#Junior Palace Guard
sw5w · 6 months
We Made It
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:03:12
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So I was rewatching Season 2, Episode 6 of TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing and something that didn't caught my eye the first time around was the look that Feng Xin and Mu Qing has after Xie Lian is escorted to be under house arrest in his palace.
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It's like they both know that whatever Xie Lian says about killing the Yongan royal family it's either not entirely true or there is something that's not adding up. They may have their differences but they both know Xie Lian enough to know that he's definitely hiding something. And with the political affairs of the Heavenly court, neither of them could blame him.
Which makes me think that their visit to Xianle palace was to help him and get the truth from Dianxie so that they may assist him once again. It's really telling that Mu Qing is able to see through Xie Lian's act and Feng Xin doesn't deny that he is right. Instead Feng Xin intentionally instigates a fight between him and Mu Qing.
Now, I just want to say that it is entirely possible that they just get caught up in their squabbles and Xie Lian had been out of heaven for 800 years so he wouldn't have noticed how much Feng Xin and Mu Qing changed during that time.
And maybe a part of me is just overthinking this - but in this instance I don't think that their fight was simply because of a squabble but was planned.
Think about it - nobody would question if these two ended up arguing or fighting. The only reason why I find it suspicious was because of Xie Lian's internal monologue saying that it is odd. But had it been anyone else in heaven nobody would think it strange that these two are fighting. As a matter of fact no junior official that was standing guard even bothered to go inside to investigate why it seems there's a commotion because it's common knowledge that Feng Xin and Mu Qing in a confined space would end up in a fight.
And that was the point.
They both know how many spies heaven has and they both know Xie Lian is clearly protecting a secret that would explain everything, but he can't say anything because of a better reason. And the only way they could get him to spill the beans to them while keeping everyone else out of the way is if their fight induced Xie Lian to confess what is really going on. Only the two of them would know the secret and Xie Lian would be safe to share it because it would be masked by the commotion of their fighting.
And then Hua Cheng initiates his abduction of Xie Lian and they immediately stop and work as a team. Their differences in how they report to the rest of the heavenly court on his abduction might just be to keep up appearances.
But maybe that's just me overthinking. But this is my headcanon now.
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Of course I can't just drop an idea into the void and then scamper off for other people to do something with it---I have to do it myself. So, feast your eyes on the DBD fantasy AU:
Edwin is a bookish prince with a love of mysteries and a keen sense of justice, which is a useful trait to have when your kingdom has a habit of letting people fall between the cracks. However, his habit of sneaking out into the kingdom to "assist" the royal guards with cases has gotten him into trouble... specifically, the accidentally-got-captured-by-a-demon-and-was-stuck-in-the-demon-realm-for-a-bit kind of trouble. Because of this, he's been assigned his own personal knight to stick with him at all times---but thankfully, Edwin's new shadow might be more rebellious than he seems...
Charles has only recently been knighted, and got assigned to Edwin due to the fact that they're similar in age and Edwin doesn't have a lot of friends. He got put on the path to knighthood because his father thought it'd be a good way for him to "man up," but surprisingly enough, he actually enjoys being a sword-fighting protector of the realm, even if the other knights have a tendency to be pricks. And Charles is more than happy to help Edwin do some clandestine detective work---hey, as long as he's sticking by him and making sure he doesn't get hurt, he's fulfilling his duties.
Niko is the princess of the neighboring kingdom, and she and Edwin are set to be married when they turn twenty-one---which both of them are fairly fine with, because despite the fact that they're both gay, they've been best friends since they were kids and know full well that it could very well be worse. Ever since her father died, she's been fairly withdrawn and lost, and has retreated even further into her love of books to keep her distracted. But even her newfound isolationist tendencies didn't keep her from briefly contracting a curse when she came into contact with an old magical artifact... a curse that was thankfully broken by her own personal bodyguard-slash-attendant.
Crystal is a recent graduate of a prestigious wizarding academy, and until her final year, she mostly skated by on average grades and the money of her noble parents. However, the summer before her final year, she summoned a demon on a dare, fell for him, and allowed him to possess her... and the experience not only briefly left her with holes in her memory, but was generally a wake-up call to how reckless she was with her magic. Over the following months, she applied herself to her wizardly studies, and got good to the point where she was called in to help cure Niko of a mysterious, multicolored curse that was afflicting her---and once Crystal succeeded, she was immediately handed a position as the junior court mage and Niko's primary attendant. Luckily, the two of them actually wound up getting along pretty fast.
My ideas for the others aren't as thought out, but I'll give you the basics:
Jenny works as the head cook in Niko's palace, and pretty much everybody knows not to mess with her. She's the person who Niko usually goes to for advice, despite the fact that she's really trying to not give off "mom friend" vibes.
The Night Nurse is the royal advisor to Edwin's parents, and is the one who's in charge of the majority of his schooling and general upbringing. While she's incredibly strict, she's still much more present than his actual parents are, and she's kind of unintentionally become his adoptive mom. She'll deny this if you ask her.
Esther is still a scheming witch who's pretty much always up to no good---maybe she's living in a village, maybe she's actually living in the palace as Crystal's mentor, I haven't decided yet---but Monty is her actual son and apprentice who simply has the ability to transform into a crow. And he... needs help.
The Cat King is a fey who Edwin met on a case. They meet up when they can and make out sometimes, though it's strictly a friends-with-benefits situation. He gives Edwin terrible advice on how to talk to boys.
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wlwinry · 5 months
wait wait please tell me more about the thistlecaster tangled au
oh boy oh boy im about to explode. prepare for a deeply silly heartfelt au that hovers in the back of my mind so very often
gorgug is (approximately) flynn, fabian is (approximately) rapunzel
by this i mean that they fill those two roles not that the personalities perfectly align
but to backtrack a little to that age-old worldbuilding: fabian, youngest (adoptive, but who cares) son of cathilda the black falls grievously ill as an infant. devastated and desperate, cathilda and fabian's older siblings (princess maeve, prince kieran, and princess rory, though theyre not super relevant to the au i just care about them a lot) hunt for magical cures high and low and eventually find an ancient healing blossom blessed by Galicaea, goddess of the moon, and Cassandra, goddess of the night and of mystery. some say that the flower came from the tears Galicaea shed when her sister first died, but that's neither here nor there...
the royal guard sneaks and fights through the wards around the flower and brews it into a healing draught, one that restores the infant prince's strength--but as he heals and grows bit by bit, the royal family notices a shocking change. fabian's hair, previously a pale silver, has turned moon-white. writing it off as a simple change, the likes of which frequently occur with infants, queen cathilda announces that her baby is healed and the kingdom rejoices
except word reaches bill and hallariel seacaster, fabian's biological parents. you see, they didn't want to deal with a child on their adventures, so they dropped him off on the shores of their former friend's kingdom.
a magical child, however...that's not a burden. that's an opportunity.
hallariel tricks her way into her palace to try and siphon some of fabian's magic, but finds it tied to the boy's blood and hair. so, of course, she steals him back. don't worry, she left a note thanking cathilda for taking such good (temporary) care of him, but she and bill have quite the client list looking for the magical youth, healing, and immortality a child with the healing power of a god can bring
cathilda hunts them down to no avail. the hangman (the ship) stops sailing, hiding in a cove shrouded by the best wards money can buy. fabian grows up in a cabin of that ship, never stepping foot off of it and never seeing another person beyond the clients his doting (ha) mama and papa bring in
cue the lantern celebration, a last hope from the royal ceíli family that their last little one will find his way home
cut to nineteen years later. thief duo fig and gorgug need one last score to be able to leave the kingdom behind with more than enough money to pursue their dreams once they end up Anywhere But There. the score in question? the crown of the lost prince
things don't go to plan, though--they get caught on the way out of the vault and end up splitting up, unable to reach their meeting spot now that (junior) captain of the guard riz gukgak is on their tails. fig heads for the forest sans-crown, gorgug heads for the shore with the crown, and when he sees what looks like a shipwreck in the middle of a secluded cove he decides to trust his gut and sneak aboard.
the problem is, of course, that the second he's on board, the glamour fades and the ship is clearly whole and hale. not that he gets much of a chance to process this, though. he gets brained over the head by a large, heavy blunt object, shoved into a closet, and then is blackmailed by the most beautiful man he's ever seen with the longest hair in the goddamn world to take him to see the floating lights in return for the crown. always a man of honor, gorgug agrees, and the ethereally beautiful stranger introduces himself as fabian
and he is. shockingly easy to fall in love with. mesmerized by the outside world. determined to experience as much as he can in the short few days he has without clients. deeply melancholy. maybe a little too fearless
he shudders whenever gorgug holds his hand, like he's not used to the touch. to the comfort
gorgug thinks there isn't much he wouldn't give to see him happy, escape plan aside.
