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The Blight: A Prison Break
Hey, take my hand, and let me take you on the Vir of my Feral Brain
Heads up Seekers, this is a long one.
Solas & The-Veil-Super-Max vs. Mythal, the Big Bad
**No Veilguard Spoilers Past the Released Trailer Media
The Veil separates the world of spirits & magic from the physical world, but that is a byproduct of its existence, not its purpose.
Creating the Veil also created “The Quickening.” If Elvhen are born with The Veil, they are separated from the magic that makes them, cursing them with a shorter lifespan.
But The Veils purpose is to be the jail that the Evanuris (and the blight?) are in;
The fade-separation-part is an annoying side-effect.
And You Say: But OP, in Trespasser, Solas SAYS:
I will save the elven people, even if it means this world must die. [That’s a big IF to throw in there buddy, do you mean you don’t know?]
Why does this world have to die for the elves to return?
A good question, but not one I will answer [Bah, humbug. Coward BioWare]
… and though I owed you an explanation, I will not give you tools to use against me. [So you’re saying there’s a chance? There ARE tools to be used?]
The return of my people means the end of yours. [What if, I don’t believe you?]
Solas says, that there are ways to stop him. But.
We know, entirely separate from Solas, that The Veil is breaking. It is thinning, without anyone’s intervention, slowly over time.
In Ghillys Grove/Dead Hand, rocks are floating. Companions say, all over the place, “ThE vEiL iS tHiN HeRe.”
The veil is coming down, REGARDLESS.
(Maybe not so fast, but it is coming down. It was not built to last forever.)
*Sidebar about Solas’ ancient Elvhen Artifacts, do they maintain the veil like he says? (It will be harder for tears to form here) Or do they do something else? If you note their locations, they’re all in places where elvhen had palaces/ruins/stuff (except for the Wastes, where they’re located amongst Dwarven shit, coincidence, I think not, but that’s Whole-Other-Post-Number-2)
*They are spheres (like Titan foci?) with something like Bismuth growing out of them?
*Solas made the veil. I think the artifacts are his. And I think they do keep The Veil up.
*Because the veil cannot just Come Down™, that would be disastrous.
*It needs to be Taken Down™. Very different.
Which leads us right back to…
The return of my people means the end of yours.
Let’s Remember this Dialogue
Cole: Is there a way to save more spirits, Solas?
Solas: Not until the Veil is healed. The rifts draw spirits through, and the shock makes demons of them.
Cole: Pushing through makes you be yourself. You can hold onto the you. Being pulled through means you don’t have enough you. You become what batters you, bruises your being.
Solas: Yes, exactly. Deliberately crossing the Veil requires that a spirit form will, personality. That concept of self gives a spirit the chance to maintain its nature. Wrenched into this world unwillingly by the rifts, spirits suffer the same fate as my friend.
Cole: Then we will help them.
If you are not paying attention, the game wants you to think that the fade is full of demons, chock full of them. If The Veil comes down, demons will swallow the earth. But, that’s not actually the case. Most of the things there are spirits, they only turn to demons when they get pulled through the veil unwillingly. Let’s hold onto that thought.
Solas wants the Evanuris in prison (I am unsure if he knows that there’s only two of them left). He needs them in prison. But he doesn’t want The Veil.
WHY is having No-Veil inherently dangerous to humans/Dalish if there are mostly spirits?
I don’t think it is.
I think he means the end of the Dalish, meaning the end of the Shemlen version of the Dalish. Immortal elves can exist again after The Veil is gone.
So the Dalish will “Die” (people are always dying) but Immortality will come back.
What does Solas say again? (In the fade with Rook):
Your actions have set events in motion, and I would not have your ignorance on my conscience.
The Evanuris. Blah blah blah…
When I rebelled, they drew on the horrific magic of the blight, corrupting all they saw until I trapped them.
Thanks to you though, I am now trapped, and the blighted “elvhen gods” walk free.
Hang on a tidily minute there pardner.
Solas locked them up because they killed Mythal, not because of anything to do with the blight.
From Trespasser:
Inky: You said that the elven gods went too far. What did they do that made you move against them?
Solas: They killed Mythal (Chuckles). A crime for which an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment…. And in their lust for power, they killed her.
But he Also Says:
Had I not created the Veil, the Evanuris would have destroyed the entire world.
So… Now we’re retconning Why Solas’ Imprisoned The Evanuris…
Andruil brought the Blight back from the Abyss, and Ghilly made/weaponized it. I’m guessing The Evanuris were going to/already were, unleashing it on Thedas? But, why? That doesn’t make any sense. Mythal stood up to them, and so they killed her?
