snzysimper · 5 months
Pollen of Eden
yippee first Hazbin Hotel fic (excluding that really old one I wrote when I was like 14 😭)
I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. Decided to jump on the bandwagon of writing Ad//am fics. Enjoy.
1089 words
| I am allowed to write what I want and I would appreciate it if you keep whatever rude comments you have to yourself |
The Garden of Eden is the closest to the idea of perfection that is possible, in the mortal realm that is. Adam and his wife Lilith shared the beautiful paradise. Despite being “married”, the two didn’t always enjoy each other's company. However, at the same time, the only company they had was each other. Minus the archangel Saint Lucifer who often came down to chat with Lilith. Something about him left a bad taste in Adam’s mouth. Recently, Lilith had only wanted to be with Lucifer. Adam was a bit jealous to say the least. Who wouldn’t be? You and your partner have a beautiful home to live in together and all they want to do is talk to some goofy angel.
Today was another one of those days where the two had a disagreement and parted ways for a bit. It was always over the littlest things. This particular time it had been about Lilith never wanting to spend any time with him. Adam got fed up and walked a good distance away to be by himself. He found a nice spot in the shade under some trees by a pond. The area surrounding the pond and trees was littered with various flowers. Sitting down, he sighs. He closes his eyes for a bit and only opens them again when he realizes that a duck has made itself comfortable in his lap. “What do you want?” He glared at the duck. Lucifer often spent time rambling on about how much he liked ducks and even gave Lilith her own duckling, which she named Petal. Seeing this duck only reminded him of the two. “You and your little duck friends are always all over the place.” The duck looked back at him, cocking its head and quacking in response. Adam chuckles. “Am I really so desperate for someone to talk to that I’m conversing with a duck?” He gives it a pat on the head.
A gentle breeze blew through the trees and flower field. The duck fluffed his feathers to keep warm. Adam smiled seeing how peaceful and happy it seemed all comfy in his lap. A flower slowly drifted through the air and landed on the ducks back. Picking up the flower, Adam smelt it. He isn’t quite sure what type of flower it is, but it certainly smells nice. Maybe he’ll give it to Lilith as an apology for-
“-’dDSHh-EH!!” His newly found duck friend jerks its head up and looks at him. “Sorry buddy,” he smiles. “Didn’t mean to wake yo..” He paused for a brief moment, tilting his head back slightly. “hEDd’shoo!!” The duck quacks a few times. Whether it be sympathy or annoyance isn’t clear. Nonetheless, it remains on his lap. As the wind continues to blow, pollen from the surrounding trees and flowers drifts through the air. “HDd’tchoo! heEH’d-shEH!!” He rubs his nose, trying to relieve the itchy tickling sensation. He hadn’t been allergic to any of the flowers in the garden before. Maybe this was simply God's way of telling him to stop being jealous. Regardless, he was allergic to the ones currently around him. “ehH-!! hEH!! Heh-!! Ugh.” Yep. This was karma. At least that’s the only explanation he could come up with. His newly found duck friend shakes off some of the pollen that had collected on his feathers. Despite turning to face the other direction and holding his breath, the irritant still makes its way into his system. “hHED-shUH!! hIH heEH-!! Bringing his hand to his face, he holds his nose shut to try and keep from making too much of a disturbance despite being alone (minus the duck). “-ptschh! ‘ktchs!! -dschs!! -tschh!!”
Upon realizing that refusing to let them out was getting him nowhere, he gave up trying to keep quiet. “hED’ch-EHH!! HdD-tcsch!! Eh-t’choo!! I hihh!! ca-ah!!n’t st-stop sne-EH!! hHE’TSCH-UH!!” The force of the last sneeze leaves him with thick snot pouring out from his nose and running down his face. “Eugh”, he grimaces at the thought of what he could possibly look like if someone were to be watching him. A loud gurgling sound is made as he attempts to snort back what he can of the snot back into his nose. Wiping his nose on the back of his hand, he absent mindedly glances down at the grass. It is only then that he notices a red and white corn snake. In a panic, he quickly grabs the duck, stands up and kicks the snake. We don’t recommend doing this under normal circumstances. “Get lost!!” The snake goes flying back in the direction of which it came. Sighing, he checks the area around him for any other snakes before sitting back down.
“Lucifer? Is everything alright? I thought I heard someone shouting.” Lilith wanders through the forest for a bit before finding the red and white corn snake draped over a tree branch like someone's laundry left out to air dry. “Lucifer!”
“I think I may have sssscared him a bit. Oopssss.”
She rushes to take him out of the tree and sets him on the ground. Turning back into an archangel, Lucifer smiles. His hair is a bit messed up but other than that he seems fine. “He is a short way down there. He’s sitting with a duck on his lap.” Lilith smiles. “Thank you, Lucifer.” With a small puff of smoke, the archangel turns into a small dove. Adam is much less likely to be scared that way. Flying alongside Lilith, the two find Adam sitting under the tree. “Adam, dear?” Adam looks up at his wife, smiling. “Hey.” As she sits next to him, he holds out the flower. “I snf wanted to give this to you.” He tucks it into her hair. Lilith giggles. “Thank you Adam.” She kisses him on the cheek. “I thought you’d like it. I know purple is your fa-..heh..hEH-Choo!! eEH’ShOO!! Hed’DCHOO!” He turns away to keep from sneezing on her. Laughing, she wraps him in a hug. “Thank you Adam. I love it.” Adam blushes. “I’m snff glad you li-iIH!!-ke i-IIHT’sSH-Eh!!” Lilith kisses him again, this time on the mouth. “Bless you, love.” The dove lands on Liliths shoulder and she looks at him, nodding. He flies without their field of vision before returning to his angel form and going back to heaven.
God forbid Adam slip up and hurt Lilith. Lucifer now has something he can use against him. But that won’t be necessary. Angels are merciful after all. Right?
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
filed under screenshots that remind me of Mia Hawke
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samutoru · 8 months
"she likes a boy, but im not a boy" — maki x fem!reader
you were sent on a mission with maki, you two were now in the car on the way to ithe location. you had a crush on her but you didn't know if she felt the same way you did, you were pretty sure maki thought your love for her was in a "best friend" way, and you absolutely hated it.
your eyes wandered around the car, then to outside the window then to Maki who was on her cellphone.
"so,," you started off, "do you currently like someone? like do you have someone on your mind?"
"y/n, you're my best friend, how do you not know? of course i do." Maki answered as she looked up from her phone.
best friend..
"oh– it was yuuta right? what do you even like him for anyways?"
"i like that he's gentle and caring," she hummed, thinking again about what she likes about him again, "i like how tall he is too, the height difference between him and i, is insane,"
you awkwardly laughed, hearing her talk about someone else made your heart ache, but you set yourself up by asking if she had a crush on anyone. you thought about your height compared to Maki's and the difference was completely huge, but you guessed that she liked people taller than her, you were thinking about ways to help you grow..
"What about you? don't you have a crush on someone?" Maki asked as she looked over at you.
You turned your head from the window and you caught Maki staring at you, "Uh— well– I don't actually," You lied.
It would've been so awkward if you told Maki that you liked her.
"You've got to have a crush on Inumaki! He's definitely into you, you should see the way he looks at you" Maki replied as she continued typing on her phone.
"Inumaki is nice, but he's not really my type.." You grumbled.
Your heart ached at the thought of her rejecting you and slowly drifting away or cutting you off because she would think that "you're weird," for liking girls.
She likes a boy
She likes a boy
but, i'm not a boy.
bonus —
"is something wrong with y/n? she's been out of it today since you two came back from your mission.." yuuta asked as he turned to maki.
"she asked me if i liked anyone, but i didn't wanna ruin our friendship so i lied and said that i liked you," maki sighed as she rubbed her temple.
"then i—"
"i told her that inumaki has a crush on her— but she said that he wasn't her type," maki continued as she turned her head to look at you and inumaki in a conversation, you who wefe awkwardly giggling at inumaki's comments.
"then i— friendzoned her—" she whispered starting to feel guilty.
"you should've just told her, she obviously has feelings for you, trust me Maki, it may not be obvious to you, but it's obvious to all of us around you," Yuuta commented as he began to stretch.
"She must've gotten upset when you lied to her and said that you liked me instead,"
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shinjisdone · 11 months
Ticking Springs
(A Yandere Pinocchio X fem!Reader fic from Lies of P)
Pɑɾt 1; Sluɱbeɾ
capitolo uno
capitolo due
capitolo tre
capitolo quattro: is here
capitolo cinque
capitolo sei
capitolo sette
Capitolo otto
Capitolo nove
Capitolo dieci
Pɑɾt 2; Awɑƙeƞiƞƍ
It was a privilege to share the same blood as Giuseppe Geppetto. To be his family, his niece and take part in the marvelous worlds of puppets. The privilege to learn from him as his apprentice. The privilege to care for the things he cares for and to have the things he cares for, care deeply for you.
