#Like you just have to throw away weirdo behaviour as a whole
maipareshaan · 2 months
Okay look, seeing Sam and Dean stan wars is how i am like a bronly okay, i love to see wank about them, its fun to me, like i am really into their little dramas and i like seeing ppl talk about it
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youremyheaven · 4 months
The Severity, Spirituality and Stoicism of Saturnians ✊🏼🧎‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
I will be criticizing Saturnian men throughout this post, if you don't like that, stop reading right now <3
Saturn is the planet of karma, justice, discipline, and order. In Claire's video about Saturnian men, she observed that "in Saturnian men you will find an exact duality contained here in breaking rules and doing strange stunts, pranks and having outbursts etc but also paradoxically find themselves submitting to ideologies, cults, political parties, motivational affirmations etc"
I feel like I touched upon this a bit in my first post about Saturn and in this post I'd like to go into different manifestations of this tendency along with some other things I've observed with Saturnian men.
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Timothee Chalamet, UBP Moon
Full disclosure, I've never liked him lmao,, I think the hype he gets is undeserved and 90% bc of the fact that there is a dearth of young charismatic actors in Hollywood.
But anywayyys, Timmy Tim first attracted controversy for working with Woody Allen even though he's since expressed regret for it or whatever,, then he received flak for having sex in a pool during the height of the pandemic and manyyyy blinds about him giving women chlamydia 💀💀started making the rounds and he was lowkey exposed for being a whore
Then last year he drew criticism for smoking indoors at a Beyonce concert (where smoking is prohibited) and he's literally talking to Kylie and blowing smoke ??? at the same time?? which is sooo filthy?? who tf does that??
His silence on the Armie Hammer issue and pretty much all issues lol have also been criticized. Everybody thought he'd be some woke liberal activist but he's just been dead quiet and pretty self absorbed the whole time. He loves to lap attention and give absolutely nothing in return to the community.
The thing with Saturn however is that, bad behaviour does not go unpunished. Timmy Tim has been getting A LOT of flak and the total rose tinted obsession people had with him is slowly fading (even tho he still has legions of fans). People are now starting to see his true colors.
But anyway, this is a very minor issue compared to all the other Saturnians I'm going to mention next.
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Jeffrey Epstein, UBP Moon, Anuradha Rising
I'm assuming most of you are familiar with sex offender Epstein. He has trafficked thousands of underage girls over the course of decades and to satiate numerous high profile paedophiles.
He committed suicide while in prison. One thing about Saturn is that, if you stray, are immoral, unfair, undisciplined, corrupt, foul, evil etc it WILL punish you. The truth is Saturnians know deep down that what they're doing IS wrong, they're not like Moon dominants who are completely convinced their corrupt evil idea is a "good" one. Saturnians know full well what they're doing and they do it anyway and they suffer its consequences.
Inviting Saturn's wrath upon oneself is basically how these natives find "balance", they feel like they get away with too much and they're constantly pushing their limits to see how far they can go before this wrath comes for them.
Epstein had been doing this for decades without much consequence, working with extremely high profile people including politicians and royalty. Eventually, he was caught and the truth of his immorality was exposed for all to see AND he ended his own life.
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Salvador Dali- UBP Moon
Dali was known for being an eccentric and a weirdo and you can say that the way he pushed his boundaries as an artist is a more "positive" manifestation of Saturnian individuals and their need to test limits.
However, Dali was also a pretty messed up guy
Dali admitted on several occasions to having sadomasochistic tendencies. As a child he enjoyed throwing himself down the stairs, explaining that “The pain was insignificant, the pleasure was immense”. Shockingly, he once pushed his childhood friend off of a 15-foot bridge – as his friend lay injured, Dali apparently sat calmly eating cherries.
Pleasure and pain seemed intimately entwined. Dali wanted both. One other childhood incident of note included a wounded bat. It was kept in Dali's washhouse hideaway and stayed there overnight. When Dali returned to it was being devoured by a mass of ants. He impulsively bit into the seething mass delirious with pleasure. 
I had briefly mentioned how Saturnians tend to be sadomasochistic in my previous post about Saturn and these examples just confirm it further.
When he is an adolescent a girl falls desperately in love with him. He kisses and caresses her so as to excite her as much as possible, but refuses to go further. He resolves to keep this up for five years (he calls it his ‘five-year plan’), enjoying her humiliation and the sense of power it gives him. He frequently tells her that at the end of the five years he will desert her, and when the time comes he does so.
When he first meets his future wife, Gala, he is greatly tempted to push her off a precipice. He is aware that there is something that she wants him to do to her, and after their first kiss the confession is made:
I threw back Gala's head, pulling it by the hair, and trembling with complete hysteria, I commanded: ‘Now tell me what you want me to do with you! But tell me slowly, looking me in the eye, with the crudest, the most ferociously erotic words that can make both of us feel the greatest shame!’ Then Gala, transforming the last glimmer of her expression of pleasure into the hard light of her own tyranny, answered: ‘I want you to kill me!’
He is somewhat disappointed by this demand, since it is merely what he wanted to do already. He contemplates throwing her off the bell-tower of the Cathedral of Toledo, but refrains from doing so.
George Orwell once described Dali this way:
"The two qualities that Dali unquestionably possesses are a gift for drawing and an atrocious egoism."
Art historian and critic Brian Sewell has also claimed that Dali once asked him to lie naked in front of one of his sculptures and masturbate whilst he watched.
He was also obsessed with Hitler in a perverse way.
While the vast majority of the Surrealist group professed far-Left political leanings, Dali kept curiously quiet during his early career, before being kicked out of the group for being a Nazi sympathiser, which he denied. Dali went on to make artwork addressing the Hitler, including “The Enigma of Hitler” (above) and “Hitler Masturbating”, once detailing that he “often dreamed of Hitler as a woman” and that the Nazi dictator “turned [him] on”.
He was a big old fascist who also supported the Spanish dictator Franco which made Picasso stop talking to him for the rest of his life. Orwell who fought in the Spanish civil war called Dali a "disgusting human being".
At age six, Dalí writes in his autobiography, he pre-meditated a "terrible kick" to his three-year-old sister's head "as though it had been a ball." Not simply childish not-knowing-better, this baseless cruelty continued as Dalí got older.
Here is an article that says more about his shitty behaviour.
Here is another article about his fcked up relationship with his sister
Saturn never fails to punish tho. It will let you fck up but punishment is imminent.
Dali died in his 80s, almost penniless, completely alone, as he had driven all his friends off decades prior, his wife had already passed and he was seriously ill and bedridden. He used button to call his nurse and one day that button short circuited and set him/the bed on fire. He suffered second and third degree burns all over his body. He lived for another four years in severe pain before passing away.
Just because you go a whole lifetime avoiding punishment, does not mean it isn't coming. People who suffer in old age have it the worst because you suffer 100x more
Dali was a Saturn defying narcissistic, violent, abusive person and guess what Saturn did? It saved it all up for the very end and left him without any kind of mercy. Friendless, penniless, bedridden, in excruciating pain, FOR YEARS until he finally died.
Saturn punishes you/is a harsh teacher because it wants you to uphold the Saturnian qualities of virtue, justice, fairness, doing your duty etc, you may never see the rewards of your good actions, so it may feel like a waste of time to keep being so principled but if you decide to just do whatever and disobey, you best believe Saturn will come through with that wrath. You have to keep being virtuous and morally upright even if you don't see yourself being "rewarded" for it. No one may recognise your goodness but keep being good anyway.
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Alexander Graham Bell, Venus in UBP in 2h, Saturn in Shatabhisha in 1h
He is the guy who invented the telephone but he was also a very controversial deaf educator in his time.
Bell's father was a teacher of the deaf. His method of teaching the deaf was coined "Visible Speech." Bell's mother was deaf/hearing impaired and he would often speak to her by placing his mouth close to her forehead, believing the vibrations from his voice would help her distinguish speech more clearly.
Although he married a deaf woman, a former speech pupil, Mabel Hubbard, Bell strongly opposed intermarriage among congenitally deaf people. Bell feared "contamination" of the human race by the propagation of deaf people even though most deaf people statistically are born to hearing parents.
Bell applied his study of eugenics to his goal of preventing the creation of a deaf race and presented his paper Memoir Upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race to the National Academy of Sciences in 1883.4
Bell stated, "Those who believe as I do, that the production of a defective race of human beings would be a great calamity to the world, will examine carefully the causes that will lead to the intermarriage of the deaf with the object of applying a remedy."
In this paper, he proposed to reduce the number of the deaf by discouraging deaf-mute to deaf-mute marriages, advocating speech reading and articulation training for an oral-only method of education, removing the use of deaf teachers and sign language from the classroom.
Suggestions were made to enact legislation to prevent the intermarriage of deaf-mute people or forbidding marriage between families that have more than one deaf-mute member. His preventative strategies for deaf marriage included removing barriers to communication and interaction with the hearing world.
I feel like Saturnians often have a tendency to subconsciously make things harder for themselves and for others. Getting things easy is not Saturn's style. And this can manifest in sooooo many different ways. Bell grew up with a father who taught deaf people/children, his mother was deaf, he married a deaf woman YET he believed that they did not deserve to have separate schools that used communication tools specifically designed for them to make their lives easier. He spent his entire life working with deaf people but still somehow did not want things to be easier for them???
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Steve Jobs, UBP moon
He had a pretty stellar reputation for being a major asshole. He was an extremely difficult person to work with and often terrorised his employees and was a toxic vile asshole to the women he dated.
Jobs was given up for adoption by his parents and later in life, he abandoned his girlfriend and baby after he got her pregnant.
His daughter Lisa later said that her mother felt uncomfortable leaving her with Steve alone after an incident in which he questioned and teased the then-nine-year-old Brennan-Jobs about her sexual attractions and proclivities.
Once, as Jobs groped his wife and pretended to be having sex with her, he demanded that Lisa stay in the room, calling it a "family moment."
It is well known that Steve Jobs was really good at conceptualizing things and coming up with ideas (touch screen phones, macbooks, iMacs etc) but he lacked the technical expertise to build anything. His partner, Steve Wozniak was the actual brains behind all of the creations to put it simply.
Early in his career, Jobs worked for the game developing company Atari who promised him a bonus of $5000 for developing a game called Breakout. Jobs did not have the know-how to execute this, so he made his friend Wozniak who worked at a different company stay up all night for 4 nights to design this whole ass game. He gave him $350 for it and told him he was giving him half of what the company paid him. Wozniak only found out much later that Steve basically stole his ideas, used him AND gave him a paltry sum as compensation.
Before Apple went public, Jobs refused to give any major shares to the many many developers and engineers who played a crucial role in pioneering the company. Wozniak gave those employees HIS shares so that they could make a profit when the company went public.
I'm not going to detail all the ways he tormented his employees and staff. You can google it.
Eventually, Saturn's karma started kicking in and Jobs was fired from the company he founded and for 10 years, he had to stay away from Apple. This experience humbled him a bit.
Apple really suffered in his absence and they brough him back in 1997 and we all know the kind of groundbreaking work he did in the next decade there. (hint: iphones, ipods etc)
In 2011, he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer and resigned from his position and died 6 weeks later.
He refused to get surgery and chemo and chose "alternate treatments" until his disease had progressed so far that, there was no saving him.
He would eat a single thing and only that for weeks. Like apples. He'd eat only apples for three weeks. He was convinced that made him superior to everyone else and that it made him have no body odour, so he never showered either. This made it really hard for others to be around him.
Now back to his daughter, he was incredibly abusive to Lisa. She said she was forced to move home over 13 times before age seven as her mother struggled to pay the bills through a series of cleaning positions, while Jobs, then already a multi-millionaire, refused to help.
During one visit she innocently asked if she could be given his Porsche after learning the flashy vehicle had a scratch and needed to be replaced. His scowling response shocked Lisa, then aged seven.
“‘Absolutely not,’ he said in such a sour, biting way that I knew I’d made a mistake,” she remembers. “I understood that perhaps it wasn't true, the myth of the scratch: maybe he didn’t buy new ones. By that time I knew he was not generous with money, or food, or words; the idea of the Porsches had seemed like one glorious exception. I wished I could take it back. We pulled up to the house and he turned off the engine. Before I made a move to get out he turned to face me.
“‘You’re not getting anything,’” he said. “‘You understand? Nothing. You’re getting nothing.’ Did he mean about the car, something else, bigger? I didn’t know. His voice hurt—sharp, in my chest.” (an excerpt from her memoir 'Small Fry')
Saturn may delay punishment but it will punish and whether or not you learn from it, is up to you. Some individuals are not very malleable and they suffer the most. They make the same mistake over and over again and never learn. Steve died of any entirely preventable disease but he refused treatment. He was in excruciating pain towards his end and was completely bedridden. He expressed regret about not having gotten treatment sooner but :/
It's really scary how your karma catches up with you. Its the worst when it comes for you and leaves you with no time to remedy anything, so you just suffer agony knowing there is nothing you can do.
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Woody Allen- Anuradha stellium (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter)
He molested his step daughter Dylan Farrow and is currently married to his former step daughter from the same marriage Soon Yi.
There has been a lot of misinformation regarding him molesting Dylan as a child even though the fact that he is literally married to one of his stepdaughters should be reason enough to suspect him
 Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public. Mia Farrow had instructed her babysitters that Allen was never to be left alone with Dylan.
 Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police. Instead, he took one from someone hired by his legal team. The Connecticut state police refused to accept the test as evidence. The state attorney, Frank Maco, says that Mia was never asked to take a lie-detector test during the investigation.
(Here is a link to the full article)
But again, Saturn's karmic lessons come through. Numerous actors have refused to work with Allen, he has been publicly condemned, lost all his reputation during #MeToo Actors such as Greta Gerwig, Colin Firth, and Mira Sorvino have recently apologized for accepting roles in Allen’s films, while many of his most avid fans have turned against him.
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Johnny Cash, Rahu in UBP in 1h
Johnny was a drug addict and very abusive to his first wife. He creepily pursued June Carter while he was still married and despite her rejecting him MANY times, he did not give up. She was in a financially unfortunate position and he gave her the opportunity of touring with him, which she had to take up to make ends meet and finally in front of a live audience, he proposes marriage to her and basically forces her to say yes.
They remained married for 50 years and died within a year of each other so idk if they had a happy marriage or a troubled one but the Saturnian persistence was coming thru.
Cash's whole life is super Saturnian. His career came to a standstill in the 70s after a stellar decade long run in the 1960s, all throughout which he was abusing drugs.
In the early 1980s, Cash had eye surgery, broke several ribs, and damaged a kneecap, all on separate occasions, and again became addicted to pills. He was hospitalized in 1983 with internal bleeding that almost killed him. Upon regaining strength, he checked into the Betty Ford Clinic and remained clean until his death.
In 1994, after a looooong period of zero hits and chart play. He collabed with Rick Rubin (the GOAT) and then released a number of successful albums until he passed away in 2003 and from 1997 onwards he had been struggling with autonomic neuropathy and was frequently hospitalized.
Its interesting to me how between 1954 to 1973, Cash was undergoing his Saturn mahadasha and this period brought him enormous success and also made him completely addicted to substances. In 1965, he started a forest fire that burned off 500 acres of forest land and killed 49 of the refuge's 53 endangered condors. When confronted about it, he said "I don't care about your damn yellow buzzards".
From 1973-1990, he was undergoing his Mercury dasha, and this was a very low period in his career as he suffered major setbacks.
As he's sobering up at the Carter's family ranch, he's walking along a path. One of their ostriches is standing in the path. Well Cash thinks to himself "Hell if I'm moving" and tries to move it, so the bird starts trying to headbutt/peck at him, so he swings a punch at the bird, it responds by splitting his goddamn abdomen open with it's talon, from top to bottom. (he said the only thing that stopped the talon was it got stuck on his leather belt and couldn't go further). So he's laying on the ground, and grabs a branch (or an old fence post, can't remember) and starts beating it from the ground until it runs away.
Its interesting how his major highs in life were during his Saturn MD (He has Saturn in Uttarashada in 11h) and his biggest blows came during his Mercury MD (he does have Mercury in Shatabhisha in 12h 😬).
Mercury is not an inherently difficult dasha the way Saturn is. But what we sow, we shall reap. Saturn gives you 19 years to get your shit together and if you don't really learn during this period, it gets on your ass long after that. Jennie from Blackpink ended her Saturn MD in 2019 and some of her career's biggest moments have come since then but so have the controversies (she's currently in her Mercury MD) and it's as though the lingering after effects of the Saturn dasha really dictates how we experience our Mercury dasha.
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Winston Churchill, Anuradha Sun
In 1943 in Bengal, over 3 million people died due to starvation and Churchill was directly responsible for this.
Churchill deliberately ordered the diversion of food from starving Indian civilians to well-supplied British soldiers and even to top up European stockpiles, meant for yet-to-be-liberated Greeks and Yugoslavs (all of this happened during WW2 for context)
He basically said, this is none of my business. Even though millions of Indian soldiers fought for the British during WW2 and were British subjects until India gained independence in 1947. Also btw India was the biggest contributor to the Empire's GDP. they looted and plundered us and left us to starve, basically.
In the book, Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II, written by Madhusree Mukerjee, Churchill was quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were “breeding like rabbits”, and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive. 😡🤬😠he was a racist imperialist pig to say the least.
Some people are Churchill defenders and genuinely believe that the Bengal famine was a necessary sacrifice to win the war, and that those who critiqued him were unfair and had little insight about WWII. Aka: the colonized are expendable in a war between essentially imperialist, genocidal and fascist states. And they can kiss my ass.
To Indians, Churchill is a Hitler-like figure and rightfully so.
"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Winston Churchill to Peel commission in 1937. 
Here is a thread that elaborates the many fcked up things he did.
When I talk about how cruel, brutal and callous Saturnian men can be, this is what I mean. Saturn restricts, limits and binds. This can easily mean Saturnians subject themselves and others to unnecessary rules, restrictions and limits.
Steve Jobs thought he was superior to others bc he only ate one type of food for weeks and months. Just because someone has discipline, does not automatically mean its good to have it. Free range parents can suck because they dont protect you or shelter you but disciplinarian parents also suck. Both Jupiter and Saturn struggle to learn "balance".
An unevolved Saturnian will be stingy af, very partial, biased and ill mannered. They act like cave men.
Churchill struggled with his mental health his whole life. He referred to it his “black dog:” fits of melancholia that followed Churchill throughout his life and often left him bedridden, suicidal and unshakably depressed for months at a time. It may sound cruel to say poor mental health is "karma" for his actions. (He also suffered 7 strokes and the final one, killed him). But the ways in which we are punished are often not materially obvious??? We may see terrible people thrive but often they are really suffering on the inside. Saturn often punishes by depriving you of peace of mind :/
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Thomas Alva Edison, Anuradha Rising
In 1884, Nikola Tesla moved to New York City to meet Edison, who was famous for his low-voltage, direct-current electricity. Tesla believed the higher-voltage alternating current electricity was superior and suggested creating an AC-powered motor, but Edison claimed it was too dangerous. Instead, Edison promised the recent immigrant $50,000 (over $1 million today) if he could improve upon his DC generators, or “dynamos.”
After toiling for several months and making significant advances, he returned for his reward, only for Edison to say, “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” Tesla quit—but the bullying didn’t stop there.