(cue the whole adventure. all of it. except fabian doesnt lose his magic like rapunzel does bc i always thought that was silly. he does THINK that that's where his power stems from, because that's what bill and hallariel always thought and told him)
(also, this is a fabian who wasn't trained, bc bill decided he made a better asset when he was unable to fight the people they sold his magic to. you know, if he ever decided to escape. a lot harder to do that when you can't fight back)
(this au was originally conceptualized with transfem!fabian but really it can be done either way)
(the scene where eugene is totally speechless when he first sees rapunzel? that, but thistlecaster)
(the hangman [dog] is pascal)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 8 months
One more thing I forgot to post re: Eugenie vs the Sussexes.
During the Platinum Jubilee when the Sussexes were doing the most to try to get pictures with the other royals or even to get them to Frogmore for LilD’s birthday, Eugenie would have been their natural and easy target ally.
Instead the Sussexes made a very public play for the Philips/ Tindalls. All the cousins were in the same room at Horse Guards, but the Sussexes were photographed variously with the junior Philips/ Tindalls and The Duke of Kent. The few Long lens pics into the room showed that no one was talking to Meghan or Harold except for one pic of Harold with Kent.
Then the Sussexes leave Horse Guards presumably to return to Frogmore, and miss the flypast. Eugenie posts lots of pics from the flypast which show that Zara, Beatrice are with her on a rooftop at SJP.
Later that afternoon/ early evening Zara, Mike, Beatrice, Edo, Jack and Eugenie are papped coming out of a London restaurant following group lunch, which Mike later revealed involved all the royal cousins+ spouses who weren’t on the balcony. Only the Sussexes don’t attend because they’d gone back to Frogmore. 
The next day the Sussexes put out PR about a birthday party for LilD which they claim was attended by the Philips/ Tindalls and their children, but the two families were very visibly at the races most of that day and the distance between locations to attend both events would have been impossible especially as the Philips/ Tindall families had booked London hotels for Jubilee weekend and centred all their activities in/ around London give or take afew miles outside it. 
I do remember these well. 
I don’t think Harry and Meghan not being in Eugenie’s Trooping video (remember how pissed everyone got at her because Wolfie’s face was visible, when Beatrice and Edo hadn’t been showing his face? ah, good times) is because of the falling out. I think it was just the logistics the Queen/Charles had put in place for handling the Sussexes. It was implied that Harry and Meghan were only invited to the official ceremonial events, and once something ended, they were herded back to their car and sent home to FrogCott to wait for tomorrow’s event. So what happened at the service of thanksgiving (where they left in a car that took them to FrogCott while everyone else bussed over to the guildhall for the reception) is what happened after Trooping: everyone else was carriaged/bussed back to Buckingham while the Sussexes were sent home and then all the cousins decided to go out for lunch.
Supposedly that’s why they left early  - they were upset by how closely they were being controlled by palace handlers regarding the events, but knew they couldn’t complain (publicly at least) because they needed the optics of being with Lili for her first birthday so they could use the public spotlight to pressure the BRF into giving them the Lilibet Meets Lilibet photo.
Also it has been alleged that Anne was livid the Sussexes got the photo ops they did with her grandchildren. I have also heard that Autumn and Zara were upset too, which is allegedly why they bailed on the birthday party after promising to go (I’m not sure I believe this one because Zara absolutely would’ve already had plans with her family for the weekend). I think what really happened with the birthday party is Harry invited them, they said “we’ll let you know,” which the Sussexes interpreted as “yes” and thus all the PR.
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sketchedboba · 1 year
"A Green Queen" AU
Chapter VIII
TW: Discussion of Self-ham
A few hours passed as the two discussed various agreements, commerce deals, supply exchanges, and of course the Grand Peace Flair Ball. Luigi sat on the side next to Kamek, taking notes as the MagiKoopa guided him and kept him up to pace with the conversation. He had chimmed in a few times to give his thoughts on certain guard stations or small reminders of past agreements King Totomesu had stood by. He felt a sense of distance every time the Prince or Bowser shut him down on ideas, but chalked it up to them having more experience. Kamek also reassured him each time that he was doing fine and gave a small pat on his back for comfort. They had broken conversation a few times to eat and rehydrate before they talked on end again.
And as the night fell, they had finally completed their discussion. Prince Khufo cheered and bound off to the kitchen to check on their nightly meals. Kamek, also took this opportunity to check the older scrolls for new spells and remedies for the Koopalings.
The King, however, was at the edge of the balcony looking up at the stars and humming to himself, he was ready to leave, but too tired to go too far into the palace.
Luigi fixed his papers carefully and placed a little gold slate paperweight on top, so they didn't fly off as the breeze kicked in. He stood up, hair flowed slightly, as he watched as Bowser's head turned to follow a certain passing star that shot by.
He walked over with a chair and sat down beside him, still keeping a bit of distance between them. "They're pretty... D-Do you like watching shooting stars?"
"Yeah... I usually watched them with the little ones, but I doubt we would've made it back in time to see them together.. You should see their little eyes light up when they..."
The large koopa's words trailed off as he noticed Luigi's galaxy blue eyes shimmered, eager to hear him talk fondly about his hatchlings.
"That's sweet of you... They could be watching right now. If that makes you feel any better.."
'Why does it matter what he thinks? You're just-'
"Hah! You underestimate their attention span. Ludwig is probably telling Iggy to stop trying to replicate star patterns with his bombs. And Lemmy is most likely drawing silly faces on their shells when they're distracted, speedy lil champ!" He exclaimed. "Wendy won't be so pleased, once she finds out though, she's not afraid to tackle any of them down and nip at them."
Luigi looked at him mortified. "That sounds...greaatttt.... Um.. Did they all come from the same.."
"No, you've asked before"
"When you nearly severed my arm off?"
"Hey! I apologized!", The large lizard huffed. His arms now crossed on the ledge.
Luigi chuckled a bit, "Uh huh.. What an amazing apology."
"You're damned right it was!", Bowser grinned.
Luigi snickered and rolled his eyes, enjoying the King's confidence. Bowser smiled a bit seeing the Queen's enjoyment and continued.
"I'd found most of their eggs on islands or in dense territory I had conquered. Most Koopas my size will abandon eggs once most of the clutch hatch out.", He huffed and gazed back up at the stars. "Yeah, some of them were a hassle to raise, still are, but I'd caused the entire universe to quake in fear if any of them got hurt.", He chuckled at his own comment.
Luigi eyes lifted slightly as he saw the King's gaze softened. "I raised them myself and even though they drive me insane sometimes; they're family to Junior.."
'Just Junior?'
"What about you? Aren't they your family just as much as they are Junior's?"
Bowser gave a low growl causing Luigi to stiffen.
The two stayed gazing at the show, Luigi sighed and started to think about when he and Mario would watch the sky with Peach and Toad.
They shared food and witty jokes about their adventures. The countless of times they had saved or helped the kingdom and allies. It had become a second home to Mario and himself. He always felt some sort of peace being with Mario and wished he had some way to contact his brother outside of the contractual agreement.
