#*coughs loudly* anyway. bye.
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The Eclipse (2022) | Ep. 12 Only Friends (2023) | Ep. 7
#the eclipse#the eclipse the series#only friends#only friends the series#ofts#oftsedit#thdrama#bldramaedit#tuseralexa#lextag#thoresque#usergooseras#uservid#userdramas#asiandramasource#cinematv#tvfilmsource#*gifs#the noise i made when i watched ep 12...#*coughs loudly* anyway. bye.
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happy valentine's day I have finally been able to write again for the cause!!! read off the deep end on ao3 (and also below the cut!) adrino fluff & sleepovers & idiots to lovers basically just all my favorite things
“I’m so excited, Dri!” Nino says as he digs his keys out of his pocket. “We’re gonna play so many video games and eat junk food and watch movies and- like, everything!”
Adrien smiles. “When are we going to sleep?”
“Maybe never. Too much stuff to do, man!”
“Isn’t the point of a sleepover to sleep?”
“The point is to have fun. Sleep is secondary.”
Adrien doesn’t know. This is his first sleepover - one he’d begged his father to have for months on end. He takes Nino’s word for it. “I’m really excited.”
Nino slings an arm around Adrien’s shoulders, holding him close. “It’s gonna be a blast!”
Adrien’s face is warm now, and he’s grateful Nino is close enough he won’t be able to see his blush.
Adrien likes Nino. Like-likes him. But a crush on a boy is so new to him, and he doesn’t know how to handle it, really. He’s just happy to have a best friend at all. Ladybug said he should confess, but that’s easier said than done, really. Adrien has tried. He hasn’t even managed to come out yet, though.
There isn’t any rush, right? Tonight’s just about having fun. Adrien is excited to spend so much time with Nino even if just as friends.
Nino lets go of Adrien to unlock his apartment door and let them inside. The apartment is noisy. Chris is watching a show in the living room, the TV volume turned up, as he plays with toys that flash and play sounds. Nino’s mom is in the kitchen cooking and the sound of food sizzling fills the air - and the smell. Adrien’s stomach growls.
“Hi, mom,” Nino says as he walks in and kicks off his shoes.
“Hi, baby.”
Nino rolls his eyes, but Adrien thinks the nickname is cute.
“And Adrien! It’s nice to see you again,” she says.
“Hi, Mme. Lahiffe. Thanks for letting me stay over.”
“We’re happy to have you.”
Nino hikes his bag on his shoulder. “How long till dinner, Mom?”
“About an hour still.”
“Okay, see you then, bye!” Nino pushes Adrien towards his room.
Adrien doesn’t understand why Nino is so eager to leave his family, but diligently walks into Nino’s room anyway. He sets his bag (an overnight bag!) down inside Nino’s room and moves to sit on the bed.
“Ugh,” Nino groans as he throws down his bag. He drops his voice to a whisper. “She’s so embarrassing.”
Adrien didn’t understand that, either. “What do you mean?”
Nino shuts his door. “We’re teenagers! She still treats me like a kid sometimes.”
Before Nino can elaborate any further, his mom shouts. “Door open, Nino!”
Nino groans again and rolls his eyes as he pulls his door back open a crack.
“Are you in trouble?” Adrien asks. Nino’s room is at the far end of the apartment, and he knows no one will hear them if they don’t talk too loudly.
“No. Just mom stuff,” Nino says with a shrug. He sits down next to Adrien. “I like boys, and you’re here, so we have to keep the door open.”
That doesn’t make sense. “Why does it matter if the door’s closed?”
“So she can see we’re not, like, having sex or something stupid,” Nino says, way too casually, as he sits down next to Adrien.
Adrien chokes. He tries to cover it with a cough in what even he can admit is probably the worst acting job of his life. “What?” he manages to splutter out, his face hot.
Nino’s eyes go wide. “Sorry!” he says, holding his hands out placatingly. “Sorry. Did you not know that?”
Adrien shakes his head furiously. “No, I’ve never- my father’s never done anything like that.”
“He lets you shut your door when you have people over?”
Adrien can’t remember the last time he was allowed to have someone over. “I mean, that would mean he’d have to let someone into the house, and we both know he doesn’t do that.”
“Oh. Right.”
Adrien still doesn’t really understand. “But- I mean- we’re not… we’re just friends.”
“Right. I know. It’s nothing to do with you, it’s just, like, normal parent stuff. Since I like boys, no boys over with the door shut.”
“All parents do that?”
“I mean. Normal ones do.” Nino sighs. “I shouldn’t complain. She was super cool about me being gay. This is, like, really affirming, almost, you know? But it’s annoying.” He glances at the door, and then speaks in a softer voice. “It was really hard to convince her to let you sleep over.”
“What? Why?”
“Because… I don’t know.” Nino flops back onto his bed, arms splayed out above his head. “I guess with straight kids it’s, like, no co-ed sleepovers just in case. But I’m gay. So she didn’t want any boys to stay over, but it’s- it’s just annoying.”
“And that’s… normal?”
“Yeah. Normal parent stuff.” Nino grimaces. “Sorry. That was stupid to say.”
“No, it’s fine. I know my father’s not normal.” Adrien lays down, too, his head next to Nino’s. “Normal parents worry that much about their kids having sex?”
Nino snorts. “I guess so. Besides, we’re… I mean… I know we’re friends, and I don’t- I mean, you like girls. I don’t know why she’s so worried.”
Well… that was half true. Adrien feels his face flushing all over again.
He likes Nino’s apartment. He feels safe here. He feels sort of brave, actually.
And he knows Nino is a safe person to talk to, a good person to tell first.
Adrien takes a deep breath. “She, um, I mean, isn’t totally wrong?”
“I like girls. But… also, um, I like boys, too.”
“What?” Nino asks, more excited now. He rolls onto his side, propped on his elbow with a bright smile. “Dri! Really?”
Adrien manages a nod, his face hot.
“Dri!” Nino half-tackles him, holding him close in an awkward and enthusiastic hug.
All Adrien can manage is to laugh. He’s not sure what he was expecting, but this all-encompassing sort of glee wasn’t it. He likes it, though. He’s pretty sure Nino could never react the wrong way to anything. It’s one of the things he likes about Nino.
(Like-likes about him, as Ladybug put it.
They’d spent several patrols talking about Nino through codenames and vague stories. She was the one who’d pointed out Adrien’s crush, after all.)
“Oh, this is awesome!” Nino says, still hugging Adrien tight.
“Yeah! I knew we were best bros for a reason!” Nino pulls back enough to smile at Adrien again. “Is there a boy?”
“Um, I mean- it’s- it’s new,” Adrien says, trying to avoid lying because Nino always sees right through him.
“Oh, duh. Totally fair. Still!”
Adrien laughs. He likes (like-likes) how excited Nino gets about things. This thing especially.
“Who knows?” Nino asks. “I don’t wanna say something I shouldn’t.”
Only Ladybug, but Adrien can’t tell Nino that. “Just you,” he says.
Nino’s eyes widen. “Dri, really?”
Adrien manages a nod.
Nino hugs him all over again, squeezing him tighter than the first time. “Thanks.”
“For what?”
“Trusting me.”
Trusting Nino is the easiest thing Adrien has ever done. He’s not sure how to express that. He just hugs him a little harder.
“Nino!” a smaller voice shouts from nearby. Adrien recognizes it as Chris - he likes him. He’s sweet.
Nino sits up with a groan. “What?”
“I wanna play with you.”
“Dude…” Nino glances back at Adrien.
“Let’s go play,” Adrien says with a smile, and he’s truly happy to do it. He likes Nino’s family. He’s always happy to spend time with them all.
“Sure,” Nino agrees. “But only till dinner, Chris!”
Chris runs back to the living room giggling.
Nino grabs Adrien’s hand to pull him to his feet.
(Adrien’s heart is hammering.)
“You know you don’t have to do this,” Nino says.
“Yeah. I want to. Besides, I’ll beat you both in whatever game we play.”
Nino grins. “No way. I’m so destroying you!”
They’ll both let Chris win, Adrien knows, but their trash talk lasts all the way to the couch.
“I’m so full.” Adrien collapses into Nino’s bed. “Your mom makes the best food.”
“I can’t believe how much you ate. Where does it go?” Nino pokes Adrien in the stomach playfully.
Adrien swats his hand away, laughing. “To my heart!”
Nino snorts. “You’re stupid.”
“Not as stupid as you.”
Adrien grabs Nino’s arm to pull him into the bed, too, and he isn’t surprised when Nino immediately starts wrestling with him.
Roughhousing is not something Adrien knew how to do, not until he met Nino. But it’s fun. It’s something Father would never allow, but he’s not here, and that means Adrien can laugh freely as he tries to shove Nino off of him. He doesn’t win, but neither does Nino; neither of them tries all that hard. It’s more fun to wrestle in Nino’s bed and try to shove the other off. Winning would mean it had to end.
Adrien doesn’t ever want this to end.
“Ha!” Nino shouts triumphantly as he pins Adrien to the bed, leaning over him with a bright smile.
Adrien isn’t upset. All he can do is smile right back.
He likes Nino’s smile, his bright eyes, how his hat is half off of him now so Adrien can see more of his curls. His hair always looks so soft. Adrien wishes he could find out for certain.
“Speechless in your defeat, huh?” Nino teases.
“Maybe.” Adrien kicks Nino off of him, the both of them bursting into laughter all over again. Nino’s hat falls off now and Adrien takes the opportunity to steal it for himself, pulling it firmly over his head and scooting away from Nino.
“Hey, wait!” Nino laughs. “Give it back!”
“I like it better on me,” Adrien says, sticking his tongue out.
Nino reaches out to steal his hat back, but Adrien pushes his arm away, keeping one hand planted on his head to hold onto the hat just in case. “Dri!” Nino laughs, fighting to steal it back, but Adrien’s not giving up easily.
He likes hearing Nino laugh too much to give in now.
A knock at the door stops them both, half on top of each other and a tangled mess of limbs. They look to see Nino’s mom in the doorway smiling.
“Hi mom,” Nino says without moving, one hand still reaching for his hat.
“Your brother is going to bed. I love that you’re having fun, but could it be a little quieter?” she asks.
Nino climbs off of Adrien. “Yeah. Sorry. But we can stay up, right?”
“As long as you’re quiet.”
Nino grins.
“And door open!” she chides once more.
Nino rolls his eyes as his mom leaves them alone again.
Adrien likes how much she cares. Nino’s lucky to have a mom so involved, he thinks.
“I guess you win,” Nino says, “but, whatever. You look cute in my hat.”
Adrien’s face is flushed immediately and he turns away to hide it. “Guess it’s mine forever since we can’t fight for it.”
“At least until morning. Then I’m so stealing it back.”
Adrien smiles. He was looking forward to it. “Hey, I was promised movies,” he says as a distraction, and he climbs off of the bed. He’d brought his laptop so they could stay in Nino’s room and not have to worry about fighting for the TV – Nino’s laptop was slow and buffered so much it was never enjoyable to watch anything. Adrien knows he’s lucky. He’s happy to share.
“Yes!” Nino says as he scoots back in his bed to rest his back against the headboard. “I’m so pumped. You have all the best movies.”
Father pays to keep Adrien occupied, but it was nice in moments like this. Adrien sits down next to Nino. Right next to him. Nino’s bed is small, so if they’re going to both sit against the headboard, it means they have to be so close they’re touching; shoulders brushing, knees knocking as they find a comfortable way to sit.
Adrien swallows back his nerves and the butterflies rising up his stomach and opens his laptop to find a movie for them. “What about this?” he asks as he clicks on one that had just come out.
“A rom com? Ugh,” Nino says. “They’re always so unrealistic.”
“I think they’re cute.”
“Well, first of all, it’s always the guy gets the girl. Boring!”
Adrien can’t argue with that.
“And nothing in real life is like that.” Nino folds his arm and sighs. “Sometimes I wish it was.”
Adrien starts. “Really?”
Nino shrugs. “I guess. It would be nice – love at first sight and all that. It would be easier.”
“Do… do you like someone?” Adrien asks.
Nino shrugs again but doesn’t say anything.
That’s strange. He’s never quiet.
Adrien looks over at Nino and is surprised to see his cheeks are flushed. “Sorry,” he says quickly. “Forget I asked.”
“No, it’s okay,” Nino says, but his gaze is fixed firmly on his hands in his lap.
“Is it okay?” Adrien asks, because it doesn’t sound like it’s okay.
Nino nods. “You just caught me by surprise. It’s fine, man! I mean- just- um-” he cuts himself off with a sigh.
Adrien’s not used to seeing Nino worked up like this. He’s worried. “Are you okay?”
Nino nods again, more fervently. “Yes! I’m great. I’m good!” He stands up from the bed, tripping over his own feet and catching himself on the nightstand.
“Nino?” Adrien asks, only growing more nervous.
“Just- I’m good, are you good?” Nino rights himself and turns to face Adrien with a nervous smile, running his hand through his hair.
“Um. Yes?”
“Good! I- I wasn’t expecting to say this now, or ever, or here- I mean, I imagined it so many ways but I didn’t think it- for it to be real, I- I just wasn’t- it’s just weird. Not weird!” Nino corrects. “Unexpected? I don’t know.”
“Nino, what’s going on?”
“I like you!” Nino says. His eyes grow wide, and his cheeks darker. “Like… I like-like you.”
“Me?” Adrien breathes.
Nino nods. “I didn’t think I had a chance, but you- you’re incredible. And I like being your best friend so much but I also really like you.” He wrings his hands. “I-I’ve imagined telling you, like, so many times and I thought there’d be a sunset or something and I’d have flowers and a way better speech and we definitely would not be in my bedroom but- but- I like you.”
Adrien smiles. “Sit down again?” he asks.
Nino does.
Tonight’s a night of being brave – sleepovers, coming out, confessions. This will be the easiest one, Adrien’s sure. “I like you, too.”
“You- really?”
Adrien nods. “Yeah. A lot.”
Nino huffs out half a laugh. He reaches for Adrien’s hand and then hesitates. Adrien closes the distance.
They’ve held hands before, casually, staying together in crowds and things like that. This is different. This time they interlace their fingers. Nino’s hand is warm, and his palm is soft against Adrien’s, and this is special.
Adrien meets Nino’s eyes and they both smile.
“Maybe my mom had a right to be worried,” Nino whispers.
Adrien laughs – a little at first, and then a lot. He tucks his head against Nino’s shoulder, the two of them trying to keep their giggles quiet but failing miserably.
“Shh!” Nino says, still giggling himself.
“You shh!” Adrien counters.
It only makes them laugh more.
This doesn’t feel real. Maybe they’ve already fallen asleep, movie playing in the background, and Adrien’s just imagining what he wants so badly. But Nino’s hand is in his. That feels real.
Adrien lifts his head again to smile at Nino. “You really like me?”
Nino nods, enthusiastic. “Uh-huh. And you look really cute in my hat.”
Adrien’s blushing all over again, but he doesn’t feel the need to hide it any more. “I like your hair,” he admits.
“Really?” Nino brings his free hand to his head, brushing against his curls.
“Yeah. I really like it. And you.”
Nino lets out a breath, holding Adrien’s hand a little tighter.
So Adrien leans in a little closer. He’s not sure why. He just wants to be closer.
Nino does, too.
Adrien thinks he’s supposed to ask first. Isn’t that the right thing to do? But he wants it, and Nino’s even closer now so he clearly wants it, too, and- he’s overthinking this, he thinks. It should be easy. He closes his eyes.
He kisses Nino.
Nino’s lips are soft. Like, way softer than Adrien could’ve ever imagined. Their noses bump, but it’s okay; everything’s okay. Adrien kisses Nino, and it’s real.
It’s just once, just briefly, but- but it’s real. When Adrien pulls away he’s giggling again and he can’t stop himself, as stupid as it feels. He smiles at Nino.
Nino smiles right back. “Can I take you on a date?”
“Yes,” Adrien says easily. “I’d really like that.”
#my writing#IM BACK. IM SO BACK FOR THESE IDIOTS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH#adrino#adrien agreste#nino lahiffe
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just another anon sending you love <3 i hear you. it can be such a frustrating space to exist in for anybody, but particularly trans people, and it’s so rubbish that people will default to bigotry when they disagree with something as inconsequential as different hcs.
i think the space you’ve created through your presence in this fandom is something really beautiful and comforting - i always check your pages for updates bc (well honestly bc i’ve never seen a bad take from you and you have a way of putting things that is so eloquent and understanding that i find myself looking at things i might’ve dismissed (*cough* snupin) through a completely new lens, BUT ALSO—) your accounts just feel very welcoming and safe.
i resent the fact that in every fandom space there are going to be awful people (even if i understand that there will be) but i also think that while, like you said, your existence is not a protest, it’s kind of like a symbol of pride (i don’t even mean like pride month pride idk another word lmao) as in, the more people like you who are creating safe and inclusive spaces in a fandom where the original creator has done so much to erase or belittle the existence of so many groups of people, just shows that all those people deserve to exist and deserve to be happy and deserve to enjoy whatever brings them happiness. i think it’s honestly really powerful even if it might feel pointless at times. i’m so sorry people have been so horrible bc i genuinely dk a nicer person in this fandom than you and you really don’t deserve anything but the best.
some people are going to be attacked no matter what space they exist in and so i think it is important that we exist and exist loudly in spaces where the creator is obviously so against them. like—yes, obviously also with trying not to support her in any way. (can’t believe some people don’t understand that means anything officially licensed is a NO esp when there’s so many amazing unofficial small businesses out there) but anywayyyyyy this is essentially just a v long and v rambly way to say thank you for the space you’ve created and i’m sorry that people have made you feel this way. i really appreciate what you do here. also, marauders tiktok is fr becoming more and more frustrating to engage with so i wouldn’t blame you if you ended up deciding you need time away from that space.
ok anyways yeah bye love you thank you <33
p.s. i’m so excited to keep following along w your fic!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to WEEP reading through all these asks oh my god :')))
pride is the word yes !!! not here as an act of protest or as a token trans person, but because i take pride in this 🤝🏻 and i take a LOTTT from hearing that i've formed a nice lil space (again, might weep)
YUPPP marauders tiktok is,,, hell. it's probably not even that noticeable because i've still been posting but oh my god i dread opening up that app. i barely look at my comments which isn't great, i just delete the negative ones that come in which isn't fab because there's so many nice ones that i miss but UGH.
it's just so backstabby and negative and clout-chasing over there. but i have a nice bubble !! i really do, but i can't stop people from entering it :/ which sucks BUT !!!
definitely gonna take a bit of a break from there. get settled into uni, finish writing the fics i have going atm, keep spamming tumblr 🙂↕️ and then hopefully be in a better space to interact there because it IS lovely most of the time
#asks#<333333#also#RAHHHH SNUPIN REVOLUTION#i actually think thats where most of my hate comes from#its from the fact i AM nice about headcanons and info and ships etc#and people can't grasp the concept of someone sharing an opinion in a nice way#so they immediately assume its negative even when i add disclaimers AND ask for others thoughts#they all just want a fight but i want a HUG#i
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Back to Square One (04)
Clyde came into my room and coughed dramatically as I sprayed my hair with product. I rolled my eyes at him as he continued to fake cough long after I set the can down on my desk. He laughed at his own antics and closed my door slightly to use the mirror that was hanging on the back of it and began fussing with his hair.
"And you say that I'm dramatic about my looks... At least I don't take three hours to pick an outfit and do my hair," I laughed at him as he shot me a nasty look.
"At least I... um... You know what, you don't deserve a response."
I laughed at his lack of a come-back. "Okay, well, anyways are you done? I don't want to be late and if you aren't ready I'm leaving without you."
He opened his mouth to argue but I was already making my way down the stairs, texting butters that I was on my way. Clyde closed my door behind him as he quickly followed behind me, shouting a 'bye' to our dad. Now that he was actually moving, I rushed to the car and plopped down in the driver seat. Clyde and I both had out licenses, but Dad had only gotten one car for the both of us to share. Something about teaching us responsibility? I don't even know, he got really lucky that Clyde and I somehow ended up going to the same college.
Clyde watched this and frowned as he walked over to the passenger seat.
"Why do you get to drive," he whined as I began backing out of the driveway.
"Because I'm a better driver? Besides, you could have driven if you walked faster." I flashed him a smug grin as I drove off toward Butters' apartment.
After a few minutes, we were already stepping off the elevator and watching the door swing wide open, revealing a Butters who had already clearly been drinking a bit. As I stepped into the apartment, Bebe rushed over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Y/N!! Hiii," she smiled. "Do you want some Malibu? I saved some for you!" Bebe laughed as she talked. Knowing her, the 'some' she saved was maybe two small sips that she had missed when she chugged the bottle.
"Can I have some," my brother quickly asked before I could even open my mouth to respond. Bebe rolled her eyes and flipped him off as she pulled me over to the couch, still hugging me. I smiled and waved at Wendy who also rushed over to give me a hug. The three of us sat on the couch as I filled them in on how it's been out of town. Clyde and Butters made their way over to us, and sat on the coffee table across from us. Butters handed me a can of strawberry lemonade Truly, which I cracked open in no time at all. It was gone in under a minute.
"Clyde, go get me another one of these," I smiled at him, handing him the empty can. He walked off to the fridge, mumbling about me treating him like a servant. I continued rambling about my experiences at school when I saw Wendy mouthing something to somebody across the room. I glanced over and my smile dropped when I saw the glaring eyes of Stan Marsh.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'll be right back," Wendy apologized as she stood and walked over to her boyfriend. I watched them talk for a moment. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Stan looked frustrated. Clyde came back and shoved the new can in my face, interrupting my very bad attempt at eavesdropping. Again, I drank it quickly.
Just seeing Stan's reaction to my presence was enough to remind me of why I was so unsure about going to this party. Butters looked at me with a concerned smile before speaking loudly over the bass-boosted music.
"I'll go talk to them." He stood up and pushed through the crowd over to Stan and his friends. I watched as Butters made his way over there, recognizing each of the people surrounding the dark haired male. I saw a blonde who was already drunk off his ass, and I figured that had to be Kenny. I saw another blonde with a black haired guy, both of whom looked like they wanted to be anywhere else. I wondered when Tweek and Craig started hanging with Stan... Then, between people drunkenly bumping into each other, I saw a pair of irritated eyes practically staring through me. Annoyed, I chugged the rest of my drink. Clyde sighed before I could even say anything, and walked back to the fridge to get me another one.
"Y/N," Bebe started. "Drink one more and I'm making you move. You're so boring right now!" She dragged out each word, slurring her speech. I couldn't tell if she was actually drunk or just matching the vibes of the atmosphere. Either way, I was glad she was here with me. I needed to get my mind off the eyes glaring at my every move across the room.
Before I knew it, the coffee table and floor around my feet was littered with empty cans of Truly and beer. Bebe pulled me off the couch we stumbled into the bulk of the partygoers. I laughed as we danced, feeling like we were in some cheesy '90s coming-of-age movie. My fun was cut short, though when I tripped over my own feet. If it weren't for Bebe catching my arm before I could fall, I would have landed right in the lap of the very person who had been glaring daggers at me: Kyle Broflovski. He opened his mouth to say something to me, but Bee twirled me around, pushing me away from him. Somehow we ended up right back there next to him again, though.
I let out a sigh. I, for one, was ready to move on from what had happened all those years ago. I stopped Bebe from dragging me away again and smiled at her. She gave me an unsure look before stumbling off to the kitchen to find some more liquor that she didn't need. I leaned back against the wall next to Kyle, crossing my arms to mimic his annoyed manner. He continued to stare at me, raising an eyebrow as I began to talk.
"So... How have you been, Kyle? It's been a while, huh?" I offered him a friendly smile which he did not return. In fact, he continued to stare blankly at me, almost scowling at my presence. I continued to try to have a little bit of small talk, but the most response I got was a couple of eye rolls and irritated sighs. I opened my mouth to continue to attempt, but he spoke bluntly before I had the chance.
"Drop the act, Y/N. We both know that you were invited to this out of pity. Not a single person actually wants you here. It's a miracle that Butters is nice enough to give you another chance. You don't deserve it." His words were cold and sharp and stung deeply. I knew that he was still upset, but he had never been so cold... It just made me wonder what had been said about me that I never got to hear.
"You know, out of anyone I'm the most surprised that you believed him. I'll never understand that. I thought that maybe after a whole ass decade, you would have moved on, but I suppose you always were one to surprise me, Kyle." I pushed myself off the wall before he had a chance to respond and walked quickly out the door. My eyes stung and my head was spinning as I opened the door to the stairwell and sat down. I took some deep breaths as I heard someone coming down the stairs. I scooted myself closer to the wall to let them pass by me, but instead, they sat beside me.
I wiped my eyes and looked over to see who this mystery person was, and smiled in surprise. I had never been very close to them in school, but it was refreshing to see somebody who didn't care enough about rumors to hate me. After a moment of silence and me trying to curb my sniffles, they spoke up.
"Is everything okay?"
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#back to square one#clyde donovan#kyle broflovski x reader#south park smau#south park x reader#south park x y/n#y/n#south park x you#bebe stevens#wendy testaburger#butters stotch
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when the guy didnt like musicals 😳
#mae draws#mae chirps#the guy who didn't like musicals#paul matthews#tgwdlm#SOOOOOO GUUUUUUUYS. CAN YA GUESS WHATS BEEN ON MY MINE :)#GONNAAAAA DRAW SOME OTHER CHARACTERS BUT. YEAH UH. THE PAUL SYNDROME IS TERMINAL ITS SO SERIOUS. SO CEREAL.#I CARE HIM SUCH A NORMAL AMOUNT ITS CRAZY HOW SO COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY CONVINCINGLY NORMAL I AM! ABOUT HIM! HAHA!! HAHAHA!!!!#COUGHING LOUDLY. nayways. :) intsead of brain there is paul (like this)#ALSO SORRY FOR DUMPIN A BUNCHA NON SELF SHIP STUFF HERE??????#I. KJDKFH i mean idk at this point i Might self ship w paul BUT. but#i post most of my fandom stuff here bc 1) i dont like making side blogs for interests bc they come and go pretty quick sometimes so. grrrr#annnnd TWO) i have more followers here KJHLKSDJ <3 i feel like more people......... will See and that feels good.#ANYWAYS. PLEASE ENJOY PAUL. and/or ask me about the guy who didnt like musicals. or starkid in general#i still need to catch up on stuff still. STILL havent watched the anniversary doc. and nightmare time. AND THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW THING.#...........YEAHS. ANYWAYS ask IF U WOULD LIKE. i will be very very happy 2 talk about starkid :)#ugh i just realized pauls arms r too long in the full body. WHATEVER OKAY ENOUGH TAGS BYE
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fic, jaime/brienne: you said that fusion was the broken heart that's lonely's only thought (nc17)
you said that fusion was the broken heart that's lonely's only thought, jaime/brienne, wwii/apocalypse au, check full warnings on ao3; nc17; 10,3k ca;
In which they're stuck manning a nuclear bunker on the brink of WWIII.
part 26 of my jaime/brienne spitefic countdown to season 8 in which I post fics based on anti j/b anons that have happened throughout the years. enjoy the walk down memory lane from 2013 to today while the final season approaches airs and finishes because at this point I’ll never finish before sunday but hey, WE HAVE SPITEFIC ALSO FOR THE LATTER HALF OF S8! REJOICE!
(yes, this is a second-half-of-8x04-and-8x05-spitefic in disguise. believe me it is.)
#jaime x brienne#braime#jaime lannister#brienne of tarth#lannistarth#otp: i dreamed of you#*coughs loudly*#HELLO THIS IS ME THROWING SHADE AT THAT FUCKERY THAT WAS THE LAST EPISODE AND THE LAST SCENE OF 4#more spitestuff coming tomorrow#or the next day#anyway i'm on a roll again bye#i'm finishing this if my fingers fall off gdi#*shrug*#also guys this is fairly darker than my usual you're warned
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Prompt: “As you wish”
A/N: Hello! Am I sick right now? Yes. Very. Is this a self indulgent fic where Eddie comes to take care of you while you’re sick? Also yes. I hope you enjoy :)
You groaned as you woke up groggily, dazed as you pulled yourself from the deep slumber you had been in. It took you a moment to figure out what roused you as you looked around the dark room and you glared once you found the offending item. The phone on your night stand was ringing loudly and caused the pounding in your head to get more painful than you thought possible. You picked it up quickly, just wanting the noise to stop.
“Hello?” You practically snapped into the phone, sniffling as you noticed how clogged your sinuses still were.
“Woah babe! Someone’s a little grumpy.” Your boyfriend, Eddie, laughed through the line.
“Sorry Eddie.” You sighed out, your anger at being woken melting out of you at the comforting sound of your favorite person’s voice. “I was sleeping and the phone woke me up.”
“Sleeping? It’s 6 pm, are you okay sweetheart?” He asked quickly, his voice laced with concern.
“I’m sick.” You whined pitifully, smiling to yourself as you heard the light chuckle on the other end of the line.
“Awww baby.” Eddie cooed, a bright smile evident in his voice. “Want me to come take care of you? Nurse you back to health?” He teased lightly, though he meant every word.
“You don’t have to Eds. I don’t want you to get sick too.” You said, sighing again. You didn’t want to be alone anymore and you wanted to see Eddie, even if you just saw him yesterday, but you really didn’t want to get him sick.
“It’s decided. I’m coming.” He said, you could hear his keys jingling in the background as he started to get ready to come to your apartment. “I’m gonna stop by the store and get you some medicine and soup and then I’ll be right there sweetheart!”
“Eddie your really don’t hav-” You started.
“I’m coming baby. I want to help you. I wont get sick, I promise.” He said with a laugh, “I’ll be there soon. I love you! Bye!” He finished quickly, not letting you get a word in before he hung up on you.
You laid back in your pillows, smiling as you shook your head at his antics. God you loved that dork so much. You had never been so in love with someone before getting together with Eddie. He was everything you had ever wanted and more and you had never felt so loved and cared for before meeting him. He made you feel special, like you were the most important person in his life. Little did you know, you were.
“Baby? Sweetheart? Little plague monster?” You heard as you woke up again, not realizing that you had fallen back to sleep. You felt light kisses on your cheek as you blinked open your eyes, a sleepy smile pulling at your lips as you gazed into Eddie’s warm chocolate colored eyes. “There you are, beautiful.” He smiled, his dimples on full display before he placed one final, very wet, kiss to your cheek.
“Eddie!” You giggled, pushing him away lightly, “You’re gonna get sick!” You exclaimed before you were sent into a coughing fit.
“Let it out baby.” He cooed as he sat on the bed next to you and rubbed your arms as your body shook. “I got you. I got you, sweet thing.”
You grinned up at him as you rested back into your pillows, “Hi, handsome.”
“Hi, gorgeous.” He beamed, “I brought you everything to beat this. Soup, medicine, and I got your favorite movie. Steve and Robin say hi by the way. They told me to make sure to get you all better.” He chuckled, pulling the items out of the little shopping bag he had.
“You got the Princess Bride?” You asked, moved that he would go out of his way to get you something so comforting.
“Yeah, of course. The kid in that movie is sick anyways, so it fits perfectly.” He said, “But I wont put it on until you take a dose of this medicine I got.” He grinned as you let out a groan.
“That stuff tastes gross!” You pouted, shooting Eddie your best puppy dog eyes.
“I don’t care.” He laughed, pouring some of the thick red liquid into the little cup it came with. “You take this and I’ll put on the movie.” He said with a stern little head nod towards the cup as he handed it to you.
“Will you quote the movie with me again?” You wagered as you gave the medicine a cautionary sniff, wincing as the artificial cherry scent hit you sharply.
“As you wish.” He said with a shit-eating grin, loving the way you giggled again. You shot back the drink quickly, grimacing as you looked for something to wash the taste out of your mouth. “Here, I thought you would hate that.” He chuckled as he handed you a glass of water from your side table.
“Thank you for coming to take care of me, Eds.” You said softly as you placed the water back on the table after you took your sip.
“Anything for you sweetheart.” Eddie said, his eyes full of utter adoration as he smiled softly at you. “Now let’s get the healing started!” He exclaimed, jumping up from the bed to set the movie up on your TV. He quickly pressed play before quite literally launching himself onto your bed next to you, sending you into any other fit of giggles that he basked in.
He pulled you into his arms, holding you tight to his body as he rubbed your back comfortingly. You almost missed the dreamy sigh that he let out as he melted into you and the pillows. Almost. “I love you Eddie Munson.” You cooed out.
“Oh I love you too, sweetness. So fucking much.” He said happily.
~ 4 days later ~
The little bell over the door rang out as you walked into the video store, waving happily at Steve and Robin as they greeted you.
“Feeling better?” Robin asked as you walked up to the counter that she and Steve were standing behind.
“So much better, thank you.” You smiled, placing the small grocery bag onto the counter.
“Good, Eddie told us you had the plague or something.” Steve smiled as he leaned on his elbows.
“Just a cold.” You laughed. “But now Eddie has it so I’m going over to nurse him back to health.” Your smile widening as they both rolled their eyes and shared a look between them. “Do you have the Empire Strikes Back? Eddie was asking for it.”
“Yeah, it was just returned.” Steve said, pulling the tape from a pile he hadn’t put back yet and handing it to you. “You know you’re just going to keep passing that plague shit back and forth between you two, right?”
“Yeah.” You beamed with a little shrug, “We don’t care.” You laughed as you handed Robin the money before walking out of the store with a little wave, ignoring the two as they scoffed and shook their heads.
“Five bucks says they’re both sick next time.” Steve said, causing Robin to laugh with a nod.
“Oh definitely.”
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @aroseinvelaris @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-titties @becca-alexa @catacina
#eddie munson#stranger things#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x y/n#eddie x you#eddie x reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x female reader#eddie x y/n#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson x fem!reader#eddie munson drabble#eddie munson x gn!reader#eddie x fem!reader#eddie x f!reader#eddie x gn!reader#eddie fluff#eddie munson x gender neutral reader#eddie munson x girlfriend!reader#eddie munson x fem!reader fluff#eddie munson x reader fluff#eddie munson stranger things#eddie munson x gn!reader fluff
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SERIES || My destiny
Chapter 5 : sick day
pairing : taehyung x f.reader
genre : angst?, fluff?
warnings : sickness, new characters unlocked lmao
words count : 2.6k
A/N : hi again, yea again. Like promised I’m posting as much as possible today :). Well, the chapters are kinda boring but I hope the upcoming ones will be much interesting! Love y’all, thank you! - sunny

