vhoorlpool · 16 hours
Drafty Fingers
Monstertober 2024 - day 4 [ Haunted ] by @ozzgin
[ m!ghost x fem!reader ]
tw dubcon
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There has been a presence lingering around the house for some time. Watching you. But you just moved in and you believed it was all in your head. The unfamiliar house wanted to scare you a bit, that's all. But recently some stranger and more extreme things started happening.
At first there were brief and gentle touches of cold. Sometimes against your cheek, sometimes along your arm. Once, a cold stroke went up your shin. You shivered, rationalizing it as draft, but you felt some deeper excitement and fear as well. The draft felt strangely like fingers.
One day your friend visited you and, while you were sitting at the table with her, the 'drafty fingers' went up your skirt. They fondled your panties, tickling the insides of your thighs. All you could do was squirm, hoping your friend won't notice your strange behavior. But it was hard to talk or focus since the cool fingers touched exactly the right places, poking and rubbing through the fabric. You tried shielding your pussy from the naughty invader by pressing the damp fabric with your other hand, but it was no use. The chill went right through your flesh and bones and touched what it wanted, playing with your nerves.
Once the entity poked your clit, you jolted and apologized, explaining that you bit your tongue, and hid your blushing face behind your palm. When your friend stood up to bring you water, you quickly lifted your skirt to investigate your body. Your panties were moved to the side, exposed to some invisible spirit. The drafty fingers gently touched your plump folds and you saw them move and pulsate.
Completely embarrassed, you pressed your thighs together, but the lewd movements and sounds continued, unfazed. Since you couldn't stop the teasing, you decided to speed things up. You went to the bathroom, shouting another apology to your friend, invisible fingers still attached to your groin. Once you locked the door, you leaned against the wall and spread your legs wide open. You humped what seemed as clear air and nothing else, but the sensation inside your pussy became more intense with each roll of your hips. You bit your hand, trying not to moan while your friend is still in the house. You quickly climaxed, humping the air like a toy rabbit, without any physical touch - only thanks to skillful spiritual fingers.
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
Older trans man Dom that makes me sit at his feet and mouth at his T-dick through his boxers like a good dog while he plays with my leash and thinks about how he’s going to dress me tomorrow, how he wants his boy to look
I mouth and nuzzle at him while he pets me , mumbling praise to me, how I’ve come so far and I’m such a good boy
How he’s so pleased that I’ve come to my senses and put all of that being a girl nonsense behind me, that I’ve realised I’m much better off as a boy . His boy
His good boy , his scruffy , obedient, boy
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
want some one to fuck me nice and soft and slow after a long day with achey bones i want someone to take the time to set the pillows up around me and make sure i don’t feel a single ache for the rest of the night i want someone to make me cum over and over and over again whispering soft little words to me so my head can go all mushy and i don’t have to feel the ache in the rest of my body and then they’ll hold me and kiss my face and we can sleep :) hard core kink guys ik ik
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
what's that one post that's like, a royal being passed around as a fuck toy for their group of knights
"we have to keep him safe, because his pussy/ass/mouth feels heavenly on my cock and i'll be damned if i let someone take him away from us"
alternatively, being a prince captured by the enemy and used by /their/ group of knights after being forced to take drugs/aphrodisiacs
much to ponder
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
knight who growls and shoves you against a wall in an empty corridor because you’ve been drawing their attention all day and it simply isn’t safe for them to be so distracted, prince/ss, so now it’s your responsibility to get them off since you insisted on keeping them from doing their job properly by filling their head with such impure thoughts in the first place.