The agreement.
In light of the situation, the dreamy atmosphere, the cool breeze. Luigi had forgotten that all of this was temporary.
He was a queen to his enemies and all of it was his fault. He agreed to be Bowser's bride, strictly married to the koopa next to him by circumstance of he and his brother's plans. Despite it being his karma, he still missed Mario, and trembled realizing the passage of time.
A light sense of pain hit his arm again but it stopped as Bowser's claw quickly removed his hand from digging into it.
"Why do you keep doing that?!", he yelled.
"It's nothing! Let go!"
"I said let go! I'm fine!"
" You're not fine! Just let me see and-"
"Thank you for your concern, but I'm FINE."
Bowser's nose flared at his tone and his claw tightened around his hand slightly.
"You know you're REALLY stubborn!"
"I learned from the best...", Luigi muttered.
Bowser growled deeply, "What'sTHAT supposed to mean!". His grip tightened around Luigi's hand more as his pupils slitted and were locked on him.
Luigi winced from the pain breathing heavily then looked away shaking.
Bowser growled then roared briefly as he let go.
Luigi checked his hand for injury, only to see light bruises on the sides of his wrist. He let out a sigh of relief as he massaged them, then looked over at his captor.
Bowser sighed, his tail swayed violently as he tried to cool off. " Why can't you just talk?"
"You ask me to shut up every other time.", He muttered.
"I-", he turned around to object, but couldn't retaliate. "That's usually because you've said something stupid and you know that's not what I meant, when it comes to that."
He lightly tapped a finger on Luigi's right arm.
"I... You caused this."
The King's head tilted in confusion. "But I said-"
"I know... And I'm glad, but it doesn't erase it immediately. It still hurts me. YOU still harmed me! I want to forgive you, but every time I think I understand I begin to blame myself for not thinking about why I'm here and that all of THIS could've been avoided."
Tears swelled in his eyes the more he went on, only to be met with Bowser's perplexed expression.
"As far back as the wedding, I've just been replaying it over and over! If I didn't let my disguise slip or if I hadn't agreed to be here or if I hadn't bothered you that night! I wouldn't have gotten hurt, I wouldn't have these fucking nightmares!"
Luigi's streams of tears blurred his vision, he was regretting every ounce of information he was telling him. He didn't even bother to look over at the Koopa and kept his eyes on the stars as they reflected in his tears slightly.
Bowser blinked, he watched the small man's body shake and hiccup from crying. He reached over slightly with his claw about to say something then retracted, before getting up to leave.
Luigi sniffled as he covered his face with his hands and slowly slid them back into his hair. A light breeze made him shiver, but they didn't stop the quiet crying.
'Why did I do that... He doesn't care! Get a grip, Luigi!'
Half an hour had gone by and Luigi had rested his chin on his uninjured arm to calm down.
His pink eyes gazed out at the palace fountains and the desert beyond the gates.
Dried snot flaked on his mustache and he didn't bother to try and look for Bowser or call for Spotty once his tears stopped flowing.
Purely out of embarrassment.
As he closed his eyes, he heard claws clank against the tiles, and a mild quake rattled his chair.
He felt a warm sheet embrace him only to open his eyes and see Bowser removing a lid from a small dish with an aroma of hefty spices leaving the plate. He gestured towards his face with some wipes he'd brought back, almost ordering him to take it.
Luigi nodded and took a few to wipe off his face and 'stache, being careful of his eyes and lips. When he finished, he glanced behind him to see the blanket placed over his shoulders. A simple black velvety sheet with Bowser's emblem on it, he sighed looking at it then turned his attention to the food Bowser brought.
He hadn't said a word about his outburst and was a bit ashamed to ask, "I'm s-sorry about all of that!", Luigi laughed. "Just forget I said-"
Before he could finish, Bowser slipped food into his mouth with a spoon. As Luigi began to chew, his face lit up tasting a familiar fruit he hadn't had in a while, tomatoes.
Despite the pleasant surprise he looked up at the King confused.
"You talk too much."
".....Not usually..", he swallowed.
"You also cry worse than a hatchling."
Luigi sighed, "Probably..."
Bowser looked down at him, "So you hurt yourself because of me?"
Luigi didn't say anything nor did he move in response to his comment. He stayed staring at the stars, the blanket covering his shoulders.
Bowser hummed, understanding to not press further for now, and asked if he wanted to just eat.
Luigi nodded, his face flushed as he slightly opened his mouth for another spoonful.
Bowser's tail slowly swung as he fed him again and looked up towards the heavens. He wanted to know more about this self inflicted harm, if he could for a moment, stop the pain as quickly as each star shot above. A pit of guilt growing in his stomach, as brief as the streaks of silver, luminescent, and ever fleeting.
Spotty stepped onto the balcony and stared at the two, "Your highness. The Prince has found intruders in the palace and is requesting your...and the Queen's presence immediately."
Luigi groaned a bit and slightly stood up. His knees shaking as the crying has caused a small headache to form, making him feel dizzy.
Bowser caught him carefully and growled, "Fine, but tell him I'll be taking the Queen back to his room for the night."
"But-", Luigi stammered.
"No. You are going to rest. That's an order."
Spotty bowed, "Yes, your highness".
Bowser glanced down at Luigi and puffed, "Do you mind if I carry you?"
He shook his head slowly, not wanting to worsen his head ache. "Just...really slowly. My head is spinning.", he gasped.
Bowser nodded and gently slipped his claws under the Queen's thighs. He made sure to avoid digging his nails into the pants, despite wanting to playfully poke at Luigi's soft skin.
Luigi kept close to the koopa's chest, hearing a slow thump thump coming from his shell. He listened to its shallow rhythm and closed his eyes as Bowser carried him down the hall.
Prince Khufo yawned as he stepped down the torch-lit stairwell. His wings opened greatly as he darted down the stairs dramatically, causing the once sunset shimmering flames to blaze ocean blue.
At the bottom, he stepped into a sandstone hall, filled with nearly empty cells, holding long gone dry bones, goombas, and deserted, torn shy guy uniforms. The Prince padded past each cell with a cheeky grin and as he approached the last two his eyes lit up.
"Oh, what a treat! Thinking you could get in here unannounced? And why.. not even a single letter either. We're not plebians yknow..", he pouted.
He held one of the torches closer to the cell and the light shined onto a cloak, covering his captives face.
"Nothing? Really? Hmph, suit yourself. Maybe the Koopa King will have more fun with you and your little band of outcasts. It'll sure be quite the show~", he giggled.
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ruiniel · 4 months
No one asked but my brain is swiss-cheesed about this character so blurted some HCs about Ming Yi with a genderfluid heavenly official friend.
Ming Yi's never been much of a talker around the Upper Court, and a scarce presence besides
Which has the opposite effect of getting too much attention when he does make an appearance
It took about a hundred years for you to develop something close to a friendship: it was actually more a case of you asking him to accompany you somewhere and him acquiescing (grumbling and/or eye rolling)
Seems especially into it when Shi Qingxuan is around, though he hides it well
When you ask him about it, he shrugs, saying he has nothing better to do at the moment anyway
Nobody knows where to find him, ever. You get the impression it will never happen unless he wishes it. Something about his reclusive nature appeals to you, against all common sense. Shi Qingxuan seems to agree, never letting him off the hook
Whenever you try reaching for him in his castle in the Upper Court, he's mostly gone on business (so say the attendants)
Randomly, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. When you look, it's no one in particular: either a junior official from the Middle Court, or a civil god from the palace of Ling Wen, or a Heavenly Capital guard.
Sometimes it happens that a mission in the mortal realm leaves you wounded beyond your healing capabilities. It's always the same official tending to you.
"Have we met somewhere?" "Only the times I'm patching you back together," she says. You leave it be, but something is awfully familiar about her.
Say you'll cook, invite Ming Yi over for dinner. He'll never decline. Any compliments you'll get sound sincere, heartfelt even.