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
It was 4 in the morning when you woke up abruptly, sweat all over your body, your head spinning as the need to throw up disturbed your sleep.
You rushed out of your bed to your connected bathroom and dropped on the floor in front of your toilet and let your body do whatever he needed to.
You were feeling way too sick, to hear your brother calling your name from the other side of your bedroom’s door.
"y/n? are you ok? I heard you coughing a lot." you heard Yoongi.
"I-I'm good don't worry. I'm just hmm.. drinking water my throat was dried." you lied not wanting to worry him.
"ah ok, drink hot water if your coughing doesn't stop." he mumbled sleepily as he walked away.
You sat on the floor, feeling a bit better but exhausted. You just wanted to sleep.
You got up rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth quickly to jump on your bed again. You needed to rest before you lose consciousness.
"I probably ate a lot last night." you sighed as you let your body bounced on the mattress.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☼ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Your alarm startled you as you shut it off abruptly. You groaned as you felt your head heavy and your stomach growling.
Getting up, you did your morning routine and went downstairs where you found your brother eating his cereals.
"Morning rat." you approached him leaving a light kiss on his cheek making him grimaced.
He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand before greeting you. "Morning ugly woman.”
"did you sleep well?" Yoongi asked as he munched his cereals.
"yea I just felt a bit sick earlier. I think I ate a lot last night and I didn't digest well since I went to sleep right after finishing my dinner.”
"Well you ate a whole damn pizza by yourself." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"yea whatever. sorry for disturbing your sleep." you apologized making him frowned.
"what are you even saying? shut your big mouth up, you didn't disturb me. I was coming back from the kitchen because i was thirsty and I heard you coughing. And even if you woke me up, it's not a problem. If you feel sick just tell me I'll come idiot." he gulped down his coffee before getting up from his sit.
You smiled at his words "you're the best brother." you whispered thinking he didn't hear you.
"I know.” he grabbed his car keys.
“bye see you tonight." he slapped the back of your head playfully before getting out of the house.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"you seem tired today, are you fine baby?" Momo poked your cheek.
"yea yea I'm fine don't worry.”
"bullshit! look at your face." Momo spoke loudly.
"hey be quiet." the boy sitting in the row in front of you turned around annoyed.
“ah sorry." you apologized with a little smile which the boy returned politely.
"can't you just speak quietly?" you whisper-yelled to her.
“can't you just not hide anything from your best friend?" she rolled her eyes making you sigh.
"fine. last night, I felt sick ok. So I'm tired because of that." Momo hummedz
"what did you have? are you on your period?"
You furrowed your eyebrows before shaking your head.
“i didn't have my period yet.. it's kinda late but anyway, I just threw up, and i had a light headache so don't worry too much hm?" Momo just nodded, many thoughts rushing to her head but she kept it to herself unsure.
Half an hour had passed and you started seeing blur, your surroundings started moving making you feel dizzy.
You closed your eyes shut tightly and opened them again, but you started feeling hot.
No no not again, not now.
Momo looked over at you as she noticed you breathing heavily.
"yo girl? you're not feeling good, let's get you out of here hm?" She caressed your back making you nod.
Momo helped you take your bag from the floor, and took hers, she helped you stand up and exited the amphitheater discretly to not disturb the course.
The fresh air hit your face as you made your way out, you took a deep breath supporting your weight on Momo.
“I want t-to" before you could finish your sentence you rushed toward the nearest place to throw up : on the grass.
Thankfully there weren't people there.
Momo grimaced as she rushed to your sides, stroking your back gently as she held your hair up.
"yea.. let it go baby." she looked away from the floor as you were spitting your soul out.
You let your body fall down as you sat on the floor.
Momo got you a bottle of water from her bag.
"here, rinse your mouth. I have mint pastilles with me, wait." you nodded weakly as you breathed out.
After doing what she ordered you to, you grabbed your phone from your back pocket to call your brother.
"Yoongi.” you started quietly.
“what do you want? aren't you supposed to be in class?" he asked confused.
“don't feel well Yoon-"
"wait for me, I'm coming." he said before hanging up.
“he's coming." you looked up at Momo making her nod.
"let's go sit on that bench." she pointed toward it, helping you stand up.
You noticed Yoongi's car arriving as you stood up from the bench.
You walked to the parked car, a panicked Yoongi rushing to your side.
"what do you have? are you on your girl's days or something? fev-"
"hey, calm down please. I just threw up and my head is just spinning a bit.” you tried to reassure him putting your hand on his shoulder.
“just? you fucking threw up? twice! you thought i forgot about last night?" “i feel better now, I'm just tired.” your brother sighed massaging his temples.
Momo's phone suddenly rang making you look over at her.
"yea.. hm.. really? ahh ok ok no no I'm finished.. ok then I'll come. bye see you." she sighed looking toward you and Yoongi.
"I'm sorry guys I have to go. I'll call you tonight y/n, please take care." she kissed your cheek before rushing to her own car.
"get in." Yoongi opened the car's door for you before walking back to the driver sit.
"did you eat lunch yet?" he asked as he started the engin.
You shook your head "it's kinda early." you checked your watch "it's 10:53.”
“what did you eat this morning?"
"cereals." your answered making Yoongi hummed.
He drove for awhile, but not taking the direction for your house.
“where are we going?" you asked confused.
"company. I don't want to let you alone at home so you're staying with me." he announced.
"don't worry you'll stay with me in my office, there is a little couch so you'll rest there".
"and what about your boss?" he chuckled.
“don't worry he won't mind, i'll just inform him. to be honest we're pretty close. he's the father of one of my closest friends." he answered making you make a "o" face.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"sit there." he pointed toward the couch he talked about earlier.
"your office is cool!" you exclaimed looking around amazed at how clean and neat it was.
"i know." he smirked proudly.
You slapped his shoulder playfully as you went to the couch.
Yoongi sat himself comfortably on his chair.
"i finish this and we'll go grab something to eat yea?" he said eyes glued to his computer.
“good for me"
"rest until i'm do-"
Someone abruptly opened the office's doors interrupting your brother.
“Yoongi! guess who just bought a new ph- oh hi miss y/n!" Jimin smiled as he approached you, taking your hand in his, kissing it softly.
"hi Mr Park, just call me y/n please." you smiled politely.
“oh no, no Mr Park between us, just call me Jimin. I'm your brother's friend, well more like a brother to him so you're literally a little sister for me." Yoongi rolled his eyes at his friend's words making you chuckled.
"what are you doing here?" he asked curiously.
“i picked her up from college." Yoongi muttered.
"oh are your classes over?"
"she was sick." Yoongi spoke again.
“oh really? are you feeling better now? do you need someth-"
"she's fine Jimin."
"i'm not talking to you man, let her speak." Jimin retorted.
"I'm fine Jimin." you smiled a little "i'm just a bit tired.”
"you should rest." he patted your head softly.
"she was about to, but someone disturb our peaceful place." Yoongi sighed as he finally looked up to you.
Someone knocked on the door catching his attention.
“come in."
"hi Yoongi, i'm here to deliver these papers for tomorrow's meeting." the guy announced.
what's his name again? Jan? Jungk.. ah yes Jungkook, you thought to yourself.
He handed Yoongi the sheets before turning toward you.
“yo Jimin what are you d-" Jungkook stopped as he noticed you.
“hi y-y/n.. hm I'll see y'all later." he said before rushing out of the room.
"what's wrong with him these days? ugh anyway, let's go eat! I'm starving!" Jimin whined.
Yoongi shut his computer off, standing up from his chair.
“let's go then." he grabbed his phone before gesturing you to follow them.
Yoongi, Jimin and you arrived at the cafeteria walking toward a large table where some guys were already sitting.
"hey man!" Hoseok greeted your brother as we reached the table.
"y/n, let me introduce you to the rest of the boys. you already know, Hoseok." you nodded.
"Guys this is my sister y/n.” Yoongi started.
"so him, it's Seokjin-"
"but you can call me Jin. Like you‘ve noticed I'm the most handsome of the group." he said making you chuckled.
“nice to meet you Jin." he smiled.
“same goes for me dear".
"anyway, so Namjoon." the tall man stood up to shake your hand.
"nice to finally meet you y/n. Yoongi talks a lot about you, always nice things." you shook his hand smiling.
"He's like the leader of the group." Jimin commented.
"he's the one always giving us the directions, advices and all when we work together and he's literally the most mature and serious of the group." you acknowledged his words by nodding.
"and finally, Taehyung." Yoongi pointed to the tall and handsome man sitting at the other side of the table.
“he's my best friend." Jimin smiled proudly making Taehyung smiled too.
"He's also the-” you stopped paying attention at the conversation, your heart skipping a beat.
You made eye contact with the man as he stood up from his seat, leaning a little over the table to grab your hand in his delicately.
"it's a pleasure to meet you, y/n". you stared at him, mouth slightly ajar, words caught in your throat as you felt the warmth of his hand enveloping yours.
Taehyung stared at you too, as a little smile gradually adorned his beautiful lips.
"y/n are you okay?" Yoongi lightly shook your arm.
"what? ah hm yea yea I'm good." you turned to your brother, letting Taehyung's hand slid out of yours.
"n-nice to meet you too, Taehyung." you replied timidly avoiding his eyes.
"Ok, let's take our orders, I'm hungry!" Jin whined.
"Come sit next to me y/n.” Jimin smiled as he pointed to the chair next to his.
You chuckled as you sat there.
Jimin was someone really friendly, always cheering, supporting everyone. He's a bit extroverted. Kind and hardworking too. He's just an angel.
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he glared at his overexcited friend. “Jimin I'm warning you.”
"what? can't she sit next to her friend?" he said pouting.
Yoongi just closed his eyes before talking again.
"everyone's already chose? today's on me. tell me your orders, I'll go to the cashier to have your orders and pay.”
"so y/n, Yoongi told us you're going to college?" Namjoon started.
"yes. It's actually my last year. I'm studying english and literature. I've also signed to other sub-subjects. You know just a little plus, an option if i can say it like that. The marks won't be counting a lot since they're just minor courses".
"oh that's really interesting!" he exclaimed as he wiped his mouth with his tissue.
"and may I know what are the other subjects? if it's not personal?"
"yes of course. I chose french and art." you smiled genuinely as everyone listened to you attentively.
"french and art?" you heard a deep voice from your right making you turned toward it.
It was Taehyung.
"yes." you affirmed.
"that's .. just wow." he said brushing a stand of his black locks back.
"I love art."
"Tae studied art too when he was in college." Jimin mumbled while munching his food.
"yes. and I really enjoyed it." he added.
"and you study french? It seems amazing, I'm impressed." he said making you smiled shyly.
"Isn't it too difficult?"
"Tae has always dreamt about being able to speak french fluently." Jimin spoke again before gulping his drink.
"oh I see. Well, honestly, french is kinda difficult but not a lot at the same time. I think the most difficult is the conjugation of verbs. The vocabulary is pretty nice, words are pretty easy to pronounce and there are a lot of words which are really similar. There are words which are written differently but you pronounce it the exact same way! It's really confusing at first but it comes with time if you focus on it. Oh and there are words which I find really.. hm, I'll say-"
"romantic." taehyung and you said at the same time looking deep into each other's eyes, your surroundings forgotten as if there were only the two of you.
"yes.” you whispered.
“they are just beautiful and the pronunciation .. it sounds so classic and.. bewitching? I don't know if you get it, I'm bad at explaining things." you slightly pouted without realizing it.
"I understand everything you're saying y/n.”
The way your name rolled out of his tongue made you felt so many things at the same time. Your body warmed up at the way he looked at you.
Admiration perhaps?
You smiled before you felt someone poking your arm softly.
"y/n, do you eat your tangerine?" your brother asked.
“nope, take it." you gave it to him as he thanked you.
Everyone was done eating.
Excepted Jin.
“argh please can you eat faster?" Hoseok sighed impatiently.
"Let me enjoy my dessert dear colleague. Did I disturbed you when you were eating? no. So let me eat in peace." he took his spoon, dipping it into the chocolate fondant, making everyone laughed.
"how do you feel? is your head still spinning?" Yoongi whispered into your ear.
"no I feel much better. I was hungry." you laid your head on his shoulder as he unlocked his phone noticing that-
"guys, kook called me. I'll call him, I'll be back." he stoop up, walking outside the cafeteria leaving you alone with the boys.
You started feeling alone as you started playing with your fingers nervously.
“you don't have to be shy around us y/n, we're your friends now." Hoseok smiled warmly making you smile too.
"thank you." you said softly.
Taehyung couldn't stop but stare at you time to time.
Something about you interested him a lot. The way you talked about things you loved with so much passion stirred something inside of him.
You were someone really interesting.
He liked the way you talked, the way you smiled timidly, he also admired your relationship with your brother.
You were so respectful toward them, and on top of that you were just so pretty.
What he didn't know was that the little glances didn't go unnoticed by Jimin, making the boy smiled.
TAGLIST : @shescharlie @heyjiminnie @starstruckfangirls @bxcndd @0funsite0 @boredban @kungsoonie @bluekim2130
#bts#kim taehyung#taehyung#bts taehyung#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts series#bts scenarios#bts imagines#bts x reader#bts angst#bts smut#bts fluff#bts suggestive#taehyung fanfic#taehyung fanfiction#taehyung scenarios#taehyung imagines#taehyung series#taehyung x reader#taehyung smut#taehyung suggestive#taehyung angst#taehyung fluff#bts hard hours#bts hard thoughts#taehyung hard hours#taehyung hard thoughts
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feral boys x streamer!reader (separate)
genre: fluff, crack
warning(s): none
synopsis: the feral boys finally meet their favorite streamers

dreamwastaken / clay
word count: 407
the day you met dream, you were on the phone with your best friend george, also known as georgenotfound
the day you met dream, you were on the phone with your best friend george, also known as georgenotfound
he was speedrunning on stream while you were on a discord call with him
his viewers knew who you were, not only because you were george’s best friend but also because you were a streamer too
you weren’t a big one but well known for how well you play battle box in mcc
george was about to end his stream after an unsuccessful speed run when he asked you something
“you know dream right?”
“yeah, of course, he’s one of your other best friends” you answered
“are you okay with me adding him to the call?” he asked you.
“uh sure, but aren’t you gonna end stream?”
“no, i will after this.” he giggled
“why? are you trying to embarrass one of us?” you asked him suspiciously.
“you don’t have to worry about that.”
you heard a ding from discord, indicating that someone joined your voice chat
“hello? dream?” george asked.
“george. why? why are you doing this to me?” dream asked.
“hi dream,” you smiled.
“uh, hi. hi (y/n).”
“george why did you add me to the call?” he asked george.
“well, i know how much you like watching their stream. and considering you’re both my best friends, why not introduce you! perfect right? anyways. i’m gonna end my stream now. let’s raid karl. and you two can talk to each other. bye now!” he left the call so now it was just you and dream in the vc
it really warmed your heart that someone with such a big platform liked watching your streams since it had been quite hard to gain a following since you started streaming
“hi dream,” you said once again
he sighed. “hi (y/n).” “i really didn’t want him to do that, i didn’t want this to be the first time we meet, you know. i just love watching your streams so much and i wanted it to, honestly, be in person. but you know, george does what he thinks he shou-”
“it’s okay dream, i’ve actually been looking forward to meeting you, considering you’re also one of george’s best friends. but i do agree, he does tend to do whatever he puts his mind to.”
after you calmed his nerves, his conversation skills skyrocketed and the conversations flowed very easily
you guys spent the rest of the night talking

georgenotfound / george
word count: 326
being a minecraft streamer and a hypebeast got you some recognition
you were a hypebeast model on instagram and when you had announced you started streaming minecraft on twitch you had grown pretty easily
it didn’t take you time before you were invited to join mcc
not just because you had a big following but because you were actually really good at playing
since you didn’t really know any other mc streamers you got placed in a group with people you had never met
their names were Ph1lzA, WilburSoot, and GeorgeNotFound
the first time you talked to them, they welcomed you with open arms and we so nice
“hi (y/s/n)! i’m philza but you can just call me phil,” he introduced.
“hi phil!” you responded.
“i’m wilbur, is this gonna be your first mcc?” wilbur asked.
“yeah, it is. i’m actually really nervous.” you laughed a bit, to get the nerves out.
“ah okay, well no worries. we were all beginners before. don’t worry about trying to score high, just have fun!” phil assured.
“we’re just waiting for one other person and we’ll get started on the practice.” phil continued.
“okie dokie,” you said. you put yourself on mute and wiped the sweat off your hands on your pants.
“hello, hello, sorry i’m late. had trouble starting the server.” you heard.
“well nice of you to join us george.” wilbur said.
“yeah, yeah. hi philza, hi wilbur, hi (y/s/n)- wait, (y/s/n)??” he stuttered
“hi george?,” you said softly.
“oh my god, i’ve watched your streams before, they’re really cool. i enjoy watching them.” he rambled.
you giggled
“well thank you,” you said, still giggling a little.
for the rest of the day you all practiced, everyone giving you pointers, but george watching carefully to make sure you understood the pointers you were getting
and if you didn’t then he knew to tell you which part you were kind of misunderstanding

word count: 398
you met sapnap long before you became a streamer
you were a big fan of sapnap
and one day you ran into him in public
it was a short interaction but it really meant a lot to you
so you asked for a picture to remember the moment by
after you took the picture you said your goodbyes and you were extremely excited
a few weeks after than interaction you had made the decision to start streaming
you were thinking about becoming one for a long time and after meeting sapnap you made your decision
because you wanted to be the type of person sapnap was to you
and be a person someone looked up to and meet people that felt the way about you that you feel about sapnap
you’d been a streamer for a few months when you got a raid from sapnap himself
his viewers were suggesting he raided you so he did
you freaked out, you gained a small following and the fact that sapnap decided to raid you? amazed
but what you didn’t know was that he kept watching you
after he saw how appreciative you were he wanted to watch more and he got intrigued
so he followed you and started watching your streams almost every time you streamed whenever he wasn’t busy
after about 2 years of streaming you got a very big following
your supporters were stalking your twitter and found the picture of you and sapnap when you both met
they then began to repost it on twitter tagging the both of you
you saw it and replied, “LMAO i look so small. but big shoutout to sapnap for raiding me as a small streamer and making all this possible <3″
he saw your reply and his eyes went big
he then proceeded to respond to your tweet, “we’ve met before??”
and it went back and forward
“yeah, it was before i was a streamer, we met at like.. the grocery store lol”
“i literally had no idea you were a fan of me”
“yup, i’ve been for the past 3 years”
“dude after i raided you i started watching your streams and you became my favorite streamer”
“well,, you’re still my favorite streamer ;)”
after that sapnap dmd you asking if you guys could meet in person again
and who could pass up that offer

karl jacobs
word count: 510
you and karl met at twitchcon
you had recently become a big streamer and this was your 2nd time going to twitchcon
1st time having a meet and greet
meeting your supporters meant so much to you
you finally get to give each of them a hug, and it may not be all of them but seeing this many people come out to meet you meant more than anyone could imagine
but being at twitchcon also meant you could meet your streamer friends
which made everything 10x more exciting
you decided to meet up with your friend, valkyrae and you guys were going to a creator party
when you finally got to see her you gave her a huge hug that lasted a while because it was the first time you were meeting in person
once you both reached the venue of where the party was being held you all met up with your other friends. you hadn’t met any of them in person but rae had
you saw sykkuno, lily, michael, toast, and a few other people and smiled really big, excited to see all of them
you finally got to them and pulled them into a group hug
“you guys!! oh my god it feels so good to finally meet all of you!” you said.
“it’s nice to meet you in person, (y/n).” sykkuno said smiling at you
you let go of the hug and remembered everyone else that they were with
“hi! i’m (y/s/n) but you can just call me (y/n),” you said with a smile.
“this is karl, poki, and scarra.” toast introduced.
you saw karl and poki whispering to each other while you got into a conversation with everyone else.
poki coughed and said, “hey guys! don’t we have to go to that thing, right? that thing.” hinting at something, looking between you and karl.
you’re pretty sure everyone caught on and they all agreed.
“oh yeah! that thing!”
“yeah, we should probably go!”
“yup, don’t wanna be late to that thing.”
you looked at them with an unimpressed look as they walked away, looking behind their shoulders to see you and karl standing there.
“hi, i’m-i’m karl, i’m sorry about that. i just told poki that you’re like literally my favorite streamer and i guess she wanted us to talk more? i don’t know, but it’s really nice to meet you.” karl said.
you laughed as you quickly understood your friends weird behavior
“yeah, you raided me a few times- thank you for that by the way. it helped me a lot in growing my fanbase and i don’t think i’d be where i am if you hadn’t raided me.” you smiled at him. he beamed and smiled back at you.
“yeah, no, it was no problem. like i said you’re literally my favorite streamer and being able to help you with that is absolutely insane to me.”
for the rest of the party, your friends could see both of you talking the night away
and maybe even dance together

word count: 428
finding out what to do for stream was kinda hard when pretty much all your friends were busy
but then you got a text from karl, asking if you wanted to play jackbox with him and a few friends
you accepted, knowing you wouldn’t have anything else to stream
in the lobby it would be you, karl, dream, sapnap and a few other people you didn’t know
when it was finally time to play, you started up your stream and introduced what you’d be playing that night
“hey guys, welcome welcome, welcome. today i’m gonna be playing jackbox with karl, dream, sapnap, and a few other of karls friends.”
you joined the vc and immediately heard a lot of boys talking very loudly
you let out a small, “hello?”
somehow everyone heard you and stopped talking
“(y/n)!” karl yelled out.
dream and sapnap let out a “hi, (y/n)” and you said hello back.
“hi everyone, i’m (y/s/n) but you all can call me (y/n)” you introduced yourself.
eveyrone else said hi and introduced themselves
you found out you were playing with quackity, wilbur, tommy, and techno too
during mad verse city karl was going against quackity and his rap went something like this
“you talk so weird, i’m gonna need translator, next time (y/n)’s here they’re gonna be a hater, because your big crush on them i’ll see ya later”
your mouth was wide open while all the boys started teasing quackity
“what the fuck! i don’t have a crush on them!”
quackity ended up losing that one.
after the game and you ended you stream you asked quackity to stay
“hi quackity,” you said, with an energetic voice
“... hey, (y/n)”
“sooo, was what karl said true?” you asked.
“mm not necessarily. it’s not that i have a crush on you. you’re.. just my favorite streamer and you know. this is the first time i’m meeting you and i was telling all of them that i’m nervous because i’ve never talked to you before and i think you’re a great streamer and that you put out really funny content and i didn’t wanna embarrass myself but. karl did that for me.” he rambled
you giggled
“i think that’s really cute. thank you for supporting me. you can dm me on twitter or discord if you ever wanna play sometime.” you told him and left the vc.
you then saw all the boys you were playing with pile into the vc and you could only imagine what they were talking about.
#mcyt x reader#mcyt x streamer!reader#mcyt fluff#mcyt crack#mcyt imagine#mcyt imagines#dream smp#dream smp x reader#dream smp x streamer!reader#dream smp fluff#dream smp crack#dream smp imagine#dream smp imagines#dreamwastaken x reader#georgenotfound x reader#sapnap x reader#karl jacobs x reader#quackity x reader#feral boys x reader#finally feral boys
3K notes
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service call (m)
pairing: renjun x reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut
warnings: renjun pining for you, fingering, handjob, masturbation (male), unprotected sex
wc: 24.4k
summary: your job, in general, was to break other people up when someone in their relationship couldn’t do it themselves. it was an easy job for you. you had no emotional attachment to them, and it wasn’t your relationship anyway. until renjun’s girlfriend tells you to break up with him for her, and renjun makes his way into your life. developing a relationship with someone you tore apart is dangerous.
➣ apart of ‘right lover, wrong time’ series
↳ masterlist
you cough loudly, the once silent room filling quickly with your aggressive coughs. you giggle a bit as people look at you with a stink eye. you knew people, in general, didn’t like you. you were the heartbreaker of many relationships. no, not yours. everyone else’s. not to say you were a homewrecker, you just did as you were paid to do. it was a quick and easy job compared to your job of waiting tables. speaking of, you were ready to get off shift soon. it was late, and very little people filled the diner because it was almost closing time. you lean your head on your hand as you watch your cowoker take the bill for the last customer, smiling sweetly at him as he rolls his eyes.
“you could help, you know,” he remarks, looking at you with a glare as he swipes the card.
you smile brighter, “but you’re really good at what you do. i’m still a bit clueless, jeno.”
jeno scowls at you, “shut up, flirt.”
you laugh lightly, about to say something before he waves you off and walks back to the customers, telling them to have a good day as they walk out after receiving the receipt. you huff, grabbing cleaning supplies as you wipe off the counter in front of you. jeno rolls his eyes again, a small smile playing on his lips helplessly.
“you do the bare minimum, dude.” jeno grabs a towel out of the bucket and slaps you with it on your back as you laugh again.
“hey, not true,” you pout after a small giggle, “i’m really good at my second job.” you smile again.
jeno rolls his eyes and snatches your towel out of your hands, “it’s not even a job. you just get paid to break other people up.”
“hey! only if i know they’re in the relationship,” you cross your arms, “i’m not going to do it just because someone tells me to.” you lean your head in your hand again, watching him cutely.
jeno scoffs, “i think it’s quite sadistic, but at least you get paid, i guess.”
you watch as jeno squirts the cleanser onto the table and cleans quickly, “it’s easy for me. i don’t find attachment to the relationships.”
“you don’t find attachment to anything.” jeno shoots back, looking at you with curt eyes.
you scowl at him this time, a pout etching your features, “not true. i have a strong attachment to my cat.”
jeno laughs, quickly cleaning the rest of the tables in the diner, “me too. but that doesn’t count. you don’t even live with your cat, he’s at home with your parents.”
you huff, “whatever, shut up. i’m doing a good job and that’s all that matters. it pays my bills and food.”
“how much do you even charge?” jeno quirks an eyebrow as he places the towel in a dirty hamper for it to be washed later. he stands beside you as you straighten up.
you lean your hip against the counter and shrug your shoulders, “depends on how hard they want me to break up with the person. if it’s too harsh, i charge more. it just seems fair, because sometimes i do feel a bit guilty after when they start crying.”
jeno nods his head, not saying anything after. you raise an eyebrow, silently asking him what’s wrong. jeno shakes his head, “is there anything you won’t do?”
“when they ask me to make them cheat or something,” you speak smoothly, “i won’t even think about touching the person or come close to it. i’m not a homewrecker and i never will be.”
“you’re still ruining relationships,” jeno furrows his eyebrows.
“it’s not like i’m coming between them,” you look at him with tired eyes and yawn. “that’s not what my job is for.”
jeno hums, “well, it doesn’t matter. we should head home now, i can see you’re getting tired there, cutie.”
you laugh at him, “shut up, flirt.” you retort back, repeating his previous words. jeno shakes his head with a light laugh, looking at you with crescent moon eyes.
“i’ll see you later,” jeno looks at you sweetly, and you nod your head.
“see you later.” you let out a sigh as you both walk out of the diner after shutting the lights off. the stars were out, and it made you smile a bit. you almost enjoyed walking home at night, even if it was a bit scary. your apartment wasn’t far from where you were, so you were gladly home safe in no time. when you walk inside, you’re greeted with the cold air of your apartment. you pout, realizing just how lonely it could feel in the remnants of the night when you’re alone and have no one to share the space with.
you stretch your limbs as you walk into your room, smiling at the sound of your bones softly cracking. it was a bit satisfying after a long day. changing into comfortable clothes, you yawn as you reach the comforts of your bed.
you jump slightly as you hear your phone ringing, a random number scanning the screen. you furrow your eyebrows, looking curiously. you decide to pick it up, a bit scattered at night.
“hello?” you sound groggy, but you don’t exactly care.
“is this y/n?” you hear a female voice on the other line, intriguing you.
“it is, who’s asking?” you don’t mean to sound rude, you were just a bit alarmed by the timing.
“i have a boyfriend-” oh, it was one of these calls.
you scoff, “who is this? and why the hell are you calling me at such a late hour and how did you even get my number?”
surely, you’ve gotten calls and texts from random people several times. but never this late and never without warning from someone else saying they were being passed over.
“i’m renjun’s girlfriend. yeri. have you heard of me?” the curious tone in her voice makes you feel a bit on edge.
you sit up on your mattress, “i have.” of course you have. everyone raves after her and praises her for being so damn pretty. renjun is quite the lucky man. or was, you guess.
“great,” you can hear her smile, “i need you to break up with renjun for me.”
you lean against your wall, a smile playing on your own lips, “you’re breaking up with renjun? he’s quite the gentleman.”
yeri pauses for a minute longer than usual, “yeah... he’s not my type though.” you only hum, and yeri continues. “will you do it?”
you let out another hum of acknowledgement, “sure. how do you want me to break up with him?”
another pause on yeri’s end, a small curse falling from her lips as she decides heavily on the question, “gently, please? he’s sweet and i hate to hurt him.”
you hate when people say that. you weren’t that big on empathy and feeling what others feel. you only knew how to break people up and call it a day. when people asked for you to be gentle, it made you a bit nervous. you didn’t understand why people would ask for you to be nice to them when they were quite literally breaking their partner’s heart. there was no true way to be gentle when breaking up with someone, you’ve discovered.
you agreed regardless, “sure. how will you pay?”
“do you have any like app i can send it through?” she asks nervously, you can hear the shake in her voice.
you nod before realizing she can’t see you, “i’ll send a link on message. bye, yeri.”
“bye,” she quickly speaks before hanging up the phone.
you scoff as you send the link and amount in the message, waiting for the money to be sent. when you get a ping from your phone, indicating you received it, you simply thanked her and told her you’d text her when you were finished with the job.
you hummed to yourself as you go to stalk her social media pages, seeing pictures of her and renjun together. renjun was quite pretty, and looked as handsome as ever. you began to wonder why she would want to break up with someone who was quite literally any girls dream. it was puzzling, but there was no going back now. she already paid, and you already agreed.
turning off your tableside lamp, you let out one last yawn before closing your eyes and preparing mentally for your next job.
break huang renjun’s heart in the nicest way possible.
“renjun?!” jeno looks at you with wide eyes as you both close together, once again. you rolls your eyes at his dramatic response, wiping down the counter while he freezes and eyes you suspiciously.
“yeah,” you shrug, “before you say anything negative, i already agreed and she already sent the money.”
“you can still return the money,” jeno glares, his eyes narrowing and judging you from where he was standing.
you raise an eyebrow at him, “why? are you friends with him or something?”
jeno scoffs, “kind of? we don’t hang out or anything but we always talk in lectures. he’s a really nice dude.” he crosses his arms while leaning against the counter as you finish wiping it down.
you sigh, dropping your head and closing your eyes to gather your thoughts before looking at him again, “he might be. but why should he be in a relationship based on lies? she can’t seem to do it, so she asked me. in a way, she’s lying to him and leading him on further by staying with him. if she wants me to break up with him, then i’m doing it.”
jeno’s shoulders drop as he realizes that you’re right. in a weird, sick way, you’re right. “yeah, i guess so.”
you nod curtly, “close up, i’m leaving.”
jeno looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, “what the hell?”
you wave him off while grabbing your jacket, “i’ll close next time, promise.” you smile one last time before walking out the door.
you barely have time to make it out before your body collides into another one, uttering out a quick apology, “shit, sorry-” your eyes connect with pretty brown ones that almost make you swoon. if it wasn’t the person it was, maybe you would have.
renjun let’s out an apology of his own, looking at you with wide eyes, “oh fuck, i’m so sorry.” renjun looks nervous as he stares into your eyes, making you tilt your head while inspecting him. he had an angelic appearance, and definitely had great manners. “i only realized this place was closed after looking at the time on the door. i was just about to leave before you opened the door,” he chuckles lightly, the cold air making his nose slightly red.
you look back and see jeno staring at you with wide eyes in shock, wondering what you’re going to say next. and you were starting to wonder if renjun knew of you, or your business. you licked your lips and looked back at the boy in front of you, closing the door to the diner and stepping out of jeno’s view. you can already feel the pout on his face from not being able to get to see the show.
“it’s alright,” you eye him a bit longer, making him shift where he stands. “i actually was, oddly enough, looking for you.” you smile charmingly, and renjun’s eyes go wide.
“me?” he points to himself, eyebrows raised which makes you laugh.
“yeah,” you nod, “do you know me?” and renjun sees the tilt in your head as your eyes glow under the street lamp lights. his heart seems to flutter in his chest, much against his own will.
“i..” he pauses, a sigh escaping his lips. he takes a minute to think, scanning your face and features as much as he could. he was trying hard to recognize you, eyebrows scrunched together. when he makes eye contact again, everything seems to click together in his head as he realizes just exactly who you are. almost everyone knew of you, you were quite the talk around campus. renjun grows tense being in your presence, his shoulders heightening and his stomach turning in nerves. “i do.” he was firm in his answer after the endless silence. of course renjun knew.
you smile again, “wanna get a milkshake from somewhere?” you look at him curiously.
“no.” and renjun means it.
you’re a bit taken aback by his blunt response, eyes wide and looking at him incredulously. renjun sighs, closing his eyes for a second or two before opening them back up and revealing tear sprung eyes. you feel a twinge in your heart at the sight. he knows. he knows all too well what this means, being in your presence. he knows what it means when you want to ‘talk’ to him. you sigh yourself this time, of course he knew.
“i understand,” you’re confident in the way you speak, not faltering. “yeri told me to be kind to you, if it helps. she said you were very sweet and hates to see you hurt. i just don’t think she sees a future with you, renjun.”
renjun nods quickly before turning away from you, and it felt like you were the one being dumped. it didn’t feel right to leave it like that. you huff, debating on chasing after him or not. you didn’t want to seem pushy, or remind him of the fact that he’s being broken up with, but you couldn’t leave the conversation so short. it’s never happened before with anyone.
you end up chasing after him, even though you probably shouldn’t have.
“renjun!” you run after him, and you see renjun start to walk in longer strides. “hey, fuck, wait!” you trip shortly before catching speed again and ending up next to him, much to his displeasure.
“i get it,” he spits out, “quit rubbing it in my face.” he looks at you with vile, and you feel stung. you shouldn’t have. you were just doing your job, and this was normal. why was it different coming from him? it’s not like you haven’t had this kind of reaction from people before.
you frown at him while fast walking beside him, “i’m not.. trying to.” you try to catch your breath, “fuck, slow down, renjun!” you grab at his shoulders and stop him in his tracks. he glares at you and shoves your hands off of him.
“why? so you can continue on with your pity speech? thanks, but i don’t fucking need it.” renjun’s voice was filled with anger, making you swallow at the tone he used. “leave me alone. it’s not your relationship, and it certainly isn’t your fucking business. you were just paid to do the job.”
you’re stunned at his words and reaction. it was true, and he was right. you stared at him with a shocked expression, and he scoffs. renjun didn’t seem like the person to have this much anger built inside of him, and he certainly didn’t seem like the type of person to lose it on someone like this. but you knew he had a good reason this time. why can’t you just stop pestering him already?
“right, i know.” you huff, your shoulders slouching as you look away from him for a minute before making eye contact again. his brown eyes were seeping with anger and frustration and hurt. “i’m not going to give you a pity speech.”
“then why do you keep stopping me from walking away? you did your job already,” he was still seething, but you can see him visibly relax.
“i..” you pause, and the air turns tense in the silence. you honestly had no idea. you should have just let him walk away in the first place and taken the hint that he didn’t want to even remotely look at you. “i’m not sure.” you defeat, looking at him nervously.
renjun feels himself loosening up at the sight of you, and he curses himself for finding you oddly cute as you play with the hems of your sleeves on your sweater. renjun wanted nothing more than to scoff at you again, and walk away from you to leave you in the dust. but he couldn’t bring himself to do that the longer he stared at you. his chest tightened as you straightened out your shoulders and tried to appear more confident than seconds prior.
“i’ll leave now.” and he wants to stop you from walking away this time, but he can’t. and he doesn’t. he drives home that night with tears in his eyes and anger sinking deep into his bones.
you heave out a breath as you walk home to your apartment, opening your front door and leaning against it when you reach inside. you close your eyes, sighing again. that had to be the weirdest break up you’ve ever done, and the most complicating one. you scratch the palm of your hand as you open your eyes, looking around the dimly lit room.
jumping, you hear the loud ring of your phone. yeri’s contact shows up, making you scowl but picking up anyway. “the job is done.” you state into the phone with a monotone voice.
“thanks,” yeri breathes into the other line, “i couldn’t have done it without you.”
you hear that often, but this time it makes you slightly sick to your stomach. “yeah. i’m aware.” you didn’t mean for your tone to sound harsh, but it did.
you can feel the embarrassment hanging off yeri’s shoulders as she quickly says bye and thanks once more before hanging up. you roll your eyes and scoff before checking the time on your phone and realizing it’s just slightly past eleven at night. you let out a yawn instinctively, stretching your limbs and releasing the tense feeling in your body.
you, oddly enough, sleep with a heavy mind that night.
the next day is more simple than the last. and you don’t feel as heavy or guilty as you did when you broke up with renjun for yeri. you’re almost sure renjun has a lot of questions bouncing in his mind, as any other person would after being broken up with. it was especially odd to send someone else to break up with you, and you can only imagine what everyone thought when they thought of you. you assumed negative things.
you huff as you walk out of your last lecture of the day, watching as the sun begins to set and your mind becomes muddled. you had an evening course today and you received a text from jeno saying he did too, prompting him to give you ride. you smile to yourself as you reach outside and see a familiar male standing next to his car, waiting for you. as you walk closer, though, your blood runs cold and you stop in your tracks. there was someone else standing next to him, and it wasn’t very convenient for you.
you swallow and put on a brave face as you walk up to jeno, renjun standing right beside him. renjun’s eyes scan the parking lot and land right on you as you start to head toward his direction. his stomach spikes up in nerves, and he quickly looks at jeno with confusion written on his face as you approach them both.
“hey, cutie,” jeno quickly greets you, ignoring the sharp glare sent his way as you reject his hug. he pouts, “what?”
you roll your eyes, your gaze landing right on renjun, “i wasn’t expecting you. jeno didn’t tell me.” you look at jeno with another pointed look.
“me neither,” renjun confirms, nodding his head curtly. “he offered me a ride.”
you cross your arms, “same for me.”
“i’m right here,” jeno waves his hand in front of the both of you, and you scowl in his direction.
“i’m painfully aware,” you shift awkwardly as your eyes land on renjun again. “i forgot you had the same classes as him. you have the same major.”
renjun nods again, “yeah.” his responses are short, and you completely understand why. you don’t push a conversation with him any further.
“i’ll take the bus or something,” you wave jeno off, making him pout and grab your wrist while tilting his head.
“i can drive you both home,” jeno gives you a small smile.
you look at renjun with worry. there’s no way he would ever want to be in the same car as you, let alone breathing the same air as you.
to your surprise, renjun nods, “it’s fine.”
you slump your shoulders down, removing the grip jeno has on your wrist with a small frown. “are you sure?” you’re not asking jeno, you’re asking renjun. “i can really take the bus, no problem.”
renjun looks at you, raising an eyebrow, “i said it was fine, so it’s fine. don’t take the bus.”
you finally slowly nod your head, “okay. you can sit in front, though.” you offer renjun, and he just nods his head back.
jeno grins at the both of you, “great! let’s go then.”
the car ride is awkward, and you feel your heart tighten every time you even remotely look at renjun. you weren’t used to feeling guilty for doing your job, but you also never had to interact with the person more than once. let alone be in the same damn car as them. tension felt high on your end, and probably renjun’s end too. but jeno didn’t really seem to notice as he continue to turn the wheel on his car. you sigh quietly, looking out the back window and letting your thoughts consume you. this was quite inconvenient, and you were definitely going to have a long talk with jeno about this. he knew about your job, and yet still offered him a ride while knowing you needed one too.
you’ll never forget this one.
your eyes end up traveling to renjun in the passenger seat, you sitting behind jeno so you’re able to get a good view of him. renjun was beautiful. he has a pretty nose, nice lips, good jawline, beautiful eye shape and color. he was, quite literally, stunning. you never really noticed how truly handsome and pretty he was until you got a closer look. his face wasn’t filled with vile or anger, and he wasn’t spewing words at you that made you want to curl up. he was just himself, renjun, for the time being.
when the car suddenly comes to a stop, you look and see that you’re not at your apartment, but renjun’s. the building was excessively tall and large, and you gape at the size of it. renjun thanks jeno, before turning back to look at you with your mouth wide open in shock. renjun can’t stop the little chuckle that escapes his lips as he eyes you. you looked like a kid on christmas, and it warmed his heart. he coughed, wondering why the hell he found you to be so cute all of a sudden. it made him feel strange the longer he looked at you. he breaks his thoughts before they travel too far.
“bye, y/n.” renjun’s soft voice cut through the air, and you jump at the sound, looking at him with bright eyes. he adores you for a second longer before snapping out of it.
“bye, renjun.” you wave at him as he gets out the car, and the minute he shuts the door, you climb over the middle console to sit next to jeno in the passenger seat.
the first thing you do after buckling is punch jeno’s arm. “ow! what the fuck?!” jeno hisses, rubbing his arm and looking at you like you’re crazy.
you snarl at him, “why the hell would you offer him a fucking ride?! you saw me bump into him last night, idiot!” you slap him again, and jeno just rolls his eyes from the weak hit.
“he needed a ride,” jeno shrugs his shoulders, “i couldn’t say no to the dude. he just got broken up with.”
“why didn’t you say anything about him?! or me for that fact!” you squeal at jeno, looking at him with annoyance and confusion as he pulls away from the enormous building where renjun lives.
“i was in the middle of texting you, but then you popped up so it didn’t really matter anymore. i was going to mention you after i sent the text,” jeno claims, giving you a side eye as he continues driving in the direction of your place. you huff and press your back into the seat aggressively, a large pout on your lips.
“it was so awkward, jeno,” you mumble with a whine, making jeno laugh. you glare at him as he continues to laugh at your expense. “he had no idea! we both didn’t.” you cross your arms and look out the window, indicating you were annoyed and upset with jeno.
he pouts, “come on now,” jeno lightly pushes you at a red light, looking at you with apologetic eyes as you turn to look at him. “it was just bad timing, babe.”
“ew,” you scoff, “don’t call me that.”
jeno laughs and his eyes and nose scrunch up as he hits the gas pedal when it turns green, “i’m really sorry.” jeno speaks, a smile still on his face.
“shut up,” you roll your eyes. “i take back what i said the other night.”
“you’re closing next time, too.”
jeno grunts as you smile in victory.
your legs dangle over jeno’s lap as you sit in his apartment living room. he had a nicer place than yours, considering his parents were a little... wealthy. to say the least. they actually owned the diner the two of you work at, but they were never really around. you mostly hung around him when you were bored and had nothing else to do. jeno was your bordem savior. but, right now, you wanted to kick him in the balls from where he sat.
“you’re what?!” your eyes are wide, and jeno wants to laugh at how comical you look, but decides against it. he still wants to have kids in the future, and your feet were way too close to his crotch area.
“it just happened today!” jeno defends, looking at you with his own wide eyes. jeno’s hands raise in defeat, “hey, don’t blame me. blame my professor.”
you scoff, “you’re paired with renjun for a project?” you sound and look incredulous right now. but you were truly having a hard time believing this was real life. you were truly doomed.
“yeah, i mean, i knew we had a partner project soon but i didn’t know my partner. i guess it’s just very inconvenient,” he stiffles a laugh at the end and you can see the way he tries to stop himself.
your eyes narrow in his direction and he seels his lips tight, “so, no more rides from you without seeing renjun? is he going to visit our work? is he coming here more often?” your questions fly out your mouth before you could stop them, worry flashing your eyes.
jeno snorts, “probably.”
“i hate you.”
“hey! i’m just being honest!” jeno shoots you a surprised look.
you huff, leaning back in your seat as your back presses against the arm of his couch, “this sucks. of course this happens to me.”
jeno’s eyes travel to where you start to cross your arms and he laughs, “you’re such a child, babe.”
“my feet are very close to your prized jewels right now, jeno.” you warn, looking at him with narrowed eyes again.
jeno swallows, “but you’re cute?” he says it in a question, and you roll your eyes but you have a small smile playing at your lips. jeno smiles back. “it won’t be that bad. the project is only due in a month.”
“a month?! what the fuck? how big is this project?” your eyes turn wide and with worry.
jeno sinks further into his own seat, “i know, that’s what i was thinking, too. he just gave us an extended amount of time because he knew we were all lazy in the first place. he desperately wants us to pass,” he chuckles a bit, “but i’m already passing.”
you roll your eyes at the small boast, “what about renjun?”
jeno hums, “he takes school very seriously, from what i know. he’s always focused in class and never slacks off even the slightest. he’s a hard worker.”
you groan, “so, he’s going to be over a lot?”
“probably.” jeno repeats. “he doesn’t like the idea of even possibly failing.”
you fall further into your seat, your head now leaning against the arm of the couch as you sulk. jeno looks at you with a small smile, but it wasn’t comforting. he was mocking you.
“i will actually kick you in the nuts right now.” you threaten, your face serious and stern.
jeno goes pale for a moment, before he smiles again, “you said that a few minutes ago, but my nuts are still in tact.” you start to raise your leg, before jeno pushes your legs down with wide eyes, “alright, alright! i’m sorry.”
“you should be,” you say it softly but there’s a small smile on your face, and jeno returns it. “this is just too much for me.” you whine, your hands going to cover your face.
jeno rubs soothing circles into your calves with his thumbs, one hand on each leg, “sorry, cutie.”
“you didn’t try asking for anyone else?” you remove your hands and raise an eyebrow at him.
he snorts again, “no, i can’t stand everyone else in that class. they’re all very annoying and it’s no wonder professor gave us an extended deadline. renjun was the best option for anyone, i was just lucky...ish?” he says the last part with hesitance.
you groan again, making a pouty face and looking at jeno’s hands on your legs, “i’m just going to have to get over it and try to avoid him as best i can.”
“that’s not getting over it, that’s pushing it aside.” jeno points out.
you look at him again with a sour look, “you are really pushing it today, jeno.”
“don’t hurt my balls.”
you scoff as you lean back into your seat, a small laugh escaping your throat before you can stop it. you were lucky enough to have jeno as a friend, and the jokes the two of you would pull always made you feel better. it was just a natural thing between the two of you, and you were heavily grateful for him. not that that you would outwardly express that to him, but you knew that he knew this in some ways. he could probably see it in the way you smile after every joke. jeno really was your best friend.
you check the time on your phone, “i should go. i have to study for a test.”
jeno nods, pushing your legs off of him as you start to get up, “i’ll see you later, babe.”
“will you ever stop saying that?”
jeno smiles, “nope.”
you roll your eyes as you open his front door, “bye, idiot.”
“bye, cutie!” he shouts out as you close the door. you can’t stop the smile on your face as you walk out.
your mind subconsciously wanders towards a certain male. renjun.
you frown as you realize it was probably going to be a lot harder to avoid him if he came to your work. you hoped he wouldn’t, and he would just opt to go to jeno’s place or his to work on the project and not bother going to the diner. but renjun was a hard worker, from what you knew. and you assumed he would take any opportunity he could to talk to jeno about the project.
you conclude that you’re fucked by the time you reach your apartment that night.
you were tired, exhausted. jeno could see it in your eyes as you yawned once again, your eyes filling up with water. jeno looks at you with worry, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“are you okay?” his voice interupts your sleepy daze, and you let out a low sigh.
“just tired. i stayed up late again studying after i left your place,” you lean against the counter beside you and cross your arms. the diner was conveniently empty around this time, and you were grateful for the slow day for once.
“you should rest more, it’s not good to stay up that late.” jeno scolds you, giving you a look that a mother gives a child when they steal a cookie out of the jar.
you hum, “i know, i’ll rest tonight.”
“did you pass the test at least?” he questions, raising an eyebrow at you as he stands in front of you and leans against the counter as well.
“i-” you’re about to answer, before someone walks in and interupts your conversation. you go to greet them, before you realize it’s a familiar male. your eyes whip in jeno’s direction and his own eyes turn wide.
“i forgot,” he looks at you sheepishly, “he texted me saying he was going to come by on my break.”
you huff, running your hands over your face in frustration as renjun makes his way towards the front counter. “i’m going to actually castrate y-”
“renjun!” jeno shouts too enthusiastically, interupting you as he grins at renjun gratefully. you roll your eyes as you watch the two of them. jeno retreats from behind the counter to walk towards him, and renjun looks at him curiously.
“jeno?” he says it in a question, unsure as to why jeno was so happy to see him all of a sudden.
jeno pouts playfully, “y/n was about to beat me up.”
you scoff, “you would have deserved it.” a small smile plays on your lips as a playful glint dances through your eyes.
renjun stands a little awkwardly, not sure what to say or do. he had no idea how to respond, or what he should do in a situation even close to this. you could see that renjun was still cautious towards you, but thankfully jeno broke the silence.
“i have to run out to my car and get my books,” jeno grabs his keys out of his pocket before heading towards the back where his car was parked, “i’ll be right back.” you were going to curse jeno for leaving you alone with renjun. you didn’t even have time to whine about it to him as he rushes out the door. you only hoped he would be quick.
your previous sleepy daze seemed to be snapped right out of you as you looked at renjun to catch him looking at you already. his gaze was a little intense as he eyed you, and you were almost afraid to look away. he had a pretty brown pair of eyes, and they seemed to visibly darked as you switched your gaze from his eyes to his lips unconsciously. he had a pretty face, his features seemingly dainty.
he speaks into the silence, breaking you out of your trance, “is he always like that?”
“huh?” you tilt your head.
he laughs lightly, the sound ringing in your ears, “bubbly. he seems a bit scattered.”
you shake your head, “he’s actually quite shy around people he doesn’t know. he’s just comfortable around me, and i guess you too because you’re in his class.” you smile softly at renjun, and he returns it back, making your stomach churn.
renjun nods his head, “how long have you been dating?”
you cough, choking on your spit as you heave out a breath of air. did he really just ask that? renjun’s eyes go wide as he fears you’re having a hard time breathing and he’s now aware that he caught you off guard. the apology quickly flies out of his mouth before he can think.
“i’m sorry,” he rushes, “i didn’t mean to pry, or anything. that was quite sudden.” he speaks politely and you laugh out loud, the sound englufing renjun whole as he listens to the pretty noise. renjun curses his heart as it flutters in his chest.
“he’s not my boyfriend, not even close.” you let out after you catch your breath and you stabilize. “we’ve been friends since kids, it would be weird to think of him that way. i know he feels the same about me.”
“so you two work together too?” he asks curiously, suddenly invested.
“yeah,” you nod, “we’re coworkers and best friends. his parents actually own this diner. they offered both of us a job here once we were old enough.”
“where are they?” he looks around and finds it’s just you and him, and jeno who was taking too long in his car looking for his books.
you shrug, “they’re not the most humble of people.” you start, leaning on the counter as you begin to feel more comfortable around him. you place your elbows on the counter, your front half leaning on it as you put your head in your hands, “so they’re not always around, and sometimes even jeno isn’t sure where they are. they still regularly send money to him and check up on him, but i’m not sure that’s healthy parenting.”
renjun nods, suddenly feeling sorry for jeno, “where are your parents?”
you tense at the question but decide to answer anyway, “i moved out awhile ago. i was mostly around jeno to begin with, and my parents..” you pause, and he watches you patiently. your mind runs wild as you hesitate in answering. “they were never around either. while jeno’s parents still check on him, mine don’t. they’re more greedy than jeno’s parents.”
“so you’re both wealthy?” he asks, curiosity lingering in his gaze.
“my parents are, and jeno is. my parents don’t help me out much,” you get up from your leaning position and stand away from the counter, the stance becoming uncomfortable. “i do everything on my own, which i prefer anyway.”
renjun nods, ready to ask more questions before the back door opens and here comes jeno running in. renjun looks a little solemn that your moment with him is over, but you don’t dwell on it.
“finally found it,” jeno breathes, “my bag was hidden under my seat.”
you laugh at jeno, tearing away from renjun so soon. it leaves him a little empty, but he pushes the thought aside as he hears you speak, “you took way too long, dude.”
jeno huffs, “i know, i know. sorry for leaving you with her for so long.” jeno looks apologetically towards renjun, and you wack his shoulder as he winces.
“hey! i’m not that bad,” you interject, looking at him with a pout. you’re suddenly aware that you quite literally broke up renjun with his girlfriend, and you shrink where you stand as you look back towards him. renjun didn’t seem uncomfortable for once, and you let out a breath of relief.
renjun shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips, “she’s great at conversations, i wasn’t bored.” renjun unexpectedly compliments you, and your eyes go wide. you feel your hands start to tingle as you stand there, the compliment making your head spin.
jeno smiles brightly, his eyes squinting as he looks at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him, “she can be great, can’t she?”
you push jeno away with a scoff, “you were just insulting me two seconds ago, get off me, idiot.”
jeno rolls his eyes, but a smile is still placed on his lips, “whatever, cutie. should we get to work now?” his question is directed towards renjun, and you look at the way renjun diverts his gaze from you to jeno.
“yeah,” renjun nods, before giving you a smile, “thank you for keeping me company while jeno looked for his books.”
you nod back, a smile on your own face, “anytime.”
renjun likes the feeling you give him for the small amount of time before he retreats to an empty table with jeno. renjun wants to hate you and look at you with a scowl on his face everytime he sees you, but his body always chooses against him and his feelings run high every time he comes close to you. he was unsure what he really felt when it came to you, but he realized it wasn’t bitterness or anger like he once felt the night of you breaking up with him for yeri. renjun had time to recollect his thoughts and reminisce in his past relationship since then. you gave him a different feeling from before, and he no longer felt uneasy around you.
as he looks at jeno while he speaks, renjun unknowingly starts to gain a small crush on you.
grabbing a coffee from your campus café, you let out a soft yawn and pay for your drink. the cold was approaching, and feeling the hot liquid run down your throat as you sip makes you smile just a bit. you had an early lecture today, and you could still feel sleep creeping in your bones. as you turn to walk out, you notice someone walk in. you curse beneath your breath. this was becoming a ridiculous recurrence nowadays.
renjun’s eyes scan the room, before landing on you. his eyes turn slightly wide, before softening and making way to approach you. he strides easily, a small smile playing on his lips while walking towards you.
“this is just becoming weird,” renjun laughs, “why do we always seem to meet?”
you huff, taking another sip of your drink, “it is weird,” you chuckle, “i’m not sure. maybe we’re meant to be?” you giggle, and he smiles at you gleefully.
“we just might be,” his grin was captivating, and you will yourself to tear away from his pretty eyes. “you have an early course today, too?”
you nod your head, “yeah, does jeno?”
“i assume so?” he tilts his head slightly, “he probably slept in late today, though.” renjun scoffs as he thinks of the boy’s reckless attitude.
“he does love his sleep,” you laugh lightly. renjun likes the way you sound when you laugh, and he finds your smile to be quite charming.
“he didn’t offer you a ride?” he asks, tilting his head as he stares curiously.
you shake your head, “nope, i didn’t even know he would have an early course.”
renjun nods, before an idea pops in his mind and he hesitantly asks you a question that makes your mind fuzzy. “i can take you to class from now on, if you want?” renjun desperately wanted to spend more time with you. he would be lying if he said he didn’t.
“oh, uh,” you look nervously, “i really don’t want to be a bother, or anything.” you shuffle on your feet, and you were really starting to wonder why renjun didn’t hate you.
“you won’t be,” he beams at you with a cute smile, “how do you normally get here?”
“the bus, or i call an uber,” you state nervously.
renjun pouts, “that’s expensive for a college student. i don’t mind taking you on days we have schedules close in time.” he pauses before continuing, “jeno sleeps in too late,” he lightly laughs.
you grip onto the coffee in your hand, your eyes meeting his, “he does,” you chuckle back. you stand in silence as you consider renjun’s offer. “if you don’t mind, then i’ll take up on your offer.”
renjun smiles brightly, “of course i don’t mind,” his voice is soft and reassuring, “can i have your number? i’ll text you my schedule.” he hands you his phone.
you nod your head and place your number into his contacts, “thank you, renjun.” you’re wafted with a grateful feeling for renjun as you watch him type into his phone.
“no problem,” he casually says. seconds later, you hear a ping come from your phone, “that’s my schedule. if you have the same hours, just let me know. my schedule sometimes varies.”
you nod again, “thank you, again. jeno never sends me his schedule,” you scoff.
renjun laughs, “i can tell.” renjun checks the time on his phone, “i have to go now, but i’ll see you later.”
you smile at him, “see you later.”
as he walks out, it suddenly deems on you that you just gave renjun your number. you really, truly just gave renjun your number, and he was planning on taking you to your classes any time the two of you had close enough schedules. you realize that renjun was too sweet and kind for his own good. if you were him, you would probably hate you. but renjun hasn’t exactly been rude to you the whole entire time, even when you broke him and yeri up, per yeri’s request. he was just angry, but definitely not spiteful towards you. it made you feel slightly more guilty the kinder and kinder he became.
you definitely had to get used to this.

