#check in hanyang
park-jaechan · 1 month
Channel A Drama <Check-in Hanyang>
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0 notes
dojunie · 1 year
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➥ PART 6 OF MESSENGER; a small smau about a stranger, a whole lot of animal pics, and a relationship you would never have expected to come from texting a random number written on a public bathroom mirror.
➥ WC: 4.4K
a/n: double update as a gift for taking a month to post this 🤠
current tl: @matchahyuck @theboyz-jacob @hoeshi17 @neoteez01 @hibernatinghamster @luvvsnae @shwizhies @skynightgalaxy @ihrtnyu @kunvibing @liliansun @txpxwxk @is4b3ll3s @rxnexxi @rum-gone-why @she-is-dreaming @chenfleur @haedgaf @twogyuu
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Doyeon— your team’s captain, your best friend, and currently the person you were hovering over as she jolted and tried to hide her phone under her jacket sleeve— startled so badly at your booming voice that she almost hit her head on the locker door. Almost. As it stood she narrowly missed cracking her pretty face open on the metal, swinging her sharp gaze around to glare at you instead.
You snooped shamelessly; her phone screen seemed to be lingering on a text message thread.
“You’re terrible,” you chided. “Almost ripped my ear off at practice today when I was on my phone, but look at you. Five minutes before the game and you’re doing this. If I wasn’t so personally hurt I’d surely report you to the NCAA—”
“I dragged you onto the court because you were literally up next in set,” she hissed, “So I don’t want to hear it, brat; and keep your voice down!”
...Hmm. Bingo.
You’d managed to deduce exactly the reaction you were looking for. She only did that wide-eyed small-mouth yelling when she was on the edge— which meant that she was stressed, even if she's been dodging your eyes all afternoon. Instead of replying to her name-calling like you usually would your eyes lowered into a squint, and then drifted to the phone she’d now tossed onto a shelf in her locker.
Your game against the Hanyang Tigers was set to start in a little under five minutes. Coach had gone off to do something last-minute and boring and official, like check the court for proper net height ordinances or something, which left you and the team wandering around the room to finish warming up before she returned and things became serious— but for now, the vibe in the SNU locker room was still pretty light. Light, besides the obvious cloud of agitation floating around your captain.
Doyeon’s shoulders were stiff. Her lips pursed, and her attention clearly elsewhere. 
“Did that loser do something dumb again?” you asked. The immediate slump of her shoulders answered your question before her mouth did.
“No,” she lied.
A beat.
“Or… I don’t know yet, should I say,” she added, dejectedly, when your eyes narrowed on her further. “And you know he hates it when you call him that.”
“I’ll say it like I see it,” you replied. “And until he gets his priorities straight, I don’t know about Donghyuck. I only know loser. What’d he do now?”
You didn’t actually dislike Donghyuck. You thought he was pretty funny, truthfully. Nice, clever, if not a little rebellious; the extrovert to reign over all extroverts.
You were the one to introduce him to Doyeon, even— after his incessant inquires about her began to drive you insane during the class you shared last semester, where you’d gotten to know him as your lab partner and then eventual friend (or should you say frenemy, since you both tended to argue more than not). Even though they seemed to be polar opposites on paper, Doyeon and Donghyuck actually ended up hitting it off a few months ago. They’ve officially been together for a few weeks now… but as many new couples eventually find, a spot of turbulence has begun to form in the waters of their relationship. (Namely, the one that was plaguing your best friend right now: his schedule.)
Donghyuck was a popular guy. Not to say that Doyeon wasn’t, the sweetheart and absolute knock-out she is, but Hyuck is in three clubs, a fraternity, and a sport; not to mention his affinity for spending every rare free moment doing something, being somewhere, having fun somehow.
It wasn’t a problem until it was a problem. Donghyuck missed a date he’d planned with Doyeon a few days ago, leaving your poor captain hanging out to dry at an arcade downtown because he’d lost track all eighty billion of the things he does during the week— and it wasn’t the first time he’d accidentally blown her off, either. But this was the worst and most recent of them, and it was obvious that day had stung your best friend pretty badly.
He's been groveling at her feet to make it up to her as of late, a definite step in the right direction, but as the best friend who'd had to hear her hold back tears on the phone afterwards? He was still on thin ice with you.
“I asked him to come to our game a few days ago, but he said he had a Nu Chi thing tonight that he wouldn’t be able to get out of,” Doyeon confided after a moment, eyes cloudy. “But now his location is off, and he’s not responding to my texts.”
"Oh,” you said. “Well. My eyebrows are... raised, but even I can’t crucify him for just that–”
“Me neither,” she cut in. “I wasn’t upset about that.”
“What I’m upset about, is that Yoojin just texted me and said he was at B-Block dorms like, ten minutes ago, just walking around with one of his friends. Y’know. On the other side of campus, where his frat is not?”
You blinked. Yikes. 
“Right,” Doyeon sighed.
You weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that your coach returned then, smacking her clipboard against the bench to gather everyone's attention at the other end of the locker room. In an instant Doyeon’s expression changed, shifting into that of the captain who needed to gather her team and not of a girl who just found out that her boyfriend might be lying about his whereabouts.
You’d better not be doing anything stupid, Donghyuck, you thought unhelpfully, as you gave Doyeon the only thing you could think of— a weak pat on the back. I’ll kick your ass, motherfucker. I’ll make you wish you never met me.
Renjun is going to be completely honest; he had never really intended on actually meeting you.
The idea had surely crossed his mind, more often after that time you’d called him, recent nights going by where he found himself wondering in the lull between your messages if your laugh sounded higher or lower in person, or if you'd smell like the flowers you told him you press sometimes to use in your tea— but Renjun was nothing if not a realist, and knew that neither of you expected this messenger thing to go on for as long as it has.
He wasn't delusional enough to tell himself he didn't care about you, as he knew that whatever he felt in his stomach when your name lit up on his screen was not... normal, but he also knew that in the blink of an eye you could become too busy, or not find him as interesting, or simply find something better to do with your time that text him all day, and the thought of that made him nervous enough that he decided to prepare for the worst instead of hope for the best. Now, whenever you crossed his mind and he realized he was dwelling, wondering what you were doing, when you'd text him, what you might say or do or show him next— he reminded himself that you both were probably never going to meet, and forced himself to think about something else.
However. Because of this. Renjun has never actually allowed himself to think about what he’d do if he saw you in person.
Which is why he has no idea what the fuck would possess him to tell Donghyuck he’d go to your game.
He wasn’t even sure why he did it. Before Hyuck mentioned anything about volleyball Renjun had already been mashing his refusal into the keyboard, as on a normal afternoon Donghyuck’s request would have been met with a swift no, much less after a stressful weekend back home, two delayed flights, and an unedited essay waiting on his laptop waiting be turned in before midnight. The last thing he wanted to do was muck around some house party or fraternity kickback with a bunch of people he didn’t know.
I’d rather walk back to Jilin, he’d been typing, lips already pulled into a scowl, You have six hundred other friends who actually LIKE going to things like this, why do you always insist on harassing me with—
But then the next message that popped onto the screen had his fingers freezing over the send button.
Volleyball game, Hyuck had said. It was right there in the gray bubble. Staring back at him, surrounded by exclamation marks, like there was a chance he’d miss it.
Volleyball, he thought.
As in… the game taking place tonight? The one the women’s team is playing in?
The women’s team that you told him you were on?
And then everything happened so quickly. The part of his brain that controlled self-preservation flatlined, and before he could think better of it he told Donghyuck he’d go. 6 o’clock came in the blink of an eye and then all of a sudden Renjun was… here. Stuck to Donghyuck’s side in one of the many SNU stadium gyms, his stomach twisting in his body because his stupid, thoughtless desire to see you meant he didn’t realize until it was too late what he’d done— which was secretly show up here with the intention to watch you without you knowing, like a creep, potentially risking screwing up everything if you found out and—
Donghyuck nudged him out of his turmoil. "You want to see something cool?" he asked excitedly. Renjun followed his pointed finger to one of the banners hanging from the rafters on the walls.
He wasn't sure what he was looking at until the banner shifted against the wind of the airconditioning and the title became visible.
Women's Volleyball National Champions, 4X!
“Kim Doyeon,” Donghyuck had said proudly, “Mine, right there, number 22; but she was only vice captain, then! Now look at her. Moving up in the world…”
Renjun tuned him out as he looked over the banner, really looking over it, swallowing thickly as the letters danced against the breeze. This banner was from earlier this year. Your name was on there somewhere. Hyun Mijoo…? Could you be a Mijoo?