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vhoorlpool · 2 days
been playing a lot of left 4 dead lately, which made me think— hmm… what if you were surviving the apocalypse with a group of hybrids?
as they say, there’s safety in numbers. at first you were alone, fighting to stay alive in a world that couldn’t— but when a group of hybrids find you cute, what do you expect them to do? leave you all alone?
semi nsfw + fluff under the cut!! sorry if this seems rushed,, work has been killing me lately!! (つ﹏ <。) eep!!
the hyena hybrid who first saw you thought you’d make an excellent dinner. he wouldn’t even be ashamed to admit the countless hours he’s spent trailing after you to commit your routine to memory. but after seeing you try so hard to keep your cute little self safe all on your lonesome makes him feel… seen, in a way. you’re lonely, just like him; no pack in sight. it makes him feel so bad— so please, let him help you!!
he’s a hell of a good watchman, with sharp senses and night vision that helps him scavenge even through the most dilapidated of buildings for your team’s rations. he’s a bit of an asshole, however, always making snide remarks and groping your butt when you aren’t looking; laughing like a madman when the apples of your cheeks bloom that adorable shade of red.
but if anything or anyone happened to hurt you? he’d be on them in an instant, ripping them to shreds with his teeth; snapping bones under the strength of his jaw and bringing back the meat to eat with a deranged little grin.
he’s nocturnal, and a restless sleeper at heart. more often than not he’ll find himself tucked into your side; scruffy mug smushed right against your bosom as he rubs his cheeks against the plush mounds of flesh; making sure you’ll smell like nothing but him in the morning. what do you mean your teats are sore? what? bite marks?! hey, don’t look at him like that!
oh, but the two of you are so utterly adorable to the dragon hybrid that happened to stumble across the two of you as you slept, unknowing that the abandoned home you’re in is his. his body is big, scales hardened and scarred from age and battle. who else would be so well equipped to protect you? you’re already sleeping amongst his treasure, you both might as well become part of it…
he’s the complete opposite of his hyena hybrid counterpart. he loves to sleep, warm body curled against the two of you as his wings keep you hidden from view; golden eye peeped open as he rakes his talons up, up, up; toying with the both of you and making you squirm against him before leaving you frustrated and pent up as he drifts to sleep. cheeky bastard!
he loves the two of you to death, and would absolutely throw himself into harm’s way to keep you safe. when you’re traveling and happen to be swarmed by a hoarde, expect to be pushed to the side as he unfurls those claws of his; ripping through infected bodies like scissors to tissue paper. he’d rather the sun fall from the smoggy skies than either of you get hurt. if you thought your hyena hybrid companion’s scenting was bad, wait until he’s got both of you smushed against him as he rubs his face against your necks and wrists; big body grinding up against either of you with the promise of a long night to come. (oh, dear… )
god, do you three ever stop making such embarrassing noises? the moth hybrid finds herself reluctantly attracted to the light and love your trio brings, as cliche as that sounds to her. so when the three of you wake up to a grumbling little lump of fluff curled up between your bodies… no one is certainly complaining about the additional warmth. (well… maybe except for her.)
her nimble fingers are handy when it comes to administering pressure and wrapping your wounds in gauze and bandages when you get yourself in trouble. she’ll tut, chiding you for being so careless with her most favorite person. …what? did she say that? no she didn’t. aren’t you supposed to be resting, and not talking?
she’ll let the three of you begrudgingly rub the base of her wings and the tips of her antennae; though not without eventually melting against your bodies with the cutest sighs. she doesn’t purr, exactly, but you’ll feel a vibration against your chest. the same happens when she’s excited; and the fact that can potentially pleasure her troublemaker trio when times get steamy brings an immense sense of satisfaction to her.
she might be delicate, but not without ferocity. when her darlings are being cornered; she’ll get you out of trouble, come hell or high water. she’ll fly directly into a zombie’s face just to claw at their eyes; making sure they’ll pay for even thinking about coming towards any of you.
to some, home is a place whether it be a rusted heap of metal or not. but to your hybrids, home is with you, and they wouldn’t want it any other way.
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vhoorlpool · 4 days
Pride and Joy
Monstertober 2024 - day 1 [ Marking the territory ] by @ozzgin
[ lion hybrids x fem!reader ]
You're the only human in the pride. You stumbled upon them during the safari (when you ended up unsupervised and lost) and the females noticed you. They wanted you to be part of their family and offer you to their alpha.
The alpha male lion hybrid was more than eager to let you join, especially seeing his queens so excited about you. Before letting their king mark you (whatever that is), they wanted to get you dolled up. They immediately took you to their baths.
