bibuckkinard · 7 hours
Hi again, it's me, I'm the problem, it's me. I really didn't intend to write anything tonight, but I have too many words in my head. This is another fic, this time super short and sweet, for @bucktommypositivityweek round two, day 4: supportive boyfriends. I hope you guys like it!
bucktommy - Words: 554 - Rating: T - Complete
Tommy thinks Evan looks hot like this, sweaty, hands taped and punching the pads Tommy's got attached to his hands as Evan hits right, left, right, left and rants. Too bad this rant is about a man who made Tommy's days at the 118 his most miserable days in the closet. "I don't know how much more I can handle," Evan pants out with one more hit before putting his hands on his hips and folding in on himself at the waist. “What was it today?” Tommy asks, not sure if he wants to know. Evan is silent for a moment then he stands to his full height and says, “He asked me if faeries like to fly on the top or the bottom.” Tommy thinks about that one. He knows what Gerrard is going for but- “That doesn’t even make sense.” Evan throws his hands up in frustration. “I know! Like, if you’re going to be homophobic, at least make it good!” “He’s probably running out of ideas at this point.” Evan blows out a breath. “I know you said you wanted to avoid telling me what to do here, but I’m going crazy.” Tommy moves forward to wrap his arms around Evan’s waist, pulling him in. Evan wraps his arms around him in turn and practically sags against Tommy, so much so that Tommy’s more or less holding him up. “I have avoided giving you advice about this because I’m just not sure I’m the right person to do it,” Tommy admits. “I dealt with him by staying closeted and being an asshole.” “You did that to survive,” Evan points out, not for the first time. “I know but I still don’t feel great about it.” “I know,” Evan says. “If you could do it differently, what would you do?” “What you’re already doing,” Tommy says instantly, then motions to Evan’s curly hair, which he stopped using straighteners on three days after Gerrard started. They’re adorable and currently ruffled from the practice but Tommy freaking loves running his fingers through them at any given time. “He hates those right?” Evan grins. “Oh yeah. But it’s still within regulations so he can’t do anything about it. So what, keep changing my appearance? Should I grow a mustache like Eddie?” They both say, at the same time, “Nah.” Tommy laughs a little. “No. I am saying you could just annoy the shit out of him. You could go at him with a clipboard? Find all the regulations he’s missed because there have to be like a hundred by now.” “He’s a hypocrite,” Evan says and Tommy shrugs, because yeah. Gerrard always picked and chose what to follow and what to ignore based on what suited him. “But yeah, that’s an idea. Weaponize my powers for evil. Excellent. Thank you. I know you haven’t wanted to tell me what to do about this, but you’ve been a godsend for just, like, keeping me from killing him.” “Can’t hold you like this if you’re in prison,” Tommy points out, hearing the fondness in his own voice. “True.” Tommy smiles and kisses his cheek. “Do you want to keep going? We haven’t eaten anything for dinner yet.” Evan gives him a squeeze. “Make out in the shower first?” Evan, naked and wet in the shower? “You’re on.”
tag list: @desert--moonchild, @sazzynatural, @multishippinghussy, @mmso-notlikethat, @tommy-kinard-buckley,
@sunnywithachanceofbi, @sleepywinchesters, @buck-up-buckley, @manifestingchaoticvibes, @corvid-cryptidd
@lbltpsmspenguin, @theotherbuckley
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ninjatrashpanda · 2 days
(Please say to Me) You'll let Me be your Man
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2! Day 3 is "Missing Moments." Read on AO3 here!
“So, what is your coffee order, anyway?” Evan asked, lightly bumping his shoulder against Tommy’s. He was smiling that brilliant, adorable smile that Tommy already could feel himself falling for, (He felt like a teenager, and found himself genuinely enjoying it. Maybe there was something to that Katy Perry song after all.) which almost made him a bit weak in the knees.
“Black, no sugar.”
“Ah, okay. So that’s a red flag.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow, feigning shock as he nudged Evan back, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “A red flag? Just because I don’t drown my coffee in cream and sugar?”
Evan laughed, the sound light, warming Tommy up from the inside. They were strolling down the street, neither of them having been willing to part ways after their coffee conversation. (Coffee date? Had it been a date? Had it turned into a date after they had cleared the air?) The sky was a soft, sunny blue, the kind that was usual for Los Angeles, but no less beautiful, and the gentle breeze blowing around them was just cool enough to counter the swelling California heat.
Tommy honestly could get used to this, could see himself settling down with Evan (and maybe that was a little hasty, considering that this was only their second date, but hey, he was forty and wasn’t getting any younger), and honestly, that thought excited him. After he came out, he’d at first thrown himself into the casual sex scene, Grindr profile and all. He’d already been in his early thirties by that point and figured he should make up for lost time. Plus, dating as a firefighter-slash-rescue pilot was a pain anyway. If there was one thing he’d never lied about during his Closet Era™, it was that while his scars attracted people, him getting them freaked people out. It had been true for the women he tried dating in his twenties, and it was true for the few men he occasionally tried to actually build something with inbetween hookups and friends with benefits situations.
But as the years went by, Tommy had started to yearn. He'd found himself longing for something real, something steady, something with someone he could see himself getting married to and maybe even raise a kid or two. Someone who understood what his job meant to him, who could handle knowing that every day bore a risk, who didn’t try to talk him into switching careers.
Someone who could see past the tough firefighter persona and not get weirded out by the guy loving RomComs, monster trucks and craft beer.
Evan seemed like that kind of guy. He was a fellow first responder after all, so he knew first hand how deep the commitment to the job could run, and right from the beginning, he’d just seemed so genuine and sincere that Tommy hadn’t been able to help the butterflies in his stomach. Of course, he had also thought Evan was cute pretty much right away (Just like a teenager. Katy Perry was actually a prophet.) but had brushed it off at first. There’d been more pressing matters at hand, never mind that he’d figured Evan was straight.
Even after they’d kissed for the first time, Tommy hadn’t allowed himself to get his hopes up. He’d been in these situations before, where things just looked right on paper only to crash and burn shortly after, and when Evan had very decidedly not been ready for a relationship with another man at their first date, well, Tommy had been able to shrug it off. Good thing he hadn't gotten overly attached, or Evan shoving him back into the closet the way he did would’ve hurt a lot more than that single, sharp sting in his chest that it had been.
When Evan had called him and asked to meet so they could clear the air, Tommy’s first thought was to decline. It had been less than a week, and it was bound to be awkward. But then he’d figured he kind of owed it to Evan to hear him out, and it had somehow ended with Tommy being Evan’s date to his sister’s wedding.
“Yes, actually, being a coffee demon is a red flag,” Evan said, wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. “Everybody knows that those who drink it black are super pretentious. I bet you post on Facebook about all the young whippersnappers ruining coffee with syrup and whipped cream.”
Tommy chuckled, shaking his head at Evan’s quip. This was another thing he more than appreciated about Evan, his sense of humor, and the casual way he managed to make Tommy feel welcome. Tommy liked to think himself quite sociable, that he could make people comfortable with him, but Evan was in a whole other league in that regard. He seemed to have some kind of aura that put people at ease.
"Oh, you caught me," Tommy said, his voice dripping with mock seriousness. "Every morning, I log on and rage-post about how the youth of today don’t appreciate the subtle notes of bitterness in a proper brew and how society will crumble over it. It's part of my morning ritual."
Evan laughed again, the sound washing over Tommy like warm summer rain. It was amazing, really, how easily Evan’s presence filled up all the little spaces that Tommy hadn’t even realized were empty. “Besides,” he continued, patting Evan on the shoulder, which caused a pink blush to spread over his cheeks. “Chimney told me about one of your red flags. You don’t watch movies?!”
