#Lawrusso on Ice
I have my ✨️ spark ✨️ back (hyperfixated on a new gay non-canon relationship)
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bubblegumflavor · 10 months
I don't know if you've gotten the ice skating prompt yet, but ice skating lawrusso always delights me. (wildcard lawrusso if you've got like several ice skating prompt requests) 🎄
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I got tons of ice skating requests but you were the only lawrusso one so OF COURSE you get ice skating lawrusso!! =D
(head canon: Daniel can totally ice skate, he just pretends he needs a little help because he loves to touch Johnny's biceps ^___^v)
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Daniel following the smell of smoke and finding Johnny bent over a cookbook, and a charred pan steaming on the stovetop.
He said that he was trying (and failing) to cook for Daniel. Daniel tried to be patient, but Johnny’s ass looked so good in the jeans he was wearing, the apron fit his waist nicely and he kept licking the icing off his fingers—being so sloppy with all the cream and other ingredients like it was on purpose.
So he backed Johnny up against the counter and made him sit on it, then fucked him until his face and hands weren’t the only places dripping white.
Can’t burn down Daniel’s kitchen if he’s pinned to the island via dick. The dining table is their next stop.
(entirely because of this post by Jen bc she’s great sksksksk ⬇️)
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pinkgrapefloyd · 1 year
am i delusional or is the tina harwood / joan carlyle dynamic in the last scene of ice princess (2004) very lawrusso. "i can't afford this, we'll need a sponsor" "i'm already on it" alrighty.... "i'm her coach!" "well i'm her mother! mother trumps coach, ask anyone" "ask any professional athlete--" uh-huh. keep it in your pants
anyways what i'm taking away from that two minute scene is
robby keene ice skater au
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flannelepicurean · 2 years
Tfw you can't get ur goddamn brain cells together, and ur head hurts from squinting and trying to remember... things... ANYTHING...all goddamn day, and other parts of ur body are like, SURPRISE, BISH, I CAN DO PAIN, TOO!!!
But somehow, in the fog, u manage to scrumble out a really nice little Johnny x OG Cobras/Lawrusso one-shot, in a SINGLE GODDAMN DAY...
But then you get around to posting, and your brain slips a gear and goes, "Wait. Wait... hold on. One...two...ohhhh...oh, GODDAMMIT!!! NOBODY MOVE!!! EVERYBODY HOLD STILL!!!" Because one of those little fuckers is missing. AGAIN. Vanished into the recesses of a cluttered brain, like ferrets into a hoarder house.
So, off ya go, flipping over couch cushions and shouting obscenities. Johnny and Dutch are sitting in a corner, dutifully sneaking snacks and stealing bottle caps or whatever. But those other rascally fuckers done fucked off to who knows where, and now there are feathers and plot lines and dialogue and spilled beverages EVERYWHERE, and ur swinging a broom in the middle of the room, sobbing, "WHY WON'T YOU JUST SIT STILL AND KISS EACH OTHER?!??!??"
Every fuckin time.
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landslided · 10 months
Sorry if it's boring, but continuing with LawRusso AU Johnny princess, I really like the "enchanted" movie and I can't stop thinking about Johnny being Giselle singing to the rats and cockroaches to clean Daniel and Sam's house lol
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as a rule of thumb it is NEVER boring to send me asks, especially ones like these where i can have fun and think of AUs! and you picked a movie i love so this is just a win win for me!!
let’s get into it:
lawrusso enchanted AU is such a good idea im almost jealous i didn’t think of it myself!!
i think daniel and amanda got divorced amicably a few years ago and she still lives in los angeles but daniel moved back to jersey to be closer to lucille and he took sam with him (im imagining this as a story without anthony because it fits better, sorry anthony).
