thecapricunt1616 · 2 days
Promptober Day 3 👻
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 (𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭) : “We aren’t gonna die, Syd. Can you fuckin find your head it’s startin’ t’freak me out that I’m the calm one so far” he said, turning the fog lights on as well.  “Can we please just stop somewhere like- like- a rest stop or something? Until this passes ahh! Oh my god!” Syd screeches as the car slides for a moment over black ice and grabs onto Carmys knee for comfort. He jumped at her scream, gripping tighter at the wheel “Syd there’s no rest stops we’re in the middle of the fucking Italian valley!” He said frustratedly and she awkwardly removed her hand from his thigh. Shit. She thought to herself, he was right.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: AAA Welcome to Promptober day 3 featuring our loves Syd and Carmy! No smut this time, but I haven't written them in a minute so I wanted to warm myself back up with some cute fluffy fluff! I hope you enjoy 😊 Reminder that you can view my schedule & masterlist for this celebration right 🦇here🦇! You can also view the same for my 2024 Kinktober celebration right 🎃here🎃! If you'd like to be added to the taglist, just comment on the according masterlist & I will add you going forward! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.2K 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fluffy fluff, only 1 bed trope, Swearing, Anxious Syd & Carmy haha 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: @/𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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“Jesus Christ this fuckin came outta nowhere” Carmy mutters. The windshield wipers on their rental car were going as fast as they could, but he was still having a hard time seeing the road. 
“Carmy I told you this was a bad idea! Were literally gonna spin out and die. I knew it was gonna snow!” Sydney huffs, turning down the radio more because she had anxiety that Carmy wasn’t seeing as well with that as a distraction. 
“We aren’t gonna die, Syd. Can you fuckin find your head it’s startin’ t’freak me out that I’m the calm one so far” he said, turning the fog lights on as well. 
“Can we please just stop somewhere like- like- a rest stop or something? Until this passes ahh! Oh my god!” Syd screeches as the car slides for a moment over black ice and grabs onto Carmys knee for comfort. 
He jumped at her scream, gripping tighter at the wheel “Syd there’s no rest stops we’re in the middle of the fucking Italian valley!” He said frustratedly and she awkwardly removed her hand from his thigh. Shit. She thought to herself, he was right. 
They had come to Italy for some new culinary inspiration, but also to put in a special order for a certain type of cheese that you couldn’t have shipped by the company so Carmy was going to vacuum seal it and buy a special bag for it to take it back with them. 
It wasn’t that that she thought was fucking crazy, it was going to a town that was famously known for its Skiing 2 weeks before thanksgiving. Meaning winter was just starting to pick up, and they’d likely get caught in a blizzard. 
As much as Carmy tried to convince her that per the weather app it was just going to be bitterly cold the week he had planned for them to go, Syd had a bad feeling that the weather would take a turn for the worse and they’d get caught in a blizzard, and per usual- Syd was right. Thankfully in the distance, they saw lights indicating a business of some kind. 
“Oh thank god. Were stopping.” She said more as a statement then a question, if she was honest with herself it sounded quite like a demand.
“Yes Syd, we’re stopping” Carmy sighed a bit. Not because he was upset with her, but because she proved him wrong - yet again. There was a light above the sign that read “Columbina Albergo” Carmy wasn’t too good at Italian, but he quickly understood the hotel to be called Little Dove Motel. 
It made his heart skip a beat, how romantic could a motel be. A dead one at that. There was only 2 other cars there, and the place wasn’t the most slightly- but it would do. “Alright I guess…uh. Yeah let’s go get a room I guess? I’m sure they uh have…double beds” Carmy said as he turned off the car and pulled up the hood of his white hoodie and opened the car door. 
The wind nearly stole Sydney’s blood orange and floral patterned scarf and she quickly grabbed it walking quicker as Carmy held the door open for her. 
“Buona Sera!” The woman at the counter chirps and Carmy nods politely. 