Kamikazeing the world doesn’t sound like a smart business strategy. It does not sound in line with The Evanuris’ Mission Statement.
This art from pinacoladamatata has been confirmed cannon by BioWare – this is the face the Evanuris’ Business Manager makes when he sees them making Bad Business Decisions ™
No, its fucking is not, get your head out of your ass.
These guys wanted power. There were 7 of them, ffs. You’re telling me they all went bat shit and wanted to blight the world? To what end? What’s their Modus Operandi? This is not adding up for me.
The Evanuris used blood magic. [IMO, Ghilly created Qunari specifically to have stronger powered blood for her magic rituals. She created a whole race, to die. *What is my purpose*You Pass Butter*Oh My God* Little mix of dragon and elf and poof, Qunari Baby. But Im not getting into that, that’s not the point of this post]
And you’re telling me ALL 7 OF THEM, after they’ve: slain Ancient Dragons, won battle against the Forgotten Ones, Became Kings, Sundered Titans, Became Gods, created races for blood magic rituals, were just like, yeah let’s blight the world? Like for fun, its Tuesday and Im Bored.
Sorry, whut? No. This is not adding up. This does not make any sense to me.
So… What does make sense?
The Blight IS Bad.
Okay. How?
If Ghilly made the blight and we know that the Evanuris have used the Blight (source, Solas), lets assume they can actually control it; its not a virus or an uncontrollable bacteria, the Evanuris can control it (somehow), otherwise they risk wiping out their own amassed power.
And Solas didn’t want them killing more people (he was already freeing their slaves), and decided to lock them up.
But before this, Mythal did something to make them mad, and they killed her?
But she didn’t actually die.
We know she didn’t die…
How do we know she didn’t die?
Because we saw her Blue/OGB/Navi-Wisp leave Flemeth and transfer to Solas.
And where else have we seen that before?
We see it when Kieran gives up Urthemiel to Flemythal.
Who’s Urthemiel?
Urthemiel, the Old God Dragon of Beauty, aka one of the Evanuris (Sylaise or June probably).
Urthemiel was an archdemon, a blighted-dragon, and (like Corypheus), when it was killed, the Blue/OGB/Navi-Soul got transferred into (supposed to be a Warden who would then die, taking the spirit with them, but actually its) Kieran. Who then gives it to Flemythal.
Who has THE SAME KIND OF Blue/OGB/Navi-Wisp…
Abelas: The dread wolf had nothing to do with her murder. She was slain, if a god truly can be, betrayed by those who destroyed this temple. But the Vir’Abelasan remains, as do we. That is something.
She did not “die,” she got INFECTED WITH THE BLIGHT, and then slain, and then her Blue-Dragon-Navi-Soul moved on to another vessel.
Let’s Re-state What We KNOW
There used to be 7 Old Gods/Archdemons in the Deep Roads
There have been 5 Blights
There have been 5 Archdemons slain
There used to be 7 Evanuris in The Solas-Super-Max-Veil-Prison
Now there are 2
(TBF we don’t know for 100% Evanuris = Old Gods, but we essentially assume they are)
Let’s move into speculation territory:
How did they get out?
Well, we’ve seen Ghilly and Elgar’dad’s physical forms.
Now, I am not a zoologist, but those:
DO NOT look like dragons.
Trespasser Solas: “They killed Mythal (chuckles), a crime for which an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment.”
So, lets assume, that The Evanuris “killed” Mythal by infecting her with the Blight.
I think, when Solas locked the Evanuris away, he put The Blight in there with them. Not just an eternity in prison, but an eternity of torment.
What he (probably) didn’t figure, is the Blight-Body-Snatcher-Problem.
We KNOW, a creature infected with The Blight can pass their soul onto another creature infected with the Blight (Corypheus).
We KNOW, that if blood is spilled during a ritual to contact the Priso, that the blood-spiller can contact people in the prison (Golly, that sounds familiar, hey?)
Solas: Deliberately crossing the Veil requires that a spirit form will, personality. That concept of self gives a spirit the chance to maintain its nature.
“My kind has ever been driven to seek out the Old Gods. This is out nature. When we findone, a Blight begins.”
I hypothesize, the Evanuris killed (Slept? Separated from?) their physical bodies to allow their Blue Souls to re-infect an Archdemon, that was grown, supplied by an Architect, or other strange creatures we don’t know about in the deep roads. Not as nice, or as powerful a body as their Elvhen Forms, but better than being in prison.
