#LGBTQ representation
thepopsicle · 11 hours
Hey guys!💜
Danny Motta made a community post in regards to his video about DBDA!
Let’s send him some positive feedback and let him know we appreciate his hard work!
Community post link
Video Link
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A Vi Arcane Season 2 edit to Haiden Henderson's new song with the newer fighting footage released.
Tbh this may single handedly be the quickest edit I've ever put out. 👀
🎶 Haiden Henderson 'Sweat'
Also up on Tiktok under @jackobonhwa.
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realsafari · 2 months
I have a transmasc friend who lives in an unsupportive environment, and I really want to help him out. He isn’t misgendered as female, but is told that nobody should have to use his preferred pronouns (He/They) because they aren’t used to them, and that ‘for good public image’, he should use They/Them only when he ‘must advertise his gender to the public’.
Obviously I’m pissed as FUCK, because this is exactly what I experienced (and still experience) as a young transmasc adult. I know firsthand how shitty it feels to be told that your identity doesn’t deserve respect or acknowledgement because ‘people aren’t used to seeing you that way’.
The main message of this post: ANYBODY who adds a note, whether liking, reblogging, or replying, will have their username written down in a notebook that I will send to him to show his family. If you reblog/reply with a supportive comment or tag, I’ll write that too under your username.
Please and thank you all ❤️
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
The fact that Good Omens S2 was SO QUEER.
Not Just Maggie and Nina (and Lindsey)
Not just Aziraphale and Crowley
Not even just Gabriel and Beelzebub (who is NB)
But the magician shopkeeper and his trans/NB spouse who wore a fancy early 19th century dress to the ball.
Job's son who was flirting with Aziraphale (hilariously played by Ty Tennant giving Michael Sheen heart eyes in front of his dad lmao)
Even the tough macho man in Scotland that Aziraphale borrows the phone from - using it for "Grindr".
Plus of course Michael, Uriel, Muriel, and Dagon also all being non binary/gender queer characters.
With all this, there was no homophobia, no one batted an eyelid at any characters sexualities, sexuality wasn't even brought up, characters just are who they are and like who they like. Its a non issue in the GO universe.
AKA my favourite type of queer representation. The same type found in The Sandman (show not comic).
And whilst there was plenty of drama and not everyone gets a happy queer ending (YET) there was no queer trauma to be seen. No hate crimes, no "bury your gays", no stupid discussions about how HARD it is to be out of the closet in a bigoted world, because the GO world isn't bigoted.
I know we have similar experiences in The Sandman, In OFMD, and even in WWDITS, but each time a new show takes this very new approach towards queer representation I feel like I'm once again sinking into a comforting hug from someone I love, who loves me back.
Its just really fucking wonderful to see. I hope we keep seeing it more and more often.
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radios-silent · 1 year
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The way charlie just says "no" so calmly
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
Shoutout to all Asian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Bruneian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Burmese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Cambodian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Filipino LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout all Hmong LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Indonesian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Laotian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Malaysian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Mien LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Singaporean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Timorese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Thai LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Vietnamese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Afghani LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Armenian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Azerbaijani LGBTQ+ folks.
Shout to all Georgian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Kazakh LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Kyrgyz LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Mongolian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tajik LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Turkmen LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Uzbek LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Chinese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Japanese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Korean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Okinawan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Taiwanese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tibetan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Bangladeshi LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Bhutanese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Indian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Maldivians LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Nepali LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Sri Lankan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Pakistani LGBTQ+ folks.
Take pride in it all. Your culture, your identity, it’s all so beautiful. Celebrate where you are from and who you are. It makes you you, and that is something to be proud of.
post for Pacific Islanders, post for Middle Easterners, post for Oceanic folks , post for Hispanics, post for Africans, post for Native Americans, post for Caribbeans
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 6 months
Actually one last thing before I go to bed so I can deal with the consequences of my actions later but
My biggest issue with the queer community is they need to learn how to take a win.
You heard me.
It’s like no one can celebrate anything anymore. One of us gains a few more rights in a country and others will say “it’s not enough”
We know it’s not. But let us breath for a moment. Let us cheer for a moment. Let us celebrate without guilt tripping people.
I can never see a post about “XYZ happened and it’s good!!” Without at least one fucking person being like “yeah well XYZ is happening and it’s negative.”
