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craft2eu · 3 months ago
Dietlind Wolf - Traces Tegula: Lübeck 7. bis 10.11.2024
“Traces” ist eine Keramik-Serie der Künstlerin Dietlind Wolf, die sie als dokumentarisch-poetische Spurensuche immer weiter entwickelt. Ihre Formensprache basiert zeitumfassend auf einfachen, organischen Formen der Gebrauchskeramik aller Kulturen der letzten Jahrtausende: Vasen, Gebrauchsgefäße und Platten, 2024 geschaffen als eine Transformation der Materialien aus vorausgegangener Zeit, aus…
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gutachter · 4 months ago
Nachhaltiger Weleda Campus
Schwäbisch Gmünd: „…Der Naturkosmetikhersteller Weleda erweitert seinen Standort in Schwäbisch Gmünd um einen zukunftsweisenden Gebäudekomplex. Auf einem Gelände von rund 72.000 Quadratmetern wurden Lager, Logistikflächen und Verwaltungsbüros errichtet, die sich durch den Einsatz ökologischer Materialien wie Holz und Lehm auszeichnen. Dabei wurde nur ein geringer Teil des Areals bebaut, während…
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ereshckigal · 1 year ago
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I found some clay near east sea
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biobaunetz · 1 year ago
Lehm und Kalk – das Beste aus beiden Welten
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Lehm-Kalkfarbe kommt ohne Konservierungsstoffe aus / Kalk macht Anstrich strapazierfähiger
Lehmfarbe wird als mineralischer Anstrich, der Schadstoffe bindet und die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Raum reguliert, von vielen geschätzt. Allerdings: Als streichfertige Farbe enthält sie oft synthetische Konservierungsstoffe, um die nötige Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten.
Als Alternative bietet sich die Lehm-Kalkfarbe von Haga an. Der Schweizerische Naturbaustoff-Hersteller reichert Lehm mit naturreinem Alpenkalk an und vereint so das Beste aus beiden Welten. Der Kalk wirkt auf natürliche Art konservierend. Darüber hinaus macht er die Farbe strapazierfähiger und wasserfester. Denn reine Lehmanstriche werden wieder weich, wenn sie mit Wasser benetzt werden.
Die Lehm-Kalkfarbe entfaltet die Stärken beider Rohstoffe: Sie kann Gerüche absorbieren und ergibt eine schöne, matte Wandoberfläche, die mit dem Licht spielt. Zu den Vorteilen des Lehms zählt vor allem, dass er Feuchtigkeit aus dem Raum in besonders hohem Maß aufnehmen kann und so für ein angenehmes Raumklima sorgt. Der Kalkzusatz gibt dem Anstrich mehr Festigkeit und macht ihn widerstandsfähiger. Er trägt dazu bei, dass sich an der Oberfläche kein Kondensat bildet und reduziert dadurch auch das Schimmelrisiko.
In der Verarbeitung ist der Anstrich unkompliziert. Er kann auf nahezu alle Untergründe aufgetragen werden – selbst auf alten Dispersionsanstrichen. Verschiedene Farbtöne lassen sich durch die Zugabe natürlicher Pigmente erzielen, aber auch mineralische Vollton- und Abtönfarben können dafür verwendet werden. Mit der Haga-Farbtonkarte steht eine Vielfalt an farbigen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen unter: www.biobaunetz.de
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edlehming · 20 days ago
"Overwhelmed" - Sandbanks Provincial Park
“What appears to us as tenacity is often simply adaptation.” – Ed Lehming This cottonwood tree, seemingly overwhelmed by the ever-shifting drifting sand, is not alone. These trees have adapted with a root system that allows for fluctuations in sand depth. I’ve seen the tree trunks several feet above the sand, as if the trees are on stilts, and one like this buried to an equal depth. The root…
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rob-colvin-art · 1 year ago
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Roofing Frankfurt Mid-sized farmhouse white two-story adobe exterior home photo with a tile roof
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serpentface · 1 month ago
Od y mesech [oʊd i mɛsɛk] (ohd ee meh-seck)
Literally means 'sever it from God', functionally close to 'god damn it'. It invokes the notion that being spiritually severed from God leads to suffering and potentially being deprived of a restful afterlife. This phrase can be used with great gravity and spite, but usually is just a general exclamation of frustration. Often used with intentional hyperbole, declaring that any object of annoyance (a bug, a loose sandal strap, your little brother annoying you) should be damned via Severance From God
Od kulpa [oʊd kulpɑ] (ohd kool-pah)
Literally means "fucked-God" or "God is fucked". Its usage is similar to "fuck my life" "fuck this shit", expressing frustration or describing a situation as unbearable.