“Buona sera! Uhh… unaaaa…” he thinks for a moment trying to recall the bit of Italian he’d brushed up on before they came over “ah! Per favore, Una letto matrimoniale” He said and the woman nodded pointing to the sign that read it was €30 per night. He dug out his wallet and handed over 3 €10 notes and she put it in her register before grabbing the hanging set of keys with the room number and handing them over 
“Grazie, Buonanotte” she said and Carmy nodded, turning to Syd and handing her the keys 
“It’s room 11, I’ll bring your stuff just go warm up s’cold out there” he said, opening the door for her again. Even though it was freezing, she felt her cheeks flush with heat at how gentlemanly he was being. 
“Yeah send me into some random motel room where there could be a killer lying in wait?” She teased, heading down the row of rooms to find number 11. 
“You have a big mouth. Just scream an' I’ll come running don’t worry” Carmy mused, unlocking the rental car to gather the suitcases. By the time he got to the room, Syd was sitting on the single full sized bed with a teasing smirk. 
“You need to brush up on your Italian more, Chef” 
Carmys cheeks heat to a deep shade of pink, looking around the room to see that there was no  couch, just a small arm chair and he sighs deeply, rubbing over his face and tossing his pillow on the floor 
“You can have the bed” he muttered, tossing her her backpack and she giggled a bit
“What- scared I’m gonna touch you? We can put pillows between us if you want” she said and he raised his brows, looking at her in slight disbelief. 
“No- no m’not scared just…I dunno if you’re seein’ someone I wouldn’t want my girlfriend sleeping with her business partner” he said before he could think and he rubs his chin nervously as she started cracking up. 
“Yeah. No im not seeing anyone, but also don’t go saying you slept with me on this trip, I don’t want that rumor on my name” she teased as she opened her backpack, grabbing her pajamas “I’m gonna call the bathroom first, so…just call me when you’re changed I guess” she said and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. 
Carmys heart was thumping, he could have sworn he had requested a room with a double bed, and the office hours listed on the door said they had made it just in time before she closed for the night - so no switching. 
He quickly tugged off his jeans and hoodie, putting on a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants, pulling the sheets back and getting the pillows situated. Carmy had a crush on Sydney since he’d met her, but of course, with his testy past with relationships - he was afraid that persuing someone he held so dearly to him would quickly end up in explosive flames. 
On the other side of the bathroom door, Sydney was in a similar panic, currently asking herself if she should keep her bra on, because it was like - respectful or whatever, or if she could be comfortable and take it off. She weighed it in her head for a good 5 minutes before hearing Carmy clear his throat and say 
“Uh- Syd n-not rushin’ you- jus’ wondering if you wanted to watch that movie still?” He called through the door. 
She quickly decided it would be better to just take it off so her back wouldn’t hurt in the morning and quickly puts on her old childish gambino shirt and a pair of sofee sleep shorts and opened the door “yeah- yeah” she swallows thickly when she saw that Carmy had a clear dick print in his grey sweats. 
“Okay- cmon” he patted the bed next to him, grabbing his laptop from his bag and resting it on his lap as he turns it on. 
She sits next to him, criss cross, her knee draped over his thigh because they were so close. Carmy felt as if his hands were shaking, Syd felt as if her heart was going to fly out of her chest at any moment.  It was going to be a long night.
