#Lemme know what you think
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cheesemushrooms · 6 days ago
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Quick redo of Athena's design bc I wanna draw her more and the old one kinda bugged me
She has wings now :D
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zimt-deathnote · 1 year ago
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----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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kvothes · 4 months ago
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“It seems that I’ll never stop fighting to return to your side,” Cas says, almost apologetically.
the final chapter of my deancas fix-it fic. we’ve broken 60k words and it’s time to fucking party. happy angel of thursday thursday, and do enjoy, and ily all!
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lalasmochitito · 8 months ago
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there's something about the tlt tarot card illustrations that give me life so i decided to make my own!
thank jod for csp that made my life easier :p
made two versions 'cause both looked great lol
resources i used:
tarot card template: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2026818
halo brush: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1764690
spine bone: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1782893
skull brush: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1996305
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renatogpadilla · 3 months ago
On Who Made Us Who We Are...
Jinx hated to say it, but the hug had worked wonders.
It was a funny feeling, hugging Lux. Like being put in a very soft, very caring slow-cook oven. She warmed up with every second, to the point where Jinx thought she would have gotten burnt if she hadn't pulled away after a while. It's not like she was mad at her for eavesdropping. That was on her! She had been a little later than usual and Jinx took that as a sign to get depressed...
But boy, was she glad Lux had gotten to her. She thought (a little hesitantly, but she thought it nonetheless) that she really missed having a friend to talk to. Back in Zaun, she'd never really had anyone to talk to since she was a child. Silco had tried his best, and he'd been as good a father figure as she could have asked for! But that was so different to having a friend your age. Sevika was... Sevika, and Isha... Well. Isha had been Isha.
Happy, joyful, perfect little Isha.
Cut it out. You'll cry again.
She pushed the thought out of her mind.
Since the night of their big hug, Lux had gotten a little bit more familiar with Jinx's little hut. She came over after a long day of work and sprawled on the couch (which Jinx had joked wasn't very ladylike of her and Lux had replied by flashing her hand at her and making her eyes wince) and just ranted about her day to her... And Jinx had gotten more used to her. She was beginning to understand that what had started as nothing more than unhinged curiosity had become a genuine friendship. She was a bit weary of that still (everything she grew to love exploded at some point, after all) but she decided to be a little less cagey towards Lux. She'd trust her word. She'd give her a chance. She had earned that. Maybe she'd even let her in on Pow-Pow and Fishbones, if she proved trustworthy... But that was still some ways away.
Lux, got to Isha's hut a little earlier than usual and caught her making tea. After the night of their hug, she had seen Isha far less jumpy around her and couldn't help but feel accomplished and proud that she'd managed to help her friend. It felt good to be able to be herself and it helping someone out...
She pushed the door open (Isha really should invest in a lock, she thought) and spoke In a small sing-song voice, as she'd started doing whenever she'd had a particularly good day... Though maybe that was more for Isha than for herself today. Work hadn't been exactly pleasant.
"Hello, Isha!" She tried not to sound too cheerful, she really did! But coming here made her so happy... Made her feel safe. The irony of feeling safer in a hut in the woods with a crackpot wannabe "witch" than in a fortress city with her knights and guards and her walking tank of a brother was not lost on her, and it made her giggle on occasion, to herself. She flopped on the couch.
"Hey, Flashlight. You're early!" Isha replied. She seemed in a good mood! "I was thinking today we could try something different to just blasting things. You can aim now, sure, but just how far do those powers go? Is it just light blasts or can you do more with that? And how can it burn if it can't touch things? Can it touch things? These are the questions I have decided we'll try to-"
Lux wasn't listening. She was just... Sprawled out on the couch, disassociating. That wasn't like Lux. Ugh, fine! She'd ask!
"How was your day? You seem a little dim, and I don't mean your powers." Isha draped herself on the spine of the couch and looked at her friend.
Hoo, boy, where to start...
"Have I ever told you what I do, Isha?"