You noticed all the lioness hybrids having oval-shaped stains all over their bodies. At first, you thought those were some kind of tattoos. You asked the lionesses about them, but they just giggled. They surrounded you, undressed you, and pushed you into the bath. They washed your body slowly and thoroughly, making lewd but sweet comments about your body and purring from pleasure. Their hands would disappear into the soapy water and start exploring your thighs, ass, and cunt. They were gentle and skillful. Your nipples became hard above the hot water and you couldn't help but moan. They were very happy to hear you. "You will like our king, sweet regina. He is powerful but obedient. Everyone knows that queens rule the pride."
After deciding you had enough (even though you most certainly did not!), they dress you up in beautiful silk and cotton and present you to their king lion. His eyes light up like a rising sun. You notice his powerful mane and incredible scars... but no strange markings like lionesses.
"Mark our new queen, just like you mark us every sunrise," said one of the lionesses.
With a lustful lick of his tongue, the lion hybrid starts kissing your lips, neck, chest, and shoulders, slowly undressing you with his big hands, and leaving hickeys all over your body. He even kneels in front of you - the king himself! His deep, guttural purring, fingers that locate your erogenous zones as if his fingertips had eyes, and amazing kisses, melt your core. You are sure they can all smell the nectar dripping down your thighs. The king most certainly does. He bites his lower lip before diving between your folds and, like a tidal wave, pleasure washes over you.
Lionesses coax you both, enjoying the view, but they touch neither king nor you, letting you get to know each other. You grab a fistful of lion hybrid's thick mane and cum all over his tongue. Your knees buckle, but your new king quickly picks you up and kisses you again. You are covered in hickeys - the same marks that other lionesses get every morning. "What a wonderful new queen you found for our pride," he beams, and you and he are pounced on by happy lionesses.
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vhoorlpool · 6 days
Husband!Nikto: The Only Time He Ever Mentions You
And I mean the only time, and everyone at the table knows he will kill them slowly if it gets discussed anywhere else
Nikto is known for two things on base, the first being that he has zero tolerance for any bullshit. At just the scent of fuckery, Nikto is either scruffing the culprit, or thumbing one of his tactical knives threateningly.
The second legend is that he never discusses his personal life. Ever. Nikto could live the life of king in his free time and no one would hear about it. Even Krueger, who is likely the closest thing Nikto has to a friend, hasn’t got a clue about Nikto’s civilian habits, other than guessing the man drinks double the amount of tea at home.
It’s a shock to everyone therefore, when the first thing he ever lets slip past his guarded exterior, is the fact he has a home now. More than that, he’s got a wife waiting there for him.
“Bullshit.” Snaps Krueger, snorting at Nikto over the rim of his glass, eyes narrowed with suspicion as he thumbs the cards he’s holding. “If this is a trick to throw us off your bet, you are more stupid than you look.”
König just blinks dazedly, shuffling his own hand. Horangi is holding a lighter to his face, seemingly unaware the cigarette he’s grasping is well and truly burning. Horangi never partakes in poker night, preferring to act as an unofficial umpire.
“Think what you want.” Nikto’s aquamarine gaze doesn’t shift from the tabletop, as he casually throws another bill on the surface. “I do not care.”
“Chaining a women to your bed doesn’t count as marriage.” Snipes Krueger, rolling his clever gaze and nudging König with a foot. “Your move next Colonel.”
But König is now staring at Nikto with something intense written in the harsh lines of his features.
“What is she like? Your little Hausfrau?”
Nikto’s eyes flit upwards, blue irises warmed by the thought of you. It’s more emotion than anyone has ever seen in him, and even Krueger stops being scornful for a heartbeat.
“The first sunlight of spring.” He replies slowly, imagining every tiny moment spent in your presence, how love has cauterised his open wounds, replacing them with warmth. A balm over each sore spot and rough edge.
Each man returns to the game, Nikto quietly planning to call you when he gets back to his room. The others? Well. It’s safe to say their jealousy is almost palpable.
Rough creatures don’t deserve nice things.
But they still pine for them.