(Various invocations of God's anatomy)
Profanity in which the parts of the deity's dual-sexed anatomy is invoked is very common. The most common of all is 'God's cunt' as a catchall expression of exasperation, but you'll hear a variety like "God's cock" "God's three horns" (may or may not use 'galga' to be euphemistic for a penis) "God's balls" "God's tits" "God's three holes", sometimes notably lengthy and creative descriptions like "God's fat fucking bull cock and fly-bitten hairy ass". While Extremely inappropriate for sacred settings, this kind of profanity is not considered notably serious or sacrilegious in of itself. (see notes at bottom).
!khitta [ǀ'kɪtɑ]
An unhappy exclamation, functionally similar to ‘damn it' 'shit' 'fuck' in colloquial english. Considered very mild vulgarity. This word is very old and its specific intended meaning is lost, beyond being an exclamation of displeasure. This is one of few words in the Wardi language where a dental click is standard (clicks are otherwise used as a filler sound, or an optional form of emphasis).
dagatse [x] tocouye [dɑgɑtse toʊkoʊje] (dah-gaht-say toh-koh-yay)
Literally means 'evil spirits take [it]'. (Dagatse is a catch-all term for any malicious/harmful spiritual entity, ranging from diseases to earthbound human ghosts). This is actually among the more serious forms of profanity, as it is believed to potentially have concrete effects of inflicting a minor curse or attracting the attention of spirits to oneself (and will usually be accompanied by spitting and performing a sign against evil to deflect this). In spite of its relative gravity, variants on this curse often involve vulgarity or crude humor- ie "get fucked by ghosts" "may spirits infest your penis" "spirits bugger your bitch mother" etc.
agonichetse da cholempan [ɑgoʊnɪtʃɛtsɛ dɑ tʃoʊlɛmpɑn] (ah-goh-nih-chet-say dah choh-lehm-pahn)
Means "rot on barren earth" (more literally 'rot on salted earth'). This is an aggressive death wish, specifically wishing for the person to decay in isolation (which additionally implies that they will not only remain trapped as an earthbound ghost without proper rites, but in a presumably awful place) In South Wardin, 'cholempan' is often replaced with the more specific 'Cholemdi', which a valley basin containing the region's only true arid clime and consisting largely of salt flats. Both the Wardinae and Cholemdinae tribes would historically send their exiles there to die, and it is widely regarded as extremely haunted and all around unpleasant.
y'tsolasti [i'͡tsoʊlɑsti] (ee'tsoh-lahs-tee)
Disparaging slang for a sex worker, means 'one who is for sale'. This is notably harsher than the english translation suggests, as the word 'tsolas' is otherwise used in the sale of livestock. (Sex work is heavily stigmatized and the act of '''selling''' one's body is seen as exceptionally degrading). Functionally similar to 'whore' (though not used in the same capacity as in english to insult non-sex workers). This is also the most commonly used word for sex workers in general (the most polite term available is a euphemism meaning 'hired hand')
hitta na y'tsolasti [hitɑ nɑ i'͡tsoʊlɑsti] (hee-tah nah ee'tsoh-lahs-tee)
Means 'son of a whore' (alternatively 'hitte', meaning daughter). Mostly used as an insult, though occasionally used as a ''''neutral''' descriptor for someone who actually has a sex worker as a parent.
chis na chetla [kis na kɛtla] (kheese nah keh-tla)
Literally 'bitch of the streets', could be translated with less nuance as 'bitch-whore'. A play on the word 'street dog' (chin na chetla). This is EXTREMELY degrading slang for sex workers. This is also used to accuse non-SW women of promiscuity, or occasionally accuse non-SW men of being sex workers. Extended into 'chisnops na chetla' to effectively say '(born) of a street dog' with the same connotations, describing a person's mother as a 'whore' or a promiscuous woman (and generally implying the person to be a bastard in the process).