At first he kept denying you're friends (does that to everyone) and just as you were about to give up trying, there's Ming Yi waiting at the entrance of your palace with his shoulder propped against a pillar, nonchalant. "So, where are you dragging me to this time?"
The only quirk you noticed is his appreciation for a particular Fire Social, hosted on the eve of Hanlu. You've accompanied him countless times along the years to a town called Fu Gu in the mortal realm.
And not just any Social, but a Bloody Fire Social with scenes of gore and despair played out in the street. Every year, you go to the same inn, and he takes the same spot at the same window, watching the procession of murderous rampage unravel until nightfall.
"I admit... I could never relate to this kind of commemoration." Ming Yi takes a gulp of his wine before answering, short and low as always. "Some things should never be forgotten." "... in general, I agree. But what is... all this about?" His gaze stays on the tall, pale man clad in black at the center of the performance, skewering and knifing the lavishly dressed people surrounding him on stage. "Maybe I'll tell you, someday."
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the-cosmos-withinus · 11 months
Does something interesting happen to you two during the Moonlight Conjuring?
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A note on the Conjuring Moon Belos has considered trying to use the Moon's power to free Astrophel, but a Conjuring takes at 3 magic users. While he and the Golden Guard count for two, he doesn't want to involve anyone who doesn't already know about the Collector in it, and since Astrophel is technically the object they'd be trying to animate, he doesn't count. Also after the incident when they tried to use the magic of the Wailing Star, Belos isn't willing to mess with it when the Day of Unity is so close. Astrophel has a reputation as a sort of 'Conjuring Moon cryptid' that most of the scouts don't believe exists, he especially likes to prank them when he overhears them whispering about him. A note on the Blight Siblings. Edric and Emira are full Coven Scouts, each on their way to becoming captains, and primarily live at the Bonesborough Coven Headquarters, but sometimes get summoned to the Emperor's Palace for Coven meetings. Rather than both of them starting in the Illusionist track, Edric was in the Beast Keeping track and Emira was on Oracle track like their mom. Amity is a sort of "Junior Scout" still in school majoring in Abominations but taking extra courses in other magic and living with her Mentor, Lilith, and going with her on missions during the weekends.
Being in the Emperor's Coven is tough work, but Edric and Emira prefer it to being home with their mom, neither of them wear the concealment stones Odalia forced them to, Edric even dyes his hair now that she can't make him color coordinate with his sisters, and encourages Amity to pick her own hair color later.
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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1 MARCH - William was accompanied by Catherine for presenting Leeks to the Welsh Guards during the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards St. David's Day Parade at Combermere Barracks. 2 MARCH - William and Catherine received The Crown Prince and Princess of Norway at Windsor Castle. They later held a Meeting with Norwegian business delegates accompanied by the Crown Prince Couple. 6 MARCH - He chaired a Meeting of The Prince's Council. 7 MARCH - William held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 9 MARCH - William and Catherine were received by Ms. Manju Malhi (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London) at the Hayes Muslim Centre in Middlesex. 10 MARCH - He received Ms. Hannah Jones (Chief Executive, Earthshot Prize) at Windsor Castle. 13 MARCH - William and Catherine attended the Commonwealth Service in Westminster Abbey. Afterwards, he attended the Commonwealth Day Reception at Buckingham Palace. 14 MARCH - William held a Meeting at Windsor Castle. 16 MARCH - William held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, he visited Aston Villa FC at Bodymoor Heath. 17 MARCH - William accompanied Catherine in presenting Shamrocks to Irish Guards as they attended the 1st Battalion Irish Guards' St. Patrick's Day Parade in Aldershot. He appeared in a TV special with Groundswell for Red Nose Day. 19 MARCH - William wrote a letter to Alpha United Juniors condemning the incidents of racism being faced by their players. 20 MARCH - He received Mr. Alastair Martin (Secretary of the Duchy of Cornwall) at Windsor Castle. 21 MARCH - William held a Meeting with Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez & Pierre-Yves Paslier (Founders, NotPla) 22 MARCH - William departed Royal Air Force Northolt for Poland where he was by His Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Poland (Her Excellency Ms. Anna Clunes) upon arrival at Rzeszow-Jasionka International Airport. He met British troops at the Airport. Afterwards, he visited a Rzeszow Military Base in and visited British troops providing support to Poland and Ukraine. Subsequently, William met Ukrainian refugees living in temporary accommodation in Warsaw. In the evening, he was spotted at Butero Bistro having dinner. 23 MARCH - William laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Plac Marszalka Józefa Pilsudskiego and called upon The President of the Republic of Poland at the President's Chancellery. Afterwards, he met Ukrainian refugees at Hala Koszyki. Subsequently, subsequently he met Ukrainian staff from the British Embassy in Kyiv at Hala Koszyki. After completing his visit to Poland, William arrived at the Royal Air Force Northolt from Poland. 24 MARCH - William approved the appointment of the High Sheriff of Cornwall (Mr Toby George Howell Ashworth)
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swashbucklery · 9 months
fic preview: flowing here like honey
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The "short little solstice one-shot" is too long to be finished for real-life solstice, but I thought tonight would be a good night to post a preview.
coming soon: flowing here like honey (Willow, Kit/Jade/Elora, E. part of the and her light stretches ot3verse)
Solstice has always been so - complicated.
Kit remembers watching it from afar when she was small. The darkest, longest night of the year filled the great hall in the palace with light and warmth and hundreds of plates of food, great casks of ale. She loved the way that her father had delighted in all of the silliness - the royal family giving the gift of a feast to the lower classes, the cakes, the revelry. The way the palace would echo with laughter and shouts that Kit could hear from her chambers long after she'd been whisked off to bed with assurances that there would be plenty of solstices when she was older.
(Kit remembers, naturally, sneaking down the servants' staircase to look. She remembers a lot of red faces, adults play-fighting and drinking and kissing in dimly-lit corners. She remembers her mother's wine-blush, looking at her father with an exasperated kind of fondness Kit rarely saw outside of balls and parties.)
The traditions from when she was small always felt so magical. There were different words for it, but there was always a king - someone with a paper hat, red-faced, directing the festivities. Always one of the stablehands, or the junior guards, a young man blushing at the indulgence of ordering around his seniors and his rulers. She remembers hazy glimpses of her father serving wine by candlelight to the "king" of the night. She remembers cakes with coins and little prizes hidden inside.
(She remembers sneaking extra slices of cake with Airk until they were both nearly sick; each of them hoping for the slice with the coin in it. She remembers the year that Airk had won; finding the coin and earning himself a little pocket-sized paring knife that made Kit burn with jealousy, undeterred by her mother's assurance that knives aren't for ladies, anyway.)
Kit did grow older, and there were plenty of solstices after her father left, but they were different. Much quieter, and much less bright. Always a big party, but less boisterous, fewer red faces, more pinched looks. She was old enough then that she was wrapped into a dress, and she remembers aching to leave, stuffing cakes into her skirts for later. She remembers sneaking hopefully into the stables at night, sharing her heard-won sweets with Jade. Jade laughing when Kit pulled cake after cake out of her gown and Kit muttering that it was the only thing skirts were good for. Solstices as Kit grew were a complicated mix of dread and discomfort, nothing like she'd hoped they'd be.
The celebration tonight is joyful, just the way it seemed when Kit was small. When she descends the stairs to the tavern proper, the air is warm and it smells like food and spiced wine. It sounds like laughter, the sounds of fiddles and stomping and the first few threads of song. Solstice like this, without the complex trappings of court, is lovely.
