#Kim min joo
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dylan-rodrigues · 12 days ago
welcome to kdramas. here we have top spies dancing like the rent's due so that their colleague (undercover as a high schooler) can win student elections and investigate some ~spooky~ clocks.
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we also have, uhhh, actual high school kid being forced to sleep less than 4 hours and take pills by her evil chaebol mom
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iamacolor · 6 months ago
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Omma might have passed away...but she's still here with us. I can see her in your features, sense her in your character and her her in how you speak. Mothers never die.
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junkobato · 4 months ago
Upcoming Kdrama November 2024 💙
4/11: Brewing Love with Kim Se Jong, Lee Jong Won, Baek Sung Chul. 12 episodes; rom-com.
6/11: Face Me with Lee Min Ki, Han Ji Hyun, Lee Yi Kyung. 12 episodes; medical, crime.
6/11: Gangnam B-Side with Ji Chang Wook, Ha Yoon Kyung, Bibi. 8 episodes; action, thriller, mystery.
8/11: Mr. Plankton with Woo Do Hwan, Lee You Mi, Oh Jung Se. 8 episodes; rom-com.
8/11: the Fiery Priest 2 with Kim Nam Gil, Lee Ha Nee, Kim Sung Kyun. 12 episodes; crime, action, comedy.
9/11: Marry You with Lee Yi Kyung, Jo Soo Min. 12 episodes; romance.
18/11: Parole Examiner Lee with Go Soo, Kwon Yuri, Lee Hak Joo. 12 episodes; law, drama.
22/11: When the Phone Rings with Yoo Yeon Suk, Chae Soo Bin. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, romance.
23/11: Love Your Enemy with Joo Ji Hoon, Jung Yumi, Kim Ye Won. 12 episodes; rom-com.
30/11: the Tale of Lady Ok with Im Ji Yeon, Choo Young Woo, Kim Jae Won. 16 episodes; historical, romance.
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Say goodbye to your social life (who has one anyway?!)
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nunafilms · 6 months ago
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Are you still writing beautiful children's books?
No Gain, No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024)
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stuff-diary · 14 days ago
Started watching Undercover High School and it should be illegal to be as handsome as Seo Kang Joon. Like, I don't think a male face can get any more perfect than that.
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teashh · 15 hours ago
One of the things I love about kdramas is that it really subverts what masculinity is supposed to be. You see the loser who's down bad for the female lead (Lovely runner, queen of tears, Love Next Door, Strong Girl Do Bong Soon, the Judge from Hell), you see the soft masculinity in hometown cha cha cha, summer strike and Doctor Slump and extraordinary attorney woo, the protective kind of masculinity in any of Ji Chang Wook's and Ahn Bo Hyun's works, the reassured and confident masculinity of Seo Kang Joon in Undercover High school and Lee Jun Hyuk in Love scout, the playful masculinity in Twinkling Watermelon and Crash Course in Romance, the stoic but gentle masculinity in Doctor Romantic and Hierarchy, and the "I care about you and only you" kind of masculinity in Vincenzo to name a few.
This is progress from the old kdramas and I get that it's fictional and in real life, some of these actors are assholes. But in the era where Toxic masculinity is rampant, I think we can turn towards kdrama to have some inkling of what kind of man we should strive to be and what kind of man we should want. This should not something we see only in fiction. We should raise our sons (I'm 21) to be like this so that one day it's not just a concept for fictional love stories.
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maibearcore · 9 months ago
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Do I have a type?...........Oh my god l have a type!! ☠️. I ain't even gonna explain myself here✌️ why is this screaming daddy issues tho 😭🤣
The Devil Judge(2021), The Veil(2021), Beyond Evil(2021), Vigilante(2023), Killing Eve(2018), Sweet Home 2(2023)
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toastinthegrass · 6 months ago
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Shamans are religious specialists who are perceived as having the capacity to deal directly with spirits on behalf of the community, either by sending their own soul on a journey to other realms or by calling them into the here and now and manifesting them in their own bodies.
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whumpslist · 1 year ago
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City Hunter (시티헌터)’s whumps’ list
[referred to main character Lee Yoon-sung/City Hunter, portrayed by Lee Min-ho: *bonuses: Lee Jin-pyo, portrayed by Sang-Jung Kim; Kim Young-joo, portrayed by Jun-hyuk Lee]
Season 1
.01: chased, brief scuffle, argued and upset, under heavy gunfire, laying unconscious on the floor (for fake), fought against multiple opponents simultaneously, witnessed his mother figure's murder, upset, stepped on an anti-personnel mine, shocked after his father's sacrifice on his behalf, received upsetting news about his past; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: fought, betrayed and ambushed, shot, deeply upset, on a revenge path, fought, hit by a anti-personnel mine and lost his leg (self sacrifice), carried by his son, dug into the shoulder to remove an old bullet, with a cane; bonus Kim Young-joo: thrown to the ground and rough landing.