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Tag List: @carmenberzattosgf @daysofyellowroses @mouseymilkovich @gallaghersgal @carmybrainworms @l4long-winded @babyspiderling @southsideserendipity @djlnkaled
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25 notes · View notes
thecapricunt1616 · 1 day
Promptober Day 4 👻
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 (𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭) : You, Richie, Syd, Carmy, Marcus & His girlfriend had decided to have a couples movie night at your apartment, but Syd had chosen for her & Carmy and picked Halloween: Resurrection. Which you personally had seen many times, so we’re already bored and it wasn’t even the second half yet.  “Carm- can I take that blanket behind you?” You asked and Richie looks at you knowingly, as Carmy silently reached behind him and tossed the blanket in your lap where your calves were laid over Richie’s thighs and he was stroking your soft legs gently.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Welcome to Promptober day 4!!! Here we have corruption this time being served up with a side of your favorite old man, Richie Jerimovich! I hope you love it, & As always thank you again for any and all love thats been given to my Prompt&Kinktober fics so far! As always, you can view my schedule & masterlist for this celebration right 🦇here🦇! You can also view the same for my 2024 Kinktober celebration right 🎃here🎃! If you wanted to be added to the tag list for either just comment on the according masterlist! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Smut, Swearing, Kinda public sex (there are other ppl in the room), Age diff, no use of y/n 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: @/𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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“C’mon baby when you gonna stop teasin me like that mm?” Richie’s breath was hot on the shell of your ear, his stubble tickling your cheek which caused you to smile. 
“This movie is boring” you mumble in his ear softly, low enough for only him to hear before gently taking his lobe between your teeth and sucking on it gently. His grip on your thigh tightened, lips parting slightly as he sucks in a deep breath. 
You, Richie, Syd, Carmy, Marcus & His girlfriend had decided to have a couples movie night at your apartment, but Syd had chosen for her & Carmy and picked Halloween: Resurrection. Which you personally had seen many times, so we’re already bored and it wasn’t even the second half yet. 
“Carm- can I take that blanket behind you?” You asked and Richie looks at you knowingly, as Carmy silently reached behind him and tossed the blanket in your lap where your calves were laid over Richie’s thighs and he was stroking your soft legs gently. 
“Thanks” you said and he mumbles a hum of acknowledgement, eyes locked on the tv and arm wrapped around Sydney, rubbing her shoulder gently as she rested her head on his shoulder. You spread the blanket over your and Richie’s lap, and he gently pulled you to lay your his shoulder so he can kiss your forehead and sneakily whisper in your ear
“Y’know how filthy it is Y’gonna do this? Mm? All our friends right here?” He said, his voice raspy and low in such a way that it brought goosebumps to your skin. In response you just brought your lips to his, giving him a slow gentle kiss as you slickly slipped your hand under the blanket, rubbing over his bulge that was covered by his pajama pants. 
He let out a soft breath that was warm against your upper lip, pulling away and trying to focus on the tv so no one got suspicious. You continued to rub over him until he was half hard, before sticking your hand in his pants and raising your brows at the feeling of him not wearing boxers underneath. 
You looked at eachother and he gave you that classing Jerimovich ok, and? Look before looking back at the tv to keep your little sexcapade as low key as you could. Using your palm you stroked over him slowly, as any sudden quick movements would likely draw attention. When it got to the point where he was throbbing beneath your hand, you wrapped your fist around his sensitive tip, massaging it lightly with the pad of your thumb. This caused him to cover a groan by clearing his throat which made Syd look over for a moment before her gaze settled back at the tv. 
Richie looked at you, clenching his jaw as you gave him a minx like smirk, biting your lip teasingly as you rub the precum that had gushed out of his tip down his shaft. His head nearly dropped back when you gave him a squeeze at his base how he liked, your thumb being tickled by the patch of curly hair just below his navel, but he quickly stopped himself knowing that would surely garner unwanted attention, and he didn’t want it to stop. 
His eyes fluttered shut, taking a silent deep breath, trying to manage his containment and your gaze fluttered over to Marcus and his girlfriend, whom were sitting a foot next to the two of you- and luckily they, and Carmy and Syd as well- were still engrossed in the movie. 
You took the loud scene that had come up that had everyone’s attention in a vice to pump him quickly with a light touch, and you could tell how hard he was holding back by the way his hips twitched and toes curled into the carpet. 
He gripped your thigh tighter, sliding his hand up and cupping your pussy through your sleep shorts that matched his pajama pants, crinkling his brows in confusion then raising them in surprise when he realized you too weren’t wearing panties, so he could feel all the wetness that had gathered between your thighs in the time you’d been playing with him. In response you just give him that same - ‘ok, and?’ Look he gave you earlier and went back to massaging his tip with your thumb with firm slow circular strokes once the movie quieted down again. 
