#Like come ON. SURELY. They aren’t THIS bad.
hoshifighting · 1 day
is it possible to have a super jealous mingyu and a super clueless reader 🙏 they’re not usually close (and maybe that’s what frustrates gyu) but they’re from the same circle of friends!! reader is nice though she just doesn’t know how to approach him sometimes </3 (she’s actually a shy mess and has a crush on him but shhh) you can end it with some steamy stuff too hehe thank u sm 💗💗
where super jealous ! mingyu finally gathers the courage to confront you because he's totally crushing on you. he's jealous of how friendly you are with everyone and really wants your attention—he craves you so bad, but you are so clueless about it... — WARNINGS: smut, rough sex, jealousy, oral (f. receiving), overstimulation, nipple bite, reader have a lil crush on him, mentions of body fluids; cum, kitchen sex, g'spot/clit stimulation.
mingyu’s always been a little too hard to read, like there’s something he’s holding back every time you’re around. maybe it’s just because he’s mingyu—tall, handsome, popular, always surrounded by people who seem to hang on his every word. you’re just… you, quiet and unsure around him, too shy to know how to even start a conversation half the time. it's not like you're intimidated. okay, maybe a little. but still, every time you try to approach him, your throat tightens up, and you end up awkwardly shuffling away.
you guys aren’t exactly close. you’ve been part of the same friend group for a while now, but it’s like there’s this weird, invisible wall between you two. you see him laugh and joke with everyone else, and you wonder why it feels so different when it’s just you and him. he’s always polite, sometimes even too polite, like he’s keeping a distance, but you catch him staring sometimes—like, way more than you think he should be. but every time you try to catch his eye, he looks away like nothing happened. it’s confusing as hell.
he gets weirdly tense when the other guys are around, though, like he’s on edgge. tonight’s no different. you’re at a party, and your friend seokmin is telling some dumb joke that has you laughing way too hard, your hand playfully hitting his shoulder as you double over. you’re not even thinking about mingyu until you glance up and see him across the room, staring. his jaw is clenched, brows furrowed, and there’s this almost angry look in his eyes as he watches the way you’re touching seokmin.
you blink, your laughter dying out as you lock eyes with him for a split second before he looks away, jaw still tight. what the hell is his problem?
you’ve never been sure if he likes you, like actually likes you, or if he just tolerates you because you’re friends with his friends. sometimes he’s so distant, so cold, and other times, like right now, he’s burning holes through you with his stare, all while pretending like you don’t exist. “you okay?” seokmin asks, nudging you gently. you shake yourself out of it, giving him a small smile and nodding, but your mind is already elsewhere—on mingyu, on how weird he’s been acting lately.
the night goes on, and you try to avoid mingyu, but it’s impossible. every time you turn around, he’s there, hovering nearby, watching. the party’s winding down when you find yourself alone in the kitchen, grabbing a drink and trying to calm the nervousness bubbling up inside you. you can feel his presence behind you before you even hear his voice.
“you and seokmin… are you close?”
his voice is low, almost too casual, but there’s an edge to it that makes your heart race. you turn around slowly, and sure enough, there he is, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes unreadable as he stares down at you.
“uh, i guess?” you say, your voice coming out more uncertain than you’d like. “we’re friends. why?”
mingyu’s jaw tightens again, and he looks away, shaking his head slightly. “just wondering. you seem… real friendly with him.”
there’s something about the way he says it that makes your stomach twist. is he jealous? no, that can’t be it. why would mingyu be jealous? you’re not even that close.
“he’s a friend,” you repeat, a little firmer this time, trying to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks. “just.. a friend.”
mingyu looks back at you then, and there’s something intense in his gaze that makes your breath catch. he takes a step closer, his towering frame suddenly way too close.
“is that all you are to him?” he asks. “just friends?”
your heart is pounding in your chest, and you don’t know how to respond, so you just stare at him, wide-eyed and confused. why is he acting like this? why does he even care?
“mingyu, what—what’s your deal?” you ask, your voice shaky as you take a small step back, trying to put some distance between you. but mingyu doesn’t let up. he moves forward again, closing the gap, his eyes boring into yours.
“my deal?” he repeats, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. “my deal is that i can’t fucking stand seeing you with anyone else.”
you freeze, the words hitting you like a truck. what?
“what are you talking about?” you ask, barely able to get the words out. mingyu’s hand reaches out then, cupping your face gently, but his grip is firm, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he leans in closer, his breath hot against your skin.
“i see the way they look at you,” he murmurs. “the way they fucking touch you. and you just… let them.”
you’re stunned into silence, your mind racing to catch up with what’s happening. mingyu’s jealous. of you. of the way you are with other guys. it doesn’t even make sense—you barely interact with him, let alone give him any reason to feel this way. but there’s no mistaking the possessiveness in his voice, the way his fingers tighten slightly against your skin.
“i’m not—i don’t—” you stammer, trying to find the words, but mingyu’s already moving again, his lips brushing against yours, softly at first, almost like he doesn't wants to scare you. but then he kisses you hard, his hand sliding down to your waist, pulling you against him as his tongue slips into your mouth. the kiss is desperate, almost angry.
you moan into the kiss, your hands instinctively reaching up to grip his shirt, pulling him closer. mingyu groans against your lips, his hand sliding down to your ass, squeezing roughly as he presses his hips against yours. you can feel how hard he is through his pants.
when he finally pulls back, both of you are breathing heavily, your lips swollen and wet from the the kiss. mingyu’s grip on your waist almost bruising as he stares down at you. “nobody else gets to fucking touch you like this. got it?”
you nod weakly, too overwhelmed to do anything else. mingyu’s lips crash against yours again, and this time it’s even rougher, his hands roaming your body like he can’t get enough of you. he breaks the kiss just long enough to tug your shirt over your head, his hands immediately moving to your breasts, squeezing them roughly as he groans into your neck.
“fuck, you’re so fucking perfect, did you know that? bet you do.” he mutters, his breath hot against your skin as his hands slide down to your pants, quickly unbuttoning them and shoving them down your legs. you’re left standing in just your underwear, and mingyu’s eyes darken even more as he takes in the sight of you, his lips curling into a smirk. his hand slides down to cup your pussy through your panties. you can’t help but moan, your body arching into his touch. mingyu’s smirk grows wider, and he presses his fingers harder against your clit, rubbing slow, teasing circles that have you panting and writhing against him.
“say it,” he demands, his voice rough as he leans down to kiss your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. “say you want me.”
“i want you,” you gasp, your hands clutching at his shoulders as he continues to tease you. “mingyu, please…”
“fuck,” he groans, his hands moving to yank your panties down before he lifts you up, carrying you over to the counter and setting you down on it. you barely have time to process what’s happening before he’s kneeling between your legs, his mouth on your pussy, licking and sucking.
you cry out, your hands flying to his hair as you throw your head back. mingyu growls against you, his tongue flicking over your clit, wet and filthy.
“you taste so fucking good,” he mutters, his voice muffled as he devours you, his hands gripping your thighs tightly to keep you in place. “i could eat you all fucking night.”
he stands up then, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looks down at you with a smug grin. he pulls you to the edge of the counter, lining himself. mingyu's hands grip your waist as he presses his cock against you, teasing you with slow thrusts that have your thighs trembling. when he finally pushes in, the stretch is almost too much. he’s big—bigger than you expected—and the way he fills you has a choked moan escaping your lips before you can stop it. you slap a hand over your mouth, eyes wide, feeling the heat flood your cheeks as embarrassment starts to creep in.
mingyu notices immediately, his brow quirking in that cocky way of his as he watches you struggle to hold back your sounds. “nah, none of that, princess,” he grabs your wrist, pulling your hand away from your mouth. “i wanna hear you. don’t hide from me.”
he lowers his head, mouth latching onto your nipple, sucking and licking in slow, wet circles that have you gasping. the stimulation has your back arching, your body betraying you as a loud moan slips out. “that’s it,” he groans against your skin, thrusting deeper into you, making your head spin. “so fucking pretty when you moan for me.”
you’re overwhelmed—his mouth on your tits, the way he’s thrusting hard and deep, filling you so perfectly. you barely notice the way your body’s moving, writhing under him, the counter cold against your bare skin, and you realize—fuck—you’re not alone in the house. the thought slams into you like a brick wall, and you push weakly against mingyu’s chest, your voice trembling.
“m-mingyu,” you stutter, your hand pressing against his firm chest, trying to get his attention. he freezes immediately, his hips stilling as he looks down at you “what’s wrong? did i hurt you?”
you shake your head quickly, biting your lip, your heart racing as you whisper, “there’s—there’s people. we’re not… we’re not alone.”
for a moment, mingyu stares at you, and then he bursts out laughing, the sound throaty, rumbling in his chest. “oh, baby,” he says, grinning as he brushes a strand of hair from your face. “i already kicked everyone out. it’s just you and me now. so relax, okay?”
the relief soaks over you, and your body melts into the counter. mingyu chuckles, his hands sliding down your sides, thumbs brushing your hips. “there you go,” he murmurs, his voice soft. “now, just relax f’me, princess. let me take care of you.”
his hand snakes between your legs, fingers finding your clit, rubbing slow, tight circles that have your hips bucking up into him. you moan, your elbows giving out behind you, making you arch your back from the cold counter. mingyu watches you, “fuck, you look so good like this,” he groans, thrusting hard and fast into you, balls slapping your ass, echoing on his kitchen walls.
you’re too far gone to respond, your head spinning as you feel yourself clench around him. you can’t stop the moan that tears from your throat, your whole body trembling from the strength of his thrusts. mingyu’s grunts mix with your whimpers, and you feel like you’re on the verge of something explosive, that you can barely breathe.
and then he does something—thrusts deep and grinds against you, his hips rolling in a way that hits you just right, and you gasp, your breath catching in your throat. your eyes roll back, your mouth hanging open, and for a second, you’re not even sure if you can breathe.
mingyu freezes, his hand stilling on your clit as he watches you, “hey, hey, you okay?” he asks, his voice quiet but gentle as he strokes your cheek, trying to bring you back. “breathe, baby.”
you nod weakly, gasping for air, but the way he’s looking at you—like he knows exactly what he just did to you—makes your stomach flip, the arousal pooling even more between your legs.
he chuckles, his lips curling into a smug smile as he pulls out slightly, only to thrust back in, harder this time. you choke on a moan, your body arching into him as the pleasure crashes over you like a tidal wave.
“yeah? that feel good?” mingyu growls, he starts moving again, picking up the pace, thrusting into you with a rhythm that has you curling your toes. “fuck, i knew you’d like that. let’s see if you can handle it again.”
he grinds his hips against you, hitting that spot over and over, you’re trembling, your legs shaking as you cling to him, your nails digging into his back. it’s too much, too intense, but you can’t stop, can’t even think about stopping.
“mingyu,” you gasp, you feel the coil in your stomach tighten, winding tighter and tighter with every thrust. “i’m—fuck, i’m gonna—”
“cum for me,” he groans, his fingers rubbing your clit faster, his hips slamming into yours. “cum all over my cock, princess. show me how good you feel.”
his words send you over the edge, your orgasm hitting you under his command, your body convulsing as you cry out, your voice breaking as your vision blurs, the world spinning around you. mingyu doesn’t stop, fucking you through your orgasm. his pace quickens, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chases his own orgasm. you can feel him pulsating inside you, his cock twitching, growing thicker inside you as if he was ready to explode.
“mingyu, please,” you whimper, your voice hoarse as you cling to him, your body too sensitive, too overwhelmed. “i can’t—i can’t take it anymore.” mingyu’s grip tightens, his rough hand slipping to wrap around your throat, just firm enough to make your breath hitch, pushing you back into the counter when you try to rise. “almost there, baby,” he pants, his voice rough and hoarse, edged with desperation as his hips slam into you again and again. he’s so close, you can feel it, his thrusts sloppy and erratic.
you barely even register the overstimulation, your body too far gone, too sensitive, too full. every thrust feels like it’s pulling you apart, but fuck, it feels so good you can’t even find it in yourself to complain. instead, a dumb, satisfied smile starts to tug at your lips, your head spinning as mingyu fucks you deeper into the counter, his cock dragging against your walls, stretching you out in ways that have your brain melting into a pile of mush. he’s panting hard now, his breath coming out in shaky gasps, and you can hear the faintest little whines slipping from his throat. mingyu, the guy you’ve been lowkey crushing on for what feels like forever, is fucking you so nasty in his kitchen—your mingyu, usually so composed, moaning like a bitch as he loses himself in the feeling of your tight, dripping pussy.
“fuck, look at you,” he mutters, his voice wrecked as his hand slides from your throat to cup your jaw, forcing your head up so you’re looking into his eyes. “you’re smiling like a dumb little slut, huh? feels good, baby?”
you don’t answer—can’t answer—the words caught in your throat as he fucks you harder, his cock stretching you to your limit, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. the heavy weight of him inside you, the way his thick cock weighs down, presses deep into your slick, swollen cunt, makes you dizzy. your honey’s sticking to his pelvis, every thrust coating his skin in your wetness, slick and messy and so fucking obscene. you’re lost in it, him filling you up so completely, so perfectly, and your body reacts without thinking—arching into him, pulling him closer, as though you need even more, even though you know you can’t take it. but fuck, you want it. you want everything he has to give, every rough, deep thrust that makes your toes curl and your mind blank out.