Bibittandinae [bibitɑndɪne] (bee-beet-ahn-dih-nay)
Means 'far northerner' (dead literally "north-northlander"), best translated as 'barbarian'. It is a xenophobic insult suggesting 'uncivilized' cultural and religious practices. Its usage is Primarily towards the North Viper peoples (Finns and Royal Dains) but is in practice generalized and arbitrary epithet against any acceptable foreign/ethnoreligious minority target, or your own countrymen if they're behaving in ways you dislike. Can be compared/contrasted to "mesodinae" ('heathen'), which is a catch-all label for people who do not practice the Faith of the Seven Faced God (sometimes applied to members of non-doctrinal folk sects of the faith as well). Use of 'mesodinae' usually does not have the active hostile Intent of 'barbarian' (most in the Imperial Wardi sphere consider it a completely neutral label; a substantially smaller proportion of religious minorities at least don't mind it) but pointed usage often seeks to other a person in a public space without crossing the line to unambiguous insults.
atibati [ɑtibɑti] (ah-tee-bah-tee) or atibeti [ɑtibɛti] (ah-tee-beh-tee)
Atibati is literally a diminutive of the word 'man' but functionally similar to 'boytoy'. Refers to a young man as the sexual possession of an older man or woman (sometimes regardless of the parties' actual ages). Atibeti is the female equivalent, but with a somewhat different usage. It is the closest equivalent word to 'girlfriend' (while retaining a sexually possessive 'little toy' connotation) and is refers any unwed young woman in a sexual relationship with a man (or a woman, though this is rarer in practice), or a notably young and pretty wife to a substantially older man.
atiba meno [ɑtibɑ menoʊ] (ah-tee-bah may-noh)
Means 'soft man', an insult that implies failed manhood and effeminacy. This includes but is not limited to sexual behavior (though accusations of being a 'soft man' are almost always saying "YOU'RE A BOTTOM") In practice, this tends to be used in an accusatory fashion for men that are not overtly gender-nonconforming but are rather seen as inadequate, weak, and almost definitely hiding sexual passivity.
atiba tal [ɑtibɑ tɑl] (ah-tee-bah tahl)
Literally 'half man'. This term that invokes the (gradually increasing in recent history) cultural tension surrounding the gray area between unacceptable male effeminacy and acceptable akoshos femininity. It describes a man as effeminate but not akoshos, or an akoshos as too masculine but not a man, and in both cases suggests that they have 'failed' at their gender. This is more frequently used for men or akoshos who are overtly gender nonconforming (men who actively present/behave as feminine without conforming to the akoshos space, akoshos who present/behave in a 'masculinized' fashion without conforming to masculinity), or men who are openly sexually passive. But this is ultimately a bigoted term without thorough internal logic and may just be used as a degrading insult. This term is also sometimes used on eunuchs, in which case it usually carries none of these layers and is just saying "haha you don't have balls anymore".
mechi [mɛki] (meh-kee)
Means "gelding" (literally 'cut one'). This word is used neutrally for castrated animals, and mildly disparagingly for human eunuchs (though this not usually considered terribly insulting, many self-reference with this word). It is an insult when used on an intact man, suggesting impotence and weakness.
chinmachen [kinmɑkɛn] (kheen-mah-kehn)
Means 'dog faced', almost always used as an insulting epithet describing someone as cowardly, lowly, ugly, vicious, etc. Has many of the connotations of 'bitch' in english.
chis [kis] (kheese)
Chis means 'bitch' as in 'female dog'. It's not as divorced from the canine meaning as bitch is in colloquial english; when you call someone 'chis' you are Very specifically comparing them to a female dog (though its meaning is functionally the same when used as an insult, denoting cowardice, lowly viciousness, etc- the tone tends to be misogynist, and emasculating when used on men).
chisla [kislɑ] (kheese-lah)
Roughly means 'Crazy bitch'. This is the one usage of 'bitch' for a person that is not necessarily insulting (or emasculating when used on men), it is often used with a respectful honorific as a somewhat vulgar compliment, functionally similar to how one might say 'you crazy son of a bitch' with a tone of awe. In other contexts it can be purely insulting.
chisnops [kisnɔps] (kheese-nawps)
Literally 'bitch-born', functionally 'son of a bitch' (though exclusively used as an insult rather than an exclamation). This very, very occasionally can be used as a compliment in a similar capacity to chisla, but it's usually insulting (especially as it will be specifically perceived as insulting oneself and one's mother)
chismachen [kismɑkɛn] (kheese-mah-kehn)
Literally ‘bitch-faced’, functionally used as ‘bitch’, ‘slut’, 'coward' 'pussy'. More severe and more specifically vulgar than 'chis'. Implies a sexually degraded, lowly, cowardly, and/or inappropriately feminine nature of the person you are insulting.
chismache [kismɑke] (kheese-mah-kay)
Literally means ‘the bitch face’, but in actual usage is best translated as 'dogcunt' or just 'cunt'. It is used as an exceptionally degrading way to refer to the vulva/vagina, and as a vicious insult towards a person.
tup [tup] (toop)
Means ‘shit’, as a crude word for feces. Has several animal variants with different nuances- 'dogshit' is heavily disparaging and evokes the most disgust (used as 'this food is dogshit'), a phrase literally meaning 'humanshit' is better translated as 'piece of shit' 'human garbage' and describes a person as lowly and unlikable.