The buzzer rang then, a jarring sound that almost made Renjun leap out of his seat, but to everyone else in the stadium it must’ve signaled something exciting because the chattering amped up tenfold. 
Without warning, a little under a dozen girls streamed out of the tunnel to the far right of the court, and the entire half of the gym that they were sitting in erupted into cheers. Renjun’s stomach began to twist like he was committing some sort of crime.
Donghyuck was whistling, howling for his girlfriend like a man possessed; and Kim Doyeon, the girl who’s heart he was here to mend, was the first one in the pack. Renjun's eyes followed her as she walked onto the court, expression calm, long brown hair pulled into two braids on the back of her head. She was a real force of nature— and Renjun wasn’t only saying this because she was taller than him— but because as if she wouldn’t be sought after just for being tall and attractive; she was treasurer for the student government, studying to become a pediatrician, and genuinely very, very nice. The whole perfect triangle.
He was sure that half the guys in the bleachers were going to have their eyes locked on her for the whole evening despite the fact that Donghyuck was right here; because without trying, she just commanded that type of attention.
Though. If someone were to ask Renjun what color her knee pads were, or whether the hair-tie in her braids were black or white, he would draw a huge, blinking blank. Why?
Because right behind Doyeon, hair tugged into a ponytail and practically hopping down the court with a giant smile on their face, was you.
The selfie you’d sent him that first week you started talking hadn’t been nearly as mysterious as his. Even surprising himself, he recognized instantly the curve of your chin, the warmness of your skin; your eyes looked the same even from halfway across the room, shiny and bright and squinted into a grin as you and Doyeon and the other members of the team jogged to the center of the court.
In the span of a second, he stopped hating himself for being here just a little bit less.
“God,” Donghyuck whined, “Maybe this was a mistake. I can never think right when she’s in that damn uniform. Isn’t she just so…?”
He couldn't help but try to memorize everything he saw; to confirm or deny everything he'd ever wondered. From here, it didn’t look like you were that much shorter than Doyeon. The top of your head might hit around Renjun’s nose, maybe his top lip if the perspective was giving you another inch.
“Actually don’t answer that, unless you want to get bit. Only I get to think about how hot she is. Fucking hell.”
For some terrible reason he chose then to wonder if you were stronger than him. You’d been threatening to beat him up lately, your go-to response for whenever he said anything you didn’t like— like telling you to go to bed, and scolding you when you shucked off doing your classwork to wander around campus and prowl for animals to take pictures of— and Renjun always shrugged it off, positive that you were all talk, but now he wasn’t sure. He doesn’t work out. You look like you work out. Your legs looked awfully long in those shorts, and when he watches you stretch your arms above your head he notices the curve of your waist, too. 
He swallowed a second time— this one much more difficult than the first. 
“Hey… Hello? Earth to LunJeon? What the… Dude, tell me you’re actually not staring at my girlfriend right now?”
A whistle blew, the huddle broke up, and the crowd cheered again. A bunch of girls left the court. He wasn’t sure why only six remained from each team, the opposing school’s red and yellow uniforms on one side and Seoul National’s black and white on the other, but you happened to be one of the ones that stayed and that was all he really cared to notice.
“Or— Wait, is it— Are you looking at Y/N? Ponytail?”
It was like someone popped a rubber band right next to his ear. The sounds of the room snapped back into his mind, no longer muffled and distant— Renjun whipped around.
“You were looking at Y/N!”
Donghyuck must’ve read the startled look on Renjun’s face as confusion and not the horror it actually was from realizing he was staring so blatantly, because he quickly elaborated. “Number 10,” he hissed, “The libero!”
“I don’t know what a libero is,” Renjun said just as fast, instantly defensive, but on the inside his mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Your jersey had a big, silver 10 on the back. He really was talking about you.
Y/N? That's your name?
Donghyuck didn’t look fooled by this response in the slightest, still watching Renjun with clear alarm that he’d just found his friend paying attention to a girl for once, but before he could ask anything else Renjun scowled and turned his attention back to the game— careful, now, to pretend like he was looking at the opposing team.
“I was looking at her because I was trying to figure out why her shirt is a different color. I’ve never been to a volleyball game. I don’t know why—”
“Even if, you were like— super staring, dude. I was talking to you and you didn’t hear me!”
“Ignoring you is nothing new,” Renjun muttered. “Are you going to answer my question or not?”
“What question?”
“Why is number ten wearing white shirt, when everyone else is wearing black?”
His friend blinked back at the court, obviously skeptical, like he still wasn’t sure if he was really just asking about your clothing choice. “Y/N’s the libero,” Donghyuck eventually relented, “It means that her main job over everything else is just making sure the ball never touches the ground. You’ll see soon enough. She’s stupidly good at it. Gonna be flying all over this court.”
The whistle blew, the sound that signaled that the game was really about to start; And fly you did. But instead of the vague interest in your skill that he was expecting to feel, instead, within minutes of the match starting his stomach was in knots.
Cuts and bruises appeared to be the least of your concerns. Renjun watched, slack-jawed, as you tossed yourself all over the stadium; to the point that he started to lose track how many times you completely pancaked your body to the hardwood, an arm outstretched just in time to smack the ball into the waiting hands of another teammate— only to get back on your feet without a second of hesitation and do it again a moment later. The first time he’d seen it he was startled— by both the action, and the fact that everyone just kept going afterwards. Wasn’t anyone going to check on you? Or call a time-out, or something? There’s no way that wasn’t going to bruise; how was the game still on?
The second time you hit the ground led quickly into the third, and by the fourth time Renjun saw you dive to the hardwood, the sound of your body hitting the ground audible even from where he was sitting, his shock had transformed into something else: a cold, uncomfortable pit in his gut.
He was worried about you. And realizing this was as embarrassing as it was horrifying. Worried? Half an hour ago he didn’t even know your name. Who was he to get concerned about your health, to the point that every hit nearly made him wince?
This game was just more brutal than he thought; he'd be this worried about anyone.
(He chose not to think about his reaction to one of the harder times you’d fallen— how sharply his breath got caught in his throat when you’d hit the ground after a particularly long volley after halftime, a nasty spill that had the bleachers tittering in concern. You took longer to bounce back to your feet like usual, a grimace painted onto your face instead of your usual determination, and with each passing second that you didn’t get up Renjun’s lungs felt like they were being squeezed in someone's fist. Only after you rolled to your feet did he realize he’d been digging his nails into the seat— and when the realization hit him, the little knowing crescents left behind in the plastic, he’d gotten so embarrassed that he banned himself from looking at you again until the game ended.)
17 to 9.
Weakly, he watched you hop around with Doyeon on the court after the final whistle, hand in hand with congratulations to spare.
Despite his own guilt-caused exhaustion, seeing you smile was… nice. No matter how awful an idea it had been to come here, he couldn’t deny that. His stupid desire had been granted: Now he just had to find a way out of here without being seen. He'd usher Donghyuck to go find his girlfriend, tell him he needed to use the bathroom or something and just disappear into the night, and since everyone else was leaving now and you were thankfully standing on the complete opposite side from the exits, it probably wouldn't be too risky to just go now—
“Doyeon-ie!” Donghyuck wailed.
Half the people surrounding them turned, including a few faces from the court. Including Doyeon. Including you. 
And Renjun could only watch as your attention found his friend— and then, as Donghyuck sprouted to his feet and grabbed Renjun’s sleeve to haul him up too, how your wide eyes drifted to his.
Donghyuck bounded down the stadium stairs, madly waving his free hand around like you and Doyeon could have possibly managed to not hear his howling— and your best friend’s jaw all but dropped, disbelief written all over her face. You, however, only held back a sigh of relief. 
So you chose life, you thought, surprise instantly overtaken by satisfaction as he neared. Good. I guess I won’t have to stick my foot up your ass after all.
As Doyeon’s awe melted into a grin, what caught your attention quickly thereafter was the wide-eyed, absolutely horrified looking boy that Donghyuck was dragging along behind him. When they came close enough to touch and Donghyuck let him go to pull your friend into a whirling hug, he seemed to freeze in place.
“What are you doing here?” Doyeon asked, “I thought you said you had a frat thing...?”
“I did,” Donghyuck said sheepishly, “I do, actually, since it’s actually still happening right now, but I told Mark I had something I couldn’t miss tonight and kinda just… dipped? I really wanted to see you. I turned my phone off so he wouldn’t be blowing up my messages while I was here."
