Lovely Lips
61 posts
Hey Hey, peeps! It’s Fox! I’m doing some stories and imagines here. Stick around and you may enjoy some of my writing! Ask me anything!
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year ago
Wisteria And Monkey Fur (Journey to the West Au)
(Yes, it's demon slayer inspired. Don't look at me. Just read.This was plaguing my mind for a while.)
You walk along the lone path, your journey to nowhere starting again as the residents from the village you are leaving from,waving goodbye, sending you are on your way. Some had sad looks on their faces, some wore a look of gratefulness, some with worry, and a few even prayed as you left, hoping luck will always be with you. 
You smile back at the villagers and waved back as you continue on your journey, gifts of food and clothing nicely set in your bag. You couldn’t stay long, as your work never allowed it. 
Why, you may ask? 
Well, Dear. It’s because you are a Demon Slayer.
You happened upon this Village when it was being terrorized by a Bear Demon. The smell of blood and distress still lingered on your nose when you first arrived. You came just in time before the Demon could eat any more innocent lives. Fighting it made you break a leg in the process but the villagers let you rest and recover for saving their lives and were then happy to aid you in the way they could. But after you were healed, they had to watch you go as you had more lives to protect on your journey.
You had already swore an oath to save and protect humans from demons, but there was a special mission you were currently on. 
During the time that you were in recovery, you had a peculiar dream that felt too real to distinguish from reality.
The dream was peaceful. You felt calm and serene as you were supposedly sitting above the never ending pool of clear water as being on a Beautiful Lotus Plant sat across from you, beaming with light and radiance. It made the feeling of  confusion or anxiety leave your body as you realized who it was. It was Guanyin, Bodhisattva of Mercy and Compassion.
As you bowed your head in respect, She smiled gently and told you she had a task for you to do. She requested that you aid her by helping a monk and his disciples to go West to retrieve sacred scrolls. She saw something in you that made you perfect for the job, and she promised a reward for helping her aid in such a voyage. A reward that you made you jump in the opportunity  to become part of the Journey.
So here you were. Traveling to find the Pilgrims and aid in their Journey. 
The Problem  however was that you didn’t know exactly where to find them. Let alone catch up with them. Guanyin didn’t really give you clear instructions. She just smile and said:
‘Worry not, young one. The Path to them will not be hard.You will find them. Trust the Path you walk along.’
You heeded her words but still can’t fight the doubt in your mind. It’s not like you don’t trust her or anything, but-
“Where do I even start?” You ask yourself quietly. A few minutes quickly turn into a few hours and a few hours turn into a few days. The Search continues forth.
‘Am I doing this right? I probably should have asked for a hint before walking so aimlessly.’ Sweat trickled down your head as your mind began to race. ‘Now that I think about it. I don’t even know what to look for! I forgot to ask?! I can’t expect them to just appear out of nowhere and tell me everything I need to know?! Do they even know I’m coming!?’
Your body stopped as an aura of Gloom surrounds your body, eyes staring at the ground with a look of exasperation and comical dread. “I think I’m lost…Am I a moron?”
Nothing but the silence of the wind answers your question. A weak chuckle was all you could do.  
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar scent. The air around you became repulsive , smelling of rotten meat and decay. It could only mean one thing. A demon was nearby. 
You straighten yourself up and ready your blade. You run quickly and follow the scent, pulling your mask down to your face as you run into an unpredictable battle.
A certain Buddhist monk laid in a cave, tied up and bound as his eyes held distress for his current situation. He had been kidnapped while his disciples were distracted and the demons were eager to devour him to obtain the power of immortality. Cackles were heard in a different part of the dark cave as Tripitaka pondered if he would be saved in time.
He silently prays for his rescue, becoming more unaware of his surroundings. He didn’t even hear the footsteps of a swordsman coming to his rescue.
A shadow loomed over him,  the light sudden change causing the monk to open his eyes. It was no demon, nor was it any of his colleagues to his rescue. 
It was a human. Or at least he thinks they’re human. It was hard to tell because their face was covered up. He was staring at a mask that resembled that of a fox. It held a small painting of a blue lotus on its forehead, while the rest of the mask had a long scar-like shape run across it. The beaded eyes of the mask caused Tripitaka to flinch in place. This was not what he expected.
The swordsman quickly held a hand up their mask, silently shushing him. They looked around and came closer to the monk. It made the monk both curious and afraid, not knowing this new person’s motive.
“Be still, and don’t say anything. I’m here to help. We must go before they come back.” They began to untie the knots that held tightly on the monk.The cool yet comforting voice of the stranger made Tripitaka ease up. As naive as it may be, he felt like he could trust this person.
