#Like most of these are just lol what if but no that Team Nine fight me
kalki-tarot · 10 months
LOVER — Their Secret Desires 🖤
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pick only one picture that call you out the most.
In this reading I'll tap into your lover's energy and their desires related to you. This does not apply for crushes. But can be applied when both parties are in love with eachother and aware about each other's feelings of love.
This reading is just for fun & entertainment purposes and i am not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of this reading.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤✨️
Pile 01
Knight of Swords, the magician, Nine of pentacles, the Sun, Three of wands, king of wands, king of cups, death, knight of wands, ace of cups
They want to do adventurous things with you, like sneaking out or exploring and unknown city at night. They definitely have a lot of passion for you in their heart and they may not express it most of the times. But their feelings are very intense and spontaneous for you.
They want to build and empire with and for you. They want to make you the King/Queen of it. Like they wanna provide you everything you need. And will let you rest while they do the work. They see you as their team. And they like it when you both work together.
They want to travel to new places with you. They definitely want to create something with you, maybe a business or smth?
They want to control you (in 18+ way) and take charge of you. They can be very dominating and you may like it very much.
If you haven't met this person yet, then they want to meet with you while traveling. Or if you're in a long distance relationship, they want to travel to you and just hug you when you both meet.
They want to take you on dates. They want to get vulnerable with you while having a drink or smth late at night. This person is very romantic and kind. They want to give you small but meaningful gifts that you'll want to cherish forever.
If you're an introvert or a socially awkward person, then they want to help you get out of your comfort zone and they'll help you approach new people and make new friendships.
Whenever this person is at a social gathering, they feel alone at times and they just think of you all the time. I'm also getting that they want you to notice them only, in the crowd when other people are around. They can get a lot possessive sometimes. I just heard "You're mine. Back off" lol. They're very cute and possessive.
Pile 02
5 cups, justice, the chariot, the tower, the hanged man, three of pentacles, queen of cups, knight of pentacles, 4 of wands
I sense a very mature kind of energy from this person. Either they are emotionally mature or they're just elder than you and have more experiences in things. This person would fight anyone who makes you sad. Like seriously, they're gonna fight and argure for you till the end. They don't like to see you sad basically.
They sometimes wish if they could just drag you out of the hell you've been living in for a while. But they can't do anything against life's circumstances. If you're stuck in life and don't know what to do, they would like to help you out very dearly.
If you do something mischievous then they're gonna act like your mom and scold you in a very cute snd funny way. 😂 They think you're childlike and innocent but your actions are very cute and devilish lol.
It's a secret but they like it when you take care of them very lovingly. They like it when you let them put their head in your lap for a while to let them rest. 🥺 They think you are a very delicate and soft hearted person who loves everything and everyone purely. They also like it if you're into things like tarot or occult. They like your mysterious nature and they find it very interesting.
They wanna marry you, straight up. They think you'd make such a good wife/husband. They love you and want to live a happily ever afterwards with you. They also want to have a family with you. Very warm and loving.
Pile 03
5 of swords, knight of swords, three of swords, king of swords, queen of wands, two of pentacles, 2 of cups
Lot's of air sign energy pile 3! What i sense is that they want to fight for Dominance in bed like very playful energy. They wanna jump in the bed with you and wrestle with you and tickle you.
They wanna win against you but when the see your sad and pouty face, they'll let you take the charges ;) I also feel as if they wanna sweep away all your sad experience and thoughts from your mind by being funny or cracking funny jokes.
And I get 18+ energy which I can't describe here so sorry for that.
I sense competitiveness from you guys lol like you both are ready to fight and challenge each other in a playful way. Very lively couple! You both like to go with the flow.
Deep down they know that you're their lifetime partner and they can't let you go because you are the best for them and they may not always express it but they surely love you and see you as their equal counterpart.
They wanna get vulnerable with you and tell you their deep down insecurities and they hope that you won't use it against them. They trust you with their feelings very much though they may not tell that directly to you.
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unripemelons64 · 7 days
I just pulled off, the wildest move, In Baldur's Gate 3, EVER. This just cements my belief that Astarion is the most OP character in my squad. Hands down, I'm not lying. Bro is carrying my mismanaged team.
But let me start from the beginning. I was doing quests. And it just so happened that I needed to slay some goblin leaders. And me, not liking combat that I know for sure I would lose, and liking to oppose every instruction given, I had to find a roundabout way of killing them.
So i stealth the first one, the second one I needed to keep alive, but that I mostly did normal combat style, since there weren't too many enemies, and I had a fun strategy (Tav, Astarion, Gale as backup and Karlach, as what I like to call the strong characters, the meat shield). Then came... the one. That one bastard that aggros the whole damn goblin settlement.
After a long, long hours of, trying to first use void bulbs to suck him into a hole in the ground, I dropped off some loot to other characters, grabbed some explosive barrels from another room, painfully slowly dragged them over and set them around, then climbed back to the rafters and finally blew him up and teleported away before they could aggro on me. And it worked.
But, people who play this game, from what I've seen, know this tactic. It's standard, so that's not the crazy part. It's what happens after
Because you see... I forgot that I left the druid that I needed there. In the basement. With a horde of angry goblins waiting for me. (No seriously, who made that ruins? Who made the goblins so hard to beat? I'M ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY DAMMIT-)
Anyway, yeah, I kinda had to get back in. But you know, I'm not fighting all of them, because it's not fun (I'll get their asses once my party has higher level, you'll see…) Thankfully, I quite like stealth, so that would be fun! And fun it was! (And I don't feel bad about save scumming. They gave me the save button, so I will use it!) I made Shadowheart give Astarion a bonus sneak buff and sent my boy off. Also thankfully, my perfectionist collector brain made me explore most of the place, so I knew how to get around. I question how the goblins didn't hear the grown man jump down with the loudest thud known to man, but I'll take it. Eventually he ended up over the main door, so I went in... ... Yes, I opened the door from above. Game logic lol-
The real fun began inside. Because it was literally Astarion walking in, and every goblin in a nine-mile radius collectively turning their heads at the same time. I'm sorry, my boy, but I think there was no sneaking out of this one... But you underestimate how much I didn't want to deal with combat and sneaking the whole party past too, so I made him run for it-
Normally, he wouldn't get there. I ran out of potions at the end, and one hit, and he would be d.e.d. But you see, while exploring while the goblins were still calm, I found ~a secret tunnel~ So there was a horde of goblins, and Astarion was just dashing and dodging while chugging down health potions. He was LITERALLY ONE HIT POINT from dying :p But he made it! It looked comical, and he was pissed that he was hurt, but Astarion, your deeds will never be forgotten. Without you, my team would be a bit more crap than it is now. You carry everyone's dumb asses.
I imagine he came back looking like those Minecraft players full of arrows. I healed him, but my game might have glitched, and so he's now just permanently stuck in the pained pose. We understand Astarion, you break your back for us.
I let him carry all the party's gold from now on.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
I've practically been stalking your old ivan drago content and saw your imagine prompt for being Rocky's younger sister and having a crush on Ivan, can you IMAGINE the idea of you, being Rocky's younger sister, seeking ivan out after his life changing loss because you know what that means for him? Just being soft and understanding because even though your brother won (and there's a good reason as to why that's the appropriate ending cough cough) you feel the need to offer a shoulder and comfort ivan because you see him for what he is, the product of having to please such a demanding regime? Maybe it's just my penchant to see big strong antagonists and want to hold their face in my hands lol (like iceman, my beloved)
Gah dammit now I wanna write about this!!!!
(No seriously tho I love this, I have daydreamed about it so many times, just needed someone to convince me to write about it! But I'm doing this as a headcanon instead of an actual story because I don't think I can properly get across what I want to get across. Which is why I never wrote about this despite fantasizing about it.)
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Headcanon/Preference # 28
Pictures NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*I'm randomly coming back to this request because I saw it in my drafts, and I'm dabbling with a few pieces with Dolphs characters again, so I wanted to finish this one. That being said, I've actually got a story I'm working on based loosely on that imagine, it's got a fun little twist to it though. So keep an eye out for that, and I apologize this took so long, but that's honestly kinda just how I roll. 😅 ALSO this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I think you'll enjoy it regardless! MY BAD!
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☓Before the fight☓
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☭ So before the fight you'd only seen Ivan on the TV screen. But even then you could see him for who he really was. And apparently you were the only one who could, so you kept your thoughts to yourself.
☭ You more or less threatened your brother to take you with him to Russia. And he of course tried reasoning with you, but you'd made up your mind, and he wasn't going to change it.
☭ Rocky was of course worried that the cold might get to you, so he made sure you were bundled to the nine every single day. It was sweet, but a little annoying at the same time. And you had to admit the cold was definitely harsher in Russia than Philadelphia, and that was saying something.
☭ But despite the cold, and the harsh glare from the locals, you found yourself enjoying the landscape scenery.
☭ You helped to encourage your brothers training, and despite having lost your old friend Apollo to him, you couldn't help but find yourself enamored in a way with the Soviet boxer. A fact that you kept under lock and key.
☭ You wondered most nights what would happen in the end. What would happen to Rocky if he lost? What would Ivan go through if he lost? There was just so much at stake, and you couldn't decide who you wanted to come out victorious. Well both of them if you had it your way, but you knew that wasn't an opinion.
☭ You often replayed the fight he had with Apollo in your head. You'd seen how Apollo's theatrics effected him, and how unbothered he'd been by Apollo's taunting. How precious he was, and how powerful.
☭ It made you worry for your brother, but you knew he was one tough son of a bitch. You'd been there for every single one of Rocky's fights after all, even back when he was fighting in shitty clubs.
☓During the fight☓
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☭ You were sorta like Rocky's coach at this point, well maybe not coach but rather his hype-man, always had been. So you were with him when he went out to the ring, and beside him in the ring.
☭ You had to admit, seeing Ivan up close for the first time... Jesus he was huge... And very intimidating with his cold expression. Queue your curiosity and worry both spiking.
☭ You shook hands with his team, per the typical routine, and when you were about to turn and leave the ring. You found Ivan staring at you, making eye contact, and maintaining it for far longer than you probably should have.
☭ Rocky noticed your hesitance, and gently bumped his shoulder with yours, knocking you out of your stupor. You offered your older brother a small smile, and he gently bumped your chin with his glove, drawing a proper smile from you. Which in turn made him smile.
☭ He didn't even notice Ivan had been staring at you, or that Ivan continued to do so as you left the ring. But the announcers? The fans? They noticed. So around the world people wondered if maybe it had been a bad idea letting you go to this fight.
☭ Before the fight started, you stood beside the ropes in Rocky's corner, and made good on tradition. Resting your foreheads together you said a prayer and wished him luck, smiling when he kissed the crown of your head before breaking away.
☭ All throughout the fight, you found yourself feeling rather queasy, you'd never experienced that before during any of Rocky's fights. You knew subconsciously because it wasn't just because of your worry for Rocky.
☭ You realized pretty quickly into the fight, that far more was riding on Ivan winning than Rocky. For Rocky if he lost, he would have been humiliated, and failed in avenging Apollo... But Ivan. You knew he would suffer far worse if he lost.
☭ You didn't have to speak Russian to know that his entire life would be determined by the outcome of this fight. If he won he'd be a hero, like Rocky was back home. But if he lost, odds are he'd loose everything he's come to know. How perceptive of you.
☭ Often you'd find yourself looking to Ivan when they were separated for a short break. Almost always finding him already staring at you, his expression dark and furious. Which admittedly made you a little nervous, but you didn't feel his frustration was directed at you.
☭ By the time they were both bloody and exhausted, you were on the brink of tears. And both men had noticed. Rocky trying to comfort you as best he could during his breaks, despite the fact that his state of mind was more important. (Something you kept reminding him about, but he didn't care. He's a good brother.)
☭ Ivan did nothing but watch, wondering if you were afraid for your brother, afraid for himself, or if perhaps you were afraid of him at this point? A series of thoughts that only confused him, and distracted him more than he'd care to admit.
☭ When Ivan picked that man up by his throat, you found that the tears had finally escaped, rolling down the apples of your cheeks as he shouted in Russian. His eyes found yours in the commotion, and he was certain he'd gotten his answer to his earlier ponderings.
☭ Little did he know you were crying for him, not because of his actions.
☓After the fight☓
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☭ The crowd had boomed with excitement, and many people rushed the ring to celebrate with Rocky. You had watched as Ivan was led out by his team, and you didn't think twice about following them.
☭ When his team realized you'd followed them, they tried to shoo you away, but then Ivan noticed it was you, and barked at them to leave in his native tongue. Perplexed they complied and left you alone in the locker room.
☭ "What are you doing here?" He questioned, his accent think and heavy, like honey to your ears. "I..." You were at a loss for words. "I'm not sure... I-." He scoffed at you before turning away, looking at himself in the mirror, and glancing at you through it.
☭ "I guess I just wanted to see how you were... If you're... If you're okay." You tried to make sense of the way you felt, you knew you were drawn to him, you just didn't know why. He simply kept watching you through the mirror as you fumbled adorably over your explanation.
☭ But what you said next really caught him by surprise. "Your hands... Are your hands okay?" You'd asked, now looking at him through the mirror, he turned to you with confusion evident on his expression. No one ever asked if his hands were okay after a fight before, not even his wife.
☭ "I'm usually the one that mends Rocky's hands after a fight... Are your... Are your hands okay?" You explained yourself, taking a tentative step towards him, freezing in place when he stepped towards you.
☭ "You are afraid of me." He stated. "Not exactly." You quickly defended yourself. "I'm not afraid of you... I'm anxious around you." You added, thinking he'd accept that response. "What is the difference?" Ivan argued, watching you approach him.
☭ "My heart is racing, but it isn't because of fear." You tried to explain, feeling incredibly sheepish, especially considering you knew he was married. "I know fear... And you do not inflect fear in me." You added, sort of hoping he wouldn't understand what you meant.
