#only friends the series ep 12
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candygalaxyyy · 1 year ago
it low key feels like the screenwriters/directors have a personal vendetta against boston. we’ve never heard or seen the reasoning behind the way his character acts, compared to the other characters, he is a very shallow and surface level character. I had hoped that they would give us some sort of insight on why he is the way he is, given that this is the last episode. but we’re left with the same reasoning, which is he is a sl*t who sleeps with any living thing, doesn’t care about others and can’t control his desires. when i feel like boston’s character could have had so much more depth, for example, his separated parents & family dynamic could have been an excellent storyline in helping us know and understand him more.
him cheating on nick with boeing really just felt like a slap in the face, just to make bostonnick miserable, to paint boston as someone who can never change (but characters like top and ray are given grace?). boston’s polyamory being written as selfish and whory, yet it is totally possible to write polyamorous characters as the opposite by just reinforcing communication and respect within their storyline (3 will be free literally did such a good job with this imo). the same shallow portrayal of boston appears when he apologizes to mew. the others first point out that boston has made no prior effort to apologize, so if he hasn’t tried to make things right then obviously he sees no wrong in his actions? they never try to address or explain that part. so when boston finally gets along to sincerely apologizing to mew, all he says is that it’s his desires. what desires? how did these desires manifest? does he no longer have these desires? it just leaves his apology as a half-assed attempt to reconciliation, which mew obviously dismisses cause boston is ‘an evil person, who can never change’. and the breaking down of boston’s spirit doesn’t stop there… he tries to have a moment with nick? rejected (i don’t blame nick tho). he suggests the group to join him in new york next year? mew starts being condescending and tells him he’s only watching the fireworks with them because chuem said so.
after all this boston is left alone, no friends and no nick. he’s left to be the sole villain of the show with no redemption or character development (not that they gave him much of a character to begin with). and it truly is such a shame, as boston was really the driving force throughout the series. ​he really could have been the best character with the most compelling and intricate storyline.
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ourplacetobefree · 1 year ago
I was really hoping that Nick and Boston could have worked out in a non-monogamous relationship, but I'm glad the show made it clear why they didn't.
Boston explains that he sees relationships as feelings and sex as something separate, which is completely valid. But this would never work with Nick, who is possessive and wants a relationship to mean only being with him.
Boston is Poly, and Nick is Monogamous. They'd never realistically work.
Sad, but understandable, and I was really here for the Nasty4Nasty relationship.
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projectjasper · 1 year ago
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sooooo glad they are finally having this conversation like that. nick, find yourself a boyfriend who wants to be monogamous (honestly, just call dan). boston, find yourself a boyfriend who wants an open relationship. sometimes people just don't fit each other and that's FINE.
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firelise · 1 year ago
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Something something, get you someone who looks at you like Sand looks at Ray, something something, when your man is defending your honor and you are defending your will to keep your pants on. Only Friends (2023)
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khaoray · 1 year ago
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The Eclipse (2022) | Ep. 12 Only Friends (2023) | Ep. 7
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year ago
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #84
Be My Favourite ep 4:
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Only Friends ep 9:
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Last Twilight ep 12:
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Peaceful Property ep 3:
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tswizzlesfan · 1 year ago
"would you like to take a walk and listen to music with me"
i cant believe sandray just got married
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year ago
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Only Friends (2023) | Ep.12
I've got you a New Year present. What for? Just take a look. Look. You are so damn cute in this picture. I told you if the picture was taken by someone who really knew your angles, it'd be as nice as this one. I like it. Thank you. Um. But I don't think I can take it. And I'm not taking your offer. Why not? I think I’ll come back to loving myself more than I love you. Hey, Nick. I'm sorry. I will not kiss anyone else ever again. I'll have only you. I really am sorry. Don't be. I'm over that. And don't blame yourself.
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nomidreams · 6 months ago
god i finally watched new episodes my honest reaction is jgiwoaoKzmxmkwkakkak
#it kinda doesnt feel real for me idk why#like i do not actually process all of it??#tho I DO have ideas and thinking i did pay attention#maybe i've just had a wild day i guess#but also oh god vex'ahlia broke my heart#twice#first time were when scanlan was talking how he couldn't be at two places at the same time to help 'em and she said nobody gives a fuck#i feel so bad for scanlan rn i love him#haven't watched campaing to the bard's lament yet but oh fuck im too spoiled i do know what happens where (a little bit)#the second time was when she said she really cares for percy i started crying at that moment#also im a lil bit disappointed cuz i thought we would get percys death and vex's spech but we got “i open the door completly naked” scene ->#and im very happy we got it like oh wow i didn't expect that#but idk im just a girl and i love percahlia's slowburn#since i watched 64 eps of actual campaign it become hard for me to not compare campaign and tlovm cuz obviosly its very different#but with percahlia in tlovm we don't have hours and hours of campaign context#(we don't have percy making her arrows)#and i understand why cuz 100+ streams 3+ hours each is one thing and animated series with 12 eps of 25 minutes is another#but as i said previosly it is very hard for me to not compare it#by the way i do think changes in tlovm make sense#cuz like?? i think vex is more sharpy in tlovm than in campaign?? like#like she punced scanlan in first season and in campaign they are kinda good friends and i really love them??#*punched#and i think she's more ?? bossy i guess?? idk how to put it into words but in my head it makes sense “i open the door completly naked” ->#goes earlier than “i shouldve told you its yours” cuz shes playing pretend even more than in campaign???#acts like its casual when its actually isnt AT ALL#and im glad percy said “what is it i want” to vex cuz its kinda like that scene in campaign when percy talked to vax#when he called them all family for the first time and said he's trying to find what he wants in life#i love percy and vax dynamic btw#i wanted to write even more here but apparently i can do only 30 tags wtf#they want me to actually write posts oh no. hate to put it all in tags but im too nervous abt posting on the internet
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ourplacetobefree · 1 year ago
I have mad respect for Ray deciding to not play any games when Sand's ex showed up. It always plays out the same way in shows. The ex is given the space and chances to cause unnecessary problems in the couple's relationship and Ray really stepped up and said, "Not In My House and Not In My Relationship."
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khaoala · 11 months ago
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Trust a Lesbian to Judge You and All of Your Life Decisions While Looking Hot AF
It felt dishonest to make compilations of all of the main men in this show and leave Cheum out of it when she's part of the Messy F4. To be honest, Cheum dresses simply, but Lookjun makes all of these look very good. I really had high hopes for Cheum before this show aired, but at least she delivered when it came to her outfits. Also, her favorite pants (the jeans with a hole in the back and one in the front) was used around 11-12 times that we can see it.
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projectjasper · 1 year ago
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hummingbirdsinjune · 1 year ago
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You beautiful little bastard I knew you'd show up eventually
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year ago
Friends don't let friends go.
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Only friends stay
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tswizzlesfan · 1 year ago
no one in this fandom will ever forget their reaction to those 4 things from ep 12:
sandrayboeing pool scene. yes all of it im never moving on.
boston hooking up with BOEING after being all lovey dovey with nick
sand STRADDLING top and making out with him in front of everyone. absolutely iconic and hot asfuck but you didnt hear it from me!
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forcebookish · 5 months ago
the only reason i deleted my last xander rant is because giles does indeed often find xander annoying, but i will still argue that it is on another level with cordelia and she has never done anything even half as stupid and dangerous as xander has
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