mtblackwood · 4 months
just a psa if youre gonna draw josh i recommend using this picture as reference
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dont make him pale, please, for the love of god HOLY SHIT
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
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Finished designs for the FPK Dragon AU! Very happy with how they turned out, I'm definitely going to draw more art for this side AU in the future
Some short info and close-ups below
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General AU stuff:
I don't have many story or world details yet, but in general it would be quite simplified and changed in a lot of ways
The vessels are not a thing, though The Radiance does exist and the infection would still happen in some shape or form (I haven't thought of the details yet). Holly's purpose would still be to put a stop to it, but the whole aspect of emotionless void beings is not included
Humans don't exist in this world, so the one above is simply to get an idea of their scale. The dragons in that world are sapient and live in communities, a lot of them can use magic and similar powerful abilities
More info to be added as I brainstorm it, and I might design more characters for the AU in the future
Character specific stuff:
Vyrm - a lot of his backstory is very similar to the main AU, his kind is considered extinct (the reason would most likely be different), though he never changed his form to be smaller, which means his large wyrm form does not exist here. His relationship with WL was also basically the same, as was his journey of discovering his love for Grimm. And just like in the main AU, he ended up losing his status as a leader and hibernating. Unsure whether he would also lose all his powers, since I want to keep his workshop hobby and I like the idea of him having powers that he learned specifically for that purpose (not to mention, doing any kind of precise engineering would be difficult with his dragon anatomy). So we'll have to see.
Grimm - once again a very similar backstory to his main AU counterpart. He is one of the most powerful dragons to exist, and The Radiance is still his sister in this AU. He was banished from his homeland and stripped of many of his powers, losing his status as a higher dragon as a result. I'm still brainstorming how NKG comes into the AU, as of now my idea is that it would be closer to a god-like beast form than a being in another realm, but it may still change. And I'm still thinking how to reconceptualize the ritual to fit this version. Even though he's much weaker than in his prime, he's still more powerful than an average dragon, especially in the NKG form (if that is the direction I take with him).
Lewk, Asta and Milo - basically the same as in the main AU. Lewk and Asta can fly just fine, Milo however is incapable of it (and will likely remain that way even as he gets older, with his wings being too small and weak for flight).
Hornet - in most aspect she's the same, though her half-spider origin would be changed to something else; Herrah is not a spider in this AU, though she would still be quite beastly and unique in her appearance. She has two pairs of wings, which are a trait inherited from her mother's side. She knows silk magic, which she learned as a young dragon.
Zote - he's the most unique here body plan wise, I based his design on pterosaurs. I loved the mental image of him being this annoying, bird-like dragon. In basically all aspects he's the same as his main AU counterpart, though being a dragon I imagine he would have a more impressive lifespan than an average bug in the main AU. He's a herbivore dragon, his mouth resembles a beak, and he has no powers, only a nasty attitude.
Holly - as mentioned before, they are not a vessel in this AU, nor a void being. Instead, they're a hybrid of Vyrm and WL, who is a powerful higher dragon, and were trained to stop The Radiance and put an end to the infection from the day they hatched. Though they did end up learning void magic to aid them in the fight, I think that would be a nice way to preserve at least some of that aspect and it would explain the color of their body in this version. They have a mouth, though they are still mute, likely as a result to battle damage. Like in the main AU, they lost one of their eyes and a limb, and I'm considering designing a prosthetic wing for them at some point to mirror their counterpart.
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meanbossart · 5 months
Another much overdue ask compilation! Some short-ish lore asks (Gale, Gort, DU drow relationships and pet-companion preferences) and a couple of art/advice ones sprinkled in. THIS IS BY NO MEANS ALL OF MY ASKS so as usual I appreciate everyone's patience!
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I actually think he'd give them a pass entirely as soon as he noticed. Correct me if I'm mistaken but half-drow get No love from underdark drow and are usually surface babies right? So that fruit is miles away from the tree lol. I think he generally has a bit of a soft spot for mixed kinds since he himself feels like an amalgamation of sorts.
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Thank you! They're kind of a pain in the ass to draw at times for that very reason but man I do like the look 😩if other people like it too then that makes it all worth it!
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THAT'S TRICKY TO ANSWER BECAUSE OFTEN TIMES I'M NOT... REALLY TRYING. I've draw a ton of horror comics for mine and my partner's series' SAD SACK and SORTIE, so I think it just comes naturally to me 😅 also I do genuinely find expressive and, uh, rugged faces more attractive? (I think they look rugged, again that's what people tell me at least.)
I think the secret might be adding bits of realism in there. I get a lot of comments about the wrinkles and eyelashes I add to my art, as well as the way I draw individual teeth (though I've lately been making an effort to simplify my style in favor of drawing faster, so I haven't done that as much or in as much detail.)
Both symmetry and the lack of it can also add to that effect. I have employed both facial unevenness and almost point-perfect symmetry to achieve something a little frightening or otherworldly in my work. [MORE UNDER THE CUT]
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Thank you so much!!! The contrast is very much intentional, that's what DU drow's character is all about ;)
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Hahah well I somewhat doubt Bhaal would care that his spawn gets named, but either way he stripped himself of his name as soon as he killed his foster parents and abandoned the Underdark. He had a drow name that I jotted down somewhere but it's completely irrelevant because nobody has used it since he was a child, and he doesn't remember it (even pre-tadpole/having his brain scrambled.) Here's a little write up about his origins that might shed some more light on that: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/739688837431836672/did-drow-ever-have-a-childhood-before-the-temple
And about his original drow-given name and the reason behind it: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/741350986692591616/drow-had-to-have-been-given-a-name-by-his-adoptive
Everyone just referred to him as his supposed race, or as Bhaalspawn or Bhaal's child, and any other similar titles. Orin called him "kin" and "brother" and Gortash likely called him his associate. Post-tadpole the camp grows entirely used to calling him "the drow" and he has no desire to change that or to choose a proper name.
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THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH😭 no reason to be intimidated, I'm just some rando drawing BG3 fan art LOL I've been drawing since I was a child, and started taking it semi-seriously when I was 16 years old, so twelve years ago! That's around the time where I got my first non-display tabled and used that well into my twenties, prior to that I only did stuff on paper and liked to do inks color with pencils. I never really ventured into traditional painting at all except for a little bit of water-coloring in college.
Traditional and Digital art are very much different beasts. Which one you want to start with is, in my opinion, just dependent on what you want to do. Digital art gives you a lot of tools that makes learning easier, but you might find yourself having much steeper of a learning curve if you ever decide to do traditional art instead. If you want to be good at both, you need to practice both, since the skill doesn't entirely translate from one medium to the other.
Naturally you will be able to draw well on either, it's just... Different. I will say though, that I think if you're still learning you should use whatever allows you to look directly at what your hand is doing, so either traditional or display tablet/Ipad. I have no idea what a non-display tablet would do to a beginner, but remembering my experience with it I feel like it might be a huge detriment to developing the skill (feel free to share your experiences in the replies if you disagree, as I would definitely be curious to read them!)
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YOU KNOW ME BABY IT WAS MESSY AND COMPLICATED the tldr.: is that they were "buddies", absolutely no romance intended there on either mine or DU drow's part, but due to his nature the friendship was extremely weird.
Here's a couple of replies where I go into more detail about it: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/739191190871818240/i-dont-have-a-particular-question-in-mind-sorry
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That's definitely reserved for the vamp LOL DU drow very much enjoys when Astarion teases and fusses over him, and while Astarion probably got a kick out of acting that way around such a big and scary looking guy at first, I think by "now" (later and post-game) he's pretty much immune to DU drow's looks and just enjoys doing it in earnest.
He's not at all averse to being touched (even rather intimately) by close friends, but he wouldn't be quite THAT vulnerable with anyone else.
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HE REALLY DISLIKED GALE... He irked him out by seemingly fostering a rather persistent romantic interest in him for at least half the time they spent together (very much based on my interpretation of their in-game interactions at the time, though my Gale might have been a little bugged.)