daniel still works as a divorce lawyer because that is just funny to me and it’s canon to the movie and he has this perpetual look of "im one shirt sleeve caught on a door handle away from snapping" look because being a single father is hard work and yeah, he and amanda co-parent but sam is with him most of the time and by moving here he’s always made himself more prone to special lucille larusso mother attacks of "you never visit even now that you’re so close" "you’re so skinny, do you cook actual food or just eat take out?" "are you coming for christmas? all your cousins will be there and also that nice girl you liked when you were a kid, judy? maybe it’s time to get back into dating, daniel!"
amanda has planned to come into the city to spend the holidays with her daughter and ex-husband and i see her as a platonic nancy role.
sam is in her full princess era and she’s making both her parents crazy with all the singing and dancing (and kicking furniture because she’s a karate princess)
meanwhile, in andalasia, johnny who is both prince(ss) and hero dreams of finding his one true love and sighs at his window. he’s been locked away in a tower by his evil step-dad kreese and he’s waiting for someone to come and save him (or at least just open the door of his magically locked tower because he can surely save himself).
carmen who happens to be a princess and hero herself has gone on a quest to save the lost prince of andalasia and with her help, johnny manages to escape the tower, defeat a forest troll and take back his throne from kreese’s claws. he and carmen tentatively get together (but deep down both feel this might not be the right fit for each other) and as johnny makes his way to his own royal wedding he’s sent to Real Life New Jersey and meets daniel and sam.
i kind of see giselle’s wedding dress for him but with pants for a more Realistic outfit but… screw realism i want johnny lawrence in that EXACT outfit!
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also imagine scott mccall the equalizer soft mullet with a tiara, it’s just too good. ALSO imagine carmen IN THIS!!!!
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you KNOW she would rock this!!
oh and yeeees, johnny summoning rats and insects in daniel’s apartment to clean and sam is SOOOOO excited because that’s a real life prince(ss) who also happens to be a great fighter and they do karate moves while also talking about johnny’s best friend, a chipmunk called bobby.
sam and johnny going on a shopping spree and buying a bunch of stuff and eating ice cream. johnny going to the hairdresser and having his hair cut to look more traditionally masculine (daniel doesn’t want to look into why it makes him sad) because he he keeps getting looks from people in the street for his dress and long hair.
johnny making clothes out of daniel’s curtains and daniel is all you could just ASK me for MY clothes you are not THAT much bigger than i am. johnny making a gi for sam out of pastel pink flower fabric from an old blanket and daniel is like okay… i have to admit that’s pretty adorable.
johnny in the park singing to daniel, who has been wondering if he should take his mom’s advice and try to get back with amanda, hoooow dooooes she knooooow you loooove heeeer (johnny stop, people are looking at us) and johnny has that giselle/animated princess innocence but there is still very much an edge of assholery to him where every time he can he embarrasses daniel as much as possible.
(carmen running around new jersey trying to find her prince(ss) and being like i kind of hate this i wish this was more sunny, also why do i keep getting questions about being on broadway what is a broad a way)
daniel and johnny fighting because johnny keeps saying carmen will come get him and daniel is so fed up with it ("no, johnny, it’s just not gonna happen." "no? is that the only word you know, larusso? no?! oh my god you make me so, so so!!!" "so what?" "so angry!" cue sparring in the living room because that’s how they deal with emotions )
kreese coming to new jersey to finish the job, daniel and johnny going to the ball and daniel giving johnny a true love’s kiss, kreese turning into a dragon and kidnapping daniel, johnny chasing them on the roof with carmen’s sword in his hand and finally getting rid of his evil step-father to save his one true love!!
"is this an habit of yours, daniel? falling off of stuff?"
"only when you’re there to catch me."
lawrusso new jersey happy ending and carmanda los angeles happy ending because amanda wouldn’t go to andalasia when sam is there and hey! carmen would love a break from being a fairytale hero! she wants to go to the beach!
daniel quits his job because it makes him miserable and he and johnny open a dojo together which sam is very excited about and lucille is so happy that her son has found someone and seems to be happier than ever.
they all go to andalasia once in a while to visit bobby and the other three chipmunks (you know who they are) and they all live happily ever after.
the end!