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Ayeee I just found this blog and I just watched the movie a second time (For English cast and toootally not mainly Jack black Bowser) and it was AWESOME qwq
Can I have either a fic or hcs of a female reader just as obsessed with Bowser as he is with Peach and reader is here to change his mind, maybe even going as far to bring (and by bring I meant steal) the guy back to reader's castle/palace to show him the collection of him and his kingdom in reader's bedroom, look! reader even have a big statues of him in the private music/dance room where reader dream of dance to his music as he plays, or maybe even dance with him
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My collection so far, I especially like to tell everyone I met about the story of how I got my Bowser and Junior plushie, I'ma share if interested
YOOOOO, Cool Drip! I Love the collection you have. It makes me lowkey jealous lol. I hope you Like what I made! I try to only make head cannons but it turned into this lol.
Marry Me, My Darling Bowser! (1/2)
You stand at the throne of the Bowser himself, with a confident and determined smile across. Bowser looks at you with a genuine look of disgust and annoyance, but that doesn't stop you from getting on one knee and holding out your hand.
"Bowser, My Dragon King! Will you Marry Me?"
He growls as he tries to hold back the fire that was rising in his chest.
"For the last time Pipsqueak, NO!"
You weren't dejected, not even in the slightest, as you stood back up and patted your dress down. You then let out a loud laughter that made His Majesty's eyes glow red.
"AHAHAH! Always a jokester. Is this any way to treat your future wife?"
"I mean it!!" "Aw, Come on. Don't be shy! I even proposed myself, so you didn't feel like you had to. We were just meant to be!"
Bowser claws at his throne as a bottle of rage was about to erupt inside of him. His minions look at him nervously, backing away ever so slightly.
"Are you dense?! I hate you! I don't harbor anything for you! I Only love Peach. Why can't you just leave me alone!?!"
Everything was coming out of one ear as you slyly grin at him.
"Playing hard to get, huh? I like that in a man." A vein pops on Bowser's head. "Oh please, my darling. Let me make me happy. I'll be the best wife you'll ever have!!......Well,only wife you'll have too!"
Bowser's Flame comes in your direction, The flame barely missing a part of your dress that was scorched when you dodged it.
"........Alright, I understand. You're a little stressed and the proposal was lacking. Don't worry! I'll come back with a better one next week. Get some rest, My love!" As you exit, the Koopa guards quickly closed the door in order to subside the King's anger. With a heavy groan, Bowser turns to Kamek, who jolts in surprise.
"If that Girl so much as steps into this Kingdom, I want her thrown out immediately. Got it!"
"Y-Yes Sire!!"
Aw Man!! I really thought I had him with that one!!" You pouted as you stomped around the room in a huff.
"Your Highness, please come down." Your attendant calmly says, watching your miniature tantrum.
Oh Yeah. I forgot to mention an important detail.
You are Princess (Y/N), Ruler of the Poison Shroom Kingdom. Your Kingdom was Known for its vicious wildlife of piranha, the poisonous ecosystem of purple ooze, and not to mention the not-so-soft toads that were under your rule as they were taller stronger, and more intimidating than that of the Mushroom Kingdom, with darker tones to match. Safe to say, you don't get many visitors around here.
But it's not so bad wants you get used to it. It was home to you. The purple theme of the castle was beautiful to those who took the time to see it. It was also home to many rare herbs and medicine for those needing cures for ailments of any kind, with you being an expert on the topic yourself.
This is one of the reasons why the Toads also like you as their ruler. You were very kind to them and actually cared about them, no matter how dangerous a job was. They are extremely loyal to you to a fault. They respect every decision you make. Well, almost.
"Honestly, Princess. I don't see what you see in such a brute anyway. He's such a monster. I don't see how you love such a dangerous creature in the first place."
You let out a dramatic gasp, looking back at your royal attendant who just rolled their eyes at who.
"Toadye!! That is no Monster! That is my Future Dragon King!! He just has a hard time saying his true feelings about me is all! We're soulmates, I just know it!"
Toadye, your most loyal attendant. She is also what you consider to be your best (only) friend as she has been with you for the longest time. She was a tall toad, her mushroom heads a dark violet with black spots at the center, and dark black hair to compliment her look.
"Princess, as your servant and as your friend. He has too many red flags."
"He just a little misunderstood. I swear that I have the charm to break his walls."
Toadye gives you a look.
"Right, you mean that time you 'invited' him to our Kingdom he oh so loved visiting."
Right. So, you maaaaay have 'technically' kidnapped him that one time to get home to your Kingdom. But it was for a good reason!!!
"That was a misunderstanding! I was going to just patch him up after he got hurt by his many battles. He was unconscious so I was sure he didn't mind if I brought him home to heal him."
"Ma'am, he literally tried to burn your face off and destroyed half the village."
"Well....Water under the bridge. :)"
Toadye slaps her face in exhaustion. Man, were you as stubborn as a mule."
"Toadye, I swear. He isn't as bad as he seems to be." You walk over to your bed, picking up a large homemade Bowser Plushie, and hugging it to your body.
"I see something in those large ruby eyes. I just want him to give me a chance. It'll happen soon, I just know it.
Toadye looks at you hugging and swooning for the Plush in your hands and sighs. She doesn't get it, but she'll stand by you in your pursuit.
Bowser flinches at the familiar voice and groans. Peach looks at him confused in the cage she is being held prisoner in. Mario was the only one that could make his face scrunch up in displeasure like that, but she didn't recognize the voice that entered out of nowhere.
Several noises of struggles could be heard in the distance as the castle violently shook a bit, a red koopa came it sliding on the back of his shell, knocked out and dizzy which made Peach flinch at the chaos that was happening.
She was surprised to see a woman come from the throne room entrance. And a royal too! She's kinda like her.
"Bowser! My Beloved, Please Marry Me! I'd fight a thousand koopas for you!" You say with a love-struck gaze in your eyes that made Peach give you a look. By the chaos that was happening behind you, she could tell you weren't lying.
Well, more or less like her.
Bowser glares down at you. Fighting the urge to throw you out.
"You got a lot of nerve coming back here."
"A wife never leaves her husband alone too long." :)
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"Why must you push away your soon-to-be wife like so" You put on your best crocodile tears to tease him a bit.
"Grrrr." a low grumble can be heard from his chest.
He rubbed his face, letting out a puff of smoke. He then glances back at Peach for a quick second and gives a smirk back at you.
"As you can see, I am far too busy making arrangements for the actual love of my life. If you can excuse us, I'm busy with my conversation with Peach." The sneered in his condescending tone made it clear that he was dropping huge hints at you.
however, you only look at the cage that he was presenting to you with a blank stare. Peach felt herself shrink at your gaze. If you love Bowser this much, she didn't know what to do if you saw her as a potential threat. It's bad enough that she has to deal with Bowser.
"Peach..." You mumbled softly. As you took a step forward towards her cage, causing her to take a slight step back in the limited space.
But She wasn't ready for the full sprint that you took towards her, jumping into the bars of her cage, griping tight as you cause the cage to jerk in place. Peach jumps back at your sudden movements as she feels her heart in her mouth from your sudden closeness. She almost lost one of her lives there.
"You're Peach! I've finally got to meet you in Person! My Fiancé has talked about you a lot! You rule the Mushroom Kingdom I Believe. You are so much prettier than he ever described you to be! We should hang out! Have you ever seen the Poison Mushroom Kingdom! I could be your tour guide! I'm Princess (Y/N) btw." You rambled to Peach, not taking a second to breathe.
"Uh,....huh....ummm?" Peach could only look at you flabbergasted at the energy that you have leaped at her with. Your forwardness and surprising friendliness made her forget the predicament that she was in. "Hi?"
"Hey! Leave the Princess alone, Pipsqueak!!" Bowser stomped his way towards you, causing Peach to jump again, being reminded of his presence here.
"Relax, My love. I was just making a friend. Sitting in this cage must be so tiring for a Princess like her.' You turn to look back at her. " Hey, wanna get out of this cage and hang? I got some great places to recommend. Do you like Pizza-"
Bowser could be heard behind you. He quickly grabs you in his claws and gives you a slight squeeze to make you stop your rambles. He brings you close to his face, and you see his eyes glow red in anger. "Listen, Brat. I'm tired of your games and your stubborn delusions getting in the way of my happiness. Get out of here before I am forced to burn you to a crisp!!