Before the restraints could be undone, a spear suddenly came honing towards them. The Swordsman quickly picked the monk up in there arms and swiftly got the way as a crater was formed from the attack. The attack came from none other than the two giant demons that took shelter in the cave to eat the poor monk.
“What Lowly creature dares to take what is rightfully ours?” One Demon snarled. The Swordsman just stared at them while the monk stared wide-eyed at the large demons.
“I’m simply returning him to where he belongs. You will not be dining on anything tonight. Let us leave or I’ll have no choice but to kill you.” They State calmly to the Demons, as they began to howl with laughter at the claims of such a small human.
“As if a weak human girl could even lay a hand on us. Maybe you will make a nice pet. Or perhaps an even better appetizer.”
‘Girl?’ Tripitaka looks up at the masked woman in shock. More shock at the fact that not only had she carried him with such ease, but she also stood with confidence at the demons. Like a certain disciple of his.
“...Very Well. You Leave me no choice.” She placed the Monk down behind her and unsheathed her sword that was enveloped in black.
“Wait, MIss! This is absolutely dangerous. Are you absolutely sure you know what you’re doing?”
She didn’t look back at him, her eyes only focused on the demons that prepared their own spears at her. “Don’t worry. It’ll be Okay. Get to a safe distance and guard yourself.”
He did as he was told, but still stared at her with worry. But this worry soon turned into disbelief as one of demon attempted to Spear through her body, but the sharp weapon only met the ground as a blur was only seen as the the sickening sound of a swift slice through bone was heard, the hand of the demon that held the weapon now laid on the ground, separate from its host, blood splattered going everywhere. The demon screamed in pain, holding where it used to be its hand in pain, Anger flashed in his eyes as he  raised a fist to the girl. 
“You BITCH!!” He punched at the ground where she stood, But she was faster. She went up the arm of the giant demon and raised her sword. She took a Deep Breath.
“Water Breathing:First Form…”  Water began to form from the sword. The black blade now engulfed in the waves, ready to hit its target. “Water Surface Slash!” 
The Blade hits its target's neck, swiftly decapitating the demon in one slash, ending its life. His body goes down with a sickening thud, the ground jumping up at the impact.
The monk watched in pure disbelief from a distance. No thoughts were able to form at the scene before him.
A low growl broke his trance as the other demon loomed over her. Violence feeling their eyes as their boy began to morph. Two more arms formed from the body, as more weapons appeared in the demon's hands.
“I should’ve known that a demon slayer appeared before us. You insolent human!! I will avenge my brother and tear the skin from your body!!” Flurries of Spears of swords came down your way, the demon making more weapons appear as you swiftly leaped out of harm's way, imitating that of a dance, moving as swift as the waves of shore. But the weapons did not stop coming even as you danced away from the attacks.  Sweat began to form as on your brown as the attacks didn’t let up. A spear grazed your arm, blood began to seep out of the Haori uniform. Tripitaka's body filled with panic at the injury while the demon held a wicked grin on its face
“This is your end. I’ll mount that fox mask as a trophy!”
You said nothing as your breath became still. The thread became  clear as everything felt still. Water formed around you, your blade raised up. 
“Water breathing.Third Form: Flowing Dance.” A flurry of water began to form as the water around the demon became ribbon liked. The flow of water dances beautifully, that demon distracted by graceful flow. The  Demon couldn’t react fast as you not only chopped off the 4 arms it bared, but also the head on its body. Its eyes widened at how sudden it was defeated, its body disintegrating alongside its brother. With its vision blurry, it saw how the demon slayer came to its body slowly before it stopped at its head. With its last strength in its body, it could only glare at her, thinking that the girl came to gloat and stand in triumph over it.
The Demon slayer only lifted the mask of its face and the demon could see what they truly looked like. There was a deep scar that ran across the girl’s face .The slayer's eyes held that of gloom for the demon as compassion was shone in their eyes.  The demon slayer then brought their hand to the temple of its head and closed their eyes, kneeling in front of it. As the head was the last to disintegrate, it heard the words of the demon slayer, in such a soft spoken way.
“Whoever hears me, Please let them be reborn as humans in their next life.” A silent prayer for the demon is heard. Before the head disintegrated into nothing, its eyes let out a few tears before disappearing.
The Monk that stared at the Slayer could only stare as he was mixed with bewilderment and relief. He was saved, and it was thanks to the compassion and bravery of the swordsman.
