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voicilasirene · 2 years ago
❛ if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. ❜ — MARLOWE
Anouk rolled her eyes, waving off the comment with a swipe of her hand. Earlier she had sharpened her claws on bits of coral and the dust that lingered shimmered with the action as it hit a beam of sunlight that had pierced through the water. She really ought to have ignored him altogether. Marlowe wasn't worth a millisecond of her time and yet it was quite delightful to test the edge of her words against his frail ego to ensure they were as sharp as her claws.
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"Of your standing with Ianthe? Oh, please!" She scoffed, "Anyone with any bit of sense at all would know better than to envy that. Not to speak ill of her, of course, I have nothing against Ianthe. But to be in a place of power? What a horrid burden! The constant stress of knowing that you have an unknowable amount of enemies just waiting to strike? Duress is so bad for the skin....I can hardly imagine an existence more wretched." She paused to look Marlowe over pointedly and frowned, "Well — perhaps I can imagine one actually."
"Regardless, to be a part of that inner circle, well, you've only traded one death sentence for another; albeit, a slightly lengthier and less predictable one. Hardly something to envy from my vantage."
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heartlcssboy · 2 years ago
❛ is this what you think love is? ❜
Peter's jaw tightened and the forest fell silent the moment that the question had been posed. Even the wind did not dare draw Peter's attention as a vehement rage overcame him. He looked through her instead of at her as the upset built. Had he asked too much of her? Of everyone he'd ever cared for? They were always clawing at him for more. When he had already given them EVERYTHING; more than they were willing to give him in return! More by leagues! They wanted to tell him all the ways he was deficient, but he wasn't the one incapable of feeling. They were; Wendy and Jamie both!
He was so sick of that word being thrown at him like an excuse. That horrible, horrible, meaningless word! Because, for them, that's exactly what it was! Meaningless! A false promise. Another thing corrupted by the influence of the Other Place. That's what it did. The Other Place took things and hollowed them out, turning them into a mockery of what they once were. Just look at their cities, nature gutted by industry for the sake of convenience. But nothing about Pan was made to be convenient no matter how badly others wanted to change that.
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"And what do you think it is?" He demanded, too far incensed to worry about scaring her as he pressed in closer. Each word a step nearer. "No, really. Tell me, Wendy! I mean it! I want an answer! What is it! What's love?!" His volume of his voice continued to build as he went on until finally it reached its crescendo with: "Tell me!"
Peter could feel tendrils of his shadow pulsating at the edges of his psyche, pleading with him, soundless but clear inside his head. He could feel its panic, but it was overtaken by Peter's anger. It begged for him to cease his onslaught before he ruined everything. But Peter wouldn't stop. He couldn't. He wasn't finished! His body was shaking from the volatile medley of emotion wracking through it. Wendy had asked him a question and he never denied her anything. Now did he?
Peter had crowded her until her back was pressed against the trunk of a large tree. His voice was a growl now, words coming out in a hiss, "Because everyone is always trying to tell me what I can and can't feel or what I'm doing wrong as if they have any idea about what I'm capable of! I keep being told I'm the broken one when it's everyone else pretending. Everyone lies and acts like they know what love is, but then they run away as soon as it becomes too real. Because no one actually knows what they want! And they get scared because it's all too much! Because you don't want to feel things, not real things!"
Peter howled in frustration and his fist collided with the rough bark of the tree Wendy was trapped against, missing her head by inches and splitting open the skin of his knuckles. Crimson leaked from his hand as he pulled it back, stepping away and turning from Wendy. He shook his hand so that droplets of blood splattered across the forest's floor. It was pointless. No amount of blood would heal this wound. It'd been open and raw for long enough that he knew that with certainty.
When he turned back to face her, all of his anger had dissipated. That righteous rage had been all that had been holding him together and now even speaking was an exhaustive and painful effort. All he wanted to do was run to Wendy and cling to her frame for comfort, but he maintained their distance.
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"I think I'm the only one in the whole world who knows what it really is to love someone...and no one else is alive enough to feel it." His voice was hardly a rasp, choked with the effort it took to speak the admission aloud, but otherwise calm. He hated to say it. To confront it. Because he meant it and it meant he'd always be left wanting. Forever.
And that absolutely terrified him.
