#movement project
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k00325480 · 25 days ago
Epithet Erased - Art Study
Epithet Erased is an Indie Animation by Brendan Blaber also known as JellloApocalypse about a girl named Molly who lives in a world where some people are inscribed with an Eptithet. That means some people have a soul word which allows them to have certain abilities, for example Molly has the Epithet called "Dumb" she can silence/mute others and simplify things or other epithets aka she can dumb things down.
Now what stood out the most in the short animated series is the way it is animated, instead of animating everything out in the series most is just told through sprites being moved which makes it more like a game than an animation at times. Health reduction numbers also appear when getting hit or attacked. This gives it also a more lighthearted vibe.
It is a style that stands out quite a lot and also something worthy of notice is the specific storytelling audio-wise it uses with characters explaining their actions in the third person. One of my thoughts about that fact is that it is reminiscent of reading out loud script during practice just instead of having someone else read the stage cues, each character reads them out loud for themselves and another thing is that it reminds me of movies with deaf audio subtitles, it makes the show seem very inclusive while by making each character read their own actions make it sound like a fun little gimmick.
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Also here is the playlist on YouTube for 7 episodes and the first six chapters of the book that follows the story after the seven episodes
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pypedreams · 15 days ago
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+ Dance sketch: doubt in red +
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k00319658 · 28 days ago
Artist Reaserch: Edward Twohig
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Edward Twohig, an Irish artist, who specialized in drypoint etching influenced me this week for my use of drypoint print and inspiration directly from nature. I like his simple but affective use of etching, and how the effect of movement flows through his artwork. In the third piece his use of leaves surrounding the moonlight is captivating and makes me want to create more drypoint prints in the future.
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k00297602 · 1 year ago
Movement Project - Artist Research, Q Hayashida
Q Hayashida is a Japanese manga creator known for her works such as Dorohedoro and Dai Dark.
In one of her rare interviews, Hayashida reveals that she is a mixed media artist who uses whatever media she ‘feels like in the moment.’
The chaotic, sketchy, raw and colourful look to her art works harmoniously as she depicts her gory and dark but funny stories.
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I love her usage of gouache, watercolour, ink and pen, majority of the time mixing these media together in the same piece creating a layered texture reminiscent of grime, reflecting the apocalyptic settings often found in Hayashida’s manga. Matching her colours, line weight and compositions to fit each scene and its tone is highly impressive and a source of inspiration for myself since I first read her work Dorohedoro many months ago.
Her character design is also equally interesting. Dorohedoro’s cast including the protagonist, Kaiman, a man with a lizard head searching for the sorcerer who cursed him, mypersonal favourite being Jonson, a giant realistic cockroach and plenty others, diverse, well-written and designed human characters. I can’t forget the monsters, each with unique personalities highlighted by their designs, brilliantly adding to the horror aspect of her works.
Lastly, my favourite technique Q Hayashida uses to instil discomfort, is her use of repetition and massive spaces, infinite crowds of monsters showing the viewer how powerlessness feels and drawing giant empty settings, such as a department store where the protagonists are stuck in devoid of all life, which perfectly matched the unease the characters she wrote were feeling.
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k00320518 · 1 month ago
movement - graphic design: intro to illustrator
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This afternoon Sharon gave us an introduction to Adobe Illustrator. We focused on copying a Bauhaus style poster as seen above.
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This is my final version from our step-by-step explaination.
It was useful to familiarise with this software. I found working previously with other Adobe software made this considerably easier.
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k00318579 · 21 days ago
In the morning, I quickly added the finishing touches, particularly eyelashes to the close up of an eye, and assembled my frames. However, I still need to do some editing, as I want to create a loop and use the intended song as the background.
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k00321695 · 28 days ago
Artist Research: Abby Howard
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Abby Howard is a comic artist and a game developer who co-founded Black Tabby C. She had worked on the game slay the princess and Scarlet Hollows both as the artist and one of the game developers for it. The comics that Abby creates tend to be small slice of life type comic where as her games tend to heavily lean into visual novels.
I quite enjoy her sketchy style for slay the princess and the boiling effect it had. I really want to try and emulate it as much as I can digitally. I really enjoy her character designs for each princess swell and I find each one has a lot of character and personality despite being all the same person you can tell each one is very different from the other.
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k00324003 · 2 months ago
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Yves Klein
Yves Klein's investigations into pure colour, especially blue, have made him famous. In order to create distinctive monochromes that sought to elevate art into the world of pure, atmospheric experience, the artist exclusively used his trademark, patented colour, International Klein Blue. His work was crucial to the growth of mid-century movements like Minimalism and Conceptual art. It also included sculpture and performances in which naked, painted women acted as Klein's "living brushes." Klein was mostly self-taught and the son of two painters.
Syliva suggested a book to me that contained many artists and Yves kleins stood out to me. I have been using his work as a basis of inspiration throughout this whole project. I enjoy he’s way of creating movement through imprints of the human body which are his female body prints. Of course his signature colour makes everything so eye catching but also creates a sense of natural elements such as water or the sky.
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k00317221 · 2 months ago
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Live figure drawing/painting
I attended the life painting workshop today. We were limited to a palette of one hue in three different values. This helped me be able to focus on the values i needed to portray the subject.
We were instructed to focus on the values of the wall behind the subject, the floor beneath the subject and the subject separately. This allowed me to be able to focus on how those things looked as an object within themselves despite their context.