Actually, she hadn't. Jinx had some idea. She knew Lux had a brother who hunted Mages and she knew that Lux's family were guardians of the Royal Family... But other than that, she just though her friend's job was 'Be in a castle and look like a fancy painting for most of the day until someone needs something decreed' or something shmancy like that.
"Nope. You never said." She passed her a cup of tea. "Why? Are you secretly an evil mastermind and forgot to tell me?"
Lux actually laughed at that. "Well, no. But... Well, it does come into play a bit. An evil mastermind."
"Oh?" She did that thing she thought others didn't notice where she tilted her head like a puppy when she was curious about something.
Lux noticed. She found it adorable.
"Have you heard about the state of the kingdom lately...?" Ooh, she sounded nervous.
"I don't get a lot of news coverage here in the woods... Kinda like it like that." That way, I don't have to see the day my face shows up on a screen and I have to dip again. "Why? Some evil criminal on the loose or something?"
Lux's smile dropped. That was a strange sight for Jinx. Like that wasn't supposed to happen, just... in general.
"I... I can confide in you, right, Ish?" Lux's voice was so soft Jinx barely felt it. Also, 'Ish'? Damn, she was being vulnerable. That wasn't her strong suit at all. "You won't tell anyone, right? Like, I know you already know I'm a Mage, but this is... arguably worse."
Oh, now she HAD to know.
The not-a-witch nodded her head, and Lux took a deep breath.
"Over the last few weeks... Maybe months, I can't tell anymore, there has been a rebellion brewing."
Jinx felt herself grow tense. One day, she'd pop up somewhere where a rebellion wasn't brewing, but it seemed like that was not gonna be today... At least she wasn't at the center of this one, this time.
"Before I met you... I..." Lux was struggling to get the words out. "I wanted answers. I wanted to know who I was and not have to hide my powers. When my brother got accepted into the guard, we were made nobles. And that meant that now I had some power to go with my name... I may have abused it a little."
"I am absolutely enraptured by this tale." Isha told her, still laying on the spine of the couch, but now showing Lux her full attention.
"Yes... Enraptured. So was I." Might as well rip the band-aid off. "Well, as you can imagine, I used my new political power to... Get into places I shouldn't have. One of them being a prison."
Jinx shouldn't have admired that... But she did. Now they had something else in common!
"It was there that I realized what had been done to the Mages that my brother and his people caught..." She continued. "Isha, it was horrible. Forced to live in cages, made to drink this horrible potion that could take their powers at best and... Outright kill them at worse. I saw people whose only crime had been being born different get slowly, legally murdered under our noses. And nobody thinks it's wrong! Nobody saw how cruel it was to deprive someone of freedom, of life, just for being themselves!"
Jinx saw Lux's fists clutch and realized how deeply personal this was to her. The day her brother slipped... Hell, the day she slipped or even if Jinx herself ended up spilling the beans, Lux now knew exactly where she would end up. In a hole. Alone. Dimmed forever... That would NOT happen while Jinx was around.
"As I explored the prison... I eventually came across a door. One the guards pretended wasn't there." She had to get done telling this story. "So I went up, waved my name around. And through it I met someone... I met him."
Jinx couldn't tell what was there in that last weird cocktail of a tone... Was that venom? Hatred?
Yearning...? Oh, Gods, Lux you didn't...
"He was a fellow Mage." Lux continued, and Jinx was genuinely, completely and utterly entranced in her story. "His name is Sylas. And he was one of the few prisoners who had survived since childhood inside the prison. He was chained to the ground, malnourished. Like, there was still muscle there, but the kind of muscle you get when you can't eat anything other than scraps for years and you need a hobby to keep you from choking yourself with your chains... But he could still talk."
Every word that came out of Lux's mouth felt like drinking Petricide... Suffocating.
"He said the most harrowing things, but he sounded so... Pained. So done with life that there was nothing to keep him tethered other than maybe seeing the sun again... I pitied him. I felt for him. So I talked to him. Told him what the city looked like now. He seemed to miss it, at the time. He recounted what it looked like when he was young with such joy... And he suddenly felt less like a malnourished prisoner and more like... Like a friend... Like... Like... Oh, Isha. He said the sweetest things."