When She made her way to him, she swiftly cut the ropes of his body, freeing him finally, his silk and fancy monk robe became more visible to her as he shone brightly.
“Thank You Miss! I'm forever grateful. You have saved my life.”  The Monk before you smiled warmly at you, making you fidget in place. The mask you wore wasn’t on your face and you honestly felt a little embarrassed by this praise. It did swell your heart with joy, but when your face was exposed, it  made you feel a bit…vulnerable.
“It-it’s no problem,really. I’m just doing my job.” You cleared your voice to save face. “Now, Are you alright, Sir? Any Scars that were cast upon you? Do you know where your home is? I’ll make Sure to bring you there.”
“No, Miss. I am fine, really. You saved me just in time.” The monk answered you frantically, surprised by the sudden questions heading towards him. “If I am to be honest with you, I am more worried about you.That Demon seems to have gotten you on your arm? Are you going to be okay?” He says looking worried at you, the large gash on your arm still oozing blood.  But you thought nothing of it.
“Trust me, I’ll be fine. I’ll be better once we get you out of here.” You said matter of factly. You then promptly carried Tripitaka in your arms again, surprising him.
“Wait, Miss. I can walk. There’s no need to-”
“I know but I’m not taking any chances. There’s no telling if there’s another demon ahead. Besides, It’ll be quicker this way. Trust me.”
The Monk could only look at you confused. 
“How will it be faster for you,Miss?” If anything, it would most likely be sower this way, especially at such high altitudes in the mountains.
You pull down your mask and walk towards the entrance of the cave. 
“You’ll see, don’t worry. Just tell me the direction I need to go and I'll take you there.” Your voice went back to being cool as you stared forward at the open space of land.
Although doubt was still in him, Tripitaka compiled. “Well, I’m actually traveling towards the West, me and my disciples on journeying there. They are probably looking for me.”
“Got it.” There were mixtures of scents on the monk that were not his. But the one that stood out was that of a horse. If you were to get close enough, then you would find them. 
“You may want to hold on tight. Trust me on this.” The monk did as he was told as you began to run. The speed that you were going already made the monk hold on tighter to your body. And you seemed to be getting even faster.
“Total Concentration…” You whispered to yourself. The legs go into inhuman speed. Water can be heard from behind as The monk could only hold on for dear life,The slayer leaving waves in her path.
We now follow three pilgrims as they travel to find their kidnapped master. A Monkey sage  wears a look of frustration, A pig demon wears one of exhaustion, while a river demon wears one of worry.
As much as they have now gotten ‘used’ to their master being kidnapped, it still didn’t make it any less tedious. Especially for The Demon Monkey that always had to go rescue him.
“Unbelievable! Way to go,pig. You are the worst.Bodyguard.Ever!!” Wukong shouts at Zhu Bajie, while the Pig demon snorts at him with a gruff voice.
“Me!? Well maybe if you weren’t taking your sweet time gathering up food, I wouldn’t have fallen asleep! Some Great Sage!”
“I swear, once we find Baldy, I’m gonna-”
“Brothers, be calm!None of this will help us find Master anytime soon.”
The three continue until Monkey spotted something peculiar in his vision. He saw a figure traveling at full speed, if it was anyone else, they probably would have seen a blur, but his eye could see that it was a person, or perhaps thing: that was carrying their master in their arms a the Monk look petrified. The figure had a weird aura as their fox mask covered their face, and the clothes on their back was covered in blood.
It was hard to tell if it was a demon or not, but the Monkey knew only one thing. His Master was in trouble. This gave him enough reason to pull his staff out of his ear.
You could smell the fear of the monk that you were currently holding. But you couldn’t really blame him as you were going at max speed. 
‘Maybe I should try to slow down a bit. Regular people aren't used to these movements. Plus,the scent is getting Heavier. That must mean I’m near. Hopefully they’ll be able to spot-’
You abruptly stop your train of thought, stopped in your tracks while holding the monk tightly as you jump back. A heavy thud is heard as staff meets ground, leaving behind a giant grater as the ground shakes at the impact. Only rubble hit you as you stared at the monk that began to cough at the debris.
“Are you alright,Sir?”
“I’m fine, but-”
“Unhand my Master, Stranger!” 
You look up at the sky and you see what appears to be a Monkey. Well, more of a humanoid version of one as it wore a silk robe and a tiger kilt. His red and golden eyes pierced at you, coming closer to you as you gave the monk you were holding a look.
“Is this one of your disciples?” 
