. For the first time, Bobby thinks Buck looks at ease with himself.
Bobby waits patiently to find out why. 
He officiates the hospital wedding with tears in his eyes. He’s proud of Chimney, happy for Maddie, and he’s still sensitive from the fresh wave of appreciation for Athena and their life together he’s felt since they almost died on their honeymoon. 
When he sees Buck lead Tommy into the hospital room by the hand—his face covered in soot that’s clearly transferred from Tommy’s, smiling wide and goofy, bouncing his way towards his sister and the cake with a lightness Bobby hasn’t seen from him in a long time—Bobby instantly understands this is it. This is what finally allowed Buck to feel at ease. The tears are back in his eyes. 
“Did you know about this?” Athena asks Bobby quietly. 
They’re watching Tommy try to figure out how to greet Maddie without getting any soot on her beautiful dress. He ends up awkwardly kissing her hand, which makes her laugh in delight. Buck can barely contain his excitement at the two of them getting along. He looks like he should be wagging a tail. 
“No, I didn’t have a clue,” Bobby answers honestly. “But it explains a lot.” 
Bobby can’t say that he didn’t see this coming for Buck. They’ve been out on too many calls where Buck has tripped over himself in front of hot men for this to be a surprise. True, Bobby didn’t foresee Tommy being Buck’s first relationship with a man, but he’s glad he is. Tommy is a good guy. Bobby might not know him well, but he knows that much. For Buck to finally settle into this part of himself with Tommy by his side fills Bobby with joy for both of them. Tommy will treat Buck well, and will be treated well in return. 
Bobby watches as Tommy wets a paper napkin with condensation from his drink and tries to clean what is obviously the soot of his kisses off of Buck’s mouth. Bobby sees the soft, smitten way Tommy smiles at Buck—like it’s a privilege to do this; like Buck is something to be treasured. Bobby sees the way Buck smiles so hard at the simple intimacy that Tommy has trouble reaching inside his dimples. Bobby has never seen Buck smile quite like this. There’s nothing inappropriate about it, but Bobby almost feels like he shouldn’t be seeing it. It’s so nakedly tender that it feels like it should be private. 
Tommy finishes cleaning the soot off as best he can and gives Buck a gentle kiss. Buck laughs gleefully when Tommy grimaces and wipes where his lips just were again. They’re too far away for Bobby to hear, but he sees Buck say, I don’t care, and lean in for another quick kiss. The corners of Tommy’s lips turn up. He doesn’t try to wipe the soot off this time. 
It’s so early, but Bobby can already tell that this is the kind of love that Buck has been waiting for; the kind he deserves. There’s a maturity under the flirtation—a steadiness—that Bobby can feel from across the room. It’s early, but it isn’t casual. Buck doesn’t love by halves, and Tommy is already all in. He wouldn’t have shown up to a hospital wedding in ash-covered turnouts if Buck wasn’t special to him. 
The last Bobby knew, Tommy didn’t do relationships. That was a long time ago. When they worked together at the 118, Bobby could always tell that Tommy was holding parts of himself back. He’d talked about being intentionally single almost convincingly, but sometimes Bobby had seen a bit of panic under it. Sometimes a wistfulness; a longing he’d shove down with a careful dismissiveness. Bobby had taken notice, but he hadn’t locked into where it came from at the time. Maybe if Bobby had spent more time with Tommy before he transferred—if Bobby hadn’t been drowning in his own demons at the time—he would have understood this thing inside of Tommy a little better. But he understands it now: under the jaded matter-of-factness and from inside the closet, Tommy had been bursting at the seams to love and be loved. He just didn’t know how to let himself have it. 
Buck had the same need inside of him: he’d worn that love me love me love me desperation on his sleeve for years. Tommy is the first of Buck’s partners to meet him on this level, as far as Bobby has been able to tell. 
As Buck and Tommy make their way excitedly between groups holding hands, Bobby can see how that gnawing need has dissipated in both of them. They both look relaxed and happy, even after everything they’ve both been through in the last 24 hours. They have each other now. 
Bobby is proud of them both. 
Buck and Tommy are two of the first to leave. Tommy started with high energy—still running on the adrenaline of firefighting and the anxiety of trying to make it to the wedding on time—but he fades fast. After an hour, he’s half asleep on his feet, leaning hard into Buck’s side while they talk to Eddie and Chris, his hand tight on Buck’s hip to keep himself upright. Buck whispers something into his ear and he nods. Buck drops a soft kiss to his cheek. It’s almost shy, the way he does it; almost disbelieving, like he’s still coming to terms with the idea that he can do this now. Bobby can see the joy that bubbles up in Buck when Tommy nuzzles into it. He gets more soot on Buck’s face. 
Buck leads Tommy over to a chair in the corner and parks him there while he does his rounds of goodbyes. Smart, Bobby thinks. Goodbyes at their group gatherings take upwards of half an hour. Tommy is asleep within seconds of sitting down. 
Bobby watches as Buck gets lots of gentle teasing, lots of hugs, and even a firm handshake from his father. Buck blinks hard like he wasn’t expecting such a clear show of approval, small as it may seem. The Buckley parents aren’t ones for affection, even when they’re trying to be supportive. Buck takes his father’s hand like the olive branch Bobby knows it is. 
Bobby has no such reservations. Buck starts walking towards him and Athena looking more nervous than he did when he walked up to his parents, and Bobby pulls him into a solid hug before he can even say anything. Bobby doesn’t let him go for a long moment. 
“I’m so proud of you, kid,” he says, trying not to cry again. 
Buck has come such a long way from the lost, desperate person he was seven years ago. He’s not casting about in the dark looking for something, anything to tether himself to. He’s grown and matured on his own, and finally he found a partner who wants to meet him where he is. A partner who shows up for him. 
“Thank you, Bobby.” Buck clings a little and sounds on the verge of tears himself. 
Athena makes Buck promise to bring Tommy to the next cookout. Buck blushes and ducks his head as he agrees. Bobby remembers how happy Tommy was to have family dinners, back when Bobby first instituted them. He gets the sense that Tommy didn’t have too many of those growing up. He can’t wait to see Tommy’s face at a family cookout. Bobby might even let him have a turn on the grill. 
Buck wakes Tommy up with a gentle hand on his cheek. Tommy stirs, pressing into Buck’s hand before he’s even fully awake. Bobby watches as Tommy remembers where he is, as he looks up at Buck and gives him an eye-crinkling smile; somewhat refreshed from his nap and happy to have Buck near him again. He nods at whatever Buck says to him and lets Buck pull him to his feet. 
They throw a last goodbye to the general group as they leave the room hand-in-hand. Buck has never looked more settled in his own skin; more like himself. Neither has Tommy. They both look like they’ve found what they’ve been looking for their whole lives. 
Bobby’s not sure he believes in soulmates, but they make a pretty compelling argument. 
“I give it six months,” Athena says. 
“You don’t think they’ll last?” Bobby asks, surprised. “Haven’t you seen them tonight?” 
“Six months until they’re engaged,” Athena clarifies with a teasing smile. 
“Ah,” Bobby smiles. “I don’t know. Buck might not rush this one.” 
“It’s not a rush if you know it’s right,” Athena says. She gives Bobby a significant look. 
“I can’t argue with that.” Bobby leans down to kiss Athena. Every kiss still thrills him like it’s the first time. “Let’s just hope their honeymoon goes a little better than ours.” 
Athena hums. “We’ll keep them far away from any boats.” 
They watch Buck wrap his arm around Tommy’s waist while they walk down the hospital hallway. Tommy leans into him and presses a kiss to his temple. 
It’s so early. This could just be the honeymoon phase. It could just be the two of them finding something that feels good after so many relationships that felt wrong, for one reason or another. It could be explained away a million different ways. But Bobby has a feeling in his gut that this is it for both of them.
Bobby may not have foreseen Tommy being Buck's first relationship with a man, but he does foresee Tommy being Buck's last relationship. If Maddie had thrown her bouquet, Buck would have caught it without even trying. They’re next, Bobby knows. And it’s going to work out. 
They’re good for each other.
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mnnuni · 5 months
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Summary: (Y/N)'s relationship with Buck and Eddie is discovered.
Warnings: smut
Buck and Eddie's relationship was still kinda a secret for the public eye; well kinda because they weren't sure of sharing it yet but they weren't subtle at all with those shared looks and hidden touches. The 118 all knew about them, they were only waiting for them to have the courage to tell them.
The crew of firefighters was so proud of themselves for figuring it out: Hen brought it up one night when they were hanging out at Athena and Bobby's house and the two men conveniently left early together.
"I name it, they're totally involved" Chimney was a little confused, "what do you mean? Of course they are, they're best friends"
Athena smacked him around the head "What Hen means is...", she was thinking of a way of saying it nicely "they get each other steam off" finished Bobby. Hen and Athena nodded, the five different expressions that passed through Chimney's face were hilarious to Maddie "I can't believe you didn't notice".
What they all also didn't notice was that that night there was another person absent: their girlfriend, (Y/N).
She was way more private than them at the station, because she saw how Eddie and Buck acted around each other and let's just say even a blind could catch that they were in love; that's why she was never too close to them to be suspected. When Hen asked her about her romantic life she said "they" and "them", but everyone just assumed it was just a person who would go by these pronouns not that there were actually two people.
(Y/N) also knew that her boyfriends had their fair shares of problems with their closets and she surely wouldn't be the one to out them to their family.
The only 118 member who knew was Ravi. Poor kid caught them exiting the same room, still adjusting their uniform. From that moment (Y/N) avoided every contact with them at work and got closer to Ravi too. He was her true best friend.
"so... what are you doing for them tonight?" Ravi asked her while they were cooking for the team, "huh?" (Y/N) said looking at him from the oven; Ravi looked around, making sure no one was watching them and whispered "you know... today's your anniversary, didn't you do something?"
(Y/N) smiled. Today her, Buck and Eddie were celebrating six months officially together. "I can't believe you remembered" she hugged him tight "of course i did, how could i forget?"
It was funny how Buck was flaring his nostrils at the sign of (Y/N) talking with Ravi while he had his hands on her waist. Eddie had to put his hand on his knee, "you know they're only friends" "still..." he rolled his eyes. (Y/N) was actually describing him the details of the dinner she had planned that night; she was so ecxited to finally go out in public with them. Ravi was really happy for her, so happy that at the end of the shift he went to Buck and Eddie and told them to be careful "she really loves you, both of you, don't screw up tonight"
He knew he only made their nerves worse, but he had to because (Y/N) really deserved the world and he knew those two idiots would give her everything she needed. He was still her best friends tough, it was his job to scare her boyfriends.
(Y/N) only texted them the address. "Dress fancy" the sole indication.
Evan stomach was a mess. Eddie was literally sweating. They decided to get ready together; that didn't help them one bit because after getting nearly late for a too long shower together, they were second-guessing everything.
Their anxiety seemed to stop only when they spotted (Y/N) at the bar in the restaurant. She was wearing a long strapless black dress, her hair were down and naturally curled and her lips were tinted red. Buck had to touch Eddie's hand to make sure he wasn't imagining that wonderful woman in front of them. It was the first time Eddie took his hand in his in a so crowded place and just by this (Y/N) knew this would have been a magical night.
They were seated in a corner in the garden, the table was so small that (Y/N)'s legs touched both Eddie and Buck's ones. It was just how she pictured it would be: the light lights illuminated Buck's freackles ever so gently, the roses'perfume made Eddie scrunch his nose in a way that made (Y/N) want to kiss him everytime and the night breeze was a perfect excuse for them to touch her arms or shoulders constantly because of the fact she was withouth a jacket. And it was even better to see Evan and Eddie actually be confortable to act like a couple all together.
Ravi's words really helped.
When Evan put his coat over (Y/N)'s shoulder as she whispered to them "maybe you should come to mine's for dessert", Eddie's eyes sparkled and Buck's hand on her tightned.
Evan didn't drive so fast even in the truck. The air was filled with anticipation but (Y/N) had decided that because this was a special night it would go slow and good. As a matter of fact, when they entered her flat she really had a dessert ready for them and she took it out of the oven swinging her hips ever so slightly.
"Uhm baby, we thought ehm..." Buck looked at Eddie for support while (Y/N) took three forkes "we hoped for another type of cake" the other man finished. (Y/N) chuckled "don't worry my loves, this cake just needs time" she winked and took a bite of the chocolate pastry; she really knew how to turn on her boys.
"Now, eat. I'll come back in five" with that she went to her bedroom and locked the door. Buck and Eddie could only listen to her and wait. They were under the impression she took more than five minutes because when she came back they finished half the cake and were now kissing on the couch, Eddie said he missed Buck's lips and he surely couldn't deny them to him. They already took off their jacket and were starting to unbutton their shirt when (Y/N) cleared her throat and they departed from each other; she was wearing a silky robe and a devious grin on her face. (Y/N) didn't say anything, only took their hands and guided them in the bedroom.
"Because you were so good tonight accepting to go out with me, I want to make it up to you" and with that she took a rope from the pocket of the robe. The guys were having the time of their lives while she tied them to the headboard, she put them in a way they could touch each other's hands, like a way to compensate the fact they couldn't touch her. When she was done (Y/N) finally took off her robe.
"Holy shit" Buck breathed out.
She was wearing a red lace bodysuit and garters and with only this sight Eddie and Evan tried to untie themselves. "I'm a firefighter baby, don't even try", Buck's cock twitched in his boxers. (Y/N) got them naked painfully slow and Eddie started to complain; that's why she started working on Evan first.
