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rachelkeaveney · 19 days ago
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Monday March 3rd, Today In animation We learned how to use adobe animate and We played around with just moving squares and transitions then moved onto a bouncing ball. I also decided to make another shot of my animation in the evening because I felt the first one didnt fully encompass what I was aiming for and this one will be easier to animate. I used procreate for this and included and time lapse of my progress.
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k00323703 · 2 months ago
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k00325705 · 3 months ago
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With the release of Sonic 3 I decided to make some art outside of our Assemble project with college. Initially it started as a sketch on paper which I then decided to bring it into CSP to paint digitally and here it is!! Quite happy with it
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k00323896 · 1 month ago
Movement - 23 jan
Hand studies continued
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I did some studies of hand gestures from one of my favourite shows jjk. I love the different hand signs they use its a really creative way to show how they draw their power from a calling hand gesture.
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(Gif of one of the hand gestures used in the above sketch)
When sketching the hands i was able to understand the movements it took to create them better by mirroring them on my own hands.
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Since I was participating in a painting workshop this week, I decided to paint a tattoo from one of my favorite characters on my hand. This served as an exercise to work directly on my own hands while studying movement.
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Tattoo belongs to kaiser from bluelock😼
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k00291970 · 1 year ago
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My painting inspired my the black metal movement.
I created this using the brown paper provided by the school as well as black and white acrylic paint.
I wanted to create a atmospheric piece and felt that I’ve done and I’m very proud of my work.
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k00317618 · 6 months ago
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Another primary source drawing
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k00325977 · 2 months ago
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The Emperor Needs No Clothes
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k00325944 · 5 months ago
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Week 4 LSAD 10/10/2024. Brief 2 "Assemble"
Zine publication with Fiona
I feel like I touched on Japan a little in this work. I realized how important energy-saving technologies are and how unique it is to work with a risograph that saves energy and is eco-friendly, knowing that my creative result is part of that process. I also think there’s a small hint of Japanese minimalism in my works.
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k00319658 · 24 days ago
Artist Reaserch: Edward Twohig
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Edward Twohig, an Irish artist, who specialized in drypoint etching influenced me this week for my use of drypoint print and inspiration directly from nature. I like his simple but affective use of etching, and how the effect of movement flows through his artwork. In the third piece his use of leaves surrounding the moonlight is captivating and makes me want to create more drypoint prints in the future.
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k00297602 · 1 year ago
Movement Project - Artist Research, Q Hayashida
Q Hayashida is a Japanese manga creator known for her works such as Dorohedoro and Dai Dark.
In one of her rare interviews, Hayashida reveals that she is a mixed media artist who uses whatever media she ‘feels like in the moment.’
The chaotic, sketchy, raw and colourful look to her art works harmoniously as she depicts her gory and dark but funny stories.
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I love her usage of gouache, watercolour, ink and pen, majority of the time mixing these media together in the same piece creating a layered texture reminiscent of grime, reflecting the apocalyptic settings often found in Hayashida’s manga. Matching her colours, line weight and compositions to fit each scene and its tone is highly impressive and a source of inspiration for myself since I first read her work Dorohedoro many months ago.
Her character design is also equally interesting. Dorohedoro’s cast including the protagonist, Kaiman, a man with a lizard head searching for the sorcerer who cursed him, mypersonal favourite being Jonson, a giant realistic cockroach and plenty others, diverse, well-written and designed human characters. I can’t forget the monsters, each with unique personalities highlighted by their designs, brilliantly adding to the horror aspect of her works.
Lastly, my favourite technique Q Hayashida uses to instil discomfort, is her use of repetition and massive spaces, infinite crowds of monsters showing the viewer how powerlessness feels and drawing giant empty settings, such as a department store where the protagonists are stuck in devoid of all life, which perfectly matched the unease the characters she wrote were feeling.
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k00325247 · 20 days ago
Fox mask
Wanted to try and make a fox mask. I drew up a few ideas that I than used in my line up but I landed on one I liked. I used mostly cardboard and hot glue to make the mask so it’s a little boxy but I think it’s coming together well enough. I plan on covering it with paper mache and then painting over it. I might even put a ribbon on it who knows.
