theorderofthetriad · 2 years
y'know, i feel like if spotify made the playlist specifically for me, i should really be allowed to fucking edit it.
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Call Me Baby
SDC x SDC!GN!Reader
Summary: The Stardust Crusaders need to know why you called them by their name.
Warnings: Takes place in JJBA part 3, Jotaro's kinda of goes past part 3 cause I wanted to lolol, established relationships, slight misuse of a Star Platinum??? (I say it's the only right way to use a stand buuuuuttt......), I'm pretending like Suzi Q was never in the picture (love you queen, but your husband is hot so you can travel with Lisa-Lisa) but yall are free to do as you do, the slightest mention of spice, Iggy is a PET/DOG only
Word Count: 760+, 680+, 560+, 700+ , 760+, 450+, Total: 3.9K
BABYDOLL Youtube | Spotify
Taglist: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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Jotaro Kujo 😒🐬
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Jotaro will never admit it, but he loves that you call me baby/babe
At first, he grumbles and tells you to stop but the more you do it, the more it grows on him and the less he’ll complain
When the other Crusaders get on him for it, he’ll tell them to shut the hell up as he simply grabs your upper arm and drags you further along and away from them as they cackle like utter fools.
He’s been through all the teasing and continues to let you call him that silly-ass pet name even when he utterly dislikes it (Errrrrrr--fake. He lies to himself)
So when you call him by his name on a random Tuesday afternoon he doesn’t know what to make of it
What the hell were you doing calling him by his name?
He won't respond and continues to read his book in the living room of your shared home
You’ll call for him again, thinking he didn’t hear you the first time
but this time he’ll turn his sharp, green eyes up to look at you from underneath the visor of his hat
“Who the hell are you calling for?” He asks, letting his irritation get the best of him. You just blink because what is he talking about? It’s only the two of you here. Who else would you be calling for?
“Your name is Jotaro, isn’t it? I’m calling for you so get your ass up and come help me with this. I can’t reach--”
“No.” He simply says, returning his eyes to his book. You grit your teeth and stare daggers into him, trying to think of what the hell he was going on in his mind--what the hell he was playing at
“Jotaro.” No response. “This isn’t funny.” A flip of the page in his book. 
You march over to him with a huff of annoyed air, the book he’s trained his eyes on snapped shut with a simple movement of your hand. You leaned down, placing a hand on the armrest next to him so that you could look upon the entirety of his flawless face under his hat.
“Remember what we’ve gone over together about telling each other our feelings because some of us would prefer to bottle it up and storm around all grumpy?” Those green eyes snapped up to look at you again.
“You’re starting to piss me off now.” You give him an all too bright smile, bringing your other hand up to pat his cheek in a way you knew would only piss him off further.
“Aww see, Jotaro. That’s not so hard.” You tease only for his hand to grab hold of your wrist faster than lighting, yanking you closer so that you see his displeasure up close and personal. 
“You’ll stop calling me that right now.” You blink in utter confusion at his gritted-out words.
“Then what am I supposed to--” It clicked then what he’s so worked up about. Why he keeps insisting you not to use his name. It makes your heart flutter to think that he might actually like being called by that pet name. “Oh--oh you sweet thing.” You purr in teasingly, only making those eyes of his hardened further. His grip on your wrist tightened. “You just want me to call you my baby, right?” 
Jotaro lets you go then, going for the closed book in his lap in his own unique way to end the conversation there. Oh, but you are fully invested. You weren’t going to just drop it as you might usually do. No. Not when he’s put on such a show for you. 
“Baby,” You say, lowly, stopping the books to travel upward. You watched his shoulders relax at the pet name. Such a small release of tension you hadn’t even noticed added before. “Can you please grab the tupperware from the top cabinet for me? The one with the red lid? I need it down so I can pack some goodies for your mother when we go to visit her tonight.” 
“Fine.” He said, going to stand from his seat, but you kept him caged in. You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed over your face as you looked over his features, which he always tried to keep oh so emotionless. 
You leaned in, placing a quick peck to his feather-soft lips. 
“Thank you, babe.” You said, moving away so that he could stand. 
“Good grief.” He grumbled, sounding and looking all so annoyed, but he couldn’t control Star Platinum from popping an arm out to give your hand a quick squeeze.
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Joseph Joestar 🏃‍♂️🛬
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He’s calling you babe/baby
You’re calling him babe/baby
He hasn’t given you a choice in the matter and neither have you
It’s second nature
It’s his and yours second name
So when you call him by his first name, it can only mean one of three things
1) You’re in his arms moaning it for all to hear and making his already too-big ego even bigger
2) he’s dying/in danger and you're screaming at him to not be as such
Or 3) you’re completely and utterly furious with him and are about to murder him
But, as he’s joining the other Crusaders all gathered in the hallway of the hotel room they had picked out and hears his name growled out like it had come from the lips of some great bloodthirsty beast, he knows he’s about to get completely wiped from the face of the earth by your hand 
“OH MY GOD!” Joseph shouts, heart coming to a full stop in his chest. “Hide me! Hide me now.” He all but begs to the group.
“What? Trouble in paradise?” Polnareff teases as Joseph grabs for his arm.
“What the hell did you do now, old man?” Jotaro asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“I don’t know!” Joseph just managed to get out before the door to your hotel room swung open with a bang. He gives a shout in fright as he pulls Polnareff in front of him in an attempt to hide himself. 
“Joseph Joestar.” You fume, marching down the hall towards the group. 
“Last name too. Huh.” Kakyoin observes from where he stood next to Jotaro. 
“Get your ass over here. Right. Now.” You hiss, shoving Polnareff out of your way. The Frenchman began to laugh hysterically, unable to keep it down any longer.
“What? You’re gonna have to speak up, my sweet honey bunch, sugar pie, love of my life. My hearing isn’t how it once was.” Joseph panicked, reaching for Avdol’s arm only for the fortuneteller to move out of the way. 
“Forgive me, friend. This is your battle alone.”
“But--but--” A hand grabbing hold of his shirt froze him in his place. “B-baby…hey. Mornin’.” He said, slowly turning around to face your wrath. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today? No?” He gently unraveled your fingers from his shirt to hold it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Just--look at you. You take my damn breath--”
“Joseph.” The man gave a sharp gulp at his name spoken in such a threatening way.
“Yes, sweetness?” He said, trying to soften your anger one last time with pet names and caresses against the skin of your hand.
“What is the one thing I have asked you to stop doing time and time again?” Joseph’s brown eyes flickered towards his grandson as he thought. Jotaro only pulled his hat further down his head to keep himself out of it. 
“Uh--not to use your hairbrush?” You shook your head. “Not to…eat your snacks?” Yet another shake of your head. 
“Nope. Want to take one more guess?”
“I--Do I want to?” Joseph said with a nervous laugh. 
“Next you’ll say: Sorry, babe. I was in such a rush this morning I completely forgot to not use your hair products because my hair could never be as beautiful and luscious as yours.” You said all too sweetly in the face of such anger you had been presenting.
“Heh, heh…babe, you know that's my lin--OH NO!” Joseph shouted, as you yanked him down, knocked his hat off his head, and gave his hair a good ruffle to mess up all the work he had done using your products. 
“Don’t do it again, Joestar.” You hissed, in his face, now sporting a too-cute pout. It made your anger bank the slightest. You could never resist that face, even when he drove you utterly crazy. “Find us a good breakfast place baby, and I’ll forgive you.” Joseph’s face instantly brightened and he placed a big, old smooch on your cheek. 
“You’re in luck, baby because I know just the place.”
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Muhammad Avdol 🔥🦅
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He’s not going to be the biggest when it comes to calling you baby/babe
But please go ahead and call him baby/babe
He loves it
He loves it so much he finds himself doing more and more romantic things for you just to keep pulling the pet name from your lips
He’ll shower you in flowers and small gifts and forehead kisses and praises all to have you call him baby
When he’s feeling more goofy or happy, you’ll find him calling you baby/babe right back
So on the rare occasion you call him by name, he can’t help but feel disappointed
“Have I done something to upset you?” He’ll ask softly, brows furrowed as he focused his whole attention onto you. 
“What? No. Why would I be upset with you?” You asked, turning to face him fully, your own concern etched onto your face. “I was just asking for you to pass me another napkin.” 
“Oh.” Avdol mutters in a small voice you hardly ever heard him speak in. He hadn’t even heard your question, just the utter lack of the pet name. You watched him carefully as he grabbed a napkin from the small pile the waiter had brought the group. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you.” You said, taking the napkin from his warm fingers. He turned back to the food on his plate, taking his fork back into his hand but making no move to begin eating. 
Had you done something to upset him? 
You couldn’t think of a single thing that might have done that, but something was clearly wrong. You reached a hand out to brush your knuckles over his cheek, gaining the attention of those bright brown eyes of his. He leaned into your touch, giving you an all too pinched smile. 
“What’s up?” You asked, moving you knuckles over his cheek once more. 
“Nothing. Truly. How are you liking--” “Hey--stop. Tell me what I did, okay.” You watched him pause, eyes taking in yours before his hand came up to keep yours against his cheek.
“It’s silly.” He said and you could see the slight embarrassment rising in his features. 
“I doubt it. You can tell me.” He gave you a lovely smile, squeezing your hand gently. 
“You said my name. I told you, it’s very silly.” You knew what you’d done instantly. 
“Oh baby, I’m sorry.” That smile of his only grew at the pet name. “I--you’re name is just so beautiful I just want to use it here and there.” You felt the skin of his cheek grow even warmer at your words. 
“Geez--can you two get a room.” Polnareff huffed from where you sat beside Avdol, arms crossed and a deep pout on his lips.
“Jealous?” Avdol teased the Frenchmen with a rumbling chuckle. “I don’t have any doubt you’ll find someone to call baby soon.” You couldn’t help the smile that pulled to your lips at the flutter of happiness in your chest. 
“Me? Jealous? Never.” Polnareff contiuned as you moved to take Avdol’s hand within your own. You brought it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss his skin. Those brilliantly bright eyes turned back to find you once more at the touch. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured against his skin. 
“I love you too…baby.” He said a small smirk on his lips that had a small laugh pull at your throat.
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Noriaki Kakyoin 🍒💚
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He’s not used to the whole relationship thing
So don’t expect him to instantly be calling you baby/babe 
He might not even say it all, feeling too--strange saying it
But go ahead a call him baby/babe
He likes it
No--no he loves it
He especially loves it when you call him baby/babe when excited
The spark in your eyes as you jump and giggle and call for him using that pet name to show him whatever had gotten you this excited is addicting to him
It's especially addicting when you take his hand in your excitement 
So when you call for him using his name, he’s frozen in his spot looking towards Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, and Avdol for help
Because they might have more insight into the situation than he ever would hope to have
“Oooo--you’re in trouble now.” Polnareff teases, making Kakyoin’s anxiety spike in his chest as the Frenchmen elbows Advol playfully, though the fortune teller made no move to help or laugh. 
“T-trouble? What did I do?” Kakyoin asked, racking his brain for anything he could have done to upset you. 
“Beats us bud.” Mr. Joestar added, his own snickers adding to Kakyoin’s stress. “I’m sure you’ll find out.”
“But--I didn’t do--” You call his name again, cutting off Kakyoin’s frantic rush to figure out what might be wrong off. He snapped around to find you all but bouncing down the street towards the group, Joatro following behind in his typical unhurried state. Kakyoin tried to catch Jotaro’s eye, to try to keep figuring out why you might possibly be using his name, but his friend kept the visor of his hat down. 
“Y-yes?” He asked as you came to a stop before him, a bright smile on your lips. 
You didn’t seem upset. You looked all too happy to be upset…but maybe it was a trap of some sort? Maybe you were trying to get him to drop his guard so you could better shout your anger at him. 