George Westinghouse had purchased Tesla’s patents and became the pioneering force behind AC power and its widespread implementation. Edison, who was ideologically and financially invested in his own DC power, began a publicity campaign against AC power. The campaign was ruthless; he wanted to prove that the high voltage of AC power was too dangerous for public use, so he and his cohorts began publicly electrocuting animals—stray dogs and cats, cattle and horses, and even, notoriously, “Topsy” the elephant. (you can hate me for pointing out how unevolved Saturnians abuse animals all you want but it will not stop it from being true<333)
The story gets worse. Edison was asked whether electrocution was a humane method of execution. In reply, he claimed that with Westinghouse’s AC power, it was indeed a humane and reliable execution. Westinghouse of course tried to prevent such an association, but Harold Brown, one of Edison’s employees, was hired by the state of New York to build the first electric chair. Obviously, he used AC power.
The execution—the first use of the electric chair—took place on August 6, 1890. AC power proved neither reliable nor humane. The first, 17-second-long charge failed to kill the man, an alleged axe murderer; after waiting for the generator to recharge and amping up the voltage, the next charge at last brought an end to the horrible, 8-minute long ordeal. Westinghouse, disgusted, reportedly said, “They would have done better with an axe.”
For his last two years, a series of ailments caused his health to decline even more until he lapsed into a coma and died at the age of 84.
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Bo Burnham, Venus/Jupiter/Ketu in Pushya and Anuradha Rising
He does have a reputation for being a dick but I wanted to mention him because I think his sense of humour is VERY Saturnian. He has this tendency to humble his audience and its super Saturncoded to me. Like his whole shtick is serving you with a reality check in a slightly condescending way which is extremely Saturnian.
He often makes "ironically" misogynistic jokes or whatever and its laced with that Saturnian bitterness except he's slightly self aware I guess.
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Aziz Ansari, Venus & Mars in UBP and Jupiter in Anuradha
Tbh other than the fact that his stand up comedy routines are hella lame, I dont really have much dirt on him.
However, he did sexually assault a woman in 2018 and nobody has heard much from him since tbh. I guess its an example of "instant karma".
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Mads Mikkelsen, Anuradha Sun conjunct Ketu
Mads aka the man who made a career out of playing the bad guy
This isn't about Mads but about his most well known role, playing Hannibal Lecter.
Hannibal imo is very very Saturncoded
 He is highly intelligent and cultured, with refined tastes and impeccable manners. He is deeply offended by rudeness, and often kills people who exhibit bad manners; according to the novel Hannibal, he "prefers to eat the rude". Hopkins described Lecter as the "Robin Hood of killers", who kills "the terminally rude".
Saturnians are either extremely refined or very unkempt. There is no in-between. You can always tell when someone has an imbalanced Saturn influence based on how disorderly, messy and chaotic they are.
In the novel Red Dragon, the protagonist, Will Graham, says that psychologists refer to Lecter as a sociopath "because they don't know what else to call him". Graham says "he has no remorse or guilt at all", and tortured animals as a child, (👀) but he does not exhibit any of the other criteria traditionally associated with sociopathy. Asked how he himself would describe Lecter, Graham responded, "he's a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time. They feed it, and keep it warm, but they don't put it on the machines and it dies. Lecter is the same way in his head, but he looks normal and nobody could tell."
Hannibal embodies the disciplined, orderly conduct of an evolved Saturnian along with the cruelty and harshness of it.
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Charlie Puth, Anuradha Sun & Mars
half of this guy's discography is about how he hates women from LA. He literally has one song called "Nothing But Trouble (Instagram Models)" and it's just about how instagram models make problems. He has another song called "L.A. Girls" about how women in LA are fungible. It's like yeah maybe instagram models do suck but no one made you date them??? 
These are lyrics from the song LA Girls:
"There was Nikki, Nicole, Tiffany, and Heather But there's only room for you in my world But you say that I changed like the east coast weather How the hell did I get caught up? Messin' with these LA girls"
When I tell you the Madonna-Whore complex runs DEEP with Saturnian men. They will fool around with you and think of YOU as "cheap" for doing so and fall for the girl who never gives it up. The double standards of Saturnians are 🤮🤢
They will get frisky and frivolous with you and judge you for it :/
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Woody Harrelson, Pushya Sun, Anuradha Moon
When I think of unkempt Saturnians, I think Woody Harrelson lmao
While filming in London in 2002, Harrelson found himself at a bar when two women approached him. According to the actor, the women asked if he wanted to "take a walk on the wild side." To which Harrelson replied, "I guess I do." A third woman joined in the fun, and the foursome returned to Harrelson's accommodations and enjoyed what the outlet described as "whatever-happened-next." Unfortunately for the Rampart star, "a paparazzo was able to snap a photo that soon hit the tabloids." The worst part — his then-girlfriend and future-wife Laura Louie saw these photos in the press. This "led to a good bit of groveling on Harrelson's part," and the couple worked past the incident.
I think I have noticed about manyyyy Saturnian men is that they often have enabler wives who put up with their shit + encourage it. Steve Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell was like that. Steve was such a perfectionist that he did not even buy furniture for their house and yk what?? she was okay with that lol and they remained married until his death even though literally everybody who has ever known him describes him as an asshole.
Woody Allen's still married to Soon Yi who is also entirely defensive about him. Same goes for Harrelson's wife I guess. How on earth does someone work past a foursome??? wtf
"I used to go to bars and fight the guys I thought were bullies. I've got scars everywhere," he revealed to The Hollywood Reporter. His fighting ways continued even after becoming a famous actor. Like when he once punched a reporter and claimed he thought the photographer was a zombie. 
Saturnians never beating the abusive rumours 😩
On a different note, I've noticed how many Saturnian musicians make sad boy music with a ✨spiritual essence ✨
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Sufjan Stevens is a UBP Moon
This is from a 2015 interview:
"I still describe myself as a Christian, and my love of God and my relationship with God is fundamental, but its manifestations in my life and the practices of it are constantly changing. I find incredible freedom in my faith. Yes, the kingdom of Christianity and the Church has been one of the most destructive forces in history, and there are levels of bastardization of religious beliefs. But the unique thing about Christianity is that it is so amorphous and not reductive to culture or place or anything. It's extremely malleable."
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Tamino, UBP Moon
He said in an interview:
"We like to look at religious texts from all over the world, [and] they always share a lot of similarities. That's not because they necessarily influenced each other, it's more that our inherent experience as humans comes out through storytelling. It's awesome. So that's something that's really interesting: the story that we need to tell. And the stories that we tell will always survive longest. I think it sort of gives them a higher truth, a metaphysical truth, which makes religion quite beautiful to me. You don't have to necessarily believe in every little thing that's described in a book. I'm not a practicing believer—not in the classical sense. But I do have faith. I think a lot of people have faith without realizing [it]. Even waking up and starting your day, we all have like these little acts of fate throughout our lives without even noticing."
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Hozier- Anuradha Moon
Faith is a big theme in their work and their lives and I feel like they are some evolved Saturnian men who have embraced the stoic spirituality of Saturn and poured it into their creativity.
In one interview, Hozier described Quakerism as a doctrine which taught him during childhood “to look for the God in each person” and “the spark of the divine that’s in every individual.” In particular, Hozier seeks this spark in his lover.
Its interesting to me how all 3 of them use religious metaphors often to speak of love because the ultimate form of love is devotion and Saturnians who have transcended the grips of limitations imposed by Saturn understand this more than anybody. They know what its like to love like their life depends on it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pushya Sun
Many Saturnians love to talk about working hard and kicking ass. Arnold is one of them, although I will say his preachiness comes from his Punarvasu stellium lmao
Arnold is a good example of a man who has worked very very hard and abided by every Saturnian principle to climb the ladder to the top. Yet he cheated on his wife with his housekeeper. He however did not deny paternity of the son he fathered with her. He has also expressed his regret about cheating and how he lost his marriage.
Kim Kardashian, UBP Moon
She came under fire for her comments about "get your ass up and do the work" but honestly it's just Saturnian tough love
Kim is a good example of someone who has turned every single setback into a career opportunity. She is a true hustler. Obviously she's extremely privileged yada yada yada but she was Paris Hilton's assistant at one point and was at the bottom of the ladder. In 20 years she's built a fortune for herself and her family. Like, if it were Kourtney in Kim's place 🤡they wouldn't be where they are rn. Kim is a worker and its hard to deny that.
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Rose- UBP Moon
In her interview with Vogue Australia, she said:
“I ended up fighting for my life, training for my life. Because I couldn’t accept the fact that I’d just be cut and sent back, so I had no time to slack off. I remember I took every minute and every second to work on my craft so that I [could] make it,” 
“When I got [to Korea], I was like, ‘This is quite intense,’” she said of the early period of training. “I notice[d] that there [were] 12 other girls who had been training day and night for about five years. And I had just gotten there.” She feared that if she didn’t catch up to the other she would be cut and sent back to Australia, where she’d already told her school friends that she was dropping out to work on her music. "
“I [had] left and I didn’t want to fly back [to Australia] without having achieved anything,” she said of her worry at the time. “And I think it was a good drive. Just the fact that I had flown all the way from Australia gave me more strength [and] determination to strive.”
Hardworking Saturnians ✊🏼🙏🏼🧎‍♀️making the most of that Saturnian determination and reaping its rewards OOF
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Mouse - Nature vs Nurture?
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In the beginning, I wondered whether the main theme of this drama is about the concept of nature versus nurture.
It’s pretty straightforward. You have 2 kids born with a psychopath gene (don’t question the science here). 1 kid lives with a doting mother, but he grows up as the son of an infamous serial killer, Headhunter.
Whereas the other kid lives with an ‘evil’ stepfather who clearly favours his own children, with his mother tried to kill him once. All kids at the school keeps calling him a weirdo, because, well, he is a bit of an antisocial.
As you can see, both kids live in a controlled setup. Both grow up being perceived as the outcast. But the way their family treat them is different, so you can see if that kind of a difference plays a part in the outcome, i.e., whether or not they become psychopaths.
This is a clear set up by the writer for the theme of nature vs nurture.
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I’m not going to go into details of what happened throughout the entire drama because hoo boy there’s a lot to unpack in this drama. As what Mortred, the phantom assassin says:
“Don’t blink, or you’ll miss me.”
 When the truth has been revealed, I keep asking myself if the whole fiasco would have happened had the experiment not been conducted by OZ, led by Choi Young Shin, the Presidential Chief Secretary, who wields great power and influence over governmental bodies.
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Sure, the question of whether or not the government should be allowed to enforce mandatory abortion on fetus that carry the psychopath gene sparks a heated debate. I am not even going to bother to spare my brain cells to the question.
But here we have Young Shin, who dreams of a utopia free of war and crime, and to achieve her dream, she believes that eliminating psychopaths is of utmost priority.
So we have the whole experiment being secretly funded and operated under her authority. The modus of operandi is simple. Observe the three kids born with psychopath gene (yes, there were three of them), get experts to analyse their behaviours, and present evidence that people born with psychopath gene are monsters who deserve to be eliminated from the moment they are in the womb.
However, the experiment faced some challenges along the way. First, Yo Han was ruled out from being a psychopath. Secondly, despite the various aggression that Jae Hoon/Ba Reum displayed as a kid, he never go as far as actually harming other people. Only Woo Hyung Chul (the third kid) showed positive result for the experiment.
Frustrated by this, OZ decided to throw a bait to Ba Reum by feeding him intel on the whereabout of Su Ho, the perpetrator who ‘accidentally’ killed his family when he was a kid. Sure enough, Ba Reum took the bait and tortured Su Ho in the same way his family members were killed.
...”fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth...”
From that moment onwards, Ba Reum started to go on a killing spree, before completing his grand show of serial killing, by choosing to judge and punish people who refused to commit the seven deadly sins.
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What bothers me is this, would Ba Reum have gone on a killing spree if he was not put in the environment he was set in? Would he have started killing people if he was not given the right stimulus?
His predator instinct was awaken after killing Su Ho. He blamed the deity for not answering his prayer as a kid for him to not become a monster. He was triggered to kill Su Ho, and he blamed the deity for letting him to become the monster he was becoming.
In a way, you can argue that Jae Hoon/Ba Reum was also a victim of the cruel experiment. We saw how as a kid, Jae Hoon resolved to live a fake life by wearing a mask of the kindest and the most righteous kid in the world. This was after acknowledging that he could not continue to demonstrate aggressive behaviour if he wants to live as a normal kid whose achievements, whose presence is celebrated by the people around him, just like the little annoying transfer student kid who took away his position as the first kid in the class (yes, it was Yo Han).
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Deep in its core, when you finally untangle the twists of the red thread of fate intertwining between the lives of Jae Hoon and Yo Han, the story of Jung Jae Hoon/Ba Reum was about a kid who was given a side eye as a kid just because he was born different than the other kids. The kid desperately prayed to the deity to not become a monster, and when he believed his prayer was not answered, he decided to rebel against the deity by mocking deity punishment and the whole concept of the seven deadly sins.
Do I pity him? Yes. Do I wonder if his life would have been different had the OZ not orchestrated his life? Absolutely. Do I condone his killing innocent people whom he deemed as sinful just because they refused to commit the seven deadly sins? No.
I can understand his motive, and how the situations he was put in made him the monster he was. His entire life was basically a torture, a living hell.
But, after the entire ordeal, and when he finally accepted that the deity did answer his prayer, albeit much later than he had expected (and in the most unexpected way), he was finally able to shake free from the cruel experiment, feel deep remorse for his sin (which he was not capable of doing before), and rest in peace.
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arhvste · 4 years
can you maybe do some hcs w kuroo tsukishima and oikawa when their s/o is being bullied by people from school?
love me some savage haikyuu boys 😈
kuroo is a perspective little shit 
he analysis’ anything and everything 
he isn’t called the scheming captain for nothing 
so when he notice’s his s/o feeling down or acting different from normal he will find out what’s bothering them
he’ll ask you first
and if you’re not willing to give clear answers he’ll just find out himself
he doesn't want to overstep privacy boundaries
but if you’re being upset by something he feels like it’s his duty as your boyfriend to sort it out
so one day you’re waiting for him after practice
and you both usually meet outside the gym doors to talk home together
this time you’ve unfortunately encountered the people who have been making school life unbearable for you
“look its stupid little y/n!”
“why are you still here? waiting for your boyfriend like some sort of lost dog?”
“i don’t know how he puts up with you”
“so clingy and desperate for support i feel so bad for him”
they have you cornered and you’re outnumbered by far 
kuroo has been waiting outside the gym doors for 5 minutes now and is confused 
you’re never ever late 
so he wanders around looking for you since you aren't answering your phone 
now kuroo is annoying but he isn’t stupid
he’s had a hunch about what’s been bothering you lately
he’s noticed a few kids often hang behind class until you leave and they seem to surround you when you’re trying to leave your classroom
he never intervened because he didn’t want to wrongly accuse them of harassing you in case you were friends with them
but you still didn’t look particularly thrilled when you got away from them
so kuroo hears some familiar voices and he heads straight over to them
“don’t cry y/n you don't want to look even more ugly than you already do”
“oh look y/n’s crying they can't even handle a few jokes”
“your boyfriend might even dump you when he sees you”
“the only ones who need dumping are all of you into a pit of fire 🥰”
there stands the 6′2, muscular built, powerhouse school national level volleyball captain with the coldest look he’s ever had
the kids surrounding you are dead silent
“what? nobodies got anything to say now? i thought we were all just laughing and joking with each other so why’d we stop now?”
kuroos eyes soften as soon as they meet yours 
he’s grabbed your hand and pulled you tightly into his chest
“i don't think much of a warning needs to be made but let me make this clear just this once because i don't like having to remind people things, come near her, approach, talk about or to her again and you’re going to have a personal problem with me and my team. got it?”
lmfao the little bitches nod trembling and run 🏃🏽‍♀️
kuroo is such a science nerd who makes awful jokes and has the worlds most obnoxious laugh 
but he’s also a man and a captain and sometimes it’s easy to forget that
he can pick and choose when and what he wants to be perceived as
and right then he has chosen to show you who he really can be 
“why didn’t you tell me angel?”
“i didn’t want to have to bother you”
“oh baby you’re never ever a bother to me. im sorry i couldn't help sooner please never hesitate to tell me if anything like this happens again”
kuroo’s warning sticks with your bullies and they don't bother you anymore
the volleyball team and coach nekomata are throwing dirty ass looks at them too nfjdsbfjs
all in all, kuroo just wants you to know he is there to support you
and he’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy and comfortable 
lmao all i’ve got to say to your bullies is good luck
because if tuski finds out you’ve been bullying his s/o
you’re done for 
this boy has no mercy
he doesn't even need to physically fight
his words can cut deeper than any knife and he knows it 
so when he notices you've been feeling more anxious around school and clinging to him a little more
he grows sus
he’s immediately closing in on who is bothering you and what insults he wants to throw at them
tuski has an exam and it runs a little into lunch 
he told you that if it runs over than you can just wait by your classroom and he’d come and get you 
however while you’re waiting you have a run in with the students who have been giving you a hard time 
just like tuski you’re a student who thrives in academics 
so a few of your classmates aren't particularly fond of your constant reign of lead in your class
“ew y/n you gross weirdo why are you here?”
“they’re probably waiting for their boyfriend to come and pick them up”
“such an entitled little shit, waiting to be collected who do you think you are”
so far you’d done pretty well ignoring them 
but that was in an environment with many other students who’d call your bullies out if they were to step out of line in class
right now you’re an easy target though
nobody to protect you
well that’s what you thought anyway
you feel your bag get snatched from your hands and thrown to the ground 
the bullies are kicking your stuff around laughing while you have no choice but to watch is despair 
that's until one of them is tripped up and lands face flat onto the ground
“you think i should kick them around and see if they can take it?”
tuski is standing there with a dark smile on his face
“so brave of you to pick on my y/n when you all have the audacity to look the way you do and don't even get me started on your academics”
“if i were you'd just apologise to your parents now because realistically what are you all going to do in your lives? success doesn't really look like it fits any of you to be honest”
the other students don't even know what to say
they can't exactly say anything
tsukishima is known to have a sharp tongue with an endless flow of direct insults 
“it’d be a shame if a teacher were to find out about this wouldn't it. im thinking suspension maybe? perhaps you should all call your parents up right now and apologise for your inevitable suspension”
the bullies look at each other nervously
he couldn’t be serious right
“im waiting”
these kids whip out their phones and are calling their confused parents trying to explain about how they could be suspended
“now off you all go, get out of my sight and don't you dare come near her again”
they be sprinting out the hallways 
“you weren’t actually gonna get them suspended were you?”
“it was depending on how fast they called their parents really”
tsukishima is on the floor helping you gather you trashed things
“im annoyed you didn't tell me. don't keep things like this from me yeah? cause not only am i here for you but, i get a kick out of it to. besides, im the only one who gets to be playfully mean to you.”
and he’ll make sure to keep a closer eye on you and keep you around him for a little longer just till he’s certain you’ve been left alone
the absolute bane of his existence 
oikawa appreciated the support but it was overbearing sometimes 
especially when he just wants to spend time with his precious y/n-chan
in front of him, his fangirls would be so polite and supportive 
“you and y/n look so good together”
“i hope you’re treating them well”
“oikawa is is lucky”
but behind his back these girls were nothing but vicious and spiteful towards you 
you knew you’d have to deal with his fangirls at some point 
you’d decided to keep your relationship hidden for the first few months until oikawa suggested going public and you felt like you couldn’t say no
you’d hear comments as you walked through the halls
classes would’ve been a nightmare if iwaizumi wasn’t in your class
he knew you were struggling with oikawa’s fangirls but you pleaded him not to say anything to his best friend 
iwaizumi didn't exactly want to keep this from oikawa but he also didn't want to go against your wishes 
you compromised instead and told iwaizumi about everything the fangirls put you through and sometimes he’d even take it lightly into his own hand 
despite the fact you had oikawa’s best friend looking out for you, this was also a reason the bullying got worse
“you think you can get iwaizumi to back you up now? you want the whole team or what?”