“me and renjun literally have almost the same schedule, why is he offering you rides when i can give them?”
you roll your eyes at jeno’s words, “you wake up too late, idiot.” you pause as he chuckles, “he probably means when you can’t, or don’t want to.”
jeno takes a bite of his muffin before sipping his coffee and replying to you, “less driving for me then.” he grins at you, and you scoff at him.
“i’ll just ask renjun from now on then,” you stick your tongue out at him, and jeno only laughs again.
“you’re so cute,” he confesses, pinching your cheek after setting down his muffin and coffee. “renjun is probably more reliable anyway.” you watch as jeno slumps into his seat. “he’s actually supposed to be over soon,” he checks the time on his phone, surprised by the numbers shown.
“what?” you panic, unaware that renjun was supposed to be coming over to jeno’s anytime soon. you sat in his living room, a shirt of jeno’s embracing your body and a pair of shorts you threw on. “fuck, why do you never tell me these things prior?” you hurriedly start to gather your things, eagerly looking for your misplaced apartment key.
jeno shrugs, “i lost track of time.”
you roll your eyes, about to tell him off before you both hear a loud knock at his front door. you groan and look at jeno desperately, “i hate you so much, jeno.”
jeno laughs as he walks towards the door, “no you don’t!”
you huff as you sit back down on his couch, already knowing it was too late to go walking out the door like you were never there in the first place. as you hear jeno greet renjun, your mind floods with thoughts of him. you started to curse yourself for wearing one of jeno’s shirts, knowing he would think something was going on between the two of you when, in reality, nothing was. you were just extremely close with jeno, and that’s how it always would be. you weren’t sure why you were so worried about renjun seeing you in jeno’s clothes, but you were slightly freaking out in your seat. hopefully he wouldn’t notice it was one of jeno’s shirts.
“also,” you hear jeno approaching the room, “y/n’s here.” you can just hear the smile in his voice. cocky idiot.
as jeno and renjun walk in, you look dumbly at the both of them. you were unsure what to do at this point. you kept mindlessly running into renjun without meaning to, and it was becoming ridiculous. you really hoped he didn’t think you were stalking him and keeping tabs on him.
“hey, we meet again,” your voice wavers, and you’re not sure why you were so nervous. it wasn’t like renjun hadn’t talked to you before.
renjun takes in your appearance, and you shift in your spot on the couch. “i’m starting to think us meeting isn’t simply by chance anymore,” renjun smiles at you teasingly, and you groan.
“i promise it is,” you lightly laugh, before catching a glimpse at jeno, who is smirking to himself.
“do you want to stay here while we work?” jeno asks, looking at you curiously now. “you can stay the night.”
you hum, “i’ll stay.” in all honesty, you didn’t want to go home. your neighbors could be loud at night, and it could be quite the distraction. you had already brought all of your stuff with you, planning on staying the night in the first place. you couldn’t find a problem in waiting for jeno and renjun to get done with their work.
jeno nods, “where do you wanna work?” he asks renjun, and you tune out the rest as you unknowingly admire renjun once again.
he had such pure features, and he was so virtually kind. you wondered how renjun could have such a strong temper, and always look so heavenly. and, unknown to you, but renjun was quietly admiring you back. renjun felt a twist in his stomach the minute he heard you were here, and his heart stung when he saw you sat on the couch in a large t-shirt and some shorts. renjun shouldn’t be catching feelings for someone like you. or just you in general. but he was, and he found his heart playing strings on him at the sound of your voice, the way your lips moved, your eyes zeroed in on him. it was lethal for him.
he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he felt when it came to you, but he knew it was developing the more and more he got to see you. he found you irresistible, and he was thanking the universe for not keeping you away from him. he didn’t want to consider you as a rebound, though. and he refused to make you think you were just a way to get over his ex. so he stayed extremely quiet, admiring you from where you were. he wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to gain the courage to have a one-on-one conversation with you, but he hoped he would sometime in the future. he would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn’t.
as renjun worked with jeno, you were laced in his brain most of the time, making it hard for him to focus and work on what he needed to. it was uncharted territory for him, considering he was a hard worker and constantly needed everything to be perfect. but you managed to take over his thoughts for most of the evening, and that was terrifying on his end.
“thanks for working with me,” jeno casually says as he walks towards the door with renjun.
renjun nods his head, “we did good. we got quite a bit done, we might have this done sooner than expected.” renjun smiles at him as kind as possible, and jeno chuckles, patting him on the back.
“maybe,” jeno pauses, before turning his gaze to you as he passes by the living room, “i expect my shirt to be returned to me this time.” jeno snarls at you, and renjun feels his whole heart sink into his stomach. you were wearing jeno’s shirt?
you hear jeno, and it makes you freeze from where you’re seated. surely, renjun heard him, too. fuck sake, renjun was right next to him. you want to slap jeno on the back of his head for saying something so careless. you start to panic again, your eyes wandering to the hallway connected to the living room as you see jeno stopped there to give you an accusing look. you lean over the back of the couch and scowl at him.
“oh shut up, you never wear this shirt anyway, idiot.” you grip onto the couch tighter as you look over the renjun. his expression is unreadable, and you mentally curse jeno for him and his loud mouth. “we’re friends, let me wear your shirt.” you quickly let out, eyes lingering on renjun for just a bit longer as you watch his eyebrow slightly twitch.
jeno huffs, “whatever, cutie.”
you watch as jeno starts to walk away, but renjun stands for a second longer, “i’ll see you later, y/n.” and he smiles at you, despite the sting of jealousy coating his bones. he wanted you to be close to him the way you were with jeno, but he understood that wasn’t exactly possible. renjun didn’t grow up with you the way jeno did.
“see you, renjun,” you smile back, and sigh to yourself as you sink back into the couch, watching renjun finally starting to walk away.
jeno says his goodbyes to renjun, before shutting the door and being greeted by a frown from you. “what?” he tilts his head innocently.
when he sits next to you, you thwack him behind his head and cross your arms, “you idiot!”
“ow! what the fuck?!” jeno exclaims, eyes widening as he stares in shock.
“you just had to mention me wearing your shirt,” you glare at him, and jeno really isn’t understanding where you’re coming from.
“yeah? and?” jeno looks incredulous, still confused and shaken up by your random outburst. “what? do you like him or something?”
you lean back into your seat further, “i’m..not sure.” your arms were still crossed, and you looked around the room with nervous eyes.
jeno smiles at you, “you do, don’t you?”
“fuck, just shut up, jeno.” you groan, lightly kicking him in the thigh, “i don’t know, i told you.”
jeno sits proudly in his seat, “whatever you say, cutie.”
“i really hate your attitude right now.”
jeno shrugs, “you’re still here, though, aren’t you?”
you kicked him again, and he lets out a loud laugh at the action.
you were seriously going to go crazy soon because of him.

your nerves were on edge. you had the same schedule as renjun today, and you tried asking jeno to get you but he was obviously sleeping, if his lack of response was anything to go by. you cursed jeno for sleeping so much. you really didn’t want to have to pay to get to campus, but you also didn’t want to bother renjun.
you stare at your phone screen as your typed out message asking him if he can pick you up sits there. you could feel your heart jump out of your chest as you hesitantly press send, deciding on not dragging it out any longer before you end up being too late. a few seconds later, you get a ping on your phone as he types out ‘sure’ with a smiley face next to it. you let out a long sigh, feeling your body start to relax.
when renjun asked for your address, you were suddenly aware of the fact that you would be alone with him in a car. a small, enclosed space. the thought made you dizzy as you sent your address quickly. you could handle being in the car with him when jeno was there, but you weren’t sure how you were going to react to being alone with him in a car. you started to wonder what he smelt like, and if you were going to be able to possibly smell him in the car.
you scoff at yourself for being so creepy, deciding on quickly getting ready as you see renjun saying he’s on the way.
as you slip your shirt over your head, you hear your phone ringing, blindly picking it up, “hello?”
“i’m here,” his voice was laced with sleep still, and you could audibly hear it.
you swallow, “i’ll be right out.”
renjun hangs up the phone with a small hum, and you softy smile to yourself as you swing your bag over your shoulder and lock the door behind you. you see his car in front of your apartment, considering the apartment you lived in was almost like a townhome. you can see him through the window shield, watching as he fixed his hair in the mirror before making eye contact with you. you looked pretty even in the mornings, and it truly blew him away. he could feel his heart flutter at the thought of finally being able to get a longer moment alone with you.
as you walk towards his car, he places a bright smile on his face when you open the door, “good morning.”
you laugh lightly, closing the door and placing your bag onto the floor, “good morning.” you pause, situating yourself as you buckle, “thank you, by the way.”
renjun waves you off, a small smile on his lips, “no problem.”
his hair was slightly out of place, but you liked it that way. he adorned a simple sweater and some jeans, making him look more cozy and inviting. when he shifted the car from park to reverse, you got a sudden whiff of his cologne. and oh, did he smell heavenly. your thoughts drown out the real world as you take in renjun’s appearance more and more. he smelled expensive, in a way, but you didn’t exactly mind it. not in the slightest.
“jeno didn’t answer i’m guessing?” renjun takes a quick glance at you before looking back at the road.
you nod your head, “yeah, he adores his sleep a little bit too much.” you snort in thought of jeno constantly sleeping in, and renjun laughs with you.
“i can tell.” renjun’s voice is deeper than usual, and you assume it’s because it’s so early in the morning. but you end up actually liking the sound of it.
renjun can feel his heart beating heavily inside his chest. he wasn’t sure how to go about talking to you, or simply being around you. he was causing himself danger being around you so much, that much he knew. but he couldn’t bring himself to stop surrounding himself in you. maybe it was the way you two constantly seemed to randomly bump into each other, but he was starting to really enjoy being in your company. he probably shouldn’t have. and he knows this. but he couldn’t help the fact that his heart quickens in pace, his hands grow tingly, and his body reacts to you in every way possible. you were becoming unbearably intoxicating to him so quickly, and the thought terrified him to no end. but he made no moves to stop it, and he continued to consume himself in you. he shouldn’t have. he knows. god, he knows.
but the second he glances over at you as he puts his car in park in the campus parking lot, he thinks he can endure being around you for just a little bit longer. he finds the way you search aimlessly into your bag for an item completely adoring. he thinks the way you pout when you can’t find it absolutely charming. he likes the small little smile on your face as you pull out your wallet from your bag, showing him that you found it.
renjun was really becoming fond of you way too quickly.
“i found it,” you say cutely, looking at him with bright eyes that made his heart swoon for you.
“good job,” renjun smiles sweetly, and you shyly turn away from his sincere gaze. you weren’t entirely sure what you felt when it came to renjun, but you didn’t find it to be negative in any way.
renjun turns his car off finally, taking his keys and placing them in his pocket, “i’ll drive you home after, too. if that’s okay?”
you nod your head, looking at him gratefully, “more than okay.”
renjun admires your pretty smile for just a bit longer, before nodding his head back and getting out of the car, you following suit. he finds himself watching you walk away when you give him a cute little wave, a big smile gracing your beautiful features. and renjun can’t seem to focus for most of his class, his mind fuzzy from thoughts of you. the image of your smile is engraved into his head, and he likes the way you make him feel, despite knowing how odd it may seem. it was almost as if he completely forgot about the whole yeri situation, and in all honesty, he kind of did. yeri was the last of his worries when it came to you, and he liked knowing that, too. although you did break him up with yeri for money, he couldn’t bring himself to feel bitter towards you. he knew he should have. considering the amount of pain he felt that night, and many nights after. but he really couldn’t. every time he tried, he would end up in a cycle of admiring your beauty and remembering just how charming and sweet your smile looked. how soft and angelic your voice would ring in his ears.
renjun should have hated you, but the hate always dissipated into stronger liking towards you.
“you drove y/n?” renjun hears a voice next to him, breaking him out of his thoughts. he looks up and finds jeno smiling at him, his hair messy as he undoubtedly rushed to get ready. jeno places himself next to renjun, waiting on an answer.
renjun nods his head in the end, “yeah, she said she texted you but you didn’t answer.”
jeno yawns before letting out a low chuckle, “yeah, sorry about that. i slept in again today.” jeno leans back into his seat, eyeing renjun, “thanks for taking her and offering her rides. i don’t mean to sleep in or anything, i tend to forget i have classes until last minute when i’m panicking to get ready.”
renjun laughs, shaking his head at jeno, “not a problem, really. she keeps great company, as always.”
jeno nods his head, “she does, yeah.” jeno pauses before letting out a laugh of his own, “a bit of a brat, but she’s a great friend.”
renjun nods this time, licking his lips in thought. he was suddenly aware again of you and jeno’s close friendship, making him slightly envious of jeno. “do you like her?” renjun couldn’t stop the question from flying out of his mouth, and renjun quickly becomes embarrassed, eyes going wide and his ears turning slightly pink.
jeno raises an eyebrow at the boy next to him, “what?”
“sorry,” renjun looks away from jeno, eagerly flipping through pages of the book in front of him.
jeno laughs again, and it’s boisterous, making others look at him weirdly as he throws his head back in humor, “oh god, no.” he shakes his head, and renjun whips his head in jeno’s direction. “no, i don’t like her. she’s my best friend, and i’d like to keep it that way.” jeno crosses his arms, yawning again like what he said wasn’t swimming in renjun’s head.
renjun couldn’t stop the feeling of excitement bubbling in his chest. he wasn’t sure why he was so happy to hear that, but he was. renjun wanted to believe he had a chance with you.
“oh,” renjun said quietly, not saying anything more and he boasted silently in his seat.
jeno was about to say something, before the professor began to talk and the lesson began finally. the whole hour, renjun’s mind was you, you, you.
as the course finished, renjun packs his things diligently, his thoughts still wrapped up in everything that you were. everything that made up who you were. renjun desperately wanted to get to know you better, know exactly who you were by the back of his hand the same way jeno did. he probably knew that wasn’t possible, but he could always dream.
“are you taking her home?” jeno breaks renjun away from his thoughts again.
renjun nods, “yeah, she said i could.”
jeno nods his own head this time, smiling at him, “that’s fine, tell her i said hey.” jeno waves as he walks towards his car when the two of them walk into the parking lot.
renjun makes his way towards his own car, patiently waiting by it as he searches around for you. his heart skips in his chest as he sees you bounce in a couple of your steps when you notice him standing there. he watches the smile stretch on your face, and he so wanted to kiss you at that very moment. renjun was surprised by his own thoughts, but shook them away as you approached him.
“hi,” you greeted him, “did you see jeno?”
renjun nods, “yeah, he sat next to me. we talked a bit before class started and after. he said i could take you home.”
you smile at him again, your grin making renjun feel light, “great, i like your driving a bit better anyway.”
renjun laughs at that, looking at you with kind eyes, “you do?”
“yeah,” you shrug, making way to the passenger side of the car, “it’s definitely safer. i mean, you saw him drive.”
“you just like picking on him,” renjun comments, but he’s smiling as the two of you climb into the car.
“maybe,” your smile reaches your eyes, and he takes in the sight in front of him. you seated in his car next to him, a beautiful grin taking over your features. you were so lovely in his eyes. he watches you buckle, him doing the same. as he places the keys in the ignition, he hears the car roar to life and he takes one last look at you before putting the car in reverse and pulling out.
“i figured,” renjun replies after a bit with a shake of his head. “jeno told me to tell you he said hey, by the way.”
you chuckle, “of course he did.”
“he really cares for you,” renjun looks over at you for just a split second, seeing your small smile.
you gaze over at renjun, seeing the way his jaw tightens when you stare for too long, “i know. he’s the closest thing i have to a brother.”
renjun nods, “your friendship seems strong.”
“it is,” you pause, “do you have any friends like that?”
renjun stops for a few, and the car falls silent. “not really.” he shifts in his seat as he stops at a light, “i only really had yeri and her friends. i’m not too outgoing, per-say, and i didn’t grow up with anyone close.”
you start to feel guilt fill your bones as you remember breaking up him and yeri for money. it was selfish, and you were unaware of the pain you truly brought on others, until now. were you starting to care more and more for renjun? you weren’t exactly sure, but you knew you felt bad for the actions you caused.
“oh,” you say quietly, and you feel so small in your seat. renjun presses on the gas as the light turns green.
renjun shakes his head, waving you off, “don’t feel bad, or anything. i kind of knew me and yeri wouldn’t last forever.. we just simply weren’t compatible enough.”
“do you miss her?” you find yourself asking, and you curse yourself for being so personal.
renjun pauses again, “sometimes.” he admits, and you feel the air turn tense. “but i think i don’t actually miss her. i miss the feeling she gave me.”
you nod, “i get that.”
“she was my first love, you know.” renjun looks at you with a small smile for just half a second, “i’m sure everyone knew about us. she was quite popular among everyone, but i wasn’t.” renjun unknowingly opens his heart to you, “she took me under her wing in the beginning of high school, and i fell in love with her over the years of knowing her.. she was the closest thing i’ve ever really had to a best friend, or anything.”
you feel your heart ache for him, and you can’t stop yourself from clutching onto the one hand that was resting on the gear shift. renjun jumps in his seat as he feels your warm hand enclose around his cold one. renjun’s hand was surprisingly larger than yours, despite it being dainty and frail. you liked the feel of his hand in yours, and he definitely thought the same thing. renjun could hear and feel his heart beating right out of his chest.
“well,” you gulp, looking at the side of his face he desperately tries to focus on the road in front of him, pulling into your apartment complex area, “you have me now. if you want to be friends.”
he wants to be more.
renjun feels his heart shatter as he has to let go of your hand to place the car in park. he immediately misses the feeling of your smaller hand in his own, and he curses his car for ruining such a special moment for him. all his frustrations seem to fade away, though, when he looks back into your eyes. you were so sincere, so soft. you were nothing how he imagined when he first met you. he figured you would be someone heartless, selfish, overbearing. but you were so much the opposite of that. maybe he was blinded by the feeling of trust in his heart, but he really didn’t care even if he was. you were so captivating to him, and he couldn’t seem to get enough just yet.
not quite yet.
“i want to be friends,” renjun confirms, looking at you hopefully. he wants to kiss you, show you he wants more, but he goes against it. and he doesn’t catch the way you stare at him for just a bit longer, or the way your eyes linger on his lips. he was too engrossed in his thoughts to notice.
you smile, and it’s so sweet and kind that it makes renjun almost shiver, “good, me too.” you gather your bag, shooting him a beautiful grin that has renjun swooning again in his seat, “thank you again for driving me. i can send gas money or-”
“no,” renjun interjects quickly, “no need. i’m glad to drive you.” and he really does mean it. any chance he can get to be around you, he’s sure he’ll take it.
you nod, pausing to look at him for a bit longer, before opening the door and going to step out, “you’re sweet. it means a lot.” renjun grins from ear to ear, and you find it quite cute. “i’ll talk to you later, alright?”
renjun nods his head, “alright.” he watches as you shut the door behind you as you climb out, and renjun doesn’t make a move to leave until he sees you made it in safe. when you walk into your apartment, renjun lets out a long breath of relief and slams his head onto his steering wheel.
he was so, so fucked.

renjun really isn’t sure how he came about this.
his thoughts were running mindlessly, and he ended up finding his hand around his cock, stroking slowly. at first, he wasn’t thinking of anything in particular, just enjoying the feeling his hand gave him as he feels his stomach tense up every now and then. it wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, but what was unfamiliar was the fact that his mind ended up drifting towards you.
he started to see your smile and how pretty you looked in the mornings. he actually got to take you to college a few more times after the first, and each time he ended up admiring your beauty more and more. you were becoming ethereal to him. how could you possibly be real?
as renjun moves his hand quicker, he can hear the slick his precum created as he spread it along his tip and down his shaft. he gasped, imagining your tiny hand wrapped around his cock instead of his own. he tightened the grip on his base as he started pumping a bit faster, his thumb swiping over his head each time he reached to the top. his hand was becoming sloppier and sloppier, and he couldn’t stop the raise of his hips as he felt his release come closer and closer.
“fuck,” he shudders, imagining you possibly asking if you can take his cock in your mouth, suck him off prettily. he imagines the way spit would trail down the sides of your mouth and chin and down onto his cock, his hips raising up to gag you. he imagines his hand in your hair, easing you into it and telling you how good you’re being for him. he would ask if he can fuck your mouth, and he’d love the shine in your eyes as you nod and take what he gives you.
he just knows you’d be absolutely breathtaking and such a good girl for him.
renjun feels his balls tense up as the thought of having you so close and intimate with him. he wants to kiss you, feel your breath on his neck as he fucks into you, make you cum and see how you’d react to his touches. he’s never thought of anyone this way, not even yeri. he’s never touched himself to the thought of someone.
he sighs, a shaky breath of air leaving him as he sinks deeper into his mattress, his knees raising up as his heels dig into the sheets. “holy.. shit.” he moans helplessly as he starts to rapidly pump his cock, thoughts of you bouncing around his mind. he can’t stop himself from raising his hips again in time with his hand on his member. he feels hot and heavy, eyes closing shut and eyebrows furrowing.
“fuck fuck fuck,” he rushes out, trying so hard not to make much noise. it wasn’t like he had roommates or anything, he just didn’t exactly like being vocal. then he starts to imagine the sweet sounds he would be able to pull out of you, and he feels himself lose control of his impending orgasm. he feels his hot, white seed shoot out and onto his stomach. renjun pants heavily, trying hard to come down quickly but still shivering as he rides out his orgasm.
renjun feels weak and light as he plops back down into his bed, glowing from cumming so hard. he lays his legs back down, before groaning as he feels his cum start to stick to him. he rushes to get up, grabbing wipes that he kept in his drawer and easily cleans himself up, a hum leaving his throat as he throws away the dirty wipe.
when he’s done and fully dressed again, renjun sighs deep into the air of his quiet room. did he really just get off to the thought of you? he feels guilt sink into his bones, a sudden shyness overcoming him at the thought of having to face you again after literally jerking off while thinking of you.
renjun rolls over onto his side, grabbing his covers and bundling himself up.
if he thought he was in trouble before, he was really in hell now.

