#Lord James
tampire · 9 months
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Married couple knocks some sense into that nerd and his husband joins in
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nerdygaymormon · 8 months
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 months
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Honestly this could work with Jack on the right and any antagonist on the left
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cisusnar · 10 months
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He is a silly guy 🥰
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dumbgothbunny · 1 year
Bucky/reader Bridgerton AU when
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diioonysus · 8 months
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reading + art
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shiplessoceans · 7 days
Moments in House MD that made me absolutely feral as an O.G fan that watched it as it aired back in the naughties, shipping House/Wilson hardcore and not realising I was queer:
1. Wilson loudly reciting a poem to House as he enters the hospital lobby which contains the line: "His manly chest, his stubbled jaw, everything about him leaves me raw.'
2. The look on Wilson's face when a random clinic patient gives House advice about his date with Cameron.
"Do her....or you're gay."
*cue Wilson looking to the side like...wait a minute...*
3. House: "They were not Prada! you wouldn't know Prada if it stepped on your scrotum."
4. Wilson: "House I believe you're a romantic, you didn't just believe him, you believed IN him! Wanna come over tonight, watch old movies and cry?"
5. House (yelling across a crowded lobby to Wilson): "How long can you go without sex?"
6. The look on Wilson's face when he gets a masseuse for House (!) and she massages his hand, causing him to begin moaning orgasmically.
7. Stacey: "What are you hiding?"
House: "I'm gay... Oh that's not what you meant! But it does explain a lot thought. No girlfriend, always with Wilson..."
8. House watching Wilson sleep on the couch in his apartment, then quietly erasing a voicemail from a real estate agent saying Wilson's apartment application for a new place went through.
9. Wilson, explaining his infidelity during his previous marriage, to Cameron when she's feeling awful because she considered cheating on her husband while he was dying:
"Well my wife wasn't dying, she wasn't even sick. But I met someone who made me feel...funny. Good. And I... didn't wanna let that feeling go."
The lack of pronoun haunts me to this day.
10. Gay male patient harassing House and questioning why he won't treat him:
Patient: "Because you're a closet case?" (Eyeing House and Wilson who have just emerged from House's apartment)
Wilson: "Uh...we're not...together..."
House: "He is so self-loathing."
11. House nearly kills himself to attempt to prove there is no afterlife, Wilson waits over his bedside and then calls him an idiot and orders him extra pain medication. House's response is:
"I love you."
12. House: "Big romantic weekend in the Poconos could change everything."
13. Wilson refusing to participate in a board vote to oust House from the hospital and consequently losing him job for House. Wilson's furious with him over being put in that position but forgives House easily.
14. Wilson (speaking to House about dating a woman eerily similar to House): "Why not? Why not date you? It's perfect! We've known each other for years, we put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We're a couple!"
House: "Are we still speaking metaphorically?"
15. (Less than a minute later when House keeps trying to convince Wilson he and Amber are a bad idea).
Wilson: "Wait a minute, every time I agree with you, you come up with a new argument. What are you trying to avoid?"
House: *Stares at Wilson with the most meaningful eye contact to ever eye contact*
Wilson: "Oh! Well if you'd looked at me with those flashing eyes before I was involved (clicks tongue)."
16. To Wilson's new girlfriend in a threatening, 'stay away from my man' voice:
House: "Give him back his sweatshirt... Pit stains don't become you."
17. House: "This isn't just about the sex! You like her personality! You like that she's conniving. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves..."
*tense pause*
House: "Oh my god. You're sleeping with me."
*flees restaurant*
18. House: "I have really gotta get you laid. If I have to plough that furrow myself, so be it."
19. Wilson: "I have a headache."
House: "We don't have to have sex, sometimes it's nice just to cuddle and talk."
20. (To a bellboy at a hotel House is staying at, while gesturing to Wilson)
House: "After he and I have sex, I'm gonna slit his throat and disembowel him in the bathtub."
21. House going to interview all of Wilson's ex wives to figure out how best to break him and Cuddy up when they aren't even dating. The look on his face when Bonnie explains how good at sex Wilson is? Priceless.