“stop being so overdramatic oikawa shouldn’t have to put up with someone as fragile as you”
“he can do so much better did you manifest or do witchcraft to get him to date you?”
the comments had become so common to you they started to have no effect
you slowly became more and more emotionally unavailable and this was something oikawa had started to pick up on
“y/n-chan you’ve stopped smiling at me so much. have i upset you?”
at first he’d think he did something wrong and he’d desperatly rack his brain for anything he could’ve done to offend you
“no you haven’t tooru i’ve just been tired lately”
you’d lie and give him a small fake smile 
but oikawa has given enough fake smiles in his life and is more than capable of being able to tell a real smile to a fake one
like kuroo though, he wouldn’t want to push any privacy boundaries and can only hope you’d open up to him soon
it doesn’t mean he’s not going to be watching you even closer now
he’ll ask iwaizumi whether he’s seen a change in your behaviour 
iwaizumi has finally decided this has gone too far
“idiot do you not see it’s your shitty fangirls that are making them miserable?”
“my fangirls?”
“yes your fangirls. y/n can’t catch a break with them around they’re really nasty to her and i don’t know how it’s taken you so long to see”
now that oikawa thinks about it you do cling to him a little tighter when they’re around
you don’t thank them for their ‘compliments’ about your relationship with the setter
you go extremely quiet and anxious when they’re around
oikawa had just thought it was nerves from sudden attention
he didn’t realise they had been secretly harassing you 
so oikawa goes to wait outside your locker when the day ends
“tooru shouldn't you be at practice?”
“come with me” he says sternly but he’s giving you a reassuring look as he grips your hand securely in his larger one
he walks you quickly through the halls and round to the entrance of the gym where his fangirls are usually waiting for practice to start
“oikawa-san! why aren’t you in uniform? is practice cancelled?”
“oh y/n is here... that's cute”
oikawa is beyond livid just from their presence alone
they even had the nerve to say your name?
“you know what isn’t fucking cute though? your disgusting behaviour”
the fangirls are look between each other innocently
“what do you mean oikawa-san?”
“don’t play oblivious with me you bitches! what was going through your heads when you all thought it was okay to harass MY y/n-chan?!”
the girls are silent now
oikawa is usually so charming and relaxed 
nobody sees him worked up outside the court
“there’s a reason none of you have even been allowed to be considered to have the chance to get to know me, you’re all fake. every single one of you. i hate fake people more than anything. this behaviour is gross i want none of you associated with me get out of here and if i hear one more thing about anyone upsetting y/n hell will be broken loose and that won’t just be from me.”
oikawa did not stutter 😌
the girls leave immediately 
“i think you’ve just lost yourself your whole fan club”
“oh y/n they were never fans if they have the nerve to upset someone they know i love. why didn’t you tell me i would’ve said something sooner”
“i just didn't want to upset you about your fans”
“you’re always going to be the first priority to me always if they or anyone else ever bothers you again, promise you’ll tell me straight away?”
after that he’ll take you to sit on the bench on the side of the court so you can watch him play and he can keep an eye on you
yeah oikawa may seem like a carefree people pleaser
but if you’re upsetting his s/o, you’ll be experiencing the side he tries to keep under control and he won’t be afraid to let loose.
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yan-twst · 4 years
Headcanons for the Yandere! Dorm leaders throwing a birthday party for f!MC since is her first birthday in Twisted Wonderland and at the end of the party she kiss them on their cheek and telling them that their the best friend she could ever ask for (she doesn't know that their yandere for them). You are the best writer ❤️
warnings: general yandere themes
riddle rosehearts
riddle is... so conflicted
he’s been tossing and turning every night, trying to push down the dark and honestly just wrong, evil emotions he feels when he sees his crush- even during the party, it’s difficult to not snap at others when they get too close...
in one hand, getting a kiss from them makes him melt. riddle has received so little physical affection in his life, that having someone he loves so so so much kiss his cheek is absolute paradise
and then... he’s suddenly sent back to earth. ah. a friend- of course. he clenches his fists and just goes silent. logically, he understands: he hasn’t confessed, but...
it’s clear to everyone riddle just leaves in a foul mood after that, but everyone chalks it up to him being flustered from the kiss. little do they all know, he’s trying his best to not blow up; DOESN’T SHE GET IT?! he set up this whole party for them, the best party she’d ever have- he got them a beautiful gift, so why...! DOESN’T SHE  REALIZE?! he isn’t trying to befriend them; he wants their heart...!
from then on, riddle will begin to be much more clear with his intentions. he’ll act almost as if he was already dating his crush, intimidating heartslabyul students (and other dorms’ students if he has to) from getting too close, monopolizing their time with tea parties and such; and when he confesses, he better hear a yes, or he might have a “little outburst”
leona kingscholar
leona can’t even believe he put the effort into this- personally, he’d be pissed if for his birthday, someone tried to pull all the celebrations his dorm had set up (with his help), but... well, seeing his crush having fun and enjoying the traditional afterglow savannah-style celebration makes it almost worth it
of course, everyone is on their best behaviour. even dancing or goofing off, it’s clear the usually rowdy and enthusiastic savanaclaw students are keeping their distance from the special guest
... because they’d been thoroughly warned by leona to not try any shit. his crush is his, his prey, his target; leona isn’t very subtle about it at all, not with his flirting and teasing
which makes it all the more infuriating when his little herbivore presses a kiss to his cheek and then calls him a friend
leona has no hesitation in growling and pressing them against his chest, face inches away from them, even as he watches them panic and ask what’s going on
does she think he’d go through all of this for just anyone, huh? he could be resting now, but instead he chose to go through all the trouble to set up a birthday party of all things- are herbivores really that dense?
he has no shame on just kissing them right then and there, whether they want to or not. it’s not like anyone from his dorm is going to intervene: they’ve been all thoroughly warned to not get between a lion and his prey- and leona’s got his prey right in his hands
azul ashengrotto
azul has been doing all he can to not fuck this up. he knows that every time he hangs out with his new best friend he acts a bit odd- bits and pieces of his smooth attitude broken by the swirling emotions in his chest, the desire to just take them and hide them away that he can’t seem to push away...
he’s more than happy to celebrate their birthday in the monstro lounge. really, he’ll make it their best birthday! azul has no shame in hooking some poor souls into contracts so they have to work to decorate the lounge from top to bottom just for his crush’s birthday
... so why.... why... after all his effort- not just now, but all the effort he’s put into making himself look like the best possible option... is he being pushed back to being a friend...?
even though azul has become quite good at masking sadness over the years, it’s clear that after his crush says that, he’s... not right. he’ll end up leaving early to just bawl, reduced to a crybaby octopus again
oh, but once he’s gotten all those tears out, azul will steel himself. he has to take a different approach, it seems- his passive and friendly role isn’t working, is it?
so maybe it’s time he takes a more forceful approach to this budding relationship. the people up here in the land do say ‘love blooms in adversity’, don’t they? he’s sure his darling will come around; he just has to be... a bit more persuasive, hook them in and keep them to himself
kalim al-asim
is it truly kalim if he’s not throwing a party? kalim spares no expenses for his crush’s birthday party- parades of elephants and dancers, live entertainment, cooks from all over the world, the finest ingredients money can buy; not to mention the gifts, things so expensive they’re worth more than the entire contents of the scarabia’s treasury
although others see kalim as a kind but ultimately airheaded boy, they’d be impressed at how good he’s at just... hiding his feelings. he’s been through a lot in his life- poisoning attempts, kidnappings, threats of assassination... so something as silly as hiding his crush on his close friend?
he can do that with his hands tied! besides, he’s a naturally affectionate guy, so nobody really suspects anything when he acts a bit romantically to his crush- not even his crush realizes
kalim’s joy over being kissed on the cheek is crushed slightly when the words “you’re the best friend i could ask for” sink in- although that’s not enough to crush his spirit
friends... well, that’s something! all relationships have to start somewhere, right...? he just needs to make his intentions clearer! kalim is sure he’s in love; that’s what that swirling, dark emotion in his chest is, right? those impulses telling him to keep his darling, to lock them away like the finest treasure- to take, take what he wants with no regards for anyone else...
his crush better be ready, because after this, kalim will become quite... forceful. he isn’t used to having something he wants that he cannot just immediately have- and he wants his crush to be his, entirely his
vil schoenheit
a party planned by vil is, in essence, the fanciest and prettiest party one will ever see. pomefiore is already like an old french castle, perfectly maintained and filled to the brim with beautiful people, all doing exactly as vil says
he’s known for a while that he’s in love with the odd magicless student- at first, he was aghast. how could he fall for such a lost and weak little potato?! but every second he spent with his crush, he could feel it; potential, beauty... already so precious, it almost sparked jealousy in him- he needs to make that beauty and potential bloom, and he’ll make it happen- he’ll turn that little potato into his own beautiful porcelain doll
when vil is kissed on the cheek, he doesn’t even have time to bitch about his concealer- the words are ringing in his ears. so... he’s the best friend one could ask for...?
vil feels like screaming in rage, but he allows the party to end peacefully and bids his crush goodbye- although it’s clear rook can tell that the queen of pomefiore is about to have a drama fit once the doors are closed
vil is outraged. how dare- how dare the one he loves not see his beauty?! friendship isn’t what he is aiming for: he needs more than friendship, he needs love, he needs for his beloved to be desperately in love with him too...! he feels like an idiot, pining for someone who claims to see him as a friend- and he hates it
he knows that everything requires effort. there’s no cheat to be instantly beautiful or smart; everything he has, he’s worked painstakingly hard for. but.... but- he’s worked so hard- so, so hard...! so he sees no problem in taking what some would see as the easy route
the next time he offers his crush a smoothie, he’s barely able to hold back his smirk; let’s see if he’s still “the best friend ever” once there’s potent and fast acting love potion brewed by himself coursing through his beloved’s body
idia shroud
admittedly, he thinks the party is a little shitty. it’s just him and ortho and his crush, playing board games and videogames. he’s... more than ashamed he couldn’t set up a real party, but... the thought of filling the ignihyde common room with all of the socially awkward ignihyde students and some loud people from outside, the crowds, the- agh!
having his crush so close is... almost difficult to handle for him
his heart keeps screaming out at him, the impulse to hold his beloved in his arms, to hug, to kiss, close the locks in his room- it’s not like a magicless student really needs to be attending classes...! he can- he can keep his crush in his room, all to himself-
it’s just... so hard to hold back all those emotions. they’re wrong, he’s a freak for thinking that, and he knows it, and yet... he can’t stop thinking about how much he wants to just keep his crush in, to shower his beloved with all the heartachingly sweet love he can barely hold back
a kiss on the cheek sends him into a frenzy. that’s- he’s...! idia barely has contact with other people; one little kiss is enough to send him into overdrive
........ but then....... he’s pushed back....
friendship... he thinks he should be happy- his crush thinks he’s an amazing friend! not a freak or a weirdo! but that’s... no, it’s not enough. the greedy little voice in his heart keeps whispering darkly; friendship isn’t nearly enough, is it? he wants more; he wants to claim his crush as his, to own, to keep...
even after this, though, idia will take awhile to truly make a move. he’s terribly scared he’ll fuck up and scare his crush away; his heart couldn’t possibly take that. instead, he’ll keep organizing videogame nights, bringing his crush to his room, doing his best to grow closer to her
... and one day, he simply won’t let her go
malleus draconia
even though malleus might try to keep acting somber and dark, it’s clear to everyone the dark fae is over the moon planning a birthday party for his friend. it’s understandable; malleus has four friends, three of which are technically his guards. 
lilia and silver can probably tell malleus has a crush on the human he hosts the party for quite easily; with how he trails after her like a lost puppy, trying to get her attention and such. they make sure sebek doesn’t get in the way
when the party’s ending and he receives a kiss on the cheek, malleus feels like he might accidentally set something on fire. he’s never- he’s never been kissed before (not counting goodnight forehead kisses from lilia back when he was a baby); he feels like in his absolute joy he might let magic lose
however... malleus heart shrivels at being called a friend. even when the party ends and his crush goes back to her dorm, he can’t find peace- he tells himself he should be happy, and yet...!
malleus doesn’t want to consult lilia on this matter. he feels... childish and immature- but the emotions lurking in him are nothing of the sort. his draconic instincts tell him to keep, to take his beloved and keep them in his hoard; mixing the desire to possess with the desire to love
he’ll begin to drop hints at something darker going on from there on every time he meets with his friend. they’re vague enough that she won’t realize what he’s talking about- but he means every word he says
to his crush, it might feel like his confession comes out of nowhere- it’s just another of their nightly walks, nothing out of the usual, other than the fact the tall fae has just confessed his undying love to them. it’s... sudden, it’s too intense, but... in the end, they better say yes; after all, malleus is set on his decision- they’re his, and he’ll make them see he won’t stand to being seen as just a friend.
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He picked the wrong seat.
(This is something that’s been floating in my head. I love college!AUs and I’m just happy to be here. I like the idea of Levi studying to be a social worker and Hange being a behavioural Neuropsychology prof/researcher. plus Hange would have rats... this fic is just a place for her to have rats and rat friends.)
He didn’t know it when he first sat down on the couch, but he should have known it when a woman in maroon sweatpants staggered up to his couch.
She placed the tower of books and papers she was carrying onto the couch with a grunt that let on how heavy the pile had been. She shook out her arms before sitting on the other side of newly formed blockade. Levi glanced her way and leaned over to throw a scowl, to make sure she knew the disruption was not appreciated.
But she just sat quietly and read. So, he didn’t move, he figured it would be fine. He should have moved.
And she just sat quietly and read. So, he didn’t move, he figured it would be fine. He should have moved.
"Hange! Hey, Hange! There you are, why didn't you answer your phone?" A young man jogged over to the woman sitting on the couch next to Levi.
Levi's scowl deepened, and he glanced at his watch, not for the first time in the last 15 minutes. His own class finished over an hour ago, but Isabel's lecture wouldn't be finished for another 45 minutes. It was getting late, and as the air grew colder, the nights were getting darker. He didn't like the idea of her walking home alone at this time of night. Furlan thought he was being dramatic, they weren’t on Understreet anymore.
The kid approached the couch and dropped his bag unceremoniously at her feet. He looked a little older than Isabel. Fuck, he was dreading the day she introduces some dumb boyfriend to him.
The woman slowly looked up and seemed more startled than she should have been to see the kid in front of her. She blinked and looked at her watch.
"Oh, it's 6:45 already? Hey Jean! Sorry, I lost track of time." One of her hands was still on the stack of books that was starting to lean just a little too much for Levi's comfort.
He shifted away and glanced around the room. The atrium was busy and noisy. There wouldn't be anywhere else to sit this side of campus on a gloomy September night. The choices were to either sit here or to stand somewhere like a weirdo. He grumbled to himself and looked back down at his notes.
Jean shrugged, "All good, Hange. But, where's your phone? You didn't see my messages?"
Hange looked down at the report in her hand as though she expected herself to be holding the phone. "Oh... I thought I had it." She attempted to pat down her jacket pockets (of which there were far too many) and then tried to use her foot to move her bag towards her.
Glancing up at the kid with a slight frown, "what's up? Why? Did something happen at the lab?"
"No," Jean said with smile, "Armin was just asking what time he should tell his tutorial the kick-off party starts. And then just to say that the slides for the lecture tomorrow look good."
Levi watched out of the corner of his eyes as Jean bent down to help the woman check her bag for her phone and mumbled, "We really should get you a case you can clip to your belt or something…"
"A-ha!" Hange raised a fist clenched around a flip phone, and then suddenly, she was holding it with two hands.
Her pile of books had had enough and was about to topple over when Levi's arms shot out to steady the tower before it collapsed on the brunette. She hadn't even noticed.
He didn't mean to catch the books before they fell. He really hadn't planned on moving at all; the books weren't even falling his way. It was her own damn fault if she didn't notice. But, his body was just too used to moving quickly to catch pictures, mugs, and lamps before they could reach the floor. It wasn't a coincidence that they didn't have many breakables in the apartment, what with the way Isabel was constantly twirling around and Furlan's sleepwalking.
When Hange did notice, a few seconds later, she let out a startled yelp and attempted to use her whole body to steady her library.
"Shit, no! That's making it worse," Levi said, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He steadied the pile again and kept his arms holding it up for a while longer before shooting a glare to the airhead next to him.
"Sorry, sorry!" Hange said with a laugh. She grinned at him from around the books, "thanks a bunch, though! Wild reflexes!"
He rolled his eyes, "You just weren't paying attention."
She raised an eyebrow and cracked a grin, "what? Were you staring at me?"
Levi felt his cheeks go warm and diverted his gaze from the woman's laughing eyes.
"No, I wasn't," he said curtly, "I was just sitting in the fucking danger zone."
He made sure the books were steadied before he picked up his notebook again.
The kid in front of them coughed and shifted around uncomfortably. "Thanks, man," he said while giving Levi a quick once over. "If those textbooks go down, all the paper she's stuffed into them would have ended up everywhere. It took hours to match the notes up to their text pages again."
Jean reached over and started restacking Hange's stuff on the floor while she held on. She still looked like she found the whole thing much too funny for Levi's liking. He decided not to look her way.
"You should really organize your shit better," Levi mumbled, keeping his eyes on his paper.
Hange leaned her head back against the couch, "aww, man... that's what everyone says. I've tried, guys! It just never lasts." She let out an exasperated sigh.
Jean muttered something too quiet for Levi to catch, but Hange nudged him with her foot and shot him a look.
"Well, enjoy carting around half the library then..." Levi shot her way and that, he hoped, was their last interaction.
Hange looked down at Levi's open binder, which was neatly labelled and visibly well organized.
She let out a small "huh," before turning her attention to the kid again.
"Alright, Jean! Well, the kick-off party starts at 8:30 at the Wallflower. I'll head over after my lectures and locking up the lab." She frowned, "wait, why wouldn't people join? Puppy therapy is always super busy."
Jean sighed and leaned his head to the side, "yeah, but Hange. I mean, the hype just isn't the same with rats. Plus, the lab is intense and the hours for the regular meetings are kind of random."
Levi frowned at his notes. What the fuck? Fucking weirdo...
Hange sighed, "yeah, you're right." Then shot him a bright grin, "But! I swear I'm about to get a big grant to really kick it all up a notch! We're really getting somewhere, and we can maybe take on a few more assistants next semester to help with all the data entry that's going to need to happen!" She was basically bouncing.
She paused and looked around the room quickly before returning her fiery gaze back to Jean, who was looking a little frazzled.
"And get this, Jean Boy, I've been working on something with Moblit. I can't get into it right now, but it could be really big if it all goes according to plan. Like really big!" She was bouncing again. Her hand gestures were getting more exaggerated and much too close to Levi's personal space. He decided to just lean away and scowl instead of getting dragged into another conversation.
Jean narrowed his eyes, "Wait, like big for you and research nerds or big as in normal people big."
Hange grabbed his hands, "like brand new wing big. Like the Rat Pack Club goes on vacation big."
Levi was still looking at his notes. He had to admit he was starting to be a little more curious than he was annoyed. She was trying to whisper but wasn't doing a very good job at it. God, it was like she didn't know how to be quiet.
"Wait, so this is something you're working on with Dr. Berner? I thought you were still heartbroken from him switching labs," Jean asked while trying to take his hands back. "Is he back?"
Hange shook her head, and her smile dimmed a little, "no, my ride or die still over at the Medical Imaging Lab in the comp sci building." She perked up and continued on, "But! It may have worked out for us in the end!"
Jean looked a little less tired now, "huh... well, when can you tell us about it? Who knows about it?"
Hange let out a low chuckle, "uh, well, don't tell anyone. It started as just a little side project for Moblit, Nanaba, Nifa, and me. We didn't expect it to really go anywhere. So keep it to yourself, for now, I'll let y'all know when I can."