And that is how The Blight acted as a prison break for the Evanuris.
Which brings me to the question, what happened to the other Evanuris’ Blue-Dragon-Navi-Souls once they were slain (as archdemons) and moved into Wardens (who then promptly died)?
Watch this: Dragon Age: Origins Death of the Warden in 1080p
(Its actually kinda badass)
This is the moment the Warden (No Dark Ritual Performed) stabs Archdemon #5 in the head (Photo brightened).
(This is not the moment the Archdemon dies)
THIS is the moment the archdemon dies:
[Hmm… looks like an Andruil Shaft of Light to Kill a Titan, hey?]
There is then a Giant Explosion:
We see the Wardens Body only after the fact on a funeral stone. We do not know exactly what happened to them. But Alistair, who was standing right beside them, is fine.
In my mind, the blue mist (1st picture) is the Blue-Soul Transferring, and then the explosion is the Blue-Soul actually dying, meaning it doesn’t get transferred onto another blighted creature.
It is important to note, that in a world where the Dark Ritual was performed, where the OGB goes into Kieran, the cutscene is NOT DIFFERENT IN ANY WAY. It is THE EXACT SAME SCENE. Same pillar of light, same blue ring, same explosion. But some how THIS:
(This is a separate screenshot image from a separate video, different outcomes).
Gets turned into THIS:
That if a GIANT FUCKING RING OF EXPLODING BLUE LIGHT can be sucked into Morrigan’s Magic-Fucking-Uterus, it can be wrangled in other ways as well (… or at the very least, into another uterus).
OK. This Dark Ritual thing. Sounds like, mega weird. Powerful, strange, old magic.
Let’s refresh:
Dragon Age: Origins - Dark Ritual with Loghain and Romanced Morrigan
I offer a way out, a way out for all the Grey Wardens that there need be no sacrifice, a ritual, performed on the eve of battle, in the dark of night. It is old magic, before the circle of magi was created. Some might call it blood magic, (Solas: I abhor the use of blood magic) but that is but a name. there is far more to fear in this world than names. [Nothing is without a cost] Perhaps, but that cost might not be so unbearable, especially if there is much to be gained. All I ask is you listen to what I have to offer. What I propose is this, lay with me here tonight, and from our joining, a child will be conceived. The child will bear the taint, and when the archdemon is slain, its essence will seek the child like a beacon. At this early stage, the child can absorb that essence and not perish. The archdemon is still destroyed, with no Grey Warden dying in the process. Think about what I offer you: the chance to avoid death. Or better yet, the chance to slay the archdemon and live as a hero. No Grey Warden has ever done this. In return I conceive a child, one who will be born with the soul of an Old God. After this is done, you allow me to walk away, and you do not follow. Ever. The child will be mine to raise as I wish. [Is this why you’ve been so friendly with me] It’s… why I was sent with you by my mother.
It’s… why I was sent with you by my mother. Its why she saved your life to begin with. Caring for you… was not part of the plan. But I cannot let what I feel interfere with what I must do. This is important to me. The fact that it may save your life makes me all the more determined to see it done. Please do not… cloud the issue. If you feel anything for me, then accept that it will make what we must do… that much easier.
So. Flemeth (Mythal), Knows How to entrap Archdemon (Evanuris) Souls (Blue-Navi’s), which are The Same People who killed Blighted her.
But… What is she DOING with them? Why aren’t they turning on her? Where are their vessels?
(Enter my lover Yavana).
Yavana is an infamous Antivan Witch of the Wilds known as the "Beast of the Tellari swamps".
Yvana Quotes:
"The blood of dragons is the blood of the world."
(to Alistair) Your heart beats with the old blood, as well. Where do you think it comes from? It sings of a time when dragons ruled the skies. A time before the Veil, before the mysteries were forgotten. Can you hear it?"
Alistair: "You and Morrigan and Flemeth...all you do is manipulate and lie."
Yavana: "That is our craft, but not our purpose. Mankind destroys without understanding, yet I preserve."
Yavana, my girl. Girlboss. What are you preserving sweetie?
Some Very-Simplified-Backstory: Marric, Alistair’s dad, was saved by Flemeth once upon a time, and was supposed to go to Yavana after his kids were grown.
Why, you ask? Well:
Now I don’t know about you, but there’s only one task I can think of that a Woman needs a Man for, and its not Knitting.