☭ Thankfully he did. "I feel it as well." He admitted in a soft tone, not wanting to startle you as you gently unwrapped his wrist wraps. He noticed how you flushed at his confession, it made him smile softly.
☭ You tended to his busted up hands with a gentle touch, more gentle than he's used to. And by the time you'd finished, he couldn't help himself and he kissed you.
☭ It was tender the way he tilted your head back with his index finger, slowly leaning in to give you the opportunity to turn away if you wanted, but you didn't turn away.
☭ It's probably the most wholesome moment of his life, and yes I'm taking into account the birth of his son Viktor.
☭ You were just so sweet, peering up at him with big doe eyes. Foreheads resting together you both forgot about the world around you, if only for a moment.
☭ Ivan just wanted to wrap you in his arms and stay that way forever. He wasn't sure why he was so drawn to you, but he had been enamored with you long before you even knew about him.
☭ Granted you had just been a face on the screen of his TV, but that didn't stop his heart from fluttering at the mere sight of you. Perhaps it was fate, perhaps you were made for eachother, separated from eachother across the world.
☭ After what felt like hours the moment was ruined, because down the hall you could hear Rocky calling your name, probably worried sick about where you'd disappeared to.
☭ "I have to go." You whispered, despite not wanting to. "I know." Ivan murmured equally saddened. "Until we meet again." He added before giving you one last kiss, breaking away and leaving right before Rocky barged in. His heart shattering in his chest, as he knew you'd probably never see eachother again.
☭ "There you are!" Rocky breathed a sigh of relief, and practically fell into your arms. He never questioned why you were in Ivan's locker room, and he never questioned why you'd run off like that. (He had a feeling he didn't want to know.)
☓Years later☓
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◈ You hadn't seen him since his fight against Rocky. And you wondered if he'd even recognize you anymore. Or if you'd even see him that is.
◈ You knew about his son, and his determination to fight Adonis Creed.
◈ What you hadn't honestly expected, was for him to show up your brother's restaurant, atleast not unannounced.
◈ "Rocky we need-" You cut yourself off as you laid eyes on him, he looked even more handsome than you'd remembered. Frozen in place you jumped when Rocky touched your arm.
◈ "You okay?" He asked with a soft expression, wordlessly pulling you into a hug when you nodded your head yes.
◈ "(Y/n)." Ivan had approached you both, and you could tell Rocky didn't trust him. "Hello Ivan." You smiled softly, those old butterflies from before fluttering around in your belly.
◈ You'd secretly been sending letters to Ivan for years, and while you sent them religiously, you only ever received a handful in return. Not that you minded, you understood, better than anyone.
◈ "Still so beautiful." He mused as if Rocky wasn't standing right there, his hand coming up to brush his knuckles across your cheek bone. Rocky was quick to put himself between you and Ivan of course, ever the protective brother.
◈ "Rock." You placed your arm on his bicep, gently tugging at his arm, a reassuring smile on your face when he turned to look at you. "It's okay." You reached up cupping your brothers cheek, smiling as you felt him relax under your touch.
◈ When you looked to Ivan again, you asked him if he would like to take a small walk. Rocky immediately tried arguing against it, but you assured him you would be fine, and he listened to you begrudgingly.
◈ "You look good Ivan." You'd mused as you walked side by side, just the two of you, as he'd made Viktor wait in the car. "I've missed you." He admitted, making you smile. "And I've missed you." You found it funny that he could still make you blush.
◈ "I kept all of your letters." He added in a soft tone, again making you smile. "Yeah?" You stopped walking and he turned to you, taking your hands in his. "Of course." He smiled.
◈ "You were always on my mind." Ivan murmured quietly before wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his head into your neck. You quickly wrapped your arms around his large shoulders, your right hand coming to rest against the back of his head.
◈ "You know... I never married." You mused thoughtfully, hoping he wouldn't think you crazy. "I couldn't bring myself to love anyone else." You added when he pulled back from the hug.
◈ "I would have given anything to have you by my side, helping me raise Viktor." Ivan closed his eyes for a moment, thinking back on his fantasy. "Want about now?" You wondered aloud before you could stop yourself, and Ivan smirked.
◈ "You would want that? Want me?" He asked with a small smile, adoration shining in his eyes. You cupped his face between your hands, pulling him down to your height so you shared the same air. "It's all I've ever wanted Ivan." He visibility melted into your touch.
◈ Needless to say the world was shocked to see you by Ivan's side, and even more so when you announced your engagement. Rocky tried to "reason" with you, claiming it was a rash decision. But you told him about everything, the moment you shared with Ivan in Russia, the letters, and the way he made you feel, the way he'd always made you feel.
◈ Rocky came to realize your love for Ivan, was like his love for Adrian. He knew you never really dated, or let yourself get attached, especially after his fight with Ivan. And despite his past with the Russian, he supported you (warning Ivan about what would happen if he broke your heart like any good brother would.), and he attended your wedding of course.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 5 months
evanstan pre-met gala bathroom quickie where seb has chris pinned against the wall and pounds into him while he sobs followed by staying up all night fucking slow until chris is delirious can't walk the next day omg yes
related to this (I think, lol)
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I am fucking ✨️feral✨️ over the idea of a pre-gala quickie and then a whole fucking after party, too. Poor Chris just can't get enough of his man when he's dressed to the nines, no detailed spared--his hair, his face, his accessories, his tailored outfit, his mood that's taken over him from his confidence, hell, even his cologne. He looks fucking irresistible, he smells delicious, and he moves his body hypnotically, living in his skin so handsomely.
The whole experience knocks Chris back onto his ass. Dumbfounded and embrassingly horny.
God, just watching all that pale gold skin disappear slowly, swathed in black with glitzy, shimmery details... it's a strip show played in reverse and yet still his undoing, causing him to melt at his feet, panting, all too eager for any excuse to get close and grab and cling.
As much as I love the idea of a quick fucking before, consider the fact that with Sebastian dressed up in his tailored, pressed, and perfected clothes that that's too messy. Too many possible stains. Too much sweat and heat that could crease the exorbitantly expensive fabric. Too many noises that could lead any of the dressing-team down the hall toward the bathroom, leaning against the door to try and hear what might be going on, blushing when they realize the muffled sounds are choking whines and bitten off moans with the dull thunk, thunk, thunk of Chris' shoulders and the back of his head against the bathroom door as he's fucked. Too much, but also not enough, not for the urges that Chris is having, uncontrolled. So. Instead...
The prelude to the gala is more like Chris sinking to his knees on the bathroom tile while the dressing team straightens everything out one last time before the big reveal, camping out in the rest of the hotel room, lively and filled with nerves. On the floor, kneeling, legs spread wide, Chris is unable to close his mouth, no matter how many times Sebastian runs a few fingers confidently over the cut of his jaw. Short fingernails dragging through his scruff, reminding him wordlessly but commandingly to shut his mouth before they're discovered. As much as he loves those low, raw sounds of desire from deep in his chest, shot through with high-pitched fuck-me whines when a particularly sharp shock of pleasure cuts through him, he's got to swallow them all now. This is for Chris. Sebastian knows how desperate he is. If he doesn't give him anything now, he's not going to be able to sit through the rest of the long night, and he will either get an urgent phone call on the ride back after he's finally let go, begging and hardly coherent, or he won't even make it that long and Sebastian's phone will blow up with filthy, distracting texts throughout the event. It'd be terrible in the best, most salacious way. So, it's for him, too. Stripping Chris down before he goes out. If he doesn't, there's no way he'd be able to wipe the sharp grin off his face, knowing what's waiting for him at home.
There's no way he's going to be able to stop smirking as is, not with Chris like this. Chris. Chris, so broad and commanding, on his knees in a cramped hotel bathroom, the floor probably unspeakably filthy, jerking himself off, fighting for his life to keep it down. He needs a reminder so often to shut his plush lips that Sebastian decides, fuck it--
And he pushes his fingers deep into his mouth until Chris is moaning, louder than before, damn, at the taste of his rings. Metallic and cold. Commanding and hot as hell. Towering over him, staring down at him. He looks so untouched. Like he isn't even hard. Like this is entirely for Chris. Chris almost--
Groaning, Chris almost wants him to tap his foot while he sucks on Seb's fingers and fists own his leaking, throbbing cock. Tap his foot--those shoes too perfect, polished to shine so Chris can see his own debauched reflection in them if he dares to rip his eyes away from Sebastian's steely gaze--and tell him to hurry up and cum already so he can be on his way, he's busy, don't you know? He doesn't have time for Chris' neediness right now.
God. It's so hot Chris could weep. He might be crying. His fist is so tight, his cock is so hard, Sebastian is so fucking hot, and, and, fuck, he's gonna cum.
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I just think this photo of Sebastian is good inspiration... so. Yeah 😮‍💨
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saltygilmores · 4 months
Gilmore Girls Trivia: A Summary
A co worker and I went to Gilmore Girls trivia at a local restaurant last night. The event host/ DJ stated he had never seen the show which means he compiled questions from some light internet research on the show and had no freaking idea what constituted a challenging question to this fandom, lol. There was at one point at least a nine-way tie for first place because no one was getting anything wrong. The questions were things like "What is the name of Luke's troublesome sister" or "What is the name of Rory's father" . One of the big difficult round-ending questions was "What was the name of the 2016 sequel", lmao. Needless to say... we got all but one question correct. At the very end there were three prizes available for first/second/third place and four teams (including us) had tied with a near perfect game. The tiebreaker was to cite the number of episodes in the series and we only had 20 seconds and my brain did not process quickly enough that my friend had written down "500". Strike me dead if this show ever had 500 episodes, lol. So we placed fourth solely on the basis of that one question! The big final question (which is supposed to be the most difficult question of the night) before sudden death was to identify Richard's ex fiancee? Come onnnnnnnnnnnn. (literally the episode I'm in the middle of watching). It was honestly so much fun. A few of the questions that just eked their way above being pre school level were: -What character had to spend a night in the gazebo after a fight with their cat? (it was Kirk, my friend knew this immediately but I don't recall it) -What girl group was Michel obsessed with? (Destiny's Child) -The only question we got wrong was attributing the following quote to Lorelai instead of Rory (only two teams got this anyway). "Relationships are a big honking leap of fatih" Had to think about who would use a word like "Honking" and I heard Lorelai's voice in my head.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
we’ve been saying it for years but douyin really is the superior app. all the content it gave us and the fact that douyin night had both of them in it wearing clothes from the same brand. what else do you want me to say? douyin always delivers the goods. cpn or not — it makes me happy when they post there. whether it’s bobo’s weird posts to zz using horrifying filters.
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they really have taken the 24-hour rule and said they will do better. how about, hours apart? what about livestreams on the same day but not the same time? I guess the observation of them/their team doing things simultaneously but not stepping on each other’s time and work is right. so turtles better be ready for content coming two at a time.
everything is fake. speculation. turtles only. ✌🏼
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FOR YIBO’S post, I already mentioned here that it may be an answer for the call to keep warm. The other coincidence is the caption used was snap your fingers and how you pronounce it includes = “xiang zhi” = xz = xiao zhan. What galaxy brain you have Bobo if this is true. because tbh snapping his fingers and that caption seems random. well, maybe not.
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Now onto xiao-laoshi’s post which is so cute! I like that it’s simple and gives us some personal information about him. Even without the CPN, it’s an enjoyable one. We just noticed that some of his answers are sus. Yes, people can change their preference but if it’s similar to that of a particular person— well, that’s pretty 👁👄👁
So I present that game to you, BJYX Edition. 💋
1. headphones prefer wired vs wireless : wired / wireless
We know GG prefers wireless especially when he’s out and about ( tho he was also seen wearing wired lately ) ; Web did too when the airpods came out but we know who is notorious in wearing wired headphones. Just use what you want boys! This is like Bobo answering that he is tall but has small feet, dude that’s not you at all. you’re describing someone else 😂
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2. like to eat noodle soup vs rice : noodle soup / rice
Well, all we can think about is wyb nagging zz to eat rice. Lol. WYB’s aggressive persuasion in making zz eat well is very special to me. He really takes care of ZZ the most. Even at the time he understood what GG was doing since he is an actor too, ( for example GG has to fast because he wanted to look slim for their photoshoot ) he still out GG’s wellness first. Yup, a colleague who he spent a few months with. not special at all right? 😏
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3. prefer typing vs speaking : type / speech
Oh you prefer to type, so care to explain these then?
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HAHAHAHAHA! It’s observed and even talked about that Bobo prefers to send voice chats. We’ve seen it in his 2018 CQL Birthday behind the scenes. I think this voice chat thing is for Yibo only. GG may not prefer it but he will GLADLY DO IT for his puppy. He knows WYB loves it so there is really no question that he will send it. I wanna fight yibo 😤😤😤
4. prefer sunny vs rainy days : sunny / rainy
I don’t even care about the other cpn clues, what I thought about is this romantic scene right here. how did they make this behind the scenes/ random moment so sweet idk. that’s just how it is when the two of them together. the love between them can’t help but show itself. 🌧
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it reminds us of a fake rumor that goes:
WYB: "I'll eat with you when it rains"
XZ: “It will rain tomorrow”
WYB: "Then tomorrow"
This two. Stop. It’s too much. 😤
Their love for the rain. And well, MISTER UMBRELLA HIMSELF. Shiying. ☂️ and LWJ too in that iconic umbrella scene under the rain.
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5. what time do you like to exercise : morning / night
their morning runs during CQL filming. that’s all. It was a habit GG developed and probably enjoyed with WYB and it was carried on even after.
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also this year, these two have been serious in building up muscles for their roles. it’s a popular cpn that they work out together and have stuff at home to help them out.
6. typing habits Twenty-six keys vs nine keys : twenty-six keys / nine keys
they are the same when it comes to this, but web is known to be scarily fast in typing.
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Finally, the IP Address tagged for both douyin posts are in Beijing. We think that YBO/Staff could have posted WYB’s video. So, XZS and YBO staff have worked hard today. Thank you. 🙏🏼
source. - especially the photos and GIFs.
