#Kei Kurosawa
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ishido-enjoyer · 5 months ago
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Takehiro Hira and Kei Kurosawa, via Kei Kurosawa’s Instagram.
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sterkeyra · 11 months ago
Voltage Chara Cafe Chibis 2024
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Voltage once again claimed my heart by announcing the new merch for their upcoming character cafe. Weak as i am for chibis they just had to release animal hoodie acrylics of some of our best boys.
Kasumi tries to wriggle himself into my heart more and more by now also dressing up as a red panda! It almost feels like Kurosawa stole the penguin hoodie of him :D
Of course Tsugaru just had to have something bunny themed in the picture. Nomura has to watch out not to end up in Tsugaru's bunny merch collection at this point.
Kaga and Ishigami have their signature food and just had to have matching poses. Coincidence? xD
I wonder what the animals say about our characters. They are all so very adorable! It's difficult to decide!
Anyways, if you would like to buy some chibi merch too, @lydskisses organises a group order for the event. If you are curious just contact her ;)
Who is your favorite?
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offdensen · 10 months ago
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My only wish is for you both to be happy. That's all I need.
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crappyheadcanons · 6 months ago
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Straight demigirl flag source
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agustinrmichel · 8 months ago
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Tribute poster for Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s ‘Cure’ (1997).
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rain13121 · 3 months ago
A series of moment in which Rei has a tiny Hisoka in her life. (And a few after Hisoka's all grown up too)
It's found family season my dudes
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owarinaki · 1 year ago
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Ossan's love Return EP3- Izumi & Kiku recap 1/4
EP3 PART1 // PART2 // PART3 // PART4
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waitmyturtles · 1 year ago
The whole show is just about building family, and all the bumps and joys along the way. 🥹
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cubedmango · 3 months ago
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cherry magic is getting a musical adaptation! 🎶
+ commemorative art by toyota sensei 🍒
the musical will be performed in tokyo from april 11-20th 2025 at tokyo dome city hall, and in aichi from april 25-27th 2025 at ai plaza toyohashi
list of cast and crew (listed on the official website) below the cut!
adachi: ryo matsuda
kurosawa: yoshihiko aramaki
tsuge: daichi saeki
minato: satsuki nakayama
rokkaku: sho sakai
fujisaki: kaho takada
mari: yui hasegawa
asahina: naoya gomoto
ensemble: ito shuma, daiki iwama, okomura takuma, aoi shindo, kiya setokuchi, ryo tachibana, taiki hisakado
script and direction: keita kawajiri (sugarboy)
theme song: 「デモね。」 "demo ne", produced by agehasprings party
music: arai futoshi & miyajima jun
art: kei ishihara
choreography and staging: ebato & hakolog
lighting: ohata hideki
sound: sachie aikawa
video: kazuki watanabe
costumes: hiroko sogawa
hair and makeup: akenoko▲
vocal coach: junya yoshida
assistant directors: akihiro hashimoto & rina shiraha
stage director: tsubasa tanaka
promotional art: chutte
promotional photography: daisuke yamashita
production cooperation: andem
production: nelke planning
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year ago
I have a question and you might’ve been asked before, but animation, do you have any tips for beginners? Love your content btw 🥰
Even tho my degree is in animation I must be honest…😬 nowadays I very often don’t have the patience for anything more complicated than animatics. So I’m trying to stick to tried and true advice lol…
Probably the biggest tip would be that, yes the beginner exercises may be boring, and not look very cool, but they are essential to getting those skills you need down. The flour sack exercise, the wave principle—doing squash and stretch, and timing studies to really nail the way that movements should “flow” properly. These are absolutely necessary skills to master if you want to make fluid animations.
Planning is also another important, but sometimes overlooked aspect of animation. Some ppl (read:me) wanna just jump straight to animating. But planning in those first simplest stages really helps save you headaches in the later stages, when things are getting more complicated and all over the place. Storyboarding helps you plot your timing, choosing where key shots will go, camera angles, pacing ect.
And speaking of camera angles. STUDY STUDY STUDY cinematography! Something doesn’t have to be animated for it to be applied to animation. Perspective is a massive beast to tackle once you start storyboarding and unless you want boring shots and stagnant compositional framing, you need to learn all the ways you can frame a scene and your characters! Idk if you’re up for watching some horror movies, but those are a great source to pull from, as they tend to always frame, pace and even light their shots in really interesting and dynamic ways!
It’s also great to practice with free programs before you spend money on things like a subscription for photoshop or any other fancy software. Most interfaces are similar enough, that beginning with something free like Rough Animator or Blender can give you some good practice before you commit!
That’s all I can think of right now! And sorry if that wasn’t exactly what you were looking for…if you want me to try to give more specific advice on something just drop me another ask—I’m willing to keep rambling on!
