#Loyalty Program Benefits
loudruinsnightmare · 3 months
Branch Brook Loyalty Pharmacy: How To Start a Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program in 2024?
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In today's competitive market, customer loyalty is crucial for the success of any business, and pharmacies are no exception. A well-designed Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program can significantly enhance customer retention and drive business growth. At Branch Brook Loyalty Pharmacy, we understand the importance of building strong relationships with our customers. This blog will guide you on how to start a retail pharmacy loyalty program in 2024, covering essential strategies, benefits, and practical steps to ensure success.
Understanding the Importance of a Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program
What is a Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program?
A Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program is a structured marketing strategy designed to reward loyal customers and encourage repeat business. These programs typically offer points, discounts, or other incentives for purchases, refills, and other interactions with the pharmacy.
Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program Stats (2024)
StatisticSourceDescriptionCustomer Loyalty & RetentionPwC72% of US consumers prioritize businesses with loyalty programs.Customer Loyalty & RetentionFrederick ReichheldLoyal customers are 5x more likely to repurchase, 4x more likely to recommend, and spend 14% more than non-loyal customers.Benefits of Loyalty ProgramsBond Brand LoyaltyBusinesses with loyalty programs see a 20% increase in sales compared to those without.Benefits of Loyalty ProgramsMarketo73% of US millennials are more likely to do business with a company that offers a loyalty program.Personalization & EngagementMcKinsey & Company80% of customers are more likely to do business with a company that provides personalized experiences.Personalization & EngagementPwC66% of consumers expect brands to understand their needs and expectations.Social Media & Email MarketingCoalition71% of consumers who receive a loyalty program email feel more valued.Social Media & Email MarketingBond Brand Loyalty
54% of consumers are more likely to join a program with exclusive social media content
Benefits of a Pharmacy Loyalty Program 2024
Implementing a pharmacy loyalty program offers numerous benefits:
Increased Customer Retention: Loyal customers are more likely to return, boosting sales and revenue.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Engaging customers through rewards and personalized offers strengthens relationships.
Improved Customer Satisfaction: Providing value through rewards enhances the overall customer experience.
Competitive Advantage: A unique loyalty program can differentiate your pharmacy from competitors.
Steps to Start a Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program
Step 1: Define Your Goals
Before launching your pharmacy loyalty program, it's essential to define clear goals. Consider what you want to achieve, such as increasing customer retention, boosting sales, or enhancing customer engagement. At Branch Brook Loyalty Pharmacy, our primary goal is to build long-term relationships with our customers while providing exceptional value.
Step 2: Understand Your Customer Base
Knowing your customers is crucial for designing an effective pharmacy loyalty program 2024. Gather data on customer preferences, buying habits, and demographics. This information will help tailor your program to meet their needs and expectations.
Step 3: Choose the Right Loyalty Program Structure
There are various structures to consider for your retail pharmacy loyalty program:
Point-Based Systems: Customers earn points for each purchase, which can be redeemed for rewards.
Tiered Programs: Offer different levels of rewards based on customer spending or engagement.
Paid Memberships: Charge a fee for exclusive access to benefits and discounts.
Referral Programs: Reward customers for referring new clients to your pharmacy.
Step 4: Develop Attractive Rewards
To attract and retain customers, offer rewards that provide real value. Consider discounts on products, free health consultations, or exclusive access to health workshops. Ensure that the rewards are attainable and meaningful to your customer base.
Step 5: Implement Technology Solutions
Leveraging technology is essential for managing your pharmacy loyalty program. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to track purchases, manage points, and analyze customer data. At Branch Brook Loyalty Pharmacy, we utilize advanced software to ensure seamless program management and an excellent customer experience.
Step 6: Train Your Staff
Your staff plays a crucial role in the success of your pharmacy loyalty program. Provide comprehensive training on the program's details, benefits, and processes. Ensure that they can explain the program to customers and encourage participation.
Step 7: Promote Your Loyalty Program
Marketing is key to the success of your retail pharmacy loyalty program. Utilize various channels to promote the program, including in-store signage, email newsletters, social media, and your pharmacy's website. Highlight the benefits and value of joining the program to attract more customers.
Pharmacy Loyalty Strategies for Success
Enhancing Customer Loyalty in Pharmacy
1. Personalization
Personalize your communications and rewards to make customers feel valued. Use data to send targeted offers and recommendations based on their purchase history and preferences.
2. Consistent Engagement
Regularly engage with your customers through various touchpoints. Send reminders for refills, health tips, and updates on new rewards or program features.
Pharmacy Customer Engagement
3. Educational Content
Provide valuable content related to health and wellness. Offer educational workshops, webinars, and newsletters to keep customers informed and engaged.
4. Feedback and Surveys
Encourage customers to provide feedback on their experiences and the loyalty program. Use this information to make improvements and show that you value their opinions.
Building Loyalty in Pharmacy
5. Excellent Customer Service
Deliver exceptional customer service at every interaction. Train your staff to be knowledgeable, friendly, and responsive to customer needs.
6. Community Involvement
Get involved in local community events and initiatives. This strengthens your pharmacy's reputation and fosters a sense of community among your customers.
