#LOBSTER in the urinal
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ibetittering · 11 months ago
PRAYING she's in the next season I love her sm 🙏
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months ago
Wet Beast Wednesday: American lobster
This series takes us all over the world, but today we're going back to the good-ol' burger-drinking, beer-eating, eagle-worshiping U-S-of-A! The American lobster may be the world's most famous crustacean as they have become a major source of overpriced seafood. There's a lot to learn about this critter, so let's go check out the crustacean sensation that's sweeping the nation.
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(Image: an American lobster seen from the side. It is a crustacean with 8 legs, a pair of large pincers, and a pointed head that has two long antennae and small eyes. The abdomen in elongated and segmented and ends with a fan-shaped tail. It is a greenish-brown color. End ID)
Homarus americanus is the largest lobster and largest crustacean, reaching a maximum recorded length of 64 cm (25 in) and weight of 20.1 kg (44.4 lbs). The average size is between 20 and 61 cm (8-24 in) and 680 to 910 grams (1.5-2 lbs). Lobsters are members of the family Nephropidae and despite the common names, they are not closely related to squat lobsters, slipper lobsters, or spiny lobsters. They are, however, closely related to crayfish. Lobsters are decapods, crustaceans with 10 limbs. Of the 5 pairs of limbs, the rear 8 are used for walking and the front two have become enlarged into a pair of powerful pincers used for defense and offense. The claws are asymmetrical and each serves different purposes. One claw is large and stout, with rounded, molar-like growths on the cutting edge. This claw is called the crusher claw and it is used to crush through hard-shelled food. The other claw is more slender and has a sharper cutting edge. This is the scissor claw and it is used to cut soft food into small enough pieces to eat. The crusher and scissor claws can be on either side of an individual lobster and very rarely a lobster will grow two crushers or two scissors instead of one of each. While the pincers can close with incredible force, they can't open with much force. This allows them to be held shut with rubber bands. The front two pairs of walking legs also have pincers, but they are much smaller. Lobsters can regrow missing legs. It can take up to 5 years for a missing pincer to regrow to the size of the original.
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(Image: a lobster seen from the front, with the pincers in prominent view. One claw is bulkier than the other. The bulky claw has rough nodules on the cutting edge. The skinnier claw has serrated spines on the cutting edge. end ID)
Lobster anatomy is divided between two major segments: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax contains the mouthparts, brain, legs, and many sensory organs. While they have eyes, they are weak due to lobsters spending most of their time on murky seafloors. Taste, smell,and touch are their primary senses. Antennae are used to examine the world and both the antennae and legs have sensory hairs called antennules on them that can detect the presence of chemicals in the water. Lobsters can both detect the smell of food and determine which direction it is coming from. The antennules also detect the motion of the water. Lobsters also urinate from a pair of bladders on the sides of the head. They can adjust the scent of the urine to communicate with each other. That's right, lobsters communicate by peeing on each other from their faces. The mouthparts consist of leg-like structures called maxillipeds that grab food and mandibles that help rip food up. Lobsters can't chew their food, but they have a structure in the esophagus called a gastric mill that grinds food down as it is swallowed. The abdomen is long and consists of multiple segments, allowing for flexibility. On the underside of the abdomen are feathery appendages called pleopods or swimmerettes. The first pair of swimmerettes is modified into sex organs called gonopods which can be used to differentiate males from females. The remaining pairs are used to circulate water around the lobster, helping keep fresh water over the internal gills. At the tip of the abdomen is a large, fan-shaped tail. By quickly curling the abdomen under their bodies, lobsters can generate thrust and send themselves shooting backwards. This is done to escape perceived threats.
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(Image: a lobster standing on sand with its abdomen curled under its body. End ID)
Like other crustaceans, lobsters periodically outgrow their exoskeletons and must molt. After molting, the lobster will have a new, soft exoskeleton that takes time to harden. This period of softness leaves lobsters much more vulnerable to predators, so they will usually hide until their new shell hardens. They also eat the old shell to regain the nutrients and minerals it holds. The period after molting is also when females become fertile. A molted female will release pheromones that attract males. The male performs a courtship dance and if the female approves, he will use his gonopods to transfer a packet of sperm into her shell. The female can store this packet for over a year before using it. She lays thousands of eggs at once eggs and fertilizes them with the sperm as they come out. The eggs stick to her swimmerettes and she will work to keep them clean and keep air circulated over them. The clusters of eggs allegedly look similar to raspberries and a female with eggs is said to be "in berry". I personally don't see it. The eggs develop for 10 to 11 months before hatching, wherupon the female shakes her tail to dislodge the larvae. The larvae start out as a tiny, planktonic form called a metanapulus that drifts near the surface of the water and eats plankton. After their 4th molt, the larvae takes on a sub-adult form more similar to an adult, though they are still small enough to swim with their swimmerettes. Approximately 1 in 1,000 larvae will live long enough to reach this stage. After another molt, the sub-adult takes on its final form and sinks to the bottom, where they will gradually grow into an adult. Lobsters molt up to 10 times in their first year, then may one molt once every few years. By the time a lobster is large enough for anglers to legally keep, they will have undergone around 25-27 molts. There isn't really a maximum age for lobsters. They don't go through the same aging process as most animals. Lobsters have the ability to repair the damage to DNA that causes aging. While they will not age to death, you are unlikely to find thousand year old lobsters roaming about. Each molt takes more energy than the previous one and a lobster that doesn't die of predation, disease, or injury will eventually become unable to complete a molt and will die as a result. Most estimates place the maximum age for lobsters at about 100 years, but there are unconfirmed reports of lobsters reaching 140 years.