antsi [ɑn͡tsi] (ahn-tsee)
Means 'piss', as a crude word for urine. This has use in a lot of phrases that do not translate well- "You're pissing in my mouth" is an expression of disbelief, "drinking the piss" describes being conned or manipulated, "pissing yourself as you run" describes a hasty or foolish maneuver, "you pissed yourself and called it ablution" describes publicly making a fool of yourself. "antsi" and "tup" are combined in the distinctly nasty phrase of "you shat in your hand and washed with piss" (sometimes finished with "licked it clean and ate with it" for dramatic emphasis) which derides someone as having profoundly embarrassed themselves and being a general idiot.
atnuba [ɑtnubɑ] (aht-noo-bah)
"To have sex", a verb that probably originated from the phrase 'to rub'. This is used similarly to 'fuck' 'smash' 'bang' 'get laid' etc. Considered crude but not aggressive, it is positive in tone and exclusively used as a description for sex (rather than 'fuck you' etc).
matsouy [mɑtsɔɪ] (maht-soy)
Verb broadly meaning 'to penetrate' 'to poke (into)' 'to stab', often used as 'to have sex'. Its literal imagery is somewhat violent (and certainly reflective of a perceived power dynamic surrounding penetration) but its usage is not considered aggressive, in fact being considered less vulgar than 'atnuba' and somewhat clinical as a descriptor.
kulpouy [kulpɔɪ] (kuhl-poy)
Verb meaning 'to fuck', with connotations of rape. It is not commonly used to describe actual sex acts, rather most uses are comparable to ‘fuck this’ ‘fuck you’ 'go fuck yourself'. Also used in aggressive insults/threats like "I'll fuck you" "I'll fuck your mother", in which case the connotations are closer to "I'll make you my bitch" "I'll fuck you up". Has an adjective form as 'kulpa', meaning 'fucked' and suggesting 'destroyed', 'ruined', 'defeated', 'humiliated', etc.
hippegalga [hipɛgɑlgə] (hee-peh-gahl-guh) (some dialects drop the H sound)
Colloquial slang for 'small penis', from the name of an antelope meaning "small horn". Occasionally used instead to describe a clitoris as notably large.
galga [gɑlgə] (gahl-guh)
Inoffensive slang word for the penis, meaning 'horn'. Used in a wide variety of euphemistic phrases- "a bull led by his horns" for a sexually weak-willed man, "polishing the horn" for masturbation, "sounding the battle horn" for fellatio.
galgit [gɑlgit] (gahl-gheet) [gigit] gigit (ghee-gheet), gigi [gigi] (ghee-ghee).
Diminutive form of galga, often used by children. Gigit/gigi is specifically a childish nonsense word, similar to the english 'peepee' 'weewee' etc etc. Sometimes used by adults as a significantly meaner description for a small penis than "hippegalga" (functionally saying 'you have the dick of a child').
gemane [gɛmɑne] (geh-mah-nay)
A more vulgar slang word for the penis, specifically describing the glans exposed in erection. This one is often used as an insult describing someone as stupid or annoying (similar to ‘dick’ or ‘dickhead’), sometimes used as a crude term for an erection (similar to 'boner'). Saying "your gemane is showing" says "you look like an idiot".
buchegalga [bukegɑlgə] (boo-kay-gahl-guh)
A play on 'hippegalga', instead implying a very large penis (considered negative, clownish, suggestive of an excessive libido). Used in the phrase "atiba hippe si buchegalga" ('little man with a big (horn)") to describe someone as stupid, obnoxious, sexually weak-willed. Straightforwardly calling someone a 'big dick' (gemane buche) is an insult meaning 'stupid' or 'jackass'.
orra [oʊrə] (ohr-ruh)
Inoffensive slang for the vulva, meaning 'furrow'. Used in a broad variety of farming euphemisms. ("digging a furrow" "plowing out a furrow" "seeding a furrow"). This is a very common slang term with a lot of extensions, such as 'soil'/'dirt' being used euphemistically (ie "face in the dirt" being a euphemism for cunnilingus, "eating dirt" for performing oral on someone who is menstruating (generally regarded as disgusting)) as well as "plow" "plow khait" and "plow ox" being euphemistic for a penis, and "yoked" or "hitched up" being slang for "aroused/horny".