“are you alright?” your voice broke through the once silent air, and renjun jumps in surprise. you pout, looking at him curiously. “what’s wrong?”
renjun shakes his head, looking at you for only half a second. he can’t tell you he jerked off to the thought of you a couple nights ago, it would just be plain out weird. “nothing, just a bit tired, i guess.” renjun stretches his limbs out of nerves.
you nod your head, “wanna get coffee?” you ask, eyes glowing under the sun in the cold weather.
renjun nods, “sure.”
you weren’t actually going to class or anything. in fact, it was the weekend. renjun had actually asked to hang out, much to your surprise. you remember going wide eyed at the text, silently freaking out on the inside as you replied to him, telling him you would love to. you didn’t think it was like renjun to act so boldly, but you weren’t really complaining or thinking too much into it. you were starting to like his company anyway.
renjun starts the car back up again after sitting in your driveway for some time, trying to decide what to do. you had only giggled when he told you that he didn’t really have anything planned, and told him to turn the car off while the two of you figured it out. that was when you noticed him spacing out and asked if he was alright.
“have you been working at the diner?” renjun asks casually, sparking up a conversation.
you nod, “yeah, i had a shift yesterday with jeno. i always get shifts with him.”
“who plans the shifts?” renjun turns the wheel with one hand, and you watch him closely from where you sat.
“jeno normally if his parents don’t,” you look at his hand that’s resting on the gear shift, “which is typically always.”
renjun nods his head, thoughtfully processing your words, “do you help him?”
“sometimes,” you shrug, “i’m normally always around him, but he tends to do the hard work himself.”
he hums, “wasn’t expecting that from jeno, in all honesty.” renjun chuckles, and you laugh along with him. his laugh was too pretty to ignore.
“me neither,” you can’t seem to pry your eyes away from renjun. he was handsome, too good looking for his own good. “but he’s actually really smart.”
“he is,” renjun agrees, “i see the way he works in class and when we’re doing our project. he’s actually really intelligent.. just a bit lazy, maybe.”
you laugh again, “he can be.” you pause, “do you work?”
he shakes his head, “i don’t.” renjun hesitates on continuing, “my parents are.. wealthy, i guess. they make sure to look after me.”
you nod, “that’s good. i’m sure it’s less stressful then?”
renjun shrugs, “it’s a bit boring, but i know i’m lucky to have what i got.”
everyone where you live are at least a little bit wealthy, if not stinking rich. you used to envy everyone who has caring enough parents to share their money, but you found you actually prefer doing things on your own without the help of your parents. sometimes you did wish they cared, though.
“we’re here,” renjun puts your thoughts to a stop as he parks the car at the cafe. you watch as he removes the keys from the ignition, giving you a sweet smile. renjun couldn’t stop himself from thinking about kissing you when you smiled back.
when the two of you order, you find yourself standing just a bit closer to renjun. he pays for your drink before you can object, and you give him a pout and a frown. renjun just smiles again, grinning like he won a prize. to your surprise, renjun ruffles your head and gazes cutely at you.
“hey!” you exclaim, looking at him with surprise and fake anger.
renjun shakes his head, laughing sweetly, “you’re too cute.”
you feel your body heating up in embarrassment, the words flowing out of his mouth too easily. his tone was adoring, and you actually ended up liking it. renjun’s playful side was growing onto you.
as you grab your drinks, renjun leads you back out into the car, “this was a bit boring.. sorry.”
you shake your head, “don’t be sorry. i’m actually having fun.” and you weren’t lying. you were really enjoying his presence.
“we can go back to my place, or something?” renjun suggests, giving you a curious look. “hang out there.”
you feel your stomach twist, “sure.. yeah, we can do that.”
“it’s alright if-”
“i don’t mind,” you quickly interrupt, “i want to. i wanna see what the inside of your apartment looks like.”
renjun nods, before reversing and driving off. he drives with ease, and you wonder how he can look so good even while doing something so simple as driving. renjun could say the same thing about as you take a sip of your coffee. you were so stunning in renjun’s eyes, and he adored the way you blew on your hot coffee before taking a quick sip. it was endearing, and you barely did anything.
“do you live alone?” you ask.
“i do,” renjun confirms, “i have my own place.”
“do you live near your parents, or..?” you tilt your head in curiosity.
he shakes his head, “no, they don’t live around here. they’re about 4 hours northwest from here by car.”
“oh,” you aren’t sure of what to say, “do you see them often?” you felt as if you were prying too much, “sorry for all the questions, you don’t have to answer them all or anything.”
renjun laughs lightly, the sound a bit airy, “i don’t mind, and no, i don’t see them often. i get a call or text every now and then, though.”
you shift in your seat beside him, “at least they keep in touch, right?”
he nods, “yeah, i’m grateful for it.”
the car falls silent for a few minutes, and you’re not sure what else to talk about. but you find the silence to be more comfortable than not, and that relieves you. you take the time to admire the way his fingers tap against the steering wheel, the way his jaw ticks every so often to look around when he turns, the way he licks his lips every now and then. renjun was inviting, at the very least. and you liked the way he brought a soft touch of comfort around you. renjun could absolutely say the same about you.
renjun was consumed by you, once again. and he was suddenly aware of the fact that he was genuinely just hanging out with you, no professions in the way or jeno being there. as much as renjun liked jeno, he also really liked you. and he was truly happy to get to spend this kind of time with you. he was especially happy at the fact that you said you would hang out with him, and here you were. he wasn’t planning on wasting this time with you.
as renjun pulls into the parking garage of his apartment building, he sees the way you look around curiously. “this isn’t a normal apartment complex.” you hum in thought.
renjun chuckles out of embarrassment, “i live in a penthouse.”
your eyes go wide as you whip your head towards his direction, “what?!”
“yeah,” renjun says lowly, parking his car in his designated spot. “that’s why it’s excessively large.”
you sit back in your seat, whistling below your breath, “wow, that’s impressive.”
renjun rolls his eyes, “let’s go.” but there’s a small smile on his face, looking at you playfully.
your eyes beam as you eagerly jump out of the car, him following after you. he likes the excited look on your face as he leads you towards the inside, not without swiping his card key to get in, though. you watch in detail as he holds the door open for you, letting you go in first. you say a small ‘thank you’, and he simply smiles at you.
renjun finds his hand itching to hold yours as the two of you walk towards the elevators. but he stops himself from doing so, thinking it might be a bit too forward. you were just hanging out, and he really wasn’t expecting anything to come out of it.
“what floor are you on?” you ask while waiting for the elevator.
renjun messes with his hair a bit out of nerves, “twelfth.” he says gingerly, taking a look at you as your mouth flies open.
your eyes turn wide, “that’s so high.” you hear a ping as the elevator doors open and two people walk out with a sweet smile as you both walk in. you ease into the elevator as he presses his floor number, and inserts a key into the elevator. you hum in thought to yourself, remembering suddenly that he lives in an actual penthouse. how rich was he?
as renjun finally gets the key to work, leaning back with a satisfied smile. renjun finds himself admiring you as you both stand in the enclosed space. he may not have been just as close as he was to you in his car, but he was still close. you were looking curiously around the elevator, like you’ve never been in one before. and he actually found it quite endearing. your eyes were glossy and wide, the light reflecting onto them and making stars shine in your eyes. you were a sight for sore eyes.
as the elevator dings open again, you’re greeted with a large living space, making you lowly whistle, “wheww,” you start, “this is impressive as hell.” you look around, and find that his decorations are very minimal. his place doesn’t exactly have a home feeling, but you figured he just liked having a clean area.
renjun shuffles on his feet nervously, “thanks.” he sounded shy, almost, making you turn your head towards him.
“sorry,” you mutter out, looking around and walking towards the large windows that show the city below, “i’ve just never really been inside a penthouse before.”
renjun shakes his head, following after you and watching the people walk by, “don’t be sorry. i’m glad you like it.” he smiles.
you can’t stop the small grin that forms on your lips at the sight of him when you turn your head again to watch him look below, “i do like it.” you find yourself lingering your gaze on him, making his heart speed up as his eyes stare back into yours. it was a slow moment, maybe long awaited. but your eyes went down towards his lips for a brief second, and this time he caught you.
renjun feels his palms turning sweaty and his head becoming full. he’s not sure what to do, keeping his eyes on you and nervously scanning your expressions. you were breathtaking, and he couldn’t pry his eyes away from you. everything you did, he became enraptured by. you were captivating to him, and he couldn’t tear this moment to pieces. you were looking at him, and he found that to be enough.
“renjun,” you spoke his name, and he could feel his heart beating right out of his chest once again.
“yeah?” he gruffly asks, looking at you with expectant eyes.
you step closer to him, and renjun doesn’t move. he desperately wanted to know what you were thinking, what you were planning on doing. everything about this moment was overwhelming to him, and he found himself licking his lips unconsciously. your eyes flitter to his lips again, watching his tongue poke out to wet his lips. you weren’t exactly sure what you were thinking, or what he was thinking. but you had a sudden urge to kiss him. you shouldn’t feel this way, and maybe you shouldn’t even be at his place, but you kept playing with your heart instead of your head. renjun was doing the same.
when you stand in front of him, renjun can smell you and feel your warmth. you can feel the same, his cologne taking up your brain. you felt intoxicated, and renjun certainly felt the same.
“do you want to kiss me?” you tilt your head, refusing to close the distance between the two of you without asking first. you had to make sure you weren’t making this all up in your head. that he really wanted it, too.
renjun’s quick to nod his head, eager eyes looking into yours, “yeah, i really do.” his voice is low, barely above a whisper as he speaks into the silent air. you can both feel the tension pulling at one another.
you raise a hand, hesitantly pressing your palm to his cheek as your other hand goes to his hair. he can feel how cold your hands were, but he didn’t exactly care. you were so irresistibly close, and he had you alone for once. he had you to himself, and that was all he could really think about. you. you were his entire mind recently, and it drove him up the wall.
“you can put your hands on me,” you say softly, your nose almost touching his. renjun was suddenly aware of how close you were, looking into your eyes before flickering towards your lips. he could easily kiss you, close the distance and claim you for himself. but he doesn’t, waiting on you to give him the signal.
he places his hands on your waist, and you like the way his hands fit perfectly on you. you can’t find self control anymore, finally leaning in and crashing your lips onto his. renjun swears he’s in heaven, and your lips were so fucking soft. he kisses you slowly, trying not to seem too eager or rush into it too much. you can feel his fingertips dig into your skin with ease as you kiss him, and you like the way he fits so well against you. pressing your chest to his, tugging at the ends of his hair, holding his face in one of your palms. renjun could feel his world dissipate. you were turning into his world in a matter of seconds, in a matter of minutes.
kissing renjun was soft, caring, gentle. it wasn’t rough or aggressive or rushing. it was what every romantic wish they had. you eased into his hold more and more, the kiss turning a little more sloppy as you feel him swipe his tongue on your bottom lip. you grant him access, no doubt. renjun can feel your thumb stroking his cheek and your hands tighten in his hair as his tongue slides in your mouth. it wasn’t a clash of teeth and tongue, it was smooth and slow. renjun definitely knew how to kiss. he tasted of coffee, and you were sure you did, too. it wasn’t unpleasant, though. maybe it was because it was renjun, but you actually liked it.
renjun wraps his arms completely around your middle, tugging you closer and making you groan against his lips. renjun’s ears perk up at the sound, a smile making its way onto his face. you can feel the grin on his lips, making you pull apart and smile back at him. you giggle as he gives you a goofy look, his smile reaching his eyes. renjun found you so beautiful from where you stood, and he found you even more charming standing in his arms.
renjun’s lips were slightly puffy, a little bit pink and wet. you give him a quick peck, making renjun lean in further to kiss you again. you let him for the time being, before pulling apart and letting out a loud laugh, throwing your head back in glee. renjun admires you, feeling the vibrations in your chest rumble against his own from how close you were and how tight he was holding you. he liked being so close to you.
“i have to use the bathroom, renjun.” your voice was so pretty.
he nods his head, slowly letting you go and holding your hand, “i’ll show you where it is.”
you finally take the time to admire the whole entire place, eyes scanning around the rooms as he leads you up the stairs. it was plain, but beautiful. simplicity at its finest.
“down there, to the right,” renjun instructs, “i’ll be downstairs waiting.” renjun kisses you on the cheek, and you like the soft gesture.
as you finish using the bathroom, you feel a buzz in your back pocket. you frown as you see it’s jeno saying to call you quickly. “jeno?” you call him, and you hear him sigh on the other end.
“are you at renjun’s?” you can hear the hurried hush in his voice, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“yeah? i told you-”
“yeri placed a bet.” jeno pauses, and you can hear him rummaging around for something, “she placed a bet that renjun would fall in love with you within the next month after she broke up with him.”
you feel your heart sink, looking around and feeling your body tense up, “what the fuck?”
“not even the worst part,” you can hear jeno adjusting himself in his seat, “she said you would break his heart and he would come running back to her in the end.”
“so,” you clear your throat, trying your best to whisper, “she broke up with him for a bet?”
“seems that way.”
you don’t want renjun to find out. it would definitely shatter him, and take the both of you a million steps back. for fuck sake, you just finished eating his face. you huff, your head suddenly feeling full and heavy. how were you supposed to go about this? what the hell were you supposed to do?
“what the fuck am i gonna do?” you lean back against the sink, crossing one of your arms over your chest as you hold the phone close to your ear. “i just kissed him, jeno.”
“renjun?” jeno asks.
you roll your eyes, “no, jeno. someone else.” sarcasm drips from your tone, “yes, idiot! renjun!”
jeno scoffs, “don’t be rude.”
“how did you even find out?” you quickly look at the time, and realize you’ve been in the bathroom for way too long. “i have to go soon.”
jeno quickly answers, “heard her talking about it on campus the other day. i’ve been meaning to talk to you about it for a little while now, i just haven’t found the right time.”
“and right now was?” you ask incredulously, “look, i have to go. i’ll talk more after i leave.”
“okay, see you later.” jeno hangs up, and you run a hand over your face.
you quickly walk out, heading down the stairs and seeing renjun on the couch, phone in hand. you could feel your nerves run high again at the sight of him, and you were suddenly aware of how your friendship took a fast turn. you were happy of the situation not too long ago, and now you were cursing yourself for letting yeri start to win her little bet. it was unknown to you previously, but you hated that you unknowingly were letting her win. she doesn’t deserve renjun. but did you?
“hey, i was starting to get worried,” renjun greeted you, and you let out an airy laugh, faking it.
“i’m fine, i was just trying to make myself more presentable.” you watch as renjun gets up from his seat, walking towards you. you almost think he’s going to kiss you again, but he doesn’t. and you’re relieved, in an odd way. you really weren’t sure how to deal with all of this.
“you always look pretty,” he compliments.
you feel yourself melt, despite the circumstances that he was unaware of, “thank you, renjun.”
he nods, a bright smile on his face once again, “of course, i mean it.”
you’re suddenly aware of the time, shuffling on your feet, “i should probably head home now. i have another quiz i should be studying for.”
renjun nods his head, placing his hands in his pockets, “let’s get you home, then.”
you’re grateful for the ride back, but all you can really think of the whole time was there was a bet being placed over renjun’s head that he was terribly unaware of. but you knew. and you were incredibly unsure how you would even begin to explain something like that.
what the hell were you supposed to do?

your eyes were frantic, looking around the room as your eyes land onto a specific female. you could feel the anger in your bones as you approached where she sat at the cafe on campus. you desperately wanted to rip her a new one, but decided against it due to the public setting. you still cared about your education, despite being extremely upset.
you see as yeri’s eyes shoot up with a surprised look when you slam your hand onto the table in front of her. sliding the money towards her, you give her a sharp look, “take your fucking money back.”
yeri scoffs, “what are you on about?”
“i don’t need your dirty money, yeri.” you were seething, seeing red as you remove your hand from the table, the money now on her side.
yeri looks between you and the money, before raising an eyebrow, “i don’t need it either. you probably need it more than me anyway.”
you want to shout at her, call her a horrible person and give her all of your anger. but the longer you stood, the more you were wondering if she was even worth wasting your energy on. you take a deep breath, trying to cool down and civilly handle this. it wasn’t in your plans to have a calm conversation with her, but it also wasn’t your plan to slap her. why were you feeling so defensive over renjun? you shouldn’t have. you were the one to accept the deal in the first place.
“you placed a bet between me and renjun,” you start, eyes narrowing, “i don’t like when people have my name in their mouths without me knowing.”
yeri’s quiet for a few moments, gather the pieces as she eyes the money in front of her. she rolls her eyes in the end, “you really know how to ruin the fun, don’t you?”
you scoff at her this time, “you’re fucking sick.”
“it was a harmless bet-”
“one that made you break up with renjun. it’s not harmless if it hurts someone. that’s when it becomes harmful,” you had vile seeping through your voice, “who the hell breaks up with someone for a bet?”
yeri sips her drink, “it’s not like he’s your boyfriend or anything. is he not?”
you snarl, “no, he’s not. but it doesn’t matter. you don’t do that to a person. what are you going to do when he finds out?”
she raises an eyebrow, “you’re telling him?” she watches as you roll your eyes at her, “i’ll tell him you’re lying. who’s he going to believe? someone he’s known for years, or someone he just met?” she tilts her head, looking you with a sinister smile. it makes you sick to your stomach just looking at her.
you stand in defeat, unable to really think of a reason why he wouldn’t believe her over you. you would like to think he would believe you, but you see the reality out of the situation above all. it was disheartening, and you hated how she was able to get away with it.
“you’re going to lose your bet,” you mutter.
“we’ll see.” she checks the time, before getting up with a smile. “i have to go, but take care of renjun while you have him. he’s a sweet guy.”
you want to hit her. scream at her and call her a sick person. but you don’t. you stand still, and let the reality of the situation sink in. you felt hopeless and lost. you weren’t sure where to go with all of this, and you wondered what else she had up her sleeve.
this was an unexpected turn in events.

“what the fuck do i do, jeno?” you groan, head in hands as you sit at his dining table.
jeno sips on his drink, handing you your own tea to comfort you, “that sounds like a fucked situation.”
you scoff, “didn’t notice, thanks.”
jeno licks his lips and rolls his eyes, “i don’t know, dude. i wasn’t expecting this kind of result, in all honesty.” he pauses, “is she still on for the bet?”
“i think so,” you raise your head to look at him, and he has a concerned look on his face. “i told her she’d lose and she said ‘we’ll see’.” you mock her voice, making jeno let out a chuckle.
“she might have something to make sure she does win,” he leans his chin in his hand, elbow on the table, “don’t know what, though.”
“i thought so, too.” you take a sip of the tea jeno made you. “thank you, by the way. for comforting me.”
he nods his head, smiling sweetly at you, “of course, anytime. i have to be there for you, don’t i? i think you’d throw a fit if i wasn’t.”
you hum, agreeing with him, “yeah, you’re right.”
he laughs, “i knew it.” there’s a pause before he continues talking, “just keep everything like normal. you like him, don’t you?”
you slowly nod your head, “i think so, yeah.”
jeno nods back, “then see where it goes. yeri shouldn’t have to control your love life, or renjun’s. it’s unfair and sick, to be honest.”
you lean back into your seat, hands on your mug of tea to warm you up, “i’ll try.” you say in a quiet voice, and jeno notices your uncertainty.
he press a hand to your shoulder, giving you big comforting eyes, “it’ll be alright. i’ve got your back if it all goes wrong.”
you realize that, even if it does go downhill, you’ll always have jeno right there to help pick everything back up. “thank you.” you were sincere.
he smiles brightly, “wow, i’m fucking great at this whole friendship thing.” jeno boasts in his seat, whistling lowly as if to admire himself.
you roll your eyes, taking a large drink of your tea, “you’re so annoying.”
“you wouldn’t have me any other way,” he grins, eyes sparkling at you.
“mhm,” you hum, and jeno laughs loudly.
although you were in a messy situation, jeno always managed to help make it just a bit lighter and easier. you didn’t have as many worries as before, and you were completely grateful for it. you could get stuck in your head at times, and jeno knew this. it was a given that he knew everything about you, and especially knew how to comfort you in dire times.
you decided by the end of the night, you were going to continue like normal with renjun. you really did like him, and you were going to be damned if you let yeri get in the way.

you’re not sure how everything moved so quickly and easily with renjun.
over the next two weeks after confronting yeri, you became closer and closer to renjun. of course, there was that underlying fear of losing him over something yeri might do to tarnish your ‘relationship’ with renjun, but it all floats out of your head the minute he kisses you. you feel guilty every time you head home, though. every night, you have a strong urge to call him, tell him everything. but you were selfish. selfish, and you didn’t want to let go of him just yet. you were holding too tightly onto him, and it slowly ate you up along the way. you were in danger when it came to renjun, but you never felt so safe around anyone else the way you did with him. you were truly lost.
“are we..” renjun gasps when you bite into the flesh of his neck, leaving his skin just lightly marked with your kisses, “are we moving too.. fast?” his voice fades when you run your fingers through his hair, kissing him on the lips again to hush him.
maybe you were moving too fast, sitting in his lap and kissing him like he was your air. but you really liked how warm he felt against you, how close he was. you were cherishing these types of moments with him, and you weren’t going to let him out of your grasp just yet. you liked kissing him, tasting the warm coffee on his tongue as he silently asks for permission to enter your mouth. he was a sensual kisser, never taking it a step further. you wanted more, though. you desperately wanted more.
“are we?” you lean back, seeing how his ears were slightly tinged pink, his lips swollen and spit trailing along them. you lick your own lips, waiting for his answer. you can feel the hands on your hips tighten, his eyes looking up at you with shine in them. he was absolutely gorgeous.
renjun clears his throat, “i don’t know..” he trails off, looking out the window for a brief second, pondering in his head. “do you think we are?” renjun shudders when you drag your nails along his scalp, and you grin at him coyly.
you shake your head, “no, but we won’t do anything you don’t want to.”
“we won’t do anything you don’t want to, either.” so polite. he was so respectful of you and your boundaries, making your heart pick up speed the longer you looked at him. he was making you nervous, but in a good way.
you don’t say anything else, leaning back down to kiss him again. this was something the both of you were familiar with, but you were growing restless. the moment you start to roll your hips down into his, he lets out a quiet gasp, opening his mouth wider for you. you smile, trailing your kisses down his jaw and neck again. renjun runs one of his hands down to your thigh, squeezing tightly and making you lightly whine into the junction of his neck.
you can feel his lips against your ear, “you’re so cute.” his voice was comforting, soft. he squeezes your thigh again, trailing his hand up more towards the direction of your core. you were wearing comfortable and loose shorts. he could easily slip his hand into the leg of the shorts and touch you. you feel his hand inch closer and closer until it rests on the inner part of your thigh.
you lean back again, panting as your eyes glaze over, “please?” you sound breathless already, and it makes renjun’s head spin.
“you want me to touch you?”
you nod.
renjun’s mouth quirks into a smirk, a soft chuckle leaving him, “you’re too cute.” he pauses, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin, so close to your heat. “take your shorts off.”
you’re quick to oblige, getting off his lap and slipping them off. you’re about to straddle him again, but then he stops you, turning you around before sitting you between his legs. you can feel how warm his chest is against your back, and you sink into his hold. renjun rests his head on your shoulder, placing a kiss there. you let out a shaky sigh when you feel his hands return to your thighs. he spreads you open more, opening his own legs so you sit comfortably. you can feel slick running down into your panties, the cold air making you shiver.
although renjun would love to hear you beg, he decides to save it for another day. he trails his hand close to your panties, playing around with the band before slipping his fingers inside to feel just how wet you are.
“renjun,” you whine out, your hands going to grasp onto his own thighs.
“you’re soaked, baby.” he kisses behind your ear before resting his chin on your shoulder, looking down to where he was touching you. you were so wet and slick, his fingers playing around your clit and circling around your entrance.
the little sound you let out at the nickname makes renjun lose his mind. you sounded so heavenly, even better than his fantasies. this was so much fucking better than anything he could ever even dream of.
“for you,” you gasp when he presses his fingers against your clit, rubbing you just light enough so you could feel it. it sends tingles down your spine.
“hm?” renjun tilts his head, looking at your face and making out the slight crinkle in your brows.
“wet for you,” you squirm in his hold, “only for you.”
renjun feels goosebumps raise on his skin at your words, the tone in your voice sounding needy and out of touch. “fuck.” he groans, pressing harder into your clit and rubbing quicker, making you let out a surprised yelp, straightening your back up and dropping your mouth open at the feeling. “you’re good for me, aren’t you?”
you nod your head as quickly as you could, pleasing renjun, “good for you. i’m good for you.” you whine, “please finger me, wanna be filled.”
renjun feels enchanted by you, completely under your spell as he trails his fingers towards your entrance once again, but this time not leaving space for teasing. he shoves two of his long, thin fingers inside of you, making a long moan leave your pretty lips. the way he curls them up as he sets a sweet pace makes you roll your head back onto his shoulder, eyes shutting closed. renjun feels your thighs start to tremble a bit, and his other hand makes work to hold onto one of your thighs, making sure you keep your legs open for him. he can feel his cock starting to twitch inside his pants, begging to be released by now. the noises you were making and the way you would buck your hips up into his hand were making him impossibly hard by now.
when renjun speeds up the pace of his fingers, you feel yourself start to crumble in his close hold, “so good, feels so good.” your sounds go right in his ear and straight to his groin. “fuck, renjun.”
“you like my fingers inside your pretty pussy, don’t you, baby?” he moves his head so he’s kissing and licking along your neck, making your nails dig deeper into the meat of his thighs. “i can feel just how tight and warm you are. been thinking about this for awhile now.”
his words were making you wetter and wetter, indefinitely soaking his fingers as he worked you towards your orgasm, “r- renjun. ohh, fuck.” your voice was a bit broken, little whines escaping you and growing louder as he started to ram his fingers in and out of you. you could hear just how slick you were with every curl of his fingers. when he moves his other hand to press against your swollen clit, you lose yourself in the hold of him. “g- gonna..”
“already?” he taunts you, biting into the flesh of your skin and making you gasp again, “such a sensitive baby. you wanna cum on my fingers? coat them in your cum and make a mess?”
you nod, desperate to have a taste of euphoria, “please, please. wanna cum on your fingers, wanna cum for you.”
“you’ve been good, haven’t you, princess?” he asks, pressing harder into your clit as a warning when all he gets back is a long moan. “answer me.”
“yes, yes. i’ve been so good for you, renjun. please let me cum, please.” you sounded meek, small, cute. he couldn’t seem to deny you any longer, he was just too enamored by you.
“cum for me, baby. my messy, pretty girl.”
at his command, you arch your back away from his chest, your shirt sticking to your sweaty skin as you fall apart in his hold. he can feel the fluttering of your walls as you cum, the cries of his name slipping so beautifully from your throat and into the air. you smell so sweet, like apricots and honey and he can’t get enough of you, he decides. renjun rides out your high, watching the way you buck into his hand every now and then, trying to prolong the feeling for as long as you can. he finds you irresistible, absolutely stunning as you come down from your high.
“my good girl,” he leaves praising kisses and words into your skin, making your head feel light as you gasp for air. when he slips his fingers out of you, you grab his wrist quickly to place his fingers into your mouth, moaning at the taste of yourself. “holy fuck.” he breathes, watching as you swirl your tongue around his fingers. “you’re dirty, aren’t you, baby? you just love being filled whole.”
you nod, humming around his fingers. when he slides them out of your mouth, he’s quick to grab your face in his hands and kiss you eagerly. his tongue greedily invades your mouth, much to your pleasure. he can taste you on your own tongue, making him groan. you were as sweet as he imagined, maybe even sweeter.
“i really like you,” he mutters against your lips, making you giggle breathlessly.
“i really like you, too.” you stare into his eyes, before lightly biting your lip, “do you want me to jerk you off? i can feel your boner poking my ass.”
renjun lets out a loud laugh, throwing his head back, “if you want, but you don’t-”
you shake your head, already moving to sit beside him and unbuckling his pants, “i want to touch you. you made me feel good, i wanna make you feel good, too.”
renjun turns serious suddenly, reaching up to place a hand on your cheek and rubbing his thumb in circular motions, “you’re just too precious, too good for me.”
you shake your head, a smile gracing your lips as he drops his hand back to his side. he watches as you quickly pull him out of his pants and boxers, making you lick your lips. he was a lot thicker and a lot longer than you thought he would be. he looked so dainty, but he was definitely packing.
when your hand encases around his girth, renjun relaxes against the back of the couch, hands flat against the sofa. he watches your hand intently as you start to stroke him slowly. he sighs, mouth slightly agape. he likes the way your hand feels so small compared to his own, making you grasp him just a bit tighter. he shudders when you rub your thumb along his tip, collecting his precum that started to leak out. when you lean down and spit onto his length, he lets out a throaty groan at the action. it felt so messy, but so good. he could hear it become more slick along his dick, he could feel it.
when you sped up the pace of your hand, he gasps, “fuck.” he shifts in his seat, his fingers starting to dig into the fabric of the couch. even if it was just your hand, it still felt so good for him. everything you did in general set him off, so he wasn’t surprised by the sensitivity he got from just the jerk of your hand.
the groans he let out were so heavenly and rung in your ears, you desperately wanted to make him cum, watch him fall apart the same he did to you. with every stroke of your hand, you would thumb at his tip and swipe over it. you could hear the wetness on his cock, making you unconsciously press your thighs together in your seat. renjun caught the act, making him look over at you and tear his eyes away from your small hand on his member. his eyes were dark, eyeing you specifically and taking in your figure beside him. you were so close to him, he could almost feel your breath on his neck. when he raises his hips up in time with your hand, you let out a little whine. he smirks over at you, tilting his head mockingly.
“you like watching me fuck your fist?” he questions, watching you rub your thighs together again. he laughs breathily, thrusting up again and again until he created an easy pace. he could feel himself starting to build up to his orgasm, incredibly sensitive from being hard for a good bit of time before getting his own release. he could almost taste it for how close he was.
“wanna make you cum,” you look at him eagerly, licking your lips and leaning closer to his face.
renjun leans in, pressing his lips to yours hungrily, and it’s nothing like his previously soft kisses. this one is more aggressive, more demanding. and it makes you ache, desperately wanting him to fill you and feel close to him. you were so close to begging for him.
“wanna ride me, baby?” he asks, pulling apart from you and watching you closely. it wasn’t like you to immediately hook up with someone after only knowing them for a short amount of time, but you were trusting of renjun. too trusting, maybe.
“please?” you run your thumb along his slit, making him groan, “you can fill me up, too. fill me with your cum.”
renjun growls at that, shoving your hand away and eagerly pulling you on top of him. he’s quick to remove your shirt and snap your bra off, feeling it fall down your shoulders as he throws it onto the floor. he sees you bare, the only thing on you are your panties. you whine and tug at his shirt, making him chuckle with a shake of his head as he takes it off for you. you run your hands smoothly down his chest, before resting them on his shoulders and raising yourself up. renjun grabs hold of his dick, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing your panties to the side.
“are you sure?” he asks, looking at you cautiously, his lust driven eyes disappearing. you only let out a quiet whine and a nod of your head before sinking down on him without warning. he gasps, hands immediately clutching onto your hips as tightly as he could. “jesus fuck, you’re so.. tight.” he groans, your heat engulfing him whole. he can feel his whole entire body heating up, feeling as you take him.
you start to move almost instantly, “so.. so full. feel so full.” you stutter, nails digging into the skin of his shoulders, surely leaving marks there. “your cock feels so good inside me, renjun.”
“yeah?” he asks, looking at you with dark and heavy eyes, “you like my cock fucking you open?” he takes you by surprise when he thrusts his hips upwards, “you’re so wet and tight. i can feel your little cunt gripping me.”
you whimper and whine at his words, starting to claw at his skin as you ride him more eagerly, his cock dragging along your walls so deliciously, “renjun, fuck.. renjun.”
“i love the way you say my name, baby.” he stills your hips, making you whine again desperately, “don’t worry, princess. i’m gonna fuck you.”
and that he does. his fingers are digging so harshly into your skin as he starts to fuck into you with abandon, your mouth hanging open and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. he watches the way you throw your head back, his cock stretching you out and hitting just the right spot with each stroke. he feels pride swell in his chest from having you fall apart from just his cock alone. he quickly reaches a hand down to your clit, though, wanting you to feel as good as possible. he feels the way your walls flutter around his cock, tightening even more and making him hiss at the feeling.
“gonna cum on my cock, baby?” he licks his lips, watching as you nod your head and let out more stutters of his name. “i wanna feel you cum all over my dick, coat my cock in your cum. you deserve it, baby. you deserve to cum. you’ve been such a good girl, my good little princess.”
you cry out a choked sob, leaning down and resting your head in his neck, “g- gonna.. fuck.. gonna cum, renjun.” your walls were clamping so tightly around him, sputtering around his cock and making his thrusts start to stutter and become sloppier. he could feel the fabric of your panties rub against his cock with each thrust, making him groan. you could tell he was just as close as you, and you bite down onto his shoulder as your hands trail back to his hair. you tug at the strands, your nails digging into his scalp while his own dig into the flesh of your hips. it all feels so good, and you were so, so close.
“cum, baby. cum all over my cock. show me how good you are.”
with one last press of his fingers against your clit and one last hard thrust into your cunt, you fall apart. your pussy was sporadically clenching around him, triggering his release right after yours. the feeling of his cum filling you up makes you shudder, a shiver running down your spine as he trails a hand along your back, riding out your highs together. you buck your hips into him as you come down, letting out a soft whine. you feel so good, so light and comfortable in his arms. renjun holds you close, wrapping both of his arms around you and pressing your chest against his.
he found himself lucky that night, holding you as close as possible. when he cleaned the both of you up and gave you some of his clothes, he grins to himself. you were wearing his clothes this time.
“why are you staring like that?” you scrunch your nose up, looking at him weirdly.
he shakes his head, walking towards you where you lay on his bed and hovering above you. he presses his lips to yours, “you’re wearing my clothes. it’s cute.”
you can’t stop from placing your hands on his cheeks, watching as his hair falls and frames his face, “they’re cozy.”
renjun places himself next to you, quickly reaching out for you and holding you close to him, “you’re cozy.” he mutters tiredly, letting out a soft yawn.
you shake your head with a soft giggle, pressing a kiss to his nose before snuggling into him and letting him drift off to sleep. it was so nice being so close to renjun, and you were starting to become terrified of losing this feeling. you were unsure of what the future were to bring, but you only hoped it wasn’t bad.
if only you weren’t so naive.

you could feel your heart drop right down into your stomach as you stood there. in your work clothes, eyes wide, body temperature turning cold. you felt frustrations rise, and your mind started to run a million miles per hour. a lump formed in your throat as you watch renjun talk to yeri on the sidewalk in front of your work. he was quite a few feet away, so you assumed neither of them saw you. but you soon realized you were wrong. yeri knew you were looking, and the thought itself made you sick.
you stand at the entrance doors of your work, seeing the sickeningly sweet smile on yeri’s face as she exchanges words with renjun. you had no idea what she was saying to him, nor did you know why they both were there. but you hated the mere thought of him being near her now, and you especially hated that she possibly had a greater advantage to the situation.
“hey, you okay?” you hear a familiar voice, making you whip your head for a split second and see a certain dark haired boy.
“yeri’s talking to renjun,” you say simply, and you see the shock on jeno’s face before he looks in the direction you can’t seem to take your eyes off of.
“oh shit,” he mumbles under his breath, and the sound doesn’t ease your mind in the slightest. “do you know why?”
you shake your head, “no. i was just about to head inside before i saw them on the sidewalk talking.”
jeno shifts where he stands, “i don’t know what they’re talking about, and neither do you. but we can’t just assume it’s completely bad and what we think it’s about, alright?” jeno moves to unlock the diner doors, pulling out his key, “don’t mention it to him, or anything. not until if he’s ready.”
you reluctantly look away and start to head inside before renjun catches you staring, “right..”
“renjun didn’t seem to look very interested in what she had to say anyway,” jeno snorts out a laugh, and you appreciate the mood lightener he created.
you place a soft, small smile on your lips and try your hardest not to think of it. yeri could ruin everything between you and renjun so easily, and you’re starting to think she likes having that kind of power over you. you don’t think she would easily give that away, but you were also very unsure how she would play all of this out. it was only a matter of time before she came in and shattered the both of you and got her way, but you were hanging onto whatever you could. and maybe it was a toxic way of living, but you couldn’t seem to let go of him just yet. you were terrified of the ending, but you would do anything to keep him.
shaking your head, you start to organize the tables and wipe them down before customers start to roll in. and the shift went by quicker than you imagined, but your head still felt fuzzy and all over the place. jeno could obviously tell, but did his best to not bother you.
“if it’s bothering you this much, y/n,” he pauses, swallowing hard as he locks the diner doors behind the both of you, “maybe you should tell him everything. the bet, yeri, everything. i hate seeing you so stressed out, especially over a guy and some girl who is tearing you apart over some kind of blackmail bullshit.” he pauses, letting out a sigh, “i want what’s best for you. and i know that this,” he gestures with his hands, “isn’t what’s best for you.”
there’s a long, long pause after what he says. and you have nothing left in you to keep fighting, it seems. you want to make up excuse after excuse as to why you can’t tell him. and maybe you could come up with a few, but you knew for a fact that he was right. and it was earth shattering for you, having to come back down to reality after getting to spend so much time with renjun over the past month. you could feel your throat closing, eyes welling up under the soft streetlight.
“in the end,” he continues, “everything depends on you and how you handle it. i’m not you, and i can’t make your decisions for you. but i know i can be there for whatever you do choose. it’s obviously not an easy choice, and i won’t be able to blame you for whatever you do decide to do about this whole thing. it’s a huge shit show, if you ask me.” jeno scoffs bitterly. “but you’ll be alright. no matter what, you’ll be alright.”
you huff, unable to find it in yourself to respond as you start to consume yourself in your own thoughts. jeno bids you a soft and quick goodbye before heading his own way home and wishing you luck. you only nod your head and make your travels back to your apartment. it feels longer than usual, and you can hear your heart in beating in your head. nothing is how it used to be, and you start to realize you haven’t taken a break up job since renjun came into your life.
when you reach your apartment, you quickly change and sink into your bed. you were mixed in emotions. should you be angry? should you be crying? should you be frustrated? you weren’t sure. nothing was sure anymore, and the harsh reality of everything not being set in stone was crashing down on you. renjun wasn’t set in stone, and you could only have him for a certain amount of time before he leaves and yeri decides to take him away from you. there wasn’t exactly any winning here. even if he does believe you, he’s most likely to be hurt by the fact you kept everything from him for so long and never told him.
your heart sinks further, and you nuzzle deeper into your sheets.
“this is unfair, so fucking unfair.” you whisper in the night, in hopes someone is listening to your plea. but you know you’re alone, and you know this whole situation is all on you. you took the money, you agreed to yeri’s terms, you broke up renjun and yeri, you got closer and closer to him. you chose this. but it still didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less than it did.
you were starting to believe in unforeseen karma.