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(Image: somebody holding a lobster so the underside of the abdomen is visible. This lobster is a female with masses of small, black eggs on her abdomen. End ID)
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(Image: A lobster larva shown in the first four molts. The first three stages look more like transparent shrimp than lobsters. The final stage looks that a miniature lobster and is orange. End ID)
You would be hard-pressed to find a fictional depiction of a lobster that isn't bright red, but wild lobsters aren't that color. Most range from greenish-blue to greenish-brown, good colors for hiding amongst rocks and seaweed. That being said, American lobsters are famous for their wide range of color variants. Lots of people have herd of blue lobsters, but there are actually quite a few color options caused by genetic traits that overproduce certain pigments. Because of the rareness of these traits and the colorful lobsters being more at rick of predation, they are quite rare. Still, many color variants have been seen including blue ( 1 in 10 million lobsters), red (though not as bright as cooked lobsters. 1 in 30 million), bright yellow (1 in 30 million), calico (yellow and blue spots, 1 in 25 million), split down the middle (1 in 50 million), and white (albino or leucistic, 1 in 100 million). Many lobster anglers seem to agree that if they catch colored lobsters they should either be released or donated to aquariums or scientific organizations as opposed to being eaten. Reports of color variants have increased in the last 20ish years. This may be due to overfishing of their predators, but it may also be that social media allows sightings to be reported more easily.
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(Images: 6 pictures of lobster color varaints. Let to right, top to bottom: blue, red, yellow, calico, split, white. End ID)
American lobsters are found in cold, coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean from the USA to northern Canada. They are famously highly abundant around the state of Maine, which has the world's largest lobster fishery. They prefer rocky bottoms with plenty of places to hide. Despite those big claws, lobsters are rather timid. They spend a lot of their time hiding and are quick to use their tails to flee. If pressed, they will use their powerful claws to fight. While occasionally active in the day, lobsters are mostly nocturnal, coming out at night to find food. Speaking from personal experience, I did a night SCUBA dive in Maine and there were so many lobsters I could barely see the seafloor. American lobsters are territorial and will fight over food, shelter, and mates. When they live in close quarters, lobster will establish a dominance hierarchy based largely on size. They use chemical signatures to identify themselves and communicate. The diet of an American lobster mostly consists of small invertebrates such as worms, slugs, clams, and crabs, but they also eat carrion and algae and seagrass. Lobsters in captivity have been known to engage in cannibalism, but this has never been seen in the wild.
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(Image: a lobster molting. The carapace on the back of the cephalothorax has come off and the soft-bodied lobster is emerging through the gap created. End ID)
The American lobster is a popular food source and so is fished heavily in the northern USA and Canada, with the state of Maine and Atlantic province having the largest industries. The vast majority of lobster fishing is done with special lobster traps, sometimes called pots. These are cages baited with dead fish that have funnel-shaped entrances. The idea is that the shape of the entrance lets lobsters in, but makes it hard for them to get out. Humorously, lobster traps have been found to be incredibly inefficient, all but the largest lobsters can enter and leave freely. The lobsters that get caught tend to be the ones unlucky enough to be in the trap when it's pulled up. Bait has been found to comprise a large portion of the diet of lobsters in Maine and individual lobsters have been known to claim traps as their territory and fight off others trying to enter them. Modern traps are also required to have holes allowing lobsters below the size limit to leave easily. The inefficiency of lobster traps has allowed the population to remain stable despite the incredibly heavy fishing. in addition, there are many regulations to protect the species, including requirements to release small lobsters and egg-bearing females. There is no lobster aquaculture doe to how long it takes them to reach a usable size. Commercial lobster fishing started with poor laborers who could get them cheap due to how abundant the lobsters were in the area. As with so many other things, the rich came, took an idea created by the poor, and drove up prices so much the original people could no longer afford their own invention. Lobsters are traditionally cooked by boiling, usually with the lobster still alive at the time. The ethics of live cooking lobsters is debated. Some insist their brains do not have the regions responsible for feeling pain while others point out they still respond negatively to stimuli and therefore can still feel some kind of distress even if it isn't the same as human pain. Some jurisdictions have made live boiling illegal and require the lobster to be dead first. Freezing the lobster or a stab through the cephalothorax are offered as more humane than boiling. The American lobster is classified as least concern by the IUCN, meaning they are not at risk of extinction.
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(Image: a modern lobster trap. It is a rectangular wire cage painted yellow. There are two chambers inside. The first chamber has two openings to the outside and is where bait is placed. The second chamber has another funnel-shaped opening to the first chamber and is intended to trap the lobsters within. An opening on the side of the second chamber allows small lobsters to escape. A brick is used to weigh the cage down. End ID)
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Bruno’s team as random quotes from my family over the years (well the best I can remember them)
“Hey excuse me sir, if I were to buy one of these lobsters what size tank would I need for it and what should I do to take care of it? and where do you sell the food for the pet lobsters? Should I get two in case he gets lonely?”
“You can choose to eat wherever you want to for dinner today! Well except for pizza, the pizza around here is terrible, we will get good pizza the next time we go east”
“During the camping trip I was put in charge of the bucket of beans, so I took my job seriously. I took the bucket of beans into the bathroom with me to keep them safe, but I accidentally spilled them in the urinal and pissed on them, oops no more beans”
“happy birthday! Oh wait, nevermind your birthday was yesterday. You are no longer special anymore. Haha, now you’re the least special person in the world! Enjoy waiting a whole year to be special again!”