“mingyu—” you manage to choke out, but it comes out more as a moan than anything coherent. the way he’s moving inside you is almost too much, the pressure, the friction, the way his hips grind into you with every thrust—each one pulling a shaky gasp from your lips.
his hand on your jaw tightens just enough to make you focus. “yeah?” he breathes, his chest heaving with effort, his lips brushing your ear as he groans. “say it. tell me how good i’m fucking you.”
you don’t even need to think. the words spill out of you like they’ve been waiting for this moment forever. “fuck, mingyu, so good—” you gasp, your voice shaking as he hits that spot deep inside you, over and over again. “you’re fucking me so good.”
he moans at that, his cock twitching inside you as if your words were all he needed to make him cum, you can feel him starting to unravel, the control slipping away, and that’s what gets you, that’s what pushes you over the line—seeing mingyu, your crush, losing his shit over you, fucking you like he’s about to die if he doesn't. “almost there, baby,” he groans, his voice rough and broken as he leans down, his lips grazing your collarbone. “just a little more—fuck, i can feel you, you’re so close. gimme one more, yeah?”
you can’t say no, not to him, not to his cock that is stretching you open and making you feel so damn full. and then you feel it—a jaw-dropper pleasure so strong it almost knocks the breath out of you.
“fuck—mingyu—” you gasp, your body shaking, legs trembling as you feel the orgasm slam into you again, wetter this time. your pussy clenches around him, your vision blurring as you cry out, your voice breaking.
mingyu’s breath stutters, his hips faltering for just a second before he starts to thrust even harder, “shit—fuck—” he groans, his voice tight and ragged, he slams into you one last time. his whole body trembles, and you feel it when he finally lets go, when he spills inside you with a whiny moan.
you’re both panting, mingyu’s body collapsing against yours, head laid between your boobs, the weight of him pressing you into the counter, his cock still buried deep inside you as he comes down from the high. then he raises up his face, looking you with the charming smile with the two sharp fangs shining at you, his eyes all nasty, before he bites one of your nipples.
“god, mingyu!”
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foreverlittlesoshi · 2 days
i mean camaraderie
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noah sebastian x reader
content warning: smut, rough / harsh sex, belly bulge, size kink, fingering, noah is pretty much just a pleasure dom honestly
word count: 1.6k
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The loud sound of the front door being slammed let Noah know immediately you were in a bad mood. Must’ve been pretty bad he thought to himself and let out a sigh as he could hear you screaming into a pillow since the apartment walls were thin. 
He made his way to your bedroom door, knocking lightly and waited for an answer. The sound of your mumbling made him nervous but he just wanted to check on you and made sure you weren’t gonna destroy your vocal cords from screaming so much.
“WHAT?!” “Woah, what’s wrong?” He asks, raising his hands in defense and you immediately feel bad. “I’m sorry, the date was just-ugh.” you explained and he just chuckled.
“Was it really that bad?” You couldn’t help but start ranting about how the dude was a complete narcissist misogynistic asshole even though you tried so hard to deal with it to get a quick fuck. You didn’t even hesitate to complain about how badly you needed it because it was ovulation week and it was killing you.
“Are you serious?” he scoffed, “You went out with a complete stranger when i was here the whole time?”
He wasn’t wrong. Everyone could just smell the sexual tension between you two, even past boyfriends or girlfriends and hell, even flings could. It would be a lie if you denied ever thinking about him in that way but you always pushed those feelings aside so it would never be awkward. Fuck, why did he have to be so attractive? 
“You’re so fuckin lucky that i need dick so badly or else i’d turn you away.” You tell him as you grabbed him and pulled him into your room, slamming the door shut. Hopefully Jolly will come home late tonight. A rough kiss makes you moan softly, his large tattooed hand holds your face, and he tilts your head slightly trying to kiss you deeper as his tongue enters your mouth. Pushing him down on the bed, knees buckling as you sat on his lap and could feel him getting hard. 
“Damn,” he breaks away from the kiss, “You weren’t lying.” Whining at him as you kiss him again, Noah then gently tugs at your hair causing you to pull away and let out a sigh of pleasure. “So fuckin needy for my cock, aren’t you?” 
“Don’t start talking like that.” Breathlessly telling him, grinding on him to feel some type of friction. “Awww, why not?” his taunting didn’t help, tugging again while his other hand trailed under your dress. “ Because I’ll cum way sooner than I plan to.” You informed him and tugged at his hair causing him to hiss as his eyes closed from the pleasure. As much as he knew this probably didn’t mean much to you besides a quick fuck, he couldn’t help but think of it much deeper. Was it because he always felt something more for you or was it because of how fuckin cute you looked in that short red & black velvet dress?
Removing each of your hands from each other, you reached behind to unzip the dress and let it fall around your hips. Your mind is blank as he pushes you onto your bed, removing your clothes and pulls you into another kiss, softer but still passionate. Feeling his hands and fingers roam your body makes you shudder as he pulls away. Noah settled himself between your legs, running a finger along your slit and rubbing his thumb in circles on your clit. Hips and knees are buckling from just the tiniest bit of stimulation, both of you groaning at the sensation of his finger sinking into you and just taking in the feeling of his finger, thicker and longer than your own and reaching places you couldn’t. 
“Fucking hell, Noah.” your voice sounded like you were on the verge of crying. If you were already this fucked out from his finger how were you gonna be due to his dick? He rested his other hand on your right thigh and squeezed, trying to help you back down to earth but with him entering another finger didn’t help and it just caused you to go more light headed as he pumped them.
“Hey, don’t go dumb just yet.” Shivering as his hand touched your cheek, eyes fluttering open and kissing him. 
“Please just fuck me. I can’t stand this anymore.” Begging him as he pulled away and he lifted himself up to tug off his shirt. You couldn’t help yourself as you caressed his chest, lightly dragging a finger to trace some tattoos and the sight of his bulge making you whine.
As he removed his boxer, you weren’t expecting him to be so big. I mean you had thought it was but actually seeing it made you anxious. It was actually pretty and didn't look like a mushroom wearing a skin hat.
“You plan on using lube?” He laughed at your question. “I’m serious. You’re the biggest I’ll probably ever take or have.” 
“C’mon, I’ll fit.” You just scoffed. 
“Let’s test it real quick then. Get up here.” He shrugged then positioned himself between your legs and lined his size against your stomach. Right at your navel was his tip, precum dripping right in your belly button and it made you whimper again.
“Noah, I don’t know about this.” “How about this, just the tip and it’s up to you when you can take more?” It shouldn’t be surprising that he was being thoughtful but it made your heart swell with how understanding he was. “Deal.”
He gave you a quick peck before letting his spit fall directly on your hole, shivering at the feeling of the warmth and feeling his tip run through your folds, his tip slightly pushing into you and already feeling the pain. Digging your nails right into his forearm and you could feel yourself break his skin but you didn’t mean to, it’s not like you expected him to be this fuckin big. He just rested there while you did your best to relax and get used to the feeling.
“You know what?” You groaned out. 
“What?” He was worried you changed your mind about the whole thing.
“I’m probably gonna regret this but just go balls deep.” “Are you sure?” Absolutely not but it’s just better to get this pain over with.
“Yes please.” 
Just the feeling of him pushing himself just a little bit more in made you feel so like you were genuinely being split in half so when his pelvis met your own, your head fell back against the pillow and felt so full. 
“Are you still with me?” “Mhm, just please fuck me now.” The feeling of pleasure taking control over you again. 
“Whatever you want princess.” Not even looking at him, you could hear the smirk in his voice and you almost snapped back at him until he pushed your knees near your head and it caused you to literally scream. 
The way he angles his hips makes you feel the merciless rhythm,  deciding today was a good day to try and completely obliterate your cervix. You could feel the tears streaming down your cheeks, brain feeling so fuzzy and Noah clouded any thought you could form. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. The way you looked as you got fucked stupid made you look so beautiful. The way your hair was disheveled, face flushed, eyebrows furrowed with pleasure and the little whines of his name leaving your lips. His eyes trailed down your body, the little bump that would appear as he thrusted into you made him want to cum right then and there.
“Wanna feel something?” You nodded weakly. 
Feeling his hand guide yours to your belly and you could feel the bulge of his cock from inside of you.
“Noah.” is the only word you could whine and for some reason, that awoke something in him. He pulled out then flipped you over and slammed back into you, hips slamming into your ass at a bruising force and honestly thought you could feel him ever deeper than before. His moans sounded so guttural at first but as he got closer to finally cumming, he got so whiny and you couldn’t help but have a slight thought that he was so cute.
 “How can you still be so tight? Please tell me you’re close? I’m about to cum. Oh f-fuck,I’m gonna cum. Please cum first.” 
Hearing him whine made you clench around him tighter as you finally came, screaming and crying out his name.Noah then pulled out and flipped you onto your back again making you overstimulated as he leans down into the side of your neck,he slams into you one more time before his hips finally stutter and feel him paint your inside with his cum as he bites your neck harshly causing you to let out one final moan. 
Even with the cloudiness in your brain, you still felt Noah lift himself up, an audible pop could be heard as he slid his cock out of you and the stickiness of the mix of cum leaking out made you cringe just a bit.
“Don’t make that face.” His chest was heaving, “Honestly, it’s hot.”
You weakly chuckled at him,” You’re not wrong but i’m already sweaty as fuck so this just makes me feel gross. Also, you’re a fucking dumbass.”
“Hold up, I just gave you the best dick you could’ve ever imagined and you’re insulting me?”
“I am because I didn’t think you would actually cum in me. I told you during my ranting that I was ovulating!” You remind him as you lightly slapped him.
“You act like we can’t go get the morning after pill.” He tells you.
“I don’t think I can walk because of you. So get your ass moving.” Groaning as he stands up and pulls his boxers back on then gets dressed. “Fine but I expect some cuddles when I get back.” 
“Of course.” 
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A/N - this took me over a day to finish because fuck walmart also if it's not clear, yeah jolly didn't come home.
by the way, i based the height of the reader on myself since i’m 4’10 but obviously this could go for any height since noah is 6’3
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clockwayswrites · 15 hours
Cozytober Day 4: "Thank you for putting up with me."
“Walls?” Danny prompted after another few sips. “Filtering?”
“Oh, sure. Stay upright for a moment,” Jason ordered.
He leaned forward enough to snag his work bag and rifle around for his tablet. Danny gamely stayed upright, but slumped back against Jason as soon as he could. To his credit, Jason juggled Danny, his own hot chocolate, and the table with ease.
Soon the wall’s specs were pulled up on the screen and Jason was chatting away about everything that worked and didn’t work with the current construction of the walls. There was no denying that Gotham had particular needs with freak weather changes, temperamental plants, and poisonous gases. But it was good to see Jason so excited about this start.
By the time that the mugs were long empty and Jason as running out of steam, Danny took a deep breath and it came easily. There were no more words or worries or frustrations clogging up his throat. There was just him. He closed his eyes and let out the breath slowly.
Jason stopped talking and pressed a light kiss to Danny’s temple. “Hey there.”
“Hey,” Danny said with a soft smile. “Sorry about the silent invasion. I know I didn’t exactly give you a heads up.”
“Coming home to find you in my bed is never a bad thing,” Jason said. He leaned forward to set his things on the coffee table before taking Danny’s empty mug too. “Besides, I didn’t add you to my door code for you not to visit. You’re always welcome here, boo.”
“A dangerous offer,” Danny said.
“I know what I’m getting into,” Jason replied. He pressed another kiss to Danny’s forehead before he took the mugs to the kitchen.
Danny stretched slowly. “Lies. I am a man of mystery!”
“Danny,” Jason said, giving a dry look from over the kitchen island. “You spilled being a Meta two weeks into us knowing each other.”
“I’m not a Meta, it’s a medical condition, and besides, you were so worried about me getting randomly killed on the streets of Gotham. I had to do something to reassure you!” Danny made himself get off the couch. He grabbed Jason’s work bag and took it over to where it normally hung by the door. He fished the folder out of the front pocket—work Jason would insist on doing over the weekend—and took it to the desk that sat in front of one massive window bays.
“Not a man of mystery.”
“I could have secrets! I could have lots of secrets.”
“Yeah, and what’s one of them.”
“I,” Danny started as he made his way to Jason, “would kill for your hot chocolate.”
Jason laughed and wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist. “Not a secret, and please don’t. I would be forced to cover up the murder and then various members of my family would give me that disappointed look.”
“Your family always sounds so interesting.”
“You could meet them yourself at dinner tomorrow.”
Danny froze. Danny froze and he knew Jason felt it by the the way his brows drew together and his mouth twitched almost into a frown.
“I’m sorry—” Danny started at the same time as Jason tried to say, “Forget I said anything.”
They both closed their mouths with a snap.
Danny broke the silence with a sigh. “I just… soon, okay? I just want to be… better.”
“You don’t have to be better, Danny. They’d love you just like this.”
Danny shook his head. “I just… can’t. I know you want me to meet them, but I just can’t yet. I know it’s… I know that… just…”
Jason quieted Danny with a kiss. “It’s okay Danny, when you’re ready.”
“Thanks for putting up with me.”
“I’m not ‘putting up with you’, Danny,” Jason said. “Giving you room isn’t putting up with you. I like who you are. And I know you aren’t ready, but my family would too. We’re all fuck ups, we’ve got no room to judge anyone.”
Danny gave a little startled snort of laughter. “You’re all Waynes.”
“And the Waynes are fucked up. We’ve been in Gotham too long, fucked up is part of the DNA.”
“You’re adopted.”
--- AN: Danny, poking at Jason's hyperfixation to have some calming chatter.
Gods I've missed writing these two ;-;
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toadtoru · 2 days
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thursday we grow old together
part of alba's fluff week
pairing: satoru gojo x gn! reader contents: tooth-rotting fluff, he calls you baby wordcount: 550
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The words “I love you” have never been hard to say for Satoru Gojo. They're just like any other word. He supposes the meaning attached to them just isn’t quite the same for him as it is for everyone else. 
They’ve never quite sounded right on his tongue. As if they’re an imitation, and never quite the real thing. As if he’s playing make-believe, trying to sell himself as something he isn’t. 
The Strongest doesn’t have time for love. 
Until you came along. 
Your name sounds like poetry on his tongue. Like waves in the ocean or leaves blowing in the wind. 
Sure, “I love you” are just words, but every word Satoru has ever spoken to you has been laced with love in every single syllable. 
