#MAGA is a terrorist movement
emperornorton47 · 11 months
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kajmasterclass · 6 months
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wilwheaton · 1 year
there is no middle. there is no both sides.
Remember how much fun it was to harmlessly TP your friends' houses? How silly and goofy it was to ding-dong ditch someone? Just to do silly, childish, ultimately harmless expressions of being a kid who's fooling around?
Thanks to the Republican fascists who have gerrymandered and suppressed their way into minority rule In 21st century America, any of those things will now likely get you killed by a paranoid gun nut who won't suffer any consequences. And when it's a white man who murders a BIPOC child, his state's Republican governor will pardon any consequences that somehow slip past the barriers to justice they've built.
Pick a side.
You're with the fascists and terrorists, or you are with the rest of us. There is no middle. There is no "both sides". One side wants as much death and terror on the streets as possible. The other side wants all of us to have healthcare and a home.
Pick a side. There is no middle.
You are with us, or you are with the domestic terrorists.
And to be clear: if you are with the domestic terrorists, you're not welcome on my page or in my life. It's not dIfFeREnT OpInIoNs. It's literally life and death.
Maybe, thirty years ago, there was some redemptive quality in the GOP. (Like, at the very LEAST there were Republicans who wouldn't support a coup, for instance). Maybe it's real hard to consider voting against the party you've always supported. I get that.  Thing is, that party doesn't exist now. That party has been replaced with violent, christian nationalist, white supremacist, fascists. And they are ALL in thrall to Tr*mp and Marjoriefuckyfuckfuck.
You can try to tell yourself that you don't vote for their policies, that your candidate isn’t extreme. But when you vote for ANY Republican, you're voting for those policies, because Republicans do as they are told by their fascist supreme leader, Donald Tru&p. They fall in line with the extremists. So if you aren’t an extremist, what do you do?
You pick a side. You're with America, or you're with the MAGA movement.
There is no middle.
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New Apostolic Reformation.
Evangelical Christian supremacy movement. Authoritarianism based on Old Testament bullshit that is preached by non-affiliated local southern and rural churches (and Mega-Church televangelists) that is not connected to mainstream, establishment, hierarchical religions.
These for profit, start your own, local evangelicals are easy to manipulate as is any grouping without an established hierarchy and a code of rules. This is how dictators and terror movements have high jacked Islam. Find a cleric that is sympathetic, or can be bribed and then use them to rubber stamp your agenda.
Evangelicals truly are the Americans Taliban. Anyone who labels themselves as simply Christian is likely to be one of the most un-Christian people you could ever meet. Their goal is to stomp out all established religions and create a Taliban style authoritarian dictatorship. Republican politicians are riding their coattails. Both sides are playing a dangerous game. Republicans and their oligarch puppet masters think they can manipulate and control all these evangelical terrorists, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Confederate, armed militias, and other hate groups. But there is the chance that these Theocrats could seize control of those very un-Christian groups and eliminate them first. This is Dominionism on steroids.
Do you want to return to Puritan times with an un-healthy dose of racism/bigotry/misogyny/xenophobia/ and the Crusades tossed in for good measure? Republicans are always playing with fire and will risk any consequence in their insatiable lust for greed and political power.
The far-right Republicans have been highly organized with nearly unlimited dark money from Neo-Nazi oligarchs since the 1960’s. Their goal has been to restructure America into a conservative dystopia where commerce has no restraints and workers and citizens have no rights.a dystopia where everyone is of European ancestry and is kept in line by an Old Testament based form of evangelicalism run by the oligarchs/aristocracy a plutocracy with draconian authoritarian powers.
They now control so many states that it is unlikely we will be able to stop their restructuring of America in our lifetimes. Republicans control 60% of state legislatures. If they can get it to 75% they can change or even scrap the Constitution and write a new one. Republicans control just over half of the seats in the House of Reps and the Senate. If they can move that number up to 66% they could change or scrap the Constitution.
Remember that many Republican voters rejected Trump personally in 2020 but not MAGA Republicanism. They actually picked up a few seats which allowed them to seize the House. Meanwhile the Senate is tied with the Democratic VP necessary to pass most bills wanted by us on the Democratic side of the aisle.
The next time you’re dragging Biden remember you are giving the keys to the kingdom to a Theocratic totalitarian government owned by Neo-Nazi oligarchs. Trump next year followed by Dominionist bastards like Ted Cruz and MAGA Mike Johnson.
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reality-detective · 9 months
The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell. Part 1
Black Swan. It is the favorite New World Order term. The NWO would have us believe that a Black Swan event is an unfortunate event created by the Russians, MAGA terrorists, or anonymous hackers. Not a looming premeditated war gamed genocidal treasonous act by an establishment fueled by the insanity of a totalitarian Eugenicist movement careening off the tracks. 🤔
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darkmaga-retard · 15 days
Former state congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard shared a recent experience where she and her husband were harassed by airport security while traveling. “I was subjected by very in-depth screening when I travel. By in-depth I mean 30 to 45 minutes of going through that screening every time I would go to the airport to fly,” Gabbard reported. She noticed that her boarding passes were labeled with “SSSS” indicating that she had been added to a terrorist watchlist under the Quiet Skies program.