“Yes, he is.” He gave an  apologetic look before he yelled up at the Monkey. “ What, Wukong! This is just a misunderstanding. They actually-”
You set the Monk back down as you jump again to get away as The Sage saw an opportunity to strike you. 
“Stand Still, demon!”
You only moved away as a flurry of attacks came your way. You couldn’t attack him like you would usually as this was a disciple of the monk. You had to think of a creative way to pacify him. 
Tripitaka looks at the one sided battle between you and Wukong. He would have to do something. He quietly began to chant quietly as the circlet that was around Sun Wukong's head began to tighten, but it was only enough force to make him stop to grab his head in pain.
You saw the opening and took off your mask. You jumped up at him, Sun wukong saw your face and raised his eyebrow confused. 
‘A Human Girl?’
Without Warning, you take your head and bash it against the Demon Monkey. The Impact is loud as the thud is heard between the collision that happened. A Small Crack was Heard but there was no telling who’s skull it came from as both of you jumped back.
Both of you only stared at each other, making it a pseudo showdown. The rest of the pilgrims stare in disbelief at the display, expecting you to fall, but it looks like a close one. Blood began to seep out of both of your heads, the look of discomfort present in both your bodies. However, your eyes roll in the back of your head as you fall down, getting knocked unconscious.
The Monkey King wanted to grin in triumph, but as his vision blurred, he too also went down not long after, getting knocked unconscious as well.
The Group could only see the two. Nothing was said  at the display that was just shown on them, while they laid unconscious on the ground.
“Ah! So you’re the legendary monk on the Journey To The West! Tripitaka, was it?” You asked with looks of wonder in your eyes.
It was nightfall and they had set up camp. Sun Wukong and the girl were bandaged up as the group settled down. The former had a peeved look on his face, glaring at the girl that caused the bump to form on his head, while the former held a look of amazement at the group, not caring about her current condition.
“That’s right, Miss. We’re on a journey to pick up some sacred scrolls and bring them back to the East. It…Hasn’t been an easy journey as you can see.” He sighed, taken aback at how so much has happened in one day.
You nod your head at his words. “Doesn’t look like it. Such an Important task seems like such a great feat. Doesn't it help that you seem to attract demons…also traveling with them?” You tilt your head in confusion.
Tripitaka smiled  sheepishly. Yes, to normal bystanders, it would be questionable to have such strange company around him. It was always a chore to explain to people. 
“Do not worry ,Miss. They will not harm any human in their path. They are also monks on this journey too.”
You stare for a moment before smiling at him too. “Well, if they're with you, then I suppose you're right!” 
It felt right to trust the monk. Now that you think about it, It was easy to talk with him. Something about him and his crew made the gears in your head turn as you felt you were forgetting something.
You get up from your sitting position.
“You're the ones Guanyin Wanted me to find!” You pointed at the group that shared the same face of bewilderment as you pointed at the group. Wukong squinted his eyes at you, itching to grab his stuff if you pulled any funny business.
“You know, Calming presence, Lotus Flower, Bodhisattva of Mercy and compassion-”
“Yes, I know her. But, She has also talked to you as well?”
“Well, it’s more like she appeared in my dreams. She asked me to aid you in your journey and help you get to your goal! No wonder he didn’t tell me where you would be, you were already on my path this entire time!”
‘I can’t believe I almost forgot such important information.’ You silently scream at how useless your brain could be some time but still save face.
You cough in your sleeve and  straighten up to bow at the Group.
“Let me formally introduce myself. I am (Y/N) (L/N). I am happy to help you on your journey.”
The group gave each other looks that were hard to read. This was much more interesting than they thought.
(I typed this out for a two days. lol. I decided to enter this monkey hell in my own creative way. I thought it would be interesting if the reader knew how to fight. And I love demon slayer so...yeah.)
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Writers when they uploaded their chapter two whole minutes ago and haven't gotten any validating comments yet
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Writing the dramatic death scene
In your head:
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In paper:
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Hehe, that’s me :D.
I also love a Bowser that slowly through time and effort trying to learn from reader, he starts noticing the small things about them.
Maybe the way they look interested in what he has to say, whether it be about himself or his “fullproof plan” to take over the kingdom with peach.
Or maybe the way that they actually want to know him. His interest, his hobbies as this task will take a while so they must make the best of it.
He starts the feel different around them the way that Peach could ever get him to be. It’s different, it’s scary, and it’s love. The thing you are teaching him and he actually feels for you, Not Peach.
I could definitely see him stumbling a little in his words and actions with the reader none the wiser, thinking that Bowser is just nervous over Peach still.