22. House: "Probably my deep and very unconscious desire to get Wilson into my bedroom."
22. House: "If you're coming back because you're attracted to the shine of my neediness. I'd be fine with that."
23. House borrowing money off Wilson in increasing amounts to test the limits of their friendship. He later admits to Wilson that: "Maybe I don't want to push this til it breaks".
24. House being convinced the male CIA agent who approaches him in season 4 is a stripper and sitting on a bench saying:
House: "You wanna close that door?"
CIA agent: "Why?"
House: "Well I assume you're gonna drop trou at some point during the dance, I don't see why I should share."
25. Wilson: "I want a threesome"
House: "Shouldn't we try a twosome first?"
26. All of that episode where House is talking to Dr Nolan and says Wilson is not a consolation prize. Legit became convinced halfway through that this was going to be House realising he's in love with Wilson and wants to keep living with him.
27. House hiring a P.I. to stalk Wilson after they've had a falling out to see if he misses him. The P.I. clocks this immediately and treats the case like that of a scorned lover needing to know if the other party is pining and if theres anything that can make him come back.
28. Wilson proposing to House in a restaurant to throw a wrench in his plans to date their neighbour.
29. Wilson got mad that Cuddy hurt House. So he bought her dream apartment out from under her in sheer spite and moved into said apartment with House.
30. Wilson being indecisive and unable to buy furniture for himself because of a flimsy sense of self and an inability to figure out who he is and what he wants. House teases him about this and challenges him to buy one peice of furniture that says something about who Wilson is.
The peice of furniture Wilson buys?
A piano organ for House.
31. House: "You were thinking about Wilson while were were having sex? That's cool so was I."
32. Wilson: "If things go wrong, I just want you to know..."
House: "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me? Everyone just kind of assumed it."
33. Cameron: "Where do you put the cane?"
House: (referring to Wilson) "If he buys me dinner he can find out."
34. That gay as fuck ending, fuck I'll never be over it.
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the-irreverend · 12 days
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After hearing about James Earl Jones' passing, I thought I'd pay tribute to him by talking about what I think is his greatest scene.
The way James delivers this line absolutely destroys me. When Luke is trying to convince Vader to turn against the Emperor, he doesn't respond with the malice and arrogance of a Sith Lord but with the sadness and regret of a father who's forever lost any hope of salvation and desperately wants his son to give up trying to give him it because he thinks he can never reach it even though he knows he wants it.
It's a heart-shattering performance given by a legendary actor, and it's one of many reasons he will be dearly missed.
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Gunn said the first movie was about the mother, the second about the father and the third about the self. And if I think about it, all characters finally come to terms to who they really are or want to be:
• Mantis goes her own way, after following what Ego wanted and then what the Guardians wanted for all these years;
• Drax, that called himself the 'destroyer', finds his place as a 'father', even after his daughter's death;
• Groot: now that he is an adult again, it's pretty clear to us that he's phisically and mentally different from the GOTG1!Groot. He respects and supports everyone's choices in his family and makes us part of it too at the end (→ now we understand him too);
• Nebula, now free from Thanos, is now a leader and helps kids in need like she was as a child, following what she and Gamora talked about at the end of vol 2;
• Gamora learns why her 2018!self found a family between the Guardians, but feels she's different and chooses another path in the end;
• Rocket "ain't no one like me but me" accepts he's not alone in the world anymore and deserves to keep on living. Also, he calls himself "racoon" for the first time without it being a offense for him;
• Peter, always away from his planet, faces his fears and comes back to the Earth, where he lost his mother, and meets his granddad.
I don't like all the choices Gunn made in this movie (about Gamora's arc for example), but GOTG3 made me cry and laught and cry again and I'm happy we finally got to see the ending of this beautiful trilogy.
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Cmon. With the way Erik was looking at Charles afterwards there is NO way he wasn't at least a liiitle bit turned on by that punch.
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ohtobemare · 7 days
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super unwell caught the Wolverine (2013) fever
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houseswife · 8 months
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this entire episode was just wilson flexing the bad bitches he pulled by being a certified freak
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tampire · 7 months
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This gifset slaps!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 month
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*Noteblock cover of He's A Pirate plays in the background*
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cisusnar · 7 months
What have you done?
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kumquatpoo · 1 month
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I hate these fucking gays
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