And in one fell swoop, Doyeon’s heart warmed over. If you weren’t happy for her you’d roll your eyes at his save; guy probably has no idea how close he’d just flown to the sun.
"You did great tonight, you know that?”
You rolled your eyes. “What about me, Hyuck? Did I do great?”
He doesn’t even look at you properly. Just glances at you over his girlfriend's shoulder.
“Could’ve done without all the showing off,” he said, devoid of all that sweetness he’d just been showering Doyeon in. Of course. Fucker. “Can’t say you didn’t carry tonight, though. Good save in the third quarter but Jesus, when are you going to stop putting your ribs on the line to save a point?”
“When it stops winning us games,” you shrugged. “Like you have the right to say that when you’re out there getting tackled every other week by angry little men in soccer cleats—”
“Soccer is different, stupid.”
“The hell it is. Not in this context—”
“Yes, in this context! There’s no way you should be risking knocking a lung out of place in a non-contact sport just to—”
“It’s the nature of the game! I don’t know what makes you think that because volleyball isn’t a ‘tackle-your-opponents’ type sport, that—”
“Guys,” Doyeon interrupted. You both turned to her. “Um. Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Hyuck?”
You blinked.
Oh. Right. Right. You turned your attention back to the new face.
Game-goers were passing through the court to leave the gym, now. Friends of the team were doing much like Donghyuck did, wandering down to the floor for congratulatory hugs and high-fives, which meant there were people pretty much everywhere; students, athletes, family and friends, team staff, a million people moving and talking and existing at once, but... But for some reason, this guy was only staring at you.
Unsure what else to do, you simply stared right back. 
Up close like this you couldn’t help but notice that he was actually quite cute. Very cute. In a cool, composed kind of way, even though he looked like he’d bolt out of the room if someone so much as dropped a water bottle near him right now. Wavy brown hair, big, dark eyes, an adorably downturned pout— You probably would have been more amazed by his beauty if the sickly look on his face wasn’t starting to make you worry.
Did you know him from somewhere? Is that why he was looking at you like this?
Donghyuck sighed as if Doyeon had asked him to run three times around the building instead of be a good friend. “I mean… I suppose I should, right? Fine. My dear Doie. Beelzebub.” You made a move as if you were going to punch him and he jumped to hide behind Doyeon. “Meet Junnie, my favorite social recluse, and pretty much the only reason I didn’t fail my classes freshman year. Thought I’d pop his university-outing cherry tonight.”
Oh? Wait a second. You perked up a little. “The roommate?” you asked. “The one you told me about that one time? Hoo..ang, something? Renjun?”
Renjun’s mouth opened a little, but no sound came out. You waited for him to respond. Doyeon stared at him. Donghyuck, as if only now sensing his friend's state, finally turned to look at him too. He only continued to stare back at you.
“Not much of a talker, huh? That’s fine. Doyeon likes to say I can talk enough for two on my—”
“Huang,” Renjun said suddenly. Startlingly. (Even his voice was cute. Much lower than you were expecting from a face like that.)
“My name,” he added quietly. “You said Hoo-Ang. It’s Huang.”
You couldn’t help the nagging feeling that he was expecting you to notice something just then— he stood there with almost visibly bated breath, rigidity in every feature as he watched you, but no bells were being rung. Maybe the kid was just… nervous? Just because you had no concept of social cues, able to befriend just about anyone and everyone given enough time with your unabashed personality, didn’t mean that others threw normal concepts like demurity to the wind too.
You shrugged, hit him with your best smile, and held your hand out. You weren't quite sure what his deal was, but something about him intrigued you.
After looking between your hand and you as if expecting you to snatch it back and laugh in his face or something, Renjun put his very, very clammy palm to yours. 
“Well, Huang,” you told him firmly, “It’s nice to finally put a name to a face, huh?”
(If you’d been privy to his thoughts then, the single word in his head that he wouldn’t have dared to say out loud— for multiple reasons other than the fact that he’d apparently forgotten how to fucking speak— you would have heard his weak, disbelieving, “Likewise.”)
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a/n: pls leave a like if you enjoyed! i'm finally out of writers block mfs
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JHS- Twisted Feelings (11)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Genre: idol!hope × fem!reader, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
warning: medical emergency (heart attack), mini panic attack?
A/n: I have no idea where this came from I started writing it on Father’s Day, so anyway enjoy. It’s a mess but it’s cute.
Ch.10| Masterlist | Ch.12
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The week had passed fairly quickly, but tiring still. You were thankful when you weren't called into work, your first full day off.
A part of you knew that staying home, writing and planning whatever you needed for upcoming lessons would have been the responsible thing to do on the other hand, the other part of you craved time for you so in the end you decided to do the next best thing- visit home.
The journey to your parents house was often quite and quick, today was no different.
That was until you walked into your childhood home to find your your father laying across the hall, seemingly still.
You rushed to his side checking for a pulse as you quickly dialed for an ambulance.
You were relieved when you felt a rhythmic, albeit faint, pulsing strapping you of the worry he had died.
The ambulance arrived within a matter of minutes, hauling him onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance before offering you a ride to the hospital.
You sat in the seat by the back doors watching silently as they hooked him up to a machine, more wires than you could count coming from his unconscious body. You had so many questions and on the Inside you were sure that you were screaming however on the outside you couldn't move, paralysed by fear for the man you called dad.
The flashing lights and rush to the hospital told you it was something serious, you knew it was something serious even more so when the nurse asked you to sit in the waiting room before rushing off to assist with the situation.
You felt cold as you dialed your mothers number, hearing the worry flood the line as you explain the very minimal information you had. She had said she was at work but would be at the hospital within the hour or however fast traffic would allow.
Your next call was to Na-Rae, not wanting to be alone you called her twice before she picked up, giving you some reassurance before being requested to join a meeting by her boss, of course she was at work. It was lunch time on a Friday, everyone was at work.
The sterile smell and white walls provided you no comfort as you sat watching the clock, jumping at every sound only to check and see if anyone was coming to deliver you news only to sot back in defeat after realising they were not.
You had watched the clock for twenty five minutes before you felt your phone buzzing, without looking you answered.
“Sorry wrong person.” Usually Hoseoks voice was once you had come to like, the happiness he embodied bringing light to your day but not today.
“S-sorry I can’t talk right now.”
He must have heard something in your voice that let him know you weren’t doing good. “Oh hey, Are you okay?”
Maybe it was the lack of support you had in that moment, maybe it was the adrenaline wearing off and fear setting in but either way you broke down the second he asked the question, light sobs flooding the line. “It’s my dad, I don’t know what happened.”
“Do you need help? Where are you?” He asked you could hear him moving as he spoke the familiar sound of the studio doors opening.
“I’m at Hanyang, he was just o-on.. he… I got there and he was on..on the floor.” You choked, finding it hard to catch your breath.
“Do you need me to come? I can get away for a while.”
“It’s busy, too - it’s just busy for you it’s okay it will be fine he is strong it will be fine my eomma is coming she will be here soon it will be fine he will be fine..” you rambled on, becoming breathless as tears stained your cheeks.
“It’s okay I know how to get around in a disguise. I can be there in 15. Keep talking to me okay? What happened exactly?” You heard a car door open and close, the ignition starting up indicating he was on his way.
“He was on the floor, i.. he…I was going to visit my parents but he was on the floor his pulse it was so.. so weak it was so weak I was scared he had died.” You felt like you couldn’t breathe, a weight on your chest preventing it.
“Take a deep breath for me okay? Let’s do it together? In for 3 hold for 5 out for 3 can you do that for me?”
“Oh okay.” You knew you were blubbering, your sons still interrupting your speech but you didn’t care.
“Perfect, such a good job, breathe in with me now”
1, 2, 3
“Now hold for five.”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
“Now out for three.”
“Let’s do it again okay?”
You repeated the action, breathing in an out a few more times before you felt yourself calm. Once you did you finally took him in, noticing the blonde hair in replacement of his usual brown. Definitely a wig.
“You came?” The words came out as more of a question than a statement. “I- thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, this is where I was needed most. What about your eomma?” He asked, looking around to try and find the woman who was yet to arrive.
“She’s on her way there was work or something I couldn’t listen much.” You mumbled, unsure of he could hear you but also unable to bring yourself to care much.
“Ms. YN?” You both stood as you heard your name being called.