You paused in what you were about to say, brows furrowing as you took in his panicked and stressed state. 
“Something wrong?” You asked, only making the snickering from Polnareff and Mr. Joestar harder. You took in this and then his state and felt anger begin to build in your chest.
Had they said something to him? If they had, oh were you more than ready to give them hell. 
“Kakyoin, what happened?” He seemed to sink into himself, eyes winching as he scanned over your features, which were growing more and more pissed by the second. 
“I-I don’t know. I think--did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
“Do something wrong? Why would you think you did something wrong?” You asked, placing a hand on his arm in comfort. 
“I don’t know. You just said my name and I don’t know--” He gave a deep sigh, looking away from you as embarrassment began to creep into his eyes. 
“Wait--You’re name? That’s why you think something’s wrong? Because I said your name?” Kakyoin glanced back at you, a small shrug on his shoulders. 
“You only ever call me baby.” Your heart hurt a bit when he finally expressed what was truly bugging him. 
“I’m--no I’m not upset at you. I like your name. I like calling you baby. I like both so I just--switched. I’m sorry sweetheart.” You said, rubbing his arm to try and soothe him. Kakyoin seemed to relax, a smile pulling at his thin lips. 
“O-oh…I feel a bit silly now.” You pulled a bright smile to your lips as you shook your head.
“No. Baby, I don’t think so at all.” That stress continued to ease within Kakyoin and it only made you even happier. “Especially when you have those two idiots whispering in your ear no doubt.” You said, shooting them a daggered glare that had their snickers turned into their own panic. 
“Come on, I found this little tea shop that’s selling a cherry tea you need to try. It’s to die for!” You said, moving your hand down his arm to interlock your fingers within his. Kakyoin was more than happy to take it and follow you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff 💔🗡️
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Deep inhale…
He needs you to call him every last pet name in the world and then some
And he’ll do it back
He’ll do it back SO MUCH LIKE
It’s in his DNA. He can’t help it. It needs to be said right alongside every other pet name and praise he can think up 
He’s bursting at the seams every morning to wake up and whisper a “good morning, baby.” against your lips 
And he’s just as excited to whisper a “good night, baby.” before you two drift asleep wrapped in each other's arms
He melts into a puddle every time you call him baby/babe
Like--just puddy in your hand
So when you say his name--not even his first name--he’s completely coming apart at the seams panicked.
“Mon coeur, what have I done to deserve such harsh treatment?” He cried, tears brimming in his gray eyes as he grabbed your hands up in his own. His lips peppered each with kisses, flipping them over so he could do the same thing to your palms and inner wrists. It was a flurry of kisses that had your slight annoyance ebbing in your chest even when you fought so hard to keep it. 
“You didn’t take me with you to grab supplies.” You played up your anger with a humph, turning your face away from his utterly forlorned one. 
“Forgive me, please. You were sleeping so peacefully. Like an angel. Mon Ange.” His kisses continued to travel up your arm. It made your skin tingle and your heart begin to beat rapidly in your chest. 
“When have I ever cared about you waking me up, Polnareff?” You said his name only to pull a mournful cry from his lips. “What if something had happened to you? What if you had gotten hurt? Hum? What then? That would kill me.” Polnareff’s lips left your skin only so that he could pull you into his arms, trying his best to find your gaze but you continued to look away. To turn him into a near whiny mess as you crossed your arms, preventing him from pulling you flush against his chest. 
You were serious about him going off on his own. He should never go off on his own while on this journey. Not when he had been attacked while all on his lonesome one too many times for your liking.
“Je suis désolé. Please forgive me.” You peeked a glance his way, keeping your features and eyes stern compared to his pleading, pouting face that nearly had you breaking down and forgetting about the whole thing.
“Promise me you’ll never do it again.” Polnareff nodded, pulling a hand away from you only so he could stick a pinky finger up. 
“I pinky promise, mon amour.” You eyed his pinky, then his big old puppy eyes and gave a soft sigh. Your pinky found its way around his and he gave it a gentle squeeze, which you gave right back. 
“I’m serious. I don’t know what I would do if you got--really hurt.” You said, feeling your heart twist painfully at the thought of your best friend and the love of your life getting more than hurt. Polnareff’s soft, needy features shifted suddenly into that of complete and utter seriousness as he leaned in closer to you. 
“I will try my best to keep myself safe, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe above all else.” You watched him for a long moment. Watched him and just felt your love for him grow with each passing second. 
You gave in fully then, pulling your hand away from his so that you could gently cup his cheeks. You stood on your tippy toes to press a soft, tender kiss to those warm lips of his. Lips that had stars bursting behind your eyes and making you feel like you were standing on top of the world. He sighed into your kiss, holding you tighter against him and never once threatening to let go.
“Amour?” He questioned, keeping his forehead pressed to yours. You opened your eyes to find that soft, needy look had returned. 
“Please call me baby. I cannot take it any longer.” He begged, a deep blush crawling over his cheeks and neck. You chuckled, rubbing circles into his pink-dusted cheeks. 
“Baby,” A bright smile pulled at his lips, his grip pulling you ever closer. “I love you.”
“Je t’amie.” He whispered before claiming your lips all over again.
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Iggy 🐕💨
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Give him some coffee-flavored gum while you do and you’ve got yourself a loyal companion for life
Will only let you pick him up, pet him, and scratch his belly once you’ve gained his trust
He’ll grow so loyal he’ll start getting a bit possessive of you if any other the Crasuders make you upset or threaten to even touch you
Their hair
Their lungs
Invaded with the foul smell of a ripe fart
Call him a baby while he falls asleep in your lap 
Please call him a good, sweet baby
He’s ugly and a bit of a menace but he just needs someone to be gentle and sweet to him
“Whose the best baby boy in the world? Hum? Who is?” You ask as you pepper kiss upon kiss to his ugly little face. Iggy's little tail is waggling so much it's moving his whole body in his excitement. “The most handsome baby boy in the whole world.” 
“The most handsome? Hardly.” Polnareff huffs from where he sits next to you on the ground, arms crossed and eyes staring daggers up at the dog. “Have you seen me? I’m a cute baby boy too.” He huffs, making Iggy pause in his excitement. 
“Polnareff, you are fighting with a dog.” Polnareff growls. 
“That is no mere dog. No. That’s a devil. A foul beast come straight from hell itself to torment my innocent soul.” Polnareff hisses making you roll your eyes. 
“So mean to the itty bitty baby.” You said, voice turning back into that of a coo, placing another smooching kiss on Iggy’s stubby muzzle. Though, Iggy had now set his buggish blue eyes on Polnareff. 
“What’s he looking at?” Polnareff asked, panic rising in his voice.  
“What? This baby? He’s just looking at you. Probably wants a pet.” Polnareff’s eyes fly wide as he rushes to his feet, trying to create as much distance as he can between him and the dog. 
“Keep the demon away from me and my hair. I just fixed it.” He all but whined as Iggy began to wiggle in your grip, a growl on his lips. 
“He hardly did any damage. He’s just a good baby.” You said, loosening your grip on the short-haired dog. 
“Hardly any damage!” Polnareff shouted, taking on a defensive stance. “He tore it out!” You huffed, patting Iggy’s round belly as he continued to pull himself from your grip. 
“It wasn’t that--” Iggy shot from your arms and latched onto Polnareff’s face, becoming a storm of teeth and farts and growls that had you wincing in pity for the Frenchman, who shouted and screamed away. “…bad.”
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serafilms · 10 months
song 35! candy (nct dream) + nishimura riki (spotify wrapped event)
honestly, today's the day, i’m gonna break up with you, i’m going to go see you, hope you'll understand
closest to a happy niki fic we’ll get i guess 😢 but happy birthday to the coolest guy on the planet (a year younger than me and still eating up my whole life’s achievements in one fancam) 🥳 requested by @sammm5225
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“I love you.”
Riki freezes. What. Why did I say that? Did I just say that?
He did, in fact, just say that, and his face flushes as yours does too.
Well, he has to commit to it now. “I love you,” he repeats.
Your cheeks redden even further and he can’t help but feel his stomach flutter. “I love you too,” you say, and Riki knows he’s absolutely fucked.
Because there’s no way he just said that, not now, not the day when he was supposed to break up with you.
Nishimura Riki woke up this morning with a warm feeling in his chest. He felt different today. The sun was shining on his face and the air was crisp and he felt light as his feet touched down on the floor. It was a good day, as good a day as any, but something was different about it. He checked his phone and saw a text from you.
Y/N: hii are we still on for today??
Right. Your date at the park today. He felt a twinge of guilt. He totally forgot about that, if he was being honest. He realised now that he’s barely even thought of you the last few days. Was that why you were asking?
Part of him wanted to cancel, because at that moment, Riki just didn’t really want to be around you. Not that he dislikes you, but he thought he’d rather stay home and just chill while watching a movie, or go to the dance studio or play football with his friends.
Riki looked at himself in the mirror in his room. His eyes shifted to the polaroid stuck in the top left corner. It was a photo of the two of you. You’re both smiling and you have a peace sign up next to your face, while his arm is looped around you and his hand is pinching your cheek on the other side.
He smiled at it with some fondness, but even that wasn’t enough to stir his heart. Nishimura Riki is not the type to make impulse decisions. But he does like to base them off of the logistics, and the fact was that he didn’t think he felt anything for you anymore. He still cared about you for sure, and he hoped that you’d still talk sometimes, but the jig was up. The expiration date on your relationship had passed and he thought that today might be the day to throw it away.
He picked up his phone and sent a quick affirmative text. Short and sweet, but not enough to make you think he was super excited for it. Because he was not excited, of course! What kind of psycho would be excited to break up with someone?
“But it is a beautiful day,” he admitted to himself as he walked down the street. The park wasn’t too far from his house, and he wanted to enjoy the time to himself on this lovely walk. Then, as he walked under the shade of a tree, something dropped right in front of him. He looked down and saw a tiny puddle of white and green liquid, right in front of his shoe. Bird poop. Riki stared down in disbelief. Well, thank god it didn’t land on him. They say this is good luck anyway, or something like that.
He stepped over it with a wrinkled nose and continued to walk down the street with his hands in his jacket pockets. By the time he arrived at the park, he could already make out your figure waiting on a bench. You were wearing a parka and your nice jeans, and your hair was neatly styled, and Riki felt a little bad that you put so much effort in. He’d try and let you down easy, he thought.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Riki, hey!” you greeted him with a pretty smile and stand to meet him. When he approached, he felt a jolt of shock when you grab his hand and lean towards him. Before he could stop you, you’d kissed him square on the mouth. Something tickled at his heart and he blinked in surprise before regaining his composure. Okay, this is fine. You’re fine, Riki. Be normal.
“I- uh, do you wanna go get some ice cream?” he asked. Yes, back on track. He’d get a jump on the gun so once he’d broken up with you, you would already be equipped with some dessert to console you. Maybe that’d soften the blow.
“Sure,” you beamed.
Riki led the way to the ice cream truck. He ordered your favourite for you without thinking, and regretted it instantly when you gave his hand a squeeze and leaned into his side.
“Aw, you two make a cute couple,” said the ice cream vendor as he handed you the ice cream.
“Thank you,” you said back.
Yeah, thanks a lot, ice cream guy, Riki thought bitterly. This was not going to be easy. But he knew what he wanted, and he had to stay strong.
As the two of you made your way to a spot under the tree where you usually sit, he steeled himself. He could totally do this.
His ice cream was left untouched as you both sat on the grass and he looked at you happily eating away. Okay, here goes nothing.
“Hey Y/N? I need to talk to you about something.”
