#Lord Danvers
kyliafanfiction · 10 months
I'm glad we got gay Alex, but I have to admit, there was real potential in Lord Danvers. It could have been a fun ship.
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kitschysandglass · 7 months
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Anyway personal superfam design for my personal Justice Lords AU! P1 is commissioned from Chillyou, and my very simple reference sheet at the end.
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Avengers #5 (2023)
written by Jed MacKay art by Ivan Fiorelli & Federico Blee
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talas-first-lady · 5 months
Until I come up with more Legends polls ideas, let's try out some of my previous polls with the other shows.
The characters of Supergirl have been allotted one use of the word "fuck" per season.
Bonus points if you share the episode/scene/line they should use it in.
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thank-the-gods-im-bi · 2 months
I have two types
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Women in stem particularly those in my special interests
Then women/nonbinary people with short brown hair and willing to cause problems
There are many others but because I know them personally I can’t post a picture unfortunately
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burningfudge · 1 year
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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2017) #9
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We’re down to the final 10 competitors of the 1st Fictional Women’s Royal Rumble! The final 10 are:
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 days
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Doctor Strange calls up a meeting with the Infinity Stone holders and their associates in Central Park of New York to discuss on what they must do with the Infinity Stones before the threats like Thanos show up. The Infinity Stone holders at that time were - Doctor Strange wielding the Time Stone, Turk Barrett the small-time crook holding the Mind Stone, Carol Danvers holding the Reality Stone, Adam Warlock holding the Soul Stone, Star-lord carrying the Power Stone, and lastly, Black Widow is holding the Space Stone except that she is nowhere to be seen in the meeting. The associates with the Infinity Stone holders are - Rocket Raccoon & Groot who are with Star-Lord the Power Stone holder, Drax & Iron Lad are with Adam Warlock the Soul Stone holder, and the minions of Turk Barrett the Mind Stone holder are Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, Tombstone, Sandman and Spot.
Doctor Strange and Carol Danvers are concerned about the safety of this meeting when they see Turk Barrett bringing his minions (especially Bullseye the most dangerous criminal) along but they reluctantly allow it. Along the way, Bullseye is amused at the sight of Rocket Raccoon and Groot at the meeting that he laughs at them much to their annoyance. As Doctor Strange gives a speech in the meeting, Turk points out that he counted the five Infinity Stone holders instead of six. Doctor Strange replies that the Space Stone holder is with them but has to be unseen at the moment. As Bullseye was getting impatient during the meeting, he was about to throw a card at him when it got sniped by Black Widow who had been hiding somewhere in the tall building. With the Space Stone, Black Widow would have teleported to the meeting but she chose not to as she rather keep an eye on her enemy like Bullseye. Mind you, Bullseye was there because he and the other supervillains (Tombstone, Spot, Typhoid Mary and Sandman) were hired as bodyguards by Turk Barrett (who is a normal guy without any superpowers holding the Mind Stone). From the window of a building elsewhere, Black Widow tells Strange that she's finding it hard not to simply shoot all the villains on sight. Bullseye admires the shot and sniffs the card.
Continuing the meeting, Doctor Strange explains the necessity to come to an agreement to protect the Infinity Stones, preferably off-Earth. After Turk rejects the idea, Star-Lord confronts him for having been using the Mind Stone's connection to the other Infinity Stones to listen in on them. Both Rocket Raccoon and Tombstone pull out their weapons. Adam Warlock brings attention to the corruption of the Soul Gem, explaining that the Soulworld has been tainted and while it always hungered, it feels starved now. Expecting Thanos to come for the Infinity Watch, Doctor Strange suggests to use this opportunity to deal with him. Using the combined power of the Carol's Reality Stone with his Time Stone, Doctor Strange creates a window to observe Thanos. However, Doctor Strange is surprised to find that the big bad Thanos is dead. Meanwhile, Turk Barrett is clueless about Thanos as he was an ordinary thug who used to work for Kingpin until he picked up the Mind Stone. Star-Lord and Doctor Strange try to convince Turk to hand over the Mind Stone. When Turk makes use of the gem, he discovers that the Power Stone that Star-Lord was carrying is a fake. Star-Lord checks the briefcase, and discovers the Power Stone inside is a hologram. The situation quickly escalates as Sandman and Groot lunge at each other. Since Turk can use the Mind Stone to hear through the others, Star-Lord asks him where is the real Power Stone, and Barrett answers that it's up. Iron Man and Thor appear to disrupt the fight but one of them is suddenly hit from above by a purple lightning. The mysterious assailant who had murdered Thanos lands in the middle of the battlefield, and demands she's given the stones. She hurls Thanos' head to the feet of the Infinity Watch, and Drax inquires her name. The attacker recalls that Thanos said she was conducting his requiem, and embraces it as her name. Drax, Groot and Star-Lord try to take down Requiem to no avail, but her mask is destroyed when Rocket Raccoon shoots at it from point-blank, revealing her to be Gamora. Star-Lord questions the reason for what she's doing, and she asserts that she had already tried the nice way. Doctor Strange warns Star-Lord that Gamora's sword has the Power Stone on its hilt, but he approaches her regardless, trying to reason why she's acting irrationally.