Loyalty Program Benefits for Your Pharmacy
7. Increased Sales and Revenue
A successful retail pharmacy loyalty program can lead to increased sales as loyal customers tend to spend more. Additionally, attracting new customers through referrals can boost overall revenue.
8. Better Inventory Management
With detailed insights into customer purchasing patterns, you can optimize inventory management. This ensures that popular products are always in stock, reducing the risk of overstocking or stockouts.
Pharmacy Marketing and Promotion
9. Social Media Engagement
Use social media platforms to engage with your customers and promote your loyalty program. Share success stories, highlight rewards, and encourage customers to join the program.
10. Email Campaigns
Email marketing is an effective way to keep customers informed about program updates, exclusive offers, and new rewards. Send regular newsletters and promotional emails to maintain interest and engagement.
Retail Pharmacy Customer Retention Techniques
11. Exclusive Member Events
Host exclusive events for loyalty program members, such as health workshops or product launches. This creates a sense of exclusivity and rewards loyal customers.
12. Anniversary and Birthday Rewards
Offer special rewards on customers' birthdays and program anniversaries. These personalized gestures can enhance customer loyalty and make them feel appreciated.
Measuring Success and Making Improvements
13. Track Key Metrics
Monitor key metrics such as customer retention rates, program participation, and sales growth. Use this data to assess the effectiveness of your pharmacy loyalty program.
14. Continuous Improvement
Regularly review and update your loyalty program based on customer feedback and performance metrics. Stay adaptable and make necessary changes to keep the program relevant and valuable.
Also Read: Eye Drop Safety: Why Quality Matters After Recent Amazon Recalls
Starting a Retail Pharmacy Loyalty Program in 2024 is a strategic move to enhance customer loyalty in pharmacy, drive sales, and build long-term relationships with your customers. By understanding your customer base, offering attractive rewards, and leveraging technology, you can create a successful loyalty program. At Branch Brook Loyalty Pharmacy, we are committed to providing exceptional value and service to our customers through our innovative loyalty program. Implement these strategies and watch your pharmacy thrive with loyal, satisfied customers.
» » Reach out to us for any query: Contact us
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news4nose · 1 year
Perhaps, you’re concerned about the security of your personal information or no longer want to share your data with Macy’s. If so, deactivating your Macy's online account is a valid option.  #privacy concerns #online shopping
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loyaltyexpert · 1 year
Loyalty Program Benefits: 7 Ways You Get Channel Sales Data
Some say “data is the new oil,” some say “data is the new gold,” and some say “data is power.” 
All the proverbs make one thing crystal clear—in the contemporary digital age, data is extremely valuable for all businesses regardless of type and size.
A business that knows how to harness the power of data can be extremely wealthy and powerful in the future. And to do that, they must have the right mechanisms in place that’ll help them collect and use accurate data.
In this blog post, we discuss how manufacturing companies can leverage loyalty programs to collect and structure channel sales data. Read on and thank us later.
Here are 7 ways you can use loyalty programs to get channel sales data:
1. Automation of the Data Entry Process
In traditional loyalty programs, data collection and entry is a manual and labor-intensive process. All relevant channel partners’ data and information are confined to Excel sheets and it makes the decision-making process extremely tedious and time-consuming. 
In loyalty programs, the data collection and entry is automated and it enables manufacturing companies to collect all necessary customer data automatically.
2. Identification of Purchasing Patterns and Behavior
Traditional loyalty programs cannot identify purchasing behavior and patterns. But Modern loyalty programs  can prove to be extremely effective to track purchasing patterns and trends of channel partners, influencers, and customers. 
Channel loyalty programs can enable manufacturers to ascertain their most popular products as well as can help them make better decisions on potential sales. When manufacturers know which products sell the most and which don’t sell as much, they can make better-informed decisions about their products.
3. Greater Accuracy 
In traditional loyalty programs, the manual data collection and compilation process is prone to human errors. But in the case of channel sales programs, the data collection processes are completely automated and completely free of errors. 
4. Best Rewards For Our Channel Sales 
Loyalty programs can provide data on the best rewards for channel sales. Based on the data, manufacturers can understand which rewards create the highest engagement and retention as well as modify their incentives and rewards accordingly. 
By leveraging loyalty programs, manufacturers can provide the best rewards to their channel partners and win their trust and loyalty in a much more efficient way.
5. Efficient Collection of Sales Data
Sales data are gold dust for manufacturing companies and firms. The right sales data can help businesses make strategic and valuable decisions. 
Loyalty programs can help manufacturers in the collection of sales data as well as provide them with a better understanding of their channel partners. That enables them in shaping their marketing and sales strategies
6. Provide a Broad Look at Channel Sales Data 
One of the most important benefits of loyalty programs is that they can provide manufacturers with a broad look at their channel sales data. Instead of depending on the information obtained from one particular sales channel, manufacturers can gain insight into how their channel partners and influencers are performing across all channels. 
Aside from that, channel loyalty programs can enable businesses to understand how customers interact with each channel. For instance, using loyalty programs manufacturers can gain insight into the most popular channel among channel partners, trends, and conversion rates. Manufacturers can use the data to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments.