She kissed him softly on the lips and got down from the neck to the waist licking him, his breath became heavier when she stopped, eyes on his tip. She kissed it too and then put it in her mouth.
"Oh God". Evan really liked when she worked her magic on him this slowly; Eddie next to him could only focus on her ass and be satisfied but when her hand touched his leg and started going near his balls he grunted. (Y/N) smirked on Evan's cock and he pushed his hips up. She was bobbing her head up and down faster and stroking Eddie's dick too, so fast they were both moaning.
"I-I'm cuming" Evan was practically a mess.
"Come on big boy, you're doing so good"
Hearing Eddie praise him was the last straw; Evan came so hard it made (Y/N) even wetter. When she was done sucking all his cum (Y/N) got up "you're soo good baby" she caressed Buck's cheeck and turned to Eddie "want a taste?", he nodded excited. Buck was trying to catch his breath while (Y/N) straddled Eddie's lap to kiss him. She tasted of Buck. (Y/N) lowered herself on him and Eddie moaned in the kiss at the feeling of his girlfriend pussy on him.
"It's your turn to fell good now honey"
(Y/N) unzipped her bodysuit at a slow pace and while she cupped one of her breast for show, she finished getting undressed. Buck was quickly recovering already.
She lowered her body on Eddie and started grinding her hips to lube his cock with her wetness; when she picked his dick in her hand and came down on it Eddie almost cried out loud. Usually Buck was the loudest, maybe she teased him too much this time. (Y/N) didn't complain tough, hearing her boyfriends moan only added fuel to the fire. Now she was breathing heavily too and really needed their hands on her body, so she leaned over and untied them.
Eddie didn't waste a second and flipped them over to start thrusting into her, "You feel so good mi amor".
(Y/N) tightened her legs to his hips as Buck got in between them to touch her clit. Now (Y/N) was the loudest; she tried to be quite but the stimulation was just too much that she gripped both her boyfriends' shoulder and scratched them. This only made them move faster.
"Come on baby, be a good girl for us"
She whined their names.
"So fucking tight hermosa"
Buck was sucking on her tit while he pinched her clit and made her scream.
It was the best orgasm she ever had, because when she came down her high she felt Eddie's cum on her stomach and it was so fucking hot.
When they got her all cleaned up and ready for sleep -after other two rounds-, (Y/N) told them how grateful she was to have them loving her and kissed them goodnight and Buck and Eddie felt the luckiest guys in the whole world.
The next day (Y/N) was the happiest she ever was in at least two weeks (Buck cooked breakfast for her and Eddie made her bag for her) and all the station noticed. Also because she wasn't complaining about anything after one of the most tiring calls of all day;
They were changing in the locker room and Ravi approached her "I'm guessing it went well", she smiled only thinking about it "marvellous" (Y/N) answer.
"What went so good?" asked Hen as she got near them too, "little (Y/N) here had a date"
One of these days she would kill Ravi
"Oh you didn't go out in a while..." intruded Chimney, 'cause of course he would be there too.
"Yeah, that's because it was a special night" she was lost in her locker when Hen spoke again.
"They had a special night too"
The confusion on (Y/N)'s face soon washed over when she turned around and understood what they were talking about: at the other side of the room Buck and Eddie were changing their shirt and were unconsciously showing off some big scratches on their back. (Y/N)'s scratches from last night. They were so red and so much; how couldn't they notice?
Then it hit her: they were practically identical, everyone would have known they were from the same person.
At this point every bit of dignity already left (Y/N)'s body when she run off to them.
"put a shirt on, now." She hissed.
Buck was so confused...then he looked at Eddie
"hooly shit". He was fast to cover himself up and Eddie followed him even if he didn't understand yet.
"i May or May not have left some...marks" she tried to say it in the gentlest of ways but the damage was already done.
All of their team was watching them.
Ravi thought dinner would have been awkward; he was absolutely fucking right.
Buck, Eddie and (Y/N) were avoiding eye contact with everyone. Hen was waiting for an explanation with a smirk on her lips. Bobby was searching words for a reassuring speech after the inevitable talk, and Chimney was so fucking confused that at some point he bursted "Can somebody talk about it, please?"
(Y/N) looked at Eddie and Buck for permission, if they weren't ready she would have had come up with a lie without questions. They deserved to be out when they felt like it.
But Eddie took Buck's hand in his and started talking "we're together."
Evan felt a rock being left off his stomach, so he then took (Y/N)'s hand and continued "all three of us".
She only smiled at them.
There was a minute of silence when they thought they had made a big mistake, and everything was starting to crumble. But again, Hen spoke "fucking finally"
"Y-you knew?" (Y/N) had to start draw circles on Buck's hand.
"Of you and Eddie? Of course! (Y/N) is... A pleasant surprise" she blushed at this.
"so...you're okay with this?" Eddie was the one to ask the question they feared the most. It was obvious to (Y/N) that the 118 wouldn't have said anything but for two newly queer men... She understood the uncertainty.
"Why wouldn't we?" Chimney answered
"Yeah, you're all happy, that's what matters to us" Bobby finished.
There was another moment of silence after, where everyone was accommodating to the news.
Ravi saw the perfect opportunity to say what he wanted to say for months now: "I knew it first!"
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buckboi · 5 months
Angsty Little Coda to 7.6 because I couldn’t get the look on Margaret Buckley’s face out of my head but don’t worry it has a happy ending
*Now edited and on Ao3*
G / 1k / TW for bad parents
“Evan, have you got a moment?” 
Five words from his mother and Buck falls off cloud nine and crashes back to nineteen years old.
But Chimney’s alive and okay. Maddie’s glowing beside him in her gown. Everyone’s chatting and eating the overpriced (but admittedly delicious) wedding cake. It feels like a family gathering, and Buck won’t cause a scene in front of his family.
“Yeah, sure,” he says. Tommy gives his hand a gentle squeeze. Says I’ll be right here with just his eyes. Buck squeezes back, and follows his mom into the corridor.
“Come here.” She pulls a tissue from her pocket with one hand, grabs his chin with the other and starts wiping away the soot Tommy had left on his face when they reunited. “So. What’s all this then?”
It’s a trap, he knows.
“What’s all what?” he deflects.
“All this.” She waves her hand at his face, then towards the hospital room where Tommy is visible through the glass door. “You’re an adult now, Evan. I thought you knew better than to upstage your sister on her wedding day.”
Oh great. Accused of doing exactly what he’s trying not to do. It would be funny if it wasn’t frustrating.
“Second wedding,” he mutters under his breath. Just because Maddie was happy to forgive her parents for missing the first one, doesn't mean Buck has to let it go too.
“Excuse me?”
“I said she knows,” he corrects. This is a happy day. Chim is alive. Maddie is beautiful. Tommy is waiting for him. Things are good. He’s not arguing with his mother. “Maddie. I told her about Tommy weeks ago. She was the first person I told, actually. And she told me to bring him to the wedding, if I wanted to. The only one here who seems to have a problem with it is you.”
His mom scoffs at that, and lets go of his face.
“I’m not homophobic.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
“I just don’t think it’s right, springing it on your father like that.” She tuts at him. Like he’s nineteen, fifteen, twelve, eight years old. He almost liked it when she was disappointed in him. At least she was paying attention. “He’s getting older. His heart.”
“You think me having a boyfriend is going to give dad a heart attack?” He laughs at the absurdity of it all. “Do you think we should get him outta that room before he realizes Hen and Karen are lesbians?”
“Evan.” How she manages to say his name with some much judgment when she’s the one who names him, he’ll never know. “It’s different. When you find out your own child has been lying to you for years. And all those girls you’d string along...”
She looks hurt, but not angry, which is its own kind of fucked up. It’s not fair. She doesn’t get to be sad about this.
Not when things are finally feeling good, and safe, and right. When Tommy feels right.
“I wasn’t lying.” It’s maybe more of the truth than she deserves.
“I don’t see how that can be true if you’re gay.”
“Well I’m bi, actually. And I only just-“ he scrubs a hand over his face, probably spreading the soot around worse. “It’s a recent development, okay? That’s why people didn’t know. ‘Cause it’s new. And Tommy and I are taking it slow.”
“I suppose that’s a first for you too, Evan?” she snipes and it’s goddamn unfair because who is she to ask him that? To judge his life when she’s never so much as pretended to take an interest in it?
He has options, now. He could storm off. He could say something worse. He could say something worse, something about dead children and how they can’t disappoint you like the ones who are still alive and then storm off.
She’s not worth it, says a voice in his head. It sounds a lot like Eddie, and Bobby; like Maddie, and Chim, and Hen, and Tommy.
Like someone who actually cares about him.
“Can we just… not?” he asks, and for a second Buck thinks she might actually refuse. Might force the point, but she lets out an unnecessarily weary sigh and nods. “Can’t we go back to the party, and enjoy what’s left of the day?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I want that?” Buck doesn’t even attempt to answer that one. “Just let me get you looking respectable again and we can go back.” She grabs at his face once more.
“Buck! Chim wants you back for a team photo,” Maddie says, bursting out of Chimney’s room in a cloud of tulle. Just in time to witness his humiliation. Great. “Aww, you’re wiping it off?” 
“Of course he is,” their mom says. She’s scratching at his face with the tissue. Speaking for him like he can’t answer on his own. “It’s your wedding, Maddie. I won’t let him show you and Howard up.”
Buck takes a deep breath and smiles thinly as his sister furrows her brows.
“Oh, well, Chim said he wanted a photo with your face all dirty.” She laughs sweetly, and grabs Buck’s arm. “He wants to capture every detail of the day.” 
“Oh,” Buck says eloquently as he lets his sister pull him back into Chimney’s room. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” she assures him.
“No it isn’t,” Chim cuts in from his bed. “Tommy, again. I want that photo!”
And Buck laughs, because it’s silly, and because he knows his family loves him. He asks, “Do we have to?” not because he doesn’t want to, but because it’s Maddie and Chim’s day, and he never wanted to steal their spotlight, even for a moment.
“Oh absolutely you do, Mister,” Maddie tells him, with just enough tease that he knows she wouldn’t force it if he protested. “Our wedding, our rules.”
Buck has no interest in protesting, instead he turns towards Tommy, who’d been a shockingly good sport about this. Buck’s sure he’s exhausted; probably desperate to get back to his apartment and shower off the day. Kinda wants to join him there if he’s being completely honest with himself.
“Well?” Tommy asks, interrupting his steamy fantasy.
Buck bites his lip like he's a teenager again.
“H-“ Buck interrupts Tommy’s reply with his lips, far softer than before.
He’ll never ask how his mom reacted - whether she rolled her eyes, or pursed her lips or looked, even for a moment, proud of him - but Buck’s family cheers and jeers and whistles their support.
And he feels free.
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xtra7s · 9 months
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Best Birthday Ever
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Synopsis: Jenna’s exhausted from her busy life, and it’s her birthday!! Her and a few of her friends decide to go to a club, when she spots you on the dance floor.
Content: Jenna Ortega x Reader, G!P Jenna, Dom!Reader, Sub!Jenna, white girl dancing, Alcohol, Bathroom sex, Oral(Jenna receiving), 5’6 reader, 5’1 Jenna, penis referred to as ‘cock ‘shaft’
Word Count: 813
a/n: this is my first time writing smut(writing in general???)
masterlist | next part
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Jenna thought staying at home, watching movies with her girls was a good way to spend her 22nd birthday, but Maddie thought differently. That’s how Jenna ended up standing in a packed club, on the streets of LA. “Mads, is this all really necessary? We could have just watched beetleju-“ Jenna yells over the music, but Maddie cuts her off, shoving a shot into her hand and smiling at her widely.
“Of course it is, babe! You deserve this, let’s have some fun, okay? I may have invited Emma and Melissa” Maddie yells back into Jenna’s ear, clinking their glasses together and throwing back the shot. Some mingling later, Emma and Melissa emerge from the crowd and wrap their arms around Jenna, wishing her a happy birthday and quickly grabbing some drinks. Indulging in as deep as a conversation can get in a club, Jenna notices a flash of dark red in the crowd, trailing her eyes down your body. From your black hair, to the maroon dress and your black heels, Jenna’s cock is twitching just from looking at you. She frowns lightly as the crowd shuffles around, making her lose sight of you.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna go dance, don’t wait up!”
‘Empire State Of Mind’ by JAY-Z is pounding loudly in your ears, swaying your hips as you hold your hands loosely in the air, feeling the beat in your bones and the alcohol in your body heating you up. You bring your arms down trailing your body, feeling a body invade your space behind you.
Continuing to dance, Jenna follows your lead and matches the way you move your body, your bodies touching with a few grinding grazes.
Feeling warm hands touch your waist, Jenna leans in and places her lips next to your ear, “Is this okay?” She whispers raspily, taking the way you grind your body back into her as a yes.
After a while of ‘dancing’ (if you’d even call it that anymore), you could feel the print in her dress grinding against you. Leaning your head back against Jenna’s shoulder, you grab the other side of her face and kiss her jaw lightly. “Come on” you whisper, grabbing her hand softly and pulling her towards the bathroom of the club.
You push open the door to the bathroom and drag her into a stall, locking the door and pressing her gently against the door, placing your hands on her waist and kissing her intensely. You graze your hands on her stomach, hiking up her dress and placing the palm of your hand on her bulge. She moans out into your mouth at the contact, you swallowing it as you slip your tongue into her mouth, biting onto her lower lip as you slip a hand into her boxers and trail your kisses down her neck. “Is this okay?” you gasp into her mouth, Jenna nodding quite pathetically as you kneel down and grab the elastic of her boxers.