Lastly, just few good videos I have saved!
Good traditional habits for digital animators <- basically Toniko Pantoja’s whole channel is a goldmine of knowledge!
Drawing figures in perspective
Every Frame A Painting is also a great channel for breaking down film/composition/writing—there’s a video for virtually every aspect of cinema
-Chuck Jones -the evolution of an artist
-Akira Kurosawa- composing movement
-Satoshi Kon- editing space and time
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le-trash-prince · 3 months ago
Ossan’s Love TH Ep 1 Thoughts
I think we all had a sinking feeling since the trailer that GMMTV was gonna nerf the most iconic line in the series, but it’s still a bummer 😔 RIP “won’t a big dick also do?” you’ll never be matched
Also regarding Chouko’s absence, I would like to state for the record that this is actually the third time she has not been present in an iteration of Ossan’s Love. In the original 2016 version, Kurosawa had been divorced for 10 years, and his wife was never shown onscreen, and in Ossan’s Love: In the Sky, Kurosawa was a widower with a daughter, much like Kongdech, which allowed them to tell a story about a father coming out of the closet to his daughter (who was also in love with Haruta because that’s how this series works). I do love Chouko, but OL is also constantly swapping characters in and out, so to me it’s par course and not a unique decision of GMMTV’s
Anyways I really enjoyed this first episode, and my expectations were high. I think they really captured the mix of silliness and heartwarming moments that makes Ossan’s Love Ossan’s Love to me.
I never get tired of puppydog coded characters and Heng was so 😭😭😭😭😭 Bisexual disaster boy of my heart. Earth really nailed it—he’s not Haruta, he’s not Tanaka Kei, but he’s Heng. Momo you need to leash train him already
Mix in glasses can we get more…
Heng went through the opposite of a glow-up and I love that for him
I was busting out laughing in about every scene which says a lot for a story I’ve seen four different iterations of.
I am curious about what familiar and what new storylines we’ll see but I’m gonna try my best not to spoil anything for those who are new to Ossan’s Love!
Anyways I might not be able to stay up to date with this on a weekly basis, since I’m watching this with my best friend so scheduling is sometimes up in the air, but! We have watched just about every Ossan’s Love release together (minus the HK vers which she skipped) since Jan 2017, and Ossan’s Love was the very first thing we ever watched together, so I’m 🥹 that we get another version with EarthMix, who we love so much.
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maybe-boys-do-love · 6 months ago
“Why is dialogue so emotionally exaggerated in Japanese film?” one reddit user asked.
The response HarryMcFann gave is an incredible primer to understanding Japanese performance style and the media influenced by it (I’m looking at you, BLs and Kdramas).
“Not claiming to be an expert or have a definitive answer here, but these are my two cents based off of what I know about Japan and Japanese film. This is a very general overview. It’s important to note that culture is complex and full of nuances, but this should give a general understanding as to why Japanese films are somewhat exaggerated.
As u/scytheavatar pointed out, Japanese film is influenced by Japanese theater, but that doesn't fully answer your question. For example, you may ask about Western theater as it relates to Western films, and so on (Western theater is exagerated, but films today aren’t). So let’s look at Japanese theater.
The three main forms of Japanese theater are Kabuki, Noh, and Bunraku, and each of these forms influenced Japanese films in different ways. Now what is important to note here is that back in the early years of cinema, those in France and the rest of the West saw film as a new form of photography, while the Japanese viewed film as a new form of theater. Just think about that for a second, and what the implications are. Back in the late 19th and early 20th century the big thing about photography was it’s ability to capture realism, and that realism was a huge concern for many Western filmmakers. The famous French film critic, André Bazin, wrote extensively about how he believed the essence of cinema is its ability to reproduce reality (there were, of course, Western filmmakers who rejected this notion, such as the Soviet formalists and German expressionists, but going into that would require a lot more words). In Japan this was not the case, and from its inception, the Japanese rejected the Western idea of cinematic “realism.”
How did this manifest itself in early Japanese cinema? One thing the Japanese directly took from theater was the presence of a narrator. Japanese silent films were always accompanied by someone called a Benshi (fun fact, Kurosawa’s brother was a benshi), who would narrate the film. Japanese silent films would then have few intertitles, because the benshi would be there to explain the plot, and so on. What’s more, audiences would often attend a film based off of which benshi was performing. The benshi where local celebrities in many ways, and they would try to one-up one another. So naturally, to give a good show, the benshi would have to exaggerate in order to give more life to the performance (these guys would voice characters and play all the different roles). Directors would make their films knowing that there was going to a benshi present. So popular was the benshi, that much of the resistance to transitioning into talking films was from those lamenting the loss of the benshi narrators. Japan actually finally made the transition into talking films much later than the rest of the world.
