#ME Pills
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FNAF movie Vanessa was out of pocket for this one..
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nyancrimew · 26 days
"online" and "irl" are a false dichotomy, the online is very real the opposite of which is the offline, which is also very real . there's supposed to be a punchline here to make this a joke but i forgot it by the time i wrote the first sentence
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hinamie · 2 months
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domain expansion
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Happy Puppet Date
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
I'm all for natural remedies and traditional medicine, but I think when your "natural remedy" is based on the idea that water can become medicinal by being in the presence of a teeny itty bit amount of something, then it's probably bullshit and you're getting scammed. Go buy some ibuprofen or see a doctor.
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prettieinpink · 10 months
( A collab with thee lovely lele @bloombabydoll )
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If you want to reinvent and rebrand yourself, or just continue to make positive improvements in 2024, the first thing is to evaluate your current year. 
Reflect on how things went for you. Was there continuous growth? Were there many difficult times? Did you discover anything major about yourself and so on. Try to summarise your year in (a) paragraph(s) at least. 
Oversee your goals. Which ones you didn’t, did achieve, difficult ones, easy ones and the impacts it had on your life. 
Compare your dream girl then and now. Is your visualisation of your life currently different to the one you have now and why? 
List any major losses or successes you’ve had in your life, and how they have helped you or why it matters to you. 
This evaluation can be as detailed or simple as you like, but as long as you have a decent outline of your year. 
To prepare for 2024, you want to know what you want life to be like in 2024. Something realistic to a point, but still is a growth journey. 
Think of something that you can associate with 2024. This can be a word, a symbol, art, a song, a book, a movie, a place, or even just all of these things. When you think about your goals and your journey, this is your theme. This is something that should relate to your goals or your dream girl somehow. 
For me, I chose a word and a song. My word is growth because, for me, 2023 was a year for just being able to shed my old self which I did achieve however I just felt there wasn’t much growth as an actual person and not just in my environment. 
For my song, it is Mayflowers by Proleters and Taskrok. This song is the epitome of what I would imagine, is the most polished mindset. I would say perfect, but having a perfect mindset is near impossible. I want to have a mindset glow up because I’ve just been hard on myself lately which has caused my confidence to plummet. 
Before we get into the fun part of the preparation stage, we have to do some organisation in our life. I want you to take a look at your daily lifestyle and your habits, and be completely unashamed about this. 
Then categorise these habits into two sections; Leave and Leap. Leave habits are habits that you are leaving behind in 2023, leap habits are habits that are leaping into 2024 with you. 
Any habits that are self-destructive, addictive or generally harmful are leave habits. Beneficial habits and self-building are leaping with you into the new year.
I want you to do the same for people in your life, all environments (school, work, online etc) and anything else you believe needs to be sorted out. 
This works better if you can reason with yourself why it is a leaping or leaving habit, but don’t try to convince yourself a bad habit is good or vice versa. 
Now, I want you to document an honest paragraph about who you are right now. List your bad and good habits, your strengths and weaknesses and your behaviours. This one requires a bit more detail. 
Then, write a paragraph about who you will be in 2024, your dream girl. List her habits, lifestyle, behaviours, mindset, strengths and anything else extra. I’ll explain later but do not include materialistic desires in this your dream girl. Once again, this one also requires details. 
Stemming from those paragraphs, I want you to create specific and achievable goals. SMART goals are best, but I want to introduce you to how I set goals. 
I divide my year into quarters. For each 3 months, I have 3-5 goals for those months. Usually, it’s one from each area of my life. Then, I break down these goals. 
Questions and How They Help 
Why do I want to do this goal - For motivation and commitment. 
How it’ll benefit me - For the sake of improvement. 
How can I involve myself in this goal - To achieve your goal.  
I prefer this method because it is a lot simpler for me, as I am just a young girl and my bigger goals are more in the future in which I’ll utilise SMART goals. 
To create good goals; Make sure they align with your current values and life principles first. Try to avoid creating goals that you have just taken from the internet. Those goals just aren’t it and you most likely won’t follow through with it. 
Be specific. Don’t say you want to eat more healthily, instead say you want to include (a certain group of veggies/fruits) in your diet and reduce the intake of ( food/drink). 