Every action, every promise, every kiss. 
“You have a white hair.”
It’s hard to stop the smile stretching across his face as he leans down and rests his face in the crook of your neck, tickling you with a head full of white hair. You giggle, reaching up and running your fingers through it, settling on his undercut. 
Long, strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into him. 
“Literally all of my hair is white, dummy,” he replies to your teasing, and you giggle, pretending to inspect his hair, running your fingers through the locks, before giving him a kiss. 
“No, I really think you’re turning old, Toru, these aren’t like your other—” 
You gasp when you’re pulled off the ground and thrown onto your couch, Satoru quickly moving to trap you underneath him. 
Blue eyes travel across your face, twinkling with love as a hand comes up and cups your cheek. 
“Is that a wrinkle I see?” He asks, and you open your mouth in fake offence, putting a hand to your chest in exasperation. 
“Oh, no!” you say, and Satoru nods dramatically. 
“It’s bad, baby, really bad, like a cliff in your forehead,” he states, and you can’t help but snort, swatting his hand away from your face. Satoru giggles, kissing your cheek before settling on top of you, making sure not to squeeze you as he rests his head on your chest. 
You hum, once again running our fingers through his hair. Satoru sighs, melting into your embrace. 
Satoru has never considered the possibility of getting old. Always too caught up in the now, in the duty of it all. 
But growing old with you, getting wrinkly and weird and rusty in the joints—all seems worth it if he gets to spend this time with you. 
“I love you,” he mutters, and he’s surprised by the ease of it all—how it rolls off his tongue so smoothly, how it doesn't leave a weird ache in his chest. It just makes him feel full.
“I love you too,” you whisper, and Satoru feels warm, warm and high. Even though he had to work to get here, that letting go of his title and finding himself has been a long journey, and he surely still has years of letting go and forgiving in front of him, being here with you now is all he could want. 
So he gives himself in, hands himself over, and caves in. Wrapping himself in a blanket of your love. 
“I can’t wait to grow old with you.”
“Me neither, Toru,” 
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thank you for reading!
only proof-read like two times so i apologize for any mistakes. :d
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janeyseymour · 3 days
Sweet Like Honey
Summary: a request from a long time ago that the reader has bad anxiety. The staff begins to talk about R and her life choices... Melissa finds out and takes matters into her own hands.
WC: ~3.75k
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Growing up with debilitating anxiety was not fun. From the time you were young, you were anxious. You barely talked in school, social gatherings made you nervous, eating out in public made your heart race, being in new places was a huge challenge.
As you grew older, the smaller things became easier for you, but with age, other things became challenges. Dating was practically out of the question, and other anxieties filled the spots that you grew out of.
The idea of getting older and having to become an adult was daunting, but you managed. You surprised yourself in an odd way too- the profession you chose is known to be an anxiety-inducing one: teaching. And yet, you’re fantastic at it. Because when push comes to shove, everything you do is for the kids. It’s selfless, and you can put your anxieties aside when you’re looking out for someone that isn’t yourself.
Sure, things like parent-teacher conferences, open house nights, and the idea of having to go to social gatherings with your coworkers rattles you, but you’re a natural when it comes to working with the children.
The one thing that makes all of the stressors of teaching and life just the slightest bit easier? You’re married to the redheaded second grade teacher. If anybody asked you, you would quickly tell them that you have no idea how you got Melissa Schemmenti to marry you. She is the exact opposite of you- strong and hardheaded, able to speak her mind, loud and crass. And yet the two of you fit perfectly together, and your marriage is one of the happier relationships you’ve seen. She’s able to help you stand up for yourself, and you have a way of keeping her calm and relaxed when she gets a bit too fired up about something.
Even with having your wonderful spouse at work with you, there are moments where she can’t quite be there for you in times of trouble. So it’s safe to say that some of the staff has caught you in moments that you can’t quite say are some of your best.
Barbara has caught you with your head in your hands on days where you’re stressed with teaching and also Melissa because she’s sick. Janine knows that you have a hard time when it comes to report cards because she’s had the unfortunate pleasure of finding you in the copy room practically ripping out your hair. Jacob and Mr. Morton have witnessed tears during periods of classroom buddy times. Ava has seen you in tears more times than you are willing to admit. Gregory, as your grade level partner, has come to realize that planning things out and things not going to plan induce more anxiety in you than it does in him, and that’s saying a lot. And Melissa sees all of this, and then some when the two of you are in the comfort of your own home. There have been many nights that end with you curled up next to her, tears drying on your face as she holds you and promises you that everything will be okay.
Today is… it isn’t a great day. You wake up in a sweat because of an anxiety riddled dream about only God knows what (you wish you could remember). Your wife asks you to drive to work today, which is quite uncommon. The redhead knows that you aren’t necessarily fond of driving in the city, especially during rush hours, but her head hurts. So you nod nervously and just barely got the two of you to school today without any tears. Then during the staff meeting, Ava dumps a shit ton of new information on you that makes you want to cry. And then after, a few of the other teachers ask questions that only make your anxiety worse about having to carry out these new testing periods, and your tears do begin to fall.
You feel a gentle squeeze of your hand as the pad of your wife’s thumb wipes your tears. She looks at you with those warm, comforting eyes that she saves for when you need to be grounded. All you can do is nod half-heartedly and look down in your lap for the rest of the staff meeting.
As soon as the faculty is dismissed from the library, you’re out of your seat and booking it down to your classroom. Melissa follows you silently, and as soon as you’re in the confines of your own classroom with the door closed, your tears begin to fall at a rapid pace. When your wife asks you to talk about what has you so overwhelmed, you reduced to small gasps for air as she strokes your hair softly and coaches you through different breathing exercises. Only once you’ve come down from a mild anxiety attack do you let out your fears.
“I’m going to fail,” you whisper. “I don’t want to fail.”
She frowns, and the lines in her forehead only deepen as she looks at you with a sadness in her eyes. “Honey, you won’t fail. You never do.”
“It’s becoming too much,” you say shakily. “When I became a teacher, I- I wasn’t expecting it to be this hard.”
“Amore,” the redhead sighs softly as her soft hands begin to trace patterns on your shoulder. “How many times have we been thrown curveballs working here?”
You shrug your shoulders up and down and give her a pitiful look. “A lot.”
“And we always make it through, yeah? Even when it gets hard, we always lean on each other and get it done, right?”
You nod your head, just barely.
“So what would make this situation any different?”
“We- we’re getting new programs for all of our core subjects, we have to learn all new testing and data methods, and-”
“And we’re going to be just fine. We always break it down into smaller tasks so it isn’t as daunting, and we always have each other and the rest of the group to help us out, right?”
“Right,” you huff quietly. “But I-”
“Hun, I get that you’re nervous about this. Hell, so am I, if I’m being honest. But we’re going to be okay. We always are,” Melissa promises you with a soft kiss to the temple.
“You’re right,” you tell your wife with the smallest smile.
The corners of her lips turn upwards, and she presses another warm kiss to your hairline. “When are you just going to admit that I’m always right?” she teases you.
“Well,” you chuckle through the last of your tears. “There was that one time…”
Green eyes are rolled playfully. “And you’ll never let me forget it. Now, how about we go meet with the group and try to figure out the important bits of all the convoluted shit Ava was yappin’ on about?”
You take a deep breath and shake your hands out before standing from your chair and putting on a brave face.
After this morning’s episode, your friends are a lot more gentle with you. Any time that the two of you are together, your wife is by your side trying to provide as much silent comfort as possible.
Unfortunately for you, your lunch was taken from you by a student issue, so the only time for you to eat is during your preparation period while your students are in gym class. And while your kids have gym, your wife is busy teaching her children about only God knows what- math, but how is she teaching it is a wonder to you. You take the long way around the school just to get a glimpse into her classroom, and you can see her sitting at her desk with a soft smile as she helps one of her students. It makes your heart warm. And then you’re on your way to the staff lounge to retrieve some of the leftover polenta your wife had made for dinner the previous night.
Right before you push the door open though, you can hear the third grade teachers chatting. And they’re… they’re talking about you. 
“Don’t you just think it’s weird that a woman with that much anxiety about… literally everything is a teacher?” you can hear one of the women say.
You hear collective hums. And then another teacher pipes up. “And it’s even weirder to see Schemmenti go all soft for her… That ain’t the Melissa we started with.”
“That’s for damn sure.”
“How do you think that one ended up with her?”
“That’s the million dollar question,” another laughs. “I know it wasn’t Y/N. She was probably scared to shit the first time Melissa even tried to talk to her.”
“I kinda miss scary Schemmenti,” an older teacher says. “Those were the days… threatening parents and grandparents. Where’d that one go? Now she’s soft as hell.”
“Well, when you end up with someone like that-“ You can practically hear the disgust in your colleagues voice. “-You can’t be like that anymore. You gotta turn into Miss Honey or she’d lose her shit damn near every day. Pathetic. Holding her back, really.”
“It’s a damn shame,” the first teacher says. “I used to respect the hell outta Schemmenti for not lettin’ no one get in her way, but now… about as soft as Barbara Howard.”
Instinctively, you want to cry. But you know you can’t do that. You have to get your lunch, and then you can’t go fall into the arms of your wife. You have to return back to your own classroom and attempt to look at the new curriculum, despite the fact that it makes your heart rate skyrocket to even think about it. And now that you know what people think of the two of you… you almost don’t want to. You want to prove to them… and maybe yourself, that you’re a lot more than what they think of you.
So, with a soft smile, you push the door open and give your colleagues a wave. Your lunch is retrieved quickly, and you make your way out with nothing else said.
As the door is closing, you can hear one of them ask, “Do you think she heard us?”
“If she did, she’d be in tears. I think we’re good.”
You did. You heard everything they said, and you silently grin victoriously- you didn’t let the tears fall down your face like they so desperately wanted to.
Only once you’re in the confines of your classroom do you let the sobs that want to rack your body out. You allow yourself to feel everything, even as you scroll through page after page of information on your computer. And ten minutes before you have to pick your kids up from specials, you pull yourself together and ensure in that you look put together enough to go out into the hallways and have no one suspect a thing.
You make it through the rest of the day unscathed and without any trace of tears or suspicion that you’re upset with anything. You see the kids out for the day with a smile on your face, and when you catch a glance at your wife during dismissal, she smiles at you broadly. It’s clear to you that she was not expecting you to be in such high spirits what with everything happening at the school lately- and she doesn’t even know what you had overheard earlier in the day.
You’re even able to manage to keep that smile on your face as Melissa drives home. You don’t speak anything of the lunch room conversation, allowing her to believe that everything was perfect and beautiful.
And when the redhead pulls into the driveway and brings your knuckles up to her lips, you practically melt.
Over dinner, she does ask how you’re faring with the new curriculum. As opposed to bursting into tears and becoming an anxiety riddled mess like she expects you to, you give her the most confident smile you can muster up.
“I’ll be fine,” you tell her.
Melissa raises her brow. That was not what she was expecting. It’s clear your wife was ready to hold you through the rest of the night while you spiraled, as you tend to do when routines and normalities are changed in your life. 
“That’s good, hun,” she tells you, although it’s clear she’s trying to see if you’re being serious. 
You just nod along before helping to clean up dinner that night.
As you settle on the couch, you don’t sit quite as close to your wife as you usually would. On a normal night, you practically curl into her side and lounge across her. But after today, you think that maybe you need to back off.
In bed, you’re used to wrapping an arm around Melissa and falling asleep with a mouthful of red hair. But tonight, you lay in your own space.
“What’re you doing?” the woman you married asks.
You just turn to face her, brows creased. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you usually snuggle up,” Melissa tells you.
You shrug softly. “‘m hot tonight.”
That gets the second grade teacher to prop herself up on her elbows. She frowns. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Just hot,” you sigh softly. “I’m fine. Go to bed, hun.”
Your wife eyes you suspiciously for a few seconds before sighing. She leans over to kiss you. “Goodnight. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The days continue on like this- you pretending that you’re more than fine. In reality, your anxiety spikes everyday more so than usual. But you fight off those feelings of nervousness and continue to put on a brave face.
It takes Melissa a week of your unusual confidence to finally confront you about the distancing you’ve been doing. You’ve been taking your lunch during your preparation period, you haven’t brought up the fact that you’re stressed about the new systems being put into place at work, you don’t cozy up to her on the couch or in bed anymore. It’s… what is happening? Are you mad at her?
“So,” your wife sighs quietly once you’ve changed into pajamas and are sitting on the couch together to watch whatever is on. You turn to look at her. “Are you mad at me?”
Your brows furrow, and you shake your head. “No? Why would I be mad at you, babe?”
“I dunno,” Melissa shrugs. She takes your hand gently. “I just feel like you’ve been distancing yourself from me since last Tuesday.”
“No,” you say immediately. “I’m not mad at you, and I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been distancing myself.”
“Why are you?” your wife asks softly.
“Why am I what?”
“Distancing yourself…” The redhead trails off before sighing and fiddling with her fingers. “Not showin’ up to eat lunch together, or not talkin’ to me really, or bein’ close to me.”
“I-“ Your eyes flit to hers, and you can see she’s wounded by your actions, or lack thereof. “I’ve just been busy, honey.”
“Doing?” Melissa prompts.
You shrug. “Trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do with these new systems and all.”
Melissa quirks her lips. “We usually do that together.”
“I figured I would try to figure it out,” you tell her quietly. “Y-you know?”
Green eyes look to yours. “We usually do it together,” she repeats. “So you don’t get so stressed you can’t eat or nothin’.”
“I’ve been eating,” you argue weakly. “And I just wanted to… try to figure it out for us so that you could keep up with your students, and I wouldn’t hold you back.”
“Hold me back?” Your wife’s eyes get big. “What the hell does that mean?”
You shrug and finally dare to look at her for more than a split second. She sees in that instant that something happened to have you feeling this way.
“What happened, mi amore?”
