#Justice for Boston
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candygalaxyyy · 1 year ago
it low key feels like the screenwriters/directors have a personal vendetta against boston. we’ve never heard or seen the reasoning behind the way his character acts, compared to the other characters, he is a very shallow and surface level character. I had hoped that they would give us some sort of insight on why he is the way he is, given that this is the last episode. but we’re left with the same reasoning, which is he is a sl*t who sleeps with any living thing, doesn’t care about others and can’t control his desires. when i feel like boston’s character could have had so much more depth, for example, his separated parents & family dynamic could have been an excellent storyline in helping us know and understand him more.
him cheating on nick with boeing really just felt like a slap in the face, just to make bostonnick miserable, to paint boston as someone who can never change (but characters like top and ray are given grace?). boston’s polyamory being written as selfish and whory, yet it is totally possible to write polyamorous characters as the opposite by just reinforcing communication and respect within their storyline (3 will be free literally did such a good job with this imo). the same shallow portrayal of boston appears when he apologizes to mew. the others first point out that boston has made no prior effort to apologize, so if he hasn’t tried to make things right then obviously he sees no wrong in his actions? they never try to address or explain that part. so when boston finally gets along to sincerely apologizing to mew, all he says is that it’s his desires. what desires? how did these desires manifest? does he no longer have these desires? it just leaves his apology as a half-assed attempt to reconciliation, which mew obviously dismisses cause boston is ‘an evil person, who can never change’. and the breaking down of boston’s spirit doesn’t stop there… he tries to have a moment with nick? rejected (i don’t blame nick tho). he suggests the group to join him in new york next year? mew starts being condescending and tells him he’s only watching the fireworks with them because chuem said so.
after all this boston is left alone, no friends and no nick. he’s left to be the sole villain of the show with no redemption or character development (not that they gave him much of a character to begin with). and it truly is such a shame, as boston was really the driving force throughout the series. ​he really could have been the best character with the most compelling and intricate storyline.
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thewayuarent · 1 year ago
I have so many thoughts about Boston and his writing and how show failed him and how the message we got is absolutely ridiculous and frustrating but also that’s exactly what I expected from this society but I am so disappointed that I have no strength to do it.
I’ll wait for smart people to explain this perfectly I guess.
Boston, you deserve so much better
I wish you the best craziest life in New York, fuck them all, you’ll be fine my love
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yujeong · 1 year ago
To be honest, seeing the audience's live reaction for the last BostonNick scene tells me everything I need to know about why their story ended up like it did.
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graysbullshit · 2 months ago
I have been vacinated about 30-45 times in my life. Do you know how much I paid for it? Not a dime.
My great-aunt had a tumor and had to treat it with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She was fully recovered. Do you know how much she paid for it? Not a dime.
One of Brazil's most famous tv show hosts who has been in show business for over 40 years with over 30 milion views had a kidney transplant this year. Do you know how much he paid for the transplant? Not a dime.
When my mother is bored she walks a block up to the public health center and gets a check up. Do you know how much she pays for this? Not a dime.
My mother has been going to the psychologist. Do you know much she has paid? Not a dime.
Does this enrage you? It should. When Luigi said "this" was a insult to the American people's intelligence he probably meant the mediatic circus around his person, but if we're to be honest you could say the same about USA's healthcare politics. Do not let them tell you it "has to be this way" and "there is no other way." There is. You CAN have better healthcare. You DON'T have to sell your house to pay your medical debt. They are MAKING you do this ON PURPOSE. Don't forget that.
I don't usually have any kindness to spare USAians, but we are with you in this one. The world is watching. You CAN turn this around! Don't let them desincourage you.
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yakityyaku · 3 months ago
The American Justice System is sending a very powerful message.
They will not condemn Nazism. They will only slap the wrists of people (white rightwing men) who storm our most sacred government buildings. Mass shooters will face justice, but the act of mass killing is nothing more than run of the mill murder.
But kill a CEO? Speak out against institutions that kill and cause suffering for millions? That's terrorism. That's a terrorist threat. Nevermind how many mass shooters and capital rioters had bombing plans and what have you. Only killing a CEO will get you terrorism if you're white.
They really want to dissuade us. To make a show of Luigi Mangione so we learn our lesson and leave the rich and powerful alone. Because they'll protect them no matter the cost. Fuck that. Fuck that and this country. Do not get quiet about it. Do not get quiet about Briana Boston either. This is tyranny.
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agentfascinateur · 10 months ago
From Gaza to the Student Protest Movement, with love:
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Thank you 💜
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casuals will diss the silver line while forgetting that
a. having a bus line that partially runs underground is cool as fuck
b. pluto is a planet
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dailydccomics · 10 months ago
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Justice League Dark movie poster cover by Joe Quinones
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thebat-musicman · 3 months ago
Funniest Members of the JLD
Doctor Fate: He’s a fucking helmet. Like yes there is a god in the helmet but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a helmet.
Deadman: Extremely accurate name. Also where are they finding all of these circus acrobats.
Frankenstein: He’s from a classic novel?? He has the blood of an alien king??? He defended London against Nazis?? He worked for Father Time, who is a Japanese schoolgirl???? What is with this man.
John Constantine: Lost his house and the leadership of the JLD to Zatanna (his ex) after killing her father. Snorted Santa’s bones. not a good person at all.
Zatanna: Put a spell on Constantine to try and force him to be good. Also her name is Zatanna Zatara. That’s just kinda odd.
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bread-knives · 3 months ago
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I'm sure this has been posted somewhere already, but I just wanted to make sure it's out there - There was a GoFundMe that a lot of people had donated to, which was then taken down with claims that Briana Boston was released, and all charges were dropped. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
In this official GoFundMe organized by Briana's husband, he states there have been no changes to her legal situation - She's out on bail ($100k), and is currently on house arrest. She faces up to 15 YEARS in prison for the "deny, delay, depose" statement she made to an Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield representative over the phone after her claim was denied.
Please consider donating to this GoFundMe, if you're able to. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for them to get all of that support on a fundraiser that wasn't officially associated with them and is now issuing refunds and spreading misinformation, be it intentional or not. (But I have no idea what the situation is; Daniel states in his post that he doesn't believe there were any bad intentions and to not try to contact the person who organized the original fundraiser.)
They want to make an example out of this poor woman; they want to scare us back into submission. Let's show up for Briana like we have for Luigi.
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3eyeswidenlooking · 3 months ago
Hey there! I wanted to share a cause that really needs our support—Briana Boston is facing a $100,000 bond that she can’t afford, and her family is depending on our help. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant difference for Briana and her three kids during this tough time, so please consider clicking the link below to donate or share it with others.
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dc-megatournament · 2 months ago
Batman VS Everyone
If Batman gets prep time, so does everyone else
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months ago
I always thought Javert was a bit unrealistic of a character, like sure he’s a great villain, but nobody is ACTUALLY that crazy and cruel to think that a man is irredeemable and deserves life in prison for stealing a loaf of bread.
After arguing with people who think the arrest of Briana Boston was justified… I no longer think Javert is unrealistic.
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dailydccomics · 10 months ago
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steampunk Justice League Dark by Tommy Lee Edwards
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travelingtwentysomething · 2 months ago
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(t-shirt for the revolution)
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legomocfodder · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween from the Justice League Dark
Wonder Woman, Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan, and Doctor Fate
I tried my best to match their current costumes, but I still took a few creative liberties with these figures to make them my own
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