"This story's going to end horribly wrong, isn't it?" Jinx couldn't help herself. She heard the strain in Lux's voice.
"I trust you not to judge me for what happened next."
"I won't." How could she?
"I kept visiting him... Seeing him in his cell, day after day, whenever I could spare the time. And whether it was because of the way I spoke, or the things I said, or maybe because he was a Mage too, he ended up discovering what I was. And he made me feel so..."
"Validated? Like you were perfect, just the way you were..."
"Yes... I can look back on it now and see the signs, but back then I was too ecstatic to notice who he really was... And I grew to like him... I- I think I grew to love him. Genuinely. I'd never felt that way for someone before and it was... Liberating and just... For lack of a better word, it was magical. For as little as it lasted. We only saw each other through the cell. I didn't know better... I didn't know better."
"I should have known better."
They stayed in silence for a little while... Jinx could tell her friend was suppressing tears. She was being braver than her opening up like this... So much braver.
"If you don't want to keep talking, I understand." Isha saw her pain, bless her heart.
"I need to get it out." Lux said, breathing in sharp. "Please."
Isha simply nodded. Lux mouthed a 'thank you' at her. She reached out and took Isha's hand.
"You know how I said he was a Mage too? Well, as it turns out, a bunch of Mages have a bunch of different flavors of magic. His involves stealing magic from others. We touched, once, through the bars, and he took my glow. Used my power to break himself out and took every other Mage in the prison with him... Killed so many people with the same chains that kept him locked away... He even tried to get me to join him." And if my life had been different, maybe I would have... "The worst part is, that the care he had for me feels genuine, Ish... But to him, the fight comes first, and he will put me and everyone that stands in his way in the ground for the sake of his Great Mage Rebellion."
"Glorious Revolution, huh?" Jinx had heard of that before. A while back, before everything after Silco's death, she probably would have admired Sylas's efforts. Not now. No matter how righteous his cause.
He hurt Lux, so now he dies.
"And now he's out there, and not only does he know my secret, but the image he's painted of Mages has all but destroyed any chance of peaceful resolution... He kills so many of my brother's men every time he shows up and now my job implies hunting him down and it is just the most stressful thing in the world... And I know it's my fault! Some days, I don't know how I even get out of bed."
Jinx knew that feeling all too well. She squeezed her hand. They left a little while pass... Lux got some sobs out and Jinx listened. No sarcastic comments, no jokes. She just held her friend's hand and let her get it out.
"Thank you for that." Lux said, wiping her tears. "I... I needed someone to know."
"And now I do. I can tell that stings for you... Lux, if it's your whole job to stop him, you know you can't hesitate if the chance comes to-"
"I know."
Jinx hated herself from having to ask, but she'd been there too, once, and she knew where it was going.
"Do you still love him?"
Lux barely let her finish.
"No. Not anymore. I mourn what could have been, what I thought could have been, yes. But I won't waste another heartbeat for that bastard if he dares show his face. I've learned my lesson. No matter how sweet he talked, he's still a deranged, insane, grandstanding-obsessed, irredeemable psychopathic murderer who will stop at nothing, at no one, to bring our society down. Demacia has made horrible mistakes, it's true. I won't say there isn't a lot of work to be done, but this is not how you do it. Don't worry, Isha. Mage rights are one thing. But the actual monsters? The ones that give us all a bad name? I am done loving criminal scum."
Well, thought Jinx as she physically bit her tongue, now I sure as shit ain't telling her about that...
Lux sat up and pressed her head against Isha's shoulder. "Today has been a lot. Zanks for 'aving me here, friend."
Wait, what the fuck?
"Was that an accent?"
Lux hadn't noticed it slipped this time. She must have gotten more comfortable than she thought...
"Yes, it is." And she wasn't hiding it anymore. She figured if Isha could know about Sylas, she could know what Lux really sounded like. "It's a whole thing. Noble stuff. We usually hide it since we're not royals, but we all speak like that."
"You sound like you're gargling!" Jinx found it sweet. She laughed. Genuinely! Her friend looked like a meerkat and sounded like a pelican. She loved it!