Jean nodded. He looked determined and, suddenly, a lot younger than he had a minute ago. He gave a mock salute, "you got it, Doc!"
Hange mirrored his salute and gave him a wink. "Awesome, ok! Oh, also, did you have any questions about tomorrow's lecture?"
Jean shrugged and shook his head, "nah, I looked it over, and it's pretty chill. Cog Psyc was a fun course."
Levi glanced up and looked at the top right corner of his notes. Intro to Cognitive Psychology.
"And that's exactly the vibe we want this semester! Fun!" Hange exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
"Yeah… ok, fun. I can do that," Jean mumbled. "I'll tell Armin," he said as he turned to go. The kid waved lazily over his shoulder, "See ya tomorrow, Hange!"
"Get home safe, Jean! Tell Sasha and Connie I say hello," Hange waved to the back of the kid's head before leaning back and slouching down.
"Rat Pack Club goes on vacation. Ha! Take that monkey brain," Hange muttered with a smile. She closed her eyes like she getting ready to take a long nap in the middle of the atrium, which was getting less busy as time went by.
"Oh!" She exclaimed and shot up and turned to face Levi with a much-too-bright smile, "I forgot to introduce myself!"
She stuck out a hand that was covered in ink smudged. Levi felt the corner of his lips fall and held back a snarky comment; he really was trying to be less pissy, as Isabel put it. He sighed and reached out to shake her hand. He had hand sanitizer in his pocket.
"I'm Zoe Hange, but please call me Hange! Nice to meet you, and thanks for saving my books!"
Levi nodded, "Levi." He went to take his hand back, but the weirdo was still shaking it.
"You're taking Psyc 221 tomorrow, right? That's awesome. I hope you're ready for a heckin' good semester, Levi!" Hange was still shaking his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, it sounds great," Levi mumbled as he jerked his hand away from her grip.
"Is this your first semester here? Transfer student? Do you live on campus? What courses are you taking?" Hange kept going as though he looked happy to be there instead of inching away and gathering his papers to leave.
"Second semester here, transferred from Wallrose College," Levi muttered. He didn't want to admit it, but Hange's enthusiasm was putting him on edge. What the fuck was she on?
Hange nodded enthusiastically, "That's great! Welcome, and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! I'll be your lecturer for PSYC 221. My lab's down in the Neuro wing, so feel free to stop by if you have any questions!" She pointed down the hall that had a staircase at the end of it. "I always really enjoy having some older students," she continued, "at least someone to make eye contact with when the kids make a reference I don't know." Hange smiled at him before rummaging through her pocket and proceeding to hand him a business card. He didn't want to take it, but he also didn't want to piss off his professor. Fuck it, whatever.
"I know what you mean. My younger sister is always trying to get me to do these stupid fucking dances for TikTok or whatever the fuck," Levi grumbled out as he looked over the card. His eyes flicked upwards to meet hers.
"[email protected]?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't let it leak into his voice, but, shit… She had to be a few years younger than he was, and she was a professor and director of a research lab. He didn't want to say he was impressed, but he was. But she was also a fucking weirdo.
Hange nodded and smiled widely. She reached back into her pocket, grabbed the card back from Levi, and scrawled something down with the newly retrieved pen. The pen was labelled, pocket pen.
"Yeah! It's the email address for the club I started with some students. My research lab has been doing some behavioural studies with rats, and it's hard not to fall for their little paws and their little eyes. So, every now and then, we get together and hang out and chill with some rats. This Friday, we are having our kick-off party. You should stop by!"
Hange handed him the card back. It had a time, a date, and an address.
"This is more of a social gathering at a bar near campus, not really a regular meeting. It's mostly just a bunch of research assistants and a few of us old folk having some drinks," Hange shrugged, still smiling. She wasn't done, "the usual meetings are chilling with the rats and throwing around ideas. Sometimes the students pitch us some experiments, and then we give them feedback."
Levi didn't think he would go. To the meetings or the party tomorrow. Hell, he knew for sure he wasn't going to go. Still, he nodded and muttered out a half-assed, "sure."
"Plus! The kids don't stay too long at the parties. They eventually head out after a few drinks to the next destination to get trashed where their profs can't see them. So it's only rowdy for a little while. It's been a while since I made it to the second location. I'm not that old, but I'm not that young anymore." She laughed lightly, and Levi was caught off guard by how pretty the sound was.
"I can't Fridays," Levi said as he pocketed the card, "I work Friday afternoons."
Hange nodded, "It's 8:30 to late-thirty, so stop on by if you want! Or if you know someone who'd-"
She was cut off by someone dropping their bag onto Levi's lap.
"What the fuck?" He started, looking up with a scowl. Of fucking course it was Isabel. He looked at his phone and saw 5 missed calls.
"Dude, what's the point of having a phone if you never answer it," Isabel said with a little more sass than Levi was used to. His brow furrowed. He'd ask about that later.
"Don't be a shit," he said gruffly, but still more gently than his usual tone. She made him worry like that. "My phone was on silent."
"Hi! You must be Levi's sister! He mentioned he had a younger sister." Hange stood up and grabbed Isabel's hand with a smile, "I'm Hange. I'll be your brother's professor starting tomorrow. Should I be keeping an eye on him? I feel like he's going to give me a hard time." Hange gave Isabel a wink and a smirk, which the younger girl returned. She looked a little less tense than she had a minute ago.
"Pfft, Nah. He's pretty bland." Isabel replied and shook Hange's hand with significantly more enthusiasm than Levi had. "I'm Isabel. Thanks for engaging with Mr. Grumpy here. He usually just sits there like a weirdo."
Levi stood up and thrust Isabel's bag back into her arms, "Ok, time to go." He turned on his heel and started walking away at a brisk pace.
Hange shouted out, "bye, Levi! See ya tomorrow!"
Levi waved over his shoulder but stopped when he didn't hear Isabel following behind him.
Isabel was still standing next to Hange, who was staring at her pile of books. He groaned and made his way back to the couch as Hange leaned down and tried to pick up the stack.
He placed a hand on Isabel's shoulder and attempted to steer her away.
"Isabel let's go," Levi said.
The young lady shook her head, "Nah. I'm catching a ride with some friends. We're gonna go get some food before heading home! So don't worry about me!" Isabel gave him a look and gestured towards Hange, still mapping out a game plan. Levi pretended not to notice her look and shot her a glare of his own.
"Isabel. Dammit, why did you tell me that before I stayed till the end of your classes?"
Hange let out a chortle and glanced up at them, "Ha! Classic. Have fun, kid!"
"Well, since you don't need to worry about me," Isabel said sweetly, "you're free right now. Hange, let Levi help you with this!" She shoulder-checked Levi and stuck out her tongue at him with a grin.
"I'm sure she's fine," Levi said.
"Oh, man! I would so appreciate it!" Hange all but yelled, standing up suddenly. Her head smashed right into Levi's chin, making them both groan and bring their hands up to their respective injuries.
"Dammit, four-eyes. Be fucking careful," Levi growled. He shot Isabel a look, but it didn't stop her giggling. He was losing his edge.
"Ok, bye! I have my phone, and it won't be on silent!" She waved and hurried off in the direction of the exit. There was a group of girls who waved, laughing, before walking off together. Levi let out an exasperated sigh, but he was happy to see she was making friends. She deserved it.
Groaning, he looked back down. Hange… was just sitting on the floor, next to her pile of books. No, she wasn't just sitting there. She was reading a book.
"Yo, four-eyes. You want help or not."
"Hmm?" She looked up as though unsure of who was talking to her. She blinked her big, brown eyes and then smiled. Her lips formed a little oh, and though she only just remembered where she was. "Oh, yes! Sorry, I got side-tracked there for a minute. How's your chin! I'm really sorry about that!"
She stood and reached out to touch Levi's face.
He took a step back, "You were just touching the floor. I don't want you touching my face!" He felt his cheeks warm up a bit and shifted his gaze. He picked up most of the stupid, fucking books.
She chuckled and reached down to pick up the rest. She looked at him with a grin and replied, "that's a fair point, Shorty."
"Shorty?" Levi all but dropped the books. "Whatever, Four-eyes," he said and stormed away.
He heard some undignified sputtering as she tried to think of a comeback. He smirked. Good, she should feel bad.
"You just called me Four-eyes? What, I can't call you Shorty?"
"Not when I'm doing you a favour," he shot back. " And after you try to break my face!"
"No! Come back, Shor- Levi! I mean... I mean, come help me, Levi," she sounded whiney. He wasn't sure if he liked that sound.
He turned around and saw her trying to pick up the stack again. He let out a sigh and dragged his feet back to the fucking weirdo, again.
"Oh my fucking god… Why do you even have this many books with you?" He said gruffly as he took an armful of the offending items.
"Research!" Hange exclaimed as though it was obvious. She started to walking away at a surprisingly fast pace.
"What the fuck, slow down, weirdo," Levi said. In-fucking-credible.
"Well, come on then!" Hange said, glancing over her shoulder. "My office isn't too far away."
It sure felt like it was, though.
After winding their way through the halls and then down several sets of stairs, Hange finally unlocked a door and turned on the lights of her office. It was absolutely filled with books, with stacks of papers covering every surface. She shuffled into the room, stepping over a few plastic boxes, and placed her cargo on her chair. It was the only surface that had any space. Hange motioned for Levi to hand her his share, which she placed on the ground, next to the chair.
"Fuck, Hange. How the hell do you ever find anything?" Levi said, unable to hide the growing frustration from his tone. He didn't like clutter, and he really didn't like this room. "This is a fucking mess."
"Oh, it's not that bad! I can find what I need eventually!" She waved her hand and flicked off the lights. Hange picked up two plastic boxes, letting out a small grunt as she did so.
"Alright! Let's head out. Close the door, would you?" She nodded to the open door.
"What's in the boxes?" Levi asked, shutting the door. He had no idea why he was still here. Why was he still here, talking to this lunatic. God, he shuttered thinking of the stacks of paper in that little office.
"Oh, just old notebooks that I need to shred, some speakers I need to donate, and then a lot of rat food to bring to the shelter."
He had forgotten about the rats.
He looked over at the tall, lanky woman. She was obviously struggling. Shit.
"Give me those," he muttered as he took the boxes from her.
She let out an audible sigh as she shook out her arms, "oof, thanks a bunch! Ok, it's over this way!"
Levi glanced her way, "what is?"
"My apartment!"
He felt weird about this. He didn't know this person. Well, he did, or he would know her. Tomorrow, anyways. It still felt weird. He wasn't sure he really knew why. He nodded silently and followed her.
He paused when he looked down.
"Are you wearing fucking crocs?"
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heyitmelexie · 4 years
Max Phillips x GN!Reader
Word count: 1406 Warnings: some swear words and indirect mentions of sex Rating: Teen and up (16+)
A/N: Day 14 for @honeymandos​ December Writing Challenge!
It’s 2.30 am for me right now and this one got a little longer than planned. I will try to continue the missing works tomorrow! 
The poem is by Joanna Fuchs and it’s called “Fool For Your Charms”.
Enjoy! :)
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The doorbell rings just as you go to leave your apartment. You know who it is.
Rolling your eyes, you open the door and flash the delivery guy a polite smile before taking the huge, colourful bouquet from his hands. You quickly thank him and close the door again, throwing the bouquet on your counter.
This had started almost twelve months ago. At first it was nice.
A mysterious man sent you beautiful flower arrangements with sweet little notes. Every Monday morning. It had made the start into the week much easier as it put a soft smile on your face.
But now, after almost a year, it was creepy.
You still don’t know who this man is. At first you wondered if it was someone from your workplace. But none of the men ever said anything or made a move that would suggest they were the mysterious man. Only your boss, Max Phillips, consistently flirted with you, trying to get you into his bed. But he wouldn’t do such a sweet thing, he’s just another fuckboy so you didn’t even think him to be the secret admirer once.
So, no one you know and who could know where you live could be this person. It started to scare you.
You don’t pay the flowers any more attention and leave the apartment to go to work.
When you arrive you just flop into your chair next to Tim, not really motivated to sell anything today. You are tired. This mysterious man kept you awake at night, worry clouding your mind.
“You look like shit” Tim says, making you turn your head in his direction.
“I feel like it too” you respond, making him furrow his brows.
“Is everything alright? The bags under your eyes are big enough to help Santa carry his presents around.”
You sigh, rubbing your eyes and shaking your head.
“I think someone stalks me. And I’m scared.”
“Stalks you? Why? What happened?” He looks at you with worried eyes, his usually cheerful expression gone.
“Almost a year ago someone started to send flowers to my apartment. Every Monday morning. I thought it was one of you, but no one made a move or said anything. So no one who can possibly legally know my address could be this person. It has to be a stalker, there’s no other explanation, Tim. And it scares me. What if it’s a killer? Or a weirdo who plans to kidnap me and forces me to marry him?” You sigh, dropping your head onto the desk.
“Have you contacted the police yet?” he asks, to which you respond with shaking your head no.
“It’s just flowers. Nothing threatening. They would tell me they can’t do anything anyway. It would be a waste of time.” He nods, trying to think of another solution.
Little did you know that Max had heard everything you just told Tim. And it would make his heart clench if he had one.
He had never meant to scare you. Romantic gestures are not his area of expertise but he thought this would be nice, even with the little notes and sometimes short poems attached to the flowers. But the fact that it started to scare you and made you think you had a stalker made him feel bad.
He walks over to your desk, deciding to confess to you so you, hopefully, wouldn’t be scared anymore. He should have done this earlier anyway, it has been almost a year.
But Max Phillips was scared.
“Hey Sugar, can I have a word with you in my office, please?” He flashes you a bright smile, making you roll your eyes at yet another one of his unsuccessful attempts to flirt with you.
“Sure” you say, before you get out of your chair and walk to into his office.
He follows you and then locks the door once you’re in. Max even closes the blinds, making you think you might have messed up.
“Did I do anything wrong?” He shakes his head and then gestures for you to sit down in the chair in front of his desk. You do so and he walks around to lean against the edge of his desk, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“You don’t have a stalker, Sugar.”
You blink up at him, frowning.
“Wha- How do you-“
“Vampire.” Oh. Right.
“But how can you be so sure it’s not a stalker? It’s definitely not you-“
“It is me. It has always been me” he says, looking anywhere but at you.
“Yeah, sure. Stop fucking around. We both know that’s not true. You’re just saying that so I’d stop worrying because it influences my work.” You huff and get up to leave but he puts a hand on your arm to stop you.
“I’m serious. This is not something I would joke about” he says. You had never seen him this serious and it makes you wonder…
“Prove it then. What was the first bouquet I received?”
He smiles a smile you had never seen on his face before. One that makes the skin around his eyes crinkle slightly. One that actually reaches his eyes. A true smile.
“It was an arrangement of eleven white roses and six red lilies. The note attached said: ‘Every day with you gives me a thrill; All my dreams you richly fulfil. I’m a fool for your charms; You belong in my arms; Love me, please say that you will.’”
You stare at him in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide. He knew about the note. You never said anything about a note. Could it really be...
“You?” Max Phillips, the man who fucks anything that has two legs, sent you flowers for almost a year? And basically confessed his love to you with every bouquet? No fucking way.
Max just nods, then sighs before letting go of your arm.
“I never meant to scare you. I’m… bad at these things. Even before I was turned. I thought this would make you happy and that you’d figure out it was me. I gave you so many hints. The flirting should have been the most obvious…”
He is right, he was very obvious but you never thought it would actually be him. His annoying flirtatious behaviour drowned out the fact that you had always thought he was unbelievably handsome. His aquiline nose, the sharp jaw and those brown eyes that managed to be warm and alive despite him being technically dead.
You look at him, dumbfounded. Unsure how to react to his confession.
“I don’t expect you to love me back. I know I’m… difficult. And I probably messed up really badly…” He sighs, turning away to go and unlock the door.
“Wait” you grab his arm, making him look back at you, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“I can’t say I love you, I barely really know you. I tried not to think about you too much, I wanted to keep myself from being hurt. But… yes, the gesture was really sweet. I actually loved to receive these flowers every Monday. Made the day a little better…” You smile slightly at him and see how relieved he is.
“I know I don’t appear to be serious about relationships. And a year ago that was true. But then you stepped into my life and when I saw you it felt like you just turned my whole world upside down. I… want to try. For you. I might live forever but I don’t want to spend eternity in thousands of different bedrooms. My heart doesn’t beat anymore but that doesn’t mean I can exist without being loved…”
“Oh Max…” you whisper, taking his hands into yours and giving him a gentle smile. This is a side of him you would have never thought existed.
“Please give me a chance. I don’t deserve it but I beg you, just one chance. If you still don’t want me after that, then I will leave you alone, I promise” he says, looking at you with such puppy eyes it makes your heart clench.
“Of course” you gently squeeze his hands, making his eyes shoot up at you in surprise and relief.
“Really?” he whispers, a huge smile slowly forming on his face.
“Really” you giggle. His whole face lights up and he flashes you a big grin. But this time it doesn’t annoy you.
“Friday night, 7pm?”
@absurdthirst​ @tangledlove27​ @kandomeresbitch 
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pi-cat000 · 4 years
FMA:B/BNHA Crossover (1)
Summary: Ed gets stuck in the BNHA world after the end of brotherhood. He starts trying to find a way home and ends up inadvertently working for the league of villains.  
(fic I started writing a while back. I just like the image of Ed getting increasingly frustrated with how illogical quirks are)
Part 2: here
Edward notices tall, dark and suspicious the moment he enters through the rickety front door into his poor excuse of an office. It wasn’t just the way his entire head was covered in a low hood, though that was mighty suspicious, no, this dude gave off some of those dangerous vibes that he would usually associate with a homunculus. The stranger's movements were slightly off, as if not quite human. Only, there was no such thing as a homunculus in this weird word. Well, not that he knew of.
  “Brat! Are you listening to me!”
   Ed begrudgingly turns his attention back to his irate landlord. The older man is leaning over Ed’s desk, close enough that Ed can see the numerous wrinkles pulling down his face. “You better not be skimping on our arrangement.”
  “Hey,” Ed taps a finger against the wood, leaning forward so the old man is forced back at the risk of butting heads, “This whole building needs new wires …do I look like an electrician?”
  That enlists an expression of acute irritation and more annoyed huffing, “Don’t get smart with me. I’ll evict your freeloading ass so fast that…”
  “Oi! Our deal was that I fix the roof, get rid of that mould up on the third floor, and you set me up for the next month.”
  “The deal was that you handle the building’s upkeep and I put a roof over your ungrateful head.”
  “Just because I can fix up some rotting floorboards doesn’t mean I’m an expert electrician… how about you go hire a person with qualifications while I get on with my day job.” He smacks his hand on the table for emphasis, motioning at tall, dark, and mysterious waiting a few steps behind the older man. Technically, he could probably figure out how to fix the building’s faulty wiring with alchemy but there was no way he was getting suckered into helping his grumpy scam artists of a landlord any more than was promised.
  To his credit, the old coot takes one look at the shadowy figure and decides to put any further complaints on hold.  
  “I’ll be back. This ain't over,” is grumbled at Ed as the man makes his exit, skirting around the larger stranger with a healthy amount of apprehension.
  “Don’t do me any favours!” Ed snaps after him, rubbing his forehead before eyeing his potential customer. The location where he has set up shop isn’t the most affluent or safe so, for all he knew, this weirdo was about to rob him. Not that he had much to steal. He had arrived in this world with nothing and, four months later, he still has barely enough to feed himself on the regular.  Not when he is pumping any money he earns into his search to get home.