But Marric never showed. So Flemeth had to improvise, sending Morrigan…
It’s… why I was sent with you by my mother.
Now I think,
Mythal is the big bad.
Because who told Morrigan to get Urthemiel?
Who’s to say she didn’t plant Yavana in Northen Thedas to collect other Dragon-Souls?
I have no proof, but I would not bet against it.
Let’s Refresh Ourselves on the History of the Blights, Shall we?
[You do not need to read all of this, I have summarized it in the image below]
A Quick, Shallow Dive Into The Blights (A Historical Record):
{[ (Some Of) The following information is only mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop. Certain portions of this media may no longer reflect currently established lore.]}
The First Blight
The First Blight began in -395 Ancient (800 TE) and lasted nearly two centuries, the longest Blight in history.
In the course of the First Blight, Dumat was slain multiple times, to no avail - he would always return. Some people saw it as proof of his divine power. The Grey Wardens, thanks to the taint in their blood, could feel the Archdemon die and rise again, as its spirit would go on to possess the nearest tainted creature. They eventually realized that their connection to the Blight might make it possible to kill Dumat for good.
Eventually, Grey Warden scholars proposed that if Dumat were slain by a Grey Warden, due to the Wardens' subtle ties to the darkspawn, his spirit would rush into the body of the Warden that had killed it. Unlike the darkspawn, a Warden's body already has a soul, and the resulting paradox would destroy both Warden and Archdemon.
Records do not say who exactly gave up his soul to destroy Dumat, for many Wardens struggled against him, and the Archdemon's very death throes slew seven or more of them.
Archdemon Slayer: Unknown
Location: The Silent Plains are a desolate area on the southern borders of the Tevinter Imperium, with Nevarra laying further south and the Free Marches to the south-east.
The Second Blight
The Second Blight began in the Anderfels with the corruption of Zazikel, the Old God of Freedom[1] or the Dragon of Chaos, in 1:05 Divine, and lasted 90 years.[2] Both sides suffered heavy losses, but Zazikel was finally slain by the Grey Warden Corin.
Archdemon Slayer: Corin.
Location: Starkhaven is an independent and prominent city-state of the Free Marches that lies on the banks of the Minanter River.
The Third Blight
The Third Blight began when Toth, the Old God of Fire, awoke in 3:10 Towers, and the darkspawn erupted in the central lands of Thedas in greater numbers than ever before.[1]
In 3:25, the combined armies of the Grey Wardens, Tevinter and Orlais met in Hunter Fell and destroyed Toth in one of the bloodiest battles in history.
Archdemon Slayer: Unknown.
Location: Hunter Fell is a city in Nevarra. It is located along the northern shore of the Minanter river, west of Nevarra City.
The Fourth Blight
The Fourth Blight began when the Archdemon Andoral arose in 5:12 Exalted and darkspawn surfaced in the northeast and northwestern regions of Thedas. With only three Wardens left, Garahel flew his griffon into Ayesleigh narrowly avoiding the archers and the Archdemon's attacks before finally driving his blade into a wound at the base of the Archdemon's neck made by the rabid griffons, killing the beast at last.
Archdemon Slayer: Garahel.
Location: Ayesleigh is a city in western Rivain.
The Fifth Blight
(AKA Dragon Age: Origins)
The Fifth Blight occurred in 9:30 Dragon in the nation of Ferelden. The Blight's origins began with the tainting of the Old God Urthemiel during a botched experiment by the Architect to awaken it. In 9:31,[25] the darkspawn horde, led by Urthemiel himself, reached Denerim and attacked before the reinforcements from Redcliffe could arrive.
A small team led by the Warden assaulted the fortress and, despite the efforts of the darkspawn garrison to protect it, Urthemiel was slain. The Fifth Blight had ended before most of Thedas knew it had begun.
Archdemon Slayer: The Hero of Ferelden
Location: Denerim, Ferelden
Mythal is the Big Bad.
[Please be advised that this is wild conjecture with little to no evidence to back it up]
Let’s say, that Yavana (or Flemeth or Yavana-predecessor) was around for all previous blights; the Archemon Deaths are all in Northern Thedas. She went around to all the blight-battles where the archdemon was slain, and somehow recovered their Blue-Dragon-Navi-Soul.
And is housing them (protecting them?). In Dragons? In Orbs? In something else? Maybe they’re bound to an Item, maybe they’re possessing a Body.
Now you might be thinking, OP, how are the Archdemon-Dragon-Bodies getting there? How can the Evanuris control the Blight? How did the blight escape Solas’ Veil-Super-Max? You’re making a lot of wild jumps and leaps.
