#Let her be ambitious!
whateverthought · 2 months
"I am Blood and Fire. Driftmark must pass to Salt and Sea."
Says the grandchild raised on Driftmark. Which twin was made Ward again? Hell, depending on when she left, how soon after her mother's death, she was in that Castle with Corlys! And when he disappeared, she was there with Rhaenys ruling! And don't get me started on how she doesn't even mention her sister!
What she should have said was, Why would I pass over the Iron Throne? Heaven Forbid she have any aspirations for herself!
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
A is for Ambition
I was having a conversation with a friend on the discord server I'm on about Azula, and this point came up about the sexism surrounding the way she was treated both by the canon reducing her actions to mental illness and by fandom tropes reducing her actions to her traumas. While I strongly believe that both her mental health and her past traumas had a hand in Azula's development, I think a lot of her character and actions (most of them, in fact) can also be attributed to her genuine ambition.
Ambition isn't bad in and of itself, and I think there is a version of Azula that could have used that ambition productively. But she didn't, and narratively speaking, that should be okay. What bothers me most about the idea of a redemption for Azula- and I know I've talked about this before- is that it doesn't take all of her motives for the choices she made into consideration. I don't like the way that dismissing her actions as the result of mental illness and abuse robs her of agency and reduces her to being a puppet. If there was one thing Azula was not, it was a puppet. Frankly, the dismissal of Azula's actions as a result of her mental state and upbringing smacks really strongly of misogyny. As if Azula in her natural state would be devoid of the ambition that made her so deadly. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think all or even most of the people who want to redeem Azula and use her mental health and relationship with Ozai as an easy way to do it are misogynist, but I think the fact that those were presented as reasons to factory reset her and make her a loving supportive sister for Zuko did come from a misogynistic place. And it didn't start withing the fandom.
As a society, we have a problem letting women be villains without explaining it away somehow. There are scores and scores of stories of women who turned evil (or more accurately turned anti-hero) because she was scorned by a man, or abused, or otherwise hurt, usually by a man. Or she turned evil as a result of something happening to her child (obviously not the case here). Then there are the genre of women who turn evil because they feel threatened by another woman. There isn't a whole lot of space for a woman who wants to do evil things simply because they benefit her or because she enjoys them. The best example of a female villain who was in it for the love of the game that I can think of is the original Maleficent, and then they decided that making her more complex meant giving her a tragic backstory a la a very thinly veiled date rape allegory. There isn't a lot of space for a female villain who cursed a baby because she needed to remind these uppity humans who they were dealing with.
Azula was almost definitely abused by Ozai- and possibly even physically abused- but that wasn't all of her motivation. I would go as far as to say that wasn't even most of her motivation. Azula was a ruthless, cunning, ambitious girl, who enjoyed what she did. If there is going to be any redemption of her, that needs to be acknowledged first. But really, does she need to be redeemed?
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luckycl0ve · 3 months
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Make thick my blood,
Stop up th’access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious vistings of nature
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
Th’effect and it.
Gale inspired by 'Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth' by John Singer Sargent 👍🏻
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skyefeys · 8 months
me when the dgs track hits that tonal shift right before the refrain
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mollywog · 4 months
When the Stars Align
RegencyLark Part 1 | RegencyLark Part 2 | RegencyLark Part 3
She needs to find a husband. She came to the conclusion within an hour of Peeta’s return.
After she’d seen him, she’d wandered the streets aimlessly, unable to return to his home, for that’s what it was; his. She’s been living on Peeta’s charity these last two years, though that’s not entirely true. She’s been managing the estate in his absence which must count for something.
She’d only come to town this year for Primrose’s debut season, but now she’s glad of it. She’ll need to begin her search immediately, so she changes direction towards the Odair house to speak to Finnick on the matter.
As a child Katniss had assumed her life would always be an endless string of golden days; Her parents were hopelessly in love and she had the most perfect companion in her sweet little sister. Though they weren’t rich they lived comfortably and most importantly, they were happy. But then at eleven her father had died and she’d watched her mother die a slow and agonizing death from a broken heart. Their modest house was entailed to a distant cousin who was only fourteen himself with a mother and three siblings to support as well and Katniss’s days had faded to a dull gray hue while the Everdeen sisters had mourned their parents and struggled to adjust to their new lives.