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: This one is LONG. A lot of action and fighting n shit like that lol. Also, trigger warning for the reader because she has a panic attack later in the chapter. Enjoy!! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen PT I & PT II. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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You arrive in the tiny, dusty, damn-near abandoned town of Bull’s Creek by the next morning. 
You three didn’t stop for a night of rest, only taking breaks to feed the horses and let them rest their hooves before continuing on your journey. Most of what you do is on Reneigh’s back: brushing your teeth; eating your snacks; power naps. You now feel sweaty and tired, but not exhausted, only happy to finally be at your destination. 
Bull’s Creek is as depressing as it is quiet. Nothing moves but a tumbleweed that noisily rolls across the dusty road among the disturbingly quiet shops and boutiques that you’re sure once were brimming with life and vibrancy, but are now dingy and sad-looking. “Beauty, ain’t it?” Gojo sniggers as he and his horse totter beside you. 
“Where is everybody?” you question, feeling eerily uncomfortable with the silence. You half expect to be ambushed because of it. “Most of ‘em moved because of Benji’s crew members takin’ over,” Geto explains. “Sad. Most of the civilians had been here for years, but couldn’t take the terror anymore.” 
“Buuut,” Gojo interrupts with a grin, “lucky for the ones who stayed, we’re here! And we’ll make sure we send the baddies on their way.” You continue to look around for someone, anyone, in this ghost town. “So how are we supposed to find these guys?” you ask. “Just ask around?” 
“Exactly that, little miss,” Geto chuckles, suddenly coming to a stop in front of you. “And we’ve found just the spot.” You and Gojo stop your horses in front of a small saloon where you can just hear the sound of music and chatter. Gojo hops off of his horse first and goes to help you down, but you ignore him, choosing to get down yourself. 
You walk by, ignoring Gojo’s pout, and look up at the bar’s sign coated in dust: “Bull’s Bar,” you read, hearing Gojo giggle.
“That’s so original,” he comments as he pats the holster carrying Hollow Purple. He goes in without even waiting for you or Geto, but his partner doesn’t seem to mind. “The woman who wrote us asked us to meet her here in her letter,” he explains as he walks you inside. “So she should be…” 
His words die when he opens the wooden doors and lets them swing shut. The sound of them creaking is the only sound among the silence in the bar. The bar is small with tables covered in cowskin, bullheads mounted behind the bar, and every eye in the place on you, Geto, and Gojo, including the piano player in the corner. 
It’s beyond uncomfortable and you feel your face prickle with nervous sweat beneath your bandana. But Gojo and Geto are immune to discomfort as they confidently walk towards the bar. “Rough crowd,” Geto mutters under his breath. You nod in agreement, keeping a close hand on your hip. 
The bartender watches you come to the bar and sit, slowly wiping off a glass. He is tall and burly with unruly, spiked brown hair and a lollipop sticking out of his mouth. “So what’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here, mister?” Gojo kindly asks. 
The bartender doesn’t say anything at first; just continues to stare you all down. The music hasn’t resumed yet and that makes this moment even more tense. “Kusakabe,” he says, his voice smooth and rough. “What will y’all have?” 
Gojo’s smile widens, pleased. “Jack n’ Coke for me and my partner; Sherly Temple for the lady.” You shoot him a look that could kill. “All Jack n’ Cokes, please,” Geto sighs, passing Kusakabe a couple of coins. He takes them and nods, still giving you a suspicious look that has your skin crawling. 
“U-Uh…excuse me?” a small, feminine voice asks behind you. You turn, finding a young, petite girl with long, sky-blue hair cut into a bang standing there, looking nervous. “You’re Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, right?”
The duo turns to face her now, making her face go beat red. “That, we are, ma’am,” Geto says, tipping his hat at her. “And you’re Miwa, I’m presumin’?” 
The girl damn near pops a blood vessel. “T-That’s correct, yes!” she stuttering replies.
Another young girl with two blonde ponytails comes up beside her. “You ain’t ask ‘em to sign your book, Miwa?” she snorts. “That’s all you’ve been talkin’ about since we showed up here.” Miwa gapes at the girl, mortified. “Momo!” she shrieks. “That was private!” 
“Miwa!” a male voice calls suddenly from across the room. A young man comes hurrying up to the two girls, tall and handsome with a spiked, black ponytail and a scar on his right cheek. “Are you alright? Who are they?” He ticks his eyes between you three suspiciously.
“Mechamaru, it’s okay,” Miwa soothes him, gently stroking his arm. “They’re here to help us.” 
“Friends of yours?” Gojo chuckles, not at all phased by this. Mecamaru glares at him. “I’m her boyfriend, actually,” he sharply corrects the gunslinger. Miwa nods at Momo who barely even smiles. “This is Momo. She’s a Bull’s Creek native, just like me. She told me not to write you guys!” 
Momo narrows her eyes at her friend. “Way to throw me under the bus,” she huffs. “It was only because I didn’t want more trouble comin’ into this town!” Geto nods understandably. “We ain’t here for trouble, little miss…well, not the kind that’ll get y’all killed. We just want the four we came here for.” 
“And who would that be?” Kusakabe asks suspiciously. “Who the fuck are y’all to come into my place of business askin’ around like y’all own the damn place?” You go to put your hand on your glock, but Gojo stops you, shaking his head at you. 
“We don’t mean no harm,” Geto gently says, “but we’ve got business in this town and with her.” He nods at Miwa. “She wrote a letter to us askin’ for help to save you from the four takin’ over this town.” 
The three younglings share a wary look with each other. “Don’t say their names,” Mechamaru warns. “They’ve got a tight hold on this town already. Last I heard about them is that they’re livin’ up in the mountains beyond the creek among the riches they snatched from the town.” 
“We’ll take you to them!” Momo excitedly announces. But Mechamaru shakes his head. “No,” he firmly says. “You two are stayin’ right here. I’ll take them.” While Momo tuts in disappointment, Miwa looks damn starstruck by her boo. 
Gojo gulps down his drink, finishing it off with a burp. “Fine with us, just as long as we get to where we need to. But before that…” He takes an ink pen from his pocket, smiling at Miwa. “Who wanted an autograph?” 
But before Miwa, who has now turned red, can hand over her book, Kusakabe stops her. “Hang on.” He leans over the bar toward the three of you, his eyes deadly and intimidating. “You get them and then you get the fuck out of my town. We don’t need no more trouble here.” 
With a silent nod, you three agree and Mechamaru guides you into the mountains.
The creek is quiet when you make it up the hill. 
Too quiet. Though the soft sloshing of the water should be comforting, it’s damn disarming to you as you walk with the duo and Mechamaru along the creek yards away from Bull’s Creek (funny enough). The air is sweet, the sky is blue, and you know danger lurks. 
You finally come to a shabby-looking house up on a grassy hill yards down from you four. The roof is missing some tiles, one wall is caging in, and it looks abandoned.
“They should be in there,” Mechamaru says, pointing at the house. “They stay there because there are trails in the woods to escape through if the law ever happened to sniff ‘em out. But they haven’t for months because so many people are too scared to speak up for fear of being killed.” 
The young man stares you all down as you silently examine the home. “You gonna get them out of here?” he asks, hope in his eyes. The duo doesn’t answer, so you do, putting a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Thank you, Mechamaru,” you gently say. “We’ll take it from here.” ‘Yes, we’ll get them out of here for you.’ 
Mechamaru seems to be happy with your words. Meanwhile, Geto is stringing up the horses to a nearby post while Gojo spits his cigarette out of his mouth and crushes it under his heel. This is just ordinary work for them. “Go on back to your girl,” the white-haired outlaw says with a wink. “She’s a cutie.” 
Mechamaru narrows his eyes, but doesn’t say anything back. Instead, he backpedals and hurries back the way he came towards town. Once gone, you follow the duo up the hill to the small house, the grassblades tickling your ankles as you move. Finally, you come to the wooden front door padlocked shut. “So how are we doin’ this?” you ask. “Do we just bust in there and–” 
You’re rudely cut off by Gojo’s foot smashing into the padlock, forcing it open. The door opens with a long creaking sound like in a horror film.
The way this house looks feels like a horror film too: stained, old furniture in the living area; dishes in the kitchen sink and rotten food on the counter down the long hallway leading to the back door; ripped curtains covering the stained windows, making the entire downstairs dark and dreary. The smell in the air is rotten and rancid like something died. You cover your mouth despite the bandana covering your lower face. 
As you creep inside with the duo, your hand on your holster, your eyes shift from left to right, top to bottom. You look for a shadow; some slight movement from around a corner or behind something. The floorboards ominously creek under your boots, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “There’s no one here,” you whisper. 
While Gojo stays behind, Geto walks ahead of you towards the circle of furniture, his gun hanging from his hand. He places a hand on one of the leather armchairs and shakes his head. “No,” he protests. “There is. Feel the chair.” You carefully walk over and place a hand on the seat, your hear thumping wildly. “It’s warm,” you gasp. “Someone is–” 
“Y/N, look out!” Geto shouts from behind you, but it’s too late. Your words are cut off when you suddenly feel something snatching you by the ankle, causing you to fall onto your back. The noose tightens and begins to pull you throughout the house on your back despite your screams. You try to grab the knife in your pocket, but you can’t. You’re moving too fast. 
Finally, you stop and are suddenly facing two men with very bad intentions in their eyes. One of them is nothing short of a pretty boy: beautiful bone structure in his face with high cheekbones, dimples, blue eyes, and a Colgate smile. If it wasn’t for the gun in your face, you’d think he was a model. This is ‘Angelface’.
“Well, well, look what we’ve got here, Zankoku: the prettiest little trespassor we’ve gotten.” He smirks at his partner. “What do you reckon we should do with her?” 
His partner, Zankoku, looks like he’s all types of crazy: unruly curls that fall in his face; a bumpy nose like he was punched too many times in his lifetime; a scar running from his left ear down to the corner of his mouth; wide, wild eyes that frighten you more than the gun pressing against your noggin.
“I’ve got one idea that would make her sorry,” he growls, his voice like jagged glass to you. “Do you know what we do to trespassin’ bitches like you?” Angelface shakes his head at Zankoku. “Now, now, that’s no way to talk to a lady!” he mockingly tuts. 
“Y/N!” Geto shouts from beyond. You manage to twist around to look behind you and find the duo running to save you. However, they are stopped by a woman who pops up from under the staircase, pointing a gun at Geto’s head and a man jumping out from behind a wall to pull Gojo back and put a knife at his throat. 
The only woman in this crew, Makima, is tall and slender with long red hair and cold eyes. “Don’t move,” she warns. “You move and either I put this bullet in you or Arata puts that knife in your partner’s throat.” Arata is mute as you’ve been told, his tongue cut out long ago. But what he lacks in words he makes up for with his knives that are as long as his hair that cascades down to his hips. 
“Or we fuck up this cutie’s face,” Angelface growls, pushing the gun into your cheek. “Never thought I’d meet the famous Fatale Femme in the flesh.” He uses the barrel to pull your bandana down, revealing your nose and mouth to him. “And see her gorgeous face,” he cackles. “You’re almost prettier than me.” You could spit at him. 
“You motherfuckers got a lot of nerve comin’ here,” Zankoku snarls. “First you leave like y’all are better than us and then you start workin’ for the fuck ass law?” 
Gojo smiles despite nearly grazing the knife at his neck. “Good to see you again too, Zankoku,” he titters. “I guess this is our welcome wagon?” Makima rolls her eyes, annoyed. “God, you always talked too much,” she huffs. “I should put some lead in that throat right now just to shut you up.” 
She cocks her gun, moving it away to point at Gojo while she slips another out of her holster and points it at Geto. The entire room has turned into a warzone. One wrong step and you’re dead. “Listen,” Geto says, raising his voice. “We don’t want no trouble.” 
“Oh, shut up!” Makima spits. “Why else would y’all be here? You’re obviously here to wrangle us up like cattle and bring us into the sheriff.” 
“Y’all tryna get in a good place with the law?” Angelface scoffs, grinning at the gunslingers. “Tryin’ to become good guys ‘cause prison scared y’all? So sad to see what happened with that train.” You can almost feel the rage radiating off of Geto and Gojo in waves. “We don’t want to put y’all in prison,” Geto says, his voice roiling with simmering anger. “We just want information on Benji. We need to find him.” 
The bandit crew share a brief look. “Why would we tell you?” Angelface scoffs, eyes narrowed. “We don’t know where he is anyway. We were in Cherrywood before he fucked outta town months ago. We haven’t seen him since.” As soon as he says it, his partners look at him like he just sealed their fate. And he did. 
“You dumbass!” Makima hisses. The gears in your head are turning and you share a look with Geto and Gojo. “Benji was in Cherrywood?” you ask, finally speaking. “When? Why?”
But the cold barrels of the guns pressing into your head and chin stop you. “Enough,” Makima growls. “We don’t have to tell you fuck shit. Now hold still so we don’t fuck up our home.” 
She points her guns at Geto while Arata pushes the knife further into Gojo’s throat. You stare at the guns in your face, shaking. “Sorry we couldn’t have any fun, darlin,” Angelface sighs. “You’ll make the most beautiful corpse though.” Staring into the barrels is like staring into death and suddenly, you see a flash of your mother’s face. 
You don’t think. You just do. Quickly, you wedge your hand under your ass and pull a knife out. In a flash, you stick the knife into Angelface’s side, making him scream in pain. Immediately, Makima shoots but Geto ducks and swings his leg to trip her. Gojo elbows Arata in the face and rolls away just as Arata cups his nose to stop the blood flow. Makima, who fell, quickly rises and pulls the trigger on both guns. 
Bullets immediately start flying from Zankoku and Makima aimed for Geto and Gojo who you’re sure are hiding. You have no time to see where though, too focused on your attacker. Angelface staggers back and drops the gun, holding his wounded side. “You fuckin’ bitch!” he bellows. “You’ll pay for that! Kill her, Zankoku!” 