You pull them down, her cock jumping out and hitting her stomach covered by her dress. You smile up at her as you grip the base of her cock and spitting on the tip, licking the head of her cock teasingly.
Jenna presses her head against the stall wall of the toilets, moaning as you wrap your lips around her cock and begin sucking. You move your mouth up and down on her cock, Jenna’s hand wrapping tightly in your hair as she lets out moans and whimpers to you, “it feels so good baby, deeper please”. You oblige, letting her cock hit the back of your throat and licking around the shaft.
“Fuck m’so close mami, you feel so good” Jenna whines in a rush, gripping tighter on your hair as you work her cock, gripping her thighs as you suck.
You focus back on the tip of her cock, licking and sucking, leaving kisses on her shaft. she grabs your head tighter, her moans and words becoming incoherent letting you know she’s about to cum. Thick ropes of cum cover your throat as Jenna whines, swallowing all of it as you stand back up kissing her delicately, your hand on her waist as she finishes coming undone, holding her up.
She holds your jaw gently, looking up at you as you pull up her boxers and fix her dress, smiling hazily.
“Best birthday ever.”
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amirasainz · 3 months
But what was their reaction when they first watched euphoria? Like what was sweet Amelia saying? Doing? Good lord. The absolute hatred they would express for Jacob elordi, like “let’s kill him” was said from someone in the room but no one will confess to it.
WOHO! George Russell, the man that you are! I hope you guys enjoy reading this and send me some request!
No Part 2!!!
Mount Everest ain't got shit on me
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At first, everything was great. The drivers and WAGs were all thrilled for Amira when she announced her new role in a series called Euphoria. No one thought it was strange that she wouldn’t discuss the plot or her character. The only thing she ever said was, “Maddy is a badass. A real G.” So you can imagine their reactions when the first episode aired.
The drivers, the WAGs, and Roscoe were all gathered in Lewis’s room, scattered around as they waited for the episode to start. Lily and Carmen were excitedly gossiping about the other actors in the series. “Amira told me that Maddy is with Nate, who is played by Jacob Elordi. Guess what? Jacob and Zendaya used to date,” whispered Carmen, eliciting a huge gasp from the other women. Lily’s reaction caused Kika, Lily Z., and Rebecca to crowd around them, all sharing the latest celebrity and paddock gossip. “Is it true that Carlos is going to be the next safety car driver?” asked Lily Z. innocently. Rebecca looked at her confused, while the other three tried to hide their laughter.
Before Rebecca could defend her boyfriend, the opening scene of Euphoria started. And boy, was it an episode. When Amira said that Maddy was a ‘badass,’ they didn’t realize that Maddy Perez was a barely clothed, hot-looking goddess who didn’t shy away from using vulgar language. While the others were impressed by Amira’s acting, Carlos was speechless.
Why didn’t they give her more clothes to wear? And whose idea was the pool scene? Why did Amira’s character have such a bad boyfriend? Is this even allowed? Could he sue the producers? These thoughts were running through poor Carlos’s head. Meanwhile, the others enjoyed watching Amira on screen. Well, they enjoyed almost everything. After the first few Nate scenes, it was clear they didn’t like him.
“I just don’t understand it,” muttered Oscar, hugging a pillow close to himself. Charles, who sat next to him, agreed wholeheartedly. “Yeah, why would Maddy be with him? She deserves much better than this idiot.” “I mean, if I were part of this show, I would treat her like a queen. I would get her flowers every day and walk her home. On rainy days, we would cuddle up, watching one of her favorite movies. And then after date nights, I would take her to bed, kiss her, and we would have a night filled with passion and love…” Pierre said dreamily, a love-sick smile on his face. Kika, sitting on his right, just looked at him with a straight face, saying dryly, “Thanks. Thanks a lot, babe.”
The drivers and WAGs were so engrossed in watching that they didn’t notice Lando taking pictures of Amira every time she was on screen. When he lowered his camera again, he found himself looking straight into George’s eyes. “I—” he couldn’t even defend himself. George just looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow before turning his attention back to the screen and rolling his eyes. Never in his life had Lando felt so humiliated. It was a look that said, “Watch me and my girlfriend become a happy throuple with the girl you’re in love with. You stand no chance against us, Lando Norizz.”
After the end of the first episode, there was silence for a moment. "We should kill Nate" said someone (cough, Alex, cough). For a moment, they all thought the idea over. "I mean, it's just a TV series" tried Rebecca. "Yeah, but if Nate doesn't exist anymore, he can't be mean to Maddy, alias our Amira" stated Carmen, almost sounding bored to even have to explain. "Perhaps, we don't have to kill anyone. But if he wouldn't be found anymore" tried Oscar. Before anyone could say anything else, Charles proclaimed: "I know a guy for situations like this. He can help us. He won't ask any questions and will get the job done. Nice and clean." They all looked at Charles. "What the fuck" beeing the only thing said.
Safe to say, even though they loved seeing Amira on screen (not Carlos, he didn’t like the TV show), they hated Nate. And Checo? He thought because Maddy’s last name is Perez, he and Amira are now related, making him smile like the sun. Whatever helps him sleep at night, I guess.
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redocity · 6 months
Can you do one based on work song by hozier.
Like the episode after he is struck by lightning, and he would do anything to get back to her (the reader) 😭
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after he’d been hit by lighting, buck had been rendered comatose, and he’s just as eager to wake up and see you again as you are for him to be okay.
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WARNINGS: massive spoilers for 06X11, happy ending, established relationship
evan buckley x fem!reader II angst Il 4.6k Il requests open!
a/n: eddie doesn’t deserve to be separated from christopher in any universe so i wrote them back in-
₊ ⊹ masterlist!!
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First it was Daniel.
Then he found out Maddie was still with Doug and hadn’t even met Chimney.
Then it was finding out that Bobby had died.
You were his last shot.
God how he wanted to see you right now. He felt like his whole world had been flipped upside-down, and it had in a way. He was sure of his theory, that this was some alternate reality induced by the lightning strike. That he had to be in a coma. That was the only reasonable explanation for all of this.
The first course of action was to ask Chimney and Hen about you. He had no direct impact in you joining the 118, so you had to still be there right? Your job was your life, and even in a place like this that shouldn’t have changed. You were independently driven, and he just hoped that meant that you weren’t different.
“Oh right,” Hen snapped her fingers at Buck’s description of you. “She went into early retirement to look after the kids,”
“Sad to see her go honestly, she was great,” Chimney nodded along to Hen’s assessment, crossing his arms. “I miss her cooking sometimes,”
“You say that like she’s dead,” Hen rolled her eyes, hitting Chimney’s bicep with the back of her hand. “We see her all the time,”
“Yeah but that’s not the same as coming off a call and having the mastery that is her lasagna waiting in the oven for me to devour the minute we sit down,” Chimney sighs at the thought, his shoulders dropping as he imagines it. “Now we get it maybe once a month if we’re lucky,”
“Wait stop-” Buck holds his hand up to stop the two’s conversation, pushing himself from the dining chair he was sat in at Chimney’s table to stand with a furrowed expression. “Kids?”
You weren’t just not in the 118, you had kids here? Kids plural. Not even just one.
“Yeah,” Hen gives him a short nod with a raised eyebrow, like Buck’s confusion was the weird thing and not you having multiple kids with somebody who wasn’t him. “Chistopher and Nicolas,”
“Well, if we’re being semantic here, Christopher isn’t technically her kid,” Chimney gestures outward with his hands as he corrects Hen’s explanation.
“Oh please she may as well be,” Hen rolls her eyes with a scoff. “He calls her mom doesn’t he?”
“Still, biologically-”
”Guys.” Buck stops the two again, holding up both of his hands this time. “Christopher like Eddie’s Christopher?” There was absolutely no way.
“Yeah,” Chimney nods enthusiastically like Buck had just suggested a good answer for a general knowledge quiz. “They’re not married wherever you come from?”
“They’re married?” Buck swears he’s going to die all over again.
“I’ll take that as a no-”
Buck sat back down on the pulled out chair with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands.
You got married and had a child with his best friend?
This definitely wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Not where you were supposed to be.
You were supposed to be his, he was supposed to be yours. God you’d been through so much together, you’d pledged yourselves to each other. He had a ring waiting for you in his apartment.
You weren’t supposed to be married to anyone else. It was just wrong.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Hey,” There’s a gentle hand placed on your shoulder, and you reluctantly tear your eyes away from where Buck is lying towards the origin of the voice.
“You should take a break, you need to eat something and stretch your legs,” Eddie squeezes your shoulder gently as he stands behind you, looking over the top of your head towards the ECMO machine keeping Buck’s breathing regulated. “It’s not good for you to sit here for so long,”
”You know I can’t leave him Eddie,” You sigh softly, dragging your hands over your face to try and rub the fatigue away from your features.
“Please,” He shakes your shoulders gently under his grasp. “You know he wouldn’t want to see you like this, you need to take care of yourself too,”
“I know that…”
“But you’re not going to leave anyway?”
”I just-” You exhale heavily, stretching your back from being hunched over to rest it against the back of the plastic chair you’re sitting in. “What if something happens while I’m not here?”
“Hey,” He tugs on the chair until you’re half-facing him. “If anything happens, I will call you. I promise. Please take a few hours to look after yourself, i’ll watch over him for now,”
You glance back towards Buck’s unmoving body, with a stuttered breath, slowly standing yourself up from your chair with Eddie’s hand behind your back to make sure you don’t stumble with how long you’d been sat there.
“He’ll be okay,” You look up at Eddie with glassy eyes as he tries to reassure you. “He’s a stubborn bastard, he’s not going anywhere,”
“I hope you’re right,”
“When have I ever been wrong?” He tilts his head slightly with a small smile, a lace of joking in his tone in his effort to lighten your mood a little.
It works to an extent, a small breathy laugh leaving your mouth, joined by a small shake of your head as you pull him into a short hug.
“Go and get some food, and then some rest alright?” He pulls away from the hug after a few seconds with his hands braced on your shoulders.
“Yes sir,”
Eddie laughs shortly at your sarcasm, watching you leave the room with a reassuring smile before he takes your place in the chair to watch over Buck until your inevitable return.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“So what are we doing here exactly?” Chimney calls out to Buck as he power walks into the waiting room of the hospital, just barely able to match pace with Hen as the two follow after him.
“I’m not sure,” Buck stops abruptly once he’s inside, looking around. “I think maybe I’m supposed to come back to where it all started,”
“I guess that makes sense in the rules of this- Alternate universe,” Chimney gestures with his hands, following Buck’s turning head in gazing around the sterile white environment.
“I-I have this weird feeling, like I’m running out of time-” Buck turns to face the two with a furrowed expression and a hand pressed against his chest.
“Ooh, a ticking clock,” Chimney snaps his fingers in amusement, turning his head towards Hen who gives him a dissatisfied look. “Plot twist,”
Hen shakes her head with a roll of her eyes at Chimney, turning her attention back towards Buck. “You were having trouble breathing before right?”
“What if that wasn’t a panic attack?” She shakes her head again, but this time not in disapproval, instead in concern. “You guys are talking about this place as an alternate reality, but it’s not,” She gestures between Buck and the two of them.
“If you’re in a coma then this is all in your head, meaning that this place is still connected to that body.” She continues her theory with fervour, and Buck is increasingly grateful that at least she hasn’t changed at all. “If it can’t breathe, you can’t breathe,”
“So he feels like he’s running out of time-” Chimney’s cut off halfway through his sentence.
“Because my body is…”
Buck drags his hand down his face at the revelation. He was really at risk of dying here if he didn’t figure out how to get back quickly enough. He wanted to get back. He needed to get back. Desperately.
“Oh hey!”
Buck would recognise that voice anywhere. And it was both the most and least thing he wanted to hear right now.
“Chim, Hen, I didn’t know you guys knew Mr. Buckley,” Buck turns almost begrudgingly in the direction of your voice, a flicker of hope in his eyes as he meets your face. A flicker that immediately disappears as his eyes turn to the child in your arms.
He can’t be any older than five, and he looks just like you, except for his nose and his eyes. They matched Eddie’s features perfectly. And it felt like they were ripping his heart in two.
“Yeah uh…” The two look between each other as they question whether to divulge Buck’s predicament to you. “New acquaintances,”
“Mister Buck!” The child in your arms waves enthusiastically in Buck’s direction, a perfect mimicry of your smile on his features. He figures this must be Nicolas.
Mister Buck. That’s right, he was a teacher in this weird purgatory. He taught your’s and Eddie’s child. Like his life couldn’t get any worse.
“Hey little man,” His greeting was more than a little stunted, his attempt at masking his features clearly failing under the way concern blooms across your face. He always hated when you looked at him like that.
“Are you alright? I know you just got out of the hospital recently and you’re looking a little pale, maybe you should sit down,” You place Nicolas on the floor to guide Buck over to one of the chairs to sit down, and your touch against his arm feels both familiar and foreign at the same time.
“I’m fine, I’ll be fine,” He waves you off gently with a raise of his hand before bracing his arms on his knees.
“What are you doing here, everything okay?” Hen mirrors your concern towards Buck back onto you.
“Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” You give her a short nod as you straighten up from where you were bending to held Buck sit down, taking Nicholas’ hand in yours as he tugs on the hem of your shirt. “Just a routine check for Christopher, Eddie’s in with him at the moment,”
“Okay good, can’t have our favourite squad in duress,” Hen nods, happy with your response as she ruffles Nicolas’ hair, earning a chuckle from the boy and only sending Buck deeper into his pit of misery.