Then her God-father, Lord Abernathy, had discovered their situation and invited them to live on his estate as his wards, and while their days had brightened to a rosier glow, Katniss could never forget the hollow look in her mother’s eyes in the weeks after her father’s death as she slipped away from them. Katniss would not allow that to happen to her. She knew she must marry one day, but she swore to herself that she’d never fall in love.
Luckily, she was friends with Finnick Odair; a staple of fashionable society and as such a collector of confidences. When she’d told him of her resolve, he’d been determined to assist her; To not love a husband was one thing, but to not respect him another.
An Earl was much more than the unexceptional daughter of an unknown gentleman could have expected, but they both had trusted Finnick’s judgment in the matter. He’d introduced them at a ball and though many found Graham Mellark’s reserve off-putting, she’d seen the practicality in the man who spoke directly to the purpose or not at all.
He’d called at Abernathy place the next morning where they’d shared tea in companionable silence and within the month they were married.
The first few weeks of their marriage, however, had been painfully awkward. Katniss might have begun to second guess her decision, had it not been for her new brother-in-law. Peeta began visiting frequently and seemed to always know just what to say to lighten the mood and put them both at ease. She realized she had never heard her husband’s laugh before his brother had visited. It had been Peeta who had given her hope that her marriage wasn’t a mistake, but beyond that, she’d enjoyed his company on its own merits. It wasn’t long before she had considered him among her closest acquaintances.
But then Graham had died and despite her careful planning and arranging she’d crumbled, because in the end, she had loved him in her own way. It wasn’t a desperate, wild, romantic love like her parents, but one born of familiarity, friendship, and mutual support.
Worse still, along the way she’d lost Peeta as well and although he’s returned in body, she will not allow herself to believe that they can ever be as they once were.
“I’m in need of a husband,” she announces as soon as the drawing room doors close behind her.
Finnick doesn’t seem surprised, appraising her over his cup of tea before speaking, “This is sudden.”
“Peeta- eh. The Earl of Bakerston has returned home.”
He nods his head, “then this seems an easy solution. You already hold the title, already live on the property and know the estate, you are both unattached, and last I saw, you are both mad for one another.”
She jerks back at his declaration, before she begins shaking her head, the force making her dizzy. “No. No, no, you are mistaken, we are friends… or we were friends… but that was long ago. I have not had a single word from him in two years!” She begins pacing the room and the words begin tumbling out, “oh Finnick, I don’t know what to do. He just… left. I know he had every right to do it. But oh, how I needed him. No, I am certain that he hates me. He would not have gone otherwise. Yes, he was mourning his brother, but so was I! Would it not have been natural for us to find solace in one another?”
“Only too natural and likely why he felt he must put distance between you two.”
Even in her grief she’d known how improper it was for her to ask Peeta to hold her as she’d fallen asleep. She’d asked too much of him. She was not his responsibility and making herself so had driven him away. She hazards a glance in Finnick’s direction to see if he knows the truth of it, but he’s wearing an impassive expression. She shakes her head before continuing, “And now he’s come back, to claim his dues, find his own countess and sire an heir. I have no legal right to any of it. I am at his whim, he could toss me out at a moment's notice. There’s no room for me in Bakerston any longer. Nor at Abernathy house.”
“He has told you this?”
“No, his arrival took me by surprise. I have yet to speak to him.” Oh, she was a coward.
“Ah, yes. That sounds correct.” She scowls at her friend but he waves a dismissive hand, “Sit down, lest you wear a hole in the rug.”
She sinks down on the sofa, “so will you help me?”
“Katniss, I am still not convinced my assistance is necessary. You really should speak to him. Unless you plan to uproot to Abernathy house in the interim, you’ll be sharing a home.”
She makes a distressed noise in the back of her throat. Surely he would take the Earl’s room right beside her own. The idea of sharing a wall feels… intimate. The act of an Earl and his Countess, not a man and his dowager burden. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. Perhaps she could have her things moved down the hall?
“Katniss, I know your reasons for seeking an uncomplicated match the first time, but now that you’ve weathered the worst and come out the other side, would it not be better to take your time and marry for affection? You will not need my help for that.”
She rubs her temples. She was relying on his continued understanding on this front. She wonders when he’s become such a romantic.
He sighs , “well if you are determined, I will only ask that you speak to Peeta before I lend my services.”
It seems a fair enough price, she’ll have to speak to him sooner or later anyways, so she nods, “consider it done, but ready your recommendations, for I am certain I’ll be in need a husband before the season is through.”