And I am.
But I bid you read this.
Let me Summarize:
If your Inquisitor drinks from Mythal’s Well of Sorrows, they hear a bunch of weird, garbled audio. One of those “unintelligible whispers,” is “Mythal speaks the calling.”
What’s the Calling again?
All Grey Wardens who do not fall in battle eventually fall to something known as the Calling, a magic that preys upon our own connection to the Blight and the darkspawn. Rather than such foul magic eventually leading to my death, I have determined to find a way to negate this Calling and save all Wardens from its effects.” ―Hero of Ferelden
The Calling is how the Evanuris control the Blight.
And Mythal is the one who speaks it.
Mythal orchestrated the downfall of her peers, who were gathering power and threatening her own rule, and stole their power (Dragon-Souls) for herself. Solas was a scapegoat the whole time.
Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Did I get something in the lore wrong? Let me know, lets talk about it! (Please, no Veilguard spoilers, TYSM).
We Will Find Out If Im Right in... 38 hours and 13 minutes.
Dareth Shiral, Dirthalen.
#dragon age#NO Vilguard Spoilers#datv#dragon age veilguard#Dragon Age Inquisition#dragon age the veilguard#da4#Mythal#Solas#The Blight#The Evanuris#Yavana#Great Dragons#Homemade Lore#Lore Dragon#Dirthalen#Seekers of Truth#Lore Hunter
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I love the Vampair Series on youtube but I feel a lil disturb that Missi is .. 17 years old when she met Duke.. who is maybe an older guy??
But Missi is a vampire now who probably an adult now… so idk. What do you think?
[*rubbing warm head* So I probably should go back to bed and break this fever more, but when have I let my health stop me from lore hunting? *digging* Okay...Yes. Missi is 17 on her missing person's flier. But...A Q&A video by the creator clarified that Missi was turning 18 in "The Night" and is currently 18 years old from "Land of the Dead" onwards, until further notice.
As for Duke, he's a bit of a wild one as, what with the looks in videos of his past, you'd think he'd be from the 17th-century thing. But...In videos like "Raised By Bats," we can see a child Duke at a playground, a very plastic-looking one, and Plastic playgrounds began to appear in the 1970s as safety concerns led to the replacement of metal with hard plastic. He appears to be getting picked on by a kid in a knockoff Transformers shirt (The first Transformers toys were released in April 1984). The boy next to him might even be sporting a Flash knockoff shirt, and the boy next to him on the right's shorts has a pattern that was most popular in the 1980's (gave me big Saved by the Bell vibes).
And if we go off the clothing these douchbags are wearing, sneakers of that kind are way more in line with our generation in the timeline. Same with their varsity jackets and pants. But wait! I have more!
These sets show a more modern setting. Skyscrapers and buildings of this design are more of a 80s-90s thing, even the commuter train is more of a style you'd see in today. Let me look in his teen room for more clues.
Daww...such an edgy scene boy. That desk lamp is a common model I see a lot today. Hmm...That Playboy might even be the biggest clue of all. *digging up* Yes! I found it. A November issue from 1991.
Now...With all this in mind. I am gonna stake this as the definitive link that Duke is not pulling an Edward and Bella. The problem here is I'm not 100% sure what year the The Vampair Series takes place in. My only clue here is in episode one.
Twilight, Book 1: Twilight came out in 2005. *doing sick math* If Missi is 17 in 2005 then I can estimate that she's born in 1988. If we can look at Duke as being 18 in the pics above (no way this man went to college) and see that 1991 is that specific date then...he was born in 1973. *digging more* This shot from "Dead Mom" has Duke in a class of '81 photo and if we go off the idea that '73 is his birth year, he'd be 8 in that photo.
Now...Let's tackle what age Duke was when he was bitten. Because I'm leaning toward the bite happening, maybe a couple years after he ran away from home (and we established that as 18) so somewhere in his 20s as he went from his thin little soul patch and scene phase to the man we see now with a thick goatee and appeared to have entered his grunge phase.
So...with my head now throbbing like it wants to pop, I should probably conclude this. If I have correctly calculated the birth years, which I probably didn't, so spare a grain of salt of a year or two...We're looking at a possible age gap of 10 years between them. Now if you'll excuse me...I need to take my meds.]