Tag List:
@greeknerd007 , @mitsureigen , @kame11a , @thirdblogsacharm , @sarah22447 , @blueberryhitosh1 , @written1nthest4rs , @huicitawrites
TW in general: Yandere behaviour, creepy and still puppet, dubious intentions and relationship, still in WIP more warnings may occure in time, also I am running out of pictures of P he looks the same in every pic (but prettily so)
[Also, I am gonna be like that and mention that I would not mind any comments or reblogs! This series is definitely gonna have short chapters and is currently building up settings but there's gonna be good ol yandere Pinocchio tailing after you like a puppy afterwards, no worries!]
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There was a spot of slobber on your collar.
You tried to make yourself presentable as fast as possible as you ran down the stairs. The table you had fallen asleep onto was left in its messy state as you woke up.
There in the kitchen was Geppetto, cleaning his plate. He briefly turned to you. "Good morning," He began slowly before paying his attention back to the flowing water.
Your eyes darted to the table with bread and an omelette on a lone plate, alongside a water jar. Quickly, you took your seat. "Good morning, Uncle." Your attempt at sounding casual failed but he did not turn back to you. Ceasing your stare, you picked up your fork and began to eat. Clearing your throat, you remembered to thank your uncle.
"Early birds get the early worms and not cold meals." Geppetto replied as he finally made eye contact with you. "Sleep in your bed next time and not on the work table." With a full mouth, you nodded.
"Sorry about that, Uncle, there was just...this one discrepancy I had to fix." "Did you now?" Geppetto dried his hands and rose a brow. Again, you nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, about the butlers! Come, I'll show you! You'll have to leave soon, won't you?"
Brown eyes stared at your figure, bright eyes staring back at him and the corners of your full mouth dotted with crumbs. He sighed and shook his head, making his way to the hallway and gesturing you to follow.
Chugging down a glass of water, you hurried after. Cold egg tasted truly awful.
Hoisting one up on its feet, you tinkered a bit on its back. The sound of a button was heard and the puppet soon stood on its own. It's arm attempted to rese to its side in an 90° degree angle, thought stuttering and twitching on its way up. It stopped abruptly before the elbow could fully bend and its head did not fully turn to Geppetto.
"Good morning, sir!" The voice flew out of its speakers, "How may I serve you today?"
You eyed Geppetto with an swift and expectant smile. The latter briefly glanced at you with raised eyebrows. Then, he opened his mouth.
"I would like a glass of wine."
"Red wine or white wine?"
"White wine."
"Why, of course!"
Springs were clearly reacting and its head shook for a moment. The puppet replaced its vigorous tone with a soft one.
"My apologies, sir, I am afraid the workshop does not store any white wine at the moment. Shall I have a package ordered for you? In the meantime, I can serve red wine, dessert wine, beer, coffee, tea..."
Once again, you turned to the man with an even wider smile as the options kept spewing out of ithe puppet's speakers. Geppetto turned to you with a smaller one of his own.
"Very impressive." He kept nodding his head, perking his brows, "I still am not too fond of the all-nighter and would prefer if it was kept as a one-timer." A short chuckle escaped him and he turned back into the kitchen. You followed him as the puppet kept on speaking.
"Of course, Uncle." You nodded yourself, "This one just kept me up at night. I was so close to fixing the voice box." "And you've done well." Gloved hands easily fished out another coffee cup from the cupboard. The ceramic resounded softly in the open room as he reached for the milk.
"...black tea, chai, earl grey tea, green tea..."
"Thank you." Lips quirking up, you bowed your head briefly, hands behind your back. "I can go fix up the other butler brother, too. I mean, I believe I can, right?" One step closer and you practically leaned on your toes with wide, expectant eyes. You did hope your uncle wouldn't interpret your eagerness as impatience - even if it partly was.
"... cappuccino, latte macchiato, espresso, espresso mokka, espresso macchiato, cortado..."
With another glance, Geppetto shook his head even as his own lips quirked up. He closed the cupboard. "If you have already fixed his voice box, you might as well make his brother talk. But my goodness..." A snicker escaped the old man as he gestured with his hands full, "...make him stop his gabbling! He is too invested in his work!"
You laughed yourself. "Will do so, Uncle!"
Again, he pointed to the second, dead-still puppet on the table. "Hopefully his brother does not turn up to be such a chatterbox!"
You forced a chuckle. There is only so much that you could bear of Uncle's awful jesting.
"If it prattles as much as the other one..."
"...apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, cocoa, water..."
"...does that not mean I have become an expert at fixing up voice boxes?"
Geppetto utters an humph and bites his tongue. You are truly still young. His brown eyes gazed at the still-empty cup in his hand and he called out from the kitchen.
"If you manage to fully fix his motions as well and have him make me coffee, I might bestow you such a title, dear!"
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fatalitysficbakery · 1 year
hi there! hope you're doing well! can i get fluff #11 with Usnavi from ITH?? have a good day/afternoon/night! :]
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Nina’s Little Sister —
Usnavi De La Vega x Afro-Latina!Y/n
genre: fluff.
warnings: none, fluffy bullshit, halle bailey as faceclaim.
synopsis: 11. “d-did it hurt when heaven fell? I mean- when you…fuck. Anyway, i’m blank and that was humiliating. let’s start over”?
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Usnavi turned into a fumbling idiot the second she walked in, puddles of honey swirling in her toffee eyes. Her lips curl into a grin as she walks over to Sonny and ruffles his hair, her giggle turning Navi into mush as she greets his cousins with words he couldn't be bothered to hear.
The summer heat wave had business booming with classes out and the sun glaring bright, his eyes followed her to the frozen section, grabbing an ice cream, she walks over to the counter and this was his chance, his one chance, he figured.
She lies the ice cream cone down, pierced tongue coming out to lick over her bottom lip before she speaks, her voice matching her eyes, smooth honey, with an accent, Puerto Rican.
"Just this".
Benny waves his hand in front of a frozen Usnavi's face, eyebrow nearly touching the ceiling, quick to explain away his bestfriends strange behaviour, "It's been a long day. Navi"! He elbows his friend, whispering a rough, 'talk'.
The first words out of his mouth shock both Benny, Sonny, and the woman in front of him. Benny knew his best friend was awkward but this was humiliating, he just shook his head and grabbed the price gun, both he and Sonny deciding to work instead of witness whatever...this was.
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"Did it hurt when Heaven fell"?
"I'm sorry"?
"I mean- When you- Fuck".
The pretty lady giggles and shakes her head, "Wanna try again"?
Usnavi is more than captivated, Benny and Sonny could've sworn they saw the grown man drool a little, it was like watching a puppy fumble over itself. Benny started to pity his dear friend.
"Sorry. Anyway, I'm Usnavi. That was humiliating, Can we start over? That'll be $1".
As she puts the money on the counter, sliding it towards Usnavi, she smiles sweetly, dimples denting her cheeks before she speaks to him in that soft honeyed voice once more. It's like an angel's called to him.
"You really don't remember me, do you Navi baby"?
When he hears the nickname, it all comes crashing back like waves to the shore. Little Y/n Rosario. He hadn't seen her in years, she was always three years behind him and Nina, her older sister. Always had a crush on Navi, he thought it was adorable how she'd trail behind him like a puppy. This. This wasn't Little Y/n Rosario, this was something different.
He blanks trying to come up with something to say, when he remembers everyone was supposed to meet up at Abuela's, for Nina's arrival. Nina's arrival...The youngest Rosario, who'd hailed in from PFW, and Nina were both known to be the ones who got out of the Heights, made something for themselves.
The weeks leading up to their departures were spent drinking and dancing, with celebratory parties all around.
Usnavi saw her off to the train, but back then she was just a pipsqueak, the woman that stood before him now seemed confident and sure of herself.
"No, no, I know who you are. Just took a moment".
The young woman snorts, rolling her eyes at his attempts to act like her new appearance wasn't shocking. She was definitely a different girl than in her younger years, for one he takes notice of her piercings, and the serpent that wrapped around the length of her left thigh, eyes seeming to glow a soft pink.
"It's okay, I'm aware I look a little different than I used to, but...So do you". She cocks her head to the side, eyes running over the male curiously, "You gone be at Abuela's right? I know it'd be nice to see a familiar face".
He nods weakly, her eyes shift from him to Benny and Sonny. She waves a manicured hand to them, "See ya boys later".
"You know it", Sonny sends her awkward finger guns and they all watch her disappear out the front door. Usnavi knew what was coming.
A grin spreads wide across Benny's face, turning to Usnavi.
"You. ain't. got. no. SKILLS".
Usnavi was looking forward to the night ahead, dressing in a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, and a black button-down with two buttons left open.
That night, he couldn't stop picturing the youngest Rosario, drawn to her like moth to burning flame.
His eyes were quick to observe the room, searching for that midnight black in the sea of bodies, when finally his amber eyes landed on yours, greeting people as you entered the crowded apartment.