You looked a little surprised at his sombre tone but you nodded anyway. Riki’s heart was beating very fast and he’d starting to panic a little bit. Okay, a lot. God, I’m about to go into cardiac arrest. He could see the headlines now. Nishimura Riki dies of heart failure at 18.
He looked out at the park, the grass green, the sun shining above him. The sky was so clear, so beautiful, and his heart seemed to stop for a moment, almost as if being rebooted before it started back up at a mostly normal pace. Something shifted inside him and he wasn’t sure what it was, but he was turning and looking at you and suddenly you looked like the most beautiful person in the world.
Your eyes were wide and glistening like some sort of anime character and your lips looked so pink and kissable, and now his mouth was opening before he’d even realised it.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He’s speechless. You’re blushing and he can feel himself doing the same. Well, he messed that up. But it’s okay. He can work with this. Nishimura Riki swears he will never leave your side again. That’s a promise.
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insomniumstella · 2 years
as we slowly die (4) | bucky x avenger!reader
summary: Steve’s silly joke happened to inspire the best, or possibly the worst, idea Wanda had ever come up with — send James Buchanan Barnes and y/n on an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii. the problem? they cannot stand to be around each other.
warnings: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, explicit language, alcohol consumption, sarcastic!bucky
word count: 4,620
taglist is down below (please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list!)
author's note: i cannot believe we're at chapter four already ahhh. also, thank you for all of the love and support, it means the world! this series has been too much fun to write. i cannot wait until we get to the end, if you've peeped at the playlist you might've noticed some steamier songs on the bottom for the last chapter — i fear they've given me too many ideas haha
series' SPOTIFY playlist
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The third day in Maui had started eerily serene. Dreamy, as if she had not yet abandoned the vivid scenarios and vibrant colors her mind had created.
She had woken up in the early hours of morning alone, with the warm sun rays that had managed to sneak past the blinds and into the bedroom dancing across her exposed skin. Furthermore, the suite’s temperature had been adjusted and the faint buzzing of the AC resembled the most glorious of music. James gave in to my complaints, she had realized, have pigs started flying too? 
He had not, however, bothered to leave a note before leaving, and she had not taken the trouble, or cared enough, to text his work phone and uncover the soldier’s whereabouts. 
The suite had a Nespresso machine with a delightful selection of coffee pods, and, as y/n lounged on the terrace, cozily curled up on one of the chairs, she couldn’t help but indulge in the faint sounds of the onshore breeze and bitter smell of coffee. She closed her eyes, committing the blissful moment to memory, and stored it deep within the chaos of her thoughts for far scarier and inevitably more uncertain times than a false honeymoon with an insufferable sergeant.
It would’ve been perfect if not for the tinges of anxiety at the pit of her stomach. Last night, she had been convinced that she was in desperate need of Steve’s advice, and, in some ways, she was. He could provide help, but could the woman convince Captain America to lie? Would he trust y/n’s instincts enough to stay silent if James admitted to reopening Elijah’s case? Shit, she realized, dragging a palm across her face out of irritation for allowing one major detail to slip past her plans. 
On one hand, she could let go of the idea that James had contacted Steve, but on the other — Steve would skin them both if he found out they had begun reinvestigating Elijah Williamson. Mark Basso, the person she craved to probe, had never been tied to the politician, as far as y/n was aware, but Steve wouldn’t need to suddenly possess Wanda’s magic to miss a blatant lie. There had to be a way to obtain information without arousing suspicions.
Wanda had been on probation since the destruction of a building complex in Paris. Natasha had left for a mission in Singapore before the Maui trip and would, lamentably, return after. Tony would be no better than Steve if he found out James and she had gone against the wishes of the justice system and the FBI. 
Sam, she scoffed at her absurdity for excluding The Falcon, Sam would know what to do. 
The coffee had been long forgotten by the time she gathered the courage to text Sam’s number. Perhaps her concerns had been for nothing. Sam was a righteous man, yes, but he was also y/n’s floormate, and the two would often find themselves in the middle of trouble. The fun, laugh-until-we-can’t-breath kind of trouble. Though it was not the foundation of their bond, the pair’s mutual dislike towards James had led to countless nights of free-flowing tequila and extensive conversations. Sam was a compassionate friend and an incredible soldier who, unlike the captain, trusted y/n’s abilities and judgment entirely. It was never Steve who she had needed. Sam had been the answer all along. 
BEST AVENGER: Sam! I’m in desperate need of a favor. 
BEST AVENGER: I’ll do whatever you want. 
Anything was not a word she’d often use when it regarded offers, but if he’d gather the information she needed to prove her theory, there was a slim chance of y/n performing anything Sam wanted of her.  
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: I want my laundry washed, ironed, and folded for the next month.
Except for that. She had bribed Rhodey to do laundry for her years ago. It had been surprisingly easy, considering he enjoyed a particular Portuguese dessert, and y/n, as a fan of pastel de nata herself, had the best spots in New York to obtain said dessert memorized. Rhodey would receive a bag of pastéis de nata, and, in return, she’d receive her laundry washed, ironed, and folded week after week. The woman doubted Rhodey would agree to do the same for Sam as the Falcon had been an avid pastéis de nata hater. 
BEST AVENGER: we can negotiate the terms when I get back. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: what do you need? 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: if this is about Thomas, I took him out.
BEST AVENGER: who’s Thomas? 
Confusion clouded her features. Thomas, Thomas, she searched her brain for anything until it hit her, fuck. The last few days had been too hectic to remember Thomas, the compound’s weaponry assistant, inviting y/n out on a date to a nearby dive bar with incredible appetizers and dirt-cheap cocktails. The bar would never be treated as the best place for dates, but she had fallen in love with it, including Jennifer, the bartender, who’d ring her vodka Red Bulls as single-shot cocktails and pour two shots in the concoctions instead. 
BEST AVENGER: never mind, except for the part of you TAKING HIM OUT?!
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: it was a manly date. We drank beer and ate nachos. Watched a football game. He’s a pretty cool guy. Why’d you ghost him? 
BEST AVENGER: what is a ‘manly’ date?
BEST AVENGER: also, I forgot.
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: you have to apologize when you get back. I’d love him as a brother-in-law.
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: and don’t worry about it.
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: I thought you needed a favor?
I should apologize, she silently agreed. Thomas was a man not only kind but beyond funny. She had stayed up for hours to talk to him, and though she had found herself being lectured by James the next day when she could barely keep her eyes open during a meeting, y/n had not regretted the decision. Thomas and his witty jokes had been worth it.
BEST AVENGER: please look up Mark Basso. Send me every file you can find, any photos or security cam footage, especially if he’s near Elijah Williamson. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: Elijah Williamson? 
She could almost hear the interest in Sam’s tone as she raked her eyes over the words.
BEST AVENGER: pinky promise to not tell Steve? 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: if the laundry will get washed, pressed, and folded for the next month, yes. 
Tony might give into y/n’s innocent eyes and distressed monologue of ‘we need to hire a housekeeper, so the world can get saved’. He had to because she texted Sam back without giving the action much consideration. 
Sam’s reply came several minutes later, proving the minor of her concerns. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: wanna tell me the reason why you’re interested in a former HYDRA operative?
She did, except there was no way to reveal her outrageous theory of Elijah Williamson and Mark Basso without terrifying Sam, so the only response she could think of sending was limited to a short and simple —
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It was deep into the evening when she had abandoned the suite. 
The single time James had returned, y/n had been on the terrace, basking in the sun and scanning over the room service’s options; he had disappeared as hastily as he had come. It shouldn’t have bothered the woman, she had tried to not let his behavior disturb her peace, and yet … it did.
A sole greeting would’ve sufficed, an acknowledgment, whether surly or amicable, would’ve lifted the weight off her heart, but James had chosen radio silence as his weapon. It had been a foolish mistake to wonder whether something between them had changed. 
It had not. 
She needed a break from the break or the vacation Wanda had fooled her into. 
Wanda and Steve would decidedly receive a lengthy monologue of ‘what the fuck were you two thinking by sending James and me on a fucking honeymoon in Hawaii’ when she got back. She had always refrained from cussing too much when Steve was in earshot, but desperate times allowed desperate measures. 
The past two days had been the opposite of y/n’s expectations. Had she expected margaritas, scorching sun, and below-average pizza in the 24/7 lounge? Yes. Had she foreseen being roped into the eminently criminal lives of Elijah Williamson, Mark Basso, and the unfathomable reason why would the two take interest in Steve Rogers? She would’ve predicted a truce with James Buchanan Barnes before she had anticipated the disaster. Or sex. She would’ve envisioned sex with James before she would’ve forecasted the mess they had gotten into. Not that y/n would ever want to have James naked, sweaty, and hot from sinful activities, of course. Absolutely no. 
She forced her mind to return to the problem at hand. Steve Rogers was an intriguing man, a mere science experiment in the forties, a true hero in modern times, and crowds of people desired to meet him. However, a corrupted politician and a former HYDRA officer? As soon as they had entered the suite after enduring the yacht party, she had wondered whether it was a lighthearted chat over a beer they’d want from him, and each thought had led to the answer of definitely not. She had also pondered over Bucky and his muscular arms, but that she’d rather not remember, for the shame would consume her whole. Get a grip, she had scolded herself then. 
Mark Basso and Elijah Williamson as formal acquaintances would be the best-case scenario. The worst scenario she could conceptualize had been Mark and Elijah hoping to recreate the super soldier serum. It had been the fall of HYDRA, and it would be poetic for it to be the beginning of a new wave of criminals. It’d also explain Elijah’s interest in The Winter Soldier rather than in James.
That was her final theory — Elijah and Mark desired to produce super soldiers. She had decided it was far better than James’s ‘HYDRA exists’. It only needed the answer as to what the two had been planning on using the super soldiers for and what crimes had they already committed. And proof. It desperately needed evidence.
Sam had confirmed Mark to be a HYDRA operative, but he had also observed that Mark had been marked as deceased. He had gone through heaps of files, each identifying the man as deceased or missing, dating back to seven years ago. She hoped Sam would find the footage from the gala in Germany. It had taken place two years ago, she was certain, for she had attended. The database had to contain fraudulent documents. 
Sam had a unique method to the madness, but y/n trusted him on the field, and she trusted him to meticulously search through complex databases. He’d contact her soon, and, in the meantime, the perfect opportunity had presented itself. It was as if her intuition had led y/n to a secluded area on the beach just south of The Maui Resort. 
She trailed after the sound of music, ducking palm leaves. The sun had long fallen, and the icy touch of the sand clawed at her bare feet. Jordan, the woman remembered, the party’s tonight. She would not describe her worn-out tee and tiny shorts as party attire, but it’d have to do.
“Hi!” Jordan abandoned the lounge chair, weaving around people on the bamboo deck. “She remembered.” She had not realized their height difference until he was standing in front of the woman, looking down at her with a boyish grin. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Hi.” She returned the grin, studying his drunken expression. “I like the braids.” It was an honest compliment, and she returned his embrace when he hugged her as a thank you. 
“Appreciate it.” His smile showcased his teeth this time. “I like the shirt.” 
“Thank you.” She spun around to showcase the vintage AC/DC tee she had thrifted almost four years ago and cocked her head to the side. “I don’t usually wear oversized tees to parties, but it might’ve been the correct choice.” Playfulness colored her tone as she referred to his bare chest and lounge shorts. 
“It was.” The boy nodded. Though he had mentioned recently turning twenty-four during the anniversary dinner, she decided he’d do a great job at blending in as an ordinary freshman at college. It might’ve been his carefree attitude at the core of it all. 
“Mmmh,” she watched him through hooded eyes, holding his stare before her eyes dipped lower. 
His skin was scattered with tattoos, intricate art pieces, and tiny doodles adored most of his upper body, resting on the lean muscle of his biceps, adonis belt, and pecks. The ink was on the verge of blending into the golden brown of his skin, creating a strikingly beautiful contrast. 
