#Justin Peters
foxyou-too · 2 months
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Justin Peters’ Surreal Digital Collages
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suenosyfantasmas · 1 year
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Arte digital: Justin Peters. Alemania.
Artista digital. Fotógrafo. Foto - manipulación. Surrealimo. Combina sueños y realidad.
Fuente: Google.com
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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"Joyce Meyer has put out her own "Everyday Life Bible". I have not looked at this Bible, but my advice is to avoid all Bibles and study Bibles with an individual’s name attached, and with his or her personal notes included. I don’t advise this only with respect to Joyce Meyer, but with respect to anyone, no matter what their theology may be. Why do I say this? Because their individual “theology” tends to get mixed up with the Scriptures, and you will tend to confuse them. Go instead for a good study Bible produced by a group of scholars. It will be more accurate and less likely to be skewed toward one person’s ideas or thoughts. It was common during the days of hand-copying of the Scriptures for the copyists to write marginal notes on the manuscript copies they made." - Justin Peters
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hotpotrandomfics · 2 years
Can’t ever keep things PG
Khloe: Oh Ciel~ is your ego the only thing you liked stroked?
Ciel: No, but Khloe, tell me something no. Are you from St. Louis?
Khloe: No, why~?
Ciel: Well I can teach you how to arch your back~
Khloe: *blushing deeply* EEEP, too much! You win!
Justin: Hey Clara~
Clara: No, that line is not gonna work.
Justin: *pouts*
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maa-pix · 2 years
From the article:
For decades now, American right-wing discourse has been rooted in two bedrock principles. The first is that the American right is under attack, constantly, from all leftward angles. The second principle is that there is a lot of money to be made in convincing low-information values voters that they are under attack, and that Hollywood, government, the academy, big business, and the media are now and always have been conspiring against them. Conspiracy is the cornerstone of the modern conservative movement. The premise that the entire world is aligned against the right in an ongoing effort to demote their values, their freedoms, and their right to use ethnic slurs in public is a tribal identifier for contemporary conservatives, and surfacing evidence of these conspiracies is right-wing media’s most important work.
This endless fanfare of grievance, innuendo, and motivated misprioritization colors most of the content you’ll find on the most popular conservative news and opinion outlets: vast edifices of bullshit constructed atop small kernels of verifiable information.
I love that last line:  “vast edifices of bullshit constructed atop small kernels of verifiable information.”
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2t2r · 6 years
Les images surréalistes d'un monde de rêve par Justin Peters
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/les-images-surrealistes-dun-monde-de-reve-par-justin-peters/
Les images surréalistes d'un monde de rêve par Justin Peters
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sheltiechicago · 9 months
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Skillful Blending of Worlds
Skillfully using Photoshop to create digital collages that blend disparate scenes together, Justin Peters shows us entirely new realities. Horizons cleanly fade into foregrounds, human elements seamlessly become natural ones.
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_"Dari 27 kitab dalam Perjanjian Baru, 26 kitab mengutuk doktrin keliru."_ ~ Justin Peter
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mossandfog · 1 year
Skillful Blending of Worlds
Skillfully using Photoshop to create digital collages that blend disparate scenes together, Justin Peters shows us entirely new realities. Horizons cleanly fade into foregrounds, human elements seamlessly become natural ones. Great collage work. See more on his website.
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One of the hallmarks of the new birth is not merely admitting one's sin, but grieving over it (2 Cor. 7:10).
-Justin Peters
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foxyou-too · 11 months
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Justin Peters’ Surreal Digital Collages
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mastrmiscellaneous · 2 years
*11 year old Clara and Justin wrestling*
Clara: ha! Pinned you!
Justin: damn it! How are you so strong??
Clara: I'm jsut perfect.
Justin: yeah...
*16 year old Justin and Clara wrestling. Justin easily pins Clara*
Clara: Damn Justin!! When did you get strong??
Justin: Same time the voice got deeper!!
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Fate of False Converts and Apostates: Matthew 7:21-23 | SO4J-TV Justin Peters | Runtime: 9mins 59secs
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the-spaced-out-ace · 5 months
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I’m sure this isn’t new info about me but still (I’m having a normal one today)
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dilfluvver4eva · 6 months
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I’m Bs
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visenya-targarye · 3 months
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not the tour guys
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