The TSA claims the Quiet Skies program is not “a program through which Federal Air Marshals surveil random travelers for no rhyme or reason.” So why was this Conservative politician who is strongly backing Donald Trump in his re-election campaign added to the watchlist? “If your local police department had intelligence that your neighborhood was at an elevated threat for dangerous activity, you’d want an increased police presence until the threat was gone. Federal Air Marshals serve in that same capacity in the aviation environment; they are law enforcement officers who use their experience and training to identify things that are out of the ordinary in the aviation environment,” the TSA noted on its website. ““Quiet Skies” is another tool that allows the Federal Air Marshal Service to more efficiently deploy law enforcement resources to focus on travelers who may present an elevated risk to aviation security.”
Tulsi Gabbard has no criminal record and there is no reason to believe she is a threat to national security, unless you have bought into Trump derangement syndrome and believe, as the president said, that MAGA conservatives are the biggest threat to domestic security. The TSA states that they do not use race or religion to identify potential threats but their website makes no mention of political affiliation. Washington has effectively turned the TSA into their personal strong arm to prevent disinters from freely traveling.
Gabbard uncoincidentally delivered a message during a prime-time interview the day before her travels that explained why Kamala Harris is unfit to lead America. This was a clear act of political retaliation and a display of how far the establishment’s web is spun throughout every public agency. “The deepest pain and harm and stress that has been caused by all of this is that forever going forward I will always be looking over my shoulder wondering if and how my government is surveilling me,” Gabbard added.
We knew that the Democrats were not above prosecuting and jailing their political opponents. We saw how they called upon Big Tech to silent all voices who disagree with them. Now they have heightened their tyranny by attempting to restrict the freedom of movement of law-abiding citizens. It has become outright dangerous to openly support Donald Trump under Biden-Harris and ANYONE who disagrees with leftist ideology can become a criminal. The original purpose of the TSA combatting terrorism after the 9/11 attacks has been lost.
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iamnmbr3 · 10 months
Hamas is not Palestine but it is made of Palestinian people (even if the leadership resides in Qatar), it was the Palestinian civilians who delivered the escaped hostage back to Hamas, and it's the Palestinian people who take part in the the terrorist organization.
It's good to acknowledge that Hamas doesn't represent Palestinian people but it also sounds odd to pretend that it's some removed organization that just happens to reside in Gaza.
Yes of course there are Palestinians who support or are members of Hamas just like there are Americans who support Trump or who participated in the January 6th terrorist attack at the Capitol. That doesn't mean the MAGA movement represents all Americans or actually benefits the US. There are also Palestinians who have risked their lives to stand up to Hamas - and Palestinians who have been killed for such resistance.
Hamas's narrative is that they are freedom fighters who represent the Palestinian people. I reject that narrative. They are corrupt and brutal oppressors. They steal money intended to aid their populace and use it for weapons or for luxuries for their corrupt billionaire leaders. Since gaining power following Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza they have inflicted suffering and oppression on the Palestinian people there. They don't stand for freedom or Palestine or Gaza or Islam or any cause despite what they and their supporters claim. They aren't activists or freedom fighters. They are brutal terrorists who rape and torture and murder because they have an insatiable lust for blood.
They are abhorrent as is anyone who supports them.
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Everyone reading this knows that MAGA will try to tamper with the jurors--and even the witnesses—to help Donald Trump in his criminal trial that began Monday in New York. That is why the judge presiding over the case, Juan Merchan, ordered that the names of the prospective jurors be kept anonymous citing "a likelihood of bribery, jury tampering, or of physical injury or harassment of juror(s)."  While Trump’s lawyers will be provided with the potential  juror’s names so they can research them, Judge Merchan’s partial gag order expressly bars Trump from “making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding” as well as witnesses. That is something you would expect in a criminal trial for a mob boss or leader of a terrorist movement.  But then again, Trump is both a mob boss and the leader of domestic terrorist movement as the head of the violent, criminal enterprise known as MAGA.
In fact, Trump has been called the “Teflon Don” after New York mobster John Gotti who escaped criminal convictions in a few high profile cases in the 1980’s.  Those cases are instructive as to what we may see from MAGA in Trump’s current case. In Gotti’s first well-publicized criminal case in 1986, his minions threatened a witness who conveniently got a case of amnesia in the courtroom and was unable to identify Gotti as the man who robbed and assaulted him. Gotti walked. And then in Gotti’s 1987 trial, a person named George Pape was able to get on the jury by withholding information that he was a close friend of someone connected to Gotti.  Once on the jury, Pape was paid $60,000 by a Gotti intermediary to help the mobster beat the case—which Gotti did. Pape was later charged and convicted for crimes in connection with this bribe. In 1992, though, when there was neither jury nor witness tampering, Gotti was convicted of very serious felonies.