you haven’t left your apartment in days, it seemed. you took off shifts even and stayed home, much to jeno’s worry. you assured him that you were just preparing for the upcoming exams, and you weren’t exactly lying. but you knew that he knew that wasn’t the only reason for your seclusion. jeno didn’t pester or involve himself, which you were grateful for. you really needed time alone to figure yourself and everything out in the meantime. everything was all a mess, and you weren’t sure how you were going to fix it.
in the time you’ve spent alone, you’ve also seemed to make it a mission to avoid renjun. and although it was tearing you apart, you’ve done your best to focus on your studies. you felt like you were just going through the motions at this point. nothing made sense to you anymore. you heard renjun and jeno got an astounding grade on their project after turning it in just a bit earlier, and you were proud. but you had a hard time expressing it at the time.
when you hear a knock on your door, you immediately assume it’s jeno on his daily checkup to make sure you’re well fed and taking care of yourself. but when you open the door and feel the soft breeze created and see renjun standing there with a confused expression, you feel your heart drop into your stomach. suddenly, you were brought out of your trance-like state of going through the motions and brought right back down to reality. full force. one movement.
you let out a puff of air after realizing you were holding your breath. it was silent. you standing in your apartment doorway, and renjun on the other side in front of you. you stared, and he stared back. it felt like a movie, like everything was standing still and you were stuck in time together. his eyes had bags under them, and you assumed yours did, too. his eyebrows were furrowed, and yours were shot up on your forehead in surprise. you were quick to wipe the shock off your face, and he cleared his throat seconds later.
“you’ve been avoiding me.” he states this with his whole chest, and his confused expression doesn’t leave his face. you feel guilt deep in your bones staring at him. and he feels it.
“i’m sorry,” you croak out, prompting you to clear your own throat this time, “i’ve been trying to study and prepare for exams recently.”
renjun nods, pausing before responding back, “hopefully it’s not stressing you out, or anything.” he can feel the tension in the air, “but i know that’s not the only reason you’re avoiding me.”
you feel a lump in your throat at the statement. you can’t seem to find it in yourself to reply to him. and he knows this. and he can feel you starting to slip away from him again, and it terrifies him like no other. you avoiding him has been complete torture for him, and he hates the thought of you distancing yourself from him so soon. but that’s what frustrates you the most. you hate the thought of hurting him, but you can’t seem to win no matter what path you choose at this point. he was going to inevitably get hurt. and the thought alone made you tense up as he stood in your doorway, the cold breeze hitting the back of his neck as it started to become late fall.
“it’s cold, renjun. you should head home, or something.” you push him away again, and it makes his chest tighten.
“no, not until you tell me why you’re avoiding me.” it’s confusing on his end, because he was really starting to take a strong liking towards you. and he assumed you felt the same way, and he really thought everything was finally turning up on his end. you pushing him away hurt, it really fucking hurt.
you feel the lump in your throat get bigger, and you can’t seem to hold yourself back anymore. your head hurts from the amount of thinking you’ve had to do the past few days. your heart is aching from the thought of hurting him for the second time, the first being breaking him up from yeri. you were overwhelmed, and you were really starting to hate everything at this point. it was unfair, everything was just so unfair.
you move out of the way for renjun to come in, unable to see him stand there shivering anymore. he accepts the invite silently, the warmth of your apartment consuming him. he realizes soon that the place smells exactly like you, and he likes it. it’s comforting, and feels completely safe.
“i saw you talking to yeri,” you start, and renjun whips his head in your direction from where you stand. he’s about to interject, before you raise a hand and continue, “and, no, that’s not why i was avoiding you.” you shift in your spot, starting to feel uncomfortable and heavy. “you don’t deserve the hurt you’ve been through, and you certainly don’t deserve anymore hurt.”
it felt like a breakup. all over again, this felt like a breakup.
“and i hate the thought of hurting you again, but i think i might be doing just that.” again. you said again. “i don’t know what you know, and what you don’t know. and i’m not even sure how to approach a situation like this, but i can’t keep acting like i don’t know. and i can’t keep holding things from you.” you pause, taking a breath, “i shouldn’t have kept anything from you in the first place.”
renjun feels like he’s being poured in cold water as his blood runs cold from where he stands.
“yeri placed a bet on you. and i was completely selfish in trying to keep it from you just to keep you to myself for a bit longer.”
renjun was the game, once again. he can’t seem to speak, or even move. he felt frozen. he wanted to ask you so many questions, he wanted to know so many things. but he couldn’t bring it in himself to just ask. he couldn’t bring it in himself to just move, to just speak, to just figure out what everything even meant at this point.
“the bet. you were supposed to fall in love with me within a month, and she bet that i would end up breaking your heart and you would go back running to her.”
how was any of this real? renjun could finally feel his body starting to feel again, and he could only really feel the anger bubbling in his chest and up his throat.
“why did you keep it from me?” he asks simply, but his mind was raging. he could feel his body turning hot.
“i wasn’t sure you would believe me. it was either her, or me. and i always assumed you would believe her over me.” you pause, throat starting to close up on you, “i wanted you for just a bit longer, and i realize just how selfish it all is now.”
he understands your reasoning, but he hates that you lied to him. he put so much effort into you, but he still feels betrayed. “how long did you know about it?”
the dreadful question, the one that was expected but was still disheartening to hear nonetheless. “three weeks now, almost four.”
everything sinks in for renjun, and he just wishes you would have told him sooner. he wishes he didn’t feel the way he did that very moment. he wishes he wasn’t as angered as he was, wishes he didn’t feel as betrayed as he did. he understands your reason, but it definitely didn’t seem to be enough to forgive you and let it all go. you had three previous weeks to tell him, but didn’t. and the thought alone made him feel sick. he could hear his heart in his head, a headache starting to form. he felt hurt. he was hurt.
renjun, once again, couldn’t find it in himself to talk. but he could move this time, and he chose to go rushing towards your front door. nothing made sense. he couldn’t seem to grasp exactly how he felt, but he knew he had to get out of there one way or another.
“i’m sorry won’t fix anything, but i am sorry. i shouldn’t have let her win.” you quickly let out as he reaches the handle.
“but she did, didn’t she?” and that was it, before renjun went rushing out of your door so abruptly. you didn’t blame him. you couldn’t blame him.
you shouldn’t be crying. you shouldn’t have cried as much as you did that night, but you did. you shouldn’t have kept it from him for so long, but you did. you shouldn’t have gotten so dangerously close to him, but you did.
you soon realize, developing a relationship with someone you tore apart is dangerous.

renjun hasn’t spoken to you in two weeks. and you hate that this is probably, most definitely the end. and you hate the way it all ended, and you soon realize there were so many things you could have done differently, but didn’t. the timing never seemed right with him, and the way he came into your life was so sudden. if in another universe where you played your cards right with him, you assume you’re living happily with him. in a universe where you didn’t meet him at such an odd time, under odd circumstances, you assume the two of you are happy. you hope so, at the very least.
jeno holds you on the nights you can barely stand, and he helps you through heartbreak. two weeks of crying didn’t go unnoticed by jeno, and he held you in the dark. he let you cry it out, he let you scream in his shoulder when you blamed yourself on the endless nights.
you shouldn’t have let yeri win, but you did.
even if renjun didn’t end up going back to her like she planned, she still got the satisfaction of you hurting him. and you were angered by the thought. but you weren’t only angry with her, you were definitely just as pissed with yourself as you were with her.
in the end, you quit your job of breaking other people up. it wasn’t ever supposed to be your responsibility to break other people up, and you know this now. you’ve gotten quite a few requests since renjun, but ignored them all and rejected them. the job quickly turned into hell after renjun, and you swore to never go back to it. fully burying it under was probably your best decision you’ve had in awhile.
jeno states that renjun hasn’t been in class for awhile, and on the days he does show up, he sits as far from everyone as he can. it breaks your heart all over again, and you once again start wishing you never hurt him in the first place.
you drowned yourself in studies as much as you could to distract yourself, but as exams come to an end, you find yourself right back in the empty hole you once were in before. the nights of overthinking and excessive crying never seemed to end, but you assumed you deserved it.
you lay in bed for the millionth time within those past two weeks, staring at your ceiling like usual. but, this time, you’re not crying. not as much, at least. it was edging on almost three weeks now since renjun left. and the pain didn’t lessen, but, in time, things did get easier. waking up didn’t feel as draining as it used to, crying became less and less frequent, and you were finally able to sleep a regular amount rather than sleeping too much or too little.
every night, everything about renjun seems to sink deep into your bones. he left an indent that was definitely not going to ever be forgotten. renjun gave you a lot before he left, and even after he left. and you wonder if renjun will ever forgive you along the way, but you know it’s not you choice. and you certainly don’t blame him if he never does.
you just hoped, one day, he would get his happy ending.
with you, or not, he deserved his happy ending.
as time goes on, you know you can’t turn back, no matter how much you may want to.
you hear a ringing from your phone, checking the caller and soon seeing it’s jeno, making a soft smile appear on your face. “hello?”
“hey, how’s my favorite person doing?” he says it sweetly, making you let out a quiet chuckle.
“getting by, how are you?” you get into a seating position, trying to focus more on the conversation. you appreciate the effort he puts into making sure you’re okay.
“i’m good, babe.” jeno pauses, before continuing, “i haven’t really had the chance to say it, but i’m sorry all of this happened to you and renjun.” you freeze in your spot, holding your breath as he hesitantly continues what he was saying, “i want you to know that, no matter what, i’ll be right by your side. i feel like i shouldn’t have mentioned the bet or anything. maybe things would be different.”
it’s true, maybe things would have been different. but would it have been a good different either way. you don’t think so. the timing was always going to be off, and it was in no way jeno’s fault. you were sure of that.
“i’m glad you told me. don’t think this is any of your fault, i made my own decisions. i did it all on my own.” you reply in a softer voice than usual, trying to reassure him.
“i shouldn’t have swayed you to keep it from hi-”
“jeno,” you interrupt, “i wouldn’t have told him, anyway. no matter what you may have said or done, i was definitely too scared to lose him either way. my actions bit myself in the ass in the end. it wasn’t your fault, and nothing you said swayed me.” you were being truthful, and you worried that he had been blaming himself for everything all this time. “i don’t think me and renjun were made to meet at the time we did.”
but you and renjun met by chance, and you made the decisions you did. there was no turning back. you don’t regret renjun, not by a long shot. time with him seemed to be too short. but you appreciate him and everything he gave you in time you got to be with him.
“i’m sorry anyway, y/n.” jeno says it softly, and hearing your name come from him felt so rare.
you smile sadly, even if he can’t see it, “i know, jeno. i know.” you look at the time, “we should get some rest now.”
“we should,” you imagine him nodding in agreement, “goodnight, babe.”
“goodnight, jeno.”
you hang up, but for once, you don’t feel completely empty. you can feel a small tear run down your cheek, but you’re unsure if it’s even because you’re sad anymore. you can’t keep spiraling yourself into self-pity. you may not have gotten the ending you wanted with renjun, but you needed to move on. one way or another, you needed to move on.
you sigh, laying back down and staring straight into your blank ceiling.
developing a relationship with someone you tore apart is dangerous. so dangerous.
but, not one second, do you regret growing close to renjun. you imagine that, under different circumstances, things would have ended differently. and you find that to be enough for you.
for the time being, this was enough for you.
with you, or without you, you hope renjun gets his happy ending.
with you. or without you.

a/n: IT’S FINISHEDDDD!!!!!!! OMFG wow can you believe it????? i can’t LOL uhhhh i hope you all liked it. i spent an extended amount of time on this one, and i hope it lived up to expectations. please send me positive feedback lol this one took forever and it’s my longest fic to ever exist as of now. thank you for reading if you did :] i really appreciate it and i hope everyone liked it :]
taglist: @peachjaem00 , @mjlkau
#renjun#renjun smut#renjun angst#renjun fluff#huang renjun#nct#nct renjun#nct smut#nct angst#nct fluff#renjun x reader#renjun scenarios#renjun scenario#renjun fic#00 line#00 line smut#nct 00 line#renjun imagines#renjun imagine#renjun drabble#renjun drabbles#huang renjun smut#huang renjun angst#huang renjun fluff#nct dream
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Okay okay so pool day with the world of r!dream! I believe that the pool would be at Karl house because it fits for some reason. Quick reminder these are just my personal small ideas
-Tommy brought water guns and he makes it his solid mission to just attack you and Wilbur. Tubbo and Ranboo also get in on this and it leads to a war of water guns fights and Tommy getting tackled into the water by Wilbur.
-George and Sapnap bully dream about how nervous he gets when looking at you in your swimsuit. They even go as far as to when all four of you are together complimenting you and watching dream react.
-quackity and sapnap both have many times during the day picked you up and tossed you into the water. One time qauckity did it you were able to grab and drag him into the water as well.
-tubbo starts a very chaotic game of Marco Polo where half of the people who were It would throw themselves into the sound of someone voice.
-You, dream, Wilbur, and Tommy all played a game of chicken and it ended with tubbo and ranboo helping you take down Wilbur and Tommy.
-Karl and quackity would at random attack you with water in the pool.
-You, Niki, jack, and Wilbur would play pool volleyball together and it quickly gets competitive and you at some point would try to hit jack in the face with the volleyball.
-Karl is in charge of the music but will queue songs if someone has a request.
-When you take breaks out of the pool niki will join you and the two of you will sit and gossip about random things.
-George would probably bring water balloons and attack Dream and sapnap with them at the most random time leading to a water balloon fight.
-in the end you and dream will get in the car to head home and he would surprise you with a stop at a ice cream shop. Getting you both ice cream he would park in a empty parking lot and let the two of you enjoy the sun setting with the music comping from the car as you both sit on the trunk looking at the sky. -🍀
omgyes! i'm expanding on your ideas under the cut :) <3
firstly, shirtless dream in the pool? you're gone, bye bye y/n.
karl would be the only one with a house (and a pool) (as everyone else lives in the college apartments) and it comes in handy more often than not.
tommy would 100% bring water guns for himself, ranboo and tubbo, and not the pissy little dollar store ones, like the ones you get from a toy shop and they're so over the top HA. and everyone would curse because omg wilbur why did you have to bring your younger brother?? but it's not that serious, because without him and tubbo and ranboo, it would be pretty calm and we don't do calm.
lmao yes sapnap and george (& sometimes wilbur :o) would totally compliment you and dream would be in his own personal hell because he can't tell anyone to quit it because it's not his place :) (which leads to the boys bullying him because of that exact reason >:))
quackity!!! dragging him in the pool with you after he's pushed/thrown you in like 5 times in the past hour makes me laugh ahahahahah he would bob to the surface, his wet hair covering his face and would just cackle.
marco polo!! yes, love that game. it would be so chaotic because there would be so many injuries from people cheating outside of the pool (cough sapnap) and like you said, throwing themselves at the sound of a voice (ending up with a few eggs on heads from knocking into the side of the pool). there would need to be a few ice packs on hand after a game of marco polo.
when you asked dream to be your chicken partner, mans short circuits. he really locks up because omg your thighs on his shoulders? 😳i don't mean to make it dirty, but he's really struggling here. winning against everyone you play because dream is so competitive that he has to win.
karl and q would continually splash you in the pool, even after you said you just want to float and relax. nOPE. they are so annoying and you actually get pissed off because omg just leave me alone for 5 minutes. but then they act all sad (you know how they are) and you have to forgive them to stop them from moping around. dickheads. but you love them <3
hitting jack in the face with the volleyball would cause so much chaos AHAHAHAAH you and niki would be dying of laughter and wilbur would try his darndest not to, but he can't help it.
karl is the music man. he has his giant speaker set up and he's playing dj (sapnap tries to take over, but everyone complains, so he doesn't).
gossiping with niki! omg i love. she asks you about you and dream and you go all quiet and heat rises to your cheeks when you make eye contact with him on the other side of the pool and he has this cute boyish smile on his lips at that exact moment and nothing could've gone better for niki. she continues to tease you even after the pool day because once you started rambling about him to her, she can tell how much you like him.
george secretly packed some water balloons and asked you to help him with something inside quickly. you knew the plan all along. so, once you had filled like 50, you and george race outside with them all in your arms and start attacking dream and sapnap, who now lay on their towels in the sun. the plan is so great and you and george definitely don't shut up about it for weeks.
dream had been asking karl all day if he had any ice cream (even though every time he asked, karl said no). so, on the way home, dream pulls into a car park on the side of the road and you're confused because wtf? then you see the sign for the ice cream shop and it all makes sense. he gets 4 scoops of vanilla 😐anyways 😐then he drives to the other side of the carpark, where there are no cars, and opens his door and gets out. he pops the trunk and sits in it, all while you're still in the passenger's seat. some playlist plays loudly and then you get the gist and follow him, scooting in next to him in the trunk. and as the sun sets, pinks and purples paint the sky and the sun dips just below the horizon and its perfect.
🍀 ily like i literally love u hahah thank u
#roommate!dream#dreamwastaken x reader#🍀 anon#ann asks#dream smp imagine#dream smp x reader#roommate!dream au#dream smp au
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My Town
Summary: Duck works with Oakley to protect their neighborhood from some baddies who want to steal Duck's toy car.
Word Count: 2102
Read on AO3:
Duck swayed on his feet causing the walkie-talkie on his PJ pants to nearly fall off with his movement.
“Shit, I don’t know why they gave me a meeting out of state right before Christmas. Sometimes I think I work for a bunch of numbskulls,” Kenny grumbled as he worked to iron his pants. He usually wouldn’t bother with that kind of stuff but after all the grief that Katjaa gave him about it and pointing out how it would look unprofessional, Kenny had folded. Now here he was, a taxi coming in fifteen minutes to pick him up and he was still floundering around.
“Are you gonna be back in time for Christmas?
Duck’s question made his dad glance up from his task.
“Yeah, even if work isn’t done it's too bad. I’m spending the holiday with my family. If those fuckers have any problems with it then-” Kenny huffed and shook his head. “Anyways, stay out of trouble while I’m gone. Don’t go calling the police now over silly stuff,”
“I won’t,”
Duck noticed the smile appear on his dad’s lips at that reassurance.
Kenny ruffled his son’s hair fondly. “Good. Alright, son, I’m heading out.” He turned and grabbed his bag before moving towards the stairs.
“Got everything?”
“Yep.” Kenny sighed good-naturedly, ready to go over his son’s usual checklist. He knew how much it meant to Duck to help him out before work.
“In my bag.”
“In my pockets,”
“And where are your pockets?”
“On my pants-” Kenny paused as he patted his backside where the back pocket of his pants would be but it wasn’t there. In fact, his pants weren’t on at all. He looked over to see Duck holding up his ironed pants with a goofy grin.
“Thanks. Okay, I’m heading out.”
“Okay, bye Dad!” Duck gave an energetic wave to his dad then walked down the stairs. He looked around the house for a minute. Everything had been set up. If those jerks decided to come to his house then he was ready. They wouldn’t get his toy car even though for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why that scary man wanted it. Duck was lost in his thoughts like he usually was until he heard something clatter in the kitchen. Poking his head in, he saw his mom struggling to get the plates back in place.
“Everything okay, Mom?”
“Duckie, what are you doing out of bed?” Katjaa immediately closed the gap between them and pressed the back of her hand to her son’s head. “Your fever seems to have broken but still. You need to rest or else those chickenpox will never leave your system.”
“Mom, they aren’t even visible anymore. I’ve become immune!” Duck declared loudly before a sharp cough overtook his gut.
“Duck!” Katjaa rushed over to get him a cup of water. Duck accepted it and drank heartily.
“Maybe I should tell my boss I can’t make it to work today.”
“No!” Duck blurted out. The last thing he needed was for those evil jerks to try and hurt his mom or for one of his traps to be set off by her instead. Katjaa looked shocked by his loud outburst.
“I’m fine, Mom. In fact, why don’t I fix up your coffee travel mug so you have something tasty and warm coffee on your drive over to work?”
“Zoon,” Katjaa whispered the Dutch word softly then took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m gonna grab my coat. I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It just needs a plate.”
“Got it!” Duck gave a huge thumbs up then got to work on the coffee. Everything was going great until he remembered the trap he had set in the closet.
“Wait! Let me get your coat!” Duck rushed past his mom and in front of the closet door.
Katjaa gave a confused smile. “Duckie, I’m already here, I can get my coat.”
“No, I wanna help you out! Come on!”
His insistence wasn’t unusual to Katjaa.
“Alright,” She wandered off to finish getting her travel mug ready. Duck stealthily looked to make sure the coast was clear and his mom couldn’t see the closet. Once he was sure the coast was clear he carefully turned the doorknob. Every second ticked by at a snail’s pace until the door opened and a red boxing glove attached to a metal rod shot out. Duck dodged it just in time and carefully extracted his mom’s favorite coat. Propping the mop handle against the rod he closed the door and went to the kitchen.
"Here’s your coat!”
Katjaa spun around and returned her son’s bright smile. “Thank you, Duckie,” She accepted his help with getting her coat on then pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Okay, I have my phone on me at all times. If you need anything, anything at all, I’m one call away.”
“I know,” Duck nodded with his usual optimism and moved to open the front door. He could see his mom’s hesitation to leave him alone for the day. “I’ll be fine, Mom, promise.” Katjaa took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay,” After giving one final goodbye hug she left and got in her car. Duck watched as she pulled out of the driveway, waving energetically as always until she was out of view. Once he was sure she was gone he took out his walkie-talkie and pressed the button on the side.
“Knox, you there?”
The other side of the line was quiet for a few seconds.
“I’m here,” Oakley’s voice crackled to life over the walkie-talkie.
“Operation Save Christmas is a go. We’re gonna make sure these jerks leave our neighborhood for good!” Duck declared loudly and waited for his friend’s response but there was none.
Oakley’s voice made Duck spin around to see that Oakley had already come over. They pushed some of their long bangs away from their face with a frown.
“Knox!” Duck went over and hugged his friend then pulled back with a determined smile. “Alright, let’s get the last few traps in place.”
Oakley gave a short nod, a flicker of determination shimmering in their eyes.
“Okay, you know how this goes down. We split up and work to get inside that house. We find the car and get the chip then hightail it out of here. Mission complete, understood?” David looked back at his team who gave a short nod.
“How hard can it be to get a toy car from one little brat?” Abel asked as he opened the minivan door.
“You should know better than anyone. You couldn’t even catch the toy car when it was right in front of you,” Lilly noticed Abel’s expression grow bitter at that.
“Whatever,” He cussed her out under his breath and left alongside Joan.
David watched them for a minute then got his gloves on. “I’ll take the front of the house. You walk with that mutt and go around the back.”
Lilly nodded then pulled David in by his jacket collar for a kiss before pushing him away. Without another word she got the husky out of the car and started to walk her casually.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly as she walked down the street until the high-pitched sound of a whistle perked up the husky’s ears. Oakley stayed hidden in the bushes and carefully snuck to another spot to blow on the whistle again. The sound guided the husky over while Lilly was having yet another argument with Abel.
“Listen you idiot, why can’t you do one single thing ri-” Lilly’s sentence was cut short as Oakley used the dog whistle once more, causing the husky to book it towards the sound. Lilly immediately slipped on the ice and was dragged across the ground.
“No! No! Bad dog!” Lilly yelled, unable to stop the husky at all. After a minute or two of being dragged along the icy mud on the sidewalk Lilly was forced to let go of the leash and lay flat in defeat. The husky rushed around the corner where Oakley stayed crouched.
“Shhh, shhh, Arwen, stay still,” Oakley cautiously worked to undo the heavy-duty leash around the husky who was simply happy to see a familiar face. After a couple seconds the leash was off and Oakley threw it over some bushes.
“Okay, go back home. Nurgul is worried about you,”
The husky gave a bark and licked Oakley across the face. The young kid’s happy smile soon faded as the sensation of saliva on their face had sent them into a panicked state. They focused on staying silent and timing their breaths as their heart raced. They couldn’t afford to make a sound and risk getting caught right now. Even though it took a few minutes to finally calm back down, Oakley was glad that they got to help out their friend’s dog. They smiled as the husky rushed back to her home, disappearing round the bend.
“Hello? Lilly? Heh, bitch,” Abel sighed then used the earpiece to talk to Joan. “Joan, how are you doing?”
“I’m approaching the back porch. There doesn’t seem to be any signs of the kid,” She walked forward, unknowingly getting a dangling hook attached to the shoulder of her shirt. Joan continued on until she felt a small tug on her shoulder. Immediately she stopped in her tracks and spun around wildly. She kept looking around this way and that, trying to figure out if something had happened to her or if it was her imagination. As she continued searching the invisible wire that was attached to the hook slowly turned the valve of the backyard hose that the other end of the wire was connected to. Joan continued to spin this way and that until she spotted the clear string. The wheels of curiosity turned in her mind and without thinking twice she grabbed hold of the string and tugged. Suddenly Joan was hit with a cold rush of water from the hose. Her frantic yelps could be heard over the comms as she struggled to block out the hose only for a second one to burst to life shooting cold water up her backside.
“Joan? Joan? Damn it!” Abel grumbled then walked forward. What the hell was with the uselessness of the women on this team? He continued to stew angrily until he saw a set of red wires with a sign reading: Don’t touch!! Will shock you! A little stick figure being electrocuted stood by the warning.
“Heh, cute,” Abel said with annoyed disdain and was about to try to jump the obstacle when a hand appeared on his shoulder.
“Don’t. Look, the wires aren’t connected to anything.” David pointed out and Abel stared in silent shock as his boss tore out the wires and poles holding them up. “He’s just a kid. He thinks if he puts up some fake traps then it will scare us away.”
“Yeah, I knew that,” Abel nodded and followed David until they reached the front door. Abel was about to try the doorknob until David held him back. He motioned with his eyes to a thin clear wire running upwards from the doorknob.
“We’ll cut this and wait to see if anything happens.” David took out his army knife and sliced through the line. Both men took a step back and waited for a minute but nothing happened.
“See? Just a stupid scared brat,”
“Yeah, yeah you’re right. Don’t know why I was giving him any credit,” Abel stepped forward with David until suddenly they heard something crash through the attic window. A trunk full of books was falling from the sky and catapulting straight towards them. Both men let out high-pitched screams before they were brutally knocked over by the box.
Duck peeked out for a second then pumped his fist when he saw the trap had been successful.
“Arwen is free,”
Duck looked back to see Oakley who’d made their way over to join him.
“It’s working so far! They won’t be in our neighborhood for much longer!” Duck held up his hand and Oakley stared at it for a second before it registered with them what Duck wanted. Slowly Oakley tapped their hand against his, high fiving it. Duck grinned and curled his fingers with Oakley’s, holding onto their hand. The sudden gesture left Oakley shocked for a few seconds but soon they returned Duck’s smile with a softer, more subtle one.
Duck was right. They were gonna win against the bad guys today.
#twdg#twdg duck#twdg kenny#twdg katjaa#twdg oakley#twdg lilly#twdg david#twdg abel#twdg joan#twdg kekatjaa#twdg duckley#twdg christmas#ericsonclanchristmaschallenge#fanfic
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With My Favourite Ally