The nurse rushed over, a frown across her face only preparing you for the worst as you reached for Hoseoks hand, you hadn’t considered the action before pulling away only to have him reach for your hand again, squeezing with a necessary reassurance.
“Are you YN?” The nurse asked, more of a formality than anything else. Continuing after you have her a nod. “Your father has had a heart attack, it isn’t extreme in this moment but the doctors suspect he will need a coronary bypass. The doctor asked I come and give you an update but that’s all I have at the moment. We are going to do all we can. Is there anything I can get for you?”
“How-“ you stuttered utterly confused. “He is healthy, he doesn’t work too hard or sit around too much, he eats healthily. How could he have a heart attack?”
“As I said it’s still early stages we are going to be running more tests I just wanted to let you know as of now he is what we would deem in an area of safety. Is there anything else you need?”
“No I just- how long until I can see him? How long until the tests are finished?” You asked, voice raising in fear. If it wasn’t for Hoseoks touch you were sure you’d have had another panic attack by now.
“It could be a few hours yet, the second it’s safe to do so I will come and get you.” You knew she had told you everything she could do you simply bowed, giving her a small thank you before she rushed off just as urgent as she had come to you.
You stood in silence, staring at the mottled pattern on the white flooring. Hobi not making a move to remove his hand so neither did you. You felt numb, the tears rolling down your face didn’t stop but they were no longer some thing your were actively aware of. Everything just numb.
“Yn?” Hoseok called tentatively. “Are you okay?”
“My dad is never sick.” Was all you could say, memories of him chasing after you as a child flooding your mind painfully. “He cant die.”
“Hey.” He pulled you to face him, wiping off a tear from your chin. “He isn’t going to die, I’m sure he is strong and he has you and your eomma, the doctors here are good hyung came here a few years ago for a treatment and they were fast and efficient. The doctors will do everything they can. People survive these things every day. You can’t give up hope or let yourself become overwhelmed. It’s okay to shed your tears but don’t tear yourself because you’ll need all the strength you can muster.” His smile didn’t falter once and for some reason it only brought you more comfort. The realism of his words helping you to analyse the situation in depth, people do survive these things daily and having hope wouldn’t hurt. Your mother would arrive soon and she would need much more support than you did.
You were thankful for Hoseok.
You both sat back down, hands standing entwined. You wanted to ask if he was comfortable but you didn’t have the energy to, words seemed too far and few.
“YN?” You stood instantly at the sound of your mother voice, you ran straight to her, hand falling from hoseok as you embraced her in a hug. You both cried, leaning on each other for support as you guided her to the seat beside you. “What did that say?” She asked as you handed her some water.
“They think it’s a heart attack they are doing tests I don’t know much I was so scared he was- I - I never want to see that again.” You sobbed, Hoseok leaning around to hand you a tissue.
“Who are you?” Your mom leant forward to face Hobi whom had assumed a firm standing spot a few feet away.
He bowed to her before sitting down. “I’m a friend of YNs. I called and heard she was upset so I came to comfort her. If you’d like me to leave I will I just wanted to make sure Yn wasn’t alone.”
“Thank you for being here, I was worried she wouldn’t be okay here alone. You can stay.” Your mother replied, forcing a smile as best she could. Hoseok did just that and sat down.
“What’s his name?” Your mom whispered, leaning closer to you preventing hobi hearing.
It must not have been close enough because he cleared his throat. “I’m Hoseok.”
“Oh.” Your mom sighed, hand holding yours. Your mother introduced herself, insisting he called her eommani.
The conversation fell flat after that, only occasional asks from Hoseok if you needed anything to eat or drink. “I could do with a water, eomma do you need anything?. “
Your mother was a stark contrast to her usual self, the fear fixed to her features, the permanent eyebrow crease and red raw eyes only made you feel worse because there was nothing you could do to help her and there was nothing she could do to help you. “I’m okay. Please go with her.” Your mother looked over to hobi, whom only nodded back with a smile.
“There’s a vending machine down here.” He explained, his usuals politeness still showing as he held the door open for you. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ll feel better once I see him. I feel so bad Hoseok, I should have gone to see him sooner.” You were brought into a hug as you began crying again, uncontrollably so. “I feel so bad.”
“This isn’t your fault. You can’t tell if seeing him would have changed anything, you did as much as you could.” If you hadn’t been so upset you’d feel ridiculous about the way you were crying in from of him, you’d remember to tell him how grateful you were another day. “Let’s go and get that water okay?”
You nodded, bringing a hand up to whisk the tears away. “My mom knows who you are, she just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“That’s okay. I’ll tell her when we get back she doesn’t have to worry.” He pulled out some coins as you got to the vending machine, slipping them in before you could say anything. The waters dropping down the scute within seconds. “Here.”
“You really won’t get in trouble by the company for being here right?” You worried, for himself and partly for your job. “I wouldn’t want to get you into trouble.
He laughed, quietly as though not to disturb the natural silence of the hospital. “No, they don’t really care what we do in our private lives. As long as I don’t get seen doing something illegal then it’s fine.”
“So just no arson or murder, total normal activities for an idol.” You managed to choke up, his laugh a little louder this time.
“Unfortunately no.” He walked behind you as you headed for your seat, rounding to crouch next to your mom. “Eomma-nim?”
“Oh thank you Hoseok-ssi.” She took the water from his hands, thanking him once again before taking a sip.
“It’s okay, I wanted to say that you don’t have to worry about making me uncomfortable. I’m here as YNs friend, please don’t feel as though you have to monitor yourself to accommodate me.” You’d known from the day you met him that Hoseok was a great person, this only solidified that thought. The soft look on his face as he spoke to your mother only made you all the more grateful he was here in this moment.
“Thank you for being here and for being a friend to my daughter. I’ll try to be mindful to that, I’m still not up to all the news so forgive me if I speak inaccurate.” You felt a little better seeing the smile your mother wore. Hoseok went to open his mouth, stopping as the doctor approached you.
“Your father is awake, you’re welcome to see him if you’re ready?” He asked softly, looking from you to your mother.
“Eomma?” You asked, looking towards her as she nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes please take me to my husband.” She all but begged, pushing in front of you to follow the doctor.
You wanted so badly to jump on your father, hugging him until all felt right in the world but the abundance of wires connecting him to various machines prevented you so you settled for kissing him on the head. Whispering an I love you as he wrapped his hand around yours. Your mother copied you, resting as close as possible to the man as possible.
Your father had always been a strong man, he had carried you from the car or couch to your bed most nights, not just physically but emotionally. He rarely cried although he continuously encouraged your own emotions.
“Why is my daughter sad?” You choked a sob at his rough voice, you could hear the exhaustion in it.
“Just worried about you appa.” You smiled as best you could. “How do you feel?”
“I feel better now my lovely wife and daughter are here. Who’s that lurking by the door.” Even in this state your father was overly attentive.
“That’s hoseok-ssi you explained. A friend of mine appa, what have the doctors said?”
“Ah, I see.” He smiled. Looking towards your mother before smiling at you. “I’m okay for now. The doctor said I would need blood thinners but it was a relatively unserious heart attack. I was just being dramatic I wanted my daughter to come and see me”
“Appa!” You half cried and laughed. Squeezing his hand. “I’m here I’m not going anywhere.”
“That sounds everything but okay dear.” Your mother spoke, her eyes still red.
“The doctor said he would be back to explain it all better soon.” Your dad mumbled, brushing your hair from your face. “Your appa isn’t going anywhere for a very long time.”
“You scared us.” Your mother whispered, you felt her pain. It was the most terrifying moment of your life. “Im going to start making healthier meals, we will start taking walks. Those things are usually good right?”
Your dad sighed heavily. “Honey we can think about that later. For now I’m okay. Let’s wait for the doctor.”
“yn?” You turned to Hoseok who had come further into the doorway, you looked to your dad who only nodded back at you. You quickly let go of his hand, walking over to the rapper.
“Is everything okay?” You mustered hale a smile.
He nodded. “I’m okay, I just had a call there’s an issue at work.”
“It’s okay if you have to go, is there anything I can do?” You asked, wanting to pay him back for the kindness he had showed you.
“No it’s okay, I’m sure Hyung can fix it. It’s just a song not sounding right. I’ll tell Sejin-ssi what happened today, take the next few days with your family.” You wrapped your arms around him, the hug the only way you could thank him for not only being there but taking the time to put you first.
“Thank you so much for everything Hoseok. I promise to repay you in any way I can. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come today.”
He shook his head, hugging you back. “Don’t thank me, seriously.”