Turning to Trump’s case, on Monday we already saw clear evidence that MAGA would attempt to tamper with Trump’s jury to help him. One of the most jarring and overt attempts came from MAGA Rep. Byron Donalds who told viewers Monday on Newsmax to get on the jury and vote to acquit Trump regardless of the evidence. I’m not exaggerating. The Florida Congressman stated, “My plea is to the people of Manhattan that may sit on this trial: Please do the right thing for this country.”  He continued, “Everybody’s allowed to have their political viewpoints, but the law is supposed to be blind and no respecter of persons.” At this point, if Donalds had ended his plea by saying please follow the evidence and be guided accordingly, that would be fine. Instead, this MAGA soldier directly told the people of Manhattan who might be watching: “This is a trash case, there is no crime here, and if there is any potential for a verdict, they should vote not guilty.”
Here is a sitting member of Congress telling people who watch the pro-Trump Newsmax that if they live in Manhattan and are called to be a juror on the case, they should ignore the evidence and vote to acquit Trump. All that was missing was the $60,000 payment that Gotti offered the juror in his case. Then there was Fox News contributor Clay Travis who Monday morning—with the Trump jury selection about to begin—made an even more direct appeal to his more than one million followers on Twitter to ignore the evidence and help Trump.  Travis wrote, “If you’re a Trump supporter in New York City who is a part of the jury pool, do everything you can to get seated on the jury and then refuse to convict as a matter of principle, dooming the case via hung jury. It’s the most patriotic thing you could possibly do.”
Travis—with the line “do everything you can to get seated on the jury” -- was telling prospective jurors to follow the Gotti playbook of withholding vital information from the court of their obvious bias. Then ignore the evidence and cause a hung jury. In response to Travis’s post, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell—a former prosecutor—tweeted: “Jury tampering. That’s what they do. *It’s a felony.”  And National security attorney Bradley Moss  wrote on social media, “Clay is arguably conspiring to commit jury tampering here by encouraging someone to deliberately engage in jury nullification.” Those two were the most in your face attempts at jury tampering. Others, like MAGA Rep. Elise Stefanik from New York, were more subtle in trying to influence prospective jurors in her home state. On Monday she wrote on Twitter that the judge presiding over the case was “corrupt” and that this was, “A 6-8 week show trial... Total election interference.” This line of attack-- echoed by many Republicans including MAGA Senator JD Vance-- is a more subtle form of jury tampering where these elected officials are intentionally attempting to influence prospective jurors about the case before they see the evidence.
Dean Obeidallah bringing the heat on MAGA jury tamperers in the Trump business deal falsification trial.
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tearsinthemist · 4 months
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By Chauncey Devega
Donald Trump is a dictator in waiting. Like other dictators, he is threatening to put his "enemies" in prison – and to do even worse things to them. These are not idle threats or empty acts of ideation: Donald Trump is a violent man who is a proven enemy of democracy and freedom.
These threats of violence against his enemies are part of a much larger pattern of violent and dangerous behavior that is only growing worse as he faces criminal trials and the possibility of going to prison for hundreds of years.
In the most recent example, Donald Trump told Glenn Beck during an interview last week that he is going to put President Biden and other "enemies" in prison when he takes by the White House in 2025.
In a Sunday evening post on his Truth Social disinformation social media platform, Trump was even more explicit with his threats of violence and harm, threatening that he would treat Biden and the other "enemies" like they do in "banana republics":
“The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it's our turn. They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. So cheap and dirty, but that's where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!”
In "banana republics" the enemies of the leader and the regime are usually imprisoned, tortured, executed, and face death squads and mass executions. Trump himself has publicly expressed his admiration for murderous dictators and autocrats such as Vladimir Putin and N. Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
The corporate news media — with MSNBC being a notable exception — as is their policy, mostly ignored Trump's most recent threats to kill and imprison President Joe Biden and the other "enemies" of the MAGA movement. Ignoring the danger will not make it disappear or otherwise go away; moreover, to ignore Trumpism and neofascism is to normalize them.
During an interview Saturday on MSNBC, Miles Taylor, who was a senior member of Trump's administration and author of the New York Times' "Anonymous" op-ed, warned that the ex-president's desires to imprison his "enemies" are not new:
“A number of folks who worked in the Trump administration with me and have since spoken out against the ex-president, we joke darkly about the fact that in a second term, a number of us will be in orange jumpsuits in Guantanamo Bay. I say that the comment is half facetious because Donald Trump actually did have a vision while I was in the administration to go use the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay to house political prisoners. And in that case what he wanted to do is use it to move people from the southern border to send a message and put them in the same place where people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, sits behind bars, and send a message. The only reason Donald Trump didn't start sending people to Gitmo is because he was convinced it would be too expensive, and the facility couldn't house the number of people he wanted to send there. That was the mindset of the man when he was President of the United States. You have seen him since double down on his intention to again use the justice system for political purposes, and specifically admitting that he would do so to go after his enemies. I think that's very chilling.”