Evan scrunched up his nose and playfully shoved Tommy. “Hey, that’s not a red flag, it’s just… a quirk. Every time I sit down to watch a movie, I just get bored and want to do something else.” Then, with a slight smile, he added, “Unless I have the right kind of company.”
Tommy felt his heart do a little flip at that, a warmth spreading through him that was both unfamiliar and strangely comforting. Evan didn’t really like movies, but he wanted to watch them anyway. With him. Together. Probably cuddled together so close they’d be about to fuse into a single person. It took all of Tommy’s willpower to not throw Evan over his shoulder and carry him to the nearest movie theater.
“Oh, so now it’s up to me to educate you, huh?” he teased instead, nudging Evan again. He could already imagine it: the two of them on a couch, a bowl of popcorn between them, his arm around Evan’s shoulders, the two of them laughing or crying or raging over some silly RomCom Tommy would undoubtedly choose. (Not ‘Love Actually’ yet. Evan had to experience that movie during Christmas time, under a warm, cozy blanket with massive cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows.)
“I mean, you brought it up,” Evan said, his grin softening, eyes meeting Tommy’s with an earnestness that made Tommy’s breath hitch. “Plus, you actually know where to start. I’d have no idea.”
Tommy chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief at how easily Evan could tease him and be earnest all at once. It was this effortless mix of playfulness and sincerity that drew Tommy in. He'd spent so long compartmentalizing his own life—work, family, dating—and here was Evan, breezing into his world with the potential to make everything feel seamless.
“Alright, I’ll pick a good one for next time. Prepare for your mind to be blown,” Tommy said, his tone light but his gaze lingering on Evan’s face. He let the moment stretch, comfortable in the shared silence as they continued their walk. The city bustled around them, but it felt like they were in their own little bubble, untouchable by the noise and chaos of everyday life.
Evan smiled back, a soft, almost shy smile that made Tommy’s heart stutter, and tentatively reached out to Tommy’s hand, but then quickly pulled back at the slightest brush of their fingers. The contact was brief, but long enough for Tommy to feel a jolt of electricity run through his body. Evan, red-faced, cleared his throat. “I, uh, I’ll hold you to that. But just so you know, I’m picky.”
“Noted,” Tommy said, trying to sound casual, but he couldn’t help the way his voice softened. He hadn’t even thought about it, but now that it had almost happened, he really wanted to hold Evan’s hand. He fought the urge to grab it though. Evan had said he wasn’t sure what he was ready for. Showing PDA with a man might’ve been too much. “We can hold hands. You know, if you want to.”
Evan looked up, eyes widening slightly as if Tommy had read his mind. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Tommy’s face and the space between them, before slowly extending his hand again. This time, Tommy met him halfway, their fingers brushing once more before finally interlocking. Evan’s grip was tentative at first, like he was still testing the waters, but when Tommy gave a gentle squeeze, Evan relaxed, his thumb brushing lightly against Tommy’s knuckles.
Tommy’s heart raced, and he could feel the slightest tremor in Evan’s hand. It was a small gesture in theory, but Tommy knew that this was monumental for Evan. He had only just discovered and come to terms with his sexuality, and had completely freaked out just a few days ago when their first date had been crashed by his best friend. Holding hands with another man in public was big for him.
“You good?” Tommy asked softly, glancing sideways at Evan. He tried to sound casual, but there was an edge of vulnerability in his voice. He needed to know that this was okay, that Evan was comfortable and not pushing himself too far too fast.
Evan nodded, his cheeks still flushed but his smile genuine. “Yeah, I’m good. Better than good, actually.” He took a deep breath, as if he was trying to solidify the moment in his mind, etching the feeling of their joined hands into his memory. “It’s…nice. Really nice.”
Tommy felt a swell of affection that almost took him by surprise. This was new territory for both of them, and it was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. He was used to charging headfirst into danger, running into burning buildings and flying into storms, but this, this simple act of holding Evan’s hand, felt like the bravest thing he’d done in a long time. It was vulnerable and honest, and it was everything Tommy had been afraid to hope for.
They continued their walk, the rhythm of their footsteps syncing as if their bodies had quietly agreed on a shared pace. The sun wandered further across the sky, casting long shadows that danced across the pavement, and Tommy couldn’t help but steal glances at Evan. He was struck by how natural this felt, like they’d been doing it for years, like they hadn’t literally just talked about how they didn’t really know each other maybe an hour ago. Tommy wondered if he should count this as a sign. He didn’t even believe in God, or any other deity, but still. The universe telling him he was doing something right was a nice thought.
Evan glanced up, catching Tommy’s eye, and gave him a sheepish smile. “You keep looking at me like that, I might start thinking you like me.”
Tommy snorted, squeezing Evan’s hand again. “Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s more than just ‘like’ at this point. But don’t get ahead of yourself, alright? We’ve still got a whole list of red flags to go through. Might be a dealbreaker or two in there.”
Evan chuckled, his eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and something warmer, deeper. “I think I’m willing to risk it,” he said quietly, his voice almost lost in the hum of the city around them. “Besides, we’ve got time, right?”
Tommy nodded, feeling the weight of those words settle into his chest. They did have time, and it was a luxury Tommy wasn’t used to indulging in. His job was unpredictable, and he’d seen too many lives cut short, too many futures that never got a chance to be. But here and now, with Evan’s hand in his, the future felt like something he could reach out and touch, something he could build, slowly but surely, step by step.
“Yeah. We’ve got time.”
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aringofsalt · 15 hours
to step into the storm
Howie picks up on the third ring.
"Hey, Tommy," he says, "how's our patient?"
Tommy snorts out a laugh. "Talkative," he admits.
Tommy talks to Chimney before heading to the loft.
Evan “Buck” Buckley/Tommy Kinard | 814 words | G
on ao3
a little late, but my entry for @bucktommypositivityweek day 3: missing moments!
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rosyhoneydew · 2 days
Stolen Moment
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek | Week 2, Day 2: Scenes from a firetruck | content includes a steamy makeout scene, mild adult themes
I wrote two entries for today! If hurt/comfort is more your vibe it's here -> I'll Cover You
They’re being reckless.
Tommy’s not sure how exactly Evan has this effect on him. He was raised to be strait-laced. Not a toe out of line. And he was, for forty-odd years. Then Chim showed up at Harbor asking for ‘a lift’ with a guy whose eyes were fixed on Tommy’s in unwavering determination and before he could blink he was navigating a stolen helo through a tropical storm.
He’s not even on shift today. Paulsen texted earlier to let him know that they’d been called to a scene earlier with the 118 and he’d felt so much indignation at the idea of his coworkers spending the day with his boyfriend when it had been hours since he’d last gotten to see him, talk to him, kiss him.
He hadn’t meant to start all of this. He just wanted to see Evan, say hi, maybe chat with the team a bit, but something about Evan just gets him going.
When Tommy sauntered in, AirPods in hand as if Evan was in the habit of bringing them to work and ‘just forgot,’ he’d seen his boyfriend methodically wrapping up the hose, alone between a ladder truck and a medic. His eyes had dragged over the length of Evan’s body and that was it.
Now he’s licking at the hinge of Evan’s jaw. Sucking at the soft spot just behind his ear. His right hand’s got a strong grip on the curls at the back of his head, and his left slips under the leather belt at his waist just enough to pull Evan closer, closer.
Evan’s breathing heavily. He’d gone from surprised to confused to surprised for a different reason and wound up a little shell-shocked. When they’d parted from their kiss Evan’s eyes were already blown out, his lips were puffy and soft, and Tommy’d had to look away and mouth at his neck just to maintain some level of composure.