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atuats-sidechick · 4 months
Young Rangi *mid training*: Mom, I think... I have a crush...
Hei-Ran: Hmn, and?
Rangi: A crush on a girl... what should I do?
Hei-Ran *correcting her posture*: Kill her?
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 6 months
Sometimes do you ever remember the soupçon of misogyny in the press during the early (and latter) days of Joever and want to bust kneecaps lmao
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silverlombaxwitch · 2 years
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Before the dawn, it's shining bright, a glowing ray of light🌟
(click for better quality)
(hmmm whta if ya liked and reblogged hmmm haha jk,,,, unless??)
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full---ofstarlight · 1 year
since im sure everyone here is deeply invested in who i am romancing in bg3... it is currently lookin like this with Shadowheart and Gale
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
honestly I have to hand it to qualia the purple for doing the whole 'all the universes want this probably queer girl dead for some reason and the girl who loves her can't seem to save her no matter how much she time loops' and actually coming with a meaningful thematically consistent explanation for it that doesn't just construct this girl as an object to be saved or destroyed rather than just shrugging and going "well. The World just Hates Her. You should Let Her Die. Fate is Immovable and she has no real agency. That's our moral."
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demonbarberofbeepbeep · 6 months
hurt/comfort lucy barker save me
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
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Jancy + Academic Rivals to Lovers AU
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idlenight · 1 year
Oh!!!! 13 10 and 4! I don’t mind whoever you choose I wanna know about them all haha 💐
Because it's free real estate im picking one OC for every question, thank you for the freedom <3
13 - What do they consider their weaknesses and would others agree?
Syleth considers his weakness to be his Oath. Which is definitely weird because he willingly became a paladin, and he loves being a paladin, he by and large agrees with his oath. He wouldn’t be a paladin if he didn’t believe in his oath.
But it limits him. He cannot do things he would want to do or say, he has to pay attention to the things that come out of his mouth. Saying the wrong thing can make him an OATHBREAKER. It also forces him to act when it might not be wisest. He is oathbound to destroy evil like devils, but what if the best way out of that situation is trough parley? He can’t even entertain the idea of the safest outcome because what if it breaks his oath?
It is Syleth’s blessing and curse.
10 - Describe their style of dress.
Maxwell would prefer to dress to the nines most of the time, sophisticated, extravagant. But they would prefer not being noticed more. It's not like they dress themselves drab, it's mostly just darker and muted colors and regular streetwear. To satisfy their hunger the clothes they wear are still highly expensive fashion brands.
4 - Describe their ideal day.
Wake up rested without any nightmares, stare at the fish tank installed into the wall next to your bed for 30 minutes. Have breakfast (it's cake). Check phone, ok great your crew hasn't blown anything up and there's no emergencies. Go to the Boneyard and walk Spoon with Chen. Give him a kiss before parting ways (make a joke about seeing him at work so he can squirm and wonder if that means you're dropping by Ranger HQ as River or you're causing a ruckus as Sidestep somewhere in the city, leave before he can ask). Go to work, the cover business one. Talk with Marcia for like an hour while fixing tech behind the counter. Go to your actual work in the warehouse and have a planning (see: hangout) session with the crew. Go to Ranger HQ (succesfully avoid Argent and Herald) to have lunch with Julia and maybe bother Chen (see: makeout with). Go back to work (the fake one) because somehow the fake business is doing pretty decently (you don't mind, you like fixing things). Have dinner with Chen, maybe finally let him convince you to spend the night. Go to bed (you don't have nightmares, you get to rest).
Tysm for the ask Goldfish! (..... or Gold..? just Fish? aaa sorry) Questions are from this OC ask game!*
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worldwhampion · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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lya-dustin · 9 months
watching hotd and magnificent century back to back and even girl fail!Hatice would mop the floor with Rhaenyra and Alicent and Rhaenys. like why were the writers so afraid to make them want power and be willing to kill for it.
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highevara · 1 year
once again thinking about how bioware ignores some of their most interesting / compelling lore. bryce, leonas, and rendon's dynamic is so interesting and juicy. the implication that rendon started getting bitter after the battle of white river when bryce and leonas were awarded medals of bravery for saving his life and he was never acknowledged.... something something there it is, that damned look in the eye that marked every cousland success that held me back.
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