In a recent conversation here at Salon, Taylor also issued this warning:
“If I were to bet on who is going to be the next president of the United States, I would put my money on Donald Trump. Obviously, that is the last thing I want to see happen. But if I had to make a bet today, despite the impeachments and the indictments, and the widespread opposition to him, I think he's likely to be the next President of the United States. That should be a five-alarm fire for our democracy. Our democracy right now is at very grave risk of going through a period of destruction, and in many ways it already has. … As the saying goes, 'Stalin was bad, but the little Stalins were a hell of a lot worse.' And that is what we would be seeing in a second Trump term. As bad as Donald Trump will be if he wins a second term, his lieutenants will likely be people who are even more evil than he is. That is going to be true of Trump's successors too because they will be following his authoritarian playbook to win the MAGA base.”
During a fake interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson two weeks ago, Trump engaged in obvious acts of mental projection and fantasy as he shared his fears of being assassinated by "the left", the Democrats, the "deep state" and other imagined enemies.
These lies are part of a right-wing disinformation campaign in service to the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 presidential election and that it was stolen from him by Biden and the Democrats. No evidence exists to support such claims.
The reality: Law enforcement and other experts have repeatedly warned (and documented) that the greatest threat to the country's domestic safety is from right-wing extremism. One such right-wing terrorist, a neo-Nazi terrorist, murdered three black people at a Dollar General Store in Jacksonville, Florida two Saturdays ago.
The "enemies" that Trump and his next regime want to put in prison or worse, include not just President Biden, the Democratic Party's leadership, and the members of law enforcement who are prosecuting Trump for his crimes, but all people who he and the Republican fascists and MAGA movement deem to be "the enemy" and "un-American".
Here are some specific examples.
If you do not support Donald Trump and the Republican fascists and the MAGA movement (or are deemed insufficiently loyal) you will face prison or worse.
The American right-wing wing has been trained for decades by their news media and other political leaders and influentials to believe that Democrats, liberals, progressives, feminists and others who are not "real Americans" are to be eliminated and subjected to other genocidal violence.
If you are a black or brown person, a Muslim, Jewish, an atheist, not a White Christian, a members of the LGBTQIA+ community, believe in women's reproductive rights and freedoms, are deemed to be "Woke" or tainted by the "Critical Race Theory Mind Virus" or otherwise deemed to be the Other you will also be targeted by Trump's next regime and movement.
Dictators and other authoritarians expand the category of "the enemy" in response to political necessity and the whims, grievances, and others mercurial needs and impulses of the leader(s). This dynamic is even more powerful in a political personality cult such as Trumpism.
Even more so in personality cult such as Trumpism. No American, not even Trump's MAGA supporters and other Republican voters, will be safe from being put in prison or targeted for violence by the next Trump regime.
Trump and his advisers are actively creating the infrastructure for him to follow through on his plans to be a dictator when/if he retakes the White House in 2025. Trump's Agenda 47 is a plan to radically remake the presidency and American government (and American society) in service to his neo-fascist vision that includes such goals as ending birthright citizenship, criminalizing migrants and refugees, putting homeless people in camps, instituting national stop and frisk laws, restricting freedom of the press, ending academic freedom at the country's universities, colleges and other institutions of higher education, replacing quality public education that teaches critical thinking and the country's real history with a form of fascist "patriotic" indoctrination, ending environmental regulations, more gangster capitalism and power for the richest Americans and corporations, reversing the progress of the civil rights movement and the Black Freedom Struggle, taking away the rights of gays and lesbians and other queer people, further restricting women's civil and human rights, and ending US support for Ukraine.
Project 2025 is a strategy that has been developed by right-wing think tanks and interest groups such as the Heritage Foundation. The main focus of Project 2025 is to launch a blitzkrieg assault on the American government by ending career civil service and replacing it with Trump loyalists with the goal of eliminating any internal opposition to the Trump dictatorship. In essence, these Trump loyalists will place his vision above the Constitution and the rule of law.
Salon's Areeba Shah explains more:
“A network of conservative groups is gearing up for the potential reelection of Donald Trump, actively enlisting an "army" of Americans to come to Washington with a mission to disassemble the federal government and substitute it with a vision that aligns more closely with their own beliefs and ideas, according to The Associated Press.
Organized by the Heritage Foundation, the sweeping new initiative called Project 2025, offers a policy agenda, transition plan, a playbook for the first 180 days and a personnel database for the next GOP president to access from the very beginning to take control, reform, and eliminate what Republicans criticize as the "deep state" bureaucracy. Their plan includes the possibility of firing as many as 50,000 federal employees.