After a few minutes you released him from the embrace. “Let me know when you got to work okay?”
“I will. Take your time. You’re strong.” He gave you another smile before saying goodbye, you turned back wanting to be besides your dad for as long as possible.
Your mother mouthed a thank you to him, not speaking about the way he stood to watch you for a few more moments or the way his smile lingered on the corner of his lips as he eventually turned away.
That was none of her business.
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wonheartzz · 2 years
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VIEW. masterlist | hanyang gang | i got the perfect guy
founded in 1964, decelis academy remains one of the best high schools in seoul and the nation: ranked #1 private school in seoul, #5 high school in seoul, and #11 high school in korea. students must pass the bar exam with a score of 88 or higher in order to attend the academy. everyone here, from staff to students to parents, all try their best to maintain the values of this school and strive to keep the academy’s academic ranking.
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DETAILS. despite his good looks, sunghoon isn’t very popular. he is however well-known throughout the school for his handsome appearance and being friends with jake sim and jay park, two of the most popular juniors. he’s a quiet and private individual, but is a part of the school’s soccer team—although he mostly sits on the bench. he’s ranked #2 in his grade and is notorious for being in almost every honors class.
DETAILS. jake moved to korea his last year of middle school, but was able to adapt quickly to the korean school system. he’s the star player of the school’s soccer team and is in the top 10 for his grade. jake is known for being a kind, well-spoken individual, who is also quite the charmer, or so everyone says.
DETAILS. jay, or jongseong, is known for his extremely respectful and polite attitude. he would be considered a teacher’s pet if every student at decelis didn’t like him so much. he can be a little hotheaded on the soccer field, but usually ends the game without any yellow cards. ranked #5 of his class, he is also extremely smart, and especially good at debating. everyone at decelis knows the golden boy jay, and everyone loves him.
DETAILS. jimin is a part of the school choir, usually getting every solo, and known for her vocals. she’s also on her church’s worship team and a dedicated member. she’s quite popular since she’s on the school’s volleyball team and an overall sweet person. jimin has been best friends with l/n y/n since they were babies at church, so most people who talk to her know about y/n.
DETAILS. taehyun is also a part of the school choir, but nobody at church besides his close friends know he sings beautifully (and he’d like to keep it that way). another kid that was born into the church, hence why him, jimin, and y/n are such good friends. he’s incredibly smart—ranked #1 in his class—but little people know. he’s somewhat known in his school, but people don’t know much about him.
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DETAILS. jungwon is currently the freshman class president and rank #3 of his grade. although he only does taekwondo at the moment, he is an overall athletic individual who many teams want to recruit (e.g. jake with soccer). he usually hangs out with upperclassmen, being considered one of their "adopted freshmen".
DETAILS. riki is sometimes called ni-ki since there is another riki in his grade, but his friends still call him riki. he moved here this year, but somehow understand korean pretty fluently. he's known for his excellent dance skills, being the youngest member on the school's dance team, all stars. riki mostly hangs out with jungwon and their upperclassmen friends.
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VIEW. masterlist | hanyang gang | i got the perfect guy
SYNOPSIS. it’s been one semester into junior year, yet y/n is still single and crush-less. desperate for a date to prom, she asks all her friends for help to find one. luckily, y/n’s best friend knows the perfect guy—tall, handsome, smart, funny, and he’s the cute guy from summer camp?! too bad he goes to another school.
ANNA’S NOTE. first profile wooo
TAGLIST STATUS : open! check masterlist to join. all taglists will be in the reblogs!
© 2023 wonheartzz. please do not steal, copy, or repost my works on any platform.
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shubaka · 1 year
Does anyone know when Wuju Bakery is coming out or is that still a mystery?
Sorry my friend! I am not sure. I tried checking twitter briefly, but had to abort that mission -- it's just not the best to navigate :')
I think Hanyang international has a discord server for Wuju Bakery though, and I'm not sure if they shared any news about a potential release date there.
I don't know if anyone else has an answer to this, so I'll tag this just in case <3
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sweetreunions · 1 year
hey y'all, i'm april ( s/h, 21+ ) and this is kang jinah! she's technically a muse i've had for awhile but i've tweaked things here and there so bear with me as i figure her out fully once again 🥹 you already know the drill: background (tw: mentions of child abandonment + bullying) and plot bunnies under the cut, drop a like for plotting and i'll hit you up 🫶🏻
born in daegu to a young college couple that could barely afford to make ends meet for themselves, let alone their newborn child. she was left on the steps of the local fire department at the age of three and brought to a children's home not long after
she was six years old when a sweet couple from the busy bustling city of seoul adopted her, the wife having chanced upon the children's home and jinah during a work trip as a traveling nurse. little young jinah would become the light of their lives despite not being biologically theirs
jinah's childhood was spent adjusting to the bright and loud city when she had only known the quaintness of the countryside, but it didn't take her long to adapt and by the time she moved on to middle school, she was living life like a seoul local
if living like a local meant enduring the hazing and bullying of fellow classmates for being given up at birth. how they came to know such a fact, jinah would never know but that didn't faze her nor did it hinder her in any way because if there's anything that kang jinah is, it's resilient
that resiliency got her through public schooling and before she knew it, she was entering university where she could be anyone that she wanted to be. not that she particularly kept her adoptee status a secret, but it's not exactly something you spill on a first date over coffee, y'know?
it's also during university that she started to fiddle with the idea of finding her birth parents, figure out her true roots and what not. she was careful in letting her parents know of her thoughts and luckily for her, they were fully supportive of the idea as long as jinah finished university first. so that she did; with a bachelors in computer science from hanyang and a mountain of debt to show for it
and so she's back in daegu now, 20 years later to search for her birth parents after the immense amount of money spent on a private investigator alerted her that [redacted] and [redacted] on her file still resided there
for her personality she's very much sticking to the phrase "it is what it is", meaning she's likely to be one of the chillest people you've ever met. it's not that she doesn't care, because it's likely that she does, it's just that she chooses not to stress herself over things completely out of her control. she's sweet and almost always with a smile on her face. a nice girl that would help the elderly cross the street if she saw them struggle or wander around to help a lost child find their parents, you get the vibe we're going for here
she's a relatively fresh face around the mall and clearly in need of a friend; that's where you come in! ever since you noticed her taking a break on her own you've made it your personal goal to check in with jinah whenever possible
for whatever reason, you find yourself digging through the racks and racks of items at isanghan thrift and she's got her eye on you for potential theft with the way you're ransacking through the shelves but really, you're looking for this (1) thing you lost and security says rumour has it it's landed here
something like this post where she notices you having a crappy day and when she inevitably asks what's wrong you say "nothing" except she's calling bullshit. she may be new to sunset but she isn't dumb, so spill
she's been dying to try out glogolf but she doesn't want to go on her own because "that's just sad" so she basically begs you to go with her and honestly...how can you say no to her 🥺
someone who she's known from seoul!! it can either be a friendship they had or perhaps they didn't get along so well back then, the possibilities are truly endless here
a new (?) city means a new dating pool and miss girl won't pass up the opportunity. that is until she finds out you also work at sunset and then it's jinah goes ghost!
miss compsci major is also a gaming nerd and she makes it pretty obvious with her spending breaks glued to her phone a lot of the time– oh what's that? you're a gamer too? oh she could just fall in love rn in this club
i'll add more as time passes (or perhaps make a legit plots page lmao) but this is all i've got atm. as always, if nothing works here i'm all for brainstorming so let's get itttttt 🌚
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wujubakery · 2 years
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Hanyang International (the studio doing Wuju) has a live stream for this on Mar 4th. It's confusing, I gather the dates on this promo are for access to the stream? Have to join their discord and jump through a few hoops to be invited to the "secret" area 🙄, but that's it. If anyone's interested:
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marketdevelopment · 6 months
China Industrial Valve Market: Forthcoming Trends and Share Analysis by 2030
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China Industrial Valve is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The need for valves has been mostly driven by China's expanding industrial sector, which is being fueled by the country's fast industrialization and urbanization. Industrial valves are crucial for managing the flow of gases and liquids in a variety of sectors, such as manufacturing, water treatment, power production, and oil and gas extraction.
The need for industrial valves has grown as the Chinese government has concentrated on energy and infrastructure development initiatives. Due to the active participation of both domestic and foreign valve makers in this industry, there is now more competition, which drives technological advancement. Chinese valve makers, in particular, are well-positioned due to their lower production costs and growing emphasis on innovation and quality.