Evan’s hands are all over him, like he can’t figure out where to grab. They run up Tommy’s back, clutch at his hair, sneak down to his hips, and, once, brashly, palm at his ass.
There’s a moment when Tommy’s still got his face buried in the crook of his neck that he hears footsteps a little too close. Evan tenses for a moment, stock-still before the footsteps recede much quicker than they came.
You’re going to get us in trouble. Evan had said with a breathy laugh.
Tommy’s already in trouble. He thinks he’s been in trouble from the second Evan held out his hand and thanked him for his help that first night. Sincerity shining in his eyes.
Tommy lifts his mouth back to Evan’s lips, licks in slow, letting the pace simmer a bit. He drags his hands back up Evan’s body, feeling the whole way. He presses into his nipples with his thumb, makes slow circles just to feel Evan squirm and gasp out shit.
They can’t actually fuck here, no matter how tempting the thought of bending over and bracing his hands on the truck for his boyfriend's dick is, so he plays nice. He brings his hands up to Evan’s face, kisses around his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, just to make him laugh, then pulls back enough to let them both breathe.
Evan looks at him for a moment, taking stock.
“Fuck,” he groans and drops his head back to the truck behind him. Tommy winces at the thunk it makes, both laughing a little.
“What time are you home?” Tommy asks, voice thicker than he means.
“8,” Evan responds. “10 more hours.”
Tommy nods, puts a little more space between them to release more of the tension.
“Keep your phone on you,” he says.
Evan groans.
This could be fun.
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bangpop91 · 2 days
Growing Pains
This is my story for @bucktommypositivityweek round 2, day 3.
Today's prompt: missing moments.
This is my take on Buck and Tommy’s first time having sex, as well as spending the night together.
Buck : Want to come over and have dinner and watch a movie after your shift
He sends the text before he can overthink it. Now he wishes he had over-thought the message a little bit, because it sounds awkward and formal. Which is at least better than sending Tommy a text asking him to Netflix and chill. He used to be good at this, being cool and flirty. But now he doesn't know to tell Tommy that he wants to spend time with him, dates, stolen kisses, cuddling. But he's also ready For the chill part of Netflix and Chill. 
❤️��Tomm y ❤️ : Of course, Darlin. I'll pick up take out on my way over. How does Chinese sound? 
Buck: extra crab rangoons? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
❤️ Tommy ❤️ : Of course. I would never forget your extra crab rangoons.
He's nervous in a way he hasn't been since he was in his early twenties and realized that he's a good looking guy who's good at sex. He never really had to try that hard to get girls interested in sleeping with him. Even after that, after Abby, he wasn't worried about turning a casual night in into a sexy night in. It just happened. But him and Tommy are taking things slow because he's never been with a dude and every time he thinks Tommy might be taking things in a direction that leads to them having sex, Tommy pulls away and goes home. 
So yes he is nervous and doesn't know what to do, he tried texting Eddie for advice which in hindsight was a stupid choice.
Eddie: 😂😂😂😂😂 
Eddie: why would I know how to get a dude to have sex with you
Eddie: have you tried taking your shirt off? Marisol taking her shirt off always works for me
Buck frowned at the messages from his best friend before responding.
Buck: what about when Jesus is watching you?
Eddie: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Read the rest under the cut or on A03
He considers texting Hen for advice but it seems like a 50/50 shot if Hen would be more or less helpful than Eddie. There is no way he is going to text Maddie because as helpful as his sister would be, she would tell Chimney and Chimney would inevitably wind up accidentally telling Tommy which would be even more embarrassing. He's debating asking Josh but Josh is Maddie's best friend and would lead to the same outcome of Maddie telling Chimney.
He thinks about the things he'd liked. He thinks of the petty matching sets of lingerie that Ali and Taylor would wear. It's not a perfect equivalence, he doesn't know if seeing him in lingerie would actually be a thing for Tommy, but he does have a few pairs of boxer briefs that according to Taylor and Natalia made his ass look biteable, and hug his dick in a way that he thinks makes his bulge look good. 
So he puts on his best pair of black boxer briefs, before debating what to wear over them. He knows gray sweatpants are a thing people consider sexy, but he doesn't want to look under dressed either. They haven't gotten to the hanging out in their lazy day clothing stage yet. Which might be ridiculous since he'd taken Tommy as his date to his sister's wedding, but hasn't let Tommy see him in his ratty sweatpants and hoodies. And Tommy will be coming from work so it's not like he needs to be dressed for a night out. 
He can do this. He puts on a pair of jeans that he's had for years, they've been washed so many times that they are faded, and distressed in the knees, the denim has gone soft and they make his thighs look good. Next he pulls on a soft and very snuggly, slightly too big hoodie forgoing anything under it. He didn't realize how long he had spent agonizing over his clothes until he heard Tommy knocking on the door of his loft. 
“Shit.” He shouted into the empty loft racing down the stairs to open the door for Tommy. He really should give Tommy his spare key. “Hi babe.” he said breathlessly, yanking open the door making Tommy laugh as he stepped inside giving him a quick kiss hello, his arms loaded down with takeout.
“Hi Darlin. Where do you want me to set this?” Tommy asked, holding up the plastic bags filled with delicious smelling food. 
“We can eat on the couch.” Buck responded sheepishly with a shrug. “You want a beer? I picked up those Brette Rosés that you like.” Tommy made a soft humming noise in the back of his throat as he sat down the bags of takeout on the counter before crowding into his space smiling at him.
“You hated them.” He did, but Tommy loves them and he wants to make Tommy happy and feel at home in his loft. He's blushing and knows it as he shrugs, but Tommy is smiling even brighter as he leans In kissing his cheeks. “You're adorable, Evan. I'd love one.” 
They settle onto the couch with their cartons of Chinese take out and beers. Buck has Tommy pick the movie, because his boyfriend is very opinionated about movies and what movies it is a crime that Buck hasn't seen. 
“Nothing sad tonight.” He tells Tommy firmly not over Tommy making him watch Steel Magnolias. Tommy laughs but agrees nothing sad and puts on Bringing Up Baby. The movie is funny and engaging as they eat dinner with chopsticks feeding each other bits and pieces of food, but also sweet enough that once They have finished eating they can curl up in the corner of the couch with a second beer each, cuddling and trading kisses. It eases the nerves in his chest because he loves kissing Tommy. He loves the way his lips are slightly chapped and his stubble feels against his face. He loves the gentle way Tommy uses his massive hands to cradle his face, or play with the short hairs at the base of his scalp.
He drags his hand up Tommy's thigh making his boyfriend moan into his mouth before starting to pull back,
“Evan-” He cuts his boyfriend off.
“I want to have sex with you!” He blurts out with a wince, there went any attempt at subtle seduction, what's worse is the fact Tommy was smiling. He kind of wants to melt into the couch and die of embarrassment.
“We can do that.” Tommy says, still smiling as he turns off the tv, leading Buck up the stairs to his bed. This is easy laying side by side with each other holding each other close, trading slow kisses, letting their hands slowly explore each other's bodies. This is familiar and comfortable.  “What do you want tonight?” Tommy asks between kisses, his calloused fingers playing with the soft skin of Buck's belly under his hoodie.
“To have sex.” He paused awkwardly. “With you.” 