He sighed, more like huffed a breath of pleasure out through his nose, but anyone else in the room would likely just think it was one of his tired old man sighs, so you weren’t worried. You knew by the way his stomach muscles were twitching and he kept squeezing and rubbing at your mound in turn for not moaning out or saying something filthy to you - you knew he was close. 
To be sure you finished him off, and fast, you were sure to twist your wrist each time you got to his tip with your stroke and in response you watch his pretty blue eyes roll before flittering shut and swallowing thickly. You leaned in, planting soft quiet kisses at the base of his neck, before working your way up over the hickeys you’d left on him last night, gently nibbling on them with your teeth and he scrunched his nose in the most adorable way as his cock twitched in your hand. 
You continued your kisses up to below his ear, nibbling on his earlobe once again, before whispering in his ear 
“Cum f’me daddy- you look so pretty when you cum” In response he grabbed your wrist, squeezing it to let you know that he was close and he looks at you, a hungry lust filled gaze in his eyes. 
He lightly kissed your cheekbone before saying in your ear, your hair tickling your cheek “need it baby- always take care a’me” his voice breathy and wanton. 
You smiled a bit at that, moving your wrist a bit faster but being sure to not let it be noticeable. Before you knew it, he was covering another moan with a cough this time before wrapping his arm around your shoulder, and pulling you into his chest before kissing your head firmly. You giggled a bit as you continued to slowly but firmly stroke him, milking out every last drop and he pushed your hair away from your ear before whispering in it.  “Get ready f’me to pay you back when they get outta here” 
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Tag List: @carmenberzattosgf - @daysofyellowroses - @mouseymilkovich - @gallaghersgal - @carmybrainworms - @l4long-winded - @babyspiderling - @southsideserendipity - @djlnkaled
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thecapricunt1616 · 4 days
Promptober Day 1 👻
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 (𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭) : You had just landed at Boston airport last night, got a rental car, and Luca drove you to the beautiful little AirBNB that was decked out in adorable Halloween decor. Of course to break in the new space you went for a few rounds as soon as you got there, and you had left your phones off since you got on the plane since neither of you wanted to be bothered, and if you didn’t see it you wouldn’t have the anxiety that came with feeling you were required to reply even though neither of you had any interest in having conversation with anyone but eachother at the moment, so none of your alarms had gone off thankfully.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: OMG! Hello! Welcome to day 1/31 of #TheBearblrPromptober2024! I am so excited to be taking part in this! If you didn't know, this prompt list was created by my lovely, wonderful, beautiful, smart and amazing friend @carmenberzattosgf! Everyone say 'Thank you Dirty Olive Martini!' for creating such a fun list & allowing everyone to use it! Halloween is my favorite holiday out of the entire year, so I'm reporting to you from the past 👻🔮ooooooo magical time travel🔮👻 I'm queuing this alllll the way back on 9/5 🤭! Can you tell how much I love Halloween?! Haha! I will be doing TWO Posts a day this October (I'm a psycho! I know! Hence why I'm reporting to you from the past hehe)! I will be participating in #TheBearblrPromptober2024! - you can view my schedule & masterlist for this celebration right 🦇here🦇, Now- I will also be posting my own celebration at night- #TheCapricuntsKinktober2024! You can view my schedule & masterlist for that celebration right 🎃here🎃! I hope you all enjoy what I've cooked up for this upcoming month, I'm hoping to also be cooking on the asks that have been rotting away in my inbox for god knows how long in between posting, since all of Sept. was spent preparing for this celebration! Okay, I promise every authors note will not be this long - I just had to get the intro out of the way! Lastly if you'd like to be added to my taglist for either celebration, just click on the celebration links on my masterpost also linked above & comment, I will add you! Alright, without further ado- Let #TheBearblrPromptober2024 begin! oh my gosh it’s FINALLY October! I have the first 14 prompt/kinktober blurbs done. It’s gonna be a big month!! I hope I have the writing bug up my ass the whole month I have 46 more prompts to get done omfg!! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fluff, Mentions of smut (no active smut) 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: @/𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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You and Luca had finally gotten some time off. You were currently studying law at the University of Copenhagen, and decided that you were going to take the fall semester off because you and Luca had just gotten engaged and wanted time together to plan your wedding. Luca had made his way up to head pastry chef, so in celebration Luca had surprised you with a trip to Salem to see the foliage and do other fun fall things. 