Zankoku is momentarily distracted, too busy popping shells. You take that loophole to cut yourself free with the bloody knife and kick him in the back. He staggers, but not enough. He turns around, baring his dirty teeth at you. “You,” he growls and raises his gun. He suddenly falls onto his knees, revealing Gojo standing behind him with a gun that whacked him in the back of the head. 
A bullet zooms over his head and Gojo quickly covers you. “Over here!” he yells as he drags you into the kitchen as quickly as possible. Geto quickly crawls in behind you and rips the table up to turn it over to serve as a shield from the bullets. Gojo pulls you behind the overturned table. You sit there, the three of you, as bullets whiz past you, breaking windows and putting holes in the walls. “She’s still shooting!” you announce among the flying bullets. “This bitch is crazy!” 
Geto busies himself firing back at Makima from behind the table while Gojo points at the back door. “You go out there,” he tells you. “We’ll take care of her in here.” He slides his gun out of his holster and cocks it. “Just wait for us with the horses,” he whispers. “We’ll find you.” So you go, hurrying over to the backdoor as fast as you can on your hands and knees. 
You turn for a second to see Arata stabbing through the table right above Gojo’s head. You itch to help him and Geto both, but you know they’d tell you to get out and save yourself. So you keep going. When you finally make it, you shove the door open with your shoulder and roll out into the open, landing on your back in some grass. Quickly, you look up, squinting in the sun. 
The backyard is nothing but an empty pig pen and a stretch of forest. Down below the slope of the hill the house is on is the creek and beyond that, your horses. On wobbly legs, you get up and try to run, but two arms wrapping around you stop you. One tightens around your midsection while the other wraps around your neck, nearly choking you.
“Hel–!” Your scream is cut off by a choke as you struggle to breathe with the arms squeezing you tight than a vice. 
“Gotcha,” Zankoku chuckles. “Stupid bitch, thinkin’ you could run from me…but I’m not goin’ to prison. So I’ll let nature take ya.” He begins to walk with you as you struggle helplessly in his arms, not even able to reach your weapons. 
When you realize where he’s taking you, it’s too late: you’re suddenly being dangled over the side of the rushing water of the creek. Without a warning, Zankoku drops you in. 
Your body plunges into the icy depths of the water, shocking you to the core. You immediately swim to the surface and gulp down the air. The waves are rough and wild, splashing you repeatedly in the face as you struggle to reach for a rock, a tree branch, anything to stop you from going downstream.
Zankoku stands at the bank and pats his knee once. A horse comes running from out of the forest, stopping at his feet and allowing him to climb on. “Have fun with the fishes, bitch!” he cackles before galloping off on his horse upstream. 
“Wait!” you scream, so loud that your throat goes raw. You watch helplessly as Zankoku disappears, growing smaller the farther the water takes you. You try to pedal to stay afloat, but the current is too rough and the water too deep. You can’t feel the bottom. “Gojo!” you wail out. “Geto, help!” 
All that answers you is the water flooding your ears and mouth, salty and overbearing. All of your senses are taken over by it as the current swallows you up. Tears of desperation begin to slip down your cheeks, sobs leaving your mouth. You once again feel alone. Abandoned. Just like all those years ago. And you’re tired. So, so tired. 
Finally giving in to the creek and the ache in your muscles, you let the current take you and find yourself going beneath the ice-cold, salty depths of water. But you don’t sink. Just as quickly as you went under, you’re suddenly pulled back up by some invisible force yanking on your arm. You look up into the sun’s rays, wondering if it’s God. 
But when you turn to look, you realize that it’s Geto. He is hanging off the side of the bank, boots and pants muddy, grunting as he struggles to pull you out. He finally slips in and yanks you to his body, both of you floating in the water together. “Keep your eyes open, Y/N!” he yells among the rush. “Geto,” you try to say, but your voice is so weak that it gets carried away by the water. 
Geto swims to the side of the creek with one arm and quickly grabs an upturned tree root to pull you both up and out of the water. “I’ve gotcha,” he huffs, dragging you into the mud once he’s on the surface. He then pulls you into the grass and finally releases you. 
When he does, the shakes start. And the shivers. Your body convulses as if it’s back in the water and not in the warm sun on dry land. You can’t stop. It’s as if your body has kicked itself into fight or flight. Your fingers tremble and your heart pounds, causing your breath to become labored. “Y/N?” Geto questions. You don’t see him. All you see is the blue sky above you. 
“C-C-C…” You don’t know what you’re trying to say. You don’t know what’s wrong with you. Geto’s handsome face appears above you and his expression softens when he realizes what’s happening. “Y/N, you’re havin’ a panic attack,” he says.
He slowly picks you up and places his hands on your forearms. “Breathe,” he demands, his voice and eyes firm. “I need you to breathe, Y/N, okay?”
You shake your head, still trembling like a leaf. “I-I can’t,” you gasp. “C-Can’t…” It’s a struggle to form a coherent sentence. Your brain can’t keep up, sending warning signals to your body when there isn’t even any danger anymore. 
“Look at me, darlin’,” Geto coos. His big, calloused hands hold your cheeks, willing you to look at him. “Watch me, okay?”
You do, hypnotized by his warm, soulful eyes. “Do what I do, slowly,” he instructs. “In.” His chest expands. “And out.” His chest falls. He does it again and you mirror to the best of your ability. It’s shaky and choppy at first, but soon, your breathing is less labored. 
Then your heartbeat slows and your body relaxes in his touch. All the while, he is gentle and patient. “That’s it,” he says, nodding. “It’s alright now. I’ve got you now.” And you believe it. You believe that you are safe. How the fuck did he do that? 
A whistle pierces the air from down below the hill. You look to see Gojo jogging uphill with the horses. His smile fades when he sees you and Geto, soaking wet and coated in mud. “What happened?” he demands. Quickly, you stand without Geto’s help and wipe at your snotty nose. “It’s not important,” you sniffle. “Did you get her?” 
Though Gojo still looks concerned, he doesn’t push it. “We got them,” he corrects you. “Angelface is knocked out cold ‘cause of blood loss thanks to your knife, but the other three are conscience so we should be able to talk ‘em.” You sigh, relived. 
You hop on your horses and ride back up to the house where, sure enough, the four bandits are bound tight in a rope tied to the pig pen, back to back. Angelface is slumped over, his side stained in blood. Meanwhile, his partners look downright scared, no longer having their weapons to help them. 
You and the duo stomp over to them, relishing the way they shiver at the sight of you. “Please don’t kill us,” Makima whimpers. Geto kneels before her, his expression like steel. “Then tell us what we want to know: Benji the Bandit. Where is he?” 
Gojo kneels beside his partner and pulls down his blindfold to reveal his piercing, blue eyes. It’s enough to make the bandits cowar. No weapons or force needed. It makes you wonder just what the duo did to them while you were in that creek. “The last time we saw him was in Cherrywood,” Zankoku admits. “He was conspirin’ with the outlaw Valentine to rob a train.” 
“Valentine?” you gasp. “He works for Benji?” You look at Geto and Gojo as the realization hits you. Could it be that Benji was behind that train massacre? Could it be that he framed his two former employees?
“After the train massacre, Benji cut us some money and said he was headin’ to Sage County to hide out,” Makima adds. “That’s all we know, we swear!” 
Gojo smiles, happy with this turnout. “Thank you for your participation,” he sweetly says as he stands up. He reties his blindfold before letting out a whistle that echos across the land. 
You hear the sound of horse hooves and thudding footsteps, each sound mingling into one loud heartbeat. You turn, findinding law enforcement and other townsmen following close behind running out of the brush of trees and nature towards you. Among them is Kusakabe sporting a golden star on his shirt as the sheriff of Bull’s Creek (who also so happens to be a bartender). 
“They’re all yours, fellas!” Gojo yells, moving away so Kusakabe and his posse can swarm the bandits like flies. Other townspeople follow shortly after and with them, they bring rewards for you and the gunslinging duo: money; food and spices for cooking; whiskey and ale; and more importantly, thanks. 
Despite your reputation and appearance, the people stare you in your face and pour their hearts out to you. They shower you with gratitude, give you warm smiles, and shake your hand. It is overwhelming, but at the same time, it makes you feel good. It gives you a better feeling than how you feel after smoking a gunslinger and taking off down the road: cold and vengeful. Now, to see the very people you’ve helped with your own eyes, it makes you rethink your career path. 
Nearly an hour later after collecting your rewards and goods to place in a sack for the road, Gojo comes up to you with a big, fluffy towel while Geto chats with some of the victims. “Gotcha somethin’,” he says, wrapping you up in the fluffy thing. 
You don’t look into his eyes, still feeling weird from earlier. Once you’re wrapped up tight, he gives you space and chomps down on a sugar cookie given to him by a sweet old lady earlier as her thanks. “So where to now?” you ask, glancing at him. He just smirks at you. 
Sage County it is, then. 
The night is still and so is the steely, cold, unforgiving prison cell Valentine sleeps in that night. 
He’s been in the Black Water County prison for days now, eating their terrible food and facing terrible mistreatment at the hands of the guards. He is housed in a private cell, isolated from other prisoners.
Being a wanted criminal outlaw means that you have many enemies, so the sheriff thought it was best to keep Valentine isolated to avoid Valentine being attacked….not because he cares, but because he wants Valentine alive for his trial. 
Valentine hasn’t tried to escape, waiting for the right time to do so. He has decided to lay low for now and play nice, keeping to himself and doing what the guards tell him to do. Meanwhile, in his head, he fantasizes about the moment he can put some bullets in those damn gunslingers and wrap his hands around your lying, backstabbing throat. 
Right now, as he lies asleep on his pad, he can almost see your face turning purple as he wrings your neck. He can almost feel the way your hands claw pathetically at his, your body slowly going limp like a rag doll as he– 
Valentine immediately opens his eyes and sits up in his cell, looking towards the strange sound of metal banging against something solid. He squints into the dark hallway outside of his barred cell door. “H-Hello?” he stutteringly whispers in the darkness. “Is someone there?” 
There isn’t an answer for a while, making him feel as if he imagined it. But then he hears footsteps and the young guard usually posted at his cell appears, staggering slightly as he does so. In his hand, he carries a tray of sloppy Joe and beer, possibly for himself, but Valentine makes a joke anyway.
“What’s that?” he scoffs. “You finally bringin’ me some decent dinner, boy? Do you even know what time of night it is?!” The young guard doesn’t answer. Instead, he teeters forward and falls onto his face like a tree that was just axed, falling at Valentine’s feet. 
“Shit!” Valentine gasps, jumping and backing up against the cold cell wall. The food and beer spill along the floor, just like the blood pooling from the back wound the guard is sporting. That’s when he sees it: the knife in the guard’s back. 
More footsteps follow and Valentine shakily looks up at the shadow figure entering the hallway, dressed in black clothes with a bandana covering his mouth. As he gets closer, Valentine cowares against the wall, shivering. “W-What did you–” 
“Shh!” the stranger shushes him. He bends down near the guard’s body and takes off his black glove. There, Valentine recognizes the black rose tattoo on his knuckles. The flower of death. Benji the Bandit’s signature symbol. “The boss sent me here to get you outta here,” he whispers. He begins to dig into the guard’s back pocket and retrieves a ring of keys which he uses to unlock Valentine’s cell. 
The door opens with a click and the stranger slides it open, narrowing his eyes at the outlaw. “If you don’t wanna spend the rest of your sorry-ass life in here, follow me and keep quiet.” It doesn’t take Valentine long to make up his mind. He would take anything over wearing an ugly black and white jumpsuit and eating God-awful slop. 
Quietly, he follows close behind the stranger down the hallway and around a corner between two other wards of cells. Commotion begins to arise from each ward, prisoners awakening and realizing that someone is escaping. The stranger bends down to move a tile from the floor out of its place, revealing a deep hole that must have taken days to dig. “Down here!” he hisses before ducking down into the manmade hole. 
The prisoners begin to knock against their cell doors and walls, yelling and hollering. Quickly, Valentine gets down onto his stomach and slides himself down into the tight, dark hole.
He has never escaped in this manner before and he can’t see why any criminal does it. It’s dank, dark, and dirt keeps getting in his mouth and nose. Not to mention how physically taxing it is. He grunts and struggles to get through certain spaces that are too tight, shimmying along in his elbows and stomach. 
But finally, he sees an opening and the stranger pull himself up out of the hole. Valentine follows close after, pushing himself through the opening by his hands. With a gasp, he rises from the hole, breathing in the open air and the night sky above. He’s never been so happy to be above ground before. 
But he isn’t at all happy to see who is waiting for him. Other than the stranger, Valentine’s eyes trail up the strong legs of a black Bronco before settling on the man sitting on its back. He is a big man––at least six feet––and the size of a bear with long hair, a salt-n-pepper beard, an eyepatch, and a gold tooth that glints at him in the moonlight. He wears black everything: a black hat; black slacks; black boots; a black jacket adorned with fringe. He is the most terrifying man to exist in the Wild West.
“Benji,” he gasps. 
Benji’s smile grows, laugh lines and wrinkles by his eyes. “Nice to see you too, Valentine,” he says in his deep, gruff voice that could make any man tremble. “How was prison for you?”
He doesn’t answer. He rises from his knees and dusts himself off, looking towards the prison. They are right outside of its wired fence, deep in the woods that surround it. “Ya know, crawlin’ through dirt as an escape route ain’t really my style,” he grumbles. 
Benji keeps smiling, menacingly so. “You’re lucky I even sent someone to get your ass bein’ that you fucked up and got yourself caught.” He nods at his goon who has settled onto his own horse. 
“It wasn’t my fault!” Valentine protests. “That damn idiot duo came after me and threatened to toss me in prison!” He seethes, thinking about you. “And now the bitch that they’re with is against me. She turned out to be the Fatale Femme.”
He has no problem throwing you under the bus. You ruined his entire operation! He was so sure Geto and Gojo would take his offer and let him go free. He was going to leave the county, maybe go overseas, and make his life from there. 