You noticed the flames that can be heard in his throat and frowned at him with a disappointed look on your face, "So mean.... This isn't how you're supposed to treat your spouse." You whispered but you quickly bring a smile to your face. ".... Alright fine. I'll go." You jump out the bars of the cage and run back to the entrance.
"I'll just wait until the red guy saves you again. I saw him not too long ago. It shouldn't be long. I'll make sure to visit you once you're back home. Bye, Peach!" You run out before Bowser can yell out at you for the backhand insult that you gave him.
Peach found herself slowly waving goodbye out you even though you were already gone.
She wouldn't mind if she saw you again.
Bowser Huffs at you then turns back to Peach, trying to fix face with his 'charming' smile.
"Now. Where were we~?"
Peach Rolls her eyes. Oh brother.
It's been about a week after the faithful encounter with Princess Toadstool herself, but you promised to visit her as soon as possible when she got saved.
You stood at the entrance of Prach's Castle. Two of her toads stood up right at the entrance with shields, guarding the door. The toads that decided to accompany you stared at them with an 'unimpressed ' look written on their face, including a dangerous aura that surrounded your toad guards. Toadye was right beside you, making sure nothing funny was happening.
The toads that were guarding the door already looked petrified.
"What...What business do you have here?" The toad on the asked, standing his ground.
You walked up to them calmly, with a big smile on your face.
"Good afternoon, Citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. My name is (y/n). I have come from the Kingdom of the Poison Mushrooms, and I am the princess of that Kingdom. My business today is to speak with the Princess of this castle. She was rescued not too long ago, and I felt a princess on- on-one would be a nice way for her to relax after the stressful situation."
You greeted as gracefully as you could with your gloved hands held tight to each other in anticipation. the looks on the guards' faces didn't ease up the anxiety that swell inside your chest. They seemed even more on edge hearing your Kingdom's name.
one clears his throat and straightens up. "I'm sorry that you have come this far, your majesty. But our Princess is very busy at the moment. I'm afraid she is not taking any visitors as of now"
Your smile falls a little at this news. Surely she could have enough time to at least speak with you. It has been a while and the path to becoming best friends is to keep in touch with one another.
"A-Are you sure? I don't mind waiting a little bit, but I would be happy to speak with her for just a few minutes. Just to let her know that I'm here?"
"We highly suggest that you come at another time. The p-princess has enough on her plate as it is." The other guard speaks up.
"Are you suggesting that your princess can't handle a few minutes to speak to a guest that has so graciously come all this way to check on her wellbeing?" Toadye buts in, crossing their arms together and glaring at the guards.
the guards' eyes widened in astonishment at her blunt words that they could barely register what she said."
"W-What are you implying?"
"I'm just curious as to why Princess Peach has two of her door guards tell us that she couldn't possibly come to the door for royal company. Are 2 minutes of her time that valuable that she can't tell us herself that she cannot have guests or.....Are you perhaps lying through your teeth?" She says without batting an eye at the two, making the toads hold their breaths.
You step in.
"HEeheh,ummmm, what my advisor is trying to say is that...We just want to see if the Princess is okay. I consider her to be someone I find a connection with, and I just want to bring relief to her Princess life. Someone who understands. But if she is too busy, I guess we'll leave."
the solemn look on your face hits the guards with hard guilt to their chest. they didn't think you would be this ad about it. before they could say anything else, the castle doors begin to open. Everyone steps back and it reveals Princess Peach herself with an elderly toad next to her.
She looks surprised to see your standing there with your own guard and advisor. "Princess (Y/N)?"
"Peach!!" You run up to her and gave her a big hug, but then quickly let go to hold onto her hands, with a huge smile on your face.
The guards, your guards, the elderly toad, and Toadye look with shock at your forward approach to Peach. It was so casual that it seemed like a capital offense.
Peach flinched at the sudden display of affection, but she soon calmed down and actually began to smile as well. She held your hands in hers too. It was actually nice to see you visit.
"Princess (Y/N), I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show up today. I was starting to think something bad had happened."
"Pfft what no! I'm alright. I heard from your guards that you were too busy today. I was about to leave."
"Really. Is that so?" Peach gave the guards a look that made them look the other way. "No matter. I want to get to know you. I have tea and cake waiting inside the castle. Oh! -"
The princess looks back at the elderly toad by her side. 'Princess (Y/n), this is Toadswroth, he is my royal advisor and has taken care of me ever since I was a baby."
You step back and bow politely, albeit a little clumsily though.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Toadsworth. You look go for your age. You must be a hard-working toad!" He only chuckles and bows back.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, princess."
You stand back up and gesture to Toadye. "Thsi is my loyal advisor Toadye. We are like two peas in a pod and she's been protecting me since I was young. she may be a bit mean, but she's really a sweetheart! Right,Toadye?
She stares at them for a second and gives a nod in acknowledgment. "A pleasure." As aloof as ever.
Princess Peach breaks the awkward silence with a cough. "Now then, let's have tea shall we?" She gestures inside as you go inside the castle.
You're very first Tea party!
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lierrelearns · 8 months
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天守閣 小田原城天守閣 「天守」とはお城の象徴ともいえる建物で、お城の内外を見張るための物見櫓や蔵などとして用いられました。江戸時代までは「殿主」「殿守」などとも記され、「天守閣」と呼ばれるのは明治時代になってからのことです。江戸時代の小田原城は江戸の西を守る要の城とされ、徳川将軍家の宿所としても用いられました。寛永11年(1634)には、京都へと向かう途中の三代将軍徳川家光が天守に登り、武具を見たり展望を楽しんだりしたという記録が残っています。 元禄16年(1703)の大地震で、天守を含めた小田原城のほとんどの建物が倒壊・焼失しますが、天守は宝永2年(1705)に外観三層内部四階の「天守櫓」、入り口の「付櫓」、両者を結ぶ「続櫓」の三棟からなる櫓群として再建され、明治3年(1870)の廃城・解体までその姿を保ちました。 現在の天守閣は、昭和35年(1960)に市制20周年の記念事業として鉄筋コンクリート造で復興されたものです。復興に際しては、江戸時代の天守引図(設計図)や模型を参考に外観が復興され、最上階には周囲の景色を楽しめるように高欄が設けられました。 そして、平成28年(2016)には耐震改修工事と展示の全面的なリニューアルが行われました。天守閣内部では古文書や甲冑・刀剣、発掘調査による出土品などを展示し、小田原城の歴史を紹介しています。 標高約60メートルの位置にある最上階からは相模湾が一望でき、晴れた日には三浦半島や伊豆大島、遠く利島、房総半島までを望むことができます。
“Tenshukaku” means “Castle tower”, the symbolic structure of a Japanese castle. This castle tower served as storehouse, watch tower, or others in Edo period. Having a role to protect the west of Edo, the capital of Japan, the Odawara Castle was a special castle that even the Tokugawa shogunate family stayed at. Although having been demolished during the Meiji period, it was restored in 1960. Since a large-scale renewal completed in 2015, various historical materials such as armors, swords, etc. have been exhibited inside the structure. From the topmost floor of the Castle tower, the superb view of the entire Sagami-wan Bay can be enjoyed.