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transjlawrence · 10 months
I can't get this idea of a Hallmark movie au out of my head so I propose: Lawrusso Hallmark movie au
Daniel's a business man who moves into some small town named Christmasville or something and Johnny's the local guy who sets up people's Christmas decorations for their store. He helps set up stands outside of people's stores too.
Johnny knows Daniel, because the town is too small to not know about the new guy moving into town. He doesn't like Daniel because he thinks his vibe is arrogant.
Daniel wants to build a mall to spread corporate joy, but Johnny is very against it and tells him as such.
(Daniel doesn't even want to build a mall because of money but rather because his fondest memories are taking his kids and ex-wife to take photos with mall Santa in Cali and buying gifts for them there. He just wants to give that joy to other people and doesn't realize like hey, don't do that, you're gonna run people out of business.)
Johnny’s like, "These people don't need a mall, dude. You think you can just come in here with all your fucking money and ruin this town? Not fucking today, dude."
And Daniel's like, "Really? You really expect me to believe you're looking out for people here? Kids here would be happier with a mall and a mall Santa."
Anyways, Johnny says they already have a Santa aka the pawn shop owner Lyle and Daniel's still dubious about it. But one day he sees Johnny helping someone set up stands outside their shop in the freezing cold and he thinks huh, maybe this guy isn't so bad.
Cue them getting stuck inside thanks to a blizzard and sharing hot coffee and cider, and then Johnny teaching Daniel how to ice skate, and finally Johnny hauling a tree for Daniel to set up in his home. It's all fun and good until Daniel realizes oh no, the guys who were supposed to build a mall are coming into town and Johnny's hurt by it, because he thought they were having fun so what happened??
Daniel calls the guys off and heads over to talk to Johnny, who's sitting by the town Christmas tree. Johnny explains he used to come here everyday with his mom until she was too sick to and Daniel shares the story of his dad always taking them to pick a tree out for Christmas.
They make up and share Christmas together in the town where everyone gathers to get gifts from Santa aka pawn shop owner Lyle and Johnny and Daniel live happily ever after.
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abracazabka · 11 months
Because Billy Zabka is from New York and his accent is very very obvious in the first movie (especially in the deleted scenes), I think it'd be very fun to imagine a hockey au where Johnny plays for the Rangers and Daniel plays for the Devils and they have such a severe rivalry that they can't go any game without fighting each other.
But then Johnny ends up getting traded to the Devils after a bit of a sketchy trade and it is absolute chaos in the Prudential Center.
HI HAHAHA THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER SORRY SIFIEIFIF ... Mostly cuz I don't know anything about hockey, BUT:
I googled the territories and the VERY STRONG rivalry between the Devils and the Rangers. And honing in on this between Johnny and Daniel? HEHEHE I AM OBSESSED!
I have read a couple hockey aus, and even an ice dancer/hockey player au, so they are out there if you haven't read them!! Unfortunately I can't specifically recall titles or authors :/
Also since, as you can tell, I am not a sports person, I googled the teams' uniforms ... and I find it veeeery interesting that, from what I can tell, Daniel is in the red uniform at first while Johnny's in blue. Sort of a switcheroo from their usual color symbolism in Cobra Kai haha.
Not to mention that Daniel's a "Devil" like HAHAHA oh man I can only imagine the shitty corny insults Johnny comes up with. But then Johnny gets TRADED? lol sucks to be you, man (actually no it doesn't, get ready to be hit not with just pucks and sticks and competitive bodies, but the GAYLOVE BEAM as well)
Also imagining the coverage of this is hilarious. "Well, if Lawrence and LaRusso would stop making eyes at each other and undergoing intricate rituals to touch each other's skin, maybe we'd fucking get somewhere in this match!"