Be fucking happy
Take a fucking win
Even if it’s a small one
And use those as fuel for the next step
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brandyschillace · 7 months
The Forgotten History of the World’s First Transgender Clinic
I finished the first round of edits on my nonfiction history of trans rights today. It will publish with Norton in 2025, but I decided, because I feel so much of my community is here, to provide a bit of the introduction.
[begin sample]
The Institute for Sexual Sciences had offered safe haven to homosexuals and those we today consider transgender for nearly two decades. It had been built on scientific and humanitarian principles established at the end of the 19th century and which blossomed into the sexology of the early 20th. Founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish homosexual, the Institute supported tolerance, feminism, diversity, and science. As a result, it became a chief target for Nazi destruction: “It is our pride,” they declared, to strike a blow against the Institute. As for Magnus Hirschfeld, Hitler would label him the “most dangerous Jew in Germany.”6 It was his face Hitler put on his antisemitic propaganda; his likeness that became a target; his bust committed to the flames on the Opernplatz. You have seen the images. You have watched the towering inferno that roared into the night. The burning of Hirschfeld’s library has been immortalized on film reels and in photographs, representative of the Nazi imperative, symbolic of all they would destroy. Yet few remember what they were burning—or why.
Magnus Hirschfeld had built his Institute on powerful ideas, yet in their infancy: that sex and gender characteristics existed upon a vast spectrum, that people could be born this way, and that, as with any other diversity of nature, these identities should be accepted. He would call them Intermediaries.
Intermediaries carried no stigma and no shame; these sexual and Gender nonconformists had a right to live, a right to thrive. They also had a right to joy. Science would lead the way, but this history unfolds as an interwar thriller—patients and physicians risking their lives to be seen and heard even as Hitler began his rise to power. Many weren’t famous; their lives haven’t been celebrated in fiction or film. Born into a late-nineteenth-century world steeped in the “deep anxieties of men about the shifting work, social roles, and power of men over women,” they came into her own just as sexual science entered the crosshairs of prejudice and hate. The Institute’s own community faced abuse, blackmail, and political machinations; they responded with secret publishing campaigns, leaflet drops, pro-homosexual propaganda, and alignments with rebel factions of Berlin’s literati. They also developed groundbreaking gender affirmation surgeries and the first hormone cocktail for supportive gender therapy.
Nothing like the Institute for Sexual Sciences had ever existed before it opened its doors—and despite a hundred years of progress, there has been nothing like it since. Retrieving this tale has been an exercise in pursuing history at its edges and fringes, in ephemera and letters, in medal texts, in translations. Understanding why it became such a target for hatred tells us everything about our present moment, about a world that has not made peace with difference, that still refuses the light of scientific evidence most especially as it concerns sexual and reproductive rights.
[end sample]
I wanted to add a note here: so many people have come together to make this possible. Like Ralf Dose of the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft (Magnus Hirschfeld Archive), Berlin, and Erin Reed, American journalist and transgender rights activist—Katie Sutton, Heike Bauer. I am also deeply indebted to historian, filmmaker and formative theorist Susan Stryker for her feedback, scholarship, and encouragement all along the way. And Laura Helmuth, editor of Scientific American, whose enthusiasm for a short article helped bring the book into being. So many LGBTQ+ historians, archivists, librarians, and activists made the work possible, that its publication testifies to the power of the queer community and its dedication to preserving and celebrating history. But I ALSO want to mention you, folks here on tumblr who have watched and encouraged and supported over the 18 months it took to write it (among other books and projects). @neil-gaiman has been especially wonderful, and @always-coffee too: thank you.
The support of this community has been important as I’ve faced backlash in other quarters. Thank you, all.
NOTE: they are attempting to rebuild the lost library, and you can help: https://magnus-hirschfeld.de/archivzentrum/archive-center/
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and-fishing-equipment · 5 months
literally no one makes gay characters like neil gaiman. he just wakes up in the morning like "time to make a gay little guy" and then i go look at the guy and i'm like "this is definitely a gay little guy" without fail. truly no one does it like him.
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
shout out to people who have complicated/complex genders
shout out to people who are genderless
shout out to people who don't use/have labels to describe their gender
shout out to people who are still questioning their gender /gen
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thevillainsfangirl · 1 year
There are some ships that you just know would be 100% canon if they were an M/F ship, and that's mainly what pisses people off the most in these situations.