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k00323570 · 26 days ago
Body art idea
I was exploring Pinterest and then noticed this: [https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/875950196274384183/]
That reminded me of Lana Chromium, a body makeup artist who transforms bodies into something magical with makeup: [https://www.instagram.com/lana_chromium/]
And then it hit me—what if I ask one of my friends to be my victim for body art too?
It would perfectly portray my theme of love and obsession, both metaphorically and physically. Drawing on someone’s body is like love marks—you leave your mark on another person, claiming them.
I'm thinking about the design I want to create, which is going to be gory, in line with my themes of blood, affection, and physical movement.
I’ll need to brainstorm ideas for that.
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k00325480 · 21 days ago
One of the scenes I particularly looked forward to and was curious to try out to animate was the scene were one would see Lysis looking at Loop but only see Loop through the glass' reflection from Lysis.
I have seen such transitions a couple of times whether it was with mirrors, windows or glasses and if it was simply there to show it was reflective or to reveal something further. They always did kind off catch my curiosity
So when I came to the realisation that creating the entire initial plan was a tad too ambitious for me, I definitely wanted to give this scene a go even if simplified with a still image of Lysis and Loop.
It certainly looks cool for a first try but I can also see its flaws. Perhaps if I had more time I could have looked for more references or such scenes to see how others have done it. One can see Loop but she fades away quickly as well, next time I would try to make sure one could perhaps see the majority of her for a bit instead of just single strands and pieces as well as think how to show the Jellyfish inside a bit or do both to then compare which one is better.
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I always went back and forth between animating the jellyfish and the glass reflection shine.
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k00290699 · 22 days ago
Sculpture and Combine Media
Mountain Range finish
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This is one of my favourite projects so far, I feel very emotionally connected to it, because it represents a lot of my migration journey, as I ripped the fabric apart and saw it back together it represents the way I feel like a part of me is ripped away when I leave Chile and my family, and sewing it back together represents me try to pick myself up and try to build a new life here by myself
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k00321183 · 22 days ago
[6/3/25] final animation project
This is my finalised version of my animatic. I preferred to try and move out of my comfort zone and make a digital animation, which for starters I've never animated before and I am not so common with using software for art. It is the first so I would say it is not my best i could probably do, especially having made it on a free software instead of adobe due to not having full access to a laptop.
My idea for this animation was sticking with my words from the start of my project, so I used the word control. I thought the most perfect idea would of course be puppets, finding it such a simple but different idea. My character has awoken inside some sort of theatre with these freaky characters watching it awake. It's held by this green sort of creature, being controlled. It's held by this sort of string and is just being played around with Infront of the crowd. The character is struggling and is scared, trying to move but not being able to, in some sort of paralysis. They give up, knowing their body would remain to be controlled. It plays back in to some sort of restriction like previous parts of my project.
There are a lot of things I would change for this animatic but having made it using just my hands and a tablet I would say I am fairly proud of myself for this. The animation elective I would say was one of my favourites, So many different techniques to learn and just interesting throughout. I wish I would have had more time to make more animatics but hopefully I will and will invest in some sort of digital pen :D
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k00297602 · 1 year ago
Movement Project- Painting
Painting of a tin of sardines, done with gouache on card board cut-offs I got from a local frame shop. Afterwards, I cut the painting out with a scalpel and posed it on a cutting board with a knife.
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While painting I thought about how being caught, killed and shoved into small tin with the rest of your family, would probably be quite the horror story for sardines… but also the movement of the circle of life, spending your whole life eating smaller fish and plankton just to one day be consumed by a human, who picked you and the rest of your fish buddies up in the local supermarket.
Well thank god I’m no sardine.
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k00320518 · 1 month ago
movement project- Scale Painting: small scale
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Working off of this photo I took last year that fits well within my subject theme of birds.
The connecting thread between my paintings has been the birds themselves, possibly form + shape and also the wires present.
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I used a small piece of hessian that had already been painted white. I kept the normal edge of the hessian as I like the rough look to it and the seam adds character. Due to impatience I did this piece really quickly, painting the background the day before, adding the tree.
I problem solved on how to carefully do the wires. I had thought to try use the hessian twine string to print the lines on but I found it easier to simply tape on the painted string. I later glued it down with PVA. I think it looks more interesting like this with a minor 3D element.
Photographed the colour looks less accurate to my photo.
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Here it is in comparison to my A3 painting (which is kind of like a medium size if it were included in the scale series as a third painting)
I must get a photo of it compared to the crane painting
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k00318579 · 24 days ago
After the tutorials on Adobe Animate and Premiere Pro, I started working on my animatic. I completed most of my frames and added some in-between frames to enhance the understanding of movement. Once I had that done, I compiled everything together. I feel a bit self-conscious about the final animatic being only 30 seconds long, but I never intended to create a long animation, and my focus was to ensure I could delve deeper into the project.
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I believe in the importance of not only the visual but also the auditory aspect. This is one of the reasons I decided to pursue animation, as it offers more tools for experimentation. While editing the animatic, I used the song "The Lobotomy" by Maebi in the background. A friend of mine suggested it had a similar uncanny atmosphere to my animation, and I agreed it was a good fit.
Initially, I intended to have no transitions between different shots, believing it could be more cinematic sort of, but since the animatic is quite rough, I felt that smooth transitions were necessary. Overall, I’m happy with how it looks. The only adjustments I would make would have to occur at the storyboard stage, I still feel there isn’t enough variation in the angles, and maybe the body transformations weren't exaggerated enough. Regardless, I still plan to create a proper master shot and fully animate one part.
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