His eyes follow you around the room. Until finally your eyes land on him.
((read ALT text, image description.))
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"Lookin' Sharp, Navi" You greet him, that same angelic smile making him weak in the knees. He'd drank a beer or two already, and blame it on the liquid courage but Usnavi could feel himself become confident in his ability to talk to you as the beer settles in.
"You flatter me, mama. Look at you, vision of perfection".
As he watches you, he manspreads in his chair, beer in hand and eyes low staring into your very soul.
"Whatchu drinkin"? You asked, walking up to him with deep brownie eyes gazing into his, he's not sure how he didn't faint then and there, that smile had him by the balls. She could make him do anything as long as those doe eyes stared all big and beautiful into his.
"Some nasty ass beer, but uh Dani brought whiskey, rum and shit. Said we could make our own drinks".
"And your ass is over here drinking piss? With free reign to rum and shit, plus the cognac and d'usse me and Nini brought"? Her hands clasped around his wrist and she sighed, "C'mon, We're gonna make this right and I'm making you some that'll knock you off your feet".
Looking you over again, he agrees. You've already done exactly that.
He follows behind you, and this time it's he who looks like the love-sick puppy.
When the two of you are away from the crowd, you grab two cups, exhaling airily, you begin to mix a few things together in concentration. He just watches you do your thing, the music playing in the background making it feel like a scene out of a movie as you playfully bumped your hip against his, the two of you laughing joyfully.
When it was finished, you presented him with a cup with a slushy-like mix in it, blue and smelling like a three-day hangover with some blue hawaiian punch to accompany it.
He chuckles, taking the cup with a skeptical smile on his face. He sighs, raising a brow, "You're taking a sip first, ionno bout this, ma".
"You don't trust me"? You asked, pouting dramatically, "Fine, Give me the cup, coward".
"Ay, I'm not a coward. I'm just not a complete dumbass".
You roll your eyes, glaring at him as you move the cup to your lips, he's tuned in immediately, watching his favourite movie never seen before staring at those pouty lips of yours wrapped around the rim of the cup, gazing into his eyes with a constant, entrapping, eye contact.
His focus is broken when you scrunch up your nose at the strength of the drink, face relaxing when the flavour hits your tongue.
"Huh, strong but I like it. Here, taste".
You held the cup up to his lips, the two of you were in a house full of people and it'd started to feel like you were the only two in the room.
When it hits his tongue, the poor thing instantly coughs, his face scrunching up like he'd just eaten a warhead, but when your laugh fills his ears, it becomes all worth it. If he could hear that forever, he would.
Let Carla and Daniela tell it, You and Usnavi had been inseparable all night, the roles reversed from your childhood. Anybody with eyes could see Usnavi De La Vega was head over heels, scurrying in front of Sonny when he was about to sit next to you just so he could sit there himself.
Sonny glares at his older cousin, sitting next to Benny and Nina whilst Usnavi just looks triumphant.
"Navi you nearly knocked the kid over" Cuca scolds, hitting the boy upside his head. You snicker, but the smile that threatens to come onto your face when you realize he's doing all this over you...
"It's okay, I'll remember that next time he needs me to pick up an extra shift".
Nina pops in with a quick but swift landing exposure, sending both you and Navi's cheeks blazing red, "Give him a break, he's just in looooveee".
The table erupts into hoots and hollers, a person on either side of you or Navi shaking you both by the shoulders in excitement, there's only one party at the table who hadn't decided to make a fuss about it. When the volume quiets down, you cross your arms over your chest and playfully chide in, "And you and Benny"?
Nina gives you the middle finger, and it's her and Benny's turn to be fussed over.
The table is lighthearted, everyone's joking around and having fun. Usnavi has his arm over your shoulder most of the time without even realizing it, but he doesn't have to notice, and neither do you. Vanessa, who'd been silent most of the time, was tired, quite frankly, the only Rosario she cared for was Nina. Her glare most of the night was on you and Usnavi, Carla was the first to notice, Daniela and Cuca took notice as well.
You and Usnavi stayed oblivious, as Carla leaned over to Vanessa to ask what was going on.
This is when it all goes downhill, The women of the barrio could be gossipy, they flourished within environments of drama, thrived.
"You okay, Vanessa"? Cuca asks, louder than Carla had. There's a devious smirk on her face as the table takes notice of Vanessa's obviously plummeting mood. You wanted to ignore it, truly did, but it dawned on you pretty quickly what Cuca was doing, why Vanessa seemed so pissy.
You glance up at Usnavi who, for once, catches on pretty fast as well. He and Vanessa went...back. Back, as in, it was never meant to work out, he had a schoolboy crush, they tried to make it work, but it just...didn't.
"Ah nothin', Y/n I was wondering how Paris went? Fashion week? I'm sure you're a pretty popular girl, Got a man waiting for you back home? Maybe 2? 3"?
The table looks at her as if she'd grown a second head, Usnavi is silent, the table is silent. She takes a sip of her martini and laughs it off fakely, "Just kidding guys, Just. Kidding".
This is what you'd been telling your sister about since you were younger; Nina never quite got the picture because Vanessa was her best friend, she wanted to believe she was a good person because that's all Vanessa allowed her to see. The angel of the barrio, the prettiest too.
Oh, how the mighty had fallen. Your sister raises an angry brow, she looks at you with a familiar questioning 'You got this' expression, and for once, for once since you'd found your voice, you nod.
"We broke up, bout 4 months ago, didn't work out with the two of us. But...I'm moving back, and that's all that matters".
Again, the table breaks out into a thunderous roar of hoots and hollers at the news of you staying.
Vanessa looks furious.
After the party had died down, and thinned out. You and Usnavi stayed behind to clean up, help abuela to bed, and lock up.
When all is said and done, you head out onto the fire escape, drinks in hand. You felt comfort in the silence, looking over to see Usnavi felt the same way. It was nostalgic in a way, reminded you of the night before you left, sharing a beer on the fire escape, praying abuela didn't wake her ass up to see the two of you drinking, yet you never stopped or went somewhere else.
Abuela's place was the safest for all of you.
"You feel it too"?
"We was out here sneaking and drinking not too long ago". You nod, laughing lightly, your knees knocking with his just. like. then.
"And now you're in magazines, looking beautiful as ever".
"And now we're both a little older, little more in tune with who we are".
Usnavi smiles, his eyes leaving the night sky to look at you.
"And we know what we want now".
Your breath hitches, looking up at him now, his hand comes out to tilt your chin up, make sure you're looking at him directly. He leans in, barely a breath away.
"Do we"? You ask, voice soft, sweet.
Usnavi chuckles, his lips ghosting over yours.
"Mhm...I think we do".
Your lips finally touch.
A/n: I hope you enjoy, pretty!
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madrone33 · 7 months
Some of my fav lines/melodies in EPIC The Musical.
(In no particular order. Also this is not a completely list, just the ones I'm thinking of currently. Also also it's 1:30 am so soz if there's spelling mistakes :D)
*gentle, concern* (Po-li-tes! Po-li-tes!) What keeps you up so late at night, myyy friend?
(Aphro-diii-te~) *disinterest, sneer* Your little high and miiighty~ Odysseus.
*soft, longing, adoring* She's my everything... My... Pe-ne-lo-pe...
*absolutely done with this shit, passive agressive to the max* Everybody listen closely. See how this bag is closed: that's how it's supposed to be.
*so bored, plaintive* It's just me, myself and I. STUCK IN MY BEDROOM-
*disdain, pissed* You are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're NOT. EVEN. GREAT!
*mocking, amused* Tell me. Odysseus~
*smooth temptation, sly* Here in the root of this flower there lies such a power to take her onnnn... You must consume and digest it then you'll manifest a BEING of your cre-a-tion!
*scorn, dark rage, snarl* You don't think I know my own palace? I BUILT IT!
*mocking smile* En-lighten me... King of Ith-a-ca.
*grinning, excited, pshh* Nah! Don't be modest! I know you're a goddess! So let's be honest- You are ATHENA!! (Athena!) Badass in the arena! Unmatched, witty, and queen of the best stra-ta-gies we've seen!
*smooth, persuasive, cunning* Have a drink! One sip and you'll un-der-stand- the power that's in your hands! A wine so fresh, you'd never wanna eat hu-man flesh a-gain!
*grim, fierce* And if we're defeated they're good as dead! Straight ahead! That is who we're fighting. (PO-LY-PHE-MUS!)
*damning, cold* This-is-the-son-of-none-o-ther-than Troy's very own Prince. Hec-tor.
*rage, bitter, snarl* The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them. Re-member us! Re-member ME.
*proud, dark, spite* I'm the reigning King of Ithaca! (electric guitar goes hard!!!)
*tired, disappointed, cynical* That's what we'd get with o-pen arms.
*determined, upbeat* ... Lotus eaters~ [Dies Irae forshadowing RIP]
*aching, exhausted, longing* Who longs to see his wife. I long to see my fa-mi-ly! I long to see Peneeelope!