Also!! In the movie, Ali is a karate fan! She knows things about karate! She knows how the tournament works! She's watched it! She's engaged! So I can only imagine she's a hockey fan too. And she sees right through these two's idiocy mwahaha. Also, Susan is some kind of hockey player too and they're in lesbians with each other, I'm obsessed with this too.
lmfao I'm sure I did not answer this adequately but given my lack of expertise, I think I did...my best. LOL. thank you anon for the lawrusso delusions <3
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ohnoitsthebat · 13 days
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
2: Top 3 Disney Movies
17: Top 3 OTPs
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself
36: Top 3 books from your childhood
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television)
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try
78: Top 3 traditions you have
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood
92: Top 3 kinds of tea
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain
I love you ❤️
Creme brulee, strawberry, caramel.
Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast
17. (THIS ONE WAS SO HARD!!!) Lawrusso, Wincest, Shelbin (a wrestling pairing) 29. Sleeping, eating junk food, writing RPF. 34. Taking a hot bath, baking, buying books 36. Little House in the Big Woods, The Secret Garden, Alice in Wonderland 57. Pretty in Pink, 10 Things I Hate About You, Sleepless in Seattle. 58. French, Japanese, Korean 59. Cobra Kai, Supernatural, The Golden Girls 62. Shooting star on my leg, heart on my wrist, Monroe piercing 75. Brioche French toast with blueberry compote, Boston Creme Pie (I've eaten it, but never made it), Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate 78. (For Christmas): Driving around the neighborhood and looking at Christmas lights, watching Rudolph, The Grinch, Frosty the Snowman, and Home Alone, baking gingerbread cookies 90. X-Men, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Kenan and Kel 92. Chamomile, Peppermint, Vanilla Chai Latte 95. Dance, Kiss, Sing I love you so, so, so much <3
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desolateice · 1 year
@allvalley100 thank you so much for hosting this event. Its brought me so much joy writing drabbles that were 100 words, especially when I needed a brain break from fics or life. It's been such a wonderful challenge and I've enjoyed reading all the fics your prompts have inspired. Thank you both for all the hard work you've done hosting and organizing this for so long. 💖
Characters:  Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence
Pairing: Lawrusso
Warning: none
Prompt: One Last Time
Daniel stood in front of the apartment, sweat pouring from his brow wondering why he'd let Johnny talk him into this.
How many times had he done this now?
He felt like he'd lost count.
Johnny grinned at him and handed him an ice cold beer.
It was too hot to care the type.
"See? Not so bad huh?"
"Maybe when we were twenty."
He thought he'd been done with this, but he also hadn't expected Johnny.
"Don't be a wuss, it's cheaper to do the moving yourself. Come on, just one more," he said patting the couch.
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cobrakatharsis · 2 years
ck secret santa 2022!!
my @cksecretsanta22 gift for @secondclassfangirl !! some lawrusso fluff for ya featuring domesticity, baking, johnny having a healthy sprinkling of emotional issues about the holidays, and the euphoria of suddenly realising you have a family. i hope you like it!! 🤍
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ao3 mirror
Johnny hates winter.
He’s lived in the Valley his whole life, sure, so winter isn’t much - a mild chill, putting on a slightly thicker jacket or just being a little cold in one of his usuals - but it’s the principle of it.
Daniel always complains about winter too, but it’s Cali winters he hates. He talks about winter on the East coast constantly, about snow and real thick jackets and numb fingers and runny red noses. He’s got countless stories from his first sixteen years, about swiping plastic trays from the cafeteria at school to go sledding in big groups, or how he used to always get in trouble for throwing snowballs too hard at his cousins, or all the stuff he used to do with his parents and later just his mom. His stories from since he moved are less dense, but still very much there, recounting every holiday season he’s spent back in New Jersey - always visiting, with so many damn family members to visit - and so many traditions to uphold. Holiday traditions.
They’re abstract to Johnny.
His Decembers have really always just been another month.