Whatever was holding you together this entire week breaks, and you crumble. You tell her how you’ve been concerned with work, but also that you heard the teachers questioning your choice in becoming a teacher despite your near debilitating anxiety issues. You see the way Melissa angrily clenches and unclenches her jaw as you tell her these things.
And then you whisper, “And they were questioning how the two of us ever got together.”
“Why the hell would they do that?” Your wife’s eyes fill with fire. “They ain’t got no business talking about-”
“Said that since we got together, you haven’t been the Melissa they started with,” you hiccup out. “Th- that to be with someone like me, you have to be like Miss Honey, or I’d lose my shit everyday, and I-”
“Jesus Christ,” Melissa grumbles as she pulls you into her arms and holds you close. “I swear to God, tomorrow I’m ripping someone a-”
“And so it got me think- thinking,” you mumble. “That I’m not good enough for you if you can’t be the tough Schemmenti that you are deep down… that I’m just holding you back from finding a true love and happiness.”
You feel a soft hand cup your cheek, and you’re forced to look into emerald eyes filled with so much love and determination. “Mi amore, I want you to understand one thing: You are more than enough for me.”
“But what if-”
“There is no if,” your wife tells you firmly. “You are more than enough for me, and you do not hold me back. You make me better. I am the happiest that I’ve ever been with you right by my side for these last years.”
“But you used to be so respected because you were tough, and now you’re…”
“A little softer, yes,” Melissa smiles at you. “But I wouldn’t change that shit for the world if it means I get to have you by my side. And if these people want a tough Schemmenti, they’re sure as hell gonna get her now that I know they’re saying shit like this.”
“Mel, it’s fine,” you whisper. “I’ll be fine, just like you always tell me.”
“You might be fine, but they ain’t. No way they go around talking about you and questioning your teaching abilities, and then our marriage.”
That night, you find your place back into your wife’s arms as you crawl into bed. As your drifting off, she kisses your head and tells you that you’re it for her- there is no better than you. You get the best night’s sleep that you have in a week. It feels good to be held again.
The next day, you fall back into your old routine, but you have to admit you’re a bit of a nervous mess to walk back into Abbott knowing your wife could go off at any point when she realizes who was talking about the two of you.
It doesn’t take her long. You’re both sitting there enjoying your morning cups of coffee, fingers interlaced, when the group of teachers who was gossiping about the two of you walks in. Your wife catches the way they roll their eyes before nudging each other in a playful manner. The teacher who stated that she missed the old Schemmenti snickers.
Melissa frowns. “You got something you wanna share with the class, Jodie?” 
The woman just hums. The second grade teacher looks to you, and a silent nod tells her that this is the group that you had overheard the other week.
“Oh, I think you do,” your wife smiles all too sweetly for the venom practically dripping out of her voice. “So, go ahead. Or would you rather I tell you what I know?”
“Lissa,” you tug on her arm gently. “Just leave it. It’s fine.”
Jodie smirks. It looks like because you’re going to calm your wife, she isn’t going to get the third degree. Oh, how wrong she is.
“So, why the hell were my and my wife’s names comin’ out of your mouths last week?” The redhead crosses her arms over her chest. She dares them to answer.
Your coworker opens and closes her mouth a few times, clearly looking for her words, but she comes up empty.
So Melissa jumps in. She practically jumps down your colleagues throats as she berates them for not only speaking of you in such a way, but for doing it where you could hear them. “You’re filling her head with a bunch of bullshit that she isn’t a good enough teacher, or-”
“Cause she’s not,” Jodie dares to huff.
Oh, if looks could kill. Barbara ends up coming in while your wife is screaming in the other teacher’s face, and she has to practically pull your wife out of the room kicking and screaming.
Your wife’s work wife is only able to hold her back for so long before Melissa comes storming back into the room. “And how dare you to go as far as questioning our marriage? Insinuating that she isn’t good enough for me, and then calling her pathetic? You thought I turned soft? Yeah, for her. For the rest of youse, watch it, because you don’t know who you’re messing with.” She points an accusatory finger at each of them, before turning to you. You watch as the anger disappears from her eyes. And for as rough and gravelly as her voice had been while she was addressing your coworkers, it turns straight to honey for you.
“C’mon babe,” Melissa stretches her hand out and takes yours gently in her own. “Leave these pathetic losers, and we can go enjoy our coffee in my room.”
Frozen in your place, you just continue to stare at the redhead. She- she’s terrifying when she’s pissed. But at the same time, she just defended your honor, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on. You’re only broken from your trance when you feel her arm wrap around your waist and begin to force you walk with her. You halt for a brief second, just to pick up your hot drinks, and then you’re on your way down the hall.
Your coworkers just stare at each other as they try to comprehend what just took place.
And your wife can say one thing: Melissa may have softened up as the years have gone on, but it doesn’t take much for her to bring back to rough and tumble side of her- especially when it comes to defending you.
Tags (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie
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Fellow turns around after feeling the distinct sensation of someone’s hand in his pocket.
“…ah. Shishishi~ Nice collections of wallets you’ve got there, mister! Aren’t they heavy? I swear I was just trying to help you lighten the load! Isn’t that right, Leona-san?” -Ruggie, caught red-handed.
“…” -Leona, just passing by and torn between narrowing his eyes at Fellow’s presence at NRC or putting a palm to his face, absolutely done with everything.
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So tell me, do you wanna go?
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“Hey now, hands off my pockets!” Fellow shooed the hyena off, keeping protecting hands over his wallets. “I earned these fair and square. Find some other suckers to prey on—and next time, be less obvious about it!”
“Nishishishishi! I dunno, Leona-san~ Ya think we should let this criminal run free?”
“Tch, hell if I care. Don’t get me involved in your personal squabbles. I ain’t cleanin’ up after ya.”
“Wow, harsh.” Ruggie swiveled to Fellow. “You see how he treats me? Awful. After I work my tail off for him, too. The Mystery Shop’s a better gig. Sam still makes me clean, but at least he pays me for my time.”
The emerald of Leona’s eyes cut narrow.
With an impish grin, Ruggie continued. “Geez~ Rich people seriously are the worst!”
“They are,” Fellow agreed in a grumble. He thought of his own employer—well, ex-employer—a shadowy man screaming abuse at him through the phone. “So full of themselves and entitled to service.”
“See, you get me!!” Ruggie elbowed him in the ribs. “Us poors gotta band together and rise up against’m. Let’s eat the rich!”
“Oi, Ruggie,” his dorm leader growled at last, “Quit talkin’ about me like I’m not standing right in front of you.”
“Aww, did I hurt your feelings, Leona-san?”
“Yeah, you’re really breaking my heart,” he drawled sarcastically. “I’m choking up over here.”
“Charming boss you’ve got here.” Fellow’s laugh as light as fairy floss. “I’ll bet he’s a riot with the snooty elites.”
“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe. Well, when he feels like turning on the charm. Works wonders for a distraction while I liberate them of their valuables~”
“Really! That’s usually my job. Sometimes I pull double duty. Giddie ain’t exactly good at keeping people’s attention or being slick with his hands.”
“You have a partner? Convincing Leona-san to play along’s like pulling teeth. He whines all the time and makes demands like some overgrown cub—”
“Ruggie,” Leona snapped. Low, threatening—a command to stay silent.
“My bad!! My lips are sealed!” the hyena pledged. He comically dipped into a bow and slunk back.
Leona stepped up.
Here comes the king.
The regal lion rolled his shoulders, inclining his head back—looking down on Fellow. “… Hey, scammer. I held my tongue before since you were slinking around town being sketchy—but now you’re in my territory, and I make the rules around here.
“I don’t care if you go around plucking wallets from unsuspecting herbivores. Just don’t cross me, not again. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll tread lightly. Got that?”
His tone was familiar. Assured and full of arrogance. A luxury afforded to this beat thanks to immense power and privilege.
Fellow gritted his teeth. He managed to force out a measured response, despite his surging hatred.
He knew this song and dance. How to keep his head down, how to swallow his pride and comply. Kowtowing was a skill, and Fellow had mastered it.
“Completely. I’ll be sure to stay out of your way, good sir!” he chirped with a pearly smile.
“Good. I’m glad we understand each other.”
Leona turned away, shoving his hands into his pockets. He strolled off without so much as another word or gesture.
Ruggie tore off after him. “Ah—wait up! You know I was just joking, right? Heeey, don’t ignore me, Leona-san!”
Fellow carefully watched their retreating figures. When their shaped had vanished entirely, he angrily kicked at the ground and shouted at the skies.
“I can’t stand these damn rich people!!”
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fictionalmenxyn · 11 hours
Frat!rafe is the type… (NSFW and language)
Frat!rafe is the type to greet you with a dap up then kiss each knuckle to show your not a bro but his girl.
Frat!rafe is the type to keep his arm loosely around your shoulder or waist till either a guy he doesn’t know or doesn’t like gets close. Then he be gripping on to you for dear life!
Frat!rafe is the type to occasionally give you temple kisses or cheek kisses around his frat guys. But pecks on the lips around other guys. Thinking you can’t tell, but you most definitely can.
Frat!rafe is the type to hug you from behind if you’re finishing up in class or you’re both working on a project together. He’d try to get your attention while you work.
Frat!rafe is the type of show off that he’s only showing of to you. If you both play sports, best believe he’s trying his hardest to show you his skills. If he sees you watching, he’s definitely sending a wink your way or a funny yet cringy mouthing ‘call me’ and doing the phone gesture. Already knowing he’s got you.
Frat!rafe is the type to get to know your friends better, so he knows you through and through. If you’re a big person when it comes to friendships. Best believe frat!rafe is getting close to your friends and becoming their friends. Showing you he respects your friendships and your beliefs. Also showing he can be supportive on your opinions and what you want.
Frat!rafe is the type to listen to the gossip!! This guy lives for it. He definitely won’t show it. But only you can know he loves it. So your daily trips to the frat house, can also brokke gossip seshs! He’d make sure to have your favourite snacks. Favourite drink. Everything. Just so he can know what girl hooked up with what guy or who fought who.
Frat!rafe is the type to practically cradle you in his arms as he listens to how your day was. Or if you have random rants. He’s a good listener, only for you. If it was one of the boys. It’s in one ear, out the other. But for you? Talk all day, he’s got ears for you. He’d nod, occasionally brush strands of hair out of your face. Occasionally kissing your forehead. Add little comments or thoughts, sometimes questions. He was smart when it came to you. He knew you better than yourself. So he’d know when to ask questions, to keep you talking longer. He loved your voice and your thoughts.
Frat!rafe is the type to buy small gifts, knowing you didn’t do expensive (unless you do, then that’s a different story). He’d buy small trinkets or things that ‘reminded him of you’. Just an excuse to splash his cash on you. Even if it only costed five dollars. If you wanted a piece of clothing or something that you wanted but was over a ‘budget’ you had. Expect it at your sorority doorstep a week later. A personalised card on the inside. ‘Don’t even try to give me a lecture about buying you stuff, I wanted to, love you loads, baby. From RF <3’
Frat!rafe is the type to ask you if you’re okay halfway through and at the end of each ‘intimate’ sessions. ‘You alright? Didn’t go too rough on ya?’ ‘Sure? I know you like and shit, but I don’t wanna hurt you, baby…’
Frat!rafe is the type to change positions, let you finish in your favourite position. While he’ll finish in his. So neither of you could complain, but he thought it was sweet of him to be THAT thoughtful.
Frat!rafe is the type to make you finish the same amount of goals/points you scored if you play sports. Like if you scored three goals in soccer, best believe you’re having a good night.
Frat!rafe is the type to have the sloppiest yet downright best sex if he won a game in football. Just know you’re both having a good night if he wins. Just cause HE won the game, doesn’t mean you aren’t getting a treat either.
Frat!rafe is the type to give you a small peck on the lips after rough sex. Cause he feels a little bad sometimes after you ask to go harder. You asked, ok? So? He still will feel bad. Even if you enjoyed it. You’re his girl. He wants to make you feel good. Even if it’s rough. He’ll still treat you like the princess you are.
Frat!rafe is the type to take long showers with you. Both sexually and non. He just likes the warm water running over you both. He LOVES washing your hair. He loves when you use your small thumbs on his large back muscles. Groaning and loaning at the magic your fingertips hold.
Frat!rafe is the type to only come to you for medical help or massages. Go to the team’s medic? No. Go to the college’s physiotherapist? Hell no. Not when he’s got his girl training for those things. He’s her test subject. And he still benefits from it. So it’s a win-win.
Frat!rafe is the type to cuddle you. So much, it’s cute, but not funny to him. Like it’s his lifeline. Just got in his room? Get on the bed and lay there so he can lay on you. Staying the night? Cuddles. Watching movies? Cuddles. Standing there doing nothing? Cuddles from behind. This guy loves cuddles till the end of time. AND WONT ADMIT IT. EVEN IF ITS OBVIOUS.
Frat!rafe is the type to love his baby girl. Always and forever. He’ll show it in so many ways. Whatever way you want. He’ll show it. You’re his girl, his girl gets treated well. Very well..
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blackknight-kai · 2 days
SW x reader (fluff)
Where reader is kinda a homebody?, enjoys doing the chores and cooking Kinda like a stay at home wife type dynamic! (P.S. I love your writing!!! You feed the fandom I swear, you deserve more recognition!, and if you take this request thank you a million times over!)
Forgive me this isn’t a full fic but I have thoughts on this scenario.
First off, you being home all the time? Yeah Wukong is down with that. I think it would feed a sense of “protection” and “provide” thing for him. He’d bring you stuff all the time be it food to cook or things he finds that you might like.
He would also like knowing exactly where you are at all times. No chance of you getting into trouble or hurt while he’s off doing Wukong shenanigans. Although he might drag your ass along with him sometimes because he does like having you with him.