Halloween was always you and Luca’s favorite holiday. In the 3 years that you had been dating, you had always picked out cute couples costumes together, The first year, You were Fred and Daphne from Scooby doo, The next you were Lilo and Stitch, and this year you were going to be some girl called D.VA and Luca would be a guy called Soldier 76 from some video game that he was always playing when he had free time.
You weren’t so sure what it was, you just knew she wore a cute leotard that made you feel like a superhero and an adorable pink bunny rabbit she carried around, and he even ended up finding a cute bunny backpack for your costume to go with it. Halloween though, was over a week away. You had just landed at Boston airport last night, got a rental car, and Luca drove you to the beautiful little AirBNB that was decked out in adorable Halloween decor. 
Of course to break in the new space you went for a few rounds as soon as you got there, and you had left your phones off since you got on the plane since neither of you wanted to be bothered, and if you didn’t see it you wouldn’t have the anxiety that came with feeling you were required to reply even though neither of you had any interest in having conversation with anyone but eachother at the moment, so none of your alarms had gone off thankfully.
You woke up, entangled limbs and pumpkin printed sheets, cheek mushed on Lucas pec comfortably, as embarrassing as it was, a little bit of drool crusted in the corner of your mouth. What could you say? The 7 hour flight on top of 4 hours of tacked on extra traveling and then nearly 3 hours of intense hooking up with your boyfriend that had the stamina of a stallion wiped you out to say the least. 
The room was still comfortably dark, just a sliver of light peeking through the blackout velvet curtains. 
You peeled your cheek off of his warm chest,  your eyes fluttering open to see your beautiful boyfriend sleeping beneath you still. You planted a gentle, loving kiss on his collarbone, before getting up and tending to your plans you had for the morning. Your loving, wonderful fiancee had gone through all of the planning of your trip on his own, because he wanted to surprise you. He’d known you’d always wanted to go to Salem, especially around Halloween which was your two’s special holiday.
You slip on your fluffy baby pink robe, adorned with bats that he’d bought you for the trip, as well as your nightmare before Christmas slippers and pad out to the kitchen. Your first line of business was to feed your black cat, Since it was your cat together, of course he was named Salem - Who was meowing and weaving between your legs, asking for his breakfast.
“I know baby I know baby!” You coo, picking him up and kissing his fluffy head as you walked to the kitchen. After you got him all settled, you got working on the Classic English Breakfast for Luca using the groceries that you’d ordered from instacart last night. Pork breakfast sausages, poached eggs, fried mushrooms and tomatoes, black pudding, and sourdough toast with lots of english butter, which you realized costed a whopping $6 opposed to it only being 2 back home. 
Just as you were getting everything plated on the table, you heard a cough come from the bedroom “Lu?” you called, hoping his throat felt a bit better then yesterday. Luca hated flying to say the least. 
“Are you cooking” he called back with a light cough. 
“Mm breakfast is made pretty boy” you went and stood at the doorway to see Salem had made his way to cuddle up on Lucas chest. “And petting him so close isn’t gonna help that dry throat” you told him, going over and kissing his forehead gently. 
He puckered his lips for a kiss and you lean down, brushing his messy blonde tufts out of his eyes and giving him a gentle kiss. “What did you make?” He asked softly when you pulled away, taking your hand and kissing the pads of your fingers gently. 
