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pinkgrapefloyd · 7 months ago
me: thank god this star trek fic isn't worldbuilding heavy or i'd have to look up so many details. my google search history: enterprise deck plans. enterprise shift schedule. uss enterprise how long does it take to get from the transporter room to sickbay. how many people work on enterprise. bridge enterprise how many square feet. distance between vulcan and earth. convert warp to kilometers/hour.
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pinkgrapefloyd · 7 months ago
me, sick as a dog with a head the size of a watermelon, sitting down to work on my spirk fic: i'm so jim kirk coded the way i do my duty for the good of the ship even when it's hard and inconvenient my best friend, bones coded: i'm about to beat your ass how's that sound
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pinkgrapefloyd · 1 month ago
not me writing an entire k/s fic full of chess metaphors only to find out MONTHS later that the english term is castling and not rochade. i thought we were all using the persian term... like a dumbass... 😭
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pinkgrapefloyd · 3 months ago
truly nothing felt as great as writing a throwaway line about jim's childhood in iowa that mentioned corn, going "wait is there corn in iowa or did i make that up" only to google it and find out iowa has the MOST corn out of any US state. i was so proud. i am getting a good grade in throwaway line which is both normal to want and possible to achieve
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pinkgrapefloyd · 5 months ago
my new spirk fic is out and i messed around on canva to celebrate the occasion!
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pinkgrapefloyd · 5 months ago
long you live and high you fly
by pinkgrapefloyd
“Jim had often thought about how lucky they were that his feigned death had been enough to snap Spock out of his pon farr. He’d never even considered the fact that no Vulcan would ever believe that.” Assuming he and Spock are dating, Amanda and Sarek invite an unsuspecting Kirk to family dinner.
relationships: Kirk/Spock, background Amanda/Sarek
length: 34k (5/5 chapters)
rating: Explicit
additional tags: assumed relationship, misunderstandings, getting together, family dynamics, vulcan culture, humor, angst, fluff
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pinkgrapefloyd · 5 months ago
wip word game
tagged by the amazing @zannolin! tysm!
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word. my word was RUIN.
R (little excerpt from Ruin My Life (anti hero sequel). in this household, R is for Robby <3 have a little snippet of the miyagi fang gang playing never have i ever)
Robby crosses his arms. “I’m not, like, morally opposed to it. Just never happened. Didn’t know I was on trial here.” “You’re not,” Sam interjects. “Let’s move on.” “Hell no!” Demetri protests. “So you and Diaz never made out?” Miguel coughs into his drink next to Robby and honestly, Robby doesn’t blame him. This is just ridiculous.
U (from my spirk WIP. part of a little conversation between kirk and uhura which i really love)
Unfortunately, his mouth didn’t care much for his brain’s command orders. Mutinous bastard. “Dinner was great. So great, in fact, that I… um... tried to have the good old ‘what are we’ conversation with Spock.” Her face softened. She didn’t seem surprised by the monumental implications of such an announcement, and Jim couldn’t decide if he found that insulting or comforting.
I (garashir WIP my beloved... still in the very early stages but it's a ten course menu of miscommunication. fifty percent silly, fifty percent vulnerable. i cannot wait for you to read it)
It’s in his body, and it’s in the implication of his body, and in the air between them. I was trained to break people like you. Maybe it’s unwise to ask me to unearth the kindness I buried in the yard like a dead pet before you were even born. I’m not so sure what’s left of it now. I’m not sure you’d like looking at it.
N (another Ruin My Life snippet because I feel like most of you aren't here for Star Trek lmao. The worlds needs more Sam and Johnny scenes in my opinion!)
“No, I meant… singular they. Like when you…” Sam takes a deep breath. This day is already stressful enough without the prospect of explaining singular they to Johnny Lawrence. “It’s a girl.” Johnny frowns. “Why are you looking at me like that? I got a boyfriend, man. What do you think I’m gonna say, your father and I are super disappointed in you? You can have six girlfriends for all I care. Just don’t come home with that vegan shit.”
my word is STAR and I'm tagging @vimesbootstheory and @blinkasaurus and anyone else who sees this and is looking for a good excuse to share wip sneak peeks! :D
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months ago
WIP whatever day
tagged by @zannolin to share part of a WIP! hope you enjoy this exclusive sneak peek of chapter five of long you live and high you fly
And Jim watched Spock watching his father admit the impossible, and thought of the Kobayashi Maru. How he’d beaten it, and how he’d probably still learned more from the two times he’d failed. Because while going to the source code and eliminating the impossibility might have said a lot about Jim’s potential as a Starfleer officer – his optimism, his out-of-the-box thinking, his willingness to tackle unsolvable problems – that hadn’t been the point of the exercise at the end of the day.  You put promising cadets into that chair specifically to see them fail, to see why and when and how they failed. If they gave up, if they got angry, if they had natural authority. If they would put the blame onto others or show humility before the crew they had let down. What did Spock think about his father’s words? If Sarek were a cadet he was meant to grade, how would he handle this? He’d failed the simulation, as designed. Had he beaten the test of his character? 
tagging @vimesbootstheory @ficusin @dykesynthezoid @blinkasaurus and everyone else who feels like sharing <3
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pinkgrapefloyd · 3 months ago
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pinkgrapefloyd · 10 months ago
hi, i'm stella!
i like pink grapefruit and pink floyd and a lot of different fandoms. this is a side blog with mostly writing updates and wip snippets.
* my edits * my fics * snippets *
Ruin My Life - Lawrusso & Samtory & Kiaz (87k/~110k)
your truth or mine? - Garak/Bashir (19k/??)
(a LOT of other projects that are on ice at the moment. "are you still working on..." YES. In theory. might be a while until I get back to it. i haven't technically abandoned any of my WIPs I'm just a deadbeat mom to many of them.)
in progress
Ruin My Life (Anti-Hero sequel: Lawrusso, Samtory, Kiaz, 3/23 chapters)
your truth or mine? (Garak/Bashir, 1/10 chapters)
better love a dream (Quodo, 11k)
long you live and high you fly (K/S, 34k)
and i wouldn't marry me either (Frey/McGray, 9k)
Passionfruit (Carmanda, 4k)
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months ago
set out for 200 words in a day and wrote 1.300. maybe i'll actually finish this fic on the weekend. thank surak
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pinkgrapefloyd · 3 months ago
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just discovered this tool and thought of a new tag meme. put everything down, make penguin classics covers for two of your own fics and tag four people!
tagging @zannolin @ficusin @dykesynthezoid and @vimesbootstheory <3
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months ago
if you’re wondering where chapter five is, I am working on it! It’s gonna come later than usual because I am in a play this week (yay Shakespeare), but rest assured I am on stage thinking about spirk 24/7 <3
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pinkgrapefloyd · 5 months ago
wrote a couple of great lines for the spirk fic that give great insight into both their characters but the tone doesn’t work for this fic. At all.
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pinkgrapefloyd · 7 months ago
writing my silly little fanfic in a cafe with a pain au chocolat and a raspberry cold foam matcha latte... this is what life is all about actually.
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pinkgrapefloyd · 5 months ago
the cobra kai OGs watching me post another "someone assumes that these two people had sex, and they're wrong... but not for long!" fic
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(sorry it's not lawrusso this time)
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