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vhoorlpool · 6 days
price fucking nanny!reader bc how else is he supposed to thank you for taking care of his kids :(
omfggggg so hot 😭
no because the way he’d literally fold you up beneath him and push you deep into the couch as he fucks you, putting all of his weight behind himself to push whimpers from your chest.
his big hands on the fat of your thighs as he kept them bent, pressed right up against your soft tummy. gripping and kneading as he fucked his cock into you— splitting you open, watching your puffy folds stretch around him.
oh he’d be so fucking vocal, too. muttering all kinds of filth to you as you struggled to keep your eyes open, meek mewls passing from your lips, your hands and fingers scratching down the strong expanse of his back.
“tha’s it, tha’s it,” he’d coo, hips slamming into the underside of your arse, cock splitting you open with obscene wet squelches. “greedy little pussy, isn’t she? sucking me right in. all nice n’ tight ‘round my cock.”
of course, his words wouldn’t be restricted just for your pussy, but also for you. admiring the way you writhed and spluttered beneath him, eyes rolling, sweat slicking your skin, the fat of your body moving with each of his strong thrusts.
“good girl— such a good girl, takin’ all a’ this cock, hm?” he’d utter, and place wet kisses along your neck or jaw or tits. “tight little cunt’s been fuckin’ beggin’ for it, hasn’t she? beggin’ for a big cock that’ll treat her right.”
his pace would be brutal. hips slamming you further and further into the couch, body shifting. your cunt creamed around him, slick and wet and comically loud— rivulets dripped down the curve of your arse and onto the (thankfully) leather couch.
price’d be so utterly infatuated with you. so thankful for a beautiful woman like you, caring for his children and essentially stepping into that motherly role price felt as though they were missing out on. he had to thank you in some way, right?
“you’ve been so good to my kids, sweetheart. so good to them,” he’d make sure to tell you. “so this is my thank you,—” this part would be said between his heavy thrusts. “—fuckin’ you stupid on my cock and fillin’ this pretty pussy with my kids.”
calloused finger on your clit, rubbing circles and shapes and remnants of his name. he’d groan and grunt, loud and animalistic, sweat beading down his hairy chest, silver chain necklace swinging in your face.
he’d want you to come at his command, too. price’d want to coax you over the edge with his hands all over you and his cock slamming near the plug of your cervix.
“yeah, tha’s my good girl. come for me, baby— come for daddy. come all over my cock and make a fuckin’ mess.”
and you would, of course. you’d come all over his cock, just like he instructed, and your orgasm would be so strong, and so unrelenting, that your entire body would wriggle and writhe, and your cunt would gush around the sides of his thick cock.
by then, it wouldn’t take long for price to finish, too. a few lazy thrusts and he’s shoving himself as deep as he could possibly go to come right up against the base of your cervix. the entire time, he’d be grunting and muttering your name, relishing in the warm wetness of your pussy.
oh come on, of course you didn’t use protection. price really wouldn’t see the harm in another baby. guess he’ll just have to marry you now, no buts about it 🤷‍♀️
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vhoorlpool · 6 days
⊹₊⟡⋆ 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓪 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻... 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓪 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻
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♡⁠┊TW — dp, anal sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, monster fuck, praise, breeedkink, afab reader, dark smut, dead dove, Ghost has two dicks here (because I chose to write it like that)
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"Don't look anywhere else, look at me... I'm still your husband." The words were followed by the wet sound of the two cocks of your now radioactively-rayed husband, who looked like a monstrous anomaly — with two extra heads, two extra arms, and... two extra cocks.
You hadn't expected that in thousands of years, but when Simon came out the door completely safe and sound, looking like that was shocking and at least scary to your eyes.
Even so, you were on your hands and knees, feeling one of his cocks enter your ass while the other filled your wet pussy, making you whimper loudly as you felt his very hot and heavy balls hit your clit with the slow thrusts that the military man was giving you.
You could feel every pulsing vein of his shafts in your wet holes, the slickness between your thighs and his groin increasing. His now gray eyes were locked completely on your figure, two of his four arms gripping your waist while the other two held your wrists behind your back, ready to dominate and maneuver you as he pleased.
Hearing your moans of acceptance, his two cocks throbbed like never before, impaling you to the point where you even forgot that your partner was now a shadow of what he once was.