Suggested Read: 7 Steps to Build an Effective Channel Loyalty Program
7. Measure the Impact of Promotional Campaigns
Manufacturers can use the data from channel loyalty programs to track and measure the impact of promotional campaigns and know which marketing and advertising strategies are working and which ones need improvement. 
They can use the data to refine future marketing strategies as well as capture a wide range of sales data. Loyalty programs can provide manufacturers with actionable insights.
Finally, it may be concluded,
At LoyaltyXpert, we have years of proven track record of designing and creating high-quality channel loyalty programs for all types of B2B and manufacturing companies.
With our loyalty programs, we have helped many B2B firms in the collection of critical channel sales data. If you are looking for a reputable and reliable digital loyalty software provider, then contact us today to book a free demo.
This blog is already posted here.
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intelisync · 24 days
Blockchain Loyalty: 5 Tips for 30% More Retention
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What if you could boost customer retention by 30% using a technology that guarantees transparency, security, and personalization? Blockchain is transforming loyalty programs, turning customer retention into a strategic advantage. Learn how this innovative technology can reshape your business.
Blockchain technology is ushering in a new era for customer loyalty programs, offering businesses the tools to increase retention by up to 30%. Unlike traditional systems, blockchain’s decentralized structure ensures that all transactions are transparent, tamper-proof, and secure, fostering greater trust between businesses and their customers. This technology enables the creation of highly personalized loyalty programs through smart contracts and tokenization, where customers can redeem rewards across multiple platforms, thereby enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
The advanced security features of blockchain also safeguard customer data, preventing fraud and boosting confidence in the loyalty program. As the technology evolves, it opens up new possibilities for businesses to design customer-centric programs that adapt to changing preferences, leading to sustained loyalty and long-term growth.
Beyond transparency and security, blockchain offers scalability and cost-efficiency, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to expand their loyalty initiatives without overwhelming their existing systems. Integrating blockchain with gamification and other innovative strategies allows companies to create more dynamic and engaging loyalty experiences that resonate with customers.
This approach not only drives retention but also provides a competitive edge in a crowded market. By leveraging blockchain’s capabilities, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, offering more responsive and flexible loyalty programs that meet the evolving needs of their customers.
For businesses ready to harness the full potential of blockchain in their loyalty programs, Intelisync is the partner you need. As leaders in blockchain development, Intelisync offers tailored solutions that help businesses implement this transformative technology with ease.
With a focus on security, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, Intelisync is committed to guiding your business toward remarkable retention and success. Take the next step in revolutionizing your loyalty programs—contact Intelisync today and discover how blockchain can redefine your Learn more...
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pointsplus · 5 months
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Introducing POINTS PLUS: Revolutionizing Retail Loyalty Programs
In an era where customer loyalty can make or break a business, innovative approaches to incentivize and reward consumers are paramount. Enter POINTS PLUS, a pioneering loyalty program designed to elevate the retail experience for both retailers and shoppers alike. More than just a points system, POINTS PLUS represents a paradigm shift in how businesses engage with their customers, fostering lasting relationships built on mutual benefit and satisfaction.
At its core, POINTS PLUS is a comprehensive platform that seamlessly integrates into retailers' existing operations, offering a range of features tailored to meet the evolving needs of today's marketplace. Whether it's a brick-and-mortar store or an online e-commerce platform, POINTS PLUS provides retailers with the tools they need to drive customer engagement, increase sales, and cultivate brand loyalty.
For consumers, POINTS PLUS promises a rewarding shopping experience like no other. Gone are the days of fragmented loyalty programs with limited benefits. With POINTS PLUS, shoppers have access to a unified rewards ecosystem that spans across multiple retailers, allowing them to earn and redeem points seamlessly across their favorite brands. From exclusive discounts and promotions to personalized offers based on purchasing behavior, POINTS PLUS empowers consumers to maximize the value of their shopping experience.
One of the key differentiators of POINTS PLUS is its emphasis on customization and flexibility. Unlike traditional loyalty programs that follow a one-size-fits-all approach, POINTS PLUS enables retailers to tailor rewards and incentives to suit the unique preferences and behaviors of their customer base. Whether it's offering bonus points on specific products, organizing member-only events, or providing personalized recommendations, POINTS PLUS empowers retailers to deliver a personalized shopping experience that resonates with their customers on a deeper level.
Moreover, POINTS PLUS leverages cutting-edge technology, including artificial intelligence and data analytics, to optimize performance and drive results. By harnessing the power of data, retailers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing them to make informed decisions that drive business growth. From identifying emerging market opportunities to refining marketing strategies, POINTS PLUS provides retailers with the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve in today's competitive landscape.
But perhaps the most compelling aspect of POINTS PLUS is its focus on building genuine relationships between retailers and consumers. In an age where trust and authenticity are paramount, POINTS PLUS fosters a sense of community and belonging, where customers feel valued and appreciated for their loyalty. By rewarding repeat purchases and incentivizing engagement, POINTS PLUS creates a virtuous cycle of loyalty that benefits both retailers and consumers alike.