Date: 210923
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, a lot of general fucking, anal, mouth fucking (incl. gagging), sucking, fingering, water*1, eating out, buttplug, gen.expl.lang.
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
WC: 7,1k
NOTE: *1. Yes, people - we have a shower scene. 2. It's a bit on the rough side at times, so remember that things are said/done in - and with - love.
"...so they closed it off, but if you take the exit just before that one you'll be okay", Gemma explains over the speaker.
"Yeah, okay. It should be on the GPS, I think. We wouldn't want to make a…"
Too many times you've laughed at that joke - too many times you've seen that movie.
"Oh, wait, here he comes", you say, hearing the keys in the door. "Baekhyun..?"
"Your GPS shows roadworks, right?"
"Yeah, sure. Hi", he says, giving you a quick kiss. "Do we have to take a different route?"
"Roadworks. Nothing cumbersome", Gemma assures him.
"Why can't you be friends with people who live in the city", Baekhyun jokes, speaking loudly for Fiona to hear.
"Hey, Baekhyun..! The ocean breeze will do you good, you'll see… So anyway, see you tomorrow? And remember you don't have to…"
A package of hard plastic lands on the table in front of you, flipping it around you raise your eyebrows and look at Baekhyun.
"...just come as you are."
"Yeah, sure. I'll call when we get there, let you know. Bye, Gem."
"A little small, no?"
Baekhyun takes a spoonful of your ice cream, shaking his head as he drags the spoon out.
"It's not for you, honey."
"When you told me you were getting your nails done I felt kinda…"
"Ah, you felt kinda…", you smile at him.
"Yeah. And I thought I'd get an upgrade. You done with dinner?"
"You want to try it now? A size jump? What if it hurts tomorrow?"
He cradles your hand in his, kissing it and smiling mischievously.
"Is that how you felt when you met me..?"
Rolling eyes in head and tongue in mouth, you sigh at his cheek.
"Actually, you're right, Baekhyun. I can't wait."
"And then…", he says, getting to his knees in front of you, putting his hands on your thighs. "...we do it my way."
Baekhyun moans with delight when you press the circle against his hole, securing the plug.
"Can you move?"
"Now why…", he says, pulling you over him. "...are you treating me like a virgin? It's only bigger… Yes, I can move. Or were you hoping I wouldn't be able to..?"
He almost rips your zipper in two when he opens it, but without a care in the world for Maison, he continues to put his hand down your trousers. Twirling your panties around his hand, dragging them upwards, he teases your clit.
"Go change into something I like..?", he asks sweetly, planting juicy kisses on your lips. "Maybe...something black..? Do that for me?"
The way he asks, you'd wear any and every piece of clothing he likes… But also: the way he asks, what he likes may be in tatters by morning, so you don't pick from the high-end side. Giving him a dramatic twirl (mostly in jest) you show off your pick: a spaghetti-strapped mesh body - black.
"Good enough?"
He stops stroking himself, eagerly opening his arms when you join him on the bed - you in turn eagerly open your lips to his. They move delicately but hungrily on your mouth, matching his hands caressing your waist, thighs and rounding the curve of your ass, jiggling it.
"What's this?", he coos playfully, smacking you.
"Hey, I'm wearing a dress tomorrow. No marks", you remind him.
"The new one?"
"Yes. So don't-"
"Then your body's fine", he says and smacks your ass again. "This is fine.. Now be a good little wifey and lay down."
Placing himself behind you, his arm slides around your neck almost like a chokehold, but he keeps his hand firmly on your shoulder, grounding him.
Lifting your leg, he watches himself fuck you in the mirror, his dark eyes fixed on your stretched out pussy. He bites his lip, moaning as he rolls his now slick cock in and out.
"Move it…", he whispers deeply behind your ear, referring to the mesh covering you. "I want to see when you get swollen."
Baekhyun's not alone in enjoying the view; seeing yourself being filled by him adds a lewd layer to the act - one you've been partial to since the days you used to do it in front of his TV, for lack of a big mirror.
"This plug...mh…"
"Is it better..?"
"It's on my g-spot every time I push...and with your pussy around me…", he mumbles stickily, moving faster. "Ohh…"
You feel his entire range of motion with his length, curving up, getting thicker, lodging deep - in this position he even strokes just below your entrance when he slides in and out.
"And I thought I was the main event…", you moan, pressing on his back.
"You are my main event."
Letting go of your leg he closes his mouth around your breast, sucking and dragging his teeth over it, breathing salaciously. His saliva is stuck between the pattern of the mesh when he removes his mouth to pull it down, kissing roughly directly on your skin. Your fingers on his neck draws his attention to your mouth, where he buries his tongue deep, tasting every part of it and pushing his hand between your now closed legs and lets it rest in its tight fit as he thrusts hard into you from behind.
Moving back to kneel, he moves the skin on his cock over its head. When it glides over your tongue you taste yourself before his pre-cum eventually dominates the taste in your mouth. It doesn't take long for it to be clear he doesn't want a blowjob, not the way he's pushing his pelvis forward, steadying your head with a hand on the side of your face, so you stay still.
"Mmm...look at that…"
Throwing a glance at the mirror you're met by your puffed up cheeks trying to keep up with Baekhyun's cock.
"Ahh...look at that", he moans huskily, dropping his head back, grabbing his shaft tightly, squeezing a ring around it with his thumb and index, thrusting faster.
Your nose starts running along with your eyes. He ignores the small jerking of your body - he wants the big one. Blowing out air through your coughing, he gets it. You groan, catching your breath, and shake your head at him and his antics.
His hands are soft going down the sides of your face, as soft as soft as his chuckle and subsequent kiss on your temple before he straightens up, angling your head up to take him in your mouth again.
"Don't block me, honey", he demands in a sweet voice, juxtaposed to his wish to shove his cock down your throat.
Trying a slower approach, he lets you relax your jaw before letting him in, the head of his cock now just nudging down the rounded back of your mouth.
Even though tears have stopped gathering in your eyes from roughness, the slow pace means your larynx is blocked for a longer period, so you start feeling your chest - lungs - contract. Trying to match your breaths with his thrusts, you look up at him - the pout on his lips, tilted head and petting of your head tells you he knows exactly what's going on. For Baekhyun it's not about the sensation, not even about the gagging right now; he likes to know that his cock is lodged in your throat, that he has that kind of wife. Slipping his other hand behind your neck he pushes deep, making your muscles try to swallow him - literally. He groans and sucks in through his teeth, exhaling as he slides in again, his stomach pressing on your head.
"Breathe…", he hums, but knows it's gonna be impossible.
Not pulling out for even half a breath, he rolls his hips in quick succession, making you heave and pull back in no time. So, sitting back you glare at him - an act of complaint he adores. You turn sideways, pushing him away when he comes closer. When he tries to grab your hand you swat his away, but Baekhyun's fast; gripping your wrist before you can pull it back he bends your arm behind you. You lean forward to get away from the pain, enabling him to grab your other arm, essentially cuffing them on your back, pushing your head into the mattress. Sure, you could fight him - but do you really want to..?
Aggressively pulling your lingerie to the side he rams his cock into you.
"Ah...Ah", he growls with every hard thrust. "You think I can't see how wet you are?...Ah… Don't pretend you don't like it...Mh!"
Unintentionally, you moan, biting your lip when his groin smacks against you.
"That's it, honey...show me how you feel…", he continues, running his hand up your ass to your hip.
Taking his cock out, he flicks it back-and-forth over your anal, his breathing shaky - he's about to come. Moaning loudly as he slides back in, he lets go of your arms and holds your hips.
"Uh, fuck..!", he groans, as he rams his cock into you as fast as he can. "Shit, turn around… Uh, turn around..."
His speech is barely more than a huff. The moment you start, he pulls out, roughly grabbing your neck and pumps his cock.
"Aghh...aghh", he growls deeply, as his cum spurts over your face. "Ohhh... oh, shi…"
He crashes into the mattress knitting his brows, a necklace of sweat around his throat, glistening down between his pecs.
"Baekhyun..!", you whine, holding your hand out, keeping one eye shut tight.
Swinging his arm by the edge of the bed he comes up with his trousers in hand and gives them to you.
"Here..", he breathes hard, his stomach rising high.
After wiping his cum off, you tuck your hand under his thigh, but he's quick - so quick - to catch it.
"Don't even think about it…"
You bury your head in the covers, jokingly muttering he's no fun. He laughs, but cuts and jumps to a loud wail, again feeling how exhausted he is.
"How was it? I guess I don't have to ask, but..."
"How was it..?", he echoes, putting his hand on his cock. "I… Felt like the pressure of a goddamn fire hose went through me…", he says, rolling over, nuzzling your neck. "But you already know all about that, don't you?"
Sliding his hand between your legs, he glances up and sighs.
"I'll buy you a new one."
Whether it's because he feels he might've been a bit too rough or because he actually only has softness left, that's what you always get from him after this type of sex.
Pulling you down to sit on his lap, you brush your teeth in sync, the shushushu filling the bathroom of your otherwise still apartment. Even being done before you he waits, biting his toothbrush between his teeth, resting his hand on your lower back.
The start of a relationship is usually where you do everything together, but the both of you having tiny bathrooms back then meant one at a time which years on turned into double sinks. If Baekhyun is home - if you are - you wash up together. Not saying much, but together.
His stretched out arm is the airstrip personnel: "land here", which you gratefully do. The sheets are cold and make you shiver, but between pulling the covers and finding the warmth of his torso, you soon cosy on in.
"No ailments to report..?", he asks, stroking your arm.
"Nope", you shake your head on his chest. "I guess I'll see the final product tomorrow, but I shouldn't have any problems with the dress. But if I do…"
"If you do, huh..?", he smiles and tips your chin up for a kiss.
Musing for a second he starts giggling, his chest bobbing under your head.
"Do you… Do you want me to dig up my old Halloween costume just to be safe? The mummy?"
With Baekhyun being such a dork, even laughing at his own lame jokes, how could you not follow suit?
"Pff, knowing you, you probably already have at least three dirty ideas about it…"
"I might. And knowing you…", he says, stretching to turn off the light."...you probably already have four."
Kissing you good night on the forehead he settles into the mattress with a faint grunt, like a thud in his throat, wrapping his arms tighter around you.
You're woken up by Baekhyun's knuckles gracing your ass.
"I know you're not thinking about putting your dick in me before saying good morning…", you mumble, drunk with sleep, not even opening your eyes.
"Never, ma'am", he whispers, keeping his laughter in his throat.
After some shifting, rustling and cool air hitting your back you feel his palm on your cheek, pulling it up. He places a soft kiss on your entrance, following with a few licks, and another kiss.
"Good morning."
"No, stay", you urge, trying to put your hand on his head under the covers.
He tsks when he comes up, pulling your lower body closer.
"I tagged you first. Besides…", he says, pushing the head of his cock into you. "...you'll barely notice, sleepy head."
Not yet wet, the spit on his cock helps, but doesn't provide the same sensuous glide as the real deal, but he semi-waits patiently; only the shortest thrusts once he's lodged his cock in you. Stroking your thigh, your stomach, kissing your shoulder, lightly pinching your nipple between his fingers while your breast lays in his palm. When you place your hand over his and push your ass back he extends his range of motion - now with the sweet glide of your juice - pressing firmly against your body, almost pausing, with every thrust. Turning towards him you tangle your fingers in his hair and enjoy the deep taste of his tongue.
"I guess a good night really does bring a good morning", you smile.
"Then I think it's gonna be a very good morning", he whispers over your lips.
Contrary to increasing his speed, he pulls out altogether and rolls out of bed. Neither far nor long though; he just gets up to pull the curtain to the side. Not completely, just enough to let in more than the echo of light you had, the overcast sky notwithstanding. His naked silhouette is gorgeous against the sliver of daylight - overcast as it may be - shining behind him and as he comes back his wet cock sways with his footsteps.
You get on his lap the moment he sits down, pushing your pussy against his length.
"Sit on me", he whispers hoarsely against your neck, gripping the underside of your legs.
You press his cock harder against your clit, in your hand feeling exactly how turned on he is, and let it stroke you before raising yourself up - and sliding down. Being pushed, Baekhyun doesn't mind laying, barely keeping his hands on your waist, biting his lips, as you pound him.
His thickness feels good, there's no need to rush. The sensation of your entrance hugging around him when you slide up, as if not wanting to let go, the way it stretches when he fills you.
He hums and caresses your stomach with his thumbs, cocking his head.
"Are you trying to get me to breed you, mama..?"
"No…", you shake your head, dropping to his chest, smiling at his remark.
Wrapping his arms around you, light as feathers, he rounds his length deep inside.
"Then why are you working my cock like that, hm?", he asks softly in your hair.
"Cus it's what I like…"
"It's what you like..? Well if it's what you like…"
He lets you sit back up again, but holds your hips firmly above his body, and thrusts. Bracing with his feet he goes just like you did, precise and hard, purposefully hitting your spot to bring out your orgasm. Even behind all the layers of hunger in his eyes, love is evident; the way he looks to see that he pleases you, does it the way you like it even though his morning hard-on is telling him to F...you...up.
With so many years passed, nearly all insecurities about being on display are far gone; you freely touch yourself in front of him - for him. Sliding your palms up your nipples sends a spark to your core, so, wetting your fingers, you run them over your clit, a signal to Baekhyun to thrust faster. With that, he starts moaning, joining in with your heavy breaths and the wet claps from your bodies.
"Baby…", you moan, dropping your head back.
It's impossible not to move your body, make the smacking harder as your fingers work deliciously on your clit. Baekhyun has always loved his morning naughties, so you bite your lip, squeeze your breast and look at him, eyes fluttering.
"Make me come, honey…"
He shivers, then he grunts, and digs his fingers into you. His pounding vibrates all between your legs as his cock pierces you over and over, and it starts your legs stiffening. You tremble and rub harder, desperately keeping your hand in place despite your tense muscles until it hits; shaking, wailing, releasing more fluids on Baekhyun's cock, you come.
He waits patiently as you ride it out, slowly pushing in and out, enjoying the mess you've made on him. Sliding out, you slump down next to him.
"I should start breakfast…", you breathe heavily, pretending to get up.
Baekhyun's hand encircles your upper arm - with a little smack due to the sweaty impact - and he comes up close behind.
"You - wife - are not going anywhere", he huffs, and kneels behind you.
"Higher", you say looking back at him, when he aligns himself.
Laying down on your back, kissing your shoulder he coos:
"Higher?", and wets his finger, gently sliding it in your ass. "You mean here..?"
When you arch deeper he giggles against your back.
"Yeah, I think you mean...right...here…"
Dropping a big ball of spit on his fingers, he smears it over your hole and presses the smooth head of his cock in, taking his time.
"Ahh...ahh...", he moans with every thrust, getting closer to being fully inside you.
Putting his arm around your neck, the right hand holding your hip, he finds his tempo. Seeing your ass being pushed up with every slap from his crotch is the perfect compliment to his burning breath on your shoulder and the ohh's that roll off his tongue every other time he bottoms out.
Pushing in deep, he changes to pressing his elbows in the mattress, clasping his hands together in front of your chest. It's barely that the rest of his body moves, only his ass swinging up and down, pushing your spine together; it's times like these you wish for some kind of reflection, to see Baekhyun's glutes tightening, the curve of his ass down to the back of his equally taut thighs.
"Ah….hhh...hhh...", he breathes hard, a spray of saliva landing on your neck, and he continues. "...hhh...uh, uh, ah", grips your pelvis hard, ramming, heaving out air as he comes in shaky thrusts.
Slowing down, he bounces against your ass, pushes deep, pulling you towards him, moaning. Even after he's settled he sweeps the hair from your neck, kisses you and, humming, rolls his hips.
When he's finally ready to get going his embrace reveals his hard-on, so you stick your butt out, poking him.
"Ooh, don't", he groans and holds you still.
You turn around and look at him, surprised by his odd response.
"I want it to go down", he says and chuckles. "It's 'cus I put the plug in…"
"You did..? That's why you were taking so long..!", you exclaim with a big smile. "Really? Did you really?"
"I did really", he says, mimicking your tone, kissing you over the brow. "It was easier when you did it…"
"Mm-hm…", he nods, putting his shoes on. "But it's fi-ine now. Shit..."
Straightening himself up, he puts his hand over his bulge and bites his lip.
It's both sexy and sweet, knowing he has it in - and that he did it in part for you.
"Are you gonna be okay to drive?", you ask, trying not to laugh.
"I'll be fine, hun. And when we get there…", he says, lifting his brow with a smile.
After some initial gasping and groaning, Baekhyun managed to get used to sitting with the plug, and now, twenty minutes on, you don't pay it very much mind - except for the occasional realisation that the sexiest man you know is three feet away from you with a sex toy in his ass.
With not much traffic outside of the city, Baekhyun is free to let his fingertips caress the nape of your neck as you lean towards the window, into the warming sunlight.
"I really love fucking you in the ass in the morning…", he says languidly.
"You make it sound as if I usually say no…", you murmur.
"No", he says, weaving his fingers into yours, giving your hand a kiss before resting them on your thigh. "Not at all."
With such a picturesque atmosphere it's no wonder you doze off.
Baekhyun loves singing in the car and though he's dreadfully out of tune it makes you happy to see him happy; tapping his thumb on the steering wheel, swaying his head, feeling good.
"...gateun geudaen yeppeoyo-oh-oh-ooh..!"
"Oh, you're up."
"Mm…", you sigh drowsily. "What time is it?"
"Hm, ten to four."
"Oh, it felt more like an hour than fifteen."
"Did I wake you up too early this morning? Go back to sleep...", he says, stroking your head.
"I'm not tired anymore. I wasn't even to begin with, I think."
Why are men sexy when they drive? There's nothing inherently sexy about, yet they are. At least your man is…
Nonchalantly you place your hand between his legs. He doesn't say anything, merely grunts when he slides forward a bit, touching the corners of his mouth with his fingers. He quickly becomes stiff in your hand - partly thanks to his toy, you suspect - so you put your hand down his trousers. A nudge with your fingers and his cock stands straight up in his boxers, an appetising protrusion against your palm. His hand automatically finds your thigh, squeezing it, when you drag your nails over the rim of his head. Faintly bucking his groin, he looks in both the rearview- and side mirror.
"Take it out", he says, voice thick with lust.
Contrary to traffic safety regulations you slip under the top part of the belt and lean to his side. Not pulling his pants down means you can't access his entire length, but it's nonetheless a good mouthful. Baekhyun's cock still tastes of this morning's semen since you decided on showering on arrival, bringing up images of the morning as well.
His fingers tip tap under the hem of your trousers, trying to slide in, grab your ass, but it's too tight, so he lets them rest where they are. His arousal amuses you, so you push him to the back of your throat.
"Mmm...", he groans, running his hand up your back. "Let's pull in at a rest stop…"
Releasing him, but pumping, you shake your head. Throwing a glance to the side he looks almost worried, running his hand along your neck, his thumb petting your earlobe.
"Why not..?"
Then he chuckles softly through his nose and manages to put at least half of his mouth on your lips while still watching the road.
"Is it too base for my baby? Hm..?"
"No, but it's too soon for my baby", you say and sit back, nodding towards his backside.
He grimaces and squeezes himself, letting go with a loud sigh and pulls his trousers up.
"I know… You're right."
"You'll thank me when we get there", you affirm and take his hand.
"Oh, I'll something you…"
"...are you sure? Oh, my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's o-kay, relax..!", Gemma assures you on the other end of the line. "It's not your fault the highway jammed up, and I much prefer to have you guys groomed and clean when you do get over here."
"Argh..! Yeah, I know, but aish… Whatever, okay. We'll hurry up and see you soon."
After making good time - not pulling in at a rest stop - the highway had suddenly become crammed with cars with little to no movement in forty-five minutes, leading to you having circa fifteen minutes until the party starts.
"What'd she say?", Baekhyun asks, hanging up your dress on the closet door.
"You know her, doesn't sweat a thing. I would've said the same thing, it's just different being on this side of things", you sigh, putting your hair in a bun. "It's okay if I don't wash it, right?"
"Oooh, baby, you're so dirty…", he jokes, putting his arms around you. "But if you want to, there's time. I don't want to hurt you, but I think it's time you knew…"
"What?", you squint your eyes at him.
"Gemma...has other friends to hang out with. She's been seeing them behind your ba-…"
"Oh, I knew it was gonna be some-..!", you holler and break free, continuing to undress. "I'll be fifteen minutes."
Wringing out the water from your hair you hear the woosh of the glass door sliding and get a chill on your body.
"Has it been fifteen minutes already?"
"Maybe ten…", he says, stepping in behind you, his cock swaying stiffly.
Grabbing the shower head from you, he lets the water drench his hair, run over his closed eyes, down his body. Combing his hair back and wiping his face he smiles cheekily and starts screwing the shower head off its hose. The water flows out concentrated but soft, like from a gardening hose, so partly covering it with his thumb he regulates the water's pressure and backs you into the corner.
"We've got time."
Feeling behind his balls your fingers meet the plug; you pull it out just an inch and slide it back. Baekhyun moans, enveloping his lips over yours.
He doesn't have to tell you to spread your legs, you do it eagerly when he puts the water stream to your stomach and brings it downward. The first hit on your clit gets you up on your toes, gasping, pushing your pelvis out. Baekhyun giggles in your mouth and curls two fingers into you, at the same time spraying the water on your clit again. You moan, grabbing his neck - unsuccessfully trying to grind against it, while he fiercely fucks his fingers into you.
"That's my baby", he whispers, turned on by your whines in his ear.
You pull up the skin to reveal the most sensitive part of your clit and when he aims for it your muscles immediately contract, pushing your pelvis out even further. Your mouth hangs open as you claw at his neck, convulsing on his pounding hand, crying out in pained wails.
"Shh, baby", he laughs at your excessive volume, but flicks his fingers over your clit, making you jerk and whine all the more while you come down.
Offhandedly tossing the hose to the side, pressing close, he lifts your leg and slides his hand behind your head. Sucking roughly on your lips he caresses his cock against you, looking for your entrance. Finding it, he nudges the tip in, then rounds out and snaps his pelvis.
"Ah, fuck", you gasp, putting your arm around his shoulders for support.
Continuing snapping, he doesn't stop kissing you. They're both rough, both what you want.
"Now, about what happened in the car…", he coos, looking at you while ramming his cock as deep as he can.
"What..?", you gasp. "What happened..?"
He leans in again, his back becoming hunched with every new thrust as he quickens the tempo. He exhales in high-pitched moans coated in honey, telling of his desire for you.
Water sloshes on the floor when he gets new footing, digging his fingers into your ass, his face in your shoulder. His wet hair gets plastered to his - and your - skin. Pounding into you, yet moving you along with him, he whispers hoarsely:
"I'm your husband, you shouldn't deny me these things…"
Fighting to even catch your breath between the gasps, answering him is not a priority. Being on time isn't a priority - not having your shoulder blades ground to dust against the tiles isn't a priority.
His even-paced pants are interrupted by a deep-chested trembling and his precise smacking turns to rolling when he comes.
"Ah-h-h...ash… A-HH, A-HH, AH, fu…", he moans and cries into your neck, filling you with his cum.
He pushes so deep while riding it out you have to push his shoulders down in turn; he understands, goes a little easier, a little gentler each time, ending up slowly rolling while lavishing juicy kisses on your lips.
Puffs of the giggle through his nose tickle you over the lip and he slides his length out and look down, kicking in the water.
"Leave it…", you sigh, sliding down to the floor, when he bends to grab the hose. "I'll finish up showering from down here… Come. I'll take it out."
So, kneeling in front of you, he arches with a faint moan as you drag the plug out.
"Oh, 'cus I'm the one who told you to wear it then work yourself up…"
"You are the one who worked me up, hun", he reminds you, screwing the showerhead back on and giving it to you.
"Eh...I don't-"
"I know, but wait 'til you see it on", Baekhyun says, holding his finger up.
Taking his first option off, he pulls the second over his head. You cock your head, knitting your brows.
"I know, right?", he smiles, holding out his arms.
"How has it done that?", you exclaim in surprise.
In his hand, this flowy silk shirt looked like a woman's blouse, particularly with the knit lace encircling its short sleeves, but on him it - he - looks suave and sexy in a casual way.
"I love it. Ugh… What… And it goes great with the pants."
"Right? Even if it's all black it's a little something, something. I'm just gonna", he says and grabs his watch from the nightstand. "You ready?"
"Technically, but hmm, I don't know… Feels like something's missing…", you muse, looking in the mirror.
"Feeling a little competitive..?", he teases, looking in the mirror behind you. "Didn't you bring earrings? The small gold ones?"
He breathes in loudly, smacking his lips with a nod; you know him well enough to sigh and wait for his joke about being a top fashionista.
"We're not that late..!", you holler, refusing to accept Michael's impromptu trumpet work.
"I had my finger on the dial to Missing People - whow! Coming through with the fashions, bro'. Nice!", he roars when Baekhyun takes off his jacket.
"Aeh…", he sighs and helps you with yours like the gentleman he is. "I have to make an effort when the missus looks like this."
Waving at a few familiar faces, your attention is diverted when Gemma appears in the kitchen door, crossing her arms:
"Well, well... Look who decided to show up!"
You extend your arm, bottle of gin in hand.
"For being late", you grimace apologetically.
"...and you know it's all her fault", Baekhyun says, pointing his thumb at you.
"...since way back in school, I've known them", Gemma explains to one of her guests.
You're not the type of couple to hang on each other's arms the whole night, but being midway through your second drink your eyes keep travelling across the room to where Baekhyun is. There's something unusually alluring about the way he looks in that shirt, be it the thin fabric whispering about his body underneath, the lace hanging off his triceps when he takes a sip or the three buttons he left undone so you'd be "begging for me to take you round back", as he had put it before you left.
Catching you eye, he casually pours a glass of water, takes a sip and - not so accidentally - spills, the water running down his neck to his chest.
"Whow. Here...", Michael says, handing him some paper.
After patting his neck dry he goes to his chest, opening another button to reach, casting an eye your way.
"Ah...ah...", he moans quietly, the soft, wet clapping matching him.
Unlike in the shower, his hands now hug your hips softly as he takes you from behind. His boxers - anchored around his thighs - grace the inside of your leg as he moves.
Needs knows no bounds so for now a house wall to lean against and an outdoor sofa to rest your leg on is as good as any bedroom.
"Don't look now...", he whispers amused, lowering himself to your ear. "But I think someone's looking…"
You shut your eyes to not accidentally search for whoever it is.
"You know the edge of the lawn..? He's pretending to be on the phone, maybe he is, but he keeps walking back and forth, looking here every time..."
"You wanna go back in?"
"No. I want to show you off", he says and pulls up your dress to the small of your back. "Should I spank your ass with my cock..?", he snickers.
"Shh, don't overdo it. Don't embarrass him."
"He's the little perv, spying on us. Or maybe you told him to come out..? Ah…Oh...I know how you like an audience…"
"So do you."
Carefully looking to your side, you spot him - and he's indeed a little spy. Baekhyun's right about you liking an audience, so you arch a little deeper, bend your knee higher up. Turning to face him you mouth "faster", so he goes faster, sliding his hands down your cheeks, pressing them apart. Cocking his head he can't resist to caress your anal with his thumb and moans..
His tongue plays in the side of his mouth, as if he knows your secret, knows what a dirty little girl you are, wanting him so bad you don't care who sees.
"I'm….ssh, pulling out...", he says, wetting his thumb then continues to rub.
"Wait 'til we get home…"
"Not like that", he says, letting the tip of his finger slide in, not at all having meant for it to be his length.
Even just that bit of stimulation increases your arousal, so you push back on him. Following your lead, he presses his entire thumb in, breathing all the harder.
"No, no…", he pants after a while, more so to himself than you. "I'm teasing myself..."
"You're not gonna come?"
"No", he replies, on his way over the edge. "Ahh...no, I'm waiting...ah...ah, shit."
He pulls out at the last minute, grabs the shaft of his cock and leans over you with stuttering breaths.
"Fucking close…"
Baekhyun's curious way of sleeping when you're out of town continues; at home he likes his side, anywhere else and he tends to stay on yours. As if he's barely moved, his head is tucked deep in the pillow, his arm seemingly slid off your waist lying just behind your back. Knowing he's had a rough week at work you decide to let him sleep in, tuck your feet in the courtesy slippers and carefully close the door behind you.
Finding an - equally courteous - robe in the bathroom you take a deep breath, smelling the hem of it. It is just a morning robe, but the stitching reminds you of the dobok Baekhyun used to wear for hapkido, when you'd pretend to be watching any- and everyone compete until he finally asked you out. He's really loved you for that long...
It's a lovely day. There's no sunny sky, or birdsong when you open the kitchen window, but an overcast, quiet morning. It might be in your head, but you imagine getting a whiff of the salty ocean and decide to have your coffee outside (hoping the beach hammock you've set your sights on doesn't flip you over).
Sighing over just how randomly you managed to pick a random magazine from the pile, you welcome the low snort coming from inside. Bending your knees, letting the robe slide from your legs, you pretend to not notice and continue "reading". A cheeky whistle rings out from the kitchen window.
"My, my…"
Bingo. Hiding behind the magazine, you compose yourself and count to three before dropping it on the grass, and sure as salt on fries, there he walks across the lawn.
"I thought I'd let you sleep in."
"M-hm…", he murmurs, opening his robe, showing his hardening cock. Stroking the back of your thigh he gives you a kiss. "How'd you sleep?"
"I was out in five. You?"
"Same", he nods, letting his robe fall down.
Straightening your legs up, he kisses a trail from your calf downwards, caressing the back of your legs. When his eyes meet yours he spanks your cheek, a quick flick of the wrist causing a lashing effect. He smiles at your jolting and the subsequent bucking of your hips in pleasure.
"Did you put the plug in again?"
"No…", he shakes his head, guiding his cock into you. "You're still my favourite toy."
It's a tighter squeeze with having your legs closed, but it means his length strokes your entrance harder - a different nuance. And when he hikes your legs up, hugging your thighs, you almost feel like a toy; letting your body bounce up and down on meeting his energetic rolling, stroking you here, digging his fingers into you there, biting his lip with dark eyes fixed on yours - Baekhyun knows full well this is the position that makes you feel the most filthy. Because with no anchoring, there's nothing you can do, no action to take than to be fucked by him. Your powerlessness makes you squirm, but also makes you wet. When Baekhyun fucks you like this...your brain goes splat. And of course, he wouldn't be Baekhyun if he didn't tease you about it. Chuckling, sucking on your leg, he coos:
"Mmpoor baby…"
Closing your eyes earns you a rough slam.
"Look at me, honey…"
Continuing with the same, hard, thrusts, he lets out a cascade of sweet moans and hums, he himself eventually closing his own eyes, elation painted on his face. Letting himself be momentarily swept away, he comes back with a few deep, soft thrusts before pulling out, spreading your bent legs. Untying the belt still round your waist, he leans in, dousing you in moany kisses, circling his thumb over your nipple. Backing, kneeling high in the grass, he softly feathers his fingertips on your thighs, his kisses leading the way, sending shivers through your body. When he reaches the edge between your legs and pussy, he runs them along it, up...down...up...down...up...down, letting his fingers follow the curve close to your hole, meeting just below it. By the pull of his lips you can tell he's near bursting with desire to eat you out, yet he waits - not only to tease you, but for your pleasure.
Sliding his fingers up, onto your folds, he carefully parts them, making sure you feel the stretch on your clit. Knowing better than to rush him all you can do is caress yourself, try not to roll your hips.
"You're swollen…", he whispers, swaying his head, taking a deep breath. Stroking circles on your ass with his thumbs, he at last lets his lips touch you, a juicy kiss just under your entrance. Wrapping his arm around your leg, he lets his fingers glide over your entrance, collecting fluids which he uses to slide up either side of your clit, massaging while continuing working under your entrance.
You watch with anticipation when he comes closer. Barely opening his mouth he envelopes your clit, letting his slick lips slide from it before doing it again.
"Put your fingers inside…", you whisper, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He calmly takes it away with a mild "no..." and flicks his tongue over you, gently panting. You moan and automatically bring your hand back - a phenomenal pain electrifies your core up to your chest when he spanks your clit. Don't means don't. He smiles at you while lapping to soothe it, putting some pressure on your entrance, rubbing it, while you grip your thighs in want.
"Get down here", he says, sliding his hands to your waist.
Tipping over in his lap with a yelp, you welcome feeling his body against yours for a moment before he gets you on your back.
Spreading his thighs wide, he steers his cock down and pushes it into you. Knowing you're definitely ready, he sets a quick pace from the get, hooking his hands at the top of your legs, pulsating firmly. Paying special attention to his shaft he makes sure it meets your body with each thrust, squeezing his balls on your ass. The entrance stimulation - smacking and stretching - releases more juice, leading to wetter claps.
He lets you pull him down, but keeps pounding like before, supporting himself on his knees, grunting when you dig your nails in his ass - separating them gives his sensitive hole a tickle.
He breathes wetly next to you, lying down, rocking your body as well as he begins billowing his hips, lifting you up by your ass to get - and give - a deeper hit. The smell of his perfume long gone, only the scent of his slept in skin remains, mixing with notes of freshly cut grass as your moving's broken it to release its scent.
"Mhh", he grunts in your neck. "I love you…".
Raising his head, the muscles on his back grow even stiffer, protruding above his spine. Barely finishing your kiss, he whispers "I love you" in your mouth, his wet lips caressing yours before a wail rings in your head. Dropping his head he stutters, his breath hitching as he swings his hips back-and-forth erratically, fucking his cum into you.
"Uh...ah...mmmm…", he moans, pressing deeply.
His breath is hot on your collarbone, his stomach pushing down on yours as he pants and swallows hard.
"Marry me."
"Marr…", you stutter, breathing heavily, then laugh, seeing as how you already are. "What if I say no..?"
"Nah-ah, marry me...", he says again, peppering tickling kisses on your neck.
You cry out and try to get away, to no avail.
"Okay, okay! On one condition."
"What?", he asks, looking at you.
"Finish what you started…"
A sly smile spreads across his face then he showers you with kisses again.
"You're gonna marry me so many times over..."
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could you do a peter parker x reader where she can control her hair? and it can be any length she wants but prefers the length mid thigh and its and its unbreakable? so like fury asks if anyone in the team knows anyone they could recruit and he suggests her and all the avengers go meet her at a tailors shop she owns while she's cleaning and she shows her powers? please and if you do it, thank you
note: i hope you meant the powers to be reader's hair bc that's what i used it as lmao. also i used the gif because this is kinda how rocket got smacked with your hair. thank you for requesting<3
warnings: kissing, curse words
peter parker x reader
summary: something like request^
The swooshing of the broom and the melody of a random song played through the speakers of your tailor shop while you swept the floor. The small lengths of wool and silk thread tangling on the broom bristles as you scooped it up. The racks and unwanted pieces of cloth laid on the marble floor making you let out a sigh of exhaustion.
A knock on your glass showcase window made you jump. The movement making your hair disentangle from the neat twist plait. You lowly cursed as your hair touched the floor, the belly laugh behind the window noted you that your bestfriend was the person responsible for your little mishap.
"Couldn't you ring the bell like a normal person!" You annoyingly exclaimed, closing your eyes and controlling your hair to stop at mid-thigh length. Your preferred length. You picked your broom up and teasingly shook your head when Peter told you open the door. "I think I'm gonna leave you outside tonight, just for scarring the life out of me and my hair."
You resumed your previous activity, counting the numbers in your head until you heard the lock on your ceiling window open. The sound of Peter's displeased voice and childish complains filling your storage room.
"Can't keep me outside Y/L/N, I'll always find a way." He proudly dusted his shirt, taking the scoop from your hand while you grabbed the racks and placed them in your extra closet.
"Thanks to your super spidey powers." You teased, thanking him when he returned the dustpan. "Anyway, why are you here?" You inquired, curious why your best friend decided to stop by your little, tailor shop.
"Well I- wait," Peter scrunched his brows. "Can I not drop by to visit my bestfriend?" He sassed, hand on his hip giving you a quizzing look.
"Oh please Peter, you only stop by when you need something." You remarked, returning a pointed stare before you began to reorganize the formal wear you were currently adapting. "And that something is usually to stitch those huge ass holes in your spidey suit."
Peter didn't respond immediately, because you were right. He did stop by your shop for you to mend his suit. Because one, he loved your company. And two, you were the only person who knew his secret other than the avengers, Ned and MJ.
"Fine! fine!," He huffed. Not so discreetly looking over his shoulder as if he was giving someone a signal. "You're right-"
"I always am Parker." You boasted, using the ends of your hair to move the sewing machine and pins to there rightful place.
"Yeah- okay, but I really came to tell you life changing news!" Peter amazed, a gasp leaving his lips when he saw the movement of your hair. It never ceased to amaze him how your hair was basically magical. Being able to move stuff with your command, grow at whatever length you wanted, heal others and even be unbreakable. Epic, really.
"And what is this so great news-"
The words didn't leave your lips properly as your tailor shop entry door was suddenly yanked open. Your door handle and lock was surely broken, at the loud eerie sound of a metal crunching noise.
"Get out of my way Tony!" Stephen scowled.
"Shut it wizard dude, I'm the leader here not you." Tony rolled his eyes, removing the pair of expensive shades from his face.
"Since when? Fury sent all of us Tony." Rhodey said, dusting his shoulder.
"I wonder how much she makes in this shop, not much I bet." Steve scrunched his face, eyeing your little shop.
"Did we really have to bring Groot?" Clint groaned, flicking baby Groot off of his shoulder when he tried to grab one of his arrows.
"He's a baby, Clint. We can't leave him at the compound alone." Gamora remarked, tickling Groot's tree stomach as she picked him up.
"Okay if she does joins us, we will have to ask her to design new clothing! Look at this!." Wanda marveled, showing off the mid thigh silk dress.
"I should get this for the recruiting party Tony is planning for her." Natasha thought out loud.
"What the fuck!" You yelled, glaring at the talkative avengers standing before you. Looking mighty and high as always. "I just fixed that lock dude!" You whined, sighing gallingly when you saw the chunk of metal by Thor's feet. "You're repairing my lock, hammer man."
"Ah yes, I will have the Man of Iron restore your brittle lock Lady.."
"Lady Y/N." Thor smiled.
Peter let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his ear and looking at you sheepishly. "Surprise?"
"Surprise my ass Parker! Why are the avengers in my tailor shop and why is this raccoon trying to cut my hair?!" You moved your hair with your mind, smacking the animal avenger with your y/h/c locks.
"Woah, did she just-" Bucky froze, mouth agape.
"Control her hair to hit Rocket, yeah." Peter Quill laughed at his co guardian misfortune.
"Okay her hair is very much un- unbreakable," Rocket coughed out, holding his stomach. "And strong."
"I am Groot." ˢ��ᵉ'ˢ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈᵃˢˢ
"You can not say that word Groot, but I do agree with you." Gamora smirked, finger bumping the cute tree.
You were mad, really fuming. You spent two hours cleaning and by the looks of it you'll have to do it a second time. So yeah, you wanted an explanation.
"Okay don't get upset." Peter spoke calmly. Holding his hand out and gesturing towards the superheroes infront of you, who had the same impressed expression on their fanciable faces.
"This is the life changing thing I was talking about," He paused with a smile. "You're joining the Avengers!"
"What?" You were officially bamboozled, with everything. One minute you were simply tidying your shop and next, half of the avengers are occupying your shop. Quarreling and interfering with your stuff.
And not to ignore the fact that your best friend just blurted out four questionable words to you.
"You're going to be an Avenger, Rapunzel." Tony repeated, strutting to you with short steps. "If you want to of course, sidey here told us your hair power thingy and though I was a little iffy about it at the beginning, it looks like your power is truly powerful." Tony patted your shoulder. Looking over at Rocket, who was being assisted by Drax.
"As much as I would like to say it's an honor to be in your presence," You said. Controlling your hair to grow back at mid-thigh. "Why?" You faced Peter, inquiring him with the plain word.
Peter shrugged, giving you a bashful look. "Fury asked if we knew anyone who could be recruited, and without thought I suggested you." He sighed, feeling completely awful for the situation he put you in.
"And I know, I should've asked you first but I know how much you adore helping others and the money here isn't enough for your college tuition Y/N." Peter ignored the awkward silence in the room that was loud seconds ago before continuing. "I thought this would be a way to assist you."
You physically softened at his words. He was too kind and caring for his own good. You could never be upset with this idiot boy.
"I'm sorry-"
Peter didn't finish. His apology was muffled by your lips pressed deeply to his frowny pink ones. He was slighty awestruck, the feeling of your lips were breathtaking. He swore he could kiss you forever. His hands found your waist pulling you in closer, even including a little tongue movement inside your mouth.
As if reality kicked in, a teasing 'ohhh' sound came from a few avengers. Causing you to shyly pull away from Peter, who loudly groaned at the lost contact of your plump lips.
"Looks like Spidey is getting a little too handsy." Sam quipped, chuckling when Peter told him to shut it and hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"So is this a yes?" Peter hopefully asked.
You feigned ponder. "Yes."
Peter pecked your lips, mumbling a short 'yay' attempting to deepen the kiss.
"That's enough smooching spiderling." Steve uttered, obviously not enjoying the PDA.
A beeping sound came from Tony's watch altering the team about an upcoming mission.
"Looks like we gotta go," Tony spoke with a serious voice before turning to you. "Glad to have you on the team Rapunzel."
"It's Y/N." You corrected.
"Okay, I'll send some people by tomorrow to pick up your stuff. See ya soon, Rapunzel." Tony winked, exiting your tailor shop.
"He's not gonna give that up." Peter laughed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I oddly don't mind." You responded, waving bye to the others. "Thank you Pete."
Peter grinned. "I didn't quite hear that, say it a little louder baby."
"Thank you mister Parker." You kissed his lips, playfully rolling your eyes. But you weren't that distracted to miss Thor stealthily trying to leave your shop.
"Hey hammer God! Don't forget to fix my lock."
"I will have Stark right on it Lady Rapunzel!"
#peter parker fanfiction#peter parker fic#peter fanfic#peter parker#peter parker x reader#peter parker fluff#peter parker x y/n#avengers x reader#peter parker x you#peter x reader#avengers x you#lee writes short fics
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my best friend wants to be abducted by aliens.