“Well I was hoping it was going to be with me.” Tommy responds dryly before they both start laughing which is different because he’s never laughed during sex. Sex had always been this serious thing, it had never been silly though. But now Tommy is laying on his side, propped up on his elbow looking down at him adoringly and smiling while playing with the hem of his hoodie. “I mean what would you like to do?” Buck bit his lip nervously shrugging, he hadn't gotten that far in his thinking. He just knows he wants to experience this new intimacy with Tommy. So he takes a deep breath.
“I want us to be naked.” Buck starts,
“That's generally how it goes, yes.” Tommy teases him again and they are both laughing again, further easing the nerves that usually accompany having sex with someone new for the first time. Someone you really care about, who you could see yourself having a future with.
“Be nice.” He chides his boyfriend playfully, making them laugh again, and it allows Buck to relax fully, slipping his fingers under Tommy's shirt experimenting with touching the skin there. “And I want to just see what happens. Do what feels good.”
Their kisses are slow as they explore each other. Buck thinks this is what his first time should have been like, it should have felt tender. Of course there is heat as well, the way Tommy had groaned pressing kisses over his chest and collarbone after having removed Buck's hoodie, the way his hands groped and tugged him closer possessively. How he had moaned and buried his face into Tommy’s chest hair, nuzzling and placing kisses to the skin. 
He gasps rocking against Tommy's muscular thighs when they are down to their underwear, unbelievably turned by how easily Tommy hand manhandled him, preening when Tommy moaned seeing him in his tiny black briefs, grabbing at his ass possessively grinding their hips together and swallowing each other's moans. Eventually he gets Tommy on his back, insisting on giving His boyfriend a blow job.
“Evan, you don't have to if you want to.” Tommy says softly, the way he does when he doesn't want Buck to feel forced or like they have to rush anything.
“I want to.” Buck promises from where he's made himself at home between Tommy's legs and nuzzling his neck. He takes his time trailing kisses down Tommy’s chest, taking inventory of the places that make Tommy sigh and moan with pleasure, how his ribs are ticklish making him squirm and giggle, until he finally gets to the band of Tommy's army green briefs. He takes a deep breath and starts pulling them off of Tommy who lifts his hips up to help.
He knows Tommy isn't small, he's felt Tommy's cock a few times while they were making out and one memorable time when Tommy had been spooning him on Tommy’s big comfortable couch while they watched a movie. But seeing Tommy fully bare for the first time is… overwhelming. It's not like Tommy has some monster cock or something but he's definitely bigger than average. Just like the rest of Tommy, he is just big . And Buck has the terrifying thought of how in the hell would Tommy ever fit inside of him.
“Evan, it’s okay, you don't have too-” 
“I want to.” He insists, cutting Tommy off, “I just…” He stares, trying to figure out where to start, which maybe isn't the best plan with how Tommy is squirming nervously.
“Can I take yours off too?” Tommy asks gesturing to Evan's own briefs. “I'm starting to feel a little self conscious being the only one naked here.” He nods, swallowing thickly when Tommy uses his impressive core strength to sit up while holding onto Buck's hips, kissing him while slowly pushing the black briefs from his hips.
“You're beautiful, Tommy.” He finds himself saying without thinking, cupping Tommy's face between his hands. He likes the way Tommy is blushing and a little shy. He wants to make Tommy blush like that again and again. He wants to make Tommy feel beautiful.
“So are you, Evan.” He helps Tommy lay back and takes a deep breath. He takes his time pressing soft kisses and licking over Tommy's cock, trying to catalog what gets the most reaction out of Tommy while also gathering himself to overcome his anxiety about not being good enough for Tommy.
When he does finally wrap his lips around Tommy and begins bobbing his head, he gains confidence from the way Tommy moans and his hips twitch holding himself back from fucking up into Buck's mouth. It isn't perfect, he accidentally uses teeth at first making Tommy wince, and then he gets too ambitious trying to take Tommy deeper and winds up gagging. His jaw aches, but he likes this. He wants to keep going until he has perfected this new skill. He wants to make Tommy come in his mouth.
“Hey, come up here, I want to try something.” Tommy says gently tugging his hair. They wind up on their sides, Tommy spooned up behind him, fucking between his thighs while they worked together strocking Buck's cock to bring them both to orgasm. It's not perfect, not yet. But it's the best sex he's ever had, because it's with Tommy. 
“Spend the night?” He asks in the quiet of the bed after they've finished making love, laying in bed facing each other like two parenthesis trading soft kisses. 
“Of course.” Tommy answers without hesitation. It's earnest, like there is nowhere he would rather be than in this bed with Buck. The space between them closes as they curl up together, holding each other close, and trading kisses until they fall asleep.
It is, admittedly, the worst sleep either man has ever gotten. The queen sized bed was too small for both of them so they seemed to always be kicking each other. Tommy snores loudly, he runs hot, and can't sleep when he is. Buck is a blanket hog who likes to starfish out on his stomach in the middle of the bed. But he knows that he'd rather spend the rest of his life sleeping like shit as long as he is doing it next to Tommy.
Luckily, it only takes them a few more nights to figure out how to share a bed, which results in the best sleep they've ever had.
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marvelousbuckley · 2 days
Pardon my french!
BuckTommy Positivity Week 2024 - day three
OKAY I'M LATE OOPS SORRY. I'm still doing the first Bucktommy Positivity Week challenge but you can check the tag and  @bucktommypositivityweek's blog to see the new works!
Prompt: meeting the friends and family
You can read it on AO3 or down below. Every fic will be posted on AO3 as chapters of the same fic!
Six weeks since they had had more than 24 hours off together. Six weeks of texting, crossing paths and missing the other one. The situation ended up driving Evan crazy and he decided to ask for a full week of time off so they could enjoy each other’s company.
Off course, they spent their first two days in bed, making up for lost time. Then, hunger invited itself, an intruding visitor which led them to finally left Evan’s loft.
They are between fruits and grains when a voice rise from behind them, happy and surprise. “Tommy?”
The voice is masculine, and a tall blond man appears when he turns himself, more curious than annoyed by it. The man looks like a Californian surfer, tanned skin with curls and a bright white smile. He is holding a bag full of tomatoes in one hand and the other one is quick to touch Tommy’s arms, making the pilot smile.
“Nicolas? What are you doing on the west coast?” He asks the stranger, responding to the touch by grabbing Nicolas’ shoulders, giving a gentle squeeze. Evan’s still until they part away, the conversation going strong while he tries to remember where he knows the name from.
“We’re on a vacation with the kids! What about you? I thought you hated this part of town?” Asks Nicolas, before he looks behind him, searching for someone that is not there apparently. “Dan should be here somewhere; I think I lost him near the chocolate aisle.” Both men chuckles and finally it rings on Evan’s mind. Nicolas and Daniel, the French and the New-Yorker. The ex and his husband.
He waits a few seconds as to see if Tommy’s going to introduce him and is pleased to see that it is the case. It’s always the case, with is boyfriend. They cannot shut up about the other one, even while running into ex-lovers.
“Nick, let me introduce you to Evan, my boyfriend,” Is how Tommy starts his sentence before he smiles, gazing at the firefighter who is expecting the end of it. “-Well, honestly he is more than that.” He adds, making Evan blush in the middle of the grocery shop.
The statement makes Nicolas chuckle, demonstrating how good looking he is. Which should bother Evan, but the way Tommy is still staring at him is enough to proves him how loved he is.
« Tu crois que c’est le bon cette fois ? »
Suddenly Evan’s attention is drawn to the French man, and he raises a quizzical eyebrow that Nicolas completely ignores, focussed on Tommy whose smile is bigger now.