Sid’s house was always decorated December 1st, all tinsel anywhere tinsel could be put and pinecones and green and red and the huge awful fireplace in the drawing room being the center of attention. A huge obnoxious wreath on the door and a decked-out tree even bigger than the man himself. At least one big stupid dinner with all of Sid’s big stupid friends. Johnny got presents on Christmas morning before he was sort of told to clear off and play with his new stuff so Sid and Laura could be alone for the day, but none of it ever felt like routine or tradition. It felt like stuff that just happened. Like being in a play in elementary school, being told what scene was next between each one because they were all dumb kids who couldn’t actually be trusted to know or remember. He was just going where he was supposed to be, no real idea or care what was coming next.
His holidays have always been like that since, although perhaps a little closer to the ones he’d shared with his mother, pre-Sid. No tree, no decorations, no dinners. Just observing the holidays through the actions of others in decorated shop windows and stuff being sold that they couldn’t afford. A treat, perhaps, on December 25th, as the one real mark of a “special” time of year, but ultimately letting it pass by like something on the other side of a window.
With Daniel and all of his traditions, such a thing is impossible.
Johnny wakes up on the 1st of December, some time nearer noon than Daniel seems to know how to get, to a scent he doesn’t recognise filling the pleasantly warm house. Venturing to the kitchen, half-asleep in his boxers and a threadbare t-shirt, reveals it as cookies - trays and trays of them, little roundish sugar cookie looking things doused in white icing and Christmas-coloured sprinkles.
“Christmas cookies,” Daniel clarifies, briefly glancing up and smiling when he notices Johnny stood watching. “They’re Italian.”
Johnny hums and approaches, swipes one up from the tray nearest him and eats it immediately. It’s…almond-y, soft like cake, still kinda warm. It’s good.
“Yeah?” he asks, still chewing. “What makes ‘em Italian?”
Maybe it’s the effect of the Christmas season that Daniel doesn’t admonish him - doesn’t even give him A Look - for his thievery. Or maybe he’s just finally used to it, but either way he simply keeps attending to the tray of cookies he’s still icing with a steady, experienced hand.
“The same thing that ties anyone and anything to a nationality.”
Johnny hums, wrinkling his nose briefly in consideration as he watches Daniel work. “Can’t be Italian if they were made in America.”
“I was made in America, Johnny.”
“Yeah, but—what, these cookies got a bloodline?”
Daniel laughs then - that beautiful, sincere laugh like Johnny amuses him now instead of just pissing him off, though Johnny’s sure he still does that plenty - and shakes his head.
“Just come help me ice these.”
Obediently, Johnny walks over, but wrinkles his nose again when he’s handed the weird, unwieldy plastic bag full of icing that tries to flip right out of his grasp and promptly explodes a glob of icing onto the counter when he grips it hard to compensate.
“I’ve never iced cookies before,” he decides to admit before he fucks it up entirely. Daniel’s putting his oven gloves on with his back to Johnny - the cute red tartan pair Amanda got him.
“What, you never helped your mom when you were a kid?” he asks, distracted.
“My mom didn’t bake, LaRusso.”
Any other time, Johnny’s sure that sentence and bitter tone would earn him one of those godawful looks from Daniel, and follow-up questions. Daniel’s always trying to learn more about Johnny’s childhood where he can, but as it is he’s thoroughly engaged getting yet another tray of cookies out of the oven and safely onto the overcrowded counter.
“Jesus. Are you baking for the whole of California?” Johnny asks, grateful for the out. Daniel grits his teeth in playful bashfulness.
“No, just half of New Jersey. I’m sending these to family,” he says, gesturing to a few of the completed trays. “…And the kids are all getting some. And Amanda, Chozen, Jessica…”
Johnny huffs a laugh as a smile grows on Daniel’s face. “Yeah, alright, my mistake.”
Daniel leans over and shoves Johnny in the shoulder to direct him back to the tray of uniced cookies in front of him. “Look, I’m not seein’ much icing goin’ on over there. You gotta do it before they get too cool or—“
“Okay, okay!”
They don’t turn out good. Johnny’s icing is a disaster, all lumpy and uneven, some drowned and some barely grazed - and his sprinkle application goes about as well, but when he says he’s done Daniel comes over and looks at them and smiles like the sun, all eye crinkles and dimples, and suddenly Johnny forgets about everything his childhood was filled with instead of baking as Daniel kisses him hard on the cheek.