文久図(小田原城天守閣蔵) 文久年間(1861~1864)に作られたとされる絵図で、幕末期の天守の姿が描かれています。
天守閣入場料 Admission fee 個人 - person | 団体 - Group (more than 30 people) 大人 - (over 15 years old) 500円 (500 en) | 400円 (400 en) 小中学生 - Elementary/Junior high school student 200円 (200 en) | 160円 (160 en)
開館時間:AM9:00~PM5:00 (入館はPM4:30まで) 9:00A.M. - 5:00P.M. (Last admission 30 minutes before closing time)
Vocab 天守閣(てんしゅかく)castle tower, keep, donjon 天守(てんしゅ)castle tower 象徴(しょうちょう)symbol, emblem, representation 内外(ないがい)interior and exterior 見張る(みはる)to stand watch, guard 物見櫓(ものみやぐら)watch tower 用いる(もちいる)to use, make use of 殿主(でんす)(Buddhist) priest in charge of a temple’s clerical duties 殿守(とのもり)palace guard [same for 主殿(とのも)] 記する(きする)to remember, to note とされる )…is considered to… 将軍家(しょうぐんけ)family positioned to accede the shogunate 宿所(しゅくしょ)address, lodgings, accomodations 途中(とちゅう)en route 徳川家光(とくがわいえみつ)Tokugawa Iemitsu 武具(ぶぐ)arms, weapons 展望(てんぼう)view, outlook 元禄(げんろく)Genroku era (9.30.1688-3.13.1704) ほとんど almost all (of) 倒壊(とうかい)destruction, collapse 焼失(しょうしつ)destruction by fire, being burnt down 宝永(ほうえい)Hoei era (3.13.1704-4.25.1711) 外観(がいかん)outward appearance 付櫓(つけやぐら)attached turret/watchtower 両者(りょうしゃ)pair, two people, two things 続櫓(ぞくやぐら)a row house watchtower that continues from the gate watchtower)(櫓門) 棟(とう)counter for buildings 群(ぐん))group 廃城(はいじょう)abandoned castle 解体(かいたい)demolition, taking down 保つ(たもつ)to keep, preserve 市制(しせい)municipality 鉄筋コンクリート(てっきんコンクリート)reinforced concrete 復興(ふっこう)reconstruction, restoration に際して(にさいして)at the time of, during 設計図(せっけいず)plan, blueprint 模型(もけい)model 最上階(さいじょうかい)top floor 高欄(こうらん)railing 設ける(もうける)to prepare, provide 耐震(たいしん)resistant to earthquakes 改修工事(かいしゅうこうじ)repair work 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 全面的(ぜんめんてき)total, complete, extensive 古文書(こぶんしょ)historical document, archives 甲冑(かっちゅう)armor and helmet 刀剣(とうけん)sword 発掘(はっくつ)excavation 出土品(しゅつどひん)artefact, archaeological find 標高(ひょうこう)elevation 相模湾(さがみわん)Sagami Bay 一望(いちぼう)sweeping/unbroken view 三浦半島(みうらはんとう)Miura Peninsula 伊豆大島(いずおおしま)Izu Oshima 利島(としま)Toshima Island 房総半島(ぼうそうはんとう)Boso Peninsula 望む(のぞむ)to expect, hope for, look forward to 入場料(にゅうじょうりょう)admission fee 入館(にゅうかん)entrance (into a library, museum, etc.)
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dvlwablu · 8 months
A List of Hiromasa's Direct Relatives + Random Facts
Saw some posts wondering about Hiromasa's other family, which prompted me to write this up. Info is taken from documents you can find in publicly accessible archives, albeit only in Japanese.
The Guy Himself 源博雅 - Minamoto no Hiromasa [918 - 980] Rank: Junior fourth rank, lower grade (later third rank) Position(s): Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards (右兵衛督) Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (右近衛中將) Ancillary Master of the Empress Dowager's Household (皇太后宮権大夫) When he was 17, he was removed from royal succession and bestowed the title Minamoto Ason*. Apart from the flute, he was also skilled with the biwa, koto and hichiriki. There are numerous stories about him and his incredible musical skill, which I will hopefully cover in a separate post some day. Maybe. He is also known as Hakuga no Sanmi (博雅三位) in reference to his final rank and Lord Long Autumn (長秋卿) in reference to his final position (the Chinese name for the Empress Dowager's household is "Long Autumn") *The Japanese term for this process is shinsekikouka (臣籍降下) This was done because emperors often had many children and under the Ritsuryo legal system, royalty had to be given a certain income, so ennoblement was a way of saving money. The first title of Minamoto Ason was given by Emperor Saga, who had 49 children.
Grandfather 醍醐天皇 - Emperor Daigo [884 - 930] Was emperor from 897 to 930. He actually abdicated the throne after falling ill in 930 and became a monk shortly before he died. He had 36 children across 21 different consorts.
Father 克明親王 - Prince Yoshiakira/Katsuakira [903 - 927] The first son and crown prince of Emperor Daigo. Hiromasa would have been 9 years old when he died.
Mother 藤原時平の娘 - Daughter of Fujiwara no Tokihira Fujiwara no Tokihira was the Minister of the Left (左大臣) for Emperor Daigo. Women often did not have their names recorded, instead being referred to by the title of their fathers or by their sons (e.g Murasaki Shikibu, with her father having a position in the Shikibu-sho (Ministry of Ceremonial Affairs) and Mother of Michizane, the author of Kagero nikki.)
Siblings Most of the info here is from the Honcho Koin Jounroku (本朝皇胤紹運録) (go to page 53) 源正雅 - Minamoto no Tadamasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Ancillary Provincial Governor of Tosa Province (土佐権守) Tosa Province is now known today as Kochi Prefecture. 源清雅 - Minamoto no Kiyomasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Chamberlain in the Ministry of Central Affairs (侍従) It's unclear whether Tadamasa was older than Kiyomasa or the other way round. 源助雅 - Minamoto no Sukemasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade. Position(s): Master of the Western Offices (右京大夫) A lot of websites I've checked claim that Hiromasa also had a sister by the name of Kenshi (妍子女王), but I cannot for the life of me find and actual source for this claim. If you have any info, please tell me!
Children According to the Dai Nihon Shiryo, Hiromasa had four sons. 源信貞 - Minamoto no Nobusada Rank: Junior fifth rank, higher grade Position(s): Lieutenant of the Left Division of Middle Palace Guards (左兵衛尉) A flute player, like his father. He appears briefly in the Kaichikusho, a book on flute music written by musician Oga no Koresue. (go to page 20) 源信明 - Minamoto no Nobuakira Rank: Junior fifth rank, higher grade Position(s): Treasury Senior Assistant Minister (大蔵大輔) Also a known talented biwa player, like his father. 源信義 - Minamoto no Nobuyoshi Rank: Junior fifth rank official, higher grade Position(s): Chief Pharmacist (典薬頭) Chief Court Musician (雅楽頭) Once again taking after his father, being an excellent biwa and flute player. He is the author of the Shinkasho (神歌抄), the oldest surviving manuscript of kagura music. He and his older brother Nobuakira were known for playing music together. 源至光 - Minamoto no Yukimitsu Rank: Junior fifth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Provincial Governor of Hoki Province (伯耆守) Hoki Province is now known today as the western half of Tottori Prefecture. Couldn't find any info on him being a musician, but knowing his family, it wouldn't be out of the question.
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whatevcr-us · 7 months
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It wasn't all that different from a Lum, this Power Star. It hovered in place, yellow, bright and inviting, and when he reached out, it draw into his hands, hovering in circles. The energy coming off it was different, but familiar enough that it was reassuring. It had been in the center of a round, pink-and-gold hall, where stained glass windows poured in moonlight. It sat on a podium, and had been guarded until he brewed up a distraction down the hall.
"Just like the lil' guy said!" This palace had been a maze. And he hadn't wanted to fight the Toads, the little creatures Bowser Junior told him had been hoodwinked. Being stealthy was a learned skill all right.
The star hovering in his 'hold' Rayman careful turned on his heel. Now for the hard part, getting it out of here. He wasn't sure what would happen if he touched it properly.
So distracted by the glowing prize he was, that he didn't notice the figure approaching from another hall. He stills. Oh no! He's been spotted!
"Uh oh."