It’s bad enough to let Benji once again rope him into another one of his schemes. He just knew that robbing that Cherrywood train would bring him bad luck, but he listened to his boss anyway. “All ya need to do is grab the money with my men and kill the witnesses. You’ll get your cut and I’ll get mine.” 
Down on his luck and in need of some quick cash, Valentine agreed, but also had questions: “What about Geto and Gojo? Why are they apart of this? You haven’t worked with them in years.” 
Benji just smiled, puffing on his cigar. “Because they need to be reminded that they can’t run from me,” he answered, sending chills down Valentine’s spine. “They’ll never know that I was behind this, but that won’t matter. They think they can suddenly become these saviors, but when the law find them on that train with a bunch of dead bodies, they’ll finally understand that they can’t run from their sins.” 
It was punishment for leaving Benji. He wanted the Gunslingers to suffer. Valentine just wanted the money, so he went with it and ran. Now, he not only wants revenge on the duo but on you too. 
Benji’s brows rise at the mention of you. “The Fatale Femme teamin’ up with my old gunslingers, eh?” He ponders this, stroking his beard. “Then that means they’re a threat to me, but not for long. That means we’ll have to take them all out of the equation.” 
He looks down at Valentine like he’s no more than a bug, those dark eyes like a shark’s. “Listen to me very carefully,” he whispers and Valentine roughly swallows his spit. “I only got ya out of here because I’ve got another job for ya.” 
Valentine nods, hanging onto every word: I got word that those two gunslingin’ maggots are headin’ out of the West toward North,” Benji explains. “They’ll be passin’ through Sage County. I need you to follow ‘em with my crew and meet me in Sage County. Attack ‘em on the road if you need to.” 
Valentine nods, placing all of these instructions in the back of his mind. “But why are you goin’ to Sage County?” he asks. 
Benji pulls a cigarette out of his pocket and holds it between his teeth. “I got a call from four of my old workers earlier after they got arrested in Bull’s Creek. I know Geto and Gojo, so I know that they ask around and obviously know where I’m headed.” He pulls out a match box and lights a match in one strike. 
He then lights his cig and takes a puff, holding it between his ringed, inked fingers. “If they show up, I wanna kill them myself–especially that nosey bitch they’ve got with ‘em,” he spits. “I can’t have no one lookin’ for me.” 
The severity and seriousness of his words are set by the silence that looms over them along with the ice in Benji’s eyes. Finally, he glares at Valentine. “What are ya waitin’ on, idiot?” he huffs. “Get goin’ and don’t disappoint me.” 
He snaps the reins on his horse and takes off into the woods, leaving his goon and Valentine alone.
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guentzel · 4 months
Here is the tag where you can find all the posts.
I'll be going over each playing position a little more in-depth here, and there will be an additional post going over the more 'obscure' positions/roles. These are the main nine that you should know, though, and their role. Important note: not all of these rules are hard and fast, especially about who covers who. Depending on the play, things change, but players have to act quick on their feet.
Each position has a number generally associated with it (1-9) and these are not the same as batting order position. We'll talk more about batting order in the batting section. I won't be referring to them as number, but I will put them on their assigned position so it'll help you learn. During plays, announcers will often call them by number (3-2-5, for example) instead of by actual title as it's quicker.
Pitcher (1)
Pitchers are players who throw from the pitcher's mound. They throw to a catcher, and there are many different types of pitchers and roles. A pitcher has a variety of different ways in which they can deliver a pitch, but there's also plenty of ways that they can't. Pitchers throw a variety of different pitches, which all change based on velocity and the pitcher's grip.
Catcher (2)
Defends home plate and receives pitches from the pitcher, as well as calls what pitch he wants the pitcher to throw. A catcher must also "frame" a pitch, which means they must try to make a ball look like it was in the strike zone, even when it isn't.
Catchers are the only position that can see the whole field, which makes them great commanders. They give their pitchers sign through PitchCom, which prevents opposing players from stealing signs. A catcher must know his pitcher's strengths, as well as the current batter's strengths and weaknesses in which they can get them out. Because of the defensive prowess a catcher often possesses, team will disregard their offensive production, as a good catcher can get runners out when they attempt to steal, and get runners out at home.
The catcher position is extremely, extremely complicated, and I can't cover this all effectively in this post, so I'll just give you a link to wikipedia (lol).
1st Base (3)
Defends first base. Ideally, a first baseman is tall, throws left handed, and has good reflexes and flexibility. In order for a runner to be out at first, the first baseman's foot must be on the bag with the ball in his glove before the runner touches base (hence the flexibility and height).
When there is a runner at first and a chance of a pickoff attempt by the pitcher, the first baseman will stand with their fight foot against the bag, waiting for the pitcher to either pickoff or deliver the throw. When there is no runner aboard, the first baseman typically plays behind the bag and closer to the foul line, in which the pitcher typically covers for him.
2nd Base (4)
Defends the area nearest to second base on the right hand side of the bag (being on the left hand side was banned with the shift). Quick hands and feet are required in order to turn double plays, as they are the "pivot position" on the field. They need to be able to handle the ball quickly and efficiently. Most 2nd basemen are right handed.
Third Base (5)
Defends the area nearest to third base. This area is known as the "hot corner", because the third baseman stands closer to the batter than every other field position. As with most positions, a good accurate and strong arm are required in order to make plays across the diamond.
Shortstop (6)
Shortstops cover the space between second and third. They tend to see the most play on the field, and their spot is much more demanding defensively because of it. A shortstop needs to be agile and have a strong arm in order to make plays at any of the bases. Shortstops are required to cover second base in double play situations when the ball is hit to either the second or first baseman. Shortstops can also cover third, depending on the play (ie: rundowns, bunting attempts).
Shortstops also tend to be the cut off man with throws from center or left (but from left is mainly the third baseman's job).
Left Field (7)
Plays in the area designated as 'left field'. To tell if a player is in right or left, it's the left side of the way the batter is facing the field. Outfielders must be fast and have great accuracy and arm in order to make plays at any of the bases. Typically speaking, the left fielder will have the weakest arm, as they are in the most shallow outfield position and do not need to throw as far. They tend to receive more balls than right fielders due to the "pull" right-handed batters have when they swing.
On any play, left fielders must back up third base.
Center Field (8)
Plays in the area designated as 'center field'. They face the same requirements as the other outfield positions, but outfielders typically are faster than any other position, and have greater throwing accuracy. Center fielders have to cover more area than the other outfielders, so speed is a must. Typically, they also catch the most fly balls.
The center fielder backs up all catches made by either of the corners. The center fielder backs up throws to second when the runner attempts stealing second base. They are often 'commanders' of the outfield, allowed to call off either corner if they have the best chance at catching the ball.
Right Field (9)
Plays in the area designated as 'right field'. They face the same requirements as the other outfield positions, but right fielders tend to have the strongest arm out of all the outfielders, as they have to make the longest throw to third. A right fielder must always be able to make that through accurately, and fast.
A right fielder's job is to back up first base on throws being made by a pitcher or catcher, in order to prevent the ball from going into the outfield and allowing runs to be scored. They will also backup first base on a bunted ball (aka 'cover the bag') so that the catcher or first baseman has a chance to get it. Any time a ball is thrown from the left side of the field, the right fielder will also back up second base. Finally, a right fielder will cover first if the first baseman is in a rundown between third and home.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Purple time :D I’m watching Jimmy
Purples Posies 😭
Jimmy, horrified: “Are you demanding money?” Martyn, without hesitation: “Yes” Jimmy: “Same”
This team is gonna be peak chaos in so down
Also coincidentally the only team I saw do a 4/4 practice session
Scott flirting with Shane and then calling Jimmy and Martyn his husbands, more like purple polycule, am I right???
I didn’t even bat an eye but Scott being awed that MCC is something someone would use Make-a-Wish for is so <333
I am living for this chaos
Martyn: *talking about his wedding* Jimmy: “awww” Martyn: “What are you ‘awww’-ing for, you were there” Scott: “I wasn’t there, I wasn’t Martyn’s bestie at that point” Shane: “I wasn’t born yet” 😂
INSTANT disconnect lmao
Grid Runners
The way Jimmy was running around clueless during the first room and they still finished it first
They popped off, that’s simply all there is to say
“Four bros chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart because… one of them’s gay” “You changed that” thanks for noticing Jimmy 😂
Parkour Warrior
It’s fun how close Jimmy, Martyn, and Scott are staying to each other
Jimmy’s doing so well!!
Yeah the snake is so counterintuitive this time, kinda love it tho
Me, who has never played minecraft on pc, backseat gaming like a madman: “just flick the mouse, Jimmy”
It would actually be so cool to see a late pkw, it would suck but it’d be interesting
Shane talking about funky symptoms he got while exercising the other day and it being the exact same stuff I just got a diagnosis for ✌️(I doubt Shane has what I do, I get that literally every time I stand up lmao)
Sands of Time
Jimmy’s so excited to be Sam’s daddy 😭
The synchronized “Hi HBomb” :))
I love Jimmy but it bothers me to no end that he doesn’t fill the timer all the way, I can respect keeping one sand just in case but there’s no reason to not fill all the way when you have nine in hand
Solid performance all around, they had good comms and plenty of time
Ace Race
The way the just started talk-singing Hall of Fame 😂
The Kermit impression is solid
I feel like I haven’t watched a team where no one mutes in a while
Shane and Martyn 9th and 10th!!!
Jimmy 15th overall!! Stop putting yourself down, that’s great!!
Martyn is MIA and Shane is just singing Taylor Swift’s Blank Space as Kermit 😭
Rip, definitely not the worst I’ve seen though
Why are they all doing Mumbo impressions???
Battle Box
I think this team will do well and I’m very excited to see people pop off because the only pov I’ve watched so far is cyan and their bb was… rough…
This team either destroys or gets destroyed, there is no in between
Something about the WWWLLLWWW is unreasonably satisfying to me
Dang it, now I wanna look into what games have the highest coin differentials, obviously pvp games are at top but I’m wondering what’s at the bottom
ALL I DO IS WIN WIN WIN NO MATTER WHAT!! (Fun fact: I only know that song because we played it during football games in my high school marching band)
They’re so chaotic I love them
Sky Battle
“So… where do we wanna go?” “Home… home please” so true Martyn
Fighting lime while in the bubblevator is the most disorienting fight I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something
They’re doing a really good job dividing and conquering and allocating resources
Comms got clogged but they held together, apd went hard tho and I could not for the life of me understand what Scott was trying to say lol
Shane’s keyboard 😭
That ending was so chaotic oh my goodness
Everyone being self-deprecating and Shane just saying “You guys- you guys were there” 😂
Hole in the Wall
I have no idea what all they’re singing but they sound good
This team has such good comms :)
Them all hyping up Shane :)))
No 👏 funneling 👏 /pos
Grian’s message :((
“No, not that one, the football one” “I don’t- I’m gay” Scott sounded so confused 😭
Gosh, I love Shane, I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone be so excited for a teammate hitting a shot in a 4v4
Martyn joking that he doesn’t know how to run and Jimmy absolutely floundering “Move your legs and move- move your body in… in order to each other” 😂
Gumi’s dodging is wild
Shane hyping up his teammates is everything
My little cringefail loser winning the most statistically competitive mcc in history is so him
Callum’s manifesting worked :)
Jimmy prophet arc real
AIMSEY!!!! I wasn’t expecting him to show up but she has teamed with Jimmy and Shane in the last two mccs :D I love xem so much <333
“‘Martyn, we’re you sick this time?’ Yeah, sick of my teammates” I freaking love this team, their banter is everything
I know too much about mcc these days, Scott can say the last time he teamed with Martyn was when he blew him up with the tnt and I instantly knew they were talking about MCC7 lmao
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titconao3 · 1 year
New tag game! Name nine fictional crushes (option to include photos) 
Summarize it and/or let your followers drag you for your type :) 
Thank you @acydpop for the tag! IDK that i have crushes of the twu wuv kind, but! i've definitely imprinted on some fictional characters harder than others. Here's a selection! Also, i cheat ;-) If you, yes YOU, would like to be tagged, then yes! You're tagged, come and play along !
1/ SPOCK!1!1!1!!! (Star Trek: TOS and the subsequent films only; the constant retconning of the new versions is... not for me, but kink tomato and everything). First saw the original show dubbed on TV as a pre-teen; Spock was me, Spock was aspirational, Spock was who my best self could be. Small me trained in front of a mirror to be able to raise one, and only one, eyebrow. It worked (but i only trained one eyebrow). This was before i knew of fandom and of course slash, and the internet was barely starting; i wouldn't even have heard about it. It may very well still have been the Cold War, or at least the death throes of the USSR. (Kirk/Spock forever!)
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2/ Saint Seiya!! Not Seiya himself (lol nope), but otherwise... Max Whump (Hyoga and Scorpio? i MEAN! A quick look-see on Youtube showed me only dubbed versions, too-short versions, or WHAT THE FUCK is this video-game reboot or something??? ANYWAY) Central! Our Heroes keep being Mega-Whumped, but the Power Of Friendship etc etc. And when i say mega-whumped... From Shiryu who keeps blinding himself, to Shun and his many, many issues with self-worth, to that fight i mentioned with Hyoga still crawling forward even as Milo (Scorpio) keeps wounding him... And Ikki and his Tragic Backstory TM and sacrifice for his baby brother. DON'T start me on the gold saints and the ladies, k? (Yeah, i know, misogyny etc)
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3/ Methos from Highlander Ooooh boy. He's sarcastic, self-serving, detached - or is he? Is he? (Yes, Methos/Duncan forever. What can i say? i'm basic) First fave in the morally grey area for this list... but not the last ;-)
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4/ Daredevil/Matt Murdock *points at all the fic on my AO3* Yeah, so. Yeah. Nuff said. Picking this gif because crucifix + blood. Taking off a bloody shirt, the crisp white kind he'd wear in a court room as a lawyer, in a church: quintessential Matt Murdock. i just *clenches fist* Have Feelings
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5/ Root (and the whole Person of Interest team) She's unhinged <3 Picking her because out of the whole team she's probably the one with the most compelling arc, IMO.