(I’m say as I’m currently playing Bowser’s Part in Paper Mario Ttyd XD)
Food for thought-
Do you think Bowser would ever kidnap a human for the sake of getting information out of them on how to romance Peach? You could even tell him "everyone is different" and he wouldn't hear you he'd just want answers.
Smash cut to this poor little reader trying to teach him ways of romance (and it's funnier if they have little to no experience and are just winging it).
Yes. Yes he would -- I remember reading a fic about something like this. I believe it was "Cupid and The Dragon" by plump-lips-imagine.
I think that at one point Bowser would get so fed up with his attempts to woo the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom not working that he would swallow down his pride and ask someone for help. Well, he wouldn't be asking. He'd order them to. He'd threaten them to totally-not-help him. He'd put them in a cage, hold them in the castle against their will and act like a big bad brute, all the while shyly swooning over Peach.
That person he captures just so happens to be you.
You're surprised that you're alive after the infamous king got his hands on you, and to try and regain your freedom you do you best to answer his questions. You would have expected him demanding for some state secrets but no. He asks you about romance. About why "Peach is being stubborn" because he's "obviously not the one at fault."
So then it's just days and days of you trying to help Bowser with his obsession regarding Peach. At first, you can't really call him out on how toxic he is. How unhealthy such a relationship would be. You'd try, only to dodge him spitting fire your way and running from sharp claws and deadly scowls.
It's only after the two of you get more comfortable with one another's presence that he actually takes the time to listen, and you get comfortable enough to say your thoughts. Less about romance, and simply what you can see if happening. Because such an obsession isn't good. It's entirely one-sided with the princess having stated that she wouldn't love him.
And after a little more time, instead of Peach, Bowser starts seeing you.
Apart from the initial fear, you were actually patient with him. Sure, he knew you wanted to leave but you waited. You didn't scream for Mario and Luigi. You actually talked with him, though he forced you to do that at first. You sat with him.
But you didn't notice how his questions changed. He started using Peach's name as a placeholder for your own. His questions, although similar, felt more earnest. His tone fell from obsession to love and you had thought he was finally understanding that his mindset towards the princess was not right.
But no, it's just that he started falling in love with you.
And Bowser knew this was love. It felt different to what he felt towards Peach. That was infatuation, not passion. And this? This was different.
He'd remember everything you told him and anything that stood out he'd try on you. And with you not really using experience for all of you answers and simply thinking about what you would have liked - well, to say that his efforts work is an understatement.
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
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Bowser tries to keep up his reputation as a menacing villain but in reality he’s just a huge fricking dork.
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Ayeee welcome back, I ended up watching the movie 4th times (3rd was 3 buck tickets for all movies, 4th because they were giving out banners
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Said banner
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Hmmmmmmm. What movie theatre er you going to getting this drip?
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Ayeee I just found this blog and I just watched the movie a second time (For English cast and toootally not mainly Jack black Bowser) and it was AWESOME qwq
Can I have either a fic or hcs of a female reader just as obsessed with Bowser as he is with Peach and reader is here to change his mind, maybe even going as far to bring (and by bring I meant steal) the guy back to reader's castle/palace to show him the collection of him and his kingdom in reader's bedroom, look! reader even have a big statues of him in the private music/dance room where reader dream of dance to his music as he plays, or maybe even dance with him
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My collection so far, I especially like to tell everyone I met about the story of how I got my Bowser and Junior plushie, I'ma share if interested
YOOOOO, Cool Drip! I Love the collection you have. It makes me lowkey jealous lol. I hope you Like what I made! I try to only make head cannons but it turned into this lol.
Marry Me, My Darling Bowser! (1/2)
You stand at the throne of the Bowser himself, with a confident and determined smile across. Bowser looks at you with a genuine look of disgust and annoyance, but that doesn't stop you from getting on one knee and holding out your hand.
"Bowser, My Dragon King! Will you Marry Me?"
He growls as he tries to hold back the fire that was rising in his chest.
"For the last time Pipsqueak, NO!"
You weren't dejected, not even in the slightest, as you stood back up and patted your dress down. You then let out a loud laughter that made His Majesty's eyes glow red.
"AHAHAH! Always a jokester. Is this any way to treat your future wife?"
"I mean it!!" "Aw, Come on. Don't be shy! I even proposed myself, so you didn't feel like you had to. We were just meant to be!"
Bowser claws at his throne as a bottle of rage was about to erupt inside of him. His minions look at him nervously, backing away ever so slightly.
"Are you dense?! I hate you! I don't harbor anything for you! I Only love Peach. Why can't you just leave me alone!?!"