*exhaused, hopeful, adoring* and I'm getting closer to youuu! (Pene-lo-pe...) I can't wait to make some new me-mor-ies! (Tele-ma-chus...) Time for me to be the father I never was!
*dark promise, intent, soft* ... Or I'll raise the tide so high, all of Ithaca will die. Get in the water.
*awe, gentle, hopeful* Twenty years we've wandered, but today you're not alooone... MY SON I'M FINALLY HOME! [Crying]
*smirk, condescending, challenging* FIGHT, LITTLE WOLF, FIGHT! Wanna entertain me?
*bitter, spite, hurt* This way! You get what'chu waaanted. This way! You can save. Your. Time! Thiiis way. You close the door, and have your damn GOOD-BYE!
*impatient, clever, smug smirk* I-al-ready-know-your-tac- tics! When-you-swallow-you-a- ttack with.
*cold, malicious* Forty-three left, under your command.
*darkly amused smirk, sly* No I'm not a player, I'm a puppeteer. No I don't play, I puppeteer, yeah!
*smooth, charming, faux deferent* Lllady of the Paaalace! Sorry that I aaask this, but I hope that I've been mis-in-formed.
*pleading, tired, entreating* So I beg you, Circe. Graaant us mercy. And let us puppets, leaaave...
*triumphant?* Or maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer... MO-O-O-O-RE! (No she's not a player, she's a puppeteer! No she's not a player, she's a puppeteer, oh!)
*desperate, dark, dread* What if I'm the- (MON-STERRR!) Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves... (MON-STERRR!)
*depair, gritted teeth* When does the rea-son become the bl-ame?
*desperate, despair, begging* I'd rather bleed for ya! I'm on my knees for ya! I'm begging please! (Oh, this is the will of the GODS!) ... Please, don't make me do this! Don't make me do this!
*snarling roar, bitter fury* GIVE UP YOUR HONOUR AND FAIIITH!
*warm, light, earnest* And so I think mayyy-be! If liiife didn't go as planned. Mayyy-be! You miiight wanna lend a hand! I don't think he'll miiind! If not his friend, then miiine!
*amused, mocking* To untie apprehensions, that were placed on that Greeeek?
*dry, tired, sceptical* If your plan's so great, then why'd you waiiit to say it? *pause, smirk* Well it's a li-ttle bit ✨DANGEROUS✨ my friend!
*delight, dark, snarl* There you are. Coward.
*desperate hope* Ohhh, could it be! Some kiiind of sign! That MY world IS all A-bout TO change?
*adoring, awe* Peneee-lo-peeee! Oh, how I missed you, my darling, my love!
*hurting, confused, scared* This re-sentment brims with pain! Someone tell me whyyy! Instead of strength, I've oceans in my eyes...
*fucking done, incredulous, distrusting* Is this some kind of trick? Pretending I can go? Because if so you're sick. My heart's already bro-ken. I'm tired of this! And I've run out of sym-pathy.
*intone, dismissive, harsh* If no-body hurts you, be SILENT! (Ody motif, he's deffo smirking here)
*smitten, adoring* 'Cause in my DAR-kest dayyys! Penelope's my driiive!
*tired, hesitant, quiet* ... Greet the world with o-pen arms...
*soft, warm* I only took the blow so you could live! WHOA!!
*bombastic* (HERA!!) Soooo many heroes! Soooo many taaales! Give me one good rea-son! Why yours should prevaaail!
*feral grin, challenge, declare* So ohhh BRING it on! I'm not dying here, I'm still fighting here!
*longing, loving, promise* Pe-ne-lopeee... Pe-ne-lopeee... And Tele-ma-chus! I fight for us! I fight for uuus!
*proud* And all he ever lived was the life of a legend! A life that was EPIC.
AHHHHHH I love it all so much!!!!
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jjungkooksthighs · 2 months
IThe long fingers he's got wound around her throat pull her closer against him, her back plastering itself to his front as that tongue of his flicks at her thick, pulsating scent gland just beneath his hand. She mewls at that, and the sound joins the wet smacking one that now echoes loudly through the chamber. Even the wind has gone silent at the depravity of their illicit affair.
"I told you to give that slut outside a show," he curses when he buries himself to the hilt and she, needing something to hold onto, raises her arm so her fingers can grab a fistful of his hair. "You better give a very convincing one if you want to come on my cock, female. Give that bitch outside something to spread around as easily as you've spread your legs for me."
His hips buck into hers, his body melding to hers like it was made for this fucking purpose. The action makes her head fall back onto his shoulder, her mouth falling open when his fingers finally, finally stop teasing her and draw small circles on the cluster of nerves crowning her pussy where she'd wanted him for so long. When her walls close around him because of what he does to her with those devilish fingers, it's all she can do to bite down on her tongue, the pain a temporary distraction from the wave of pleasure that threatens to fall over her.
"Please, alpha-"
"Louder still, omega. Make sure she fucking hears you. Make certain she sees you so that she knows I've got all the pussy I need." He groans at the way she pants, "Gods, you look so fucked out right now. You're so arousing even when I'm punishing you, you whore." He pushes into her with inhuman speed, his fingers winding tighter around her throat before he uses the pads of his fingers to press in, the air reaching her only slightly strained as she gasps at the prickling sensation in her temples. He ogles that, loving the sight of her falling to pieces under the pleasure he delivers her.
And she, with her orgasm just teetering on the edge, can no longer think to be a brat. Can no longer put together sentient thoughts because of they become jumbled under the jostling of her body beneath him. That is why, with her eyes still set on the stupid female who thinks she deserves a place like this with her mate, she obeys. She just wants him, nothing else. No one else. No one can make her feel like this. No one can love her like this.
So, she lets out the rumbling noise from deep within her body, the purring sound stuttered yet drawn out from the frenzied impel and expel of his hips against hers without abandon. When she speaks, her words are slurred from the purr that connects them. And fuck, why could she hear blood pumping through her ears more than the wet slap of his balls against hers? It doesn't matter. All that matters is pleasing him. All that matters is submitting like she should have.
His fingers expertly wind her up like a toy, and he certainly knows where to push with the way they rub shapes into her with growing pressure in reward as she stutters, "I-I need you, alpha. Please let me have it. I shouldn't have been, ah-" She pulls her lip under her teeth when he gives a powerful pump of his cock into her, his tip grazing and reaching the spongy nerves deep inside her that never fail to make her become a whimpering, crying mess when he strikes them with his massive size. His teeth close around the skin between her ear and jaw, and gods, when he sucks in encouragement, it sets her body reeling, careening toward her end as she desperately attempts to breathe. "I shouldn't have been a disobedient brat. I shouldn't have lied, I shouldn't have rejected you because really, I would give myself to you like this anytime you asked or demanded and, fuck!"
There's a purposeful slam of his hips into hers once, twice, and then he's growling, "That's the performance I wanted to see, my little vixen." The digits he has swirling over her clit go faster, and so too does the superhuman thrusts of his hips into her, each one causing his cock to strike her G-spot with fervor as he grunts between his teeth that he's got latched to her still, "Now come, you whore. Fall apart for me and let her watch you come undone for the only male that can please you like this. That can fuck you like this. That can make you submit like this."
And she does. Fuck, she does.
That's all it takes for her to come undone. Her body goes limp under his, loud whimpers of his name leaving her without hesitation, without pause, as if trying to tell the whole world just who it was that is making her feel so much fucking pleasure.
The heat that tied together the coil in her abdomen finally bursts, a string of curses leaving her, tears rolling down her cheeks as she attempts to hold herself up. But, with how exhausted her bones are, it's nearly impossible to do anything but fall to the mattress below her, sweat dripping down her neck and temples cooling her down as she attempts to collect her breath, the pleasure she'd just experienced after hours and hours of teasing and denial far too satisfying, far too overwhelming to really do anything but flash the girl out there a heated, possessive gaze. She had better fuck off right now.
"T-thankyou-" she chokes out when she feels him continue to thrust into her, not stopping on account of her heady orgasm. "-s-sir.." She completes, her chest heaving as he continues to groan out loud. A rumble so deep leaves him that it reminds her of the thunder and rain she's so fond of, a shiver running down her spine at the thought.
She's always loved the way he resembled nature. The way those eyes of his glow a bright golden, as if trying to mimic the morning sun. Sometimes, when the silver of them takes over, she can't help but fall harder for him, for they remind her of the first fall of snow in winter. His voice when he sings for her will always be a million times better than the pitter patter of rain, his gentle touch when he would lead her around the house for a slow dance providing her with the comfort of a gentle breeze. His laughter is like a breath of fresh air, and his kisses are like a refreshing splash of water.
As a kid, she'd spent most of her time in the forest, for it provided her with much more comfort than the people around her did. She'd spent so much time with nature.. maybe that's why she feels like she's known him forever.
Fuck.. if only she could turn around and kiss him now, she laughs.