The China Industrial Valve Market has seen a number of difficulties, including as overcapacity, shifting raw material costs, and environmental concerns. But because of the nation's ongoing industrial initiatives and steady economic expansion, the market's outlook remained positive.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the China Industrial Valve Market include:
Sanhua Valve (China), Yuanda Valve (China), Neway Valve (China), Zhejiang Chaoda Valve (China), Shanghai Shengchang Automatic Control Valve (China), Sichuan Zigong High-Pressure Valve (China), Qinhuangdao Special Steel Valve (China), Wenzhou Crane Valve (China), Beijing Detaike Valve (China), Ningbo Amico Valve (China), Suzhou Xintai Valve (China), Shandong Jinan Valve (China), Zhejiang Jiangnan Valve (China), Anhui Xinfeng Valve (China), Fengcheng Hanyang Industry (China), Zhejiang Xingye Valve (China), Jiangsu Fuxing Valve (China), Zhejiang Xinxing Valve (China), Hebei Jiuhua Valve (China), Zhejiang Jiuzhou Valve (China) and other major players. 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query China Industrial Valve Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of China Industrial Valve Market:
By Type
By Material
Cast Iron
By Size
< 1”
By Application
Oil & Gas
Water & Waste Treatment
By Function
Special Purpose
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global China Industrial Valve Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
China Industrial Valve Market Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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koreanstudyjunkie · 3 years
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These translations may be a little off or a little awkward, but the meaning is more or less there😅
한양 양장점 옆 한영 양장점
Hanyang Yangjangjeom Yeop Hanyang Yangjangjeom
English Translation:
It's a Korean-English tailor shop next to Hanyang tailor shop.
한국관광공사 곽진광 관광과장
Romanization: Hangukgwangwanggongsa
Gwakjingwang Gwangwanggwajang
English Translation:
Kwak Jin-kwang, Director of Tourism Division, Korea Tourism Organization
칠월칠일은 평창친구 친정 칠순 잔칫날
ChilWolchil-Ileun Pyeonchangchingu ChinJeong
ChilSoon JanchitNal
English Translation:
July 7th is the 70th birthday of Pyeongchang friend's family.
I'm having a sale right now! I just added a lot of new things to my online store😁. Grammar Books w/ lessons, practices & quizzes, Vocabulary Books w/ short stories and vocab quizzes, Korean Dialogue Workbook w/ dialogues, quizzes, grammar lessons, and practice! There's a lot for you to check out👌
The Sale Is Only For A Limited Time⏱ Get Korean Practice Materials (🤫Some For As Low As $1)
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If you’ve been reading Sweetener Series since May 2020, I’ll just let you know I’m keeping tabs on which events in my fics happened way before PotN Season 2 started in July 2020
1) Seungho gives Na-Kyum sweet snacks everyday when he finds out that Na-Kyum likes sweets (Sweetener)
2) Seungho got angry at Deok-Jae for putting a fishbone in Na-Kyum’s meal; punishes him and the entire male staff on the first try (Unbridled Bride)
3) Na-Kyum stops Seungho from beating Deok-Jae up, and gets sedated; Seungho kills Deok-Jae after seeing him attacking Na-Kyum; Na-Kyum gets hurt on the neck for being choked (Unbridled Bride)
4) Seungho eats Na-Kyum out; Na-Kyum’s actually really kinky and wants to be tied up and filled with Seungho’s D even in sleep (The Warbler’s Honeysuckle)
5) the kidnapping happened (albeit through different circumstances in canon) (Unbridled Bride)
6) Seungho doing the aftercare for both of them when Na-Kyum’s asleep (Warmth of the Aftermath)
7) Seungho bathes Na-Kyum on a regular basis; carries him all the time when they’re done (Warmth of the Aftermath)
8) Min expresses desire to take Na-Kyum before Nameless kills Na-Kyum off (Unbridled Bride)
9) Jihwa had a mental breakdown (The Tainted Lamb)
10) Nameless hauled Jihwa over the shoulder after making a ruckus in public (The Tainted Lamb)
11) Na-Kyum was found near the end of the village, passed out (Unbridled Bride)
As of Chapter 64 in the manhwa:
12) The Yoon servants and Seungho turned the village upside-down just to find the missing Na-Kyum (Unbridled Bride)
13) The villagers all think that Seungho had gotten a female bride-to-be (Unbridled Bride)
14) The kisaeng who raised Na-Kyum appears and gets to know the relationship between Seungho and Na-Kyum (The Wildflower’s Thorn)
15) Na-Kyum’s kinky side gets unleashed the longer he’s with Seungho (Warmth of the Aftermath).
16) The tailor accidentally blabs to Min that Seungho has chosen a bride (The Worshipped Shrine) (interchanged in the manhwa as of c64 with Heena)
As of Chapter 65 in the manhwa:
17) Seungho and Na-Kyum have sex outside while standing up as they make their way to the bathroom (Sweetener: Tangy)
18) After the kidnapping, Seungho has made sure the doors to his room have guards to keep Na-Kyum safe (The Tainted Lamb) (interchanged with c65 so Na-Kyum couldn’t escape)
As of Chapter 66 in the manhwa:
19) Min goes to Seungho’s residence after the kidnapping, without any other noble with him and downplays Na-Kyum’s ‘disappearance’ and possible death as trivial (The Tainted Lamb)
As of Chapter 67 in the manhwa:
20) Seungho hides Na-Kyum behind the folding screen while Min is present in the room to lure Min to his death (interchanged with the manhwa where Min and Jihwa hide behind the folding screen to avoid the rampaging Seungho) (The Tainted Lamb)
21) Jihwa, in fear for his life after being spared by Seungho, but at the cost of his sanity and a face beaten up by Nameless, flees to Hanyang to seek Lord Song for help (An Innocent’s Duality)
As of Chapter 68 in the manhwa:
22) Seungho proclaims adoration and complete worship of Na-Kyum; asks him to be his family (Sweetener: Tangy)
As of c70 in the manhwa:
23) Seungho asks Na-Kyum to have a bath with him and Na-Kyum accepts; they wash each other thoroughly. They take baths together since then. (Warmth of the Aftermath)
As of c71 in the manhwa:
24) Seungho teases Na-Kyum about his smooth legs while in the bathroom; reveres Na-Kyum through body worship in the bedroom afterwards and reaffirms his confession through words and lovemaking (The Worshipped Shrine)
25) Seungho takes sheer pleasure and relishes in eating Na-Kyum out (Winter Heat; The Warbler’s Honeysuckle)
As of c72 in the manhwa:
26) Seungho asks Na-Kyum to call his name in the middle of worshipping his body; confesses to Na-Kyum that he loves him in a roundabout way the morning after (The Worshipped Shrine)
As of c73 in the manhwa:
27) Seungho fulfills Na-Kyum’s painting of Na-Kyum, blindfolded, with his hands tied up and his phallus wrapped up with the sash from his robe (Winter Heat)
As of c74 in the manhwa:
28) Seungho dines with Na-Kyum and starts showering him with sweets (Warmth of the Aftermath)
29) Seungho comes to Na-Kyum’s quarters at dawn just to check in on him every day (The Warbler’s Honeysuckle)
30) Seungho showers Na-Kyum with new clothes and brings him to the talkative tailor all the time (The Worshipped Shrine; The Wildflower’s Thorn)
As of c75 in the manhwa:
31) Seungho makes no attempt at putting In-Hun in any government post, but decides to halt all chances of him getting into any job despite passing the state exam (The Wildflower’s Thorn)
As of c76 in the manhwa (Season 2 finale):
32) Seungho gives Na-Kyum a lacquered box for his paints as a present (The Worshipped Shrine); gives Na-Kyum a foreign item (the mittens) from a merchant, and expands his horizon in acquiring Western items from a merchant (the matches, slingshots, pistols, rubber) (The Wildflower’s Thorn)
Imma keep updating this as the story progresses in canon XD
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park-jaechan · 4 months
DKZ Jaechan, the remarkable 'Kim Heesun's Son'… Three Drama Appearances This Year Alone
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DKZ's Jaechan is solidifying his position as an actor by appearing in three consecutive dramas this year.
First, Jaechan is currently appearing as Choi Dohyun in MBC's Friday-Saturday drama 'Bitter Sweet Hell,' which premiered on May 24. Jaechan showcases 'special chemistry' with Kim Heesun, who plays his mother, and Kim Namhee, who plays his father, adding a delightful charm to the tense plot. As a 'loving son' who listens to his mother well and portrays a 'friend-like' relationship with his father through playful bickering, he has left a strong impression on viewers.