wotonna [woʊtoʊnɑ] (woh-toh-nah)
Inoffensive slang for the vulva, meaning 'oyster'. Naturally leads to additional slang terms for vaginal sex acts, such as 'shucking oysters' 'sucking an oyster'. 'Pearl diving' is one of few slang terms specific to same gender sex acts between women, largely stemming from the majority of actual pearl divers being women.
tsigod [͡tsigoʊd] (tsee-gohd)
Harsher slang for the vulva, derived from the word 'sheath'. Analogous to 'pussy' or 'cunt', but less insulting than chismache. It has a separate complimentary meaning in calling someone 'the cunt', which is understood as 'one who GETS cunt' and is basically used as a vulgar form of 'cool' 'slick' 'badass'.
chalitse [tʃɑli͡tse] (chah-lee-tse)
Euphemistic slang for the clitoris (connected to oyster related terms for the vulva), meaning 'pearl'.
hippe gemane [hipɛ gɛmɑne] (heep-eh geh-mah-nay) or gemanit [gɛmɑnit] (geh-mah-neet)
'Little dickhead/glans', a harsher slang term for clitoris. This one is also somewhat insulting in its intent of projecting 'masculine' physical characteristics on a 'female' body part, sometimes used to suggest that it is unnaturally large.
lepsiga [lɛpsigɑ] (lehp-see-gah)
Verb that means 'to perform cunnilingus', derived from 'to lick'.
hisippa na tsigod [hɪsipɑ nɑ ͡tsigoʊd] (hih-see-pah nah tsee-gohd)
Functionally means 'stinking of cunt/pussy', a derogatory description of a person (usually male) who likes to perform cunnilingus, and implies dirtiness. This act is broadly considered degrading and dirtying for the performer (though on the lower end of severity of unfavorable sex acts).
namechila coulikyta [nɑmetʃilɑ coʊlɪkitə] (nah-meh-chee-lah koh-lih-kai-tah)
Slang for masturbation with a penis, literally means 'skinning the snake'. (Foreskin is occasionally euphemistically referred to as 'the snakeskin')
asi tsimouna [ɑsi ͡tsimoʊnɑ] (ah-see tsee-moh-nah)
Literally 'like the horse', refers to the 'doggy style' sex position. Other animals can be substituted, but horses tend to be most popular as they are familiar + not particularly impressive livestock.
khatta ame somiche [kɑtɑ ɑme soʊmitʃe] (kah-tah ah-may soh-mee-chey)
Literally means 'lead mare', slang describing a woman as sexually dominant to other women (referring to the tendency for dominant female khait to mount others as a hierarchical behavior). This does not always reference a woman's (known or perceived) sexual preferences, and is sometimes just used to describe a woman as domineering.
tantlami [tɑntlɑmi] (tahn-tlah-mee)
Tongue in cheek euphemistic slang for the anus. This is the name of a wildflower with a ring of narrow petals, which, if you use your imagination, the human anus Kind Of resembles. Tends to be used more frequently in scatological than sexual humor (especially referencing the flower's sweet smell, which is funny because Ass Hole Smell Bad And Fart). A few uncommon euphemisms for anal sex are built upon this slang, generally using romantic poetic language for humorous effect (ie 'plucking her sweet flower'). This is unrelated to the verb 'flowering'/'blossoming' being used an obnoxiously rosy term for orgasm, but sometimes combined for similar effect ('and I blossomed again and again until his own poor flower had wilted').
cunna [kunə] (koo-nuh)
The most common slang for the anus and/or buttocks. Stems from the word ‘tail’.
dlacoupa [dlɑcoʊpɑ] (dlah-coh-pah)
Verb for 'to sodomize' (derives from the verb 'to split'). This is used literally as a description for performing the penetrative role in anal sex, or figuratively to describe the act of conquering or defeating something/someone. When used in the latter way, it's generally a form of bragging that is functionally a more vulgar version of "I kicked your ass" "I made you my bitch". This can be replaced with "kulpouy (to fuck/rape) cunna" for an EXTREMELY aggressive variant. This is usually used for aggressive threats of harm ("I'll ass-rape you" (Usually not meant literally)) or lamenting a profound defeat ("they ass-raped us"). This usage does not have a positive tone, and is significantly more aggressive than other uses of kulpouy (all of which at least Imply sexual violence, but much less explicitly).