Lux just stared. She's laughing. Oh, Gods, Isha's laughing! She'd never heard her laugh before! It was so heartfelt she almost started tearing up again. But instead she laughed along. Just the two of them, laughing about how dumb Demacian sounded in a hut in the middle of the woods.
Lux could have lived in this moment for a few days... It would have been nice.
"It's not that bad if you speak the language." She pushed out between chuckles.
"Oh yeah? Now I GOTTA hear this! Go on! Say something in Demacian, please!" Isha pushed back.
"Um... Que veux-tu que je dise?" She asked between chuckles.
Isha stopped laughing almost immediately.
"Wait, say that again?"
Lux repeated herself.
"Holy shit, it was Demacian." Isha exclaimed. Now her eyes were huge!
"You've heard it before?"
"I mean I don't... Understand it, but it makes sense he would-" Isha stopped herself. Right. Personal stuff.
Lux had promised she wouldn't pry so she just put her hands up, but Isha went on.
"When I was a kid..." Jinx started, sitting on the couch properly next to Lux. "There was this... Bar. I... Lived in it. And in that bar there was a jukebox that played these old records my-" Oh, this was bringing her back... With all its flavors. "My Dad had lying around. He wasn't my real dad, but he raised me and my sister, so he was our dad."
"You have a sister?" Lux couldn't stop herself. Isha lore? Given willingly?! Gimme gimme gimme!!!
"Yeah. She's a tough one. Nothing like me. She's... Heh. She's a cop. Overbearing and rough. Her answer to every problem is 'punch it!' and if that doesn't work, 'punch it harder', you know?"
"Oh, Gods, don't let her meet Garen! They would either become best friends or kill each other!"
"Oh, that second one I would pay to see!" Miss you, Vi. Really do. "Anyway, we were practically raised in a bar, and our dad's friend Benzo sometimes brought little trinkets around to spruce the place up, and on one occasion he brought an old record. It had this just absolute banger of a club ballad on it! But I never understood it... Because it was in Demacian! I never really danced to it, but my friend Ekko LOVED it! He's a bit more serious now, I think, but I bet he still sways to it on occasion... Anyways, your accent just took me back, that's all."
Lux was hanging on every word. Isha had a sister. She had grown up in a bar! She'd had a friend that- Wait a minute. If nobody reached her in the woods...
"If you don't ever leave the hut... Then, how do you know he's so serious?" Lux tried to sound playful, but she was so curious...!
And then she noticed. She couldn't believe she hadn't noticed before! It was right in front of her face the whole time!
That hoodie was way too big to be Isha's. The way she held it the night they hugged... The way she played with the rim right now! Her mind was racing. Oh, please let me be right...
Isha must have noticed that she noticed. She immediately broke eye contact, and she got this big smile on her face... Lux noticed she was blushing. She was flustered! Isha! Flustered!
"I didn't judge you, okay...? So..." Jinx was smiling too much at the memory of that last night in Zaun before the big fight... Before leaving. She tugged the hoodie closer. "Yeah... He was a childhood friend, but... Well, he's this boy I like, too."
It was like nothing in the world existed other than Jinx in Lux eyes in that moment. She grabbed both her hands and got a big, dopey smile on her face.
"Mon ami," she said, and she was glowing in a way Jinx hadn't seen before. She wasn't even trying to hide her excitement! "Tell me EVERYTHING!"
"Woah, Flashlight, slow down!" She was kinda enjoying this, though... She never really had the chance for 'girl talk' with her sister growing up. Boy, would THAT be awkward now! But this was too quick... "We're not- Sorry. I'm not there yet. I appreciate the interest though."
"Aw, come on! It can't possibly be worse than my terrorist ex!" That was probably the most casually she would ever refer to Sylas in her life. "But I understand. When you're ready. Then I'll hear all about your boy!"
Jinx gave her a hug and stayed there for a bit. Mostly to hide how wide she was grinning.
"For what it's worth," she said, without a hint of sarcasm, "you're already getting close..."