He was angry at a child, how pathetic was that.
“Speak of the devil,” Chimney nods his head down one of the hallways, and the group of you all turn your heads in the same direction.
“Daddy!” Nicholas is off immediately, running in the direction of Eddie and Christopher the second he sees them round the corner, and Eddie scoops the boy into his arms with no effort whatsoever.
He always was suited to be a dad. And that arguably made it worse for Buck to watch.
“Everything’s good?” You walk over to the three boys with your head tilted, gaze flickering between Eddie and Christopher at his side.
“All good Mi Amor, he’s perfectly fine,” Eddie presses a kiss to your temple, his free arm sliding around your waist to hold you securely against his side.
And that’s when Buck decides that he’s had enough.
He physically cannot stand to watch you with Eddie like that.
He has to get out of there.
And so he does, standing up abruptly and practically running down one of the corridors, leaving all of you to watch on after him in a mix of shock and confusion.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
When you return to Buck’s hospital room, Eddie has been replaced by Bobby. You can’t really be mad at that, Eddie has Christopher to worry about, and you know that he’s probably having just as hard of a time with Buck’s situation as you are. You can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it is for Eddie to explain the situation to him. How Buck might not wake up.
You didn’t want to think about that right now.
“Hey…” Bobby turns his head up from his rosary beads as you practically whisper out your greeting, pulling a chair over so that you can sit next to him at the foot of Buck’s hospital bed.
He looks just as wrecked as you do.
“Hey,” His hands fall into his lap, thumbs still rolling over the wooden beads as he looks over your state. “How are you holding up?”
“Not great…” You start tearing up almost immediately, hands cupping your nose and your mouth and you lean forward with your elbows on your knees.
Empathy floods Bobby’s expression as he reaches over to rub a hand up and down your back with a soft sigh, watching as silent tears roll over the back of your hands to leave dark dapple marks on your jeans.
“I’m so scared…”
“I know kid,” Bobby pulls you securely against his side with his hand rubbing lines over your arm in a futile attempt to console you, his eyes locked on Buck’s unconscious features. “I’m scared too,”
“What if he never wakes up?” You lean your head against Bobby’s shoulder with a stuttered exhale.
“He’s strong, I have faith in him,”
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“Oh hey kid, fancy meeting you here,” Bobby peeks out from behind a stacked shelf of medical supplies, his tone much lighter and less serious than Buck is used to when working with him.
“Thought you were dead,”Taking a moment to catch him breath, Buck steps further into the room slowly, his tone almost accusatory as his eyes narrow, beginning to tire of running around this fictional copy of his own life. “What are you doing here?”
“You tell me, it’s your dream, I’m just living in it,” Bobby shrugs nonchalantly, rifling through some of the bottles one one of the shelves. “Living my best afterlife,”
“Uh-huh, so I am dead,”
“Close but not quite,” Bobby suddenly changes position to come from behind Buck where he was previously stood in front of him. Because apparently that’s something he can do in this version of the world.
“Hey what do you think these do?” Bobby rattles a white tube container with a hum, tipping an unnumbered amount of pills into his mouth.
“This place is way too messed up to be heaven but uh, I don’t really believe in hell,” Buck exhales with furrowed eyebrows as he tries to comprehend everything. He feels like from the moment he woke up in this place he’s been in a constant haze of confusion, and no matter how much he tries to make sense of it, he can never fully grasp what’s happening.
“I- I’m in purgatory,” He exhales sharply as he accepts his own conclusion, laughing at himself ina derogatory fashion at his apparent stupidness. “I never really understood the concept of this, is th- is this a waiting room? Do I just have to hang here until my number is called or is it like, a-a punishment, a time out— do I have to do some type of penance before I’m allowed to move on?”
“Listen kid,” Bobby pulls an orange-brown translucent bottle from his pocket. “You need to relax,” He takes a large swig from the bottle, almost animatedly. “None of this is real,”
Buck’s features visibly soften at Bobby’s word, and he lets out a short laugh. “Ah, that’s the good news,”
Bobby turns towards a large white cabinet behind him, pulling the two doors open with both hands to reveal a large medicine cabinet. “The bad news is that it can be real enough to keep you here if you let it.”
“Uh, wh-what do you mean?”
Bobby pushes the clear bottles of pills on the middle shelf to the side to reveal a large glass window behind them, gesturing towards it with his head. “Hey look, you’re alive,”
Buck furrows his eyebrows as he cautiously approaches the window, features only furrowing further as they lock onto the image of the two of you in the darkened hospital room.
“And there’s me. Ooh I busted out the rosary beads, must be serious,” The image of Bobby shows him bent forward in his chair with his hands on his knees and his rosary in his hands, muttering soft prayers under his breath as he holds the beads up to his mouth.
“And a pretty lady, your girlfriend? She doesn’t look so good,” That was an understatement. From what Buck could see of the side of your face it looked like you were crying, the tear stains on your cheeks illuminated under the florescent lighting and making his heart wrench at the sight, wanting nothing more to pull you into his arms and kiss all of those tears away.
Then he noticed himself, lying perfectly still on a hospital bed hooked up to so many different machines he wasn’t even sure if he could name them all. “How- am I there and here?”
“Well, Evan Buckley, this is your deep dark subconscious,” Bobby leans over slightly towards Buck, tone slightly ominous.
Then the sound of a door turns both of them back towards the window as they watch Athena walk into the room and place careful hands on both yours and Bobby’s shoulders. “Oh hey, can we back up for a second? Are you telling me that’s my wife?” He exhales through his nose with a nod of satisfaction. “I mean, some things did work out for me didn’t they?”
“Do you know what’s happening to me in there?” Buck’s eyes lock on to what he can see of himself through furrowed eyebrows.
“Depends on how you look at it,” Bobby’s eyes follow his own, and he shrugs nonchalantly. “You could be dying, you could be fighting for your life. It’s kind of up to you,”
Bobby leans over towards Buck once again as he continues to stare at himself. “Which way you leaning?”
“I- don’t know,” Buck blinks softly, seemingly going over the pros and cons in his head. “This felt pretty great at first but… Then the Doug thing happened, then you, and then…” His eyes flicker towards where your sat once more, a soft sigh leaving his mouth.
“Well, I don’t think you can bring me back from the dead even in here, but…” Bobby crosses his arms loosely over his chest. “I think you can fix the Doug thing, maybe even the Eddie thing,”
“Wo- Would that actually work?”
“I don’t know, I’m not exactly bound by the laws of physics and logic here,” Bobby shrugs again and leans forward slightly. “I know what you know,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Athena walks over to Buck’s hospital bed with a sigh, gently laying her hand on Buck’s wrist to rub small circles against his skin. “I don’t know if you can hear me Evan Buckley, but I do know that you never give up. So don’t start now.” She shakes her head with an exasperated exhale, her tone still authoritative despite her obvious emotion towards the situation.
“Bobby has lost… two children. He cannot survive losing you.” She sighs softly, squeezing his wrist just a little. “And your girlfriend, oh the poor girl… She’s distraught over you. You can’t propose to her if you’re like this. So wake up damn it.” She raises her voice ever so slightly at the end of her sentence out of frustration. Mostly at herself, that she cant do anything to help get him out of the situation he’s in.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Wake up.”
“Yeah I’m trying.” Buck gestures exasperatedly with his hands as he walks back towards the hospital waiting room with Bobby following after him. “Just need to figure out what to fix to get back.”
“Maybe you should just give up.” Buck glances over his shoulder at Bobby’s ‘suggestion’, his harsh words contrasting his jovial tone. “Did you know that you were clinically dead for three minutes? Things aren’t looking good for you,”
“How come you’re such a jerk in this reality?” Buck’s tone shift to border frustration as he continues to walk with Bobby following after him.
“Because I am loosing patience.” Buck turns around with a furrowed expression, and the two stop in the middle of the corridor, locked in a stalemate.
“When are you gonna learn?” Bobby crosses his arms over his chest. “Brother’s die, children and their wives die, sisters get beat up by their husbands, girlfriends move on and find someone better, you can’t fix everything.”
“Well I fixed you.” Buck borders on shouting in anger at Bobby’s words.
“Oh really? How?” Bobby stares at him blankly as he anticipates an answer.
Buck takes a few seconds to respond, his eyes narrowing once he’s found his answer. “’Cause I joined the 118… And I mad you mad. And I made you cry. And I made you laugh sometimes, you know?” He exhales sharply, gesturing between himself and Bobby.
“I drove you crazy, but I think you spent so much time trying to make sure that I didn’t get myself killed, that it made you remember what it is to live.”
“So basically,” Bobby meets Buck’s gaze with his own. “You were Buck,”
“Yeah,” Buck seems to relax a little once he’d got everything off his chest, features softening. “I was Buck,”
“And that’s enough?”
Buck turns his gaze down to the ground as he takes a few seconds to think about it, a small breath of a laugh leaving his mouth as he makes his decision. “I think it is,”
“Looks like someone just figured out the answers for himself,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A small group of you stand in Buck’s hospital room as they prepare to disconnect Buck from the ventilator. The priority visitors. His parents stood side by side, wrapped up in each other for mutual comfort, Maddie was hugging herself as an act of self-comfort, and Bobby was stood with his hand on your shoulder trying to comfort you.
The nurse carefully removes the ECMO covering Buck’s mouth and steps back towards the foot of his hospital bed. “And now we wait, see if he takes a spontaneous breath on his own,”
There’s about thirty seconds of silence before the regular beeping of Buck’s heart monitor changes to a jarring sharp sound, and Maddie turns towards the nurse with an anxious expression. “What’s wrong?”
“His oxygen is dropping,” The nurse’s tone is not at all reassuring. “If he doesn’t take a breath in the next few seconds we’re gonna have to reconnect him to the ventilator,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Right uh, this, this is all happening inside my head, which means I’ve been talking to myself this whole time,” Buck takes a sharp breath in as he looks over the perfect mirror of himself in front of him, who gives him a hum with a condescending expression.
“Upside— uh, I don’t have to feel bad about not listening to you anymore-” He shakes his head towards his mirror image before turning to ignore him, swiping all of the bottles off of the shelves to further reveal the glass window, beginning to pull the shelves off of their supports.
“What are you doing?” His mirror laughs sarcastically as he watches.
“I have to get back, I’m running out of time!”
“It’s impossible. There’s no way in there. You’re stuck with me.”
“It’s not impossible!” Buck shouts to be heard over this negative side of himself. “There is not a locked room anywhere that, with the right tools and enough time, you can’t break into.”
He takes a deep breath to regulate his volume, staring at himself with a determined expression. “ I know that.” He lets out a short laugh as he gains a sudden weight in his hand, a bright red fire axe, one that he’d used so many times in the past. “’Cause I’m a firefighter.”
“There’s nothing for you in that room. No one in there needs you.”
“I’m not going back for them. I’m going back for me.” Buck gives the mirror of himself a final look of disgust before turning to swing the axe as hard as he can into the glass, a loud shattering sound verberating through his ears.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You all watching in a terrible anxious anticipation as the jarring beeps continue to blare with no indication of change, your eyes locked on Buck’s face as you all desperately will for him to take a breath without any assistance.
And then he does, and the whole room immediately falls into tears. His parents cling to each other with loud sobs, Maddie’s shoulders tremble as she cups a hand over her mouth, and your knees almost give out underneath you if not for the added support of Bobby keeping you upright.
To say you were all relieved was a universally large understatement.
You were sure you’d never felt happier in your life to know the love of your life was okay. And god forbid you ever let him leave your side again.
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 || 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
“𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘐 𝘨𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘣, 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘫𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦: 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘦 '𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴“
Inspo: Henry Verus - REVENGE Henry Verus - loveletter
Pairing: Cassie Howard x Male!reader
Summary: Revenge was always the answer...
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Warnings: Angst, toxic vibes, smut, unprotected sex, and even more toxic vibes
Words: 2190
A wise man once said, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” The meaning of it was that the person willing to make that commitment, willing to ruin themselves to hurt another only led to their only damnation. But you wondered if he knew how much that matched the situation you had found yourself in.
A situation and place in time where you could only feel the air being sucked free from your lungs. An uncontrollable fury that flowed through your bloodstream. Creating shakes in your hands as you tried to bottle all that you were feeling. Chest rising in falling in quick and angry puffs as you tuned in on the secret you had discovered only a mere night ago. The sounds you had heard upon entering your home. Spotting those all too familiar sneakers by the front door.
Oh, man, you were seething with rage. And hearing those moans, that fragile voice calling out your brother's name. That might’ve been one of the darkest moments in your life. Close behind the videotapes of your father, that has scarred you for life.
And when you entered Nate’s room, you found the one thing that changed your outlook on dating or women. Although Nate was part of the blame, Cassie fell under his spell. She knew half the fucked up shit he’d done in the past, yet, she still followed through on fucking him. She easy. She wasn’t endgame material and you should’ve realized that a while ago.
But that had been the night things changed between you and Cassie. You couldn’t look at her like she was a normal human being. If anything, now, you looked at her like a piece of property- Nate’s property because that was what she was now. It had been the same with Maddy and it was now happening with your girlfriend. 
She broke up with you not long after that night, and she was surprised to find you took it so easily. Thinking that she ended things peacefully with you and carried on with her days. But she should’ve been able to see the dark look in your eyes when she ended things. Although you did love her, she was far too gone to be saved. A piece of property was what she was now. Except, there was one thing you knew about Nate’s property and it was that he didn’t like that property to be touched.