All that mattered in that moment was that you could take every inch of what he was giving you, as if your life depended on it—as if every fluid that came out of his cocks was a poison that made you crave more and more of him.
The slow, flesh-to-flesh pounding that had once been tender was now replaced by Simon's almost animalistic movements above you. A little drool dripped from your mouth as you could only wriggle your toes every time one of his cocks reached the tip of your womb while the other kissed limits you didn’t even know existed.
Grunts escaped his lips, muffled by the mask that was now completely part of his skin, fused to his flesh like a second garment. His fingers dug into your flesh hard enough to leave marks as a hoarse growl came from his throat, echoing like a triad through his three heads.
"Come on, sweetheart... I know you want to cum, don't deny it... cum for me." His words were tinged with the same honey that once soothed your soul. It was still him, even with that new body—and you felt yourself becoming addicted to it, like a drug, leaving you with pleasure so intense it made your system shut down.
You felt him give one final thrust, and at the same time, your pussy was filled with the warm, viscous liquid of his semen. Your other hole was filled as well, causing tears to spill from your eyes as you whimpered from how full you were. But your partner didn’t stop—Simon continued with small thrusts until he felt your inner walls drain him. One of his many hands moved to your pussy lips, slowly opening them to expose your tight slit as it swallowed his cock.
"I won’t let you leave here until I see you beautiful, full, and carrying my children in your belly... Do you understand, my angel?" His words left no room for argument, and no matter how tired you were, saying "no" wasn't an option. After all, you wanted him too, regardless of his appearance. He was still yours.
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vhoorlpool · 6 days
im gonna be cancelled for having a boot kink but no foot kink and a breeding kink but no pregnancy kink. im the loser they warned you about
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vhoorlpool · 6 days
"i couldn't date a dude with a ton of body hair"
me, who heard "dude with a ton of body hair" and got vertigo from the instant overwhelming wave of lust: yeeah. h
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vhoorlpool · 7 days
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pricesoap and sauna commission 🧖
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vhoorlpool · 7 days
choke me men with big muscles!!! men with big muscles hold me down so i can’t move while you use me!!!!! please!!!!
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vhoorlpool · 7 days
sweaty Price AND his breeder balls, cupping the back of your head and shoving your face in his crotch, laughing when he sees how dazed you get immediately- *gets dragged off stage*
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vhoorlpool · 11 days
already missing mermay… I need more sea creature dick in me on my feed
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vhoorlpool · 11 days
blue collar!simon fucking you in the back seats of his truck because you showed up, looking as beautiful as ever, to drop off his lunch that he forgot in the fridge this morning. your hips swaying deliciously with each step toward him, making his mouth water for you.
"knew it was about your lunch time, so i decided to drop by," you say, holding the black lunchbox out to him.
fuck the lunch, he decides. he needs to have you instead.
that's how you end up in his truck, pants yanked off onto the floor as he shoves you down onto his chubbed cock, red and dripping precum as it jumps in excitement. simon ruts into you hard and fast, shaking the 2 ton vehicle with his intense momentum. he could care less if any of his men walking by catch a glimpse, the need to pump a fat load of his cum into your cervix clouding his judgement.
his dirt caked hands leave streaks on your plushy ass as he squeezes it, pulling you down harder as if he could possibly reach deeper into your insides. your spongy walls have him in a death grip, each groove and contraction sending him even further into delirium.
"mmph- simon-" you choke out, hot tears of pleasure streaming down your cheeks as you cum, pussy clamping down so hard he struggles to thrust as deep. his blonde pubes kiss your clit with each jerk of his hips, intensifying your stimulation, making your juices spew between your legs and soak his abdomen.
"mmh, fuck yeah baby," simon practically growls, continuing his relentless abuse. "can't help but fuckin' squirt on me, huh? i'm making you feel this good? you don't feel any shame knowing my men are nearby?"
his degradation reaches your ears but misses your brain, your mind practically buzzing with ecstacy, too fucked out to process anything right now.
"gimme just another minute baby, wanna cherish this fuckin' pussy."
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