But also they had a... Fairly in depth relationship still? Gale was a staple in my party, and even though I antagonized him constantly by the end of the game it still felt like they had so much weight in each other's lives, if that makes sense. I might need to do a bit of an "update" on the DU Drow/Gale lore sometime, I feel like I've had some thoughts since that warrant more exploration of their dynamic (you can find a lot of old asks about it if you just search the Gale Dekarios tag in my blog though).
The gist of it is that DU drow found him arrogant and duplicitous, his constant optimist irritated him to no end and felt like it veiled a stream of self-pity (two things DU drow despises) Gale's attempts to get through to him only added insult to injury. By the end of the game he decided to pursue the crown of Karsus and this only lost him even more respect in Drow's eyes, seeing as he doesn't value godly power at all.
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I was pretty overwhelmed by the game at the start so I actually missed a lot LOL including Scratch. I did get the owlbear cub though, which DU drow gladly welcomed into camp since it was injured - but I think he would have wished for it to remain a wild animal and to return back to it's home after it had grown up a bit. He didn't really make a "pet" out of it more than he just looked after the little guy in the way it's mother might have, probably with Shadowheart's help.
He wouldn't be opposed to proper pets though if one were to stumble into his life. He'd definitely be more of a cat guy because of their independence and strong little attitudes.
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It is very hard to build proper rapport with him. He will be "friendly" to most people who have a good sense of humor about them, but friendSHIP is another thing entirely.
I think it's kind of circumstantial. He's very economical in his relationships and doesn't really seek them out at all - so a situation where he's forced to be in someone's company might be the only way to develop a bond with him, as he doesn't appreciate insistence either and that's more likely to push him away. He doesn't value status or titles either (kind of looks down on them really) so that won't help.
I think he just likes people who are true to themselves and their nature, sometimes even if the nature is one he disagrees with at it's core. This is why he liked Gortash, why he and Shadowheart got along so well, and why him and Astarion fit together so seamlessly despite seeming so different. Likewise I think it's why he didn't jive with people like Gale or Wyll, because they seemed to be rather... Dishonest with themselves and their own end-goals.
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
Hey so I saw your Cassian x hyperfem reader and it was just muah! Chef's kiss! Anyway I was wondering if you could do a Cassian x goth or alt reader. Like she loves black and extreme makeup and Halloween or the prithian equivalent. I don't see alot of characters that dress like me and I just wonder how they would take them?
Goth girlfriend headcanon
Cassian x reader
Notes: thank you anon! I love a good goth aesthetic, I hope you like it ♥️
Warnings: none
You met Cassian at Rita’s and he was enamored by your unique look
Your dark dress was flattering, your makeup was nothing like he’d ever seen before. Cassian had only ever paid attention to Mor’s makeup over the centuries so this was different
I’m talkin baby bangs, black hair, big eyeliner and dark eyeshadow, drawn on bottom lashes, lost of silver jewelry, lost of rings and necklaces, long black nails, black clothes, ripped tights, platform boots, and all black clothes
When Cassian approached you, you were a little hesitant. He isn’t usually your type but he was so shy and cute and tongue tied when he tried a bad pick up line on you
You had such a serious face that when you laughed and smiled up at him Cassian stopped breathing
On your first date you didn’t tone down your style. Why would you change for anyone?
When your style is toned down think Morticia Addams
Cassian picked you up for that first date and you expected him to not like it. When you opened the door his jaw dropped at the off the shoulder black velvet dress you were wearing. It clung to your curves in all the right places. And your makeup was pure artistry, he couldn’t believe you did it every day
Whenever you experiment with your makeup Cassian is always so supportive
You want to shave your eyebrows and draw them on? Go for it! You want to do wild eyeliner wings? Cassian will literally hold all your eyeliners for you and sit with you while you experiment
Cass loves to watch you do your makeup. Your concentrated face is just so cute
The first time Cass saw you without your makeup it was kind of a shock. He’s just so used to all the cosmetics covering/accentuating your features. Seeing your bare face made him a little speechless. It was the first time you were seeping over and only crazy people sleep with their makeup on
Cass watched you walk all the way from the bathroom to the bed, not sure what to say. “I know, I know,” you say a little defeated. “Go ahead and say it, I look odd without it.” You look Cassian dead in the eyes not wanting to show that you’re a little insecure. “You look just as beautiful,” he breathes out. Your eyes go wide at his confession. You climb onto his lap and hug Cass super tight
Moving in with Cass you have a bunch of dark decor from your apartment
Little skulls, LOTS of candles, black blankets, antique lamps and mirrors are spread around the house
The sight of your over the top platform boots next to his boots by the door makes him swoon. It shows your difference in aesthetics but your his
Sometimes you get odd looks from others while walking around Velaris
People think you’re a witch or too odd to be with the General and High Lord’s best friend
Cassian gets angry when he sees someone scowl at you but you’ve learned to brush it off. People just don’t get your style and that’s ok
Colorful outfits are rare for you
For Starfall you found a dark blue shimmery dress in town and you fell in love with it
Cassian thinks anything looks good on you and doesn’t care if you wear black or neon orange. But when he sees you in that shimmering gown his knees go weak
Hallows Eve is a semi dying holiday (Halloween is lowkey dying and I feel like no one trick-or-treats anymore) but still your favorite
Dressing up as anything you want, craving pumpkins, scary stories! What is there not to love! Not to mention all the sweet treats you can make
Cass and the IC don’t celebrate Hallows Eve but once you start dating he demands that it happens
Carving pumpkins together is a tradition Cassian wouldn’t miss for the world. He loves picking out the biggest pumpkin he can find and then regrets it when he has to clean it out
You always make fun of him for that, “I tell you every year, there’s going to be a lot of guts and you say you don’t care.”
Making candy apples is another favorite tradition for you two
Cassian’s first attempt was so bad, he burnt the apple and had no idea how it even happened. You couldn’t stop laughing because in your eyes that is an impossible thing to do
When Nyx is old enough and the holiday has become more popular in Velaris the IC starts dressing up
The first year Feyre didn’t know what to do for his costume so she came to you for help
You made Nyx the scariest looking zombie ever seen. Your makeup skills were put to the test with this one and when you were done Feyre and Rhys barley recognized their son
Nyx was so happy with how gross and scary he looked he couldn’t stop staring at himself in the mirror and giggling, “I love it auntie y/n! Can you do my costume every year?”
You never forced Cassian into a couples costume unless he asked. You liked to do your own thing and went all out with your costume
The year you got engaged Cassian was adamant about a couples costume so of course you hand made them and of course you two looked hot as fuck
You made sure Cassian was showing off an appropriate amount of skin and muscle and he let you do his makeup
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dreamerdeity · 28 days
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a/n: Really happy to be back on tumblr! College apps have been kicking my ass but it's getting better. Don't be shy to request a matchup, a fic, or a wip for Gaza! I'm also very sorry @tinysoulmentality for not including moodboards I had no time 😭
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ word count: 2k
Keira's Fundraising Event
███▒▒▒▒▒▒ 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . @tinysoulmentality 's character matchup
Hi! Id like to request a matchup for jjk, bllk and aot. Im mexican and being connected to my culture is very important to me. I love reading dc comics and watching old slasher/horror movies. My favorite color is purple and my favorite holiday/time of year of Halloween. When it comes to relationships, the most important thing to me is being with someone that I know i can be myself with and that I dont have to worry about their loyalty towards me. Here are my donations and pls lmk if theres any other info you need !!!💜💜
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Ino is an interesting little guy. He’s cute, but to say he has game would be like saying that cats can fly (handsome loser :3). When he first met you, he had to do a little double take because hold on a minute. Who’s that pretty lady? He casually walks up to you and blurts out a “You’re not from around here, are you?” ft. nervous voice crack that he manages to play off somehow. The question definitely elicits a few mental eye rolls from you. Typical male-tries-to-hit-on-foreign-girl one-liner, but he makes it… work? Maybe it’s the nervous flush on his cheeks, or the hand that sheepishly rubs at the back of his neck, or the bright smile he musters up to mask the nerves. 
I like to think that Ino is a very cosmopolitan person. It’s not really that he’s traveled all around the world, but more so that he has varied likes and interests spanning many different cultures. He likes to listen to old-school hip-hop and reggaeton. He’s into Italian and Turkish dramas. He sleeps well at night knowing there’s an Indian restaurant and another Mexican one down the block that can curb his cravings for butter chicken and quesadillas. 