So, here you were, standing in the far corner of the party ensuing around you. Falling Back by Drake blasted in the background as you continued to stare at your ex. Seeing her smile and enjoying her time with your brother. Feeling that guttural rage begin to build and build each moment you watched. The fact that they were happy, genuinely happy with one another was a shot in the back. Not only by your brother but by Cassie as well.
You wanted to set their world on fire. Just the idea of them suffering as you slowly widdle down their psyche was just blissful. Pretty fucked up, but the fact that Cassie had practically moved into your house, you weren’t merciful anymore. Especially now that you and your father spent most of the nights with football on, beers in hand, and hoping that the casters’ voices can block out the moans belonging to Cassie.
No, they didn’t deserve your mercy. They didn’t deserve the side of you that would roll over and accept the reality of the situation. So, when you spotted Lexi in the crowd talking to Kat, a lightbulb ignited in your mind.
Downing the rest of your drink, you made your way across the busy living room and to the kitchen where Lexi was. Entering, you moved past the two girls and to the bottles on the counter. Kat had dismissed herself to pick up Ethan’s call, giving you the chance you needed.
“Hey, Lex,” you greeted, causing the girl to turn around, her soft smile on display at the sight of you. But it faltered when seeing the bags under your eyes and hair slightly astray.
“Oh, hey, Y/n. How’s your night going?” She asked with a soft chuckle.
You pursed your lips with a shrug, offering a forced smile. “Just as anyone could expect nowadays.” Glancing past the girl, you could still see Cassie hanging onto Nate’s side. You nodded to the pair, a stab of pain in your chest. “But they look like they’re having fun though.”
She glanced over, scoffing at the sight of her sister drunk and being with Nate. “She’s going to get her heart broken in no time. After everything he’s done, she still goes to him.” You offered a red solo cup to her, pausing her ranting as she thanked you before she continued. “I mean, how dumb is she?”
Squinting your eyes, you stared at the blonde. “I mean, I dated her, so I can confirm that she is quite dumb. Maybe a few screws loose as well.” Your statement made the girl laugh, enabling a smile to form on your lips.
A lot of your friends didn’t exactly align with your brother as you hung out with drug addicts and the gossip girls of East Highland. Lexi was a part of that group and there was a genuine friendship you had with her. But, if you wanted to get some payback, you would have to twist it in a way that may piss Cassie off. Just the first stab into her heart that might show that this was just the start.
So, with nothing so much as a warning, your arm wrapped around Lexi’s waist and you pulled her into your chest. The squeak that fell from her lips made you smile, tilting your head as you stared down at the girl. “Just play along.”
“Y/n, what are you-” Lexi couldn’t help but stop herself, glancing in her sister’s direction. Finding the blonde watching intently of the position Lexi had found herself in. But the longer she stared at her sister, the longer she found reasons as to why she should listen to you. To get payback. To get revenge.
So, she looked up at you, glancing down at your lips before back up at your eyes. And it was her turn to take you by surprise, taking your breath away with her lips slamming against yours.
The kiss wasn’t what you thought capable from the bookworm. Everything you knew about Lexi was innocence. That and the fact that after a long night of drinking, when Cassie left the room to grab more beer, Lexi had confessed that she was a virgin. Wanting your advice on what may get her past this stage in her life. But feeling this and experiencing it would’ve fooled you if you never were exposed to the vulnerability she had shown.
Lexi’s hands drifted down, moving just past the hem of your jeans and resting over the growing tent. A deep guttural moan was swallowed by the girl, who couldn’t contain the smirk that formed on her lips. The desperate need for air was slowly becoming faded with the need for something more grew.
But it was short-lived by a livid blonde who wasn’t afraid to shove Lexi away and sweep you away. Looking over your shoulder, you gave an apologetic smile to Lexi. She was still trying to recover from the intensity, face red and lips beginning to bruise. It was adorable.
And when you found yourself pushed against a door in a room with no lights on, you couldn’t help but smile in amusement. Finding the amount of anger written on Cassie’s face to be adorable coming from someone who had no right to be this angry.
“Hello, Cass,” you greeted smugly.
“What do you think you’re doing with my sister? Going to use her to get back at me?” Cassie spat.
“Well, it got us alone, didn’t it?” You inquired, making the girl hush. A sigh fell from your lips, shrugging. “We’re just getting to know each other a bit better, you know?”
“Don’t be a fucking asshole. You look like a little pussy doing this. You know that, right?” Cassie said. “I mean, you are acting like a child by trying to have sex with my sister after I broke up with you.”
You laughed, scratching your temple. “Please, remind me because my memory might be a little fuzzy. But who was the one that cheated?” You asked. “Oh, wait! That was you! Now I remember!”
“Dont be a child-”
Before she could finish, you grabbed the side of her neck firmly. Nothing that with substitute as aggressive. You didn’t squeeze. You didn’t pull. You simply grabbed it. But it didn’t seize to make Cassie grasp and whimper under your hold.
Leaning closer, you stared at her lips with an essence of hunger rumbling in your gut. “I never cheated on you,” you stated. “But God, do I wish I did. The embarrassment you would’ve felt.”
Cassie groaned, managing to meet your dark gaze. “What are you going to do about it then?”
A sickening sweet smile crossed your features before you pressed your lips against hers. And then, it felt like everything before. The kiss, the heat, the need for one another. It was manufactured, but you had missed it so damn much.
She fought against you. The urgency in her hands was evident with her fumbling with your belt. The rattling of the buckle and the groans of frustration with the button made you grin.
Taking the lead, you peeled her shirt off and snapped her bra. Revealing her bare chest as you moved her toward the bed, keeping your lips pressed against hers even when the back of her knees met the edge of the bed.
Peeling her panties off, you pulled your pants off before peppering her neck in kisses. Cassie’s nails dug into your back, a greater sense of urgency in her movements. She was completely putty within your hold and liked it that way.
And some part of you felt horrible doing what you were doing. This wasn’t just to get some sort of moment of euphoric galore. If you wanted that, you would’ve told Cassie to fuck off and just fucked Lexi. At least there, things may have worked out better. But this was a plan that you were making up on the fly. You were scheming to get back at your brother and Cassie.
Forcing her legs apart, you grabbed the base of your cock and lined it up with her fluttering cunt. Ever so slowly, you eased yourself in. A deep guttural groan is ripped from your chest. Cassie was a panting, writhing mess laid out just for you. Her hands grabbed handfuls of the bed sheets in an attempt to find some grounding aspect to the intensity filling the room.
Her breaths were hiccuped and choked out of her when you laid flush against her, hips raising to relieve her of the sense of fullness. But it was only a moment later that you slammed your hips against her, stealing the air from her lungs. Nails dug deeper into your skin until they drew blood, making the line between pain and pleasure blur. Mending together into some sick and twisted turn-on for you. And it sparked the aggression in your body.
And something in the air shifted the energy the two of you had. From pent-up and possible deprivation of one another was now an animalistic desire. Teeth baring, lips sucking, hands roaming and gripping as tight as possible. Sweaty bodies flush with choked moans filling the bedroom.
It was the source of why things ended so quickly. Cassie trembling beneath you and your cock twitching around the vice grip of her velvet walls. Sweeping a few strands of hair from your face, you placed a firm hand on her stomach and slowly pulled out. Hearing the girl whimper and whine. “Good girl.”
Cassie lay there, catching her breath as you disappeared from her vision. She could hear the scuffling of clothes until the weight beside her sunk with the sight of you pulling your jeans up. A wandering hand grabbed your arm. You looked back at her for a moment, but ripped her hand off of you, making her frown. “What’s wrong?” She mumbled, sitting up on her elbows.
“If you thought this was up making up for your idiocy, then you’re sadly mistaken, Cassie,” you stated. “I mean, I knew you were fucking clueless sometimes, but you are breaking the world record.”
The hurtful comments made Cassie purse her lips, looking away from you.
“Oh, and Cassie?” The blonde sniffled, turning her head and watching you stand from the edge of the bed and straighten your shirt out. A devilish grin etched on your lips as you shrugged. “You deserve to be lied to, but I’ll spare surprising you.” Placing your hands on the frame at the foot of the bed, you shook your head. “I cannot wait to see him tear you into pieces.”
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nqueso-emergency · 11 days
I feel like I gotta be the only one who actually was happy reading that not a lot of time has passed between seasons and Buck and tommy were actually still getting to know each other.
Because one thing about Tim? He sure as fuck loves to skip the development part of the relationships he creates and move it at the speed of the flash.
The first 2 seasons of Lone Star gave Tarlos literally hardly any development and almost everything happened off screen. I remember watching thinking … wow wow when did that happen? How are they moving so quick? I love Tarlos but those first 2 seasons was a strugggllleeeeee! I don’t even remember their first I love yous, or how they first moved in. Luckily they got more in s3/4 but it took a while!
We opened season 2 with bathena dating secretly and ending it with them moving in and getting married. Fine by me cause I love those two but that was quick!
I’m not even going to bother talking about Buck and Eddies relationships with their partners … yikes. I’ll give it to them with Taylor Kelly and Abby (but Abby was played by Connie so duh) but apart from those two it was all very fast. I will never ever forget Buck meeting Natalia and by the end of the fucking episode after knowing her a fucking week telling Eddie “I think she knows me better than I know myself”
…………WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!? MY GUY!?! YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW HER BDAY … oh Jesus Natalia and Buck was something else. 🙄🙄
Marisol and Eddie lord give me strength they met and moved in wtf
I loved what they did with Maddie and Chim; the development took a while for obvious reasons and we learned about their traumas and how they healed together honestly it was handled with such care. But that’s a rarity in the 911 world.
I wanna see it all; I don’t care how slowly it goes. Just show me development!
I agree! I'm really excited to see this relationship develop. We deserve it and Buck deserves it.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 6 months
Weekly Recap | April 1st-7th 2024
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MERRY WEEWOO EPISODE DAY!!! I had a fucking terrible stream so I feel like I missed like 90% of buddie's scenes.
No thoughts, head empty, so happy to FINALLY be done with this long ass recap 😆 my ao3 history is very much still fucked. Oh well. Also gonna have to make a separate post for the podfics cause the rec was getting too long, tumblr couldn't handle it 😂
There's a couple of new people in here and maybe some people who have changed URLs, so if you know someone who's not tagged, please tag them in the comments!
Love your tags, comments, reblogs, everything! <3 My ao3 inbox is being SUBMERGED with fics, it's the best problem to have 😂
I can finally breathe by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (S7E4 Coda, BuckTommy | <1K | General); Buck's oh moment when Tommy kisses him.
and with each one, i'm a little more free series by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (Post-S7E4, Coming Out):
oh, bi the way (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Maddie. whenever you're ready (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Bobby. welcome to the club (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Hen.
rebirth by renecdote/ @renecdote (S7E4 Coda | <1K | General): “Bisexual,” he says aloud, just to hear himself say it, to taste the way it feels on his tongue not just as a word but as an identity. It feels like an exhalation, trembling at the edges but not just with fear, or excitement, but with relief. Buck knows what it is like to be reborn, but he has never had a kiss make him feel like this before.
whenever you're ready by honestlydarkprincess (Post S7E4 Spec, Coming Out | <1K | General): Buck comes out to Bobby.
I won't tell no lie by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (Post S7E4 Spec, Tommy POV | 1K | Teen): Tommy can't exactly say he's surprised when he opens his door on a Sunday morning to see Hen Wilson standing there. He just wishes he'd thought to put on a cup first because he has a feeling he's about to get kicked in the nuts.
An End Has a Start by eirabach/ @eirabach (S7E4 Coda, Tommy POV, Tommy&Lucy | 1K | Teen): Tommy is one minute late. Hell of a minute, though.
tell me that i'm all you want (even when i break your heart) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (S7E4 Coda | 1K | General): “What’s going on?” “You tell me,” Eddie says, gently. “Buck mentioned you were being a little…odd.” To his surprise, Chris scowls. “I bet he did,” Chris mumbles, scoffing, half-under his breath. Eddie stares at him, taken aback. “Chris? What does that—” “I want you to tell him to leave.” or; buck, christopher and eddie in the aftermath of 7x04.
Sleepy Call by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Pre-Buddie, Fluff | 1K | General): OR: Eddie takes an early morning call.
to loosen his grip by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (S7E4 Spec | 1K | Teen): Eddie's not stupid, and Buck's about as subtle as a brick to the face on a good day. Speculation for 7x04: Buck, Bothered and Bewildered.
babbling brook to nowhere by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (S7E5 Spec | 1K | Teen): Eddie has not stopped talking since they left the restaurant. He thinks that he kind of blacked out during the actual dinner, because he’s not really sure what actually was discussed or how they even ended up sitting next to Buck and Tommy. But as soon as they got back into the truck, it was like the dam breaking loose. “I mean, it’s so great,” Eddie says once they’re back in his bedroom, as he takes his shirt off in the closet. He’s not even paying attention as Marisol perches on the edge of his bed. “They’re two of my friends, it’s awesome.” He’s happy for Buck, because Buck deserves to be with someone who gets him and will love him like he deserves. He just . . . “Is Tommy too tall for him?” Eddie asks. “Like, they’re the same height.”
my heart is working overtime by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (S7E4 Coda | 1K | Teen): He reaches for his phone again, then freezes halfway through his contacts when he realises he can’t call anyone to talk through this. Maddie would kill him for telling her something like this over the phone. For—coming out, he supposes, trying the words on for size. That’s something he does now. As— He hadn’t really stopped to consider it until now. Bisexual, he thinks, experimental, and it settles somewhere deep inside of him, like there’s been a space waiting for it all along.