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legalfirmindia · 5 months
Data Protection: Legal Safeguards for Your Business
In today’s digital age, data is the lifeblood of most businesses. Customer information, financial records, and intellectual property – all this valuable data resides within your systems. However, with this digital wealth comes a significant responsibility: protecting it from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. Data breaches can have devastating consequences, damaging your reputation, incurring…
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Prepaid Cards Revolutionize Cashless Dining in Food Courts
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Introduction to Prepaid Cards
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is paramount, especially when it comes to dining out. Prepaid cards have emerged as a revolutionary solution, offering a seamless and efficient way to enjoy cashless dining experiences. The concept of prepaid cards is not new, but their integration into food courts has sparked a significant shift in consumer behavior.
Cashless Dining Trends
The global trend towards cashless transactions has gained momentum in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. In food courts, where speed and convenience are key, the adoption of cashless payment methods has become increasingly prevalent.
Challenges in Traditional Payment Methods
Traditional payment methods, such as cash or credit/debit cards, pose several challenges in food court settings. Cash transactions can lead to long queues and delays, while credit/debit card payments may be inconvenient for both consumers and vendors due to processing fees and minimum purchase requirements.
The Emergence of Prepaid Cards in Food Courts
To address these challenges, food courts are embracing prepaid card systems, revolutionizing the way customers pay for their meals. By preloading funds onto a card, customers can enjoy quick and hassle-free transactions, eliminating the need for cash or physical cards.
How Prepaid Cards Work
Prepaid cards operate on a simple premise: customers load funds onto their cards either online or at designated kiosks within the food court. They can then use these funds to make purchases at any participating vendor within the food court.
Advantages of Prepaid Cards in Food Courts
The benefits of prepaid cards in food courts are manifold. For consumers, they offer unmatched convenience and speed, allowing them to make purchases with a simple tap or swipe. Additionally, prepaid cards provide consumers with greater control over their spending, helping them stick to their budgets more effectively.
For food court operators, prepaid cards streamline transaction processing, reducing wait times and enhancing overall efficiency. By centralizing payments through a single platform, vendors can also gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their offerings accordingly.
Enhanced Customer Experience
One of the key advantages of prepaid cards in food courts is the enhanced customer experience they provide. By minimizing wait times and offering seamless transactions, prepaid cards ensure that customers spend less time queuing and more time enjoying their meals.
Moreover, prepaid cards enable food court operators to implement customized loyalty programs, rewarding customers for their continued patronage. By offering incentives such as discounts or freebies, operators can further enhance the overall dining experience and foster customer loyalty.
Security and Safety Measures
Security is a top priority in any payment system, and prepaid cards are no exception. With robust encryption protocols and built-in fraud detection mechanisms, prepaid card systems offer consumers peace of mind knowing that their financial information is safe and secure.
Additionally, prepaid cards eliminate the need for consumers to carry large amounts of cash, reducing the risk of theft or loss. In the event that a card is lost or stolen, most prepaid card providers offer 24/7 customer support and the ability to freeze or deactivate the card remotely.
Adoption and Acceptance
The adoption of prepaid cards in food courts is steadily increasing, driven by the growing demand for cashless payment options. As more consumers become accustomed to the convenience and benefits of prepaid cards, food court vendors are increasingly recognizing the need to offer these payment methods to remain competitive.
Impact on Business Operations
From a business perspective, the integration of prepaid card systems can have a transformative impact on operations. By automating transaction processing and streamlining administrative tasks, vendors can reduce overhead costs and improve overall efficiency.
Moreover, prepaid card systems provide vendors with valuable data insights, allowing them to track sales trends, identify popular menu items, and target specific customer demographics more effectively. This data-driven approach enables vendors to make informed decisions that drive business growth and profitability.
Future Trends and Innovations
Looking ahead, the future of prepaid cards in food courts looks promising, with continued advancements in technology driving innovation and customization. From mobile payment solutions to personalized loyalty programs, vendors are constantly seeking new ways to enhance the customer experience and stay ahead of the competition.
Challenges and Concerns
Despite the many benefits of prepaid cards, there are also challenges and concerns that must be addressed. Chief among these is the need to ensure consumer privacy and data security. As prepaid card systems become more sophisticated, it is essential for vendors to implement robust privacy policies and security measures to protect customer information.
Additionally, accessibility remains a concern for some consumers, particularly those who may not have access to smartphones or digital payment methods. To address this issue, food courts must ensure that alternative payment options are available to accommodate all customers.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Numerous food courts around the world have already embraced prepaid card systems with great success. From small-scale vendors to large multinational chains, businesses of all sizes have reported significant improvements in transaction processing times, customer satisfaction, and overall revenue.
For example, a recent case study conducted by a major food court operator found that the implementation of prepaid card systems resulted in a 30% increase in sales and a 20% reduction in wait times. These impressive results demonstrate the tangible benefits that prepaid cards can
offer to both consumers and businesses alike.
Consumer Education and Awareness
Despite the growing popularity of prepaid cards, there is still a need for consumer education and awareness. Many consumers may be unfamiliar with how prepaid cards work or may have misconceptions about their usage and benefits. As such, food courts must invest in educational campaigns to inform consumers about the advantages of prepaid cards and how to use them effectively.