Everything was coming out of one ear as you slyly grin at him.
"Playing hard to get, huh? I like that in a man." A vein pops on Bowser's head. "Oh please, my darling. Let me make me happy. I'll be the best wife you'll ever have!!......Well,only wife you'll have too!"
Bowser's Flame comes in your direction, The flame barely missing a part of your dress that was scorched when you dodged it.
"........Alright, I understand. You're a little stressed and the proposal was lacking. Don't worry! I'll come back with a better one next week. Get some rest, My love!" As you exit, the Koopa guards quickly closed the door in order to subside the King's anger. With a heavy groan, Bowser turns to Kamek, who jolts in surprise.
"If that Girl so much as steps into this Kingdom, I want her thrown out immediately. Got it!"
"Y-Yes Sire!!"
Aw Man!! I really thought I had him with that one!!" You pouted as you stomped around the room in a huff.
"Your Highness, please come down." Your attendant calmly says, watching your miniature tantrum.
Oh Yeah. I forgot to mention an important detail.
You are Princess (Y/N), Ruler of the Poison Shroom Kingdom. Your Kingdom was Known for its vicious wildlife of piranha, the poisonous ecosystem of purple ooze, and not to mention the not-so-soft toads that were under your rule as they were taller stronger, and more intimidating than that of the Mushroom Kingdom, with darker tones to match. Safe to say, you don't get many visitors around here.
But it's not so bad wants you get used to it. It was home to you. The purple theme of the castle was beautiful to those who took the time to see it. It was also home to many rare herbs and medicine for those needing cures for ailments of any kind, with you being an expert on the topic yourself.
This is one of the reasons why the Toads also like you as their ruler. You were very kind to them and actually cared about them, no matter how dangerous a job was. They are extremely loyal to you to a fault. They respect every decision you make. Well, almost.
"Honestly, Princess. I don't see what you see in such a brute anyway. He's such a monster. I don't see how you love such a dangerous creature in the first place."
You let out a dramatic gasp, looking back at your royal attendant who just rolled their eyes at who.
"Toadye!! That is no Monster! That is my Future Dragon King!! He just has a hard time saying his true feelings about me is all! We're soulmates, I just know it!"
Toadye, your most loyal attendant. She is also what you consider to be your best (only) friend as she has been with you for the longest time. She was a tall toad, her mushroom heads a dark violet with black spots at the center, and dark black hair to compliment her look.
"Princess, as your servant and as your friend. He has too many red flags."
"He just a little misunderstood. I swear that I have the charm to break his walls."
Toadye gives you a look.
"Right, you mean that time you 'invited' him to our Kingdom he oh so loved visiting."
Right. So, you maaaaay have 'technically' kidnapped him that one time to get home to your Kingdom. But it was for a good reason!!!
"That was a misunderstanding! I was going to just patch him up after he got hurt by his many battles. He was unconscious so I was sure he didn't mind if I brought him home to heal him."
"Ma'am, he literally tried to burn your face off and destroyed half the village."
"Well....Water under the bridge. :)"
Toadye slaps her face in exhaustion. Man, were you as stubborn as a mule."
"Toadye, I swear. He isn't as bad as he seems to be." You walk over to your bed, picking up a large homemade Bowser Plushie, and hugging it to your body.
"I see something in those large ruby eyes. I just want him to give me a chance. It'll happen soon, I just know it.
Toadye looks at you hugging and swooning for the Plush in your hands and sighs. She doesn't get it, but she'll stand by you in your pursuit.
Bowser flinches at the familiar voice and groans. Peach looks at him confused in the cage she is being held prisoner in. Mario was the only one that could make his face scrunch up in displeasure like that, but she didn't recognize the voice that entered out of nowhere.
Several noises of struggles could be heard in the distance as the castle violently shook a bit, a red koopa came it sliding on the back of his shell, knocked out and dizzy which made Peach flinch at the chaos that was happening.
She was surprised to see a woman come from the throne room entrance. And a royal too! She's kinda like her.
"Bowser! My Beloved, Please Marry Me! I'd fight a thousand koopas for you!" You say with a love-struck gaze in your eyes that made Peach give you a look. By the chaos that was happening behind you, she could tell you weren't lying.
Well, more or less like her.
Bowser glares down at you. Fighting the urge to throw you out.
"You got a lot of nerve coming back here."
"A wife never leaves her husband alone too long." :)
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"Why must you push away your soon-to-be wife like so" You put on your best crocodile tears to tease him a bit.
"Grrrr." a low grumble can be heard from his chest.