“Pops, I’m bisexual.” “Hi bisexual, I’m Pops.” by Maximoff_Wanda (Post-S7E4, Coming Out | 1,4K | Not Rated): Or: Buck comes out to Bobby.
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (Post S7E4 | 1,6K | Not Rated): after his kiss with Tommy, Buck goes to Hen.
pythagoras made some points by crimsonclad (S7E4, BuckTommy | 1,6K | Not Rated): Look for the helpers! Sometimes they are all trying very hard to help each other be gay in the correct configurations and doing their best, mostly. Tommy takes Eddie to Urgent Care, takes him home, and carries a message elsewhere in the city of Los Angeles.
Buck's Boyfriends by Tizniz (Buck/Tommy/Eddie | 1,7K | Teen): He’s too drunk to figure out the logistics right now. “I think I’ve been dating both of you.” OR: The one where Buck realizes he's dating Tommy and Eddie.
smile at me like you smile at him by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (S7E4 Spec, Getting Together | 1,8K | Teen): Buck hadn’t planned on doing anything to show his displeasure at the sudden friendship between Eddie and Tommy, despite the fact that it sent hot, furious jealousy coursing through his veins. Really, he hadn’t. It’s just…well, he was just going for the ball during their basketball game…unfortunately Eddie happened to get pushed out of the way in order for Buck to get said ball.
only need the light when it's burning low by fallingthorns (Post-S7E4 | 2K | Teen): Buck blinks and realizes that he could love Tommy, if he didn't already love Eddie.
you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by ummrys (S7E4 Spec | 2K | Teen): Or, Buck gets a little (a lot) jealous of Eddie's blossoming friendship with Tommy Kinard, and makes some bad decisions about it.
detours by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (Post-S7E4, 2K | Teen): “Take a detour,” he says, instead. “There’s construction on Sunset.” “Maybe one of these days there won’t be,” Buck says, smiles, and takes his leave. - Eddie and Buck have a talk. They somehow say everything and nothing at all.
Every Night I Come to You by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (S5, Love Confessions | 2K | General): Eddie has another sleepless night, but Buck is there. He'll always be there.
Family Feud: First Responders by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Secret Relationship | 3K | General): The FireFam go on Family Feud.
Right In Front of Me by Princessfbi (S7E5 Spec, BuckTommy | 3K | General): Tommy’s brows knitted together as his mouth turned down with worry. “Evan,” he said and Buck wanted to hear him call his name so many more times. “What happened? Did someone choke you?” “That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Buck said, clearing his throat again when his voice gave an embarrassing squeak.
inescapable (i’m not even gonna try) by buddiebuddie/ @buddie-buddie (BuckTommy, PWP, Post-S7E4 | 3K | Explicit): From that first press of Tommy’s lips against his— the moment when the pieces slid into place and something bloomed in Buck’s chest and hummed in his veins— he felt good, and grounded, and settled in a way he never had before. It’s been a few weeks, and the newness has worn off but the excitement hasn’t. The hunger hasn’t.
I would be lying if I said I'm not dying to worship you by Daughter_of_Scotland (Post-S7E4 | 3K | Explicit): Buck and Tommy have their first date. This is how it ends. (It ends really, REALLY well)
somethin' tells me you know why i lie by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Madney Wedding Spec, BuckTommy | 3K | Teen): OR: buck brings tommy to the madney wedding. eddie is absolutely, definitively not jealous.
Never Saw It Coming...Or Did He? by Tizniz (PWP, Daddy/Mommy Kink | 3K | Explicit): Unable to deny his boyfriend anything, Eddie does. And his jaw promptly falls to the floor. Because Buck is standing there with that goddamn basketball under his shirt again. The clothing is stretched tightly over the round of what Eddie’s mind pretends is Buck’s belly. Pregnant belly. OR: The one where Eddie is 'Daddy' and Buck is 'Mommy'
sunbeam that hits at three to noon by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Madney Wedding, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): or, having multiple wedding reservations under the same name was an accident waiting to happen and buck’s just trying not to jumpscare his best friend with the rather intense bridal suite decor in their very platonically shared hotel room
as lucky as us by hammersmiths/ @bucktommys (S7E4, Ravi POV | 3K | General): One of the first things Ravi learned when joining the 118 was to, under no circumstances, think too hard about Buck and Eddie’s relationship. But brother, they could try make his job easier.
soothe the ache in me by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (S7E4 Spec | 3K | Teen): Or, the one where Buck gets a headache while trying to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie's injury.
i'm a fine baby mama (but you knew that though) by colonoscopys (S7E4 | 4K | Teen): Look—Buck’s not jealous, per say. He’s just a little confused as to how you can spend the past five years being best friends with someone, and then find someone new to replace him in the span of a couple of playdates.
You’re too Sweet For Me by Garden_Haunter (Buck Coming Out, Post S7E4 | 4K | Teen): Tommy kisses Buck, and it tastes like freedom. (Or: Buck comes out to different members of his family.)
Nightcap by Inell (S7E5 Spec, PWP | 4K | Explicit): After their first date goes a bit astray, Buck invites Tommy to his loft for a nightcap. 
some things fall when they're meant to fall by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (S7E5 Spec | 4K | Teen): or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
before you painted all my nights by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): In hindsight, maybe jerking off to a LAFD Calendar when Eddie was well on his way to become a firefighter himself… might not have been the best idea. He never really thought about the possibility of actually crossing paths with the person that's been starring every wildest dream and filthy fantasy of his.
’til storm breaks loose by markofalover/ @markofalover (S7E4 Spec | 6K | Explicit): He squeezes Buck’s bare, sun warmed skin before he drops the contact, and strolls over to where Chim and Tommy are waiting. If he stands a little too close to his teammate, well. He’ll never admit it. Buck comes back into his line of vision, already back to looking like he’s a second away from stomping off the court. Eddie’s giddy with it. …or, how an elbow to the face changes everything.
the art of making love. by dylaesthetics (Rommates, Getting Together | 6K | Teen): OR Buck’s loft gets flooded, making him temporarily move in with Eddie, who’s out and about dating guys now, apparently, and Buck tries to figure out why the hell the thought makes him sick.
no more mistakes, no more empty starts. by dylaesthetics (S7E5 Spec, Feelings Realization | 7K | Teen): Throughout his life, Buck has felt that something’s been missing. Some integral part of who he is, outside firefighting, outside the family he has built for himself, outside the trauma that keeps on piling up and overburdening his shelves. He doesn’t expect to find it in the dimness of his loft’s kitchen one Tuesday evening, the taste of a man still on his lips and his cologne lingering in the air, sweet and honest and real.
ain't no lie (bi bi bi) by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (S7E4 Spec, Eddie/Tommy | 8K | Explicit): Eddie fools around with Tommy, Buck is jealous, Tommy's just trying to have a good time
skin/heat/hair in your mouth by fleetinghearts (Getting Together | 8K | Explicit): or, eddie’s bad at camping, buck’s trying to make sure he doesn’t get hypothermia, and naked huddling for warmth is only like the third gayest thing happening in the great outdoors
now our love lives in the radio by heartbeatdiaz / @loserdiaz (University AU | 9K | Explicit): buck is the host of a college radio show and eddie has a big fat crush on him, what else can i say? featuring cinderella references and a bunch of himbos from buck's football team. 
teach me how to dance with you by goodboybuck (prettyboybuckley)/ @prettyboybuckley (BuckTommy, PWP | 9K | Explicit): OR: Buck explores the wonders of gay sex (slowly, with a really patient, sweet Tommy guiding the way and while having a lot of fun)
the mouth is the thing that craves by Underhung_Aura (Established Buddie, PWP | 11K | Explicit): eddie loves buck and he really love buck's cock
when i think about you (i touch myself) by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (PWP, Getting Together | 12K | Explicit): Or: the one where Eddie stumbles across Buck's old amateur porn, prompting a series of belated realizations on both their parts.
honey, when you call my name by HungryHungryHippo/ @hippolotamus (Post S5E11 | 12K |Explicit): Eddie witnesses the Buck/Lucy kiss, has himself a little panic, and decides to do something about it when Buck does his Buck thing and won't stop pushing Eddie's buttons 
🔥 of men and of angels by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Eddie Sexuality Crisis, Getting Together | 13K | Teen): Eddie Diaz learns a lot as a kid. Boys aren’t soft. Boys don’t cry. Boys don’t kiss boys. As he gets older, he realizes that everything has exceptions. Boys can be soft sometimes. Boys can cry sometimes. And some boys kiss other boys. But Eddie likes kissing girls. And since he likes kissing girls, that’s the end of the story. Isn’t it?
🔥 what humans do by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Getting Together, PWP | 18K | Explicit): "…and the thought that she had just escaped death by such a narrow margin made me realize the intensity of my feelings toward her.” Eddie swallows. “‘What’s the matter?’ I couldn’t tell her, so I kissed her instead,” Buck goes on, and since Eddie’s eyes are focused on the page, they drift ahead a little bit, and the next few lines have him swallowing once again, taking his hand back to brace himself against the mattress as he slowly starts to push himself up to sit. “Kissing is what humans do when words have reached a place they can’t escape from. It is a switch to another language. The kiss was an act of defiance, maybe of war. You can’t touch us, is what the kiss said. ‘I love you,’ I told her, and as I smelled her skin, I knew I had never wanted anyone or anything more than I wanted her…” Buck trails off when Eddie reaches for the book, gently luring it out of his grasp. 
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Threesome, BuckTommyEddie | 4/6 | 20K | Explicit): In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid. (Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
Fifteen First Kisses by tinygiantsam/ @watchyourbuck (Getting Together | 2/15 | 3K | Mature): Why would you have only one first kiss when you could have fifteen This is a collection of 15 different first kisses between Buck and Eddie.
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ninjatrashpanda · 9 days
The Other Shoe (Waiting for it to drop)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2! Today's prompt is "Coming Out Scenes!"
Read it on AO3 here.
“I, uh, I think it’s time to face the music,” Buck whispered, tugging on Tommy’s sleeve. His eyes wandered over to his parents, who had watched him and Tommy like hawks throughout the entire reception, though Buck had a hard time predicting what they were thinking. On one hand, therapy had been going well, and while The Buckleys would probably never be the big happy family Buck had wished for as a kid, Mom and Dad were trying. They had been nothing but supportive about him being Connor and Kameron’s sperm donor last year, and Buck would be lying if he said he hadn’t felt a pang of appreciation when they had stood up for him against Chimney’s father and stepmother.
On the other hand, well, these were his parents, and old fears die hard. While they had apologized for how they had treated him and Maddie and become better, there was a little voice at the back of his head that told him they’d just be disappointed again. The fact that his mother hadn’t managed to get rid of the bewildered look on her face since he had dragged Tommy into Chimney’s hospital room didn’t help.
“Should I be scared?” Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Buck chuckled, though it sounded more like a nervous exhale. He stole another glance at his parents, then shifted his gaze to the floor, kicking at an imaginary speck of dust. “Nah,” he said, though he admittedly wasn’t even able to convince himself of that. “Not scared. Just... prepared.”
Tommy followed Buck’s gaze across the room, where Buck’s parents stood stiffly by a wall, half-empty champagne flutes clutched tightly in their hands. Buck knew they had been mingling just a few minutes ago, but he still couldn’t help but feel that they looked, well, out of place. While they were nothing but polite, they didn’t really mesh with anyone else, and always seemed a little awkward.
“They don’t seem like they bite,” Tommy observed, in that casual, dry tone Buck had grown to appreciate over the past few weeks. In an instant, a part of his anxiety evaporated and bubbled to the surface in a barely held back snort.
“Not literally, no.” Buck ran a hand through his hair with a shake of his head, the slight smile Tommy had brought to his face staying on his face. “It’s just... history, you know? They’re trying, and I get that, I do. But sometimes it’s like...” He trailed off with a shrug, struggling to find the right words. “It’s like I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
Tommy nodded, his hand reaching out to squeeze Buck’s. Buck had told him the basics, how Maddie had practically raised him, how their parents had been neglectful and controlling. He vaguely knew about Daniel, too, though Buck hadn’t delved into the whole Savior Baby thing yet. The subject was…touchy, to say the least, and while he knew he had to breach it at some point, he wanted Tommy to have as neutral an opinion on his parents as possible. They were putting in the effort, so Buck figured they deserved that much.
“Well,” Tommy said, squeezing Buck’s hand again, a bit firmer this time, “if things get weird, you’ve got me for backup. Just say the word, and I’ll distract them with my fake mouth static.”
Buck couldn’t help but let out a genuine laugh at that, which surprised even himself. Tommy had a knack for diffusing tension, and Buck was grateful for it. It was one of the reasons he had gravitated toward him in the first place. He tightened his grip on Tommy’s hand, drawing strength from the contact, before letting go and straightening up.
“Good idea. You’re renowned for your fake mouth static after all.”
“Damn right I am.”
They stood there for a moment, neither quite willing to take the first step towards the inevitable conversation. The reception was starting to wind down, (because the nurses were kicking people out now) so at least if this developed into a scene, not too many people would end up seeing. Chimney, now recovering well after the whole viral encephalitis debacle, was in high spirits, chatting animatedly with Hen and Karen. Maddie was close by his side, smiling brighter than he had ever seen, seemingly refusing to let go of her new husband’s arm.
The love between them gave Buck a tiny surge of courage. If Maddie and Chimney could find happiness after everything they had been through, then maybe things could work out with his and Maddie’s parents too.