So, it’s no surprise that he’s quick to grab a throw pillow and get comfortable on the couch whenever you talk about your Mexican heritage. He doesn’t know much about Mexico apart from the fact that the food goes extremely hard, so he’s always enthusiastic to learn more about the other aspects that characterize your country and its people. 
He also tries to learn some Spanish to “surprise” you but then it’s literally just a “¡Buenos días!” enunciated really badly. There’s a proud smile on his face every time he greets you good morning in your mother tongue though, and it’s very endearing, to say the least. 
To add onto his culture vulture, cosmopolitan vibes, I think he’s also really into movies. The type to just drop a niche movie reference every two seconds and frown deeply when no one gets it. 
Watching horror movies with him is interesting because for some reason he thinks that abruptly grabbing your shoulders mid-movie and growling menacingly would jump-scare you into oblivion, but you’re used to the genre so all it does is make you eye him narrowingly, unimpressed, ready to tell him off for interrupting a very crucial plot development. 
For whatever reason, Ino gives me major horror-enjoyer vibes. He likes analog horror and you’re lucky Halloween is your favorite time of year because it’s his too! Watching The Prowler (i just really like this movie lol) under the blankets with warm, freshly-made popcorn and a pretty lady in his arms? Yeah, count him in. 
One last thing, sorry to be the one to say this, but Ino is definitely the “can you draw me” person whenever he sees your sketchbook or art in general. It’s all in good nature, and he wouldn’t mind it if you say no, but if you do draw or paint him, let’s just say that that drawing will be in his wallet for the rest of his life. Sometimes he’d just randomly pull it out when someone brings you up and proudly hold it up to his company like “Uhuh, my girl drew this. Yup.” 
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I think that, unlike Ino, Chigiri used to be less “out there” in the world in his youth and kept more to himself in terms of being an experiencer of cultural diffusion; It was how he was brought up. But after going pro and meeting many people, traveling to many different places etc, he’s been exposed to the world on a greater scale. That’s how he finds himself meeting you one day at a party. He was charming. Need I say more tbh? That hair, that gentlemanliness, that whole aura surrounding him is hard to resist. He knew just how to sweet-talk but actually meant every word he said. 
Chigiri is one wealthy man, let’s be honest. Pro footballer?  Mbappe in another font? Yeah. I think he genuinely enjoys spoiling and lavishing you with gifts if that’s your thing. 
He loves hearing you talk about your heritage and if you don’t live in Mexico, I feel like if you were to even remotely express that you’re kind of missing your country he’d immediately be like, “Then let’s book a 2 week stay and you can show me all those things you were telling me about.” No biggie. 
Would also rent out the entirety of Playa Sisal in advance because you mentioned (once. 1 [one] time. ) that you were looking forward to taking a dip come the vacation. 
I think that there’s this stigma surrounding footballers and how they’re a bunch of players who sleep around but don’t commit. While that may have some merit, Chigiri is different. Like, have you seen him? Not to mention that he has a sister. 
I feel like he values loyalty and genuine companionship as much as you do, and should you ever feel yourself questioning where you stand within his life, or whether he’s trustworthy, he would be so quick to reassure you and make you feel heard, basically quelling the doubts before they even surface. (Communicative king). 
On the note of communicative king, he’s very good at praise and voicing his appreciation. The sort to genuinely encourage your creative hobbies and praise you for any work you create. He would literally not mind building a home art studio for you to promote your love for art and writing. Like, “Oh, I saw you painting the other day and you didn’t look very comfortable at your desk. Thought I’d make you a little art corner,” he’d say as he sheepishly shows you the “art corner” in question which looks more like a state of the art professional studio. 
I think Chigiri himself is a very artistic person beneath the surface. He just gives off that vibe quite a bit. Picnics where you guys sit at the park and paint the scenery together? So him. 
Would post your art on social media (if you consent ofc!) to his 5 million+ followers and bring you business if you ever decide to open commissions. 
In terms of entertainment, Chigiri is the type to be so clueless when it comes to media because he just doesn’t have the time. Like you were shocked when he told you he never watched Star Wars. Sir, what do you mean?? 
It became your job to educate him on the vast world of entertainment, namely movies. He doesn’t really care what you pick as long as you’re happy. So when he’s got some free time on his hands, he’ll binge horror or DC/Marvel movies with you and even try to analyze the plot as it’s happening (don’t kill him please he’s just trying to show he’s interested). 
Would buy you merch of your favorite movies and get giddy when you wear it/decorate your room with it etc.
Lastly, I think Chigiri would sulk in the corner if you insist he let you dye his hair purple since it’s your favorite color, but he literally can’t say no to you, so eventually he yields reluctantly but shockingly, once all is said and done, he figures out he actually really like how purple looks on him. 
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I’m gunna be honest. I think it just makes sense for Levi to like you because black cat x orange cat trope?? Him and Hange? Him and the Eren gang in general? Yeah. 
Going by your mbti, I imagine you’re not very extroverted, and I think that’s something that genuinely makes Levi let out a sigh of relief sometimes. 
*glance at each other* You: “wanna leave this party?” Him: “You read my mind.”
If loyalty were a person, it would be this man. He shows it in the small things, I’d say: Leaving you short messages before he leaves for work every morning, bringing you things that remind him of you, etc. I feel like that would be his way of saying “I’ve got eyes for you only/I’m always thinking about you and you alone”. 
Levi is such a meanie on the surface and I find it kind of hilarious. Like, I think you guys would complete each other's snark and sarcasm and people would not know whether you two are joking or not meanwhile yall are just trying to bite back giggles. 
If I’m being honest, Levi doesn’t strike me as a very creative person. He seems more of a STEM sort of guy if we think of him in a modern au, so he doesn’t pay much mind to the arts as a field. 
That’s not to say he isn’t supportive of your creative endeavors of course. You know when parents have no idea how a sport you play works but they still passionately cheer at your games regardless? Yeah, that’s Levi with your art, writing, etc. It’s all impressive to him even if you don’t think so and he’ll make sure you know that. 
“I love this poem you wrote. You could be famous if you took this up professionally,” he’d say even if there was like a single sentence on the page. 
Would be the type to send you anything art or writing related he gets on his fyp like “yup, she’s definitely gonna love this/find it helpful”. 
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Levi is actually a film buff. There, I said it. Something about him strikes me as movie lover. He would be the type to drop a quote from some obscure movie from the 50s with a straight face in the most serious tone ever which makes it even funnier. 
So, when you two have some free time, he loves to watch things with you while cuddling on the couch. he’s the type to read the captions before the characters actually say them and it just spoils the scene for him, and then he’d sulk as if it’s your fault, but it’s cute. 
When you two are watching horror movies, he’s the type to tsk and mutter under his breath complaining about the costumes or about how if he were there he would’ve totally killed that demon in like two seconds.
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 months
I need people NEED THEM, oh baby, oh goodness do I NEED people who don't know much about Tim Drake to stop talking about the Boy Himself: Tim Drake.
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Presented: An accurate depiction of an 18-year-old Tim. The over-sized T-Shirt that helps his already lean body make him look skinnier (therefore people would underestimate him, which is part of his personal fighting technique) worn for comfort over anything else adds to it greatly. He does not normally dress fancy, as is sometimes assumed of him. Wearing some of the Robin colors also help.
If you do not know what he looks like, that is fine, that is actually UNDERSTANDABLE. Like what am I to do, pretend I don't know why people don't know what he looks like? After over a decade of him mostly looking like a generic white guy super hero?
Y'all gotta realize, people did not care about Tim for a very long time, because he was basically the D-List Robin since he stopped being the main one. So they never did their research. He wouldn't even be written right. And his relationships and details of his character could change drastically between writing changes. It was awful.
So those that don't know, please try to learn why people sometimes say what they do about Tim. It's not all true, but in this case, it is true. And when we get to see what he's supposed to look like in a real comic, it's very exciting for us, because we don't normally get that excitement anymore.
I know, it's sad just to be happy to see our fav look like themselves, but it's the spot we're in.