dlacoupi [dlɑcoʊpi] (dlah-coh-pee)
Constructed from the verb 'dlacoupa'. This literally means 'sodomizer' or 'one who sodomizes', but in most instances it's used as a vulgar way to say 'badass' 'conqueror', exalting a man as notably powerful and capable of subjugating (figurative or literal) enemies. It still retains direct sexual connotations in some uses, particularly in the form of neutral-positively regarded male homosexual behavior. IE a man who is in good standing is presumed/known to have performed penetrative sex on another man, he might be referred to as that man's 'dlacoupi', (particularly if this is perceived as a deserved act of 'making the other man his bitch'). It's less frequently used in the context of heterosexual anal sex, but tends to have a similar element of congratulating the top for 'conquering' or 'taming' an unlikable partner in this case as well. (receiving anal sex in general is seen as degrading, MUCH more profoundly so for men but this is still the case for women). This can similarly be replaced with "kulpouyi cunna", which changes the meaning to effectively be 'ass-rapist' and wholly lacks the complementary element. This usage instead describes a person as exceptionally cruel and destructive. This is often at least somewhat hyperbolic in form, and tends to be used to describe a disliked authority figure.
cunnouy [kunɔɪ] (koo-noy)
Verb, slang for 'to be sodomized'. Similarly can either be used literally to describe receiving anal sex, or figuratively to say something/someone is 'destroyed' 'conquered' 'whipped' 'made a bitch'
cunnari [kunɑri] (koo-nah-ree)
Insulting slang that describes a person as passive in anal sex, dead literally translates as 'anus person', 'one who is sodomized'. Probably the closest equivalent to 'faggot' in the vocabulary due to its usage almost always implying disdained male homosexual behavior. It is almost always used on men as a harsh emasculating insult, very occasionally used on women as a sexually degrading insult.
lepsiti a cunna [lɛpsiti ɑ kunə] (lep-see-tee ah koo-nuh) or lepsiti a tup [lɛpsiti ɑ tup] (lep-see-tee ah toop)
Means 'asslicker' and 'shitlicker' respectively, either straightforwardly implies that the recipient likes to give rimjobs or more broadly describes them as dirty or debased. Very insulting.
gemane enyala [gɛmɑne ɛnjɑlɑ] (geh-mah-nay ehn-yah-lah)
Literally means 'cock hungry', can be translated as 'cocksucker' and/or 'slut' depending on its usage. It's predominantly used to describe a woman as promiscuous or overly libidinous, or as a standard issue emasculating insult for a man (in the latter case sometimes used in a similar capacity to 'suck-up').
ipasache gan ama [ipɑsɑke gɑn ɑma] (ee-pah-sah-kay gahn ah-mah)
Describes the cowgirl position, literally means 'bullriding' (humorously evoking the imagery of a bullrider being jostled around and clinging to a larger, stronger animal) Has somewhat similar usage to 'dickrider' in english, where describing someone as another person's "bullrider" implies them to be obnoxiously subservient and fawning to that person.
Side note on the religious vulgarity:
Religiously oriented vulgarity in speech is not considered notably more severe than any other vulgarity, as self-inflicted spiritual harm is, in the vast majority of circumstances, thought to occur via material Action (or inaction when action is necessary) rather than thought or speech. God is not regarded as vindictive or a being that can be offended, and one's personal feelings towards It is of little concern compared to material right-practice.
Beyond that, most people do not find religious profanity to be contradictory to venerating the deity (it's of note that most of the common ones are crude descriptive vulgarity rather than full-on Insults- someone calling God a cunnari Would make many people upset (and probably kinda confused), even if it's not considered outright spiritually harmful).
You will encounter very serious, devout priests who say things like "GOD'S STINKING CUNT" when frustrated. In general, there is not a lot of cultural restraint surrounding descriptions of dirty physical realities- God Itself is a spiritually pure being, but It took on the form of a bovine in creation, and bovines can be pretty gross. Invoking this is harmless (or boorish and annoying at worst) to most sensibilities.
However, if this form of vulgarity is WRITTEN, it is considered outright blasphemous to use the specific character for the deity rather than the syllabic character 'od'. Direct physical representations of the deity (whether in writing, imagery, statuary, etc) are considered sacred and can thus be profaned. The other exception occurs during the actual process of prayer and rites, in which God is being actively and directly communed with and thus speech has material power as a form of communication (also just not the kind of environment you want to be cursing in).