Democracy experts view Project 2025 as an authoritarian attempt to seize power by filling the federal government, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, with unwavering Trump supporters, which could potentially erode the country's system of checks and balances.
"The irony of course is that in the name of 'draining the swamp', it creates opportunities to make the federal government actually quite corrupt and turn the country into a more authoritarian kind of government," Matt Dallek, a professor at George Washington's Graduate School of Political Management, who studies the American right, told Salon.”
Those who remain in denial about the realities of Trump's plans to become a dictator and the country's worsening democracy crisis, would likely object to these warnings with foolish deflections such as Trump is just making "empty threats" and that he is "disorganized and not disciplined" and "the law would stop him" because "of American Exceptionalism" and "the institutions and the guardrails of democracy…"
Such voices have learned little, which seven years later is a choice, from the Age of Trump, the horrors it unleashed, and the system's failures that vomited it out.
By definition, fascists and other authoritarians such as Donald Trump and his fake populist MAGA movement do not care about the law or "institutions". The cry "that's illegal!" is one of the final things that many people in societies around the world have said when an authoritarian and their forces take power.
In addition, the last seven years have also highlighted how vulnerable and weak America's governing social and political institutions are to neofascism and other forms of authoritarianism and illiberalism. A second Trump regime, and the Republican Party and "conservative movement" more generally, have gained great experience with exploiting these vulnerabilities and are now trying to fully explode them – from both inside and outside the country's governing institutions.
The most foolish and dangerous example of wish-casting is the argument that "Trump can't win anyway" or that he will be in prison or disqualified under the 14th Amendment. Trump is a symbol and leader of a movement. The decades-long neofascist campaign to end multiracial pluralistic democracy will continue without him and will likely become even more effective and dangerous if a committed and disciplined ideologue in the mold of Ron DeSantis were to become its leader.
Or perhaps those members of the news media, political class, and among the general public who want to ignore or downplay Trump's escalating dictatorial threats would heed the warnings of former Republicans, the same people who helped to create the circumstances for Trump and the MAGA movement's rise to power?
As a group those Never-Trumpers and other pro-democracy voices from the "conservative" movement are sounding the alarm, almost screaming, that Donald Trump means everything that he says about becoming a dictator for life and getting revenge on those people who dare(d) to oppose him. Those same people are also warning, repeatedly, that Trump's chances of winning the 2024 Election are much higher than the mainstream news media and pundit class want to admit.
If Donald Trump was a private citizen and he was threatening his neighbors with violence and other harm, he would likely be put in jail or otherwise removed from society. But Donald Trump is not a regular person. He is a former president who commands the loyalty of tens of millions of people. When a person tells you who they are believe them. That wisdom and warning most certainly applies to Trump and his MAGAites and the other neofascists and members of the white right. Denial will not save you no matter how much you wish it would.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 11 months
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There is a Christo-fascist in the House!
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
I remember it vividly. During the Vietnam war in the 60s, the overall sense of helplessness among Americans as the U.S. Air Force dropped bombs on Vietnamese villages full of children, mothers, elderly people, and other innocent humans. The government said that the Viet Cong were among the peasants and was using them as human shields. Those civilians were merely “collateral damage.” In other words: oops! It got to the point, during the anti-war movement, where every tactic we employed was futile. Demonstrations, civil disobedience, voting for liberal Democrats. The killing continued. So, what could we do? A group of militants from SDS became “The Weathermen” and utilized terrorist methods, like planting bombs in public buildings or at corporate headquarters. It didn’t work!
Doesn’t that sound familiar? You see, if you criticized the U.S. government then for its war strategies, you were “anti-American.” The Conservatives were stanch supporters of the war in Vietnam. After all, not only was this a war against communism, it was also a war on yellow people! Bumper stickers abounded on 10-year-old cars: “Love it or leave it!” along with antenna-mounted American flags! My favorite Bumper sticker was: “Don’t like the police? Next time you are in trouble, call a hippie!” One thing they used to talk about was the man-made tunnels in which the Viet Cong hid.
The same thing exists in Gaza city; Hamas has tunnels everywhere! That is why Israel must flush them out by carpet bombing the city! So, if civilians are crushed under collapsing buildings, oh well. Blame it on Hamas! If they’d never attacked Israel, then nobody would have gotten hurt! In this war, if you criticize Israel, you are Anti-Semitic! History repeats itself, repeatedly.
The primary reason I hate Hamas is because they are Theocrats. They want Palestine to be an Islamic state. Israel is a Secular democracy and an asylum for Jews in the diaspora. There are some Judeo-Fascists who want to turn Isael into a Theocratic state, as well as a separatist state for Jews only. “Kick out all non-Jews!” This was the Rabbi Kahani doctrine when he was Aliyah to Israel. He was the founder of the American Jewish Defense League. They were a Right wing militia group for Jews. Got the picture?