“Let me get you a drink,” Jordan’s hand slid to the small of y/n’s back as he led her further into the backyard, “can I get you a drink?” He questioned, flashing another grin when she perched on the terrace’s wide railing. Hints of cockiness had infiltrated his tone.
“Yes, please.” 
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James had zero recollection of the path he had taken to wind up at an unfamiliar house. One moment he had been at the Hale ‘A bar, drowning his solicitudes in dirty martinis, and the other, his own body had stopped listening to his commands, leading the way against Bucky's wishes. 
Fairy lights bled a soft glow onto the cozy couches and the tiny kitchen on the first floor of the house. The backyard was decorated with lights too, James could see through the window, from where he was sprawled out on the cushions. His body had taken him to The Maui Resort’s staff party, a place in which he shouldn't have been, yet decided upon staying in anyway. 
This morning he had woken up at the crack of dawn, laying motionless as he listened to y/’s shallow and uniform breathing. He had taken a peak at the woman, her figure deep in peaceful slumber, before slipping into the bathroom and swiftly abandoning the suite altogether. 
James had silently cursed himself out for the heavy silence between them. It was, partially, on him, but she had not made an effort to text him either. Forced conversations had been the norm for years, and yet the pair had strayed far away from the shared standard in the past two days. A line had been blurred, both had sensed it. Perhaps he had been a fool to indulge in fictitious hope of the relationship between them ever shifting. The two were not destined to become friends, James would never want to be friends. It was best they stayed somewhat professional, balancing on the line of nemeses and cordial co-workers. 
“You look like a gin and tonic kind of guy,” a redhead pushed a drink into his flesh hand, “god,” she sighed, plopping next to him, “I hope you’re a gin and tonic kind of guy.” 
James was a Thor’s Asgardian ale kind of gal, favoring the only alcohol, which could effortlessly provide him a pleasant buzz, but the woman’s expression reeked of insecurity, the hue of her eyes overflowing with doubt. 
It was evident she found James attractive from the way she’d play with the ends of her fiery waves to the way, she scooted closer and closer until the space between them had vanished. Though James didn’t move a muscle to push her away, the closeness between him and the stranger was fairly uncomfortable. It had been more relaxing to have y/n, the last woman he’d think of for such an occurrence, sit on his lap. Her sun-kissed skin had been remarkably soft against the soldier’s, her thighs a perfect weight to rest atop his own, her nimble fingers subconsciously drawing patterns on his forearms the most peculiar of comfort. Get a grip, James, he winced at the direction his mind had taken, you cannot find y/n attractive. 
“I am,” James lied through his teeth, wondering whether the woman had recognized him as the Winter Soldier. 
“Good,” she nodded, propping a bent arm on the couch’s backrest. “You look awfully familiar,” the redhead drained half her drink, “have we met before?” 
James sincerely hoped they haven’t, for it would mean she had encountered the version of him James preferred to keep under wraps these days. 
“I doubt it.” He shrugged, staring at her. 
She was an undoubtedly gorgeous woman, and she wanted him. The redhead desired James, and it was the strangest emotion. He could never sweep his past as a ruthless assassin under the rug. She, presumably, had not identified James as such, and yet he couldn’t allow himself to believe she, or most women for that matter, would crave him. 
Except for y/n. He had permitted himself to accept that y/n had wanted him by the way she had repeatedly clenched her thighs on the god-forsaken boat. It might've been delusional, he understood, but if she had not squirmed in his lap for the reason of lust, what else could it have been? 
Anxiety, you big buffoon, James scolded himself. The disgraceful thoughts of y/n would one day be the end of him, and the soldier feared the day might be closer than he could envision.  
“Maya!” A deeper voice rang through the room. It was Jordan, the waiter, James recognized, who was leaning against the doorframe. “Where are the mics?” 
The redhead jumped from the couch, rummaging through a woven basket before waving two microphones in the air. James stared at the man, attempting to distinguish the figure behind him. He could not see the person’s face, but dread washed over James as soon as the woman giggled. 
“I love karaoke,” she admitted, drunkenly holding onto his waist, “can we sing Life Is A Highway?” The sound, which slipped past y/n's lips, was muffled, and James guessed she had rested her face against the waiter's exposed back. 
Jordan stepped aside, reaching back to catch y/n's forearms in his tattooed hands before he tugged her in his direction to clear the doorway and make room for someone else, a guy less intoxicated.
"Jordan!" A sound from the deck slithered inside. "I think you two should stop with the drinks!" He called out, popping his head into the room to rake his eyes over Jordan's figure once more before disappearing. 
"Alright!" Jordan called after him and focused his attention on y/n, a lazy smirk painting his expression. "Yes, we can," he squatted down to mess with the TV, a tangle of cables, and the pair of microphones, "and we should." 
Though the house, both inside and out, was crowded, she’d undeniably notice James, cheeks flushed, shirt wrinkled from when he had hurriedly dressed in the morning without ironing the clothing article. Unless, of course, the state of her mind was beyond heavy tipsiness and bordered on harsh intoxication.
“It’s only the best song ever,” She giggled again, leaning against a dresser, her eyes fixated on Jordan’s hunched form. 
James had never seen y/n loosen up as if the world outside the territory of the staff house did not exist. As if every single one of her worries held no weight at that moment. As if he was not sitting just a couple feet away from her, the redhead breaching his personal space, her head lazily resting on his flesh shoulder. She wouldn’t care, he thought, why should I? 
“Lick It Up by KISS is a close second,” Jordan chuckled when the karaoke app on the TV belatedly turned on, the screen glowing dark purple. “Right above You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC.” He offered her a microphone.
The woman took it without hesitation, turning her back to James entirely.
“You did shake me all night long,” yet another giggle slipped past her lips, her drunken movements far slower than customary, “and I loved it.”
James had zero clue of what the comment could reference.
“C’mon,” Jordan chuckled, clicking on Life Is A Highway in the app, “it was the least I could do after that bastard husband of yours abandoned the anniversary dinner.” He narrowed his eyes, lost in the memory. "I suppose he did show up, but what kind of a man is almost an hour late to meet his wife for a celebratory evening?"
“No!” Maya, the redhead next to James, gasped. “Are you married?”
She stayed silent for a beat longer than she should’ve. “Yes," the innocent piece of fiction rolled off y/n's tongue.
“And your husband missed a fourth wedding anniversary celebratory dinner?” It was a mess of a sentence, but James had a sober idea the gin and tonics were to blame.
“Partly,” she replied, gawking at the TV — the track was about to play, "he arrived late on purpose and,” she blurted out before the white letters had the chance to turn yellow, indicating it was her time to sing, “I’m considering a divorce.”
It was apparent the two had either consumed more alcohol than their limits supported or were too preoccupied with one another and the karaoke to notice James, the abhorrent husband, sprawled out on the sofa. 
"How can a man get married," Jordan commented, eyes glued on the screen in front of him, right arm loosely draped across y/n's shoulders, "and treat his wife in such an outrageous way is beyond me." 
"Agreed," James chimed in, exhausting the red plastic cup of the gin and tonic, "the husband is a jerk." The sound of his voice was louder, bolder. 
She didn't notice his presence or, perhaps, she did, and solely pretended to miss Bucky's distinct tone. Perhaps Life Is A Highway had consumed y/n's attention, too. James would've never deemed her as a great singer, but then again, he had never heard y/n sing, the man observed as she stayed on key, effortlessly hitting all of the notes.  
It was only Maya, who acknowledged James, mumbling a low “mmmh.”
Jordan's hand snaked down to y/n's waist, and James averted his gaze to silence the ugly emotion some tended to describe as jealousy.
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"I found a water bottle in the mini-fridge," his voice was a meek sound in the night's wind, "placed in on the bedstand in case you'd need it," she didn't speak when he dropped into an empty seat on the suite's terrace beside her, "you look rough." 
You look rough, she replayed the remark in her head and chuckled, surrendering into Bucky's sarcasm, for it was an understated statement. The staff party, while fun, had not been kind on y/n's appearance, though the woman couldn't care less as the memories, if she could remember any in the morning, had been worth it. The night had been rich in alcohol, music, and dance. 
A silence settled between the pair. She sought to establish a description best fit for the stillness, yet every acceptable name would die on the tip of y/n's tongue. 
The moment sanctioned James an opportunity to forget life outside Maui. To care for y/n by ensuring she had water and a brisk bedroom to sleep in. To abandon the emotions, she had been familiar with and showcase his inner self that had never desired war in the first place. 
It was James who disturbed the peace, "have you always been carefree, or have I been too big of an asshole to notice?" 
She laughed, the sound of it boisterous and genuine. "I am everything, but carefree," her tone was firm, calculated, mournful even, "but the world continues moving forward as we slowly die." 
Carefree was a foreign word in her vocabulary. The woman had not been a carefree agent nor a carefree friend, always concerned over problems that were not her own. Her heart had always been y/n's greatest strength and worst weakness, she realized, staring into Bucky's curious eyes. It might be the vodka speaking, she considered, but I could be nicer to James. In the past, she'd rather perish into dust than involve herself in anything regarding the soldier.
"We are dying," he observed, "every last one of us." 
"It's the cruel truth of the universe," she nodded, bringing her knees to rest on the woven chair, "we experience living in parallel with death." It was the harshest of jokes. "If I notice a rare opportunity to melt away stress and lift the weight of saving the world off of my shoulders, why wouldn't I take it?" The question was one of the rhetorical kind. 
The burden of rescuing the world and its residents would inevitably break y/n into unsalvagable pieces one day, but, it was also a remarkable reason to push forward. 
"When I sneeringly suggested we kiss yesterday," the corners of his mouth turned up into a weak smile, "it wasn't an invitation." 
The woman gasped, amusement glimmering in her eyes, and spoke before James could clarify the sentence, "I would never take it as such." 
"Outstanding," he cocked his head to the side, eyebrows raised in merriment, "but the remark wasn't all sarcasm," his fingers mindlessly picked at the loose strands of the chair's cushion, "I don't hate you." 
And there it was — a second observation for y/n to add to her mostly blank image of James Buchanan Barnes. The former soldier was vulnerable, despite his icy exterior suggesting otherwise. 
"I don't hate," she began declaring and hastily paused, thinking her next words through, "alright, I do hate you," Bucky's mouth fell open in faux shock, but she continued before he could bite back, "but you break me in training, and you snitch to Tony whenever I drive his stupidly expensive cars, and you bring Rhodey pastéis de nata, so he'd stop doing my laundry," she hiccuped, drunkenly eager to list further reasons. 
"It hasn't worked yet," James admitted, "I'd guess there are a lot more arguments for your disdain towards me," the sentence, though not formulated as such, rung through the night as a question. 
"You'd be correct. You hid Natasha's favorite suit and blamed it on me. Who does that?" A soft punch landed on his bicep. "That was an exceptionally low blow, Barnes, even for you." Playfulness colored her tone with hints of resentment clinging to it. 
"Yes," there was no shame in the sentiment, "but you knew I was lactose intolerant when you switched out the milk." 
She giggled under her breath, "oops." The word held no guilt. "Besides, I am James Barnes intolerant." 
A tender sigh slipped past his lips, "how about a truce? I carry you to bed, and you never touch my almond beverages ever again?" James suggested, taking notice of y/n's heavy eyelids as she attempted to appear awake.
The answer had not been a sound but rather an action. The woman outstretched her arms, suggesting Bucky's almond milk would remain untainted if her body would soon reach the comfort of the suite's bed. 
It did. She had fallen asleep as soon as her figure had ended up in James's arms. 