  “Ah…sorry about that,” He squints, trying to see under the stranger’s hood and is met with only darkness. It almost looks like the other man is made of purple smoke. It’s unsettling. No doubt the by-product of some more weird quirk bullshit. Ed tries to keep his tone as polite as possible. “You came to get something fixed right?”
  “It has been reported that you can repair anything?” The question is asked with little inflection. Almost toneless. Hopefully, this is a customer and not a cop trying to bust him for illegal quirk usage…great.
  “Sure,” He puts on his fakest of smiles, channels his inner Ling, and launches into his best sales pitch, “I have a reconstruction quirk…as long as most of the pieces are present, I can put it back together.”
  “…and does that extend to construction and building work?”
   “Ah,” The stranger didn’t appear to be carrying anything substantial on him so the object in need of fixing was probably located elsewhere, “what the hell do you need fixed?”
  There’s no response to his question and Ed crosses his arms, “I can’t do anything high-tech, too many intricate moving parts, but building construction is fine as long as the materials are all there and I have time to plan. Might take me a few goes depending on the scale. It will cost you extra as well. I’ll have to see it to be sure of the exact price.” He rattles off his fake quirk limitations with practised ease. In a world filled with nonsensical abilities, his alchemy fit right in. 
  The tall man thinks for a moment, leaving Ed to ponder the strange nature of the request. This is the first time he has been asked to do building work, usually, people wanted more mundane repairs like fixing furniture or jewellery.
   “Acceptable,” comes the abrupt response, “My employer requires some discrete building installation and repair, basic reconstruction, shelving, wall-fittings, construction. All onsite work.”
  “That’ll be pretty expensive….” Ed answers slowly, “and time-consuming.”
  “All materials will be provided. The price will not be an issue.”
  “Okay…” Ed narrows his eyes, examining the figure, but the shadows give nothing away. “Where exactly is this job?”
  “Transport to the site will be arranged.”
  As if to emphasis the statement, Tall-Dark-And-Smokey raises a hand and an inky black circle appears on the wall. The sudden action has Ed half rising from his seat, preparing to attack or defend. A beat passes and nothing happens.
  “The mode of transport,” Tall-Dark-And-Smokey explains, motioning to the black circle. It is a quirk effect, obviously something to do with travel. Ed relaxes but remains standing.  Is it just him or does the guy sound partly amused as his obvious unease? He carefully extracts himself from behind his crowded desk to step around and take a closer look.
  “So I just step in that and hope you’re not about to screw me over.” He folds his arms, more irritated now.
  “Your caution is understandable,” The purple circle fluctuates, undulating, and Tall-Dark-And-Smokey puts a hand inside his jacket pocket. Ed tenses again, ready to clap his hands together, relaxing only when he sees the stranger produce a white envelope. In a deliberately slow movement, the envelope is placed atop the uneven stack of books Ed has piled near the door. Ed once again gets the sense that the other man is amused.
  “Consider this a sign of goodwill and proof of our willingness to pay whatever needed,” The man tugs his hood, so it further hides his non-existent face. “Think it over. I will come by later for a response.”
  Tall-Dark-And-Smokey steps into the swirling circle which shrinks, disappearing completely.
  “Later? When the hell is later supposed to be?” Ed snaps at the empty room.
  “Tch,” He glares at the wall and its peeling white paint. What a weird unsettling guy. Suspicious as all hell.
  So far Ed’s stay in this universe hadn’t exactly been smooth. He had arrived in a building collapsing around him, later revealed to be a fight between one of this world's 'heroes’ and ‘villains,’ mentally and physically exhausted from his sudden trip through the Truth’s Gate. From there it had been touch and go as he tried to find his footing, not get accidentally killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and avoid getting himself arrested for not having identification or a quirk licence which was apparently a pretty big deal in this word. With his poor track record, he is tempted to just pack up and not get involved with Tall-Dark-And-Smokey.  
  “A teleportation quirk…” He mutters, examining the wall more thoroughly and finding nothing out of place. It is the first time he has come across an ability like this. Against his better judgment, curiosity takes root. How far could it teleport? What were the conditions? Did it consume energy? What sort of energy and how much? What were the limitations? A lot of these weird abilities, quirks, had just as weird limitations.
  Maybe this was the breakthrough he needed.
  Ed’s alchemical research into escaping this world had long been stalled upon the realisation that the only way back to Amestris would be the same way he had left. Through the Gate of Truth. It would require an alchemy array the size of a small city and a sacrifice akin to a thousand human souls…possibly more…He hadn’t had the heart to make the exact calculations. There was no point in calculating the exact number of deaths required for him see his brother again. It wasn’t an option so he wasn't entertaining it. However, if he could somehow bypass the Gate, maybe by using some sort of quirk, then perhaps there was still hope for him. Teleportation had been one of the ones he had been on the lookout for.
  Ed clenches his metal fist, reaching for the envelope with the other, hoping for a distraction. He almost expects it to be some sort of scam. Instead, he is meant with a stack of the place’s currency, neatly bound together.
  It is a lot of money.
  He stares in disbelief, slowly pulling out the bills and running his finger over them. It is more money than all his repair jobs and his periodic pawning of ‘family heirlooms’ have made him since coming here. With this, he would be able to pay actual rent and any other bills for the next month and then the month after. Heck, he’d be able to buy himself some decent meals, a new computer and a better phone on top of that.
  Ed shoves the money back in the envelope and lets out a long, frustrated breath. There had to be a catch. No one just gave away this sort of money without reason. Not in the shithole of an area he’d set himself up in. Who the hell was willing to just throw money at someone to build goodwill? It sounded like the sort of suspicious behaviour that, had he encountered it on one of his missions, he would have reported it back to Mustang for further investigation. Not like he can just report stuff here, not without bringing unwanted scrutiny.
  Ordinarily, Ed would have scoffed and refused the obviously illegal work. However, a quirk was one of his best chances of getting home. Maybe, if he accepted this work, he could bargain for information on the guy's teleportation ability. Not like he hadn’t done other illegal things since arriving here.
  What would Alphonse say? Al was always better at reading people. Maybe he would tell him not to get involved with shady types? Or maybe he would say that Ed was too paranoid and he should give them a chance. Then again, his brother might caution him against it and tell him it was his duty to send in an anonymous tip to the nearest police station. Probably the last one. God damnit he misses Al. Ed stuffs the envelope into his shoulder bag, the one containing a portable automail maintenance kit and encoded alchemy notebooks.
  Next, he is pulling on his signature coat, coloured grey instead of bright red because red stood out and as much as he hated it, he needed to keep a low profile. Ed shuffles out of his makeshift shop, turning to lock the door. He needed more information and his four months in this world hadn’t left him entirely without contacts.
Part 2: here
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pumpkinpatchkid · 4 years
Got Your Back - 001
Pairing: Atsushi x F!Reader Soulmates
Rating: 18+ (eventually)
Warnings: Reckless behaviour, toxic thoughts, parental abuse, clothes being destroyed (no nudity), cursing, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF ANYTHING ELSE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN THE WARNINGS <3
Soul mates. The one person that always had your back, literally and figuratively. When you’re born, there’s a permanent mark on your back that represents the person you’re destined to spend the rest of your life with. If one was a gifted, like yourself, there was an almost one hundred percent possibility you were paired up with another. Those who didn’t possess supernatural abilities had the thing that their soulmate treasured the most on their back. From birth, the large white tiger was prominent against your skin, and it grew with you, your whole life. At 18, it had covered the entirety of your back, yet the person it represented still hadn’t entered your life.
When? When will I meet them? You sighed as you examined the large feline in the mirror. Another morning, another search for a job to keep you going. It had been 3 weeks since you’d run from your parents and ended up in Yokohama. 3 weeks was all it took for the money you had run with to dwindle as you paid for a rundown little shack to keep yourself alive.
You tore yourself away from your reflection and began to rummage through your small duffel bag of clothes, hoping you still had some job-searching appropriate attire. At the bottom of the bag, you pulled out a neatly folded white shirt and your nicest black jeans, throwing them on after picking your freshly washed “lucky underwear set” from the line.
You ran your fingers through your hair, and pulled on your battered boots, making do before grabbing your key and half charged phone off the side, leaving the shack quietly and locking the door behind you.
You made your way down the trail that led into Yokohama’s smaller side of town and started your search for job openings in every window you passed. You weren’t entirely sure how much time had passed on your search, but your hopes began to fade.
Looks like another loss.
As you gazed into the buildings, you found yourself losing touch with reality, which you were brought back to as you walked straight into somebody.
“I’m so sorry” You instinctively said, looking at the floor as if ready for your punishment. The person you ran into began to laugh. You looked up to find a tall, beautiful brunette, with bandages poking out from under his shirt. He offered you a hand.
“No, I’m the one to apologize, pretty thing. Name’s Dazai Osamu.” You nodded and took his hand, where he began examining yours.
“Y/N L/N.” You watched this Dazai man carefully, as he investigated your palm, knuckles, fingers and wrist. He hummed and dropped your hand, seemingly satisfied.
“Is... everything okay, Dazai-san?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded, and a charming, yet mischievous grin spread across his face.
“So, L/N-chan. I’ll help you with whatever you’re looking for, and then you have to strangle me.” He beamed, as if proud of the proposal he just gave you. Your jaw slacked and you looked at him as if he’d grown 3 heads.
“S-Strangle you??” You sputtered out. Dazai nodded with a newfound enthusiasm and threw his hands into the air.
“To death!” He sang. Your face paled as you watched him. Then you began to laugh.
This man has well and truly lost his mind. You shrugged, re-composing yourself and hummed.
“I suppose I could humour you, Dazai-san. Say you could find me a job? If you can help me do that then we’ll figure out where to go from there.” You laughed as Dazai punched the air victoriously, eyes brimming with tears.
What a weirdo... You rolled your eyes when he turned his back to you and raised your eyebrow once again as he started to walk off into the now expanding crowd.
“I hear there’s lots of jobs going on the other side of here. Why don’t I accompany you?” He grinned, gesturing for you to follow his lead. You smiled at the eccentric man ahead of you and began to take your stride next to him. The walk was pleasant and filled with chatter. Dazai had guessed that you hadn’t been in Yokahoma long. He’d said you’d looked a little lost and claimed that’s why he “flew in to help like your knight in shining armour”. You couldn’t help but find yourself laughing at the man, his company was light-hearted, and his little quips undeniably made you smile. In all, he was quite sweet.
And not bad on the eye either... Maybe my soulmate got mixed up? He doesn’t look like someone to possess a tiger to me.
You were about to reply with something Dazai had said, before stopping in your tracks. You inhaled and the smell of smoke was thick in your nostrils. You spun to the direction the smell was strongest to see nasty black plumes of smoke dominating the otherwise blue sky. Without thinking you bolted to the scene of the fire, guided by your sense of smell, and the black towers above you.
When you reached the scene an apartment complex was ablaze, from the second story to maybe the fifth. Flames licked the outside world from where windows used to be, and a heavy congregation of people crowded the area. You pushed through them, eyes scanning for the victims. Ambulances and fire fighters were already at the scene, tending to the people pulled from the building.
Your heart began to lift, until you saw a woman on her knees, sobbing and crying out as she was being restrained in the arms of a fire fighter.
“My children! They’re in there!! Please, please! Get them out of there! My babies!” She was screaming at the man holding her back. You couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying to her as you’d already jumped, using the frames of the shattered windows to pull yourself to the third floor.
You burst in through the opening and were blanketed in darkness.
“Hot Blood, Eye of the Winged Serpent...” You muttered under your breath. A sudden flash stunned your world momentarily before reds and oranges, flecked with golds cleared your vision.
Much better.
With no sign of life in the room you entered, you began barging through the rooms of the floor, searching for the victims before moving onto the next, flames licking at your skin and scorching your clothes; it was a warmth you welcomed. As you rose your foot to kick down the next, your ears perked up as you could hear crying and begging come from across the hall. You spun and smiled, satisfied, as the door broke from its hinges giving you perfect access to the flame encased room. There, your eyes locked on to two white hot bodies, small and quivering in the middle of the room.
“Hey! Hey, it’s alright, I’m here to help.” You spoke above the crackling of the fire, approaching the two children with caution. A little boy, blackened from the smoke, eyes streaming, and clothes burned from his body, was cowering next to a little girl, laid under a large piece of furniture. She was sobbing for help.
“Please get my sister out! Help us please!” The little boy cried, coughing harshly. He used his body to protect the smaller girl beside him as a large flame lashed out at the three of you. You jumped between the children and the fire, shielding them both.
“It’s alright. We’ll get your sister out, Kiddo. And you two. You’ll both be alright, okay? Now try and calm your breathing. We can’t have you taking in any more smoke, can we?” You smiled softly at him.
As you turned to the little girl, you noticed some of her hair had been burned off, and the furniture had pinned her legs. You grabbed the corner of the large... bookshelf? it looked like, but you weren’t stopping to take a better look. You hoisted the object from off her, and the little boy dragged her into him. She let out a sob and clung to her brother. You scanned her over quickly, to find two broken legs.
Shit. This isn’t going to be easy.
“Alright buddy, I’m going to carry your sister, so I need you to hop on my back, alright? I’m gonna get you out of here.” You crouched in front of the pair, cradling the little girl in your arms, as her brother clambered onto your back.
“Ready? Hold tight.” You spoke to the pair, before taking off down the hall, staying low, and made your way back to the room you’d burst into. You clambered out of the hole in the wall and stood on the small ledge attached to the outside of the building, tightening your grip on the little one in your arms. You pulled the little boy by his arm to your front and held him close.
“We’re gonna jump, okay? Whatever you do, do not let go of me.” The pair nodded, heeding your instructions, before you let go. You heard the crowd below you scream, and your back hit the concrete below you, forcing yourself into a roll as your arms shielded the youngsters against your chest.
As you stopped rolling, you lay flat on your back, only meters away from the sobbing mother. She screamed when she saw her children and ran to them. She scooped them up, and thanked you through choked cries, cradling her babies. You nodded before hoisting your body from the floor. You made a quick exit, slipping through the large audience and made your way onto the next street, slumping against the wall. You looked down at your charred clothes, large patches of material missing and burnt to a crisp.
Least my underwear’s intact. Knew this set was lucky.
You chuckled to yourself and pushed yourself from the wall and stretched. As you were about to make an exit, calling it quits for one day, a familiar figure blocked your path. Dazai was stood there.
He must’ve followed me. Crap.
Two figures shifted to stand beside Dazai. One was a tell young man, with glasses and long blonde hair in a ponytail. He was adorned in a suit and in his left hand was a notebook. He stood silently and pushed his glasses up his nose with his free hand. The other was an older man. His long silver hair covered his shoulders, and you couldn’t take your eyes away from his kind, grey ones. Dazai was beaming. The older gentleman stepped forwards and was the only one to speak to you.
“I think you should come with us.”
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Cotton Candy Girl
dewey finn x reader 
Hey guys! so this is a sweet little fic me and the amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ have been working on recently!! all about the Dewey content hehe! in this fic we have the reader wanting to finally break free from societies expectations and change up her appearance! We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it!!
warnings: fluff, angst, mention of smut 
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aesthetic by the amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ - we literally sobbed over that pic of dewey for like twenty mins straight lol 
You woke up just before Deweys alarm was gonna go off early in the morning as you did every morning. You watched Dewey with your eyelids still heavy with sleep. You cracked a tiny smile at his features. A tiny bit of drool tickled down his bottom lip when he snored. Your eyes moved from his drooling lips, to his scruffy cheeks, to his hair. His brown locks standing in every direction possible... you sighed, deeply content having him next to you. His hair never stopped to amaze you. It was just so fluffy, so soft... and so SO Dewey... 
You scooted closer to him, feeling the heat his body provided under the sheets. You lay your leg over his, brushed your ankle against his calf and went to push your nose against his. Your head on his pillow, nose-to-nose. You carefully reached out, combing your hand through his hair. Brushing your fingers through the soft brown curls and whispered your boyfriends name to wake him up.
 "....Dew.... Dewey.... You gotta wake up dear... Gotta teach the kids what Rock is about..."
 Dewey slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face as soon as his eyes found yours. His hands gliding towards your waist, hugging you as close as possible his morning voice croaked out: "Morning sweetheart... you look beautiful today..." 
 He pulled you against him and nuzzled his nose deeply into the nape of your neck, sniffing deeply he sleepily whispered: "... not fair... you even smell beautiful..." You had to chuckle a bit at that weird compliment. Dewey calloused fingers brushed softly over your back, up and down over your spine. He kissed you sleepily and murmured "...so... SO... soft..."
 You pulled away with a giggle and pecked his nose. "Okay rockstar... time to start your day. Joining me for breakfast and coffee?" He pumped up his fists and cheered a: "Hell yeah, i am!" your way. Before you could reply he launched himself out of bed and whooped loudly when he reached the kitchen before you. He leaned against the kitchen table, proud sleepy smile on his face as he offered you his fist to bump. You knotted your eyebrows together in confusion and he chuckled: "... loser's gotta make the coffee..." As you scoffed, a smirk creeped up your face. Gosh what a weirdo. You rolled your eyes, pumped his fist and turned around to prepare the coffee machine. 
 As soon as you turned your back to him you felt his arms sneak around your waist, and his scruff against your neck, peppering you with light kisses. "...waking up with you is my favourite, love..." 
* * * *
You had to rush Dewey out of the door. Again. Leaving early never had been Dewey's strong suit, and having to leave you had doubled this problem. You just hoped he was gonna be on time for his lesson today. 
 You paced around in your apartment, you were doing that for the past hour or so. Feeling anxious but bubbling with excitement at the exact same time. You clenched the guitar-pick in your left pocket when you dialed the number of the piercing studio. Heart hammering in your chest as you kept pacing the room. Repeating the mantra Dewey had whispered when he gave it to you: '...stick it to the man... stick it to the man... stick it to the man... sti-" The phone stopped ringing and someone picked up. 
 You nervously told the lady on the phone what you wanted, and asked if she had time today... knowing that waiting only caused you more doubt. You knew you really wanted this. It was just... Low self esteem and overthinking could cause hell sometimes. You made an appointment for later that day. And you felt relieved, giddy in excitement and stressed at the same time. 
 You tossed your phone on the coffee table and only then noticed the strength you had been clenching the guitar-pick with. Your knuckles sore from holding onto the little trinket for dear life. You smiled a bit at the memory of Dewey, when he gave it to you.
 Dewey knew you struggled. With yourself. Your image of yourself had never been positive... You struggled with the expectations of society, wanting to please every soul on the earth. Even if it wasn't your cup of tea, you would move mountains to make people happy. To feel validated. To feel worthy. This included your behaviour as well as your looks. "Keep your hair long, cause it looks pretty on you. Simple clothing suits you well... i like it on you." Everyone around you had influenced your inner self. Until you met Dewey. From the beginning of your relationship he made sure to tell you daily how beautiful you were to him, no matter what you chose to wear. Or not to wear. How you were enough. How you were worthy. How you were loved.
The guitar-pick was given to you right after you told him you often thought badly of yourself. He pulled it out of his jacket, and pressed it into your palm. Telling you: "When i’m ever in doubt, feeling insecure or nervous... i hold this, and think: 'stick it to the man'." He had pressed a soft kiss on your temple and continued while he pulled you in a caring hug, his strong arms holding you as he cooed: "...whenever you feel like that, hold the lucky-pick and remember i’m near. I;m supporting you in everything you do. You are beautiful. Your soul is beautiful. You are enough and always will be. Dare to be fearlessly authentic, love. I love the whole you. And i always will." 