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k00325705 · 4 months ago
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Fellow classmate and good friend of mine asked me would I draw solid snake from metal gear solid and to say I was overjoyed was an understatement. Its relevant in more ways than one outside of our assignments as working on this reignited that sense of determination and joy in my flow. It took time which is honestly where I'm happiest personally. Not the quickest at what I do generally with Art but I've learned to use that as a strength. This piece was created on bristol board using various pencils and fine liners. I love how smooth bristol board is to work on as it offers a slight sheen to finished work but is very durable for layering most mediums.
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UPDATE: a second request so I drew up another one!
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k00319173 · 21 days ago
Printmaking (inspired by scale painting)
Today I returned to print to take the imagery from my scar painting and apply it to an etch as we did another dry point etching workshop, I made the etch resemble the tower tarot card as it represents chaos and a situation of doom to come which is a very familiar feeling to those with anxiety and ultimately leads to panic attacks.
Firstly we started by making some monoprints to come up with ideas for our etch.
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Then I picked my two favourite ideas and decided to combine them. I preferred the zoom in on the window but the border and text of the tower image.
I then etched these onto the acetate.
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The first print I did was too light and so I left more ink the next time which turned out much darker and moodier.
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Then I took a scalpel knife and cut out fire shapes from red and orange crepe paper and layered these sticking them together with wallpaper glue. I like the effect that this added it definitely made the print look different and gave a different mood.
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I noticed I had made a mistake with the number on the top which read IVX instead of XVI and also felt like the piece still looked a bit bare so I used a little bit of purple crepe per over the number and wrote it on top. It looks less empty there now but I don’t know if the colours compliment each other totally.
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I feel as though through my exploration into panic attacks for this project I’ve moved backwards from coming out of a panic attack to during and now to before and the preliminary.
I hope to finish up some more pieces by the end of the week and give my final thoughts on this project.
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k00291970 · 1 year ago
Finished Ceramic Cat House
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After the final firing my cat house was finished, and I’m so pleased with the results.
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I added my two cats to the ceramic piece, and a trail mapping out their movements.
The wire cat and trail, represents loona, my kitten.
And the wool represents ponyo, who’s 10 years old.
I wanted this piece to convey the abundance of energy the kitten has compared to my older cat.
Loona jumps over, around and under the structure, whilst Ponyo just strolls over to hollowed out section to sleep.
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k00290024 · 24 days ago
Animation -early planning
While working on animation I was uncertain on a few aspects of my animation. One key piece of planning I needed was the environment. Where is the character? This impacts many aspects of the animation. Such as lighting and how the character moves around the environment. Since my project is about hair the thought of a barbershop. While researching images I came across the Waldorf brothers barbershop Dublin.
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Immediately the colour stood out to me. There was a balance with the complimentary colours of the pink towel against the green chairs. These have always been colours that stood out to me. Initially they were the colours I wanted my Riso print to be.
One important decision I wanted to make was how hair would look in my works. Overprint is an effect I want to take away from my print workshops. I became aware of this effect from riso print and screen print.
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Overprint occurs when you print onto an existing colour. I find it very visually appealing. It would also aid the visuals of my animation. As the chaos of hair rapidly growing would be more apparent with the more visually chaotic overprint. This would be especially effective if the rest of the character and environment were coloured normally.
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Coming up with ideas for scenes, I began looking at scenes in the Castlevania art book. Such as these illustrations (pictured above) from Justin Kauffman and Sam Deats. The use of 3d space in the first two was utilised very effectively. The scenes look dynamic even without any characters being shown. The use of the buildings geometry leads your eyes through the scene. Lighting is also used very skilfully. It creates a softness and the use of contrast between the light and shadows highlight important details in the digital drawings.
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I took this information and quickly sketched out my ideas. I started planning how I’d fill up the scene, from the chairs to the window paintings. I really wanted to use my research to create the space. Trying out a different more loose style of drawing I made the character with red hair. I tried multiple styles of hair but ultimately I want to reattempt this as it doesn’t fit the print style I wanted. I don’t think this was a waste though and I do like the shapes and expressions I drew.
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k00325977 · 1 month ago
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I realize most of these are American companies, but I know some of y’all use Amazon etc so please consider participating and sharing this around.
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