Sleep tight, he thought, retreating back to the couch and abandoning the sinful idea of sleeping beside y/n on the single bed in a massive bedroom, for tomorrow's hangover will be brutal.  
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@legohe4rts @missvelvetsstuff @browneyedgirl22 @gr33nleo @thatrandomcatoverthere @fiftywhore1 @buggy14 @nt-multi-fandom @physically-im-fine @marygoddessofmischief @fuckthealarm @nyutasgirl @cjand10 @stokzr @jesterstrange @youtubersshipper @oneshotofvodkaa @emily-roberts @desert-fern @itsyellow @love-of-less @melissareadsstuff @mcucatlady @xxwritemeastoryxx @lilbloggs @ambrosia1846 @verrahigh @skittle479 @she-wolf09231982
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gallapiech · 2 months
nurse, she's got access to spotify again.
thank you @mybrainismelted for tagging me in this :) rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! 🎶
@heymacy @roryonic @jrooc @stocious @spookygingerr
@spacerockwriting @transmurderbug @transmickey @creepkinginc @thepupperino
@lee-ow @lingy910y @burninface @deathclassic @doshiart
& everyone else that is slipping my mind rn on this late evening ♥
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swiftpolls · 24 days
welcome to my new very self indulgent series i’m calling “songs i think everyone should listen to at least once in their life” until i think of a shorter title. basically, listen to the song and then answer the poll :’)
starting off strong with one of my favorite songs of all time by one of my favorite artists of all time.
(more links below the cut if you can’t listen on spotify!)
youtube link | apple music link
please let me know if either of these don’t work or you want me to add another link <3
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latriii · 1 year
・ yang jungwon x f!reader ・ enemies(one sided) to friends ?
✶ you really disliked jungwon, he always seemed to never leave you alone whenever you two were together. ever since your teacher made you move your seat to the back right next to jungwon, all he’s been was a headache to you.
・ 3:16am when i wrote this! ・ 0.3k wc!
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You found yourself sitting closer than ever next to Yang Jungwon. You absolutely despised him, you had a decent reasoning for it though. He was always so rude to you, always in your business, and was just so irritating.
“Why the long face Yn-pookie,” the boy next to you blurted out, he had a sly look plastered across his face. He knew how to push your buttons.
“You’re causing it.” You replied, stuffing in your earbuds to ignore the boy. But knowing Jungwon, he would probably take this as an opportunity to annoy you, and he did. He grabbed your earbuds and buried them into his ears.
The melodies that were once playing in your ears were now playing in his. Understand by Keshi rang in his lobes, Jungwon knew this song, he also knew that you always listened to it whenever the teacher was lecturing the class.
“I like this song,” Jungwon said, bobbing his head to the tune.
“Are you sure because this song isn’t even bobbing head material.” You said, snatching your earbuds away from the boy. Your gaze shifted to your phone, fingers scrolling through your Spotify playlist.
Call Jungwon annoying or whatever, but this was his way of flirting with you. The thing was that you had no idea. You were completely oblivious to it.
“Let me listen with you.” Jungwon practically begged, he scotched closer to you. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils, his hair itched your forehead, and his arm slightly brushed against yours.
You two were so close. You could feel the heat of his body transferring to yours.
In this moment you had entirely forgotten that Jungwon was a complete asshole. He was now just a pretty boy next to you. Maybe being in the back seat with him wasn’t too bad after all. It was almost like a backseat fever absorbing your body.
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✶ LATRII | 2O23. do not copy or plagiarize any of my work.
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jessmalia · 5 months
From now on until I say otherwise this blog will be a TS discourse free space! I am so tired of both sides of the argument and it seems like I am the only one on here who thinks the answer lies somewhere in the middle. My circle of mutuals and people I follow tend to lean to the negative side of things, and while I totally respect everyone’s feelings and opinions, I’m tired of so many treating them like facts, cause it’s been making me feel like I’m a bad swiftie or something just because I don’t hate everything she does right now. I hate it and I’m done letting anyone make me feel like that anymore.
My life’s kind of taken a dip lately and both the TTPD release coming up and the Eras Tour concert I’m going to in May are the only things making me excited for the near future right now. I’m not gonna fucking ruin that by feeling guilty. So I’m gonna blog about how excited I am for the new album and when it comes out I’m gonna blog about how much I love it. Because I know I’ll love it. Not because I don’t think Taylor can do no wrong, but because the way she writes has always appealed perfectly to me. If I did dislike TTPD, I would of course be honest with that, but I won’t. If there’s one thing you can always count on from me and this blog is that I will always be earnest and I will always be loving.
I don’t wanna be defined by the things that I hate!!!! I wanna be defined by the things that I love!!!!!!!
Anyway now I’m gonna go listen to my Spotify playlist with all happy love songs (half of which are by Taylor cause she just hits that perfect spot for me) and think of all the things that I love.
Here it is if anyone’s interested:
Peace out! ✌️
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sunny-honeytears · 26 days
So I wrote this down and forgot to do it as a reblog but I'm too lazy to insert every picture again, so here is my experience with the og vienna cast recording on spotify👍 (only act1 because you'll see how much I wrote just about that)
disclaimer(ish)? I wrote every opinion while, or immediately after listening to a song, so a lot of the times I go back and correct myself, or change my opinion, but hey atleast it's authentic. Also I compare it a lot to the hungarian recording because I heard that dozens of times and that's what I am used to.
Enjoy I guess, this is a long one!
Overture: Great 10/10 i love it in every language, has a bit different vibe than the hungarian version with more bass, I like both👍
He ho he: I actually *really* enjoyed that! Alfred has a nice voice that reminds me of Héger Tibor who is my favourite Alfred so thats great 10/9 only because I prefer the edge the hungarian version has to it its just a teeny tiny bit more sharp imo, and for me nothing tops the mic peaking scream Alfred lets out there. But overall amazing so far!
Knoblauch: Fhuuuu lot to unpack here for me. I'm definitely getting used to the german, which I don't here a lot of in a daily basis becasue hehe Hungary, but I'm trying to not view it as strange therefore bad, it has a lot of great moments but I'm used to the flow of hungarian. Now, I really don't know how to feel about professor right now. If you have seen my page, I *LOVE* hungarian professor, but so far.. I don't love this version. Alfred is still cute tho, but I miss his dumb little laugh when he says the line about Magdas breasts, somehow that made me like him even more. Also, Chagal. I have a mixed but mostly positive relationship with him in the hungarian, he has a very fun way of singing changing his range all the time, but so far he irritates me sorry😅 But yeah 10/7, Knoblauch 👍
Bitte meine Herren: LOVE ALFRED, starting to like professor👍This is a kind of a nothing number because it's mostly dialouge but yeah very solid 10/8
Eine schöne Tochter: Man I really don't like Chagal😭 Just the way he sings triggers something deep ick in me. Funnily enough the hungarian version is one of my favourite songs so just for that 10/5
Ein Mädchen, : ALFRED ❗❗ IN MY BED❗❗NOW❗❗ I love his voice😭😭. Sarah is also really great, professor and chagal are...ehhh..there. Rebecca *chef kiss* And the chorus whaaaaaaa 10/10 👍👍
Gott ist tot: I....i actually prefer Egyházi Géza sorry. I knew going in that I'm going to be very biased for Egyházi Géza because well...yes. But while I didn't dislike the song, I actually liked it, nothing tops his performance for me. The hungarian version is more...what is the right word.. soft? Flowy? Really hard to explain because I'm not an expert but to me german is a harsher sounding language than hungarian and because they are both from different language families, it's hard for me to relate to something so different. This doesnt mean the german version is bad❗❗I love the chorus part it's very eerie, maybe even more than the hungarian but I still prefer that over this. Regardless 10/8👍
Alles ist hell: Love love love the start 😭 Koukol I...don't like so far but for me he really peaks in act2 so all I'll say is please don't wheeze into my ears 10/8 for the wheezing
Warheit: Yeah uh...I don't like professor. It's a very delicate matter because essentially he sings the same way as hungarian professor but **something** is missing that makes him lovable in my eyes. Also just singing "logic" is weird for me, and for that I actually prefer the hungarian lyrics which is "Ténytől tényig, ez visz az igazságig- From fact to fact this leads to the truth" but thats really not something I can complain about. I love when the others starts singing too, it really elavates the whole number to a 10/8 jegercsik csaba hit that high note better imo
Du bist wirklich sehr nett: I prefer Héger Tibor here. Somehow he captured that exact tone of being terrified but also infatuated with Sarah (and my actual flirting skills) for me nothing beats his "goodnight" at the start. Sarah is great and I really enjoy her so far so this is a strong 10/9 for me 💪
Einladung zum Ball:
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We both know what im about to say
Guys I actually prefer Egyházi Gé-🔫🔫
Amuuuugy..I like this. German fits here well and you know what this is 10/10❗❗
Draussen ist Freheit: Why is three songs mixed together here?? Okay so I'm just gonna mirror translate the hungarian names here and write my opinion in that order💪
Life awaits us outside: Alfred im still not seeing you in my bed/j 10/10 you know what? I might prefer this to the hungarian version (but just might)
Red boots: the start is way rougher in hungarian, and that i prefer, but the instrumental part is just as mindblowingly beautiful to me in both versions so I already give it 10/10 just for that👍 Also I'm easing up to Krolock, it might have been the Gott ist tot song that I didn't enjoy because this is beautiful! Still prefer hungarian but at this point are you even surprised I just really like the hungarian version
Prayer: Beautiful 10/10 without question. I love Alfred joining in, I heard it louder in the hungarian version, here I don't know if he even joins in but he probably does so I love that here too👍👍 Also in this i really enjoyed Krolock and Sarah
Wuscha Buscha: Once again in hungarian its two different songs so-
The chase of Sarah: Alfred more energy ❗ more passion❗ more energy❗ Rebecca gets it. Rebecca gets it so much. Even Chagal weirdly. 10/8
Wuscha Buscha: professor stop singing WHO SAID THAT??? I love the bit when Alfred and professor geek out together and *that* part, that part was good. But other than that professor-
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Rebecca I LOVE YOU and I hope she had a very happy life after her whole family dies <3 overall 10/8
Tot zu sein ist komisch: Now I actually don't really care for this song in hungarian so I was pleseantly surprised here. Now this is a song german suits better imo so just for that it gets a 10/10 because I finally fully enjoy the song. But its also multiple songs soooo
The chase of Chagal: I want to know what professor and Alfred say. Does professor give an F to Alfred for messing up the ribs? Do they joke around? I need to know. Alfred you are doing amazing I love you sweetie <3 10/9
By the way is it ever explained why Alfred never hits on 3? Is he just afraid or is there like another reason? Anyways back to rating
Durch die Wildnis zum Schloss: very solid 10/10 💪💪 I'll never forget when I saw it in live and heard the door open behind us, so I turned around and we stared at eachother with the guy in vampire costume like this 👁👄👁 then he did some slutty dance moves infront of us and exited and for that I respect him
Vor dem Schloss: Krolock loves yapping and is definitely not a vampire guyssss hes just emoo..This Krolock is growing on me slowly but surely but still egyházi géza grrr..