« C’est l’amour de ma vie, je ne me vois pas vivre sans lui. »
Evan is able to understand most of the answer Tommy gives and he sense his body melting with adoration. Because his boyfriend just called him the love of his life while talking to a man he had been with. A man who takes a look at him, all smiley, even though Evan knows he’s being gauged. He must look nice enough because Nicolas is quick to smile at him too.
“You are a lucky man Evan, Tommy is a committed lover! You should ask him to show you how good he can do a waltz, it’s quite impressive!”
Evan does not have the time to be surprised because soon enough another man is coming toward them, waving at Tommy before he wraps his arm around Nicolas’ waist. “Tommy! It’s good to see you man! I thought you hated this part of town?”
The remark makes Tommy laughs and Evan looks at him, falsely vexed. “So this is why you always insist we should hang out at your place instead of mine?” He asks, a fondness in his eyes. Because it’s nice to know that, even if Tommy hates it, he still came all the way up there to see him, to make him understand that he wasn’t gonna steal his best friend. “You’re lucky you are pretty Kinard.”
It makes Dan and Nicolas burst with laughter while Tommy looks at him with the fondest look ever.
How can he be so fucking good looking while doing grocery shopping?
Evan admires his boyfriend while Tommy catches up with them, talking about kids and vacations and work, before it is his turn to be interrogated. What does he do for work, what is his family like, does he like movies like Tommy? It’s funny to see them react to each one of his answers, trying to guess if they are the ones they expect from him.
“I like this one better than the last boyfriend you introduced us to.” Says Dan, causing Nicolas to lose his smile and elbow him. “What?” Mutter the husband, while Evan is the one chuckling.
“It’s okay, Tommy told me about his exes. Well, most of them I believe?” Tommy answers with a hums and Evan continues. “Like, I know about Nicolas the French surfer! I have to thank you by the way; nothing is sexier than Tommy speaking French.”
Nicolas offers him a grin and his hand to check, clearly proud of the impact he had. “You’re welcome! I’ve been with Dan for more than a decade now and the bastard won’t learn a damn word!”
“Hey!” Is what Dan reply while Tommy set down his free hand on Evan’s hips, causing the firefighter to move closer, as if drawn to him. They let the married couple banters a little, melting in each other embraces, before finally Tommy takes his attention back to them.
“You should come for dinner this week, while you are here! Evan is a hell of a cook and I’m sure he’ll appreciate to learn more about his idiot boyfriend.” It makes the couple laugh while Evan smiles sheepishly. Because his boyfriend loves to show him off, and the younger one thrives in it. Even more when he knows it’s in front of someone Tommy has loved once.
Nicolas looks at him, a smile that Evan can’t quite decipher on his face. “You can cook?” Evan is about to respond but Tommy cuts him, voice lower, amused.
“Evan can do a lot of things.”
A laugh, and two red cheeks.
« C’est bon de te voir aussi heureux Tommy, ça faisait longtemps. » Dan looks as lost as Evan when Nicolas starts to speak French again, and the firefighter understand that this conversation means to be private. A bubble of openness between the two exes, a need of reassurance for two men that deeply cared for each other. « En fait, je crois que tu n’as jamais été aussi heureux pas vrai ? Pas même avec moi. »
Tommy takes some time, as if searching for the language he had not used for years, before the words come through his mouth. It looks so easy for him, and it makes Evan want to learn more than ever. To share this, a way of talking together while letting the world as far as possible.
« Je vais l’épouser Nicolas, c’est une évidence pour moi. » 
The answer seems to be good because it pushes Nicolas to move closer and take Tommy in his arms for a quick hug, before he steps back. “We need to finish our shopping before the kids start texting to know if we’re dead. Evan, it was nice to finally meet you. We’ll let you know when we can come for dinner.”
“It was nice to meet you too, Tommy only said good things about you and I understand why.” He responds while Dan waves at them, already leaving the aisle.
“Of course he did, I’m awesome!” Nicolas’ grins get bigger, and Tommy can’t do anything but laugh and hit his shoulder playfully. “Ok, ok I get it man! Don’t bully me!”
“I’m not bullying you, I’m soothing your ego.” Tommy finally responds before his hand press more on Evan’s hip, pushing him towards the cash desks. “Have a nice trip and say hello to the kids for me!”
They are on the road to Evan’s loft when the younger one evokes the couple again, thoughtful. “He seems nice, it’s hard to understand why you broke-up.” His voice is lower than usual but he’s not worried or sad. Only curious. “Even I can’t deny the chemistry between you two.”
Tommy remains silent for a few seconds, as if lost in some memories he’s not sure how to share.
“We didn’t want the same thing for our lives at the time. He was ready for more, marriage and kids and all. I wasn’t even out; I couldn’t imagine myself with this kind of life so I let him find someone who could.”
Evan took the time to totally assimilate the words, before he asked again. “And now?”
“Now?” Tommy repeats. His smile echoes in his eyes, some bright sunshine, happiness overflowing from everywhere. It makes Evan’s heart skip a beat, and his own face light up, as if it is possible to shine more than he already does. “Now I know exactly what I want, and it is to spend the rest of my life with you, when you’ll be ready trésor.”
This time, Evan knows what he is ready for. So he pulls Tommy towards him, and kiss him like they’re the only two persons in the world.
- You think he's the one this time?
- He is the love of my life, I can't see myself live without him
- It's good to see you this happy Tommy, it's been a while
- In fact, I believe that you've never been this happy, right? even with me
- I'm gonna marry him Nicolas, it's obvious to me
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nine-one-wanton · 2 days
Is That.. Weird?
Summary: Buck follows up with Eddie to tell him that he took his advice and reached out to Tommy for a second chance.
Notes: Written for day three of
@bucktommypositivityweek (round two)
Prompt: “missing moments”
I'm going to be doing these super-short 'flash ficlet' type of things for this event. Bc I desperately want to participate, but i also don't want to distract myself from a couple/few WIP I'm trying to finish/start up 💜
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kneazle · 2 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Tommy Kinard, Evan "Buck" Buckley Additional Tags: Smut, Bottom Tommy Kinard, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard, bucktommy positivity week Summary:
While temporarily back at the 118, Tommy gets an idea after they talk of 'Buck 1.0' during dinner.
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ladyeyrewrites · 1 day
I'll Speed Up For You
written for @bucktommypositivityweek round 2 day 3: missing moments
Rated: T
1637 words
Tags: Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy KinardEvan "Buck" Buckley & Henrietta "Hen" Wilson FriendshipNosy Hen and Karen WilsonEvan "Buck" Buckley is a supportive boyfriendFlirtingFluff and HumorSexual HumorImplied/Referenced Homophobia
So, that was Gerrard. Buck reached their table and set his food down before turning to Tommy. “You okay?”
Buck could admit that Tommy – especially in formal, public settings – wasn’t always the most expressive guy. He tended to fall into deadpan mode, which personally drove Buck more than a little insane because it meant he had to key into all of Tommy’s micro expressions which meant he spent a lot of time staring at Tommy’s eyes and lips, which made his mind wander to all the other things those lips could be doing. But this was different. Tommy seemed shut down after their run-in with Gerrard. It made Buck want to turn around and confront the 118’s former captain, but he wanted to make sure Tommy was all right first.
Tommy sighed. “I’ve heard worse,” he said, staring at his plate as though deciding what to eat first. One thing Buck was learning about Tommy was how seriously he took food, how much he enjoyed eating and really seemed to savour every bite. “He technically didn’t say anything.” Tommy picked up his fork.
Buck wasn’t ready to let it go, though. He also hated to think about Tommy having to deal with worse. But Buck didn’t want to force Tommy to dig up his traumas for the sake of satisfying Buck’s curiosity. “We could talk to the chief.”