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Presented: Canon Proof of Tim's appearance, set when Tim was only months away from being EIGHTEEN-YEARS-OLD, he was still being confused for being TWELVE-YEARS-OLD. Showing how he does look for his age.
Like he's SUPPOSED to be VERY SHORT, he's supposed to look lean to the point of seeming skinny in his street clothes, people are supposed to underestimate him (which is why his appearance works so damn well), he's supposed to have a soft 'cute' look to him, especially young looking even for his age as you can see above, that is part of him, one of of his gags is that he's confused to be twelve even when he was nearing eighteen. HE PURPOSELY LOOKS LIKE THAT. It is an ACTIVE choice. It is not a weird thing people just randomly do, it is a purposeful character design choice, made for the character, for him to stand out, and be different from the other characters with.
It is NOT a fanon thing people made to infantilize him. That is just what he looks like. And it is exactly what some real people look like. It is ACTUALLY part of him. It is a CANON part of him. That is brought up so much, because people keep thinking it isn't CANON, when it is CANON.
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Presented: A horrible drawing of Tim Drake, during an era that made a lot of people have misconceptions of the character we're only lately getting away from. But some people still believe to be the more accurate Tim, based on when they started reading. DO NOT DO THIS.
All because a lot of artists don't care to draw him right, doesn't mean his appearance miraculously changed within the canon. Or at least it shouldn't have, considering that'd be weird, and take an aspect of the character that made him unique go away. Which is not fun for any character to have them done to them.
So when ever an artist does DRAW him like that, can we gang together and say "HEY, GOOD JOB ARTIST, FOR ACTUALLY LOOKING UP WHAT TIM LOOKS LIKE"
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Presented: ANOTHER VERY GOOD TIM. See how he's shorter than his friends (Bart's leaning), has a soft 'cute' face, leaner physique (looking skinny, but not scrawny like he isn't athletic), thick middle parted hair. These are the components of a well drawn Tim that people desire to see more. It will look different based on the art style of course. But these are what makes Tim's appearance suit what we know of Tim, and has been clearly established no matter his age. Here, he is presumably around 17-years-old. Possibly not even a year younger than he currently is.
Because seeing people who see him look different, when it's the right difference, and complain, because they are not aware Tim isn't supposed to look buff and tall and masculine, just because a lot of artists didn't care about who is ultimately at this point a D-List Super Hero...isn't really fair to the people who DO CARE ABOUT IT.
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Presented: Something I'm definitely gonna delete from my device soon enough, but added for the sake of the post.
If you wouldn't take away from Dick's ass, don't take away Tim's appearance, please.
We know Tim is different, and that's why we love him the way we do so much.
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sunyfan · 3 months
The Number That Changes Everything
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3 years ago, I had suspicions that Rex might have a different age. So to dispel all my doubts, I began to draw a timeline of events using measurable facts:
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Besides the show, there are other sources indicating that Rex’s current age is 15 years old.
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I get it, Man of Action, it’s a “red line” that I shouldn’t cross if I really want to know the truth ^_^
As a result, I got 5 scales:
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These scales on Rex’s timeline:
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Even in the first version of the graph I have obvious conclusions:
Rex’s birthday is clearly not the same date as Six’s, despite the fact that an entire episode was devoted to this topic.
The Nanite Event and Six’s memory loss also did not occur on this date, otherwise we learned it from Caesar.
Yeas, the show has a character like Caesar, but lack of mention or hint of Rex’s true age from him, don’t letting me to set colored scales correctly..
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I could have made a lot of versions of scales location, but something told me to pay attention to dots and that there is also a connection between them..
Hmm… dots forming another scale…
No way..
You’ve got to be kidding me?
Is it for real?
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So thanks to WIKI I can even set the correct proportions!
Since things of «Lions and Lambs» and «Back to Black» happen on the same day for Rex, I placed dots on the same level.
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I can’t make the dot’s scale longer/shorter because it affects the time and course of events
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Well, I have the correct positions of colored scales (second graph), but still no answers. Perhaps if I add Six’s timeline, it will be easier for me to search.
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Based on Six’s timeline, almost 2 years have passed in the show, and since there is not a single hint about Rex’s age in the series, so it’s quite possible that the answer lies in the gap of 6 months. But how far should I move Rex’s scale?
The show featured numbers such as «5», «6», «10» (Ben 10) and «15», where the number «6» has a special meaning:
Only 6 Master Control Nanites 6th dangerous man on the planet Six lost 6 years of memory Rex remembers his last 6 years Rex was sent 6 months into the future
Definitely, creators have another, special number and they had moments when they changed the airing dates of episodes just for this certain number. And I can tell which episode this happened.
The show has a special: «HEROES UNITED», the official release of which was 11.25.2011, in other words, it was the 3rd episode on air, but on GRwiki it goes as the 11th episode. Why did they decide to use 11?
I know MOA have such a character as Kevin 11, you don’t have to comment about it ^^
Besides this, «11» also relates to the another ep. like «Back to Black» which was released on the beautiful date: 11.11.2011. It’s remarkable that just in this episode we learn how scared Rex can be when he sees that Providence instantly changed for him, like he had lost his memory again.
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But he is not the only one. Six also was in same situation. And do you know what I found out? «11» has its plase in «Six minus Six» too!
When Six was released from his obligation to search for Rex’s family, and One was gone, the anxiety is over in his life. But it wasn’t for long. Сreators hinted back in the series “Promises, Promises” that changes await him.. Six: «Whether for good or ill, our fates will follow the same path».
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But that’s not all!
This is it, guys…
One day… some artists of the show published their resume of Generator Rex in honor of it’s anniversary.
It was in 11th Anniversary! 11th! This number is truly special, no less than «6»!
It was in «Six minus Six» where Six changed, It was in «Back to Black» where Providence has changed, It was in «Heroes United» where Ben helped save the World from Alpha, changing Rex’s Builds. And it was on the day when Six found Rex, boy’s life IS CHANGED!
Rex was 11 years old!
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I’m not sure that Rex’s and Six’s birthdays are identical, but it’s enough for me to know that these dates in that same 6-month gap. As a result, Rex missed both of his birthdays according to the calendar and memory. And the fact that Rex remembers 6 years was a clue to his true age all these years … astoundingly o_O
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Man of Action, I'm giving a standing applaud! It feels like a whole paradigm has changed!.. For good, of course ^^
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When I was studying the coincidences with the number 11, I thought that if I slightly change the positions of episodes of Season 3, because the existing one looks unnatural and this is what I got:
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As far as I remember, starting from the “Black and White”, both sides began to search for meta-nanites and apparently the last one should have been found in special episode, in which Six’s memory should be back too, because it was maaany hints abouth this [ in ep. «End Game 1 & 2» ]… and so as we found out, the creators leave hints for a reason. Also in the same special, the leadership of Providence passes from Black Knight to White, because in the episode «End Game 2» after Rex was kidnapped, Six receives support from the army.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
You know I misread that last ask but now I'm curious, which of the yutus look like which parent more? And what are some distinctive features some yutus have?
Well, I try to leave things like hair color/texture and skin color up to the reader. Not everyone looks like me so if I just base the way Yutu looks off of me it'd be sort of isolating I think.
There are some things I think the various Yutus would take from their parents though so make of this what you will, and do not feel bound by it if you don't like it
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Riddle's Yutu is shorter than his father, I like to think he has similar facial expressions. They pout and scowl the same way. I think he would have similar strands of hair as Riddle's little antenna that behave the same way when he's animated.
Trey's triplet children are all very tall, Yushi is a head shorter than her siblings and Yutres is the tallest. The three of them all have some issues with eyesight, Yutres is as bad as her father, Yushi doesn't need glasses until she hits highschool and Yutu is able to get away with only reading glasses. I like the idea of them having darker colored hair but that's just me.
Cater! Yutu takes more after Yuu physically, but his voice sounds very similar to Cater's. They have similar laughs and smiles, maybe due to having a similar sense of humor but you suppose he wouldn't know.
Ace! Yutu... I sort of like the idea of him being a copy paste of his dad. He has Yuu's hair and skin tone, but the build, eye shape, even his nose are the spitting image of his father. Ace is super smug about it until the kid learns to talk back.