I miss the loud BOO Krolock does but we can't have it all, professors voice still gives me the ick, I like the singing but not the plain dialouge, HOWEVER
Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert
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At first Herbert was the reason I came to the fandom so just him appearing deserves a 10/10
Koukol's "bleh" deserves a bonus point its to precious
Krolocks flirting with Alfred is very beautiful very powerful so this song is a 10/10 with the added +1 of the bleh. If we dont count Herbert and Koukol, its a 9/10💪
Act 2 review is coming soon guys please don't kill me 👍
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stuckinapril · 10 months
is it bad to cut off people or avoid certain places/apps due to trauma and bad experiences?
it depends.
one thing i find flawed about giving binary takes is no actual human situation is binary. if you’re in danger, like someone abusing you physically or verbally, totally reasonable. i would never try to reason w someone who actually has the capacity to harm me. i’d just get the fuck out of there asap.
i have a way stricter moral code when it comes to people i’d consider close or at the very least good friends. i generally find it anti-ethical to cut friends off without giving an explanation. i feel like people on tiktok have repackaged it as “confidence” “cutting toxicity out” etc etc, but to me it just comes off as social ineptitude / blatant disregard for other people’s feelings. there’s nothing wrong gradually growing distant w someone, but to out of nowhere cut contact w them betrays a lack of empathy and patience. i’d never do that unless given a pretty extreme reason to. same goes w misunderstandings or disagreements: if there’s room for communication, i always choose that route. i really dislike the “we don’t owe anyone anything” mentality when it comes to people—we very much owe a lot of people a lot of things, first of all common decency. i also always try to treat people the way i’d like to be treated. if i wouldn’t want to be spontaneously cut off by someone i value without an explanation, i’m not going to do it to someone else.
as for avoiding certain things—totally valid. this will sound like a dumb example, but when my ex and i broke up i still shared this spotify playlist w him that he didn’t unadd. he knew i loved that playlist and would update it frequently. just the fact that we shared that one silly thing reminded me of him / made me think of reconciling. i don’t play that game anymore. if i want to be done w someone for good, i will clear them out from pretty much everything & obviously will never check their socials again. i don’t leave room for little things to slow down my moving on process.
i will say though that i don’t let people ruin things for me long term. i have a couple of favorite songs my ex recommended me, but just bc they came from him doesn’t mean i’ll stop listening to them. don’t let this person rob you of things you enjoy. form new associations instead, like your love for these things / maybe new memories w someone who does value and love you in the present.
if you’re tempted to hit them up again, are romanticizing them, are remembering their good far more than their bad, make a notes app list of all their shortcomings. it’s nice to have something written down to refer to for when you miss them on a lonely night or have your rose-colored glasses on. that combined w cutting contact should have you over them in like two weeks. but you have to be strict w your no contact !! no sneak peaks whatsoever. good luck friend, i believe in u
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arthuluart · 1 month
Hiii - wanted to say first thing first I love your art style, it's so dynamic and fun and those color palettes? Stunning ^^
And second thing second, just some food for thought if you ever want to get angsty about Jerry and Dean, coffee by Chappell Roan sounds like it was written about their break up specifically and I can't stop thinking abt it dndnden
*Cue me losing my mind*
Hiii- they say flattery gets you everywhere and turns out with me, it gets you animatics- jkjk but I do appreciate the kind comments ^^
I’ll put up the animatic separately and take the opportunity to leave the preamble here to keep the video post neat bc until someone tells me to shut up and just post art- I’m gonna ramble… So here’s the commentary you didn’t ask for along with my favourite panels:
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First off- You turned me into a big time Chappell Roan listener which is great bc I need music recs to fix my listening habits before Spotify wrapped drops. My roundup last year was shameful… Red Wine Supernova is my new dish washing song.
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Even tho it’s not the song’s vibe I kept the content as silly as I could for my own sanity. I don’t love getting too deep into the serious/sad side of M+L for a few reasons but I do find it all very interesting. Point being this song was too good to pass up doing something a bit bigger for.
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Ngl tho- this did have me pulling out hair at multiple points. I never colour animatics, rarely even tone them- but you mentioned colour palettes and I was determined to deliver so pardon the messy colouring but (that was the tradeoff) I did not have it in me to stay in the lines. I’m choosing to be kind to myself and opt to call it an artistic choice and not midway burnout. And nothing was gonna get me to open after effects/premiere not even the janky ass golf ball OML this only makes sense if u watch the video.
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There are parts of this I’m SO happy with and others I hate. I think it’s really obvious which sections I started losing steam on but overall I lowkey like the end product. Nothing I make will ever be good/perfect- this was one hell of a practice in accepting that lmao- but I can still be ok with the work problems and all yknow? I very nearly shelved this completely bc I got so worked up about the maybe 5 panels I dislike out of 106 total. Counting them was eye opening to ask myself: you’re gonna let that small a ratio stop you from sharing this after putting in days and days of effort? The insecurity goes deep and TBH getting asks has been a nice way of working through it since I post the art I make for answers no matter what only bc I KNOW someone out there wants to see it. It might not sound it but it’s actually quite positive.
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Also, although I feel I’ve done my fair share of reading, I’m no expert. So if anything is really off point- sorry my bad (I won’t fix it tho bc I cannot physically stand to look at this another second lol)
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I tried to stick to real things found in articles/books/photos/interviews etc bc outside of obviously fictional AUs I’m not super into making stuff up about them (and who needs to I mean the legit stuff is already insane enough) Sure I framed the events in specific ways to suit the song and some aspects are fictionalized (mainly bc the referenced written accounts lacked detail to draw 100% faithfully from anyhow) but otherwise I got my sources cited.
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ANYWAYS… sorry for hijacking this answer I need to learn to chill out. Irl I’m a pretty reserved talker so you can tell I’m in a comfy place when I let loose and blather on endlessly lmao brevity is not a skill I possess.
You were probably expecting illustrations or smth but I hope what I came up with is still somewhat alright AND please don’t let my complaining fool you, I genuinely loved making this.
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One FINAL Relevant Note: the line “nowhere else is safe every place leads back to your place” is gut wrenching. You’re so right about this song perfectly describing the break up. They always came back to each other and there’s something so devastating about that kind of haunting human connection.
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OkAY I’m done promise- I thought I’d implode if I didn’t get all that out
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
Affected By Music || modern!Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: Although Ivar dislikes the Christmas songs you listen to, you somehow convince him that they're not that bad.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1435
Authors: Rouge & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: enjoying the Christmas music
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You sat at the table, trying your best to cut a neat Christmas tree from the thick, green glitter paper you held in your hands - the task was far from easy as the paper was thick enough to be difficult to cut through, even with the kitchen scissors.  You were listening to Last Christmas by Wham! from a radio playing quietly, standing on the windowsill. Throughout the song, you weren't even aware you were rhythmically rocking your foot.
"For Fuck's sake!" Ivar yelled, walking to the radio and turning it off.
Since the morning, the song had been drilling into his brain - he was sick of it. "I will throw the radio out the window if I hear this cursed song again."
After his outburst, you stopped cutting the shape in the paper. You rolled your eyes and said, "Don't be a drama queen today. It's Christmas time! Cherish it! Christmas songs are all over the radio right now in the end, so better get used to this."
"Sweetheart, I see what you mean, but Christmas is only like two days, right?" Ivar looked at you annoyed. "And they start playing this shit on repeat a month before. It's annoying."
"It's not annoying," you replied, putting down the scissors and paper. When you got up, you walked to the windowsill and turned the radio on once more. "... but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special," the song was crooning on the radio.
In a frown, Ivar pulled out the plug to make sure the radio wouldn't play again. "I'm serious Y/N. I'm tired of hearing this song everywhere."
Leaning forward, you pulled the plug from his hand and reconnected it. "That wasn't fair! Why are you always so angry and grumpy?"
"Because it's annoying. When I'm annoyed during a game, you tell me to put on my headphones," Ivar commented. "And I do it because I respect you, so it's your turn to respect me as well."
It annoyed you when Ivar acted like that, and unfortunately he was prone to it quite often. "There's no comparison between the two. Whenever you play your games, you become nervous and show your worst traits. I respect you, but it also goes the other way, doesn't it?"
"So you can open Spotify and put on headphones, sweetheart," Ivar said with a wry grin dancing in the corners of his lips.
It hurt you to hear Ivar's words; you had worked hard to create a festive atmosphere in your shared flat, and Ivar had never been so wry toward you as he was now. "Whenever the weather cools down, I can't wait to hear Christmas music. I even listen to it in the summer when I craft or while I read, because I like this type of music, but if you don't like it, I'll switch to Spotify," you said, unplugging the plug and putting it down on the wooden floor. As you returned to your seat, you got your JBL headphones, put them on, and paired them with your phone.
It was just a stupid song and you acted like you would be locked up in the house, so he rolled his eyes.
While he was happy that it was quiet again, you started humming whatever you were listening to soon after.
You hummed with a smile; your notes fell carefree in the air around you as you were rocking your feet again, this time shaking your head from time to time.
As Ivar let out a heavy sigh, he walked towards you and placed his hand on your back before leaning forward to kiss your lips.
The reaction was unexpected for you, but you returned the kiss. You looked at your boyfriend after removing your headphones. "What was that for?"
"To stop you from humming that cursed song," he raised an eyebrow after explaining.
After exhaling, you made a sad face and rubbed your temples. "Ivar, Ivar." You stood up and went to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice before returning to your seat. After setting the glass on the table's counter, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You know what?"
As Ivar wrapped his arm around your waist, he muttered, "What?"
You began singing and rocking your hips from left to right, "Last Christmas I gave you my heart..."
"... But the very next day you gave it away," he sang along, shaking his head. "You are an annoying brat, you know that?"
You rubbed your nose against his and reminded him, "This is exactly why you fell in love with me."
"Honestly? I'm not sure if I did the right thing," he said with a sigh, furrowing his brows a little, smirking as he looked down at you.
You climbed on your tiptoes and stole a kiss from his lips, discovering with amusement that his mouth and tongue tasted like the gingerbread you baked the other day. While humming the song, you asked him playfully, "Not too much frosting on the cookies though?"
"Shut up," Ivar scoffed, wrapping his arms fully around you. Slowly, he began to rock with you, humming the song along. "They were a bit sweet."
"Despite their sweetness, you ate them all," you giggled, rubbing his nape.
"Yeah, but I'm sure I'll get sick of their sweetness," he joked.
While you rocked to the beat of the music, you nuzzled his chest and listened to his strong heartbeat.
Before saying anything, Ivar rocked with you for a moment. "I'll let you listen to those annoying Christmas songs if you keep being so cute."
"I will listen to them even if you will be angry with me," you said. "The sweeter you are, the more I would like to apologize to you."
"You're a brat," he sighed and squeezed your hand tightly. "Turn on that radio before I change my mind."
After clapping your hands, you immediately went to do what he told you.
He crossed his arms over his chest, hoping you wouldn't actually turn it on.
Soon, Jingle Bells filled the room with its rhythm and you began bouncing around to the music.
Facepalming, he already regretted that he let you turn the radio on.
Your arms reached out to catch his shoulders and soon you were dancing with Ivar.
As Ivar's hands moved down your back and rested on your ass, he murmured, "I'll never understand why people may consider all those silly, thematically similar songs during Christmas time. They are so fucking annoying!"
"Once the Christmas spirit fills you fully, honey, you will stop finding them irritating and you will realize they are sweet and they help spread that spirit all over," you told him, wrapping your arms around him.
"If you say so," Ivar shrugged lightly, but when Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You played on the radio, he closed his eyes and hissed. "No, no, not this fucking one! Sorry, Y/N, but you'll never convince me Mariah isn't annoying. Can you hear this voice? It's so shrill!"
After observing Ivar's reaction, you giggled and tugged on his thick, dark hair, causing him to raise his head, enabling you to kiss his jawline. "I have a little, angry kitten here, haven’t I?”
A sigh escaped Ivar's lips. "We could do something nice together and I'd be happy to let those songs play in the background. What do you think?"
"Ivar, what do you have in mind?"
Smirking mischievously, he tugged at your shirt. "Don't make me beg for it, you know too well."
Obviously, he meant some cuddles with a "happy ending", but you had a cunning idea. I'm sure you'll help me bake gingerbread again to compensate for the fact that you've eaten all of it apparently, and I promised Hvitserk that I would deliver a portion of it to him this Christmas."