Read more on Ao3
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bucktommy postivity week: round two!
DAY THREE (september 17th): missing moments
we all felt the shortened season in s7, so why don't we try filling in some of what we didn't get to see firsthand! is it the very first moment buck and tommy met? their interactions between the coffee date and the bachelor party? how they got from steamy wedding kiss to 'come home and be with your man' level of domestic? or even conversations they had about their relationship with other people in their lives? clue us in to something that didn't appear on our screens!!
it's day three already! we can't wait to see everyone's amazing entries today. remember to post in the bucktommypositivityweek collection on ao3, or @ us on tumblr to have your work reblogged!!
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bibuckkinard · 2 days
Growing Pains
Hi! This is for day two of round two of @bucktommypositivityweek: scenes from a fire truck. I hope you guys like it!
Buck is so excited, he knows he’s practically bouncing in place beside Tommy as he and his captain finalize today’s school visit. “You know how this goes, Kinard,” Captain Aimes says. “And thank you for doing this, you guys. Having both the 118 and Harbor station going in on one of these school visits really looks good for interdepartmental cooperation.” “I love doing these tours,” Buck says and he can see Tommy smiling fondly at him. He listened all last night to Buck’s rambling about showing off the firehouse and letting the sirens go off. He knows Tommy enjoys doing these visits too; showing off the helicopters he loves and has dedicated his life to is just as enjoyable. What Buck didn’t discover until a month or so into their relationship, when they’d babysat Jee, is that Tommy has a quiet and adorable weakness for kids. That feels like forever ago. Things are a lot different now. “Thank you for letting me join in.”
Or: Buck and Tommy give a school tour to a group of 4th graders.
Read on Ao3
Tag list: @desert--moonchild, @sazzynatural, @multishippinghussy, @mmso-notlikethat, @tommy-kinard-buckley,
@sunnywithachanceofbi, @sleepywinchesters, @buck-up-buckley, @manifestingchaoticvibes, @corvid-cryptidd
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ninjatrashpanda · 3 days
Kisses so Sweet (And Spicy)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2 (Todays prompt is "Scenes from a fire truck")
Read on AO3 here!
Buck dropped the sponge into his bucket with a cheerful, little hum. He’d usually be annoyed at getting assigned the grunt work, but he really didn’t care right now. With Gerrard finally gone and Bobby finally back as the 118’s one and only captain, even having to wash the ladder truck couldn’t crush his happiness. His hum turning into an upbeat whistle, Buck fished the sponge back out and began cleaning away.
Life was good, he decided. The 118 was finally complete again, Mara was back home with Hen and Karen where she belonged (and good riddance to the Wicked Witch Ortiz and her spot on the city council) and Chris had finally agreed to talk to Eddie over FaceTime. (Buck was convinced that Chris would be home by New Year’s, if not earlier!)
And then of course there was Tommy. Back when Buck had asked Tommy to meet for coffee, he hadn’t been sure what exactly he had been ready for. He had only just figured out his own bisexuality and had actively ruined his first date with a man by violently shoving said man back into the closet with him.
It had been embarrassing. It had been a slap to face. It had been a wake up call.
That Tommy had agreed to the coffee date (Yes, it was a date, shut up, Chimney!) was nothing short of a miracle, albeit one that Buck was thankful for every single day. Tommy had a way to make him feel cherished, loved, and all around important, like nobody else he’d dated ever did. The usual Tommy-warmth that always started deep in his chest began spreading through Buck’s body just thinking about it all, and it made him feel indefinitely lighter, almost as if he was floating.
A wolf whistle coming from the station entrance ripped Buck from his thoughts. Startled, he dropped the sponge, which landed on the floor with a wet squish sound, while he leaned against the truck and clutched his chest.
“I hate you!”
“Well, shit, and here I thought dropping in for lunch with my boyfriend was gonna get me some brownie points!”
Buck looked up, hand still on over his heart but unable to suppress the wide grin that spread across his face. Tommy stood there, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips, wearing a very specific blue hoodie that Buck very much knew was his.
“You scared the life out of me!” he called out, still half-laughing, half-gasping for air. He pushed himself off the truck, grabbed the wet sponge from the floor, and tossed it back into the bucket before letting his eyes roam over Tommy’s frame. It looked a bit tight on him, deliciously stretching over his chest and arms. Buck found himself wishing the hoodie was just a bit tighter so it would maybe show a little stripe of midriff, but alas. “You look nice in my clothes, though, so I guess I can’t stay mad.”
Tommy’s smirk turned playful, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he strolled into the station and over to Buck. “Hmm, me wearing your clothes does it for you, huh?”
“Implying me wearing yours wouldn’t do it for you?”
Tommy chuckled, stepping closer until there was barely any space between them. He reached up and ran his fingers lightly along the hem of the hoodie, pulling it just enough to show a hint of skin. “You know damn well it would,” he said, his voice low and teasing. “You in my clothes, in anything really, or better yet, nothing at all… I’m not picky.”
Buck’s grin widened, and he felt the familiar flutter in his stomach that Tommy always seemed to ignite with just a look or a touch. He leaned in, his nose brushing against Tommy’s as he spoke. “Good to know we’re on the same page.”
Then, without a warning, Buck grabbed Tommy by the hips and did a fast turn to slam his boyfriend against the side of the truck. Tommy let out a surprised yelp, but Buck quickly swallowed it by crashing his lips onto Tommy’s, wasting no time in shoving his tongue into Tommy’s mouth. Tommy, upon recovering from Buck’s surprise assault, returned the kiss with just as much enthusiasm.
A soft moan escaped Buck as Tommy’s arms engulfed him and pulled him closer, the heat between their bodies growing higher and higher with each passing second. One of Tommy’s hands began wildly roaming over Buck’s back in wide circles, each swish sending a shock of electricity through his body, while the other quickly traveled down to his ass instead. Every knead and squeeze of Tommy’s large, skilled fingers went directly to Buck’s groin, stealing his breath along the way in the process.
Buck’s own palm had made its way under that damn hoodie, his fingers brushing over the scar on Tommy’s firm stomach. The sound that came out of his boyfriend as Buck decided to run his nails over the healed tissue was something deep and primal, almost a snarl, and it made Buck almost lose all sense of self. He pushed himself even closer, practically melding into Tommy, their bodies flush as the temperature between them rose to nigh unbearable degrees. Buck’s mind was a haze of Tommy: the taste of him, the feel of him, the soft grunts and moans that escaped with every grind of their hips against each other. There was nothing else in that moment, just the two of them and the overwhelming, desperate sense of want-need-crave.
Tommy’s fingers tightened on Buck’s ass, pulling him impossibly closer, as if he was trying to absorb him altogether. Buck gasped into the kiss, the sensation sparking a jolt that ran from his toes to the top of his spine and into the tip of every little finger, making his knees buckle slightly. Tommy took advantage of the momentary lapse, flipping their positions so that it was Buck’s back pressed against the cool metal of the truck. The shift was so fast it left Buck breathless and laughing against Tommy’s lips.
“Oh, we’re playing like that now?” Buck murmured, breath ragged as Tommy’s lips trailed down his jawline, nipping and sucking, leaving a heated path in their wake.
Tommy hummed, the sound reverberating against Buck’s throat where his lips had settled, sending shivers racing down Buck’s body. “Just keeping things interesting,” Tommy whispered, his voice low and rough, the sound vibrating deliciously against Buck’s skin.
Buck’s hands roamed under the hoodie, tracing the muscles on Tommy’s back, feeling the way they flexed and moved under his touch. He tugged the hoodie up, needing more contact, needing to feel every inch of Tommy’s warm skin against his own.