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 10 days ago
Do you think people who are virgin should write smut? I feel like most of them don’t even know what they’re writing and just write what they think sex is
the implication this ask suggests that people who write about murders, cannibalism, politics, magic, royalty au, sci-fi, wars, supernatural, time travel, medieval era, werewolves, vampires, mermaids or goblins must be murderers, cannibals, presidents, wizards, royalties, astronauts, ghost hunters, soldiers, time travelers, knights, werewolves, vampires, mermaids or goblins in real life is so funny to me
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beartitled · 7 months ago
I bet Mabel would totally gush over baby Bill
Yep absolutely
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This is not part of the evil cipher parent AU necessary
Because I still have no idea, who exactly raised Bill in that AU
But it’s fun to imagine Mabel playing with the bebe (she would totally forget about his actions in canon as soon as she sees him, Mabel is a forgiving person, especially when it come to small silly triangle children)
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thursdaylast · 9 months ago
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happy ptide
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trianglecats · 8 months ago
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Based off that one meme
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egophiliac · 27 days ago
listen. people have always debated which character is the most normal guy but what if it has in fact been crowley the whole time. no string pulling no master plan just a guy who wants to keep his school running and is cursed with problematic students and incidents
honestly I think the funniest possible reveal would be one of two options:
ONE: Crowley has no plot relevance whatsoever. he wears the mask to cover his receding hairline. his darkest secret is the bottle of "medicinal" whiskey under his desk. this man can barely plan a PTA function with six months' advance notice, he doesn't have the time or patience for any kind of overarching master plot involving mutating students or whatever. the only thing wrong with him is that he's been running this school for (mumblemumble) years and, quite frankly, if you'd been putting up with NRC students for a couple of centuries, you'd have totally checked out by this point too.
TWO: Crowley IS actually Raverne and HAS been slowly enacting a master gambit...to embezzle school funds. the overblots are still completely incidental. he has somehow less idea of what's going on than we do. we confront him about it and he's just like
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prokopetz · 1 year ago
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willgrahamscock · 9 months ago
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HANNIBAL + Text Posts 29/∞
thank you anon for this hilarious ask.
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laritamiauu · 4 months ago
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Emo gen alpha sigma wolf telemachus is my favorite thing ever
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voicilasirene · 2 years ago
“Who can tell about such things, such hidden things? Such secrets we all have, don’t we?”
Anouk drew in a sudden breath of surprise and lit up in delight at Carrion's words. "Are you playing coy with me, dear Carrion?"
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"You know something more and you're trying to pique my interest, I can tell!" The mer aimed an accusing finger at the fae, but the exchange held no contempt, Anouk was clearly bubbling with delight at the opportunity to trade secrets with the small folk. Gossip was one of Anouk's greatest joys in life and Carrion never did disappoint.
"Well your plan has worked, you wicked thing!" A compliment from Anouk, to be sure, "What's your price then, hmm?" She knew that everything was an exchange when it came to the small folk, especially Carrion. It was only a matter of if the fae already had something in mind or not.
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heartlcssboy · 2 years ago
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜
rufio looks perplexed, but it's impossible to hide his laughing smile.
Peter had heard the sounds of someone nearing, but had made no effort flee. It'd do no good for certain people to see him in his current blood-splattered state. However, he recognized the heavy footfalls as no threat to him and so he'd remained in plain sight, sitting atop a large rock at the base of the island's mountain range. Peter tucked away the dagger he'd been wiping clean, turning his head to look up at Rufio as he approached.
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"It's not my fault all the best adventures involve a little bloodshed," He proclaimed cheerfully, offering up no explanation of where the blood had originated from. Such details were best left unspoken. Besides, Rufio was the newest to join the group. Peter wasn't sure exactly how loyal he'd shape up to be just yet.
He stood giving a shrug accompanied by a grin that was wide and unabashed. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he went on to say, "And why waste time on anything other than the best, right Rufio?"
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night-the-starfish · 6 months ago
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Miku has been all over the world by now but has she been to the animal kingdom? 🤨
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potatounicoorn · 1 year ago
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I think we as a society moved on way too fast from Lloyd canonically being a part of The lego movie events
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allimili · 3 days ago
What happened if I kiss Shadow Milk on the cheek? Like a quick kiss and then running? He's not chasing me, right? Right?
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Give him some time to process and he will attack back
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beartitled · 7 months ago
evil parents au has the funniest potential solely bc imagine Ford and Dipper figuring out maybe kidnapping baby Bill isn't most Gucci thing to do so they are bringing him back except for Bill it was the best day in his life because he was traveling with his new friends through the vibrant 3d world and having fun (well, they also tried to explain him he might accidentally cause an apocalypse but he will try not to!). So he is sitting on Ford's shoulder sipping some baby-triangle-friendly drink and wearing sunglasses.
and then they run into a red and a blue triangles armed with the best arsenal they managed to muster during several hundred thousands years of searching for their child.
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I had a distinct visual that appeared in my tiny bear brain
Also “isn’t most Gucci thing” is an amazing quote, I will keep it my mind forever 😭
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