{I dug way too deep into this. Why am I like this? Oh yeah...because I like the series, and I hate conclusions being jumped without looking things up. Granted, that post mentioned way at the beginning of the ask is from 4 years ago, so they didn't have all the information that I've found. So no hate on them. Misunderstandings can happen when the full picture isn't available which can make the mind come up with stuff to fill in the gaps, but that's why it's best to hold out and see how things go before jumping the gun. Also, always check out the Q&As. Like most creators, Daria answers lore stuff in there, so gobble that good stuff up when you can.}
#ask op#lore hunter#daria cohen#the vampair series#duke vampair#missi vampair#vampair#duke and missi
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i love making minor design changes and then watching toh and being like wait they forgot their thingy. me watching thems the breaks kid: where is raines cowl. theyre going to get in trouble.
#toh#the owl house#toh fanart#the owl house fanart#raeda#edalyn clawthorne#eda clawthorne#raine whispers#eda the owl lady#hunter toh#toh hunter#hunter noceda#matt tholomule#kevins lore bore
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some grimwalker headcanons
#the owl house#hunter toh#hunter#toh art#hunter noceda#hunter deamonne#grimwalker#grimwalkers#headcanons#my art#fanart#toh hunter#flapjack#waffles#toh#they're all written out on my blog btw i just illustrated them now#grimwalker lore my BELOVED
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/de63f248c04d13a9189132d858157717/b56f173d5e0f422f-df/s540x810/b06a39658264ab98ea70fe0a3a442149eea6e6fb.jpg)
Beautiful trans woman x bomb
#with the stellaron hunter lore that we have i think the trailblazer was originally one of them#i dont feel like cleaning this up :(#so i think firefly would be a bit fucked up about seeing stelle again#my art#art#doodle#fanart#honkai star rail#honkai star rail fanart#hsr#hsr fanart#stelle#hsr stelle#hsr trailblazer#hsr firefly#firefly hsr#firefly honkai star rail#stellefly#stellaron hunters
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instead of scooby doo, what if they were transported into my little pony?
#spn#spn fanart#supernatural#supernatural fanart#dean winchester#castiel#castiel fanart#dean winchester fanart#sam winchester#sam winchester fanart#deancas#team free will#my little pony#fanart#what do you tag this au#my little hunter#there is so much lore to this#and i only started drawing it yesterday#might post more later
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Monster hunter au Part 5
Keep in mind that what Ratchet hears in the last pages are rumors, and rumors are known to distort the truth. But of course Ratchet can't know exactly what's been distorted
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#maccadam#transformers#monster hunter au#ratchet#drift#deadlock#wing#ratchlock#dratchet#So ahaha mmmm funny story I wanted to post this two days ago#But I couldn’t stop adding pages to this part#Every time I sat down to do “the final polishing” my brain would start generating more ideas#……also I wanted to add the Ratchets lantern lore into this part but it’s already too fucking long#Ahahahah
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"We're not going THAT far, Guardian."
#i don't really know the lore about red death and crimson but this scene stuck in my head#why didn't anyone mention that gun when they talk about banned guns that's literally THE banned gun#btw crimson was my lucky pants gun until warden's law is a thing#yeah i never got malfeasance#destiny 2#destiny hunter#lord shaxx#destiny 2 art#my art
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Rowan tends to be a bit of an open book, if you just ask him direct questions. Otherwise he's not much of a sharer. Reference to this comic
#a casual monster hunter for coin#but the real gold is in the bounties#smidgen of row lore#bg3#baldur's gate 3#bg3 tav#astarion#wyll ravengard#bg3 comic#mydrawins
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Wrestling lore is really funny to explain to non-wrestling people, mainly because you have to suspend your disbelief much more than you would do for stuff like anime or superhero fiction. Think of it like this; it’s normal for a shonen anime protagonist or a superhero to demonstrate they have superpowers usually because it’s established early on. That also goes for other parts of the lore, such as the world-building, the MacGuffins, and the history of that world.
But in wrestling, characters and storylines change all the time and are ongoing (I’ve seen the term “longform storytelling” used). So you end up with HUGE leaps in logic, such as:
1) There’s a supernatural being from hell who temporarily became a biker gang member, and then went back to being a supernatural being from hell
2) There’s a male model who gave out grooming tips who eventually evolved into Captain America/Homelander.
3) Triple H committed burglary on camera. He invaded Randy Orton’s home, beat him up, destroyed some of his property, and then threw Orton out the window. But it’s all fine because he’s the good guy, so he’s still employed by the WWE.
4) Dominik Mysterio is beefing with his dad, who literally fought for child custody of him in a wrestling match. Keep that in mind anytime you see Dominik not getting along with Rey.