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6/ Rodney McKay and John Sheppard and Ronon Dex (SGA) Über-nerd McKay was my first fave (yes, he's a jerk. Your point?), but also-über-nerd Colonel Sheppard and dead-pan Ronon Dex were faves as well <3 (AND RADEK!!!!) (Yes, Ronon Dex is Baby Jason Momoa before he grew huge muscles, and he is quite charming!)
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7/ Sherlock Holmes (ACD or Granada versions mostly) He, too, in unhinged :D i probably don't need to introduce him, right? In the larger fandom, i also have a soft spot for JOAN Watson, in Elementary.
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8/ Loki (and Cap and Iron Man, yes it's cheating) (so you're getting a two-fer in the gif) We shan't mention the various character assassinations that occurred in the MCU, k? There's an arc that shows change and growth, and then there's inexplicably ignoring huge bits of previous motivations, backstory, or characterization. But i digress
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9/ Severus Snape So it's a bit hard here, because Rickman!Snape has never been my Snape, and i've only watched... idk, maybe the first... three? films? So i can't really provide a pic that fits. Anyway, loved the character from the start (he's funny, what can i say?), and when his childhood was revealed i was extra-sold. The social commentary behind his very poor origins, how he didn't fit and was bullied and grew bitter, and everything else... i discovered fandom at the time i started reading the books, around the time Goblet of Fire was published, so i first gravitated towards two fandoms: Star Trek and Harry Potter. Hence those two characters bookending this post ;-)
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papirouge · 11 months
whats the fnaf thing all about? i only play pokeyman and mineycrafta like a fucking child
Uuugh it's too much to explain anon 💀 if there a NINE HOURS lore video about it, that's for a reason...
But to put it simply, it started off as a dumb jumpscare bear game > Markiplier makes a viral playthrough > became one of the most successful indie game serie of the last few years. It created a whole new horror genre : Mascot Horror, and a bunch of copycats have been consistently trying to ride that way (with more or less success) : Garden of Bangtan, Poppy Playtime, Bendy and the ink machine Choo Choo Charles come to mind.
What's important to not is that FNAF wasn't supposed to have a sequel, so Scott Cawthon (its creator) creator the lore as the games went by. It's surprisingly pretty consistent (although it got retconed 2 times lol - notably in FNAF 4 which momentarily established the previous games as a dream 😅)
Scott got cancelled a few years ago after being exposed as a registered Republican. Fans (mostly left aligned zoomer) started putting parallels between the game main storyline of child sacrifice and abortion criticism (which is super based idc lol). This prompted Scott to not being directly involved in the game development but still managed their overall direction as some sort of "conductor". However he's the co author of the books....which are now part of the lore (which confused many fans bc they originally weren't).
And it's without counting the fangames (that aren't developed by Scott's team)...but that still get Scott's approval (I heard that Scott created some sort of incubator to fund teams creating those fangames) and contain lore (example: Five nights at Candy's). So FNAF lore is now spread between to "official" games, the books, the fangames.
That's why the suspicion regarding Scott's personal beliefs extend to books. Such as the B-7 book story (cowrote by Scott), where a boy mutilates himself (to become an animatronic) only to realize once as an adult and after trying to unalive himself- that it was pointless and ultimately decide to accept himself as a (hu)man👀. Many have seen an anti trans narrative and I can't blame them 👀
There are so many other things to be said abt the whole remnant/soul ties thing (that makes the animatronic come too life) but I don't want to be too long.
As goofy as it may look, FNAF tackles extremely dark things but for unlike 99% mainstream media, it doesn't glorifies or donwplay it. The moral sensibility of that gaming license is STRONG. William Afton is an AWFUL person - a CHILD MURDERER. He's not displayed as anything but that. In one fangame you literally play him in "hell" where you have to fight against all the animatronics/children he killed.
I can't help but see a message of the perversion of childhood in it. The animatronics attack you the way the human spirit of the child possessing them died : chica does it screaming because the child screamed, Foxy runs super fast bc the child died while trying to escape, Puppets is crying because the child died a slow death crying...
Here's the 9 hours video btw
Just finished it and that's the far the best FNAF lore video I've seen. It's Extremely detailed though so it's definitely longer than other FNAF lore video (that also may not take into account the latest books/fangame for example )
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
Character Asks (Sixty-Nine Questions): For Lemon: 6, 18, 19, 31, 48, and 59 :> For Dealer's Choice: 9, 23, 44, 45, and 65
Wow I'm really rambly tonight lol. Answers under the read more!
6 - How have they changed in the last year? How about the last five years? 
Lemon a year ago was brand new at adventuring and not knowing who she could trust or rely on, keeping her chirpy happy mask on at all times, and only letting it slip a little bit around Effie.  Now she’s added a handful of jobs and a successful revivify to her resume, all while having a team of people she trusts and loves with her!
Lemon five years ago was just before she found out about her engagement, so she was head over heels in puppy love with her best friend, working with Olly and the others at the bakery and cafe, occasionally falling into little pits of depression wondering what she was going to do about her mother How will I keep her nonsense quiet this time? Has anyone noticed? How do I keep them from finding out? Am I believable enough or am I Too Happy?, then getting cheered up by going dancing with the family. Free time spent by visiting the forge to read in a pile with Aodhan and steal glances at Tadhgan working the forge, running with Coyote in the forests on the estate, hanging out with family, and getting up to mischief with her cousins. Outwardly she was content, but inwardly she was festering in indecision about her future and an emotionally abusive relationship with her mother. 
18 - What dish brings back the best memories for them? 
Farls or hand pies. Lemon always made them with family, so whenever she makes them she can’t help but feel like the people she loves are just outside the room. If she’s quiet she can imagine the sounds they’d make coming in, practically hear Olly or Nes calling out for her. It’s admittedly part of the reason she hasn’t made either yet.  
19 - What sparks genuine unadulterated rage in them? 
Her mother really. Outside of that and her standard occasional anger issue fueled by love for her friends/family, she hasn’t really found anything that only inspires rage! Most of her emotions are colored pretty heavily by sadness/protection/love, but the closest it gets so far is when in a fight someone takes pleasure in hurting someone else. Seeing the enslaved people sparked something like rage, but she was so focused on keeping her team safe and keeping her mask up she couldn’t really let herself be angry.  
31 - Do they respond well to praise? How about criticism? 
Lemon has no idea how to handle praise in anything but her baking. Baking is the only thing she knows she’s good at, so when anyone praises her for something else she bluescreens a bit. She likes praise, having verbal proof that she is doing a good job is wonderful, but she doesn’t know what to say other than try to deflect or say thank you and pray they don’t say anything else. Lemon blushes at a “good job” and anything more than that and she feels lightheaded. Criticism is both easier and harder for her to hear. She’s so used to a constant stream of it from her mother she tends to react a little defensively, plus she is already really really hard on herself all the time anyway. It does take a bit of extra thought for her to mentally separate her mother criticizing her from someone offering actual advice to improve. The need to improve to be more useful and therefore wanted wins out though, so she takes criticism okay even if she tends to dwell a bit on what she did wrong.  
48 -Do they relate to anyone in the group? Conversely, which person do they relate to the least? 
She relates to Nick a lot more than she ever expected! At first she was just sticking with him since he was the other odd person out, but as they got to know each other she learned they have a lot in common. Their morals are pretty similar, and hilariously enough they have similar experiences. Like Nick’s feelings of how people perceive him for being Big and Lemon’s feeling’s of how people perceive her as Tiny. Plus she finds it a little difficult to find her way in the two already very established dynamics in the party, so Nick is already easier to bond with then they are. Currently she relates to Kanti the least. She’s just so unbothered most of the time Lemon has no idea how to get a read on her. Lemon still thinks Kanti is nice, but until she has a better idea of how she reacts to things she’s been placed under the “Interact Through Izzy” section, which thankfully isn’t hard because they’re rarely apart. 
59 -What’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with? 
Lemon and I actually have somewhat similar morals! She accidentally got dosed with my need to protect people and eat the cost i.e ”I’m gonna fight that guy and my friends might be mad at me for risking it but they’re safe at that’s what matters in the end”. One thing we don’t agree on is what she’s willing to do for knowledge. Lemon is much more likely to do something extreme in the name of science and progress then I am, to her own body or others. Lemon isn’t quite Mad Scientist levels, but with the right push she could lean more that direction then my morals would normally be comfortable with. I’m not saying if someone said she could live forever and learn magic she would instantly sacrifice her body for it, but I’m not saying she wouldn’t struggle with that decision either. 
Dealer’s Choice - Olly
9 - When in their life were they most scared? 
Honestly it’s a tossup between when he was rescued from the ring he was a bait dog for, since he was in a cage above a carrion crawler that was doing it’s best to get at him until this jacked half orc punched it to death thanks for that Benji  OR The first time a deal went south and a civilian got involved. He was so worried about the guy that he got sloppy and got himself stabbed. Rosalind healed him up after though so the scar is nearly nonexistent now. 
23 - In what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
Honestly the second he was able to mostly keep himself fed after running away from the orphanage. That’s all the adults there were good for doing anyway. 
44 - What lies do they tell others? 
“Nah I’m good.” - He is in fact, not good, and most likely on the way to brood somewhere. 
“Oh fuck off I wouldn’t do that.” - He might do that, given enough booze or if it would make a good bit. He’s just embarrassed you caught him thinking about doing just that.  
“Busy. Got plans with a buddy this weekend.” - Your bees do not count as weekend plans with friends Olly. You may gossip with them. but they are still bees and you cannot actually speak with insects. Your family will find you at the hives and then drag you out with them. Why do you bother lying about this?? 
45 - What lies do they tell themselves? 
“I don’t have a thing for that flatfoot fuck off I do not nope not at all I don’t fuck with pigs.” - He does have a thing for goody goody types, and uniforms are hot, so there's a good chance he does have A Thing for that flatfoot. 
“I can peel 100 hundred apples easy. Won’t even dirty a knife. Give me, what, an hour?” - Olly you moron no you can’t. Being good at knife stuff doesn’t magically make it easier to peel fruits. You will still slice your fingers a bit and then you can’t use that apple because you got blood on it. Stop it. 
65 - What would their go to karaoke song be? 
To sing for laughs, “Tequila” in the most deadpan voice and straight face he can muster up. To show off a bit either “Cooler Then Me” covered by Ethan Fields OR “Beggin” by Måneskin.  
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hello! I am the person who commented on your stories on wattpad. I'm also kind of a volleyball fan. and I wondered what J would look like as a volleyball player..
Hey hi anon! 🖤✨
Please forgive me. I know nothing of volleyball and you can definitely tell, lol but the people asked for Joker!Volleyball player so here we go!
I honestly don't know if this answers your ask 🤦🏾‍♀️ oh no..
I did light research on YouTube but it wasn’t extensive in the way I wanted it to be. Did I watch some Haikyuu to brush up on the sport? Maybe soooooo. I’m a weeb shoot me. I hope you enjoy anon!
Joker got a booty for dayyyyys! He has a fangirl club who comes to every match to watch his handsome self (ahem I don’t blame them) move all across the court.
Those black shorts hug every muscle Joker has to offer and when he jumps to spike, his shirt rides up and hello hello is that six pack? What’s harder? The ball or Joker’s washboard abs?
MOVING ON! When he starts to sweat and uses his shirt to wipe it off…. send help.
Bet good money that J is the Captain. His team knows better to bring their A game to every match, whether it be a playful match or a professional tournament. He does not accept defeat but he plays fair on the court.
Now off of it? Well…that’s another thing entirely.
Joker is known to be a menace off the court. His tall frame, cocky smirk, and haunting eyes run a tight ship to keep the matches going.
If an opposing team doesn’t wanna play fair or wants to back out at the last minute, guaranteed J and his boys are there to knock some sense into their opponents. Either you play the game or pay the price.
Joker has daily bruised knuckles and busted lips with all the brawls he gets into before and/or after matches. The referee just raises an eyebrow seeing Joker's handsome face all cut & swollen. The other players look worse. Not his problem "LET THE GAME BEGIN!" 🏐💢
And it’s all because J is cocky. It's proper game etiquette; no swearing or trash talking, buuuuuuuut there’s no rules regarding his mannerisms. The net separates him from the other team but his taunts and glares are well received. Hence the brawls and trash talk OFF the court.
Joker’s cocky smile makes the girls swoon and his opponent’s blood boil. Think of a bad boy persona playing volleyball, its straight off an anime show!
Joker’s coach is about had it with his star player coming to practice with a new shiner or another broken nose yet J cracks it back into place every time. Whatever happened to a gentleman’s game? 
The coach is tempted to kick J off the team but he's that good of a player they can't afford to lose him.
Let’s talk positions! Joker prefers to be the setter since his serve is like a canon with the way he jumps and sends that ball flying. Nine times out of ten his team scores a point when he serves the ball.
It's a fast-paced game that requires quick thinking and decision making; right up Joker’s alley. Baby daddy got skillz!
His green eyes are darting all over the court, seeing where his teammates are, where the ball is, where it's going, and what orders he needs to bark out to his team to secure the win.
When it's time to switch positions, he usually moves to the middle or opposite hitter, but remains in charge; still calling the shots much to the confusion of the opposing team. 
Side note: I think for this head canon it would be weird if Joker has his signature scars (OR OR! hear me out; he got cut in a street fight but its not a jester smile, kinda like a sexy scar down his cheek? I think any scar is sexy but back to the hc)
He most definitely he dyes his hair green and probably keeps it in some sort of low ponytail or manbun so its out of the way when he plays but still long enough for you to pull during se- AHEM! The girls in the audience are feral for him but he has eyes only for you. 
Before every match and/or tournament, J’s eyes are scanning the crowd for you. You’re his number one fan and his good luck charm.