E.g using eating healthy example
I want to eat healthy -> I want to start including foods that boost my immunity system and support my skin while reducing those that have the opposite effect. 
Then break down those quarterly goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Make these habits that you can establish in your lifestyle and have a way in which you can refer back to your progress. 
Quarterly Goal - Read 6 books.  
Monthly Goal - Finish 2 books.
Weekly Goal - Be or near half way of one book.
Daily Goal - 20 minutes of reading per day. 
Health and wellbeing
Mental health
Personal life
Hobbies and recreation
Now for the best part- vision boards! Collect all of your favourite images that embody your quarters or the whole year, then put them in one place where you can see them regularly!
Some ideas are a scrapbook, Pinterest boards, mood boards, playlists etc. 
Choose your theme; It can be your healthy girl era, your academic come back or whatever you want. You can have more than two btw.
Use quotes! Then actually say them in your daily life as a way to shift your mindset to reflect said quote.
Include inspirational people. It doesn't even have to be a millionaire or a very well established person, it could be your friends or someone on the internet.
Be imaginative. Your vision board doesn't have to realistic in my opinion, as the whole point of it to me is that viewing it daily and considering it to be part of your life one day allows for you to open up to those opportunities.
Materialistic Wants
I feel obligated to make this a separate section. This section is practically tangible objects that you want.
However, when choosing this said object that you want, mindfully think about why you want that thing specifically.
It doesn’t have to be meaningful, but as long as each thing on that list has got a purpose to you, and will serve you, I think it’s all good!
If you want, you can definitely start implementing habits before January. However, I believe that as long as you go into 2024 at least knowing who you want to be and shedding away any limiting beliefs, you’ll be fine.
Make sure to incorporate some self care rituals into your daily life as well✨
To end this, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! And that 2024 they will achieve to close that gap with their current selves and their dream girl selves! 💖🙏
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viyojo · 11 months
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adobe-outdesign · 8 months
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great gift ideas for the Neopets 1% getting mad over people being able to actually enjoy UCs now
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schizopositivity · 2 years
i see reminders to take your meds all the time and thats great but heres your reminder to get your meds refilled! to call your pharmacy! to pick up your refills while the pharmacy is still open! you cant take whats not there, its super important that you stay on top of getting your refills
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mothcub · 3 months
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Keanu practice (proving to myself than I can draw Keanu).
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fanaroff · 2 months
I have an idea and idk if its been done before: what if “halfa” didn’t mean half-ghost? What it if meant two obsessions? Stuck between both?
Danny with space and protection.
Vlad with family and power.
I don’t know if Danielle would count in full as the other ghosts never actually call her a “halfa” to my memory and I feel like hers would boil down to “freedom” or “independence.” (Maybe freedom and survival?)
The transformation we see is not a transformation of alive-dead state.
Fenton is space. Phantom is protection.
Vlad is family. Plasmius is power.
They are dead. Fully dead. Both had extreme wants and dreams.
Danny’s dream was to be an astronaut, but he died focusing on wanting no one to ever go through what he did.
Vlad wanted so badly to start a family with Maddie, but as he died he only thought about power and what he’d do with it to get back at them.
Two strong things at once in each of them opposing each other as they formed giving them both the ability to go between the two.
If you look at the differences between their “ghost” and “human” forms, you’ll notice huge discrepancies. The ghost forms of both are of a healthy body type, strong. They’re the obsessions they constantly “feed”. If you look at their “human” form, they’re much weaker looking. Smaller. They’re both sadder in these forms. The ones they no longer feed into.
Because of the “lack of feeding,” these forms will not gain powers until they are fed into. It’s why they seem human and use the least amount of powers in this form. But they still have access to the baseline ghost powers.
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circusinarun · 3 months
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I live for Leo in my "Spanish" notebook
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
Absolutely love your art!
Has Jamil changed at all since getting with Vil and Leona? Less stressed? Sleep easier? Is he still his usual wound up self?
Thank you <3
Jamil definitely changed in some ways.