.02: rough sparring (in the past), rough sparring, slapped in the face, thrown to the ground and rough landing, rough sparring, upset, argued; bonus Kim Young-joo: badly argued with his boss.
.03: brief scuffle, upset and disappointed, grabbed and manhandled, on his knees, fought, rough fight, emotional distress; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: angry; bonus Kim Young-joo: badly argued with his boss, upset and disappointed.
.04: argued with his father, emotional distress and upset, drunk, badly argued with Kim Na-na and upset, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, upset for Kim Na-na's nasty words and her tears, brief scuffle, worried for Kim Na-na; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: argued with his son, feeling nostalgic; bonus Kim Young-joo: emotional discomfort, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.05: consumed by jealousy, annoyed, rough fight without consequences, worried and sleepless night to watch over Kim Na-na's house; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: not eating and sore at his amputed leg.
.06: badly argued with Kim Na-na twice and disappointed.
.07: disappointed, argued with Kim Na-na, emotional distress, brief argument and grabbed by his jacket, taken a beating on purpose without trying to defend himself, bruised lip and taken care of at home, bandaid on his face, multiple fights and kicked a couple of times (couldn't hit a woman), under gunpoint and shot at his shoulder (by Kim Na-na), moaning.
.08: under gunpoint and shot at his shoulder (by Kim Na-na) from previous episode, jumped off the building and rough landing, bloody hands and heavily panting, self-treatment on the field and extracted the bullet with a scapel without anesthesia, grunting in pain and heavily panting, many groaning and blood, very pale and sweaty, taken care into a clinic, IV into his arm and fever, nightmares (of being shot and laying blood on the floor), rough awakening and groaning for the pain, wound dressed again, argued with Kim Na-na, thrown to the ground by leveraging his injured shoulder and landing on it, moaning in pain, unable to shot and conflicted, dressing stained with blood and nasty wound, sore and grimacingt, argued with Kim Young-joo, grabbed by his injured shoulder twice and manhandled, slapped in the face by his father and scolded, hit twice on his injured shoulder with a cane, pale, wound dressed again, old scars on his back, wound infected and dressed again by himself, moaning in pain and injected medicine, rough fight with Kim Young-joo and grabbed by his injured shoulder several times, worried for Kim Na-na who had a gun pointed at her head, holding a dangling Kim Na-na with his injured arm and blood dripping for the reopened wound, moaning and grimacing in pain; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: worried for his son then badly argued with him, disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: argued with Lee Yoon-sung, fought with Lee Yoon-sung.
.09: holding a dangling Kim Na-na with his injured arm and blood dripping for the reopened wound from previous episode, on the floor holding his arm and bloody hand, pale and sweaty, worried and upset, brief angry fight, confronted his father and argued with him, pale and sweaty, tried to stand up and badly fainted, on his bed with IV into his arm, sleeping, worried for Kim Na-na, nightmares and rough awakening, disappointed and upset, worried for Kim Na-na, grimacing and holding his arm, threatened and upset, pale, laying sleepy for painkillers, forced to emotionally hurt Kim Na-na to push her away, voice cracking and tears in his eyes, upset; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: worried for his son, disappointed, brief scuffle, hit by tear bomb and passed out, angry and badly argued with Lee Jin-pyo.
.10: harsh confrontation with his father, received upsetting news and argued with his friend, argued with Kim Nana and feeling guilty twice, bruised knuckels, received upsetting news about his mother's health, upset and screaming in frustration, scuffle, grunting in effort; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son, angry and disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.11: harsh confrontation with Kim Na-na twice, not eating and worried, harsh confrontation with his father and blackmailed, confronted by Kim Na-na and feeling guilty, worried for his kidnapped friend, shot with a tranquilizer dart, taken away unconscious, tied up to a chair and interrogated, grabbed by his hair, blurred vision for the drug and manhandled, punched and kicked, blood from his mouth, blood on his face (not his), shocked and angry, worried for Kim Na-na and tears in his eyes; bonus Kim Young-joo: harsh conversation with his father.
.12: shocked and worried for Kim Na-na from previous episode, blood transfusion, received very upsetting news about his past and father's actions, harsh confrontation with his father, shocked and upset, disappointed, brief scuffle, repeatedly hit with a cane by his father, upset; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son and threatened, bad memories; bonus Kim Young-joo: received very upsetting news about his father.