One time you couldn’t make a match and his team lost horribly. Ever since Joker demanded you be in attendance (and his teammates secretly bribe you to come just to keep their Captain in high spirits and so they can win)
The group of six are inseparable and you respect their strong bond. You don't compete for J's attention. You understand that volleyball is everything to J but you are runner up for the top priority in his life. Never question that.
Joker has a bad first round and his eyes are like magnets finding yours in the audience. You flash him a smile and wave (much to his fanclub’s ire) and he's got an instant shot of motivation to annihilate the other team. And he does without fail all because you're watching.
He's a heartthrob, tall, alethic, with an arrogant attitude that oozes BDE, of course he’s gonna show off for his girl, in fact he loves to. J is over the moon in love with you and he wants everyone to know that. A proud simp.
You treat him to a winner’s kiss away from the press and offer to give Joker a massage if he wants some relief for his sore muscles.
If he has time, he'll take you up on your offer but often times the coach drags him into the locker room to go over game mistakes to improve on. Joker just grins as he's dragged off, sending you air kisses like the lovesick idiot he is. This is all going according to plan..
You use the long locker room meeting to sneak into J's hotel room and set up for his post-game surprise and he’s never been the same sense.
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He held his hotel keycard up onto the scanner and sighed when the cool AC hit his tired, weary body.
It had been a long day of matches beginning at 6am. He scarfed down a breakfast, sent you a text message before warming up with the boys, before entering back to back matches. 
He hadn't had the time to do anything else let alone check his phone for your response, but you knew how hectic his game days could get and you weren't upset by it.
Joker couldn't find you in the crowd since it was a bigger tournament but he felt your presence and that helped him and his team score win after win. 
Between all the handshakes, acts of sportsmanship, and post-game media coverage; Joker was exhausted. He loves to play the game, not be the media mascot for the team. That was usually Mac’s role. The blond loved talking to interviewers etc. and soaking up attention.
Even if Joker is the Captain, he could care less about the mayhem that followed after a game. Ain't that what coaches were for?
Joker just wanted to grab a bite to eat (check on you) and crash before he starts this all over in the morning. 
He dropped his bag on the floor and walked further into his hotel suite but stopped short when he saw you lying on his bed. 
In his gear. 
You found his spare jersey and wore it over a long sleeve shirt. But those lewd shorts, now that was all you. They hugged your figure a little too well.
You even wore elbow and knee pads with your hair up in braids. And because you always did things 100% or not at all, you posed on the bed with a volleyball perched under your arm.
Your smile was flirtatious that promised Joker a wonderful night.
“Hey Captain.. I heard you won today’s bracket. This calls for a celebration don’t you think?” You sat up on your knees and beckoned J over with a crook of your finger. He came over in a trance. 
His arousal was showing through the sweats he changed into after the last game. J stopped right in front of you with his erection literally in your face. You bit your lip, eyeing it hungrily before looking up at J.
Joker was still speechless at your attire. He ran his eyes all over your form, trying to burn this image into his memory.
A girlfriend wearing their partner's gear was any sports player’s dream come true. And you were a literal dream.
You became a fan of the sport because of Joker. You knew it was everything to him and in turn, you made it your passion as well. It proved just how much you loved him.
His number one fan. He didn't deserve you.
Joker quickly forgot about his exhaustion. He wasn't even hungry anymore. At least not for food. 👀 He bent down to kiss you and changed his plans for the night to include you as the star player. 
So what if he was five minutes late in the morning? His teammates understood the second they saw the love bites you left on his neck. Joker took it all in stride and boasted that they were 'good luck charms.'
All they needed to do was win today's matches to win it all.
Of course they won the tournament. Joker swears up and down it was because you let him score the night before.
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Hi circusshow, hope you're having a good day! So for the Doctor Who ask: 5, 18, 33, 38, 41 and 50. (Obviously this includes classic who as well). Enjoy :)
I’m doing 38 separately because I do nothing if not go above and beyond.
38. If you could switch companions and Doctors who would you pair up?
Ok there are some typical answers to this (Nine and Martha, Eight with Jamie and Zoe, etc) and I decided ‘hey, why not do some extremely unpredictable Doctor/Companion team ups!’ I tried to mix up TARDIS teams completely, and base this on characterisations and dynamics so I’ve written a justification for each set. For each Doctor. “Above and Beyond”.
(My genuine answers are Martha and any of the non arrogant plonks but Thirteen is the Doctor who I’d say needs her, Jamie and 12 [ayyyyy Scottish veterans], Wilf and 12, everyone and 12, and also Team Amnesia)
Onto the nonsense that I took far too seriously!
First Doctor: Donna NobleSo the thing about One is that you want a companion who will ground him. Teach him how to be a decent person. Show him compassion but also take no guff. There is probably no one who fits that description better than Donna. Donna would also have been more in tune with the trickster side of his personality, I think. And she’s Wilf’s granddaughter, she is used to eccentric old men.
Second Doctor: Martha Jones and Ace McshaneSo with the Second Doctor you need the right mix of ‘Joins in the nonsense’ and ‘Keeps everyone from getting killed’. First there is Martha. She is capable, sensible, and basically the person in your friend group who knows when to get everyone to stop mucking around and do your work. But she also loves mischief makers and is willing to get up to mild mischief herself (see the great scene with Chantho). Basically, she would keep Two from being distracted by his own eccentricities. And then there is Ace. Two does well with companions he can teach and take care of, but also companions who have some... destructive tendencies. He and Ace would be the world’s most adorable gremlins.Basically, imagine this TARDIS team as Two and Ace getting into trouble and Martha getting them out of it.
Third Doctor: Yasmin Khan and Jack HarknessUnderutilized in her series as it may be, it is important to remember that Yaz is training to be a police officer. And is somehow good enough that her supervisor thinks she is already working for interpol or some other menacing government agency. That is a character who would fit in well with UNIT. But she is also more than willing to adjust her world view based on what new information flies her way, unlike UNIT’s occasional arbitrary skepticism. Yaz would be the sensible cop to Three’s eccentric male hero. The Jo to Three’s Henry, as it were.Jack has all the guise of a military man, and would again fit in well with the military nature of Three’s era. But Jack is also a con man. Three would hate that. And Jack is another immortal. Three (who loves claiming he’s superior because he’s older) would haaaaaaaate that. The bickering would be constant. It would be glorious. And these two would get. The job. Done.This team is essentially a spy, a cop, and a con man. I’m pretty sure USA made that into a tv show.
Fourth Doctor: River SongFour and Five are the Doctor’s I know the least, so this was really hard. But think about it: River is the Doctor’s equal, like Romana. She is also in the weird dichotomy of being more driven by her emotions than the Doctor, but able to keep a level head when his emotions get the best of him. River would have killed the daleks herself, is what I’m saying. Because she has the unpredictable and violent streak of Leela. Four always comes off to me as being the brooding anti-hero of the group, the one who needs someone to keep him grounded. And if that someone isn’t equal to him, he will fly away.
Fifth Doctor: Zoe Heriot and Amy PondFive was really hard because I link him entirely with his companions. First let’s discuss Zoe. I put Zoe here because, let’s be honest, she has quite a few similarities with Adric. She’s a bit of a know it all, but unlike Adric the text actually shows her to know it all. And unlike Adric the entire reason she’s traveling is because she wants to learn how to have emotions and have a life outside of knowledge. She wants the experience.Amy, on the other hand, doesn’t claim to have a lot of knowledge. She had a troubled life, didn’t seem to go past high school, and unlike the scientific rationale of most companions she completely embraces the idea of the Doctor being a story. Sort of like Tegan, and Peri. Zoe for the science, Amy to keep the magic alive.
Sixth Doctor: Grace HollowayThe character trait that always gets thrown around with Six is ‘arrogant’. And yeah. Yeah. So what he really needs is a companion who is of equal intelligence and status. Grace isn’t a Time Lord, but she is a cardiologist (head of her department, I think) and very much knows she is in charge. She would force the Doctor to look at her as an equal, which would go a long way in cutting his ego down to a manageable size. Plus she would probably force him into an outfit that at the very least matched.But I have to point out Martha could probably fit in the same vein, although she demonstrated less readiness to call the Doctor out. And of course there are Jamie and Zoe, but they’re basically companions of his anyway.
Seventh Doctor: LeelahThe same teacher-student vibes as Seven and Ace, but I imagine Leelah would be significantly less forgiving of the Doctor manipulating her.
Eighth Doctor: Rory Williams and Sarah Jane SmithSeparating Eight from Anji and Fitz physically hurt me. For starters, Rory would be able to keep Eight from getting hurt quite so badly. Or at least can help him recover when he does. But Rory also has the willingness to call the Doctor out. Which, let’s be clear, Eight definitely needs. But Eight also needs someone who will stay by his side.Sarah Jane has the inquisitive element, but also can be quite pragmatic. She would be able to see what needs to be done. And Rory can help her call the Doctor out when he goes beyond that.These two would also do well with Eight’s era of ‘screw it nothing makes sense let’s be as chaotic as possible’.
Ninth Doctor: Jamie Mccrimmon and Susan ForemanNow here’s the team I stand by the most. Nine in his post war state is probably the Doctor where the most thought needs to go into his companions. So here we go.Jamie is also coming out of war, civil war, war that has forced him against his family for the sake of doing what he believed to be right. And Jamie lost. Jamie is probably the one character who would be able to understand Nine on a guttural level, because Jamie has been through a similar thing. And can you imagine the anguish Nine would go through, revealing that he was the one who killed his people? And the relief when Jamie not only doesn’t turn from him but actively empathizes? Because Jamie can, not on the same level but on a level. Jamie knows survivor’s guilt. Jamie knows what it’s like being on the side that killed your family. And Jamie knows what it’s like having everyone die while you survive. The love that would form there. Can you imagine? Nine and Jamie would be amazing.And Susan. It doesn’t have to be how Susan is in the show. Maybe she is just some random Gallifreyan he saved. Maybe the guilt would be less, if there was one more time lord. Maybe it would be more, looking at this girl every day and knowing he murdered her family, her friends. And she would still look at him as a father figure, as someone to love and admire, and he would hate that. He would snap and tell her just how horrible he really is and she wouldn’t care because she was in the war, she knows what they all had to do. And it would give him someone to care for, to live for. In that context, can you imagine that speech? That scene where he lets her go, lets her live her own life away from him? It would be beautiful.
Tenth Doctor: Bill PottsFirst thing’s first-- Ten does terribly around people who are in love with him. Bill taking one look at him and being pffft nah mate would immediately put her in his good books. And Bill is intelligent, and compassionate, and would stop him from not just being cruel but from being bratty. Ten and Bill would go places. And she would gently discuss what to do when your abusive ex takes over the planet.
Eleventh Doctor: Ian and BarbaraEleven can either be nasty or childish. Who better to put him with than the teachers who taught One how to be decent in the first place. They would know when to make him act like an adult, and they would know when to make him stop. They wouldn’t indulge him, like River and Amy, or even humour him, like Rory. They would teach him how to be kind again. How to be human (ish) again. They would give him a refresher of what he learned when he first started traveling with humans.
Twelfth Doctor: Romana and Wilfred MottRomana is, intellectually, an equal. In Time Lord society she is even above him. She and Twelve would be intoxicated by their combined brilliance. But she is younger than the Doctor. She is still learning.Enter Wilf. Wilf may just be a regular human, but his wisdom and maturity is light years beyond the Doctor’s. He is the Doctor’s honorary dad. So he would be there to guide Twelve and Romana, keep them from being the feedback loop that created the Clara situation. And Wilf would be able to have genuine discussions with the Doctor about what the Doctor does and the worth that that has. 
Thirteenth Doctor: Fitz Kreiner, Charley Pollard, and Mickey SmithFirst, Fitz. (I mean this assumes that Thirteen has emotional intelligence because screw canon). Fitz is snarky, and edgy, and would be the right balance against Thirteen’s sunshine and rainbows. But he is also loyal, and loving and would delight in every bit of chaos she got wrapped up in.Charley and Thirteen would get on like a house on fire. They have that same adventurous spirit, that same joy in seeing the universe, and that same lack of patience with irritating men. And Mickey would keep it all from getting out of hand. Mickey is quite a calming presence, even when people ignore him. He would be able to keep them focused, and relaxed. Also he and Thirteen would talk shop about mechanics all the time and it would be adorable.Bonus: Martha. Do you think Martha ‘I’m not moving until you open up’ would let Thirteen be so secretive? Heck no.
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
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Chapter Nine: Valentine’s Day
Plot: Christine struggles through her first Valentine’s Day at Hawkins High.
Series Masterlist l OC Profile
Warnings: bullying
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: The time I have to churn out these chapters is becoming less and less, but I’m dedicated lol. No Stevie boy in this one so hang in there
UPDATE: Two years later, I’ve converted this to an OC story. All chapters are being rewritten ☺️
February 14th, 1984
One month into my sophomore year at Hawkins High and not much had changed.
Classes had gotten a little easier, but I was still struggling. I’d learned to bring my lunch, depending on what day it was of the cafeteria’s schedule. I’d found all the best places to hide if I needed some quiet.
But socially, I was still a walking target.
I left English, the only class I was thriving in, waiting for whatever was about to happen in the hall. In the past month I’d been tripped, kicked, my books stolen and found in the gym balanced on the basketball hoop, soda “accidentally” spilled all over me and a dozen colorful notes passed to me during class. As much as it all still hurt, I was beginning to accept it as just another part of high school.
Unlocking my locker, I caught the residue of something white around the grates. I opened it to find a hefty amount of marshmallow creme pooling around my books. I bit my lip and took a deep breath, composing myself. It was by far the most creative my classmates had gotten.
There was laughter behind me. I turned around to see Tommy and Carol, Steve’s old pals, and others snickering at me.
“That figures,” I muttered, pulling my sticky books out. It seemed like I’d be paying for my part in Steve and Jonathan’s fight till I graduated.
So instead of spending lunch break getting some fresh air or studying, I ended up clearing my locker, getting a cup of water and a rag from the lunch ladies, and cleaning up the marshmallow.