For once, he's a bit calmer. While he does still stress over minor things and acts like an overbearing mom, he has an easier time calming down afterwards. Between Leona's regular chill attitude and Vil's meditations and breath work, he's learned a few relaxation techniques that help with his blood pressure.
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I wouldn't say he sleeps easier, but he sure sleeps more. Vil is very stringent about proper sleep schedules and Leona is the King of Naps, so Jamil's own sleep schedule has improved and he takes more naps whenever possible (ie whenever he gets kidnapped by Leona). Sometimes he still lays awake all night because he overthinks things, but just having one of them cuddle him stops him from getting up to do something, so he still manages to rest a bit.
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He's also a lot more honest. Vil and Leona are some of the rare people who can see right through his lies (alongside Azul and probably Rook) . Vil greatly values honesty, if his relationship with Rook is any telling, and Leona also has little patience for Jamil's false smiles. So they would both nudge Jamil to be more honest and stop lying to them, even about minor things. There's certainly a "please communicate properly" vibe among the three of them, between Leona being more acts than words, Jamil's lies, and Vil keeping his struggles to himself. They're all working very hard on this.
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Jamil also allows himself to be more hyper competent around Vil and Leona, in ways that he still doesn't allow himself to be around Kalim. And, on the opposite side, he also allows himself to be more vulnerable. Leona has already shown he can (and would) protect him if needs arise, and Vil isn't one to judge other for their vulnerabilities, so Jamil would let himself be softer. Unsure. Sometimes even weak.
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Generally speaking, he would simply mask less. Don't misunderstand though. Despite being generally calmer, he still gets very hyper when riled up or anxious. He's also still a little shit (and Vil and Leona love him for it, despite making it difficult for them too).
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laissezferre · 4 months
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“My helplessness is intolerable. I was the one who set this machine running, and now cannot control it…. Why can I never set my heart on a possible thing?”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness
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volatilemask · 6 months
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nonranghaes · 5 months
it's weird that you don't call out to jun when he comes into your apartment. jun knows that you know he was coming over at some point to spend time with you, and usually you greet him in some way when you hear the apartment door unlock. he's a little earlier than he planned, but you told him to 'come over whenever' and now he's a little worried that you didn't mean it. he quietly slips into the pair of slippers that stays here at your place, and makes his way further into your apartment to set down the bag of groceries he brought on your kitchen counter. your bedroom door is open, but the tiny room you use as a home office is open just a sliver.
he makes his way over, leaning in to listen for a moment... only to hear your voice. there's a little strain to it as you struggle through a sentence, and it clicks all at once: you're speaking chinese. albeit not very well (it's clear to jun that this is one-hundred percent new to you), but you're still trying. your pronunciation is a bit clumsy, but he can hear the way you try to use the right tone with what you're saying...
when did you start learning this much? jun had taught you little things in the past--the absolute basics, really, plus a few other little phrases that veer into his own cheesy need to hear you say sweet things--but this...? he steps back from the door. why hadn't you told him? you could have told him and he'd happily help you learn. but he trusts you: you must have your reasons to keep this a secret, so he won't push. he steps away, deciding to busy himself with getting ingredients put away--or set up for the two of you to cook together, in case you're hungry now.
then he knocks a cup into the sink, and immediately he hears you coming out of your office. relief crosses your face when you see it's just jun, and you lean against the open doorway.
"i didn't know you were here." you pause, and then he sees you get hit with realization. "... how long were you here?"
"i just got here," he says. it's technically the truth, isn't it? he's only been here for a few minutes. "were you working?"
you nod. "yeah. just had to answer a phone call," you lie to him, but he just nods and acts like he doesn't know that. you come up to his side, wrapping an arm around him. "is this for lunch?"
he leans over to you and presses a kiss against your cheek. "are you hungry?"
"mhm," you just snuggle in for a moment, enjoying his presence. "you should teach me more recipes you learned from your mom sometime."
jun finds himself smiling already. was that what this all was...? an attempt for you to understand him better? to show that you care for him so much that you want to know his culture, too? "i'd love to," he says softly, and wraps an arm around you to tug you closer to his side. "only if you teach me things you learned from your family, too."
then he'll make more efforts to understand you and your background, too. just to show you that he loves you as much as you love him.
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