They keep a few of that batch, shared between the two of them and eaten right there in the kitchen by the counter, stood all close together and giggling like they’re doing something sneaky. Daniel insists they’re not as good as the ones he used to make with his Ma, even promises that he’ll ask Lucille to send some so that Johnny can have some “real” ones, but Johnny tells him honestly that they’re good. Daniel credits Johnny’s icing and decorating technique with making them special, so the rest of that batch - “our batch”, Daniel calls them - are divvied up into cute, expensive glass tupperware containers - with matching lids! - to go to Amanda, Sam, Anthony, Robby, and Miguel.
Their family, Johnny realises. They made cookies for their family.
“I’ve never done that before,” he mumbles.
“Done what?” Daniel asks, clicking the lid into place on Sam’s container. It’s pink, with little flowers on it, like a little girl’s lunchbox. Miguel’s and Robby’s, piled on the side, have blue splotches of paint and little cartoon lions respectively. Amanda and Anthony’s are next up - leaves and cartoon game controllers. Johnny remembers buying them all, some time soon after he and Daniel had moved in together. Picking which one from the store’s selection fit each person.
“I don’t know,” Johnny says, suddenly a little overwhelmed by the big feeling taking root in his chest. “I was talkin’ about the cookies again, but…All of this.”
It doesn’t really make sense. Too disjointed to really be a thought, but Daniel looks up at Johnny like he understands. Bumps their shoulders together.
“I’ll take more of your firsts,” he says. Johnny snorts.
“I was being wholesome for once!”
“You were, you were,” Daniel grins, “But I mean it. We’ll do more stuff. Got the whole of December to go.” He neatly clicks the lid onto Anthony’s box of cookies and piles it on top of Sam’s. “We go ice skating on the second Saturday.”
“Never done that either.”
“It’s a learning curve.”
“Always is.”
Daniel smiles. Amanda’s box joins the pile atop Anthony’s, and finally Daniel’s hands settle on Johnny’s waist, thumbs running gently back and forth over the worn fabric of his t-shirt. “I’ll teach you,” he promises. “And then when we go next year, you’ll be a pro.”
And for the first time in his life, Johnny’s looking forward to the rest of the holidays. Looking forward to next year’s.
“You’re helping me bake next year too.”
“That mean I have to get up early?”
Johnny can’t wait.
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phoomwhoosh · 7 months
- amadeusevenstar from main
Ayyy, thank you! Man, you've got some of the coolest usernames.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I'm only gonna do one because we could be here all day. A fic I'm absolutely loving right now is The Recidivists by vimesbootstheory. I love many fics and some of them are gone forever now but that one is on-going and is a pretty great Lawrusso fic! I'd highly recommend it!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
This is an excellent question. I do love the ice skater Daniel/ice hockey Johnny idea that was floating around at one point. No clue who would write it best, though. Like, obviously somebody willing to do research if they wanna make it accurate. But there are so many great ideas/plots omg. I'm sorry this is such a non-answer. XD
Questions are from here!
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months
Work In Progress Overview
(is this a thing people do?? idk. it's what I'm doing! here are my semi-active WIPs and my word count progress! I will update regularly)
Ruin My Life (Anti-Hero Sequel) - Lawrusso & Samtory & Kiaz (60k/??)
Untitled - Spirk (23k/~25k)
Worse By the Hour (Typhoid Fever Fic) - Frey/McGray (12k/~16k)
(a LOT of other projects that are on ice at the moment. "are you still working on..." YES. In theory. might be a while until I get back to it. i haven't technically abandoned any of my WIPs I'm just a deadbeat mom to many of them.)
latest projects:
and i wouldn't marry me either (McFrey, 9k)
Passionfruit (Carmanda, 4k)
there's daggers in men's smiles (Lawrusso Fencing AU, 17k)
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notourstars · 2 years
For @allvalley100 Amnesty Week, prompt Black & Blue
Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Mr. Miyagi
Pairings: teen!LawRusso (pre?) 
