frangipani-wanderlust · 7 months
Limerick Template
There once was a [PERSON] from [PLACE] Whose [BODY PART] was [SPECIAL CASE] When [EVENT] would occur It would cause [HIM OR HER] To [BREAK A LAW OF TIME AND SPACE]
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zegalba · 6 months
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Carmody Groarke: Underground Spa (2008) Location: Limerick, Ireland
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ranfanblog · 6 months
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It arrived a million years ago but getting it properly framed took forever. I'm so happy with it!!!
Art by @theshitpostcalligrapher
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vyorei · 8 months
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Here's the protests arranged for the weekend, show solidarity with Palestine
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janmisali · 1 year
there's this claim I've encountered a bunch that no words exist rhyming with "month" yet that claim undermines it's been rhymed with n times making this instance the n+1th
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spacefinch · 10 months
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pancake-breakfast · 2 months
There once was a truck in Nantucket
Whose creative design team said, "Fuck it!"
They made it a box
Whose gas petal locks
And real trucks from sand had to pluck it
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limerickshere · 3 months
What's a limerick?
Well, first let me structure portray -  Five lines in a strict rhyme scheme stay The first two and last With third-fourth do contrast  This rhyme scheme’s AABBA!
So each line should always have three Of it’s syllables stressed, let’s agree. It’s trimeter form And quite a strict norm For the first two and last line you see.
The couplet meanwhile has two Of it’s syllables stressed, as you knew. But harder is matching  And moving and patching  The number of unstressed parts too.
When you write a good lim’rick, it’s best To have syllable “feet” not be messed, But have unstressed parts match Like in this one you’ll catch  I have two quiet ‘fore the ones stressed.
While two unstressed each time Is common, I will chime Just one works too The goal’s that you Can match within each rhyme.
I hope I answered your question! I’ve got to admit, in confession, I clearly don’t always Do all that in all these, But I hope it’s a helpful suggestion! :)
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lickthecowhappy · 3 months
I've been working super hard on some really earnest poetry but one is embargoed and the other isn't done. So on this April Fools' Day, please enjoy a limerick that took me honestly WAY longer than it should have:
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There once was a demon from Mayfair
Friends with an angel with white hair
When asked “You share a flat?”
He said “It's not like that!”
Then ran back to the bookshop that they share
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femrodeeeeo · 5 days
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from another article
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Natasha O'brien
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friday411 · 29 days
Sherlock's Wingman
Doctor Watson just isn't stupid A partner in crime, Holmes concluded A "conductor of light" And he's great in a fight A shame that he got shot by Cupid...
----- See them all on AO3 ----
Thanks for reading, reposting & leaving the love!
Tags in the comments as well. Please LMK if you want on or off the list! @stellacartography @totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @keirgreeneyes @peanitbear @ghostofnuggetspast @helloliriels
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gavamont · 4 months
There once was a vermillion mage
Who simply would not act his age
For he studied a lot
Though he’s just a tot
The perplexity of the seven year old sage
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theotherklm · 4 months
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aiteanngaelach · 8 months
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Image ID. A Palestinian flag flying from King John's castle in Limerick city. End ID
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tickety-boooo · 27 days
Some good omens limericks to brighten your day!
There once was an angel divine, Whose halo so brightly did shine, From demons he fled, Pulled halo from head, Exploded to buy them more time!
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There once was a demon from hell, Who didn't like people too well, But a friend he did find, In the loving divine, An angel we'll call Mr. Fell.
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I grimace, my patience worn thin, "Our car!" he'd said, sporting a grin, A dastardly fellow, He turned my car yellow! With travel sweets placed in a tin!
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We stand here atop a great wall, Admiring the beauty of all, Discussing the weather, He shields me with feather-y Wings, as the rain starts to fall.
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The demon arrives at my shop, I argue my point to the top, He twirls and he sings, Apology things, And for that I must give him props.
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These were super fun to write! I just might have to create more of them soon!
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unplaces · 7 months
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Galtee View, Limerick.
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