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ragesin · 1 year
Timeline of events pre Holy War - the end of the Holy War ( note that this is comprised of a mix of canon and a few personal headcanons to place the events throughout the series on a somewhat congruent flow that makes sense, for my personal reference. details are subject to get added later on )
chaos creates the world.
the demon king, supreme deity and sacred tree are created by chaos.
the celestial realm is created along with the goddess clan by the supreme deity.
the demon realm is created along with the demon clan by the demon king. he essentially spawned a vast chaotic, lawless hellscape and had to wrangle it under control.
the lady of the lake and cath palug is created by chaos.
cath fights chaos and loses. he eventually gets sealed into purgatory by the goddess clan.
chaos goes onto create giants and then many other races, like vampires, beastmen, and humans, until the supreme deity and demon king seal it away out of fear.
the original demon is created and is given the role executioner. the demon king gave him some of his power as his retainer to act as his right hand man and help with conquering and managing the demon realm.
the demon king originally considered giving half his power to the original demon, but realized that was a good way to fuck up if the individual he gave power equal to his own decided he wanted to be in charge one day. instead he split that power into ten pieces and gave it to top tier elite warrior demons he deemed worthy, thus creating the first ten commandments. they are essentially a high calibre strike force meant to destroy his enemies and keep control over the demon realm.
ludociel is born.
sariel and tarmiel are born.
elizabeth is born somewhere around this period, given that sariel is confirmed to be older than her and she is visibly older than a young mael who appears as a child in flashbacks.
nerobasta is born.
mael is born.
nanashi is born.
jelamet is born.
jenna and zaneri are born.
the first fairy king, gloxinia, is born from the sacred tree.
izraf is born.
gerheade is born from the sacred tree.
galand is born.
drole is born.
fraudrin is born.
glariza is killed by mael.
the wizard gowther is given the selflessness commandment. he's sealed into the prison of the demon realm after trying to refuse the demon king.
gowther creates a doll, made in the image of his dead lover glariza, to interact with the outside world.
meliodas is born.
monspeet is born.
derieri is born.
melascula is born.
gelda is born.
meliodas' [183] little brother, zeldris, is born.
original demon rebels. as punishment he's split into two [chandler/cusack] and made into instructors for meliodas [187] and zeldris [4].
meliodas and zeldris' mother dies.
meliodas [241] uses assault mode for the first time.
it is explicitly noted through bellion that meliodas hand picked who was in the commandments. meliodas [257] purged the old guard of the ten commandments ( aside from gowther ) when he was given the reigns, said "this is my ship now" and rebuilt it from the ground up with new blood. however, the demon king made the decision to conscript zeldris [74] as the pacifism.
grayroad is born.
the six knights of black are created. they are essentially the junior commandments, pretty much made up powerful adolescents and given power by the demon king but appear to have only half the critical thinking skills.
the six knights of black infiltrate and raid the palaces in the celestial realm, with bellion confronting mael and losing. before he's killed, he's saved by meliodas who then fights off the archangel on his own, repelling him.
the lady of the lake gives carfen the sword that will become known as excalibur.
merlin is born.
zeldris [208] meets gelda [301] for the first time. he falls in love with her over the course of two years.
zeldris forfeits his commandment to take on the role of executioner. the pacifism is given to grayroad.
merlin [7] runs away from belialuin and is saved by meliodas [397] when wizards forcibly attempt to bring her back. he often visits her to see how she's doing. she proceeds to build an attachment to him that eventually turns into a crush.
meliodas eventually introduces merlin to gowther (via proxy) to have her train under him.
elizabeth [3500+] properly meets meliodas [398] for the first time.
elizabeth's non lethal attempts to interact with him leaves meliodas confused, frustrated, and constantly on edge around her.
merlin [10] realizes meliodas will not develop romantic feelings for her because she is a child. she creates a spell that drastically changes her body's physiology and appearance to fully physically recreate herself as an adult woman at age 30 and freezes her time, planning to cast aside her childhood entirely and eventually win his heart with time.
meliodas has already started falling in love with elizabeth shortly before this. merlin recognizes this upon seeing the goddess for the first time and their initial meeting. she reverts back, then soon returns to belialuin to resume her studies. she overhears a conversation about chaos.
merlin's father, the chief of belialuin, opens a portal to purgatory. he enters and returns a minute later as an invalid, raving of the distorted space until he dies.
the supreme deity and demon king approach merlin [13]. belialuin is destroyed after the divine deal.
rou is born.
elizabeth becomes imprisoned with other goddesses in the demon realm. meliodas becomes aware of this and decides to save her. he fails to convince zeldris to leave with him and kills anarak and zeno as he flees demon realm with elizabeth.
stigma is created, an alliance of the other major clans, to take advantage of the power vacuum meliodas created when he escaped.
the holy war starts.
albions are created by the demons to serve as weapons against the other clans. however many ended up as recreational toys for the ten commandments and frequently get destroyed.
vampire clan seizes the chance to rebel against the demon clan and the demon king decides to make an example of them. the majority are killed by zeldris, who then seals away the royal family due to gelda.
jenna and zaneri run away from the war by gaining the consent of two human twin girls beyond saving to borrow their bodies once they die.
rou's [10-14] village is annihilated by stigma for harbouring a demon.
the six knights of black go rogue after being forsaken by the demon king. as if to prove themselves they go around attacking stigma settlements in fierce fights which is noted by stigma.
the six knights of black launch an attack on a sky temple occupied by the goddess clan and some stigma allies. baruja and galand are also present during this assault. when it appeared the demons were losing, baruja became an indura to protect his allies and began rampaging. however the mother of chaos puts a stop to this, giving the winged sword previously belonging to mael, to seal baruja, the six knights, and a number of other demons within the egg rock. the remainder of the demons, including galand, escaped in the chaos.
the stigma incident occurs. much of the fighting force for stigma takes a heavy blow due to human group rou [29] was a part of. demons suffer heavy casualties (civilians and soldiers) and lose gowther (and his proxy) after he escapes from the demon prison. elizabeth saves the lives of derieri and monspeet after they undergo an indura transformation.
mael turned into estarossa by gowther via a forbidden memory spell at the cost of his life. estarossa receives the love commandment from the demon king and becomes a demon.
zeldris conscripts gloxinia and drole into the commandments and retrieves the selflessness from gowther's corpse. gloxinia is given the repose. drole is given the patience.
the second fairy king, dahlia, is born from the sacred tree.
meliodas and elizabeth leave stigma, attempting to resolve the war on their own terms.
calmadios becomes an indura of favor and loses the piety.
zeldris is given the piety, becomes leader of commandments.
meliodas and elizabath are killed and cursed by the demon king and supreme deity.
the coffin of eternal darkness created by dubs is used. the demon clan sealed while the majority of the goddess clan loses their physical bodies.
a certain group of goddesses lost a lot of power during the sealing of the six knights of black and then the demon race, partially helping. many died but a few survived, who become the modern day celestials generations later as their power gradually wanes without the presence of the supreme deity. they believe their efforts failed and the demon clan won the holy war and that the other races on the surface have died out.
the giants and fairies withdraw to their own homes and / or realm.
the coffin is broken into fragments to prevent the seal on the demon clan from being disrupted.
the holy war concludes.
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mychlapci · 26 days
At last, after thoroughly convincing the limp dicked guards to grant him entry into the royal palace, the junior advisor, disguised as a chamber maid begins making his way up the hierarchy. With just a sway of his slutty hips, he is now free to come and go as he pleases from the compound.
The flat chested advisor only allows a trusted few servants to attend to him, so convincing him to leave the king and his inflamed prostate behind right away won't do. The junior advisor and his small breasts would have to win the favour of parties to increase his chances of success in order to make contact without arousing suspicion.
Who should the junior advisor seduce first, milord? https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1234/the-household-staff-in-an-english-medieval-castle/
As per the petition gracefully submitted by the peasants, and my own personal choice, we shall send my junior advisor a messenger pigeon with the order to make a move on the head maid. Once he is sucking on the head maid's saggy yet bountiful breasts through her linen dress well that will make my penis very hard.
Hopefully, he can gain her trust....
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