#game rambles
jazeswhbhaven · 25 days
OMG YOUR INTERESTED IN FAVOR TOO? I LOVE Z SO MUCH 😭 💕 I have yet to convince my friend to play this so that i can talk to someone abt it 🥲. But i managed to get her to play WHB and Obey me so if i can do that, then i can convince her to play this too 😂. Also what other games do you play on there? I’ve been really interested in 14 Days with You and A Date with Death recently!
AH you can always pop in here and ramble to me about it ^^ I love me some Z. I was speaking briefly about 14 days with you w/ @2af-afterdark and Ren is....AHHHHHHHHH lol my yandere bois.... A Date with Death is amazing and there's a kickstarter happening rn for a fully voiced DLC (Jonah Scott will be the VA for Casper :3) that's coming out. I even have a dakimura of Casper it's embarrassing lmao BUT here lately Z? gawd how I want them to c h o k e me with that tail for being bratty but at the same time me being annoying and biting their cheek and having fake fights, and causing problems together while watching movies??? Anyway if I keep screaming the world will be like "dang stfu" LMAO
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alynnl · 3 months
I just cleared Turnabout Academy.
Aristotle Means must have been friends or maybe even roommates with Ambassador Alba from Investigations, because these two and their testimonies were (infuriatingly) similar.
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snowberai · 1 year
Me and my friends are starting a terraria calamity mod world.
We are all going to cry.
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Update: new favorite phrase.
"Let's make like a bread truck and make buns"
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swearphil · 26 days
when something major goes down in a fandom you're not a part of
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cactusnymph · 2 months
love the difference in tone when homer narrates about zagreus vs melinoe. he's like the lazy ass prince blunders on and on. oh the splendor of the princess as she moves in darkness......... he has a favorite
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chngmins · 3 months
trying to get this goddamn dream wallpaper IMG SO CLOSE YET SO FAR ARGJKASHDFLA
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saturnisfallingdown · 9 months
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[ID: A variety of word art sentences strung together to form a post. Burning red text says “i use a windows pc”. Purple and blue all caps text says “I am aware that solitaire is no longer totally free”. Gritty blue text reads “it was just an easy comparison”. Bubbly orange text reads “I am also aware that minecraft costs more money now”. Clean silver text reads “im glad you liked my post though”. Bold golden text reads “Have a great day”. End ID]
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biocrafthero · 9 months
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ANATOMY (2016)
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auranym · 10 months
I think the saddest part about Unity's godawful news is that a lot of games are going to just. disappear.
it's like Unity is trying to go the way of streaming where the hidden gems and cult classics don't make enough money, so, they're taken offline. except this time it's with games (mostly indie).
to put it in perspective, hollow knight, cuphead, and ori are made in unity. so are night in the woods, tunic, and countless more indie gems. hell, AMONG US is made in unity. if the devs of any of these games can't shell out the outrageous cost, then maybe the devs will take them offline. and we'll just. never be able to play them anymore
it's a sad possibility that I don't think any of us ever had to consider. but now we do.
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eira-kuso · 3 months
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo
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goldensunset · 7 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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whatafuckinnerd · 7 months
I find it unfathomable and astounding that Tumblr isn't more obsessed with Sam Reich. You're telling me there exists out there a man who was born into the aristocracy of our country—with every privilege of modern society at his fingertips—who didn't complete high school (due to his mental health) and instead chose to devote his life to making strangers laugh and raising awareness on mental health. A full-bearded short king who is so committed to being the change he wants to see in the world that he decided to take the company he worked for into his own hands so that he could make sure all the people who worked under him could keep their livelihoods.
How many other CEOs are out here being as honest and transparent with their target audience/market as Sam Reich is? How many of them acknowledge when they fumble and continuously strive to be better than they were? How many of them actually seem like they respect their talent, both in the cast and crew? Sam Reich is the standard we should be holding other CEOs to.
But forget about all that (I could talk for a long time about the respect I have for Sam Reich)—ignore just how respectable he is as a businessman and a person. Ignore all the wholesome reasons for obsessing over Sam Dalton Reich.
The man is a stone-cold fox.
He's a little chaos gremlin and an absolute evil mastermind all rolled into one classy suit and well-groomed beard. Whenever Sam is on the set, you can guarantee he is going to make you crack a smile. And for someone with such natural authority, he's never afraid to be the butt of a joke and show himself being embarrassed. Go ahead, watch any clip of him trying to improvise in No Laugh Newsroom and just try to resist that blush.
You're sleeping on a goldmine of a man, here, damnit! And I will NOT let this go ignored any longer!
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tariah23 · 4 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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hoshizoralone · 5 days
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sunsetcorvid · 10 months
dear mojang
add more crops in minecraft im begging you im on my hands and knees give us tomatoes give us onions give us strawberries give us peppers
add more food recipes please give us sandwiches give us more pastries give us pudding or some shit
sincerely, the farmer of every minecraft server
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