5) Edge got sent to hell, but is okay now.
6) CM Punk was once a cult leader, but stopped doing that after he lost his hair. Then he became the opposite, as in he turned into an anti-authority rebel.
7) A lot of wrestlers, such as Sheamus and Shawn Spears, apparently used to work at WWE as background staff/security guards.
8) Real life famous music artist Bad Bunny is part of the lore and he actually beat a world champion (Damian Priest) in a match. And I don’t mean Bad Bunny is playing a character. In the WWE lore, Bad Bunny is playing himself.
(Feel free to add on any other leaps in logic from pro-wrestling)
#WWE#lore dump#lore#WWE lore#world wrestling entertainment#world wrestling federation#professional wrestling#pro wrestling#wrestling#the undertaker#undertaker#cody rhodes#dashing cody rhodes#triple h#randy orton#hunter hearst helmsley#rko#dominik mysterio#rey mysterio#adam copeland#wwe edge#cm punk#sheamus#shawn spears#bad bunny#damian priest#wwe wrestling#wwe monday night raw#wwe smackdown#wrestler
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LOKI S01E02 “The Variant”
#loki#mobius#loki laufeyson#mobius m mobius#lokius#loki tv#lokitvsource#lokiedit#marveledit#mcuedit#B-15#hunter b-15#mine#s1e2 the variant i love u#i'm still not over how mobius just had loki's daggers in his locker#how long did he have them there?#surely they would've been destroyed with loki's outfit when he first arrived at the tva?#bc doesn't loki store his daggers with his magic?#hoW DID MOBIUS GET THEM?#unless my queen b-15 confiscated them when she took loki in?#but there's no way she'd give them to mobius... right?#so many questions#no answers#i wish i could ask owen#he'd probably come up with some insane lore
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you sick little animal, even death itself pities you.
#uwu art#Rain World#RW Hunter#rain world spoilers#blood cw#body horror cw#blood tw#body horror tw#// ask to tag#i beat rainworld maybe a month ago & now i'm trying hunter. & holy fucking shit man#NOT ONLY DOES THIS DIFFICULTY SPIT IN MY FACE BUT AS DOES THE LORE. i'm so emo#imagine being trapped in a loop. NO THAT'S NOT ENOUGH you also are riddled with tumors that are slowly killing you#your entire existence over & over from this point is to die slowly or find a way to leave the world entirely. the luxury of life escapesyou#die or '' die ''#& if you should die & succumb to your disease then your body will remain to infect & consume others until at last someone comes#& renders it physically incapable. so that you may die twice#WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THE FUNNY SLUGS GET TO BE PUT THROUGH ALL THE HORRORS#rain world makes me so upset it's so good. what the fuck
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Out of curiosity why do you bow before eating?
"It's a sign of respect."
"When I kill to eat, I know I am taking a life. I do it out of necessity. The creature's life moves to me so that I can survive and prosper. With this gesture, I pay tribute to its sacrifice."
"The bow is also to acknowledge the work of a person who brought the food, to feed me and the others. You're not pressured to do that, but even if the meal isn't to your liking, you would still recognize the effort. Our colony was small, with Hunter as the only adult, so any food brought back was celebrated."
"In my later cycles, the ability to craft explosive spears became incredibly useful for hunting and self-defense. I had a natural advantage, but it was to be exercised with caution."
"Truth is, I can do a lot of damage with my «powers». It's a big, alienating responsibility. And it was an issue in my younger cycles when I couldn't control it well - sometimes people around me would get hurt, but despite that, I was shown kindness and given guidance by my mentor. My adoptive family did not treat me like a freak, and it mattered a lot to me. It still does."
"I feel no need for bloodlust. I am content with my life… for the most part. Whatever grievances I may have, I know it's bad to take it out on others. For the temporary relief it gives, you realize it really is not worth it. To kill for sport, it makes my stomach turn - a sad waste of life. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. Cruel thoughts are the domain of a scared animal. I don't want to live in suffering because of such fear, and most of all I don't want my family to think less of me. Does that make sense? I wouldn’t want to disappoint them, or lose their trust…"
"When I hunt for food, I often think of what my mentor would say. Those thoughts guide my spears, the memories remind me to be kind in the face of the vast, indifferent world. Most of the creatures out there have it considerably worse than me, trying to survive nature day by day. I've been blessed with a mark, I know things that a typical slugcat would never need in their life. I don't think I can ever go back - knowledge, like my «powers», are both a blessing and a curse. And, dare I say, I think it is better that I have those powers… for I know, at the very least, that I trust myself to use them wisely."