.13: upset and terrified, under gunpoint, argued with Kim Na-na, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, witnessed his friend's hitting by a car, intense emotional distress, tears of fear and relief, deeply upset, hit a mirror with bare hand and bloody knuckles, bad memories, upset; bonus Kim Young-joo: upset and disappointed, badly argued with his boss, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, tense, humiliated in public and shocked, confronted by an angry Kim Na-na, worried for his father, shocked witnessing his father's incident.
.14: upset, shocked witnessing Kim Young-joo's father's incident, heavily panting and screaming in frustration, received upsetting news and harsh confrontation with his father, stabbed himself in the hand, heavily panting and bloody hand, upset and on the verge of tears, grabbed by an angry Kim Young-joo, bandaged hand, upset, emotional family reunification with his biological mother, tense conversation with his father, confllicted and upset, brief scuffle, worried for Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son, shocked by Lee Yoon-sung's self stabbing, confronted by Kim Na-na, tense conversation with his son; bonus Kim Young-joo: shocked witnessing his father's incident, distraught for his father's fate, desperate and screaming, harsh confrontation with Lee Yoon-sung and tears rooling down his cheeks, avoided by his peers, grabbed and chloroformed, trapped into his car filling of carbon monoxide, weak and coughing, rescued and dragged outside the car by Lee Yoon-sung.
.15: embarrassed and speechless, brief argument with Kim Na-na, in hospital waiting to undergo a bone marrow transplant for her sick mother, IV into his forearm and connected to a blood machine, comically argued with his friend, feverish, brief scuffle, invested by a toxic gas and brief scuffle, feeling sick, weak and blurred vision, coughing and rechting, sitting on the ground and panting, heavily sweating and losing consciousness, very pale and using a handrail to climb up the stairs; bonus Kim Young-joo: groggy after previous episode, passed out and laying unconscious on the floor, regaining consciousness in hospital, groggy and coughing.
.16: very pale and using a handrail to climb up the stairs from previous episode, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, weak and collapsed unconscious on the couch, taken care of, sad conversation with Kim Na-na, indignant, fought against multiple opponents, upset, heartbroken, emotional confrontation with Kim Na-na and tears in his eyes, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: angry, upset, disappointed; bonus Kim Young-joo: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, angry, indignant and angry, manhandled and blood at his lip, scolded by his boss and suspended, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung.
.17: upset, tense and worried, unable to focus and claiming to have headache, conflicted and emotional struggle, brief scuffle, worried for his father, grabbed and brief scuffle with Kim Young-joo, fought against multiple armed opponents to rescue his father; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: lured into a trap, attacked by many armed men and fought, repeatedly hit and on the floor, blade at his throat and almost stabbed, rescued at the last minute by his son; bonus Kim Young-joo: feeling guilty and remorseful, uneasy conversation with Kim Na-na, frustrated, brief scuffle with Lee Yoon-sung and thrown to the ground.
.18: fought against multiple armed opponents to rescue his father from previous episode, worried for his father's conditions, blackmailed and worried for Kim Na-na, handcuffed himself behind his back, repeatedly punched at his face and kicked (without any consequence!!), in his knees and almost stabbed, fought back only using his legs, hurried to rescue Kim Na-na from drowning, heavily panting, tense confrontation with Kim Na-na, brief scuffle, chased and blocked, under gunpoint, identity uncovered by Kim Young-joo; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: attacked by many armed men and rough fights from previous episode, holding his arm and groaning in pain, laying unconscious into an hospital bed, badly injurerd to his left shoulder and damages to his amputated leg, torn out the IV needle, arm in a sling; bonus Kim Young-joo: frustrated, disarmed and under gunpoint.
.19: under gunpoint from previous episode, identity uncovered by Kim Young-joo, hunted, tense conversation with Kim Young-joo, received upsetting news three times, deeply upset and resentful against his father, not eating and frustrated, snapped at his friend and nervous, fought against multiple armed opponents; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: confronted by his son and upset, tense confrontation with Kim Young-joo and angry remembering the past, upset for Kim Young-joo's dying in his arms; bonus Kim Young-joo: disarmed and under gunpoint from previous episode, upset and badly scolded by his boss, tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, tense confrontation with Lee Jin-pyo, tense and worried, fallen into an ambush and surrounded, furious fights against multiple armed opponents, badly beaten and heavily panting, hit hardly at his head with a metal bar, badly bleeding by his head and collapsed, laying and shaking on the floor, died.
.20: upset for Kim Young-joo's dying in his arms in the previous episode, argued with his father, angry and frustrated, received upsetting news, harsh confrontation with his father and blade pointed at his face, harsh confrontation at Kim Young-joo's funeral and grabbed by his jacket, disappointed, uneasy conversation with his biological father, emotional confrontation with his father, voice craking and tears in his eyes, under gunpoint then pointed his own gun against himself, protected his biological father and shot in the chest by his father, on his knees and collapsed, upset witnessing his father's sacrifice and shooting, shaking and tears rolling down, bloody hand, passed out; bonus Lee Jin-pyo's: tense conversation with Lee Yoon-sung, brief scuffle, confronted by his son and upset, emotional confrontation with his son and under gunpoint, shot in the chest, surrounded and under gunpoint, decided to sacrifice himself to protect his son's identity, shot multiple times and collapsed on the ground, bloody and died.