It isn't just about the ship; it's also very much about the homophobia (whether the creators know it or not) that is preventing the ship from being canon when they otherwise would be.
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bigbeanbear · 8 months
I don’t really understand how some people can interpret Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship as “sisters” or “uninteresting” if they have finished Hazbin Hotel Season 1 completely, because Chaggie’s love languages (both mutual and unique ones) are so obvious.
Their mutual love language is obviously “Physical Touch”. From the start, their hands are on each other constantly. Sure, they are not a PDA couple like Moxxie and Millie, who like to passionately tongue kiss in public, but they LOVE holding hands to support each other. Plus a lot of small gestures like touches on face, shoulder and thigh, just come very naturally to them like an old married couple. I think they enjoy their more intimate moments in private, as Charlie kisses Vaggie on the lost eye in their bedroom, or they deep kiss in an empty hallway.
When it comes to the unique ones, Charlie’s giving love language to Vaggie is “Gifts”. Even when she rants about Vaggie hiding big secret from her to Alastor all the way to Cannibal Town, as soon as they are in Rosie’s emporium, Charlie lands her eyes on the souvenir section and immediately picks up that keychain doll that somehow resembles a chaggie love child for Vaggie. Also, I think it’s possible that the red bow and eye patch that Vaggie wears all the time were gifted by Charlie too, considering how the red theme symbolizes Charlie, especially in the pilot, these things are the only red parts on Vaggie contrasting her own grey/white color theme. Giving gifts showing how much Charlie loves Vaggie makes sense, she’s super rich as the Princess, and Vaggie owned nothing when she was left in Hell. So I definitely think Vaggie appreciates and cherishes all the small gifts from Charlie.
On Vaggie’s side, her unique giving love language to Charlie is “Act of Service”. She manages the hotel for Charlie, supports Charlie’s dream no matter what, and swears to protect Charlie with her life. It also makes sense, considering Vaggie had been a faithful soldier for years, being in service for the person she loves most just comes naturally from her. Again, Vaggie had nothing when she was left to die, so she devotes her whole body to Charlie. I can see that it’s kind of unhealthy to Vaggie’s own psyche, since she sees no value in her own being and feels worthless if she cannot be useful to Charlie, but I think it is something the show might explore in the future. Charlie seems to enjoy receiving service from Vaggie too, she appreciates how much Vaggie’s done for her, and considers them as a team with herself leading and Vaggie executing. Vaggie is very good at materializing Charlie’s plans too. I don’t see anyone analyzing this, but Vaggie’s persuasion of Carmilla is pretty well done that efficiently gets to the weakest spot of Carmilla. Vaggie is the one that acts.
Chaggie is not the perfect sapphic couple, but what makes them kind of outstanding is them being a deeply-in-love stable couple beyond the initial crush and honeymoon phase. I like having such representation like them.
Btw, the script writer of episode 3 and 7 highlighting Chaggie’s relationship is Ariel Ladensohn, who is a lesbian in a stable relationship irl, so I have some faith that the show can do Chaggie justice in the future seasons.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I like how in this era of excellent queer TV to replace the SuperWhoLock era, each light hearted comedy show of the trio has a dark queer mirror. Black Sails is to Our Flag Means Death, as Interview With The Vampire is to What We Do In The Shadows, just as The Sandman is to Good Omens.
I do find it odd how in each pairing its the supposed light hearted comedy show that has emotionally devastated its audience so far though...
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elysiarte · 1 year
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something, something, something, we win!🤘🏻
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
Shoutout to all Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Native Hawaiian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Samoan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tokelauan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tuvaluan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tahiti LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Tongan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Guamanian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Chamorro LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Mariana Islander LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Carolinian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Palauan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Yapese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Chuukese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Pohnpeian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Kosraean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Marshallese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Fijian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Papua New Guinean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Solomon Islander LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Māori LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Rapa Nui LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to Uvean and Futunan LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Cook Islander LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Kiribati LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all West Papuans LGBTQ+ folks.
Take pride in it all. Your culture, your identity, it’s all so beautiful. Celebrate where you are from and who you are. It makes you you, and that is something to be proud of.
Post for Asians, post for Middle Easterners, post for Oceanic folks, post for Hispanics , post for Africans, post for Native Americans, post for Caribbeans
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esperastra · 1 year
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random avalance gifs [18|∞]
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