Tommy’s chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, his eyes dark and filled with a hunger that made Buck’s stomach flip. He didn’t even get a chance to admire the view before Tommy took advantage of the situation, pinning Buck’s wrists above his head against the truck, his grip firm but gentle. Buck’s heart raced at the sudden restraint, his breaths coming out in short, desperate bursts.
“You know, I used to steal the ladder truck to hook up in it when I was a probie,” he panted, the corners of his mouth rising into a dirty grin. The glimmer that flashed up in Tommy’s eyes told Buck that he understood what he was getting at, and Buck’s mind already ran away from him to try and figure out how to discreetly run to the locker room, where his overnight bag filled with lube and condoms was sitting in his locker.
And then, just like that, it was over. Really, Buck and Tommy probably should have anticipated that this thing they’d been doing just now was going to abruptly end one way or another. Though frankly, Buck had not expected the goddamn intercom to suddenly come to life.
“Firefighter Buckley,” Bobby’s voice droned out of the station speakers and echoed through the bay, “you will refrain from sleeping with your boyfriend in our ladder truck. I’ve praised you for outgrowing that phase, don’t make me retract that.”
Buck let out a startled yelp, his face turning a deep shade of crimson. Tommy burst into laughter, his forehead dropping against Buck’s shoulder as he shook with amusement. Buck’s heart, which had been racing for entirely different reasons just moments ago, now pounded in sheer embarrassment. He let his head thunk back against the truck, staring up at the ceiling as if it might somehow provide a portal to disappear through.
“Well, that’s one way to kill the mood,” Buck muttered and glanced up at the loft, where Bobby stood at the railing with his arms crossed in front of his chest, a challenging look in his eyes. Tommy straightened up and quickly shot Bobby a smile and a wave before turning his eyes, still sparkling with mischief and no small amount of affection, back to Buck.
“I can’t believe he actually announced that over the intercom,” Tommy said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. “You’re never living this down, you know.”
Buck groaned, dropping his face into his hands for a moment before running them through his hair. “Yeah, I know. I’m gonna be hearing about this one for a while,” he admitted, but there was a lightness to his tone. This was hardly the most embarrassing thing he’d done during his time with the 118, and he knew that each and any teasing that’d come his way was in good fun.
Tommy reached out, tugging on the hem of Buck’s shirt to pull him in for a softer, more subdued kiss, one that still held all the warmth and passion from earlier, but also carried the pure, unadulterated love that Buck knew had settled in his heart by this point. It grounded him back into reality, assured him that no matter how hard Chim and Hen would take the piss out of this moment, he had Tommy, who would always be there to remind him of his worth.
“Come on,” Buck said with a soft smile, grabbing Tommy’s hand and dragging him toward the stairs. “It’s time for lunch.”
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macaronimars · 28 days
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@bucktommypositivityweek soulmate day! i didn’t super flesh this idea out but i liked the idea of a soulmark au based on significant marks on their bodies, so bucks birthmark and tommy’s scar having some connection. but then i think it also turned into a same firehouse au based on where i drew them and i didn’t decide exactly how that would work 😅
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rosyhoneydew · 2 days
I'll Cover You
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek | Week 2, Day 2: Scenes from a firetruck | cw for mentions of dissociation, flashbacks
I wrote two entries for today! If mildly steamy fluff is more your vibe it's here -> Stolen Moment
The winds are strong, even days after the tornado’s long gone.
Buck hadn’t seen anything like it before. Tornadoes, sure, but the kind of large-scale damage that came from an invasive cloud of bees droning en masse and descending on the city like a plague? A first. He’s nursing a sting or two himself for a few days.
It’s almost a relief to get called on scene two days later. Almost. Because while plane crashes are, at least, familiar, they’re still grueling.
All things considered, it’s not as bad as it could’ve been. The 737 went down on land this time, but it had only barely made it off the ground before taking a nosedive back onto the tarmac. The passengers were buckled in and the drop itself wasn’t too big. So yeah, they got pretty lucky.
They’re still on the scene now. Hen and Eddie are working at the cockpit last he knew, Chim’s somewhere in the med bay here with him, working on a bigger trauma. Buck’s been handling some of the lower grade injuries and he’s cool, really. Yeah it would be nice to be out there, doing the big boy stuff, but they’ve got a new captain and he’s learning to pick his battles.
He’s just finishing wrapping up a kid’s ankle. He can’t be more than 7 but he’s been so brave, holding his little sister’s hand to keep her from crying. He’s got the elastic bandage just in place when the wind rips the kid’s jacket from where it was draped on his shoulders and under the 217’s truck.
“I gotcha!” he reassures the kid quick. “One sec, you stay right here for me, okay?”
Buck shuffles over to the truck in a walk-run and bends down low to peek underneath. It would probably be easier to grab the jacket from the other side, but he’s already here so he just finishes ducking down, crawls under and reaches out for the corner of the fabric.
He’s still under the truck when the next big wind hits. It leaves the truck shaking and groaning around him. Buck freezes. It feels like all logical thought in his brain shuts off.
The truck isn’t going to tip over. He’s not stuck. If he had the presence of mind he could wiggle his toes, even. But there’s something about being under here, hearing the voices around him, it has him tense all over. He can’t move.
When he looks back on it, he’ll wonder why it set him off. It’s not nighttime, there are no kids with bombs strapped to them, it’s not like he was even under the truck when it tipped last time. It’s a fluke, almost. But it can’t be helped. He’s petrified.
Tommy honestly thought his first call working with the 118’s A-shift would have had a little more novelty, but it’s just been long. He’s happy to see Evan, of course, but he hardly sees him. He’s been over in the med bay for the last couple of hours that Tommy’s been teamed up with Viera, pulling passengers out of the wreck.
He had at least been able to drop off an older woman directly to Evan about an hour ago.
Well, Patricia, it looks like your day is looking up! You’re in good hands with this one. He’ll patch you up real good.
Ahh, my job’s the easy part. You’re just lucky firefighter pilot Kinard was here to save you.
She’d only had a sprained wrist, but Tommy had watched them from afar for a minute, ever impressed with the way Evan kept her calm, reassurances and jokes taking the fear out of her eyes. He has to turn back before long, but he lets that moment carry him through the next push. He’s going home to that man.
He’s jogging back to check in at base when he hears crying to his right. There’s a kid standing still, holding the hand of a little girl and he’s wailing at the sky. That doesn’t seem right. Tommy’s eyes track around the area and he spots boots sticking out of the side of their truck. Definitely not right. He changes course, picking up his speed as he approaches the kids.
“Hey, bud, you okay?” He’s got his hands on the boy’s shoulders, grounding him, hopefully. “You hurting anywhere?”
The kid coughs out a few more sobs in Tommy’s face, but he shakes his head. He looks like he’s willing himself not to be scared. Jesus, kids are resilient.
“Alright, that’s good, I’m going to check on my friend here, you gonna be okay for a minute?” A nod. Good.
Tommy turns his attention to the truck behind him, lays flat, knocking his helmet off in the process. The guy’s not moving, but Tommy’s not able to figure out at a glance what happened here. There’s no gas leak, no threat to public safety over here.
“You good, man?” he calls out.
The body of the guy twitches. Not dead. That’s good. He clears his throat.
“Can you feel your feet? I can try to move you but I need to know if you’ve got any injuries I should watch out for.”
No response. Okay. Time to change tack.
Tommy rights himself and walks to the other side of the truck, resuming position on the asphalt. He shuffles in a little closer and finally gets a look at the guy’s face.
Evan. It’s Evan.