In conclusion, prepaid cards are revolutionizing the way consumers pay for their meals in food courts. By offering unmatched convenience, speed, and security, prepaid cards are transforming the dining experience for both customers and vendors alike. As the adoption of prepaid cards continues to grow, food courts are poised to reap the benefits of improved efficiency, increased revenue, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
We hope you enjoyed reading our blog posts about food court billing solutions. If you want to learn more about how we can help you manage your food court business, please visit our website here. We are always happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
You can reach us by phone at +91 9810078010 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your interest in our services.
1. Are prepaid cards accepted at all vendors in the food court?
Yes, prepaid cards can typically be used at any participating vendor within the food court.
2. Can I reload funds onto my prepaid card?
Yes, most prepaid card systems allow users to reload funds either online or at designated kiosks within the food court.
3. Is my personal information secure when using a prepaid card?
Yes, prepaid card systems employ robust security measures to protect customer information and prevent unauthorized access.
4. Are there any fees associated with using a prepaid card?
Some prepaid card providers may charge nominal fees for certain services, such as reloading funds or replacing lost or stolen cards.
5. Can I earn rewards or loyalty points with a prepaid card?
Yes, many prepaid card systems offer rewards or loyalty programs that allow users to earn points or discounts on their purchases.
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moneyadjust · 1 year
DSW Credit Card | Login | Payment | Customer Service
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Discover the convenience of the DSW Credit Card! Access your account, recover your username and password, register for exclusive benefits, make payments, and enjoy exceptional customer service. Explore the world of stylish footwear with DSW! Read more...
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storyexp · 1 year
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Experiential Loyalty Marketing Programs
customer loyalty programs can help businesses build strong relationships with their customers, drive repeat purchases, and increase customer lifetime value. By providing personalized rewards and benefits, businesses can create a positive emotional connection with customers and differentiate themselves from competitors.
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Benefits and Process of Customer Loyalty Program Apps
It is important to choose a mobile app that provides Customer Loyalty Apps services sustaining their profitability and flexibility.
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pabloo1 · 2 years
Whether an insurer deals in automotive, homeowner, or life insurance, chances are their marketing program is a razor-sharp, well-oiled machine. No doubt, insurance companies are hyper-cautious marketers. Across the board, their profit margins are low, and customer retention is slippery. Therefore, reward strategy for insurance are crucial for insurance companies. https://blog.pabloo.com/reward-strategies-for-insurance-companies-721c14a61126
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philsanvictoresca · 2 years
Having a customer loyalty program allows your restaurant to increase the number of repeat customers and boosts ROI. Here’s how.
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bigfatbreak · 1 year
more mlp au dumps
3 am palette cleanser. tis the season
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additional fun for my dorky ass twibra au... twilight's friends mimic the elements of harmony in a way that reflects the magic of their pony selves (bc I said so lmao) and it's what brings her back from the brink after principal cinch grenade tosses her little magical collector in her face and blasts her with equestrian magic
Chrysalis represents generosity specifically because of how she's selfish on behalf of her friends. she's absolutely willing to dupe other people and manipulate them if she thinks it'll help out anyone in the squad, even if the fallout could be cataclysmic. This has led to a really bad reputation following her around, and though its not really unprecedented, her friends still keep her around as she means well. It's a bit hard training her out of fawning over other people to try and make them stay, but she just wants everyone well-fed and happy.
Stygian has the loyalty blessing because he's the real ride or die. He would rather physically staple himself to his friends than possibly lose them, especially since he was subject to losing a friend group in the past which left him deserted at a really bad time. Meeting Tempest around that time was the only thing that kept him going, and now he's fiercely protective of his new friend group.
Spike is laughter because I love him. puppy power
Tempest gets honesty because she's extremely blunt, even though sometimes its to the point of insulting, she genuinely just wants communication to be established at any cost. Her straightforward attitude is very effective at stopping Chryssie's schemes and keeping Stygian grounded, and she doesn't mind being an anchor for the team, especially since she used to be team captain on her volleyball team before she lost her arm. The sense of "these people need me" helps anchor her as much as it anchors them.
Sombra can be exceedingly kind, showering people in gifts and lavish trips, assisting them in whatever programs they're in, and he's more than willing to put the effort in and sacrifice things of his own if it means his friends will benefit from it - but it stops there. His kindness is wonderful only to those in his close circle, and most importantly, to Twilight.
though their dynamic sometimes isn't the healthiest, they're all recovering from friendship issues of their own - some done to them, some because of what THEY did to others - and Twilight's the precious sun they seem to rotate around, as being a shut-in only focusing on her studies has given her zero inclination to have any sort of preconceived notions of other people. For friends with a bad past they're trying to work through, its incredibly refreshing, and they would rather die than lose her.
even more additional details:
Sombra collects pretty minerals, and wears a lot of jewelry as a result. He often compares Twilight to precious stones and seems smug about dating her.