"The bow is a sign of respect, and a gentle reminder of the things that I stand for."
#rain world#rain world oc#rain world au#rw pioneer#rw hunter#slugcat#slugpup#artificer's pups#ask blog#au lore#tagging it as lore cuz this post is kinda important#it was meant to be three times shorter but i got carried away lol#the left half of the second image was meant to show “Marbles as a menace without the guidance of Hunter”#cuz yknow... she wouldn't have known right from wrong#but i think people will read it as lil shit blowing up stuff for fun#which may be true in some way#tbf she was a fairly calm child that needed friends so bad#that whevener she hurt other kids by accident she would bawl her eyes out out of shame#shout-out to opashoo for assistance 👍
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A large, black flower bud rose from the ground, slowly opening up to reveal a young woman who slowly stepped down. The edges of her long, black gown seeming to slither across the grass as she moved forward and placed a hand upon a sleeping dragon's snout, rousing it from its slumber.
Toxic green eyes opened slowly, staring at the woman before its pupils slowly dilated. Letting out a slight purr it rubbed against the woman's hand, who only let out a smile as she loving rubbed the dragon's snout.
"There're intruders within our forest." She whispered, pressing her forehead against the dragon's face, eyes downcast. "They have someone with them, who can control plants as well. At my level or, perhaps, even higher."
The woman sighed and the dragon rubbed its snout against her, causing her to let out a small chuckle. "I know, I know. Not my fault." She murmured, staring at its glowing white scales that emitted a soft light even in the sunlight. "Just, please. Do not try to take them on yourself."
A soft growl interrupted her, and the woman huffed. "Yes, yes. I know you're strong. But we can't risk losing you." She paused for a moment, staring into the dragon's eyes with a half-lidded gaze before adding on quietly. "You already know what happened to Vlad."
The dragon grew quiet, contemplating.
Not for the first time, Sam noted how lucky Vlad was, to have gained the revival ability of the Pheonix after becoming.
"We don't need you grabbing their attention again." Her gaze grew steely, staring down and holding the gaze of the mighty beast before her. "It was only a stroke of luck, even with his brilliance, that Vlad managed to come back. You can't revive yourself, so don't take risks you can avoid."
This time it was the dragon's turn to huff, gaze trailing off to stare at a certain scar on its body before turning away. Sam caught his stare, but chose not to say anything as she stepped away.
"Stay here. I'll deal with them." She turned away, sprouting an open flower bud that she soon stepped onto. She turned slightly, staring at the dragon as its eyes slipped shut and quickly slipping back into slumber.
She looked away with a determined expression, petals closing around her as the flower sank into the ground.
They already lost Danny once, they couldn't lose him again.
#dc x dp#dpxdc#dp x dc#dcxdp#dp x dc crossover#dc x dp crossover#Poison ivy#Moreso mentioned but she IS there#Why?#:)#Ghosts are dragons#Well more so specifically Danny#Sam is like a nymph I guess#Some bg lore I suppose#Amity Park is now a truly closed off city after something caused the residents to become#Well#Monsters#So they shut their gates because of the GIW and believing that they were ghosts#They don't want the GIW/Ghost/Monster Hunters back in so#No one is allowed in or out#Sam has a forest defending the town#Where Danny sleeps after a certain encounter with the GIW#Vlad also had one but he wasn't as lucky because he was killed again but got revived because Pheonix#If he is currently a physical child is up to you though
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(this post is about rain world vanilla only!!!!!)
Karma flowers being unable to spawn for hunter due to it being karmically imbalanced...
[thank you slugfish for showing me this also!]
Hunter broke the mold by switching to become a carnivore, something other slugcats don't seem able to do, and as a result is spiritually shunned and abandoned...
It's illness is likely related to the fact its eating meat too. I thiunk it has a prion diseases
#textadactyl#lore#hunter#rain world#I haven't seen this spoken yet and I just really wanted to mention it here#I like rot hunter but I might honestly start moving away from it in favor of karma imbalance/kuru hunter#I might elaborate on its relationship to nsh too in another post#esp since a lot of what I believe is mostly headcanon?#and also not based off dp.
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Nearly a year after the girl’s disappearance on Halloween night, some Gravesfield locals have begun whispering about seeing her spirit wandering the streets.
There is a boy with her, they say, a boy whose face some claim resembles that of the older Wittebane’s statue.
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