He rubbed his face, letting out a puff of smoke. He then glances back at Peach for a quick second and gives a smirk back at you.
"As you can see, I am far too busy making arrangements for the actual love of my life. If you can excuse us, I'm busy with my conversation with Peach." The sneered in his condescending tone made it clear that he was dropping huge hints at you.
however, you only look at the cage that he was presenting to you with a blank stare. Peach felt herself shrink at your gaze. If you love Bowser this much, she didn't know what to do if you saw her as a potential threat. It's bad enough that she has to deal with Bowser.
"Peach..." You mumbled softly. As you took a step forward towards her cage, causing her to take a slight step back in the limited space.
But She wasn't ready for the full sprint that you took towards her, jumping into the bars of her cage, griping tight as you cause the cage to jerk in place. Peach jumps back at your sudden movements as she feels her heart in her mouth from your sudden closeness. She almost lost one of her lives there.
"You're Peach! I've finally got to meet you in Person! My Fiancé has talked about you a lot! You rule the Mushroom Kingdom I Believe. You are so much prettier than he ever described you to be! We should hang out! Have you ever seen the Poison Mushroom Kingdom! I could be your tour guide! I'm Princess (Y/N) btw." You rambled to Peach, not taking a second to breathe.
"Uh,....huh....ummm?" Peach could only look at you flabbergasted at the energy that you have leaped at her with. Your forwardness and surprising friendliness made her forget the predicament that she was in. "Hi?"
"Hey! Leave the Princess alone, Pipsqueak!!" Bowser stomped his way towards you, causing Peach to jump again, being reminded of his presence here.
"Relax, My love. I was just making a friend. Sitting in this cage must be so tiring for a Princess like her.' You turn to look back at her. " Hey, wanna get out of this cage and hang? I got some great places to recommend. Do you like Pizza-"
Bowser could be heard behind you. He quickly grabs you in his claws and gives you a slight squeeze to make you stop your rambles. He brings you close to his face, and you see his eyes glow red in anger. "Listen, Brat. I'm tired of your games and your stubborn delusions getting in the way of my happiness. Get out of here before I am forced to burn you to a crisp!!
You noticed the flames that can be heard in his throat and frowned at him with a disappointed look on your face, "So mean.... This isn't how you're supposed to treat your spouse." You whispered but you quickly bring a smile to your face. ".... Alright fine. I'll go." You jump out the bars of the cage and run back to the entrance.
"I'll just wait until the red guy saves you again. I saw him not too long ago. It shouldn't be long. I'll make sure to visit you once you're back home. Bye, Peach!" You run out before Bowser can yell out at you for the backhand insult that you gave him.
Peach found herself slowly waving goodbye out you even though you were already gone.
She wouldn't mind if she saw you again.
Bowser Huffs at you then turns back to Peach, trying to fix face with his 'charming' smile.
"Now. Where were we~?"
Peach Rolls her eyes. Oh brother.
It's been about a week after the faithful encounter with Princess Toadstool herself, but you promised to visit her as soon as possible when she got saved.
You stood at the entrance of Prach's Castle. Two of her toads stood up right at the entrance with shields, guarding the door. The toads that decided to accompany you stared at them with an 'unimpressed ' look written on their face, including a dangerous aura that surrounded your toad guards. Toadye was right beside you, making sure nothing funny was happening.
The toads that were guarding the door already looked petrified.
"What...What business do you have here?" The toad on the asked, standing his ground.
You walked up to them calmly, with a big smile on your face.
"Good afternoon, Citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. My name is (y/n). I have come from the Kingdom of the Poison Mushrooms, and I am the princess of that Kingdom. My business today is to speak with the Princess of this castle. She was rescued not too long ago, and I felt a princess on- on-one would be a nice way for her to relax after the stressful situation."
You greeted as gracefully as you could with your gloved hands held tight to each other in anticipation. the looks on the guards' faces didn't ease up the anxiety that swell inside your chest. They seemed even more on edge hearing your Kingdom's name.
one clears his throat and straightens up. "I'm sorry that you have come this far, your majesty. But our Princess is very busy at the moment. I'm afraid she is not taking any visitors as of now"
Your smile falls a little at this news. Surely she could have enough time to at least speak with you. It has been a while and the path to becoming best friends is to keep in touch with one another.
"A-Are you sure? I don't mind waiting a little bit, but I would be happy to speak with her for just a few minutes. Just to let her know that I'm here?"
"We highly suggest that you come at another time. The p-princess has enough on her plate as it is." The other guard speaks up.