Coming home to a clean house, clean laundry, and fresh cooked meals? OH BOY IS THIS KING LIVING! He loves that! It makes him feel the King he is, not that you HAVE to do those things he’d have someone do it in a heartbeat if you said you didn’t want to anymore. But to have you providing things for him?? Hoooo! That tickles his fur. Especially after long days of beating up bad guys, causing chaos wherever he goes, and protecting what is his/who needs it.
Essentially you are home. Comfort. Warmth. And so him coming home from the never ending needy world to you just being THERE, thinking about making him dinner to make sure he eats before bed or making sure his clothes aren’t matted with dirt and blood, it really really soothes some ache deep inside him he didn’t know he had, someone taking care of him (although good luck getting him to admit that).
When he steps into your shared home all he has to do is be Wukong, not anyone else, just him. And if he’s tired? Or if he’s playful? Or if he’s quiet? You’re there right where he knows you’ll be.
He loves the little things you tell him about your day, what you did or saw. Or if you’d picked up a new hobby or discovered something. Being with you is like a relaxant, a balm for his soul, and he’s happy to share in your daily routine.
The thing that really gets him is you feel safe enough thanks to him to live your life as you want. No longer worrying about possible dangers or when you might eat next. Now you can feel the true comforts of home and enjoy the quiet (mostly because it’s Wukong…) life. And it’s because of HIM. He gets to see you be happy and he will continue to make is so, especially if he can snuggle into clean bed sheets and eat your tasty food all day every day for the rest of eternity and never stop smiling at him as soon as he walks in the door.
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auspicioustidings · 2 days
Kinktober Day 3
Moniker: Keegan Risk Level: Low. Keegan has never been detained and is visiting freely. Brief: Spanking ass, thighs and pussy Safeword: The word RED is to be used by any party if at any point the session must stop. If any party is unable to vocalise they are to signal physically by touching their thumb to each of their fingers in sequence to signify RED. At no point should any party be both unable to vocalise and unable to signal physically. In the event that this happens, RED will be considered in action and the session will be stopped. Keegan likes handling brats, if you’re nice for him he won’t have much reason to discipline you - Price
“Maybe if you weren’t such a prick you would be able to find a willing partner and not have to use someone who’s being paid for it!”
You had intended to be the sweetest person on the planet when you walked in given Price’s note, but Keegan was the most infuriating man you had ever had the displeasure of meeting.
He had immediately started making comments about the incompetence of the UK military, had wound you right up about how you weren’t a front line soldier, how you were a radio bitch. You fell right into the trap of it obviously.
“Hm. Name calling and yelling? Weren’t those two things I told you I wouldn’t put up with when you walked in here?”
Shit. God damn it. He had indeed went through his rules when you had come in, had said as long as you followed them then there would be no need for discipline.
“Can’t see someone who works in comms to have forgotten so quickly, so I think you want me to spank your ass don’t you?”
“Oh fuck you!” you hissed back.
“Not yet brat, can’t be handing out treats to bad little kittens or they’ll only get worse.”
You glowered at him from your side of the table. The room today was set up like a moody office, no bed in sight, just a big mahogany table with him sat on one side and you on the other. He stood and stalked around behind you, putting a warm hand on your shoulder.
“Now, let’s go ahead and adjust that nasty attitude of yours. Up.”
You should have just stood, you really should have. But he was so fucking smug that you stayed sat right where you were.
“Make me.”
You heard a little chuckle of delight before he hauled your ass out of the chair by your arm and threw you forward so that your chest crashed into the table so fast that you didn’t have enough time to brace and avoid your head bouncing off of it too.
“Wanker!” you hissed through your teeth, your nose in pain but thankfully not broken.
The first smack was over two layers of fabric, your jeans and your panties, but even so it fucking stung and you yelped.
“Such a feisty thing aren’t you?” he cooed as he pushed down against your back with one hand to pin you, got a leg wedged up between yours to have you spread wide enough to not have a good position to fight back against him and used his other hand to start ripping your jeans and panties down.
You tried to twist your body and lash out at him and he smacked your now bare ass so hard that you saw stars. He used the opportunity to wrestle your hands behind your back and pin them there with one of his.
“You’re only hurting yourself kitten, put your claws away and be good and maybe after your punishment I can pet you and make you purr.”
You hated him so much. Even more so when he got your jeans and panties pushed down to your just above your knees and left them there, the position humiliating in a way that had your face flaming with heat.
“Ready? Remember you brought this upon yourself.”
The few spanks to your ass had stung, but it was bearable. Your body found them exciting even if your brain was screaming how much it hated him, but you thought that it was sort of like you were getting your own back if you were actually enjoying his stupid punishment.
“Sure, go ahead with your punishment” you said, sounding more a brat than you had ever been in your life.
You hadn’t expected it and he certainly hadn’t given you any warning that he wasn’t aiming for your ass with this one. The flat of his hand came down hard and fast on your cunt and your screamed bloody murder. He hadn’t come down right on your clit, but it was throbbing from the abuse none the less.
The next few swots were much the same and you realised just seconds before he wound back for the next one what he had been doing. He knew all of this was making your clit start to swell, that your body was getting mixed signals so was getting wet to cover all eventualities and sending all the blood between your legs. And when your clit was a nice, shiny, swollen target for him that’s when he changed angle and brought his next slap right down on it.
You fucking howled and he gave an exaggerated sigh of disappointment.
“Now kitten, take your punishment like a good girl instead of like a little bitch would you? The more you bitch the more I’m going to have to give you to settle you down, but then maybe that’s why you’re being this way huh? That pretty pussy so eager for my hand?”
God you throbbed. It was like a red hot pulse between your legs and you were rapidly deflating of all of your confidence to go against him. Something about how fucking condescending he was began to have the opposite effect than usual - instead of it making you want to fight him and argue, it was sort of making you want to submit and please him enough that he was nice to you instead.
“C’mon kitty kitty, tell me what’s going on in that pretty head.”
“I’ll take it” you mumbled.
“What’s that? Speak up kitty.”
“I’ll take the punishment like a good girl.”
Fuck this was so humiliating.
“I’ll take the punishment like a good girl what?”
He truly was the worst. You considered telling him to get fully fucked, but he saw that you needed a little coaxing and rubbed his hand on your sore cunt. It was both the promise of something delicious and the warning of something painful.
“I’ll take the punishment like a good girl, sir” you said, squeezing your eyes shut and wanting to sink into the void with the embarrassment of knowing that not only were you being punished for being a mouthy brat, but that Price was watching it all on cameras.
“Better. These ones you’ll count.”
He landed a smack on your ass and despite it burning, it was a relief from the ones levelled against your cunt.
“One, sir.”
“Manners kitten. Say thank you.”
“…thank you sir.”
“Thank you for what?”
“Thank you for punishing me sir.”
“Hm, not sure it is a punishment” he said, smug as anything when he swiped two fingers through your slit and then made you suck you arousal off of them. “But it will be.”
He really started giving it to you. Smack after smack, aimed to sting the most and continually changing so you never knew what to expect so couldn’t brace. Your body was jerking violently with every hard crack to your ass and thighs and by the time you reached 20 you were sobbing the numbers at him incoherently, crying out your thank yous.
“Shh kitty, you did so well. Do you think you need more?”
“N-no sir, please I’ll be good. I’m a good kitten. Your good kitten. U-unless you think I need more, I don’t mean to be a brat and say I don’t if I do” you whimpered.
It was so strange how he had you floating, had you fully pliant and desperate to please him and earn praise. Hadn’t you hated his guts not half an hour ago?
“Well Price, you think one more then I can pet her?” Keegan asked to the room.
There were two beeps in answer and you could sob from the relief. One beep was a warning, two must be an affirmative. Just one more. Your pussy was sopping wet and everything was on fire, but just one more.
He hauled your onto your back and without any preamble wound his hand back behind his head and brought it down brutally hard on your cunt. Maybe you screamed, you weren’t entirely sure, the next thing you knew you were in Keegan’s lap and he was petting your pussy.
“There she is. You never thanked me for the last one kitten, but I’m feeling indulgent so going to let you purr for me anyway.”
You did. Some approximation of a purr rattled out of you as he kept petting his pussy. Later he smothered you with cream that he said would help with the bruising, but you were pretty sure it was going to hurt anytime you sat down for the foreseeable future.
Well then. Price had certainly learned something about you today. He really had to start being vigilant instead of furiously wanking off during these sessions.
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nevadancitizen · 2 days
synopsis: you meet with a mysterious woman on an old californian dock.
word count: ~850
ships: Arthur Morgan/modern!Reader, Van der Linde Gang & Reader
notes: inspired by @heart-of-gold-outlaw !! go read their modern reader fic i really like it. also we'll be getting into the actual time travel stuff after this teaser lololol :3
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It’s a bracing, misty evening – supposed to be spring, but doesn’t feel like it. The waves are choppy and the gulls are huddled on the pylons with their beaks tucked under their wings, their feathers ruffling in the cold wind. 
Three hulking great ships, all freighters, are tied up on the beat-up dock. This isn’t one of those fashionable wharfs with dockworker unions or passenger liners – no pretty girls on their balconies, clinking champagne flutes to celebrate the start of the cruise. Just a couple of red-faced salts in pea jackets tramping by, trailing cigarette smoke, boots crunching on dried-up gull shit.
They spare you glances as they pass by, surely wondering what you were doing here in the early hours of the morning. Were you waiting for someone to get off work? Were you waiting for a drug deal? Or were you just admiring the way the waves spray water onto the dock?
(In reality, it was none of those. You’re waiting on something much worse.)
A woman, sleek and modern in style and rugged and worn in looks, approaches you. She has a quiet intensity about her — something about the way she squints against the ocean spray mixed with the permanent-looking scowl on her face. 
She tilts her head toward you, and you nod. You walk towards her and meet her halfway, leaning in close on her insistence. 
“You’re the one in need?” She asks softly. You just barely hear her over the waves crashing against the dock.
“Yes, ma’am,” you say, just as soft. “It’s my sister’s daughter. My eleven-year-old niece. She’s… she’s in a really bad way.”
“What does she need?” The woman asks. 
“A pancreas,” you say. “She’s got acute recurrent pancreatitis. There aren’t a lot of affordable child-sized organs lying around. God knows I’ve turned not just California, but the entire Mojave upside-down trying to find one. I’ve called hospitals in Arizona, Nevada, even New Mexico. I – I’m not asking you to kill a child! I just… I need the money for the operation. It’ll put her on the waiting list, and… once we show the hospital we have the money, I’m sure she’ll be okay. Somehow.”
The woman narrows her eyes. “Why don’t you just take out a loan? Or take on debt?”
“I can’t,” you say. “None of us can. I foreclosed on my last house. My sister has thousands of dollars in credit card debt, counting all the interest. Please, just trust me when I say I need this money. I don’t think anyone has nearly half a million dollars in their junk drawer. If I did, why would I be here, asking you for it?”
The woman looks you over and tucks her jacket closer around her. The outline of a gun at her hip becomes glaringly obvious – she wants you to notice it.
“Ma’am, I’m begging you.” You clasp your hands together as tight as you can. “I come from a family of deadbeats and addicts. I was an addict myself, and I quit just to save money for her operation, but it’s just not enough. I need this money. I won’t misappropriate these funds – won’t use them to pay off other debts, won’t use them for drugs. Just… please, miss.”
The woman holds up her hand. “Stop groveling.”
What the fuck else am I supposed to do?! You shout in your head. I need money, and you’ve got the money! My niece is going to fucking die if I don’t get it!
Instead, you just nod politely and put your hands behind your back. “Yes, ma’am. My apologies. I’m sure you can understand my desperation.”
“Uh-huh,” the woman hums. “I can get you the money. Just give me your banking details and I can wire it to you.” 
You pull out a pre-prepared index card with your bank information written down. The woman checks that it has your full name, address, account number, and routing number before speaking again.
“Do you have life insurance?” She asks, as if offhandedly.
“Uh, yes?” You say, unsure. “It won’t come out to a lot, so I couldn’t have an “accident” at work. Maybe just under 200,000 dollars? Nowhere near enough to cover her operation.”
The woman hums and tucks the card into her pocket. “I’ll get you the money.”
“Thank you so, so much,” you say. “You have no idea what this means to me – no idea what you’ve done for me and my family.”
“I have some idea.” The woman’s hand lingers at her waist. It takes you a few seconds too long to notice that –
A loud sound. A raging pain. The bullet hit something vital, but doesn’t grant you the mercy of dying in that instant. 
You stagger back, holding yourself. “What…”
“You’re dumber than you look,” the woman says, her voice fading in and out. “I’m just helping your family.”
You inhale shakily and take a step back. There’s a sense of falling, and something cold surrounds you, but you can’t make out much of anything in this condition. 
The last thing you think before the black takes you? It’s May. Who the fuck gets shot in May?