pairing: son of athena!renjun x daughter of aphrodite!reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 14.6k (this was supposed to be 5k 😌)
author’s note: hi so here is renjun’s chapter to my 00 line x camp half-blood series (i’m sorry, i know it took forever)! thank you so much for all of the support, and i hope you enjoy 💞
warning: one (1) makeout session
You are currently crouched behind a cluster of bushes, trying to get a glimpse of your targets through binoculars.
Does that sound stalkerish? Perhaps.
Are you actually a stalker? Debatable.
However, no matter how suspicious it looks, your motive is pure—for the most part.
You’re spying on Kang Daniel (son of Hermes) and Park Jihyo (daughter of Apollo), both of whom are at the Archery Range. Jihyo is showing Daniel how to shoot, encasing him with her arms as she nocks the arrow for him. The tips of his ears are so red that they could practically be a flare; you can see how flamboyant they are all the way from your hiding spot.
You start grinning like a maniac, excited that your plan is finally unfolding.
You had noticed how awful Daniel was at archery during a training session a couple weeks ago, and you casually suggested to him that he should ask Jihyo for some lessons. You’ve always known that Daniel has been hopelessly in love with Jihyo since the moment he saw her (it’s a child of Aphrodite thing—you can just sense it), but she’s been oblivious to it this entire time.
Well, until now.
Just as you guessed, sparks flew immediately. You could cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. You give them a couple more passionately-charged archery lessons before they inevitably surrender to their emotions and begin to date—and your predictions are never wrong.
“Another job well done, Y/N,” you mumble proudly to yourself, “Mom would be so proud.”
“Excuse me, ma’am. I’m going to have to ask you to stop loitering by these bushes and stalking those two campers over there, or else I’ll have to report you to the camp director,” a sudden voice from behind you says.
Letting out a loud yelp, you drop your binoculars in surprise and whip your head around to see who it is. You turn so fast that you almost fall backwards into said bushes, quickly using your palms to balance yourself.
“Renjun, you asshole!”
Huang Renjun, your long-time best friend and professional asshole, is standing in front of you. He’s wearing the iconic orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt with black jeans, his hands tucked inside his pockets. His dark hair is parted to one side, with a single lock of hair falling perfectly into one eye, giving him the I-wake-up-and-my-hair-is-naturally-like-this look (even though it’s most definitely not true). No doubt that he’s the best-looking person in the entire camp, but his brusque personality makes him a rose with thorns. Sharp thorns.
You often wonder how the two of you even became as close as you are. Children of Athena and Aphrodite notoriously clash due to their mothers’ history with each other.
You met Renjun four years ago at Arts and Crafts Center, which is a hotspot for children of Athena. It was your first time at the camp, and you wanted to try making a ceramic (maybe a bowl or vase) to bring back to your family as a souvenir. Of course, you failed miserably and got snickered at by other Athena kids. Renjun, who had been sitting beside you, was the only one who didn’t laugh. He even gruffly gave you some pointers. Grateful, you complimented his painting—a mix of pink, yellow, blue, and purple watercolors that meshed together to resemble a galaxy. In return, he gave it to you.
“It’s not my best work, so you can have it,” he had said nonchalantly.
Even though it was the most beautiful piece of art you’ve ever seen, and it’s remained one of your most prized possessions to this day.
After that incident, you basically attached yourself at the hip with him. He would constantly complain about you following him around, but he also didn’t do anything to stop it. He’s been complaining for four, going on five, years now, yet he’s become your closest friend. Renjun likes act like you’re a pain in the ass (which isn’t untrue), but you know he cares about you. Even if he doesn’t verbalize it, you can tell by his actions; it’s all about the small things with him. Despite being rough around the edges, Huang Renjun is actually just a big softie on the inside.
“—could you stop snooping around like a weirdo?” Renjun asks, cutting your trip down memory lane short.
You rise to your feet, dusting your palms off and glaring at him. “I’m not snooping around like a weirdo. I’m just snooping around on one of my projects, like a good matchmaker.”
“Sure,” he says, rolling his eyes. He leans down and picks up your binoculars, handing them to you.
You take them and hang them around your neck. “Why are you here anyway?”
“Aren’t you the one who asked me to meet you at the Dining Pavilion for lunch?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, sorry! I lost track of time,” you exclaim. “How’d you find me?”
Renjun gives you a pointed look. “Well, seeing as how Daniel and Jihyo are your current quote-unquote project, all I had to do was figure out where they were because I knew you’d be somewhere close.”
You give him a sheepish smile. “You know me so well, Junnie.”
“The hell? Don’t call me that, it’s gross,” he snaps, pretending like he’s about to gag.
“You’re not cute at all,” you huff.
“Neither are you,” he replies.
“You are so rude! You’ll never get a girlfriend with an attitude like that!” You place your hands on your hips.
“I’ll live,” he says, shrugging.
You don’t know much about Renjun’s love life because he refuses to tell you anything; he’s like a stubborn clam that won’t open up. However, he’s made it very clear that he does not want your assistance when it comes to finding romance. Obviously, it hasn’t stopped you from trying, but this is one of the few things you can’t seem to make him give in to.
“Whatever,” you sigh. “Let’s go eat.”
The two of you walk to the Dining Pavilion, which is a relatively long walk from the Archery Range, but you make enough conversation that it feels short. When you arrive, you see that they’re serving chicken curry and rice. Your stomach growls embarrassingly loudly when the mouthwatering scent hits you, which prompts Renjun to laugh at you. You give him the middle finger and then turn around to grab a lunch tray. Once you get your food, you two sit at a table in the back.
Before you begin to eat, you notice that your curry has chunks of potatoes and slices of carrots on it—you abhor carrots more than anything in this world. Noticing your disgusted expression, Renjun slides his plate over without even batting an eyelash, so you can pick out the carrot slices and give them to him. It’s a routine thing for the two of you, since you’re an extremely picky eater and he’s not.
After you take out all of the carrots, you begin to devour your food. You’re wolfing it down so fast that you’re basically asking to choke, in which you immediately do. A piece of chicken lodges itself in your throat, and you begin to cough violently. Renjun sighs, patting your back before handing you your cup of water.
“I feel like I’m babysitting a toddler every time I eat with you,” he points out as you gulp down your water.
“Thanks,” you say after you recover.
“For dislodging the food in your esophagus or calling you a toddler?”
“Both!” you say cheerfully.
Renjun shakes his head at you, but he’s smiling. You take advantage of his good mood by quickly reaching over and swiping a couple of grapes from the fruit bowl on his tray. He rolls his eyes when you pop them into your mouth and wink at him.
“Um, Renjun?” A small, different voice cuts in. Both of you turn around to see who it is.
Hwang Yeji, daughter of Iris and one of the most popular girls at the camp, is standing there. She’s fidgeting, and you can see pink dusting her cheeks. Her friends are at the table right behind her, giving her supportive looks. She smiles shyly at Renjun.
“Can I help you?” Renjun asks, deadpanning. He isn’t rude per se, but it’s also not a friendly tone.
Yeji slightly falters at his lackluster response. “Oh, um, I’m going to be performing at the amphitheater tonight...and I was wondering if you could come watch?”
You know Renjun is asking because he’s genuinely baffled, but it doesn’t lessen your urge to want to slap him upside the head.
“N-No particular reason! O-Okay, bye!” Yeji turns on her heel and runs away. You watch her go back to her table, head hung low in defeat.
“What was that all about?” Renjun is still bewildered.
No longer able to control yourself, you punch him in the arm. “You moron!”
“Ow! What the hell, Y/N?” he hisses, rubbing his arm.
“She invited you to watch her perform because she likes you!” you hiss.
“What? No, she doesn’t.” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Yes, she does! I should know of all people, you dingus. Even without powers, literally anyone else would be able to see that Yeji likes you!” You’re trying your best to keep your voice down, but he’s making it difficult for you. “You are the densest person on the planet!”
“Look who’s talking,” Renjun mutters underneath his breath.
“I can’t believe you just blew her off like that,” you continue, not hearing what he said.
“How was I supposed to know she liked me? I’ve never even spoken to her,” he protests.
You stare at him in disbelief. “Couldn’t you tell by the context clues?”
“What context clues?”
“Oh my gods,” you groan, covering your face with your hands.
“What do you want me to do then?” he asks tiredly.
“Go to her performance tonight,” you say immediately, uncovering your face and whipping your head to look at him with a hopeful expression.
“I don’t really want to though. There’s no point in getting her hopes up if I don’t like her back,” Renjun states matter-of-factly.
“How do you not even have a little bit of interest in her? Look at her! She’s stunning!” You feel like your eyes are about to pop out of your head.
“I’m not saying she isn’t, but I just don’t feel anything special towards her,” he explains.
“You’re actually insane,” you say incredulously. “There’s no way someone can look at Hwang Yeji and say they don’t feel anything special.”
“If you feel so strongly about it, you could date her,” he suggests.
“No, I’ve decided,” you cut him off, slamming your hand on the table with determination. “I’m going to find you a girlfriend.”
“I’ll have to respectfully decline your services,” he answers, sighing.
“Give me one week,” you plead, “all of my matches have worked out within a week. Please, Renjun? The worst thing that can happen is that you actually like someone and you two become a couple.”
“And what if it doesn’t work out?” He tilts his head.
“Then, I’ll drop the girlfriend topic for good. I swear on River Styx. And I’ll also give up my title as Camp Half-Blood’s official matchmaker,” you promise.
“You gave yourself that title.”
“Shut up.”
“Why are you so adamant on finding me a girlfriend anyway?” he asks.
“Because you’re so set on not getting a girlfriend, and that drives me crazy. I want to know just who on this Earth can make you feel something special, if even Yeji can’t do it. I want to crack you, like a walnut,” you admit.
“Bad analogy.”
“Yeah, it sounded better in my head.”
Renjun falls quiet, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head as he weighs the pros and cons of your proposition. Athena kids think way too much and way too loudly; they need to let loose and follow their hearts more.
You sit in anticipation for just a little longer before you see the tension on his face begin to dissipate and his features begin to droop. It’s an expression you know well; he’s going to let you have your way, like he always does.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “You get five days. That’s it.”
You squeal loudly, launching yourself at him so you can envelop him in a big bear hug. He grunts as he catches you, saving the both of you from toppling backwards onto the floor. “You’re the best, Renjun!”
Even when he’s irritated or annoyed, Renjun never pushes you away when you hug him. He isn’t exactly the affectionate type, yet his embrace is always so warm and calming. His words may be cutthroat, but his actions are always gentle.
He circles his arms around your waist loosely as he sighs into your hair, seemingly waiting for you to pull back to face him before he says anything. When you do, he flicks you on the forehead instead.
Okay, so you take the his actions are always gentle part back.
“Ouch!” You shrug yourself out of his hold, rubbing the probably reddening spot on your forehead.
“Payback for punching me earlier,” Renjun says, crossing his arms. “But are you sure about this?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have a perfect record when it comes to your matches. Plus, you’re losing two out of your usual seven days. Are you sure you want to risk breaking your streak?” he asks.
“What makes you think it’ll get broken?” you shoot back.
“I don’t just think; I know it will,” he smirks arrogantly. “That’s why I’m asking.”
You feel your left eye twitch. Riled up by his cocky demeanor, you grab your cup and chug the rest of your water, wincing like you just downed a shot. Wiping your mouth, you point your finger at him.
“Huang Renjun, just you wait. I’ll make you fall in love so hard that you’ll forget your own name.”
The Athena Cabin is a marvel to you every time you enter it. Rather than a cabin, it’s a workshop and a library in one on the inside. There are beds pushed haphazardly against the walls, and if you didn’t know that this was the official Athena Cabin, you would’ve thought that the Athena children had simply just crashed at a random facility at the camp and decided to call it their place of residence.
Renjun is still asleep, despite the commotion of his brothers and sisters running around in the library and/or constructing something in the workshop. His bed is located in the very back, hidden by a bookshelf that’s not frequented often. He’s curled up into a ball, with the blanket covering his head but you can still see tufts of his hair sticking out from under it.
“Rise and shine!” you sing, lifting blanket off his face.
His peaceful expression twists with discomfort as its exposed to light, and he immediately rips the pillow out from under his head and puts it over his face. He says something to you, but his words are muffled. You just assume it’s some sort of profanity.
“Come on, Sleeping Beauty! We have business to attend to,” you say cheerfully, taking the pillow away and tossing it to the foot of his bed.
“And what exactly is this supposed business?” Renjun asks dryly, opening his eyes and squinting up at you.
“We’re going to scout for potential candidates for you,” you answer as you grab his arm and pull him up. He reluctantly lets you, slumping forward like a limp puppet.
“Isn’t that your job?” He raises an eyebrow, running a hand through his messy bedhead. Renjun always looks particularly adorable when he wakes up. His pajamas consist of a pair of basketball shorts and an extremely stretched-out t-shirt. The shirt is so big that it’s slipping off his shoulder, which makes him look like a little kid. His hair is sticking up in all sorts of directions, and you can’t help but grin at how cute it is.
“Yes, but you’re a special case.” You talk to him like he’s five, running your hands through his hair and messing it up even more. Renjun scowls at you, but he sits there and lets you do it.
“Geez, who peed in your cornflakes?” you tease, seeing his stormy look.
“Okay, fine! I’ll wait for you outside, but don’t take too long to get ready,” you say, finally retracting your hands. “No more than thirty minutes or else I’m gonna come find you!”
He gives you another nasty look, and you blow him a kiss before skipping away. As you head back to the entrance, you greet a couple of Athena kids who pass by. Normally, Aphrodite and Athena children stick their noses up in the air and ignore each other, but you’re such a frequent visitor that they have had no choice but to accept you. It also helps that Renjun is quite popular, so the campers that don’t like you are forced to tolerate you anyway because you’re his best friend.
That’s another thing you don’t understand—why Renjun hangs out with you when everyone around him is practically foaming at the mouth at the prospect of being his friend (or something more). But for reasons unknown to you, he chooses to ice them out and spend time with you instead.
It’s not that you’re inherently unpopular or someone that would “tarnish” his reputation, but he could probably find someone that annoyed him less and didn’t cause as much trouble as you do. However, you’re glad that he’s choosing to stay by your side in spite of how crazy you can get, because you’re not really sure what you would do without him.
Not that you would ever admit that because Renjun would roast you to high Olympus.
As if on cue, you spot Renjun trudging toward you. True to your request, he got ready within thirty minutes. In fact, it only took him about fifteen. He doesn’t look very happy, but he’s always had a resting bitch face (though you’re pretty sure he’s just pissed at you right now).
Strangely, you’re a little embarrassed to see him. You’re not sure why you suddenly thought of your friendship with him and got all sappy. You’ve never really been good at handling the mushy-gushy stuff—only helping others find it.
“Let’s get this over with,” Renjun says begrudgingly when he reaches you, crossing his arms.
“Okay, well, first thing’s first,” you respond, trying to get back on track. You loop your arm through his, which prompts him to instantly uncross his own so you can cling onto his bicep. It’s such a natural action for you that you don’t even think about how quickly he accommodates you. “What’s your type?”
“Where are we going?” he asks, furrowing his eyebrows as he lets you lead him around.
“That depends on your answer to my question,” you reply breezily.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the one who figures that out? You know, with your whole Aphrodite-love-sense-tingle thing.”
You ignore his dig at your ability. “Normally, yes. But seeing as you’re incapable of feeling any emotion other than bitterness, I have to directly ask you.”
He laughs at your comeback. “I see. But even if I do tell you my type, what makes you think she will like me too?”
“If she doesn’t, then just woo her with your irresistible charm,” you say sarcastically.
“My irresistible charm has a tendency to make people hate my guts, actually,” Renjun says, shrugging. “Wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“Renjun, you are fully capable of making a girl fall for you,” you chide, huffing at his negative attitude. “I’m not concerned with that. My main issue right now is finding someone that will make you care enough to want her to like you back.”
“You think so?” he asks quietly, looking down at where your hand is resting on his arm.
“I hope you’re right,” he says a little louder, dragging his gaze away from your hand and giving you a small smile. “About being capable.”
When Renjun looks into your eyes, you feel him for the first time. Your heart wrenches with his, like a knife was driven into it and something keeps twisting it. It’s an excruciating pain that makes your lungs want to cave in, a pain so unbearably sad that it makes you want to assume fetal position and bawl your eyes out, an exhausting pain that drains you of all your energy until you want to collapse, a pain that makes you hate yourself—but it’s a pain you never want to get rid of. It’s a pain that makes you happy. It’s a pain you’re willing to endure for...for...for what?
But the pain only lasts for a moment, flashing by like lightning. As you try to reach deeper, it slips through your fingers. Just as suddenly as it hit you, it vanishes. What remains in its place is the metaphorical iron wall that you always seem to run into every time you try to look into Renjun’s heart.
You can already feel your body starting to forget the pain. It’s so fast that you begin questioning if you even truly felt it in the first place, or if it was all some fever dream. You could also be having a stroke, so there’s that.
All jokes aside, you’re not sure what you’re more surprised by: the fact that Renjun has been feeling like this or how well he’s managed to hide it.
And you’re not sure what you’re more hurt by: the fact that Renjun didn’t tell you or if you’re the one he’s trying to hide it from.
“—hello? Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” Renjun waves his hand in front of your face.
You jolt, blinking several times as you detach yourself from your whirlwind of thoughts. “S-Sorry! What were you saying?”
“What’s wrong?” he asks, brows furrowing in concern. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Ghosts don’t exist,” you retort automatically.
“Yes, they do! How many times have I told you there’s no way that my glass bottle could’ve fallen from my bed without shattering, yet it was underneath my bed, completely and totally unsc—” He begins to protest.
You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. Thankfully, Renjun stops rambling about his ghost story that you’ve heard about a million times and trails off. His hands slowly come to rest on the small of your back, giving you soothing pats. It makes you sad that he’s always ready to comfort you when he’s the one that needs it. Your vision gets blurry with tears, but you hurriedly blink them away.
“How can you be so smart yet so dumb?” you whisper into his shoulder, clutching him tighter.
“You know, you’re sending me mixed signals here,” he says wryly.
You hug him for a couple more seconds before pulling back. Reaching your hands up, you cup his face. Unfortunately, you do it a little too enthusiastically and basically slap both of his cheeks. “Shit! I’m so sorry, Renjun!”
“Ow! What is wrong with you?” he demands, wincing. His lips are adorably jutted out and his words probably aren’t as angry as he wants them to be because you’re squishing his cheeks way too hard.
“I just wanted to tell you that I will definitely find you a girlfriend. No matter what,” you declare with determination in your eyes.
Because I don’t want you to be in pain anymore. Because you deserve to be happy. Because you should have someone to lean on too, you want to say.
Renjun is staring at you like you’ve grown another head. “Y/N, you’re scaring me.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you dismiss. “Now, hurry up and tell me your ideal type.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Oh my gods, I’m fine. Stop with all the questions and just answer me!” you say, placing your hands on your hips.
“I think I’m starting to reconsider my ideal type right now,” he replies, eyeing you suspiciously.
You sigh loudly. “Could you tell me one character trait that you would like in a girlfriend? Just one. Pretty please with a cherry on top?”
He snorts, and you begin to grow frustrated. “Renjun—”
“Stubborn,” he answers.
You raise an eyebrow. “Of all the things you could’ve chosen, you went with that?”
“I finally answer your question and now you’re shaming me for it?” he shoots back.
You put your hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, okay, sorry. Anything else you can think of?”
“Unpredictable. Hotheaded. Infuriating. Nosy. Reckless. Unable to take anything seriously. No concept of personal space,” he lists them off like he’s has it memorized.
“These are all terrible traits,” you point out, frowning.
“Tell me about it.”
“Stop messing around,” you snap, giving him a small shove. “Some positive ones, please.”
Renjun pauses. “This might take a second.”
You give him a pointed look, crossing your arms and tapping your foot impatiently. At this point, you’re not even sure if he’s just joking or if he actually means it. However, it’s the only thing you’ve gotten out of him so far, so you have to work with it.
“Dedicated,” he finally says after some intense pondering.
You exhale in relief. “Thank gods. What else?”
“Kind. Cheerful. Carefree. Funny. Always makes me smile. Marches to her own beat. An open book when it comes to her feelings. Says whatever is on her mind without thinking twice. Gets excited about things that don’t matter. Has a wonderful laugh. Able to see the good in me, even though I’m an asshole—”
As he continues, you eventually stop paying attention to his words and watch his expression. All of his features have softened, and there’s a warmth in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. He has the gentlest smile on his face as he talks, but you’re not even sure that he’s aware of it.
You wouldn’t be a child of Aphrodite if you couldn’t recognize a boy in love, and Renjun certainly fits the bill.
Suddenly, you feel an ugly sensation twisting in the pit of your stomach, coiling like a poisonous snake. It’s an awful feeling, and it makes you ashamed because it resembles jealousy way too closely for your comfort. You hate feeling like this, but you don’t know how to stop it. In fact, you don’t even know why you’re feeling this way. It’s foreign to you, but you know it’s not coming from Renjun. This is all coming from inside you.
“Stunning in every way,” Renjun finishes quietly. His voice is barely a whisper, but you can hear it clearly, as if it’s right in your ear.
Digging your nails into your palms, you let out a low whistle. “That was very...specific.”
“Afraid of a challenge?” he counters, smirking.
His banter makes you grin. It’s almost enough to make you forget the feeling in your stomach. You wonder why you keep getting worked up by yourself. Maybe the summer heat is getting to you, and you really are on the verge of having a stroke.
“It’s like you don’t even know me,” you retort dramatically, clinging onto his arm again. “Alright, let’s go!”
“The Training Grounds!”
“Why there?” His nose crinkles.
“Your ideal type is as Ares kid as it can get,” you say, snorting. “So, obviously, we’re going to their turf.”
“Ares children are obnoxious and arrogant,” Renjun scoffs.
“And you’re a smartass, so it’ll be fine,” you say breezily.
He rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath.
“You’re such a drama queen. Besides, it won’t be only Ares kids there,” you point out.
He shrugs in a noncommittal manner but ultimately lets you lead him to the Training Grounds. When you arrive, as expected, it’s mainly Ares kids there. For people who aren’t used to it, the Training Grounds could be mistaken for a battle royale, judging by how vicious it can get at times. Even though it’s just a bunch of sweaty young adults angrily swinging swords at dummies and each other.
Stroking your chin, you begin to scan the area. It’s only when your eyes fall onto Park Sooyoung, the daughter of Ares that’s infamous for making men cower to their knees, that the lightbulb goes off in your head.
“What about Sooyoung?” you ask excitedly, tugging on Renjun’s shirt.
He frowns. “She hates me.”
“You don’t know that,” you say.
“She tried to throw a dagger at my head once,” he states flatly.
“She does that to everyone,” you dismiss. “I think you two would work well together.”
“Please, enlighten me.”
“She could be the brawn to your brain. She’s super rambunctious, while you’re more reserved and can keep her in check. But she’ll be able to teach you how to live a little, and you’ll just perfectly balance each other out. You know, that whole opposites attract and enemies to lovers trope,” you explain.
“Enemies to lovers?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yes,” you say dreamily, “You two start off absolutely despising each other, but neither of you can fight the tension building and eventually just get entangled in the throes of your passion!”
“Okay, Fifty Shades of Grey, calm down,” Renjun says, scrunching up his features in disgust. “Stop writing fanfiction in your head and come back to the real world.”
You glare at him for killing your vibe. “Just go and try to talk to her.”
“I don’t want to be mauled.” There’s actually a small glimmer of fear in his eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous. She’s not gonna kill you. At least not in front of everyone like this,” you reassure him.
“So you’re admitting that there is a possibility she would kill me.”
Fed up, you snatch his wrist and begin dragging him. He makes noises of protest, but you keep a vice-like grip on him. Sooyoung is sparring with some of her brothers (and frankly, handing their asses to them). You’re envious of how beautiful she is even with sweat dripping from her chin and tendrils of hair stuck to her neck. Her face is flushed with effort, but it makes her look like a peach.
However, don’t ever judge a book by its cover because she proceeds to lift one of her brothers, as if she’s bench pressing him, and tosses him aside like a rag doll. He comes flying directly toward you, but Renjun wraps an arm around your shoulders and yanks you aside with his surprisingly quick reflexes. Sooyoung’s brother lands with a hard thud, right beside your feet.
Renjun holds you tightly against him as he scowls at Sooyoung, who is smirking at him. Your heart is pounding wildly, though you’re not sure if it’s from the adrenaline rush of one of Sooyoung’s brothers hurling towards you like a projectile or the way Renjun is cradling you to him.
“Are you out of your mind?” Renjun demands, livid.
“Sorry about that,” Sooyoung says, trying to hide her amusement.
“No, you’re not. You did it on purpose,” Renjun snaps.
“Remove head from ass, Huang. If I didn’t think you’d be able to get her out of the way in time, I wouldn’t have done it,” Sooyoung responds, sounding bored.
“What if I hadn’t? Your tank of a brother would’ve knocked Y/N out,” Renjun says angrily, gritting his teeth. “And trust me, she doesn’t need any more screws loose than she already has.”
“Hey!” you chime in, offended. His arm falls from your shoulders and back to his side when you give him a dirty look. He seems a little surprised, whether the reason be from your sudden protest or how long his arm’s been around you.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sooyoung says, rolling her eyes. “Anyways, what do you want? You’re here to see me, right?”
Renjun opens his mouth to say something, but you slap a hand over his mouth. “Renjun thinks you’re really pretty and wants to train with you.”
Perhaps you could have delivered it in a smoother manner.
“Mm?” He stares at you with wide, horrified eyes. He’s trying to speak, but it’s all muffled by your palm.
Sooyoung snorts, crossing her arms and tilting her head. “Does he now?”
“Yes. He’s just too shy to admit it,” you lie through your teeth.
“Mhm, I’m sure he is,” she laughs. “What’s the actual reason you’re here?”
“Whatever are you talking about? That is the reason,” you answer sweetly. “So, what do you say? Wanna spar him?”
“Mmmmmm!” Renjun has you by the wrist, trying to remove your hand from his mouth, but you won’t budge.
“You must think I was born yesterday,” Sooyoung sighs. “You’re trying to set us up together, right? Glad to see you’re sticking to your whole matchmaking schtick.”
“Maybe,” you admit sheepishly. “Also, it is not a schtick! I have a natural affinity for finding people that are compatible with each other, like all Aphrodite children, and it is my duty to use that ability in order to help others.”
Despite how proud you look, Sooyoung and Renjun exchange knowing glances, and she reaches forward and gives him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “Stray strong, soldier.”
“Mm,” he responds, sounding tired.
You watch the interaction with a baffled expression. Neither one of them seems intent on providing any context for you. You’re hit with another pang of jealousy.
“While it would be my utmost honor to be Renjun’s girlfriend, I will have to decline. Firstly, because I would definitely murder him by our third date tops. And secondly, because I already have a girlfriend,” Sooyoung says nonchalantly.
Your hand goes limp and falls off of Renjun’s mouth, finally freeing him. Your jaw is hanging wide open, a direct invitation for flies. The both of you just stand there and gawk at her.
“What?” you exclaim, grabbing her by the shoulders. “You have a girlfriend?”
Most Aphrodite kids are just naturally aware of all the couples at Camp Half-Blood whenever they see them, but you make it a point to keep tabs on them so you can avoid incidents like this while you’re trying to find matches for others. Clearly, you’ve missed one.
“Who is it?” you demand, resisting the urge to shake her until her bones rattle. “How could I not know about it?”
“Well, that was the goal,” Sooyoung explains, “we want it to be a secret.”
You’re gripping her so tightly that the tips of your fingers have turned white, though you’re sure it doesn’t bother her since she’s pure muscle. You want to know who it is so badly, but you respect her privacy, so you decide to let it go. Even if you really don’t want to.
“I understand,” you say solemnly, begrudgingly releasing her. Your body is slightly twitchy as you fight to control your need to snoop.
“You look like you’re about to pass out,” Renjun cuts in, half-joking and half-concerned.
“Today has not gone well for me,” you sigh, spirit crushed by the sudden news and exhausted because of your weird mood swings that have been happening. “I’m hot, and I just want a nice, cold shower, followed by some nice, cold ice cream, and then followed by a nice, warm nap. We’ll try this again tomorrow.”
“Want me to walk you back to your cabin?” Renjun asks.
You nod, shoulders slumped in defeat. “Sorry to bother you, Sooyoung.”
“No problem. You’ll get ‘em next time,” Sooyoung says, trying to sound encouraging.
As you turn to pitifully walk away, you notice Sooyoung and Renjun exchange another look in your peripheral. She gives him a thumbs up and he smiles wryly before he also turns to follow you.
It’s just the icing on the cake for your awful day.
The walk back to your cabin is pretty quiet; Renjun sensing your foul mood and making the wise decision of letting you pout all by your lonesome (not that he’s much of a chatterbox anyway). You’re looking down at your feet as you walk, and he kindly navigates you through crowds and moves you out of the way when campers run by. This is something Renjun does often, since you have a tendency to not pay much attention to your surroundings on a regular basis, so you don’t even think twice about it.
When you finally arrive, Renjun gives you a comforting pat on the back. “See you tomorrow. I’ll meet you here. Do not barge into my cabin and give me another rude awakening like you did today.”
You give him a strained smile and wink. “No promises.”
Of course, your act doesn’t fool him. He sighs. “Did it really bother you that much that Sooyoung managed to hide her relationship from you? It’s not like you to be so down after one failure.”
Honestly, that’s the least of your concerns right now. Did it hurt your pride? Yes, but you’ve recovered from a wounded pride countless times.
What bothers you the most right now is the vile jealousy that you’ve stored in your heart. How shitty you felt when he was describing his ideal type (and how absolutely lovestruck he looked), or how bitter you were when you saw that Sooyoung and Renjun were in on something you weren’t. It eats away at you, seemingly within moments, before you even know what’s happening. But why? Where is it all coming from?
This is Renjun you’re talking about. Renjun, your best friend. Renjun, the one who’s always there for you. Renjun, the closest person to you other than your bloodline.
Or so you thought.
The pain that you felt from him earlier still haunts you, even if it’s faint. You’ve always seen Renjun as someone you can confide in, no matter what, yet it doesn’t appear like he feels the same towards you. In fact, an irrational part of you thinks you may be the one he’s trying to keep it from.
And the paranoid part of you thinks Sooyoung knows about it too.
You know it’s horrible to think that, but you can’t control it. Renjun isn’t required to tell you everything he feels just because you do, not that it doesn’t hurt any less. It just bugs you that there could be someone closer to him than even you, which is an incredibly toxic mindset to have. You’re upset by the fact that you’re so possessive of him, yet you can’t seem to let him go either.
I guess it’s alright if it’s Sooyoung, you admit to yourself, since she has a girlfriend.
You blink.
Wait, what?
Before you can figure out what the hell your brain meant by that, you feel Renjun place his hand on your forehead. It jars you from your thoughts and you come back to reality, where Renjun is staring at you with furrowed brows as he checks your temperature.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright? You’ve been spacing out all day,” he says, clearly worried.
“F-Fine!” you answer way too enthusiastically. “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismisses. “Just go get some rest.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” you nod hurriedly, giving him a two-finger salute. “I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early! Don’t oversleep!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves you off, smiling. You can tell he’s still concerned, but your brighter attitude relieves him just a tad. “Oh, and Y/N?”
“I forgot to mention one more trait for my ideal type.”
“What is it?” You wish you had never asked him in the first place. Just when your mood was getting a little better, it sours just as quickly.
“Dense,” he adds.
You give him a puzzled look. “Huh?”
“I want her to be dense,” he states simply.
“No way,” you argue, when his words finally register. “How is it gonna work out if both of you are dense as hell?”
“Who knows? Maybe our denseness will cancel each other out, and we’ll fall in love instantly,” he shrugs.
“Of course. PEMDAS and shit,” you jokingly agree.
“Exactly,” he says, nodding with a deadpan expression.
You laugh loudly—a big belly laugh that makes Renjun beam. The tension eases off his features, and he seems much more reassured. Your heart swells at how hard he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, not that he would ever admit that.
“Okay, for real now. Bye, Y/N.” He gives you a lazy wave before walking away, shattering your touching moment.
You huff at how he turned around without even letting you respond, though you still wave back (even if he can’t see it), and go back into your cabin. The moment the door closes behind you, you make a beeline for the shower. Peeling off your sweat-soaked clothes, you close your eyes in bliss when the cold water hits you.
As you let the water run down your body, you begin to feel more and more like a petulant child that just threw the biggest tantrum ever. You’re embarrassed that you overreacted like that and got so emotional for no reason. You chide yourself for being selfish. Just because you’re upset that Renjun doesn’t confide in you the way you do him, it doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t have someone. You should be happy for him when he finds a person he can fully open up to, even more so than you. Isn’t that what you’re trying to do for him right now?
You shut the water off before slapping your cheeks hard, giving yourself a wake up call. Resolving to be more composed tomorrow, you decide to just take a nap for now as you change into comfortable clothes and dry your hair off.
When you get to your bed, you see a small bowl of ice cream on your nightstand. Luckily, your shower didn’t take too long, so it’s still relatively frozen. It’s two scoops of chocolate, which is your favorite. You’re so excited that you almost miss the note tucked underneath the bowl.
don’t know when you’re going to get out of the shower, so this might just be soup by the time you’re out. if that’s the case, drink it anyways since i went through the trouble of getting it.
You snort. It’s so like Renjun to write a tactless note like this and not even bother signing off on it. If he’s going to be sweet, he shouldn’t ruin the moment by doing what he always does—opening his mouth (figuratively, in this case).
But it’s not enough to wipe that big grin off your face, as you carefully fold up the note and put it in your drawer.
He’s not cute at all.
The next day is about as successful as the first one, if not worse.
You had woken up with a game plan. Before you went to meet Renjun, you drafted up a list of campers that matched his ideal type (for the most part, since he was a little too specific). The goal was to narrow it down to a couple names before trying to march in head first, since that went disastrously yesterday.
Unfortunately, instead of things going smoothly like you had hoped, you find yourself banging your head against a tabletop repeatedly.
You and Renjun are currently sitting in the library of the Athena Cabin, having been there for almost an hour now. He’s nearly eliminated your entire list that you so meticulously curated this morning. You’re starting to wonder if he’s purposefully being difficult just to see you riled up.
Renjun watches you hit your head a couple more times before outstretching his hand, catching your forehead in his palm and blocking you from hitting it against the table again. “Stop before you bleed all over the table, and I get stuck scrubbing it out later.”
You raise your head to glare at him. “I’ll show you bleeding all over the table.”
He doesn’t even blink at your threat, infuriatingly unfazed. “Are you done with your list already?”
“No,” you grumble, “I still have some left.”
“So, if I’m not interested in the rest, does that mean we’re done for the day?” he asks.
“Haha,” you say wryly, “you wish. If you don’t pick one, then I’ll just go through the list myself and pick one that I think is the most compatible with you.”
“Damn it.”
“Okay, what about Hyun Seunghee? She’s an Apollo kid. Super talented and sweet, one of the most adorable people on the planet, and loves art just like you,” you suggest.
“Seunghee is a very sweet girl,” Renjun agrees. “But I don’t think I have the energy to keep up with her. She’s even bubblier and more hyperactive than you, and I can barely manage dealing with you.”
Sighing, you cross out Seunghee’s name on your list while simultaneously flipping off Renjun with your other hand. “Okay, what about Lee Mijoo? She’s one of my sisters, and honestly, she’s way out of your league but I’ll keep her in the running for now.”
You figure it’s best to not mention that, despite being way out of his league, Mijoo has expressed some very...explicit interest in Renjun before. It’ll make things awkward if they do end up talking, and you aren’t one to expose your own sister like that.
“Ew, no way, that’s weird,” Renjun says, scrunching up his nose.
“What, why?”
“I don’t want to date anyone related to you. That would make us sort of related too, and the last thing I want is to be your brother.” He spits out the word like it’s a stale piece of gum that he’s been chewing for four hours.
“First of all, slow down, tiger. You would have to marry her for us to be related. This is just a casual thing. No one said anything about marriage. Second of all, that is so mean! Why wouldn’t you want to be in-laws with me?” you demand, offended.
“Don’t most people enter relationships with the intention of spending the rest of their lives with each other?” he asks, skillfully dodging your question. “I won’t date someone if I think we’re just going to breakup down the road.”
There’s a beat of silence as you stare at him with wonder. Your lips curl into a gentle smile, and you can’t hide the adoration in your expression. Renjun truly is all bark and no bite. Who would’ve guessed there’s such a lovely and pure person behind his sharp tongue?
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks warily. You swear you can see a little pink dusting the shells of his ears and the tip of his nose.
“It’s just...you’re much more of a hopeless romantic than I initially thought, Huang Renjun,” you say teasingly.
Now, you can definitely tell he’s embarrassed. He mumbles a “shut up” under his breath, but you can barely hear it.
“Don’t put so much pressure on yourself,” you advise, “it’s totally natural to date and breakup. You can love someone with all of your heart, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be your life partner. Loosen up, my friend, and just have fun! Fall in love recklessly, and don’t think about anything else! That’s what youth is all about!”
You expect him to make fun of you for lecturing him like you’re centuries old, when the both of you can barely label yourselves as adults, but he doesn’t.
Instead, he’s gazing at you with a deep melancholy in his eyes. You’re sitting right across from him, but the way he looks at you makes it seem like you’re galaxies away. Your gut wrenches at how hurt and helpless he seems, like he’s yearning for something that is out of his reach.
Time seems to slow down as the two of you stare into each other’s eyes, as if you’re both entranced. It’s hard to tell how long you stay like that, but it feels like you’ve woken up in the middle of a sweet dream when Renjun finally breaks eye contact. You’re slightly disoriented, even though it’s probably only been a few seconds.
Clearing his throat, Renjun mutters, “Anyways, don’t put anymore of your siblings on the list.”
You take a moment to gather your thoughts before sighing. “Fine. But now I’ve run out of names on my list.”
“Well, gosh darn it, what a shame,” he says in a terrible Southern accent while attempting to get up. “Look’s like that’s a wrap for today!”
“Not so fast,” you cut in, snapping your fingers at him to sit back down. “We’re not done yet.”
He groans but reluctantly obeys, dramatically throwing his head into his arms when he does.
“Behave while I go through this list again,” you order, putting stars next to names that you’re going to force Renjun to reconsider with.
“Now, you’re making me want to hit my head against the table,” he complains, voice muffled by his arms.
You ignore his whining, focusing on your current task at hand. Just as you finish narrowing it down to a select few, someone brushes past you and it’s like you hear angels singing. Seo Soojin, daughter of Nemesis and actual hotness personified, walks by.
Soojin is relatively new to Camp Half-Blood, having arrived for the first time last year. You don’t know much about her personality because she keeps to herself and her tight-knit circle of friends for the most part. You know for a fact that she’s a far cry from Renjun’s type, but you’re starting to think he doesn’t really know what he wants—seeing that he shot down every single person on your list already. She will be a nice change of pace for him.
“What about Soojin?” you ask in a hushed whisper, leaning forward.
“Who?” Renjun looks around, not lowering his voice or trying to be subtle in the slightest.
“Shhh!” you hiss, grabbing him by his shirt and yanking him forward. You pull a little too hard and end up knocking your foreheads together.
“Ow! Why is your head made out of cast iron?” Renjun winces. He tries to lean back, but you don’t let him escape.
“Shut up! You’re the blockhead, asshole,” you protest, getting offended for the second time. “Anyways, Seo Soojin. The girl over there. The one with the bangs, big lips, and is hot as fuck?”
He squints, finally zeroing in on her. “What about her?”
“That’s what I’m asking you, dipshit!”
Renjun shrugs noncommittally—an action that you’ve grown extremely accustomed to during these past two days, an action that makes you want to rip your own hair out. “She seems nice.”
“Well, try and talk to her then,” you say, spelling it out for him. “You know, so you can see if the two of you will hit it off or not.”
He gives you a look. It’s the same look that a twelve-year-old kid gives his mother when she makes him take a picture in front of a national monument that he doesn’t know anything about, nor does he care to. However, she insists, so he reluctantly trudges over to it and takes the picture—hands firmly balled up by his sides and his lips pressed into a hard line, no matter how much his mom tells him to smile.
So, in other words, Renjun looks like he wants to crawl into a hole and die.
“Are you sure that you’re human?” you ask incredulously. You’re not even being sarcastic at this point; you genuinely want to know how he is able to feel absolutely nothing for women that could rival the goddesses themselves.
“If you say that you’re only half-human because we’re demigods, you’re going to get a pen through the jugular,” you warn, pointing your pen at him.
“Am I wrong, though?”
“You know what I mean, you smartass. Are you or are you not capable of feeling romantic attraction towards another person?” you demand.
“I am,” he simply says.
“That’s it? That was the most robotic answer I’ve ever heard in my life!” you exclaim.
“What else am I supposed to say?” he asks, throwing his arms up.
“Have you experienced any blackouts recently, like woken up without memory of the past twenty-four hours? Have you checked your body for any chip implants under your skin?” You eye him suspiciously. “Been beamed up by any UFOs? Gone somewhere haunted?”
Renjun gives you a pointed look, sighing. “While it is touching to know that you do, in fact, listen to me whenever I talk about topics I’m interested in, this is not how I wanted you to apply your knowledge.”
“You know, now that I think about it, you sure talked about alien abductions a lot,” you say, stroking a fake beard on your chin. “Could it be because you were actually abducted by aliens and got brainwashed into gathering information about us demigods, but they took away your ability to feel emotions so they wouldn’t get in the way of your mission?”
You pause, waiting for his reaction. Renjun is very obviously trying not to smile, with his chin being propped up by his palm and his fingers covering his mouth. “Please, continue.”
“But ultimately, that will be your fatal flaw and the downfall of your mission because you can’t empathize like humans can,” you finish dramatically.
“Alright, let’s say I was brainwashed by aliens. Why would I then draw more attention to myself by talking about the very thing that happened to me? Wouldn’t that be counterproductive?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Reverse psychology,” you explain, “you talk about them, so you won’t seem suspicious.”
Renjun exhales sharply before looking down at his feet. You can see his lips twitching as he tries not to laugh, though you’re pretty sure that exhale from before was a small laugh. You’re grinning, despite the fact that you’re also trying to keep up your detective act.
“I’m kind of wish I had been abducted by aliens right about now. Maybe brainwashed me would be a little more courageous,” he mutters under his breath. You’re not sure if you were meant to hear that, but you do anyways.
“That sounds exactly like something someone abducted by an alien would say!” you say in an accusatory tone, pointing a finger at him. He rolls his eyes, but a tiny smile eventually makes its way to his lips.
You gasp loudly, grabbing his face and pulling it towards your own. He makes a small noise of surprise, eyes as wide as UFO saucers. Your faces are so close that your noses are slightly brushing up against one another, but you’re not paying attention to that right now.
“Or you could be a lizard person,” you whisper, “you know, the ones that people think take the place of government officials.”
“They’re called reptilian humanoids,” Renjun corrects. His breath (which smells like the blueberry muffin he had this morning) rustles your baby hairs.
“Your eyes are glowing yellow, and your pupils are turning into slits,” you tease.