Deuce and his mom both have dark blue hair and bright blue eyes, but other than those two features I think Yutu would take after Yuu.
The beast men and merfolk are a lot more complicated due to their inhuman appearances, in general I think that these Yutus would take their color schemes from the animals their fathers are based off of, but things like hair texture, body shape, and physical mannerisms would be taken from Yuu.
Leona! Yutu's hair looks more or less like a mane, and it is on the darker side similar to his father's. He is naturally tall and muscular, though how much so is dependent on Yuu.
Ruggie is smaller and has a tendency to hunch over, the same goes for his Yutu.
There are many colors of wolf, so Jack's Yutu does not need to be a carbon copy of him, but the color scheme does stick to what he would look like if he could turn into a wolf.
The twins are moray eels. There are a lot of different colors of morays, I'm particularly fond of the polkadot ones, but they both have a streak of black in their hair. I like to think that their Yutus would have a streak in their hair of Yuu's natural hair color in a similar space. I also like the idea of them inheriting their father's heterochromia, but with one eye that is the same color as Yuu's and one yellow eye.
Azul! Yutu is more or less a carbon copy of his father in his merform, but his eye color and hair texture come from Yuu. His skin color is tricky, but I would default to it being the same as Yuu's, just with an unnaturally cool purple undertone. He is bulkier and taller due to needing to maintain a degree of stamina and physical strength to use his unique magic.
I think Kalim's Yutu would have his eyes and hair color, but he looks a lot more like Yuu, which makes his father very happy. He has his father's laugh and smile, and he really enjoys doing both.
I like to think that Jamil's Yutu inherits his hair. He is just as obsessed with taking good care of it as his dad is, but other than that I don't have much sorry.
In general I think if a character has an unnatural eye color it would trump Yuu's, so Yutu is getting those lovely lavender eyes of Vil's. I think he would also get the long lashes, but that's because I enjoy drawing those.
In Rook's case I gave both Yutu and his older brother Rook's eyes, both color and shape, because I like them but also his unique magic is related to his sight (sort of) so I like his genes being very determined to pass that feature on.
Epel's hair and eye color are both things I think would trump Yuu's, and I think he would be on the shorter side.
Yahoo you know your boy has sharp teeth and that rgb enabled fire hair. I think Yutu Shroud's eyes would be yellow too, but he likes to style his hair like Yuu's it helps him feel closer to them.
Malleus! Yutu does eventually grow in small horns and black scales, but his hair color is the same or similar to Yuu's. His eyes are the same as his father's and he has some sharp canines. Princess Tamago sort of looks like a clone of her dad, but she has the same skin color as Yuu. I'd like to think she has their eyes, and that this bothers certain people in the senate but filled her father with joy.
Lilia is short, his Yutu is short, they both have the same very cute eyes and little fangs. He will dye Yutu's hair fun colors when he gets older, assuming Yutu hasn't decided that's cringe.
Silver's hair is silver due to blessings from the fae, so while Yutu doesn't have that (at first) I think his son would get his eyes
Sebek's hair color and eye color are passed on to Yutu, but other than the colors he looks a lot like Yuu in a twist of fate that doesn't annoy him as much as it would have when he was young and in denial.
Edit: Extra
Rollo, please don't ignore me and refuse to come home -;-;- because i forgor you for 10 seconds
I think Rollo! Yutu would be very very tall and have his father's rbf. His eyes and hair color would be the same, but his facial features and mannerisms come from Yuu so he doesn't look uncannily like his father until he's much older.
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isaacz · 10 months
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not a big piece but i really wanted to share my ideas/headcanons for omori character design's! (already apologize for any english errors, i'm writting this at 2 am on a school night help) -HEADSPACE- -My first idea was to have all of headspace characters to look like cartoons, with wompy anatomy and shapes, it's even the reason why i try my best to draw eyes in the omori style, normally i wouldn't but i think it has it's charm. If i ever animated them aswell they would just have very exaggerated movement and reactions, like old cartoons -All of the main cast has different shades of purple! except for basil and omori ofc, basil being shades of green/cyan and omori being shades of darkblue/blue (in game lore it makes completely sense why he doesn't have color but for painting+drawing purposes i made him shades of blue to make the illustrations more interesthing haha)
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Might be obvious by now but the characters have lil stars on their hairs and tips of their body parts (props to the omori fandom you guys are creative af, and mostly zipsunz cuz i got it from him) omori ofc doesn't have that BUT he does have a lil shade of dark blue that goes all the way to the end of his hands, i wanted to do that to kinda make a ref to black space, kinda like he has a part of blackspace with him at all times (also yes that hair light is supossed to be something's eye)
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-FARAWAY- -WEll if headspace characters are cartoony, then faraway characters seems more real (as real as it can get on my style at least), it's just omori characters in my original style that's it -For sunny i headcanon that he had to constantly cut his hair while in isolation cuz long hair reminded of his sister, so when i draw him i try to make the back look as shitty as possible, cuz let's be honest i don't think he would cut his hair properly... (this btw was completely taken from the amazing headcanon comic made by v3ratrix, i really liked the idea so i wanted to include on my own drawings aswell! thanks v3ratrix!) -i like to make kel's hair curly cuz.. i like him with curly hair, and since him and hero are brothers, i made hero with a bit of curly hair aswell! they also have opposite moles from each other :)
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-Since i have no idea wtf happend for Aubrey's eyes to turn blue, i like to imagine that she has to use glasses but uses contacts most of the time
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-I like to think Kel and Hero are hispanic, and Mari and Sunny japanese american ! (cuz it fits them and also KEL AND HERO SPEAKING SPANISH SUPREMACY!!) -Basil learns portuguese later on because he thinks it's funny that his name sounds like Brazil (ofc i'm going to have a self indulgent headcanon his name is literally perfect for it!) THIS IS IT FOR ALL OF MY HEADCANONS :D tysm for reading until the end, i appreciate people liking my ideas and i hope i can make proper pieces in the future, for now i'm procastinating on projects and drawings in general PLEASE make sure to check out both v3ratrix comic and zipsunz artwork that were mentioned in this post, they're very good and i don't want to take credit from stuff that i got from them alright buh bye !
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Miles Morales Fluff Alphabet
Tagging: @hiyaitssans @juneberrie @sluggmuffin
Warnings:Mention of fighting
This is x gender neutral reader!
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(Look at him he’s such a cutie patootie OoO)
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Much like Earth 42! Miles, he’s quite a simple guy when it comes to spending free time with you. Drawing you, taking you swinging, and tickling or play fight with you are some of his favorites.
Tickling or play fighting always leads to kisses and cuddling, so.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Y’all know how writers talk about a character getting lost in someone’s eyes? Yeah, that’s Miles. No matter the color, he’s gonna stare into them. This boy never breaks eyes contact.
But Miles also appreciates every moment that allows him to relish in his youth, the fact that he’s a kid. He’s still young, no matter how gruesome his spider duties get. Every cheesy joke, every humiliating attempt at flirting? He lives for it. It’s there to remind him that he’s still learning, and that it’s more than okay.
Cuddling - how do they like to cuddle?
With his entire weight on top of you. His face buried in your neck or clothes, your hand scratching at the nape of his neck, his limbs thrown around loosely. It’s so calming for him to just try and melt into you.
But say you don’t like that? Too close, maybe? He also loves what I think is called the honeymoon hug?? Like when you’re just hugging each other? That too, he loves that.
Date - What was the first date with them like? What is their go-to date? What is their dream date?
It was unoriginal, to say the least. He took you to a movie or something like that. Then you both just kind of walked around New York, talking about anything that came to mind. You walked right next to each other and he would “accidentally” bump into you. The people on the street who knew him could tell he was head over heels.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It changes depending on the day. He’s much more open about feelings than his Earth 42 counterpart. Some days he’s rearing and ready to go, quick to do it all. Other days, not so much.
It’s refreshing, you guys aren’t always stuck with the same typical dynamic.
Flight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Miles is a firm believer in not going to bed angry at each other. No matter how long it takes, he’s going to tell you how he feels and he’s gonna make sure that it gets solved.
He’s a good listener. So if you tell him how you feel, explain yourself? Come to a consensus? He’s gonna forgive you and give you a big fat kiss.