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pagelets · 3 months ago
I just had an idea for a Ni-ki one shot. Check it out:
"Ni-ki usually didn't remember his dreams and when he did, he didn't make a big deal out of it. But one day, he woke up and he was in love with a girl he didn't have a clue who she was."
Would you read this?
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haveihitanerve · 10 months ago
Talia Al Ghul had let him braid her hair sometimes. Whether it was for a special event or for a holiday or just when they had time to spend together, without the threat of being overheard or interrupted.(Not that the interrupter would get away with it.) But for an hour, or however long they were granted, at least once a month. Damian Wayne didn’t have to be Ra's Al Ghul heir. He could just be Damian. Braiding his mothers hair. But mother was not around anymore. And Damian had no plans of ever being around her again. Even though he had enjoyed those days. She had been kinder then. Softer. More like a mother. But Selina had shown him what a real mother was like. And Talia had not been that. But he missed braiding hair. So his feet led him to her door. 
Selina opened it on the second knock and smiled when she saw it was him. Talia had never smiled just by seeing him. He had to have done something good, something to make her proud to get her to smile at him. But Selina smiled. At him. Because he was there. “Hello kitten.” She crouched to be at his level. Another thing no one had ever done in the League. They found arrogance in their height over him. But Selina, and Bruce, and his siblings all knelt to be eye level with him. “Hello Selina.” He said back. “What do you need?” She asked, still smiling softly. What do you need? Not, what do you want? Not, not now Damian. No. What do you need so I can help you? Damian smiled and Selina lit up. “I would like to braid your hair.” He said softly. Selina stood, nodding. “You came on the perfect day.” She headed back into her room, beckoning him. Damian followed her into the very back of her room, where she pushed a panel in the wall to reveal a second room. Damian blinked. The room was painted a soft black, stars and bats and cats stenciled every so often. It had a few dark red couches and beanbags, along with a black cupboard. But the most shocking thing of all was Cass, Steph, and Babs were all seated on the couches, talking and laughing. They stopped when they spotted him, but still smiled warmly. “Hey baby bird!” Steph called, scooting to one side of her seat. “Come join me!” “No me!” Babs called, shifting as well. Cass signed a few words and Damian smiled, heading over to sit with his sister. Steph and Babs pulled a face and Cass grinned in triumph, pulling Damian onto her lap. “Hello Batladies!!” Selina grinned. “Welcome to our own personal spa room. I already did this spiel but since we have a new member, Damian Wayne, I thought I should go over it again.” She winked at Damian. “This is a place where we can talk and gossip and laugh and cry. Any emotions and rants are welcome. Vent if you’d like! Sit in silence too! No judgment. Just relaxation and girl time! Plus Damian of course!” He smiled. “We should be expecting three more guests…” she trailed off as another door opened and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy stepped into the room. 
Cass tightened her hold on Damian, just in case he wanted to attack. But he was perfectly content in her arms. “Damian, I’d like you to meet two of my best friends, Ivy and Harley.” Damian waved and Ivy and Harley gave him matching smiles. “Hey!” Steph called. “Love y’all’s hair.” The two women grinned and walked over, sitting down across from them. “Looking for ideas Steph?” Ivy mocked. Steph snorted. “Yeah right. Like I’d go fire red or crazy cotton candy.” The two women laughed and plopped down onto the sofa. “Now we just need Lois and we’ll be ready to start!” There was a knock and Lois Lane walked in. “Sorry! Am I late?” Ivy laughed. “Just on time Lane. Like always” Lois smiled. “Thanks Ivy.” She took a seat next to Babs at the girls' invitation and Selina grinned, walking over to the large cupboard. “Alright! Pick your favorite color gals and let’s start!” The cupboard was filled from bottom to top with beauty products, nail polish, hair curlers, face masks, eyelash curlers, and more. The women all jumped up, rushing to grab a color, Steph and babs climbing over the other to grab pink and Ivy and Lois arguing over the right shade of red. Selina laughed, a loud joyful thing and Damian smiled as he watched her. Cass just grinned, still sitting. Steph grabbed a hot pink and walked past, plopping a navy blue into her sister's hand. Cass smiled in thanks. Selina caught Damian’s eye and winked, beckoning him over. He slipped off Cass’s lap, walking over to her. She picked a color off the wall and knelt down, holding it out to him. “How bout it baby bird?” Damian examined the color. 