Here is more bad news: The MAGA Republicans are one step closer to making America a Christian state. In Congress, the Republican majority just elected a certified Christian-Nationalist to be Speaker of the House. If that doesn’t put a chill in your spine, then you must be high on meth! Maybe you ought to forget your family problems and show a little concern. If not, well I don’t give a happy shit! You got so many warnings from the Anti-Authoritarian Left. If you believe it’s only a shower, then take off your clothes and walk in and get a whiff of Zyklon B. When Democrats warn you about the dangers of a fascist state, then you know you are the deep state. The Democrats never used the word, “fascist” until now.
You should worry. When the God Squad enters your homes and conducts a search for anti-American books and other Satanic contraband, then hauls you into Jesus’ camp for owning an art book full of photos of 17th Century paintings of nude, fat women, then you will say, “The far out Left was correct! Politically correct! Go ahead—laugh now, cry later.
Me? I will protect my family the best I can, but I will laugh at your tears the way you laughed at me. I will get the last laugh.
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bopinion · 8 months
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2024 / 04
Aperçu of the Week:
"It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it."
(Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan in "A League of Their Own" 1992)
Bad News of the Week:
"The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before." Is this a statement of a lunatic holed up in the basement waiting for the social apocalypse? No, it comes from Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation. And it is the foreword to "Mandate for Leadership" of the "Project 2025 - Presidential Transition Project" - in effect Donald Jessica Trump's government program.
The almost 900-page paper outlines a takeover of power that has probably never before been prepared in such detail and, above all, publicly. It is intended to be the blueprint for the actions of a new conservative government. Which will be quite radical. Of course, this is not official, but the personal intertwining of this party-political think tank, the institutional MAGA heads and Trump's slowly crystallizing shadow cabinet alone makes you sit up and take notice.
Here are just three examples that should make every upright Democrat angry: The USA should withdraw from the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - because global elites contradict US sovereignty and only cost money unnecessarily. The "war on fossil fuels" should finally be ended - because these are "not an environmental problem, but the blood of the economic cycle". The country's external borders are to be "sealed", especially trade with China is to be stopped - because undermining the country's industrial base has to be stopped.
However, the core of "Project 2025" is the personnel policy. Project leader Paul Dans writes "Our goal is to create an army of tested, trained and prepared conservatives who will set about dismantling the administrative state from day one". And Dans is not just anyone: during Trump's first term in office, he was jointly responsible for personnel policy in the White House.
For Trump, the years in the White House were above all a story of betrayal, as he describes it today. By bureaucrats and RINOs ("Republican in name only") who refused to give him the unconditional allegiance he expected. This time he will purge all leadership positions in all institutions of members of the establishment and the Deep State. He has learned that he must also control the bureaucracy. And he will leave his mark on the USA for years to come.
With the arch-conservative dominance he has created in the Supreme Court, Trump himself has set the benchmark for this. He has also reorganized the EPA (Environment Protection Agency), pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran, imposed punitive tariffs on China and Europe, withdrawn US troops from Syria, courted Vladimir Putin and left the Paris Climate Agreement.
Trump has achieved all of this against stubborn resistance. The "adults in the room", officials who remained in bureaucratic positions, prevented him from doing even more, such as leaving NATO or denying entry to Muslims across the border. He sees that as a mistake - one he would certainly not repeat. I don't like Nikki Haley. Neither programmatically nor personally. But she would be the lesser of two evils. After all, she doesn't want to lay the cornerstones of the Western community of values to waste. After all.
Good News of the Week:
There could be positive movement in the Gaza war. According to a report in the "New York Times", which cites US government circles, an agreement between Israel and Hamas could be imminent. According to the report, it's about the release of hostages and a ceasefire. Discussions on a corresponding draft were to begin in Paris on Sunday.
The draft had been drawn up by US negotiators on the basis of proposals from Israel and the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. The two-stage deal envisages Hamas releasing more than 100 hostages in return for Israel ceasing its military operations in the Gaza Strip for around two months. This is linked to the hope that a lasting solution can be brokered in the meantime.
I take a critical view of the somewhat sparse composition of the consultations: in addition to the USA, which are chaired by CIA chief William Burns, only representatives of Israel, Egypt and Qatar are taking part. They are also only sending the second guard in terms of personnel. After all, Joe Biden would have discussed the talks with the heads of state of Egypt and Qatar in advance. And in the evening, Israel's first statement was that although there was a "considerable gap", the talks were constructive. So fingers crossed.
Perhaps this will happen just in time before the feared conflagration in the eternal Middle East conflict occurs. From the Houthi rebels to the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian regime - which has just achieved a breakthrough in the development of missile technology - to Russia and China, many are just waiting for the USA to withdraw from the region even further than it did under Obama. And the way is clear to attack Israel as a "western bridgehead".