Miles fights openly, and loudly. He’s got big emotions and a lot of energy. He yells, but not really at you. His volume just increases when there’s a lot going on.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Not at first, honestly. Of course he was happy, but it didn’t really phase him.
But when Miles will come home to find you just randomly sitting on his bed? Or when he sees you in his clothes? Or when you’re happy and giggly when he makes stupid jokes? He sits there and he realizes just how lucky he is.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Miles doesn’t have secrets, but that’s because he’s a bad liar. I don’t think he would hide anything, but if he tried to he would fail. When he lies he gets nervous and he sweats..it’s cute.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around?
Both, simultaneously.
He’s like a ball of sunshine. Warm and refreshing and so good at making you happy. It’s like he takes away any and all discomfort from your life when you’re with him.
But Miles is a fool in love. Like I said, you bring a sense of youth to him that he really needed. You make him feel as young as he is, awkward adorable with each other.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yeah…he does. Like if sees someone being friendlier than he’d like them to be? Instant jealousy. Why aren’t you talking to him instead?
Miles is gonna pout and stare at you. Then he’s gonna cling to you like a needy puppy in need of holding. And he’s gonna ask for kisses, and how could you say no?
Kiss - What was the first kiss like?
It was the funniest thing ever
He got nervous and head butted you. He then continued to sulk at his failed attempt before trying again, carefully this time.
His hands were sweating. It was quick and awkward (at least on his part) and he basically almost blew up.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He comes up with this whole plan, right? He has everything prepared so he could tell you in the best way possible? Then he fucks up the plan.
The second it becomes time, he starts rambling. He recaps how you met, how got to know each other, how you made him feel during those time, and then he told you how he felt. It was hilariously because he was talking with his hands and flailing them around.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose?
Miles was ready for marriage the minute you kissed for the first time.
The kind of guy to take you out to a fancy dinner and propose in front of everyone. Part of that’s because he wants the whole world to know he’s in love with you. He also wanted the dessert.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
I love this one
-babe (like all the time)
-baby (not as often, but still frequently)
-amor (he thinks it’s very cute)
-mi vida (he loves you and he wants to spend his whole life with you)
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others?
The second he caught feelings, it was obvious. He was drawing you 25/8, in just about every page of his sketchbook.
Any day that he got to see you was a good day. Those were the days that made his mother catch on, because he’d be extra quick to give his parents affection before running off as fast as possible.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
The second you tell him it’s okay to kiss you in public, he pecking you on the lips.
He’ll talk about you all the time, always finding a way to bring you into a conversation. At school, if you guys went to the same school, he’d stand in front of your locker and ask about how your morning was going. Then he’d walk you to your first class and give you a kiss before he either leaves or goes to his seat.
He’s open about his love for you, and the majority of people find it cute. Like he’s so in love it’s almost sickening.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
You can’t sit here and tell me that Miles wouldn’t throw up some art dedicated to you.
Imagine it: It’s in his signature style, a mix of all your favorite colors with hearts. Or maybe it’s you, or your silhouette. And in very big, very noticeable letters it says “MI VIDA,” because you make his life better just by being there.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
This goes back to the last one.
Large bouquets, art dedicated to you…Miles is a romantic. He’s gonna make big, showy, and probably awkward gifts of affection because that’s what he does. His love for you is big. He always has you in mind.
(The kind of guy to randomly give you gifts because “it reminded me of you.”
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Every step of the way. He’s gonna listen to you talk about it, no matter what it is. He’s gonna make sure he understands exactly what it is you’re doing. He’s gonna give you big fat kisses if you accomplish it. He’s gonna be there if you don’t. Every up, every down, every sideways and flip side, he’s gonna be up your ass.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Miles lives for energy and excitement. Anything that gets you excited, will get him excited. He’ll keep you on your toes and, honestly, will never stop surprising you.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Miles, despite his very awkward tendencies, is good with handling your emotions.
The best thing about Miles is that he knows feelings are inevitable. So he doesn’t try to make it stop. He understands, and encourages you to react how you see fit. Whatever will make it better.
You need to cry? He’ll hold you. You need to scream? Yell at him, it’s okay. You want to sleep? He’ll cuddle you.
He just knows what’s going through your head and why. He knows you, he really does.
Vanity - How concerned are they with their looks?
Much like Earth 42! Miles, he isn’t too concerned with it.
Like, he obviously wants to look good for you. But he doesn’t obsess over it. There are more important things in the world than looking in a mirror constantly, 24/7.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Miles would make space in his dresser for your clothes.
If you’re at his house a lot? In his room? Any item of clothing you may leave there will end up right there in the drawer. From a hoodie to a t-shirt. It wouldn’t surprise me if you decided to just change out of your own clothes for his because they’re so comfy and they smell so good.
Or if you don’t leave clothes there, but Instead something else? A bracelet? A book?
He’s keeping it safe on his desk and sending you a text, letting you know it was there. Then he just had an excuse to see you.
Xtra - A random headcanon about their relationship.
He loves hand holding. Like a lot.
You’re cuddling and he has the chance? He’s intertwining your fingers. He’s nervous? He’s gonna squeeze your hand. You’re sitting next to each other? He’s gonna grab your hand.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He pouts and sends you one of those really needy texts. You know what I mean.
babe my bed is so cold without you
I miss you :(
the fact that i’m not kissing you rn is ABSURD
Zzzz - How are they when they sleep? 
I’ll say it again. Miles loves cuddles in every universe.
He’s gonna hold on to you, attach himself to you like a sloth. It’ll be tight, but so so comforting. He won’t let go.
If you get up, though? He’ll stay laying down, but half awake so he’s sure when he can hold you again.
But he’ll probably kick you in his sleep, so.
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blackberry-s0da · 8 months
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Gonna make a big post to try to answer this.
My characters are inspired by lots of thing things (and lots of artists), Machete wasn’t an inspiration in particular to be honest, it’s a fully fleshed character with a specific white-black-red aesthetic, catholic imagery, blood, violence, hate, guilt and by the latest posts, love too. Mercy barely has a name for now, I haven’t been able yet to make a story, place him in a specific historical context or do as much as design his clothes.
Regarding physical similarities I actually took most of the poses and general vibes for Mercy from paintings depicting naked women (mainly form renaissance) as i liked how soft and peaceful they looked;
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(Machete lives on that time period if I’m not wrong so there’s also that. Mercy doesn’t have a spot in any timeline yet, but I’ve depicted him in modern clothes once and I think I’ll eventually place him in a modern setting)
Another inspiration was actually the artist Babezord, specifically for Mercy’s color palette and face pattern as seen in the image below. Many characters count with this mask like pattern and I’ve always loved it;
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(funnily enough on this character it is an actual mask)
The similarities on style are due a few factors: I learned to draw dogs mostly from Canisalbus, I’ve been following their work since I was around 13 or 14 I believe? Maybe earlier, and I learned a lot of things from them for the most part. On top of that I also love sighthounds and mostly draw that type of dogs as I’ve been having them as pets since childhood and always found them very pretty. I currently have two greyhounds.
Another artist I’ve leaned from are Lilaira, putrid.hound, canisinfernalis and mischievousdog, amongst others so shoutout to them too.
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I believe that Canisalbus characters are more stylized and fancy looking, they’re more lean and lanky for the most part, their hands are small and delicate, characters are very expressive and culturally rich, the clothing and pieces of background are beautifully detailed, their pieces usually tell a story, Mercy in the other hand was recently picked up from a mental trashcan I had him on as he’s my oldest and probably less used oc (he used to be a she but I decided to keep the name, that’s as much as he has for now, besides two scraped background stories). I designed them when I was a teen for lots of vent art and didn’t like how he looked (plus the negativeness I attached him to) so he’s been pretty much abandoned until September of 2023 when I redesigned them. Also gotta add that, while he isn’t a self insert he’s been used for the most part to reflect things about me and how I feel at the moment.
I believe my art is similar in many aspects to the one of Canisalbus, but not remotely close to being as amazing as theirs, I wouldn’t say were identical but I do take inspiration on them, amongst other artists.