The hall was relatively quiet, only a few students passing by and giving me time to ruminate on the poetry of this particular prank. It was Valentine’s Day. All day people had been getting and giving candy and chocolates. I could applaud Tommy and his posse for their theming.
Valentine’s Day had always struck me as a strange day, but a good strange. Spending an entire day showing your partner how much you loved them. It seemed like a beautiful idea.
I looked up to find Jonathan, paper bag in hand. He sighed when he saw what I was doing. “What was it today?”
“Marshmallow,” I went back to rubbing the stick off, “I guess they thought they were being cute. Valentine’s Day and all…”
“Chris, when are you going to tell someone about this?” Jonathan pushed, “They’re only getting worse.”
“No, getting them in trouble would be worse,” I said firmly, “A lot worse. I’m a big girl, I can deal with it.”
Jonathan shook his head in disagreement and sat down at my feet. He’d been pushing for me to talk to Hopper for weeks, but I was smart enough to know better. There was a time and place to fight back and I had no advantage in Hawkins High. Keeping my head down was the best option.
I decided to change the subject. “So what are you doing for Valentine’s?”
Jonathan snorted, “Nothing?”
“No reason to celebrate,” he shrugged before biting into his sandwich. “What about you?”
“Ha,” I smiled, going back to cleaning, “Big plans. A candlelight dinner with the captain of the football team,” I wiped off a particularly coated corner, Jonathan laughed. “I was going to ask Nancy about a movie before I remembered what day it was. Steve’s got something planned.”
Jonathan visibly tensed up. In the three months we’d spent getting to know each other, I’d learned a lot about him. For as quiet as he was, he was pretty transparent. It had been clear since the day we’d met that he liked Nancy. At the time, I’d been sure that Nancy felt the same, until Steve entered the picture. I still wondered about her feelings, but I’d never questioned Jonathan’s.
The sad part was, I was envious of all three of them. However it had played out, they all felt something for someone.
“Do you ever feel alone?” I blurted out.
“Alone like…?”
“Alone alone,” I sighed, looking down at my marshmallow covered books, “I was on my own for so long, then Hopper took me in. I thought that feeling would go away, but since I started here, it’s like I discovered a whole new type of alone I didn’t even know existed…it’s like-“
“Like something’s missing,” Jonathan finished.
“Yeah,” I nodded. I hadn’t ever felt sad about not having someone. I’d been too concerned with surviving to think about it. Now that I was safe and El was adjusting and life was quieting down, I found myself wishing for a lot of things I’d never realized I wanted. It was like a slap I hadn’t seen coming.
Jonathan didn’t need to say anything else. It was obvious he knew exactly what I felt. I’d probably put him in a worse mood, reminding him that he was just alone as me. He went back to his lunch and I went back to cleaning, both miserable in our own ways.
I was the first one out of the building when the bell rang.
“Hey,” Hopper greeted me. The truck smelled of tropical breeze to cover the fresh smoke.
“Drive,” I muttered, buckling up and shutting my eyes.
Hopper shifted the truck’s gears, “That bad, huh?”
He knew I wasn’t telling him all the details of what made the days so hard. And though I knew it was bothering him, he was willing to wait me out.
Once we were on the road, I finally spoke. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Do you ever feel…lonely?”
“Lonely?” Hopper repeated.
“Yeah.” It seemed like a straightforward question. “Do you ever wish you had someone in your life other than me and El?”
Hopper thought his answer over for a breath. “I’ve got you two keeping me plenty busy. We’ve got a good thing going, the three of us.”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” I turned in my seat, “Do you ever feel like there’s something missing from your life, even though your life is good? Like even if you have people you care about a-and a job and you’re happy, you know you’re not as happy as you could be?”
Hopper furrowed his brow, “Is there something you’re trying to tell me?”
I sighed, looking down at my fidgety hands, “I don’t know, I just….I think it’s this day. It just reminds me that I’m alone,” I held up a hand as Hopper inhaled, “Even though I’m not. I didn’t even realize it bothered me but seeing everybody all day so…happy, I just…” I paused, “I think I want that. To be happy with someone.”
Silence fell over the truck. I didn’t want Hopper to think I was ungrateful for the life he’d given me. It had nothing to do with him or El. If anything, my relationships with them were helping me to realize I had more to give. It was a gnawing little pain in my own chest that only seemed to be growing.
The unexpected turn the truck made snapped me out of my thoughts. “Where are we going?”
“I need to pick up something from the store,” Hopper pulled into the grocery store parking lot, “You can stay here. I’ll be quick.
I nodded, not really paying attention. While he was gone, I watched the sky change colors above the building. Sunsets had always given me comfort that I’d survived another day. Life looked different now, but that didn’t mean I didn’t still need that comfort.
After about ten minutes, I saw Hopper exit the store carrying…everything red, pink and heart shaped he could. Once he opened the door, I got a better look at everything.
“Look,” he started, “I know I’m not captain of the basketball team or whichever name is all over the bathroom stalls with hearts around it-“ he stopped when I snorted, “But this is a day to show you care about people, right? Who says it’s only for horny teenagers?”
He held up a bouquet of pink flowers, a box of chocolates and a little brown teddy bear holding a heart. I took them and tried not to let him see that I was moved to tears. No one had ever been so determined to show that they cared about me. Until Hopper. Since taking me in, he’d gone out of his way to show that I meant something to him. What the two of us were building went far deeper than a high school romance.
“Thank you,” I smiled, finally meeting his eyes.
“You’re welcome,” he smiled, “And someday someone’s gonna come along and I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure they don’t get past the front door.”
We laughed even there was very little joke to what he said.
“You think your sister’ll like these?” Hopper held up the rest of the goodies. It matched my pile except the flowers were red and the stuffed bear was blonde.
“Yes,” I nodded, grinning as I pictured her face. “They’ll be the first real presents she’s ever gotten.”
“Good,” Hopper smiled, he looked a little nervous. He was still learning how to deal with El.
“What about you?” I joked, “No flowers? No chocolates?”
“Something even better,” he held up a six pack and a frozen pizza.
The two of us arrived home just as the sun disappeared for the night. I tapped out the complex knock with my free hand and El opened the door. I had a feeling she sat next to it every night, waiting for the sound of the truck.
Her eyes went big when she saw the gifts Hopper and I were carrying. When he handed her the flowers, she stared at them confused. It occurred to me that I’d spent years seeing them growing on the side of roads or in nurse’s offices while El had probably only seen them in books we’d read as kids.
“Smell them,” I suggested.
She pressed her nose to them hesitantly and inhaled, pulling back with a little jolt. “They are nice,” she said with a growing smile.
“How about this guy?” Hopper held up the bear.
Each of us had been given one stuffed animal in the lab. I’d left mine, a dog, when I escaped. El’s had been a lion. which felt fitting. She was a fighter, but now she got to be a kid.
She rubbed the bear’s fur against her cheek, smiling deeply at the sensation. “Soft.”
The rest of the night was spent eating pizza and chocolate. None of it cured my loneliness, but it was a good reminder that on my bad days, I no longer had to stay on the ground. I had people to pick me back up, to make me smile, to show me that in my worst moments, I still meant something to them. And for now, that was more than enough.
Unlucky Taglist: @lanadelray1989
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magicsunwheel · 3 years
Why You're F#cking Amazing
How to play: pick one of the photos below using your intuition. You can close your eyes and meditate for a bit or just take a few grounding breaths while thinking of the topic. Feeling drawn to more than one is fine! You might have messages in more than one pile
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Pile 1 (x) Pile 2 (x) Pile 3 (x)
My pile numbers always go from left to right, then down to the text row (if applicable)
Pile 1
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Cards: The High Priestess, Five of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, The Moon Rx, Five of Rods, Ace of Pentacles
You are so intuitive! You're either very in touch with your divine feminine or are working your way there right now. Something about you is severe in the most beautiful way. You can take things seriously when they need to and the way you command a room with just your presence is unmatched. Maybe you're also a tarot reader or involved in spirituality/divination in some way. Maybe you really like Pick-a-Cards.
Something beautiful about you is that you never give up on a fight, especially when you know the end is worth it. Your ambition is strong and you will fight for what you love and what you want. You are not weak-willed by any means.
This also makes you so unique! You work so hard and put so much labor into your love even if you know it will take a long time to come to fruition. The times that you feel discouraged by a lack of results are few and far between. If for some reason you do find yourself wistfully hoping for faster results or an easier path, you can easily remind yourself of why you started in the first place.
You might have moments where you think of yourself as sneaky or like you're hiding a part of yourself from others, like your true self would be too much for them. I'm here to tell you that your intensity is exactly what make you such a beautiful person! You thrive in competition and in adversity. It gives you a chance to show off your quick thinking and survival skills. Others look at you with envy of how you can make an opportunity out of seemingly nothing!
If you need help improving your self-love, Spirit says to stop comparing yourself to others! You are amazing and beautiful and unique all on your own! Throwing yourself into the fray to compete against others who are nothing like you will only fim your inner shine. And you really do shine! When I asked for a card about why you are beautiful, nearly half the damn deck flew out!
Sprit loves you and I love you so please take care of yourself and keep making those amazing opportunities to improve your physical surroundings. (I feel like you have a very clean room/home)
Pile 2
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Cards: Nine of Rods, the World, King of Cups, Three of Rods, Ace of Rods, Two of Cups
Ahh the Loona pile!
Similar to Pile 1, but much more fiery! You are resilient! Taking time to collect yourself before pushing forward with a renewed sense of energy and purpose is such an amazing and useful trait. You maybe aren't as commanding of a presence but you have such an inner strength that no one can deny.
You got the World for the reason why you're beautiful! Maybe it's related to physically being very beautiful and possibly exotic-looking. You might have very specific features associated with a certain area of the world that stand out where you live. You also have such a wonderful understanding of the world and where it's currently at. Things can seem negative or like hope is lost but you still seek out the beauty and share it with others. You see opportunity where others do not and feel a sense of peace and connectedness with all of humanity. Wow!
Your uniqueness shines in your emotionality and compassion. You might be a natural born leader who makes sure to understand all under your rule. You lead with kindness and, most importantly, by example. You don't have any desire to use you position for ill-gotten gains. Power to you does not corrupt, it solely provides a tool for you to do good in the world and really make a difference in the lives of others, whether it's on a large or small scale. You are probably the kind of person who makes sure to give money to those who need it when you pass a begging mother and her children, or buying a homeless man a bottle of water on a hot day.
Your card for why you think you are not perfect actually came out quite positive. Maybe you don't have a very low self esteem, but I can see a few possible scenarios here. You might be constantly planning in your head, waiting and watching for the next move to take but never actually getting to the action part. Maybe you're planning for your future and have so much planned out that you're excited for, but haven't made the practical plans on how to actually get there. This could make you feel bad about yourself especially on days where you're reminded of others moving ahead in their lives while you're still planning. Visualisation is very important in manifesting your desired reality! If you are moving slower than others around you, remember that it is okay to not be where "everyone else" is. Life is not a race or a competition. Taking your time to get to where you need to be when you need to be there reminds me of the story of the tortoise and the hare. Quick does not necessarily mean better.
You can improve your self-love by creating! Using your creativity and passion to make something! Create art, whether it's physical/digital art, music, writing, inventing, anything that uses those creative muscles of yours. It doesn't have to be good! Just creating something will help burn up that excess energy you have that's trying to rush you somewhere. Self-expression this way can be a wonderful hobby even if you don't consider yourself as a creative person.
Your kindness really shines through. You care so deeply about the people around you and your spiritual team cares just as deeply about you. You are loved and watched over and protected by Spirit. Others around you also see your sparkle and appreciate and admire you, even if they don't show it. Know you are beautiful and amazing and bringing a light into this world that needs to be here.
Pile 3
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Cards: Six of Rods, the Hierophant, Four of Rods, Six of Cups, Ten of Swords, the Hermit Rx
Damn, who are y'all!? You've got some mighty power and pull in this world. Maybe you're a public figure or have some kind of platform, like a social media with many followers. You could also be well-recognized within your field of study/work. Whoever you are, people see you and look up to you. They celebrate you and how amazing you are! Spirit loves this about you and you really shine in the spotlight. Your achievements deserve all this pomp and celebration!
You are naturally authoritative. People listen when you speak and take your words to heart. You might also be a religious person or someone who enjoys organization and the comfort of hierarchy. People will willingly follow you wherever you lead them because they trust you with all their hearts. "A merciful ruler" (lol) You hold your position with grace and dignity befitting a king or queen.
You are unique in ways the public recognizes, but we knew that already! You might be someone who likes to entertain and you throw the greatest parties and get-togethers. Maybe you've planned a wedding and everyone had such an amazing time! You know how to relax and have fun when the time for celebrating arrives. You can out down your guard and bit and let loose. Not many people with such responsibility can let go of the reigns like that, but you don't seem to hold on to control too tightly.
Your past might be a source of anxiety for you. Maybe you're worried that what you've done when you were younger will catch up to you and ruin what you've got going on now, but it's important to remember that the past is the past. It cannot be undone or wished away. Taking time to accept what happened and recognizing that you've moved on to bigger and better things is important here. Whatever happened, take time to heal your childhood wounds and forgive past actions.
Ending this cycle will bring much more self-love to your life. Old habits and patterns being out to rest is the way forward. It might be a painful ending and something you don't necessarily look forward to, but it is something that needs to happen to clear out old energy and welcome in everything new. You can't expect to move on if you're still repeating old actions or ways of thinking. It's time to set these things to rest and evolve. Leave behind what no longer serves you.
Your understanding of yourself knows no bounds. You've taken the time to inquisit yourself and learn all of the shadows that lie there. Self-reflection might be a favored pastime for you. Through this knowledge of yourself you are able to see truths that many struggle to see all their lives. Your light can cut through the fog if bullshit and see the true source of something. Use this knowledge of yourself to become the best version of yourself that you can be! I know you're already on your way there and it's amazing to see! Spirit is so proud of you and loves you so much!
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