“Alright,” Buck said, straightening his posture, bracing himself for impact. “Let’s do this.”
They crossed the room together, Tommy a step behind Buck, offering silent support. Buck’s parents straightened as he approached, their faces neutral masks. They clearly didn’t know how to react, and Buck could hardly blame them for that.
“Hi,” Buck said, forcing a smile. “You probably have a few questions.”
His mother’s eyes softened, but there was still a glimmer of uncertainty in them. His father cleared his throat, his grip on the champagne flute tightening just slightly. The atmosphere was stiff, and the air felt thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Hi, Buck,” his mother replied, her voice wavering just a bit. Buck was actually (positively) surprised that she used his nickname, though he had to admit it sounded almost foreign in her voice. “Yes, we, uh…” She glanced at his father, who nodded, urging her to continue. “We do have some questions, but—”
“We don’t want to push,” his father interjected, his tone uncharacteristically gentle. “We’re just… trying to understand.”
Buck nodded slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing just a fraction. They weren’t throwing accusations and bad faith arguments around, so that was a good start. Still, Buck knew that they weren’t out of the woods yet. He hadn’t spoken about the big B yet, after all.
“Yeah,” Buck said, rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit he hadn’t quite outgrown. “I figured. And, uh, it’s okay to ask. I know this is… a lot.”
He could see the moment his mother tried to put on a brave face, her lips curving into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “We were surprised, that’s all,” she said. “When you came into the room with…”
She trailed off, her eyes moving over Buck’s shoulder to where he knew Tommy stood just a foot or two behind him. He took a deep breath. This was it. No going back. He had thought about it for weeks at this point, had said it out loud to himself in the mirror, but not to anybody else, not even Maddie or Tommy.
“Tommy.” He turned slightly, reaching out his hand out to Tommy, who took it into his own with a smile as he stepped up. “Mom, Dad, this is Tommy Kinard. He’s my date. He, uh… he’s the reason I figured out that I’m bisexual.”
The words hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. Buck could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the sound of his blood rushing through his ears almost deafening. He knew this moment was pivotal (one of the most important in his life, probably) and the weight of it pressed down on him like the world on Atlas’ shoulders.
His parents exchanged glances, and Buck could see an onslaught of emotions flitting across their faces: surprise, confusion, and perhaps a flicker of something that could be hope. His mother’s fingers tightened around the stem of her champagne flute, and his father took a small step closer to her.
Tommy, for his part, stayed by Buck’s side, his presence a quiet but powerful anchor. He gave Buck’s hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent promise that he was here, and that he wouldn’t leave. Buck was grateful for that; it reminded him that no matter what was going to happen, he wasn’t alone.
His mother was the first to speak. “Bisexual,” she repeated, as if testing the word on her tongue. Her brow furrowed slightly, but there was no trace of anger or disappointment in her tone. Instead, she seemed...curious. “I…well, I didn’t expect that.”
Buck could see his father’s jaw tighten momentarily before he let out a slow breath. “Buck,” he began, his voice careful, deliberate. “This is…this is a lot to take in. But I want you to know that we’re listening. We’re trying to understand.”
Buck nodded. This wasn’t a rejection, not outright. But it wasn’t exactly acceptance either, not yet, at least. Still, it was something, and in this moment, something was better than nothing.
“I know it’s a lot,” Buck said, his voice quieter now. “And I don’t expect you to get it all at once. I only figured it out a few weeks ago, too. I just wanted you to know, because…because it’s who I am. And Tommy… he’s important to me.”
His mother’s eyes softened at that, and Buck could see her shifting, recalibrating her thoughts, trying to process this new piece of information about her son. “Tommy,” she said, as if tasting the name for the first time. She looked at him then, really looked at him, and there was something in her gaze that was almost…gentle. “It’s nice to meet you, Tommy.”
Tommy smiled, his usual confidence replaced by an almost shy nervousness. “Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Buckley. And Mr. Buckley,” he added, nodding respectfully toward Buck’s father.
Buck’s father gave a small nod in return, though his expression remained unreadable. “Tommy,” he repeated, his voice a bit more measured. “You’re… Buck’s boyfriend?”
Buck sucked in a sharp breath. Obviously that question would come up. He should’ve been prepared for it, but he wasn’t. He and Tommy hadn’t even really had that conversation. He’d certainly like for Tommy to be his boyfriend, he just wasn’t sure if Tommy was at that point yet. It had only been a few weeks after all. They had been on four dates, one of which was a complete disaster, and another that hadn’t even been a date at first, but an apology for the date that had been a complete disaster.
“Yeah,” Tommy said, his tone steady. “I’m his boyfriend. And I know this might be surprising, but Evan…he means a lot to me. I care about him.”
Buck’s breath hitched in his throat. He hadn’t expected Tommy to say it outright. He had expected a lighthearted “Not yet” or “We’re seeing each other.” That he’d gone right ahead… Buck’s heart swelled just a little bit. He squeezed Tommy’s hand a little tighter, grateful beyond words. Tommy’s answer made Buck just a little braver.
Finally, his mother spoke again. “I…I see,” she said, her voice softer now, almost hesitant. She looked at Buck, her eyes searching his, as if trying to reconcile the son she knew with these new things she was learning about him. “And you… you’re happy?”
Buck felt a lump rise in his throat. It was such a simple question, but it carried so much baggage. She wasn’t asking if he was happy with Tommy. She was asking if he was happy with himself, something that would’ve been absolutely unthinkable just three years ago.
“I am,” Buck replied, his voice growing more assured. “I’m happy, Mom. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.”
His mother’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and she nodded slowly, as if coming to a decision within herself. She reached out then, tentatively, her hand hovering in the air for a moment before she placed it on Buck’s arm. “That’s all we want, Buck,” she whispered, her voice wavering a little. “We just want you to be happy.”
His father, who had been silent for most of the exchange, cleared his throat again. “It’s…a lot to adjust to,” he admitted, his voice gruff but not unkind. “But if this is who you are, and if this man makes you happy, then…well, we’ll do our best to understand.”
Buck felt a surge of relief wash over him, so powerful that it nearly knocked him off his feet. It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but it was something. Something good. It was yet another step toward healing their relationship, and for that, he was grateful.
“Thank you,” Buck said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you for not, like, freaking out.”
His father gave a small nod, and his mother’s hand tightened on his arm, a silent reassurance that they were, in fact, trying. Tommy smiled and wrapped his arm around Buck’s shoulders, Buck leaning into his side almost automatically, enjoying the warmth of their connection.
His mother glanced over at Tommy, her expression softening further. “You’re welcome to join us for dinner before we fly back to Hershey, Tommy,” she said, a small, tentative smile tugging at her lips. “We’d like to get to know you better.”
Tommy’s eyes widened at the invitation, and Buck didn’t blame him. It was already unusual that Tommy had met his parents this early, but getting invited to family dinner? That was big. “I’d love to, Mrs. Buckley. Thank you.”
Buck’s father gave a curt nod, not quite ready to add anything further, but his stance had relaxed just a little. There was still a long way to go, a lot of conversations to be had, but in that moment, Buck knew they were moving in the right direction.
As the reception continued to wind down, Buck stood there with Tommy by his side, his parents before him, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a cautious sense of optimism. The journey ahead would be challenging, there was no doubt about that, but they were all still here, still trying, and that was more than Buck could have hoped for when he first approached them.
As they exchanged a few more words, lighter now, less fraught with tension, Buck realized that this was what he had been waiting for all along. Not just acceptance, but the willingness to grow, to move forward together. And maybe that was enough to help the wounds of the past heal.
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 618 meta
Since this could have been the show finale, not just this season’s, I hope you allow me to do a small overview of the ep as a whole with this in mind.
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I’m gonna be honest, I want to send ABC a bouquet of flowers, because if this would have been the show’s last ep, it would have been an incredibly disappointing one. Not that it didn’t have merit. 911 has always been about the importance of the good that we do - for ourselves, for our loved ones and for strangers. That’s why the significance of this ep’s emergency was actually great. We got to see the 118 saving themselves, each other and be saved by a complete stranger, who wouldn’t have been there if it weren’t for the 118 saving him four seasons earlier. My issue with it is that it would have been better IMO to spread out this emergency over two eps, really give it room to resonate emotionally, in much the same way that Buck’s lightning strike did. That would have also left more airtime for the team’s personal lives to get closure.
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When looking at the personal resolution to the 118’s stories, I did like the return to Henren’s adoption via foster care storyline, it needed closure and I’m so happy this is the one it got. I have talked in more than one fandom about the importance of showing how same sex couples ACTUALLY go about becoming parents, so I think this is extra significant. I can’t wait to see this not just being a wink at the end of a show finale, but an actually developed storyline in s7. I also think “Here’s to more chaos and more love” is my fave line in this ep and a perfect summary of the best of 911. I also loved Bathena getting to go on their honeymoon, getting to live carefree for a moment. They absolutely deserve this, and it felt even better thanks to being a callback moment. I also enjoyed seeing Madney seal the details of their wedding. I have loved and enjoyed them since Maddie called Chim cute in 206, they deserve all the happiness and joy, and to me, having to see her twice this season bracing herself for the possibility of losing Buck and / or Chim (in 611 and now) made it even more meaningful to see Madney happy by the end of the ep. Again, I can’t wait to see the actual wedding in s7. It’s gonna melt all of our hearts. Still, all of these resolutions felt a bit rushed and I believe they could have had more of an impact if they were more than blink and you miss it moments during the final montage.
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But if those felt underdeveloped, that’s nothing in comparison with Buck and Eddie’s personal lives’ resolutions. Was 911 really going to leave them with the “endgame” of women who literally only showed up as Love Interests in the last couple of eps of the show? If I weren’t a part of fandom, as a casual viewer, I would sincerely not have even remembered Marisol from her emergency, so I would have been confused by her and Eddie’s conversation. In fact, I found it funny that when Eddie wants to text her, it’s presented as a disruption to Bobby’s talk, just like Buck’s call with Kameron. I also thought it was wild that we discover Marisol and Eddie exchanged numbers, because that most certainly wasn’t even hinted at during 617. We clearly saw him walking away, they exchanged a last look, and that was it. Eddie and Marisol are so underdeveloped, we don’t even know how they happened! Did Marisol rush after Eddie? Did he come back to ask her for her number? Did they both decide to take the leap? How did the conversation go? Why was their phone call in 618 so awkward if they had already made their intentions clear when they exchanged numbers? We have zero answers to these questions. This was so forced, so unearned, so underdeveloped, it makes it painfully obvious that it was done just to not leave Eddie heterosexually single. Because I’m sorry, homosubtextually, he’s been married for years.
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Which brings me to Buck and Natalia. I gotta roll my eyes at my own 615 meta, where I talked about the meaning of her name connecting her to birth, now we literally had her at the birth of Buck’s bio kid. What a piece of ironic foreshadowing. And yet, despite Natalia being a bit more developed than Marisol, despite the fact that Buck had what was maybe the most invested in personal resolution in the finale, it was still a let down for me. We have mostly seen why Natalia doesn’t suit him in eps 615 and 617. She did come back in the finale, but then so did Taylor in 414. That doesn’t mean either woman fits Buck as a partner. I’m left with the uneasy feeling that we have here a rerun of that s4 finale in terms of the ep shoving both men into relationships with underdeveloped LIs. TBH, the juxtaposition makes 618 worse IMO. Because the comparison with Marisol and Natalia actually makes Ana and Taylor look slightly more invested in! That says a lot about how little 911 cares about the 618 LIs. But it also gives me this bad sense of stepping in place with Buck and Eddie in terms of their romantic development. For example, the fact that Buck ends up tying yet another one of his couches to yet another gf at a way too early stage of their r/s (too much time couldn’t have passed between Kameron giving birth, ruining Buck’s couch, and his conversation about getting a couch together with Natalia since he was just getting around to having the old one looked at to see if it could be saved. He’s once again rushing into commitment with a girl he doesn’t yet know well enough, and who we saw in 615 he was idolizing as truly seeing him, when the truth was very different or she wouldn’t have run out on him in 617. I also can’t tell you why Natalia came back based on the few interactions we’ve seen between them, we haven’t had a single meaningful moment between them so far to explain it, making it clear he’s going in circles. I do suspect Buck doesn’t realize this is him repeating past mistakes, he thinks this is progress given his ability to let go of the baby, which could be an interesting angle to explore in s7. But probably what makes giving Buddie rushed heterosexual “endgame” LIs worse is that every bit of development either man made that isn’t about their love life got sidelined in this ep...
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I think in a sense, the underdevelopment of all of Buck and Eddie’s LIs, even the “endgame” ones in what could have been the show’s finale, might actually be a testament to the power of Buddie. If a showrunner knows they could never hope to develop any LI to have with either Buck or Eddie even a tenth of what they have with each other, that can explain not even trying. In fact, we got a reminder of the strong bond between these two men during the call. Buck saved Eddie, just as Eddie saved Buck during the lightning strike. The way they looked at each other, the zoom in on their hands grasping one another, was very emotionally poignant exactly because we have seen these two losing their whole damn minds trying to save the other man on more than one occasion. And Buck used the words “I got you,” a reminder that they will ALWAYS have each other’s back, on and off the field. 