"Are you suggesting that your princess can't handle a few minutes to speak to a guest that has so graciously come all this way to check on her wellbeing?" Toadye buts in, crossing their arms together and glaring at the guards.
the guards' eyes widened in astonishment at her blunt words that they could barely register what she said."
"W-What are you implying?"
"I'm just curious as to why Princess Peach has two of her door guards tell us that she couldn't possibly come to the door for royal company. Are 2 minutes of her time that valuable that she can't tell us herself that she cannot have guests or.....Are you perhaps lying through your teeth?" She says without batting an eye at the two, making the toads hold their breaths.
You step in.
"HEeheh,ummmm, what my advisor is trying to say is that...We just want to see if the Princess is okay. I consider her to be someone I find a connection with, and I just want to bring relief to her Princess life. Someone who understands. But if she is too busy, I guess we'll leave."
the solemn look on your face hits the guards with hard guilt to their chest. they didn't think you would be this ad about it. before they could say anything else, the castle doors begin to open. Everyone steps back and it reveals Princess Peach herself with an elderly toad next to her.
She looks surprised to see your standing there with your own guard and advisor. "Princess (Y/N)?"
"Peach!!" You run up to her and gave her a big hug, but then quickly let go to hold onto her hands, with a huge smile on your face.
The guards, your guards, the elderly toad, and Toadye look with shock at your forward approach to Peach. It was so casual that it seemed like a capital offense.
Peach flinched at the sudden display of affection, but she soon calmed down and actually began to smile as well. She held your hands in hers too. It was actually nice to see you visit.
"Princess (Y/N), I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show up today. I was starting to think something bad had happened."
"Pfft what no! I'm alright. I heard from your guards that you were too busy today. I was about to leave."
"Really. Is that so?" Peach gave the guards a look that made them look the other way. "No matter. I want to get to know you. I have tea and cake waiting inside the castle. Oh! -"
The princess looks back at the elderly toad by her side. 'Princess (Y/n), this is Toadswroth, he is my royal advisor and has taken care of me ever since I was a baby."
You step back and bow politely, albeit a little clumsily though.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Toadsworth. You look go for your age. You must be a hard-working toad!" He only chuckles and bows back.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, princess."
You stand back up and gesture to Toadye. "Thsi is my loyal advisor Toadye. We are like two peas in a pod and she's been protecting me since I was young. she may be a bit mean, but she's really a sweetheart! Right,Toadye?
She stares at them for a second and gives a nod in acknowledgment. "A pleasure." As aloof as ever.
Princess Peach breaks the awkward silence with a cough. "Now then, let's have tea shall we?" She gestures inside as you go inside the castle.
You're very first Tea party!
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Sorry Mario Fandom I ship Bowser with myself
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
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good morning. claim the energy
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
I'm not dead, but-
Hopefully I'll be able to Write soon. I hate writing with my phone.
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
I have this Urge to write a Princess Peach x Female Reader Story. I don’t think I’m gay but Peach was my first self ship that I would draw. She has a special place in my heart.
……Bowser x Reader chapter later on today
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Literally bought another ticket to watch the Mario Movie Again. I’m obsessed right now.
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Can you do a browser x reader Headcanon where peach hired a personal bodyguard (reader) to protect her whenever Mario isn’t around and browser comes to kidnap peach again and is struggling to get past reader and one of his minions manages to take off their mask and it’s just love at first site for bowser
And like from then on bowser just keeps coming not to kidnap peach but to kidnap reader:))
As much as I like this ask, I’m going to have to ignore it. Request are closed right now! But When I open them again, you can resubmit your request! ^^
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
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It’s-a Mar10 day :D so i drew a little somethin somethin last night
Been on a small coloring kick lately
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Y’all I’m
So, I was just sent this by my teacher on my final essay!
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I get so insecure by the way i write because of how improper I talk in real life and I usually write like how i talk and this made my heart swole.
Im so glad people actually like my writing!!
I’m gonna cry🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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plump-lips-imagine · 2 years ago
Hello Ik ur requests aren’t open but I was wondering if your making part 3 of Cupid reader x bowser? I really loved it 🥰
Yeah, but I’ll be later. Im finishing exams and my brain is fried. I have other request of Bowser in the works too. So don’t worry. It’ll be a minute lol.
In the meantime….send me some head canons that you have about Bowser! Something you think he’ll most likely do with his s/o.
Maybe it’ll become inspiration in the future. Or something else. Who knows. Don’t be shy!~
(But i would avoid any crack based head-canons. I’m not a person that really likes crack fics.)
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