“I made you some green tea for that airplane throat, and your favorite, classic English- cmon. Let’s go curl up on the couch and watch Goosebumps” you told him and giggle as he pulled you to lay on top of him since Salem had went off to go play with his toys 
“Mmmmm - I don’t think that’ll be enough, I think I’m in the mood for something a little sweeter” he said softly in your ear before taking the lobe between your teeth and tugging gently. 
You giggled at the way he’d been awake  for not even 10 minutes and he was already trying to get you out of your robe this morning. 
“Breakfast, then dessert, let’s go handsome” you gently played with his pretty blonde locks and he hums. 
“I guess breakfast will get cold, mm” he said and kissed the side of your face lightly. “And I can tell you if your egg poaching skills have gotten any better” he teased, pushing up the bottom of your robe and squeezing your bum between his palms, trailing his hands up to your hips.
“It will- I know what those hands are up to” you giggled as they made their way back down to cup your heat through your panties. 
“They have a mind of their own in the mornings” he said with a small smirk. You hum and leaned in, kissing him deeply just enough to make him believe that he had won this little battle that he’d started with you, before pulling away and getting up with a frisky grin.
“Well it won’t be a fair judgment of my eggs if you let them get cold, Lu!” you giggled and made your way out to the dining room, leaving him cold in bed.
“You’re gonna pay for that - we don’t have anything planned today” he chuckled as he finally got up to follow you.
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Tag List: @carmenberzattosgf @daysofyellowroses @mouseymilkovich @gallaghersgal @carmybrainworms @l4long-winded @babyspiderling @southsideserendipity @djlnkaled
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 days
Promptober Day 2 👻
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 (𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭) : “Liiiiip” You huff, for the third time in the last 10 minutes, and he still hadn’t acknowledged you as he kept yapping away about some baseball game with one of his friends from class, gently rubbing and squeezing your hip as he spoke. He’d finally had enough though, as he rolled his eyes and took a long sip of his beer before looking at you. “Yes, baby?” He asked? His Tone laced with annoyance. You had been moping around all night, saying that this party was no fun cause all they had was beer and straight whiskey (with no mixers available) which was fine by him. But you were more of a fruity carbonated girl, and all they were playing was boy music as you’d also whined to him earlier.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Welcome to day 2 of promptober! we get 2 doses of smut today, stay tuned tonight for kinktober day two! you can view my schedule & masterlist for this celebration right 🦇here🦇! 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Impact play, spanking, Dom!Lip, College Lip 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: @/𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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“Liiiiip” You huff, for the third time in the last 10 minutes, and he still hadn’t acknowledged you as he kept yapping away about some baseball game with one of his friends from class, gently rubbing and squeezing your hip as he spoke. He’d finally had enough though, as he rolled his eyes and took a long sip of his beer before looking at you. 
“Yes, baby?” He asked? His Tone laced with annoyance. You had been moping around all night, saying that this party was no fun cause all they had was beer and straight whiskey (with no mixers available) which was fine by him. But you were more of a fruity carbonated girl, and all they were playing was boy music as you’d also whined to him earlier. 
“I wanna go homee” you said and kissed his neck gently, nipping at a hickey you’d left last night before sucking it gently. 
“Ey’ cut it out” he moves his hand down to your ass and squeezes lightly “behave” he said low and quiet in your ear. In response you just bit down harder, which made him hiss a bit and he spanks you to get you to let go, earning a few snickers from his friends. 
“Owie!” You yelp a bit and he shook his head, finishing off the rest of his beer. 
“You tryna’ make a fool outta me isn’t gonna make us leave faster. In fact, I need another drink.” He led you with him back to the kitchen to get himself another beer. You groan dramatically, dragging your feet as you followed him. 
“You’re being unfair and a really big jerk” he said and he raised his brows, looking at you with a surprised look on his face. 
“I’ll give you one chance to take that back” he said with a smirk, pulling a corona out of the cooler and popping it open on the counter with one swift motion before taking a swig. The look dancing in his eyes was mischievous, and you knew you were playing with fire- but that didn’t stop you from loving the feeling of getting burned just a bit. 