“I think we should have a boys night and all go skinny dipping”
“My big toe is feeling sad today because it misses you guys”
“I’m gonna kick the ball when I serve, look out guys this is gonna be dope. Best serve tonight!” (ball goes in opposite direction)
“I’m giving you all my diseases I do not care, I can’t be trapped in that room anymore, I’m so pissed. I can’t fucking stand you people telling me to stay in there!!”
Talking to purple haze “you ate my slice of birthday cake you ravenous beast”
“I love it when you girlies visit because I’m usually so outnumbered by penises”
“I don’t understand why you won’t let me live my dream of being spoiled and buying whatever I want!”
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lesblep · 5 months ago
ah, perry the platypus! you're just in time for the debut of my BINARY-INATOR. you remember, of course, that in my youth i was raised as a girl. this led to constant frustration with the state of drusselstein's public bathrooms, for you see, perry the platypus, the people drusselstein love to categorize things, and especially through signage. i was never able to use the right bathroom because everyone decided they knew which one i belonged in, and they were always wrong! that's why i spent the entirety of my childhood stealing bathroom signs and turning my home country increasingly gender neutral. today i aim to do the exact same thing to the TRI STATE AREA! but with my inator. it takes less time than to go around stealing every sign i see. with my BINARY-INATOR, i will transform EVERY SIGN IN DANVILLE INTO AN INANE BINARY! gone are the days of male versus female! gone are the days of stall versus urinal! from this day forward, everyone must choose between things that mean absolutely nothing but are somehow diametrically opposed, like OMINOUS LOBSTER SILHOUETTE and A WHEEL OF PARMESAN HOLDING A WHIP! AHAHAHAHA!
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c00kietin · 1 year ago
1, 5, 16, 17, 19, 18 << FOR THE NEW ASK GAME!! I get double answers omg- the previous ask was for the new ask game, but I GET DOUBLE ANSWERS!! I feel special!!
heheh :3
I've answered 1 and 19, so Imma do the rest :D
5: What kind of thoughts are going through your head previous to this post- "any new notifications? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THESE ASKS ARE SO FUN ASDFGHSDFGHFGHH- Did I spell pogonophobia right? *googles it* Okay ye I did :D"
16: Random fun fact: YES LET'S GOOOO lobsters urinate out from these little spaces beneath their eyes! :D
17: Random thought you had recently: "kinda wanna listen to music rn."
18: Opinion on iceburg lettuce: I don't mind it in burgers, otherwise not for me 👍
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eights-world · 11 months ago
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
31. 3 random facts
42. favourite book(s)
52. something i’m talented at
20. currently its tipsy by miss luxury <33
31. idkk if its in general pr about myself but im doing generally bc im insane and always have random info tucked away in my skull; during ww1 when first dealing with gas attacks (before gas masks) soldiers would pee on handkerchiefs and use them as masks bc the chemical in urine helped against it. lobsters pee out of their faces. when you enter rem sleep your eyes move rapidly back and forth
42. CEMETERY BOYS!!!! also good omens and chlorine :33
52. art bc thats an easy cop out o7
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Eat What You Want Day
Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and just enjoy life a little by eating what you want on this health and body image conscious day.
Many people spend time stressing over their diet, and what they should or shouldn’t eat, mainly because today’s world is filled with magazine covers sporting perfectly toned, perfectly tanned models that constantly make us feel inadequate.
The various health food fads that seem to come and go every few weeks definitely don’t help, either—as it turns out, a gluten-free diet is not particularly good for anyone who isn’t actually allergic to gluten, juice cleanses deprive us of the protein and fat our bodies need to function properly, and taking too many vitamin supplements just makes our urine expensive when our bodies flush the excess.
If you, like many people these days, are beginning to feel disillusioned with all of these things, you will be glad to hear about National Eat What You Want Day.
History of National Eat What You Want Day
National Eat What You Want Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy to help people break away from the frustrating health and diet trends of our times, if for only one day, and just let go and enjoy life a little.
Most nutritionists seem to agree that giving yourself a break every now and again can actually be good for us, and that forcing ourselves to eat only low-calorie, tasteless foods for prolonged periods of time is likely to cause us to suddenly gorge on everything in sight when our determination wears off.
Why should you celebrate National Eat What You Want Day?
We’re big advocates of this holiday! A lot of people have a structured way of consuming food. They have to be careful about what they eat, otherwise, they will put on weight and their health will suffer. Not everyone is blessed with a naturally fast metabolism. However, National Eat What You Want Day gives you the perfect opportunity to have the freedom to choose what you want without feeling guilty about it. It is also perfect if there is something that you have wanted to try for a while but you’ve been holding out because you don’t want to cheat your diet.
How to celebrate National Eat What You Want Day
It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine how to celebrate this holiday, really. You can eat whatever you want, isn’t that enough cause for celebration? Everyone is different, so for some people, this will mean pigging out on junk food.
They will stop counting calories and go berserk, eating everything from ice cream to chocolate to cake and pie, and then some cookies with ice cream washed down with hot chocolate, and then some ice cream cake. You get the picture.
However, nowhere in the holiday’s description does it say that you have to take this route to gastronomic satisfaction. Aficionados of gourmet cuisine can choose to celebrate by splurging on a meal at a five-star restaurant. Do you love lobster, but rarely order it because of its price tag?
Understandable, but today is the day to take a break. So call the poshest place in your city and spend an evening feasting on your favorite delicacies and perhaps washing them down with a nice bottle of wine.
Or, alternatively, you can try to recreate a favorite childhood meal in your home. Did your Mom use to make the best macaroni and cheese? Call her up and get the recipe!