It is also important to understand that “realism” is a relative term (cue some 15-year-old calling me pretentious). Yes, Western theater is also exaggerated and not particularly realistic, but traditional Western theater really doesn’t compare to Japanese theater. In fact, the famous German playwright, Bertolt Brecht, based many of his ideas of modernism in theater on traditional Japanese theater. This is why Ozu is seen as the most “traditional” of Japanese filmmakers while also being viewed as an early “modernist.” (It’s all really confusing and requires a bunch of quotation marks). Anyway, the Japanese don’t really have the 4th wall in theater the same way we do here in the West. In Japanese theater, audience interaction is huge, and stagehands (albeit often wearing black) walk freely on stage and move props and scenery around the actors, and so on. The key difference here between Japanese theater and Western theater is that while the West try to disguise and mask the artifice of the stage, the Japanese embraced it. A quick example of the way a Japanese actor performs in theater would be the Mie. The Mie is a powerful and emotional pose struck by an actor, who then freezes for a moment. This pose is more for the audience than the drama of the play, and often times reveals important information about that character. This idea of the artificiality of the performance in theater can also be seen in Japanese film.
Finally, it is worth noting how the Japanese view nature vs how the West does. In the West, we look at the natural as being something untouched by people. Interestingly, this isn’t really the case in Japan. In Japan there’s a belief that something only becomes “natural” when it has been in some way shaped by a person. Weird, right? To quote Donald Richie:
“To most Japanese, the Western idea of “realism,” particularly in its naturalistic phase, was something truly new. All early Japanese dramatic forms had assumed the necessity of a structure created through mediation. The same was true of Japanese culture in general: the wilderness was natural only after it had been shaped and presented in a palpable form, as in the Japanese garden, or flowers were considered living (ikebana) only after having been cut and arranged for viewing. Life was thus dramatically lifelike only after having been explained and commented on. Art and entertainment alike were presentational, that is they rendered a particular reality by way of an authoritative voice (be it the noh chorus or the benshi). This approach stood in marked contrast to the representational style of the West in which one assumed the reality of what was being shown.”
I want to make it clear that not all Japanese films are like this. If you watch films by a director like Hirokazu Koreeda, you will not see the same sort of exaggeration.”
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offdensen · 11 months ago
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dear-indies · 3 months ago
please help me with suggestions for pretty Japanese models/instagramers to use for faceclaim 😥😥😥😥 thk u
SHIHO (1976) Japanese.
Karina / Nose Karina (1984) Japanese.
Angelica Michibata (1985) Japanese / Argentine.
Masuwaka tsubasa (1985) Japanese.
Okamoto Tao (1985) Japanese.
Watanabe Anne (1986) Japanese.
Elli-Rose (1986) Japanese / White
Nakamura Anne (1987) Japanese.
Kinoshita Yukina (1987) Japanese.
Oya Kana (1987) Japanese / Brazilian
Akimoto Kozue (1987) Japanese.
Eikura Nana (1988) Japanese.
Miygi Mai (1988) Japanese.
Izumi Rika (1988) Japanese.
Sasaki Nozomi (1988) Japanese.
Bianca Mitsuko / mitsuko._b (1989) Mexican, Japanese, African-American.
Shirahama Izumi / Loveli (1989) Japanese / Filipino.
Nakamura Risa (1989) Japanese.
Kiritani Mirei (1989) Japanese.
Konno Anna (1989) Japanese.
Fukushima Rila (1989) Japanese.
Kiko Arai (1990) Japanese.
Osamu / i_am_osamu (1990) Japanese.
Darenogare Akemi (1990) Japanese.
Nozaki Moeka (1990) Japanese.
Kishimoto Cecil (1990) Japanese.
Nakada Culumi (1991) Japanese.
Uchida Rio (1991) Japanese.
Sakura Moko (1991) Japanese.
Shinozaki Ai (1992) Japanese.
Mannami Yuka (1992) Japanese.
Gōriki Ayame (1992) Japanese.
Murata Rinko (1992) Japanese.
Arisue Mayuko (1992) Japanese.
Nishiuchi Mariya (1993) Japanese.
Tachibana Eri (1993) Japanese.
Yamamoto Sayaka (1993) Japanese.
Nozaki Tomoko (1993) Japanese.
Nōnen Rena (1993) Japanese.
Araki Yuko (1993) Japanese.
Takeda Rena (1993) Japanese.
Takei Emi (1993) Japanese.
Sano Hinako (1994) Japanese.
Nakada Minori (1994) Japanese.
Baba Fumika (1995) Japanese.
Jessica Spohr (1995) Japanese.
Sakuma Yui (1995) Japanese.
Aimaru / aaaaaichan_1 (1996) Japanese.
Aqua Parios (1996) African-American / Japanese.
Komatsu Nana (1996) Japanese.
Yumi Nu (1996) Japanese / White.
