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otiksimr · 26 days ago
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Poorly drawn Kricketot line
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bulbagarden · 2 years ago
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The next set of Hatsune Miku concepts for the Pokemon and Miku collaboration, Project Voltage has been revealed! This time we have Miku as a 【Bug-type】 Trainer! Art and concept by Megumi Mizutani!
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dizzybizz · 1 year ago
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hey let's go from totoro kinda vibe
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battlevilla · 2 years ago
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Hatsune Miku x Pokémon (Project VOLTAGE)
Miku as a Bug-type Trainer by Megumi Mizutani
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pkmnprideflags · 10 months ago
We've all seen beta gen ii sprites but have you seen the designs from the diamond & pearl source code leaks
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(In case it's unclear, in order: Torterra, Prinplup, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxray, Rampardos, Vespiquen, Garchomp, Hippowdon, Lumineon, Mantyke, Snover, Abomasnow, Lickilicky, Togekiss, Yanmega, Azelf, Giratina, and Arceus.)
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doktoptaxa · 5 days ago
Arc 3 characters as pokemon!
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Luna and Blue as Volcaronas, Cricket as Kricketune, Sundew as Roserade and Snowfall as Articuno.
+ Kinkajou as Grookey because I couldn't add an 11'th image to the previous post
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poketcg-art · 9 months ago
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Kricketune -- Nurikabe
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dailyhatsune · 2 years ago
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applecherry108 · 5 months ago
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Took more than a month, but they’re finally done! I poured a lot of love and hyperfocus into this, so if you like it, please like/comment/reblog! 🥰
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front-facing-pokemon · 26 days ago
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jadeazora · 2 years ago
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The Bug-type Pokemon partnered with Miku is Kricketune! (I think we had all predicted that lol)
The art's by Megumi Mizutani!
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 2 months ago
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pudica · 2 years ago
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bug type miku
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tbshorts · 4 months ago
Starly turns a tiny cowlick into a powerfully proud pompadour
✨ Bidoof ✨ ... and Bibarel, I guess.
Kricketot and Kricketune are good, if unspectacular, costuming
Video scripts below the cut
Why hello there, Gen 4 Pidgey, what is your deal?
Well, Starly isn't much of anything, it's a fairly literal translation of a starling, albeit with a quite compelling graphic design on the face and a good use of that one white tailfeather and the little cowlick on the head to give it some uniqueness.
Staravia mostly doubles down on those ideas, hardening the face mask into a star and REALLY curling that cowlick into a spitcurl that, along with the severe expression, gives it some strong confrontational energy.
And all of that comes to a head culminating naturally and very smoothly in Staraptor, which moves basically all of the design detail to the head and face. Its face crest now spreads out in sharp spikes, the eyes are red and focused and serious, and it's grown what's always seemed to me like a Bōsōzoku hairstyle, that particular brand of youth counterculture so embedded in Japanese pop culture. The blood red that it's tipped with gives it some much needed color and more menace, almost as though it's daring you to comment on its silly hairdo.
I feel the rest of the design is a bit neglected here, it could use some more detail, but all in all, it's effective, it looks powerful, it works.
Grade: A
You know, if Bidoof didn't evolve, I might genuinely put it in S-tier.
Every generation needs its Rattata, right, a mostly weak, somewhat cute but usually quickly discarded Normal type with an early evolution, entirely designed to be left behind. Bidoof is that for Gen 4, but… who could ever abandon this precious child? Look at him! I struggle to even really articulate it, because its sweetness is so obvious.
Bidoof's shape language is very simple, all circles and rounded shapes, which then contrasts with the sharp rectangles of its teeth. And that enormous overbite combined with the tiny little red clown nose and those sweet little button eyes that are just a little too far apart… god it looks precious. It's so fucking cute! What dark alchemy did they pour into this beast to make it so fucking appealing??? If you can put him in a PC box and leave him without feeling guilty, your soul will not see Heaven!
The evolution, though… I mean Bibarel is fine, it's cute enough, but between that weird eye mask, the pinprick eyes which just don't work on it and the loss of a lot of its wooly fluffiness… some of the magic is lost.
It's still cute, it's still good, but it's just not Bidoof anymore.
Grade: A
I don't usually give bug types much attention because, well, they tend to be weak and I don't like their type matchups, but Cricketot is a deceptively adorable little thing. With its wide collar and markings on the chest, it looks like it's wearing a fancy olde timey outfit, and depending on if you see the round shape on its face as a mouth or a nose it looks various degrees of awkward and shy. The color scheme is maybe a bit drab, but what a dapper little gentleman.
This all comes very much to a head in Cricketune, with its big imperious moustache the wings hanging off its body like fancy coat tails. Going by its pokédex entries it's supposed to evoke the idea of a virtuoso composer, playing on the idea of grasshoppers and crickets as violinists. And, yeah, I can see that idea. I think maybe the markings on the body could have evoked white tie dress a bit more explicitly, or maybe have its antennae shaped like musical notes or something, but, no, yeah, I buy it.
As a design, this is… perfectly effective. It's not exciting, but it's a fun idea and it works… well enough.
Grade: B
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pokemonshelterstories · 7 months ago
Wondering if you might be able to explain this. I have a kricketune and my brother came over to crash on my couch for a few days and started playing some heavy metal on his phone and Mozart was weirdly fascinated by it? He was chirping and tapping my brother's phone with his antennae. He wasn't acting stressed or anything. I try not to anthropomorphize pokemon but it really seemed like he was enjoying it? What do you reckon he was doing?
it does seem like he was enjoying it or at least curious about it! it's not anthropomorphizing to say that a pokemon enjoys something based on their natural behaviors, and if he was examining the phone, that means that he wanted to interact more with the sounds. kricketune's antennae pick up vibrations from sounds to help them better process what they hear, because being able to hear small variations in sounds is important to their ability to communicate with each other. kricketune are also known to incorporate new sounds into the "vocalizations" they produce by rubbing their front legs together, so hearing new and unique sounds is really enriching to them!
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negativespace06 · 8 months ago
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some pokemikus since i’ve listened to all the project voltage songs now
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