Her legs tingle making her whimper out for her alpha, squirming under him just a bit when she realises that his fingers are back on her clit yet again, drawing small circles around the engorged bundle of nerves.. all. over. again.
Her eyes widen at the realisation as she desperately attempts to fight off the urge to close her legs, another whimper of his name leaving her lips in the most perfect way.
He's close. She can tell. He grows more forceful with his thrusts, low growls leaving him, her name being the only word she could make out besides the strings of curses.
Her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head from the overstimulation that envelopes her, her hands now shaking as she attempts to grab his hair to steady herself. The energy is sapped from them, however, and they simply fall back down to the bed. Her legs tremble as she cries out for him, and he lets his upper body fall down on top of hers, his teeth slowly nibbling at her neck again, the soft nips and tugs at the skin a stark contrast to the hastened pace at which he thrusts into her.
"Fuck- l-" she cries out. "a-alpha..." She whimpers. "too.. much.."
Her words fall on deaf ears.
Any other time he'd coupled with her, he'd have heeded her whines after much of her begging.
But this was not one of those times.
This time, he does not stop.
Instead, her cries only spur him on, his hips knocking fervently into hers without pause while his female simply lies there beneath him and lets her lips part so that spit can dribble down the sides whilst the overstimulation takes her over. Her cheeks have been sprayed in a dust of pink, and she's practically fucking glowing under the sheen of sweat that clings to her body like a second skin under the moonlight.
An impulsive, intrusive thought seizes his mind, and there is no filter he can bring himself to be trapped behind when he's broken loose of all those that kept him sane up until now.
"I want to lick you, omega," he laves his tongue along the four angered wounds left by his teeth along her bulging scent gland on the side of her throat, "Want to cover you in my spit and cum so that every single part of you is marked in my essence. But you know, you look pretty when you drool for me." He suckles at the gland, bringing it between his own lips so greedily that several drops of crimson beads ooze into his mouth. "Maybe I'll start with tasting what you've let slip past those defiant, dirty lips of yours. They certainly need a good cleaning, don't they, whore?"
That warm, hot tongue of his traces around each puncture he'd made, the dried blood left around them leaving an irony taste in his mouth as his cock begins to pulse within her as he rails her through the orgasm. Her walls spasm and convulse around him, and fuck, it's good. Her pleas become more and more breathy, like she can't get enough of it with how fast he sinks in and out of her.
It's all she can do to lay there as he ravages her. With his chest now pressed against her back, there's nowhere for her to go. No place for her to escape to. With her feeble, fading strength, she can only bear his own weight by arching her back and letting him push her front into the cushion.
"That's it, take it, whore," he mindlessly mutters, "Fucking keep coming. Keep taking it like the slut that you are for me."
His filthy words have her quivering beneath him, the rapid swirl of his fingers on the bud crowning her cunt and the continual fervid hits of his cock against her most sensitive spot inside her too much for her to bear.
"Going to c-" She chokes on her own spit as he knocks his member into her so hard that the world tilts on its axis as he warns:
"You don't get to come again until I tell you to, bitch." He growls, his fingers slinking into her hair only to harshly push her head down onto the cushion, "The next time you come will be when I do. Now squeeze around me tighter, whore. Make me fucking cum. Make me paint your insides white."
The tingling and prickling sensations of sensitivity are overwhelming, the heat flaring from her core too much. More than that is the way that his cock is beginning to swell, and gods, she still had no idea how the fuck she could fit him inside her with just how monstrously sized he was when he had a knot and knotted her.
It didn't matter how. Not right now.
Right now, she can't think past the sensations of fullness as he nears his own end, his hips starting stutter as he moans above her.
Somehow those sounds are more delicious than anything she's ever eaten. And she wants to give her male a good fucking meal after all she's put him through.
That's why she obeys. That's why she does what she knows gets him off every time they couple.
She swallows him with her sex, closing herself around him with everything she's got as she stammers, "A-as you wish, alpha."
The resulting groan he makes is so loud, so deep, that even the boughs of the trees outside their den shake as his member expands and inflates inside her and he finally spills his hot essence into her as he falls into his own pleasure.
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alipeeps · 3 months
Episode 38
Oh shit... Yurong's going to suggest killing Wanning as an excuse to attack, isn't he? Kill her in a way that blames the emperor...
That would solve all his problems. It would secure him a firm place in the new emperor's government, as the man who helped the coup to happen, and would rid him of Wanning's attachment to him.
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Fuck me, I hate being right sometimes.
Mmmm why do I think that any poison Yurong gives Wanning would not be fake? But would he genuinely be going against Lord Cheng's wishes if he did that, or is this whole conversation a way (understood by both of them) of Lord Cheng tacitly agreeing to her death whilst absolving himself of responsibility for having actually agreed to it?
What the fuck is it that he requested in return? It'd better not be Xue Li!!
Ahhh so Lord Cheng and Wanning are both children of a concubine, they are full blood siblings. The emperor is presumably the child of a wife, making him a more legitimate child and probably why he was made crown prince in favour of the older Lord Cheng.
Love the contrasting scenes of both sides making their plans for the upcoming battle for the city.
Ooof Yurong straight up addressing Lord Cheng as Your Majesty.
"You've never believed in the heavens. You only believe in yourself."
*ith her hand over his heart. "No. I also believe in you."
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I am LIVING. This is peak fucking romance people holy shit!! 😭
"Also, I will never abandon you. No matter what."!"
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Ayyyy granny Jiang be like, holy shit, my son finally grew a pair. 😂
I love granny Jiang. She'd better survive this.
Shitty uncle on the other hand can fuck right off.
At least consort Ji has some actual guts and it does seem like she actually does love the emperor.
Holy SHIT when this flashback again I thought oh shiiit did she poison her father? But no. Not even. She fucking straight up smothered him!!! 😮😮
Oooft Xiao Heng has nerves of steel to not react to Lord Cheng's taunting about his father's death. Plus that nice little veiled warning about not making the same mistake as his father and retreating while there's still chance. Honestly, fuck this dude.
The rising tension in this episode, with the rebellion looming ever closer, is really getting to me.
What the fuccckkk is shitty uncle up to? Is he planning to save his own neck by handing Xue Li over to the rebels?
A letter asking you out of the blue to go urgently to the duke's residence when he told you specifically to stay home?
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WTF? Did they somehow replace Zhao Ke with an imposter? How would that even be possible? And how would the imposter know that the whistle is used to summon him?
What were we supposed to notice about his fingers? Was the skin colour uneven where they tried to make this imposter look like Zhao Ke? I couldn't tell but am pretty sure Xue Li noticed.
Ohhh my girl is smart.
Oh shitttttt. Is she in Wanning's private prison?
That's be a yes. Shit.
Fuuuuck there's still 2 whole episodes to go. Where is this gonna go?
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
So we know you love Lewie 💗💗 Any thoughts on the other islanders, the season so far, the twin twist? And what steamy fics can we expect from you 🔥🔥My request is for a threesome with Ozzy and Marshall 🥵👯‍♂️ Wait, am I Kat?! 🤣
tbf a LOT of the islanders are fire this season, so I’ll take them all! Ok, FB has turned me into thirsty Kat.
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Honestly, thoughts are all over the place. But thank you so much for asking!!! Here they are as of today:
The Game:
The first 3 chapters - 8/10 I was going to give it a 7.5, because of the repeating dialogue and a few spelling mistakes, but so far, I think it's better written than Seasons 4 and 5- maybe on par with S3 which is a season I really enjoyed. I'm really liking how Amelia seems to be responding to how you treat her, especially if you look at the scripts. Whether or not that will affect her actions remains to be seen.
The MC - 8/10 I gotta say... she's pretty cute. It does take some fiddling to get her the way you want her, and some of her facial expressions make it look like she's had botched lip job, but overall, she's definitely prettier than S4 and S5. (Except your S5 MC ^^ wtf she's so pretty???)
The LIs - 9/10 So far, I'm really liking what I'm seeing. Yeah, some of their dialogue is the same. But I think they're different enough in personality and where it matters that it's not as noticeable as it was in say, Season 4, where James and Bruno shared a whole heap of the same dialogue, but it was clearly written with Bruno in mind, so it just seemed OOC for James. We've got a cocky dancer with a hopeless romantic streak; a golden retriever boyfriend with a soft spot for his Nan; a funny, cheeky skateboarder with a 'why-don't-you-make-me' level of flirt; and also Ryan is there. The personalities are distinct, the character designs are great, I'm really looking forward to finding out more about them
Overall design and concept- 7/10 I gotta say, I'm optimistic. It's starting out really strong for a new season. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, as it's a little 'gimmicky', but that's the road Fusebox are going down with the past few seasons. They're not just doing an 'open play' like S1, 2 and 3 where you come in as an OG and play all the way through. 4,5, and 6 are all 'themed', and I think having a twin in the villa is a cool concept that'll be worth exploring. It's been easy in previous seasons to just play for yourself, and say 'fuck these hoes' and just take whatever LI you want. But when it's your own sister, I think it'll make it harder to go after what you want - a moral dilemma with a family flavour. I kinda love it. Plus, if you have an identical twin that's as hot as you are, I doubt this is the first time you've had men confused about which one of you to pick💀
The Islanders:
Bella - hot. flawlessly hot. incredible rack. Her character design is absolutely gorgeous, and she is gonna be a fan favourite for sure. She just seems so fun, similar to Cora from S4, but more mature and ready for a romantic relationship. Can't wait to watch her bloom.