“No. You’re being a big, mean boyfriend. A jerk. J, e, r, k” you lean in close, your lips nearly touching his as you spelt it out for him. He chuckled darkly, gently rubbing his hand up the small of your back, over your waist, to the back of your head. 
He grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled your head back roughly, leaving hot, sultry kisses up the column of your throat until he got to your lips, whispering over them the same way you had just a few moments prior.  “You’re gonna regret that, babygirl”
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“What did I say?” your hips jerked, mound swollen and on fire from the repeated assault of Lips cupped hand spanking your dripping cunt for the last 25 minutes. 
“P-please- M’sorry” you sniffled, trying and failing to close your legs to protect your sensitive core from any further punishment. “Don’t- don’t start again- I’ll remember I’ll remember!” you hiccuped a cry as you beg, your teary gaze meeting meeting his in the mirror. 
“The next time you forget to count, we’re starting again. Hear me?” He asked, his usual stark blue eyes blown wide and dark with lust. You nodded fervently, swallowing thickly and sniffling 
“6- that was six” you said and he used one of his knees that were hooked over yours to spread your legs wider. 
“Remember this next time you wanna mouth off in’fronta my friends” he brought his hand down again over your heat in a light smack, causing your hips to buck into his hand and a whiny cry to leave your lips 
“S-seven” you mewl, head falling back on his shoulder as you pant at the mixture of pain and pleasure. He tuts and nudges your cheek with his nose 
“Y’know what I’m gonna say kitten, you need t’watch er’ it doesn’t count” he said hotly in your ear and you whined, picking your head up and angling it for a kiss 
“Gimme kisses” you mutter and he leaned in, causing your eyes to flutter shut and just as you feel his lips brush yours he says 
“Who got themself in trouble” onto your lips in a low husky voice. You huff, annoyed he wasn’t giving you what you wanted 
“You because you’re the meanest- ah!” You yelp, his hand coming down against your pussy once more. 
“Wrong it’s that fuckin mouth. God, y’just don’t learn- and why aren’t you counting, brat?” He said hotly in your ear and you grind up against his hand, trying to get some friction to your aching clit 
“Eight- please daddy please I’m sorry I’ll be good I promise I’ll be good” you begged, putting your hand on top of his, guiding his fingers to your dripping core and his jaw fell slack, spreading your lips with his fingers so he could get a better view. 
“Holy fuck. No wonder y’such a brat. Y’get off on this mm? You like it when I punish you” he bites down on your neck as he spanks you again and you gasp, squirming against his chest 
“N-nine- nine” you cried, smears of black under your eyes from the tears that had gathered at your lash line. 
“Good girl, just one more then I’ll give you whatever you want yea?” He kissed your forehead sweetly and you grab his wrist 
“Gimme a kiss?” You ask sweetly and pucker your lips. 
“Whats the reason you’re being punished?” He asked again, gently kissing your chin as he waited for an answer. You whine and roll your eyes, finally deciding to relent. 
“My mouth.” You mutter and he hums in approval before gently grabbing your chin and angling your face to bring you into a sweet kiss that felt like it was much too short before he pulls away and delivers one last spank to your stinging skin making you gasp having not expected it 
“Ten” he said for you and you sigh in relief, head falling back on his shoulder and he said softly in the shell of your ear   “I think you learned your lesson”
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Tag List: @carmenberzattosgf @daysofyellowroses @mouseymilkovich @gallaghersgal @carmybrainworms @l4long-winded @babyspiderling @southsideserendipity @djlnkaled
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thecapricunt1616 · 1 month
Hello everyone! I am so excited to take part in #bearblrpromptober ! Thank you so much to the lovely beautiful @carmenberzattosgf for this prompt list, Below you can find my post schedule for next month! I am so excited to write all of these amazing prompts, so everyone go give Olive a big warm thank you!
Fun Fact: Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday! So this will be so so fun for me hehe ! I hope you all enjoy what I come up with <3
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20 notes · View notes