As the drama progresses to its midpoint, with mysterious events unfolding, Jaechan is passionately portraying Choi Dohyun, an only child in a seemingly perfect and harmonious family but with hidden secrets. His performance in the precarious and fragile family dynamic is drawing more attention.
Jaechan is also set to appear in the new JTBC Wednesday-Thursday drama 'My Sweet Mobster,' which premieres on the 12th. In this drama, Jaechan will play the innocent and quiet character Lee Donghee, the secretary of the main character Seo Jihwan (played by Um Taegoo). Following 'Bitter Sweet Hell,' this marks Jaechan's continued challenge in serious acting.
Additionally, Jaechan has been confirmed to appear in Channel A's new drama 'Check in Hanyang.' In 'Check in Hanyang,' Jaechan will take on the role of Go Soora, the main character. With appearances in three consecutive dramas and even expanding his acting spectrum to historical dramas, Jaechan's continuous success is anticipated.
Jaechan rose to fame as a 'rising star' through his performance in the 2022 Watcha original web drama 'Semantic Error.' Since then, Jaechan has received praise from viewers for his deeper acting skills and voice projection, successfully making his debut in serious roles. As he progresses from supporting roles to leading roles, attention is focused on the 'sensation' Jaechan will bring.
Source: DKZ 재찬, 심상찮은 '김희선 아들'..올해만 드라마 3편 '연기 공무원' [Oh!쎈 스타] - OSEN Translated by Park Jaechan Updates
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thisbelmiro · 2 years
"Once the moon breaks the clouds, unfathomable horrors shall strike upon the mainland."
Anything the scroll says shall come true. Four weeks had passed since the discovery of the curse, and the entire dynasty has been left in catastrophe.
A few days before the incident we had witnessed a blind monk charge into the palace grounds. The man had titled himself as 'the Fool'. Nobody in Hanyang, not even in the palace grounds knew who he was, even the aristocrats. There were no possessions of a tag, and it was likely that he did not have one at all. As much as he looked like a fool, he would at least have some sort of identification.
"They are coming! The dynasty is in the brink of collapse!" the man cried repeatedly.
The palace guards had forbidden the man from stepping any further into the grounds. He was later banished into the pit, and when the guards came to check on him the next day, he had left without a trace. All the locks and bars bad stayed intact, and the dirt left no prints, almost as if nobody had been there since the last captive.
Uncanny and bizzare things started to happen weeks later, even outside of Hanyang. One day the crown prince had all his hair rejected from his body. He was despised by the people for allegedly disrespecting his family, and the king himself. The next day a clinic crowded with injured cavalrymen burned into crisps. All patients had perished after the building was swallowed by the Earth, leaving a giant crater that left people in shambles.
The king had declared all military units to close and fortify the Northern and Eastern gates of Hanyang, and with the sudden drop of temperature, soldiers were devastated in the frigid dark.
To the survivor who have managed to live through this devastation, I wish you a long life and great respect from the people of the dynasty.
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unworthykid · 3 years
*Kim Cha-young Pov*
(In this chapter the narrator will be Kim Cha-young)
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Hmm...so this is Hanyang University. The students look decent though.
Choi Yu-Rae *shouting*- Kim Areummmmm wait for me!
Aish! She's so loud! *Shaking ears with her finger* this is hella big University but anyway I'm gonna complete my mission super fast ;)
Kim Cha-young - Hey excuse me :) I'm a newbie here and my department is *thinking* it is....
Choi Yu-Rae- It is? Anyway my name is Choi Yu-Rae ;). And I'm from management department hehe.
She's so dumb but sweet.
Kim Cha-young - Oh same :") , can you please tell me where our department is?
Choi Yu-Rae- yes of course , you can follow me as I'm going there ;).
Follow her?! Bwahaha ok fine.
Choi Yu-Rae- Kim Areum is my best friend here , when she'll come I'll introduce you to her okie?;)
Did I ask?
Kim Cha-young- Oh ok but what's that crowd there ?
Choi Yu-Rae- Omg you don't know? How come?
Why would I've bothered to ask you asshole if I knew it?
Kim Cha-young - Oh I see BTS is here , are they shooting in our university? Damn.
Choi Yu-Rae- You know Areum has met RM of BTS ! He even knows her name :)).
Ok now the train is coming on the track heh.
Kim Cha-young- Really ? Wow then I would love to meet her!
Choi Yu-Rae- Oh she'll meet us tomorrow actually she's busy with some thing and I have to go too and there's our depart. ok byeee.
Kim Cha-young - Hey wait-. Aigooo this bitch! But I've to meet this Aroom girl , maybe she can help me with my mission.
Meanwhile let's check the crowd there.
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Aickkkk! Her high heels hurt! Omg these eggheads are just annoying. I see RM going to the restroom area , let's get started!
RM *on a phone call*- Yes I truly appreciate that. Thankyou so much.
Kim Cha-young- Excuse me....haha I'm an army , can I get a picture with you? :)
RM- Oh hello *bows down* and I would love too click a picture with you but right now I've to prepare for my next scene :).
Kim Cha-young- Aigooo I wanted to have a picture atleast 🥺.
RM- I'm really sor- Oh Hello Ms. Areum :).
Kim Areum- Hello there :`). How are you? How's other members? Everything's fine right?
so she is that Aroom girl.
RM- Yeah yeah everything's super great :).
Kim Cha-young- Sir :'.
RM- Oh ok let's click a picture :).
Kim Areum- Aren't you busy though? You're scene is next I guess!?
Kim Cha-young- Excuse me ? Are you his manager or what?
Kim Areum- Dude do you even know what happened in past few days?
RM- Relax girls , we're totally fine and I promise you that I'll click a pic with you but right now I really have to go I'm so sorry.
Kim Cha-young- What is your problem huh? I'm a newbie here and I don't have any idea of what happened in past days!
Kim Areum- Sorry, I didn't knew that. I'm really sorry.
Kim Cha-young- So you're Aroom right? Actually I met Yu-Rae so she told me about you.
Kim Areum- It's Kim Areum* , oh you met Yu-Rae that's good. She's very interactive! Let's be friends ;).
Kim Cha-young *chuckles*- I was waiting for it ;).
Kim Areum- Huh? By the way I gotta go. Let's meet tomorrow!
Projects? I doubt it . Anyway people are so dumb here or wait do they pretend to be so dumb? Whatever let's follow this Aroom girl ;).
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wonheartzz · 2 years
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VIEW. decelis scholars | hanyang gang | masterlist | live laugh gaslight ❤️
SYNOPSIS. it’s been one semester into junior year, yet y/n is still single and crush-less. desperate for a date to prom, she asks all her friends for help to find one. luckily, y/n’s best friend knows the perfect guy—tall, handsome, smart, funny, and he’s the cute guy from summer camp?! too bad he goes to another school.
ANNA’S NOTE. adventure camp is the name of their church’s summer camp that all of them volunteered at! i cringed writing this chapter it’s so embarrassing i’m sorry 😭
TAGLIST STATUS : open! check masterlist to join. all taglists will be in the reblogs!
© 2023 wonheartzz. please do not steal, copy, or repost my works on any platform.
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eirikrjs · 3 years
This got way too long for an ask, so I'm gonna use the submit function. Googling "Turdak Yama" brings mostly stuff about SMT, but then I came across this a few pages in:
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It's from a publication called Journal of Eurasian Studies, which according to Wikipedia is a biannual academic journal established in 2010 in Hanyang University, which is located in South Korea. This text was written by Paul Mirabile, and is a supplement to Volume V, Issue 1. The full text can be found here.
I honestly don't know how credible the publication or this author is, but it's what I could find. I'll admit I was checking for "Is Turdak the correct translation?" rather than researching Yama and trying to find Turdak by association. So there's still the chance that "turdak" is incorrect and this publication just happens to use the same translation as SMT.
Damn, this is still a great find nonetheless! Thank you.
I hope this can help whoever needs it!
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krreader · 5 years
call me maybe.
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x foreign student!reader fandom: bts warnings: language genre: fluff word count: 1.6k+
summary: these things didn’t happen in real life. there was just no way. you wouldn’t let yourself think otherwise.. not even if Jeongguk tried his hardest to convince you that this wasn’t some sort of joke.
a/n: so, because I felt a little weird doing this with a high school student, you’re a college student in this story who does a semester abroad. just to make that clear lol. also, why do I feel like I might make a part 2 for this :’)
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You still didn't know how your friend managed to get you into this fan meeting, but now that you were here and staring at the faces of the seven boys that you used to admire from afar, you couldn't care less anymore.