Grace - FB I will never forgive you for not making her a LI. I want her, those curves just *chefs kiss*. But honestly, if anyone's gonna be my bestie, I'm feeling it ith Grace. Yeah, she seems to like Ozzy, but she doesn't seem like the type to get her claws in and latch on for dear life a la Kat or Hope. Let's just hope and pray and beg that they're not making a brown girl villain again.
Ivy - I told y'all from the moment I saw her that I didn't trust this bitch. She looks too much like my cousin and my cousin is a backstabbing skank. I'm loving the concept of her though, this super type-A girl who (I almost guarantee) is either going to a) get kicked out early for being too picky, or b) have the most beautiful redemption arc where she ends up with a guy who ticks exactly zero of her boxes but she falls for him anyway. However, given Fusebox's history, I'm gonna predict she's the villain for about 2 days, then gets booted, same as Lexi from S4.
Jamal - Boys with J names 🚩... but honestly he seems nice. He's my backup LI at the moment. I'll see how things go with my #1 and might start again with Jamal instead. I think you're gonna get some wonderfully steamy scenes with this one. He's giving Bobby x Arjun, and that is something that deeply appeals to me. Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. He's a saucy little minx and he's gonna be trouble, I just know it. Love his design, love his character so far, really happy.
Lewie - I thought he was a little baby-faced to start with, but honestly, I look at him and my brain screams husband. I'm getting Bruno x Gary x Ciaran from this one, and oh dear me, if that's not a combo that makes me swoon IDK what is. Love him so far, he's such a sweetheart but I love a footy lad.
Ozzy - I'm suspicious. I know he's already captured a few peoples' attention, but I was a little dismissive with him and he seemed a bit... red flag-y. Just a little too arrogant, you know? A little too flirtatious for someone who's very aware of how into him Grace is. I did like that he'd never had a one night stand though, although not sure how that meshes with the celebrity he apparently hooked up with in the dance studio? Because in the challenge he said he'd never dated a celebrity, but he also said he's never had a one night stand, so did he have a celebrity FWB????? The stories just aren't adding up to me. I don't trust him. Also his jaw's too sharp. And his flirty face looks like Rocco from S2. This one:
Ryan - Literally who? I keep forgetting he exists. Take your Timothee Chalamet ass away. IDK why but I'm getting Nicolas vibes from this one. 0/10 do not trust. It's something about the face.
You want steamy fics? The @litgwritersroom asks are open, just sayinnnn
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funkylilworm · 3 months
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Name: Pudandii
Just imagine it in the Cotl language
▪︎Monarch of deception [By Ancient tablets]
▪︎The 6th Bishop [By Ratou ]
▪︎They who tricks [By Ratou ]
▪︎Jester of Tricks [By Ancient tablets]
▪︎Mischief [By Lamb]
▪︎Pudin [By Kallamar and Heket]
Biome: Amber Fire Forest
(Pudandii being the second middle child a long side Kallamar)
Shamura[Sibling]- The oldest and the Bishop of Silk Cradle
Heket [Sister]- The second oldest and the Bishop of Anura
Kallamar[Brother] - The middle sibling and the Bishop of Anchordeep
Leshy[Brother]- The second youngest and the Bishop of Darkwood
Narinder(The One Who Waits) [Brother] - The youngest sibling and a central, imprisoned figure
Gender: Genderflux
Pronouns: [Depends]
Species: Orange fox
Appearance :
◇Original form-
Bad posture , floofy orange fur with their muzzle and tip of their tail being white, always smiling (similar to Alastor' from Hazbin Hotel), tongue sticks out most of the time (similar to Wakko from Animaniacs), slanted eyes w/ red slit pupils and the background of their eyes being completely pitch black , four pairs of cross like petrusions emanate from the sides of their head, half a mask on the left side of their face with a crack on the top , half their nose was sliced open by the one who waits (their nose having bloody bandages on it )
◇Clothing appearance-
Black and gold robe with symbols on it , has a tattered look to it with a few rips, and a black crown with three orange eyes on the front
◇Boss form-
Their body turns to pure red and orange fire with a big gaping mouth with a wide toothy grin, crazed glint in their eyes , for pairs of eyes, is now on all fours, still wearing their robe and crown, and 5 long fire like tails
◇Follower form-
Four eyes ,floofy orange fur with their muzzle and tip of their tail being white, always smiling (similar to Alastor' from Hazbin Hotel), tongue sticks out most of the time (similar to Wakko from Animaniacs), slanted eyes w/ red slit pupils and the background of their eyes being completely pitch black , half a white mask on the left side of their face, and a red robe with a symbol on the front
☆Whimsical /Wacky
☆Pathological liar
☆Creepy/ unsettling
☆Grins a lot ,but still expressive through mannerisms
☆Deranged ,because of it they're always cackling and giggling
Pudandii is a deranged unsettling and Malicious being that loves to deceit and trick others for their own amusement without any regret or remorse whatsoever, whether that by lying to and/or manipulating someone to either get what they want or just for shits and giggles.
They also tend to speak in rhymes
If you defeat them the second time after defeating Heket, they become a follower with unique sound voice and dialogue, and quests that are unique to them. Note that upon their first arrival they will immediately protest by deceiting you or others .
▪︎ They will ask to retrieve the half of their nose (Pudandii's nose) (Relic Quest Missing Pieces) in Anura
Opening Sequence
"Before us stands the last of its kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade."
"With this final sacrifice, the prophecy will be impossible to fulfill."
"The heretic who lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity."
*Ominous cackling* "And down below is where thou will suffer forever, and will escape ith's grasp never!"
"And the Old Faith shall be preserved."
Darkwood - After defeating Valefar
Heket: "So it is true. The Red Crown sits upon the brow of another."
Kallamar: "But how? We did everything we could to—"
Heket: "It matters not. We need not bother Shamura with this. Deal with it, brother."
Leshy: "As you command, my sister."
Pudandii: *Loud giggling* "Oh funny fun fun, this shall be tons of fun!!"
1st Encounter[Alive ] -
"The joyest joy I feel when I manipulate thy weak and thy meak!"
2nd Encounter [Killed]-
"Foolish sheep that does nothing but swing his blade around , you have done nothing but caused us stress and trouble, you... little...maniacal... brat. You rat, will rue the day you have defeated me and have made us all cry out and because of it your followers will lie and deceit you, BETRAY you!"
3rd Encounter -
*Deranged cackling* "Well than, there he is, the one and only lamb, here to slam me down too or no? No matter little sheep, given the only and only the red crown was nothing but pure regret and consequences and thou has done nothing but spread misfortune ,because of that I cast deceit upon your cult! Best of luck getting new followers now!!"
[The first and last sentence holding sarcasm]
Anura- 4th Encounter -
"Oh boy , my toy has returned for torment !"
Anura- Boss fight -
"HA! You're just as pathetic as the other lambs who has fallen ,when I'm through with you, you'll need a medic."
"Oh how fun this'll be, I can't wait to tear you into pieces Itty bitty sheep, and I'll throw you into the sun."
[After Boss fight/ once defeated] Spare or Murder:
Before Choice-
Depending on your choices up until this scene they'll either say
"What are you gonna do, leave me to die? Go ahead and don't leave me out to dry, you have already done it to my other siblings ,put thy blade in my chest ,put an end to the beginning."
Or "Wait wait wait! Let's talk about about this, let's negotiate!!" ,the second being if they come to realize they've underestimated you too much
"My curtains has been drawn, farewell I guess..."
"Wait , you're serious?"
Anura (Post-game) Statue encounter-
"You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here even when you're to blame, have you no shame ?"
"You fowl fowl naughty sheep, you dare trap me, even when all me and my kin do nothing but experience pain?! If all is excuses don't make a peep!"
[Pudandii summons 10 enemies]
Compared to their other siblings Pudandii is the only one that fights dirty and/or unfairly, whether that be cheating ,purposefully throwing you off guard, and attack combos.
Pudandii fights in a way that's both playing very dirty and toying with the person they're fighting and their fighting consist of pouncing, scratching, biting , blowing fire in your direction, trickery, and ect.
▪︎ Pudandii is genderflux , genderflux is a gender identity that varies in intensity over time. It can be included under the genderfluid umbrella as well as the nonbinary and trans umbrellas. Some people conceptualize genderflux as being fluid between an agender identity and one or more other gender identities. 