“Are they, now?”
No, they aren’t. His eyes are a cool, icy gray, like most Athena children. It’s always been a trait you’ve been jealous of. They sparkle like stars, or freshly fallen snow. They change according to his mood too. For example, when he gets angry, there are no stars. Instead of twinkling, they flash like lightning. His eyes are truly the window to his soul; they’re one of your favorite things about him.
Renjun slightly leans into your touch, and it finally hits you how close he is. You’re cupping his face with both hands, tilting his chin up, and it looks like you’re about to...kiss him.
It seems you’re not the only one who thinks so, because almost the entire library is gawking at you. Including Seo Soojin. She looks surprised, and slightly disgusted, by the two of you.
You feel heat rise from your neck to your entire face.
Oh gods, they all think we’re a couple.
You recoil away from him, withdrawing your hands like your just burned yourself. “We have to get out of here.”
“What?” As always, Renjun doesn’t know what’s going on.
“Just come on,” you say quickly, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the library.
Your face burns for a long time after that, and you can no longer focus on anything else. In the end, you decide to call it a day after a few more half-hearted attempts to find more candidates for Renjun. When you come back to your cabin, you take another cold shower.
You’re not sure what you’re so flustered by: the fact that you didn’t realize what you were doing or the fact that everyone in the library saw it.
Or the fact that you didn’t mind the notion of being mistaken for a couple with Renjun.
You don’t meet bright and early with Renjun today. He demanded to sleep in this time, since he’s not an early riser to begin with and the past two days have sucked all the energy out of him.
Which means you’re free until noon. You check the time—10 AM.
Two hours to kill.
You don’t feel like getting all sweaty and hot, so any activity outside is out. You really don’t want to be judged by more Athena kids in the Arts and Crafts Center without Renjun. So, you decide to head back to the library, despite how yesterday went.
You check out a book that goes into depth about some of the most believable conspiracy theories; Renjun actually read it a while ago (and totally geeked out about it to you), but who would have thought that you would end up reading it too? Past you definitely would’ve laughed in your face if you told her that.
Once you get back to your cabin, you curl up in your covers and begin to read. You get about two chapters in when you hear the door open and Jeong Jaehyun, one of your brothers, walks in. He’s wearing his orange t-shirt that’s soaked with sweat, and his hair is dripping from perspiration too. His pale skin glistens, and he looks like a sweaty and sparkly vampire.
“Hey, kid,” Jaehyun says, nodding at you. He isn’t that much older than you, but he’s gotten into the habit of calling you kid for some reason.
“This is a surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you come back from training before 5 PM,” you tease.
He lets out a low whistle. “Way too hot out there. I needed to get some A/C before I had a heatstroke—is that a book in your hand?”
“What about it?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
Jaehyun snorts. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you near a book, much less read one.”
“Rude. I am expanding my horizons,” you retort.
“It seems so. What was up with you and Renjun at the library yesterday?” Jaehyun plops down on the edge of your bed.
“How do you even know about that?” you ask, wrinkling your nose. “And go take a shower first before you sit on my bed! You stink!”
“Do I?” He waggles his eyebrows and throws his arms around you in a bear hug. You try your best to shove him off, but he has a hold on your like a python.
“I hate you,” you say when he finally pulls back, sniffing your shirt to make sure you still smelled like your fabric softener. “Anyways, how’d you find out about the library thing?”
“Rumors spread fast around here, dear sister. But, seriously, what’s the deal?”
“There is no deal, Jaehyun,” you sigh, closing your book. “It’s all just a misunderstanding. We were joking around while I was trying to find a potential girlfriend for him there—which, by the way, is going horribly. I don’t think he feels romantic attraction properly like everybody else.”
“Oh right. I forgot you roped Renjun into your matchmaking thing,” Jaehyun says, disappointed. “Damn, and here I thought he finally made a move.”
Your head snaps up to give him a quizzical look. “What?”
“What?” He tilts his head.
“What did you mean by that, the part where you said you thought Renjun finally made a move?” you ask.
Jaehyun stares at you for a couple of seconds, an astonished expression on his face. “Do you really not know?”
“Would I be asking if I didn’t know?” you shoot back, annoyed that he still hasn’t answered you.
“Gods, all this time, I thought you were just pretending like you didn’t know because you didn’t want to make things awkward,” he continues, shaking his head.
“Jaehyun, what are you talking about?” you demand.
“Renjun is in love with you, Y/N.”
You gape at him. It’s a good thing you’re already sitting down because you definitely would have fallen on your ass if you had been standing.
“Th-Th-That’s impossible,” you stammer, like an absolute idiot. “There’s n-n-no way.”
“Oh, come on, lil’ sis. He’s never even tried to hide it. He’s so obvious about it that I seriously don’t understand how you didn’t know,” Jaehyun snorts. “You don’t even need to have powers to see that he’s head over heels for you.”
“But—but how? I would’ve sensed it!” you exclaim.
“You’re so sharp when it comes to other people, but you’re dense as hell when it comes to yourself,” Jaehyun points out, shrugging. “You just never paid attention, Y/N.”
You don’t respond. Your mind is a mess, a jumbled mishmash of emotions. You’re feeling so many things right now, and you can’t pinpoint any of it.. You wouldn’t be surprised if you passed out.
“Do you like him back?” Jaehyun asks softly.
“I—no! Of course not. Renjun’s my best friend. If I liked him, why would I be trying to find him a girlfriend right now? That’d be stupid of me. Yeah, that’d be so dumb. Why would I do that?” You’re rambling now, and it’s glaringly obvious that you’re trying to convince yourself rather than Jaehyun (and you know he can see it too).
“It doesn’t seem like you’re trying that hard, though.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you ask defensively.
“The Y/N I know spends all hours of the day gathering information on her potential matches and making sure even the tiniest detail goes according to her master plan that she’s already drafted inside her head. She wouldn’t be sitting here, leisurely reading a book, especially if it’s going horribly. She would be doing everything in her power to get things back on track,” Jaehyun notes. “Ask yourself. Do you really want Renjun to get a girlfriend?”
“Wh-Why wouldn’t I?” You ask him, hoping he knows the answer, because you sure as hell don’t know.
“Because he won’t always be there anymore. He won’t have time to let you constantly drag him into your antics anymore. You won’t be his number one anymore. His girlfriend will be his first priority, of course, as she should. Think long and hard about that, Y/N. Will you be okay with that?”
“I—” The words seem to die inside your throat as you come to realization that you might not be okay with that at all. You’ve always gone to Renjun for everything and knowing that he may not always be there makes you feel lost, like a compass without it’s True North. You’re being selfish again, but it seems like you’ve gotten into the habit of acting selfish whenever it comes to Renjun. You’ve let yourself grow too reliant on him.
“Why do you care so much anyways?” Now, you’re deflecting. “Why did you tell me all of this?”
“Because you’re my little sister and I care about you. I want you to be one hundred percent sure of your own feelings, so your heart doesn’t get broken. The only reason I didn’t say anything sooner was because I thought you were already sure. Take some time and think about it, Y/N. It’ll be better for your friendship with Renjun if everything is crystal clear between the two of you,” Jaehyun advises, giving you a pat on the shoulder. He gets up, presumably to take a shower, and leaves.
You barely notice him go.
You sit in your bed, staring blankly at the wall, until Renjun finally arrives. He’s still a little groggy, probably having woken up ten minutes ago before coming. His clothes are a little rumpled and his hair isn’t styled, with his bangs flopping in his eyes. Normally, you would have made fun of him and mussed it up, but you have other things on your mind as of the moment.
Like always, he can tell something is up. He gets that concerned look on his face—the one where he has a deep crease between his brows and his rosy lips are turned downwards.
“What’s wrong?” He places a hand on your arm, lowering his head so he can’t get a better look at your face.
Physical contact with Renjun has always been something normal for you, but suddenly, you’re now acutely aware of everything about him. You can feel the pad of every one of his fingertips on your bare skin, the warmth of his palm, and just how easily his touch makes your body relax. Even when your brain is a whirlwind of thoughts, your muscles, like clockwork, instantly loosen up with just a brush of his hand.
“We need to talk,” you say shakily, moving away from him. There’s a flash of hurt in his eyes as his hand falls to his side. You feel bad, but the longer he’s touching you, the more confused you get.
You lead him a secluded area behind the Dining Pavilion, and he follows wordlessly. He waits for you to speak as the two of you stand there. Now that you’re here, you don’t really know what to say anymore.
“Are you in love with me?” you blurt before you can stop yourself. “Jaehyun said—”
“Yes,” Renjun answers. If he’s surprised or taken aback whatosever, he doesn’t show it. In fact, it seems like he knew this was coming. There’s no fear or hesitation in his eyes. He’s unwavering in his answer, and you wonder how he can always be so certain of his feelings.
“How long?” you ask tentatively.
“Probably when we first met,” he says.
“Are you asking me why I’m in love with you?” He raises an eyebrow.
You’re not sure. You’re not sure of anything anymore.
When you don’t answer, Renjun looks at you for a very long time. “You make me happy, Y/N. No matter how shitty things get, no matter how much I want to ram my fist through a wall, I see you and it’s like I can finally take a breath again. When you smile at me, I forget about everything that was bothering me. You and your daily shenanigans are the best part of my day. You’re obnoxious and frustrating and exhausting, but I fucking love you for it. I’m at your beck and call; I’d do anything for you. Whenever you’re happy, I become happy too. Nothing else matters to me anymore. That’s why.”
“You should have told me,” you say, voice cracking. Your heart is singing with joy, and you want to cry with relief. He talks about you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and you so desperately want to be exactly that for him. You’re not confused anymore. Everything has finally become clear for you now. You truly wonder how you managed not to notice anything at all—whether it be your own feelings or his.
“I knew it would upset you,” he murmurs.
But then it hits you.
You can’t even fathom how much Renjun has had to endure throughout the years. He’s loved you all this time, yet he hasn’t said a word—out of consideration for you. In everything he’s ever done during the course of your friendship, he has always put you first. Even if it hurts him, he was willing to withstand it for your sake.
Yet all you’ve done for him is force him into letting you try to find a him a girlfriend, despite the fact that he was against it, and he had to pretend like he was okay as he watched you parade around like a fool telling him to love someone else.
You don’t deserve to be loved by someone like Huang Renjun.
You don’t deserve to love someone like Huang Renjun.
Suddenly, you begin to feel nauseous—probably sickened by guilt. Black spots dot your vision, and your legs start wobbling. Your body collapses only moments after, but luckily, Renjun manages to catch you before you can hit the pavement.
“Y/N? Y/N? Hey, talk to me,” you can hear him say very faintly. He’s cradling you against his chest, and you bury your face in it. Your head is spinning, but you feel surprisingly grounded in his arms.
Has he always smelled this nice? His scent is a mixture of books and sandalwood, and you’re basically crushing your nose against his chest like an absolute pervert. You don’t feel embarrassed because you know you can blame it on being sick later.
Speaking of sick, even though Renjun smells so good, you proceed to lean forward and vomit all over him and yourself.
Once again, you don’t feel that embarrassed because you black out soon after.
You wake up tucked nicely under your covers. Much to your relief, you’re also in clean clothes—your favorite set of heart pajamas. Unfortunately, that’s the only bright side to your current state.
It feels like you haven’t had a sip of water in ten years, and your lips feel like they’ve been glued together. Even the tiniest movement makes your head feel like someone is drilling into your skull. Your body feels twenty times heavier, and not to mention, you just generally feel like shit because of what happened with Renjun.
“Oh my gods, you look so creepy right now. Who just lays there with their eyes wide open? If you’re awake, you should say something,” a voice chides. Turning your head just a smidgen (and wincing because of the pain), you see your sister, Lee Mijoo. She has a glass of water in her hand, setting it on your nightstand.
“How long have I been asleep?” you ask hoarsely.
“Let’s see. Renjun brought you back at like 2 PM yesterday, and it’s now 8 PM, so...thirty hours?” Mijoo counts on her fingers.
“Fuck,” you groan.
“Heatstroke will do that to ya,” she says, making a clicking noise with her tongue.
“I had a heatstroke?”
“Yep. It was a pretty nasty one too. You really did a number all over Renjun’s shirt. It was like a vomit Picasso,” Mijoo says, sounding kind of impressed.
Your face burns from humiliation.
“Here, sit up and drink this water,” she orders, helping you get up. Your head is screaming in pain, like a million little jabs to your brain. You down the water in one big gulp, not realizing just how dehydrated you were until your lips hit the water.
“So, you and Renjun, huh?” Mijoo asks sheepishly.
If you still had water in your mouth, you would’ve spat it out. “What?”
“Jaehyun told me everything,” she explains.
Traitor, you think to yourself.
“Don’t be mad at him. Renjun looked like a kicked puppy when we saw him. There’s no way I wouldn’t have asked questions,” she says. “Did you break his heart, little sister?”
You sigh, putting the cup back on your nightstand. “I hope not. His heart shouldn’t be broken by someone like me.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It means that he shouldn’t concern himself with me,” you sigh.
“Well, he does. He came to check up on you like a billion times. I had to ban him from coming back until tomorrow,” Mijoo snorts. “He’s a really good guy, you know.”
“Trust me,” you say, rubbing your temples. “I know that better than anyone.”
“So, what’s stopping you? I would be all over that.”
You glare at her before letting out another sigh. “He’s too good for me, Mijoo.”
“That’s for him to decide, no?” She raises an eyebrow.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just saying the truth,” you say.
“So, you won’t mind if I date him?” she asks seriously.
Your face falls instantly, and Mijoo doubles over laughing.
“Geez, Y/N, you looked like you were about to claw my eyes out!” She wipes away a tear.
“Very funny,” you say dryly.
“But what if I had been serious? What would you have done then?”
You don’t answer.
“I think you really, really like Renjun, Y/N,” Mijoo whispers loudly.
“I think I love him,” you whisper back.
“Then, you should probably tell him.”
“Yeah, I should,” you echo.
Ignoring the major migraine you have and the fact that you’re still a little sluggish, you throw your covers off of you. You don’t change out of your pajamas, simply throwing a thin cardigan over it.
“Uh, Y/N, maybe you should wait until you feel be—”
“No, I have do it now before I change my mind,” you cut her off, slipping on your tennis shoes.
You hear Mijoo call after you, but you’re already out of the door. The Athena Cabin isn’t too far from the Aphrodite Cabin, so the walk is short. Much to your surprise once you’re inside, he isn’t there.
Grabbing the nearest Athena kid you see, you ask, “Where’s Renjun?”
“Um, I think he went to the amphitheater?”
The amphitheater is a bit further, so you promptly release and thank the kid, before taking off. You’re not sure if running is recommended right after a heatstroke, but you do it anyways. By the time you get there, your cardigan is slipping off and you’re dripping with sweat from the humid summer heat.
The amphitheater is extremely crowded, since there was probably a performance tonight. It’s actually a little hard to see over all the people. However, you find Renjun pretty quickly.
You see him standing off to the side, away from everyone else. He’s staring emptily at the stage, hands tucked inside his pockets. He looks so tired and dejected. His entire body slumps as if it’s too exhausting to stand up straight anymore.
All because of you.
You wait until you finally catch your breath, opening your mouth to call out to him. But you don’t ever get the chance to because a girl walks up to him. You can’t tell who she is because the back of her head is facing you, and you see Renjun give her a small smile before saying something.
The girl laughs and turns her head, giving you a view of her side profile.
Hwang Yeji.
All of the courage you had inside you withers away like a dying flower.
You take a step back, accidentally bumping into someone behind you. They say something to you, but you don’t hear it at all. Instead, you turn on your heel and run. You run wildly and blindly, nearly whizzing right past your cabin. You’re barely able get back inside, eyes so blurry with tears that you can’t even see where you’re going.
When Mijoo sees you, she doesn’t ask any questions. She just turns on the shower for you, extra hot. You step in without a word, letting the water mix with the tears running down your face.
It’s not that you think Renjun is in love with Yeji now. In fact, you know he’s not. It’s just that they would be much better together.
Yeji is one of the sweetest girls you know. She would treat Renjun with the kindness he deserves. She would consider his feelings first before making him do anything. She would make him happier than you ever could. They would be so compatible, and if you weren’t in love with Renjun yourself, you would definitely be trying to set the two up.
After your shower, you change into the clothes Mijoo set out for you—an oversized sweater with cotton shorts—and miserably crawl back in bed. You’re so drained that you don’t even have the energy to drink the fresh glass of water on your nightstand.
Everything hurt—mentally and physically.
Your heart aches most of all. You’ve dated here and there, gone through some breakups, but nothing has ever been as painful as this.
It’s a pain that consumes you whole. A pain that makes you want to scream but no sound will come out. A pain that makes you want to tear your heart out. A pain that makes you wish a bunch of aliens abducted you and brainwashed you into not feeling any emotions anymore.
It’s the same pain that you thought you felt from Renjun on the first day of when this all began.
And then the last puzzle piece finally falls into place.
That pain was never his.
It has always been your own.
You love Renjun too, and you’ve loved him for a very long time.
“Come on, Y/N. At least get up to wash your face and brush your teeth,” Mijoo pleads.
You ignore her, pulling your covers over your head and turning away. It’s already well into the afternoon, but you’ve been feigning sick so you didn’t have to get up. The rest of the Aphrodite children have left and gone about their various activities throughout the camp, but Mijoo was tasked by Jaehyun to take care of you.
“If you just do that, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day,” she bargains.
You think about it for a second before sighing, begrudgingly sitting up. You can see the pity dripping out of her eyes when you brush past her to head to the bathroom. When you see yourself in the mirror, you can understand why.
Puffy eyes, matted hair, tear-stained cheeks, and chapped lips. It’s too bad you hadn’t been wearing mascara last night because the only thing you’re missing in your hot mess look right now are those dark smudges right under your eyes.
You brush you teeth, which takes a lot more effort than you realize, and splash water on your face. Not even bothering to brush your hair, you head straight back to bed. True to her word, Mijoo doesn’t say anything else after that.
That is, until a couple hours later.
“Um, so I know I said I would leave you alone, but I think you might want to get up for this one, Y/N,” she whispers. You can’t see her because you back is turned to her, but you can tell by the tone of her voice that it’s important.
Irritated, you yank the covers off you and sit back up once again. “Mijoo, I—”
You almost choke on air when you realize Mijoo isn’t alone. Renjun is right beside her, looking not much better than you. He’s in a wrinkled t-shirt and sweatpants, his hair looks like he just ran his fingers through it and called it a day, and he has purple bags under his eyes.
“Can we talk?” Renjun asks.
You hesitantly nod.
“I’ll, uh, give you two some privacy,” Mijoo says awkwardly before turning around and running out of the cabin.
You don’t know what to do now, staring down at your clasped hands. You hear Renjun take a step forward, and you feel the edge of your bed dip under his weight. There’s a sizable gap between you and where he’s sitting, but he’s still close enough for his scent to waft over to you. He smells wonderful like usual, and you hope you don’t stink in return.
“How are you feeling?” Renjun asks quietly.
“Like shit,” you answer honestly.
He laughs under his breath. “I know what you mean.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you feel giddy all of a sudden when you see him smile. How did you manage to turn into a lovesick little schoolgirl over night?
“I talked to Yeji last night at the amphitheater,” Renjun says after a moment.
“I know,” you mutter.
He blinks. “You do? How?”
You’re not sure how to answer that.
“Well, that doesn’t matter right now,” he dismisses, taking in a deep breath. “I just wanted to tell you that I ran into her after I checked up on you, and she invited me to watch her performance. I wasn’t going to say yes at first, but I thought it would make you happy if I did. I tried, Y/N, I really tried. Yeji’s a nice girl, but I can’t help how I feel. I love you, Y/N. It’s always been you, and it always will be. I’m not asking you to love me back. I just want to stay by your side, as your friend, if you’ll allow it. I—”
“Stop,” you interrupt, scooting closer to him and putting a hand over his mouth. “I have to tell you something.”
Renjun gives you a bewildered expression but nods nonetheless.
You remove your hand from his mouth, before taking in a deep breath of your own. “You’re my best friend, Renjun, and I’ve always confided in you for everything. I took you for granted, and I only thought about myself. Deep down, I think I’ve always known about your feelings and my own, but I was afraid to dig for it. I was comfortable, and I didn’t want to ruin that, even though you were hurting. I’m truly sorry for treating you that way, Renjun. From now on, I want you to tell me everything—the good, the bad, the ugly. Don’t bottle things up for my sake.”
He goes to say something, but you hold up your hand to stop him.
“The reason why I knew you were with Yeji at the amphitheater last night is because I was there too. I went to look for you,” you finally confess. “When I decided I was going to find a girlfriend for you, I thought I would be able to step aside when you did find someone. But once I saw you with Yeji, I realized that I couldn’t do it. What I want with you isn’t a friendship anymore. I’m in love with you, Renjun. I have been for a long time, and it took me four, almost five, years to see that because I never thought to listen to my own heart until now. I don’t think I will ever deserve you in his lifetime, but I love you. I’m selfish and I’m a mess and I always cause trouble for you, but I—”
Renjun wraps an arm around your waist and tugs your body flush against his. His hand comes up to cradle your cheek as his thumb lightly runs across your cheekbone. You’re clutching his shirt like a lifeline, holding your breath, as you stare into those gray eyes.
“You,” he whispers, his lips barely brushing against yours, “are more than I deserve.”
He leans in and closes the infinitesimal gap between your mouths. He kisses you desperately, like you’ll disappear any moment, and you can feel all of the emotions he’s been locking away. His arms are wound tightly around you as he pulls you into his lap. You weave your hands through his hair, and he deepens the kiss. Your shirt rides up as you shift, and you feel his hand slip up your shirt and rest against your back. It ignites a fire within you and you want to tell him to take it off completely, but your lungs are screaming for air, so you have no choice but to pull away.
“Sorry,” Renjun says breathlessly, his chest heaving up and down, as he takes his hand out from under your shirt.
“No, I liked it,” you say, shaking your head and placing your forehead against his. “I just ran out of air.”
“No,” he disagrees, “I didn’t mean for it to go that far. It was supposed to be a sweet kiss, but I lost control.”
He tugs your shirt back down and gently sets you back down next to him. You can’t help but giggle at how flustered he is. It’s not often that Athena children, especially Huang Renjun, loses control of their emotions like that.
“I’m glad you find this amusing,” he says wryly, rolling his eyes.
“You know,” you say in a sing-song voice, “I still technically never broke my streak. I found you a girlfriend within five days.”
“Does it really count if you ended up being my girlfriend?” He raises an eyebrow. “Seems a little unprofessional to me.”
“Don’t be a sore loser,” you taunt.
“You also said you were going to make me fall in love so hard that I’d forget my own name,” he points out. “And I didn’t, so that’s false advertising. Unprofessional and unethical? I could sue you.”
“You are so petty,” you squint. “And come on! That kiss didn’t make your forget? It made me forget!”
“I don’t like you that much.” He deadpans.
“Huang Renjun, you are so not cute!”
“It’s not my best work, so you can have it,” Renjun says, trying to act casual about it.
You look so happy that Renjun would have painted a thousand more if you asked him to. You have a smile that could make the goddesses envious, and he can barely hear what you’re saying over the thumping of his own heart. He hopes his expression looks somewhat elusive because he’s not sure how to handle himself right now.
You’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen in his life.
Renjun feels like he’s been shot by Eros’ arrow. He used to never understand why everyone was so wary of Eros; he’s basically just a mascot for corny Valentine’s Day cards. Apollo and his children avoid Eros and his children like the plague. Though granted, Eros did force Apollo to fall in love with Daphne and then she ended up turning into a tree. So, there is a little bit of history there. Point being, Renjun just didn’t get it.
But he think he does now.
“Thank you so much!” you say excitedly, extending your hand. “I’m Y/N!”
Renjun just stupidly stares at you. He’s not even sure if he’s worthy to touch your hand, but he also doesn’t want to be rude. He carefully shakes your hand, unable to say a word.
“What’s your name?” you ask, tilting your head.
Is it possible for a person to be this adorable? he thinks to himself.
You’re looking at him, waiting expectantly.
You’re still smiling, but he can see the slight confusion in your eyes. He’s never felt like more of a moron in his life.
“Ren...jun,” he finally says after an extreme amount of concentration.
You beam at him, and he wonders if he’s the only one seeing the ring of light surrounding you. There’s no way you aren’t Aphrodite’s favorite child.
“Nice to meet you, Renjun! Let’s be friends.”
Renjun isn’t sure he wants to be just friends, but he finds himself nodding along anyways.
Fuck, he thinks, I’m in trouble.
#neowritingsnet#ncitynetwork#cznnet#NCT-WRITERS#nct scenarios#nct imagines#renjun fluff#renjun angst#nct dream fluff#nct dream angst#nct dream imagines#renjun#nct#choerrypuffs#demigods
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caught in the act // f.w
summary: how do you feel about writing a request for professor!fred and professor!reader bantering like cRaZy at hogwarts a few years after graduation and things just ~happen~ between them both? like maybe they try to one up each other all the time or they just dislike one another OR they're secretly dating but try to hide it from the students but the students know anyway? i don't even care what it is, i just desperately need professor fred k love u BYE
warnings: flirty and steamy, mentions of food
word count: 3.7k
a/n: OK so this idea was stemmed from a very long chat between me, @ickle-ronniekins and @wand3ringr0s3 and it has finally been brought to life! this was so much fun to write and i really hope you all enjoy :) [i do not give consent for my work to be reposted on any platform.]
The familiar echo of the Hogwarts bell never failed to make you jump out of your skin. Especially when you were currently eyeing a class full of students in eerie silence, broken only by the occasional drop of a quill. Their practice exam required lack of noise to the point where you swore you could hear the movements of your ribs as you inhaled and exhaled.
The ringing sound echoed throughout the class for a short moment, the students in front of you all placing their quills down and forming a line towards your desk, their parchment in hand and some of their faces rather sullen. It was only a practice exam, but the real deal was coming up in a few weeks and revisions were taking up a majority of their free time. You couldn’t tell if their expressions were from the work they just did or from the lack of sleep.
You remembered your exam days at Hogwarts. Long, dreary nights in the common room by the fire until the sun came up, your eyes burning out of your scalp from reading scribbles and notes all night long. Those really were the days, weren’t they?
“I don’t think I did so well, Professor,” one of your students, a fourth year Hufflepuff, said with a defeated tone to his voice, “I couldn’t remember the proper spell.”
You had found it rather odd that for a Charms class, the students had to do a written practice exam. It wasn’t your decision — but you surely questioned it.
“It’s alright, Edwards,” you grinned back, “It’s not the final thing. This will only prepare you for the one you take in two weeks. Remember, that one is a performance exam. If you’ve got your wand movements down, you’ll be all set.”
The boy nodded, no trace of a smile on his face as he turned away and trudged out of the class, his overly heavy backpack hanging off of his shoulder.
A frown formed on your lips as the next student walked towards your desk, a confident smile on her face as she handed you her exam paper, “Have a good day, Professor!”
You were about to wish her a good day in return, but a figure by the door caught your attention instead.
Fred Weasley — or, rather, known to his students as Professor Weasley — stood with his hands in his pockets, his button up shirt tucked tightly into his slacks. His hair was short, standing up and looking soft as ever.
He shot you a quick wink, causing you to shake your head with a small laugh before you returned to collecting exams. You couldn’t give away that you were, indeed, dating a fellow professor. You were sure, due to the countless times you’ve popped in and out of each other’s classes, that some of them were suspicious. But you could hardly think about that too much without getting paranoid.
Your students filed out of the classroom one by one, each of them excited to finally be on lunch break. You could hear a few of them mutter a quick ‘good afternoon, Professor Weasley’ as they passed by him in the doorway, none of them striking any sort of conversation, much to your pleasure.
“And what can I help you with?” you grinned, standing up from your chair and placing a clip around the stack of papers, sitting them down in the corner of your desk so you could remember to take them with you and look at them in your office later in the evening. You much preferred to do your grading and marking at night — you felt much more ‘in the zone,’ so to speak.
He walked over to you, hands still in his pockets, “What? Can’t pay my girl a visit during breaks?”
You scoffed, taking out a large stack of paper from your desk drawer and preparing for the class of sixth years you had after your break. Fred was inching closer to you with each passing second, taking strides with his long legs as if time was running out and he was trying to get to you as soon as possible without running. You stifled a laugh at his movements.
“Considering no one knows I’m your girl, I’d say no,” you replied, giving him a small smirk, “We don’t want to get caught like last time do we?”
You mentally cringed, thinking back to when fellow professor Neville Longbottom caught you and Fred at the Hogwarts staff Christmas party, your bodies nearly flushed to each other and his head dipping down to whisper in your ear. That might not be a giveaway, but considering the nature of Fred’s words and the way your eyes grew wide as you gave him a slap across the chest, it was a bit of a statement. Neville had asked you that night if anything was going on between you two, to which you replied ‘it’s late, I need to leave.’
“Well, it would be a shame for the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher to be dating the Charms teacher,” he said, a fake grimace on his face, “You’re only the most brilliant person in this entire school. I would be so ashamed if people knew. The highest held Professor, me, dating you, the lowly Charms teacher — a tragedy, really.”
“Oh, excuse me,” you placed a hand over your chest, stepping closer to him and leaning against the edge of your desk, “A shame, you say? I’ll have you know people much prefer my class to yours, anyways. Actually, just this morning, a group of Hufflepuffs told me they liked me best.”
The corner of his lip curved up into a smirk, leaning closer and wrapping his arms around your waist, his hips leaning against yours. You felt his hands slide lower down your back, giving your bottom a quick squeeze.
“Hands off, Freddie,” you poked him in the chest, “This relationship has now become a competition.”
He pursed his lips, “Well, can the academic competition start tomorrow after we perform the, to kindly put it, physical competition in my room tonight.”
You slid away from him, shaking your head, “You are unbelievable.”
“Well, believe it, love,” even though you weren’t facing him, you could hear the smirk in his voice, “This is all yours.”
“Uh, Professor Y/L/N?”
You spun on the spot, colour draining completely from your face. You heard Fred let out an awkward cough, facing the doorway where someone now stood. One of the students from your previous class was standing awkwardly, books in her arms and a confused look on her face.
“Oh, hello, Miss Myers,” you sighed, running a hand down your face, “Professor Weasley, do you mind giving us a moment?” Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, and the temperature in the room was now a million degrees warmer than it previously was.
Fred grumbled a quick ‘of course,’ and made his way out of the room, turning to give you a wide-eyed expression before closing the door behind him. You let out a deep sigh, falling back into your chair, tossing your hair over your shoulder and looking over at your student.
“Did I interrupt something?” she asked, clearly fighting a grin.
You waved your hand, “No! No,” you tried your best to act nonchalant, letting your student take a seat in front of you, “So, what can I help you with?”
She began expressing her worries for the upcoming exam, all the while you tried giving her the best tips and advice on how to study her charms carefully and safely. You couldn’t count the number of times students had tried their spells outside of the class and had something go horribly wrong. No one wanted to deal with that again.
Though, you kept wondering what she meant by ‘interrupting something.’
You knew that she didn’t mean it in an accusatory manner — you weren’t all cozied up to Fred when she walked in. She couldn’t have seen anything, could she? Even if she did, who would she tell? Headmistress McGonagall was well aware of your relationship with Fred. But she was the only one who knew. You didn’t want to even think about the rumours that would spread if word broke out about your — to put it scandalously — affair.
You honestly weren’t sure what was holding you back from just announcing it. If McGonagall approved, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Thanks for the help, Professor,” Miss Myers’ voice cut your internal rambling short, causing you to shake your head.
“No problem, my door is always open,” you grinned, motioning your hand in the direction of the door. She gave you a bright grin and picked up her backpack, turning to give you a little wave before making her way out of the classroom, once again, the door shutting closed behind her.
A loud groan left your lips before you dropped your head, letting your forehead smack loudly against the hardwood surface.
The next two weeks felt like a whirlwind. Not only was the end of term approaching as rapidly as ever, but because your fifth years were rushing towards you every hour of the day to prepare for their OWLs, you were feeling rather happy that you only had a few days left before you were out of here. A lot of them seemed to get the hang of their Charms abilities, but many of them still seemed to be a little off. You couldn’t blame them — fifth year was rough — but you really wanted them all to be successful and to pass. Many of your students wanted to go on and be Aurors. A passing Charms mark was kind of a necessity.
“So you’re alright with overlooking the exam?” the Headmistress asked, her pointy hat standing tall on her head as her emerald robes flowed loosely behind her, the two of you walking towards the Great Hall, “You won’t be alone, but I just wanted to double check.”
You grinned, “Of course, it would be my pleasure.”
The walk to the Hall wasn’t long, but you were feeling suddenly anxious. You had poured your heart and soul into the teaching that you had done this year — you only hoped it paid off enough. You didn’t want to disappoint or let your students down. This was the most important exam yet.
The Charms exam was tomorrow at noon, so you weren’t sure why your wand was in a knot just yet, but the anxious bubbles in your stomach hadn’t calmed down over the last few days, to be totally honest.
You walked into the silent Hall, no students present yet, and came to a halt as you spotted the redheaded man standing all the way on the other side.
“Oh, so you’re my ever so lovely companion this afternoon?” he grinned, standing up off of his chair and placing the stack of papers down on the table in front of him, his sweater clinging rightfully to his body and causing you to scan your eyes up and down his figure. He had a pen sticking out from behind his ear and you could see the pleased expression cross his face, even from the other side of the room.
“I suspect you two will behave,” McGonagall said from next to you, her eyes twinkling with some sort of amusement as she gazed between the two of you, eyebrows raised.
“When do I not behave, Minerva?” Fred asked cockily, shoving his hands into his pockets — which suddenly seemed to be a signature move for him. You weren’t really sure where it came from, but you weren’t complaining. It gave him some sort of authoritarian vibe, which was one of the many reasons you felt as if today might be a tough day.
Leaving you and Fred alone, McGonagall left the hall with a quick shake of her head, her little heels clacking loudly. You rolled your eyes, walking over to stand next to him. Even as you walked up the few stairs to the platform, Fred’s height towered over you and caused you to crane your neck up to look him in the eyes.
“Well, well, well,” he grinned, his hands finding their way to your lower back, sliding down so that they rested in the bum pockets of your jeans.
“Fred!” you squeaked, giving him a light slap across the bicep before pulling away, “We’ve almost been caught twice. Third time is definitely not the charm, here.”
He let out a low chuckle, his chest vibrating and his eyes crinkling in the corners. You loved the sight of him in a good mood, your heart doing a little flip in your chest as he ran a hand through his hair.
You couldn’t help yourself, leaning up onto your tip toes and pressing a light kiss to his lips, pulling away ever-so-quickly, reaching up and pulling the pen out from behind his ear in the process, putting it down on the little desk next to the chair he was previously seated in.
“Ha! Gotcha,” you grinned, using your index finger to tap his nose lightly.
“Oh, okay,” he nodded, hands immediately finding their way around your waist, “That’s not fair, love.”
His lips quickly found their way down to yours, warm and inviting as always. No matter how many times you kissed him, you never got tired of it. You still got the same amount of tingles and butterflies as you did the first time he kissed you. And that’s not something you ever imagined would change.
“Fred,” you mumbled against his lips, a low groan leaving his throat as you tried your best to wiggle out of his grasp. You could hear the voices of students down the corridor— they were bound to enter the Great Hall any second now. This was not the position you wanted them to see you two in.
“Fine, fine,” he mumbled, pulling away and rolling his eyes. His lips were red and his cheeks were slightly flushed, but he looked as dashing as ever. It was hard for him not to look like this, actually. Something in Fred Weasley’s blood just made him irresistible. You often felt like cursing him out, honestly.
Seconds later, the large door opened and the room was no longer silent. Fred shot you a quick wink, sending your heart into a fluttering frenzy, before you turned to face the oncoming group.
“Good morning!” you announced with a somehow steady voice, “Everyone find your seat so we can begin!”
It took a few minutes, but eventually the group each found their assigned desks and sat down, taking out their quills and parchment.
“You have two hours,” Fred clapped his hands together, echoing loudly throughout the room, “And the two of us will be here if you have any questions. The lovely Professor Y/L/N has volunteered to keep me company, probably because she finds me irresistible—” you rolled your eyes, “—but we’ll both answer any questions you have.”
You looked to the ground, hair falling into your face as you bit your tongue, holding back any snarky remarks towards your idiotic boyfriend. He really wasn’t helping the whole ‘lowkey’ aspect to your relationship.
“Does anyone have any questions before we start?” he asked, lifting his left arm to check the watch on his wrist. You finally peered back up, gazing over at the large clock that was sitting behind you. You immediately regretted not bringing a cup of tea or a snack, but the two hours were bound to fly by. This wasn’t your first time overlooking an exam period, and each time you’ve done this before, it’s never felt like it was dragging on.
“Good luck everyone!” you called out with a smile, clapping your hands together. They all began scribbling away as you finished your sentence, the scratching sound being the only noise you could hear as any previous chatter had now completely ceased.
You walked slowly over to Fred, your hands crossed over your chest as you raised an eyebrow, “Really smooth, you know? Nearly gave us away, you did.”
He shrugged, giving you a lopsided grin, “Oh, come on. Pretty sure half this lot know we’re together anyways. They may be younger, but they’re not completely dim-witted.”
Scoffing and turning your back to the group to face him better, you tried your best to give Fred a serious glare, “None of them are dim-witted, Fred. I’m just saying it would be nice to avoid the drama that comes with public teacher relationships.”
You took a step back as he took one towards you, trying your best to maintain some sort of professional distance. The students might be busy with their work, but that didn’t mean they were blind to the two Professors standing watch at the front of the room.
“I gotta admit, love,” he nodded his head, lowering his voice and leaning in, “the sneaking around has been rather fun.”
His voice sent shivers down your body, goosebumps rising on your skin. You forgot how to breathe for a second, quickly trying your best to regain your composure so the students didn’t see you looking like a fish out of water.
You let out a low cough, clearing your throat and nodding, “It has, hasn’t it?”
The grin on his face was practically contagious, causing the corners of your own lips to turn up before lifting a hand to toss your hair out of your face. You gazed up at him, running your tongue over your bottom lip before pulling it between your teeth, shooting him a wink in the process.
You could see the way his eyes were drawn to your every move, looking at your lips as if in some sort of trance. It caused a little sense of pride to blossom in your chest, to be honest. Fred was often the one who had you locked in a permanent dreamy state. It wasn’t everyday that you had the upper hand.
“Not bloody fair,” he tossed his head back, “Y’know how badly that makes me want to kiss you.”
You smirked, giving him a quick shrug of your shoulders and turning away, swaying your hips as you walked over to the chair that was a few feet away, sitting down comfortably and giving him another wink. You could tell his gaze was on your hips as you walked away — the darker tone in his eyes now locked on you.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
“You’re a real piece of work, y’know?” he groaned in your ear, leaning over you as you organized the pile of recently collected exams, making sure that Fred’s proximity wasn’t a distraction. You weren’t being overly successful at that last part, though. You could smell his cologne and the warmth of his skin as he stood mere inches away, knowing damn well that he was causing you to stutter in your work.
You had been teasing Fred the entire exam period, sending him winks and lingering looks, even being bold enough to run your hand through his hair at one point, making sure to rake your nails lightly down the nape of his neck, enough to cause his body to erupt in goosebumps. He gave you a stern look after that, letting you know that he was now completely and utterly under your charm.
“Am I? Well, this is a competition, if you remember correctly. I think I won.” you spun around, leaning against the desk, a teasing look on your face.
“Oh, you definitely won,” his hands slid around your waist, delicately but firmly. He had a way with body language that was unmatched, you had to admit.
Taking a step closer to you and pulling your body closer to his, he dipped his head and began to pepper your jaw with light kisses.
“Fred,” you giggled, weakly attempting to push him away, “Not right now.”
He groaned against your neck, his lips continuing to press kisses along your skin. It was rendering your mind nearly completely blank, but you tried your best to stay focused, to make sure that you guys wouldn’t get caught and ruin the secrecy aspect to your hidden romance. Plus, you really didn’t want McGonagall to catch you in such a scandalous position.
“Honestly, do you have no self control?” you asked, successfully pushing him away. You missed the warmth of his body pressed against yours, but you had a feeling you’d be getting a lot of that tonight so you weren’t too upset about it. He’d more than make up for it in a few hours.
“Not around you, love,” he grinned, running a hand through his hair. You wished you were the one doing it instead, but once again, you had a feeling you’d be doing that quite a bit tonight, so you figured you’d wait until you could do it with no worries of anyone cutting in. He loved the feeling of your hands running through his hair, delicately giving little tugs every now and then.
You let out a laugh, shaking your head as you picked up the pile of finished exams, “You’re too much.”
Fred followed closely after you as you made your way towards the exit of the Hall, his hands empty but he kept them to himself this time, “But you love me, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.”
After having been empty this afternoon, the Great Hall was now bustling with life. The four house tables were filled with students and food, echoes of distant and nearby conversations reverberating around the crowded room. It wasn’t a sight one could get used to. Yes, you had spent seven years of your youth here, and a few years as a Professor now, but the atmosphere of this room would never quite sink in.
Professor Neville Longbottom, who was currently seated next to you, was rambling on about a mishap that happened in his class that day — something about a first year Gryffindor knocking over eight potted plants — and you nodded along and laughed as he made jokes.
“Can you believe it?” he asked, eyes wide as he munched on a potato, “He thought Mandrakes and Mimbulus Mimbletonia were the same thing!”
You let out an amused snort, “Kind of hard to think that,” you took a sip of your goblet of wine, “But I guess some people don’t have the magical knack for plants that you do.” You nudged him in the side with a smile.
He grinned at the compliment, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red. Neville was two years below you while in school, but his knowledge of plants and nature was way beyond you.
The conversation fell to a lull and Neville became invested in chatting with the person to his other side. You didn’t pay much attention to who it was, as your eyes were now trained to the other end of the table, where the usual seat of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor was occupied by your boyfriend.
His eyes were already looking in your direction, causing a heat to surge through your body. A lazy smile was on his lips, and he clearly wasn’t paying attention to the elderly Professor Slughorn seated to his right.
“I love you,” you could read his lips, his eyes bright as they stayed locked on yours. His smile was genuine and loving, quite opposite to the teasing one he usually gave you, and it left your stomach feeling rather fluttery.
You bit your lower lip, fighting a grin, before moving your lips in return, “I love you more.”
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