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jeshikaah · 12 days ago
turning my favorite kdrama characters into this 😊
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Can you guess which kdrama are they from?
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junkobato · 3 months ago
Upcoming Kdrama December 2024 ✨
4/12: Light Shop with Joo Ji Hoon, Park Bo Young, Kim Seol Hyun. 8 episodes; supernatural, thriller, mystery.
5/12: Sorry Not Sorry with Jeon So Min, Choi Daniel, Gong Min Jung. 12 episodes; rom-com.
18/12: Who Is She with Jung Ji So, Jung Jin Young. 12 episodes; fantasy, comedy.
21/12: Check In Hanyang with Bae In Hyuk, Kim Ji Eun, Jung Gun Joo. 16 episodes; historical, romance.
23/12: The Starry Night with Ko Hyun Jung, Ryeoun, Yoon Sang Hyun. 12 episodes; life, drama.
26/12: Squid Game 2 with Lee Jung Jae, Wi Ha Joon, Im Siwan, Kang Ha Neul. 6 episodes; thriller, mystery.
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Wrapping up the year with new stories!!
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curlykytta · 2 years ago
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“The question is not whether you will love, hurt, dream, and die. It is what you will love, why you will hurt, when you will dream, and how you will die. This is your choice. You cannot pick the destination, only the path.” ― Brandon Sanderson
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stuff-diary · 6 days ago
Update on Undercover High School *SPOILERS ahead*: caught up with episodes 5 and 6, and it's still going strong. At first I didn't want Su Ah to find out about Hae Seong's identity so soon, but they've handled it really well. It seems like the reveal won't make their hijinks any less fun, and I'm sure the writer will keep coming up with hilarious misunderstandings.
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aria-baerose · 5 months ago
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 2 months ago
Imagine: K-Drama remake of “The Walking Dead”
1) The show would be 20 episodes long and would cover the first two seasons of the original series.
2) Storyline is mostly the same, with changes being to fit the different setting/culture. Also, the teases to season 3 are removed just in case the drama doesn’t get renewed. So, no Michonne or the shot of the prison in the distance.
3) Lee Jung-Jae (Seong Gi-hun from Squid Game, Sol from The Acolyte) as the equivalent to Rick Grimes. In this version, he is a police officer from Yangpyeong County. I chose that county since if Seoul becomes the equivalent of Atlanta, he has to be from an area not too far from the city.
4) Han Hyun Min (So Not Worth It) as the equivalent to Glenn Rhee. Since you obviously can’t do the scene where Glenn has to correct Daryl Dixon by saying that he’s Korean, Glenn in this version is played by a Korean-Nigerian actor. So Daryl’s ignorance in this version would probably be something along the lines of him saying that Glenn is Ethiopian or a black American.
5) The Rick-Lori-Shane love triangle gets more of a kdrama vibe, so maybe we might actually get to see how Rick fell in love with Lori and how Shane began to lust after her.
6) Ryoo Seung-bum (Frank from Moving) as the equivalent to Daryl Dixon.
7) Ju Ji-hoon (Lee Chang from Kingdom) as the equivalent to Shane Walsh.
8) Song Hye-kyo (Moon Dong-eun from The Glory) as the equivalent to Lori Grimes.
9) Steven Yeun (original Glenn Rhee) makes a cameo appearance as the army zombie inside the tank. The one who Rick gets the grenade from.
10) Park Ji-hu (Nam On-jo from All of Us Are Dead) as the equivalent to Maggie Greene
11) Park Sung-Woong (Kim Myeong-gil from Bloodhounds) as the equivalent to Merle Dixon
12) Song Kang-ho (Kim Ki-taek from Parasite) as the equivalent to Hershel Greene
13) Han Hyo-joo (Lee Mi-hyun from Moving) as the equivalent to Andrea
14) Chun Ho-jin (Seo Tae-su from My Golden Life) as the equivalent to Dale Horvath
15) Kim Joo-ryoung (Han Mi-nyeo from Squid Game) as the equivalent to Carol Peletier
16) As stated above, Atlanta is changed to Seoul
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If they reunite only in the last five minutes... well, I could live with that, okay. But then it will be funny, because in all of my favourite 2024 romantic kdramas the leads met again right in the end (looking at you, No Gain No Love, Knight Flower and Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
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