▪︎Pudandii is the only Bishop of faith that fights dirty and/or unfairly
▪︎Pudandii's bandages refers to the phrase "Smell no evil" in which I have made up ,sense I never heard it before
▪︎Upon first meeting Pudandii, they try to trick you into helping them with something so they can you you, sense Pudandii is a fox and the lamb is a lamb
▪︎Pudandii speaks through rhymes
▪︎Do to how their dialogue is written, Pudandii has a Lisp
▪︎Pudandii is the 2nd middle sibling of the bishops of faith
▪︎They have a sweet tooth and/or takes a huge liking towards spicy foods too
▪︎Pudandii's followers pray to them in order to be able to lie efficiently and be able to get away with their sins
▪︎Pudandii's combats tend to differ and change ,because of how much they cheat in the fights and a way to defeat them is to think and fight exactly like them
▪︎I inspired Pudandii off of T'noy Keraxis from both Starkid's musical "Nerdy Prudes must die" and the "Hatchetfeild" series
▪︎Pudandii is a sore loser and that would be shown through battles between them and the lamb as you play ,and they will be shown losing their absolute shit in their final form as attacks are hurled at you
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Name: Ram
Just imagine it in the Cotl language
☆Ramsey [self given name]
☆The second prophecy [By Ratou and the bishops of faith]
☆Pompous Jackass [By Lamb/Lambert]
☆Pampered ram [By Narinder]
☆Little Ram [By Leshy and Narinder]
☆Fluff [By Pudandii]
None (all of them died along with the rest of ram kind)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual orientation: Gay, Homosexual
▪︎Lamb's rival
▪︎Cult leader of an extremely fancy and advanced Cult called "Fire Clan" (has made the cult for Pudandii ,the Bishop of deception/trickery)
▪︎Rich Cult leader
What cult is Ram the leader of ?:
an extremely fancy and advanced Cult called "Fire Clan" (has made the cult for Pudandii ,the Bishop of deception/trickery)
Physical appearance:
Small but a few inches taller than lamb, longhaired hazel fur that covers their entire torsoe , back ,and head while the rest of their body is chocolate brown short-haired fur, goat like pupils,and ram like horns
Clothing appearance:
A black crown with three orange eyes on the front , a hooded orange button up poncho cape, and and amber yellow neck bow with a silver bell in the center
☆Acts like a hippy but is really a fake hippy
☆Admires himself alot alot, loves himself a lot to the point he loves looking at his reflection
☆Around his followers he puts on a perfect and Hippy like persona to hide his personality
☆Emotionally closed off
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Similar to the Lamb's crown the Ram's crown also turns into a weapon ,the only difference is that Ram's hat turns into a scythe
,what the scythe looks like is I has a long sharp blade that's actually gold (the blade sets aflame when in battle), I has three orange eyes on the top of the staff part of the scythe, the staff part of the scythe is also gold , the staff part of the scythe is patterned ,and at the very end there's a black and white handle for Ram to hold .
When Ram was a kid he has two parents named Rameses and Deziray and none of them were good parents towards Ram, often having helicopter parented him and psychologically and emotionally abused Ram . Ram soon having met Lamb (Lambert) who he has ended up befriending Lamb and doing everything together, Ram slowly but gradually getting feelings for/falling for Lamb .
°Growing up-
One day while picking some flowers and making a letter for Lamb , which causes both Rameses and Deziray to find out than confront Ram about it to the point that they decided to move somewhere else with Ram , reluctantly he had no choice but to let his parents plan the move.
The next day Lamb found out that Ram was moving which led to an argument between them, to the point that the two ended up having told each other hurtful things, which caused a rift between the two.
°The present (Grown up/ current age)
The first species to end up going extinct thanks to sacrifices were rams before lambs and because of it similar to Lamb, Ram was gonna get sacrificed , only to be saved by Pudandii (my other oc) the Bishop of deception /trickery and that Pudandii promised to save him but if only Ram were to make a cult in their name, so Ram agrees, leading to Pudandii to give Ram their crown in the process so that through their crown they'll be able to spy on Ram to watch his process and to keep Ram safe.
▪︎Ramsey "Ram" is black coded, meaning if he were to be a human ,he'd be black
▪︎Ramsey has a really thick southern cajun accent
▪︎Ram/ Ramsey is an extremely good chef, is extremely skilled at cooking and baking
▪︎Ramsey shows signs of both perfectionism and abandonment issues thanks to his trauma
▪︎Ram/ Ramsey is supposed to give off that "I'm better than you" type of vibe
▪︎Ram is Lamb's rival similar to how Mortimer is Mickey Mouse's rival and/or how Fizzarolli was Blitzø rival (but way before both Fizz and Blitz made up)
▪︎(If he were to be canon) you can either defeat Pudandii and make him be your follower (it's kinda like an in game "Rival getting his karma" kind of thing) or Ram can do it instead ,beat you to it
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pumpkin-spike18 · 1 month
✨Weekly Progress #32-33✨
It's been an emotionally tough two weeks. Much (if not all) of what I've been planning hasn't been going well ^^;;
Weekly Progress #32
Posted devlogs
Worked on Outlines
Finished Punk BL Part 1 Outline
Finished SFB sprite lineart
Concepted + outlined VF project
Wrote 2.1k+ words for VF
Sketched VF sprite
Weekly Progress #33
Wrote 2k+ words for VF
Finished 1 VF sprite
Flat colored other VF sprite 4/5 outfits
Finished Punk BL Part 2-3 outline skeleton
Designed 1/4 LIs for Buggy BL
Wrote 6k+ words for Punk BL
Finished Buggy BL outline skeleton
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When 2024 started, I had some goals and plans for my devwork this year. I hoped to start developing commercial games. I didn't expect all of my plans to work, but I also didn't expect none of it to work the way I planned.
So while I said to myself, "Welp, that just means I gotta replan and make a new schedule for 2025!" it was still difficult for me to hype myself up for that.
I planned to join Velox Fabula 2 to cheer myself up, but despite writing over 4k words and completing a sprite... my willpower simply disappeared and I gave up completing the project.
I might finish it in the future, but the stars misaligned this time.
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It is a Quick Transmigration, multi-lifetime story between two people. The story was planned to be vignettes of moments between the two characters, but I realized I wanted something more and the scope was already too big for a small jam like VF2.
Punk BL Game
That's not the title, I have no idea what the title will be. I hope an epiphany will hit me soon because idk how to tag my posts otherwise. Or I'll have to go back and edit a lot of posts.
It's a rather big and ambitious idea. This will be a turn based battle/hybrid VN with some dating sim elements. I wish I had a single word to describe it. Perhaps I'll have to do some more researching for similar games.
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The story is about Silver, whose been ordered to defeat the gangsters who run Lucidus City. If he falls in love with one of his rivals, well, that'll depend on you...
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(did I post this image before? I feel like I have, but I can't find it on my own blog LOL...)
The story is split into four parts (currently); writing for ith as come so naturally that I did 4k on Friday night. These are sketches for the main characters of the first part. The MC, Silver. The "love interests" (once again, I hesitate to call them so because they won't get traditional romance routes. I'm still unsure if they'll get actual romantic endings) for part 1 are: Drayton, Gordan (Danny), Caleb, and Evan.
Any guesses to who the yandere in this story will be.
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(Just some expressions I picture him making throughout the story)
Buggy BL Game
The other untitled BL game I've been daydreaming about. Thanks to discussion with some friends, the basic concept is: a bunch of bugs get stuck in a death game, similar to the idea of Kodoku.
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I only have the base outline and one of the LIs designs finished. Meet Butterfly, one of the more uncooperative love interests you get to meet in the death game.
Actually, all of the love interests are quite uncooperative...
I haven't finished developing the rules and stakes of the death game yet, but I know for a fact that variable control will be essential to this game. I have a bad feeling future!Pumpkin will be ambitious and try a system where who you let die early in the game will affect later trials of the game...
Other than that, I'll be finishing a few owed artworks this week before I dive into rescheduling my long term gamedev goals for 2025 and beyond.
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neopronouns-in-action · 2 months
Requests not used yet:
Neopronouns used so far:
x/xself (secondary)
ne/rix/riv/rixelf (background)
zae/zaem/zaer/zaemself (secondary)
zae/zaem/zaer/zaemself (secondary)
li/liself (background)
they/them/their/themself (secondary)
mys (background)
che/chim/chis/chimself, (primary)
xi/xir/xirself, (primary)
thi/hil/(hilz)/hilself (secondary)
ze/zim/zis/zimself (secondary)
li/lia/lias/liaself (secondary)
Dy (first person pronoun, background)
tal/lyn/talyn (background)
ri/riv/rivs/riverself (secondary)
hea/ler/(lers)/lerself (background)
he/her (background)
ŝi/ŝia/ (background)
vamp/pyr/pyrs/vampself (background)
ghost/ghosts/ghostself (incidental)
bat/bats/batself (incidental)
thorn,thorns,thornself (incidental)
tech/techno/techs/techself (incidental)
tuo/tuak/tuar/tuaresi (background)
null/nulls (secondary)
thon/thons/thonself (secondary)
that one/that one’s/that one’s own,
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kenziedrawz · 1 year
Hey so I have doodled for the pirate fairy adjacent au (finally)
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It's Nene and Rui for the au! let me go grab some bullet points for them..(bullet points under the cut)
Okie dokie so you're probably wondering why I didn't draw Nene ith any wings, now, you might be thinking 'oh they're under her cloak right?' well, they aren't, In fact... Nene doesn't have wings, she lost them narrowly escaping a hawk around a season before the events of the Pirate Fairy portion of the AU
Nene lives in a place that isn't exactly pixie hollow but is still on Neverland, she lives with Mizuki, another fairy who doesn't live in pixie hollow and instead goes where the wind takes them.