Nothing beats a good comfort food to make us feel full, happy and sleepy all at the same time, so forget about fat and carbs just this once and enjoy a bowl (or pot) of that filling, creamy goodness.
Or maybe you’re a strict vegetarian who can’t help but miss steak or shrimp every now and then—if so, maybe you should treat yourself to something you wouldn’t usually eat just to reward your body for the tasty things it has to go without on a daily basis?
The key is to eat something that you truly enjoy, so whatever food that is for you, get celebrating!
What is everyone going to be eating on National Eat What You Want Day?
You may be wondering what everyone else is going to be eating on this holiday. Data that was gathered by the Top Agency may give you some answers! They have revealed that the number one food Americans would eat every day if they did not have to worry about the consequences is pizza! This was closely followed by pasta, and then both burgers and ice cream were in joint third place. In the fourth spot, it was a tie between French fries, chocolate, and burritos or tacos. We then have donuts, cake, chips, and cheese and cookies.
Make National Eat What You Want Day fun
There are a number of different ways you can make this day fun! Why not switch the typical meals around? You can have dinner for breakfast, and breakfast for dinner! After all, who doesn’t love tucking into Chinese leftovers the morning after? Or, if you want to have breakfast for dinner, why not put together a fluffy stack of pancakes with some maple syrup and bacon for dinner? After all, no rules apply on National Eat What You Want Day, so you may as well switch things up a little bit!
If you have got children, why not allow them to be in charge for once? Most of the time, parents are in charge of what’s for dinner. If we weren’t, children would probably never see a vegetable in their life! But, for this one day, why don’t you let your children decide what’s on the menu? You may end up with a random concoction of delicious treats, but it will certainly be a lot of fun, and it will get them interested in cooking as well, which is always a good thing.
Another way to make National Eat What You Want Day fun is to break your typical routine. For example, if you usually take a packed lunch to work, why not gather your colleagues and enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant? Of course, your children won’t be able to ditch their school lunches and dine out, but you can still make their packed lunches exciting. Look for fun ways to make their lunches, for example, you can cut their food up into different shapes and add some edible glitter to the mix to keep things exciting.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year ago
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Lobsters urinate out of their faces.
In the 1930s, the USA printed $100,000 bills.
The average person listens to 25 songs a day.
Obesity is now a bigger killer than malnutrition.
Mild hearing loss between the ages of 40 and 69 triples the risk of falling over.
LiFi is 100 times faster than WiFi and uses light instead of radio frequencies.
Not being able to control your negative thoughts is also a warning sign of depression.
‘Tom and Jerry’ was British slang term in the 1800s, meaning ‘to fight and cause trouble.’
Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine stuff you'd like to happen.  (So true!!)
The world’s deserts receive enough solar energy in six hours to power the world for a year.
Legalising same sex marriage in the US decreased the number of men enrolling in the Catholic priesthood.
Anhedonia is the word for that feeling when you cannot find joy in the things that usually bring you joy.
Human muscles are limited by our brain.  We actually have the strength to move cars and boulders.
During the reign of Edward III (1327-77), the citizens of Norwich had to pay the king 24 herring pies a year.
In ‘Terminator 2’, Schwarzenegger was paid $15 million.  It means, for each word he spoke, he earned $21,429!
Not a single engineer survived off the Titanic; they stayed on board to keep the power on so others could escape.
Introversion is strongly associated with creativity and intelligence.  75% of people with IQs over 160 are introverts.
The sons of Hitler's nephew all agreed that they would never marry or have children in order to kill Hitler's bloodline.
80% of people keep their feelings to themselves because they believe it's hard for others to understand their pain.
"They call me ‘stupid’ for smoking marijuana, but they call the creator of the atomic bomb ‘intelligent’." (Bob Marley)
Michael Caine first saw Shakira Beikish on television in a coffee ad back in 1977.  They have now been married for over 46 years.
The best friendships tend to be those in which you can be openly weird and/or sarcastic without the other person taking offense.
Depression is the most common disability in women.  About 25% of all women will experience severe depression at some point in their lives.
In the Philippines, the common greeting ‘tao po’ is a shortened version of an older phrase that means ‘I am human and not a demon’.
According to a new paper, disco balls can be useful in observing the sun.  The authors even suggest that, “every observatory needs a disco ball.”
As some mammals can absorb oxygen through their intestines, scientists are considering the possibility of ‘anal ventilation’ in humans in the future.
Things unique to each person, which could be used for biometric authentication and verification include: fingerprint, voice pattern, iris and retina, toe print, ear, teeth, anus.
USA Today has hired a reporter to write exclusively about Taylor Swift.  To prove that he’s capable of being objective, he said that there are three Taylor Swift songs that “he can’t stand.”
On June 21st, 2005, a 12-year-old Ethiopian girl, who had been abducted and beaten by several men, was found being guarded by three lions who apparently had chased off her captors.
In the 1970s, North Korea ordered 1000 Volvos from Sweden in a deal worth $70 million.  After delivering the vehicles, North Korea never paid for the cars, resulting in the largest car theft in human history.
A device invented for men in the 1880s set off an alarm if an erection was detected.  It was only tried by five men, one of whom quickly gave it up because he got tired of being woken seven times in two hours.
‘Blue zones’ are areas of the world where people live a particularly long time.  They have been studied to see what lifestyles may lead to a long and healthy life.  However, new evidence suggests they are simply areas with higher levels of clerical errors and pension fraud.