To be in the same room as them was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.
To talk to them, probably even more.
You felt a little odd, because the people in this room all seemed like they were such die-hard fans and you, despite really liking them and their music, couldn’t help but feel like you didn’t deserve to be here..
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” your friend who stood in front of you started bouncing up and down, “They are right there you guys! Right there in front of us!” this is exactly what you meant. Die-hard fans.
“Can you please calm down? We don't want to look like total fangirls. The calmer we are, the better,” another one said and tried to smooth out her hair.
You were a group of four, you were the last one, had decided to watch your friends go first and boy, was that a good decision.
It was so nice to watch them interact with their favorites, it was so.. fulfilling somehow? To see them so utterly happy and while it was also a little cringy at times, you still smiled throughout the whole thing.
In fact, you were so busy watching them that you completely forgot you were waiting in line as well until one of the managers kindly asked you to step forward.
With a quick apology you walked up to the first member.
Your Korean wasn't perfect yet, but it was enough to hold a conversation and it didn't matter who you were talking to, Jin, Tae, Yoongi.. they all understood and encouraged you to at least try. They didn’t laugh when you made a mistake and you were sure that you weren’t always using formal Korean correctly, but they didn’t mind at all, they were just very kind.
You thought you'd be nervous once standing right in front of them, but all of them had a talent of making you understand that you had no reason to be. When they realised your nerves were getting the better of you, they reached out to touch your hand, always kept eye contact with you and never once made you feel like you being here annoyed them.
It was going incredibly well.. until you were standing in front of Jeongguk.
“Hi,” you smiled a little. The beginning was always the most nerve-wrecking.
However, unlike with the others who immediately said hello back and started up a conversation with you, Jeongguk just stared at you, then gulped down hard and shook his head a little.
Did you.. do something wrong?
“Hey,” he cleared his voice after it came out a little shaky, “Your name is.. (Y/N)?”
“Where are you from?” it was hard for him to keep eye contact, he quickly started to sign your album and seemed to take his time with it, unlike the other members.
“(Y/H/C). I'm doing one semester here.. maybe two if I really like it.”
“A.. year then, huh?” finally he looked up at you, staring directly into your eyes again. And it seemed like he let out a breath he had been holding.
Was he okay?
“Yeah, I arrived about three weeks ago, so this is a nice start,” you tried to break the ice, “I loved your recent comeback, seriously. You did so great.”
“Ah.. thank you,” finally, he started smiling, “Which school are you going to then? If.. that's not a secret,” Jeongguk chuckled.
“Not at all,” you smiled, “It's Hanyang university.”
“Oh, wow.. you’re a smart one, aren’t you?”
“Wasn't easy to get in, but I'm glad I managed,” you grinned from ear to ear.
Jeongguk was going to say something else, especially now that you two seemed to have a topic to talk about and he was just beginning to really smile and laugh, but Namjoon was already waiting with a smile and the manager were impatient.
So instead he said, “Well then.. see you around, (Y/N).”
You didn't think much of it that day. You were sure that he said that to everyone. Why wouldn't he? This is like their go-to line to make their fans feel good and like they were special, you weren't naive to think you actually were.
But.. well..-
                                                  one week later
“(Y/N), wait up!” your friend caught you just before you left the main building, “Are you going to the library?”
“A little later, I need to run home real quick to get something first.”
“Alright, I'll be waiting for you there, then. I'll text you where I'm sitting.”
“Sounds good,” with a smile you left, your book pressed against your chest as you made your way down the stairs and towards the exit of the campus.
But you didn't get very far.
You weren't exactly day dreaming, but you still weren’t prepared when someone suddenly appeared in front of you, making your book fall to the ground.
“Sorry, I didn't see you,” you didn't even look up, you just crouched down to pick up your things and were going to continue walking.
But he also crouched down to help you.
And even though he wore a hat, you could clearly see who it was.
“Oh.. my god?” your eyes widened.
“Please don't freak out, I know this is probably super creepy and weird, but I just had to try..-”
“Try.. what?!” for fuck's sake, this was Jeon Jeongguk and you were just casually meeting him here? “What are you doing here?!”
“Listen, I don't usually do this.. not even with girls that work with me, so I know this is a risk, but I can't stop thinking about you and I think I'm going mad.”
You stared at him with an open mouth, then started to look around, making Jeongguk furrow his eyebrows, “Okay, where's the camera? This is really funny, ha ha, stupid (Y/N), let’s pull a prank on her and post it on YouTube so everyone will see how stupid she is.”
“This.. isn't a joke,” he got back up when you did, “The reason I was so weird at the fan sign was because I.. liked you. And I know that's weird to say when I don't even know you, but I'd like to.”
The more he said, the lower your jaw dropped.
Was he actually serious? Did he really think you were that daft?
“Listen, I don't live in a Cinderella fantasy and I'm not twelve years old anymore. I'm not stupid enough to know that whatever this is, it's not real. Pull that prank on your delusional fans, but I’m not one of them.”
“But that's exactly why I'm here,” Jeongguk gently pulled you along with him, to a spot that was a little less busy, “Usually the people that come to our fan sign are die hard fans. I know that the moment I'd give them my number, screenshots of it would be on social media. I know that the moment I’d compliment them, they’ll twist my words in their heads and make them think I now want to marry them.”
“You don’t know me. You have no idea whether or not I'd do that too,” you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“Would you?”
You were taken aback, then shook your head, “Of course not.”
“Then I'm right about you. You went there by coincidence, didn't you? You probably got a ticket from a friend? And you like BTS, but you're not obsessed with us? You like our music, but you know that we're just people like the rest?”
Why was it feeling like he was calling you out?
“So what?”
“So go out with me.”
This was the weirdest situation you’ve ever been in. Seriously.
First and foremost, you were still convinced that this was some sort of joke, that the moment you'd say yes, he'd be like: 'Surprise, you got pranked, I'd never go out with you, bye'. But at the same time, you were curious..
“How did you even find me?”
“You told me you studied here.. I just waited and hoped you’d leave through the front exit.”
“How long did you wait?”
Jeongguk shifted his weight from one foot to the other, “A.. while.”
“And.. why?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you.. I think I like you. I can't stop thinking about your smile, I can’t stop thinking about your life or your perfume and I know that all sounds so weird. I don't take a lot of chances in my life and I regret it every time I don't. But I want to stop doing that. I want to take a leap of faith this time.”
So, so, so stupid, (Y/N). Don't fall for it. This isn't real. There is no way this is real. It doesn't matter that he's looking at you like this, this is most definitely a prank, it’s way too cheesy to be real.
You just opened your mouth when you could hear a friend from afar yell: “Yah! (Y/N)! You said you were going home, what are you doing?! Are you skipping our tutoring session today?”
Jeongguk instantly started to panic, grabbed the pen and notebook out of your hand and scribbled something inside it, then pushed it back into your hands, “Please don't let me be wrong about you..”
And with that he ran off.
“Who was that?” your friend asked as soon as she was right next to you, both of you staring after the guy.
“A very strange man.”
“Ugh, I hate those,” she rolled her eyes and hooked her arm with yours, “Anyways, let's get lunch.”
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You had been staring at his number for days now, over and over again.
You had ripped it out of your book once and thrown it into the trash can, only to pull it back out five minutes later.
You couldn't do it.
Something inside of you told you not to throw it away.
Maybe it was foolish hope? Most definitely.
You had expected a clip of your encounter with him to be online by now, titled with: ‘Jeon Jeongguk tries to get date with fan’ but there was nothing of the sort.
You kept checking, every single day, but there was absolutely nothing.
You sighed deeply and fell back onto your bed, the piece of paper in one hand, your phone in the other.
“Fuck this. What did the kids used to say? You only live once. Might as well make a fool out of myself.”
And so you dialed the number, with each peep your heart sped up, full on thinking that you'd end up with an old lady on the other end yelling at you why you were calling her in the middle of the night and that she had to get up early the next day to watch the newest home shopping episode.
But no old lady answered.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“Uh.. hi. This is.. (Y/N)?”
Then it was quiet.
For a long time.
You almost would have ended the call if it weren't for that soft voice, so full of disbelief, yet happiness: “You actually called..”
Oh, fuck.
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