The first time Daniel claps him on the shoulder out of camaraderie Johnny punches him as a reflex. Daniel doubles over, holding his nose. Mr. Miyagi raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
Johnny’s hands hover over Daniel’s shoulders. “Shit, LaRusso, I…” 
“Goddamn, Johnny, what-” 
“I didn’t mean…” 
“You accidentally giving me a black eye?” 
Mr. Miyagi clears his throat. “Sometimes old wound still hurt when pushed. Take long time to trust more bruises not coming.” 
Johnny murmurs. “M’sorry, LaRusso.” 
Johnny’s hand is warm on his shoulder, his words warm in his chest. 
“I forgive you. But get me some ice!” 
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landslided · 10 months
hi! i don’t know if somebody’s already asked you this before, but what are your top 5 lawrusso moments?
hi anon! no, i haven’t gotten this ask before and im very happy to be getting it now! my top 5 lawrusso moments are as follows:
1) season 3 finale 19th december when daniel is really considering murdering kreese and johnny… gives him the permission.. like truly insane INSANE moment i think about it all the time. it’s just, wow, the implications of what would have happened if daniel had and how johnny would have probably helped him get away with it… somewhere in another universe season 4 was the « daniel and johnny get away with murder » season and it ended with them making out.
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2) daniel coming to the dojo in season 1 and johnny trying to get him to fight. johnny’s smirky smile and daniel’s angry expression just mwah! i think it’s such a good moment that kind of crystallises what they’re going to be with each other (annoying and weird!!!)
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3) pulpo handshake and the "kreese is the one who wants a war not me speech johnny gives. a lot of really flirty staring in this scene, the building of a delicate peace (that crashes and burns an episode after but it’s nice to dream). it also helps that they both look so beautiful in black and that i can convince myself they were on a date together.
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4) when daniel tells the all-valley commentator that johnny is also a two times champion vs when johnny tells the taikai saikai people they’re miyagi-do. im putting these scenes together because they kind of share the same sentiment of « i see you and i want you to know i want this to work, i value what we are building » and it makes me all soft inside.
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5) hockey date and the smile johnny gives daniel when daniel is complaining. it’s just such a domestic scene that it makes me go ouuuuuuuuugh. i love them i LOVE them.
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+ bonus because i do what i want: season 2 episode 3, fire and ice when johnny gives daniel the bitchiest smirk in all the valley. deep rage and petty fighting is like foreplay to them. (wish i could put pictures but tumblr hates me). for the same exact reason i love when daniel comes to gloat at the strip mall after he did his little class traitor act (extremely funny to me, i love when daniel does crazy stuff like this) and i also LOVE when daniel comes to talk to johnny and kreese is there doing his villain monologue. wonderful vibes.
as you can tell i like when they’re at each other’s throats + sometimes when they’re domestic boyfriends.
thank you so much for this ask, it was really fun!
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dykesynthezoid · 2 years
WIP Game
I was tagged by @its-toguchi-do-now for this; ty!!!
WIPs I have currently updating on Ao3:
Season’s Meetings
hearts on noorderstraat
WIPs I’m in the middle of writing but are currently relegated to my notes app:
Robby and Tory body swap
Piper/Yasmine fic
Lawrusso high holy days
Vietnam dark Terry backstory
Daniel trauma; “easy pickings”
WIPs that I haven’t written much of/if at all and are more so in planning stages:
Samtory summer camp fic
Sleepover fic
Carmen miscarriage + Carmanda
transfem!Robby continuation
Samtory ice cream shop fic
6 months sober continuation
Samtory adoption
Miguel slice of life
There’s a few more ideas I have jotted down that I left out just because I don’t see myself working on those anytime soon.
Feel free to send me asks about any of these!
Tagging @ficusin @vampiresamtory @eightyfours @thebentleyao3; no pressure!
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