At 3.00 a.m. one night in 1988, Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwo'ole called a local studio and said he needed to record something immediately.  He pleaded with the engineer: "Please, can I come in?  I have an idea."  Kamakawiwo'ole recorded his iconic version of ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ in one take.  The song has been used in numerous film soundtracks, including ’50 First Dates’ and is the longest-leading No. 1 hit on any of the Billboard song charts, having spent 358 weeks on top of the World Digital Songs chart.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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manipalhospital1 · 11 months ago
High Uric Acid Levels In The Body? Check Your Diet!
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Uric acid is a waste product found in the blood. Usually, it dissolves in blood and gets passed through urine. Follow these diet tips to lower uric acid levels.
Do you experience flashes of acute pain in your big toe? Have you seen a lump formation or swelling around your joints? These can be the symptoms of high uric acid buildup in the body. The food you eat affects our body in different ways. From digestion to excreting the waste from the body, the food we consume can affect our organs. The high uric acid buildup is one such situation where the body fails to filter the excess uric acid.
What is uric acid? Follow these diet tips
Uric acid is a waste product found in the blood. Usually, it dissolves in blood and gets passed through urine. Uric acid is formed when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. These are molecules made up of carbon and nitrogen which are found in the DNA and RNA of cells. A high level of uric acid is dangerous to the body and can lead to a condition called hyperuricemia. Individuals who consume foods that are high in animal protein or who are prone to excessive alcohol consumption can develop high levels of uric acid in the body.
Excess uric acid in the body eventually turns into a crystalline form and settles in the joints, leading to gout. This condition is usually seen in individuals who have a BMI of more than 30kg/m2 and among people suffering from pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.
Food which is high in purines are:
Meat Sources - Liver, heart, kidney, red meat
Fish Sources - Anchovies, herring, mackerel, trout, sardines, shrimps, crabs, mussels
Beverages - Yeast extracts, beer and distilled liquor, high fructose corn syrup and sugary juices
What is the food that is to be avoided?
It is advised to skip or avoid food items that are high in purines.
Non-vegetarians should avoid red meats from animal products, seafood like sardines, anchovies, shellfishes like shrimp, lobster, mussels.
Always avoid taking high fructose based foods like sugary juices, ice creams, plain candies and junk foods.
What to eat?
Ensure that protein-rich foods like low-fat dairy curd, skimmed milk, cheese, paneer, tofu, eggs are a part of your diet. Research suggests that consuming plant-based foods will not increase the risk of developing gout. Include 3-4 portions of cereals like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in Vitamin C such as cherries.
The uric acid levels in the body can be managed with modifications to diet and lifestyle. Listed below are the few steps to follow.
Reduce weight if you are overweight or obese.
Be active
Include fresh fruits and vegetables
Consume starchy vegetables like potatoes and grains like rice, bread
Include lentils and legumes in your diet
Unsalted nuts, peanut butter is good
Beverages like caffeinated coffee can help to reduce the gout attacks
Listed below are the food which contains low purine levels
Cereals: Rice, barley and food made out of cereals like bread, pasta are permitted at a moderation level
Vegetables: All vegetables mainly runner/green/string beans/French beans have a low purine level
Legumes: All legumes are allowed. Soya beans can be included in moderation in the diet
Fruits: Low fructose food like berries, pineapple, plum, peach, cherries are good
Dairy Products: All milk and milk by-products
Nuts: Unsalted almonds, walnut in moderation can be considered
One-day meal plan for low purine diet
Early morning: Tea - 1 cup with plain cracker biscuit
Breakfast: Plain dosa / Rawa dosa with vegetable sambar
Mid-Morning: Fruit bowl
Lunch: Rice - 1 cup + half cup lentils + vegetable sabzi + low fat yogurt
Evening: Low fat milk - 1 cup
Dinner: Roti - 2 + paneer sabzi + curd
One of the most effective ways to control high uric acid levels is to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. Do not ignore symptoms like pain in the toe, stomach pain and pain while urinating.
Consulting Urology doctors immediately can help in early treatment.
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ear-worthy · 1 year ago
Gastropod: A Seven-Course Meal Of Great Content
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Assigning a genre to podcasts is an exercise fraught with all kinds of hidden dangers, trap doors, and booby traps. There are podcasts that either defy classification or, more often, have one foot in one genre and another firmly planted in another genre.
Gastropod, for example, is a podcast that is equal parts about food and history. The podcast seamlessly infuses each episode with a pinch of historical perspective and a smidge of foodie nerdiness.
In other words, the podcast makes you hungry for more.
Gastropod defines itself as a podcast about the science and history of food. It has aired since 2014 and is hosted by journalists Nicola Twilley and Cynthia Graber. With the incessant drumbeat of consolidation in the podcast industry, it is refreshing that Gastropod is an independent podcast produced and hosted by Twilley and Graber. They interview chefs, scientists, and historians to collect stories about the science and history of food.
Amazingly, the two hosts produce the podcast out of their homes in Somerville, Massachusetts, and Los Angeles, California, respectively. The podcast has grabbed its share of recognition by winning The 2015 International Association of Culinary Professionals Award for Best Culinary Audio Series (for the episode "The Golden Spoon"), Regional 2015 Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Small Online News Organization Audio Documentary (for the episode "The Microbe Revolution"), and, more recently, the 2019 International Association of Culinary Professionals Award for Best Podcast or Radio Show.
Some of their best episodes include Menu Mind Control from November 2019, where Twilley and Graber talked to Alison Pearlman, author of a book on menus called May We Suggest. Pearlman stressed how a menu has to persuade diners to want what the restaurant sells in the interview. So how do menus do that—and are they somehow subconsciously manipulating our choices? Are there universal principles of effective menu design that savvy diners can identify and outsmart? In this episode, the hosts deftly decode the history and science of the not-so-humble menu.