 A single tear spilled again at the memory. You pulled the guitar-pick out of your pocket to kiss it, feeling its strength. Dewey’s strength and trust, seep into your very core as you recalled that beautiful moment of intimacy you two had shared. It was beyond a physical bond, more of a soul-matching bond. You looked at the scribble he made on the pick, the black of the marker a bright contrast at the shiney purple pick. Dewey wrote on it: "Be you" You flipped it around it said: "Faith & Trust. Dewey" 
 You but the pick back in your pocket and ran a hand trough your hair, sighing nervously but proud of your decision. Nose piercing it was. And you were gonna rock it. Damnit. It was the 'stick-it-to-the-man-thing' to do, and you knew you wanted it. For you. Not for anyone else. You were done with being exactly what society expected you to be. Let them meet the real you instead. The real you deserved the world. Dewey always told you that. You eyed the hair in your hands as well... and with a deep sigh you also decided your hair needed to be freed from stupid standards as well. New you. Well... old you, with a new bit of confidence in your authenticity. Change was a good thing... 
 You still felt a bit anxious to follow through with your plan... but figured that this was what you really wanted to do. It felt good. It felt genuine. It felt... freeing. But a bit scary too. You clenched the pick even more tightly... You liked it... You just hoped with all your anxious, authentic heart that Dewey would like it too.
* * * * 
Running back up the stairs to your apartment got you out of breath quickly. You shoved the keys in, unlocking the door, and slammed the door behind you once you were in, throwing your back against it. “holy shit” you breathed in and out quickly, regaining your breath. You did it. You wiggled your nose, feeling the foreign object, that had been impaled on your right nostril, move. “ouch”. It was still fresh.
You darted over towards the bedroom mirror, jumping into view of yourself. You squealed excitedly at your freshly dyed locks, running your fingers through the soft, baby pastel pink. It was so pretty. You were SO proud of yourself for doing it. Going against societies values and expectations, giving them a big fuck you. You stuck your hands in your denim jacket pockets, posing in the mirror. And for the first time in a long time, you absolutely loved what you seen, closing one eye and sticking your tongue out. You felt good and you looked amazing.
You glanced down at your watch. It was almost four. Shit. Dewey would be home soon. Suddenly insecurity began to kick in as you looked up in the mirror at yourself again. Would Dewey like it? What if he hated it? Shit. Maybe this was a bad decision. Had you done the right thing? I mean, you could always nip to the store and get a box dye- “Baby, I’m home!” you heard Dewey come through the front door.
No, Dewey loves you he’s gonna love it. You looked in the mirror again, giving your pink curls one last floof before he laid eyes on you “yeah hey Dew, I’m in the bedroom!”. You could hear Dewey’s feet begin to pad through to the bedroom.
“aw babe you will not believe what the kids were telling me tod-“ he paused once he seen you standing over at the mirror. Your hands in your pockets and smiling sweetly at him. His eyes widened as they examined your new features. “stick it to the man, right?” you smirked at him. Dewey literally squealed as he bounced over to you, in awe at how pretty you were. He was so proud. “baby you look amazing!” he exclaimed, picking up your hair and running it through his fingers.
“do you like it?” you asked hesitantly. Dewey lit up “do I like it?!?! Babe I LOVE it?!?!”. Dewey pulled you into a tight hug “I’m so so so proud of you” you giggled at his antics. Once he let you go you squinted your eyes and looked down at your nose, wiggling it. Dewey looked at you confused but followed your eyes to your nose, and.. “DUDE!! NO WAY?!?! Can I touch it?” he asked lifting his hand up, but you moved your head laughing “no, it’s still sore”.
He looked at you adoringly and picked up your pink curls again “my cotton candy girl”, before he went to kiss you sweetly. But you banged noses, irritating your nose piercing slightly “ouch” you laughed. “ah I’m sorry”. You smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him again, exaggerating your head movement this time, “I forgive you”.
Dewey moved his hands to your waist and you threw your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. “you know.. this whole.. stick it.. to the man… vibe.. is really.. sexy” he managed out between kisses. You hummed into him, “I’m glad you think so. Do you think this nose ring makes me look like a bad ass?” you smirked. “hell fucking yeah it does. My lil cotton candy bad ass” he kissed you again.
You kicked off yous shoes, still attached to Dewey. “how was your day?” you broke away from him but he leaned into kiss you again “that doesn’t matter right now – you do”. You giggled at him, kissing him back. Dewey pushed your jacket down your shoulders and you let it drop to the floor. He moved his hands to brush through the pink parts of your hair, then down to your shoulders and arms “mmmm.. so soft.. so proud of you” he hummed.
You flushed your body up against Dewey’s and you could feel the bulge growing in his pants. You giggled at him and knew what was coming next. Dewey brushed his hand up your arm to your tank top and bra strap, slowly pushing it down your shoulder. He moved his head and started leaving little kisses down your jaw, then your neck. You moaned lightly “Dew, it’s like after four we need to think about dinner soon” you giggled.
He hummed against your skin “the only thing I want for dinner is cotton candy”.
  Tags: @little-miss-shy-goth​ @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @slowly-dying-of-boredom @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 21 - The PTSD is strong with this one & we need more braincells
Hello hello! Welcome to the commentary. How’s everyone? I’m frozen solid because it’s mid-June in Spain and yet we had 11°C yesterday. Fucking awesome!
Can I just take a second to appreciate how much this big strong powerful men emote? I mean, I know this isn’t western media where the tough guy can’t show emotions, and I don’t know that eastern media has the same hangups about men emoting but just... it’s so refreshing.
Huaisang bb you’re so sweet.
Oh, oh the PTSD is strong with this one.
Also, bless both JC and NHS, they absolutely noticed WWX flinch and, in their own ways, went and steamrolled over it so WWX wouldn’t feel scrutinised.
How do y’all think the guards go deliver bad news to WRH? Like do they paper-rock-scissor it? Draw straws?
NMJ did you have to?
And once again I wonder what would’ve happened if JFM had let sect leader Yao kick it.
Ughvhfnevus it’s this clown. Same as with Su She, if you see a bunch of screaming it’s just me not wanting to listen to Jin ZiXun.
The Nies: let’s throw a banquet to honour WWX’s return
Every asshole there: *gossips about WWX while in the room with him*
Once again I wish I could transmigrate (and speak mandarin lol) and just start delivering tongue lashings.
Listen, I have no idea how to play Guqin, but I did play the guitar for years and even from here I can see how much YiBo’s hands don’t match the melody. Nothing against him but why does this always happen? I know they got classes, so was the music not written by that time or something? Because one thing is not hitting the correct notes, another is plucking slow notes when the tempo is much faster.
JC: Since yours and LWJ’s unhappy separation...
My dumbass: do you mean breakup? *eyebrow waggle*
You will pry my “JC knows his brother is pinning after LWJ, he probably doesn’t want to know anything else” hc out of my cold dead hands thankyouverymuch.
WWX: *spouts a bunch of misdirection to avoid giving JC a straight answer*
JC: Bull-fucking-shit.
Should I count how many times WWX PTSDs all over the place or would you like me to leave your hearts intact? That’s two so far.
Ok ok, I feel that, if someone with a bit less trauma and a bit of insight (NHS maybe?) had seen the bit where ChenQing fucking hurts Shijie thing would’ve gone differently. I mean, yes, LWJ keeps warning WWX that this shit is gonna fuck him up, but as I said in my previous commentary LWJ also has the communication skills of a hermit crab so that wouldn’t work, and JC would be too wound up and WWX too busy trying to conceal his lack of golden core for that conversation to go anywhere. But if someone who WWX knows is a good egg (I’m not gonna say trusts bc paranoia) had sat him down and told him “your new instrument that you use for your new form of cultivation just hurt the person you love most please be careful when you use it.” I think it would’ve worked wonders towards his health overall.
I know Shijie says it’s like Zidian, but she’s not working with the fact that this thing is made for and by the Dark Side of the Force and I’m sorry but I can’t help but see ChenQing as a bit of a horrocrux almost. Or like, if you like me think the Burial Mounds is an Entity, something that’s a bit more sentient that it lets on.
Speaking of reputations and NHS being a good egg, I have oh-so-many ideas (I won’t say plot bunnies because I can’t write for shit) in which NHS for Reasons (time-travel? Letter from the future? His massive brain?) realises just how much damage WWX is doing to his public image. And he might be a sheltered dandy, but he saw what being the son of a sex worker did to Meng Yao despite how hard he worked (I’m assuming he doesn’t know about the whole betrayal business). This is way fucking worse, like hell is he going to let one of his best friends paint a target on his back. So he pulls back his sleeves, engages his slytherin brain and proceeds to lay down a plan to throughly destroy WWX’s reputation as a powerful genius.
I’m guessing LWJ and JC protest, and maybe WWX, and NHS just hits them with “do you want him respected or alive?” And they shut tf up. He glues himself to WWX, and brings up as many instances in which their behaviour can be compared as he can (we got drunk and punished at cloud recesses, we slept in class, we skipped to go fishing, I don’t carry my sword either). And, because assholes be assholes, people like Sect Leader Yao or Clown Cousin are quick to start spouting their own derogatory bullshit and thus WWX the untamed powerful prodigy dies a fiery death. Now he’s just a mouthy kid with a quick mind that “does tricks instead of battle” (I’ll never get bored of using that Thor quote). I also like to think that people who personally know WWX and are not pieces of shit go give NHS a tongue lashing for messing with what they thought was his friend, NHS takes that as a test of good eggness and bring them into the plan. Soon the whole Cloud Recesses class is swearing up, down, left, right and centre that all the shit WWX has ever successfully pulled is just an insane amount of luck and quick thinking.
I don’t know how would they work him into the battlefield (disguise? Mask?) to unleash his demonic cultivation but that’s Plot and I don’t do that.
Also, because I’m a terrible human being I want to say that people assume LWJ is on “pretty but useless” WWX like white on rice because *insert derogatory comment about being good in bed and sexual favours*. Because y’all know the assholes here are Like That. And WWX is horrified because holy fucking shit he’s gonna drag LWJ’s reputation down, he can’t have people thinking HGJ is ok with having him as a concubine pretty much. But before he can act LWJ politely all but confirms that yeah, he’s tapping that, y’all wish you were but he doesn’t share and none of y’all are good enough for his Wei Ying anyway. CUE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE I AM INDEED TRASH FOR THAT TROPE.
Muahahahaha y’all thought I was gonna devolve into my personal hcs and not include my fave trope? Shouldn’t y’all know me better by now?
(Btw I like this bit ^ so I might polish it a little and post it separately as well, just a warning if you find yourself reading an eerily similar post by me)
WuJi is playing and LWJ is pining so much. Also, if LWJ did not just realise that, just like Yu the Great, WWX had no other option but tame resentful energy I’ll eat my blanket.
I refuse to believe Jiang Yanli didn’t become the unofficial war camp therapist/sounding board/only sane person/everyone’s mum/I just need a hug and a corner to cry in peace. There are not enough fics about Shijie being her gentle BAMF self while in the camp and it’s a pity. My crops are dying y’all!
Also, I will fight anyone who scoffs at Shijie being the epitome of the “gentle woman who cooks and waits for the men to come back from war”. Look at her mum, do you think it is easy for a kid (she was a kid in the flashback when WWX ran away) to see that day in and day out, to have that as a “role model” and decide that she was not going to be like her mum? That she didn’t like what she saw in her so she was going to be kind and gentle? And do you think it is easy for a person barely in their twenties to deal with years of verbal and psychological abuse for again, being gentle and kind, and not grow a hard shell of bitterness to protect themselves? And to keep being gentle and kind while at war, with your parents dead and your siblings unraveling before your very eyes? Shijie is so fucking strong and I love her.
Hey look, the White Walkers!
“Resentful energy is just energy” ok, valid. But my dude, you’ve got black ghost smoke coming out of you and can hear people screaming in your head. I’m not saying it is evil, like someone’s uptight set in his ways arrogant uncle; but it sure as shit ain’t healthy.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (that’s a Clown Cousin scream btw)
...are those crows eating that man alive? Yikes on bikes.
(Assume my comment about YiBo’s Guqin playing also goes for Xiao Zhan and his flute. I can’t play the flute but the tempo doesn’t match his fingers)
I’m just gonna say it, I think 3zun (well, 2zun as of now) suspect shit went down badly for WWX, that’s two questions by both of them in a very soft conciliatory tone. They are genuinely interested/worried about the topic, and don’t seem to come off as chiding or judgemental. I mean WWX is a weirdo irreverent kid and they’re sect leaders, they outrank him so much it’s ridiculous. I’m also counting the fact that both their baby brothers like him towards them being so kind. But I also think WWX just triggers all their big brother instincts the second he walks in.
Oh there’s a thought, Shijie, Wen Qing, NMJ and LXC take a look at everyone’s shitty parents and just decide to adopt everyone.
What happened at Yiling was a traumatised teenager (is WWX even 20?) PTSDing all over the place with the Dark Side of the Force whispering in his ear and an all powerful trinket at his disposal. Not saying I approve of all the torture and murder but he clearly isn’t revelling in them.
That is some outstanding bit of big-brothering on LXC’s side and I love it. Also, my dumbass just realised LWJ probably wasn’t quoting WWX when he was being punished (what is white what is black?) I think he was quoting his big brother. Which is magnitudes deep too, but in a different direction and I might love that scene even more.
Ok fuck it, I’m gonna tangent. So I had a terrible boyfriend when I was 15-18. He alienated me from my friends, sunk my self-esteem to the molten core of the earth, tried to convince me my parents were abusive and encouraged (aka threatened manipulated and cajoled) the slow tanking of my high school marks. I have A Problem when I see media where someone latches onto their significant other and everything they are shifts towards that person. Now, love, true genuine love, is powerful, and I believe it can be the catalyst for shifting your world-view for the better. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t have a problem with people sticking with their romantic partner if it is clear their previous “family” is so much shit. I don’t have a problem with LWJ coming out of his shell and defying corrupt precepts because his love for WWX made them see they were wrong, or getting sassy and unrepentant during his punishment (I have a problem with the punishment bc that’s abuse but...). But I do side-eye WangXian being the only thing in their orbit. People need people, and WangXian have other good people around them. So I kind of love that yes, WWX showed him the system was corrupt, but it is the words of his brother he is sticking by to the defy said system.
Let’s go back to our scheduled slew of held pinning glances shall we?
LXC after That awkward run-in: WangJi I wasn’t gone that long, what the fuck did you two oblivious pining idiots do?
(LXC has “bitching” tea sessions with Shijie and you can’t convince me otherwise)
LWJ: *is being dramatic and not knocking on WWX’s door*
Me: oh my god you fucking idiot
Shijie: *walks in*
Me: oh thank god someone with a braincell.
Ah yes, there we go triggering WWX’s paranoia again. Why would he get a break.
@ LWJ: bitch wtf was that? I know you’re shit at talking but have you thought about writing it down? Letters anyone? It worked for mr. Darcy.
(Yes LWJ is mr darcy and now I want an au where LWJ writes WWX letters and just pours everything in them, WWX finds them, any everything is sunshine and rainbows)
While this bullshit fight/misunderstanding is all on LWJ’s shoulders, I’m also going to scream at WWX. Because yes, he is in PTSD hell, but he trusted LWJ before, and yet he can’t get past his perceived notion of LWJ’s character (and his own inadequacies) to trust him again and ask for help. Plus, you know, he thinks he doesn’t deserve he’ll bc *waves hand at WWX’s trauma conga line*
These episodes can’t be good for my BP.
Thanks for reading!
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Ectober Day 18: Whispers - A Strange Kind Of Ferality Chap. 1: Hushed Voices To End Mundane Life
People say a lot of things, and they’ll speak the most about the strange and usual. Sometimes words make living normal impossible for those who are not normal.
For Danny’s own sake he always tried to avoid paying attention to the whispers. Or simply not being around for people to start making them. They always made his paranoia war with itself. If he paid attention their hushed words it would make him paranoid. If he ignored them he’d be paranoid about what they could be saying and wanting to find out. And sometimes he actually did need to know.
So, if he’s honest, sometimes super ghost hearing kind of sucked.
In the beginning they weren’t so bad. Always about simple things or things that didn’t matter all too much. Sure sometimes they hurt or annoyed him, but what did Danny care that everyone thought his parents were weird and crazy? They weren’t really wrong and Sam’s right, weird’s good. Danny considers himself an example of that.
‘I still can’t believe those lunatics were even allowed to keep those kids’.
‘I heard they perform weird experiments, probably only themselves too’.
‘What if they kill someone to prove their theories?’.
But like all young teens, eventually he stepped out of his parents' shadow, the whisperings around town became more about him. But when it came mostly from teachers and judgemental adults, Danny couldn’t even attempt to bring himself to care. Sure he wanted people proud of him as Fenton, but being the hero always came first. If his grades and ‘good kid’ status had to suffer then so be it.
‘He used to be so bright, now he’s just another problem child’.
‘Oh look it’s the little ‘baddie’ thinking he’s cool or whatever for breaking stuff’.
‘I think the weirdo Fenton kid is missing a bladder or something...experiment gone wrong you think?’.
When it really started to bug Danny, is when people started noticing he was seemingly involved in ghosts without being involved in ghosts.
‘Why’s he always around? Does he just like seeing the end results?’.
‘I’m pretty sure I saw Fenton running AT a ghost fight actually’.
‘I overheard some ghosts talking about him. Thought it was about Phantom at first but they mentioned his ‘hunter parents’. Pretty obvious who the town’s hunter parents are’.
But that sort of thing was easy enough to pass off, to explain, and for people to simply shrug off. They were the curious kinds of whispers not the concerned or secretive kinds of whispers. But when his body became the focus, that’s when he knew there was going to be trouble and when he started pulling away from people, from the public. After all, there’s only so much baggy sweaters and loose clothing can cover. And wearing that all the time was suspicious in and of itself. What was worse was that he was actively proud of what all his hero work had earned him in both physique and scars. And sometimes bodies just naturally wanted to show off, even if he pushes it down as best as possible.
‘Dude, did you see Fenton stretching? The Hell has he been doing all summer to look like that?’.
‘I saw Todd throw a pencil at the back of his head, he caught it without even turning around’.
‘I saw down his shirt and there’s this nasty scar. It’s like someone tried to murder him or something. Think he’s in a gang or some shit?’.
And it was obvious at this point, to Danny, that people were only going to notice more. Which they did. People were curious things, they were hooked on his oddness. He always did his best to hide his more ghostly features. Grew his hair out to cover his tapered ears, started a habit of wearing beanies. But hats couldn’t always stay on and hair moved. Made a habit of always covering his mouth when he yawned, only ate small foods in public, drank through straws. The thing his friends found the saddest is that he had to stop laughing so damn much, though he’d often just covered his mouth instead. But people notice when behaviours change like that and people will always be able to catch glimpses. His nails were the easiest, simple trim every morning. But even trimmed they were still just a little too sharp. So he developed the habit of not touching people, but a hero’s fighting instincts and ghost instincts were strong things. Sometimes he really couldn’t help grabbing Dash’s arms when he tried to choke him or drag him somewhere. That didn’t go unnoticed.
‘The little freak scratched me. And look at this shit? It looks like a damn cat scratch. The Hell?’.
‘I managed to get the cafeteria to serve burgers right? Fenton loves those things and, I swear to you, he had FANGS’.
‘So I punched the locker next to his face, yeah? Teach the loser who runs this school. But I think his ear scratched me. HIS EAR. How is that even possible?’.
At least stuff like that, he really could pass off as body modification. People did that. Which his how he quelled his paranoia back then. So long as he had an easy excuse it was easy. But it was inevitable that people would eventually notice his ‘angry eyes’ problem or his ghost sense. It was honestly a miracle they didn’t in the very beginning. Though both him and even his parents, simply passed off those rumours as being because of his strange ecto-contamination. People still whispered. Especially about his eyes.