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lara-cairncross · 6 months
I'm gonna dub myself babbling anon because I know I probably babble a lot. Anyway;
I was thinking about you AU and then I saw a picture of Draxum and thought about him being the pixie dust alchemist or a garden fairy, and then, when I thought about the pixie dust, I thought about the moon stone, which I'm getting off track about. Here are my questions! And sorry again.
1. Do you think any of the brothers would be selected in taking care of the Moonstone?
2. Has any of them been curious about the frost fairies? I'm sure Raph and Donnie has been part of the crews helping the animals cross and making the baskets respectively before.
3. Isn't it common for fairies to use mice to pull their wagons? Wouldn't it be awkward for Splinter to be just a rat?
4. Do you think April would be intrested in Pixue dust alchemy? In the series, she wanted to learn magic in witch town.
That's all my questions, so sorry for the new pile of them. But I also wanna tell you about things I thought about with characters like how Meat Sweats can be a baking fairy, i think that's what they are, and Mikey would drop by the baker fairies' workplace sometimes to watch (imagine Meat Sweats in tiny freaking wings that shouldn't hold him up but it does, haha) but I think I'm being too overwhelming and I should probably not be bothering about this but anyway, babbling again. Thank you for taking your time on this and sorry for wasting it too, haha.
First of all-- I LOVE the idea of Draxum as some kind of Pixie Dust alchemist!! I don't know if I'll ever get around to drawing that, but it's an excellent idea :DD Originally I was trying to figure out if I wanted Draxum or Big Mama to step into Queen Clarion's shoes, but now I'm leaning towards Big Mama as the Queen and Draxum as some kind of fairy alchemist on the lam!
I'm not sure if any of them would be selected, honestly? I mean, the only one who would really be chosen to create the scepter is Donnie-- and although he's talented, he and the rest of the boys are infamous in Pixie Hollow for being, like, SUPER reckless and adventurous! I don't think anyone would trust the four of them around a priceless artifact lmao
Raph definitely takes an interest in the frost fairies/the Winter Woods! He loves helping the animals cross over and seeing their pelts change color, but he does have to be careful-- not only because his wings can get damaged by the cold, but also because it's really easy for him to switch into brumation mode if he accidentally crosses the border. That'd be a disaster all around. Donnie doesn't really care about the frost fairies or the Winter Woods-- he has too much work to do back on his side of the border-- and Mikey doesn't like it over there at ALL, since it's much colder and cloudier!! He thrives off of warm temperatures and sunny skies :DD Leo would probably be pretty indifferent to the Winter Woods, but I can see him challenging himself to fly across the border and get back before his wings get damaged, just to test out how fast he can fly.
Man, I need to figure something out for Splinter. I honestly have no idea where he fits in here! Maybe he could take over Lord Milori's role in the Winter Woods? That could be a fun dynamic to play with when it comes between him, Big Mama, and the turtles :D
April would defffffffinitely be interested in all things related to magic/pixie dust/fairies in general. The turtles tell her all kinds of stories about Pixie Hollow and show off their magic to her, but I imagine that she'd always be sort of disappointed that she can't experience Neverland for herself-- not yet, at least.
Thanks for the questions, dearest babbling anon! They were fun to answer 😚🧡🧡
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Gonna infodump about my D&D character
(Sadly forced to keep things confidential because my party members follow me on tumblr…you know who you are 👁️👁️)
I’ve only had Gawain for a short time but OH MY GOODNESS I FUCKING ADORE THIS SILLY GUY!!
Also kinda shocked that the moodboard I made for him got that many notes. That’s a first…
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Also please enjoy the drawing @hootbon made for me. I will never shut up about their art.
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So…for what CAN post publicly…
Gawain is your token Lawful Good Paladin TM. Bonus points for being a protector aasimar I guess. (Though I might multiclass into a bard depending on how things go. It would fit him well. They’re my favorite spell caster.)
His personality is gonna be SO fun to play. Before I explain that, I should mention that he’s actually the youngest of the group at 24. The second youngest is the Kobold (Maran) who’s 37. So he’s a lot more naive and still understanding himself and the world around him. People often dismiss him due to that unfortunately. But, you know, imagine a dumb collage age boy and you get somewhat of an idea.
He’s a very sweet and compassionate guy, extremely extroverted and fun loving…maybe a bit flirty at times. Definitely cracks witty comments and one liners in battles ranging from something clever to “suck my dick” or something dumb like that. That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious, he absolutely knows when he should. Ironically he’s the most “normal” of the group, often being the straight man. Overall heart of gold and just wants to help people.
He has a bit of a rebellious and impulsiveness to him. As clever as he is, he’s mostly driven by his emotions. It’s always a “do what feels right in the moment” rather than logic. In general he’s just very emotional and struggles with hyper empathy. This also causes him to question a lot of the authority around him.
I’d also say he has that Disney Princess syndrome. Gawain is convinced that he has some grand destiny and is meant for more. He’s always wanted to explore and learn more about the world, meet new people and cultures, live a life of glory and adventure. Maybe he’s in over his head or maybe he’s not…we’ll see.
However, another big reason for doing all this is that he wants to understand who he is…more accurately WHAT he is. He was born to humans, raised by humans, and grew up in a mostly all human kingdom. So he grew up thinking he was one despite some strong differences between him and the others. Aasimar are VERY rare, and more like myths to most people, and others don’t even know they exist. So people either assumed he was blessed or cursed, some treated him like the messiah, and others thought he was a freak and dangerous. So yeah, he never felt like he belonged and wants to learn about himself.
Somewhere in his life he ended up becoming a squire and completed his training just before the start of the campaign…
And that’s all the backstory information I can post because my friends will see this.
I guess I can do a bit of trivia:
It’s still D&D lore, but the world itself is homebrew. Humans are actually not the majority race, far from it. Most humans live in a large archipelago with various human nations. I remember the DM said the estimated population of humans was 20,000 to 30,000. The two mainland continents are one dominated by dwarves and the other by elves, along with other races being far more common on the mainland. Not really about my character but I LOVE that detail. It’s somewhat relevant I guess since I said Gawain grew up in a human society.
The god he venerates most is Ilmatar.
His eyes reflect his emotions and power. When using any of his abilities or when under intense emotions (both positive and negative), his eyes will turn a solid gold color.
Prior to his training, he was a courier. His parents ran his town’s postal service and that’s one of the things that got him into the idea of adventuring.
He’s more of a cat person than a dog person. He likes both, but I feel like he’d go for the cat.
The first weapon he ever used was a bow rather than a sword. The specific sword he uses is an arming sword.
He is a wonderful singer, his voice is almost ethereal in when he sings (little aasimar headcanon of mine).
His favorite study is anthropology, but also really likes history and geography. He’s always collecting little souvenirs and trinkets from everywhere he visits.
He keeps a diary and loves to write stories and sketch things. A lot of story inspiration comes from his dreams, which are often very vivid…and he remembers them super well.
Neither of his parents have blonde hair, nor is it a recessive trait they had. It’s actually part of his aasimar traits.
He talks in his sleep because I think it’s funny.
If this wasn’t a medieval fantasy world, he’d definitely use Gen Z slang. Maybe even tell someone “L + Ratio” or “Skill issue” after besting them in battle. In that same hypothetical reality, his favorite band would be Starset and The Score.
He takes good care of his appearance and health, so he does enjoy certain beauty products. A spa day is his ideal day off.
He hates salmon. He thinks it tastes bad and prefers catfish. I don’t know why I even thought of that fact but it’s there.
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dseval · 23 days
New AU? 🤔🤔
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(This drawing took several years of my life, i think. Had fun but I wasn't a pro artist, sorry color theorists)
I made a joke UTMV AU based on Blue Archive, as a joke, said joke took too many effort now to just be called a joke. Decided to post it on Tumblr because I guess I need Social Media sometimes. The AU is based off Blue Archive (heavily) and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (loosely). Interested in this long idea dump?
Under the cut.
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(logo made with the Blue Archive Logo Generator, this is also a joke name)
ArchiveVerse, or I would personally abbreviate it as ArchV or ArcV for the remaining of this post, is a UTMV AU, where all the characters are our favourite skeleton: Sans but from multiple AUs. It is heavily based off Blue Archive, borrowing a lot of concepts— and loosely from To Aru Kagaku No Railgun.