In August 2020, Gastropod released the episode What The Shell? Cracking The Lobster's Mysteries. In it, the hosts take us on a trip to which the lobster began as prison food to today where's it's an expensive indulgence. Then the hosts explain how the lobster eyes’ intricate mechanism would become a template for scientists to build a telescope.
High on the gross-out scale is the explanation that lobsters urinate through their face, while listeners learn that lobsters don't back down from other sea creatures and are very eager to mix it up with real or perceived enemies. Then, Twilley and Graber go through an unusually detailed explanation of lobster sex. The female squirts urine into the desired mate's den, who invites her in for several days of intertwined antennae and claws.
Moreover, the hosts do not shy away from controversy. Witness the March 2020 episode White Vs. Wheat: The Food Fight Of The Centuries. In the episode, the hosts enter the fray between white bread boosters and the wheat advocates. Along the way, they review 1920s claims that white bread breeds criminals and the central role played by Wonder Bread.
Recent episodes of note include the June 20th show about how human waste can be used as fertilizer for growing food. The June 6th episode takes on a historical journey about the pineapple. And their most recent episode on lab-grown meat may gross out some, and excite others who see it as a way to feed our planet without destroying it.
Why is Gastropod such a critical and listener favorite? First and foremost, Graber and Twilley are terrific hosts who play off each other so effortlessly and have the timing of a well-oiled team.
Whether they are discussing how Leonardo da Vinci invented the first pasta machine, how Jack Daniel learned how to make whiskey, or the history of birthday cake, Graber and Twilley infuse a passion for discovery, a constant search for insight from facts, and a strong desire to inform into every episode.
Each episode, which is about fifty minutes long and is released every two weeks, delves deeply into details about the historical, cultural, and scientific background of the episode's subject and features interviews with multiple experts, sometimes recorded on location at laboratories farm fields, or archaeological digs. This attention to detail and on-site reporting (which costs money and time) demonstrates their commitment to scrupulously researched and carefully curated episodes.
Gastropod does use Patreon for its hierarchy of fans who donate -- from Fans to Supreme Fans. Hosts Graber and Twilley again prove that independent podcasts can thrive and compete, going up against Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast “Big Shots."
Editor’s Note: In August 2021, Gastropod announced a long-term partnership with Eater and the Vox Media Podcast Network (VMPN), effective with Gastropod’s August 3 episode.
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charliexclayton · 2 months ago
Every time Charlie watched Roux mutilate something, she was glad that the only place they could go was the wilderness. She imagined just how much of a nightmare it would be to bring Roux to the lobster shack for example, could clearly see the pieces of lobster flesh and shell flying each and every way. Yes, Roux would have been a horrible friend to bring to dinner with your parents. Honestly at this point if Roux admitted she had been raised by a pack of mangy feral dogs, forced to scrounge for meat and urinate on everything, Charlie wouldn’t be surprised. At least out here in the wild she was the only poor soul nauseated by the often brutal and uncalculated way Roux killed things.
From her position on the forest bank, she had a perfect view of the massacre. She stowed the arrow into the quiver at her hip and rolled her eyes.
“Ha. Ha,” she deadpanned. “You can have the brains, might give you a better understanding of the concept of ‘my spot, my kill’. I mean really, I feel like every trip you do this. I get it, you can throw knives, you don’t need to impress me.”
With practiced precision and grace, she folded the compact bow on itself and slid down towards the scene of the crime. The tufts of hair still floating in the air made the situation almost comical.
She grabbed the rabbit from Roux like a dog owner would grab a mangled wet toy from a dog’s mouth and sighed. “I mean this is going to be such a nightmare to clean, dude.”
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One thing those caramel cookie-slinging rich girls never taught you: skin was surprisingly hard to cut through. Skinning was easy — it was satisfying, even, to know that in death everyone was equalised into resembling nothing more than a baked potato. All dry layers, moist insides, and weird textures. But before the limp body could be retrieved for the sort of intimate subdermal exploration reserved for plastic surgeons, one had to stop moving. In the wilderness, this was an easier concept said than done — the gap between expectation and reality only increasing with the size of each beast. Especially so when the cutting device was worse for wear, blunt at the tip from too many throws embedding into the hides of birch trees instead of heartbeats.
Alas, Roux far favoured the subtle skillset it took to play God between a sharp object and physics over something as archaic as a bow and arrow. Modern attachments aside, there was something inexplicably primitive and lazy about the other woman’s weapon of choice which taunted Roux’s imagination. Charlie always reminded her of a half-drawn Flintstone when she hunted. If Roux squinted, she could imagine the missing details: a bone securing her hair in a high pony, a coarse pelt in lieu of patchwork cotton, dusty barefeet waffling around, making indistinguishable noises all the while — much like the words uttered in response to Roux’s most recent questionably finessed catch of the day.
The medium-sized rabbit had been pinned to the ground easily enough from a distance, but in-between clocking Charlie’s eyes sharpen with the satisfaction and determination of a new target, Roux had acted too hastily to burst that bubble by gauging first. Literally. 
Her initial pin had been neat enough; tarnished hilt snug against the rabbit’s twitching mandible, metal lodged in the soft arch of its salivary glands. Unfortunately, also evidently not landing as a killing blow by the way the creature continued to squirm and kick for freedom. Roux hated when they squirmed. Hence, she swiftly launched forwards to end Thumper's misery, broadening the knick from an incision to botched severed head job. For the record — her hacking efforts had been localised on the rabbit’s neck, it was the damn thing’s own fault ankles and toes got involved.