Personal happy moment of the week:
My 15-year-old son cooked. For the first time, not according to personal taste (although his lasagna is legendary) or a hot tip from a TikTok video. But according to a recipe. And it worked: when I got home, dinner was ready, the table was set, nothing had gone wrong and even the mess in the kitchen was kept within pleasant limits. Very nice. Please do this once a week now. Thank you.
I couldn't care less...
...that there will soon no longer be a shortage of teachers at German elementary school. Because if you take a closer look at this Bertelsmann study, you will learn why: the coming low-birth cohorts will simply need fewer teachers. Great solution, you incompetent education policy!
It's fine with me...
...that the French capital is fighting back against the farmers' protests. I live in a farming village myself and have the greatest respect for this profession. Nevertheless, I lack a little understanding for their unwillingness to move a little in the face of changing conditions too. When I look at the budget distribution in the EU (I don't know the French budget), there is no group that is subsidized more. If whoever, wherever, whenever starts to introduce real costs, I will be there enthusiastically - because that is the real problem.
As I write this...
...I am driving home from an annual company event in Baden-Württemberg. Where employees from different locations meet, who otherwise usually only know each other by phone or from online meetings. This time, too, there was an interesting exchange, excellent food and a good mood. It was just a shame that I had to miss a friend's 50th birthday, which was taking place at the same time. One negative highlight of the evening was completely unexpected: an armed hostage situation occurred a few houses away from us, but it ended well. It was probably just random luck that the perpetrator hadn't chosen the location we were in. Phew...
Post Scriptum
At the European Party Conference, the Social Democratic SPD sent its lead candidate Katarina Barley into the upcoming elections with a tailwind. The Vice-President of the European Parliament received 98.7% of the vote and a fairly clear program for Europe and against the right. What is astonishing is the prominent role that Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to play in the election campaign, as his poll ratings are in the basement. The argument in his favor is simple - and true: he has proven himself to be a convinced European and achieved quite something in the two years of his government so far. I hope that the European elections will focus precisely on this. And that it is not misused as a wave of protest against the traffic light coalition. Because Germany needs Europe at least as much as Europe needs Germany.
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meret118 · 1 year
He's going to become even more dangerous as he becomes increasingly cornered in court. He needs to be placed under a gag order, and his passport taken away. When he breaks the gag order, which he will, throw his ass in jail. He's a terrorist and a traitor.
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For decades Iranian and Saudi money has been paying for propaganda that targets elitist American liberals. They know Republican shitheads will never leave the Middle East be so they have been covertly trying to sway academics and other liberal leaders into their camps. They have been quietly influencing far left academic circles and it has trickled out into the larger left leaning community.
There’s nothing more polarizing than the Middle East and whichever group you back will be the wrong choice. I don’t know who’s been running their mouths over at the fledgling Starbucks union but they need to zip it and stop taking sides in a Middle East conflict. Their job is to gain better pay and working conditions for their members, PERIOD. This bullshit from one person drinking Kool-Aid could cripple the entire revitalized and burgeoning labor movement. This is exactly the kind of thing the oligarchs want to turn the public against the unions. They’re already exploiting it and possibly had a hand in it covertly.
BLM is another group showing “solidarity” with people in the Middle East when they should be focusing on the grave and severe MAGA/police war on African-Americans. MAGA propaganda has capitalized on this and many of their numbskull followers have this bizarre and irrational fear of BLM as a terrorist movement which is complete bullshit.
We must be aware of optics and keep our eyes on our goals which we are far from realizing. We are potentially one election away from a fascist dictatorship and members of our side are risking it all on literally the most divisive issue in history. I keep repeating this for good reason, we need everyone on the same page voting blue. Protest Netanyahu on your own and DO NOT MAKE IT A MATTER OF DEMOCRATIC POLICY. This will only cost us votes and lose us elections. Do you really want a repeat of 2016 with a bunch of us sitting at home and not voting out of spite.
If the RepubliKKKlans win then we lose, the Palestinians lose, and Muslims everywhere will lose. Israel and the Jewish people will also ironically lose because MAGAts hate both groups and definitely will smash both along with us on the American left.