Yamazaki Ami (1997) Japanese.
Nakajo Ayami (1997) Japanese.
Imada Mio (1997) Japanese.
Natalie Nootenboom (1997) Japanese / White.
Hitomi Mochizuki (1997) Japanese / Venezuelan - is bisexual.
UraN / luv02_uran (1997) Japanese.
Yahagi Honoka (1997) Japanese.
Yamamoto Maika (1997) Japanese.
maguro149.5cm (1997) Japanese.
Serena Motola (1998) Japanese / White.
Okamoto Natsumi (1998) Japanese.
Iitoyo Marie (1998) Japanese.
Rina Fukushi (1999) Japanese / Filipino.
Minami Gessel (1999) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kaori Oinuma (2000) Filipino and Japanese.
Kei Kurosawa (2001) Bisaya Filipino and Japanese - is mainly an actress but is too pretty not to put on here - has spoken up for Palestine!
Satō Kayo (?) Japanese - is trans.
Michiko Ohashi (?) Japanese.
Emix Momoka (?) Japanese.
Oto / Otoayabe (?) Japanese
+ I'm sure thre's also more on @japanesefcs pages!
Hope this helps!
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ironclark · 1 year ago
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The Halloween set of Keyblades is done! This time featuring the classic Fatal Frame franchise! Fatal Frame 1 - 5 along with the 3DS Spirit Camera! 
A Keyblade modeled after the ghost-filled mansion of Fatal Frame! This Keybkade increases the amount of health dropped by enemies. The hilt of the keyblade is designed in combination of Miku's Camera Obscura and the Himuro Mansion. The shaft of the blade is designed after the various torches seen throughout the mansion, with one being present in the center. The teeth of the blade is formed from the blue fire that is left behind when Miku exorcises a spirit with her camera. The keychain is designed after the hanging ropes found in the mansion with the Token being that of the Type-90 Film, the strongest film in the game. The World Logo is the infamous Himuro Mansion where Miku is trapped in. The name comes from when you have several photos taken in a location. 
A Keyblade designed after the butterfly motif from Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly! This Keyblade is designed to double the damage of your attacks! The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after Mio Amakura's Camera Obscura and Spirit Stone Radio with the cross guard having the first set of crimson butterfly wings. The shaft of the keyblade is made of twin pillars holding the saving lamp. The teeth is formed with a second crimson butterfly. The keychain is made of Spirit Stones with the token being Mayu's Charm. The World Logo is that of the hidden village that Mio and Mayu are trapped in. The name comes from the dual themology of twins and butterflies.
A Keyblade designed after the tattooed motifs of Fatal Frame III: The Tormented! This keyblade is designed to inflict sleep on targets. The hilt and along the saft of the keyblade eventually forming the teeth is that of a blue snake, representing the blue snake tattoo that Rei Kurosawa gets throughout the game. Along this snake is several holly flowers representing the tattoo that Miku gets. The handle and shaft of the blade is formed with the Puryfiying Light candle. The token is that of the Echo Stone Earrings of the Kuze family. The World Logo is the Manor of Sleep, a sleeping world that traps those with the Tattoo curse. The name comes from the sleeping and snake motifs in the game.
A Keyblade modeled after the moon motif in Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse! This Keyblade is designed to have stronger Aero attacks! The guard and shaft of the blade is designed after stylized clouds found in the title screen. The crossguard has the titular Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. The hilt of the blade is that of the Spirit Stone Flashlight. The keychain is made up of the Spirit Orb charges with the Token being that of the Hozuki Doll collectables. The World Logo is the cursed island that the came takes place on. The name comes from the fact that all the protagonists suffer from amensia as well as the phases of the moon. 
A Keyblade modeled after the waters in Fatal Frame V: Maiden of the Black Water! This keyblade is designed to increase the power of Water spells! The guard, shaft and teeth of the blade are designed after classical depictions of water in Japanese paintings. The crossgaurd features one of the headdresses of the Maidens. The pommel is the head of a Reliquary key, with the hilt and keychain token being inspired by it as well. The token is the flower of the titual Maiden of the Black Water. The World Logo is the mountain in which all the tragedies related to the Maidens take place. The name comes from the fact that the once pure waters are now tainted by black.
A Keyblade modeled after the haunting book from Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir! This Keyblade is designed to have a combo increaser! The hilt of the keyblade is designed after this game's Camera Obscura with the handle being inspired by Maya's design. The shaft of the blade is formed from the ghostly essence from the Purple Diary. The Teeth is formed like a hand from the ghostly essence. The token is the amulet found within the diary. The World Logo is the infamous book. The name comes from a synonym of "Book" and "Tome" as well as the bonds of Maya. 
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rain13121 · 3 months ago
Happy New Year! I hope it's filled with happiness and light!
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