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The good news is that ABC has a chance to correct the course of where this finale left off. I do believe the move is being done knowing they would have to rejuvenate 911 if they want it to fare better than on Fox, and I think that giving Buddie the room to become canon would be exactly that. But I have said in more than one of my ask replies that to me, no matter what, this show has been telling the epic love story of Buck and Eddie, with the little family they built. Whether TPTB go through with that canonically or not, this is what they gave us. And nothing will take that away from me. If 911 ends with Buddie being single, I’ll just assume their feelings realization and confessions happen after the end of the show. If 911 ends with “endgame” heterosexual LIs, I’ll just know that those couples eventually break up at some point during the 118’s post-show future, and then Buddie finally get together. Because that’s the story we got over the course of the last 5 seasons, one that only has a single possible resolution, whether the show itself gives it to us or whether it forces us to have to imagine and write it down in fix-it fics ourselves. We ALL know what we saw. We ALL get what Buddie have. We ALL see how that inevitably would lead to them getting together sooner or later, and if it doesn’t happen during the show, then later it is, but it WILL happen. That’s how I look at the show, and that’s why even if this were the last ep of it, it still wouldn’t have destroyed Buddie for me. I hope this POV can help others, too.
~~ I’m gonna be here during the hiatus, if anyone wants to be here with me. Thank you so much to all of you who made s6 a lovelier ride by taking it with me! I’m endlessly grateful for every single one of you. xoxox
~~ (my weekly meta posts) (my Buddie gifs) (all of my content)
~~ My tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here.
~~ Thank you to the amazing @whosoldherout​​ for making this season so much better with your gifs, for these meta posts and in general!
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months
You Stupid Bitch
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Maddy Perez x reader (gender not specified)
warnings: cursing its euphoria yk, nate jacobs the homophobic gay woman beater, talks about the abuse, reader being an awesome person, somewhat happy ending, and yea! don't forget to smile!! ^ this means start the song 💋
euphoria masterlist
Summary: Maddy can't see that the perfect one for her is Y/N
posted: January 27,2024
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Almost everyone knows how toxic Maddy and Nate is. If you don't know anything about their relationship you basically live under a rock.
The person who knew the most was Y/n a timid person but with a loud personality that's why Maddy and them got along so well.
It even got to the point where everyone thought they were a couple and only Y/n wishes for such a thing.
Because they and everyone else believes they are perfect for Maddy.
Except Maddy. ^
You let the wrong people love you
But you don't see that, do you?
When you cry and need my comfort
I drop everything to come over
Nate fucked up again and Maddy is paying for it again.
They were in her room making out and her phone kept ringing. It was this guy that was like obsessed with Maddy.
Nate saw it, got angry, threw stuff like the man he is, Maddy started crying, Nate didn't care, and blah blah blah. He left and Maddy is still crying and immediately texted you.
You were doing homework and a project at the same time when you got a text.
Maddy <3
can u please come over need ur comfort again??
You immediately went to her house.
The homework and project is due next week anyway.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You were over at Maddys again trying to her calm down. "He's such a cunt Y/n! I did nothing fucking wrong!" You were quick to agree and still trying to get her to calm down.
"Just count to ten and try to breathe babe." You call everyone babe so of course Maddy isn't gonna find anything weird with the nickname.
She slowly started to calm down. "Thanks Y/n I can always count on you. You're literally my soulmate." She smiled and pulled you into a hug.
If only she said that out of a romantic love instead of a platonic one.
Maddy is your soulmate.
But she's too fucking dumb to see that.
"Anything for you Mads."
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You and Maddy were taking a walk around the block. An old couple was walking the opposite way and they saw you guys.
"Oh well you guys are the most beautiful young couple l've ever seen!" The old lady says with a smile.
Before you correct her Maddy was a little too quick to jump to the opportunity.
"Oh we're not together I have a boyfriend." Yea for two more days, is what you wanted to say but the old lady just apologized and said
"Well I can tell the one you have now is not the one."
Literally everyone knows it but her.
You don't know what you deserve
And that's why you end up hurt
But you never listen
Take my advice as criticism
"Maddy he doesn't deserve you!" You and Maddy were arguing over the fact that Nate is a piece of shit. You think she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a piece of plastic but she believes that he’s just broken and needs someone to help him.
“You don’t known him Y/n! He needs someone to help him!”
“Yeah a fucking therapist! You shouldn’t have to pay for his actions Mads!” She just shook her head. “He treats you like shit! Every time something happens he storms off like a fucking bitch. He doesn’t care about you, Maddy. He just knows you will never leave him.”
“He does care Y/n! He’ll kill for me and I’ll kill for him. You just don’t know what true love looks like because you’ve been treated like shit in all of your relationships!” You knew she didn’t mean that so you just brushed it off.
“You don’t know what you deserve Maddy and when he puts his hands on you, which he will, don’t come crying to me!” You stormed out of her room and she heard the door slam and immediately started crying.
Her mom, who heard the whole thing. Just stared at her. Maddy looked up wondering why her own mother is not comforting her.
“Tienen razón Maddy. Puede parecer amor verdadero, pero es todo menos eso y muy pronto lo verás tal como es.”
(They are right Maddy. It may feel like true love but it’s anything but that and you will see him for who he truly is very soon.)
Then make the worst decisions
She went back to him but you weren’t surprised in any way. She can be stupid if she wants, you stopped caring.
You saw her the Monday after the fair and you guys made eye contact and she looked pale and very tired. She was also dressed in a turtleneck, since when did she wear a turtleneck in hot weather. Then it hit you.
‘I knew it, he fucking choked her.’
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
When you see Maddie having a breakdown in the cafeteria and only Cassie comforting her at school you can tell she needs you. Really bad.
So you go over and just sit down and hug her. No questions asked. And she gladly accepted the hug and just cried into your shoulder.
“It’s alright Mads.”
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
After Maddy had your comfort. She’s been on you like crazy. Trying to kiss you and all. You thought this is what you wanted but not like this. Not after Nate.
“Maddy please. Just chill out.” You said trying to pull her arms off you. and she’s still trying to kiss you and hug you.
“You know your the best ever right? Even better than Nate.”
This is fucking bullshit.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
Another shitshow with Nate and Maddy. You’re honestly sick of this shit.
You gotta tell her how you feel.
“Maddy I can’t do this anymore.”
“Do what?”
“You know what Maddy! This fucking hot and cold shit. I’m done being the therapist.”
“If it was that serious why did you keep doing it?!”
“Because I was in love with you Maddy! I was fucking in love. But now I’m not so?!”
“What do you mean you’re not?”
“I mean I’m not Maddy. Bye.” You walked out and just left her.
You never felt so fucking free.
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
She just couldn’t see you were perfect for her and will continue to get hurt. But you’re okay with that.
The perfect one for you is me?
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An: GOT MY SHIT CHECKED but the spacing looks weird so I don’t know how to fix tht BUT HOPE YOU ENJOYED
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sapphireufo · 4 months
My thoughts about the finale's timeline based on the stills.
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We will start with the Buck & Tommy date. (Whether there will be scenes about Bobby (and Athena) before that, just to hurt us more, I don't know.) It looks like night time, and the fire happened at night. A call will interrupt their date. (Who will call Buck? The hospital? Is he Bobby's emergency contact after Athena? Will he call the others? So many burning questions.)
They all rush to the hospital. Hence the same clothes. I would love if Tommy would be there with Buck, but he's not in any of these photos or the promo. Although a girl can dream...
Bobby has to be in the hospital for days. So the team comes and goes, because Athena investigates, and she had to be at the hospital for some time, while the doctors made sure she's okay.
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So I think while they are there (next day / morning maybe) Hen gets a call and I don't even know what the hell happens with them, but Mara deserves a great family so they better fight for her and win. So go Henren! We support you! We love you! ❤️ (And so does Chim. Hopefully, he and Maddie could help them.)
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I suppose the same happens with Eddie. They are wearing the same clothes, but it's daytime, so probably they spent the night at the hospital and the next day after the fire, Eddie gets a call. Go home, where he speaks with Buck, his parents. I don't know what will happen but I know it will be messy and we have all the feels, all the drama and heartbreak.
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I reckon in this scene he tells Buck about what happened with Kim and Christopher and Marisol, then he will talk with his parents (When will they arrive? Are they in the other room, or with Chris or not there yet?)
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Will Buck be present and just went out when the phone rung or was he in the other room during this talk? Will he talk to Eddie's parents at all, or he's just there as moral support. I think they get a call about Bobby. So they go to the hospital again (where all this time, there was always somebody to keep Bobby company, and Bobby will be fine, everyone will be fine and happy and the problems magically go away. 🤡)
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I think this will be the last scene, a couple days later (different clothes), where Chris goes with his grandparents, while he forgives Eddie and Eddie goes to therapy and gets better. 😭
Cue the tears, the tissue and a very long wait till season 8. (I hope they will start at the end of September. 🤞)
PS. I like that they got renewed sooner, but it also means cliffhangers. They know they don't need to close every story line and frankly they can't do it to all 3 major character arcs in 44 minutes.
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nerdy-frog98 · 5 months
okay finished with season 4, so here are some general thoughts about it.
- Hen and Karen’s plot with fostering was so impactful, and I LOVE that at the end, they got to meet the birth mother. I think Hen needed that.
- Maddie’s struggle with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum depression is SO IMPORTANT. I adore her so much and her crying to Chim at the end of the season broke my heart. Their baby is so beautiful though ❤️
- I was genuinely scared about Bobby & Athena’s secrets and their giant fight. They feel like my parents and I didn’t like that they weren’t communicating 😭 Athena saving Bobby was very badass and made me happy.
- Eddie was…not very straight this season. Not even about Buck (except the part where he literally added Buck to his will. That’s….), but just generally. Him and Ana have very little chemistry, and it was all but confirmed that he’s only really with her because of Christopher. It’s hard for me to see that reasoning as straight? idk, maybe that’s just me being influenced by Buddie.
- I LOVE EVAN BUCKLEY. I love him. I love him. I want him. I need him. I imprinted on him like a baby duck in the first season and it has only gotten worse. If there are no Buck stans, I am dead. (also LOVE Eddie for treating Buck with the love and care HE DESERVES)
- I’ve only known Ravi Panikkar for four episodes (?) and I would already kill for him and die for him. I wish he was a main character. (I would also love to see more Karen 😌)
- The individual storylines of this season hit different. I really loved them
I’m getting close! Starting season 5 now! I know absolutely nothing about this season, so…wish me luck lmao
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shes-a-badkid · 2 months
I finally finished season 7 of 911 and I have things that I need to happen in season 8.
I’m gonna go by character and then just things I want to happen so strap in if you want to read my nonsense-
•Bobby- has this man ever ACTUALLY gone to real therapy? We’ve seen him talk to his priest and go to his meetings and that’s great, but like go to see a certified therapist. Please. I am actually begging.
•Athena- speaking of therapy… I love mom and dad, but I think they may need some marriage counseling. Just a tune up. (Because I don’t think mom here has ever talked about all of her trauma either, maybe even less than captain dad over there)
•May- I just want to see more of May. I miss her
•Hen and Karen- I need Henren to team up and take down the bitch. I don’t know how, but I need it. My heart says they call up Taylor and help her expose her abuse of power. (I don’t care what anyone says- I love Taylor) And I need them to get Mara back.
•Eddie- THERAPY! So much therapy. Solo therapy, family therapy, therapy that specializes in ptsd, maybe even therapy that specializes in religious issues… also please, we are all begging you to come out of the closet. And once you do, I do want Buddie to happen, but I kind of want Eddie to have his gay hot boy summer.
•Chris- honestly, I want this boy to stay mad for a bit. He deserves it. But I also want him to realize that his grandparents are toxic. Like maybe he realizes that, comes home, but he’s still mad and it SHOWS. Then, Eddie and him go to therapy. Maybe he vents to Buck and Buck is like trying to be neutral.
•Buck- I want him to move in with Eddie to help him not totally spiral (maybe that’s the catalyst for Tommy and him breaking up), and maybe he lets Bobby and Athena stay in his loft until they find a place. Other than that, he is doing surprisingly well and that frightens me for him…. Ooohh maybe, while Eddie is having his gay hot boy summer he gets all flustered and jealous and finally realizes he’s in love with Eddie.
•Chimney and Maddie- They need to continue to be happy and beautiful and adorable. Maybe we get another Madney baby. But, they can just continue with the good, happy married vibes.
•Ravi- just give me Ravi main. I will pay you. PLEASE. Just give it to me. And a Ravi Begins episode
•Gerard- I, personally, would love to see the team drive this man into an insane asylum or a grave. Just saying
-NOW- general things I want to happen
•Bottle episode- full episode at the station, no calls. Just silly station antics. Maybe someone is keeping a secret and this is when it all comes out. I saw someone talk about this in regards to Buddie- like they just go together and are kind of just seeing how it goes still and keeping it on the down low and they keep almost getting caught like holding hands or stuff like that and they make it through the whole slow shift and JUST as they are leaving they think they make it and they go to get into like Bucks jeep or whatever and they just barely kiss thinking no one sees except like everyone of course sees they just don’t know it and that’s how the episode ends. I don’t remember who it was but I would love that episode. Plus I just love a bottle episode.
•another good Chimney/Karen bonding moment. Like it was so cute and funny when they got drunk together when they thought Hen was up to something
•any scene with Maddie and Eddie together actually speaking to one another. I would love it if Maddie straight up calls Eddie out about his crush on Buck, but that’s just me
•Bobby having a friend that isn’t his wife or team. I know why the actor playing Michael is gone and that whole issue, but I miss their friendship/chemistry. His team (especially Buck) are most like his kids. He needs someone he can get into shenanigans with again
•more Buck/Hen scenes. We deserve them. They always have such cute scenes and we need more
•Chimney making fun of Eddie’s mustache
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