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
been playing a lot of left 4 dead lately, which made me think— hmm… what if you were surviving the apocalypse with a group of hybrids?
as they say, there’s safety in numbers. at first you were alone, fighting to stay alive in a world that couldn’t— but when a group of hybrids find you cute, what do you expect them to do? leave you all alone?
semi nsfw + fluff under the cut!! sorry if this seems rushed,, work has been killing me lately!! (つ﹏ <。) eep!!
the hyena hybrid who first saw you thought you’d make an excellent dinner. he wouldn’t even be ashamed to admit the countless hours he’s spent trailing after you to commit your routine to memory. but after seeing you try so hard to keep your cute little self safe all on your lonesome makes him feel… seen, in a way. you’re lonely, just like him; no pack in sight. it makes him feel so bad— so please, let him help you!!
he’s a hell of a good watchman, with sharp senses and night vision that helps him scavenge even through the most dilapidated of buildings for your team’s rations. he’s a bit of an asshole, however, always making snide remarks and groping your butt when you aren’t looking; laughing like a madman when the apples of your cheeks bloom that adorable shade of red.
but if anything or anyone happened to hurt you? he’d be on them in an instant, ripping them to shreds with his teeth; snapping bones under the strength of his jaw and bringing back the meat to eat with a deranged little grin.
he’s nocturnal, and a restless sleeper at heart. more often than not he’ll find himself tucked into your side; scruffy mug smushed right against your bosom as he rubs his cheeks against the plush mounds of flesh; making sure you’ll smell like nothing but him in the morning. what do you mean your teats are sore? what? bite marks?! hey, don’t look at him like that!
oh, but the two of you are so utterly adorable to the dragon hybrid that happened to stumble across the two of you as you slept, unknowing that the abandoned home you’re in is his. his body is big, scales hardened and scarred from age and battle. who else would be so well equipped to protect you? you’re already sleeping amongst his treasure, you both might as well become part of it…
he’s the complete opposite of his hyena hybrid counterpart. he loves to sleep, warm body curled against the two of you as his wings keep you hidden from view; golden eye peeped open as he rakes his talons up, up, up; toying with the both of you and making you squirm against him before leaving you frustrated and pent up as he drifts to sleep. cheeky bastard!
he loves the two of you to death, and would absolutely throw himself into harm’s way to keep you safe. when you’re traveling and happen to be swarmed by a hoarde, expect to be pushed to the side as he unfurls those claws of his; ripping through infected bodies like scissors to tissue paper. he’d rather the sun fall from the smoggy skies than either of you get hurt. if you thought your hyena hybrid companion’s scenting was bad, wait until he’s got both of you smushed against him as he rubs his face against your necks and wrists; big body grinding up against either of you with the promise of a long night to come. (oh, dear… )
god, do you three ever stop making such embarrassing noises? the moth hybrid finds herself reluctantly attracted to the light and love your trio brings, as cliche as that sounds to her. so when the three of you wake up to a grumbling little lump of fluff curled up between your bodies… no one is certainly complaining about the additional warmth. (well… maybe except for her.)
her nimble fingers are handy when it comes to administering pressure and wrapping your wounds in gauze and bandages when you get yourself in trouble. she’ll tut, chiding you for being so careless with her most favorite person. …what? did she say that? no she didn’t. aren’t you supposed to be resting, and not talking?
she’ll let the three of you begrudgingly rub the base of her wings and the tips of her antennae; though not without eventually melting against your bodies with the cutest sighs. she doesn’t purr, exactly, but you’ll feel a vibration against your chest. the same happens when she’s excited; and the fact that can potentially pleasure her troublemaker trio when times get steamy brings an immense sense of satisfaction to her.
she might be delicate, but not without ferocity. when her darlings are being cornered; she’ll get you out of trouble, come hell or high water. she’ll fly directly into a zombie’s face just to claw at their eyes; making sure they’ll pay for even thinking about coming towards any of you.
to some, home is a place whether it be a rusted heap of metal or not. but to your hybrids, home is with you, and they wouldn’t want it any other way.
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 days
Promptober Day 3 👻
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 (𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭) : “We aren’t gonna die, Syd. Can you fuckin find your head it’s startin’ t’freak me out that I’m the calm one so far” he said, turning the fog lights on as well.  “Can we please just stop somewhere like- like- a rest stop or something? Until this passes ahh! Oh my god!” Syd screeches as the car slides for a moment over black ice and grabs onto Carmys knee for comfort. He jumped at her scream, gripping tighter at the wheel “Syd there’s no rest stops we’re in the middle of the fucking Italian valley!” He said frustratedly and she awkwardly removed her hand from his thigh. Shit. She thought to herself, he was right.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: AAA Welcome to Promptober day 3 featuring our loves Syd and Carmy! No smut this time, but I haven't written them in a minute so I wanted to warm myself back up with some cute fluffy fluff! I hope you enjoy 😊 Reminder that you can view my schedule & masterlist for this celebration right 🦇here🦇! You can also view the same for my 2024 Kinktober celebration right 🎃here🎃! If you'd like to be added to the taglist, just comment on the according masterlist & I will add you going forward! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.2K 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fluffy fluff, only 1 bed trope, Swearing, Anxious Syd & Carmy haha 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: @/𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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“Jesus Christ this fuckin came outta nowhere” Carmy mutters. The windshield wipers on their rental car were going as fast as they could, but he was still having a hard time seeing the road. 
“Carmy I told you this was a bad idea! Were literally gonna spin out and die. I knew it was gonna snow!” Sydney huffs, turning down the radio more because she had anxiety that Carmy wasn’t seeing as well with that as a distraction. 
“We aren’t gonna die, Syd. Can you fuckin find your head it’s startin’ t’freak me out that I’m the calm one so far” he said, turning the fog lights on as well. 
“Can we please just stop somewhere like- like- a rest stop or something? Until this passes ahh! Oh my god!” Syd screeches as the car slides for a moment over black ice and grabs onto Carmys knee for comfort. 
He jumped at her scream, gripping tighter at the wheel “Syd there’s no rest stops we’re in the middle of the fucking Italian valley!” He said frustratedly and she awkwardly removed her hand from his thigh. Shit. She thought to herself, he was right. 
They had come to Italy for some new culinary inspiration, but also to put in a special order for a certain type of cheese that you couldn’t have shipped by the company so Carmy was going to vacuum seal it and buy a special bag for it to take it back with them. 
It wasn’t that that she thought was fucking crazy, it was going to a town that was famously known for its Skiing 2 weeks before thanksgiving. Meaning winter was just starting to pick up, and they’d likely get caught in a blizzard. 
As much as Carmy tried to convince her that per the weather app it was just going to be bitterly cold the week he had planned for them to go, Syd had a bad feeling that the weather would take a turn for the worse and they’d get caught in a blizzard, and per usual- Syd was right. Thankfully in the distance, they saw lights indicating a business of some kind. 
“Oh thank god. Were stopping.” She said more as a statement then a question, if she was honest with herself it sounded quite like a demand.
“Yes Syd, we’re stopping” Carmy sighed a bit. Not because he was upset with her, but because she proved him wrong - yet again. There was a light above the sign that read “Columbina Albergo” Carmy wasn’t too good at Italian, but he quickly understood the hotel to be called Little Dove Motel. 
It made his heart skip a beat, how romantic could a motel be. A dead one at that. There was only 2 other cars there, and the place wasn’t the most slightly- but it would do. “Alright I guess…uh. Yeah let’s go get a room I guess? I’m sure they uh have…double beds” Carmy said as he turned off the car and pulled up the hood of his white hoodie and opened the car door. 
The wind nearly stole Sydney’s blood orange and floral patterned scarf and she quickly grabbed it walking quicker as Carmy held the door open for her. 
“Buona Sera!” The woman at the counter chirps and Carmy nods politely. 
“Buona sera! Uhh… unaaaa…” he thinks for a moment trying to recall the bit of Italian he’d brushed up on before they came over “ah! Per favore, Una letto matrimoniale” He said and the woman nodded pointing to the sign that read it was €30 per night. He dug out his wallet and handed over 3 €10 notes and she put it in her register before grabbing the hanging set of keys with the room number and handing them over 
“Grazie, Buonanotte” she said and Carmy nodded, turning to Syd and handing her the keys 
“It’s room 11, I’ll bring your stuff just go warm up s’cold out there” he said, opening the door for her again. Even though it was freezing, she felt her cheeks flush with heat at how gentlemanly he was being. 
“Yeah send me into some random motel room where there could be a killer lying in wait?” She teased, heading down the row of rooms to find number 11. 
“You have a big mouth. Just scream an' I’ll come running don’t worry” Carmy mused, unlocking the rental car to gather the suitcases. By the time he got to the room, Syd was sitting on the single full sized bed with a teasing smirk. 
“You need to brush up on your Italian more, Chef” 
Carmys cheeks heat to a deep shade of pink, looking around the room to see that there was no  couch, just a small arm chair and he sighs deeply, rubbing over his face and tossing his pillow on the floor 
“You can have the bed” he muttered, tossing her her backpack and she giggled a bit
“What- scared I’m gonna touch you? We can put pillows between us if you want” she said and he raised his brows, looking at her in slight disbelief. 
“No- no m’not scared just…I dunno if you’re seein’ someone I wouldn’t want my girlfriend sleeping with her business partner” he said before he could think and he rubs his chin nervously as she started cracking up. 
“Yeah. No im not seeing anyone, but also don’t go saying you slept with me on this trip, I don’t want that rumor on my name” she teased as she opened her backpack, grabbing her pajamas “I’m gonna call the bathroom first, so…just call me when you’re changed I guess” she said and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. 
Carmys heart was thumping, he could have sworn he had requested a room with a double bed, and the office hours listed on the door said they had made it just in time before she closed for the night - so no switching. 
He quickly tugged off his jeans and hoodie, putting on a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants, pulling the sheets back and getting the pillows situated. Carmy had a crush on Sydney since he’d met her, but of course, with his testy past with relationships - he was afraid that persuing someone he held so dearly to him would quickly end up in explosive flames. 
On the other side of the bathroom door, Sydney was in a similar panic, currently asking herself if she should keep her bra on, because it was like - respectful or whatever, or if she could be comfortable and take it off. She weighed it in her head for a good 5 minutes before hearing Carmy clear his throat and say 
“Uh- Syd n-not rushin’ you- jus’ wondering if you wanted to watch that movie still?” He called through the door. 
She quickly decided it would be better to just take it off so her back wouldn’t hurt in the morning and quickly puts on her old childish gambino shirt and a pair of sofee sleep shorts and opened the door “yeah- yeah” she swallows thickly when she saw that Carmy had a clear dick print in his grey sweats. 
“Okay- cmon” he patted the bed next to him, grabbing his laptop from his bag and resting it on his lap as he turns it on. 
She sits next to him, criss cross, her knee draped over his thigh because they were so close. Carmy felt as if his hands were shaking, Syd felt as if her heart was going to fly out of her chest at any moment.  It was going to be a long night.
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Tag List: @carmenberzattosgf @daysofyellowroses @mouseymilkovich @gallaghersgal @carmybrainworms @l4long-winded @babyspiderling @southsideserendipity @djlnkaled
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quinnysnursery · 1 day
can you do reader being besties with tara yummy and one day while they are hanging out reader gets upset/stressed over something and starts slipping into little space immediately, in which tara knows about but hasn’t seen yet so she calls reader’s caregiver(maybe chris as readers’s main cg?) to see how to comfort and make the reader feel better?
[❤️] it takes a village | tara yummy one-shot
paring : babysitter!tara yummy x little!fem!reader x background!cg!chris sturniolo
summary : after seeing a particuallry hateful tweets you unexpectedly slip while at taras house...no worries though! she's got ya.
warning/extra tid-bits : use of y/n, explicit language, crying, that's all i think!!
word count : 1,108
divider credit : umm i found all the photos on pinterest :3 (trees from @saradika-graphics)
a/n : for all you can eat pasta HOUSE💜 anon!! also, i finally didn't make the title apart of the final sentence everyone cheer (not proof read, i'm just a girl!)
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You and Tara let out a shriek as you saw a moth fly past your eyes, desperately looking for an escape out of the house.
“Did Chris leave the door open?” You asked, looking towards the front door- it was shut. The little stowaway must’ve snuck in whilst the triplets were dropping you off. You and Tara leapt off the couch, determined to save the small winged creature.
It took you two about twenty minutes to get the moth into a cup and outside. 
Once you two were finished with your sidequest, you both flopped onto the couch- letting out sighs of relief. “I’m so tweeting about that.” You chuckled softly, grabbing your phone from the pocket of your sweatpants and opening up the app. Tara gave you a few ideas of how to word the post- laughing about how both of you shrieked at the first sight of the small creature.
You mindlessly scrolled up as Twitter opened- allowing your eyes to land on a tweet you wish you hadn’t.
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Your eyes immediately glossed over, a feeling of sadness washing over your body as you processed what you’d read. Were you too childish? Sure, you were known on the internet for being bubbly but childish? Did people really see you as childish? 
“Y/n? You good?” Tara asked, setting down her phone and sitting up straight- a look of concern plastering her face. You let out a shaky breath, closing your phone and trying to blink away your tears.
“Hey…what’s going on?” She asked, scooting over and pulling you into a hug. “Just- Just a stupid comment.” You sighed, trying to brush off the hurtful words. Your mind was beckoning for regression but you did your best to push it away- you’d just gotten upset over being called childish, was regression really gonna help with that?
Tara frowned, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. “I’m sorry hon, I hate people like that.” She expressed. You knew that Tara suffered from copious amounts of hate comments, ranging from calling her a “desperate pick-me” to slut-shaming her beyond belief.
You sniffled, leaning against Tara’s shoulder. “Are you okay? D’you wanna talk about it?” She asked, earning a soft nod from you. “They called ‘e childish…” You murmured, fidgeting with your sweatpant strings. Tara hummed- understanding that it’d struck a nerve.
“M’ not childish though-even…even if ‘m little sometimes.” You explained, Tara was one of the few friends who knew of your regression. The persian woman nodded, “You aren’t childish at all, being childish isn’t even a bad thing.” She commented.
That was true. It wasn’t necessarily bad to be childish, it just hurt since you knew the user behind the account meant it malicefully. 
“D’you want me to call Chris to come get you? I understand if you wanna cut our sleepover short.” She smiled warmly, you smiled back at your best friend's compassion. You thought it over, eventually coming to the conclusion that you wouldn’t be able to push your regression off for much longer.
“Yeah,” You sighed, “Sorry I just- I think ‘m gonna slip.” You said sheepishly. Tara nodded, pulling out her phone and scrolling to find Chris’ contact. You peaked over Tara’s shoulder, fuzziness growing in your mind as Tara clicked the call button on your caregiver’s contact.
You kicked your legs idly, letting out a soft yawn. Tara couldn’t help but coo, snuggling you closer. “Chris’ll be here soon, promise.” She reassured, bringing the phone to her ear. 