Infinity Wars #1, 2018
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storytellering · 3 months
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Only love can save us (happy pride)
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serqphites · 2 months
thinking heavilyyy abt g!p carol danvers w a breeding kink 🤭
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lovelovelovelarry · 1 year
here’s a list of characters i fully believe should have gotten to say fuck in the mcu before chris pratt-
1. nick fury- i feel most strongly about this one simply because samuel l jackson has said motherfucker in almost everything he’s ever been in except for his marvel work and you’re telling me they let chris pratt???? say it???? before him????
2. steve rogers- it’d just be funny since they apparently believe that the kid who was born in brooklyn and in the army in the 1940s doesn’t swear
3. carol danvers- with the amount of shit she puts up with? she’s earned it
4. happy hogan- preferably in a scenario where peter pushes him just a liiitle too far and he holds a pillow up to his face and screams it and then carries on with his day like nothing ever happened
5. literally anyone other than chris pratt’s character
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buckys-metal-arm · 10 months
Okay but Bucky being friends with the Space-Based heroes
Carol showing Bucky the Skrull Memory band and letting him use it to recover memories of his family and childhood that he thought HYDRA had well and truly beaten out of him
Mantis using her powers to help Bucky sleep, like she used to with Ego, and her being happy that she can help a good person find some peace this time
Rocket understanding what Bucky has been through better than most. When he's working on the ship or weapons or something Bucky comes and sits with him and he explains what he's doing and why and Bucky is super interested and always asks a ton of questions
Kraglin taking Bucky to Nowhere and showing him around and Bucky being enraptured by it because he's a giant fuckin nerd
Cosmo absolutely loving playing with Bucky, he's also the only one who speaks Russian to her
In a similar vein, Goose absolutely ADORING Bucky and maybe sending one of her kittens with him so we can get Flerkitten!Alpine
Nebula and Bucky talking best practice for prosthetic maintenance, and bonding over the fact they've both lost their sisters, one to old age and one to... *Gestures to IW*, as well as the fact that, like Rocket, she gets what he's been through better than most
Drax and Bucky sparring and Bucky realizing he's one of the few people he can spar with and not worry about hurting
Thor teaching Bucky about the 9 worlds like he did Jane in Thor 1 and Bucky being absolutely fascinated also Bucky is ABSOLUTELY worthy of picking up Mjolnir. He doesn't try because he doesn't think he is, but Thor knows. Just like he did with Steve.
Valkyrie and Bucky being bi disaster squad drinking buddies. They hang out and drink Asgardian mead (Bucky is shocked when it gets him drunk for the first time in 70 years), talking about the people they've lost, doing what they can to keep their memories alive. She lets him ride Warsong once and Bucky is freaked out because "god dammit Val I've never ridden a normal horse before let alone a fucking flying one". He figures it out enough to have fun eventually
Star-Lord making Bucky a playlist of all of the best music that he missed. He also ABSOLUTELY makes Bucky watch Footloose and though he refuses to admit it to Peter he ended up really liking it
Bucky loving being around Phylla when he hangs with the Guardians and Love when he's with Thor because they remind him of his sister when she was young
I know there are other space based heroes but these were the ones I could think of, I just like the idea of Bucky having a bunch of friends and being a giant nerd with them 🥺🥹
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pdouwes · 1 year
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Sie müssen fort Favell, nehmen Sie die Hintertür. Oh nein, Danny! Ich bleibe. Ich habe etwas zu besprechen mit Mr. de Winter.
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why-i-love-comics · 11 months
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Avengers #6 - "Citykillers IV" (2023)
written by Jed MacKay art by Ivan Fiorelli & Federico Blee
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
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She’s so boyfriend <3
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raccoon-coded · 3 months
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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2017) #7
Rocket's rocking a new look in this one.
Also bonus Peter's dating app profile.
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