Slowly, Ivar's eyebrows rose, and he grunted deeply. "Oh, okaaaay! But later you're mine, in all the fucking ways. And fuck Hvitty, his only ability is to eat all the time, fuck.”
Your lips were tinged with a smile. "That's true, but it's so sweet in my opinion."
"That's cute in your opinion, but you scold me every time I eat anything you cook! And you somehow don't make heart-eyes while speaking about it!” Ivar seemed to get offended.
Ruffling his hair, you asked him to follow you to the kitchen. “Let's stop talking and start baking or I’ll sing All I Want For Christmas Is You all day long!"
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alexisntedgy · 9 months
I certainly disliked the canon ending of ghosts, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have Older-Mia and the ghosts headcanons (most of these are for if she had grown up in Button House )
. Alison switching to a Spotify family account (or the 16-odd years from now equivalent) because the ghosts and Mia were sharing and the ghosts kept messing up her stats by streaming 90s girl bands (kitty) and various bad 80s songs
. She still has collaborative playlists with the more music-inclined of them though. Julian gets annoyed at the amount of song requests Cap and Kitty have for their ones, but he secretly works really hard on the one he shares with her
. Julian sends her money on her birthday (and sometimes when it’s super-not-her-birthday) through his savings account. Mia first became suspicious that it was actually just her mother’s money sent through Julian’s account when she was about 15, because how does julian have any money??? but eventually she accepts the truth- that it’s a mix of the money julian made online gambling and a little extra from her mum
. Occasionally Julian will send a larger sum of money at random, because “if giving her money makes me her favourite ghost, I’m not going to not do it”
. The ghosts are really annoying about gift suggestions for her every single birthday and christmas, and their ideas get more and more outdated and inaccurate for her age as the years go on
. She has sleepovers with Kitty and they watch terrible romcoms :)
. Mia has memories of the ghosts doing performances for her when she was a toddler, and when she couldn’t see them anymore Alison would play music for them all to sing along to, which eventually evolved into karaoke nights with specific parts for everyone
. Her favourite song to perform is the one Kitty and Cap always request, “Reach” by S-club, but that’s a top secret. she still keeps doing it in her grumpy-teenage-years because she knows it must make kitty and cap so happy (which it does)
. She found out James was gay when she was 7 and Alison made a joke to him about how he still fancies the weatherman after all those years. The conversation had been rather brief, with Cap requesting a few specific things for Alison to repeat to Mia. When Mia’s response had been “cool”, he may have teared up a little but you saw nothing
. By the time she’s 13 and has the attention span for it, Pat’s making her watch all of Star Wars. She thinks it’s okay, but she thinks it would be more okay if Pat didn’t make Julian type up a small quiz afterwards as a “fun but educational activity”
. One year in her mid-teens she got a casual job so she could save up enough money to buy the ghosts a nice christmas gift each.
. Julian emails her terrible old facebook memes and she doesn’t have the heart to tell him how unfunny they are
. They play just dance, no matter how outdated it is (although it can be an absolute nightmare when it comes to not bumping into the ghosts)
. Robin sometimes demands to tuck Mia in (although Julian has to actually do that part) and turn off the lights by himself. This goes on way past the age considered normal, but it’s one of the few ways she can feel close to robin, so she keeps letting him do it once a month or so.
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alonelystargazer · 1 month
An ask for when you get back from errands!! Could you tell me some of your headcanons about Hakuhiro and/or Shibazami ships? :D
Hi moth thanks for the ask! Sorry I didn't answer sooner, I came home late last night really tired, but I cooked something good! I'll share some headcanons for both!
This is gonna be long so I'm putting a read more. Also there's some slightly 🔞 ideas for shibazami.
For shibazami:
• This song came up on my Spotify just yesterday but Feel by Fletcher is a Shibazami song to me, from Azami's POV.
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• They seem like the type of "couple" that can never figure out what they want from each other. They're stuck in this situationship by design because neither of them wants to be the first to admit that he actually loves the other out loud, and they will keep it that way until there's an incident that makes them acknowledge that it's not worth keeping that distance between each other and they finally confess.
• Imagine Shiba finding Azami all bloody on the floor almost lifeless, and thinking he wasn't fast enough to come save him, like a repeat of Kunishige.
• Shiba got Azami hooked on smoking after Kunishige died and it becomes a bonding thing for them. I imagine Azami being the most straight-laced of the trio, so when they were teenagers, he scolded Shiba for smoking and thought it was disgusting and told him the dangers of smoking. But that day or maybe the next day after Kunishige's death, Shiba visits Azami and tells him what happened, and Azami asks Shiba to give him a cigarette. Shiba is hesitant because he's always respected Azami's dislike of smoking and never did it in front of him, but Azami is begging him to give him one now. "You said it's a stress reliever, right? Well, I think you can make an exception this time." And Shiba won't argue with him about it because it's not just him who's mourning and angry for Kunishige, Azami is too, so he takes one and lights it for him.
After that, every time they meet, they light a cigarette, and that's the only time Azami smokes.
• Speaking of smoking, they definitely do the cigarette kiss. This idea comes from that one fan art from the server hehe.
• I don't think they would do any of the typical couple things, like go out to fancy dinners or hold hands public (no PDA in general), but they do show their affection in more subtle and private ways. For example, whenever Shiba gets injured after a fight, he goes to Azami's place because he knows he'll be there and help him clean his wounds, even though Shiba is more than capable of doing it himself. It's something they picked up while in the war and they never let go of it since then.
• The one "couple-y" things they do and everyone is well aware of is that they bicker, and it's basically foreplay to them. I bet when Shiba was still in the Kamunabi, they would bicker about anything, even something mundane or pointless, because it gets them riled up and then they go to their secret hiding room to fuck.
• Similarly, your fic got me thinking that they would definitely play all kinds of games to get each other riled up and in the mood. Like the interrogation thing was perfect!
• I keep going back to the smoking thing, but it's hot! I don't personally like smoking irl, but it's really hot in fiction. And I think teen Azami would initially hate the smell of it coming off Shiba, like yeah he didn't smoke in front of him, but he still reeks of cigarette smoke. But as they get older and they get closer, Azami comes to associate that smell with Shiba, and that mixed with his sweat and whatever fancy cologne he wears is intoxicating to him. (Wait omg Azami with a scent kink?? 👀)
• The whole "they don't really do romantic couple things" was thrown out the window, temporarily when they were in the war. It was an unspoken thing between them that they wouldn't show any kind of affection, whether in public or even in private, because it would get dangerously close to them being an actual couple, and neither is willing to step over that line. Like even after they fuck, the kissing and soft touches stop. But, an exception was made when they were in the war where they would cuddle. At first, it was just a practical thing because "it's for warmth" or whatever, but they get so used to having that sensation of close comfort that it just continued, even when it wasn't cold outside. But once they came back from the war, their situation went back to their "normal" state. They both secretly miss it though.
Overall, I think they have an intense codependency that can get toxic.
• Shiba seems like he's a smooth talker and flirty, and Azami probably gets a little jealous, even though Shiba never actually goes through with dating other people. The only person who knows Shiba so intimately is Azami, now that Kunishige isn't here.
• This idea is partly inspired by one of your other fics! Shiba and Azami would look to the relationship that Hakuri and Chihiro have and simultaneously find it endearing and hopeful, but also something they wish they had. They aren't the perfect "couple" and they probably like it that way, or just got accustomed to it, but they look to HakuHiro as an example of something they could've been if the circumstances were different: a healthy, loving, and supportive couple. Kunishige was the glue that kept them together, and now that he's gone, they fell apart, and though they tried, they couldn't find a way to make it stick like before.
"Are they like us?"
"No, they're not, they're more."
This whole yap session is mostly influenced by the Shibazami hivemind, fueled by pure imagination. (I already shipped them before, but it wasn't to this level until the server spread their ideas lol)
Hokazono, give us the Hidden Inventory-style flashback already! More Azami and Shibazami fuel in the next arc please!
For HakuHiro:
• I've already said how I think they're each other's first friends, but I'm gonna go ahead and take this even further and say they're each other's first everything. They're just so in sync, it just makes sense to me.
• At the end of chapter 44, Hakuri still has that mentality of wanting to be useful or valuable to others, to Chihiro in particular. Obviously, I didn't expect him to immediately overcome that because he got a power up and stood against his abusive family, it's not an easy thing to break away from. He even says that despite everything, his father was his guiding star, but now he's lost again. I'm hoping that if Hakuri gets to be included in the upcoming arc, Chihiro will be his new guide, and over time, break out of that mentality.
IDK if that counts as a headcanon, it's just something I want to happen in canon.
• I haven't decided whether I like Shiba giving each of them dating advice unprompted is funnier or if the boys each ask Shiba in secret. If they never had friends before, they certainly never dated, and this goes in line with being each other's first everything. Now I wonder if his advice worked or not because does Shiba even have any dating experience outside of Kunishige and Azami? And the situationship he has with Azami doesn't make him an expert in dating.
• Hurt/comfort is my favorite trope, and I think HakuHiro would always try to help heal each other's wounds, whether they're physical or emotional. They just care about each other's well-being.
• This is more of a Hakuri centered headcanon, but I think since he never really knew what it was like to be loved by his siblings in a healthy way, Hakuri would be very nurturing towards Char. It's like he's getting a second chance at being a brother. Chihiro sees them from a distance playing in the park together and how much fun they're having after experiencing rough childhoods, and he finds joy in their joy.
• Chihiro teaches Hakuri how to cook. I imagine that Hakuri either never got to eat with his family as punishment for failing at his training, so he made his own basic food and ate alone. Or, he was only invited to sit at the family table for meals so that the Sazanamis could keep up the appearance of being a well-adjusted family. In that context, the family chefs would make their food, so he never learned how to make anything for himself. Either way, he would be bad at cooking, so whenever they would have some down time from training and collecting information, Chihiro would teach Hakuri how to cook. And once he thinks he's good enough, Hakuri makes dinner for everyone as a thanks.
Hmm, I didn't think I had so much to say about Shibazami compared to HakuHiro, but I think it's in part because they have such a long history together, and Hakuri and Chihiro are just in the beginning of their friendship, but I have a feeling this won't be the end for them.
Anyway thanks for reading!
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Hi! I saw you were doing matchups and I would love to get one for Bg3 and Hazbin Hotel! <3 here’s the info about me:
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: I’m asexual biromantic, for the matchups I would prefer a male character, but any gender is fine if you think a girls fits me better!
Appearance: I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more; and I recently got a vertical labret piercing. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
MBTI/Enneagram: I’m an ESFJ but I don’t know my enneagram.
Personality: I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
Likes (at least 3 things): I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid. Lastly, I adore art.
Dislikes (at least 3 things): I dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I also dislike people who need to judge others and comment on everything they do. Lastly, I dislike sports, they’re not really for me!
Extra fun fact: my favorite music genre is either musical songs, or like medieval folk songs/sea shanties, I found so many playlists on spotify!
Race: Tiefling, 100% my fav race
Class: Either a bard, or a sorcerer. If I can multi class both of them!
D&D alignment: lawful/neutral good.
I really hope I did this correctly, have a great day! 🫶🏻
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
When choosing these two characters for you, I took many things into account. First, the minute you said you act like a mom and everyone views you as a mom, I was immediately drawn to two very specific characters for both fandoms. Your aesthetic suits these two, and I chose them very well. Taking into account your hobbies, your passion, and the vibe I get from your message, I am confident in my two choices.
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
It's well known that Rolan has taken on the role of father with his two younger siblings.
Rolan wants to protect what he loves and cares about, which includes you. However, he doesn't necessarily see you as a child; he sees you as his equal.
Since you two met, his siblings would call you two mom and dad.