Nene is a water fairy while Mizuki is a fast flying fairy(Though Mizuki does want to be a garden fairy)
Rui is a (former) dust keeper, and if you've watched the pirate fairy movie then you'll know why. But even after he's welcomed back into pixie hollow... He still feels somewhat unwelcome. So he decides to live with Mizuki and Nene(Third wheel Rui lmao)
But how does the whole pirate thing go down? well, Nene got captured by pirates and Rui gets manipulated into helping them in return for Nene's freedom. But we all know that the pirates lied.
Oh yeah Rui and Tsukasa were friends before the whole pixie dust incident, they still are tho... after the pirate fairy arc.(they eventually start dating tho because I am a sucker for Ruikasa)
And you know what? some other headcanons for other characters as well.
Tsukasa is a light fairy, and so is Saki. Tsukasa doesn't like his job because, well, bugs... But he does like being able to bend light n stuff.
Saki was, well, born without a wing. This makes it harder for her to fly but she still tries nonetheless.
Toya is a Tenma!! He was born in the winter season place the same time Saki was born in pixie hollow. Tsukasa, Saki and Toya all have the same wing pattern as per the fairy sibling lore.
MEIKO is queen Clarion and KAITO is the fucking winter season guy who flies an owl in the secret of the wings movie, yeah.
Mafuyu is also a winter fairy, and I wanna say that Kanade is one as well
Akito is a fast flying fairy, meanwhile Ena is a garden fairy
Emu is a animal fairy and Honami is one as well
An is a fast flying fairy and Kohane is an Animal fairy
And I currently have no more ideas here but you can get my drift right? yeah.(I mostly decided these on a whim so if anyone has any other suggestions then i would be glad to hear them.)
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
kairos, what's one person you wished you never met, and why?
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"...i suppos= =ith=r li=ut=nant lyrras...or my anc=stor..."
"...not m==ting lyrras would hav= r=sult=d in n=v=r m==ting my anc=stor...but it's his fault things turn=d out th= way th=y did..."
"...p=rhaps i n=v=r would hav= l=ft th= fl==t if i had not m=t him...but at l=ast i would not b= half-rott=d..."
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rjalker · 1 year
K. Remaking this post because the OP is deactivated so I can't click on any names to add image descriptions or plain text.
trender-typhlosion (deactivated) said:
Neopronouns are not a “tumblr fad”. Gender neutral pronouns other than they/them have existed in the English language for actual centuries. They are not harmful to the trans community.
To those who are against neopronouns, you’re acting against the evolution of a language and acting against something that’s been around for far longer than you’ve been alive.
To those who use neopronouns, your pronouns are not harmful. You do not deserve to be made to feel ashamed for your pronouns.
boobless-wonder said, August 10th 2019:
Op you can’t just drop this and expect us to not ask what the old school gender neutral pronouns were!!! How on earth are all my nb friends gonna pick the dapper pronouns????
fallon-has-opinions (Deactivated? Now an empty blog) said:
I found these doing very minimal research:
Ey/Em/Eir (1975, created by Christine M. Elverson) E/Em/Es (1890, created by James Rogers) Per/Pers/Perself (1976, Used in a novel by Marge Piercy) Thon/Thos/Thonself (1858, Created by Charles Crozat Converse) Ve dates back to 1980 Xe dates back to 1973 In 1789, William Marshall confirmed the use of both“a” and “ou” as a replacement for he/she/they and even i. Co/Coself (1970, created by Mary Orovan) Ne (1850, appeared in print in 1884) En (1868, mentioned by Richard Grant White) Han/Hans/Hanself (1868) Un/Uns/One (1868) Se/Sis/Sim (1884) Hesh/Hiser/Himer (1879) Hi/Hes/Hem (1884) Le/Lis/Lim (1884) Hersh/Herm (1884) Ip/Ips (1884) Hae/Haes(Hais)/Haim (1884) Tha/Thare/Them(Thon) (1885) Zyhe/Zyhe’s/Zyhem (1885) Ir/Iro/Im (1888) De/Der/Dem (1888) Hor/Hors/Horself (1890) Ith/Iths (1890) Sources for these as well as many others that I didn’t add due to the list getting too long can be found here. [[Unfortunately, the original link is broken, and no version available on the web archive :( ]] An interesting note is that in the modern language a lot more people use neopronouns then you would expect! Yo is a majorly African American pronoun coined in 2004 and used by Middle School students In Baltimore, Maryland. Fae/Faer, coined in 2014, is used by 4.3% of participants in the 2019 Gender Census. Plus a vast variety of newly coined pronouns that you will have seen commonly floating around! Neopronouns have existed and been recorded for a long time, they are not a new concept, nor are they MOGAI or a tumblr concept. They are not modern, there have just been many modern adaptions to already existing pronouns.
As another addition from me, Ae/aer pronouns are from 1920, from the scifi/philosophy/??? book, A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Linsey.
You can download it or read it for free here on Project Gutenberg:
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Time to fangirl about Helluva Boss: S1 E5
But first, isn't the white spot on Blitz's face supposed to be a burn scar? Then why does it look like he has vitiligo? Unless they're all burn scars in which case... ouch.
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And if the white spots are supposed to be scars, like the one across the right eye of Millie's sister:
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What are the two circles on each of Millie's arms? And his father's looks more like a tattoo. And her mom? She has a lot on her tail (which can be understandable) but the ones on her face? Look like blush.
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And these other demons. It even looks like she has them under her eyes.
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And, okey, let's say they're all scars. Then...
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His are supposed to be freckles. I thought for a moment maybe Moxxie is albino, so instead of having black freckles (like Millie's mole under her eye) his are white. But his eyebrows are black so it tears my theory. So, maybe, freckles, moles AND scars are white OR the scars specifically are a less saturated white (thou I would have to know about color theory to really dive in but color theory doesn't want to know me). I'm not blaming the team for not thinking about it (because I've tried writing my own storys and there are things that you just don't think are important for the plot or for a character or for the story in general) but either way it's confusing.
Anyway, in this chapter we're presented to Striker: since the black shadow in his eyes and his golden canine to his rattling tail, we know he's gonna make an impact.
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And he kinda did. He's the one who describes us how society views and treats imps in Hell, and by the look in Blitz's face, those words are something he didn't wanted to think about or they were a trigger. I'm going ith the second option.
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Which makes this scene more important (for Blitz) because his work is being recognized by someone else, someone of his own (an imp) but strange to him. Thinking a little deeper, maybe Striker knew who Blitz was because he was investigating Stolas and the imp who sleeps with him. Eaither way, his reputation precedes him.
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From here the animation changes FOR GOOD:
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I LOVE all these sequence. Everything that happened in this room: LITERAL GOLD.
One of the moments that hapened in the room was Strike offering Blitz to work with him (which would make them a very unstoppable duo, but do their personalities match?)
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And Blitz lies and says he will join him 'cause he was waiting for Moxxie (or someone, idk) to appear. But why not? Why not accept the offer to take down the very people who look down on his kind? What does he wants? Recognition? But for all the imps? Or for him alone? Is he trying to prove something? To who?
I remember we were all impressed by Millie's habilities and violent side, but when this chapter came out, people in the comments were complaining about her not being able to take a hit.
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I know that for a character to be interesting and complex, they need to have flaws; but I also know where people are coming from. I mean, we have a very talented assasin who goes straight to killer-mode when her husban is in danger-
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-who gets taken down only when said husband needs to "save the day". We know she has a high pain tolerance when she says she had worse at the flowers tufts at her brother' wedding when she caught the bouquet "and it was fucking worth it", so this flaw for her... makes sense but it also doesn't. Like, she's too sweet and friendly to be a demon, but she's a very talented killer to be so sweet and friendly. We're talking about personality and attitude. Now you're telling me she''s strong but also weak?
A little EXTRA:
She sleeps with knives above her head and on her nightstand. I'm guessing Moxxie has a gun under the bed, if they're worried about being attacked:
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Another EXTRA:
"Stolas' Lament" playing fast on the background (sorry, I can't unheard it now):
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