#Kamala Tim Walz
skittlebits · 2 months
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Or earlier! Any red state can turn blue if enough voters turn out.
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recently-reanimated · 1 month
Listen, staning politicians is bad. We must remain critical of people in power.
However it is funny to watch Republicans act like this man is the devil incarnate.
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This is democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz Gov. Of Minnesota. This man looks like if a capybara was a person. He looks like he'd pull over on the side of the road and help you change a flat tire. He looks like he'd offer you hot coco from his thermos if you were out ice fishing with him.
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jdsquared · 1 month
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Walz is a former school teacher, served in the army, and was very pro-active in getting progressive stuff passed in his legislature. Besides codifying abortion/IVF rights, see this list of his accomplishments. A solid pick.
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socialistexan · 1 month
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politijohn · 1 month
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Phenomenal choice
As a former teacher, MN Governor Walz has:
Signed legislation protecting abortion rights
Signed an executive order protecting gender-affirming care
Banned conversion therapy
Restored voting rights to Minnesotans who are on parole, probation or community release due to a felony
Signed voting rights legislation
Signed legislation legalizing recreational cannabis
Signed legislation guaranteeing free school lunches to students
Expanded workers rights and is supported by unions
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shegeekery · 1 month
Trying to mostly stay away from politics on this blog, but today there’s something I just need to say.
Kamala Harris just defied DECADES of inside-the-Beltway “wisdom” by picking Walz as her running mate instead of Shapiro. The gray-hairs were probably all telling her she had to go with Shapiro to court the independents. Instead of picking the moderate, staunchly pro-Israel guy, she went with a full-on progressive with a strong LGBTQ+, pro-choice, pro-union record.
She’s making a leap of faith here. She’s betting that progressives, young people, and marginalized people will show up for her if she shows that she’s listening. As someone who lived through several decades when progressives didn’t have a voice even in the Democratic party, I can’t begin to tell you how huge this is.
In the coming months, you will no doubt read/hear things about Harris or Walz that you won’t like. Some of it may even be true. There may well already be things you don’t like about her.
Unfortunately, the choice isn’t between a perfect candidate and an imperfect candidate. The choice is between an imperfect candidate and possibly the most disgusting man on the planet, a guy who isn’t even trying to hide his plans to destroy the US. If Palestine is your #1 issue, know that he will do everything he can to pour gas on the flames until there’s nothing left.
Harris made the choice to listen to progressive voices. If she loses because we didn’t show up for her in huge numbers, we’ll likely be wandering in the wilderness for decades more while the planet burns around us.
(Oh, and we’ll need to show up again in ‘26. Let’s not make the same mistake we made in 2010, when the left stayed home after electing Obama and Republicans won big everywhere, which led to the extreme gerrymandering we’re still dealing with in many states.)
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my-midlife-crisis · 29 days
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bendgineer · 1 month
I think one of the reasons the Harris / Walz ticket has so much momentum is because the campaign is genuinely trying to put out this vibe of fun. Like that's all the "brat" thing is, the coconut jokes, just being kind of silly and fun.
And I think it's working, because let's be real, we are all exhausted. It's been all about preserving democracy, defeating fascism, the past eight years. The message has been "vote for us because the country is literally on the line". The vibes are not good when we are stuck back at that fight, and not even discussing trying to make progress on things like housing, healthcare, education, etc. And the fight to just stop fascism? All still true. Project 2025 is real and is extremely scary. We can't let that man back into office.
But the vibe was "vote for us otherwise we're all fucked :(" and now has shifted to "get in, we're making popcorn and then bullying fascists." Like a lot of the issues conservatives bring up, the Harris / Walz is just not engaging them in good faith, as they shouldn't. Republicans bring up abortion, and the Dems are just like, "you want 14 year old to give birth? Weirdo" and just leave it at that. Like YES, that's what you should do. Because it SHOULDNT be a debate. And it's working. This is how you defeat the identify politics thing Republicans have been trying to push for a while. Just mocking them for the stupidity of it all. "Like seriously? You think a book can make someone gay??? Hahaha." None of the Republicans are reacting well. They can't stand it. Vance even complained about bullying!!! Like do you KNOW who picked you as vp??? It's actually laughable, because they have no room to stand on when it comes to bullying.
And a huge part of the mocking and dismissing of Republicans is that the message is clear - were done debating all this stupid stuff. We've won the last two elections' popular vote - most Americans do NOT want christo-facism. It's time to move on. And that's what gives me hope, and the feeling of hope I think a lot of people have picked up on. It's time to address all the issues we've all wished we've been addressing the past decade. It's important we move onto that, and that's the message I'm getting from this campaign (We're not going back). I think it will resonate with a lot of people, because plainly, we're all just sick of this same old news cycle and fake rage bait over things like "should women have rights?", "Should gay people be allowed to exist?" The general populace have answered YES to both these multiple times, and it is time to move on. Maybe I'm being naive, but I am genuinely excited at the idea of putting to bed these debates (it's exhausting trying to fend your very existence) and moving on to actual economic and social policies that could fix a lot of deterioration over the last 2 decades.
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animentality · 1 month
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geekysteven · 1 month
Harris choosing Tim Walz as her running mate sets a dangerous precedent that Democrats might do cool shit that voters love
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harrismaxxer · 1 month
Walz: "Some of us in here are old enough to remember -- I see ya down there, I see those old white guys - Some of us are old enough to remember when it was Republicans were talking about freedom. It turns out now, what they mean is the government should be free to invade your doctor's office."
"In Minnesota we respect our neighbors and the personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves, there's a golden rule: Mind your own damn business!"
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liberalsarecool · 2 months
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Love this. Tim Walz for VP. Then, Penny Flanagan makes history!
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churrotowns · 1 month
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ginger cat world domination incoming
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citysvg1 · 1 month
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Harris Walz 2024 Svg
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pearwaldorf · 28 days
Because I needed the reminder and maybe you do too: the best way to deal with political frustration is to do something.
A real and immediate impact you can have that will directly help a Palestinian is to buy an eSIM and send it to [email protected]. This allows Gazans to access mobile data so they can get news out and keep in touch with their friends and family.
If you have never done this before, here is a step by step guide, complete with discount codes. It is slightly technical but still fairly easy (imo, ymmv). If you can't/don't want to buy one directly, you can donate to Crips for eSIMs and they will buy one on your behalf.
You don't have to top up the eSIMs when they get low/run out, but I find it comforting to do so. It means somebody is still alive, and that you've made a hellish experience a tiny bit less terrible.
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my-midlife-crisis · 23 days
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