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arkhammaid · 10 months ago
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. ollie and y/n talk for the first time... even if it's over text. takes part right after the strategy reveal
content warnings. smau, not edited/proofread
notes. have this first chapter before i dip into my holidays hehe
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hey y/n! i hope you don't mind me reaching out, but i thought it would be good, since we're the only rookies and never properly met :) to a good season!
oh hi oliver! i don't mind at all, thank you for the message. to a good season for us
are you busy with preperations as well?
ferrari is definitely a step up from f2, haven't had a free minute for weeks now
welcome to f1 lol 😂
leclerc treating you well? it must've been a mess with sainz...
no worries, charles has been very welcoming, i'm really honored to be his teammate. and the thing with carlos... yeah, it was a bit, but we actually get along well
good good, wanna see you racing and not getting distracted by some bitch fighting in the garage
lmao 😂😂
nah nah, all good. to be honest, he's still a bit prickly about how ferrari and lewis handled those rumors... but well, it isn't really my business
good good
have to run, dad wants to wrap up our moves to ny
but we'll see each other soon, yeah? lemme know when you have time for a proper talk, we definitely have to stick together as rookies
the grid can be a cruel world
alright, have a nice day! don't know about free time yet, but the lastes we'll see each other will be in bahrain
awesome, till then oliver :)
you can call me ollie
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let's meet up in bahrain
hello to you too, y/n
hello ollie
so, let's meet up
i'll be there a few day earlier, you as well?
i actually planned to come with ferrari, but i can come earlier!
awesome. you can entertain me then :)
what about the rest of your team?
kev is back with his family and doesn't want to leave them too early, my dad is busy because the president is an incompetent fuck, harley and peter are working on publishing a paper before they join and the rest is just generally busy
damn. alright, as long you plan everything? i have nothing prepared lol
sure! we can go training together and i know a few nice places we can hit before the stress begins
i'll send you the data later, don't worry, i'll pay for the hotel
you really don't have to
i don't care, you're hanging out with me, i will pay for stuff. i know you could stay at home but you're gonna spend time with me so shut it
hehe, until bahrain. can't wait!!
until then, y/n 😊
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johbeil · 5 months ago
Ein Traum aus Feuer und Luft
In meinem Traum war ich blau, wie ein indischer Gott, aber mein Kopfschmuck war eher wie einer der Mayas, und meine Lippen küssten eine widerwillige Sonne, deren Zacken sich in mich hineinbohrten. Verräterischer Himmelskörper! Ich, der ich aus braunem Lehm entstanden war, brannte, meine Liebe, meine Hingabe, meine Leidenschaft verbrannten und verpufften in Flammen und Rauch. Darunter in einem…
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hellothisisangle · 4 months ago
Hi! Your art is so gorgeous. I got obsessed with The Devil is a Handsome Man way back when and now I’m loving your Baldur’s Gate stuff. Like sometimes my jaw literally drops when I see a new piece you’ve posted. The vibes are impeccable.
Question: how do you pronounce Caelum?
Thank you so much! I’m glad that so many people are enjoying my recent obsession
Phonetically his name is pronounced Kay-lehm.
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karvoja · 1 year ago
Tänäpe luveta sanakirjat, ja opetella muutami tärkkiöi sanoi yhrel lounasel kiälel. Mil kiälel, se saa mun pualestan jäär pimentto.
ankeleekiste välttämättömästi
faarelmai/ne, -se vadelma
flatkutta latkia, koer flatkut kiältäs vesikupis
hullumi pahemmin, olis siin voinu hulluminki käyr, sano äij ko äm saunlauttelt putos ja kual
häälyt liikkua, syä nii ete hääl muuk ko silmä
jonkkus jonnekin
karat 1. juosta, juoksennella, lapsek karava pisi kattu, 2. lähteä karkuun, paeta
kolpat kulkea yöjalassa, kolppavat tual yäkaussi
kuippali paljonko
köljät kaivella, penkoa, köljät kaik ylösalasi
lamppampapeni mon. lampaan papanat
linnusilm pieni muru
maahanpanjase hautajaiset
meetter metri
mukul, -a lapsi, ei mukulist ol muut ko vasikampaska kantama ja purottava sitäki viäl pisin tiät
muulloste muulloin, ei suru ihmist muulloste kiusa ko sillon, ko ihmine ite sure
nakotta tehdä mieli, haluttaa, mnuu nakotta kovaste
nestuuk, -i nenäliina
nii mar kaiket niinpä kai
olevannas olla olevinaan, mahtailla
parev parempi, parev lehm lypsäk kon tappa, mut parev tappakki ko antta ite kualla
pöpö aave, kummitus
semmottes oikke niinpä niin
sialumpiar, -u "sielunpieru", heiveröinen, avuton henkilö, hän o valkone ko sialumpiar
sualinkaine suolimato
tyyjö tykö, luokse
tämppäi tänne päin, tuleks kettä muit tämppäi? Kysys Antersson, kon kaevom putos
ulist ulvoa
upi upoksissa, upoksiin, upota
vat vatsa, vatampolte vatsakipu
versta työhuone, -paja
viu nokas vivun kärjessä
yässeks yöksi
älät elää, hajussaki älä ko saa vaa olluks
äpö tyhmä, tylsä
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official-lauchzwiebel · 2 months ago
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gutachter · 8 months ago
Massivdecke aus Holz und Lehm kurz vor dem Ersteinsatz
„…Leipfinger-Bader ist dabei, eine Lehm-Holz-Massivdecke als ressourcenschonende Alternative zu Stahlbeton-Deckenkonstruktionen zu entwickeln. Schon in diesem Sommer soll das neuartige Bauteil erstmals bei einem Bürogebäude in Tirschenreuth zum Einsatz kommen. Der niederbayerische Hersteller verfolgt damit langfristige Pläne. Bei der Lehm-Holz-Massivdecke, die erstmals auf der Dach+Holz 2024…
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affenpiraten · 3 months ago
Das Ferien- und Freizeitresort Monkeykingdom
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Unser Angebot für Affen und Piraten
ApeClub - Exklusiver Club für Affen und Piraten für gepflegte Konversationen und Events. Dieser Club ist nur für Mitglieder mit Clubkarte. Im ApeClub befindet sich auch ein Fitness-Studio, wo ihr eure Muskeln trainieren und spielen lassen könnt.