Tempest and Stygian are room mates, but they're not dating, sharing a purely platonic relationship. (Stygian is gay and Tempest is a lesbian. they're each other's beards, basically)
Chryssie lives in an apartment Sombra pays the rent to, but only under the agreement that she stop dating people just to raid their houses. It's worked so far, at least according to CCTV footage
once the magic Twilight absorbed disperses into the team, giving them magic, Spike gets dragon attributes along with being able to talk. This means sometimes he eats Sombra's fancy gemstones and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it because if he yells at his gf's dog/little brother he'll get smacked. Sombra is in hell but everyone else loves it
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many-but-one · 3 months
i believe survivors of RAMCOA when they talk about the abuse they suffered, but the one thing i cannot wrap my head around is how abusers purposefully program alters? and this makes the moral ocd worms in my brain go NUTS.
i think i dont understand bc not every child who goes through severe torture/abuse will develop DID/OSDD and it feels way more probable that abusers arent attempting to make alters so much as theyre conditioning certain responses (and if a childs brain happens to split these experiences into alters then thats a byproduct that benefits the abuser).
all of this makes me feel like a bad ally to RAMCOA survivors, and while its not your job to educate me would you mind explaining how the programming alters aspect works?
[Trigger warning: talking about how programming works and why not all children who experience RAMCOA develop DID or may not end up becoming fully programmed. Brief mentions of child death. Mentions of child torture. Nothing in detail, obviously. Also talking a lot about how the deprogramming process works. If you are a programmed system yourself and you worry this could be triggering, have grounding items nearby just in case.]
Note: when I say “successfully” or “properly” programmed system, I’m talking about in the eyes of the abusers. Also, this is talking about TBMC (torture based mind control) programmers. I have to put that disclaimer because you wouldn’t believe how many confused computer programmers I’ve gotten in comment sections on other socials.
So, the reason not every child who goes through RAMCOA develops DID is because developing DID requires some pre-requisites. Things like genetic predisposition to dissociate actually do make a big difference. Also, how early the abuse started. If someone goes through RAMCOA trauma, but not until they’re older and their personality has already begun integrating (which can happen younger in some children, even as young as around age 5-7, though some researchers have said personality integration can happen as late as the teen years) it will be significantly harder to develop DID and therefore properly program the child. In addition, how much access programmers have to the child, how long they had access to the child, and how much support the child has outside of the abuse are also contributing factors.
If programmers see this kid one week out of the month, the parents don’t know about it and therefore the kid has a relatively okay home life with love and support, and they only have access to the kid for a couple years, that’s not going to be good grounds for programmers being able to properly do what they want to do. Some may still try if they don’t have access to anyone else, but this rarely creates a “successful” programmed system. Conversely, if they see the kid every day or multiple days a week, a parent is in on it/they have a bad home life where abuse (of possibly a lesser magnitude but not always) occurs, the parents are neglectful or very busy and likely to not notice things, and they have access to this kid for several years, that makes for a better chance that this kid will be properly programmed.
Because of all of these factors, programmers will often pick children who they know have parents with PTSD or CPTSD (or a dissociative disorder, if the parent has disclosed that to them), who they can access early in their life or have prior history of abuse (so are more likely to already have begun developing a dissociative disorder), and whom they have access to frequently. Sometimes, the child’s parent will be programmed by the group themselves and be born quite literally just to be programmed by the group. Some groups take great care in keeping family groups within the group because that creates stronger loyalty bonds and gives them easy access to children to program. It’s not uncommon for a group goal to be for their grown programmed systems to have kids to eventually give to the group, which is why apprehending a programmed system and having them work on deprogramming before this can happen is essential.
A lot of kids that programmers desire to program actually end up “failing out” because they aren’t able to take to the programming. Depending on the group, this could mean they will end the kid’s life or they will just stop the programming-related abuse altogether. And contrary to what most people know, even successfully programmed children have loads of failed programs, or parts that didn’t take well to programming. Most of the time these parts who have failed programming will be put in “discard areas” in the system’s inner world, and they will be either forced into dormancy or they will be stuck there until amnesia barriers eventually break down as the grown person starts to work on deprogramming (if they ever do.) A successfully programmed system’s most active parts are parts who did not fail their programming, and these are often the most well-rounded parts retrofitted with a personality that would have likely been created by the abusers.
To add: there is often layers upon layers of amnesia even in these single well-rounded parts (that often end up having an alters-in-alters subsystem, and said part might not even be aware they have one) and the “top part” or most front-facing part of that subsystem may not even be aware they are programmed. At least, until a cue happens and their program starts running and they start doing things they wouldn’t normally be doing. A lot of programmed parts don’t even know their own cues or even what traumas they have that would have created their programming. They might know they have trauma, but the memories of the programming might be missing, or the context surrounding the programming traumas might be missing. Usually these cues and context behind the traumas are hidden in EPs or fragments that are buried pretty deep within their subsystems. Accessing these EPs in therapy is integral to the deprogramming process, as learning what manipulations were done to make a programmed part believe what they do is essential in undoing it. All deprogramming really is, is showing programmed parts that what their abusers made them believe was true is a lie and that they are not at risk to be harmed anymore if they no longer have contact with the group. (Cutting off a system’s communication with the group is first and foremost what they should do when deprogramming)
As for your assumption, that abusers are trying to condition children and these experiences happen to split an alter to hold the conditioned response, you are partially right. In some cases, especially in cases where it’s a single parent or a family unit doing this to their own kids, it’s often more likely that the parent is not fully aware that they are creating a DID system. This is where the difference between programming and conditioning is important to note. We made a video about this here: link to TikTok video.