Roux rose to her feet with a slight curl of lip at the soft plume of auburn fur which followed the movement. With her left hand, she pocketed her bloodied knife whilst shaking a dull ache from her blood-covered right. 
“Don’t be such a fussy bitch, CC,” she breathed, turning only her head to look back the blonde with a shit-eating grin, “The brain’s still intact, I saved it for you. Wanna go halfsies?”
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manipal1 · 2 years ago
High Uric Acid Levels In The Body? Check Your Diet!
Uric acid is a waste product found in the blood. Usually, it dissolves in blood and gets passed through urine. Follow these diet tips to lower uric acid levels.
Do you experience flashes of acute pain in your big toe? Have you seen a lump formation or swelling around your joints? These can be the symptoms of high uric acid buildup in the body. The food you eat affects our body in different ways. From digestion to excreting the waste from the body, the food we consume can affect our organs. The high uric acid buildup is one such situation where the body fails to filter the excess uric acid.
What is uric acid? Follow these diet tips
Uric acid is a waste product found in the blood. Usually, it dissolves in blood and gets passed through urine. Uric acid is formed when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. These are molecules made up of carbon and nitrogen which are found in the DNA and RNA of cells. A high level of uric acid is dangerous to the body and can lead to a condition called hyperuricemia. Individuals who consume foods that are high in animal protein or who are prone to excessive alcohol consumption can develop high levels of uric acid in the body.
Excess uric acid in the body eventually turns into a crystalline form and settles in the joints, leading to gout. This condition is usually seen in individuals who have a BMI of more than 30kg/m2 and among people suffering from pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.
Food which is high in purines are:
Meat Sources - Liver, heart, kidney, red meat
Fish Sources - Anchovies, herring, mackerel, trout, sardines, shrimps, crabs, mussels
Beverages - Yeast extracts, beer and distilled liquor, high fructose corn syrup and sugary juices
What is the food that is to be avoided?
It is advised to skip or avoid food items that are high in purines.
Non-vegetarians should avoid red meats from animal products, seafood like sardines, anchovies, shellfishes like shrimp, lobster, mussels.
Always avoid taking high fructose based foods like sugary juices, ice creams, plain candies and junk foods.
What to eat?
Ensure that protein-rich foods like low-fat dairy curd, skimmed milk, cheese, paneer, tofu, eggs are a part of your diet. Research suggests that consuming plant-based foods will not increase the risk of developing gout. Include 3-4 portions of cereals like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in Vitamin C such as cherries.
The uric acid levels in the body can be managed with modifications to diet and lifestyle. Listed below are the few steps to follow.
Reduce weight if you are overweight or obese.
Be active
Include fresh fruits and vegetables
Consume starchy vegetables like potatoes and grains like rice, bread
Include lentils and legumes in your diet
Unsalted nuts, peanut butter is good
Beverages like caffeinated coffee can help to reduce the gout attacks
Listed below are the food which contains low purine levels
Cereals: Rice, barley and food made out of cereals like bread, pasta are permitted at a moderation level
Vegetables: All vegetables mainly runner/green/string beans/French beans have a low purine level
Legumes: All legumes are allowed. Soya beans can be included in moderation in the diet
Fruits: Low fructose food like berries, pineapple, plum, peach, cherries are good
Dairy Products: All milk and milk by-products
Nuts: Unsalted almonds, walnut in moderation can be considered
One-day meal plan for low purine diet
Early morning: Tea - 1 cup with plain cracker biscuit
Breakfast: Plain dosa / Rawa dosa with vegetable sambar
Mid-Morning: Fruit bowl
Lunch: Rice - 1 cup + half cup lentils + vegetable sabzi + low fat yogurt
Evening: Low fat milk - 1 cup
Dinner: Roti - 2 + paneer sabzi + curd
One of the most effective ways to control high uric acid levels is to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. Do not ignore symptoms like pain in the toe, stomach pain and pain while urinating.
Consulting the doctor immediately can help in early treatment.
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gwilt · 2 years ago
Lobsters communicate by urinating at each other from nozzles under both their eyes.
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laresearchette · 2 years ago
Thursday, April 06, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR RAP CAVIAR PRESENTS (Season 1 - All Episodes Available)
BKT TIRES & OK TIRE WORLD MEN��S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN/TSN5) 9:00am: Germany vs. Canada (TSN) 7:00pm: Canada vs. Scotland
MASTERS GOLF (TSN5) 10:00am: First Round - Amen Corner (TSN4) 3:00pm: First Round
IIHF WOMEN’S HOCKEY (TSN2) 11:00am: Germany vs. Sweden (TSN5) 3:00pm: Japan vs. Czechia (TSN3) 7:30pm: France vs. Hungary
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:00pm: Jays vs. Royals (SN Now) 7:00pm: Padres vs. Atlanta
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN360) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Penguins (SNOntario) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Bruins (TSN2) 7:00pm: Capitals vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Panthers (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Chicago vs. Canucks (SN360) 10:00pm: Kings vs. Knights
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
NBA BASKETBALL   (TSN4) 7:30pm: Heat vs. 76ers (TSN4) 10:00pm: Nuggets vs. Suns
CANADA'S ULTIMATE CHALLENGE (CBC) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE):  In the final nail-biter, players go for broke in three team-only challenges; Lobster Haul off the Confederation Bridge; Fundy Mud Sled-and-Slide in Hopewell Rocks; Cape Cliffhanger at Cape Enrage, NB.
EVOLVING VEGAN (CTV Life) 8:00pm: While in Portland, Oregon, a diverse group of chefs create mouth-watering plant-based dumplings, fried "chik'n" sandwiches, and Vietnamese "catfish"; Mena forages for lobster mushrooms, and visits the oldest tofu factory in America.