Side note, i do not actually watch To Aru, nor do I play Blue Archive anymore. So several stuff are definitely made up.
This is literally my second post ever on Tumblr.
The joke concept image that started it all...
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I'm sorry for the terrible artwork sksksks
Do note ahead that this AU is made in-and-out of art block, so some information and designs are inconsistent throughout the post. Everything is also written in Comic Sans MS, as a joke.
The Academy City
Do not take this AU seriously, it's just a slice of life thing. (Unless)
The academy city is occupied with students, nobody is an adult. However there are complete facilities in the city, like malls, restaurants, etc. Some students work in these facilities, but most of the time they are ran by robots/artificial intelligence.
In the heart of the city, rests the Omega Tower, which, hypothetically, kept the city running. It is occupied by the General Student Council. The Academy City itself is shrouded in mystery.
There are four academies in the city, each with their own districts:
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(Thanks to an irl friend for helping me design and clean up the logos ♡)
Each student belongs to their own unique academy, though students can be promoted and enrolled from OPS to either Ordenance or Paradigm if they possess the qualities of excellence. Students who have already been in Juvenile Containment aren't allowed enrollment in Ordenance or Paradigm.
Here are several more fun facts about the academies:
Juvie students are still allowed to go out of their district, though this depends. If the student has a light sentence and hasn't committed any heavy crimes, they're allowed to go pretty much everywhere (unless they're banned in certain locations). Any student can go in and out freely if they have a pass.
There are no teachers, the students learn from text books and videos, though they still attend class.
Even if students come from different academies, they're still allowed to visit and make friends with students from other academies.
The Omega Public School district is the largest district among all academies, and each and every student has their own house, as opposed to the other academies' dormitory system.
Only the Paradigm Academy has a standard uniform. Ordenance students have a dress code, OPS is free to wear whatever. While Juvie students must still wear the uniform of the academy they are once associated with.
A list of basically every student I have somewhat designed for this AU. Each student has their own unique halo, and their own unique powers, which I have put in the sheets. It also includes a short backstory.
However, they're, uh, pretty shabby. This is the most I have designed for a joke (what the hell). Some are well-made, though i faltered around the end. So please zoom in to see text more clearly.
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Friendly note that Nightmare's bones isn't covered in goop in this AU, see the very very first Illustration on top of this post to see what I mean. They also have wings. Nightmare's wings are broken and a bit ugly here and there, while Dream's wings are white and pristine. Can they fly? Take a guess.
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Guys I love Reaper but I suck at drawing him Im sorry
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Halo designs are not final. Also, rest assured, these three are not the only members of the GSC.
Each student has their own special power. So far, I... Literally have nothing to say about these powers, except a few things:
They can manifest from emotions. For example, when Horror is flustered, smoke can come out of the crack of his skull. Or when Dust is nervous, he gets 'cold feet,' A.K.A the ground under his feet turns to ice. Cross also has lightning fizzle out of his fingers when he's nervous or surprised.
They can channel their powers to a weapon, though it's not necessary.
Welp, that was fun. I have fun making this AU (even if it's unlikely anyone will see it). Thanks, guys, have a nice day.
Credits (please tell me if I missed anyone, or misspelled anything):
Undertale by Toby Fox
Nightmare and Dream Sans by Jokublog
Dust Sans by Ask-Dusttale blog
Killer Sans by Rahafwabas
Horror Sans by SourAppleStudios
Cross Sans by Jakei
Epic Sans by Yugogeer012
Color Sans by superyoumna
Delta Sans by AnimatedZorox
Ink Sans by Comyet/Mye bi
Error Sans and Geno by CrayonQueen/LoverofPiggies
Reaper Sans by Renrink
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another roleswap AU (because i have lost control of my life)
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these things. are all i know how to make now.......
ANYWAY it's my take on a wander<-->sylvia roleswap AU!!! i didn't Properly draw sylvia here because i couldn't get her to look right, and she's basically the Same anyway. just without her saddle and with the hat tied around her neck. i don't know if i'm entirely happy with these designs (struggled with the colors for wander and i'm not sure i really like them) but they're all i could think of....and i didn't wanna just copy anyone else's. so that's how they Are for now until i think of something better! (general stuff about the AU and additional doodles under the cut)
for sylvia, i was thinking about her differences in reforming people compared to wander's. while we don't exactly see her do that in the show, she does get Somewhere with villains that wander can't/hasn't tried to do anything with: dominator and peepers. the fact that she almost got dominator to appreciate the beauty of life, someone who is Definitely irredeemable—yeah, i think she could definitely redeem someone, if she tried. how does her method differ from wander's?wander's is precise, time-tested, and based on his analysis of the other person's character; he constantly pushes their buttons to see what makes them tick. while sylvia, from what we see—it's just to mostly...treat them normally. like, relate to them: she has fun brawling with dominator, she and peepers find similarities in Their Idiots. she talks to them. basically, sylvia works from common ground and wander works from uncommon ground. if that makes sense
so, i imagine in wander's place, sylvia's just kind of. Chill! she doesn't have wander's thousands of years of experience, but she has her own down-to-earth attitude, and it's not like her less than thousands of years experience isn't valuable at all. she probably hasn't redeemed a villain before, but she's definitely helped people, and well if they cross paths grop darn it she's going to try. who knows? it could work! it worked with wander, at least. (and like, this is just a small thought that i'm not sure would apply but: mini hater and peepers swap perhaps, not in the complete roleswap way, hater's still the boss, but more like. maybe swapping who's the Main Guy to be redeemed? sylvia's way of relating to people might work more with peepers than hater...but i don't know, i could see it either way)
and speaking of wander: how's our non-violent do-gooder make it to the point of being The Fighter? what got him to abandon his carefree attitude to be The Protector? well! nothing!! he simply never had it in the first place!!! instead of learning to go with the flow and take things as they come...he kinda just Didn't. he never got the hat which to me is what allowed him to start doing that (i have a whole backstory about this but it's a bit long so i'll just move on) instead for the rest of his life continued living in a constant state of anxiety. which is, you know, Not Good for a guy, especially when this lasts thousands of years. i think he still has to help people, but he hasn't gained the courage to go above and beyond or confront villains like in canon. Wander With Survival Instincts, basically. and his main reaction to fear is to run away; but i think, over time, that might not be sustainable, or he might meet someone that convinces him to start fighting back just a bit.
yes, i am sneaking in just one other swap here: screwball and lil bits. this might seem strange and it kinda is. i'm still kinda workshopping it, like maybe screwball should swap with ryder instead...but i dunno, i've always just associated screwball and lil bits with each other. two villains specific to wander and sylvia respectively, whom the other is not able to understand as a threat throughout their debut episode. i think it would be funny. and screwball being a bounty hunter when swapping with bits just Fits, since wander eventually ends up as a bounty hunter before meeting sylvia...of course lending to the idea that they were partner bounty hunters in the past. which works really well, i think
and considering comedy and horror are two sides of the same coin, and that this wander is primarily focused on his Fear, it'd be fun if he had more of a horror theme. a really campy, goofy one. my thoughts are maybe that screwball helped guide wander to lean more towards a Fighting fear response, but eventually scared him away somehow. i don't know how yet, but i'll figure it out. here's a visualization:
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and as for how wander and sylvia met, i still have to figure out some parts, but i think that sylvia would notice how anxious wander is, ask him if he's okay, and he would promptly break down, as such:
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and from that moment on, wander solemnly swore that he would protect sylvia for the rest of her life, and she's been stuck with him since. (not that she's mad about that)
of course he's still energetic and hyperactive...i think his fighting would reflect that. he's a feral little creature
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oh, and for sylvia's relationship with The Hat: she probably found it beat up and bruised one day, with no one around (wander not stealing the hat all those years ago meant a happy ending for No One). yet another thing i have to figure out fully is how she ended up taking it with her, but she did. i don't think she fully understands it, she hasn't realized that it gives you what you need, but she does know that it dispenses items that are sometimes useful (it's a sassy little thing to her) and might somewhat realize its sentience, so she keeps it around, though she's still building trust with it
anddddd yeah that's basically it so far :) i'm always up for questions and suggestions! i hope people like it hehe
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