‘Walked into the bathroom and I swear, the kids' eyes were glowing as he stepped out of a stall’.
‘Half the time I go after him he does that damn eye-trick thing for a split second. It’s like he’s trying to be some scary ghost or something. It’s pathetic really’.
‘Honestly, I just avoid looking at his face now. It’s just so creepy. Especially if you think over how he probably got that. His parents are scientists! He’s probably, like, Frankenstein’s monster or something’.
But when people started whispering about behaviours, pointedly not human behaviours, that’s when Danny’s paranoia really came to a head. He couldn’t just not snarl and growl. It came too easily. And being around Sam and Tucker more than the rest of society came with its down falls. He could be himself around them, he got comfortable being himself around them. But that made it easier to slip up in public. Sometimes they tried to call him on it, but often that just ran the risk of people being more likely to notice. Then there was the compounded problem. Snarls required showing teeth. Sounds made people look. One thing getting noticed leads to other things getting more noticed. Whispers compounding.
‘He holds his hands like claws half the time, pretty sure he actually extended claws once’.
‘He came in this morning snarling and bearing those damn fangs at the floor for, like, two whole periods. Even my dog doesn’t do that’.
‘I bumped into that Fenton kid on the street, you know the one. Short and kind of acts like a feral animal. Yeah, well, pretty sure he growled at me and there’s was this weird glow to his face’.
But at least even those whispers could be passed off. Teens acted weird, that was considered a fact by adults. The fact that there were wolf packers, kids who like to pretend to be werewolves and in a pack, helped. Everyone knew those kids ran around howling and would growl at people. But it didn’t help him that they kept trying to make him ‘one of them’. Sure it would be a nice cover story but it would draw more attention to him. Especially since people already thought his snarls and growls were more ‘real’.
‘Okay dude, look at this. So I recorded Fenton when Dash tried punching him yesterday. And look, I put it next to my dog snarling. Fenton sounds more animalistic, and like, look how Fenton holds his mouth? It’s the same, more aggressive even’.
‘My night was not fun, I got woken up but what I could have sworn was coyotes fighting, but no. It was that creepy Fenton kid and some biker dude getting in each other’s faces’.
‘I’m positive he was just about to bite you. And not like those cringy kids with the weird lunging bit they do’.
But of course, of course, that lead to them really noticing. Noticing things he himself didn’t. Which was far far more worrying. How could he hide something if he wasn’t even the first to notice? Sam and Tucker too used to him to notice the gradual change themselves. And once others picked up on it, even one, it was pretty well too late. It fell into the gossip mill and then everyone was looking for it. About reflexes and senses. Even his paranoia was being noticed.
‘He literally never opens any doors while in-front of them. Like he’s about to be attacked or something’.
‘We need code words for the freak. Pretty sure he can hear us. And look! See! His ears damn twitched! He totally can’.
‘I’m not sure if I’m happy or terrified. I nearly ran over the Fenton boy, should have slammed straight into his back. But he fucking backflipped over my car, the entire damn thing, at the last second. How the Hell’.
But when the whispers became dangerous. Got him fully avoided. Got the G.I.W. to come knocking. He knew he didn’t really have much of a choice anymore. He had to leave. Not fully, no, just a town away. Just hide, a name change here, style change there. Seems people could deal with weird. Didn’t really care about it other than it was good gossip. Until they started putting things together, until they started to feel like you were a wolf and they were sheep. The bad part was, they weren’t wrong. And like all ghosts, Danny has pride. He, by his very nature, wanted fear, to scare, to alarm. And that always got harder to hide, to ignore. But the body and mind have ways of getting around its own barriers. Doing things so subtle you might not notice at all. All it took was slight changes in posture, how his eyes looked, how he moved. And he became a predator amongst prey.
‘Is it just me or does Fenton look like he’s actively stalking people? Like a cat or something? It’s really damn creepy’.
‘He stares, like constantly. He just doesn’t blink enough and he seems to scan rooms. Like there’s some threat, it makes me feel uncomfortable. But what’s worse is how he looks over everyone, scans them over, it’s like he’s picking out prey or something’.  
‘I swear the freak can tell when people are looking at him. Like just watch, his posture will change. Slightly tense like he’s about run off. And you can easily see his face and hands, he’s being threatening. It pisses me off that it works’.
Of course, his friends would never let him skip town on his own. It was only a lucky thing they were off in university by this time and he was perfectly content to keep them in the dark. Besides, if they up and ran off too. People would whisper.
And looking around, that’s one thing he likes about bigger cities. Even more so when you looked all for the world like a battered, easily ignored, poorly dressed, homeless man. When people whispered it wasn’t anything to be alarmed about.
‘Poor man, wonder when the last time he washed was’.
‘Gross, I really wish this damn city would clean up the filth. How can I let my daughter walk around with people like that just sleeping on the sidewalk’.
‘Hmpf, probably just another damn druggie’.
But of course that would change.
‘Wait...he’s not actually sleeping? Weird’.
He’d have to watch himself more.
‘Oh holy shit, that bastards got fangs?!?’.
He’d have to move around more.
‘Don’t go downtown, there’s some creepy predatory guy there. He hasn’t hurt anyone from what I hear, but it’s all in how he moves. In his eyes’.
People would eventually actively start seeking him out, a mystery to solve.
‘Dude, we have to steal his bag. I heard some kids from the park did and he reacted like a feral dog or some shit’.
Connections would be made, people would start to feel unsettled or scared
‘Destruction seems to follow that one. Keep your distance’.
And he’d have to pack, leave in the dead of night.
‘His eyes, you can see them in the dark. Pretty sure they’ll follow you too. Whatever he is, he sure as Hell isn't a human’.
Of course, he made sure he found his way back to Amity, as Fenton, here and there. Especially when his friends got back. But the downfall of leaving, of running off. Is that it was impossible for people to not notice his return. And being alone for so long would make anyone act less human, less socially normal. For someone who wasn’t actually entirely human, you might as well just write normal off as a lost cause.
‘James! James! That Fenton boy’s back! He snarled at someone’s dog. Should we do something?’.
‘How is he more off? He’s so...twitchy. Like he’s constantly on the edge of trying to murder someone or something’.
‘He came into the cafe and he just stared around for a while. Then he drank nothing but espresso shots and I’m sure he ate a spoon. He even clacked his teeth at me after ordering’.
So yeah, the G.I.W. would come. He’d wind up getting tracked. But Amity was his and that wasn’t ever-changing and he was a goddamn force to be recond with. And his friends would come back, they would take him by the arms and all three would slingshot at the future. Like always. Because, after all, Fenton wasn’t the only one people whispered about.
‘Okay, I’m pretty sure that goth is actually a witch. Summoning ghosts and shit. ‘Cause they’re always near her’.
‘She has a pet Venus-flytrap in her purse, it bit me’.
‘I swore she ran through a fire just to throw her boot at someone for insulting that freaky Fenton’.
‘If that technofreak is visiting the bank then no way am I. I heard he got put on a watch list for hacking a plane, twice’.
‘He scaled a thirty-story building just to clean his windows, who does that?’.
‘I walked in on him making out almost aggressively with a PDA...he growled at me’.
Because really? If you spend enough time around the glaringly inhuman, you’ll lose your human aspects too. So Danny’s not exactly surprised when they decide to hit the road with him. They’ll always come back, of course they will, and maybe they’ll find some other towns they love as they go. But at least being able to make portals now will mean they can go as far as they like, without Phantom ever being far away from the town he protects.
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An Invisible Bastard and Five or So Underwhelming Fantasies (Invisible Man and Fantasy Island Review)
TRIGGER WARNING: Discussion of domestic abuse, gaslighting and implied rape in a film with reference to how abusers who commit those things work in real life.
The Invisible Man is one of the most tense viewing experiences I’ve had in a cinema for a long time, despite the fact that its big horror-movie threat is just a normal dude wearing a suit that makes him invisible. The reason for this is that it’s a tale about abuse, gaslighting, trauma and psychological isolation that actually seems to have a pretty good handle on how those things works. The titular Invisible Man was an abuser who controlled every aspect of his victim’s life even before she ran away and he figured out how to turn himself invisible to pursue her like the world’s rapiest poltergeist. Thanks in large part to the sterling sympatico acting going on between Elisabeth Moss (playing our victim-hero) and Oliver Jackson-Cohen (the Invisible Cunt himself), he’s a terrifying and unsettling presence even before the film’s more fantastical elements kick in. Just watching him have a freak out and punch through a car window while still fully visible is unnerving in a way that even unstoppable monsters usually aren’t. Moss’s reactions as the traumatised abuse-survivor Cecilia feel entirely sympathetic and reasonable, balancing the need for the character to have agency with a realistic portrayal of someone being driven mad by a threat nobody else can perceive. The fact that nobody believes what she’s going through, even when she lays out exactly what’s going on, heightens the pervading sense of dread because we’re aware that, in real life, abusers can manipulate and arrange situations that force implausibility onto their victims while real-life trauma simultaneously affects the brain in a way that makes it hard to convey your experiences in an ordered and believable fashion. It’s genuinely scary because- invisibility aside- it feels completely real. All of which makes the inevitable cathartic pay-off all the more satisfying.
Hollywood (here meaning the whole mainstream film and TV industry, not just a small, Gwyneth Paltrow-infested corner of L.A.) is really bad at portraying abusers and telling stories about abuse. Abusive, controlling bastards in movies and television tend to suffer from one of two problems:. Number One is the ‘Straw Abuser’ problem where their behaviour is so unlikely and badly-explained that it’s impossible to take them seriously as an antagonist. They exist solely to prove somebody’s point and as such warrant neither the audience’s hatred nor its fear. One good example of this is that bloke from Colossal, who seems to be evil for no other reason than the fact he’s a working class guy with a beard. Pretty sure there should have been more to it than that. Problem Number Two is ‘Killgrave Syndrome’, where the abusive bastard’s antics are so malevolent and otherworldly and their screen presence is so compelling and entertaining that you forget you’re meant to loathe and fear them. Instead, you just find yourself rooting for them to sink to ever-greater depths of malice and depravity because it might be funny. Your brain takes one look at them and files them in the same category as Wily Coyote, Dick Dastardly and Doctor Evil (who didn’t spend six years at evil medical school to be called ‘mister’).  As such, I have to praise The Invisible Man for creating a story about abuse with a horrifyingly believable abuser, that still keeps the victim at its emotional centre.
It’s hard to make such a well-worn and pre-loved premise as “guy turns himself invisible and goes mad with power” scary, but The Invisible Man manages it by making the invisibility almost incidental and focussing instead on creating a believable scenario with characters who feel like real people.
However, for every amazing film, there must be a film made of ennui and poop to balance it out. Such is the rule of the universe: no light without its shadow, no high without a corresponding low, no Leonard Cohen’s The Future without The Human League’s The Lebanon. Conveniently for me, I don’t have to look very far to find The Invisible Man’s counterpart. If The Invisible Man takes a boring, overdone premise and makes it great, then Fantasy Island (which came out around the same time) takes a brilliant, wondrous premise and turns it into a study in disappointment.
The premise being wasted in this case is that there’s a magic island that can make your fantasies come true, but will also twist them to punish you in macabre and horrifying ways. In a horror film with a core concept like that, you’d expect to see all sorts of insane things. You’d expect to see nerds exploring fantasy worlds only to discover what it’s like to be cooked alive inside their armour by dragon-fire. You’d expect someone’s sexual fantasy to devolve into a Cronenberg-esque nightmare straight from The Society or Bodymelt (google it). You’d expect to see people who dream of being beautiful ending up mutilated in the name of aesthetic perfection. You’d expect fantasies about meeting famous painters or musicians or writers or stars to turn into fights for the death against warped and malevolent versions of those people (just like in the internet musical thing about actual cannibal Shia LeBoufe). None of that happens. In fact, nothing remotely interesting happens.
You see, the people who end up on Fantasy Island are all boring cunts. There’s a couple of tedious brothers who dream of having it all and get to live it up in a mansion with supermodels until its invaded by the previous owner- a mob-boss in a clown mask. There’s a generic guy who dreams of serving in the military with his dead hero father and ends up having to watch his dear old dad die with his own eyes (which should have been an emotional moment, but wasn’t, because he has no discernible personality). There’s a lass who spends her whole time moping about shitty life choices and fantasises about going back in time to change them. She does and ends up with a loving family, which doesn’t change the fact she’s consumed with guilt about someone who died in an accident she was involved in. She asks for a do-over on that, instead, throwing away the family, and nearly dies trying to save someone she can’t save… not because it’s impossible, but because she’s basically bloody useless. Finally, there’s a girl who dreams about getting revenge on a childhood bully and the childhood bully herself who gets kidnapped and taken to the island to be punished.
The bullied girl is the only interesting or relatable character in the whole debacle, since she seems to be experiencing an emotion relating to something that actually happened to her, while the bully herself is a loathsome vacuous berk. Unfortunately, Fantasy Island thinks it’s smarter than it actually is, so the bullied girl turns out to be the one manipulating the fantasies to make them turn out badly (oh, fuck you: there was a spoiler warning at the top and I refuse to feel guilty about ruining this dreck for you), while the bully gets to have a redemption arc and save the day. Just fucking once, I’d like a modern horror film to present me with a hateful, vapid turd and then let me watch them die in an entertaining way while the weirdo gets a happy ending. This whole ‘let’s explore the hidden humanity of total twats at the expense of interesting characters’ thing is no longer fucking subversive: it just validates dickheads. And trust me, dickheads are really good at self-validating. The self-absorbed pricks don’t need any fucking encouragement. Fuck, I miss when horror films used to use these fucking tossers to bulk out their body count. Actually, I miss when spree killers used to use these fucking tossers to bulk out their body count, too, but that was more recent. And since I can visualise the expressions of horror on many of your faces, I should also say don’t get yer knickers in a twist: I’m joking.
Expect more reviews when people finally realise that coronavirus isn’t the end of the world and the cinemas reopen. Until, then, expect increasingly surreal and tangential blogs about whatever the fuck I feel like.
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marvelliz · 6 years
The red to my grey, part two (Peter Parker)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Soulmate AU
Warnings: None
Word count: 2788
Summary: Ned tries his best to find out if you can see colours or not, but it doesn’t work out the way he hoped to. Meanwhile you get to know Peter a little better, and MJ is still her mysterious and very observant self.
A/N: Hey guys, I’m back!! So so sorry this chapter took so long, I just had a little bit of a writer’s block (yeah I know, after only two parts? smh;) But yeah, it’s finally here! It’s not that good though, nothing much happens tbh, and it’s more a filler chapter but it’s kinda necessary for the next parts! I just hope you’re not bored as hell while reading this:)) Also, I have really no idea how American schools work, so chances are this isn’t completely truthful. ~Liz
prologue part one part two part three
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“You’re a mysterious one, you know that?”
You looked at MJ, who was leading you through the hallways of your new school. It was only your second day, so you knew you were lucky you’d already found somebody nice to help you around. And Michelle – no, she’d said you could call her MJ – was really your type of person. She didn’t seem to care what other people thought about her, something you tried to be too, but your previous school had left quite an impression. You didn’t know MJ that well yet, but you already felt that she wouldn’t judge you as your previous classmates had.
Plus, she had really nice friends. You’d only met Ned and Peter once, but somehow you already felt included in their little group. Sure, they were both a little awkward, but how could you judge when you were probably even more so?
A light chuckle escaped your mouth as you looked up at your new friend. “And you aren’t?” It was true, MJ was probably the most mysterious person you’ve ever met. But something about that made you want to become her friend even more.
She took your arm as to not lose you in the busy hallways, pushing your way through the crowds of students that were packed before their lockers. As soon as you passed them, she let go of you. There wasn’t much you knew about her, but you did know she wasn’t a touchy-feely person. More of the opposite actually, which made a warmth spread in your chest – because that meant she was looking out for you.
There was a twinkle in her eyes when she looked at you, as if she was on the edge of discovering something. “No, I mean there’s something about you that you want to keep a secret. I just wonder what it is.”
Her smile told you that she already had a few ideas, and your cheeks grew bright red under her investigative gaze. How did she -?
“We’re here.” She interrupted your thoughts by leading you in a room you hadn’t been before. “Welcome to the Academic Decathlon Team.”
Hesitating, you looked around the room. There wasn’t a team like this in your old school, probably because no one wanted to enter it. Something about it not being cool enough. But you were pleasantly surprised to see that here it was an honour to represent your school.
There were not many people in the classroom yet, only a boy and a girl that were sitting at a table and laughing at something on the boy’s phone. You looked at MJ. “Shouldn’t the teacher be here already?”
“He’s late, as always.” A loud voice behind you exclaimed. You couldn’t even turn before you felt a hand on your back and you felt a presence behind you, looking over your shoulder. “That’s why we always come here fifteen minutes later too.”
The boy looked at you a little too close with his dark eyes, a strand of his equally black hair hanging over his forehead. Behind him Michelle rolled her eyes excessive, and you couldn’t blame her in the slightest. The guy had an aura around him that you couldn’t quite place, but you didn’t like it.
He gave you a once-over and extended his hand with a smirk. “You must be new here. I’m Flash, I’m basically the teamleader. Nice to meet you.”
You politely took his hand, but raised your eyebrows to MJ - who rolled her eyes again and shook her head to you. “He’s not. I am.”
Flash only shrugged at her words. “I should be.”
Realizing you were blocking the doorway for other students that wanted to pass, you moved away – well, actually more because Flash was getting in your personal space and you didn’t know what to think of him. MJ certainly didn’t seem to consider him her best friend.
Footsteps came from the hallway and both Flash and Michelle looked over their shoulder. Another smirk appeared on the boy’s lips, but this time it was a more taunting one, not the flirty one he had given you only a few moments before. “Look who it is! Penis Parker decided to show up today!”
“Just shut up already, Flash.” Peter Parker, the guy you’d met the other day, entered the classroom with a rather irritated expression on his face. You didn’t blame him, ‘cause really? Penis Parker? You had had enough to do with bullies already, and you didn’t like it when other people suffered the same experiences you had to go through on your previous school. Although Peter seemed more frustrated by Flash’s almost childish behaviour than he seemed intimidated by it.
“Ah, Penis Parker here has some comebacks on his sleeves.” This time Flash looked to you, throwing you a wink. Somewhere in the back of your brain you realised he tried to impress you by getting other people down, but that just made your distaste for him grow even more.
You threw him a glare, hoping to shut him up now once and for all. “You heard him, just be quiet.”
At the sound of your voice, Peter abruptly whipped his head around. He probably had already forgotten you would come today, as he was staring at you with wide eyes. A small smile formed on your lips, hoping to let him loosen up around you a little. “Hey, Peter.”
“Y/N.” He whispered your name, and somehow it felt really intimate coming from his lips that way. Which was super weird, because you’d only met the guy the day before.
Peter quickly shook his head, then a smile matching to yours appeared on his face, although a little more shy. “Y/N, hey!”
“Hey, Y/N!”
You hadn’t seen Ned until he suddenly stood behind Peter, immediately catching your attention. He smile widely at you as if you just had made his day a whole lot brighter, but how contagious his laugh was though, it wasn’t what drew your attention.
No, his clothes did. Or rather, their colour. Everything he was wearing was a bright, outstanding orange, from his shoes to the hat he was wearing. And since most people in the room were wearing more safe colours, like black, white and grey – since it was rather difficult choosing clothes when you couldn’t see their colour, and you could never do wrong with those – his remarkable choice of clothes was even more obvious.
Honestly, the person who invented that shade should go to jail for a crime against humanity.
You quickly realised that no one seemed to notice anything outstanding, because not many people your age had already seen their soulmate. That’s why no one turned their head when Ned walked in in those horrible colours.