Tara waited for a few moments, it only took three rings for Chris to pick up. “Hey C-” The persian woman’s words were spoken over, “Is Y/n okay? What happened?” Chris immediately asked, worry evident in his voice.
Tara couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s worry- it was obvious to anyone that he cared about you deeply. The perfect caregiver. 
“Y/n’s alright, she’s on the verge of slipping though. Could you three come back and get her?” The black haired woman asked, “Shit-” The muffled sounds of Chris telling Matt and Nick the situation emitted through the speakers of the device. “Yeah, of course.” He finally answered. “We’ll be there in like fifteen, you got her ‘til then?” Chris asked, prepared to stay on the phone. 
Tara glanced at the little who was squished against her shoulder- now mostly regressed. “Yeah, I got her.” Tara smiled, tapping your nose playfully. You wrinkled up your nose, sticking your tongue out at the babysitter.
Chris thanked Tara before hanging up, leaving just you two- and Sugar, of course.
“I think someone’s sleepy.” Tara laughed softly, you shook your head no- but your body betrayed you by forcing you to let out a big yawn. “Oh really?” She teased playfully, helping you scoot down so you could be laid out on the couch- your head now resting on her lap.
“You can take a nap y/n, I’ve gotcha.” Tara promised, earning a sleepy nod from you. You rubbed your tired eyes with balled up fists, letting Tara rub circles into your back. “Mmm…” You whined, “Hm? What’s wrong?” She asked, leaning down slightly.
“M’ wanna story…” You drew out, giving Tara your signature puppy-dog eyes and well, how could she say no to those?
Tara didn’t have any childrens books but she had a plethora of real life stories she could tell. “Well, last week when I was filming with Jake he thought it’d be funny to-” Tara continued on, explaining how Jake had somehow managed to drop an entire box of Crumbl Cookies onto Tara’s lap.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
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You woke to your hair being moved away from your face, a familiar voice murmuring to you. “I’ve got you baby, c’mere.” Chris’ voice cooed, scooping you into his arms and allowing you to latch onto his torso. You whined at the bright lights in Tara’s living room being too harsh on your sleep-ridden eyes.
Once you realized that Chris was making his way towards the front door, you quickly sprung your head up- eyes finding Tara. “Tar…” You whined, causing Chris to stop. “What is it, princess?” He asked as Tara approached you two. “Bye bye Ta’wa…” You smile, stretching your hand out to wave.
Tara’s heart melted, standing on her tippy toes to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Bye bye sweet girl. You can come over and play another day, yeah?” She hummed, earning an excited nod from you.
Just before Chris walked out the door, he turned ever so slightly in Tara’s direction. “Thank you, Tara.” He thanked, earning a nod from Tara. 
“Of course, anytime.”
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taglist !! :
@mattssturnz @littlestar44 @graceslittlecorner @zivall @hrtz4alex2211 @bimbob1tch @sturnsxplr-25 @cherry-red-heart @pr3ttyf4wn @frlinbruh @jazminepetit-homme @raynaaxx @tyummyz @babybatxxx @natedoeswife @blahbel668 @nicksloverrr @flow3rsturns13 @pkfferoo @pixxiies @mattsturnswhore @17welch17 @pinksikhewei @v33angel @conspiracy-ash
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thedemoninme141 · 2 days
I don't know if you take requests but you just write angst so gooood! Can I request a prompt where fem!reader is in an abusive relationship with Wednesday, like Wednesday was frustrated with something and ended up taking her anger out on the reader? it will be so much angsttt
Umm.. i don't think Wednesday would ever hurt someone she loves like that... she is very composed with her emotions. But there ya go Wednesday: Go get me a beer woman Y/n: Say what now? Wednesday: sighs The readers wanted to see an abuse fanfic. Y/n: Ooooooooh... Well... Umm.. I forgot to refill the fridge 😭😭😭 Wednesday: Oh okay, let me go to the shop. Y/n: No, no, no, Wednesday. You’re supposed to be mad at me. Like, really mad. Maybe throw a lamp or something? Wednesday: Why would I waste a perfectly functional lamp? That's illogical. Y/n: But… the readers wanted a Wednesday-abuses-Y/n fic. Aren’t you supposed to… I don’t know… smack me for my incompetence? Wednesday: Smacking you seems quite unnecessary. However, emotional torment could suffice. Y/n: Emotional torment? Oh no, Wednesday, how will I ever survive! Come on, there has to be something to make you mad. I can burn dinner? Wednesday: On the contrary, I would celebrate then. Because you cooking… Y/n: Hey! My cooking’s not that bad Wednesday: Your pancakes could serve as makeshift armor in combat. And don’t get me started on the soup you once made. It was an unidentifiable liquid with the consistency of cement. Y/n: I’m trying to be serious here! Readers want to see angst, okay? They don’t want to hear about my kitchen failures. Come on, give them some action! Some tension! Wednesday: Action, you say? I can give them action. steps forward, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear But it won’t involve hurting you. It’ll involve... other things. Y/n: nervously Is this... are we still joking? your eyes widen as Wednesday inches closer, her smirk turning sly. Y/n: gulps I’m suddenly not sure what’s happening anymore. Wednesday: whispers Good. Lets keep it that way.
(Author: Yeah, @littlemisskayyy you chose the worst chef to cook this Also to all my reader's out there, if someone abuses you or hurts you, PUNCH THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.)
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detectivestucks2 · 2 days
Escape with the Cursed King II
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Pairing: F!Reader x Sukuna
Summary: After surviving the mission you begin to feel confused about your savior. Questions about why you were saved overwhelm you and you seek out answers but that's not the only time you seek him out.
Warnings: public touching, struggles with being revived from the dead. Mostly fluff.
Word Count: 4.2k
Art Credit: @akirasukuna
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
A knock can be heard at your front door and you drag yourself out of the warm comfort of your bed. With hazy eyes you stumble to the door and slide the chain latch open wondering how it relocked itself after last night’s intrusion. You hardly cared in the moment as you were more annoyed at the prospect of who was disturbing your slumber. 
“Rise and Shine Sweetheart!”
“Saturo, it’s a school day. What are you doing here?”
“I could say the same about you.”
“I already hired substitutes for the rest of the week. What excuse do you have?”
“You think I left without arranging substitutes?”
“Considering how many of our classes got canceled cause of your missions…yes.”
“Well maybe I canceled class to come see you. Is that a crime?”
“No but it’s silly to do so. I’m fine.”
“You died.”
“And now I’m alive.”
“But Sukuna-”
“Saved my life.”
“It’s more than that. He overtook Yuji’s body. If Sukuna has plans for you, you’re not safe. Yuji can’t contain him.”
“If he had plans for me, he would’ve let me die but he didn’t. He revived me and mended all my wounds. Whatever Sukuna’s deal is, I no longer think he’s coming to hurt me.”
“Just yesterday you were freaking out about being near him and now after he went on a rampage you’re suddenly okay with his fixation on you?”
“Just yesterday you thought Sukuna was harmless inside of Yuji’s body and now after he saved my life you suddenly think it’s not okay. How is that any different?”
“Cause, you didn’t see or hear what happened after you died.”
“I saw the aftermath.”
“So you can gather how violent it was.”
“I can, but he didn’t harm anyone on the team. Plus it seems he has a need to protect me, not harm me.”
“But what if that need to protect you spreads to more than just curses or life threatening circumstances? What if he views anyone who threatens you or so much as upsets you as a reason to level the entire University?”
“Then I will give Yuji a wide berth so he doesn’t have to witness anything.”
“What if gossip gets back to him? You know how college students are. They make mountains out of mole hills every day.”
“Similar to what you’re doing.”
You know it was snippy, but you were starting to get annoyed with his persistence. You were tired and didn’t ask to have a heated discussion before so much as a cup of coffee. 
“I am not making a mountain out of this. I am being completely reasonable.”
“It sounds like your pride is hurt. You couldn’t save me when Sukuna could.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
The next words fall out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. You’re not sure what snapped in you but something just gave.
“It means you’re jealous. Don’t act like you haven’t been flirting with me. I’m not stupid.”
“You are just–” Gojo growls with annoyance. “You’re letting this go to your head.”
“And you’re acting like a jealous boyfriend. Which you’re not.”
“I know I’m not your boyfriend, okay!”
“Then stop acting like it!”
“Fine! You want me to stop caring, then have a good day.”
Gojo slams down the coffee he brought you and strides out of your apartment with only a few steps of his long legs. Once the door closes you exhale and small purple vapor-like daggers clatter to the floor before disappearing.
You aren’t even sure why you provoked him like that. Are you feeling defensive of Sukuna? The monster just saved your life and killed the Special Grade curse running amuck in the process. He even came over to check on you after the fact. Maybe he isn’t as bad as the legends say. 
The spinning sensation of too many thoughts returned. A feeling you were growing more and more accustomed to over these past 24 hours. 
You wanted to see him. Talk to him. You had to know why. What was he thinking? What about seeing you lifeless brought him strength to overpower Yuji and destroy the Cursed Spirit? Was the warm embrace actually Sukuna hugging you? Holding you as he healed your body? You had to know.
You sit down on your living room couch, sipping the macchiato Gojo provided. You whip out your phone and cashapp him for the drink with a note: ‘Sorry. Thank you for the coffee.’
A short moment later you receive a text from the blue eyed man: ‘I forgive you.’
Once you felt yourself fully awake you get dressed and ready for the day. Without realizing it, you put a little more effort into your appearance than usual, layering on extra mascara and curling your lashes after tying your hair up in a twisted updo, pulling out a few strands to frame your face. 
You left your home in search of Yuji and figured you’d start with his dorm room. You step up to the door and lightly rap on the wood. 
A sleepy Megumi cracks open the door before pulling it all the way open upon seeing your face. 
“Professor, What are you-”
“Is Yuji here?”
“No, he left for the quad.”
“Thanks Megumi”
“Professor, are you sure it’s a good idea to go looking for him?”
“I need answers Megumi. Surely you can understand.”
“I guess, but it seems like it could be dangerous to entertain Sukuna.”
“It may be equally as dangerous to ignore him.”
Megumi shakes his head as if to say ‘your funeral’ before wishing you luck and closing the door.
You turn on your heel and head towards the campus quad. You pass several students, many of whom smile and nod at you. A few even cat-calling you, reminding you of why you don’t normally dress nice. Yuji looks up to see what the commotion is about and upon seeing you he turns away.
“Yuji, wait!”
“Professor no. I shouldn’t”
“Please Yuji, I need answers.”
“It’s not safe. You don’t know the things he thinks.”
“I want to though. Help me understand.”
You can see on Yuji’s face that his is upset. He wants nothing more than for you to heed his warning and run.
“He can’t be trusted. Don’t believe the words he says.”
“Then tell me, what are the things he thinks?”
A rosy tint emerges on the boy’s cheeks and you can tell he is not liking the turn of this conversation one bit. With a deep sigh he gives in.
“He…he thinks you’re beautiful.”
You’re almost floored by this news but after a moment you realize that last night he did call you princess. So you guess it’s not far fetched plus you know you’re cute. You just got whistled at as you walked here.
“Is that a bad thing? It’s not like it’s unheard of for a guy to think I’m pretty.”
“Yeah but, it's not always appropriate. Sometimes it's really…messed up. The things he thinks…about doing…to you.”
You snort with laughter. “So he’s a kinky curse. Got it”
“It’s not funny! It’s twisted.”
“...aaand a little funny.”
“Not if you knew.”
“So what else?”
“He is constantly trying to take over my body to be near you.”
“How come?”
“Probably to sleep with you. Which I’m a student so that’s a hard no.”
Despite your amazement that the mighty Sukuna was infatuated with you, you laugh again. “Last I checked, you don’t save someone’s life just so you can sleep with them. There has to be more. Why me?”
“Yeah, yesterday was…it was scary. I had no control. I felt this fury inside of me that I had never felt before. It was like he wanted to scorch the earth and when he held you in his arms… my arms, it-it was like nothing else mattered. I couldn’t stop him. I tried. I thought he was going to kill us all to save you. Megumi, Kugisaki, Gojo, all the prisoners, the guards, and the curse. It was amazing that any of us survived.”
“Something tells me he wouldn’t do that. Kill everyone I care about.”
“As his vessel, I assure you he would.”
You bite your lip refusing to believe him. You pause for a moment before you finally ask, “Can I talk to him?”
“Willingly let Sukuna have control of my body?”
You hesitate and lower your gaze, realizing how selfish and potentially stupid it was to ask to let the king of curses have free reign of his vessel.
Suddenly a mouth appears on Yuji’s cheek and you hear a voice shout your name.
“Princess! Let me talk to her, you sack of flesh.”
Yuji slaps his hand over the mouth trying to silence it. Only a second later he yelps in pain, “Ow! You bit me!”
“Yeah brat. How dare you try to muzzle me!”
“I’m not letting you out.”
“The lady wishes to talk.”
“And you just incinerated a prison yesterday!”
“So you know I can take over by force!”
Yuji huffs and looks towards the sky as if asking for strength. He closes his eyes and slowly tattoos bleed onto his ivory skin. A deep husky voice greets you as he grabs your hand to kiss the back of it. “Princess.”
“You seem rested.”
“I am, thank you.”
An all too charming smile graces his face and you feel a twinge in your chest. He seems to notice but he doesn’t comment. 
“Your King.”
“You will address me as your King.”
“I uh-as you wish. My King-”
“Much better.”
“Why did you rescue me?”
“Because there is potential in you.”
Your suddenly more confused. You’re talented, yes, but you thought he saved you cause he liked you. What the heck is he talking about, potential? You do your best to cover your confusion with your next statement.
“There is potential in many.”
“Not like there is in you. Even the discerning eyes of Saturo Gojo have seen it. You are unlike any other sorcerer of your age.”
“Yet one would consider Gojo and Geto to be much stronger.”