“Evan?” he says. He’s not sure it comes out as much more than a breath.
Evan’s eyes do flick to his then, but there’s still something distant in his gaze. He’s dissociated. It comes to mind then, the stories told at happy hours and trivia nights, and the ones told only in the sanctuary that is their bedroom. They're good stories, but Tommy knows better than most the toll that kind of shit can take on a person. Evan's having a flashback.
“Alright, alright, baby,” Tommy says under his breath. He’s not sure Evan would hear him even if he spoke up. He looks pretty gone.
Tommy scoots half a foot closer, puts both palms flat to the ground.
“Evan,” he starts, “can you do this with your hands? Just like mine.” He flexes his hands a bit to demonstrate.
Evan’s own hands are balled up. It looks like he army crawled under here. His arms are bent at his sides, curled in tight half under his body. He blinks a few times.
“Your hands, Evan.” Tommy picks his own up and places them back down again. “Just like this.”
Evan mirrors the movements.
“Good job, that’s perfect.”
“Kinard?” He hears from behind him.
“We’re good here, Sloane.” Who knows if she’ll believe him; she’s a damn good secondary when they’re in the air but she’s nosy as all get-out.
He hears the sound of her turnouts rustling as she shifts around, deciding whether to stay or go.
“Sloane. I got this. Can you round back to the kids on the other side? I’m going to be here a minute.”
He hears the sound of boots squeaking behind him as she does what he asks. Okay, Ev, just you and me.
Evan’s fingertips are curling, his eyes pinched closed.
“Ev, sweetheart, look at me.” He does. “I’m gonna grab your arm okay? Then we can work on getting you over here. Sound good?”
There’s no response, but that’s okay. Tommy’s going real slow. He reaches out and places a sure hand on Evan’s arm.
“Can you push yourself toward me?”
His eyes close again and for a second Tommy falters, mentally jumping two steps back to figure out a different path forward. But then Evan pushes. He digs the meat of his hand into the ground and uses the leverage to slide his body toward Tommy.
“Just like that. Exactly like that.”
He’s close enough now that Tommy can reach his shoulder. He gets a good grip and rolls Evan the rest of the way, pulling him up to sitting once he’s on his back and out from under the belly of the truck. He watches as Evan scrambles to pull his feet out.
Tommy’s got him sat in between the V of his legs, one arm around his waist, and brings the other up to Evan’s face, pushing the damp hair off his forehead. They’re tucked in between trucks, so the sound of commotion from the continued efforts of the other houses is muffled. The loudest thing he can hear is their panting, both going a little boneless with relief.
Tommy places a kiss to Evan’s temple. He’s sweaty there too. He feels Evan’s breathing slow down a bit, but he’s reluctant to break the quiet. He’s not sure that Evan’s flashbacks are like his, everyone’s a little different, but he sometimes needs the silence after. Just to collect himself. So he gives that to Evan, too.
“Did- did you get it?” Evan finally says, startling Tommy just a bit.
“Get it?”
“The jacket.” He’s smoothing his palms over his pants; nervous habit.
Tommy stretches his neck to look behind him, sees the blue rain jacket lying there. He can pinch it with his fingers from where they’re sitting. He drags it out. Troublemaker.
They sit together for another minute. Tommy can hear Sloane marching the kids away to find their parents. If he really tunes into the noises around them, he can hear some laughter and lots of walkies; they're finishing up here. He'll probably get called in soon enough to pack up.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
Evan nods, then tips his head back onto Tommy’s shoulder. “Better. Thank you.”
Tommy moves his hand down to Evan’s face, just to tilt his cheek a little closer, plants a long, sure kiss there.
“I’ve got you.”
Evan smiles. “Yeah, you got me.”
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bangpop91 · 3 days
I'll Meet You In Between
It's day 2 of @bucktommypositivityweek round 2! Today's prompt was scenes from a firetruck. This drabble takes place directly before Mayday. I hope you guys enjoy Day 2
Buck woke a groan fumbling with his phone to turn off his alarm before flopping back down into the bed not wanting to get up for the day. It hadn’t been that long ago that he looked forward to every shift. But these days the idea of getting out of the massive plush bed that also happened to feature a big muscular pilot with ridiculous bed head, and is like his own personal space heater. Buck wiggled closer into Tommy’s side burying his nose into Tommy’s armpit making his man grunt.
“Your face is like icicles,” Tommy groaned, adjusting himself so that they were face to face.
“It's not my fault your house is like a penguin habitat.” That startled a laugh out of Tommy while Buck grinned, pressing kisses against Tommy's stubble covered cheek. 
“You have a shift baby.” Tommy reminded him before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
“So do you.” He replied in-between morning kisses, where if he played this right could lead to morning sex 
“I don't have to fight crosstown traffic.” Tommy countered sitting up scratching his scalp making his mess of curls even more out of control from where they curled frizzy and untamed on one side and flat against his scalp on the other. He looks so rumpled and soft, far from the cool guy exterior Tommy meticulously puts on like armor every morning. He's moved on to casually scratching an itch on his chest while checking the weather on his phone like he does every morning before he gets out of bed. He wants to live in this moment and it's domesticity forever, he knows that realistically it's too early to talk about living together, about forever. But he wants this to be the sight he wakes up to every morning. Tommy looks down at him, Buck still stubbornly burritoed under the blanket  with his face in Tommy's pillow.
“Bed head?” He asked, looking at him with a lopsided grin. It makes Buck laugh from his spot in bed watching Tommy go through his morning routine.
“Nicely tousled.” Tommy and him should not be laughing at what dorks they are being, but he loves that he and Tommy can be silly, and there is no pressure to be tough, or manly, or cool, they can just be themselves. 
“Alright Darlin, you do have to get up now.” Buck is feeling a little bratty and burrows further into his burrito of blankets and Tommy’s pillow like a petulant child. “Will you get up if I promise to shower with you?” Tommy teases leaned over Buck.
“I could be persuaded.” He responds and lets Tommy lure him from the bed with kisses. He does make it to work on time, he didn't have time to stop and get coffee on the way to work which is fine because Tommy had sent him on his way with a thermos of coffee, kisses, and a reminder to be safe.
It turns out to be one of the worst and craziest shifts he has ever worked. He knows Tommy's own shift has been just as hectic. And yet in the rare minutes of downtime that he had to check his phone there were messages from Tommy.
A picture of a black cat from the pet rescue site that Tommy likes scrolling through with the accompanying message.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : I love Salem almost as much as I love you.
Buck: Awe he’s beautiful. I love him.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : 🐝🐝🐝🐝
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Are you enjoying the bee-nado
Buck: look at you learning how to use emojis I’m so proud of my old man.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Don't be a brat, Evan.
Tommy finds him in the aftermath of the plane crash. They are in-between the 118 and 217’s engines when Tommy pulls him in for a hug.
“How you holding up Darlin?” His voice is low and quiet in Buck’s ear.
“I wish today would just end already.” He mumbled clinging to the back of Tommy's flight suit. He doesn't want to let go of Tommy, because right now Tommy is the only thing holding him upright.
“Twelve more hours okay.” Tommy promised, “Just twelve more hours and we will have forty-eight hours together. We'll turn our phones off, catch up on Stylish Designs, and try that new chili recipe.” 
“Okay.” Evan nodded with a smile, Having something to keep him moving towards. An end goal for his shift. Tommy is called away, his chopper is ready, Tommy presses a quick kiss to his lips.
“I'll see you at home.” He says with a big, bright charming smile that makes him melt. He'll see Tommy at home.
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cull3nblaze · 1 month
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"meeting the friends and family" - for @bucktommypositivityweek 🤗
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