Just kidding, it wasn’t that bad. It was … flashy.
“Hey Ned.” MJ greeted him back, bringing you back to the world of the living. “You seem happy.”
Ned was beaming with the attention he suddenly got from MJ. “I am! I saw –“
“That wasn’t an invitation to talk, weirdo.” Flash interrupted him cheekily.
MJ threw him a murderous glare, reminding you immediately why you wanted her as a friend – and not as an enemy. “Shut up.”
Even the always chill Flash seemed to be at least a little bit afraid of her.
“Alright kids, let’s begin!” A tall man stood in the doorway, instantly drawing all the attention to him. Then he squinted at Ned. “Wow! What are you wearing?”
He shook his head instead of waiting for an answer and walked right to the table where more students were already waiting. You knew that face, it was that face that said ‘never mind, not my problem, don’t get involved’.An expression you were quite familiar with, for the simple reason you had had to do with teachers all your life and they all could get evenly frustrated and uninterested when it came to their students. Just another day in high school, apparently.
“What? Don’t you guys like my clothes?” Ned didn’t seem disrupted at all by his teacher’s words, his usual wide smile still plastered on his face. “Y/N?”
“What?” Why did he address you? Did he know something? You couldn’t say anything about the colour, because everyone here thought you hadn’t met your soulmate yet. Which was technically the truth, since you’d only seen him from a distance, swinging in the air like it was just another boring day in Queens. “I think they’re … nice.”
“What do you think about the colour?”
MJ interrupted him, but gave you weary look at the same time. “Why do you think she can see colours yet, Ned?”
He shrugged casually, as if it was the most logical answer ever. “Well, since Peter can see colours …”
“You can see colours?”
Michelle didn’t often look this astonished, and even you knew that while being here for this short period of time. Flash apparently didn’t know it either, because he looked just as stunned.
Your interest was immediately awoken.
Peter looked flustered, so nothing different from how you have seen him that one time before. “I – Not so long! Only a –“ You noticed how he quickly looked your way while he tried to explain. “Only a couple of days?”
Flash scoffed, obviously not believing him. “And who’s the lucky person? Or unlucky, if they have to be tied to you for their whole life!”
He looked Peter challenging in the eyes, and this time Peter was not so quick on comebacks. No, Peter seemed to have a hard time with words for the moment.
“Uhm … It’s – complicated?” Again, he looked at you from the corners of his eyes.
Flash huffed demeaningly. “Sure it is. Which colour is Ned’s hat?”
Ned smiled broadly, and you were almost worried that he was gonna break his face if he kept laughing like that. “He’s right, my mum said so too! Is it a cool orange?”
Peter chuckled at his friend, truly amused by his excitement. “It’s the ugliest colour I’ve ever seen, I’m sorry man.”
At least that’s something you and Peter had in common.
The moment every student was seated at the large round table in the middle of the room, the teacher cleared his throat. “Yes, well, for everyone who’s new here, my name is – and I think it’s only you who is new here, what’s your name?”
You felt your cheeks redden at the ten pairs of eyes that suddenly looked your way, some of them more curious than others. “I’m – uhm, Y/N Y/L/N, sir.”
“Miss Y/L/N, right. So, welcome in the Academic Decathlon Team, I’m sure you will like it here. I’m Mr. Harrington, the head of the team.” He was fumbling a bit with the papers that were laying in front of him and pushed his glasses higher on his nose with one finger. He seemed to be a nice teacher, though he was a little clumsy.
“Uh- Where did I leave those papers? I had them right – ah, here!” Mr. Harrington mumbled under his breath, then his focus shifted and he looked at MJ. “Maybe you could start with practicing some questions?”
MJ shrugged indifferently, but her eyes shone as if this was really important to her. “Sure. Who begins?”
She looked at you before she even finished her question, just like most other students, you realised. Mr. Harrington coughed. “Yes, Y/N. We need to see what you can do.”
For the second time that day you felt your face flush. Michelle just nodded seriously. “We’ll do in teams. Abe and Jason against Y/N and …”
“Peter will do it!” Ned was quick to intervene, maybe too quick. You didn’t notice though, as you send Peter a genuine smile.
Peter blushed heavily at Ned’s not so subtle words, and even more when you smiled so sweetly at him. “Yeah, I’d like too!” He returned your smile.
“What is the modern name of the element Sb, which stands for Stibnum or –“
You didn’t need to hear the end of the question to know the answer, but one of the boys on the other team was faster than you to push the button. You didn’t remember which of them was Abe and who was Jason.
“It’s Stibnite.”
Whatever his name was, he was right. But Michelle just shook her head. “It is, but that was the last word of the question. Which you would’ve known if you had listened ‘till the end.”
At those words you immediately pressed the button. You had something to prove.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Is it Antimony?” Though you were certain of your answer before, now you doubted it again. Like always.
But MJ nodded lightly, and you could swear she had a small smile on her face. “Yes, great job. I think that makes 7-3 for Peter and Y/N, which makes it ten questions. Let’s switch groups.” Next to you Peter started to get up, but MJ wasn’t finished yet. Now her smile was more obvious as her eyes locked with yours. “And I think I speak for all of us when I say that Y/N is an amazing addition to our team.”
You bowed your head so to hide your flushed cheeks at her words, and followed your partner to the tables in the back of the room. You looked up again when you felt a kind nudge against your arm.
“You’re amazing, Y/N.” Peter looked at you admiringly as he walked next to you, and you almost beamed under his gaze. “I don’t think you even need me as your partner.”
It was an obvious lie, of course, because you knew he could’ve easily been a lot faster than you in answering. At least, that’s what MJ had told you earlier, that Peter was effortlessly the smartest kid in school. His only problem that most of the times he just didn’t go to school.
But you appreciated his gesture. You weren’t the most confident person, and as if he knew that, he tried to give you more trust in yourself in the only way he could right now. It was sweet.
“Thanks, Peter, but I think you know I that I do need you.” You winked at him. It was so easily to get him flustered, and somehow you thought it was cute when he was this red because of something you’d said. “You’re a great partner, you know?”
Ned held his hand up for you to give him a high five when you arrived at where he was waiting for you two. “That was so great! You really smashed them there!” Still as excited as ever.
His flashy orange clothes were still horrible, but you kinda were used to them by now. Peter chuckled next to you. “They’re on our team, Ned. Be nice to them!”
“No, he’s right.” You lightly poked Peter with your elbow as you looked at him with a glint of mischief in your eyes. “We really did smash them.”
All three of you laughed loudly now, a little too hard that Mr. Harrington had to ask you to be quieter so the other students could exercise without being disturbed. Giggles still escaped your mouth after he’d warned you a second time, but you didn’t mind that much. It’d been a while since you really felt included in a group. And now, with Peter and Ned, and even MJ who threw you an irritated look but with a small smile on her lips as if she couldn’t wait to join you, you knew this year would be better than the last one. Not that it could be any worse, that is.
You had new friends, and you couldn’t wait to get to know them better. No drama this year, and certainly not when it came to soulmates.
“So, who is it?” MJ asked you the moment you were alone again. Her expression was indifferent, but her eyes shone with curiosity.
“Who’s what?”
“Your soulmate.”
Your mouth fell open at her words, but you immediately remembered that she was not supposed to know.“I don’t – what are you talking about?”
She sighed. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me. I know you probably have your reasons to keep this a secret and I swear I won’t tell anyone.” She quickly looked you in the eyes, and that was enough for you to see she meant it. “I promise.”
You realised you were gaping at her. And that it probably was pointless to deny at this point. “How did you know?”
A small smile played on her lips.
“I’m just very observant.”
TRTMG taglist: @fandomscompilation @loxbbg @ceylon-morphe286 @mnemosymedream @wishingforahome @thequeenofashes @miguelstilinski24 @adrovet @hollandjmc @ussentercries
Permanent taglist: @tonystarkswhoremain @spideychronicles
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lovehatinganime · 6 years
BNHA role swap. The Villains are Yuuei Students: Shigaraki Tomura Edition
“I'm going to ignore the fact that Shigaraki would be called Shimura Tenko because I really don't like that name” this was my first thought and then a whole fanfic plot idea came out of it. 
Nana Shimura, after a night with her lover, accidentally got pregnant. This dude is foreign or a special agent, making it impossible for him to stay around. Nana and him spoke about abortion or giving the baby away. It was honestly the cleverest idea. However, Nana decided to have the baby as a single mom in the very last minute. She didn't tell him not to ruin his career... and well, mostly because it was against what they had arranged. (I actually hate this scenario, but I had to take the father out of the picture and that`s the only explanation it ocurred to me). 
Everything went fine because she had help from a lot of people to raise her kid (you can choose male or female, is not relevant to the story). Thanks to this, she could still continue with her job as, you know, world saviour. Nana`s child grew, fell in love, married and planned to have his/her own family quite fast (the next Shimura generation is simply a normal person. One who, although having a good quirk, never took an interest in following his/her mother`s steps). Here is when things got twisted. Nana had made a lot of enemies during her hero service years and the bad guy who hated her most, villain All Might, attempted to murder her offspring. The police and pro heroes arrived when he was torturing the pregnant woman. It was precisely Nana herself who ´saved` her daughter/ daughter-in-law. The doctors did all they could but unfortunately it was not enough to prevent her from dying. However, they were able to take the baby out. After a month of intensive care in the hospital, Tenko was like any other baby. Nana had no doubt this time, she could not keep him. That`s why handman is yet called Shigaraki Tomura in this au of mine. 
Kurogiri, a retired hero who used to work with the police, infiltrating in multiple crime gangs; became his legal tutor. In the present, Shigaraki is a 16-year-old hero wannabe and Nana is a still alive, kicking ass and quite young grandmother. Very few people know they are related, but Tomura is well aware of the whole story. The heroine tries to visit him as much as she can, taking extreme precaution measures. They get along very well. 
All this is like the background info, so the actual plot would start when Villain All Might`s successors (probably Deku and some other canon 1-A classmates) find out Shiggy`s existence and want to end him; to finish the job that got their master into prison. Maybe they try to recruit him to psychologically torture Nana... or directly try to kill him, not sure. Any way, they fail the first time, so the thing would be that now Tomura and some others who get stuck in the jambo mambo (probably the ones who canonly form the league of villains) have to survive on the run. 
Author Note: What do you think? (scratches the back of her neck) I would love to know your opinions. I am writing concrete headcanons now, so you get more info about other characters and how I imagine them in this parallel reality.  I am hoping to make a series out of this if I have enough time and inspiration. It is also a bit of a high school AU, to be honest. I've tried not to make it look like a soup opera but it sometimes just happens. I live for the tea.
Tomura would be this kid who never gets over his early adolescence emo phase: his hair is always covering his face, never shows the slightest amount of his pale skin and seems allergic to sunlight; wears hoodies on summer what the actual fuck; loves dark themes/topics and favourite colour is black, total edgelord, bitter sense of humor, MRC and BVB...
A videogame freak unable to open a book and study a bit. 
Watches anime because he is too lazy for the manga. 
Him as a student:
One of his teachers (All for one), for some reason, puts great trust on him, naming him class representative. 
Tomura is not amused. 
Complies to his duties, yes, but with extreme exasperation. 
AFO also believes Shigaraki has great potential as a hero. Insists on the idea that if he got better at fighting, with his quirk, he could disintegrate any dangerous weapon a villain had before they could hurt anyone. 
Moreover, this sensei affirms a Tomura in good shape would be impossible to escape as he is able to destroy any hiding place or possible obstacle someone tries to throw into the persecution. 
Considering all this, AFO stars training Shigaraki. 
Tomura is not giving much, tho. 
He is a bit depressed because he is sure he is never going to be like his grandmother. He passes all his courses with shameful results. He cannot find the motivation to make a bigger effort and just keeps going that way until... 
 a) he has a life changing experience when he disintegrates a broken building wall that was about to crush some kids. Tomura realises his quirk is very useful, actually perfect for rescue missions. 
b) Chisaki Kai arrives, transferred from Shiketsu. Contrary to Tomura, he is handsome, polite and with a quirk only destroying to create. He hates his guts. Although it seems to be one of the few people, if not the only one doing so. Kai is starting to become the yueei candidate for top class pro hero. Shigaraki does not like this a single bit. In his eyes, Chisaki is all a facade. Underneath that cool appearance he is just a weirdo prick with a superiority god complex. Tomura is not going to let someone like that enter the same category as Nana Shimura. That`s how he gets his act together (hate is a pure emotion, best fuel ever haha Nah, I am just a sucker for the Overhaul x Tomura relationship. Not in a shippy way, more like rivals). 
His hero costume:
Hasn't designed one yet. 
He starts thinking about it after the aforementioned epiphany. 
Dabi is his best (probably only) friend, even if they are all the time bickering. He belongs to one of the most famous families in the hero society, him being the outcast. Tomura thinks of him as a total rebel without a cause. Despite his bad behaviour, Dabi has a natural talent that makes him one of the best at yuuei academy. 
The only thing Shiggy enjoys about being clas representative is the status it gives him. 
He cannot help but smile when he sees people who dislike him or would not talk to him in any other circumstance, be obliged to face him and treat him with great respect. 
Tomura gives a gay vibe and is popular with guys. 
Much to his disappointment because he is actually more into girls (I am saying “more” and not making him straight because my open minded multishipper ass always tends to give characters the possibility of discovering they are indeed bisexuals). 
Sadly for him, the only one who shows to have such interest is Toga Himiko, a first year unicorn lover, who is way too obsessed with him. 
Dabi, instead of helping him get rid of her (idk if you are aware of how ShigaToga is actually my favourite romantic ship for both of them BUT without the villainous context i can't see Tomura having the slightest interest on Himiko), encourages Toga and has lots of fun. 
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doctortwhohiddles · 6 years
Delusion and Entitlement
I think Annashipper and Fakerbatch have just given the best example of both. Anna got this ask:
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Which led to this answer from Anna. I've edited it to keep the most relevant parts (comments in parenthesis) :
We Skeptics never called ourselves “truthers”. That’s what the Nannies used to call us. ●(And that's what they still are)
It was never Ben making Weirdo look stupid. In the early days of the showmance in particular, it was Weirdo and Harvey making him look like a schmuck. The lever of second-hand embarassment fans of his with half a brain have had to endure was (and still is) palpable. ●(The only embarassement comes from sewage corner, the ones with less than half a brain apparently)
Soooooo. Those who truly here back in 2014-5 remember how Ben transformed from a happy-go-lucky guy in 2014 to someone looking physically ill by the spring of 2015. We also remember the ridiculous polls, the even more ridiculous drinking games, the CumberPorn, the Showmance bingo (which @gatorfisch still plays from time to time and cracks me up), the DorkyBatch pic or gif of the day, the snarky questions and the even snarkier answers, the vigorous fact checking, the readers of Bally’s blog losing their glunch, the up/down bump compares, the submissions of crazy theories on what would happen next during those early days, how PR was basically answering Ms Bally’s concerns through weird handholding and bikini sneaky pap shots that were blurred, the press rundowns each and every day, that Ben should always strive to be a #supportivefruithusband to Weirdo whom fetch still eludes because she obviously never tried to follow Spinsie’s advice and take on mandarine juggling on London street corners, Ms Ballsy stocking up on Baileys, pop corn and Tim Tams in preparation for pap walks through airports (which at that time were a dime a dozen), everyone stocking up on the alcoholic beverage of their choice to watch the BAFTAs and Oscars that year, bingate, the showmance (which on Ballsy’s blog was called the shamwow) playlist, etc. As far as I’m concerned, nothing’s changed since those days. ●(In which Anna just proved how fucking delusional the haters are)
I was then and I still am a SkeptoNanny. I was and still am cringing whenever Ben looks pissy / sad / done standing or sitting next to Weirdo although he smiles standing or sitting around everyone else. I was and still am getting a sad every time I think of how much Ben’s demeanour has changed since 2014. ●(It really hasn't, sadly neither have the haters)
Something I’ve always been accused of by Skeptics who run their own blogs as well as Nonnies, is that I nanny Ben a little too much, and they’re all absolutely right. I always did go out of my way to find excuses for his behaviour, and it’s something I intend to keep doing, because for all of his idiocy, I’m still a fan of his work, and I truly believe he’s a nice guy whose one true error in judgement was agreeing to play along with the game Weirdo thought would be fun on the night of January 3rd, 2015 at PSIFF. The moment he agreed to keep baiting that first pregnancy for free publicity because Harvey had promised him an Oscar, he basically signed up for all of the craziness we’ve been witnessing (and alternating between groaning and giggling at) ever since. ●(Basically the moment the haters realize the relationship was serious and still can't handle it)
At the same time, I always thought the awkward shoehorning was hilarious. I always laughed at the piss-poor attempts to disguise set-up pap walks as relentless hounding from the paparazzi. I always found Weirdo’s fetchlessness endlessly entertaining. I always assumed she would never get a voice in this showmance, and the past four years have not proved me wrong. I always got the giggles out of the weird handholding. ● (But I thought Sophie was a famewhore)
I have stated repeatedly that I believe Ben has had a firm grasp on the stirring wheel of this showmance since March of 2016, and I mean that. As such, it’s getting increasingly hard for me to keep making excuses for his poor choices to make this whole thing look realistic. The way he keeps flogging this particular dead horse to receive free publicity, and the unfortunate way his quotes regarding his wife and children come at complete odds with his actions leave me speechless. Or they would leave me speechless if this showmance hadn’t been so very inconsistent since day one. ●(What leaves me speechless is the sheer idiocy displayed by Anna)
You ask why I “want him to sell this“. Well, I’m a firm believer in doing something right or not doing it at all. Since Ben doesn’t seem to be willing to end this showmance until “people who think his wife and child(ren) are a PR stunt” will shut up, he might as well do it properly and try to make the whole thing look realistic. This has nothing to do with the Skeptical community and everything to do with his public image. ●( entitled much are we?)
Newly formed Skeptics still emerge every time Ben decides to rock the proverbial boat by trotting Weirdo out. ●( she means new sockpuppets)
Unfortately, having spent the past 4 years documenting those very inconsistencies has basically turned those of us who are truly paying attention to what’s being said versus what’s being done into human bullshit detectors, and just because Ben is alternating between trying to bore us to death and upping the stupidity level when he decides it’s time for free publicity for one of his projects is not going to drive anyone away. ●(and we're the ones that are obsessed 😒)
The most depressing part of all is that the clickability of Skeptical blogs far surpasses the clickability of any other part of the fandom (be it Fan blogs, Nanny blogs, Anti blogs or just Ben’s official/unofficial web page). ●(still trying to pass has more important than she is I see)
So yeah. I’m gonna keep speaking my mind, and I’m far past sugarcoating my opinions. While I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, I am not going to treat a 42 year old successful man like a helpless toddler who doesn’t have the means and the opportunity to release himself from whatever Madame Fetchlessly Irrelevant is holding over his head. ●(except that's exactly what she's doing)
That being said, I’m still going to keep making excuses for him when it makes sense to do so, and I’m still going to root for him to do well in all of his endeavours. The fact that he’s painted himself into a ridiculous corner with this showmance doesn’t change the fact that I believe he has tremendous capacity for kindness and a raw talent that he’s able to hone into an impossibly sharp edge when he’s in front of a camera or an audience. Just don’t ask him to do it when his wife is within a five foot radius. That seems to be his Achilles heel… ●(it's more the haters Achilles heel since they have to come up with reasons why Ben is still married).
But it doesn't end there, Fakerbatch had to throw in her 2 cents:
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Does this moron genuinely think Ben wants advice from her?!? As if he would listen to a bunch of scary, delusional stalkers. Fucking hell, the haters are really slow on the uptake aren't they?
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