However, in larger groups, programmers do know they are creating a system. DID is not some unknown secret to much of the world, and research about it is easy to find. Even inexperienced groups can find research on DID and how alters form very easily and use that to try and create a system in a child. Whether or not they will be successful with that info alone is hard to say. I was abused by two different groups, one of them inexperienced and one of them very experienced. The initial attempts at programming were often unsuccessful, and we assume they got in contact with the experienced group to learn more and they essentially showed our main handler/programmer how it was done. (We have memories of him being taught and observing/taking part as necessary to the teachings, so this is not speculation, we know this was the case.) Once we were in the hands of the experienced group, we became very well programmed and our system’s organization changed massively. On top of that, the inexperienced group was now experienced, so we actually have alters who are programmed by two separate groups, each loyal to their own group. Some of our parts were loyal to both because they were programmed by both. (“Were” loyal because we’ve deprogrammed significantly and they no longer feel loyal to the groups anymore.)
Like I said in my initial post, programming alters is actually not that complicated on the surface, though in practice it is difficult, and to create a well programmed system takes a lot of skill and intelligence. Skilled programmers are unfortunately often incredibly smart individuals. Anyone who’s been willing to speak with me about their programmers often cite them as being people with high level college degrees. Doctors, engineers, mathematicians, scientists, psychologists. If not a college degree, they often work in areas like police work, political work, religious ministry, or other city/county/state positions. If none of these, they (horrifyingly) tend to work in areas where children are often present. Pediatric doctors/nurses, summer camp counselors, Sunday school teachers, daycare attendants, nannying jobs, teaching, etc. While not all programmers will fit this bill, a lot of them do. In the world outside of their programming job, they are often well-liked by their community. This is not to say everyone in these positions is a programmer, also. Want to make that REALLY clear. Not every person with this job has a secret side job of torturing kids, these just happen to be common areas they tend to gravitate toward. They are often thrill-seeking sadists and egocentric. Having a position in their community in which they are consistently recognized for their accomplishments or adored is often important to them. Sometimes, programmers are also programmed themselves, especially in large groups with generational aspects involved.
Now that that’s out of the way, I’m not going to explain in explicit detail how programming works because that doesn’t make me comfortable to share, but a very dumbed down version of it is pretty simple:
1) torture child to create alter splits
2) get one of these splits to front via triggers related to the torture that caused them to split
3) indoctrinate them with a behavior or action that, if they do not do that action, means they will be punished further. While they are doing said action/being indoctrinated with certain beliefs, have a specific trigger or cue present so that when they see that trigger/cue in the future, they will immediately do the action/enforce the beliefs they have been taught.
4) repeat steps 1-3, basically.
This is why I explained that programming is kind of like conditioning on steroids. Except the child is severely manipulated, tortured, and has extreme threats of harm to self or others to reinforce it, and this is done repeatedly, to the point where it causes the alter extreme duress if they do not do their assigned task because if they didn’t do their task in the past (in childhood) they would be tortured or would have to witness other children be tortured. They will fully believe if they do not do the thing, they or others WILL be hurt, and they believe the programmers WILL know if they don’t, so they often just do it automatically in efforts to avoid the punishment they believe is coming. It is extremely hard for them to override the emotional flashbacks, somatic flashbacks, etc, if they try to resist doing the task. Adding onto that, programmers will often create alters who will punish parts in the inner world the same way the abusers would if they do not do their task, so that is another layer of fear on top of that. These programmed parts often cannot distinguish the difference between outer world torture and inner world torture, as they rarely get contact with the outside world except to do their tasks. So if they don’t do their task, they will be punished by alters in the inner world space and they may fully believe they are being punished in real life. Creating safe spaces for alters to go in the inner world if they don’t do their assigned task is an important part of deprogramming. Because once an alter realizes they will not be punished both externally and internally by not doing a certain action, they will be much less inclined to do said action.
If all of that sounds extremely messed up and fucks with your moral OCD, you’re right to feel that way. It is messed up. These people are vile, fucked up, and cruel. They often do not see the children as human beings and care not of how much this damages the child physically, psychologically, and emotionally. These children are dehumanized beyond belief. Many programmed parts of a system do not see themselves as human unless they were specifically meant to be human. Commonly created alters are things with no free will or no ability to think for themselves, such as angels, robots, and inanimate objects. If a child truly believes they cannot think for themselves, it will be harder to deprogram them. Which is why deprogramming often involves teaching the grown system that they are allowed to make choices outside of their group’s desires and control. It is not easy.