She had picked a nice bright forest green. Green was his favorite color. “It’s- a bit bright.” He said slowly. “I have an idea!” Steph was next to them, looking for a bright purple. “How about-!” She pulled a few colors off the shelf then settled on two. “Here.” She squatted next to him as well. “You can put the green down as the bottom layer, then put this black layer over top. So it looks black, but then in certain lights, it’ll shine green.” Damian considered it, then nodded. “Okay.” Steph squealed and hugged him, grabbing the colors and his hand. “Perfect!” She hurried over to her couch and threw babs feet off(causing babs to shout a string of words Bruce had pretty much banned in the house) and sat Damian down instead. “Hold out your hands.” She ordered. Damian did as she asked. “You’re gonna look so good Dami!” She said, grinning. If Damian didn’t know his sister was a wonderful person who only wanted the best for him he would’ve thought she was joking. Babs blew on her bright red nails, having lost the fight for pink, and reached for a face mask. “Wanna do a mask babe?” She asked him. “It’ll cleanse your pores. Make your skin soft and clean.” Damian nodded. “Okay.” Babs grinned and Damian allowed her to apply it to his face. “Ooh!!! No he didn’t!” Harley exclaimed. Ivy gaped at Selina. The woman nodded sagely, holding a glass of champagne. Ivy had painted her nails a dark green and was doing Harley’s in a mix of pink and blue. Selina hadn’t done anything yet, but looking at her he remembered why he was here. Steph had finished his nails, still forbidding him from looking at them, and was now gently blowing on them to dry them. 
“Wheres Jason by the way?” Babs asked Cass, putting curlers in her hair, a mask on her face. Cass shrugged, signing “he comes and goes.” “Todd does these?” Damian asked, looking between his sisters. Cass and Steph snorted. Babs grinned. “Oh yeah. All the time.” “He has some good gossip.” Harley drawled in her Boston accent. Ivy and Lois laughed. “Yes he does. It’s most interesting.” Selina laughed. Damian hadn’t seen her this relaxed in a while. “He’s off with his father right now.” She rolled her eyes. “Something secret.” Ivy wiggled her eyebrows, holding Harley’s hand. “Maybe he’s trying to be cute for you!” Lois said, laughing as Harley did her nails in a deep purple. Babs, Cass, and Steph were quiet. Selina gave them a look. “Maybe.” 
“Alright!” Steph announced. “You can look.” Damian looked down at his nails. They were painted black, but when he rotated his wrists a bit, he could see a green shine glowing underneath. Selina came over and ooohed. “Can you do that for me too, kitten?” She asked Steph. Steph lit up. “Sure!” “Can I braid your hair while she does?” Damian interjected. Selina nodded. “Of course baby.” She sat on the ground and Steph sat between her legs, taking her hands in hers. Damian sat on the couch behind her, running his hands through her thick brown hair. As he separated the strands into sections his nails glowed every so often and he smiled, looking at them. The chatter started up again, each woman talking over the other, laughing as drinks were poured easily. Cass handed him a juice box and he smiled in thanks, stopping his braiding for a second. Selina’s hair was soft, softer than Talias, and thicker too. But it was so much fun to braid. “Wowza birdie!” Steph exclaimed, looking at Selina’s head. “Holy.” Babs muttered. “Can you do my hair next bebs?” Cass asked. Damian smiled, nodding. “Sure.” And in that moment, surrounded by the women in his family, Damian felt he now understood the true meaning of family. And from then on Selina was given the title of Mother. 
(Talia became Talia)
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oogabooqga · 16 days ago
hello masses 
It finally happened, I finally finished a fic!!
I hope you guys won't kill me with hammers if its bad /lh
anyway hope y'all enjoy 
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fanboyoff1 · 15 days ago
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Doechii, may add to it later, we’ll see
I’m actually super proud of this lol
Tag list: @mintraindrop @fairielux (lemme know if you want to be added!)