MonkeyChat - Chatroom für alle Affen und Piraten, sowie sonstigen Usern. Der Zugang ist kostenlos und findet ausschließlich online statt. Über den MonkeyChat kann man auch seinen Aufenthalt im Monkeykingdom buchen.
Warthog Lodge - Ruhe und Entspannung im Schlamm. Egal ob warmer Vulkanschlamm, Lehm oder Modder aus einem Sumpf. Warthog Dorky, das Warzenschwein, versorgt euch mit allen Arten von Matsch und Schlamm. Die Nutzung der Banana Lodge ist für alle Gäste unseres Baumhaus-Hotels "The ThreehouseClub" kostenfrei.
Restaurant Zum Bananenblatt - Unser Küchenchef Nuggles Monkey verwöhnt euch täglich mit ausgewählten Speisen, die hauptsächlich aus Bananen und Kokosnuss bestehen. Auf Wunsch können auch andere Speisen, die nicht auf der Speisekarte verfügbar sind, zubereitet werden, aber bitte beachten, dass unsere Gastronomie ausschließlich vegetarische Kost anbietet.
The ThreehouseClub - Das Highlight von Monkeykingdom ist unser riesiges Hotel, das komplett als Baumhaus erbaut wurde. Auf mehreren Bäumen und mit stilvollen Hängebrücken verbunden erstrecken sich die Baumhäuser, in denen euch Luxus pur erwarten. Edles Holz, Palmblätter und komfortable Schlafzimmer lassen euren Alltag vergessen.
The PirateClub - Neu im Monkeykingdom ist ein riesiger See, auf dem ein Hotel in Gestalt eines Piratenschiffes erbaut wurde. Im PirateClub haben nur echte Piraten Zutritt.
Wir haben die Namen und das Angebot vom Freizeitresort überarbeitet. Bei weiteren Fragen steht euch Kiano Monkey, der Geschäftsführer von Monkeykingdom, gerne zur Verfügung.
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hochseilgedanken · 4 months ago
Der festgestapfte Bodensatz des Lebens, eingetreten der Schmutz von den Seelen vieler Zeiten, hart dadurch der Lehm der Wege, Sicherheit gebend, vermeintlich, nicht einzusinken ist die Drohung über den Viten, sondern zu stolpern, zu fallen, die Knochen der Pläne zu brechen, liegenzubleiben am Rande der Straße, im Graben, im Grab. Im Lehm keine Spur.
Aus Häusern am Wege ein Lärmen von Kämpfern und knackenden Knochen, heisere Schreie, dann wieder Stillegeräusche, Vorschall des Todes.
Wanderer ziehn ahnungsvoll vorbei und furchtsam, voll des Grauens vor den Abgründen des Seins, den Blick gesenkt zum Schritt hinunter, geschützt die Ohren durch Pelzmützen vor der Kälte der Welt.
Immer geht es voran. immer noch und wieder und weiter. In den Toren winkende Kinder. Vorbei.
(c) Uwe Kühneweg
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edlehming · 21 days ago
"The Weave" - Lakeshore Lodge Point
“Colour and movement danced before me as the waves wove a pattern of unexpected brightness under a winter sky, not yet locked in ice; they put on a final show for me.” – Ed Lehming I love water. I love how it moves, the sounds it makes, and the constant sense of being a living thing. I also like to accentuate movement by adding movement of my own. Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is a technique…
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