For those that read this and are feeling dissociated and/or anxious, remember your grounding techniques. Get some mints, cinnamon candies, or sour candies and munch. Smell a strong scented candle. Hold some ice or hand warmers in your hands. Look around the room and pick out items that you recognize to be from the present. Pet a cat/dog/[insert animal here] or hug a stuffed animal. Remember, it is currently 2024 and you are safe. Your abusers will not know you read this unless you tell them yourself. You are brave, capable, and safe. I believe in you and your healing journey.
Take care, everyone.
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rideboomindia · 2 months
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How can RideBoom leverage customer segmentation to tailor its pricing strategy for different user groups?
Here are some ways RideBoom can leverage customer segmentation to tailor its pricing strategy for different user groups:
Demographic Segmentation: RideBoom can segment its customers based on factors like age, income, and location. This can help them offer different pricing options tailored to the needs and willingness to pay of each demographic group. For example, they could offer discounted rates for students or seniors, while charging higher prices for business travelers. Behavioral Segmentation: RideBoom can analyze customer usage patterns, such as frequency of rides, preferred ride types (e.g. economy vs. premium), and peak vs. off-peak usage. This can inform dynamic pricing strategies that adjust rates based on demand, rewarding loyal/frequent riders with discounts while charging higher prices during peak hours or for last-minute bookings. [1] Psychographic Segmentation: RideBoom can segment customers based on their lifestyle, values, and priorities. This could involve offering specialized packages or add-ons tailored to different customer segments, such as eco-conscious riders, families, or nightlife enthusiasts. Pricing can be adjusted accordingly to match the preferences of each group. [2] Tiered Pricing: RideBoom can implement a tiered pricing structure with different service levels and corresponding prices. This could include basic economy rides, premium rides with additional features, and even luxury options. Customers can then choose the level of service and pricing that best fits their needs and budget. [3] Loyalty Programs: By offering loyalty programs, RideBoom can segment customers based on their engagement and reward the most valuable users with exclusive pricing benefits, such as discounted subscription plans or credits for frequent riders. This can help increase customer retention and lifetime value. [3] Overall, RideBoom can leverage a combination of these customer segmentation strategies to develop a more nuanced and effective pricing approach that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its user base, ultimately driving increased revenue and customer satisfaction.
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blazehedgehog · 7 months
Let's assume Metal Sonic has some degree of personal agency. Do you think he has any attachment to Robotnik as his creator? Like they potentially made amends after Heroes? Would he share Sage's sentiment about being "siblings" in a sense?
I think to some degree the canonical Metal Sonic has a very primitive idea of what a "relationship" looks like and is. I think some elements of Sonic's personality leak through as a natural product of the data Metal Sonic contains, but Metal himself doesn't always understand how or why his programming comes to those results. The data is very complex and analyzing its own processes takes resources away from the rest of his computational systems, something he doesn't often spare.
I imagine Eggman probably gave him some kind of boost to whatever he considers "loyalty", or at least tried to, so Metal has some inherent appreciation of his creator. But again, it's the kind of thing he doesn't really understand -- it comes from somewhere, but it doesn't come from him. It's a programming directive, something that adjusts the data as it executes, so if Metal Sonic feels anything at all, he can probably feel like he's being pushed and pulled internally.
The Sonic part of his personality is like "Eggman is bad and must be stopped" and Eggman's programming is trying to override that with "Eggman is your creator and you must be loyal to him." Metal Sonic himself sits somewhere in the middle of those two.
Presumably Eggman's censors win out in the end, but Eggman also strikes me as a guy who thinks "80% is good enough." That last 20% is where the hardest work is, it's where all the smallest, most pointless fringes are, and there's too much other stuff that needs to be done, after all.
So Metal Sonic still occasionally receives a valid "Sonic Thought." And he doesn't really know what to do with it, because so much of his programming has been rewired to block that. Part of his programming is definitely "error correction", so mostly it gets discarded without examination, but maybe it doesn't always. And that's how we end up with weird situations like Metal Overlord; Metal Sonic is acting on his "Eggman must be stopped" but it's getting filtered and redirected through all of this Eggman propaganda programming. So Metal Sonic stops Eggman by trying to replace Eggman.
After Sonic Heroes, I imagine Eggman "punished" Metal Sonic by increasing his filtering, censoring, and redirection programming. Like if Metal Sonic is 80% "good enough" now, I imagine before Sonic Heroes he was probably 70% or even 60%. Good enough that Metal Sonic did not immediately try to fight Eggman on activation, basically. But, obviously, Metal Sonic was just playing a longer game.
Eggman would see the whole incident as a programming bug and would simply seek to reinforce his control and suppress more of Sonic's natural tendencies. But again, never 100%. He'd probably see 100% as some impossible number. Metal Sonic is probably running on some neural network type code, something deliberately made to be unpredictable on some level, so plugging all of the personality "holes" isn't something that can be realistically done because the range of output is too vast. Plus, blocking them all starts to negate the benefits of having Metal operate on a copy of Sonic's brain in the first place. You need that wiggle room.
So in most cases I think Metal Sonic understands and acts upon an intrinsic loyalty to Eggman, which Eggman himself put there as part of Metal's programming. But it's possible (difficult, but possible) to poke and prod to get him to question that loyalty and himself.
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