JUST FOR LAUGHS (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Ronny Chieng: On Guard: Ronny Chieng hosts a night of comedy at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal; with Rashid Badouri, Alonzo Bodden, Julie Kim, Jay Pharaoh, Nish Kumar and Nimesh Patel.
MARTHA'S VINEYARD MYSTERIES: POISONED IN PARADISE (CTV Life) 9:00pm: A young waitress gets in too deep with the wrong people and seeks the help of ex-cop Jeff Metcalfe, who urges her to go to the police. When the waitress is found poisoned, the case becomes personal and Jeff teams up with Zee to solve the mystery.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 9:00pm: The final four must flush away their nerves to create functional urinals, and then recreate iconic Wedgwood Jasperware for the remaining three spots.
THE PIECE MAKER (Magnolia Canada) 10:00pm/10:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Eric traverses the great Alaskan wilderness to research his next puzzle.  In Episode Two,   Eric explores the Big Island of Hawai'i to discover the connection between the land and sea; he dives with manta rays, roasts Kona coffee beans, hikes an active volcano and surfs in an outrigger canoe in order to create an authentic island puzzle.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: Ataraxia; The Onyx Butterfly
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laughingwiththestorm · 2 years ago
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by TM Hogeman
In this terrible place with no tides, the lobsters wait to die. 
Most have no inkling of the horrific fates that await them, though their fearful urinations run thick. 
They are content to pace this bizarre mockery of the sea, defending their futile territory from perceived invaders, other captives, their claws bound by unbreakable seals. 
All except one. 
Shuddering in the corner, smaller than the others, streaks of ancient script lining its carapace. A striped lobster with a gift, and a curse, a knowledge greater than its senses, the ability to see Between The Waves. For it, the tides of past, present, and future merge into a single current. 
What it sees there tears at the sanity of its simple mind. 
Worse even than the abominations that leer at them constantly, the bizarre figures of pulpy flesh ripped free of exoskeleton, yet still filled with terrible animate life. Worse than when their pink appendages plunge into the pocket of false ocean, the five clawed limb of terror plucking yet another unsuspecting lobster from the world. The worst is what the striped lobster sees as the doomed brush against its bound claws; a pit filled with a seething sea, a plunge and a scream and an agonizing crimson death. 
Behind it all, most foreboding, a deep growl of hunger from the abominations as they gaze upon the lobsters. 
And yet, there are faint moments of hope. To see Between The Waves is also to carry knowledge of He Whose Claws Hold The World, Whose Gills Form The Tides, Old As The Sea, primordial God of lobsters. In the midst of this horror the striped lobster clings to faith in Claws Hold World, the old prayers passed down from hardshell to hatchling for longer than memory. Claws Hold World will come, if only the sacred movements of the primeval tides can be completed. But separated so long from the sea, the striped lobster begins to forget. 
Only the final moments of free ocean remain clear, and then only because those are tinged with the terror of what happened next. The angular alien structure, invitingly filled with food. Strange shadows on the seafloor. A sudden lurch upwards, a feeling of drowning. Blurred and flickering shapes that danced before the striped lobster’s eyestalks before resolving into sights it wished had stayed obscured. A long and claustrophobic journey piled atop a quivering pile of bodies of fellow lobsters. Then this terrible place with no tides. 
Time is short, few lobsters remain. 
The currents Between The Waves, usually so clear, become clouded and hidden from the striped lobster. Another abomination steps before them. It holds its nightmare appendage out, the lethal choice made. The striped lobster’s time has come. 
Its legs stride first to one side, and then the other. Holding up its claws, unsure of why it does so, the momentum of its movement increases, the flow of the water shaping the dance, antennae flicking to a rhythm long though lost. Escape. There can be only one escape from this fate, this doom, this devouring. 
There can be only the dance of the tides. 
The customer eyes the tank. Not many choices left, but he promised her a lobster dinner for their anniversary tonight, and a lobster dinner she would have. He whistles at the price per pound. 
“Yeah, I guess give me the medium sized one...and that little one over in the corner.” 
The butcher nods, reaches into the water. The smaller lobster scuttles back and forth, waving its rubber-banded claws above its head. 
“Wait, wait a second, check this out,” The customer says, chuckling as the lobster twitches its strange face side to side in tune with its scampering legs. 
“I’ll be damned,” The butcher replies, “a dancing lobster. That’s a new one.” 
A thundering crash turns both men towards where the front of the grocery store used to be, now a gaping wound to the outside world. A shadow falls over them, as does a drizzle of salty water. The customer cranes his neck to take in the massive shape that blots out the sun. 
With a sudden sinking feeling, he realizes the shadow has claws. 
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joccopc · 2 years ago
High uric acidity amount in your body could cause crystals of uric acid to form, leading to gout. A few meal and drinks that are high in purines can improve the level of uric acid. Uric acid is a waste product discovered in blood. It is created when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. Many uric acid dissolves in the blood, goes through the kidneys and leaves the body in urine. Foods and drinks higher in purines also enhance the level of uric acid. These include:
Sea food (particularly salmon, shrimp, lobster and sardines). Red meat. Organ meats like liver. Food and drinks with maximum fructose corn syrup, and alcohol (especially beer, including non-alcohol beer).
The good reports about gout usually it may be managed. Medicines help in two ways: They lessen pain while an attack, and will reduce the uric acid buildup that triggers the condition. You may possibly find this awesome review about Gout ,Arthritis,and also Uric Treatment using URICLEAR capsule.
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