He can be harsh and overly serious, but once you crack his shell, he can be a big softy who loves to participate in playful banter.
He loves color-coordinating outfits with you.
He loves helping you learn and explore new topics you find interesting.
He is interested in the different properties of natural-born and learned magic.
He will ask you to show off your skills to him sometimes so he can admire you.
~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The tower had been running smoothly for the last few months since Loroikan had been killed. Rolan had begun to heal, and you two had made the tower better than ever before. Wizards and spell casters from near and far came to your establishment to gain knowledge new and old. While Rolan ran the purchasing and sorting portion of the tower, you ran the extra activities and teaching portion of the building. From time to time, his siblings would come and go, helping every now and then.
As the day ended, you cleaned up the bottom part of the shop, ensuring everything was where it should be. Once done, you headed to the door, ready to lock it for the night, when Rolan's siblings came in. Cal and Lia looked reasonably intoxicated, blubbing with laughter, falling over, and not making any sense. Sighing, you wrapped their arms around your shoulder and began going up to the portal leading to the tower's living quarters. As you appeared inside the drawing room, the siblings started to sound even more delirious. You can only assume hearing the commotion Rolan came out from your shared room, a look of shock on his face, "We let them move out and look at the trouble they cause." You laugh lightly, allowing Roan to take Cal off your shoulder while you continue with Lia.
Once you two had cleaned and cared for the siblings, you lay in bed staring at the ceiling with Rolan. "I am glad they decided to come here and not wander around some alleyway." Rolan sighed, rolling on his side to face you better. "I agree. Doesn't mean they are any less of a problem." You smile, moving on your side now to face Rolan. "Oh, like you weren't a problem child growing up, Rolan. I heard the stories." Rolan laughed softly, moving to place some hair behind your ear. Slowly Rolan leaned in ready to kiss you, just as the ghost of his lips touched yours the door to your room opened. You both turned to look at the intruder and saw Lia holding her stomach. "Mom, Dad, I grew up."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Rolan had taken the day off, leaving the tower with his siblings. You two had found a lovely meadow near the town and began working on some new spells from a book you two were gifted)
Rolan: No, Y/N, I believe you have to do it like this (tried the spell and failed)
Y/N: No, Rolan, I am serious. This spell is meant for a blood-born magic user, and it's all about channeling your energy.
Rolan: Anything a Sorccer can do, a wizard can do too.
(Many hours of failing on both your parts happened. You took the book and sat down, looking over the words, noticing it sounded like a poem)
Y/N: Rolan, maybe it's meant for something other than the magic we are thinking of.
Rolan: huh?
(You begin to sing the poem, and the spell works, causing flowers to bloom all around you two)
Rolan: (sighing dreamily and staring at you) You are so talented and beautiful, my love. Now it's my turn.
Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
When I think of the cool, out-of-touch dad who wants to be present but is so far off, I think of this man.
He loves dad jokes and using humor to cope; the man has a rubber duck collection for crying out loud.
He would commission every fashion icon in Hell to make clothes for you two.
He is very protective of you when it comes to other demons, he has already lost so much that he's so afraid of losing you too.
He never limits your creativity or knowledge, though he wants to watch you excel in everything you want.
If you and Charlie hit it off, he's the happiest man on earth.
Even if you two don't hit it off immediately, he reassures you and helps you through it.
He loves to cuddle and just know you are there and haven't left him alone.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You sat with Lucifer on a big red couch at the Hazbin Hotel. Though you and Charlie had a great relationship, you still felt out of place helping her make such large decisions as this since you didn't want to replace her mother. Lucifer had his arm wrapped around you, watching his daughter intently as she explained her plan for rehabilitating sinners once more. You were proud of Lucifer for stepping up and helping his daughter achieve not only her dreams but also his.
Charlie, striking a brilliant idea, pulled her dad up and walked him over to another part of the foyer to show him something. You sat there politely, watching the father-daughter duo having a good time together. As you watched from afar, the seat next to you dipped in. Turning to see who took your partner's place, you saw none other than Alastor. The relationship between you two was odd, see you came to hell due to killing those that harmed the ones you loved and Alastor respected that since he did that for his momma. He also gravitated towards you simply to piss Lucifer off. Knowing this, you spoke, "If you are looking to tease the man today, Alastor, you are out of luck. He and Charlie are enthralled in conversation." Alastor smiled that same smile every day, "Y/N, you see, he is always watching when it's the people he loves, and I just so happen to know he will come storming over here to push me away from you in the next few seconds."
As if on cue, Lucifer appeared heated; you could see the flames flying from him. You laughed into your hand while Lucifer sat down directly on Alastor till he moved. With a pout on his lips, Lucifer spoke, "You can not have Charlie, and you sure as hell can't have my future spouse, bud." Your laughing died down, gently caressing the back of Lucifer's head. Once Alastor and he had their verbal diss match, you leaned over and whispered in Lucifer's ear. "So, my love, when is the wedding?"
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Up in Lucifer's room in the hotel, you went to work on his face with your makeup. He willingly offered to help you achieve the new look you were going after. Just so happens your door was wide open, and every sinner couldn't help but take pictures of the vulnerable king)
Y/N: Alright, now close your eyes and wait to open them until I tell you the eyeshadow and liner are the essential parts.
Lucifer: My love, is this all necessary? You are beautiful without makeup, you know.
Y/N: yes, yes, you tell me every time, yet still let me do this once a week.
(A sudden bright flash blinded you, causing you to smudge your line)
Y/N: dammit
Lucifer: what's wrong, my love
Alastor: Nothing good, pal, just some mementos for future use
(Lucfier proceeded to chase Alastor around the hotel in an attempt to claim the pictures)
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tavyliasin · 5 months
The Scent of Cinnamon Masterlist
Links to the Raphael and Haarlep Prequel fanfic series The Scent Of Cinnamon.
About the Fic
A prequel to the events of Baldur's Gate 3, exploring the relationship between Raphael and Haarlep from the moment they first meet and following through several key events in their long and storied history together as both seek their own goals and find how they connect between them.
There will be a lot of smut in the works, as well as a fair amount of angst and character exploration. I aim to keep clear tagging of each individual chapter as the content will vary and I would rather allow people a choice to skip parts of the story if there are tags they dislike, or to easily bookmark and return to tags that they adore~
There is no set schedule due to life factors and multiple ongoing series that I switch between, but comments and interactions do help to inspire work on it.
Notes: Haarlep will always be referred to with they/them pronouns in this piece and will utilise shapeshifting. The story is built from the scraps of lore we see in the game alongside my own interpretations of both characters and the potential depths lurking behind them.
My headcanons are entirely my own and I completely respect (and truthfully also adore) other interpretations of the characters and story. Please feel free to contact me to discuss the story and characters or anything else about the work, and I welcome Beta readers who are willing to give feedback and corrections to improve the work both before and after publishing (sometimes mistakes slip through the net, so please let me know to fix things here if needed)
Chapter Links Below The Cut
Series Playlist
Each chapter has a song assigned that has lyrics and/or a mood that matches the tone and story in that chapter. The main post will also contain a cut of the lyrics that I feel best match what I'm expressing with the song choice. They're all very optional! But I'll put the Spotify list here for anyone who is interested in it.
The Cambion, The Gift, and The Contract
Raphael has a new home, but the halls are remarkably empty. Mephistopheles has seen fit to send him a gift, though as with all things in the Hells, nothing is ever quite so simple... Meanwhile, an incubus with no name stands in front of a portal, ready to take the first step in the only plan they have left. One that will either secure their future or seal their fate... 4,301 Words
Summary: Raphael and the incubus meet for the first time, and the specifics of a contract are worked out between the pair. Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 0.5/5  Content Warnings: Mild power play. There's not a lot of spice in this one, it's the following chapters that will raise that bar~
The Scent of Cinnamon 2 - The Contract, The Kiss, and The Cambion's Pride
With the talking over, it is time for the deal to be sealed. However, Haarlep is not willing to relinquish their physical form so quickly, nor are they in any rush to finalise the contract with Raphael without enjoying it first. 4,965 Words
Summary: Haarlep draws out the first kiss into far more devious uses of their own lips as well as Raphael's. They will ensure he doesn't forget a single thing about them. The sound of their voice, the feel of their touch, the taste of their- Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 3.5/5  Content Warnings: Oral Sex, Shapshifting, Power Play, Mild Choking, BDSM, Aphrodisiacs, Incubus Kiss, Mild Blood, Mild Humiliation/Name Calling
The Deal, The Devil, and The Promise Beyond
The deal is finalised as Raphael and Haarlep continue their night together, sealing the contract with sex that will quite literally be life changing for both but not in the hyperbolic manner most would assume from the thought. For Haarlep, they take on the identity they have been given, sacrificing their physical form to take the shape of the man who owns them. For Raphael, he has fully accepted an incubus spy into his House and his bed, and despite his best laid plans he has not fully realised the consequences of the terms of that deal. 4,708 Words
Summary: Haarlep reaches the conclusion of the deal, but is in no rush to end the encounter before both of them are fully satisfied. The night, just like their body, must be unforgettable... Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 4/5  Content Warnings: Power Play, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Aphrodisiac, Mild Praise Kink, Porn with Plot, Mild Pain Play
The Morning, The Tailor, and The Fit of the Glove
Raphael wakes up to the consequences of the deal he made the night before, and realises Haarlep has no clothes to wear save for his own which are somehow a poor fit on his copied body. A trip to Waterdeep sparks more conflict as the two fiends begin to find their places with each other, pushing each others boundaries. Haarlep also has to reckon with the consequences of their end of the bargain, with shadows of their past biting at their heels. 5,139 Words
Summary: The pair head out to Waterdeep to a tailor who can make something for Haarlep to wear other than Raphael's old clothes that feel like a poor fit on the incubus' borrowed body. Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 0.5/5  Content Warnings: Mild Power Play, Mild Angst, ---
The Night, The Incubus, and The Empty Bed
Raphael has left Haarlep to the Boudoir, settling to go over some contracts. The incubus, on the other had, is restless, unused to their new shape... 4,893 Words
Summary: Haarlep takes the time to get to know their new body, much to Raphael's frustration... Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 2/5  Content Warnings: Mild Power Play, Mild Angst, mild emotional hurt/comfort, Mild Use of Safe Word, Masturbation, Edging, Teasing, Massage, Maybe DubCon if you really squint at it.
Scent of Cinnamon 6 - The Command, The Deal, And The Touch of Serendipity
Continuing directly from the last installment in this series, Raphael has agreed that it might be easier to get used to feeling Haarlep's effect on his body if he watches and instructs them on what to do. A simple task, or so he thought before he realises now that he has to actually decide what he wants. Meanwhile, the incubus is more than happy to tease their new master with the illusion of control.
3,928 Words
Summary: Raphael instructs Haarlep on exactly how to touch his...their body, while he watches Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep SPICE Rating: 3.5/5  Content Warnings: Mild Power Play, Mild Angst, Masturbation, mild alcohol mention, implied sounding (but no actual sounding), Aphrodisiacs (with consent)
Scent of Cinnamon 7 - The Dress, The Duck, And The Cambion's Patience
Still unwilling to sleep with Haarlep directly so soon after their deal, Raphael needs to find another way to sate their appetite - and perhaps more importantly to prevent the incubus from the far more dangerous condition of boredom. Fortunately, he has just the client in mind - a poor mortal wretch named Eida - and a contract she's more than willing to sign.
4,025 Words
Summary: Raphael has a deal to make and the contract requires a little help from Haarlep to satisfy the client's wishes... Pairing: Raphael/Haarlep and Haarlep/Original Female Character SPICE Rating: 3/5  Content Warnings: Aphrodisiacs (mild), Cambion-typical manipulation, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Fingering, Light Angst
More to follow!
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