“They may be, but you walk amongst them with grace and intelligence beyond your years.” You hold your breath as you feel his fingers lift to trace your face.
“If I was so intelligent then why’d I get myself killed yesterday?”
“Cause that idiot Gojo left you alone with a special grade.”
“I’ve killed special grades by myself, you know. That’s how I received my rank and earned my position.”
The tattooed man chuckles at your defiance.
“No need to be offended. Not all Special Grades are equal. For example, I myself could not be killed by just one sorcerer. Not even the mighty Gojo.”
“You say that like it’s a challenge.”
“Maybe it is.”
“Careful now, that’s one of my best friend’s you’re talking about.”
“He wants to be more than friends. I see how he looks at you.” There is anger in his voice and you realize he is jealous.
“So? You seem to want to be more than friends too.”
“And you? What do you want?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“You want Saturo?”
“No! I don’t want Gojo. He’s my friend.”
“So it’s me that you want.”
Sukuna continues his smug chuckling
“What’s so funny my King?” you say emphasizing the last two words.
Your face twists into a look of distaste at being made fun of in such a way which only serves to further humor him as a booming laugh fills the back corner of the quad.
“It’s not funny!”
His laughter echoes louder and you can’t stop yourself from lightly shoving him to get him to stop. His laughter ceases as his arms quickly grab you by your biceps and he squeezes hard enough that a small whimper of discomfort passes your lips.
“Careful doll, just cause I saved you doesn’t mean you can do what you want.”
“Sorry my King.” you say meekly, realizing the mistake you made. You can’t treat this man as if he’s Gojo. He most decidedly is not. He is far from your friend.
He hums happily at your response, pulling you close to his side and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“I think you’re afraid to admit that you want me.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“Cause clearly you want me.”
You scoff and turn away to which his finger hooks your chin and turns your head to face him. You can’t stop the way your breath hitches and becomes shallow as you look into his eyes. 
“Am I wrong?”
Your gaze falls to his lips as he speaks the words. He was not wrong. You wanted him. But that’s crazy. To yearn for a Curse. To feel this need for him. To desire a dangerous being such as him. You are a fool to feel this way. 
“You’re wrong.”
“Don’t lie to me, Princess.”
“I’m not lying.”
He slaps your face and once more your breath hitches as he tugs your jaw closer to his face. 
“I said don’t lie.”
You start to close your legs, trying to provide some form of relief to the sudden need in your core. 
“Yes, Princess”
“I can’t”
“You will.”
“But… I shouldn’t”
“Is that going to stop you?”
You feel dizzy from the heat flooding your body. You drop your head to his shoulder, hiding your blush.
“You can’t hide from me Doll.”
You bury your face in his neck in response, eliciting another chuckle from the man.
“I’m not hiding.”
“There we go with the lying again. Do I need to punish you?”
You gasp and lift your head off his shoulder. A mischievous grin spreads between his ears.
“My King, we’re in public.” you whisper as your panicked eyes dart around.
“Yes, and you’re lying to me here in public. I can’t let these onlookers see me let you get away with such behavior. What kind of King do you think I am?”
The tips of your ears grow hot. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you wanted to be punished here in front of your precious students.”
“No my King. I have no desire to lose my job.”
Sukuna’s hot breath fills your ear as he whispers seductively “That’s what your mind is saying but your body is saying something different.”
“Please stop” you quietly plead, feeling hot all over. You rub your legs together and turn away from him.
“Don’t run, Princess.”
Sukuna pulls you back towards him by slipping his hand between your legs and cupping your heat as he slides you back to his side. A heated gasp escapes you and you hide your face by turning your head away. His fingers begin to rub circles around your nub and you plead for him to stop. Your fingers wrap around the edge of the bench and you fall forward from the stimulation.
“Will you promise to stop lyin to me?”
“Yes, my King.”
His speed increases and you feel yourself clench, your back arching.
“Good girl.”
Sukuna withdraws his hand and you catch your breath. A derisive sigh cuts through the air before the pink haired man laments,
“The brat is screaming to come back out.”
You turn to gaze at his face. “Will I see you again.”
A low chuckle comes from his mouth, “Who’s gonna stop me?”
A smile of relief tugs at your lips and you feel stupid for even being excited about seeing this monstrosity but something about him has you wrapped up in his spell and you are happy nonetheless.
“See you soon, my King.”
He simply smiles and traces your cheek with his thumb before the tattoos fade and an apologetic Yuji returns. 
“Professor! I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it Yuji, really.”
He gives you a questioning look and you place your arm on his shoulder to reassure him.
“Thank you Yuji, for letting me get my answers. I deeply appreciate it.”
You get up and walk away feeling satisfied but albeit flustered by your conversation with Sukuna. Yuji sits on the bench behind you confused by what just happened but relieved that you are alright.
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Though Gojo is more suspicious than ever, constantly on high alert, worried about Sukuna,  Yuji starts to be a little more at ease around you. He no longer avoided you like you had the bubonic plague but he did look more exasperated than ever.
“Yuji, are you okay?”
“Yeah Professor, I’m good.”
“You look a little tired”
“It’s nothing. He’s just been more demanding than usual.”
You giggle with a small blush, “Sorry about that.”
“It’s not your fault.” You catch him on the cusp of rolling his eyes when he makes up an excuse to shuffle off to class. 
You’re left feeling a bit victorious with a twinge of guilt. You love knowing the effect you have on one of the most powerful beings to ever exist but feel bad that poor Yuji is caught in the middle.
You still love going to your weekly coffee date with Gojo but they’re different than they were before. He used to be more light hearted and while he still carries himself with child-like wonder, it is tainted with an undertone of worry and stress. He is extremely concerned about Sukuna’s interest in you and he did not like that you were taking the situation so lightly. He especially didn’t like that you seemed to enjoy it. 
How could you be so naive to let your guard down around a special grade that can level an entire city with a snap of his finger? It was unlike you to be so wreckless.
“How are your classes?”
“They’re going well. I’ve got a couple first years who think they’re hot stuff but it’s nothing a nice Grade 1 curse can’t fix.”
“That wouldn’t have ever worked on me.”
“Yeah” he says with a stretch, “I was just that awesome. No one will take me on.”
“Really…I’ve heard differently.”
“You have?!”
“Mhm” you nod
“A certain name comes to mind…a Toji I think.”
Gojo’s face drops and he looks to his lower right. “Megumi’s dad.”
You spit out your coffee in surprise. “THAT’S Megumi’s dad?!?!”
“Indeed. He told me about his son as he bled to death from the hole I carved into his chest.”
You’re stunned into silence. 
“He was a powerful man. Quick and invisible. I almost lost my life”
His eyes pan back up to meet yours.
“But, I’m here and he’s not, so it all worked out good.”
The quick shift in his attitude back to his usual chipper self almost gave you whiplash. You blink a couple times to mentally catch up.
“Is that when you took Megumi in?”
“I sought him out after that. He didn’t want to come with me but I stopped by plenty. Kinda like a fun uncle.”
“Well isn’t that sweet of you.”
“You think so?”
A flash of a smug grin runs across his face and his usual spirited demeanor returns.
“Thanks Sunshine, but it was the least I could do. It’s not like it’s a big deal.”
“Says you.” This leaves Gojo blushing and you start to realize that Sukuna was right, maybe there is more here than friendship but that’s not what you wanted. He was your professor and now your colleague. He has become your best friend. You don’t want to ruin that with a silly date that you’re not even sure you’d enjoy. 
You paint a pleasant smile on your face as you take another sip of your latte and redirect the conversation back to your classes while your mind continues to wander in the background about what Sukuna might think of your weekly coffee trips. 
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Asleep in your bed you dream of a warm embrace, a strong hand tracing your forehead and cupping your cheek. The feeling of a certain cursed being reviving you from the dead. You were dead…actually dead… You wake up with a start at the memory. 
Heart pounding with an empty feeling filling your chest and gut, you look around the empty room deciding what to do. Your fingers sink between the fabric of your blanket as you pull it up to your chin, tucking your knees to your chest. You feel alone and out of place all the sudden.
I shouldn’t be here. I should be dead.
It was a dark feeling that you couldn’t shake. As if by existing you have altered the timeline and the future is uncertain. 
“Sukuna really likes to play god, doesn’t he…” You mutter sarcastically into the darkness
As you think of the inked man you can’t help the flutter in your stomach. You start to remember his smirk and the way he touched you. How he likes to take charge and how dainty you feel by his side. The flutter turns into a twist as you realize your need for him is increasing and you can’t believe what you’re thinking of doing. 
You slide your covers off and reach in your nightstand to pull out a pair of fluffy socks. You slip them on and your toes touch the floor. You grab your robe off the hook on the back of your door as you swiftly walk towards your apartment entrance.
Opening the front door, you step into the hallway of the dorm, tiptoeing to the floor where the second years stay and glide down the corridor towards Yuji’s dorm room. 
This is wrong. This is wrong. I’m really doing this but it’s wrong.
You can’t stop the internal dialogue full of panic in the back of your head but you also couldn’t stop yourself from seeking him out. You get to Yuji’s room and unlock the door with your masterkey. 
The lights are off and complete darkness blankets the room. You’re relieved to hear light snoring from the second year so you feel confident to whisper into the room, “Sukuna…Sukuna, you there?”
You squeeze your eyes shut at how ridiculous this entire course of actions is. You’re insane, legitimately insane. You are trying to summon a dangerous special grade who may even kill you for demanding anything of him, including asking for his presence. Furthermore you broke into a student’s dorm room which is completely inappropriate, and what if Yuji wakes up and not Sukuna? How would you explain yourself? What if he gets uncomfortable and reports you?
Just as you decide this is a bad idea and you turn to leave, you hear the deep commanding voice of a king respond. 
“Ah, she seeks me out again.”
You stand up straight and turn around, bumping into Sukuna as he approaches you. 
“My King…”
You feel his hands reach for your arms and slide up your shoulders and neck, before cupping your cheek in the most endearing touch you’ve ever felt in your life. You exhale and relax completely as you stand before the cursed being. 
“Is everything okay, Doll?”
“I was feeling…out of place. Like I no longer belong cause I was supposed to die.”
“So precious. You were meant to live, Princess. If you were meant to die, you would’ve stayed dead. Come sweet girl.”
You lean your head into his hand, letting its weight rest in his palm before he steers you towards the bed and has you lie down before he gets in next to you. You can’t believe how he’s holding you. The terror of generations, pulling you into his chest, laying next to you and allowing you to sleep in his arms. 
“Yes my Princess?”
“Have you cuddled before?”
“A long time ago.”
“Did you like it?”
“Not enough to do it with anyone else.”
“And now?”
“Shh, relax Princess.” His voice was comforting but you didn’t understand.
“Why me?”
“You know why.”
“My potential?”
“Yes.” he says with a soft pet of your hair, lulling you into a stupor, no longer worried about how walking among the living is impacting the events of the universe. The insanity of the idea that you were sharing a bed with the mighty Sukuna completely wanes as sleep tugs at your lids. All you are left with is the blissful feeling of strong arms coveting you in their clutches. A feeling that pulls you into the swirling vortex of blissful sleep.
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The next morning you once more wake with a start, terrified that you fell asleep in a student’s dorm bed, cuddling with them while they were unconscious. You would absolutely lose your job if Yuji woke up before you. But as your body sits up, the sunlight streaming in from the window next to your bed serves as a reminder that somehow you are in fact between your own sheets. At some point Sukuna must have carried you back to your own home. It surprised you that he would be so considerate but you were starting to learn that when Sukuna cares for someone, he will treat them well. 
You hug your knees to your chest and rest your chin on top of them as you gaze out your window at the squirrel running up the tree and bounding along its branches. You must be going mad. Why else would sleeping in Sukuna’s arms bring you so much comfort? You were diagnosably insane. There was no other explanation. You went from fearing this man above all else to seeking him out when you needed comfort. 
…this is not gonna end well. I just know it
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iridescent-solstice · 15 hours
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He should accept the facts.
That he, Asra, is a selfish and greedy man. That he’s self-absorbed and far too ambitious to be anything considered noble. But what good is being noble anyways? He questions to himself as he shoves aside the curtain which separates the shop from hi- No. Their living quarters. Their very very messy living space.
What lead to this kind of situation in the first place? Being noble. That's what took Estrella away from him in the first place . . . Isn't it? No. He corrects himself instantly. It’s him leaving her with no regard to her wellbeing that took her away from him . . . Even when she begged him to come back. Well, whatever the case it was there’s no use thinking of that right now, he reminds himself . . . Not when she’s finally lucid.
But even then, despite everything he’s done to get her back. Estrella's not who she used to be. Frail and afraid. She's constantly afraid now. He sighs running a hand through his hair. Frustrated at the current situation.  
At first, she never let him touch her. And if he tried? She’d shriek and wail for hours like she was stuck in a never-ending nightmare. One that no matter what he did, he couldn’t save her from . . . But those days are behind them now. He breathes a sigh of relief about that while cleaning up his makeshift bed. The sofa. One that's not built for a cuddle bug like him. it makes him miss his bed back at Nopal . . . His pillow hoarding habits have gotten worse with time cause of that. He laughs to himself about that. Trying to distract himself, but his mind quickly wanders back to Estrella. These current days aren’t any better. She's alive. But an empty husk of who she used to be.
And now she clings to him like he’s her lifeline. There’s not much he can do nor many places he can leave to. Not when she needs him. Never when she needs him.
She needs him? . . . Or does she just crave the comfort of finally being safe? Pausing, he questions his decision to bring her back. If he went back in time, with the knowledge he has now, would he bring her back? Taking a deep breath, he now begins to clean up the piles of pillows littering the corridor leading to her room. He’s not sure why he’s left these here. Just like how he’s not really sure of anything nowadays. 
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[ ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀꜱ ʙʏ: @cafekitsune ]
Bleh this is pretty bad, I think my writing is getting dull nowadays. I should take a break to recoup.
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