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bilbo12 · 1 year ago
Wukong cares about people. Macaque isn't a saint.
Alright, I've wanted to write this for a while, so here I go. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any typos.
I've been watching so many fananimations of LEGO Monkie Kid. They're all gorgeous, top of the top, excellent, chef kiss and I'm glad the fandom seems to be growing every day.
But I HATE how so many people have portrayed Wukong as an asshole who doesn't care about anyone. Love the animations, they're great but I don't think Wukong is the villain people make him out to be.
Now don't get me wrong, Wukong has made many, many, many, mistakes throughout his life. The thing is, people don't seem to realize that while he messed up, his intentions were good! "Yeah, right, then how is he such a bad mentor?" I'm gonna shut you up right there.
When MK first got the staff, he didn't know how to use it, I agree with you. But Wukong is a milennia old stone monkey who has gone through a lot on his life, getting stronger and stronger with each fight.
"Pfft, what about DBK? You can handle it! Consider it a trial"
That's what he tells MK when said boy asks him what to do with DBK, because for Wukong that fight is easy. He then reassures him that with enough confidence in himself he could take him on. He trusted MK since the first moment and even told him to consider it as a trial. He was evaluating MK during his fight to make sure he had picked the right successor.
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And just in case and most probably noticing how nervous he was on his first fight, he kept an eye out on him to make sure to intervene in case MK needed help. Wukong already knew that MK was invincible before locking away some of his powers in the second episode, therefore he was confident that he would succeed. And even if he already knew he was going to defeat DBK, he still watched over him to make sure he wouldn't get hurt.
Following this battle, in the first episode "Bad Weather", MK doesn't call for Wukong's help. He's confronting Red Son when suddenly the staff acts on its own and takes him down to the ground and who appears afterwards? The Monkey King himself! Almost as if he had sensed that MK needed some help with defeating Red Son. Almost as if he had been the one to call for the staff so he could talk with his student. Again, he showed up on his own because he cares.
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"Then what about that time he abandoned him?"
He didn't abandon him. To abandon someone is to stop supporting them, to give up completely in someone. Monkey King knew that LBD was coming back but he didn't want either MK or his friends to get hurt.
He's used to doing things on his own! I mean, on JTTW Wukong was always sent ahead to see if there were any demons that would kidnap Tripitaka. And even though he warned his companions numerous times that there were demons under the disguise of innocent people, they wouldn't believe him. So why should he tell MK and his friends that there's an enemy approaching? Every time he had warned other people of other threats, they had never believed him, so why should MK be any different?
I think that's one of the reasons why he didn't even try to defend himself when Pigsy snapped at him. Because he's used to taking the blame. What's the point in trying to do something right if you're going to be blamed for everything going wrong, regardless of how much you try to make it okay? He even tries to keep helping MK through his training with the astral projection throughout the whole season!
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So, he searched for the map that would lead him to the rings of the Samadhi Fire, knowing full well that he could end up dying.
"This wasn't supposed to happen! I thought if I could somehow get the Samadhi Fire out of you, without hurting you of course, then I could put it inside myself. Then, I don't know, use it to burn up the Lady Bone Demon or something?"
Let's remember that while it's difficult to hurt Wukong, the Samadhi Fire is one of the powers that could actually kill him. He was willing to risk his life so he'd be able to save not only the whole world, but his friends as well. Do you realize how crazy that sounds? To be willing to give up his own life to save the Earth?
He even says that he wanted try to get the ring out of Mei without hurting her.
Would someone who didn't care about anyone try to make something as painless as possible for the victim? I don't think so.
Alright, let's focus on Macaque now for a bit.
My biggest beef with this guy is that some people seem to paint him as the misunderstood character who never did anything wrong because "Oh, my best friend abandoned me and woe is me!". Yuck.
While Macaque has many good reasons to be angry at Monkey King, that still doesn't give him the right to kidnap and trick MK. It doesn't give him the right to taunt him and make him feel like shit, nor the right to manipulate him and make him think that he's not a good successor.