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reality-detective · 9 months
The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell. Part 2
Black Swan. It is the favorite New World Order term. The NWO would have us believe that a Black Swan event is an unfortunate event created by the Russians, MAGA terrorists, or anonymous hackers. Not a looming premeditated war gamed genocidal treasonous act by an establishment fueled by the insanity of a totalitarian Eugenicist movement careening off the tracks. 🤔
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awkwardpariah · 1 year
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The Insurgency: After the MAGA regime fell in November of 2031 a crop of secessionist states and terrorist organizations rose from the Ashes. Most fell mere months after their formation like the Christian Republic centered in Western Nebraska and the 2nd Texas Republic around Amarillo. However, some groups managed to hold out for years. The most infamous: the American Redoubt in the Northern Rockies. Founded by the most extreme elements of the NDF and the Atomwaffen terrorist organization, they managed to keep fighting a guerilla war for 4 years thanks to their massive stockpiles of small arms. The Other War: When AOC took office, most people expected her Green New Deal to be shelved in favor of a more pragmatic, i.e. oil based, war economy. By 2032 her decision was paying real dividends. With so many oil, gas, and coal sources behind enemy lines, modernizing the country's energy grid not only proved essential to war production, but kicked off an economic boom in the Southwest, a region rapidly becoming known as the new "World's Factory." But an unlikely hero in the fight for climate change was the fledgling algae farming industry. Once limited to a handful of small sites in Los Angeles and San Francisco, the country's need for a reliable source of protein without land for livestock feed kickstarted a boom in the demand for genetically modified algae derived proteins. By 2032 once empty desert in California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado were blanketed in algae greenhouses that not only provided a stable source of food, but also extracted a good deal of CO2 from the air, and increased the Earth's albedo, cooling the planet. The Big Linkup: After 3 years of fighting, and the hard slog across the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, Army Groups East and West meet at Burlington, Colorado. For most people, this signals the end of the war, and indeed it does for the government as well. Both army groups will reduce in size considerably, and the conflict against the insurgents will transition over to a primarily counter-terrorist campaign against the insurgent cells. Air power and special forces units will do the bulk of the fighting from now on. Election 2032: There was no question about AOC seeking a 2nd term, and after the collapse of the MAGA regime, the idea of challenging her for the nomination seemed absurd. By the Democratic National Convention, AOC was at the height of her power and used it to finally dump Pete Buttigieg and nominate a strong VP that wouldn't try to undermine her: Senate Finance Committee Chair Katie Porter. The National Union Party puts up Utah Governor Joel Ferry, one of the few National Union Green New Dealers. The National Union Party makes a strong showing among suburban voters who are still no fans of AOC's progressive agenda, particularly with regard to her war on their portfolios, but ultimately the President wins her re-election bid thanks to the success in the war and on crafting a strong social safety-net. Crafting a New Order: 2033 is a year for ends and new beginnings. Mitt Romney dies at 86 in the middle of his third Senate term. The Senator leaves behind a legacy as the leader of the wartime loyal opposition, and in many ways the last man to carry Ronald Reagan's torch. Not long after Romney's death, Congress passes the 29th Amendment to the Constitution, which establishes informed consent and in effect bodily autonomy, an unalienable right. By Summer, those who tried to destroy those rights are charged with high treason and crimes against humanity. To cap off the year, Donald Trump Sr. is taken off life support. The former President had been brain dead for almost 3 years, kept alive by his family to maintain their legitimacy as leaders of the MAGA movement. Artemis VI: In 2029, Artemis VI lifted off from Cape Canaveral carrying six astronauts to the Gateway station and then onto Shackleton Base in the Lunar South Pole. The mission was the final flight of the SLS rocket, rushed into service before the Cape was completely surrounded by the NDF. The crew had a single assignment: mine as much water ice as was possible to keep the newly nationalized fleet of on-orbit servicing satellites, and by extension every other satellite, fueled and flying for the duration of the war. The Rebs captured the team at Kennedy Space Center, and the 2030 hurricane season trashed the Cape. No further launches could be safely conducted beyond small supply flights out of Wallops until 2034. When the Artemis 6 returned to Earth their bodies were frail, having lost muscle and bone density. But radiation damage was minimal thanks to their decision to move Shackleton into a nearby lunar lava tube. VA Day: On May 26, 2035 the town of Salmon, Idaho was completely destroyed by a combined air an artillery campaign that had been going on for a week. Salmon was the last hold out of the American Redoubt terrorist state, and its destruction finally brought Victory in America. VA Day was, in practice, a technicality. The Redoubt hadn't been able to threaten anyone outside of the Idaho panhandle for over a year, and for 4 years the insurgency had been limited to the Rockies and Appalachia. But on that day Americans everywhere celebrated the end of the bloodiest war in our country's history. Almost 9 million people had died, 2.5% of the population. 50 million people had been displaced and the war had cost the country trillions to bring to a close. Justice was still being sought by those who suffered under the MAGA regime, with Congress finally agreeing to hold a vote on the proposed War Reparations bonus to the UBI system. But for many, the debt of the war can never be paid. New Normal: With the war over Congress sets out to keep the victory they fought so hard for. A new amendment is sent to the still readmitting states for ratification, one that would give Congress the power to regulate redistricting, campaign finance, and places the country under a Ranked Choice/Popular Vote system for all elected offices, including the President. Meanwhile, the government also struggles to right many wrongs of the war, particularly with regard to the million or so Americans still displaced from the War. With the elections of 2036 on the horizon, nobody wants to be held responsible for making hard decisions. But at least one more is made with Congress agreeing not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to simply assume the war debts of the rebel states, rather than consigning them to financial ruin. <-Part III  \ Part IV
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