"Well, you know what that means! There really isn't anything special about you. You're just some kid with a heavy stick!"
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Macaque knew that if he hurt MK, eventually Wukong would come out to save him, because he knows that he'll protect him. This is a little theory of mine, but Macaque manipulates shadows, right? Who knows how many times he's watched MK from them? Because I don't think his plan to steal MK's powers was something he thought of in just one minute. No, I'm pretty sure that plan took a while to be thought of.
"Ah, MK. You really are dense, aren't you? You saw a story about a hero who got handed everything? Who didn't have to work for anything? And you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn't care less about his friends. That's you, bud."
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He tricked him into sharing his insecurities, knowing full well that MK was vulnerable and stressed out about the whole LBD situation, then blamed him for not caring about his friends. He made him doubt whether he truly cares about his friends or not or whether he was even a good person.
And we all know how hard MK's worked to try to get control of his powers, especially after he lost them when LBD took away his staff. MK can be a lot of things: optimistic, a bit smug at times, a bit forgetful... But if there's one thing I'm sure of is that he worked hard to control his powers. He even asked Wukong to limit them so he could control them better, knowing that it'd be harder but he still did it.
And let's take into account that Wukong apologized to MK for how he acted towards him. Macaque, still to this day, hasn't apologized at all. And yet, he keeps mocking Wukong and saying he's the same old Wukong, while he himself is still stuck in the past.
I get that Macaque is angry at Wukong, I really do. But if he were really so angry against him, maybe he should've brought it to Wukong himself instead of using MK. He isn't a saint. He's made mistakes as well. These two are very complicated characters who have gone through a lot, but neither of them are blameless. Macaque isn't a saint, but he does care about some people. And although Wukong has made many mistakes, that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about other people.
Anyways, to finish it off, as MK once said:
"Uh, you know you two are the same, right?"
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leviiackrman · 5 months ago
Sugar, spice and everything nice! Everyone's favourite soft gal is finally finished, enjoy Asami's Completed Timeline!
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @d-esmond @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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mythological-mayhem · 1 year ago
List Of Things Apollo Has Most Definitely Done
Wiped out a city by accident and bullshitted his reason for it.
Used “the sun got in my eyes” as an excuse...even though he’s the god of the sun.
Started at least 5 internet trends.
Made a diss track for the gods on Olympus for fun.
Reads internet Fanfiction about himself, also for fun.
Saw an accurate mortal weather report and requested for Zeus to change the weather.
Made a playlist for every god on Olympus.
Feel free to reblog with your own list!
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devilsrecreation · 23 days ago
I’ve posted about the Snake Squad before, but since they’re all antagonists, I think it’d be fun if they had good counterparts. You know, snakes that step away from the evil Hollywood stereotype. They may or may not have endured some hardships but they still have hearts of gold
So now I present: these angels
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We got Viper (Kung Fu Panda), Maddie (Back to the Outback) , No Feet (Little Bear), and Sanjay and Craig
And before you ask why Sanjay’s here, he and Craig are like a package deal so they have to be in the squad together. The other three are perfectly fine with it (the same reason why Sanjay was in The Hunger Games: Snake Edition)
Sometimes Mr. Snake joins them when he’s not hanging with his friends. He’s definitely no angel, but since he technically reformed, he’s learning~
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kirric-the-fan · 1 year ago
Story idea check for magical girl fans: Would you read this?
Summary: Adult becomes magical girl only to find that the hero slot is double booked with a bunch of kids, and their space-faring fairies might be playing them all for personal gain. Story about found family, adult-youth perceptions and crossing the generational divide.
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shezuki-hari301 · 2 months ago
Here is the a height chart with the sparklings fully grown from left to right (Zephyr (cape Vulture), Kaida (Komodo Dragon) , Skyline (Yi qi) and Chymera (Honduran white bat)) please excuse the poor quality, I'll redo this adding dinobot and rattrap also once I get it done a new dinotrap drawing is coming 😊
Also I changed Zephyr's optics to red the orange and yellow was too similar to kaida's
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months ago
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